Source code for the HTTP/2 PoC implant. The template file which can be used to produce a working implant can be found in the /src/build directory instead.
The following functionalities are available with this release of the Implant:
sysinfo - Get info about the target system
info - Get info about the Implant
upload - Upload a file to the target system:
upload local_file_path remote_file_path
download - Download a file from the target system:
download remote_file_path local_file_path
ls - List remote files:
ls dir - If no directory is provided then it will list the current directory content
cat - Cat a file:
cat remote_file_path
ifconfig - List network interfaces
cmd - Execute a shell command (Bash or Cmd.exe depending on the system):
cmd command args
powershell - Execute a PowerShell command (Will only work on Windows systems):
powershell command args
set - Change an option of the Implant:
set option value
ps - List all running processes
execute-assembly - Execute a .NET assembly from memory: