
package module
v0.5.7 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 24, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 15 Imported by: 1



Build Status Docker

Imagor is a fast, Docker-ready image processing server written in Go.

Imagor uses one of the most efficient image processing library libvips. It is typically 4-8x faster than using the quickest ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick settings.

Imagor is a Go library that is easily extensible, ready to be installed and used in any Unix environment, and ready to be containerized using Docker.

Imagor adopts the Thumbor URL syntax and covers most of the web image processing use cases. If these fit your requirements, Imagor would be a lightweight, high performance drop-in replacement.

Quick Start
docker run -p 8000:8000 shumc/imagor -imagor-unsafe

Try out the following image URLs:

# original images

Docker Compose Example

Imagor with File Loader and Storage using mounted volume:

version: "3"
    image: shumc/imagor:latest
      - ./:/mnt/data
      PORT: 8000
      IMAGOR_UNSAFE: 1 # unsafe URL for testing
      FILE_LOADER_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data # enable file loader by specifying base dir
      FILE_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data # enable file storage by specifying base dir
      FILE_RESULT_LOADER_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data/result # enable file result loader by specifying base dir
      FILE_RESULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data/result # enable file result storage by specifying base dir
      - "8000:8000"

Imagor with AWS S3 Loader and Storage:

version: "3"
    image: shumc/imagor:latest
      PORT: 8000
      IMAGOR_SECRET: mysecret # secret key for URL signature
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ...
      AWS_REGION: ...
      S3_LOADER_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 loader by specifying loader bucket
      S3_LOADER_BASE_DIR: images # optional
      S3_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 storage by specifying storage bucket
      S3_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images # optional
      S3_RESULT_LOADER_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 result loader by specifying loader bucket
      S3_RESULT_LOADER_BASE_DIR: images/result # optional
      S3_RESULT_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 result loader by specifying loader bucket
      S3_RESULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images/result # optional
      - "8000:8000"
Imagor Endpoint

Imagor endpoint is a series of URL parts which defines the image operations, followed by the image URI:

  • HASH is the URL Signature hash, or unsafe if unsafe mode is used
  • trim removes surrounding space in images using top-left pixel color
  • AxB:CxD means manually crop the image at left-top point AxB and right-bottom point CxD
  • fit-in means that the generated image should not be auto-cropped and otherwise just fit in an imaginary box specified by ExF
  • stretch means resize the image to ExF without keeping its aspect ratios
  • -Ex-F means resize the image to be ExF of width per height size. The minus signs mean flip horizontally and vertically
  • GxH add horizontal padding G and vertical padding H under fit-in
  • HALIGN is horizontal alignment of crop. Accepts left, right or center, defaults to center
  • VALIGN is vertical alignment of crop. Accepts top, bottom or middle, defaults to middle
  • smart means using smart detection of focal points
  • filters a pipeline of image filter operations to be applied, see filters section
  • IMAGE is the image URI

Imagor provides utilities for previewing and generating Imagor endpoint URI:

GET /params

Prepending /params to the existing endpoint returns the endpoint attributes in JSON form, useful for preview:

curl http://localhost:8000/params/g5bMqZvxaQK65qFPaP1qlJOTuLM=/fit-in/500x400/0x20/filters:fill(white)/

  "path": "fit-in/500x400/0x20/filters:fill(white)/",
  "image": "",
  "hash": "g5bMqZvxaQK65qFPaP1qlJOTuLM=",
  "fit_in": true,
  "width": 500,
  "height": 400,
  "v_padding": 20,
  "filters": [
      "name": "fill",
      "args": "white"
imagorpath package

Imagor Go library provides a imagorpath package which allows you to parse and generate Imagor endpoint using the Params struct:

import ""


func Test(t *testing.T) {
	params := imagorpath.Params{
		Image:    "",
		FitIn:    true,
		Width:    500,
		Height:   400,
		VPadding: 20,
		Filters: imagorpath.Filters{
				Name: "fill",
				Args: "white",

	// generate signed Imagor endpoint from Params struct with secret
	path := imagorpath.Generate(params, "mysecret")

	assert.Equal(t, path, "g5bMqZvxaQK65qFPaP1qlJOTuLM=/fit-in/500x400/0x20/filters:fill(white)/")

URL Signature

In production environment, it is highly recommended turning off IMAGOR_UNSAFE and setup IMAGOR_SECRET to avoid DDoS attacks that abuse multiple image operations.

The hash is based on HMAC digest, created by taking the URL path (excluding /unsafe/) with secret. The hash is then base64url-encoded. An example in Go:

func SignPath(path, secret string) string {
	h := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(secret))
	h.Write([]byte(strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")))
	hash := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
	return hash + "/" + path

func main() {
	fmt.Println(SignPath("500x500/top/", "mysecret"))
	// RArq3FZw_bqxLcpKo1WI0aX_q7s=/fit-in/500x500/filters:fill(white):format(jpeg)/

Filters /filters:NAME(ARGS):NAME(ARGS):.../ is a pipeline of image operations that will be sequentially applied to the image. Examples:


Imagor supports the following filters:

  • background_color(color) sets the background color of a transparent image
    • color the color name or hexadecimal rgb expression without the “#” character
  • blur(sigma) applies gaussian blur to the image
  • brightness(amount) increases or decreases the image brightness
    • amount -100 to 100, the amount in % to increase or decrease the image brightness
  • contrast(amount) increases or decreases the image contrast
    • amount -100 to 100, the amount in % to increase or decrease the image contrast
  • fill(color) fill the missing area or transparent image with the specified color:
    • color - color name or hexadecimal rgb expression without the “#” character
      • If color is "blur" - missing parts are filled with blurred original image.
      • If color is "auto" - the top left image pixel will be chosen as the filling color
  • format(format) specifies the output format of the image
    • format accepts jpeg, png, webp, gif, jp2, tiff
  • grayscale() changes the image to grayscale
  • hue(angle) increases or decreases the image hue
    • angle the angle in degree to increase or decrease the hue rotation
  • quality(amount) changes the overall quality of the image, does nothing for png
    • amount 0 to 100, the quality level in %
  • rgb(r,g,b) amount of color in each of the rgb channels in %. Can range from -100 to 100
  • rotate(angle) rotates the given image according to the angle value passed
    • angle accepts 0, 90, 180, 270
  • round_corner(rx [, ry [, color]]) adds rounded corners to the image with the specified color as background
    • rx, ry amount of pixel to use as radius. ry = rx if ry is not provided
    • color the color name or hexadecimal rgb expression without the “#” character
  • saturation(amount) increases or decreases the image saturation
    • amount -100 to 100, the amount in % to increase or decrease the image saturation
  • sharpen(sigma) sharpens the image
  • trim([tolerance [, position]]) apply trim operation as part of the filter pipeline
    • tolerance the euclidean distance between the colors to get trimmed within the tolerance, default 1
    • position default using top-left pixel color unless specified bottom-right
  • upscale() upscale the image if fit-in is used
  • watermark(image, x, y, alpha [, w_ratio [, h_ratio]]) adds a watermark to the image. It can be positioned inside the image with the alpha channel specified and optionally resized based on the image size by specifying the ratio
    • image watermark image URI, using the same image loader configured for Imagor
    • x horizontal position that the watermark will be in:
      • Positive numbers indicate position from the left and negative numbers indicate position from the right.
      • Number followed by a p e.g. 20p means calculating the value from the image width as percentage
      • left,right,center positioned left, right or centered respectively
      • repeat the watermark will be repeated horizontally
    • y vertical position that the watermark will be in:
      • Positive numbers indicate position from the top and negative numbers indicate position from the bottom.
      • Number followed by a p e.g. 20p means calculating the value from the image height as percentage
      • top,bottom,center positioned top, bottom or centered respectively
      • repeat the watermark will be repeated vertically
    • alpha watermark image transparency, a number between 0 (fully opaque) and 100 (fully transparent).
    • w_ratio percentage of the width of the image the watermark should fit-in
    • h_ratio percentage of the height of the image the watermark should fit-in

Imagor supports command-line arguments, see available options imagor -h. You may check main.go for better understanding the initialization sequences.

Imagor also supports environment variables or .env file for the arguments equivalent in capitalized snake case. For instances -imagor-secret would become IMAGOR_SECRET:

# both are equivalent

imagor -debug -imagor-secret=1234


Available options:

imagor -h
Usage of imagor:
        Debug mode
  -port int
        Sever port (default 8000)

  -imagor-secret string
        Secret key for signing Imagor URL
        Unsafe Imagor that does not require URL signature. Prone to URL tampering
        Imagor version
  -imagor-cache-header-ttl duration
        Imagor HTTP cache header ttl for successful image response. Set -1 for no-cache (default 24h0m0s)
  -imagor-load-timeout duration
        Timeout for Imagor Loader request, should be smaller than imagor-request-timeout (default 20s)
  -imagor-process-timeout duration
        Timeout for image processing (default 20s)
  -imagor-request-timeout duration
        Timeout for performing Imagor request (default 30s)
  -imagor-save-timeout duration
        Timeout for saving image to Imagor Storage (default 20s)

  -server-address string
        Server address
        Enable CORS
        Enable strip query string redirection
  -server-path-prefix string
        Server path prefix
        Enable server access log

  -http-loader-allowed-sources string
        HTTP Loader allowed hosts whitelist to load images from if set. Accept csv wth glob pattern e.g. *,*
  -http-loader-default-scheme string
        HTTP Loader default scheme if not specified by image path. Set "nil" to disable default scheme. (default "https")
  -http-loader-forward-headers string
        Forward request header to HTTP Loader request by csv e.g. User-Agent,Accept
        Forward all request headers to HTTP Loader request
        HTTP Loader to use HTTP transport with InsecureSkipVerify true
  -http-loader-max-allowed-size int
        HTTP Loader maximum allowed size in bytes for loading images if set
        Disable HTTP Loader

  -file-loader-base-dir string
        Base directory for File Loader. Will activate File Loader only if this value present
  -file-loader-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for File Loader

  -file-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for File Storage. Will activate File Storage only if this value present
  -file-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for File Storage
  -file-storage-mkdir-permission string
        File Storage mkdir permission (default "0755")
  -file-storage-write-permission string
        File Storage write permission (default "0666")

  -aws-access-key-id string
        AWS Access Key ID. Required if using S3 Loader or S3 Storage
  -aws-region string
        AWS Region. Required if using S3 Loader or S3 Storage
  -aws-secret-access-key string
        AWS Secret Access Key. Required if using S3 Loader or S3 Storage
  -s3-endpoint string
        Optional S3 Endpoint to override default

  -s3-loader-base-dir string
        Base directory for S3 Loader
  -s3-loader-bucket string
        S3 Bucket for S3 Loader. Will activate S3 Loader only if this value present
  -s3-loader-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for S3 Loader

  -s3-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for S3 Storage
  -s3-storage-bucket string
        S3 Bucket for S3 Storage. Will activate S3 Storage only if this value present
  -s3-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for S3 Storage
  -s3-storage-acl string
        Upload ACL for S3 Storage (default "public-read")
  -file-result-loader-base-dir string
        Base directory for File Result Loader. Will activate File Result Loader only if this value present
  -file-result-loader-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for File Result Loader
  -file-result-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for File Result Storage. Will activate File Result Storage only if this value present
  -file-result-storage-mkdir-permission string
        File Result Storage mkdir permission (default "0755")
  -file-result-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for File Result Storage
  -file-result-storage-write-permission string
        File Storage write permission (default "0666")
  -s3-result-loader-base-dir string
        Base directory for S3 Result Loader
  -s3-result-loader-bucket string
        S3 Bucket for S3 Result Loader. Will activate S3 Result Loader only if this value present
  -s3-result-loader-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for S3 Result Loader
  -s3-result-storage-acl string
        Upload ACL for S3 Result Storage (default "public-read")
  -s3-result-storage-base-dir string
        Base directory for S3 Result Storage
  -s3-result-storage-bucket string
        S3 Bucket for S3 Result Storage. Will activate S3 Result Storage only if this value present
  -s3-result-storage-path-prefix string
        Base path prefix for S3 Result Storage

  -vips-concurrency int
        VIPS concurrency. Set -1 to be the number of CPU cores (default 1)
        VIPS disable blur operations for vips processor
  -vips-disable-filters string
        VIPS disable filters by csv e.g. blur,watermark,rgb
        VIPS to load from file when file loader is used. By default load from buffer, which is faster but consumes more memory
  -vips-max-cache-files int
        VIPS max cache files
  -vips-max-cache-mem int
        VIPS max cache mem
  -vips-max-cache-size int
        VIPS max cache size
  -vips-max-filter-ops int
        VIPS maximum number of filter operations allowed (default 10)
  -vips-max-height int
        VIPS max image height
  -vips-max-width int
        VIPS max image width




This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	ErrNotFound          = NewError("not found", http.StatusNotFound)
	ErrPass              = NewError("pass", http.StatusBadRequest)
	ErrMethodNotAllowed  = NewError("method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
	ErrSignatureMismatch = NewError("url signature mismatch", http.StatusForbidden)
	ErrTimeout           = NewError("timeout", http.StatusRequestTimeout)
	ErrUnsupportedFormat = NewError("unsupported format", http.StatusNotAcceptable)
	ErrMaxSizeExceeded   = NewError("maximum size exceeded", http.StatusBadRequest)
	ErrInternal          = NewError("internal error", http.StatusInternalServerError)


func IsFileEmpty added in v0.5.0

func IsFileEmpty(f *File) bool

func WrapError

func WrapError(err error) error


type Error

type Error struct {
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	Code    int    `json:"status,omitempty"`

func NewError

func NewError(msg string, code int) Error

func NewErrorFromStatusCode

func NewErrorFromStatusCode(code int) Error

func (Error) Error

func (e Error) Error() string

func (Error) Timeout added in v0.3.0

func (e Error) Timeout() bool

type File added in v0.5.0

type File struct {
	Path string
	Meta *Meta
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFileBytes added in v0.5.0

func NewFileBytes(bytes []byte) *File

func NewFileBytesWithMeta added in v0.5.4

func NewFileBytesWithMeta(bytes []byte, meta *Meta) *File

func NewFilePath added in v0.5.0

func NewFilePath(filepath string) *File

func (*File) Bytes added in v0.5.0

func (f *File) Bytes() ([]byte, error)

func (*File) HasPath added in v0.5.2

func (f *File) HasPath() bool

func (*File) IsEmpty added in v0.5.0

func (f *File) IsEmpty() bool

type Imagor

type Imagor struct {
	Version        string
	Unsafe         bool
	Secret         string
	Loaders        []Loader
	Storages       []Storage
	ResultLoaders  []Loader
	ResultStorages []Storage
	Processors     []Processor
	RequestTimeout time.Duration
	LoadTimeout    time.Duration
	SaveTimeout    time.Duration
	ProcessTimeout time.Duration
	CacheHeaderTTL time.Duration
	Logger         *zap.Logger
	Debug          bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Imagor image resize HTTP handler

func New

func New(options ...Option) *Imagor

New create new Imagor

func (*Imagor) Do

func (app *Imagor) Do(r *http.Request, p imagorpath.Params) (file *File, err error)

func (*Imagor) ServeHTTP

func (app *Imagor) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

func (*Imagor) Shutdown

func (app *Imagor) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) (err error)

func (*Imagor) Startup

func (app *Imagor) Startup(ctx context.Context) (err error)

type LoadFunc

type LoadFunc func(string) (*File, error)

type Loader

type Loader interface {
	Load(r *http.Request, image string) (*File, error)

Loader Load image from image source

type Meta

type Meta struct {
	Format      string `json:"format"`
	ContentType string `json:"content_type"`
	Width       int    `json:"width"`
	Height      int    `json:"height"`
	Orientation int    `json:"orientation"`

type Option

type Option func(o *Imagor)

func WithCacheHeaderTTL added in v0.1.5

func WithCacheHeaderTTL(ttl time.Duration) Option

func WithDebug

func WithDebug(debug bool) Option

func WithLoadTimeout added in v0.1.5

func WithLoadTimeout(timeout time.Duration) Option

func WithLoaders

func WithLoaders(loaders ...Loader) Option

func WithLogger

func WithLogger(logger *zap.Logger) Option

func WithProcessTimeout added in v0.5.4

func WithProcessTimeout(timeout time.Duration) Option

func WithProcessors

func WithProcessors(processors ...Processor) Option

func WithRequestTimeout

func WithRequestTimeout(timeout time.Duration) Option

func WithResultLoaders added in v0.5.5

func WithResultLoaders(loaders ...Loader) Option

func WithResultStorages added in v0.5.5

func WithResultStorages(storages ...Storage) Option

func WithSaveTimeout

func WithSaveTimeout(timeout time.Duration) Option

func WithSecret

func WithSecret(secret string) Option

func WithStorages

func WithStorages(storages ...Storage) Option

func WithUnsafe

func WithUnsafe(unsafe bool) Option

func WithVersion

func WithVersion(version string) Option

type Processor

type Processor interface {
	Startup(ctx context.Context) error
	Process(ctx context.Context, file *File, p imagorpath.Params, load LoadFunc) (*File, error)
	Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error

Processor process image buffer

type Storage

type Storage interface {
	Save(ctx context.Context, image string, file *File) error

Storage save image buffer

type Store

type Store interface {

Store both a Loader and Storage


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL