The Alma API toolkit is a set of tasks which run against the Alma API. It is a replacement for a series of simple scripts which all did similar things:
- Collect identifiers in an Alma set.
- Run a task against all those identifiers.
Those scripts worked well for smaller sets, but were too unreliable and slow for larger sets.
This toolkit improves reliability by retrying failed HTTP calls if required. HTTP requests are performed in parallel so that tasks can be completed more quickly. It also ensures the API's daily and concurrent API request thresholds are respected.
Usage Notes
Sets processed by these subcommands must be itemized and made public.
Subcommands output a CSV report on stdout and a series of log message and progress bars on stderr. You can output the CSV to a file in bash using the >
To remove items from a work order, first cancel requests on those items, then scan them in.
The Alma Toolkit
./almatoolkit [FLAGS] subcommand [SUBCOMMAND FLAGS]
Print help documentation then exit.
-host string
The Alma API host domain name to use. (default "")
-key string
The Alma API key. You can manage your API keys here: Required.
-threshold int
The minimum number of API calls remaining before the tool automatically stops working. (default 50000)
Print the version then exit.
Environment variables read when flag is unset:
View requests on items in the given set.
-setid string
The ID of the set we are processing. This flag or setname are required.
-setname string
The name of the set we are processing. This flag or setid are required.
Environment variables read when flag is unset:
Cancel item requests of type and/or subtype on items in the given set.
Do not perform any updates. Report on what changes would have been made.
-note string
Note with additional information regarding the cancellation
-reason string
Code of the cancel reason. Must be a value from the code table 'RequestCancellationReasons'.
-setid string
The ID of the set we are processing. This flag or setname are required.
-setname string
The name of the set we are processing. This flag or setid are required.
-subtype string
The request subtype to cancel.
-type string
The request type to cancel. ex: WORK_ORDER
Environment variables read when flag is unset:
Scan the members of a set of items in.
-circdesk string
The circ desk code. The possible values are not available through the API, see (default "DEFAULT_CIRC_DESK")
Do not perform any updates. Report on what changes would have been made.
-library string
The library code. Use the conf-dump subcommand to see the possible values.
-setid string
The ID of the set we are processing. This flag or setname are required.
-setname string
The name of the set we are processing. This flag or setid are required.
Environment variables read when flag is unset:
Print the output of the library and departments endpoints, and the known code tables.
The list of known code tables comes from:
This command is meant to help run other subcommands which sometimes need a particular
code from a code table or the code for a library or department.
Clean up the call numbers in the holdings records for a set of bib records.
The following rules are run on the call numbers:
Add a space between a number then a letter.
Add a space between a number and a period when the period is followed by a letter.
Remove the extra periods from any substring matching space period period...
Remove any spaces between a period and a number.
Remove any leading or trailing whitespace.
Do not perform any updates. Report on what changes would have been made.
-setid string
The ID of the set we are processing. This flag or setname are required.
-setname string
The name of the set we are processing. This flag or setid are required.
Environment variables read when flag is unset:
Subcommand Notes
po-line-update-renewal-date-and-renewal-period (not done)
Update the renewal date and renewal period for PO Lines in Alma
The set must be itemized and made public before processing with this tool.
CAUTION: There is a known issue with dates and timezone handling. In some cases, the renewal date is set to the day before the one requested. Also, in some other cases, other date fields in the record (like Expected Activation Date) are set to a new value. The new value isn't being set explicitly by this tool. It is the old value of the field minus one day. The bug is confirmed by the API team:
CAUTION: Due to limitations in the Alma API, the notes fields for any PO Line record updated using this tool will all have 'Created On' and 'Updated On' set to today's date, and 'Updated By' will be changed to 'API, Ex Libris'.
This subcommand outputs a CSV report of what holdings records had their call numbers updated. You can redirect the output to a file using your shell.
Before After
BR115.C5L43 BR115 .C5 L43
BS410.V452 V. 31 BS410 .V452 V.31
View user requests on items in a given set. The item request type and subtype can then be used to cancel requests using the items-cancel-requests
subcommand. Only the type and subtype are printed, as that is the information that is needed to cancel the requests.