
v0.0.0-...-3311072 Latest Latest

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Published: May 24, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 0




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This section is empty.


type BCCBReq

type BCCBReq struct {
	BlockChain string `json:"blockchain" binding:"required"` // block chain name
	ID         string `json:"id" binding:"required"`         // block chain id
	BlockNum   int64  `json:"block_num" binding:"required"`  // block number in block chain
	TxID       string `json:"tx_id" binding:"required"`      // publicity data tx id of block chain tx
	Time       int64  `json:"time" binding:"required"`       // time

BCCBReq defines the request of block chain call back information

type BCCBResp

type BCCBResp struct {
	Code string `json:"code"`
	Msg  string `json:"msg"`

BCCBResp defines the response of block chain call back information

type CheckFingerPrintRequest

type CheckFingerPrintRequest struct {
	ID            int    `json:"id" binding:"required"`
	JSONString    string `json:"json_string"`
	JSONSignature string `json:"json_signature"`

CheckFingerPrintRequest ...

type DonationImage

type DonationImage struct {
	URL  string `json:"url"`  // image url
	Hash string `json:"hash"` // image hash

DonationImage defines the donation proof image

type DrawRequest

type DrawRequest struct {
	DrawType     string `form:"draw_type"`
	DonationType string `form:"donation_type"`
	DonationID   string `form:"donation_id"`
	Scene        string `form:"scene"`
	IsShare      bool   `form:"is_share"`

DrawRequest defines the request of query draw

type DrawResp

type DrawResp struct {
	Icon     string `json:"icon"`
	Title    string `json:"title"`
	Content  string `json:"content"`
	ImageURL string `json:"image_url"`

DrawResp defines the response of image draw

type FingerRequest

type FingerRequest struct {
	OpenID        string `json:"openid"`
	JSONString    string `json:"json_string"`
	JSONSignature string `json:"json_signature"`

FingerRequest ...

type FingerResponse

type FingerResponse struct {
	IsOK    bool   `json:"is_ok"`
	Errcode int    `json:"errcode"`
	Errmsg  string `json:"errmsg"`

FingerResponse ...

type FundsDetailRequest

type FundsDetailRequest struct {
	FundsID string `form:"funds_id"` // id of funds

FundsDetailRequest defines the request of query detail funds

type FundsDistributed

type FundsDistributed struct {
	ID                string           `json:"id"`                   // funds id
	TargetUID         string           `json:"target_uid"`           // charity user id
	TargetName        string           `json:"target_name"`          // user name of the one who receive donation
	TargetBankCardNum string           `json:"target_bank_card_num"` // bank card number of charity
	AidName           string           `json:"aid_name"`             // user name of the one who aided
	Time              int64            `json:"time"`                 // distribute time
	Amount            string           `json:"amount"`               // the amount of publicity funds
	DonationImages    []*DonationImage `json:"donation_images"`      // donation proof images

FundsDistributed defines the distributed funds

type FundsDonation

type FundsDonation struct {
	ID                string           `json:"id"`                   // funds id
	UID               string           `json:"uid"`                  // user id
	DonorName         string           `json:"donor_name"`           // user name of the one who donate
	Time              int64            `json:"time"`                 // donate time
	Amount            string           `json:"amount"`               // the amount of publicity funds
	TargetName        string           `json:"target_name"`          // user name of the one who receive donation
	TargetBankCardNum string           `json:"target_bank_card_num"` // bank card number of charity
	DonationImages    []*DonationImage `json:"donation_images"`      // donation proof images

FundsDonation defines the funds of donation

type FundsReceived

type FundsReceived struct {
	ID                string           `json:"id"`                   // funds id
	TargetUID         string           `json:"target_uid"`           // charity user id
	TargetName        string           `json:"target_name"`          // user name of the one who receive donation
	DonorName         string           `json:"donor_name"`           // user name of the one who donate
	Time              int64            `json:"time"`                 // received time
	Amount            string           `json:"amount"`               // the amount of publicity funds
	TargetBankCardNum string           `json:"target_bank_card_num"` // bank card number of charity
	DonationImages    []*DonationImage `json:"donation_images"`      // donation proof images

FundsReceived defines the received funds

type ImageUploadResp

type ImageUploadResp struct {
	ID string `json:"id"` // image id

ImageUploadResp defines the response of image upload

type LoginRequest

type LoginRequest struct {
	Access      string `json:"access"`       // user name
	Phone       string `json:"phone"`        // user phone
	Email       string `json:"email"`        // user email
	Password    string `json:"password"`     // user password
	Nickname    string `json:"nickname"`     // nickname
	SmsCode     string `json:"sms_code"`     // sms code
	CertCode    string `json:"cert_code"`    // temporary login credentials of wechat
	ComponentID string `json:"component_id"` // component id of wechat
	ID          int    `json:"id"`           // id of wechat app user
	AppID       string `json:"app_id"`       // app id
	Remark      string `json:"remark"`       // user description

LoginRequest defines the request of user registration

type LoginResp

type LoginResp struct {
	UID string `json:"uid"` // user id

LoginResp defines the response of user registration

type OrgCharitiesDetailItem

type OrgCharitiesDetailItem struct {
	UID         string `json:"uid"`           // user id of the one who donate
	URL         string `json:"url"`           // image url
	NickName    string `json:"nick_name"`     // nick name
	Country     string `json:"country"`       // country
	Province    string `json:"province"`      // province
	City        string `json:"city"`          // city
	District    string `json:"district"`      // district
	Address     string `json:"address"`       // detail address
	Phone       string `json:"phone"`         // phone num
	BankCardNum string `json:"bank_card_num"` // bank card num
	Remark      string `json:"remark"`        // remark

OrgCharitiesDetailItem defines the struct of charities detail item

type OrgCharitiesDetailRequest

type OrgCharitiesDetailRequest struct {
	UID string `form:"uid"` // user id of the one who donate

OrgCharitiesDetailRequest defines the request of query charities detail

type OrgCharitiesDetailResp

type OrgCharitiesDetailResp struct {
	UID         string `json:"uid"`           // user id of the one who donate
	URL         string `json:"url"`           // image url
	NickName    string `json:"nick_name"`     // nick name
	Address     string `json:"address"`       // detail address
	Phone       string `json:"phone"`         // phone num
	BankCardNum string `json:"bank_card_num"` // bank card num
	Remark      string `json:"remark"`        // remark

OrgCharitiesDetailResp defines the response of charities detail

type OrgCharitiesItems

type OrgCharitiesItems struct {
	ID                  string          `json:"id"`                   // donation stat id
	UID                 string          `json:"uid"`                  // user id of the one who donate
	URL                 string          `json:"url"`                  // organization logo
	NickName            string          `json:"nick_name"`            // nick name
	ReceivedFunds       decimal.Decimal `json:"received_funds"`       // receiving funds
	ReceivedSupplies    int64           `json:"received_supplies"`    // receiving supplies
	DistributedFunds    decimal.Decimal `json:"distributed_funds"`    // distributing  funds
	DistributedSupplies int64           `json:"distributed_supplies"` // distributing supplies
	CreatedAt           int64           `json:"created_at"`           // create time
	Time                time.Time       `json:"-"`                    // time

OrgCharitiesItems defines the struct of organization item

func (*OrgCharitiesItems) ConvertTime

func (ois *OrgCharitiesItems) ConvertTime()

ConvertTime defines the covert of created_at

type PubAddress

type PubAddress struct {
	ID       string `json:"id"`       // address id
	Type     string `json:"type"`     // address type
	Country  string `json:"country"`  // country
	Province string `json:"province"` // province
	City     string `json:"city"`     // city
	District string `json:"district"` // district
	Address  string `json:"address"`  // detail address
	ZipCode  string `json:"zip_code"` // zip code

PubAddress defines the shipping address of publicity funds detail information

type PubFundsDetail

type PubFundsDetail struct {
	PubFunds        QueryFundsItems      `json:"pub_funds"`     // publicity funds
	BillingAddress  PubAddress           `json:"billing_addr"`  // billing address
	ShippingAddress PubAddress           `json:"shipping_addr"` // shipping address
	ProofImages     []*PubProofImageResp `json:"proof_images"`  // the proof of donation

PubFundsDetail defines the detail information of publicity funds

type PubProofImageRequest

type PubProofImageRequest struct {
	Type   string `json:"type" binding:"required"`  // image type
	URL    string `json:"url" binding:"required"`   // image url
	Index  string `json:"index" binding:"required"` // image index
	Format string `json:"format"`                   // image file format

PubProofImageRequest defines the request proof image of publicity detail information

type PubProofImageResp

type PubProofImageResp struct {
	ID     string `json:"id"`     // image id
	Type   string `json:"type"`   // user type
	URL    string `json:"url"`    // image url
	Hash   string `json:"hash"`   // image hash
	Index  string `json:"index"`  // image index
	Format string `json:"format"` // image file format

PubProofImageResp defines the proof image of publicity detail information

type PubReq

type PubReq struct {
	UID       string `json:"uid"` // user id
	Publicity string `json:"publicity"`

PubReq defines the request of publicity

type PubResp

type PubResp struct {
	Code int         `json:"code"`
	Msg  string      `json:"msg"`
	Data PubRespData `json:"data"`

PubResp defines the response of publicity

type PubRespData

type PubRespData struct {
	ID string `json:"id"` // block chain id

PubRespData ...

type PubSuppliesDetail

type PubSuppliesDetail struct {
	PubSupplies     QuerySuppliesItems   `json:"pub_supplies"`  // publicity supplies
	BillingAddress  PubAddress           `json:"billing_addr"`  // billing address
	ShippingAddress PubAddress           `json:"shipping_addr"` // shipping address
	ProofImages     []*PubProofImageResp `json:"proof_images"`  // the proof of donation

PubSuppliesDetail defines the detail information of publicity supplies

type PubUserItem

type PubUserItem struct {
	ID          string    `json:"id"`           // funds id
	Type        string    `json:"type"`         // publicity type
	UID         string    `json:"uid"`          // user id
	DonorName   string    `json:"donor_name"`   // user name of the one who donate
	UserType    string    `json:"user_type"`    // user type
	AidUID      string    `json:"aid_uid"`      // aid user id
	AidName     string    `json:"aid_name"`     // user name of the one who accept donation
	TargetUID   string    `json:"target_uid"`   // user id of charity
	TargetName  string    `json:"target_name"`  // user name of the one who receive donation
	PubType     string    `json:"pub_type"`     // the type of publicity
	PayType     string    `json:"pay_type"`     // pay type of funds
	Amount      string    `json:"amount"`       // the amount of funds
	Name        string    `json:"name"`         // name of supplies
	Number      int64     `json:"number"`       // number of supplies
	Unit        string    `json:"unit"`         // unit of supplies
	TxID        string    `json:"tx_id"`        // block chain tx id
	Remark      string    `json:"remark"`       // remark
	BlockType   string    `json:"block_type"`   // block type
	BlockHeight int64     `json:"block_height"` // block height
	BlockTime   int64     `json:"block_time"`   // block time
	CreatedAt   int64     `json:"created_at"`   // created time
	Time        time.Time `json:"-"`            // time

PubUserItem defines the item of publicity information

func (*PubUserItem) ConvertTime

func (pui *PubUserItem) ConvertTime()

ConvertTime defines the covert of created_at

func (*PubUserItem) Count

func (pui *PubUserItem) Count(fundsNum, suppliesNum *int64)

Count defines the number of items donated

type PubUserRequest

type PubUserRequest struct {
	UserType  string `form:"user_type"`                   // user type
	TargetUID string `form:"target_uid"`                  // user id of charity
	PubType   string `form:"pub_type" binding:"required"` // publicity type
	PageNum   int    `form:"page_num"`                    // page num
	PageLimit int    `form:"page_limit"`                  // page limit
	StartTime int64  `form:"start_time"`                  // start time
	EndTime   int64  `form:"end_time"`                    // end time

PubUserRequest defines the request of publicity information

type PubUserResp

type PubUserResp struct {
	PageNum     int            `json:"page_num"`     // page num
	PageLimit   int            `json:"page_limit"`   // page limit
	StartTime   int64          `json:"start_time"`   // start time
	EndTime     int64          `json:"end_time"`     // end time
	Total       int64          `json:"total"`        // total number of query result
	SuppliesNum int64          `json:"supplies_num"` // total number of query supplies
	FundsNum    int64          `json:"funds_num"`    // total number of query funds
	Results     []*PubUserItem `json:"results"`      // funds items

PubUserResp defines the response of publicity information

type PubUserzRequest

type PubUserzRequest struct {
	UID       string `form:"uid"`                         // uid
	UserType  string `form:"user_type"`                   // user type
	TargetUID string `form:"target_uid"`                  // user id of charity
	PubType   string `form:"pub_type" binding:"required"` // publicity type
	PageNum   int    `form:"page_num"`                    // page num
	PageLimit int    `form:"page_limit"`                  // page limit
	StartTime int64  `form:"start_time"`                  // start time
	EndTime   int64  `form:"end_time"`                    // end time

PubUserzRequest defines the request of publicity information

type QueryFundsItems

type QueryFundsItems struct {
	ID                string `json:"id"`                   // funds id
	UID               string `json:"uid"`                  // user id
	DonorName         string `json:"donor_name"`           // user name of the one who donate
	UserType          string `json:"user_type"`            // user type
	AidUID            string `json:"aid_uid"`              // aid user id
	AidName           string `json:"aid_name"`             // user name of the one who accept donation
	AidBankCardNum    string `json:"aid_bank_card_num"`    // aid bank card number
	TargetUID         string `json:"target_uid"`           // user id of charity
	TargetName        string `json:"target_name"`          // user name of the one who receive donation
	TargetBankCardNum string `json:"target_bank_card_num"` // target bank card number
	PubType           string `json:"pub_type"`             // the type of publicity
	PayType           string `json:"pay_type"`             // pay type
	Amount            string `json:"amount"`               // the amount of publicity funds
	TxID              string `json:"tx_id"`                // block chain tx id
	Remark            string `json:"remark"`               // remark
	BlockID           string `json:"block_id"`             // block id
	BlockType         string `json:"block_type"`           // block type
	BlockHeight       int64  `json:"block_height"`         // block height
	BlockTime         int64  `json:"block_time"`           // block time
	CreatedAt         int64  `json:"created_at"`           // created time

QueryFundsItems defines the struct of funds item

type QueryFundsRequest

type QueryFundsRequest struct {
	UID       string `form:"uid"`        // user id of the one who donate
	TargetUID string `form:"target_uid"` // user id of charity
	UserType  string `form:"user_type"`  // user type
	PubType   string `form:"pub_type"`   // publicity type
	PageNum   int    `form:"page_num"`   // page num
	PageLimit int    `form:"page_limit"` // page limit
	StartTime int64  `form:"start_time"` // start time
	EndTime   int64  `form:"end_time"`   // end time

QueryFundsRequest defines the request of query funds

type QueryFundsResp

type QueryFundsResp struct {
	PageNum   int                `json:"page_num"`   // page num
	PageLimit int                `json:"page_limit"` // page limit
	StartTime int64              `json:"start_time"` // start time
	EndTime   int64              `json:"end_time"`   // end time
	Total     int64              `json:"total"`      // total number of query result
	Results   []*QueryFundsItems `json:"results"`    // funds items

QueryFundsResp defines the response of funds

type QueryOrgCharitiesRequest

type QueryOrgCharitiesRequest struct {
	PageNum   int   `form:"page_num"`   // page num
	PageLimit int   `form:"page_limit"` // page limit
	StartTime int64 `form:"start_time"` // start time
	EndTime   int64 `form:"end_time"`   // end time

QueryOrgCharitiesRequest defines the request of query organizations

type QueryOrgCharitiesResp

type QueryOrgCharitiesResp struct {
	PageNum   int                  `json:"page_num"`   // page num
	PageLimit int                  `json:"page_limit"` // page limit
	StartTime int64                `json:"start_time"` // start time
	EndTime   int64                `json:"end_time"`   // end time
	Total     int64                `json:"total"`      // total number of query result
	Results   []*OrgCharitiesItems `json:"results"`    // orgs items

QueryOrgCharitiesResp defines the response of organizations

type QueryParams

type QueryParams struct {
	PageNum   int   // page num
	PageLimit int   // page limit
	StartTime int64 // start time
	EndTime   int64 // end time
	Total     int64 // total number of query results

QueryParams defines the struct of query by page params

type QuerySuppliesItems

type QuerySuppliesItems struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`           // supplies id
	WayBillNum  string `json:"way_bill_num"` // supplies way bill number
	UID         string `json:"uid"`          // user id
	DonorName   string `json:"donor_name"`   // user name of the one who donate
	UserType    string `json:"user_type"`    // user type
	AidUID      string `json:"aid_uid"`      // aid user id
	AidName     string `json:"aid_name"`     // user name of the one who accept donation
	TargetUID   string `json:"target_uid"`   // user id of charity
	TargetName  string `json:"target_name"`  // user name of the one who receive donation
	PubType     string `json:"pub_type"`     // the type of publicity
	Name        string `json:"name"`         // name
	Number      int64  `json:"number"`       // number
	Unit        string `json:"unit"`         // unit
	TxID        string `json:"tx_id"`        // block chain tx id
	Remark      string `json:"remark"`       // remark
	BlockID     string `json:"block_id"`     // block id
	BlockType   string `json:"block_type"`   // block type
	BlockHeight int64  `json:"block_height"` // block height
	BlockTime   int64  `json:"block_time"`   // block time
	CreatedAt   int64  `json:"created_at"`   // created time

QuerySuppliesItems defines the struct of supplies item

type QuerySuppliesRequest

type QuerySuppliesRequest struct {
	UID       string `form:"uid"`        // user id of the one who donate
	TargetUID string `form:"target_uid"` // user id of charity
	UserType  string `form:"user_type"`  // user type
	PubType   string `form:"pub_type"`   // publicity type
	PageNum   int    `form:"page_num"`   // page num
	PageLimit int    `form:"page_limit"` // page limit
	StartTime int64  `form:"start_time"` // start time
	EndTime   int64  `form:"end_time"`   // end time

QuerySuppliesRequest defines the request of supplies

type QuerySuppliesResp

type QuerySuppliesResp struct {
	PageNum   int                   `json:"page_num"`   // page num
	PageLimit int                   `json:"page_limit"` // page limit
	StartTime int64                 `json:"start_time"` // start time
	EndTime   int64                 `json:"end_time"`   // end time
	Total     int64                 `json:"total"`      // total number of query result
	Results   []*QuerySuppliesItems `json:"results"`    // funds items

QuerySuppliesResp defines the response of supplies

type ReceiveFundsRequest

type ReceiveFundsRequest struct {
	UID               string                  `json:"uid" binding:"required"`                  // user id of the one who donate
	DonorUID          string                  `json:"donor_uid" binding:"required"`            // user did
	DonorName         string                  `json:"donor_name" binding:"required"`           // user name of the one who donate
	UserType          string                  `json:"user_type" binding:"required"`            // user type
	TargetUID         string                  `json:"target_uid" binding:"required"`           // user id of charity
	TargetName        string                  `json:"target_name" binding:"required"`          // user name of the one who receive donation
	TargetBankCardNum string                  `json:"target_bank_card_num" binding:"required"` // target bank card number
	PubType           string                  `json:"pub_type" binding:"required"`             // publicity type
	PayType           string                  `json:"pay_type"`                                // pay type
	Amount            decimal.Decimal         `json:"amount" binding:"required"`               // pay amount
	Remark            string                  `json:"remark"`                                  // remark text
	PubProofImage     []*PubProofImageRequest `json:"proof_images" binding:"required"`         // images of proof

ReceiveFundsRequest defines the request of receiving funds

func (*ReceiveFundsRequest) GetUIDByFundsReq

func (rsr *ReceiveFundsRequest) GetUIDByFundsReq() string

GetUIDByFundsReq implement get funds uid

type ReceiveFundsResp

type ReceiveFundsResp struct {
	FundsID string `json:"funds_id"` // funds id

ReceiveFundsResp defines the response of receiving funds

type ReceiveSuppliesRequest

type ReceiveSuppliesRequest struct {
	UID             string                  `json:"uid"`                              // user id
	DonorUID        string                  `json:"donor_uid"`                        // user id of the one who donate
	DonorName       string                  `json:"donor_name"`                       // user name of the one who donate
	UserType        string                  `json:"user_type"`                        // user type
	TargetUID       string                  `json:"target_uid" binding:"required"`    // user id of charity
	TargetName      string                  `json:"target_name"`                      // user name of the one who receive donation
	PubType         string                  `json:"pub_type" binding:"required"`      // the type of publicity
	SuppliesItem    []*SuppliesItem         `json:"supplies_item" binding:"required"` // the supplies item
	Remark          string                  `json:"remark"`                           // remark
	WayBillNum      string                  `json:"way_bill_num"`                     // supplies way bill number
	BillingAddress  PubAddress              `json:"billing_addr"`                     // billing address
	ShippingAddress PubAddress              `json:"shipping_addr"`                    // donation shipping address
	PubProofImage   []*PubProofImageRequest `json:"proof_images" binding:"required"`  // images of proof

ReceiveSuppliesRequest defines the struct of received supplies

func (*ReceiveSuppliesRequest) GetUIDBySuppliesReq

func (rsr *ReceiveSuppliesRequest) GetUIDBySuppliesReq() string

GetUIDBySuppliesReq defines get the uid of who originated

type ReceiveSuppliesRespItem

type ReceiveSuppliesRespItem struct {
	SuppliesID string `json:"supplies_id"` // supplies id

ReceiveSuppliesRespItem defines the response of receiving supplies

type RegisterReq

type RegisterReq struct {
	AccountID string `json:"account_id"` // user account id

RegisterReq defines the request of user register

type RegisterResp

type RegisterResp struct {
	Code int              `json:"code"`
	Msg  string           `json:"msg"`
	Data RegisterRespData `json:"data"`

RegisterResp defines the response of user register

type RegisterRespData

type RegisterRespData struct {
	ID string `json:"id"` // block chain id

RegisterRespData defines the response data of block chain register interface

type SuppliesDetailRequest

type SuppliesDetailRequest struct {
	SuppliesID string `form:"supplies_id" binding:"required"` // id of supplies

SuppliesDetailRequest defines the request of query detail supplies

type SuppliesDistributed

type SuppliesDistributed struct {
	ID              string           `json:"id"`              // supplies id
	TargetUID       string           `json:"target_uid"`      // charity user id
	TargetName      string           `json:"target_name"`     // user name of the one who receive donation
	BillingAddress  string           `json:"billing_addr"`    // billing address
	Name            string           `json:"name"`            // name
	Number          int64            `json:"number"`          // number
	Unit            string           `json:"-"`               // unit
	Time            int64            `json:"time"`            // received time
	AidName         string           `json:"aid_name"`        // user name of the one who aided
	ShippingAddress string           `json:"shipping_addr"`   // donation shipping address
	WayBillNum      string           `json:"way_bill_num"`    // supplies way bill number
	DonationImages  []*DonationImage `json:"donation_images"` // donation proof images

SuppliesDistributed defines the distributed supplies

type SuppliesDonation

type SuppliesDonation struct {
	ID              string           `json:"id"`              // supplies id
	UID             string           `json:"uid"`             // user id
	DonorName       string           `json:"donor_name"`      // user name of the one who donate
	BillingAddress  string           `json:"billing_addr"`    // billing address
	Time            int64            `json:"time"`            // donate time
	Name            string           `json:"name"`            // name
	Number          int64            `json:"number"`          // number
	Unit            string           `json:"-"`               // unit
	TargetName      string           `json:"target_name"`     // user name of the one who receive donation
	ShippingAddress string           `json:"shipping_addr"`   // donation shipping address
	WayBillNum      string           `json:"way_bill_num"`    // supplies way bill number
	DonationImages  []*DonationImage `json:"donation_images"` // donation proof images

SuppliesDonation defines the supplies of donation

type SuppliesItem

type SuppliesItem struct {
	Name   string `json:"name" binding:"required"`   // name
	Number int64  `json:"number" binding:"required"` // number
	Unit   string `json:"unit" binding:"required"`   // unit

SuppliesItem defines the struct item of received supplies

type SuppliesReceived

type SuppliesReceived struct {
	ID              string           `json:"id"`              // supplies id
	TargetUID       string           `json:"target_uid"`      // charity user id
	DonorName       string           `json:"donor_name"`      // user name of the one who donate
	BillingAddress  string           `json:"billing_addr"`    // billing address
	Time            int64            `json:"time"`            // received time
	Name            string           `json:"name"`            // name
	Number          int64            `json:"number"`          // number
	Unit            string           `json:"-"`               // unit
	TargetName      string           `json:"target_name"`     // user name of the one who receive donation
	ShippingAddress string           `json:"shipping_addr"`   // donation shipping address
	WayBillNum      string           `json:"way_bill_num"`    // supplies way bill number
	DonationImages  []*DonationImage `json:"donation_images"` // donation proof images

SuppliesReceived defines the received supplies

type TokenResponse

type TokenResponse struct {
	AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
	ExpiresIn   int64  `json:"expires_in"`

TokenResponse ...

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