
gocheckcov allows users to assert that a set of golang packages meets a minimum
level of test coverage. Users can specify a minimum coverage percentage for all
packages or specify a minimum for each package via a configuration file.
gocheckcov executes the tests in the given path and generates a coverage
profile. If each package does not meet the specified minimum coverage gocheckcov
will exit with code 1.
$ gocheckcov check --minimum-coverage 66.6 $GOPATH/src/github.com/bar/foo/pkg/baz
pkg github.com/bar/foo/pkg/baz coverage is 10% (10/100 statements)
coverage 10% for package github.com/bar/foo/pkg/baz did not meet minimum 66.6%
$ echo $?
This is not an officially supported Google product
Getting Started
Install gocheckcov $ go get github.com/cvgw/gocheckcov
Generate a coverage profile.
gocheckcov doesn't have any special requirements for the coverage profile. Just
add the -coverprofile=${out-file-path}
flag to your normal go test
Initialize a new config for your project /path/to/project$ gocheckcov check init --profile-file ${coverprofile_path}
Write some new code and generate a new coverage profile
Check that code meets minimum coverage percentage /path/to/project$ gocheckcov check
$ gocheckcov
analyzes coverage
gocheckcov [command]
Available Commands:
check Check whether pkg coverage meets specified minimum
help Help about any command
version print the gocheckcov version
-h, --help help for gocheckcov
-v, --verbose turn on verbose logging
Use "gocheckcov [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Enforce Minimum Coverage From A Configuration File
$ gocheckcov check
If all packages do not meet the specifed minimum coverage percentage gocheckcov
will return exit code 1.
gocheckcov will search for a configuration file .gocheckcov-config.yml
at the
current working directory.
You can also specify the path to a configuration file using the --config-file
Print out source and coverage for each function
gocheckcov can optionally print out the source and coverage for each function by
using the --print-src
Statements covered are colored green, statements uncovered are colored red, and
source which is not applicable to coverage is color white. ``` $ gocheckcov
check --profile-file ${coverprofile_path} --print-src
func handleIfStmt coverage 77.77% statements 7/9
func (sc *StmtCollector) handleIfStmt(s *ast.IfStmt, fset *token.FileSet) error
{ if s.Init != nil { if err := sc.Collect(s.Init, fset); err != nil { return err
} }
if err := sc.Collect(s.Body, fset); err != nil {
return err
if s.Else != nil {
if err := sc.handleIfStmtElse(s, fset); err != nil {
return err
return nil
} ```
Initialize A New Configuration File Using Current Coverage Percentages
$ gocheckcov check init --profile-file ${coverprofile_path}
$ ls
$ cat .gocheckcov-config.yml
- name: some/pkg/in/your/path
min_coverage_percentage: 34.5 # whatever the current coverage is measured at
gocheckcov will write out a configuration file .gocheckcov-config.yml
at the
current working directory using the current coverage measured for each package
in the specified path.
Supported Golang Versions
go get github.com/cvgw/gocheckcov
Specify minimum coverage for each package via a configuration file ```
min_coverage_percentage: 25 packages: - name: github.com/bar/foo/pkg/baz # this
overrides the global val of min_coverage_percentage for only this package
mininum_coverage_percentage: 66.6 ```
gocheckcov uses dep
for dependency management and golangci-lint
for linting.
See the development guide for more info.
Contributors are welcome and appreciated. Please read the
contributing guide for more info.