Index ¶
- type AccountField
- type AccountTypeField
- type AccruedInterestAmtField
- type AccruedInterestRateField
- type AcctIDSourceField
- type AdjustmentField
- type AdjustmentTypeField
- type AdvIdField
- type AdvRefIDField
- type AdvSideField
- type AdvTransTypeField
- type AffectedOrderIDField
- type AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField
- type AffirmStatusField
- type AggregatedBookField
- type AggressorIndicatorField
- type AgreementCurrencyField
- type AgreementDateField
- type AgreementDescField
- type AgreementIDField
- type AllocAccountField
- type AllocAccountTypeField
- type AllocAccruedInterestAmtField
- type AllocAcctIDSourceField
- type AllocAvgPxField
- type AllocCancReplaceReasonField
- type AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField
- type AllocCustomerCapacityField
- type AllocHandlInstField
- type AllocIDField
- type AllocInterestAtMaturityField
- type AllocIntermedReqTypeField
- type AllocLinkIDField
- type AllocLinkTypeField
- type AllocMethodField
- type AllocNetMoneyField
- type AllocNoOrdersTypeField
- type AllocPositionEffectField
- type AllocPriceField
- type AllocQtyField
- type AllocRejCodeField
- type AllocReportIDField
- type AllocReportRefIDField
- type AllocReportTypeField
- type AllocSettlCurrAmtField
- type AllocSettlCurrencyField
- type AllocSettlInstTypeField
- type AllocSharesField
- type AllocStatusField
- type AllocTextField
- type AllocTransTypeField
- type AllocTypeField
- type AllowableOneSidednessCurrField
- type AllowableOneSidednessPctField
- type AllowableOneSidednessValueField
- type AltMDSourceIDField
- type ApplBegSeqNumField
- type ApplEndSeqNumField
- type ApplExtIDField
- type ApplIDField
- type ApplLastSeqNumField
- type ApplNewSeqNumField
- type ApplQueueActionField
- type ApplQueueDepthField
- type ApplQueueMaxField
- type ApplQueueResolutionField
- type ApplReportIDField
- type ApplReportTypeField
- type ApplReqIDField
- type ApplReqTypeField
- type ApplResendFlagField
- type ApplResponseErrorField
- type ApplResponseIDField
- type ApplResponseTypeField
- type ApplSeqNumField
- type ApplTotalMessageCountField
- type ApplVerIDField
- type AsOfIndicatorField
- type AsgnReqIDField
- type AsgnRptIDField
- type AssignmentMethodField
- type AssignmentUnitField
- type AttachmentPointField
- type AutoAcceptIndicatorField
- type AvgParPxField
- type AvgPrxPrecisionField
- type AvgPxField
- type AvgPxIndicatorField
- type AvgPxPrecisionField
- type BasisFeatureDateField
- type BasisFeaturePriceField
- type BasisPxTypeField
- type BeginSeqNoField
- type BeginStringField
- type BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField
- type BenchmarkCurveNameField
- type BenchmarkCurvePointField
- type BenchmarkField
- type BenchmarkPriceField
- type BenchmarkPriceTypeField
- type BenchmarkSecurityIDField
- type BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField
- type BidDescriptorField
- type BidDescriptorTypeField
- type BidForwardPoints2Field
- type BidForwardPointsField
- type BidIDField
- type BidPxField
- type BidRequestTransTypeField
- type BidSizeField
- type BidSpotRateField
- type BidSwapPointsField
- type BidTradeTypeField
- type BidTypeField
- type BidYieldField
- type BodyLengthField
- type BookingRefIDField
- type BookingTypeField
- type BookingUnitField
- type BrokerOfCreditField
- type BusinessRejectReasonField
- type BusinessRejectRefIDField
- type BuyVolumeField
- type CFICodeField
- type CPProgramField
- type CPRegTypeField
- type CalculatedCcyLastQtyField
- type CancellationRightsField
- type CapPriceField
- type CardExpDateField
- type CardHolderNameField
- type CardIssNoField
- type CardIssNumField
- type CardNumberField
- type CardStartDateField
- type CashDistribAgentAcctNameField
- type CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField
- type CashDistribAgentCodeField
- type CashDistribAgentNameField
- type CashDistribCurrField
- type CashDistribPayRefField
- type CashMarginField
- type CashOrderQtyField
- type CashOutstandingField
- type CashSettlAgentAcctNameField
- type CashSettlAgentAcctNumField
- type CashSettlAgentCodeField
- type CashSettlAgentContactNameField
- type CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField
- type CashSettlAgentNameField
- type CcyAmtField
- type CheckSumField
- type ClOrdIDField
- type ClOrdLinkIDField
- type ClearingAccountField
- type ClearingBusinessDateField
- type ClearingFeeIndicatorField
- type ClearingFirmField
- type ClearingInstructionField
- type ClientBidIDField
- type ClientIDField
- type CollActionField
- type CollApplTypeField
- type CollAsgnIDField
- type CollAsgnReasonField
- type CollAsgnRefIDField
- type CollAsgnRejectReasonField
- type CollAsgnRespTypeField
- type CollAsgnTransTypeField
- type CollInquiryIDField
- type CollInquiryQualifierField
- type CollInquiryResultField
- type CollInquiryStatusField
- type CollReqIDField
- type CollRespIDField
- type CollRptIDField
- type CollStatusField
- type CommCurrencyField
- type CommTypeField
- type CommissionField
- type ComplexEventConditionField
- type ComplexEventEndDateField
- type ComplexEventEndTimeField
- type ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethodField
- type ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField
- type ComplexEventPriceField
- type ComplexEventPriceTimeTypeField
- type ComplexEventStartDateField
- type ComplexEventStartTimeField
- type ComplexEventTypeField
- type ComplexOptPayoutAmountField
- type ComplianceIDField
- type ConcessionField
- type ConfirmIDField
- type ConfirmRefIDField
- type ConfirmRejReasonField
- type ConfirmReqIDField
- type ConfirmStatusField
- type ConfirmTransTypeField
- type ConfirmTypeField
- type ContAmtCurrField
- type ContAmtTypeField
- type ContAmtValueField
- type ContIntRptIDField
- type ContextPartyIDField
- type ContextPartyIDSourceField
- type ContextPartyRoleField
- type ContextPartySubIDField
- type ContextPartySubIDTypeField
- type ContingencyTypeField
- type ContraBrokerField
- type ContraLegRefIDField
- type ContraTradeQtyField
- type ContraTradeTimeField
- type ContraTraderField
- type ContractMultiplierField
- type ContractMultiplierUnitField
- type ContractSettlMonthField
- type ContraryInstructionIndicatorField
- type CopyMsgIndicatorField
- type CorporateActionField
- type CountryField
- type CountryOfIssueField
- type CouponPaymentDateField
- type CouponRateField
- type CoveredOrUncoveredField
- type CreditRatingField
- type CrossIDField
- type CrossPercentField
- type CrossPrioritizationField
- type CrossTypeField
- type CstmApplVerIDField
- type CumQtyField
- type CurrencyField
- type CurrencyRatioField
- type CustDirectedOrderField
- type CustOrderCapacityField
- type CustOrderHandlingInstField
- type CustomerOrFirmField
- type CxlQtyField
- type CxlRejReasonField
- type CxlRejResponseToField
- type CxlTypeField
- type DKReasonField
- type DateOfBirthField
- type DatedDateField
- type DayAvgPxField
- type DayBookingInstField
- type DayCumQtyField
- type DayOrderQtyField
- type DealingCapacityField
- type DefBidSizeField
- type DefOfferSizeField
- type DefaultApplExtIDField
- type DefaultApplVerIDField
- type DefaultCstmApplVerIDField
- type DefaultVerIndicatorField
- type DeleteReasonField
- type DeliverToCompIDField
- type DeliverToLocationIDField
- type DeliverToSubIDField
- type DeliveryDateField
- type DeliveryFormField
- type DeliveryTypeField
- type DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField
- type DerivativeCFICodeField
- type DerivativeCapPriceField
- type DerivativeContractMultiplierField
- type DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField
- type DerivativeContractSettlMonthField
- type DerivativeCountryOfIssueField
- type DerivativeEncodedIssuerField
- type DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField
- type DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField
- type DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField
- type DerivativeEventDateField
- type DerivativeEventPxField
- type DerivativeEventTextField
- type DerivativeEventTimeField
- type DerivativeEventTypeField
- type DerivativeExerciseStyleField
- type DerivativeFloorPriceField
- type DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField
- type DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField
- type DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField
- type DerivativeInstrAttribValueField
- type DerivativeInstrRegistryField
- type DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField
- type DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField
- type DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField
- type DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField
- type DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField
- type DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField
- type DerivativeIssueDateField
- type DerivativeIssuerField
- type DerivativeListMethodField
- type DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField
- type DerivativeMaturityDateField
- type DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField
- type DerivativeMaturityTimeField
- type DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField
- type DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField
- type DerivativeNTPositionLimitField
- type DerivativeOptAttributeField
- type DerivativeOptPayAmountField
- type DerivativePositionLimitField
- type DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField
- type DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField
- type DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField
- type DerivativeProductComplexField
- type DerivativeProductField
- type DerivativePutOrCallField
- type DerivativeSecurityAltIDField
- type DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField
- type DerivativeSecurityDescField
- type DerivativeSecurityExchangeField
- type DerivativeSecurityGroupField
- type DerivativeSecurityIDField
- type DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField
- type DerivativeSecurityListRequestTypeField
- type DerivativeSecurityStatusField
- type DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField
- type DerivativeSecurityTypeField
- type DerivativeSecurityXMLField
- type DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField
- type DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField
- type DerivativeSettlMethodField
- type DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField
- type DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField
- type DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField
- type DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField
- type DerivativeStrikePriceField
- type DerivativeStrikeValueField
- type DerivativeSymbolField
- type DerivativeSymbolSfxField
- type DerivativeTimeUnitField
- type DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField
- type DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField
- type DerivativeValuationMethodField
- type DesignationField
- type DeskIDField
- type DeskOrderHandlingInstField
- type DeskTypeField
- type DeskTypeSourceField
- type DetachmentPointField
- type DiscretionInstField
- type DiscretionLimitTypeField
- type DiscretionMoveTypeField
- type DiscretionOffsetField
- type DiscretionOffsetTypeField
- type DiscretionOffsetValueField
- type DiscretionPriceField
- type DiscretionRoundDirectionField
- type DiscretionScopeField
- type DisplayHighQtyField
- type DisplayLowQtyField
- type DisplayMethodField
- type DisplayMinIncrField
- type DisplayQtyField
- type DisplayWhenField
- type DistribPaymentMethodField
- type DistribPercentageField
- type DividendYieldField
- type DlvyInstField
- type DlvyInstTypeField
- type DueToRelatedField
- type EFPTrackingErrorField
- type EffectiveTimeField
- type EmailThreadIDField
- type EmailTypeField
- type EncodedAllocTextField
- type EncodedAllocTextLenField
- type EncodedHeadlineField
- type EncodedHeadlineLenField
- type EncodedIssuerField
- type EncodedIssuerLenField
- type EncodedLegIssuerField
- type EncodedLegIssuerLenField
- type EncodedLegSecurityDescField
- type EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField
- type EncodedListExecInstField
- type EncodedListExecInstLenField
- type EncodedListStatusTextField
- type EncodedListStatusTextLenField
- type EncodedMktSegmDescField
- type EncodedMktSegmDescLenField
- type EncodedSecurityDescField
- type EncodedSecurityDescLenField
- type EncodedSecurityListDescField
- type EncodedSecurityListDescLenField
- type EncodedSubjectField
- type EncodedSubjectLenField
- type EncodedSymbolField
- type EncodedSymbolLenField
- type EncodedTextField
- type EncodedTextLenField
- type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField
- type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField
- type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField
- type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField
- type EncryptMethodField
- type EncryptedNewPasswordField
- type EncryptedNewPasswordLenField
- type EncryptedPasswordField
- type EncryptedPasswordLenField
- type EncryptedPasswordMethodField
- type EndAccruedInterestAmtField
- type EndCashField
- type EndDateField
- type EndMaturityMonthYearField
- type EndSeqNoField
- type EndStrikePxRangeField
- type EndTickPriceRangeField
- type EventDateField
- type EventPxField
- type EventTextField
- type EventTimeField
- type EventTypeField
- type ExDateField
- type ExDestinationField
- type ExDestinationIDSourceField
- type ExchangeForPhysicalField
- type ExchangeRuleField
- type ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField
- type ExecAckStatusField
- type ExecBrokerField
- type ExecIDField
- type ExecInstField
- type ExecInstValueField
- type ExecPriceAdjustmentField
- type ExecPriceTypeField
- type ExecRefIDField
- type ExecRestatementReasonField
- type ExecTransTypeField
- type ExecTypeField
- type ExecValuationPointField
- type ExerciseMethodField
- type ExerciseStyleField
- type ExpQtyField
- type ExpTypeField
- type ExpirationCycleField
- type ExpirationQtyTypeField
- type ExpireDateField
- type ExpireTimeField
- type FactorField
- type FairValueField
- type FeeMultiplierField
- type FillExecIDField
- type FillLiquidityIndField
- type FillPxField
- type FillQtyField
- type FinancialStatusField
- type FirmTradeIDField
- type FirstPxField
- type FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField
- type FlexibleIndicatorField
- type FloorPriceField
- type FlowScheduleTypeField
- type ForexReqField
- type FundRenewWaivField
- type FutSettDate2Field
- type FutSettDateField
- type FuturesValuationMethodField
- type GTBookingInstField
- type GapFillFlagField
- type GrossTradeAmtField
- type HaltReasonCharField
- type HaltReasonIntField
- type HandlInstField
- type HeadlineField
- type HeartBtIntField
- type HighLimitPriceField
- type HighPxField
- type HopCompIDField
- type HopRefIDField
- type HopSendingTimeField
- type HostCrossIDField
- type IDSourceField
- type IOIIDField
- type IOINaturalFlagField
- type IOIOthSvcField
- type IOIQltyIndField
- type IOIQtyField
- type IOIQualifierField
- type IOIRefIDField
- type IOISharesField
- type IOITransTypeField
- type IOIidField
- type ImpliedMarketIndicatorField
- type InViewOfCommonField
- type IncTaxIndField
- type IndividualAllocIDField
- type IndividualAllocRejCodeField
- type IndividualAllocTypeField
- type InputSourceField
- type InstrAttribTypeField
- type InstrAttribValueField
- type InstrRegistryField
- type InstrmtAssignmentMethodField
- type InstrumentPartyIDField
- type InstrumentPartyIDSourceField
- type InstrumentPartyRoleField
- type InstrumentPartySubIDField
- type InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField
- type InterestAccrualDateField
- type InterestAtMaturityField
- type InvestorCountryOfResidenceField
- type IssueDateField
- type IssuerField
- type LanguageCodeField
- type LastCapacityField
- type LastForwardPoints2Field
- type LastForwardPointsField
- type LastFragmentField
- type LastLiquidityIndField
- type LastMktField
- type LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField
- type LastNetworkResponseIDField
- type LastParPxField
- type LastPxField
- type LastQtyField
- type LastRptRequestedField
- type LastSharesField
- type LastSpotRateField
- type LastSwapPointsField
- type LastUpdateTimeField
- type LateIndicatorField
- type LeavesQtyField
- type LegAllocAccountField
- type LegAllocAcctIDSourceField
- type LegAllocIDField
- type LegAllocQtyField
- type LegAllocSettlCurrencyField
- type LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField
- type LegBenchmarkCurveNameField
- type LegBenchmarkCurvePointField
- type LegBenchmarkPriceField
- type LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField
- type LegBidForwardPointsField
- type LegBidPxField
- type LegCFICodeField
- type LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField
- type LegContractMultiplierField
- type LegContractMultiplierUnitField
- type LegContractSettlMonthField
- type LegCountryOfIssueField
- type LegCouponPaymentDateField
- type LegCouponRateField
- type LegCoveredOrUncoveredField
- type LegCreditRatingField
- type LegCurrencyField
- type LegCurrencyRatioField
- type LegDatedDateField
- type LegDividendYieldField
- type LegExecInstField
- type LegExerciseStyleField
- type LegFactorField
- type LegFlowScheduleTypeField
- type LegFutSettDateField
- type LegGrossTradeAmtField
- type LegIOIQtyField
- type LegIndividualAllocIDField
- type LegInstrRegistryField
- type LegInterestAccrualDateField
- type LegIssueDateField
- type LegIssuerField
- type LegLastForwardPointsField
- type LegLastPxField
- type LegLastQtyField
- type LegLocaleOfIssueField
- type LegMaturityDateField
- type LegMaturityMonthYearField
- type LegMaturityTimeField
- type LegNumberField
- type LegOfferForwardPointsField
- type LegOfferPxField
- type LegOptAttributeField
- type LegOptionRatioField
- type LegOrderQtyField
- type LegPoolField
- type LegPositionEffectField
- type LegPriceField
- type LegPriceTypeField
- type LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField
- type LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField
- type LegProductField
- type LegPutOrCallField
- type LegQtyField
- type LegRatioQtyField
- type LegRedemptionDateField
- type LegRefIDField
- type LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField
- type LegReportIDField
- type LegRepurchaseRateField
- type LegRepurchaseTermField
- type LegSecurityAltIDField
- type LegSecurityAltIDSourceField
- type LegSecurityDescField
- type LegSecurityExchangeField
- type LegSecurityIDField
- type LegSecurityIDSourceField
- type LegSecuritySubTypeField
- type LegSecurityTypeField
- type LegSettlCurrencyField
- type LegSettlDateField
- type LegSettlTypeField
- type LegSettlmntTypField
- type LegSideField
- type LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField
- type LegStipulationTypeField
- type LegStipulationValueField
- type LegStrikeCurrencyField
- type LegStrikePriceField
- type LegSwapTypeField
- type LegSymbolField
- type LegSymbolSfxField
- type LegTimeUnitField
- type LegUnitOfMeasureField
- type LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField
- type LegVolatilityField
- type LegalConfirmField
- type LinesOfTextField
- type LiquidityIndTypeField
- type LiquidityNumSecuritiesField
- type LiquidityPctHighField
- type LiquidityPctLowField
- type LiquidityValueField
- type ListExecInstField
- type ListExecInstTypeField
- type ListIDField
- type ListMethodField
- type ListNameField
- type ListNoOrdsField
- type ListOrderStatusField
- type ListRejectReasonField
- type ListSeqNoField
- type ListStatusTextField
- type ListStatusTypeField
- type ListUpdateActionField
- type LocaleOfIssueField
- type LocateReqdField
- type LocationIDField
- type LongQtyField
- type LotTypeField
- type LowLimitPriceField
- type LowPxField
- type MDBookTypeField
- type MDEntryBuyerField
- type MDEntryDateField
- type MDEntryForwardPointsField
- type MDEntryIDField
- type MDEntryOriginatorField
- type MDEntryPositionNoField
- type MDEntryPxField
- type MDEntryRefIDField
- type MDEntrySellerField
- type MDEntrySizeField
- type MDEntrySpotRateField
- type MDEntryTimeField
- type MDEntryTypeField
- type MDFeedTypeField
- type MDImplicitDeleteField
- type MDMktField
- type MDOriginTypeField
- type MDPriceLevelField
- type MDQuoteTypeField
- type MDReportIDField
- type MDReqIDField
- type MDReqRejReasonField
- type MDSecSizeField
- type MDSecSizeTypeField
- type MDStreamIDField
- type MDSubBookTypeField
- type MDUpdateActionField
- type MDUpdateTypeField
- type MailingDtlsField
- type MailingInstField
- type ManualOrderIndicatorField
- type MarginExcessField
- type MarginRatioField
- type MarketDepthField
- type MarketIDField
- type MarketReportIDField
- type MarketReqIDField
- type MarketSegmentDescField
- type MarketSegmentIDField
- type MarketUpdateActionField
- type MassActionRejectReasonField
- type MassActionReportIDField
- type MassActionResponseField
- type MassActionScopeField
- type MassActionTypeField
- type MassCancelRejectReasonField
- type MassCancelRequestTypeField
- type MassCancelResponseField
- type MassStatusReqIDField
- type MassStatusReqTypeField
- type MatchAlgorithmField
- type MatchIncrementField
- type MatchStatusField
- type MatchTypeField
- type MaturityDateField
- type MaturityDayField
- type MaturityMonthYearField
- type MaturityMonthYearFormatField
- type MaturityMonthYearIncrementField
- type MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnitsField
- type MaturityNetMoneyField
- type MaturityRuleIDField
- type MaturityTimeField
- type MaxFloorField
- type MaxMessageSizeField
- type MaxPriceLevelsField
- type MaxPriceVariationField
- type MaxShowField
- type MaxTradeVolField
- type MessageEncodingField
- type MessageEventSourceField
- type MidPxField
- type MidYieldField
- type MinBidSizeField
- type MinLotSizeField
- type MinOfferSizeField
- type MinPriceIncrementAmountField
- type MinPriceIncrementField
- type MinQtyField
- type MinTradeVolField
- type MiscFeeAmtField
- type MiscFeeBasisField
- type MiscFeeCurrField
- type MiscFeeTypeField
- type MktBidPxField
- type MktOfferPxField
- type ModelTypeField
- type MoneyLaunderingStatusField
- type MsgDirectionField
- type MsgSeqNumField
- type MsgTypeField
- type MultiLegReportingTypeField
- type MultiLegRptTypeReqField
- type MultilegModelField
- type MultilegPriceMethodField
- type NTPositionLimitField
- type Nested2PartyIDField
- type Nested2PartyIDSourceField
- type Nested2PartyRoleField
- type Nested2PartySubIDField
- type Nested2PartySubIDTypeField
- type Nested3PartyIDField
- type Nested3PartyIDSourceField
- type Nested3PartyRoleField
- type Nested3PartySubIDField
- type Nested3PartySubIDTypeField
- type Nested4PartyIDField
- type Nested4PartyIDSourceField
- type Nested4PartyRoleField
- type Nested4PartySubIDField
- type Nested4PartySubIDTypeField
- type NestedInstrAttribTypeField
- type NestedInstrAttribValueField
- type NestedPartyIDField
- type NestedPartyIDSourceField
- type NestedPartyRoleField
- type NestedPartySubIDField
- type NestedPartySubIDTypeField
- type NetChgPrevDayField
- type NetGrossIndField
- type NetMoneyField
- type NetworkRequestIDField
- type NetworkRequestTypeField
- type NetworkResponseIDField
- type NetworkStatusResponseTypeField
- type NewPasswordField
- type NewSeqNoField
- type NewsCategoryField
- type NewsIDField
- type NewsRefIDField
- type NewsRefTypeField
- type NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField
- type NoAffectedOrdersField
- type NoAllocsField
- type NoAltMDSourceField
- type NoApplIDsField
- type NoAsgnReqsField
- type NoBidComponentsField
- type NoBidDescriptorsField
- type NoCapacitiesField
- type NoClearingInstructionsField
- type NoCollInquiryQualifierField
- type NoCompIDsField
- type NoComplexEventDatesField
- type NoComplexEventTimesField
- type NoComplexEventsField
- type NoContAmtsField
- type NoContextPartyIDsField
- type NoContextPartySubIDsField
- type NoContraBrokersField
- type NoDatesField
- type NoDerivativeEventsField
- type NoDerivativeInstrAttribField
- type NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField
- type NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField
- type NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField
- type NoDistribInstsField
- type NoDlvyInstField
- type NoEventsField
- type NoExecInstRulesField
- type NoExecsField
- type NoExpirationField
- type NoFillsField
- type NoHopsField
- type NoIOIQualifiersField
- type NoInstrAttribField
- type NoInstrumentPartiesField
- type NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField
- type NoLegAllocsField
- type NoLegSecurityAltIDField
- type NoLegStipulationsField
- type NoLegsField
- type NoLinesOfTextField
- type NoLotTypeRulesField
- type NoMDEntriesField
- type NoMDEntryTypesField
- type NoMDFeedTypesField
- type NoMarketSegmentsField
- type NoMatchRulesField
- type NoMaturityRulesField
- type NoMiscFeesField
- type NoMsgTypesField
- type NoNested2PartyIDsField
- type NoNested2PartySubIDsField
- type NoNested3PartyIDsField
- type NoNested3PartySubIDsField
- type NoNested4PartyIDsField
- type NoNested4PartySubIDsField
- type NoNestedInstrAttribField
- type NoNestedPartyIDsField
- type NoNestedPartySubIDsField
- type NoNewsRefIDsField
- type NoNotAffectedOrdersField
- type NoOfLegUnderlyingsField
- type NoOfSecSizesField
- type NoOrdTypeRulesField
- type NoOrdersField
- type NoPartyAltIDsField
- type NoPartyAltSubIDsField
- type NoPartyIDsField
- type NoPartyListField
- type NoPartyListResponseTypesField
- type NoPartyRelationshipsField
- type NoPartySubIDsField
- type NoPosAmtField
- type NoPositionsField
- type NoQuoteEntriesField
- type NoQuoteQualifiersField
- type NoQuoteSetsField
- type NoRateSourcesField
- type NoRegistDtlsField
- type NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField
- type NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField
- type NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField
- type NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField
- type NoRelatedPartyIDsField
- type NoRelatedPartySubIDsField
- type NoRelatedSymField
- type NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField
- type NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField
- type NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField
- type NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField
- type NoRequestedPartyRolesField
- type NoRiskInstrumentsField
- type NoRiskLimitsField
- type NoRiskSecurityAltIDField
- type NoRiskWarningLevelsField
- type NoRootPartyIDsField
- type NoRootPartySubIDsField
- type NoRoutingIDsField
- type NoRptsField
- type NoSecurityAltIDField
- type NoSecurityTypesField
- type NoSettlDetailsField
- type NoSettlInstField
- type NoSettlObligField
- type NoSettlPartyIDsField
- type NoSettlPartySubIDsField
- type NoSideTrdRegTSField
- type NoSidesField
- type NoStatsIndicatorsField
- type NoStipulationsField
- type NoStrategyParametersField
- type NoStrikeRulesField
- type NoStrikesField
- type NoTargetPartyIDsField
- type NoTickRulesField
- type NoTimeInForceRulesField
- type NoTradesField
- type NoTradingSessionRulesField
- type NoTradingSessionsField
- type NoTrdRegTimestampsField
- type NoTrdRepIndicatorsField
- type NoUnderlyingAmountsField
- type NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField
- type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField
- type NoUnderlyingStipsField
- type NoUnderlyingsField
- type NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField
- type NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField
- type NotAffOrigClOrdIDField
- type NotAffectedOrderIDField
- type NotifyBrokerOfCreditField
- type NotionalPercentageOutstandingField
- type NumBiddersField
- type NumDaysInterestField
- type NumTicketsField
- type NumberOfOrdersField
- type OddLotField
- type OfferForwardPoints2Field
- type OfferForwardPointsField
- type OfferPxField
- type OfferSizeField
- type OfferSpotRateField
- type OfferSwapPointsField
- type OfferYieldField
- type OnBehalfOfCompIDField
- type OnBehalfOfLocationIDField
- type OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField
- type OnBehalfOfSubIDField
- type OpenCloseField
- type OpenCloseSettlFlagField
- type OpenCloseSettleFlagField
- type OpenInterestField
- type OptAttributeField
- type OptPayAmountField
- type OptPayoutAmountField
- type OptPayoutTypeField
- type OrdRejReasonField
- type OrdStatusField
- type OrdStatusReqIDField
- type OrdTypeField
- type OrderAvgPxField
- type OrderBookingQtyField
- type OrderCapacityField
- type OrderCapacityQtyField
- type OrderCategoryField
- type OrderDelayField
- type OrderDelayUnitField
- type OrderHandlingInstSourceField
- type OrderIDField
- type OrderInputDeviceField
- type OrderPercentField
- type OrderQty2Field
- type OrderQtyField
- type OrderRestrictionsField
- type OrigClOrdIDField
- type OrigCrossIDField
- type OrigCustOrderCapacityField
- type OrigOrdModTimeField
- type OrigPosReqRefIDField
- type OrigSecondaryTradeIDField
- type OrigSendingTimeField
- type OrigTimeField
- type OrigTradeDateField
- type OrigTradeHandlingInstrField
- type OrigTradeIDField
- type OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField
- type OutMainCntryUIndexField
- type OutsideIndexPctField
- type OwnerTypeField
- type OwnershipTypeField
- type ParentMktSegmIDField
- type ParticipationRateField
- type PartyAltIDField
- type PartyAltIDSourceField
- type PartyAltSubIDField
- type PartyAltSubIDTypeField
- type PartyDetailsListReportIDField
- type PartyDetailsListRequestIDField
- type PartyDetailsRequestResultField
- type PartyIDField
- type PartyIDSourceField
- type PartyListResponseTypeField
- type PartyRelationshipField
- type PartyRoleField
- type PartySubIDField
- type PartySubIDTypeField
- type PasswordField
- type PaymentDateField
- type PaymentMethodField
- type PaymentRefField
- type PaymentRemitterIDField
- type PctAtRiskField
- type PegDifferenceField
- type PegLimitTypeField
- type PegMoveTypeField
- type PegOffsetTypeField
- type PegOffsetValueField
- type PegPriceTypeField
- type PegRoundDirectionField
- type PegScopeField
- type PegSecurityDescField
- type PegSecurityIDField
- type PegSecurityIDSourceField
- type PegSymbolField
- type PeggedPriceField
- type PeggedRefPriceField
- type PoolField
- type PosAmtField
- type PosAmtTypeField
- type PosMaintActionField
- type PosMaintResultField
- type PosMaintRptIDField
- type PosMaintRptRefIDField
- type PosMaintStatusField
- type PosQtyStatusField
- type PosReqIDField
- type PosReqResultField
- type PosReqStatusField
- type PosReqTypeField
- type PosTransTypeField
- type PosTypeField
- type PositionCurrencyField
- type PositionEffectField
- type PositionLimitField
- type PossDupFlagField
- type PossResendField
- type PreTradeAnonymityField
- type PreallocMethodField
- type PrevClosePxField
- type PreviouslyReportedField
- type Price2Field
- type PriceDeltaField
- type PriceField
- type PriceImprovementField
- type PriceLimitTypeField
- type PriceProtectionScopeField
- type PriceQuoteMethodField
- type PriceTypeField
- type PriceUnitOfMeasureField
- type PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField
- type PriorSettlPriceField
- type PriorSpreadIndicatorField
- type PriorityIndicatorField
- type PrivateQuoteField
- type ProcessCodeField
- type ProductComplexField
- type ProductField
- type ProgPeriodIntervalField
- type ProgRptReqsField
- type PublishTrdIndicatorField
- type PutOrCallField
- type QtyTypeField
- type QuantityDateField
- type QuantityField
- type QuantityTypeField
- type QuoteAckStatusField
- type QuoteCancelTypeField
- type QuoteConditionField
- type QuoteEntryIDField
- type QuoteEntryRejectReasonField
- type QuoteEntryStatusField
- type QuoteIDField
- type QuoteMsgIDField
- type QuotePriceTypeField
- type QuoteQualifierField
- type QuoteRejectReasonField
- type QuoteReqIDField
- type QuoteRequestRejectReasonField
- type QuoteRequestTypeField
- type QuoteRespIDField
- type QuoteRespTypeField
- type QuoteResponseLevelField
- type QuoteSetIDField
- type QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField
- type QuoteStatusField
- type QuoteStatusReqIDField
- type QuoteTypeField
- type RFQReqIDField
- type RateSourceField
- type RateSourceTypeField
- type RatioQtyField
- type RawDataField
- type RawDataLengthField
- type ReceivedDeptIDField
- type RedemptionDateField
- type RefAllocIDField
- type RefApplExtIDField
- type RefApplIDField
- type RefApplLastSeqNumField
- type RefApplReqIDField
- type RefApplVerIDField
- type RefCompIDField
- type RefCstmApplVerIDField
- type RefMsgTypeField
- type RefOrdIDReasonField
- type RefOrderIDField
- type RefOrderIDSourceField
- type RefSeqNumField
- type RefSubIDField
- type RefTagIDField
- type ReferencePageField
- type RefreshIndicatorField
- type RefreshQtyField
- type RegistAcctTypeField
- type RegistDetlsField
- type RegistDtlsField
- type RegistEmailField
- type RegistIDField
- type RegistRefIDField
- type RegistRejReasonCodeField
- type RegistRejReasonTextField
- type RegistStatusField
- type RegistTransTypeField
- type RejectTextField
- type RelSymTransactTimeField
- type RelatdSymField
- type RelatedContextPartyIDField
- type RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField
- type RelatedContextPartyRoleField
- type RelatedContextPartySubIDField
- type RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField
- type RelatedPartyAltIDField
- type RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField
- type RelatedPartyAltSubIDField
- type RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField
- type RelatedPartyIDField
- type RelatedPartyIDSourceField
- type RelatedPartyRoleField
- type RelatedPartySubIDField
- type RelatedPartySubIDTypeField
- type RelationshipRiskCFICodeField
- type RelationshipRiskCouponRateField
- type RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField
- type RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField
- type RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField
- type RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField
- type RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField
- type RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField
- type RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField
- type RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField
- type RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField
- type RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField
- type RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField
- type RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField
- type RelationshipRiskProductComplexField
- type RelationshipRiskProductField
- type RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField
- type RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField
- type RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField
- type RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField
- type RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField
- type RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField
- type RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField
- type RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField
- type RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField
- type RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField
- type RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField
- type RelationshipRiskSeniorityField
- type RelationshipRiskSymbolField
- type RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField
- type RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField
- type RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField
- type RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField
- type ReportToExchField
- type ReportedPxDiffField
- type ReportedPxField
- type RepurchaseRateField
- type RepurchaseTermField
- type RequestedPartyRoleField
- type ResetSeqNumFlagField
- type RespondentTypeField
- type ResponseDestinationField
- type ResponseTransportTypeField
- type RestructuringTypeField
- type ReversalIndicatorField
- type RiskCFICodeField
- type RiskCouponRateField
- type RiskEncodedSecurityDescField
- type RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField
- type RiskFlexibleIndicatorField
- type RiskFreeRateField
- type RiskInstrumentMultiplierField
- type RiskInstrumentOperatorField
- type RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField
- type RiskLimitAmountField
- type RiskLimitCurrencyField
- type RiskLimitPlatformField
- type RiskLimitTypeField
- type RiskMaturityMonthYearField
- type RiskMaturityTimeField
- type RiskProductComplexField
- type RiskProductField
- type RiskPutOrCallField
- type RiskRestructuringTypeField
- type RiskSecurityAltIDField
- type RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField
- type RiskSecurityDescField
- type RiskSecurityExchangeField
- type RiskSecurityGroupField
- type RiskSecurityIDField
- type RiskSecurityIDSourceField
- type RiskSecuritySubTypeField
- type RiskSecurityTypeField
- type RiskSeniorityField
- type RiskSymbolField
- type RiskSymbolSfxField
- type RiskWarningLevelNameField
- type RiskWarningLevelPercentField
- type RndPxField
- type RootPartyIDField
- type RootPartyIDSourceField
- type RootPartyRoleField
- type RootPartySubIDField
- type RootPartySubIDTypeField
- type RoundLotField
- type RoundingDirectionField
- type RoundingModulusField
- type RoutingIDField
- type RoutingTypeField
- type RptSeqField
- type RptSysField
- type Rule80AField
- type ScopeField
- type SecDefStatusField
- type SecondaryAllocIDField
- type SecondaryClOrdIDField
- type SecondaryDisplayQtyField
- type SecondaryExecIDField
- type SecondaryFirmTradeIDField
- type SecondaryHighLimitPriceField
- type SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField
- type SecondaryLowLimitPriceField
- type SecondaryOrderIDField
- type SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField
- type SecondaryTradeIDField
- type SecondaryTradeReportIDField
- type SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField
- type SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField
- type SecondaryTrdTypeField
- type SecureDataField
- type SecureDataLenField
- type SecurityAltIDField
- type SecurityAltIDSourceField
- type SecurityDescField
- type SecurityExchangeField
- type SecurityGroupField
- type SecurityIDField
- type SecurityIDSourceField
- type SecurityListDescField
- type SecurityListIDField
- type SecurityListRefIDField
- type SecurityListRequestTypeField
- type SecurityListTypeField
- type SecurityListTypeSourceField
- type SecurityReportIDField
- type SecurityReqIDField
- type SecurityRequestResultField
- type SecurityRequestTypeField
- type SecurityResponseIDField
- type SecurityResponseTypeField
- type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField
- type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField
- type SecuritySettlAgentCodeField
- type SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField
- type SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField
- type SecuritySettlAgentNameField
- type SecurityStatusField
- type SecurityStatusReqIDField
- type SecuritySubTypeField
- type SecurityTradingEventField
- type SecurityTradingStatusField
- type SecurityTypeField
- type SecurityUpdateActionField
- type SecurityXMLField
- type SecurityXMLLenField
- type SecurityXMLSchemaField
- type SellVolumeField
- type SellerDaysField
- type SenderCompIDField
- type SenderLocationIDField
- type SenderSubIDField
- type SendingDateField
- type SendingTimeField
- type SeniorityField
- type SessionRejectReasonField
- type SessionStatusField
- type SettlBrkrCodeField
- type SettlCurrAmtField
- type SettlCurrBidFxRateField
- type SettlCurrFxRateCalcField
- type SettlCurrFxRateField
- type SettlCurrOfferFxRateField
- type SettlCurrencyField
- type SettlDate2Field
- type SettlDateField
- type SettlDeliveryTypeField
- type SettlDepositoryCodeField
- type SettlInstCodeField
- type SettlInstIDField
- type SettlInstModeField
- type SettlInstMsgIDField
- type SettlInstRefIDField
- type SettlInstReqIDField
- type SettlInstReqRejCodeField
- type SettlInstSourceField
- type SettlInstTransTypeField
- type SettlLocationField
- type SettlMethodField
- type SettlObligIDField
- type SettlObligModeField
- type SettlObligMsgIDField
- type SettlObligRefIDField
- type SettlObligSourceField
- type SettlObligTransTypeField
- type SettlPartyIDField
- type SettlPartyIDSourceField
- type SettlPartyRoleField
- type SettlPartySubIDField
- type SettlPartySubIDTypeField
- type SettlPriceField
- type SettlPriceTypeField
- type SettlSessIDField
- type SettlSessSubIDField
- type SettlTypeField
- type SettleOnOpenFlagField
- type SettlementCycleNoField
- type SettlmntTypField
- type SharedCommissionField
- type SharesField
- type ShortQtyField
- type ShortSaleReasonField
- type SideComplianceIDField
- type SideCurrencyField
- type SideExecIDField
- type SideField
- type SideFillStationCdField
- type SideGrossTradeAmtField
- type SideLastQtyField
- type SideLiquidityIndField
- type SideMultiLegReportingTypeField
- type SideQtyField
- type SideReasonCdField
- type SideSettlCurrencyField
- type SideTimeInForceField
- type SideTradeReportIDField
- type SideTrdRegTimestampField
- type SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField
- type SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField
- type SideTrdSubTypField
- type SideValue1Field
- type SideValue2Field
- type SideValueIndField
- type SignatureField
- type SignatureLengthField
- type SolicitedFlagField
- type SpreadField
- type SpreadToBenchmarkField
- type StandInstDbIDField
- type StandInstDbNameField
- type StandInstDbTypeField
- type StartCashField
- type StartDateField
- type StartMaturityMonthYearField
- type StartStrikePxRangeField
- type StartTickPriceRangeField
- type StateOrProvinceOfIssueField
- type StatsTypeField
- type StatusTextField
- type StatusValueField
- type StipulationTypeField
- type StipulationValueField
- type StopPxField
- type StrategyParameterNameField
- type StrategyParameterTypeField
- type StrategyParameterValueField
- type StreamAsgnAckTypeField
- type StreamAsgnRejReasonField
- type StreamAsgnReqIDField
- type StreamAsgnReqTypeField
- type StreamAsgnRptIDField
- type StreamAsgnTypeField
- type StrikeCurrencyField
- type StrikeExerciseStyleField
- type StrikeIncrementField
- type StrikeMultiplierField
- type StrikePriceBoundaryMethodField
- type StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField
- type StrikePriceDeterminationMethodField
- type StrikePriceField
- type StrikeRuleIDField
- type StrikeTimeField
- type StrikeValueField
- type SubjectField
- type SubscriptionRequestTypeField
- type SwapPointsField
- type SymbolField
- type SymbolSfxField
- type TZTransactTimeField
- type TargetCompIDField
- type TargetLocationIDField
- type TargetPartyIDField
- type TargetPartyIDSourceField
- type TargetPartyRoleField
- type TargetStrategyField
- type TargetStrategyParametersField
- type TargetStrategyPerformanceField
- type TargetSubIDField
- type TaxAdvantageTypeField
- type TerminationTypeField
- type TestMessageIndicatorField
- type TestReqIDField
- type TextField
- type ThresholdAmountField
- type TickDirectionField
- type TickIncrementField
- type TickRuleTypeField
- type TierCodeField
- type TimeBracketField
- type TimeInForceField
- type TimeToExpirationField
- type TimeUnitField
- type TotNoAccQuotesField
- type TotNoAllocsField
- type TotNoCxldQuotesField
- type TotNoFillsField
- type TotNoOrdersField
- type TotNoPartyListField
- type TotNoQuoteEntriesField
- type TotNoRejQuotesField
- type TotNoRelatedSymField
- type TotNoSecurityTypesField
- type TotNoStrikesField
- type TotNumAssignmentReportsField
- type TotNumReportsField
- type TotNumTradeReportsField
- type TotQuoteEntriesField
- type TotalAccruedInterestAmtField
- type TotalAffectedOrdersField
- type TotalNetValueField
- type TotalNumPosReportsField
- type TotalNumSecuritiesField
- type TotalNumSecurityTypesField
- type TotalTakedownField
- type TotalVolumeTradedDateField
- type TotalVolumeTradedField
- type TotalVolumeTradedTimeField
- type TradSesCloseTimeField
- type TradSesEndTimeField
- type TradSesEventField
- type TradSesMethodField
- type TradSesModeField
- type TradSesOpenTimeField
- type TradSesPreCloseTimeField
- type TradSesReqIDField
- type TradSesStartTimeField
- type TradSesStatusField
- type TradSesStatusRejReasonField
- type TradSesUpdateActionField
- type TradeAllocIndicatorField
- type TradeConditionField
- type TradeDateField
- type TradeHandlingInstrField
- type TradeIDField
- type TradeInputDeviceField
- type TradeInputSourceField
- type TradeLegRefIDField
- type TradeLinkIDField
- type TradeOriginationDateField
- type TradePublishIndicatorField
- type TradeReportIDField
- type TradeReportRefIDField
- type TradeReportRejectReasonField
- type TradeReportTransTypeField
- type TradeReportTypeField
- type TradeRequestIDField
- type TradeRequestResultField
- type TradeRequestStatusField
- type TradeRequestTypeField
- type TradeTypeField
- type TradeVolumeField
- type TradedFlatSwitchField
- type TradingCurrencyField
- type TradingReferencePriceField
- type TradingSessionDescField
- type TradingSessionIDField
- type TradingSessionSubIDField
- type TransBkdTimeField
- type TransactTimeField
- type TransferReasonField
- type TrdMatchIDField
- type TrdRegTimestampField
- type TrdRegTimestampOriginField
- type TrdRegTimestampTypeField
- type TrdRepIndicatorField
- type TrdRepPartyRoleField
- type TrdRptStatusField
- type TrdSubTypeField
- type TrdTypeField
- type TriggerActionField
- type TriggerNewPriceField
- type TriggerNewQtyField
- type TriggerOrderTypeField
- type TriggerPriceDirectionField
- type TriggerPriceField
- type TriggerPriceTypeField
- type TriggerPriceTypeScopeField
- type TriggerSecurityDescField
- type TriggerSecurityIDField
- type TriggerSecurityIDSourceField
- type TriggerSymbolField
- type TriggerTradingSessionIDField
- type TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField
- type TriggerTypeField
- type URLLinkField
- type UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField
- type UnderlyingAllocationPercentField
- type UnderlyingAttachmentPointField
- type UnderlyingCFICodeField
- type UnderlyingCPProgramField
- type UnderlyingCPRegTypeField
- type UnderlyingCapValueField
- type UnderlyingCashAmountField
- type UnderlyingCashTypeField
- type UnderlyingCollectAmountField
- type UnderlyingContractMultiplierField
- type UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField
- type UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField
- type UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField
- type UnderlyingCouponRateField
- type UnderlyingCreditRatingField
- type UnderlyingCurrencyField
- type UnderlyingCurrentValueField
- type UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField
- type UnderlyingDetachmentPointField
- type UnderlyingDirtyPriceField
- type UnderlyingEndPriceField
- type UnderlyingEndValueField
- type UnderlyingExerciseStyleField
- type UnderlyingFXRateCalcField
- type UnderlyingFXRateField
- type UnderlyingFactorField
- type UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField
- type UnderlyingIDSourceField
- type UnderlyingInstrRegistryField
- type UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField
- type UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField
- type UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField
- type UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField
- type UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField
- type UnderlyingIssueDateField
- type UnderlyingIssuerField
- type UnderlyingLastPxField
- type UnderlyingLastQtyField
- type UnderlyingLegCFICodeField
- type UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField
- type UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField
- type UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField
- type UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField
- type UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField
- type UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField
- type UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField
- type UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField
- type UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField
- type UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField
- type UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField
- type UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField
- type UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField
- type UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField
- type UnderlyingLegSymbolField
- type UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField
- type UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField
- type UnderlyingMaturityDateField
- type UnderlyingMaturityDayField
- type UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField
- type UnderlyingMaturityTimeField
- type UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField
- type UnderlyingOptAttributeField
- type UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField
- type UnderlyingPayAmountField
- type UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethodField
- type UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField
- type UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField
- type UnderlyingProductField
- type UnderlyingPutOrCallField
- type UnderlyingPxField
- type UnderlyingQtyField
- type UnderlyingRedemptionDateField
- type UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField
- type UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField
- type UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField
- type UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField
- type UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField
- type UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField
- type UnderlyingSecurityDescField
- type UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField
- type UnderlyingSecurityIDField
- type UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField
- type UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField
- type UnderlyingSecurityTypeField
- type UnderlyingSeniorityField
- type UnderlyingSettlMethodField
- type UnderlyingSettlPriceField
- type UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField
- type UnderlyingSettlementDateField
- type UnderlyingSettlementStatusField
- type UnderlyingSettlementTypeField
- type UnderlyingStartValueField
- type UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField
- type UnderlyingStipTypeField
- type UnderlyingStipValueField
- type UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField
- type UnderlyingStrikePriceField
- type UnderlyingSymbolField
- type UnderlyingSymbolSfxField
- type UnderlyingTimeUnitField
- type UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField
- type UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField
- type UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField
- type UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField
- type UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField
- type UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField
- type UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField
- type UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField
- type UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField
- type UnitOfMeasureField
- type UnitOfMeasureQtyField
- type UnsolicitedIndicatorField
- type UrgencyField
- type UserRequestIDField
- type UserRequestTypeField
- type UserStatusField
- type UserStatusTextField
- type UsernameField
- type ValidUntilTimeField
- type ValuationMethodField
- type ValueOfFuturesField
- type VenueTypeField
- type VolatilityField
- type WaveNoField
- type WorkingIndicatorField
- type WtAverageLiquidityField
- type XmlDataField
- type XmlDataLenField
- type YieldCalcDateField
- type YieldField
- type YieldRedemptionDateField
- type YieldRedemptionPriceField
- type YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField
- type YieldTypeField
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountField ¶
type AccountField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AccountField is a STRING field
func NewAccount ¶
func NewAccount(val string) AccountField
NewAccount returns a new AccountField initialized with val
func (AccountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AccountField) Value() string
type AccountTypeField ¶
type AccountTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AccountTypeField is a enum.AccountType field
func NewAccountType ¶
func NewAccountType(val enum.AccountType) AccountTypeField
func (AccountTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AccountTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AccountType (581)
func (AccountTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AccountTypeField) Value() enum.AccountType
type AccruedInterestAmtField ¶
type AccruedInterestAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AccruedInterestAmtField is a AMT field
func NewAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func NewAccruedInterestAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AccruedInterestAmtField
NewAccruedInterestAmt returns a new AccruedInterestAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (AccruedInterestAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f AccruedInterestAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AccruedInterestAmt (159)
func (AccruedInterestAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AccruedInterestAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AccruedInterestRateField ¶
type AccruedInterestRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AccruedInterestRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewAccruedInterestRate ¶
func NewAccruedInterestRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AccruedInterestRateField
NewAccruedInterestRate returns a new AccruedInterestRateField initialized with val and scale
func (AccruedInterestRateField) Tag ¶
func (f AccruedInterestRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AccruedInterestRate (158)
func (AccruedInterestRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AccruedInterestRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AcctIDSourceField ¶
type AcctIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AcctIDSourceField is a enum.AcctIDSource field
func NewAcctIDSource ¶
func NewAcctIDSource(val enum.AcctIDSource) AcctIDSourceField
func (AcctIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f AcctIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AcctIDSource (660)
func (AcctIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AcctIDSourceField) Value() enum.AcctIDSource
type AdjustmentField ¶
type AdjustmentField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AdjustmentField is a enum.Adjustment field
func NewAdjustment ¶
func NewAdjustment(val enum.Adjustment) AdjustmentField
func (AdjustmentField) Tag ¶
func (f AdjustmentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Adjustment (334)
func (AdjustmentField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AdjustmentField) Value() enum.Adjustment
type AdjustmentTypeField ¶
type AdjustmentTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AdjustmentTypeField is a enum.AdjustmentType field
func NewAdjustmentType ¶
func NewAdjustmentType(val enum.AdjustmentType) AdjustmentTypeField
func (AdjustmentTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AdjustmentTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AdjustmentType (718)
func (AdjustmentTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AdjustmentTypeField) Value() enum.AdjustmentType
type AdvIdField ¶
type AdvIdField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AdvIdField is a STRING field
func NewAdvId ¶
func NewAdvId(val string) AdvIdField
NewAdvId returns a new AdvIdField initialized with val
func (AdvIdField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AdvIdField) Value() string
type AdvRefIDField ¶
type AdvRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AdvRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewAdvRefID ¶
func NewAdvRefID(val string) AdvRefIDField
NewAdvRefID returns a new AdvRefIDField initialized with val
func (AdvRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AdvRefIDField) Value() string
type AdvSideField ¶
type AdvSideField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AdvSideField is a enum.AdvSide field
func NewAdvSide ¶
func NewAdvSide(val enum.AdvSide) AdvSideField
func (AdvSideField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AdvSideField) Value() enum.AdvSide
type AdvTransTypeField ¶
type AdvTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AdvTransTypeField is a enum.AdvTransType field
func NewAdvTransType ¶
func NewAdvTransType(val enum.AdvTransType) AdvTransTypeField
func (AdvTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AdvTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AdvTransType (5)
func (AdvTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AdvTransTypeField) Value() enum.AdvTransType
type AffectedOrderIDField ¶
type AffectedOrderIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AffectedOrderIDField is a STRING field
func NewAffectedOrderID ¶
func NewAffectedOrderID(val string) AffectedOrderIDField
NewAffectedOrderID returns a new AffectedOrderIDField initialized with val
func (AffectedOrderIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AffectedOrderIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AffectedOrderID (535)
func (AffectedOrderIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AffectedOrderIDField) Value() string
type AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField ¶
type AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField is a STRING field
func NewAffectedSecondaryOrderID ¶
func NewAffectedSecondaryOrderID(val string) AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField
NewAffectedSecondaryOrderID returns a new AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField initialized with val
func (AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AffectedSecondaryOrderID (536)
func (AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AffectedSecondaryOrderIDField) Value() string
type AffirmStatusField ¶
type AffirmStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AffirmStatusField is a enum.AffirmStatus field
func NewAffirmStatus ¶
func NewAffirmStatus(val enum.AffirmStatus) AffirmStatusField
func (AffirmStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f AffirmStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AffirmStatus (940)
func (AffirmStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AffirmStatusField) Value() enum.AffirmStatus
type AggregatedBookField ¶
type AggregatedBookField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
AggregatedBookField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewAggregatedBook ¶
func NewAggregatedBook(val bool) AggregatedBookField
NewAggregatedBook returns a new AggregatedBookField initialized with val
func (AggregatedBookField) Tag ¶
func (f AggregatedBookField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AggregatedBook (266)
func (AggregatedBookField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AggregatedBookField) Value() bool
type AggressorIndicatorField ¶
type AggressorIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
AggressorIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewAggressorIndicator ¶
func NewAggressorIndicator(val bool) AggressorIndicatorField
NewAggressorIndicator returns a new AggressorIndicatorField initialized with val
func (AggressorIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f AggressorIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AggressorIndicator (1057)
func (AggressorIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AggressorIndicatorField) Value() bool
type AgreementCurrencyField ¶
type AgreementCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AgreementCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewAgreementCurrency ¶
func NewAgreementCurrency(val string) AgreementCurrencyField
NewAgreementCurrency returns a new AgreementCurrencyField initialized with val
func (AgreementCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f AgreementCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AgreementCurrency (918)
func (AgreementCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AgreementCurrencyField) Value() string
type AgreementDateField ¶
type AgreementDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AgreementDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewAgreementDate ¶
func NewAgreementDate(val string) AgreementDateField
NewAgreementDate returns a new AgreementDateField initialized with val
func (AgreementDateField) Tag ¶
func (f AgreementDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AgreementDate (915)
func (AgreementDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AgreementDateField) Value() string
type AgreementDescField ¶
type AgreementDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AgreementDescField is a STRING field
func NewAgreementDesc ¶
func NewAgreementDesc(val string) AgreementDescField
NewAgreementDesc returns a new AgreementDescField initialized with val
func (AgreementDescField) Tag ¶
func (f AgreementDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AgreementDesc (913)
func (AgreementDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AgreementDescField) Value() string
type AgreementIDField ¶
type AgreementIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AgreementIDField is a STRING field
func NewAgreementID ¶
func NewAgreementID(val string) AgreementIDField
NewAgreementID returns a new AgreementIDField initialized with val
func (AgreementIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AgreementIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AgreementID (914)
func (AgreementIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AgreementIDField) Value() string
type AllocAccountField ¶
type AllocAccountField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocAccountField is a STRING field
func NewAllocAccount ¶
func NewAllocAccount(val string) AllocAccountField
NewAllocAccount returns a new AllocAccountField initialized with val
func (AllocAccountField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocAccountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocAccount (79)
func (AllocAccountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocAccountField) Value() string
type AllocAccountTypeField ¶
type AllocAccountTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocAccountTypeField is a enum.AllocAccountType field
func NewAllocAccountType ¶
func NewAllocAccountType(val enum.AllocAccountType) AllocAccountTypeField
func (AllocAccountTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocAccountTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocAccountType (798)
func (AllocAccountTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocAccountTypeField) Value() enum.AllocAccountType
type AllocAccruedInterestAmtField ¶
type AllocAccruedInterestAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocAccruedInterestAmtField is a AMT field
func NewAllocAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func NewAllocAccruedInterestAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocAccruedInterestAmtField
NewAllocAccruedInterestAmt returns a new AllocAccruedInterestAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (AllocAccruedInterestAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocAccruedInterestAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocAccruedInterestAmt (742)
func (AllocAccruedInterestAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocAccruedInterestAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocAcctIDSourceField ¶
type AllocAcctIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
AllocAcctIDSourceField is a INT field
func NewAllocAcctIDSource ¶
func NewAllocAcctIDSource(val int) AllocAcctIDSourceField
NewAllocAcctIDSource returns a new AllocAcctIDSourceField initialized with val
func (AllocAcctIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocAcctIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocAcctIDSource (661)
func (AllocAcctIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocAcctIDSourceField) Value() int
type AllocAvgPxField ¶
type AllocAvgPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocAvgPxField is a PRICE field
func NewAllocAvgPx ¶
func NewAllocAvgPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocAvgPxField
NewAllocAvgPx returns a new AllocAvgPxField initialized with val and scale
func (AllocAvgPxField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocAvgPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocAvgPx (153)
func (AllocAvgPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocAvgPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocCancReplaceReasonField ¶
type AllocCancReplaceReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocCancReplaceReasonField is a enum.AllocCancReplaceReason field
func NewAllocCancReplaceReason ¶
func NewAllocCancReplaceReason(val enum.AllocCancReplaceReason) AllocCancReplaceReasonField
func (AllocCancReplaceReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocCancReplaceReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocCancReplaceReason (796)
func (AllocCancReplaceReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocCancReplaceReasonField) Value() enum.AllocCancReplaceReason
type AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField ¶
type AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField is a STRING field
func NewAllocClearingFeeIndicator ¶
func NewAllocClearingFeeIndicator(val string) AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField
NewAllocClearingFeeIndicator returns a new AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField initialized with val
func (AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocClearingFeeIndicator (1136)
func (AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocClearingFeeIndicatorField) Value() string
type AllocCustomerCapacityField ¶
type AllocCustomerCapacityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocCustomerCapacityField is a STRING field
func NewAllocCustomerCapacity ¶
func NewAllocCustomerCapacity(val string) AllocCustomerCapacityField
NewAllocCustomerCapacity returns a new AllocCustomerCapacityField initialized with val
func (AllocCustomerCapacityField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocCustomerCapacityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocCustomerCapacity (993)
func (AllocCustomerCapacityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocCustomerCapacityField) Value() string
type AllocHandlInstField ¶
type AllocHandlInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocHandlInstField is a enum.AllocHandlInst field
func NewAllocHandlInst ¶
func NewAllocHandlInst(val enum.AllocHandlInst) AllocHandlInstField
func (AllocHandlInstField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocHandlInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocHandlInst (209)
func (AllocHandlInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocHandlInstField) Value() enum.AllocHandlInst
type AllocIDField ¶
type AllocIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocIDField is a STRING field
func NewAllocID ¶
func NewAllocID(val string) AllocIDField
NewAllocID returns a new AllocIDField initialized with val
func (AllocIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocIDField) Value() string
type AllocInterestAtMaturityField ¶
type AllocInterestAtMaturityField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocInterestAtMaturityField is a AMT field
func NewAllocInterestAtMaturity ¶
func NewAllocInterestAtMaturity(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocInterestAtMaturityField
NewAllocInterestAtMaturity returns a new AllocInterestAtMaturityField initialized with val and scale
func (AllocInterestAtMaturityField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocInterestAtMaturityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocInterestAtMaturity (741)
func (AllocInterestAtMaturityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocInterestAtMaturityField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocIntermedReqTypeField ¶
type AllocIntermedReqTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocIntermedReqTypeField is a enum.AllocIntermedReqType field
func NewAllocIntermedReqType ¶
func NewAllocIntermedReqType(val enum.AllocIntermedReqType) AllocIntermedReqTypeField
func (AllocIntermedReqTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocIntermedReqTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocIntermedReqType (808)
func (AllocIntermedReqTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocIntermedReqTypeField) Value() enum.AllocIntermedReqType
type AllocLinkIDField ¶
type AllocLinkIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocLinkIDField is a STRING field
func NewAllocLinkID ¶
func NewAllocLinkID(val string) AllocLinkIDField
NewAllocLinkID returns a new AllocLinkIDField initialized with val
func (AllocLinkIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocLinkIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocLinkID (196)
func (AllocLinkIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocLinkIDField) Value() string
type AllocLinkTypeField ¶
type AllocLinkTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocLinkTypeField is a enum.AllocLinkType field
func NewAllocLinkType ¶
func NewAllocLinkType(val enum.AllocLinkType) AllocLinkTypeField
func (AllocLinkTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocLinkTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocLinkType (197)
func (AllocLinkTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocLinkTypeField) Value() enum.AllocLinkType
type AllocMethodField ¶
type AllocMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocMethodField is a enum.AllocMethod field
func NewAllocMethod ¶
func NewAllocMethod(val enum.AllocMethod) AllocMethodField
func (AllocMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocMethod (1002)
func (AllocMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocMethodField) Value() enum.AllocMethod
type AllocNetMoneyField ¶
type AllocNetMoneyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocNetMoneyField is a AMT field
func NewAllocNetMoney ¶
func NewAllocNetMoney(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocNetMoneyField
NewAllocNetMoney returns a new AllocNetMoneyField initialized with val and scale
func (AllocNetMoneyField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocNetMoneyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocNetMoney (154)
func (AllocNetMoneyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocNetMoneyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocNoOrdersTypeField ¶
type AllocNoOrdersTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocNoOrdersTypeField is a enum.AllocNoOrdersType field
func NewAllocNoOrdersType ¶
func NewAllocNoOrdersType(val enum.AllocNoOrdersType) AllocNoOrdersTypeField
func (AllocNoOrdersTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocNoOrdersTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocNoOrdersType (857)
func (AllocNoOrdersTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocNoOrdersTypeField) Value() enum.AllocNoOrdersType
type AllocPositionEffectField ¶
type AllocPositionEffectField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocPositionEffectField is a enum.AllocPositionEffect field
func NewAllocPositionEffect ¶
func NewAllocPositionEffect(val enum.AllocPositionEffect) AllocPositionEffectField
func (AllocPositionEffectField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocPositionEffectField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocPositionEffect (1047)
func (AllocPositionEffectField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocPositionEffectField) Value() enum.AllocPositionEffect
type AllocPriceField ¶
type AllocPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewAllocPrice ¶
func NewAllocPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocPriceField
NewAllocPrice returns a new AllocPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (AllocPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocPrice (366)
func (AllocPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocQtyField ¶
type AllocQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocQtyField is a QTY field
func NewAllocQty ¶
func NewAllocQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocQtyField
NewAllocQty returns a new AllocQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (AllocQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocRejCodeField ¶
type AllocRejCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocRejCodeField is a enum.AllocRejCode field
func NewAllocRejCode ¶
func NewAllocRejCode(val enum.AllocRejCode) AllocRejCodeField
func (AllocRejCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocRejCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocRejCode (88)
func (AllocRejCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocRejCodeField) Value() enum.AllocRejCode
type AllocReportIDField ¶
type AllocReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocReportIDField is a STRING field
func NewAllocReportID ¶
func NewAllocReportID(val string) AllocReportIDField
NewAllocReportID returns a new AllocReportIDField initialized with val
func (AllocReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocReportID (755)
func (AllocReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocReportIDField) Value() string
type AllocReportRefIDField ¶
type AllocReportRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocReportRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewAllocReportRefID ¶
func NewAllocReportRefID(val string) AllocReportRefIDField
NewAllocReportRefID returns a new AllocReportRefIDField initialized with val
func (AllocReportRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocReportRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocReportRefID (795)
func (AllocReportRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocReportRefIDField) Value() string
type AllocReportTypeField ¶
type AllocReportTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocReportTypeField is a enum.AllocReportType field
func NewAllocReportType ¶
func NewAllocReportType(val enum.AllocReportType) AllocReportTypeField
func (AllocReportTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocReportTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocReportType (794)
func (AllocReportTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocReportTypeField) Value() enum.AllocReportType
type AllocSettlCurrAmtField ¶
type AllocSettlCurrAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocSettlCurrAmtField is a AMT field
func NewAllocSettlCurrAmt ¶
func NewAllocSettlCurrAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocSettlCurrAmtField
NewAllocSettlCurrAmt returns a new AllocSettlCurrAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (AllocSettlCurrAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocSettlCurrAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocSettlCurrAmt (737)
func (AllocSettlCurrAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocSettlCurrAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocSettlCurrencyField ¶
type AllocSettlCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocSettlCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewAllocSettlCurrency ¶
func NewAllocSettlCurrency(val string) AllocSettlCurrencyField
NewAllocSettlCurrency returns a new AllocSettlCurrencyField initialized with val
func (AllocSettlCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocSettlCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocSettlCurrency (736)
func (AllocSettlCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocSettlCurrencyField) Value() string
type AllocSettlInstTypeField ¶
type AllocSettlInstTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocSettlInstTypeField is a enum.AllocSettlInstType field
func NewAllocSettlInstType ¶
func NewAllocSettlInstType(val enum.AllocSettlInstType) AllocSettlInstTypeField
func (AllocSettlInstTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocSettlInstTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocSettlInstType (780)
func (AllocSettlInstTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocSettlInstTypeField) Value() enum.AllocSettlInstType
type AllocSharesField ¶
AllocSharesField is a QTY field
func NewAllocShares ¶
func NewAllocShares(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocSharesField
NewAllocShares returns a new AllocSharesField initialized with val and scale
func (AllocSharesField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocSharesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocShares (80)
func (AllocSharesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocSharesField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocStatusField ¶
type AllocStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocStatusField is a enum.AllocStatus field
func NewAllocStatus ¶
func NewAllocStatus(val enum.AllocStatus) AllocStatusField
func (AllocStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocStatus (87)
func (AllocStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocStatusField) Value() enum.AllocStatus
type AllocTextField ¶
type AllocTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocTextField is a STRING field
func NewAllocText ¶
func NewAllocText(val string) AllocTextField
NewAllocText returns a new AllocTextField initialized with val
func (AllocTextField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocText (161)
func (AllocTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocTextField) Value() string
type AllocTransTypeField ¶
type AllocTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocTransTypeField is a enum.AllocTransType field
func NewAllocTransType ¶
func NewAllocTransType(val enum.AllocTransType) AllocTransTypeField
func (AllocTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocTransType (71)
func (AllocTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocTransTypeField) Value() enum.AllocTransType
type AllocTypeField ¶
type AllocTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllocTypeField is a enum.AllocType field
func NewAllocType ¶
func NewAllocType(val enum.AllocType) AllocTypeField
func (AllocTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocType (626)
func (AllocTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllocTypeField) Value() enum.AllocType
type AllowableOneSidednessCurrField ¶
type AllowableOneSidednessCurrField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AllowableOneSidednessCurrField is a CURRENCY field
func NewAllowableOneSidednessCurr ¶
func NewAllowableOneSidednessCurr(val string) AllowableOneSidednessCurrField
NewAllowableOneSidednessCurr returns a new AllowableOneSidednessCurrField initialized with val
func (AllowableOneSidednessCurrField) Tag ¶
func (f AllowableOneSidednessCurrField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllowableOneSidednessCurr (767)
func (AllowableOneSidednessCurrField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllowableOneSidednessCurrField) Value() string
type AllowableOneSidednessPctField ¶
type AllowableOneSidednessPctField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllowableOneSidednessPctField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewAllowableOneSidednessPct ¶
func NewAllowableOneSidednessPct(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllowableOneSidednessPctField
NewAllowableOneSidednessPct returns a new AllowableOneSidednessPctField initialized with val and scale
func (AllowableOneSidednessPctField) Tag ¶
func (f AllowableOneSidednessPctField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllowableOneSidednessPct (765)
func (AllowableOneSidednessPctField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllowableOneSidednessPctField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllowableOneSidednessValueField ¶
type AllowableOneSidednessValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllowableOneSidednessValueField is a AMT field
func NewAllowableOneSidednessValue ¶
func NewAllowableOneSidednessValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllowableOneSidednessValueField
NewAllowableOneSidednessValue returns a new AllowableOneSidednessValueField initialized with val and scale
func (AllowableOneSidednessValueField) Tag ¶
func (f AllowableOneSidednessValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllowableOneSidednessValue (766)
func (AllowableOneSidednessValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AllowableOneSidednessValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AltMDSourceIDField ¶
type AltMDSourceIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AltMDSourceIDField is a STRING field
func NewAltMDSourceID ¶
func NewAltMDSourceID(val string) AltMDSourceIDField
NewAltMDSourceID returns a new AltMDSourceIDField initialized with val
func (AltMDSourceIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AltMDSourceIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AltMDSourceID (817)
func (AltMDSourceIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AltMDSourceIDField) Value() string
type ApplBegSeqNumField ¶
type ApplBegSeqNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ApplBegSeqNumField is a SEQNUM field
func NewApplBegSeqNum ¶
func NewApplBegSeqNum(val int) ApplBegSeqNumField
NewApplBegSeqNum returns a new ApplBegSeqNumField initialized with val
func (ApplBegSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplBegSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplBegSeqNum (1182)
func (ApplBegSeqNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplBegSeqNumField) Value() int
type ApplEndSeqNumField ¶
type ApplEndSeqNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ApplEndSeqNumField is a SEQNUM field
func NewApplEndSeqNum ¶
func NewApplEndSeqNum(val int) ApplEndSeqNumField
NewApplEndSeqNum returns a new ApplEndSeqNumField initialized with val
func (ApplEndSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplEndSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplEndSeqNum (1183)
func (ApplEndSeqNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplEndSeqNumField) Value() int
type ApplExtIDField ¶
type ApplExtIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ApplExtIDField is a INT field
func NewApplExtID ¶
func NewApplExtID(val int) ApplExtIDField
NewApplExtID returns a new ApplExtIDField initialized with val
func (ApplExtIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplExtIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplExtID (1156)
func (ApplExtIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplExtIDField) Value() int
type ApplIDField ¶
type ApplIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplIDField is a STRING field
func NewApplID ¶
func NewApplID(val string) ApplIDField
NewApplID returns a new ApplIDField initialized with val
func (ApplIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplIDField) Value() string
type ApplLastSeqNumField ¶
type ApplLastSeqNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ApplLastSeqNumField is a SEQNUM field
func NewApplLastSeqNum ¶
func NewApplLastSeqNum(val int) ApplLastSeqNumField
NewApplLastSeqNum returns a new ApplLastSeqNumField initialized with val
func (ApplLastSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplLastSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplLastSeqNum (1350)
func (ApplLastSeqNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplLastSeqNumField) Value() int
type ApplNewSeqNumField ¶
type ApplNewSeqNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ApplNewSeqNumField is a SEQNUM field
func NewApplNewSeqNum ¶
func NewApplNewSeqNum(val int) ApplNewSeqNumField
NewApplNewSeqNum returns a new ApplNewSeqNumField initialized with val
func (ApplNewSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplNewSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplNewSeqNum (1399)
func (ApplNewSeqNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplNewSeqNumField) Value() int
type ApplQueueActionField ¶
type ApplQueueActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplQueueActionField is a enum.ApplQueueAction field
func NewApplQueueAction ¶
func NewApplQueueAction(val enum.ApplQueueAction) ApplQueueActionField
func (ApplQueueActionField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplQueueActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplQueueAction (815)
func (ApplQueueActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplQueueActionField) Value() enum.ApplQueueAction
type ApplQueueDepthField ¶
type ApplQueueDepthField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ApplQueueDepthField is a INT field
func NewApplQueueDepth ¶
func NewApplQueueDepth(val int) ApplQueueDepthField
NewApplQueueDepth returns a new ApplQueueDepthField initialized with val
func (ApplQueueDepthField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplQueueDepthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplQueueDepth (813)
func (ApplQueueDepthField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplQueueDepthField) Value() int
type ApplQueueMaxField ¶
type ApplQueueMaxField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ApplQueueMaxField is a INT field
func NewApplQueueMax ¶
func NewApplQueueMax(val int) ApplQueueMaxField
NewApplQueueMax returns a new ApplQueueMaxField initialized with val
func (ApplQueueMaxField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplQueueMaxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplQueueMax (812)
func (ApplQueueMaxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplQueueMaxField) Value() int
type ApplQueueResolutionField ¶
type ApplQueueResolutionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplQueueResolutionField is a enum.ApplQueueResolution field
func NewApplQueueResolution ¶
func NewApplQueueResolution(val enum.ApplQueueResolution) ApplQueueResolutionField
func (ApplQueueResolutionField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplQueueResolutionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplQueueResolution (814)
func (ApplQueueResolutionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplQueueResolutionField) Value() enum.ApplQueueResolution
type ApplReportIDField ¶
type ApplReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplReportIDField is a STRING field
func NewApplReportID ¶
func NewApplReportID(val string) ApplReportIDField
NewApplReportID returns a new ApplReportIDField initialized with val
func (ApplReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplReportID (1356)
func (ApplReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplReportIDField) Value() string
type ApplReportTypeField ¶
type ApplReportTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplReportTypeField is a enum.ApplReportType field
func NewApplReportType ¶
func NewApplReportType(val enum.ApplReportType) ApplReportTypeField
func (ApplReportTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplReportTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplReportType (1426)
func (ApplReportTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplReportTypeField) Value() enum.ApplReportType
type ApplReqIDField ¶
type ApplReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewApplReqID ¶
func NewApplReqID(val string) ApplReqIDField
NewApplReqID returns a new ApplReqIDField initialized with val
func (ApplReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplReqID (1346)
func (ApplReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplReqIDField) Value() string
type ApplReqTypeField ¶
type ApplReqTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplReqTypeField is a enum.ApplReqType field
func NewApplReqType ¶
func NewApplReqType(val enum.ApplReqType) ApplReqTypeField
func (ApplReqTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplReqTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplReqType (1347)
func (ApplReqTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplReqTypeField) Value() enum.ApplReqType
type ApplResendFlagField ¶
type ApplResendFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ApplResendFlagField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewApplResendFlag ¶
func NewApplResendFlag(val bool) ApplResendFlagField
NewApplResendFlag returns a new ApplResendFlagField initialized with val
func (ApplResendFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplResendFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplResendFlag (1352)
func (ApplResendFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplResendFlagField) Value() bool
type ApplResponseErrorField ¶
type ApplResponseErrorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplResponseErrorField is a enum.ApplResponseError field
func NewApplResponseError ¶
func NewApplResponseError(val enum.ApplResponseError) ApplResponseErrorField
func (ApplResponseErrorField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplResponseErrorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplResponseError (1354)
func (ApplResponseErrorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplResponseErrorField) Value() enum.ApplResponseError
type ApplResponseIDField ¶
type ApplResponseIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplResponseIDField is a STRING field
func NewApplResponseID ¶
func NewApplResponseID(val string) ApplResponseIDField
NewApplResponseID returns a new ApplResponseIDField initialized with val
func (ApplResponseIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplResponseIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplResponseID (1353)
func (ApplResponseIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplResponseIDField) Value() string
type ApplResponseTypeField ¶
type ApplResponseTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplResponseTypeField is a enum.ApplResponseType field
func NewApplResponseType ¶
func NewApplResponseType(val enum.ApplResponseType) ApplResponseTypeField
func (ApplResponseTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplResponseTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplResponseType (1348)
func (ApplResponseTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplResponseTypeField) Value() enum.ApplResponseType
type ApplSeqNumField ¶
type ApplSeqNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ApplSeqNumField is a SEQNUM field
func NewApplSeqNum ¶
func NewApplSeqNum(val int) ApplSeqNumField
NewApplSeqNum returns a new ApplSeqNumField initialized with val
func (ApplSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplSeqNum (1181)
func (ApplSeqNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplSeqNumField) Value() int
type ApplTotalMessageCountField ¶
type ApplTotalMessageCountField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ApplTotalMessageCountField is a INT field
func NewApplTotalMessageCount ¶
func NewApplTotalMessageCount(val int) ApplTotalMessageCountField
NewApplTotalMessageCount returns a new ApplTotalMessageCountField initialized with val
func (ApplTotalMessageCountField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplTotalMessageCountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplTotalMessageCount (1349)
func (ApplTotalMessageCountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplTotalMessageCountField) Value() int
type ApplVerIDField ¶
type ApplVerIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ApplVerIDField is a enum.ApplVerID field
func NewApplVerID ¶
func NewApplVerID(val enum.ApplVerID) ApplVerIDField
func (ApplVerIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ApplVerIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ApplVerID (1128)
func (ApplVerIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ApplVerIDField) Value() enum.ApplVerID
type AsOfIndicatorField ¶
type AsOfIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AsOfIndicatorField is a enum.AsOfIndicator field
func NewAsOfIndicator ¶
func NewAsOfIndicator(val enum.AsOfIndicator) AsOfIndicatorField
func (AsOfIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f AsOfIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AsOfIndicator (1015)
func (AsOfIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AsOfIndicatorField) Value() enum.AsOfIndicator
type AsgnReqIDField ¶
type AsgnReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AsgnReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewAsgnReqID ¶
func NewAsgnReqID(val string) AsgnReqIDField
NewAsgnReqID returns a new AsgnReqIDField initialized with val
func (AsgnReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AsgnReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AsgnReqID (831)
func (AsgnReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AsgnReqIDField) Value() string
type AsgnRptIDField ¶
type AsgnRptIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AsgnRptIDField is a STRING field
func NewAsgnRptID ¶
func NewAsgnRptID(val string) AsgnRptIDField
NewAsgnRptID returns a new AsgnRptIDField initialized with val
func (AsgnRptIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AsgnRptIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AsgnRptID (833)
func (AsgnRptIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AsgnRptIDField) Value() string
type AssignmentMethodField ¶
type AssignmentMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AssignmentMethodField is a enum.AssignmentMethod field
func NewAssignmentMethod ¶
func NewAssignmentMethod(val enum.AssignmentMethod) AssignmentMethodField
func (AssignmentMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f AssignmentMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AssignmentMethod (744)
func (AssignmentMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AssignmentMethodField) Value() enum.AssignmentMethod
type AssignmentUnitField ¶
type AssignmentUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AssignmentUnitField is a QTY field
func NewAssignmentUnit ¶
func NewAssignmentUnit(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AssignmentUnitField
NewAssignmentUnit returns a new AssignmentUnitField initialized with val and scale
func (AssignmentUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f AssignmentUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AssignmentUnit (745)
func (AssignmentUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AssignmentUnitField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AttachmentPointField ¶
type AttachmentPointField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AttachmentPointField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewAttachmentPoint ¶
func NewAttachmentPoint(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AttachmentPointField
NewAttachmentPoint returns a new AttachmentPointField initialized with val and scale
func (AttachmentPointField) Tag ¶
func (f AttachmentPointField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AttachmentPoint (1457)
func (AttachmentPointField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AttachmentPointField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AutoAcceptIndicatorField ¶
type AutoAcceptIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
AutoAcceptIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewAutoAcceptIndicator ¶
func NewAutoAcceptIndicator(val bool) AutoAcceptIndicatorField
NewAutoAcceptIndicator returns a new AutoAcceptIndicatorField initialized with val
func (AutoAcceptIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f AutoAcceptIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AutoAcceptIndicator (754)
func (AutoAcceptIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AutoAcceptIndicatorField) Value() bool
type AvgParPxField ¶
type AvgParPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AvgParPxField is a PRICE field
func NewAvgParPx ¶
func NewAvgParPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AvgParPxField
NewAvgParPx returns a new AvgParPxField initialized with val and scale
func (AvgParPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AvgParPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AvgPrxPrecisionField ¶
type AvgPrxPrecisionField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
AvgPrxPrecisionField is a INT field
func NewAvgPrxPrecision ¶
func NewAvgPrxPrecision(val int) AvgPrxPrecisionField
NewAvgPrxPrecision returns a new AvgPrxPrecisionField initialized with val
func (AvgPrxPrecisionField) Tag ¶
func (f AvgPrxPrecisionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AvgPrxPrecision (74)
func (AvgPrxPrecisionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AvgPrxPrecisionField) Value() int
type AvgPxField ¶
type AvgPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AvgPxField is a PRICE field
func NewAvgPx ¶
func NewAvgPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AvgPxField
NewAvgPx returns a new AvgPxField initialized with val and scale
func (AvgPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AvgPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AvgPxIndicatorField ¶
type AvgPxIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
AvgPxIndicatorField is a enum.AvgPxIndicator field
func NewAvgPxIndicator ¶
func NewAvgPxIndicator(val enum.AvgPxIndicator) AvgPxIndicatorField
func (AvgPxIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f AvgPxIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AvgPxIndicator (819)
func (AvgPxIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AvgPxIndicatorField) Value() enum.AvgPxIndicator
type AvgPxPrecisionField ¶
type AvgPxPrecisionField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
AvgPxPrecisionField is a INT field
func NewAvgPxPrecision ¶
func NewAvgPxPrecision(val int) AvgPxPrecisionField
NewAvgPxPrecision returns a new AvgPxPrecisionField initialized with val
func (AvgPxPrecisionField) Tag ¶
func (f AvgPxPrecisionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AvgPxPrecision (74)
func (AvgPxPrecisionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f AvgPxPrecisionField) Value() int
type BasisFeatureDateField ¶
type BasisFeatureDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BasisFeatureDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewBasisFeatureDate ¶
func NewBasisFeatureDate(val string) BasisFeatureDateField
NewBasisFeatureDate returns a new BasisFeatureDateField initialized with val
func (BasisFeatureDateField) Tag ¶
func (f BasisFeatureDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BasisFeatureDate (259)
func (BasisFeatureDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BasisFeatureDateField) Value() string
type BasisFeaturePriceField ¶
type BasisFeaturePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BasisFeaturePriceField is a PRICE field
func NewBasisFeaturePrice ¶
func NewBasisFeaturePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BasisFeaturePriceField
NewBasisFeaturePrice returns a new BasisFeaturePriceField initialized with val and scale
func (BasisFeaturePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f BasisFeaturePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BasisFeaturePrice (260)
func (BasisFeaturePriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BasisFeaturePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BasisPxTypeField ¶
type BasisPxTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BasisPxTypeField is a enum.BasisPxType field
func NewBasisPxType ¶
func NewBasisPxType(val enum.BasisPxType) BasisPxTypeField
func (BasisPxTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f BasisPxTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BasisPxType (419)
func (BasisPxTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BasisPxTypeField) Value() enum.BasisPxType
type BeginSeqNoField ¶
type BeginSeqNoField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
BeginSeqNoField is a SEQNUM field
func NewBeginSeqNo ¶
func NewBeginSeqNo(val int) BeginSeqNoField
NewBeginSeqNo returns a new BeginSeqNoField initialized with val
func (BeginSeqNoField) Tag ¶
func (f BeginSeqNoField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BeginSeqNo (7)
func (BeginSeqNoField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BeginSeqNoField) Value() int
type BeginStringField ¶
type BeginStringField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BeginStringField is a STRING field
func NewBeginString ¶
func NewBeginString(val string) BeginStringField
NewBeginString returns a new BeginStringField initialized with val
func (BeginStringField) Tag ¶
func (f BeginStringField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BeginString (8)
func (BeginStringField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BeginStringField) Value() string
type BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField ¶
type BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewBenchmarkCurveCurrency ¶
func NewBenchmarkCurveCurrency(val string) BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField
NewBenchmarkCurveCurrency returns a new BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField initialized with val
func (BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BenchmarkCurveCurrency (220)
func (BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BenchmarkCurveCurrencyField) Value() string
type BenchmarkCurveNameField ¶
type BenchmarkCurveNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BenchmarkCurveNameField is a enum.BenchmarkCurveName field
func NewBenchmarkCurveName ¶
func NewBenchmarkCurveName(val enum.BenchmarkCurveName) BenchmarkCurveNameField
func (BenchmarkCurveNameField) Tag ¶
func (f BenchmarkCurveNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BenchmarkCurveName (221)
func (BenchmarkCurveNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BenchmarkCurveNameField) Value() enum.BenchmarkCurveName
type BenchmarkCurvePointField ¶
type BenchmarkCurvePointField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BenchmarkCurvePointField is a STRING field
func NewBenchmarkCurvePoint ¶
func NewBenchmarkCurvePoint(val string) BenchmarkCurvePointField
NewBenchmarkCurvePoint returns a new BenchmarkCurvePointField initialized with val
func (BenchmarkCurvePointField) Tag ¶
func (f BenchmarkCurvePointField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BenchmarkCurvePoint (222)
func (BenchmarkCurvePointField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BenchmarkCurvePointField) Value() string
type BenchmarkField ¶
type BenchmarkField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BenchmarkField is a enum.Benchmark field
func NewBenchmark ¶
func NewBenchmark(val enum.Benchmark) BenchmarkField
func (BenchmarkField) Tag ¶
func (f BenchmarkField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Benchmark (219)
func (BenchmarkField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BenchmarkField) Value() enum.Benchmark
type BenchmarkPriceField ¶
type BenchmarkPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BenchmarkPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewBenchmarkPrice ¶
func NewBenchmarkPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BenchmarkPriceField
NewBenchmarkPrice returns a new BenchmarkPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (BenchmarkPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f BenchmarkPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BenchmarkPrice (662)
func (BenchmarkPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BenchmarkPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BenchmarkPriceTypeField ¶
type BenchmarkPriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
BenchmarkPriceTypeField is a INT field
func NewBenchmarkPriceType ¶
func NewBenchmarkPriceType(val int) BenchmarkPriceTypeField
NewBenchmarkPriceType returns a new BenchmarkPriceTypeField initialized with val
func (BenchmarkPriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f BenchmarkPriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BenchmarkPriceType (663)
func (BenchmarkPriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BenchmarkPriceTypeField) Value() int
type BenchmarkSecurityIDField ¶
type BenchmarkSecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BenchmarkSecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewBenchmarkSecurityID ¶
func NewBenchmarkSecurityID(val string) BenchmarkSecurityIDField
NewBenchmarkSecurityID returns a new BenchmarkSecurityIDField initialized with val
func (BenchmarkSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f BenchmarkSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BenchmarkSecurityID (699)
func (BenchmarkSecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BenchmarkSecurityIDField) Value() string
type BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField ¶
type BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewBenchmarkSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewBenchmarkSecurityIDSource(val string) BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField
NewBenchmarkSecurityIDSource returns a new BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField initialized with val
func (BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BenchmarkSecurityIDSource (761)
func (BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BenchmarkSecurityIDSourceField) Value() string
type BidDescriptorField ¶
type BidDescriptorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BidDescriptorField is a STRING field
func NewBidDescriptor ¶
func NewBidDescriptor(val string) BidDescriptorField
NewBidDescriptor returns a new BidDescriptorField initialized with val
func (BidDescriptorField) Tag ¶
func (f BidDescriptorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidDescriptor (400)
func (BidDescriptorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidDescriptorField) Value() string
type BidDescriptorTypeField ¶
type BidDescriptorTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BidDescriptorTypeField is a enum.BidDescriptorType field
func NewBidDescriptorType ¶
func NewBidDescriptorType(val enum.BidDescriptorType) BidDescriptorTypeField
func (BidDescriptorTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f BidDescriptorTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidDescriptorType (399)
func (BidDescriptorTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidDescriptorTypeField) Value() enum.BidDescriptorType
type BidForwardPoints2Field ¶
type BidForwardPoints2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidForwardPoints2Field is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewBidForwardPoints2 ¶
func NewBidForwardPoints2(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidForwardPoints2Field
NewBidForwardPoints2 returns a new BidForwardPoints2Field initialized with val and scale
func (BidForwardPoints2Field) Tag ¶
func (f BidForwardPoints2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidForwardPoints2 (642)
func (BidForwardPoints2Field) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidForwardPoints2Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidForwardPointsField ¶
type BidForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewBidForwardPoints ¶
func NewBidForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidForwardPointsField
NewBidForwardPoints returns a new BidForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (BidForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f BidForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidForwardPoints (189)
func (BidForwardPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidIDField ¶
type BidIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BidIDField is a STRING field
func NewBidID ¶
func NewBidID(val string) BidIDField
NewBidID returns a new BidIDField initialized with val
func (BidIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidIDField) Value() string
type BidPxField ¶
type BidPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidPxField is a PRICE field
func NewBidPx ¶
func NewBidPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidPxField
NewBidPx returns a new BidPxField initialized with val and scale
func (BidPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidRequestTransTypeField ¶
type BidRequestTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BidRequestTransTypeField is a enum.BidRequestTransType field
func NewBidRequestTransType ¶
func NewBidRequestTransType(val enum.BidRequestTransType) BidRequestTransTypeField
func (BidRequestTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f BidRequestTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidRequestTransType (374)
func (BidRequestTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidRequestTransTypeField) Value() enum.BidRequestTransType
type BidSizeField ¶
type BidSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidSizeField is a QTY field
func NewBidSize ¶
func NewBidSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidSizeField
NewBidSize returns a new BidSizeField initialized with val and scale
func (BidSizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidSpotRateField ¶
type BidSpotRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidSpotRateField is a PRICE field
func NewBidSpotRate ¶
func NewBidSpotRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidSpotRateField
NewBidSpotRate returns a new BidSpotRateField initialized with val and scale
func (BidSpotRateField) Tag ¶
func (f BidSpotRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidSpotRate (188)
func (BidSpotRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidSpotRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidSwapPointsField ¶
type BidSwapPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidSwapPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewBidSwapPoints ¶
func NewBidSwapPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidSwapPointsField
NewBidSwapPoints returns a new BidSwapPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (BidSwapPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f BidSwapPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidSwapPoints (1065)
func (BidSwapPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidSwapPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidTradeTypeField ¶
type BidTradeTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BidTradeTypeField is a enum.BidTradeType field
func NewBidTradeType ¶
func NewBidTradeType(val enum.BidTradeType) BidTradeTypeField
func (BidTradeTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f BidTradeTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidTradeType (418)
func (BidTradeTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidTradeTypeField) Value() enum.BidTradeType
type BidTypeField ¶
type BidTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BidTypeField is a enum.BidType field
func NewBidType ¶
func NewBidType(val enum.BidType) BidTypeField
func (BidTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidTypeField) Value() enum.BidType
type BidYieldField ¶
type BidYieldField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidYieldField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewBidYield ¶
func NewBidYield(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidYieldField
NewBidYield returns a new BidYieldField initialized with val and scale
func (BidYieldField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BidYieldField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BodyLengthField ¶
type BodyLengthField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
BodyLengthField is a LENGTH field
func NewBodyLength ¶
func NewBodyLength(val int) BodyLengthField
NewBodyLength returns a new BodyLengthField initialized with val
func (BodyLengthField) Tag ¶
func (f BodyLengthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BodyLength (9)
func (BodyLengthField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BodyLengthField) Value() int
type BookingRefIDField ¶
type BookingRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BookingRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewBookingRefID ¶
func NewBookingRefID(val string) BookingRefIDField
NewBookingRefID returns a new BookingRefIDField initialized with val
func (BookingRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f BookingRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BookingRefID (466)
func (BookingRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BookingRefIDField) Value() string
type BookingTypeField ¶
type BookingTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BookingTypeField is a enum.BookingType field
func NewBookingType ¶
func NewBookingType(val enum.BookingType) BookingTypeField
func (BookingTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f BookingTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BookingType (775)
func (BookingTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BookingTypeField) Value() enum.BookingType
type BookingUnitField ¶
type BookingUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BookingUnitField is a enum.BookingUnit field
func NewBookingUnit ¶
func NewBookingUnit(val enum.BookingUnit) BookingUnitField
func (BookingUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f BookingUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BookingUnit (590)
func (BookingUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BookingUnitField) Value() enum.BookingUnit
type BrokerOfCreditField ¶
type BrokerOfCreditField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BrokerOfCreditField is a STRING field
func NewBrokerOfCredit ¶
func NewBrokerOfCredit(val string) BrokerOfCreditField
NewBrokerOfCredit returns a new BrokerOfCreditField initialized with val
func (BrokerOfCreditField) Tag ¶
func (f BrokerOfCreditField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BrokerOfCredit (92)
func (BrokerOfCreditField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BrokerOfCreditField) Value() string
type BusinessRejectReasonField ¶
type BusinessRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BusinessRejectReasonField is a enum.BusinessRejectReason field
func NewBusinessRejectReason ¶
func NewBusinessRejectReason(val enum.BusinessRejectReason) BusinessRejectReasonField
func (BusinessRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f BusinessRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BusinessRejectReason (380)
func (BusinessRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BusinessRejectReasonField) Value() enum.BusinessRejectReason
type BusinessRejectRefIDField ¶
type BusinessRejectRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
BusinessRejectRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewBusinessRejectRefID ¶
func NewBusinessRejectRefID(val string) BusinessRejectRefIDField
NewBusinessRejectRefID returns a new BusinessRejectRefIDField initialized with val
func (BusinessRejectRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f BusinessRejectRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BusinessRejectRefID (379)
func (BusinessRejectRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BusinessRejectRefIDField) Value() string
type BuyVolumeField ¶
type BuyVolumeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BuyVolumeField is a QTY field
func NewBuyVolume ¶
func NewBuyVolume(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BuyVolumeField
NewBuyVolume returns a new BuyVolumeField initialized with val and scale
func (BuyVolumeField) Tag ¶
func (f BuyVolumeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BuyVolume (330)
func (BuyVolumeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f BuyVolumeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CFICodeField ¶
type CFICodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CFICodeField is a STRING field
func NewCFICode ¶
func NewCFICode(val string) CFICodeField
NewCFICode returns a new CFICodeField initialized with val
func (CFICodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CFICodeField) Value() string
type CPProgramField ¶
type CPProgramField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CPProgramField is a enum.CPProgram field
func NewCPProgram ¶
func NewCPProgram(val enum.CPProgram) CPProgramField
func (CPProgramField) Tag ¶
func (f CPProgramField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CPProgram (875)
func (CPProgramField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CPProgramField) Value() enum.CPProgram
type CPRegTypeField ¶
type CPRegTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CPRegTypeField is a STRING field
func NewCPRegType ¶
func NewCPRegType(val string) CPRegTypeField
NewCPRegType returns a new CPRegTypeField initialized with val
func (CPRegTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f CPRegTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CPRegType (876)
func (CPRegTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CPRegTypeField) Value() string
type CalculatedCcyLastQtyField ¶
type CalculatedCcyLastQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CalculatedCcyLastQtyField is a QTY field
func NewCalculatedCcyLastQty ¶
func NewCalculatedCcyLastQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CalculatedCcyLastQtyField
NewCalculatedCcyLastQty returns a new CalculatedCcyLastQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (CalculatedCcyLastQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f CalculatedCcyLastQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CalculatedCcyLastQty (1056)
func (CalculatedCcyLastQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CalculatedCcyLastQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CancellationRightsField ¶
type CancellationRightsField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CancellationRightsField is a enum.CancellationRights field
func NewCancellationRights ¶
func NewCancellationRights(val enum.CancellationRights) CancellationRightsField
func (CancellationRightsField) Tag ¶
func (f CancellationRightsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CancellationRights (480)
func (CancellationRightsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CancellationRightsField) Value() enum.CancellationRights
type CapPriceField ¶
type CapPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CapPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewCapPrice ¶
func NewCapPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CapPriceField
NewCapPrice returns a new CapPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (CapPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f CapPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CapPrice (1199)
func (CapPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CapPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CardExpDateField ¶
type CardExpDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CardExpDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewCardExpDate ¶
func NewCardExpDate(val string) CardExpDateField
NewCardExpDate returns a new CardExpDateField initialized with val
func (CardExpDateField) Tag ¶
func (f CardExpDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CardExpDate (490)
func (CardExpDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CardExpDateField) Value() string
type CardHolderNameField ¶
type CardHolderNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CardHolderNameField is a STRING field
func NewCardHolderName ¶
func NewCardHolderName(val string) CardHolderNameField
NewCardHolderName returns a new CardHolderNameField initialized with val
func (CardHolderNameField) Tag ¶
func (f CardHolderNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CardHolderName (488)
func (CardHolderNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CardHolderNameField) Value() string
type CardIssNoField ¶
type CardIssNoField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CardIssNoField is a STRING field
func NewCardIssNo ¶
func NewCardIssNo(val string) CardIssNoField
NewCardIssNo returns a new CardIssNoField initialized with val
func (CardIssNoField) Tag ¶
func (f CardIssNoField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CardIssNo (491)
func (CardIssNoField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CardIssNoField) Value() string
type CardIssNumField ¶
type CardIssNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CardIssNumField is a STRING field
func NewCardIssNum ¶
func NewCardIssNum(val string) CardIssNumField
NewCardIssNum returns a new CardIssNumField initialized with val
func (CardIssNumField) Tag ¶
func (f CardIssNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CardIssNum (491)
func (CardIssNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CardIssNumField) Value() string
type CardNumberField ¶
type CardNumberField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CardNumberField is a STRING field
func NewCardNumber ¶
func NewCardNumber(val string) CardNumberField
NewCardNumber returns a new CardNumberField initialized with val
func (CardNumberField) Tag ¶
func (f CardNumberField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CardNumber (489)
func (CardNumberField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CardNumberField) Value() string
type CardStartDateField ¶
type CardStartDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CardStartDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewCardStartDate ¶
func NewCardStartDate(val string) CardStartDateField
NewCardStartDate returns a new CardStartDateField initialized with val
func (CardStartDateField) Tag ¶
func (f CardStartDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CardStartDate (503)
func (CardStartDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CardStartDateField) Value() string
type CashDistribAgentAcctNameField ¶
type CashDistribAgentAcctNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashDistribAgentAcctNameField is a STRING field
func NewCashDistribAgentAcctName ¶
func NewCashDistribAgentAcctName(val string) CashDistribAgentAcctNameField
NewCashDistribAgentAcctName returns a new CashDistribAgentAcctNameField initialized with val
func (CashDistribAgentAcctNameField) Tag ¶
func (f CashDistribAgentAcctNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashDistribAgentAcctName (502)
func (CashDistribAgentAcctNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashDistribAgentAcctNameField) Value() string
type CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField ¶
type CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField is a STRING field
func NewCashDistribAgentAcctNumber ¶
func NewCashDistribAgentAcctNumber(val string) CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField
NewCashDistribAgentAcctNumber returns a new CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField initialized with val
func (CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField) Tag ¶
func (f CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashDistribAgentAcctNumber (500)
func (CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashDistribAgentAcctNumberField) Value() string
type CashDistribAgentCodeField ¶
type CashDistribAgentCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashDistribAgentCodeField is a STRING field
func NewCashDistribAgentCode ¶
func NewCashDistribAgentCode(val string) CashDistribAgentCodeField
NewCashDistribAgentCode returns a new CashDistribAgentCodeField initialized with val
func (CashDistribAgentCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f CashDistribAgentCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashDistribAgentCode (499)
func (CashDistribAgentCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashDistribAgentCodeField) Value() string
type CashDistribAgentNameField ¶
type CashDistribAgentNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashDistribAgentNameField is a STRING field
func NewCashDistribAgentName ¶
func NewCashDistribAgentName(val string) CashDistribAgentNameField
NewCashDistribAgentName returns a new CashDistribAgentNameField initialized with val
func (CashDistribAgentNameField) Tag ¶
func (f CashDistribAgentNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashDistribAgentName (498)
func (CashDistribAgentNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashDistribAgentNameField) Value() string
type CashDistribCurrField ¶
type CashDistribCurrField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashDistribCurrField is a CURRENCY field
func NewCashDistribCurr ¶
func NewCashDistribCurr(val string) CashDistribCurrField
NewCashDistribCurr returns a new CashDistribCurrField initialized with val
func (CashDistribCurrField) Tag ¶
func (f CashDistribCurrField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashDistribCurr (478)
func (CashDistribCurrField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashDistribCurrField) Value() string
type CashDistribPayRefField ¶
type CashDistribPayRefField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashDistribPayRefField is a STRING field
func NewCashDistribPayRef ¶
func NewCashDistribPayRef(val string) CashDistribPayRefField
NewCashDistribPayRef returns a new CashDistribPayRefField initialized with val
func (CashDistribPayRefField) Tag ¶
func (f CashDistribPayRefField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashDistribPayRef (501)
func (CashDistribPayRefField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashDistribPayRefField) Value() string
type CashMarginField ¶
type CashMarginField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashMarginField is a enum.CashMargin field
func NewCashMargin ¶
func NewCashMargin(val enum.CashMargin) CashMarginField
func (CashMarginField) Tag ¶
func (f CashMarginField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashMargin (544)
func (CashMarginField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashMarginField) Value() enum.CashMargin
type CashOrderQtyField ¶
type CashOrderQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CashOrderQtyField is a QTY field
func NewCashOrderQty ¶
func NewCashOrderQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CashOrderQtyField
NewCashOrderQty returns a new CashOrderQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (CashOrderQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f CashOrderQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashOrderQty (152)
func (CashOrderQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashOrderQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CashOutstandingField ¶
type CashOutstandingField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CashOutstandingField is a AMT field
func NewCashOutstanding ¶
func NewCashOutstanding(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CashOutstandingField
NewCashOutstanding returns a new CashOutstandingField initialized with val and scale
func (CashOutstandingField) Tag ¶
func (f CashOutstandingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashOutstanding (901)
func (CashOutstandingField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashOutstandingField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CashSettlAgentAcctNameField ¶
type CashSettlAgentAcctNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashSettlAgentAcctNameField is a STRING field
func NewCashSettlAgentAcctName ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentAcctName(val string) CashSettlAgentAcctNameField
NewCashSettlAgentAcctName returns a new CashSettlAgentAcctNameField initialized with val
func (CashSettlAgentAcctNameField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentAcctNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentAcctName (185)
func (CashSettlAgentAcctNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashSettlAgentAcctNameField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentAcctNumField ¶
type CashSettlAgentAcctNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashSettlAgentAcctNumField is a STRING field
func NewCashSettlAgentAcctNum ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentAcctNum(val string) CashSettlAgentAcctNumField
NewCashSettlAgentAcctNum returns a new CashSettlAgentAcctNumField initialized with val
func (CashSettlAgentAcctNumField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentAcctNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentAcctNum (184)
func (CashSettlAgentAcctNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashSettlAgentAcctNumField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentCodeField ¶
type CashSettlAgentCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashSettlAgentCodeField is a STRING field
func NewCashSettlAgentCode ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentCode(val string) CashSettlAgentCodeField
NewCashSettlAgentCode returns a new CashSettlAgentCodeField initialized with val
func (CashSettlAgentCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentCode (183)
func (CashSettlAgentCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashSettlAgentCodeField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentContactNameField ¶
type CashSettlAgentContactNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashSettlAgentContactNameField is a STRING field
func NewCashSettlAgentContactName ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentContactName(val string) CashSettlAgentContactNameField
NewCashSettlAgentContactName returns a new CashSettlAgentContactNameField initialized with val
func (CashSettlAgentContactNameField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentContactNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentContactName (186)
func (CashSettlAgentContactNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashSettlAgentContactNameField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField ¶
type CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField is a STRING field
func NewCashSettlAgentContactPhone ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentContactPhone(val string) CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField
NewCashSettlAgentContactPhone returns a new CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField initialized with val
func (CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentContactPhone (187)
func (CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentNameField ¶
type CashSettlAgentNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CashSettlAgentNameField is a STRING field
func NewCashSettlAgentName ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentName(val string) CashSettlAgentNameField
NewCashSettlAgentName returns a new CashSettlAgentNameField initialized with val
func (CashSettlAgentNameField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentName (182)
func (CashSettlAgentNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CashSettlAgentNameField) Value() string
type CcyAmtField ¶
type CcyAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CcyAmtField is a AMT field
func NewCcyAmt ¶
func NewCcyAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CcyAmtField
NewCcyAmt returns a new CcyAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (CcyAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CcyAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CheckSumField ¶
type CheckSumField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CheckSumField is a STRING field
func NewCheckSum ¶
func NewCheckSum(val string) CheckSumField
NewCheckSum returns a new CheckSumField initialized with val
func (CheckSumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CheckSumField) Value() string
type ClOrdIDField ¶
type ClOrdIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ClOrdIDField is a STRING field
func NewClOrdID ¶
func NewClOrdID(val string) ClOrdIDField
NewClOrdID returns a new ClOrdIDField initialized with val
func (ClOrdIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ClOrdIDField) Value() string
type ClOrdLinkIDField ¶
type ClOrdLinkIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ClOrdLinkIDField is a STRING field
func NewClOrdLinkID ¶
func NewClOrdLinkID(val string) ClOrdLinkIDField
NewClOrdLinkID returns a new ClOrdLinkIDField initialized with val
func (ClOrdLinkIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ClOrdLinkIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClOrdLinkID (583)
func (ClOrdLinkIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ClOrdLinkIDField) Value() string
type ClearingAccountField ¶
type ClearingAccountField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ClearingAccountField is a STRING field
func NewClearingAccount ¶
func NewClearingAccount(val string) ClearingAccountField
NewClearingAccount returns a new ClearingAccountField initialized with val
func (ClearingAccountField) Tag ¶
func (f ClearingAccountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClearingAccount (440)
func (ClearingAccountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ClearingAccountField) Value() string
type ClearingBusinessDateField ¶
type ClearingBusinessDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ClearingBusinessDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewClearingBusinessDate ¶
func NewClearingBusinessDate(val string) ClearingBusinessDateField
NewClearingBusinessDate returns a new ClearingBusinessDateField initialized with val
func (ClearingBusinessDateField) Tag ¶
func (f ClearingBusinessDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClearingBusinessDate (715)
func (ClearingBusinessDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ClearingBusinessDateField) Value() string
type ClearingFeeIndicatorField ¶
type ClearingFeeIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ClearingFeeIndicatorField is a enum.ClearingFeeIndicator field
func NewClearingFeeIndicator ¶
func NewClearingFeeIndicator(val enum.ClearingFeeIndicator) ClearingFeeIndicatorField
func (ClearingFeeIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f ClearingFeeIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClearingFeeIndicator (635)
func (ClearingFeeIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ClearingFeeIndicatorField) Value() enum.ClearingFeeIndicator
type ClearingFirmField ¶
type ClearingFirmField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ClearingFirmField is a STRING field
func NewClearingFirm ¶
func NewClearingFirm(val string) ClearingFirmField
NewClearingFirm returns a new ClearingFirmField initialized with val
func (ClearingFirmField) Tag ¶
func (f ClearingFirmField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClearingFirm (439)
func (ClearingFirmField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ClearingFirmField) Value() string
type ClearingInstructionField ¶
type ClearingInstructionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ClearingInstructionField is a enum.ClearingInstruction field
func NewClearingInstruction ¶
func NewClearingInstruction(val enum.ClearingInstruction) ClearingInstructionField
func (ClearingInstructionField) Tag ¶
func (f ClearingInstructionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClearingInstruction (577)
func (ClearingInstructionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ClearingInstructionField) Value() enum.ClearingInstruction
type ClientBidIDField ¶
type ClientBidIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ClientBidIDField is a STRING field
func NewClientBidID ¶
func NewClientBidID(val string) ClientBidIDField
NewClientBidID returns a new ClientBidIDField initialized with val
func (ClientBidIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ClientBidIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClientBidID (391)
func (ClientBidIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ClientBidIDField) Value() string
type ClientIDField ¶
type ClientIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ClientIDField is a STRING field
func NewClientID ¶
func NewClientID(val string) ClientIDField
NewClientID returns a new ClientIDField initialized with val
func (ClientIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ClientIDField) Value() string
type CollActionField ¶
type CollActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollActionField is a enum.CollAction field
func NewCollAction ¶
func NewCollAction(val enum.CollAction) CollActionField
func (CollActionField) Tag ¶
func (f CollActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollAction (944)
func (CollActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollActionField) Value() enum.CollAction
type CollApplTypeField ¶
type CollApplTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollApplTypeField is a enum.CollApplType field
func NewCollApplType ¶
func NewCollApplType(val enum.CollApplType) CollApplTypeField
func (CollApplTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f CollApplTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollApplType (1043)
func (CollApplTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollApplTypeField) Value() enum.CollApplType
type CollAsgnIDField ¶
type CollAsgnIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollAsgnIDField is a STRING field
func NewCollAsgnID ¶
func NewCollAsgnID(val string) CollAsgnIDField
NewCollAsgnID returns a new CollAsgnIDField initialized with val
func (CollAsgnIDField) Tag ¶
func (f CollAsgnIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollAsgnID (902)
func (CollAsgnIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollAsgnIDField) Value() string
type CollAsgnReasonField ¶
type CollAsgnReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollAsgnReasonField is a enum.CollAsgnReason field
func NewCollAsgnReason ¶
func NewCollAsgnReason(val enum.CollAsgnReason) CollAsgnReasonField
func (CollAsgnReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f CollAsgnReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollAsgnReason (895)
func (CollAsgnReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollAsgnReasonField) Value() enum.CollAsgnReason
type CollAsgnRefIDField ¶
type CollAsgnRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollAsgnRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewCollAsgnRefID ¶
func NewCollAsgnRefID(val string) CollAsgnRefIDField
NewCollAsgnRefID returns a new CollAsgnRefIDField initialized with val
func (CollAsgnRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f CollAsgnRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollAsgnRefID (907)
func (CollAsgnRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollAsgnRefIDField) Value() string
type CollAsgnRejectReasonField ¶
type CollAsgnRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollAsgnRejectReasonField is a enum.CollAsgnRejectReason field
func NewCollAsgnRejectReason ¶
func NewCollAsgnRejectReason(val enum.CollAsgnRejectReason) CollAsgnRejectReasonField
func (CollAsgnRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f CollAsgnRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollAsgnRejectReason (906)
func (CollAsgnRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollAsgnRejectReasonField) Value() enum.CollAsgnRejectReason
type CollAsgnRespTypeField ¶
type CollAsgnRespTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollAsgnRespTypeField is a enum.CollAsgnRespType field
func NewCollAsgnRespType ¶
func NewCollAsgnRespType(val enum.CollAsgnRespType) CollAsgnRespTypeField
func (CollAsgnRespTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f CollAsgnRespTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollAsgnRespType (905)
func (CollAsgnRespTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollAsgnRespTypeField) Value() enum.CollAsgnRespType
type CollAsgnTransTypeField ¶
type CollAsgnTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollAsgnTransTypeField is a enum.CollAsgnTransType field
func NewCollAsgnTransType ¶
func NewCollAsgnTransType(val enum.CollAsgnTransType) CollAsgnTransTypeField
func (CollAsgnTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f CollAsgnTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollAsgnTransType (903)
func (CollAsgnTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollAsgnTransTypeField) Value() enum.CollAsgnTransType
type CollInquiryIDField ¶
type CollInquiryIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollInquiryIDField is a STRING field
func NewCollInquiryID ¶
func NewCollInquiryID(val string) CollInquiryIDField
NewCollInquiryID returns a new CollInquiryIDField initialized with val
func (CollInquiryIDField) Tag ¶
func (f CollInquiryIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollInquiryID (909)
func (CollInquiryIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollInquiryIDField) Value() string
type CollInquiryQualifierField ¶
type CollInquiryQualifierField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollInquiryQualifierField is a enum.CollInquiryQualifier field
func NewCollInquiryQualifier ¶
func NewCollInquiryQualifier(val enum.CollInquiryQualifier) CollInquiryQualifierField
func (CollInquiryQualifierField) Tag ¶
func (f CollInquiryQualifierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollInquiryQualifier (896)
func (CollInquiryQualifierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollInquiryQualifierField) Value() enum.CollInquiryQualifier
type CollInquiryResultField ¶
type CollInquiryResultField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollInquiryResultField is a enum.CollInquiryResult field
func NewCollInquiryResult ¶
func NewCollInquiryResult(val enum.CollInquiryResult) CollInquiryResultField
func (CollInquiryResultField) Tag ¶
func (f CollInquiryResultField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollInquiryResult (946)
func (CollInquiryResultField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollInquiryResultField) Value() enum.CollInquiryResult
type CollInquiryStatusField ¶
type CollInquiryStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollInquiryStatusField is a enum.CollInquiryStatus field
func NewCollInquiryStatus ¶
func NewCollInquiryStatus(val enum.CollInquiryStatus) CollInquiryStatusField
func (CollInquiryStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f CollInquiryStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollInquiryStatus (945)
func (CollInquiryStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollInquiryStatusField) Value() enum.CollInquiryStatus
type CollReqIDField ¶
type CollReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewCollReqID ¶
func NewCollReqID(val string) CollReqIDField
NewCollReqID returns a new CollReqIDField initialized with val
func (CollReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f CollReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollReqID (894)
func (CollReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollReqIDField) Value() string
type CollRespIDField ¶
type CollRespIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollRespIDField is a STRING field
func NewCollRespID ¶
func NewCollRespID(val string) CollRespIDField
NewCollRespID returns a new CollRespIDField initialized with val
func (CollRespIDField) Tag ¶
func (f CollRespIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollRespID (904)
func (CollRespIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollRespIDField) Value() string
type CollRptIDField ¶
type CollRptIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollRptIDField is a STRING field
func NewCollRptID ¶
func NewCollRptID(val string) CollRptIDField
NewCollRptID returns a new CollRptIDField initialized with val
func (CollRptIDField) Tag ¶
func (f CollRptIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollRptID (908)
func (CollRptIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollRptIDField) Value() string
type CollStatusField ¶
type CollStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CollStatusField is a enum.CollStatus field
func NewCollStatus ¶
func NewCollStatus(val enum.CollStatus) CollStatusField
func (CollStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f CollStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CollStatus (910)
func (CollStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CollStatusField) Value() enum.CollStatus
type CommCurrencyField ¶
type CommCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CommCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewCommCurrency ¶
func NewCommCurrency(val string) CommCurrencyField
NewCommCurrency returns a new CommCurrencyField initialized with val
func (CommCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f CommCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CommCurrency (479)
func (CommCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CommCurrencyField) Value() string
type CommTypeField ¶
type CommTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CommTypeField is a enum.CommType field
func NewCommType ¶
func NewCommType(val enum.CommType) CommTypeField
func (CommTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CommTypeField) Value() enum.CommType
type CommissionField ¶
type CommissionField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CommissionField is a AMT field
func NewCommission ¶
func NewCommission(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CommissionField
NewCommission returns a new CommissionField initialized with val and scale
func (CommissionField) Tag ¶
func (f CommissionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Commission (12)
func (CommissionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CommissionField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ComplexEventConditionField ¶
type ComplexEventConditionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ComplexEventConditionField is a enum.ComplexEventCondition field
func NewComplexEventCondition ¶
func NewComplexEventCondition(val enum.ComplexEventCondition) ComplexEventConditionField
func (ComplexEventConditionField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventConditionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventCondition (1490)
func (ComplexEventConditionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventConditionField) Value() enum.ComplexEventCondition
type ComplexEventEndDateField ¶
type ComplexEventEndDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
ComplexEventEndDateField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewComplexEventEndDate ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewComplexEventEndDate(val time.Time) ComplexEventEndDateField
NewComplexEventEndDate returns a new ComplexEventEndDateField initialized with val
func NewComplexEventEndDateNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewComplexEventEndDateNoMillis(val time.Time) ComplexEventEndDateField
NewComplexEventEndDateNoMillis returns a new ComplexEventEndDateField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewComplexEventEndDateWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewComplexEventEndDateWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) ComplexEventEndDateField
NewComplexEventEndDateWithPrecision returns a new ComplexEventEndDateField initialized with val of specified precision
func (ComplexEventEndDateField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventEndDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventEndDate (1493)
func (ComplexEventEndDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventEndDateField) Value() time.Time
type ComplexEventEndTimeField ¶
type ComplexEventEndTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ComplexEventEndTimeField is a UTCTIMEONLY field
func NewComplexEventEndTime ¶
func NewComplexEventEndTime(val string) ComplexEventEndTimeField
NewComplexEventEndTime returns a new ComplexEventEndTimeField initialized with val
func (ComplexEventEndTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventEndTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventEndTime (1496)
func (ComplexEventEndTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventEndTimeField) Value() string
type ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethodField ¶
type ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethodField is a enum.ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethod field
func NewComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethod ¶
func NewComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethod(val enum.ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethod) ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethodField
func (ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethod (1487)
func (ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethodField) Value() enum.ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethod
type ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField ¶
type ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecision ¶
func NewComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecision(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField
NewComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecision returns a new ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField initialized with val and scale
func (ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecision (1488)
func (ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecisionField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ComplexEventPriceField ¶
type ComplexEventPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ComplexEventPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewComplexEventPrice ¶
func NewComplexEventPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ComplexEventPriceField
NewComplexEventPrice returns a new ComplexEventPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (ComplexEventPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventPrice (1486)
func (ComplexEventPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ComplexEventPriceTimeTypeField ¶
type ComplexEventPriceTimeTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ComplexEventPriceTimeTypeField is a enum.ComplexEventPriceTimeType field
func NewComplexEventPriceTimeType ¶
func NewComplexEventPriceTimeType(val enum.ComplexEventPriceTimeType) ComplexEventPriceTimeTypeField
func (ComplexEventPriceTimeTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventPriceTimeTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventPriceTimeType (1489)
func (ComplexEventPriceTimeTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventPriceTimeTypeField) Value() enum.ComplexEventPriceTimeType
type ComplexEventStartDateField ¶
type ComplexEventStartDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
ComplexEventStartDateField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewComplexEventStartDate ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewComplexEventStartDate(val time.Time) ComplexEventStartDateField
NewComplexEventStartDate returns a new ComplexEventStartDateField initialized with val
func NewComplexEventStartDateNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewComplexEventStartDateNoMillis(val time.Time) ComplexEventStartDateField
NewComplexEventStartDateNoMillis returns a new ComplexEventStartDateField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewComplexEventStartDateWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewComplexEventStartDateWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) ComplexEventStartDateField
NewComplexEventStartDateWithPrecision returns a new ComplexEventStartDateField initialized with val of specified precision
func (ComplexEventStartDateField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventStartDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventStartDate (1492)
func (ComplexEventStartDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventStartDateField) Value() time.Time
type ComplexEventStartTimeField ¶
type ComplexEventStartTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ComplexEventStartTimeField is a UTCTIMEONLY field
func NewComplexEventStartTime ¶
func NewComplexEventStartTime(val string) ComplexEventStartTimeField
NewComplexEventStartTime returns a new ComplexEventStartTimeField initialized with val
func (ComplexEventStartTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventStartTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventStartTime (1495)
func (ComplexEventStartTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventStartTimeField) Value() string
type ComplexEventTypeField ¶
type ComplexEventTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ComplexEventTypeField is a enum.ComplexEventType field
func NewComplexEventType ¶
func NewComplexEventType(val enum.ComplexEventType) ComplexEventTypeField
func (ComplexEventTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexEventTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexEventType (1484)
func (ComplexEventTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexEventTypeField) Value() enum.ComplexEventType
type ComplexOptPayoutAmountField ¶
type ComplexOptPayoutAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ComplexOptPayoutAmountField is a AMT field
func NewComplexOptPayoutAmount ¶
func NewComplexOptPayoutAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ComplexOptPayoutAmountField
NewComplexOptPayoutAmount returns a new ComplexOptPayoutAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (ComplexOptPayoutAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplexOptPayoutAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplexOptPayoutAmount (1485)
func (ComplexOptPayoutAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplexOptPayoutAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ComplianceIDField ¶
type ComplianceIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ComplianceIDField is a STRING field
func NewComplianceID ¶
func NewComplianceID(val string) ComplianceIDField
NewComplianceID returns a new ComplianceIDField initialized with val
func (ComplianceIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplianceIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplianceID (376)
func (ComplianceIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ComplianceIDField) Value() string
type ConcessionField ¶
type ConcessionField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ConcessionField is a AMT field
func NewConcession ¶
func NewConcession(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ConcessionField
NewConcession returns a new ConcessionField initialized with val and scale
func (ConcessionField) Tag ¶
func (f ConcessionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Concession (238)
func (ConcessionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ConcessionField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ConfirmIDField ¶
type ConfirmIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ConfirmIDField is a STRING field
func NewConfirmID ¶
func NewConfirmID(val string) ConfirmIDField
NewConfirmID returns a new ConfirmIDField initialized with val
func (ConfirmIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ConfirmIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ConfirmID (664)
func (ConfirmIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ConfirmIDField) Value() string
type ConfirmRefIDField ¶
type ConfirmRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ConfirmRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewConfirmRefID ¶
func NewConfirmRefID(val string) ConfirmRefIDField
NewConfirmRefID returns a new ConfirmRefIDField initialized with val
func (ConfirmRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ConfirmRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ConfirmRefID (772)
func (ConfirmRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ConfirmRefIDField) Value() string
type ConfirmRejReasonField ¶
type ConfirmRejReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ConfirmRejReasonField is a enum.ConfirmRejReason field
func NewConfirmRejReason ¶
func NewConfirmRejReason(val enum.ConfirmRejReason) ConfirmRejReasonField
func (ConfirmRejReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f ConfirmRejReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ConfirmRejReason (774)
func (ConfirmRejReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ConfirmRejReasonField) Value() enum.ConfirmRejReason
type ConfirmReqIDField ¶
type ConfirmReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ConfirmReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewConfirmReqID ¶
func NewConfirmReqID(val string) ConfirmReqIDField
NewConfirmReqID returns a new ConfirmReqIDField initialized with val
func (ConfirmReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ConfirmReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ConfirmReqID (859)
func (ConfirmReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ConfirmReqIDField) Value() string
type ConfirmStatusField ¶
type ConfirmStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ConfirmStatusField is a enum.ConfirmStatus field
func NewConfirmStatus ¶
func NewConfirmStatus(val enum.ConfirmStatus) ConfirmStatusField
func (ConfirmStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f ConfirmStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ConfirmStatus (665)
func (ConfirmStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ConfirmStatusField) Value() enum.ConfirmStatus
type ConfirmTransTypeField ¶
type ConfirmTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ConfirmTransTypeField is a enum.ConfirmTransType field
func NewConfirmTransType ¶
func NewConfirmTransType(val enum.ConfirmTransType) ConfirmTransTypeField
func (ConfirmTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ConfirmTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ConfirmTransType (666)
func (ConfirmTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ConfirmTransTypeField) Value() enum.ConfirmTransType
type ConfirmTypeField ¶
type ConfirmTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ConfirmTypeField is a enum.ConfirmType field
func NewConfirmType ¶
func NewConfirmType(val enum.ConfirmType) ConfirmTypeField
func (ConfirmTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ConfirmTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ConfirmType (773)
func (ConfirmTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ConfirmTypeField) Value() enum.ConfirmType
type ContAmtCurrField ¶
type ContAmtCurrField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContAmtCurrField is a CURRENCY field
func NewContAmtCurr ¶
func NewContAmtCurr(val string) ContAmtCurrField
NewContAmtCurr returns a new ContAmtCurrField initialized with val
func (ContAmtCurrField) Tag ¶
func (f ContAmtCurrField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContAmtCurr (521)
func (ContAmtCurrField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContAmtCurrField) Value() string
type ContAmtTypeField ¶
type ContAmtTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContAmtTypeField is a enum.ContAmtType field
func NewContAmtType ¶
func NewContAmtType(val enum.ContAmtType) ContAmtTypeField
func (ContAmtTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ContAmtTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContAmtType (519)
func (ContAmtTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContAmtTypeField) Value() enum.ContAmtType
type ContAmtValueField ¶
type ContAmtValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ContAmtValueField is a FLOAT field
func NewContAmtValue ¶
func NewContAmtValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ContAmtValueField
NewContAmtValue returns a new ContAmtValueField initialized with val and scale
func (ContAmtValueField) Tag ¶
func (f ContAmtValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContAmtValue (520)
func (ContAmtValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContAmtValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ContIntRptIDField ¶
type ContIntRptIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContIntRptIDField is a STRING field
func NewContIntRptID ¶
func NewContIntRptID(val string) ContIntRptIDField
NewContIntRptID returns a new ContIntRptIDField initialized with val
func (ContIntRptIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ContIntRptIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContIntRptID (977)
func (ContIntRptIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContIntRptIDField) Value() string
type ContextPartyIDField ¶
type ContextPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContextPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewContextPartyID ¶
func NewContextPartyID(val string) ContextPartyIDField
NewContextPartyID returns a new ContextPartyIDField initialized with val
func (ContextPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ContextPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContextPartyID (1523)
func (ContextPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContextPartyIDField) Value() string
type ContextPartyIDSourceField ¶
type ContextPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContextPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewContextPartyIDSource ¶
func NewContextPartyIDSource(val string) ContextPartyIDSourceField
NewContextPartyIDSource returns a new ContextPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (ContextPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f ContextPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContextPartyIDSource (1524)
func (ContextPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContextPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type ContextPartyRoleField ¶
type ContextPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ContextPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewContextPartyRole ¶
func NewContextPartyRole(val int) ContextPartyRoleField
NewContextPartyRole returns a new ContextPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (ContextPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f ContextPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContextPartyRole (1525)
func (ContextPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContextPartyRoleField) Value() int
type ContextPartySubIDField ¶
type ContextPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContextPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewContextPartySubID ¶
func NewContextPartySubID(val string) ContextPartySubIDField
NewContextPartySubID returns a new ContextPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (ContextPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ContextPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContextPartySubID (1527)
func (ContextPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContextPartySubIDField) Value() string
type ContextPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type ContextPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ContextPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewContextPartySubIDType ¶
func NewContextPartySubIDType(val int) ContextPartySubIDTypeField
NewContextPartySubIDType returns a new ContextPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (ContextPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ContextPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContextPartySubIDType (1528)
func (ContextPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContextPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type ContingencyTypeField ¶
type ContingencyTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContingencyTypeField is a enum.ContingencyType field
func NewContingencyType ¶
func NewContingencyType(val enum.ContingencyType) ContingencyTypeField
func (ContingencyTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ContingencyTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContingencyType (1385)
func (ContingencyTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContingencyTypeField) Value() enum.ContingencyType
type ContraBrokerField ¶
type ContraBrokerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContraBrokerField is a STRING field
func NewContraBroker ¶
func NewContraBroker(val string) ContraBrokerField
NewContraBroker returns a new ContraBrokerField initialized with val
func (ContraBrokerField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraBrokerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraBroker (375)
func (ContraBrokerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContraBrokerField) Value() string
type ContraLegRefIDField ¶
type ContraLegRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContraLegRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewContraLegRefID ¶
func NewContraLegRefID(val string) ContraLegRefIDField
NewContraLegRefID returns a new ContraLegRefIDField initialized with val
func (ContraLegRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraLegRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraLegRefID (655)
func (ContraLegRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContraLegRefIDField) Value() string
type ContraTradeQtyField ¶
type ContraTradeQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ContraTradeQtyField is a QTY field
func NewContraTradeQty ¶
func NewContraTradeQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ContraTradeQtyField
NewContraTradeQty returns a new ContraTradeQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (ContraTradeQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraTradeQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraTradeQty (437)
func (ContraTradeQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContraTradeQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ContraTradeTimeField ¶
type ContraTradeTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
ContraTradeTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewContraTradeTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewContraTradeTime(val time.Time) ContraTradeTimeField
NewContraTradeTime returns a new ContraTradeTimeField initialized with val
func NewContraTradeTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewContraTradeTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) ContraTradeTimeField
NewContraTradeTimeNoMillis returns a new ContraTradeTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewContraTradeTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewContraTradeTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) ContraTradeTimeField
NewContraTradeTimeWithPrecision returns a new ContraTradeTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (ContraTradeTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraTradeTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraTradeTime (438)
func (ContraTradeTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContraTradeTimeField) Value() time.Time
type ContraTraderField ¶
type ContraTraderField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContraTraderField is a STRING field
func NewContraTrader ¶
func NewContraTrader(val string) ContraTraderField
NewContraTrader returns a new ContraTraderField initialized with val
func (ContraTraderField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraTraderField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraTrader (337)
func (ContraTraderField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContraTraderField) Value() string
type ContractMultiplierField ¶
type ContractMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ContractMultiplierField is a FLOAT field
func NewContractMultiplier ¶
func NewContractMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ContractMultiplierField
NewContractMultiplier returns a new ContractMultiplierField initialized with val and scale
func (ContractMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f ContractMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContractMultiplier (231)
func (ContractMultiplierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContractMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ContractMultiplierUnitField ¶
type ContractMultiplierUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContractMultiplierUnitField is a enum.ContractMultiplierUnit field
func NewContractMultiplierUnit ¶
func NewContractMultiplierUnit(val enum.ContractMultiplierUnit) ContractMultiplierUnitField
func (ContractMultiplierUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f ContractMultiplierUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContractMultiplierUnit (1435)
func (ContractMultiplierUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContractMultiplierUnitField) Value() enum.ContractMultiplierUnit
type ContractSettlMonthField ¶
type ContractSettlMonthField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ContractSettlMonthField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewContractSettlMonth ¶
func NewContractSettlMonth(val string) ContractSettlMonthField
NewContractSettlMonth returns a new ContractSettlMonthField initialized with val
func (ContractSettlMonthField) Tag ¶
func (f ContractSettlMonthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContractSettlMonth (667)
func (ContractSettlMonthField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContractSettlMonthField) Value() string
type ContraryInstructionIndicatorField ¶
type ContraryInstructionIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ContraryInstructionIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewContraryInstructionIndicator ¶
func NewContraryInstructionIndicator(val bool) ContraryInstructionIndicatorField
NewContraryInstructionIndicator returns a new ContraryInstructionIndicatorField initialized with val
func (ContraryInstructionIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraryInstructionIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraryInstructionIndicator (719)
func (ContraryInstructionIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ContraryInstructionIndicatorField) Value() bool
type CopyMsgIndicatorField ¶
type CopyMsgIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
CopyMsgIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewCopyMsgIndicator ¶
func NewCopyMsgIndicator(val bool) CopyMsgIndicatorField
NewCopyMsgIndicator returns a new CopyMsgIndicatorField initialized with val
func (CopyMsgIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f CopyMsgIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CopyMsgIndicator (797)
func (CopyMsgIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CopyMsgIndicatorField) Value() bool
type CorporateActionField ¶
type CorporateActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CorporateActionField is a enum.CorporateAction field
func NewCorporateAction ¶
func NewCorporateAction(val enum.CorporateAction) CorporateActionField
func (CorporateActionField) Tag ¶
func (f CorporateActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CorporateAction (292)
func (CorporateActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CorporateActionField) Value() enum.CorporateAction
type CountryField ¶
type CountryField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CountryField is a COUNTRY field
func NewCountry ¶
func NewCountry(val string) CountryField
NewCountry returns a new CountryField initialized with val
func (CountryField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CountryField) Value() string
type CountryOfIssueField ¶
type CountryOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CountryOfIssueField is a COUNTRY field
func NewCountryOfIssue ¶
func NewCountryOfIssue(val string) CountryOfIssueField
NewCountryOfIssue returns a new CountryOfIssueField initialized with val
func (CountryOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f CountryOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CountryOfIssue (470)
func (CountryOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CountryOfIssueField) Value() string
type CouponPaymentDateField ¶
type CouponPaymentDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CouponPaymentDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewCouponPaymentDate ¶
func NewCouponPaymentDate(val string) CouponPaymentDateField
NewCouponPaymentDate returns a new CouponPaymentDateField initialized with val
func (CouponPaymentDateField) Tag ¶
func (f CouponPaymentDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CouponPaymentDate (224)
func (CouponPaymentDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CouponPaymentDateField) Value() string
type CouponRateField ¶
type CouponRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CouponRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewCouponRate ¶
func NewCouponRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CouponRateField
NewCouponRate returns a new CouponRateField initialized with val and scale
func (CouponRateField) Tag ¶
func (f CouponRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CouponRate (223)
func (CouponRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CouponRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CoveredOrUncoveredField ¶
type CoveredOrUncoveredField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CoveredOrUncoveredField is a enum.CoveredOrUncovered field
func NewCoveredOrUncovered ¶
func NewCoveredOrUncovered(val enum.CoveredOrUncovered) CoveredOrUncoveredField
func (CoveredOrUncoveredField) Tag ¶
func (f CoveredOrUncoveredField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CoveredOrUncovered (203)
func (CoveredOrUncoveredField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CoveredOrUncoveredField) Value() enum.CoveredOrUncovered
type CreditRatingField ¶
type CreditRatingField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CreditRatingField is a STRING field
func NewCreditRating ¶
func NewCreditRating(val string) CreditRatingField
NewCreditRating returns a new CreditRatingField initialized with val
func (CreditRatingField) Tag ¶
func (f CreditRatingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CreditRating (255)
func (CreditRatingField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CreditRatingField) Value() string
type CrossIDField ¶
type CrossIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CrossIDField is a STRING field
func NewCrossID ¶
func NewCrossID(val string) CrossIDField
NewCrossID returns a new CrossIDField initialized with val
func (CrossIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CrossIDField) Value() string
type CrossPercentField ¶
type CrossPercentField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CrossPercentField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewCrossPercent ¶
func NewCrossPercent(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CrossPercentField
NewCrossPercent returns a new CrossPercentField initialized with val and scale
func (CrossPercentField) Tag ¶
func (f CrossPercentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CrossPercent (413)
func (CrossPercentField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CrossPercentField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CrossPrioritizationField ¶
type CrossPrioritizationField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CrossPrioritizationField is a enum.CrossPrioritization field
func NewCrossPrioritization ¶
func NewCrossPrioritization(val enum.CrossPrioritization) CrossPrioritizationField
func (CrossPrioritizationField) Tag ¶
func (f CrossPrioritizationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CrossPrioritization (550)
func (CrossPrioritizationField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CrossPrioritizationField) Value() enum.CrossPrioritization
type CrossTypeField ¶
type CrossTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CrossTypeField is a enum.CrossType field
func NewCrossType ¶
func NewCrossType(val enum.CrossType) CrossTypeField
func (CrossTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f CrossTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CrossType (549)
func (CrossTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CrossTypeField) Value() enum.CrossType
type CstmApplVerIDField ¶
type CstmApplVerIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CstmApplVerIDField is a STRING field
func NewCstmApplVerID ¶
func NewCstmApplVerID(val string) CstmApplVerIDField
NewCstmApplVerID returns a new CstmApplVerIDField initialized with val
func (CstmApplVerIDField) Tag ¶
func (f CstmApplVerIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CstmApplVerID (1129)
func (CstmApplVerIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CstmApplVerIDField) Value() string
type CumQtyField ¶
type CumQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CumQtyField is a QTY field
func NewCumQty ¶
func NewCumQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CumQtyField
NewCumQty returns a new CumQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (CumQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CumQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CurrencyField ¶
type CurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewCurrency ¶
func NewCurrency(val string) CurrencyField
NewCurrency returns a new CurrencyField initialized with val
func (CurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CurrencyField) Value() string
type CurrencyRatioField ¶
type CurrencyRatioField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CurrencyRatioField is a FLOAT field
func NewCurrencyRatio ¶
func NewCurrencyRatio(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CurrencyRatioField
NewCurrencyRatio returns a new CurrencyRatioField initialized with val and scale
func (CurrencyRatioField) Tag ¶
func (f CurrencyRatioField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CurrencyRatio (1382)
func (CurrencyRatioField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CurrencyRatioField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CustDirectedOrderField ¶
type CustDirectedOrderField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
CustDirectedOrderField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewCustDirectedOrder ¶
func NewCustDirectedOrder(val bool) CustDirectedOrderField
NewCustDirectedOrder returns a new CustDirectedOrderField initialized with val
func (CustDirectedOrderField) Tag ¶
func (f CustDirectedOrderField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CustDirectedOrder (1029)
func (CustDirectedOrderField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CustDirectedOrderField) Value() bool
type CustOrderCapacityField ¶
type CustOrderCapacityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CustOrderCapacityField is a enum.CustOrderCapacity field
func NewCustOrderCapacity ¶
func NewCustOrderCapacity(val enum.CustOrderCapacity) CustOrderCapacityField
func (CustOrderCapacityField) Tag ¶
func (f CustOrderCapacityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CustOrderCapacity (582)
func (CustOrderCapacityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CustOrderCapacityField) Value() enum.CustOrderCapacity
type CustOrderHandlingInstField ¶
type CustOrderHandlingInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CustOrderHandlingInstField is a enum.CustOrderHandlingInst field
func NewCustOrderHandlingInst ¶
func NewCustOrderHandlingInst(val enum.CustOrderHandlingInst) CustOrderHandlingInstField
func (CustOrderHandlingInstField) Tag ¶
func (f CustOrderHandlingInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CustOrderHandlingInst (1031)
func (CustOrderHandlingInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CustOrderHandlingInstField) Value() enum.CustOrderHandlingInst
type CustomerOrFirmField ¶
type CustomerOrFirmField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CustomerOrFirmField is a enum.CustomerOrFirm field
func NewCustomerOrFirm ¶
func NewCustomerOrFirm(val enum.CustomerOrFirm) CustomerOrFirmField
func (CustomerOrFirmField) Tag ¶
func (f CustomerOrFirmField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CustomerOrFirm (204)
func (CustomerOrFirmField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CustomerOrFirmField) Value() enum.CustomerOrFirm
type CxlQtyField ¶
type CxlQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CxlQtyField is a QTY field
func NewCxlQty ¶
func NewCxlQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CxlQtyField
NewCxlQty returns a new CxlQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (CxlQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CxlQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CxlRejReasonField ¶
type CxlRejReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CxlRejReasonField is a enum.CxlRejReason field
func NewCxlRejReason ¶
func NewCxlRejReason(val enum.CxlRejReason) CxlRejReasonField
func (CxlRejReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f CxlRejReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CxlRejReason (102)
func (CxlRejReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CxlRejReasonField) Value() enum.CxlRejReason
type CxlRejResponseToField ¶
type CxlRejResponseToField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CxlRejResponseToField is a enum.CxlRejResponseTo field
func NewCxlRejResponseTo ¶
func NewCxlRejResponseTo(val enum.CxlRejResponseTo) CxlRejResponseToField
func (CxlRejResponseToField) Tag ¶
func (f CxlRejResponseToField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CxlRejResponseTo (434)
func (CxlRejResponseToField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CxlRejResponseToField) Value() enum.CxlRejResponseTo
type CxlTypeField ¶
type CxlTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
CxlTypeField is a enum.CxlType field
func NewCxlType ¶
func NewCxlType(val enum.CxlType) CxlTypeField
func (CxlTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f CxlTypeField) Value() enum.CxlType
type DKReasonField ¶
type DKReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DKReasonField is a enum.DKReason field
func NewDKReason ¶
func NewDKReason(val enum.DKReason) DKReasonField
func (DKReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DKReasonField) Value() enum.DKReason
type DateOfBirthField ¶
type DateOfBirthField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DateOfBirthField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewDateOfBirth ¶
func NewDateOfBirth(val string) DateOfBirthField
NewDateOfBirth returns a new DateOfBirthField initialized with val
func (DateOfBirthField) Tag ¶
func (f DateOfBirthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DateOfBirth (486)
func (DateOfBirthField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DateOfBirthField) Value() string
type DatedDateField ¶
type DatedDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DatedDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewDatedDate ¶
func NewDatedDate(val string) DatedDateField
NewDatedDate returns a new DatedDateField initialized with val
func (DatedDateField) Tag ¶
func (f DatedDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DatedDate (873)
func (DatedDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DatedDateField) Value() string
type DayAvgPxField ¶
type DayAvgPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DayAvgPxField is a PRICE field
func NewDayAvgPx ¶
func NewDayAvgPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DayAvgPxField
NewDayAvgPx returns a new DayAvgPxField initialized with val and scale
func (DayAvgPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DayAvgPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DayBookingInstField ¶
type DayBookingInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DayBookingInstField is a enum.DayBookingInst field
func NewDayBookingInst ¶
func NewDayBookingInst(val enum.DayBookingInst) DayBookingInstField
func (DayBookingInstField) Tag ¶
func (f DayBookingInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DayBookingInst (589)
func (DayBookingInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DayBookingInstField) Value() enum.DayBookingInst
type DayCumQtyField ¶
type DayCumQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DayCumQtyField is a QTY field
func NewDayCumQty ¶
func NewDayCumQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DayCumQtyField
NewDayCumQty returns a new DayCumQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (DayCumQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f DayCumQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DayCumQty (425)
func (DayCumQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DayCumQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DayOrderQtyField ¶
type DayOrderQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DayOrderQtyField is a QTY field
func NewDayOrderQty ¶
func NewDayOrderQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DayOrderQtyField
NewDayOrderQty returns a new DayOrderQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (DayOrderQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f DayOrderQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DayOrderQty (424)
func (DayOrderQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DayOrderQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DealingCapacityField ¶
type DealingCapacityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DealingCapacityField is a enum.DealingCapacity field
func NewDealingCapacity ¶
func NewDealingCapacity(val enum.DealingCapacity) DealingCapacityField
func (DealingCapacityField) Tag ¶
func (f DealingCapacityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DealingCapacity (1048)
func (DealingCapacityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DealingCapacityField) Value() enum.DealingCapacity
type DefBidSizeField ¶
type DefBidSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DefBidSizeField is a QTY field
func NewDefBidSize ¶
func NewDefBidSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DefBidSizeField
NewDefBidSize returns a new DefBidSizeField initialized with val and scale
func (DefBidSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f DefBidSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DefBidSize (293)
func (DefBidSizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DefBidSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DefOfferSizeField ¶
type DefOfferSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DefOfferSizeField is a QTY field
func NewDefOfferSize ¶
func NewDefOfferSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DefOfferSizeField
NewDefOfferSize returns a new DefOfferSizeField initialized with val and scale
func (DefOfferSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f DefOfferSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DefOfferSize (294)
func (DefOfferSizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DefOfferSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DefaultApplExtIDField ¶
type DefaultApplExtIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DefaultApplExtIDField is a INT field
func NewDefaultApplExtID ¶
func NewDefaultApplExtID(val int) DefaultApplExtIDField
NewDefaultApplExtID returns a new DefaultApplExtIDField initialized with val
func (DefaultApplExtIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DefaultApplExtIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DefaultApplExtID (1407)
func (DefaultApplExtIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DefaultApplExtIDField) Value() int
type DefaultApplVerIDField ¶
type DefaultApplVerIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DefaultApplVerIDField is a STRING field
func NewDefaultApplVerID ¶
func NewDefaultApplVerID(val string) DefaultApplVerIDField
NewDefaultApplVerID returns a new DefaultApplVerIDField initialized with val
func (DefaultApplVerIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DefaultApplVerIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DefaultApplVerID (1137)
func (DefaultApplVerIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DefaultApplVerIDField) Value() string
type DefaultCstmApplVerIDField ¶
type DefaultCstmApplVerIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DefaultCstmApplVerIDField is a STRING field
func NewDefaultCstmApplVerID ¶
func NewDefaultCstmApplVerID(val string) DefaultCstmApplVerIDField
NewDefaultCstmApplVerID returns a new DefaultCstmApplVerIDField initialized with val
func (DefaultCstmApplVerIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DefaultCstmApplVerIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DefaultCstmApplVerID (1408)
func (DefaultCstmApplVerIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DefaultCstmApplVerIDField) Value() string
type DefaultVerIndicatorField ¶
type DefaultVerIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
DefaultVerIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewDefaultVerIndicator ¶
func NewDefaultVerIndicator(val bool) DefaultVerIndicatorField
NewDefaultVerIndicator returns a new DefaultVerIndicatorField initialized with val
func (DefaultVerIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f DefaultVerIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DefaultVerIndicator (1410)
func (DefaultVerIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DefaultVerIndicatorField) Value() bool
type DeleteReasonField ¶
type DeleteReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeleteReasonField is a enum.DeleteReason field
func NewDeleteReason ¶
func NewDeleteReason(val enum.DeleteReason) DeleteReasonField
func (DeleteReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f DeleteReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeleteReason (285)
func (DeleteReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeleteReasonField) Value() enum.DeleteReason
type DeliverToCompIDField ¶
type DeliverToCompIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeliverToCompIDField is a STRING field
func NewDeliverToCompID ¶
func NewDeliverToCompID(val string) DeliverToCompIDField
NewDeliverToCompID returns a new DeliverToCompIDField initialized with val
func (DeliverToCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DeliverToCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeliverToCompID (128)
func (DeliverToCompIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeliverToCompIDField) Value() string
type DeliverToLocationIDField ¶
type DeliverToLocationIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeliverToLocationIDField is a STRING field
func NewDeliverToLocationID ¶
func NewDeliverToLocationID(val string) DeliverToLocationIDField
NewDeliverToLocationID returns a new DeliverToLocationIDField initialized with val
func (DeliverToLocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DeliverToLocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeliverToLocationID (145)
func (DeliverToLocationIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeliverToLocationIDField) Value() string
type DeliverToSubIDField ¶
type DeliverToSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeliverToSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewDeliverToSubID ¶
func NewDeliverToSubID(val string) DeliverToSubIDField
NewDeliverToSubID returns a new DeliverToSubIDField initialized with val
func (DeliverToSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DeliverToSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeliverToSubID (129)
func (DeliverToSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeliverToSubIDField) Value() string
type DeliveryDateField ¶
type DeliveryDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeliveryDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewDeliveryDate ¶
func NewDeliveryDate(val string) DeliveryDateField
NewDeliveryDate returns a new DeliveryDateField initialized with val
func (DeliveryDateField) Tag ¶
func (f DeliveryDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeliveryDate (743)
func (DeliveryDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeliveryDateField) Value() string
type DeliveryFormField ¶
type DeliveryFormField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeliveryFormField is a enum.DeliveryForm field
func NewDeliveryForm ¶
func NewDeliveryForm(val enum.DeliveryForm) DeliveryFormField
func (DeliveryFormField) Tag ¶
func (f DeliveryFormField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeliveryForm (668)
func (DeliveryFormField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeliveryFormField) Value() enum.DeliveryForm
type DeliveryTypeField ¶
type DeliveryTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeliveryTypeField is a enum.DeliveryType field
func NewDeliveryType ¶
func NewDeliveryType(val enum.DeliveryType) DeliveryTypeField
func (DeliveryTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DeliveryTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeliveryType (919)
func (DeliveryTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeliveryTypeField) Value() enum.DeliveryType
type DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField ¶
type DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewDerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicator ¶
func NewDerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicator(val bool) DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField
NewDerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicator returns a new DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField initialized with val
func (DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicator (1243)
func (DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField) Value() bool
type DerivativeCFICodeField ¶
type DerivativeCFICodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeCFICodeField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeCFICode ¶
func NewDerivativeCFICode(val string) DerivativeCFICodeField
NewDerivativeCFICode returns a new DerivativeCFICodeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeCFICodeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeCFICodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeCFICode (1248)
func (DerivativeCFICodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeCFICodeField) Value() string
type DerivativeCapPriceField ¶
type DerivativeCapPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeCapPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewDerivativeCapPrice ¶
func NewDerivativeCapPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeCapPriceField
NewDerivativeCapPrice returns a new DerivativeCapPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeCapPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeCapPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeCapPrice (1321)
func (DerivativeCapPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeCapPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeContractMultiplierField ¶
type DerivativeContractMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeContractMultiplierField is a FLOAT field
func NewDerivativeContractMultiplier ¶
func NewDerivativeContractMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeContractMultiplierField
NewDerivativeContractMultiplier returns a new DerivativeContractMultiplierField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeContractMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeContractMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeContractMultiplier (1266)
func (DerivativeContractMultiplierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeContractMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField ¶
type DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField is a INT field
func NewDerivativeContractMultiplierUnit ¶
func NewDerivativeContractMultiplierUnit(val int) DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField
NewDerivativeContractMultiplierUnit returns a new DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField initialized with val
func (DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeContractMultiplierUnit (1438)
func (DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeContractMultiplierUnitField) Value() int
type DerivativeContractSettlMonthField ¶
type DerivativeContractSettlMonthField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeContractSettlMonthField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewDerivativeContractSettlMonth ¶
func NewDerivativeContractSettlMonth(val string) DerivativeContractSettlMonthField
NewDerivativeContractSettlMonth returns a new DerivativeContractSettlMonthField initialized with val
func (DerivativeContractSettlMonthField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeContractSettlMonthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeContractSettlMonth (1285)
func (DerivativeContractSettlMonthField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeContractSettlMonthField) Value() string
type DerivativeCountryOfIssueField ¶
type DerivativeCountryOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeCountryOfIssueField is a COUNTRY field
func NewDerivativeCountryOfIssue ¶
func NewDerivativeCountryOfIssue(val string) DerivativeCountryOfIssueField
NewDerivativeCountryOfIssue returns a new DerivativeCountryOfIssueField initialized with val
func (DerivativeCountryOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeCountryOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeCountryOfIssue (1258)
func (DerivativeCountryOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeCountryOfIssueField) Value() string
type DerivativeEncodedIssuerField ¶
type DerivativeEncodedIssuerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeEncodedIssuerField is a DATA field
func NewDerivativeEncodedIssuer ¶
func NewDerivativeEncodedIssuer(val string) DerivativeEncodedIssuerField
NewDerivativeEncodedIssuer returns a new DerivativeEncodedIssuerField initialized with val
func (DerivativeEncodedIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeEncodedIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeEncodedIssuer (1278)
func (DerivativeEncodedIssuerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeEncodedIssuerField) Value() string
type DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField ¶
type DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewDerivativeEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func NewDerivativeEncodedIssuerLen(val int) DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField
NewDerivativeEncodedIssuerLen returns a new DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField initialized with val
func (DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeEncodedIssuerLen (1277)
func (DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeEncodedIssuerLenField) Value() int
type DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField ¶
type DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField is a DATA field
func NewDerivativeEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func NewDerivativeEncodedSecurityDesc(val string) DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField
NewDerivativeEncodedSecurityDesc returns a new DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeEncodedSecurityDesc (1281)
func (DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescField) Value() string
type DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField ¶
type DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewDerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func NewDerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLen(val int) DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField
NewDerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLen returns a new DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField initialized with val
func (DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLen (1280)
func (DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value() int
type DerivativeEventDateField ¶
type DerivativeEventDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeEventDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewDerivativeEventDate ¶
func NewDerivativeEventDate(val string) DerivativeEventDateField
NewDerivativeEventDate returns a new DerivativeEventDateField initialized with val
func (DerivativeEventDateField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeEventDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeEventDate (1288)
func (DerivativeEventDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeEventDateField) Value() string
type DerivativeEventPxField ¶
type DerivativeEventPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeEventPxField is a PRICE field
func NewDerivativeEventPx ¶
func NewDerivativeEventPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeEventPxField
NewDerivativeEventPx returns a new DerivativeEventPxField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeEventPxField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeEventPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeEventPx (1290)
func (DerivativeEventPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeEventPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeEventTextField ¶
type DerivativeEventTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeEventTextField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeEventText ¶
func NewDerivativeEventText(val string) DerivativeEventTextField
NewDerivativeEventText returns a new DerivativeEventTextField initialized with val
func (DerivativeEventTextField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeEventTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeEventText (1291)
func (DerivativeEventTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeEventTextField) Value() string
type DerivativeEventTimeField ¶
type DerivativeEventTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
DerivativeEventTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewDerivativeEventTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewDerivativeEventTime(val time.Time) DerivativeEventTimeField
NewDerivativeEventTime returns a new DerivativeEventTimeField initialized with val
func NewDerivativeEventTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewDerivativeEventTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) DerivativeEventTimeField
NewDerivativeEventTimeNoMillis returns a new DerivativeEventTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewDerivativeEventTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewDerivativeEventTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) DerivativeEventTimeField
NewDerivativeEventTimeWithPrecision returns a new DerivativeEventTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (DerivativeEventTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeEventTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeEventTime (1289)
func (DerivativeEventTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeEventTimeField) Value() time.Time
type DerivativeEventTypeField ¶
type DerivativeEventTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeEventTypeField is a INT field
func NewDerivativeEventType ¶
func NewDerivativeEventType(val int) DerivativeEventTypeField
NewDerivativeEventType returns a new DerivativeEventTypeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeEventTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeEventTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeEventType (1287)
func (DerivativeEventTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeEventTypeField) Value() int
type DerivativeExerciseStyleField ¶
type DerivativeExerciseStyleField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeExerciseStyleField is a CHAR field
func NewDerivativeExerciseStyle ¶
func NewDerivativeExerciseStyle(val string) DerivativeExerciseStyleField
NewDerivativeExerciseStyle returns a new DerivativeExerciseStyleField initialized with val
func (DerivativeExerciseStyleField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeExerciseStyleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeExerciseStyle (1299)
func (DerivativeExerciseStyleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeExerciseStyleField) Value() string
type DerivativeFloorPriceField ¶
type DerivativeFloorPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeFloorPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewDerivativeFloorPrice ¶
func NewDerivativeFloorPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeFloorPriceField
NewDerivativeFloorPrice returns a new DerivativeFloorPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeFloorPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeFloorPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeFloorPrice (1322)
func (DerivativeFloorPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeFloorPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField ¶
type DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField is a INT field
func NewDerivativeFlowScheduleType ¶
func NewDerivativeFlowScheduleType(val int) DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField
NewDerivativeFlowScheduleType returns a new DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeFlowScheduleType (1442)
func (DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeFlowScheduleTypeField) Value() int
type DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField ¶
type DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeFuturesValuationMethod ¶
func NewDerivativeFuturesValuationMethod(val string) DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField
NewDerivativeFuturesValuationMethod returns a new DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField initialized with val
func (DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeFuturesValuationMethod (1319)
func (DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeFuturesValuationMethodField) Value() string
type DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField ¶
type DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField is a INT field
func NewDerivativeInstrAttribType ¶
func NewDerivativeInstrAttribType(val int) DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField
NewDerivativeInstrAttribType returns a new DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeInstrAttribType (1313)
func (DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeInstrAttribTypeField) Value() int
type DerivativeInstrAttribValueField ¶
type DerivativeInstrAttribValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeInstrAttribValueField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeInstrAttribValue ¶
func NewDerivativeInstrAttribValue(val string) DerivativeInstrAttribValueField
NewDerivativeInstrAttribValue returns a new DerivativeInstrAttribValueField initialized with val
func (DerivativeInstrAttribValueField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeInstrAttribValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeInstrAttribValue (1314)
func (DerivativeInstrAttribValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeInstrAttribValueField) Value() string
type DerivativeInstrRegistryField ¶
type DerivativeInstrRegistryField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeInstrRegistryField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeInstrRegistry ¶
func NewDerivativeInstrRegistry(val string) DerivativeInstrRegistryField
NewDerivativeInstrRegistry returns a new DerivativeInstrRegistryField initialized with val
func (DerivativeInstrRegistryField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeInstrRegistryField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeInstrRegistry (1257)
func (DerivativeInstrRegistryField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeInstrRegistryField) Value() string
type DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField ¶
type DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField is a CHAR field
func NewDerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethod ¶
func NewDerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethod(val string) DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField
NewDerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethod returns a new DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField initialized with val
func (DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethod (1255)
func (DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethodField) Value() string
type DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField ¶
type DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartyID ¶
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartyID(val string) DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField
NewDerivativeInstrumentPartyID returns a new DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField initialized with val
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeInstrumentPartyID (1293)
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDField) Value() string
type DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField ¶
type DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSource(val string) DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField
NewDerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSource returns a new DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSource (1294)
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField ¶
type DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartyRole(val int) DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField
NewDerivativeInstrumentPartyRole returns a new DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeInstrumentPartyRole (1295)
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleField) Value() int
type DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField ¶
type DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartySubID(val string) DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField
NewDerivativeInstrumentPartySubID returns a new DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeInstrumentPartySubID (1297)
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDField) Value() string
type DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func NewDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDType(val int) DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField
NewDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDType returns a new DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDType (1298)
func (DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type DerivativeIssueDateField ¶
type DerivativeIssueDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeIssueDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewDerivativeIssueDate ¶
func NewDerivativeIssueDate(val string) DerivativeIssueDateField
NewDerivativeIssueDate returns a new DerivativeIssueDateField initialized with val
func (DerivativeIssueDateField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeIssueDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeIssueDate (1276)
func (DerivativeIssueDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeIssueDateField) Value() string
type DerivativeIssuerField ¶
type DerivativeIssuerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeIssuerField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeIssuer ¶
func NewDerivativeIssuer(val string) DerivativeIssuerField
NewDerivativeIssuer returns a new DerivativeIssuerField initialized with val
func (DerivativeIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeIssuer (1275)
func (DerivativeIssuerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeIssuerField) Value() string
type DerivativeListMethodField ¶
type DerivativeListMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeListMethodField is a INT field
func NewDerivativeListMethod ¶
func NewDerivativeListMethod(val int) DerivativeListMethodField
NewDerivativeListMethod returns a new DerivativeListMethodField initialized with val
func (DerivativeListMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeListMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeListMethod (1320)
func (DerivativeListMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeListMethodField) Value() int
type DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField ¶
type DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeLocaleOfIssue ¶
func NewDerivativeLocaleOfIssue(val string) DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField
NewDerivativeLocaleOfIssue returns a new DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField initialized with val
func (DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeLocaleOfIssue (1260)
func (DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeLocaleOfIssueField) Value() string
type DerivativeMaturityDateField ¶
type DerivativeMaturityDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeMaturityDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewDerivativeMaturityDate ¶
func NewDerivativeMaturityDate(val string) DerivativeMaturityDateField
NewDerivativeMaturityDate returns a new DerivativeMaturityDateField initialized with val
func (DerivativeMaturityDateField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeMaturityDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeMaturityDate (1252)
func (DerivativeMaturityDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeMaturityDateField) Value() string
type DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField ¶
type DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewDerivativeMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewDerivativeMaturityMonthYear(val string) DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField
NewDerivativeMaturityMonthYear returns a new DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField initialized with val
func (DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeMaturityMonthYear (1251)
func (DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeMaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type DerivativeMaturityTimeField ¶
type DerivativeMaturityTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeMaturityTimeField is a TZTIMEONLY field
func NewDerivativeMaturityTime ¶
func NewDerivativeMaturityTime(val string) DerivativeMaturityTimeField
NewDerivativeMaturityTime returns a new DerivativeMaturityTimeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeMaturityTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeMaturityTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeMaturityTime (1253)
func (DerivativeMaturityTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeMaturityTimeField) Value() string
type DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField ¶
type DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField is a AMT field
func NewDerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmount ¶
func NewDerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField
NewDerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmount returns a new DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmount (1268)
func (DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField ¶
type DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField is a FLOAT field
func NewDerivativeMinPriceIncrement ¶
func NewDerivativeMinPriceIncrement(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField
NewDerivativeMinPriceIncrement returns a new DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeMinPriceIncrement (1267)
func (DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeMinPriceIncrementField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeNTPositionLimitField ¶
type DerivativeNTPositionLimitField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeNTPositionLimitField is a INT field
func NewDerivativeNTPositionLimit ¶
func NewDerivativeNTPositionLimit(val int) DerivativeNTPositionLimitField
NewDerivativeNTPositionLimit returns a new DerivativeNTPositionLimitField initialized with val
func (DerivativeNTPositionLimitField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeNTPositionLimitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeNTPositionLimit (1274)
func (DerivativeNTPositionLimitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeNTPositionLimitField) Value() int
type DerivativeOptAttributeField ¶
type DerivativeOptAttributeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeOptAttributeField is a CHAR field
func NewDerivativeOptAttribute ¶
func NewDerivativeOptAttribute(val string) DerivativeOptAttributeField
NewDerivativeOptAttribute returns a new DerivativeOptAttributeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeOptAttributeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeOptAttributeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeOptAttribute (1265)
func (DerivativeOptAttributeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeOptAttributeField) Value() string
type DerivativeOptPayAmountField ¶
type DerivativeOptPayAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeOptPayAmountField is a AMT field
func NewDerivativeOptPayAmount ¶
func NewDerivativeOptPayAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeOptPayAmountField
NewDerivativeOptPayAmount returns a new DerivativeOptPayAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeOptPayAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeOptPayAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeOptPayAmount (1225)
func (DerivativeOptPayAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeOptPayAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativePositionLimitField ¶
type DerivativePositionLimitField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativePositionLimitField is a INT field
func NewDerivativePositionLimit ¶
func NewDerivativePositionLimit(val int) DerivativePositionLimitField
NewDerivativePositionLimit returns a new DerivativePositionLimitField initialized with val
func (DerivativePositionLimitField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativePositionLimitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativePositionLimit (1273)
func (DerivativePositionLimitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativePositionLimitField) Value() int
type DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField ¶
type DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativePriceQuoteMethod ¶
func NewDerivativePriceQuoteMethod(val string) DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField
NewDerivativePriceQuoteMethod returns a new DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField initialized with val
func (DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativePriceQuoteMethod (1318)
func (DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativePriceQuoteMethodField) Value() string
type DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField ¶
type DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativePriceUnitOfMeasure ¶
func NewDerivativePriceUnitOfMeasure(val string) DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField
NewDerivativePriceUnitOfMeasure returns a new DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField initialized with val
func (DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasure (1315)
func (DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureField) Value() string
type DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField ¶
type DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField is a QTY field
func NewDerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQty ¶
func NewDerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField
NewDerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQty returns a new DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQty (1316)
func (DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeProductComplexField ¶
type DerivativeProductComplexField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeProductComplexField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeProductComplex ¶
func NewDerivativeProductComplex(val string) DerivativeProductComplexField
NewDerivativeProductComplex returns a new DerivativeProductComplexField initialized with val
func (DerivativeProductComplexField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeProductComplexField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeProductComplex (1228)
func (DerivativeProductComplexField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeProductComplexField) Value() string
type DerivativeProductField ¶
type DerivativeProductField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeProductField is a INT field
func NewDerivativeProduct ¶
func NewDerivativeProduct(val int) DerivativeProductField
NewDerivativeProduct returns a new DerivativeProductField initialized with val
func (DerivativeProductField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeProductField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeProduct (1246)
func (DerivativeProductField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeProductField) Value() int
type DerivativePutOrCallField ¶
type DerivativePutOrCallField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativePutOrCallField is a INT field
func NewDerivativePutOrCall ¶
func NewDerivativePutOrCall(val int) DerivativePutOrCallField
NewDerivativePutOrCall returns a new DerivativePutOrCallField initialized with val
func (DerivativePutOrCallField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativePutOrCallField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativePutOrCall (1323)
func (DerivativePutOrCallField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativePutOrCallField) Value() int
type DerivativeSecurityAltIDField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecurityAltID ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityAltID(val string) DerivativeSecurityAltIDField
NewDerivativeSecurityAltID returns a new DerivativeSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityAltID (1219)
func (DerivativeSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityAltIDField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityAltIDSource(val string) DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField
NewDerivativeSecurityAltIDSource returns a new DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityAltIDSource (1220)
func (DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityDescField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityDescField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecurityDesc ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityDesc(val string) DerivativeSecurityDescField
NewDerivativeSecurityDesc returns a new DerivativeSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityDesc (1279)
func (DerivativeSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityDescField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityExchangeField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityExchangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityExchangeField is a EXCHANGE field
func NewDerivativeSecurityExchange ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityExchange(val string) DerivativeSecurityExchangeField
NewDerivativeSecurityExchange returns a new DerivativeSecurityExchangeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityExchangeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityExchangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityExchange (1272)
func (DerivativeSecurityExchangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityExchangeField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityGroupField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityGroupField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityGroupField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecurityGroup ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityGroup(val string) DerivativeSecurityGroupField
NewDerivativeSecurityGroup returns a new DerivativeSecurityGroupField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityGroupField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityGroupField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityGroup (1247)
func (DerivativeSecurityGroupField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityGroupField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityIDField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecurityID ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityID(val string) DerivativeSecurityIDField
NewDerivativeSecurityID returns a new DerivativeSecurityIDField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityID (1216)
func (DerivativeSecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityIDField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityIDSource(val string) DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField
NewDerivativeSecurityIDSource returns a new DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityIDSource (1217)
func (DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityIDSourceField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityListRequestTypeField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityListRequestTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityListRequestTypeField is a enum.DerivativeSecurityListRequestType field
func NewDerivativeSecurityListRequestType ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityListRequestType(val enum.DerivativeSecurityListRequestType) DerivativeSecurityListRequestTypeField
func (DerivativeSecurityListRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityListRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityListRequestType (1307)
func (DerivativeSecurityListRequestTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityListRequestTypeField) Value() enum.DerivativeSecurityListRequestType
type DerivativeSecurityStatusField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityStatusField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecurityStatus ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityStatus(val string) DerivativeSecurityStatusField
NewDerivativeSecurityStatus returns a new DerivativeSecurityStatusField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityStatus (1256)
func (DerivativeSecurityStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityStatusField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField ¶
type DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecuritySubType ¶
func NewDerivativeSecuritySubType(val string) DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField
NewDerivativeSecuritySubType returns a new DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecuritySubType (1250)
func (DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecuritySubTypeField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityTypeField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityTypeField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecurityType ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityType(val string) DerivativeSecurityTypeField
NewDerivativeSecurityType returns a new DerivativeSecurityTypeField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityType (1249)
func (DerivativeSecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityTypeField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityXMLField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityXMLField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityXMLField is a DATA field
func NewDerivativeSecurityXML ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityXML(val string) DerivativeSecurityXMLField
NewDerivativeSecurityXML returns a new DerivativeSecurityXMLField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityXMLField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityXMLField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityXML (1283)
func (DerivativeSecurityXMLField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityXMLField) Value() string
type DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewDerivativeSecurityXMLLen ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityXMLLen(val int) DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField
NewDerivativeSecurityXMLLen returns a new DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityXMLLen (1282)
func (DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityXMLLenField) Value() int
type DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField ¶
type DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSecurityXMLSchema ¶
func NewDerivativeSecurityXMLSchema(val string) DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField
NewDerivativeSecurityXMLSchema returns a new DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSecurityXMLSchema (1284)
func (DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSecurityXMLSchemaField) Value() string
type DerivativeSettlMethodField ¶
type DerivativeSettlMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSettlMethodField is a CHAR field
func NewDerivativeSettlMethod ¶
func NewDerivativeSettlMethod(val string) DerivativeSettlMethodField
NewDerivativeSettlMethod returns a new DerivativeSettlMethodField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSettlMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSettlMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSettlMethod (1317)
func (DerivativeSettlMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSettlMethodField) Value() string
type DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField ¶
type DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSettleOnOpenFlag ¶
func NewDerivativeSettleOnOpenFlag(val string) DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField
NewDerivativeSettleOnOpenFlag returns a new DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlag (1254)
func (DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlagField) Value() string
type DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField ¶
type DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func NewDerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssue(val string) DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField
NewDerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns a new DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField initialized with val
func (DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssue (1259)
func (DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Value() string
type DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField ¶
type DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewDerivativeStrikeCurrency ¶
func NewDerivativeStrikeCurrency(val string) DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField
NewDerivativeStrikeCurrency returns a new DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField initialized with val
func (DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeStrikeCurrency (1262)
func (DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeStrikeCurrencyField) Value() string
type DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField ¶
type DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField is a FLOAT field
func NewDerivativeStrikeMultiplier ¶
func NewDerivativeStrikeMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField
NewDerivativeStrikeMultiplier returns a new DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeStrikeMultiplier (1263)
func (DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeStrikeMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeStrikePriceField ¶
type DerivativeStrikePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeStrikePriceField is a PRICE field
func NewDerivativeStrikePrice ¶
func NewDerivativeStrikePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeStrikePriceField
NewDerivativeStrikePrice returns a new DerivativeStrikePriceField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeStrikePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeStrikePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeStrikePrice (1261)
func (DerivativeStrikePriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeStrikePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeStrikeValueField ¶
type DerivativeStrikeValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeStrikeValueField is a FLOAT field
func NewDerivativeStrikeValue ¶
func NewDerivativeStrikeValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeStrikeValueField
NewDerivativeStrikeValue returns a new DerivativeStrikeValueField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeStrikeValueField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeStrikeValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeStrikeValue (1264)
func (DerivativeStrikeValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeStrikeValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeSymbolField ¶
type DerivativeSymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSymbolField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSymbol ¶
func NewDerivativeSymbol(val string) DerivativeSymbolField
NewDerivativeSymbol returns a new DerivativeSymbolField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSymbol (1214)
func (DerivativeSymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSymbolField) Value() string
type DerivativeSymbolSfxField ¶
type DerivativeSymbolSfxField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeSymbolSfxField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeSymbolSfx ¶
func NewDerivativeSymbolSfx(val string) DerivativeSymbolSfxField
NewDerivativeSymbolSfx returns a new DerivativeSymbolSfxField initialized with val
func (DerivativeSymbolSfxField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeSymbolSfxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeSymbolSfx (1215)
func (DerivativeSymbolSfxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeSymbolSfxField) Value() string
type DerivativeTimeUnitField ¶
type DerivativeTimeUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeTimeUnitField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeTimeUnit ¶
func NewDerivativeTimeUnit(val string) DerivativeTimeUnitField
NewDerivativeTimeUnit returns a new DerivativeTimeUnitField initialized with val
func (DerivativeTimeUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeTimeUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeTimeUnit (1271)
func (DerivativeTimeUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeTimeUnitField) Value() string
type DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField ¶
type DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeUnitOfMeasure ¶
func NewDerivativeUnitOfMeasure(val string) DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField
NewDerivativeUnitOfMeasure returns a new DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField initialized with val
func (DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeUnitOfMeasure (1269)
func (DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeUnitOfMeasureField) Value() string
type DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField ¶
type DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField is a QTY field
func NewDerivativeUnitOfMeasureQty ¶
func NewDerivativeUnitOfMeasureQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField
NewDerivativeUnitOfMeasureQty returns a new DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQty (1270)
func (DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DerivativeValuationMethodField ¶
type DerivativeValuationMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DerivativeValuationMethodField is a STRING field
func NewDerivativeValuationMethod ¶
func NewDerivativeValuationMethod(val string) DerivativeValuationMethodField
NewDerivativeValuationMethod returns a new DerivativeValuationMethodField initialized with val
func (DerivativeValuationMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f DerivativeValuationMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DerivativeValuationMethod (1319)
func (DerivativeValuationMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DerivativeValuationMethodField) Value() string
type DesignationField ¶
type DesignationField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DesignationField is a STRING field
func NewDesignation ¶
func NewDesignation(val string) DesignationField
NewDesignation returns a new DesignationField initialized with val
func (DesignationField) Tag ¶
func (f DesignationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Designation (494)
func (DesignationField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DesignationField) Value() string
type DeskIDField ¶
type DeskIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeskIDField is a STRING field
func NewDeskID ¶
func NewDeskID(val string) DeskIDField
NewDeskID returns a new DeskIDField initialized with val
func (DeskIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeskIDField) Value() string
type DeskOrderHandlingInstField ¶
type DeskOrderHandlingInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeskOrderHandlingInstField is a enum.DeskOrderHandlingInst field
func NewDeskOrderHandlingInst ¶
func NewDeskOrderHandlingInst(val enum.DeskOrderHandlingInst) DeskOrderHandlingInstField
func (DeskOrderHandlingInstField) Tag ¶
func (f DeskOrderHandlingInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeskOrderHandlingInst (1035)
func (DeskOrderHandlingInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeskOrderHandlingInstField) Value() enum.DeskOrderHandlingInst
type DeskTypeField ¶
type DeskTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeskTypeField is a enum.DeskType field
func NewDeskType ¶
func NewDeskType(val enum.DeskType) DeskTypeField
func (DeskTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DeskTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeskType (1033)
func (DeskTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeskTypeField) Value() enum.DeskType
type DeskTypeSourceField ¶
type DeskTypeSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DeskTypeSourceField is a enum.DeskTypeSource field
func NewDeskTypeSource ¶
func NewDeskTypeSource(val enum.DeskTypeSource) DeskTypeSourceField
func (DeskTypeSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f DeskTypeSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeskTypeSource (1034)
func (DeskTypeSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DeskTypeSourceField) Value() enum.DeskTypeSource
type DetachmentPointField ¶
type DetachmentPointField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DetachmentPointField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewDetachmentPoint ¶
func NewDetachmentPoint(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DetachmentPointField
NewDetachmentPoint returns a new DetachmentPointField initialized with val and scale
func (DetachmentPointField) Tag ¶
func (f DetachmentPointField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DetachmentPoint (1458)
func (DetachmentPointField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DetachmentPointField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DiscretionInstField ¶
type DiscretionInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DiscretionInstField is a enum.DiscretionInst field
func NewDiscretionInst ¶
func NewDiscretionInst(val enum.DiscretionInst) DiscretionInstField
func (DiscretionInstField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionInst (388)
func (DiscretionInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DiscretionInstField) Value() enum.DiscretionInst
type DiscretionLimitTypeField ¶
type DiscretionLimitTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DiscretionLimitTypeField is a enum.DiscretionLimitType field
func NewDiscretionLimitType ¶
func NewDiscretionLimitType(val enum.DiscretionLimitType) DiscretionLimitTypeField
func (DiscretionLimitTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionLimitTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionLimitType (843)
func (DiscretionLimitTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DiscretionLimitTypeField) Value() enum.DiscretionLimitType
type DiscretionMoveTypeField ¶
type DiscretionMoveTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DiscretionMoveTypeField is a enum.DiscretionMoveType field
func NewDiscretionMoveType ¶
func NewDiscretionMoveType(val enum.DiscretionMoveType) DiscretionMoveTypeField
func (DiscretionMoveTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionMoveTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionMoveType (841)
func (DiscretionMoveTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DiscretionMoveTypeField) Value() enum.DiscretionMoveType
type DiscretionOffsetField ¶
type DiscretionOffsetField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DiscretionOffsetField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewDiscretionOffset ¶
func NewDiscretionOffset(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DiscretionOffsetField
NewDiscretionOffset returns a new DiscretionOffsetField initialized with val and scale
func (DiscretionOffsetField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionOffsetField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionOffset (389)
func (DiscretionOffsetField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DiscretionOffsetField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DiscretionOffsetTypeField ¶
type DiscretionOffsetTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DiscretionOffsetTypeField is a enum.DiscretionOffsetType field
func NewDiscretionOffsetType ¶
func NewDiscretionOffsetType(val enum.DiscretionOffsetType) DiscretionOffsetTypeField
func (DiscretionOffsetTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionOffsetTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionOffsetType (842)
func (DiscretionOffsetTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DiscretionOffsetTypeField) Value() enum.DiscretionOffsetType
type DiscretionOffsetValueField ¶
type DiscretionOffsetValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DiscretionOffsetValueField is a FLOAT field
func NewDiscretionOffsetValue ¶
func NewDiscretionOffsetValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DiscretionOffsetValueField
NewDiscretionOffsetValue returns a new DiscretionOffsetValueField initialized with val and scale
func (DiscretionOffsetValueField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionOffsetValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionOffsetValue (389)
func (DiscretionOffsetValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DiscretionOffsetValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DiscretionPriceField ¶
type DiscretionPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DiscretionPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewDiscretionPrice ¶
func NewDiscretionPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DiscretionPriceField
NewDiscretionPrice returns a new DiscretionPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (DiscretionPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionPrice (845)
func (DiscretionPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DiscretionPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DiscretionRoundDirectionField ¶
type DiscretionRoundDirectionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DiscretionRoundDirectionField is a enum.DiscretionRoundDirection field
func NewDiscretionRoundDirection ¶
func NewDiscretionRoundDirection(val enum.DiscretionRoundDirection) DiscretionRoundDirectionField
func (DiscretionRoundDirectionField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionRoundDirectionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionRoundDirection (844)
func (DiscretionRoundDirectionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DiscretionRoundDirectionField) Value() enum.DiscretionRoundDirection
type DiscretionScopeField ¶
type DiscretionScopeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DiscretionScopeField is a enum.DiscretionScope field
func NewDiscretionScope ¶
func NewDiscretionScope(val enum.DiscretionScope) DiscretionScopeField
func (DiscretionScopeField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionScopeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionScope (846)
func (DiscretionScopeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DiscretionScopeField) Value() enum.DiscretionScope
type DisplayHighQtyField ¶
type DisplayHighQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DisplayHighQtyField is a QTY field
func NewDisplayHighQty ¶
func NewDisplayHighQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DisplayHighQtyField
NewDisplayHighQty returns a new DisplayHighQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (DisplayHighQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f DisplayHighQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DisplayHighQty (1086)
func (DisplayHighQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DisplayHighQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DisplayLowQtyField ¶
type DisplayLowQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DisplayLowQtyField is a QTY field
func NewDisplayLowQty ¶
func NewDisplayLowQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DisplayLowQtyField
NewDisplayLowQty returns a new DisplayLowQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (DisplayLowQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f DisplayLowQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DisplayLowQty (1085)
func (DisplayLowQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DisplayLowQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DisplayMethodField ¶
type DisplayMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DisplayMethodField is a enum.DisplayMethod field
func NewDisplayMethod ¶
func NewDisplayMethod(val enum.DisplayMethod) DisplayMethodField
func (DisplayMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f DisplayMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DisplayMethod (1084)
func (DisplayMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DisplayMethodField) Value() enum.DisplayMethod
type DisplayMinIncrField ¶
type DisplayMinIncrField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DisplayMinIncrField is a QTY field
func NewDisplayMinIncr ¶
func NewDisplayMinIncr(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DisplayMinIncrField
NewDisplayMinIncr returns a new DisplayMinIncrField initialized with val and scale
func (DisplayMinIncrField) Tag ¶
func (f DisplayMinIncrField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DisplayMinIncr (1087)
func (DisplayMinIncrField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DisplayMinIncrField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DisplayQtyField ¶
type DisplayQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DisplayQtyField is a QTY field
func NewDisplayQty ¶
func NewDisplayQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DisplayQtyField
NewDisplayQty returns a new DisplayQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (DisplayQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f DisplayQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DisplayQty (1138)
func (DisplayQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DisplayQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DisplayWhenField ¶
type DisplayWhenField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DisplayWhenField is a enum.DisplayWhen field
func NewDisplayWhen ¶
func NewDisplayWhen(val enum.DisplayWhen) DisplayWhenField
func (DisplayWhenField) Tag ¶
func (f DisplayWhenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DisplayWhen (1083)
func (DisplayWhenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DisplayWhenField) Value() enum.DisplayWhen
type DistribPaymentMethodField ¶
type DistribPaymentMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DistribPaymentMethodField is a enum.DistribPaymentMethod field
func NewDistribPaymentMethod ¶
func NewDistribPaymentMethod(val enum.DistribPaymentMethod) DistribPaymentMethodField
func (DistribPaymentMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f DistribPaymentMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DistribPaymentMethod (477)
func (DistribPaymentMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DistribPaymentMethodField) Value() enum.DistribPaymentMethod
type DistribPercentageField ¶
type DistribPercentageField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DistribPercentageField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewDistribPercentage ¶
func NewDistribPercentage(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DistribPercentageField
NewDistribPercentage returns a new DistribPercentageField initialized with val and scale
func (DistribPercentageField) Tag ¶
func (f DistribPercentageField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DistribPercentage (512)
func (DistribPercentageField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DistribPercentageField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DividendYieldField ¶
type DividendYieldField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DividendYieldField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewDividendYield ¶
func NewDividendYield(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DividendYieldField
NewDividendYield returns a new DividendYieldField initialized with val and scale
func (DividendYieldField) Tag ¶
func (f DividendYieldField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DividendYield (1380)
func (DividendYieldField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DividendYieldField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DlvyInstField ¶
type DlvyInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DlvyInstField is a STRING field
func NewDlvyInst ¶
func NewDlvyInst(val string) DlvyInstField
NewDlvyInst returns a new DlvyInstField initialized with val
func (DlvyInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DlvyInstField) Value() string
type DlvyInstTypeField ¶
type DlvyInstTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
DlvyInstTypeField is a enum.DlvyInstType field
func NewDlvyInstType ¶
func NewDlvyInstType(val enum.DlvyInstType) DlvyInstTypeField
func (DlvyInstTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f DlvyInstTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DlvyInstType (787)
func (DlvyInstTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DlvyInstTypeField) Value() enum.DlvyInstType
type DueToRelatedField ¶
type DueToRelatedField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
DueToRelatedField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewDueToRelated ¶
func NewDueToRelated(val bool) DueToRelatedField
NewDueToRelated returns a new DueToRelatedField initialized with val
func (DueToRelatedField) Tag ¶
func (f DueToRelatedField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DueToRelated (329)
func (DueToRelatedField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f DueToRelatedField) Value() bool
type EFPTrackingErrorField ¶
type EFPTrackingErrorField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
EFPTrackingErrorField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewEFPTrackingError ¶
func NewEFPTrackingError(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) EFPTrackingErrorField
NewEFPTrackingError returns a new EFPTrackingErrorField initialized with val and scale
func (EFPTrackingErrorField) Tag ¶
func (f EFPTrackingErrorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EFPTrackingError (405)
func (EFPTrackingErrorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EFPTrackingErrorField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type EffectiveTimeField ¶
type EffectiveTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
EffectiveTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewEffectiveTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewEffectiveTime(val time.Time) EffectiveTimeField
NewEffectiveTime returns a new EffectiveTimeField initialized with val
func NewEffectiveTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewEffectiveTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) EffectiveTimeField
NewEffectiveTimeNoMillis returns a new EffectiveTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewEffectiveTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewEffectiveTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) EffectiveTimeField
NewEffectiveTimeWithPrecision returns a new EffectiveTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (EffectiveTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f EffectiveTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EffectiveTime (168)
func (EffectiveTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EffectiveTimeField) Value() time.Time
type EmailThreadIDField ¶
type EmailThreadIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EmailThreadIDField is a STRING field
func NewEmailThreadID ¶
func NewEmailThreadID(val string) EmailThreadIDField
NewEmailThreadID returns a new EmailThreadIDField initialized with val
func (EmailThreadIDField) Tag ¶
func (f EmailThreadIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EmailThreadID (164)
func (EmailThreadIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EmailThreadIDField) Value() string
type EmailTypeField ¶
type EmailTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EmailTypeField is a enum.EmailType field
func NewEmailType ¶
func NewEmailType(val enum.EmailType) EmailTypeField
func (EmailTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f EmailTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EmailType (94)
func (EmailTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EmailTypeField) Value() enum.EmailType
type EncodedAllocTextField ¶
type EncodedAllocTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedAllocTextField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedAllocText ¶
func NewEncodedAllocText(val string) EncodedAllocTextField
NewEncodedAllocText returns a new EncodedAllocTextField initialized with val
func (EncodedAllocTextField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedAllocTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedAllocText (361)
func (EncodedAllocTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedAllocTextField) Value() string
type EncodedAllocTextLenField ¶
type EncodedAllocTextLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedAllocTextLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedAllocTextLen ¶
func NewEncodedAllocTextLen(val int) EncodedAllocTextLenField
NewEncodedAllocTextLen returns a new EncodedAllocTextLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedAllocTextLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedAllocTextLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedAllocTextLen (360)
func (EncodedAllocTextLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedAllocTextLenField) Value() int
type EncodedHeadlineField ¶
type EncodedHeadlineField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedHeadlineField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedHeadline ¶
func NewEncodedHeadline(val string) EncodedHeadlineField
NewEncodedHeadline returns a new EncodedHeadlineField initialized with val
func (EncodedHeadlineField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedHeadlineField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedHeadline (359)
func (EncodedHeadlineField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedHeadlineField) Value() string
type EncodedHeadlineLenField ¶
type EncodedHeadlineLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedHeadlineLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedHeadlineLen ¶
func NewEncodedHeadlineLen(val int) EncodedHeadlineLenField
NewEncodedHeadlineLen returns a new EncodedHeadlineLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedHeadlineLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedHeadlineLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedHeadlineLen (358)
func (EncodedHeadlineLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedHeadlineLenField) Value() int
type EncodedIssuerField ¶
type EncodedIssuerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedIssuerField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedIssuer ¶
func NewEncodedIssuer(val string) EncodedIssuerField
NewEncodedIssuer returns a new EncodedIssuerField initialized with val
func (EncodedIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedIssuer (349)
func (EncodedIssuerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedIssuerField) Value() string
type EncodedIssuerLenField ¶
type EncodedIssuerLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedIssuerLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func NewEncodedIssuerLen(val int) EncodedIssuerLenField
NewEncodedIssuerLen returns a new EncodedIssuerLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedIssuerLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedIssuerLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedIssuerLen (348)
func (EncodedIssuerLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedIssuerLenField) Value() int
type EncodedLegIssuerField ¶
type EncodedLegIssuerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedLegIssuerField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedLegIssuer ¶
func NewEncodedLegIssuer(val string) EncodedLegIssuerField
NewEncodedLegIssuer returns a new EncodedLegIssuerField initialized with val
func (EncodedLegIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedLegIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedLegIssuer (619)
func (EncodedLegIssuerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedLegIssuerField) Value() string
type EncodedLegIssuerLenField ¶
type EncodedLegIssuerLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedLegIssuerLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedLegIssuerLen ¶
func NewEncodedLegIssuerLen(val int) EncodedLegIssuerLenField
NewEncodedLegIssuerLen returns a new EncodedLegIssuerLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedLegIssuerLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedLegIssuerLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedLegIssuerLen (618)
func (EncodedLegIssuerLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedLegIssuerLenField) Value() int
type EncodedLegSecurityDescField ¶
type EncodedLegSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedLegSecurityDescField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedLegSecurityDesc ¶
func NewEncodedLegSecurityDesc(val string) EncodedLegSecurityDescField
NewEncodedLegSecurityDesc returns a new EncodedLegSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (EncodedLegSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedLegSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedLegSecurityDesc (622)
func (EncodedLegSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedLegSecurityDescField) Value() string
type EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField ¶
type EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedLegSecurityDescLen ¶
func NewEncodedLegSecurityDescLen(val int) EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField
NewEncodedLegSecurityDescLen returns a new EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedLegSecurityDescLen (621)
func (EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedLegSecurityDescLenField) Value() int
type EncodedListExecInstField ¶
type EncodedListExecInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedListExecInstField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedListExecInst ¶
func NewEncodedListExecInst(val string) EncodedListExecInstField
NewEncodedListExecInst returns a new EncodedListExecInstField initialized with val
func (EncodedListExecInstField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedListExecInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedListExecInst (353)
func (EncodedListExecInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedListExecInstField) Value() string
type EncodedListExecInstLenField ¶
type EncodedListExecInstLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedListExecInstLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedListExecInstLen ¶
func NewEncodedListExecInstLen(val int) EncodedListExecInstLenField
NewEncodedListExecInstLen returns a new EncodedListExecInstLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedListExecInstLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedListExecInstLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedListExecInstLen (352)
func (EncodedListExecInstLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedListExecInstLenField) Value() int
type EncodedListStatusTextField ¶
type EncodedListStatusTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedListStatusTextField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedListStatusText ¶
func NewEncodedListStatusText(val string) EncodedListStatusTextField
NewEncodedListStatusText returns a new EncodedListStatusTextField initialized with val
func (EncodedListStatusTextField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedListStatusTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedListStatusText (446)
func (EncodedListStatusTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedListStatusTextField) Value() string
type EncodedListStatusTextLenField ¶
type EncodedListStatusTextLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedListStatusTextLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedListStatusTextLen ¶
func NewEncodedListStatusTextLen(val int) EncodedListStatusTextLenField
NewEncodedListStatusTextLen returns a new EncodedListStatusTextLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedListStatusTextLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedListStatusTextLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedListStatusTextLen (445)
func (EncodedListStatusTextLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedListStatusTextLenField) Value() int
type EncodedMktSegmDescField ¶
type EncodedMktSegmDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedMktSegmDescField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedMktSegmDesc ¶
func NewEncodedMktSegmDesc(val string) EncodedMktSegmDescField
NewEncodedMktSegmDesc returns a new EncodedMktSegmDescField initialized with val
func (EncodedMktSegmDescField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedMktSegmDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedMktSegmDesc (1398)
func (EncodedMktSegmDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedMktSegmDescField) Value() string
type EncodedMktSegmDescLenField ¶
type EncodedMktSegmDescLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedMktSegmDescLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedMktSegmDescLen ¶
func NewEncodedMktSegmDescLen(val int) EncodedMktSegmDescLenField
NewEncodedMktSegmDescLen returns a new EncodedMktSegmDescLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedMktSegmDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedMktSegmDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedMktSegmDescLen (1397)
func (EncodedMktSegmDescLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedMktSegmDescLenField) Value() int
type EncodedSecurityDescField ¶
type EncodedSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedSecurityDescField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func NewEncodedSecurityDesc(val string) EncodedSecurityDescField
NewEncodedSecurityDesc returns a new EncodedSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (EncodedSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSecurityDesc (351)
func (EncodedSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedSecurityDescField) Value() string
type EncodedSecurityDescLenField ¶
type EncodedSecurityDescLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedSecurityDescLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func NewEncodedSecurityDescLen(val int) EncodedSecurityDescLenField
NewEncodedSecurityDescLen returns a new EncodedSecurityDescLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSecurityDescLen (350)
func (EncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value() int
type EncodedSecurityListDescField ¶
type EncodedSecurityListDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedSecurityListDescField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedSecurityListDesc ¶
func NewEncodedSecurityListDesc(val string) EncodedSecurityListDescField
NewEncodedSecurityListDesc returns a new EncodedSecurityListDescField initialized with val
func (EncodedSecurityListDescField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSecurityListDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSecurityListDesc (1469)
func (EncodedSecurityListDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedSecurityListDescField) Value() string
type EncodedSecurityListDescLenField ¶
type EncodedSecurityListDescLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedSecurityListDescLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedSecurityListDescLen ¶
func NewEncodedSecurityListDescLen(val int) EncodedSecurityListDescLenField
NewEncodedSecurityListDescLen returns a new EncodedSecurityListDescLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedSecurityListDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSecurityListDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSecurityListDescLen (1468)
func (EncodedSecurityListDescLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedSecurityListDescLenField) Value() int
type EncodedSubjectField ¶
type EncodedSubjectField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedSubjectField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedSubject ¶
func NewEncodedSubject(val string) EncodedSubjectField
NewEncodedSubject returns a new EncodedSubjectField initialized with val
func (EncodedSubjectField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSubjectField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSubject (357)
func (EncodedSubjectField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedSubjectField) Value() string
type EncodedSubjectLenField ¶
type EncodedSubjectLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedSubjectLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedSubjectLen ¶
func NewEncodedSubjectLen(val int) EncodedSubjectLenField
NewEncodedSubjectLen returns a new EncodedSubjectLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedSubjectLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSubjectLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSubjectLen (356)
func (EncodedSubjectLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedSubjectLenField) Value() int
type EncodedSymbolField ¶
type EncodedSymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedSymbolField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedSymbol ¶
func NewEncodedSymbol(val string) EncodedSymbolField
NewEncodedSymbol returns a new EncodedSymbolField initialized with val
func (EncodedSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSymbol (1360)
func (EncodedSymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedSymbolField) Value() string
type EncodedSymbolLenField ¶
type EncodedSymbolLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedSymbolLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedSymbolLen ¶
func NewEncodedSymbolLen(val int) EncodedSymbolLenField
NewEncodedSymbolLen returns a new EncodedSymbolLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedSymbolLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSymbolLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSymbolLen (1359)
func (EncodedSymbolLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedSymbolLenField) Value() int
type EncodedTextField ¶
type EncodedTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedTextField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedText ¶
func NewEncodedText(val string) EncodedTextField
NewEncodedText returns a new EncodedTextField initialized with val
func (EncodedTextField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedText (355)
func (EncodedTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedTextField) Value() string
type EncodedTextLenField ¶
type EncodedTextLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedTextLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedTextLen ¶
func NewEncodedTextLen(val int) EncodedTextLenField
NewEncodedTextLen returns a new EncodedTextLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedTextLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedTextLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedTextLen (354)
func (EncodedTextLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedTextLenField) Value() int
type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField ¶
type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuer(val string) EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField
NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuer returns a new EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField initialized with val
func (EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedUnderlyingIssuer (363)
func (EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField) Value() string
type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField ¶
type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen ¶
func NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen(val int) EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField
NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen returns a new EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen (362)
func (EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField) Value() int
type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField ¶
type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField is a DATA field
func NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc(val string) EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField
NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc returns a new EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc (365)
func (EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField) Value() string
type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField ¶
type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen ¶
func NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen(val int) EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField
NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen returns a new EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField initialized with val
func (EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen (364)
func (EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField) Value() int
type EncryptMethodField ¶
type EncryptMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncryptMethodField is a enum.EncryptMethod field
func NewEncryptMethod ¶
func NewEncryptMethod(val enum.EncryptMethod) EncryptMethodField
func (EncryptMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f EncryptMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncryptMethod (98)
func (EncryptMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncryptMethodField) Value() enum.EncryptMethod
type EncryptedNewPasswordField ¶
type EncryptedNewPasswordField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncryptedNewPasswordField is a DATA field
func NewEncryptedNewPassword ¶
func NewEncryptedNewPassword(val string) EncryptedNewPasswordField
NewEncryptedNewPassword returns a new EncryptedNewPasswordField initialized with val
func (EncryptedNewPasswordField) Tag ¶
func (f EncryptedNewPasswordField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncryptedNewPassword (1404)
func (EncryptedNewPasswordField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncryptedNewPasswordField) Value() string
type EncryptedNewPasswordLenField ¶
type EncryptedNewPasswordLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncryptedNewPasswordLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncryptedNewPasswordLen ¶
func NewEncryptedNewPasswordLen(val int) EncryptedNewPasswordLenField
NewEncryptedNewPasswordLen returns a new EncryptedNewPasswordLenField initialized with val
func (EncryptedNewPasswordLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncryptedNewPasswordLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncryptedNewPasswordLen (1403)
func (EncryptedNewPasswordLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncryptedNewPasswordLenField) Value() int
type EncryptedPasswordField ¶
type EncryptedPasswordField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EncryptedPasswordField is a DATA field
func NewEncryptedPassword ¶
func NewEncryptedPassword(val string) EncryptedPasswordField
NewEncryptedPassword returns a new EncryptedPasswordField initialized with val
func (EncryptedPasswordField) Tag ¶
func (f EncryptedPasswordField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncryptedPassword (1402)
func (EncryptedPasswordField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncryptedPasswordField) Value() string
type EncryptedPasswordLenField ¶
type EncryptedPasswordLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncryptedPasswordLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewEncryptedPasswordLen ¶
func NewEncryptedPasswordLen(val int) EncryptedPasswordLenField
NewEncryptedPasswordLen returns a new EncryptedPasswordLenField initialized with val
func (EncryptedPasswordLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncryptedPasswordLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncryptedPasswordLen (1401)
func (EncryptedPasswordLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncryptedPasswordLenField) Value() int
type EncryptedPasswordMethodField ¶
type EncryptedPasswordMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EncryptedPasswordMethodField is a INT field
func NewEncryptedPasswordMethod ¶
func NewEncryptedPasswordMethod(val int) EncryptedPasswordMethodField
NewEncryptedPasswordMethod returns a new EncryptedPasswordMethodField initialized with val
func (EncryptedPasswordMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f EncryptedPasswordMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncryptedPasswordMethod (1400)
func (EncryptedPasswordMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EncryptedPasswordMethodField) Value() int
type EndAccruedInterestAmtField ¶
type EndAccruedInterestAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
EndAccruedInterestAmtField is a AMT field
func NewEndAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func NewEndAccruedInterestAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) EndAccruedInterestAmtField
NewEndAccruedInterestAmt returns a new EndAccruedInterestAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (EndAccruedInterestAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f EndAccruedInterestAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EndAccruedInterestAmt (920)
func (EndAccruedInterestAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EndAccruedInterestAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type EndCashField ¶
type EndCashField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
EndCashField is a AMT field
func NewEndCash ¶
func NewEndCash(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) EndCashField
NewEndCash returns a new EndCashField initialized with val and scale
func (EndCashField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EndCashField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type EndDateField ¶
type EndDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EndDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewEndDate ¶
func NewEndDate(val string) EndDateField
NewEndDate returns a new EndDateField initialized with val
func (EndDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EndDateField) Value() string
type EndMaturityMonthYearField ¶
type EndMaturityMonthYearField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EndMaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewEndMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewEndMaturityMonthYear(val string) EndMaturityMonthYearField
NewEndMaturityMonthYear returns a new EndMaturityMonthYearField initialized with val
func (EndMaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f EndMaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EndMaturityMonthYear (1226)
func (EndMaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EndMaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type EndSeqNoField ¶
type EndSeqNoField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
EndSeqNoField is a SEQNUM field
func NewEndSeqNo ¶
func NewEndSeqNo(val int) EndSeqNoField
NewEndSeqNo returns a new EndSeqNoField initialized with val
func (EndSeqNoField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EndSeqNoField) Value() int
type EndStrikePxRangeField ¶
type EndStrikePxRangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
EndStrikePxRangeField is a PRICE field
func NewEndStrikePxRange ¶
func NewEndStrikePxRange(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) EndStrikePxRangeField
NewEndStrikePxRange returns a new EndStrikePxRangeField initialized with val and scale
func (EndStrikePxRangeField) Tag ¶
func (f EndStrikePxRangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EndStrikePxRange (1203)
func (EndStrikePxRangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EndStrikePxRangeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type EndTickPriceRangeField ¶
type EndTickPriceRangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
EndTickPriceRangeField is a PRICE field
func NewEndTickPriceRange ¶
func NewEndTickPriceRange(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) EndTickPriceRangeField
NewEndTickPriceRange returns a new EndTickPriceRangeField initialized with val and scale
func (EndTickPriceRangeField) Tag ¶
func (f EndTickPriceRangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EndTickPriceRange (1207)
func (EndTickPriceRangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EndTickPriceRangeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type EventDateField ¶
type EventDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EventDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewEventDate ¶
func NewEventDate(val string) EventDateField
NewEventDate returns a new EventDateField initialized with val
func (EventDateField) Tag ¶
func (f EventDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EventDate (866)
func (EventDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EventDateField) Value() string
type EventPxField ¶
type EventPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
EventPxField is a PRICE field
func NewEventPx ¶
func NewEventPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) EventPxField
NewEventPx returns a new EventPxField initialized with val and scale
func (EventPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EventPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type EventTextField ¶
type EventTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EventTextField is a STRING field
func NewEventText ¶
func NewEventText(val string) EventTextField
NewEventText returns a new EventTextField initialized with val
func (EventTextField) Tag ¶
func (f EventTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EventText (868)
func (EventTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EventTextField) Value() string
type EventTimeField ¶
type EventTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
EventTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewEventTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewEventTime(val time.Time) EventTimeField
NewEventTime returns a new EventTimeField initialized with val
func NewEventTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewEventTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) EventTimeField
NewEventTimeNoMillis returns a new EventTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewEventTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewEventTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) EventTimeField
NewEventTimeWithPrecision returns a new EventTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (EventTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f EventTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EventTime (1145)
func (EventTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EventTimeField) Value() time.Time
type EventTypeField ¶
type EventTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
EventTypeField is a enum.EventType field
func NewEventType ¶
func NewEventType(val enum.EventType) EventTypeField
func (EventTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f EventTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EventType (865)
func (EventTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f EventTypeField) Value() enum.EventType
type ExDateField ¶
type ExDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewExDate ¶
func NewExDate(val string) ExDateField
NewExDate returns a new ExDateField initialized with val
func (ExDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExDateField) Value() string
type ExDestinationField ¶
type ExDestinationField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExDestinationField is a enum.ExDestination field
func NewExDestination ¶
func NewExDestination(val enum.ExDestination) ExDestinationField
func (ExDestinationField) Tag ¶
func (f ExDestinationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExDestination (100)
func (ExDestinationField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExDestinationField) Value() enum.ExDestination
type ExDestinationIDSourceField ¶
type ExDestinationIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExDestinationIDSourceField is a enum.ExDestinationIDSource field
func NewExDestinationIDSource ¶
func NewExDestinationIDSource(val enum.ExDestinationIDSource) ExDestinationIDSourceField
func (ExDestinationIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f ExDestinationIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExDestinationIDSource (1133)
func (ExDestinationIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExDestinationIDSourceField) Value() enum.ExDestinationIDSource
type ExchangeForPhysicalField ¶
type ExchangeForPhysicalField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ExchangeForPhysicalField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewExchangeForPhysical ¶
func NewExchangeForPhysical(val bool) ExchangeForPhysicalField
NewExchangeForPhysical returns a new ExchangeForPhysicalField initialized with val
func (ExchangeForPhysicalField) Tag ¶
func (f ExchangeForPhysicalField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExchangeForPhysical (411)
func (ExchangeForPhysicalField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExchangeForPhysicalField) Value() bool
type ExchangeRuleField ¶
type ExchangeRuleField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExchangeRuleField is a STRING field
func NewExchangeRule ¶
func NewExchangeRule(val string) ExchangeRuleField
NewExchangeRule returns a new ExchangeRuleField initialized with val
func (ExchangeRuleField) Tag ¶
func (f ExchangeRuleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExchangeRule (825)
func (ExchangeRuleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExchangeRuleField) Value() string
type ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField ¶
type ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField is a STRING field
func NewExchangeSpecialInstructions ¶
func NewExchangeSpecialInstructions(val string) ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField
NewExchangeSpecialInstructions returns a new ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField initialized with val
func (ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField) Tag ¶
func (f ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExchangeSpecialInstructions (1139)
func (ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExchangeSpecialInstructionsField) Value() string
type ExecAckStatusField ¶
type ExecAckStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecAckStatusField is a enum.ExecAckStatus field
func NewExecAckStatus ¶
func NewExecAckStatus(val enum.ExecAckStatus) ExecAckStatusField
func (ExecAckStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecAckStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecAckStatus (1036)
func (ExecAckStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecAckStatusField) Value() enum.ExecAckStatus
type ExecBrokerField ¶
type ExecBrokerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecBrokerField is a STRING field
func NewExecBroker ¶
func NewExecBroker(val string) ExecBrokerField
NewExecBroker returns a new ExecBrokerField initialized with val
func (ExecBrokerField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecBrokerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecBroker (76)
func (ExecBrokerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecBrokerField) Value() string
type ExecIDField ¶
type ExecIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecIDField is a STRING field
func NewExecID ¶
func NewExecID(val string) ExecIDField
NewExecID returns a new ExecIDField initialized with val
func (ExecIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecIDField) Value() string
type ExecInstField ¶
type ExecInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecInstField is a enum.ExecInst field
func NewExecInst ¶
func NewExecInst(val enum.ExecInst) ExecInstField
func (ExecInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecInstField) Value() enum.ExecInst
type ExecInstValueField ¶
type ExecInstValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecInstValueField is a CHAR field
func NewExecInstValue ¶
func NewExecInstValue(val string) ExecInstValueField
NewExecInstValue returns a new ExecInstValueField initialized with val
func (ExecInstValueField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecInstValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecInstValue (1308)
func (ExecInstValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecInstValueField) Value() string
type ExecPriceAdjustmentField ¶
type ExecPriceAdjustmentField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ExecPriceAdjustmentField is a FLOAT field
func NewExecPriceAdjustment ¶
func NewExecPriceAdjustment(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ExecPriceAdjustmentField
NewExecPriceAdjustment returns a new ExecPriceAdjustmentField initialized with val and scale
func (ExecPriceAdjustmentField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecPriceAdjustmentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecPriceAdjustment (485)
func (ExecPriceAdjustmentField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecPriceAdjustmentField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ExecPriceTypeField ¶
type ExecPriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecPriceTypeField is a enum.ExecPriceType field
func NewExecPriceType ¶
func NewExecPriceType(val enum.ExecPriceType) ExecPriceTypeField
func (ExecPriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecPriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecPriceType (484)
func (ExecPriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecPriceTypeField) Value() enum.ExecPriceType
type ExecRefIDField ¶
type ExecRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewExecRefID ¶
func NewExecRefID(val string) ExecRefIDField
NewExecRefID returns a new ExecRefIDField initialized with val
func (ExecRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecRefID (19)
func (ExecRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecRefIDField) Value() string
type ExecRestatementReasonField ¶
type ExecRestatementReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecRestatementReasonField is a enum.ExecRestatementReason field
func NewExecRestatementReason ¶
func NewExecRestatementReason(val enum.ExecRestatementReason) ExecRestatementReasonField
func (ExecRestatementReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecRestatementReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecRestatementReason (378)
func (ExecRestatementReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecRestatementReasonField) Value() enum.ExecRestatementReason
type ExecTransTypeField ¶
type ExecTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecTransTypeField is a enum.ExecTransType field
func NewExecTransType ¶
func NewExecTransType(val enum.ExecTransType) ExecTransTypeField
func (ExecTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecTransType (20)
func (ExecTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecTransTypeField) Value() enum.ExecTransType
type ExecTypeField ¶
type ExecTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExecTypeField is a enum.ExecType field
func NewExecType ¶
func NewExecType(val enum.ExecType) ExecTypeField
func (ExecTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecTypeField) Value() enum.ExecType
type ExecValuationPointField ¶
type ExecValuationPointField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
ExecValuationPointField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewExecValuationPoint ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewExecValuationPoint(val time.Time) ExecValuationPointField
NewExecValuationPoint returns a new ExecValuationPointField initialized with val
func NewExecValuationPointNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewExecValuationPointNoMillis(val time.Time) ExecValuationPointField
NewExecValuationPointNoMillis returns a new ExecValuationPointField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewExecValuationPointWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewExecValuationPointWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) ExecValuationPointField
NewExecValuationPointWithPrecision returns a new ExecValuationPointField initialized with val of specified precision
func (ExecValuationPointField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecValuationPointField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecValuationPoint (515)
func (ExecValuationPointField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExecValuationPointField) Value() time.Time
type ExerciseMethodField ¶
type ExerciseMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExerciseMethodField is a enum.ExerciseMethod field
func NewExerciseMethod ¶
func NewExerciseMethod(val enum.ExerciseMethod) ExerciseMethodField
func (ExerciseMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f ExerciseMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExerciseMethod (747)
func (ExerciseMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExerciseMethodField) Value() enum.ExerciseMethod
type ExerciseStyleField ¶
type ExerciseStyleField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExerciseStyleField is a enum.ExerciseStyle field
func NewExerciseStyle ¶
func NewExerciseStyle(val enum.ExerciseStyle) ExerciseStyleField
func (ExerciseStyleField) Tag ¶
func (f ExerciseStyleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExerciseStyle (1194)
func (ExerciseStyleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExerciseStyleField) Value() enum.ExerciseStyle
type ExpQtyField ¶
type ExpQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ExpQtyField is a QTY field
func NewExpQty ¶
func NewExpQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ExpQtyField
NewExpQty returns a new ExpQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (ExpQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExpQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ExpTypeField ¶
type ExpTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExpTypeField is a enum.ExpType field
func NewExpType ¶
func NewExpType(val enum.ExpType) ExpTypeField
func (ExpTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExpTypeField) Value() enum.ExpType
type ExpirationCycleField ¶
type ExpirationCycleField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExpirationCycleField is a enum.ExpirationCycle field
func NewExpirationCycle ¶
func NewExpirationCycle(val enum.ExpirationCycle) ExpirationCycleField
func (ExpirationCycleField) Tag ¶
func (f ExpirationCycleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExpirationCycle (827)
func (ExpirationCycleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExpirationCycleField) Value() enum.ExpirationCycle
type ExpirationQtyTypeField ¶
type ExpirationQtyTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExpirationQtyTypeField is a enum.ExpirationQtyType field
func NewExpirationQtyType ¶
func NewExpirationQtyType(val enum.ExpirationQtyType) ExpirationQtyTypeField
func (ExpirationQtyTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ExpirationQtyTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExpirationQtyType (982)
func (ExpirationQtyTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExpirationQtyTypeField) Value() enum.ExpirationQtyType
type ExpireDateField ¶
type ExpireDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ExpireDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewExpireDate ¶
func NewExpireDate(val string) ExpireDateField
NewExpireDate returns a new ExpireDateField initialized with val
func (ExpireDateField) Tag ¶
func (f ExpireDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExpireDate (432)
func (ExpireDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExpireDateField) Value() string
type ExpireTimeField ¶
type ExpireTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
ExpireTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewExpireTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewExpireTime(val time.Time) ExpireTimeField
NewExpireTime returns a new ExpireTimeField initialized with val
func NewExpireTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewExpireTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) ExpireTimeField
NewExpireTimeNoMillis returns a new ExpireTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewExpireTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewExpireTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) ExpireTimeField
NewExpireTimeWithPrecision returns a new ExpireTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (ExpireTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f ExpireTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExpireTime (126)
func (ExpireTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ExpireTimeField) Value() time.Time
type FactorField ¶
type FactorField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
FactorField is a FLOAT field
func NewFactor ¶
func NewFactor(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) FactorField
NewFactor returns a new FactorField initialized with val and scale
func (FactorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FactorField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type FairValueField ¶
type FairValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
FairValueField is a AMT field
func NewFairValue ¶
func NewFairValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) FairValueField
NewFairValue returns a new FairValueField initialized with val and scale
func (FairValueField) Tag ¶
func (f FairValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FairValue (406)
func (FairValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FairValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type FeeMultiplierField ¶
type FeeMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
FeeMultiplierField is a FLOAT field
func NewFeeMultiplier ¶
func NewFeeMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) FeeMultiplierField
NewFeeMultiplier returns a new FeeMultiplierField initialized with val and scale
func (FeeMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f FeeMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FeeMultiplier (1329)
func (FeeMultiplierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FeeMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type FillExecIDField ¶
type FillExecIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
FillExecIDField is a STRING field
func NewFillExecID ¶
func NewFillExecID(val string) FillExecIDField
NewFillExecID returns a new FillExecIDField initialized with val
func (FillExecIDField) Tag ¶
func (f FillExecIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FillExecID (1363)
func (FillExecIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FillExecIDField) Value() string
type FillLiquidityIndField ¶
type FillLiquidityIndField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
FillLiquidityIndField is a INT field
func NewFillLiquidityInd ¶
func NewFillLiquidityInd(val int) FillLiquidityIndField
NewFillLiquidityInd returns a new FillLiquidityIndField initialized with val
func (FillLiquidityIndField) Tag ¶
func (f FillLiquidityIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FillLiquidityInd (1443)
func (FillLiquidityIndField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FillLiquidityIndField) Value() int
type FillPxField ¶
type FillPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
FillPxField is a PRICE field
func NewFillPx ¶
func NewFillPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) FillPxField
NewFillPx returns a new FillPxField initialized with val and scale
func (FillPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FillPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type FillQtyField ¶
type FillQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
FillQtyField is a QTY field
func NewFillQty ¶
func NewFillQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) FillQtyField
NewFillQty returns a new FillQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (FillQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FillQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type FinancialStatusField ¶
type FinancialStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
FinancialStatusField is a enum.FinancialStatus field
func NewFinancialStatus ¶
func NewFinancialStatus(val enum.FinancialStatus) FinancialStatusField
func (FinancialStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f FinancialStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FinancialStatus (291)
func (FinancialStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FinancialStatusField) Value() enum.FinancialStatus
type FirmTradeIDField ¶
type FirmTradeIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
FirmTradeIDField is a STRING field
func NewFirmTradeID ¶
func NewFirmTradeID(val string) FirmTradeIDField
NewFirmTradeID returns a new FirmTradeIDField initialized with val
func (FirmTradeIDField) Tag ¶
func (f FirmTradeIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FirmTradeID (1041)
func (FirmTradeIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FirmTradeIDField) Value() string
type FirstPxField ¶
type FirstPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
FirstPxField is a PRICE field
func NewFirstPx ¶
func NewFirstPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) FirstPxField
NewFirstPx returns a new FirstPxField initialized with val and scale
func (FirstPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FirstPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField ¶
type FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewFlexProductEligibilityIndicator ¶
func NewFlexProductEligibilityIndicator(val bool) FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField
NewFlexProductEligibilityIndicator returns a new FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField initialized with val
func (FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FlexProductEligibilityIndicator (1242)
func (FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FlexProductEligibilityIndicatorField) Value() bool
type FlexibleIndicatorField ¶
type FlexibleIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
FlexibleIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewFlexibleIndicator ¶
func NewFlexibleIndicator(val bool) FlexibleIndicatorField
NewFlexibleIndicator returns a new FlexibleIndicatorField initialized with val
func (FlexibleIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f FlexibleIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FlexibleIndicator (1244)
func (FlexibleIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FlexibleIndicatorField) Value() bool
type FloorPriceField ¶
type FloorPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
FloorPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewFloorPrice ¶
func NewFloorPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) FloorPriceField
NewFloorPrice returns a new FloorPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (FloorPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f FloorPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FloorPrice (1200)
func (FloorPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FloorPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type FlowScheduleTypeField ¶
type FlowScheduleTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
FlowScheduleTypeField is a enum.FlowScheduleType field
func NewFlowScheduleType ¶
func NewFlowScheduleType(val enum.FlowScheduleType) FlowScheduleTypeField
func (FlowScheduleTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f FlowScheduleTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FlowScheduleType (1439)
func (FlowScheduleTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FlowScheduleTypeField) Value() enum.FlowScheduleType
type ForexReqField ¶
type ForexReqField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ForexReqField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewForexReq ¶
func NewForexReq(val bool) ForexReqField
NewForexReq returns a new ForexReqField initialized with val
func (ForexReqField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ForexReqField) Value() bool
type FundRenewWaivField ¶
type FundRenewWaivField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
FundRenewWaivField is a enum.FundRenewWaiv field
func NewFundRenewWaiv ¶
func NewFundRenewWaiv(val enum.FundRenewWaiv) FundRenewWaivField
func (FundRenewWaivField) Tag ¶
func (f FundRenewWaivField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FundRenewWaiv (497)
func (FundRenewWaivField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FundRenewWaivField) Value() enum.FundRenewWaiv
type FutSettDate2Field ¶
type FutSettDate2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
FutSettDate2Field is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewFutSettDate2 ¶
func NewFutSettDate2(val string) FutSettDate2Field
NewFutSettDate2 returns a new FutSettDate2Field initialized with val
func (FutSettDate2Field) Tag ¶
func (f FutSettDate2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FutSettDate2 (193)
func (FutSettDate2Field) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FutSettDate2Field) Value() string
type FutSettDateField ¶
type FutSettDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
FutSettDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewFutSettDate ¶
func NewFutSettDate(val string) FutSettDateField
NewFutSettDate returns a new FutSettDateField initialized with val
func (FutSettDateField) Tag ¶
func (f FutSettDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FutSettDate (64)
func (FutSettDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FutSettDateField) Value() string
type FuturesValuationMethodField ¶
type FuturesValuationMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
FuturesValuationMethodField is a enum.FuturesValuationMethod field
func NewFuturesValuationMethod ¶
func NewFuturesValuationMethod(val enum.FuturesValuationMethod) FuturesValuationMethodField
func (FuturesValuationMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f FuturesValuationMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FuturesValuationMethod (1197)
func (FuturesValuationMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FuturesValuationMethodField) Value() enum.FuturesValuationMethod
type GTBookingInstField ¶
type GTBookingInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
GTBookingInstField is a enum.GTBookingInst field
func NewGTBookingInst ¶
func NewGTBookingInst(val enum.GTBookingInst) GTBookingInstField
func (GTBookingInstField) Tag ¶
func (f GTBookingInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.GTBookingInst (427)
func (GTBookingInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f GTBookingInstField) Value() enum.GTBookingInst
type GapFillFlagField ¶
type GapFillFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
GapFillFlagField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewGapFillFlag ¶
func NewGapFillFlag(val bool) GapFillFlagField
NewGapFillFlag returns a new GapFillFlagField initialized with val
func (GapFillFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f GapFillFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.GapFillFlag (123)
func (GapFillFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f GapFillFlagField) Value() bool
type GrossTradeAmtField ¶
type GrossTradeAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
GrossTradeAmtField is a AMT field
func NewGrossTradeAmt ¶
func NewGrossTradeAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) GrossTradeAmtField
NewGrossTradeAmt returns a new GrossTradeAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (GrossTradeAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f GrossTradeAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.GrossTradeAmt (381)
func (GrossTradeAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f GrossTradeAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type HaltReasonCharField ¶
type HaltReasonCharField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
HaltReasonCharField is a enum.HaltReasonChar field
func NewHaltReasonChar ¶
func NewHaltReasonChar(val enum.HaltReasonChar) HaltReasonCharField
func (HaltReasonCharField) Tag ¶
func (f HaltReasonCharField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HaltReasonChar (327)
func (HaltReasonCharField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HaltReasonCharField) Value() enum.HaltReasonChar
type HaltReasonIntField ¶
type HaltReasonIntField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
HaltReasonIntField is a enum.HaltReasonInt field
func NewHaltReasonInt ¶
func NewHaltReasonInt(val enum.HaltReasonInt) HaltReasonIntField
func (HaltReasonIntField) Tag ¶
func (f HaltReasonIntField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HaltReasonInt (327)
func (HaltReasonIntField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HaltReasonIntField) Value() enum.HaltReasonInt
type HandlInstField ¶
type HandlInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
HandlInstField is a enum.HandlInst field
func NewHandlInst ¶
func NewHandlInst(val enum.HandlInst) HandlInstField
func (HandlInstField) Tag ¶
func (f HandlInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HandlInst (21)
func (HandlInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HandlInstField) Value() enum.HandlInst
type HeadlineField ¶
type HeadlineField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
HeadlineField is a STRING field
func NewHeadline ¶
func NewHeadline(val string) HeadlineField
NewHeadline returns a new HeadlineField initialized with val
func (HeadlineField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HeadlineField) Value() string
type HeartBtIntField ¶
type HeartBtIntField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
HeartBtIntField is a INT field
func NewHeartBtInt ¶
func NewHeartBtInt(val int) HeartBtIntField
NewHeartBtInt returns a new HeartBtIntField initialized with val
func (HeartBtIntField) Tag ¶
func (f HeartBtIntField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HeartBtInt (108)
func (HeartBtIntField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HeartBtIntField) Value() int
type HighLimitPriceField ¶
type HighLimitPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
HighLimitPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewHighLimitPrice ¶
func NewHighLimitPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) HighLimitPriceField
NewHighLimitPrice returns a new HighLimitPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (HighLimitPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f HighLimitPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HighLimitPrice (1149)
func (HighLimitPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HighLimitPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type HighPxField ¶
type HighPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
HighPxField is a PRICE field
func NewHighPx ¶
func NewHighPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) HighPxField
NewHighPx returns a new HighPxField initialized with val and scale
func (HighPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HighPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type HopCompIDField ¶
type HopCompIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
HopCompIDField is a STRING field
func NewHopCompID ¶
func NewHopCompID(val string) HopCompIDField
NewHopCompID returns a new HopCompIDField initialized with val
func (HopCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f HopCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HopCompID (628)
func (HopCompIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HopCompIDField) Value() string
type HopRefIDField ¶
type HopRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
HopRefIDField is a SEQNUM field
func NewHopRefID ¶
func NewHopRefID(val int) HopRefIDField
NewHopRefID returns a new HopRefIDField initialized with val
func (HopRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HopRefIDField) Value() int
type HopSendingTimeField ¶
type HopSendingTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
HopSendingTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewHopSendingTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewHopSendingTime(val time.Time) HopSendingTimeField
NewHopSendingTime returns a new HopSendingTimeField initialized with val
func NewHopSendingTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewHopSendingTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) HopSendingTimeField
NewHopSendingTimeNoMillis returns a new HopSendingTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewHopSendingTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewHopSendingTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) HopSendingTimeField
NewHopSendingTimeWithPrecision returns a new HopSendingTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (HopSendingTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f HopSendingTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HopSendingTime (629)
func (HopSendingTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HopSendingTimeField) Value() time.Time
type HostCrossIDField ¶
type HostCrossIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
HostCrossIDField is a STRING field
func NewHostCrossID ¶
func NewHostCrossID(val string) HostCrossIDField
NewHostCrossID returns a new HostCrossIDField initialized with val
func (HostCrossIDField) Tag ¶
func (f HostCrossIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HostCrossID (961)
func (HostCrossIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f HostCrossIDField) Value() string
type IDSourceField ¶
type IDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IDSourceField is a enum.IDSource field
func NewIDSource ¶
func NewIDSource(val enum.IDSource) IDSourceField
func (IDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IDSourceField) Value() enum.IDSource
type IOIIDField ¶
type IOIIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IOIIDField is a STRING field
func NewIOIID ¶
func NewIOIID(val string) IOIIDField
NewIOIID returns a new IOIIDField initialized with val
func (IOIIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOIIDField) Value() string
type IOINaturalFlagField ¶
type IOINaturalFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
IOINaturalFlagField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewIOINaturalFlag ¶
func NewIOINaturalFlag(val bool) IOINaturalFlagField
NewIOINaturalFlag returns a new IOINaturalFlagField initialized with val
func (IOINaturalFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f IOINaturalFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOINaturalFlag (130)
func (IOINaturalFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOINaturalFlagField) Value() bool
type IOIOthSvcField ¶
type IOIOthSvcField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IOIOthSvcField is a enum.IOIOthSvc field
func NewIOIOthSvc ¶
func NewIOIOthSvc(val enum.IOIOthSvc) IOIOthSvcField
func (IOIOthSvcField) Tag ¶
func (f IOIOthSvcField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOIOthSvc (24)
func (IOIOthSvcField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOIOthSvcField) Value() enum.IOIOthSvc
type IOIQltyIndField ¶
type IOIQltyIndField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IOIQltyIndField is a enum.IOIQltyInd field
func NewIOIQltyInd ¶
func NewIOIQltyInd(val enum.IOIQltyInd) IOIQltyIndField
func (IOIQltyIndField) Tag ¶
func (f IOIQltyIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOIQltyInd (25)
func (IOIQltyIndField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOIQltyIndField) Value() enum.IOIQltyInd
type IOIQtyField ¶
type IOIQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IOIQtyField is a enum.IOIQty field
func NewIOIQty ¶
func NewIOIQty(val enum.IOIQty) IOIQtyField
func (IOIQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOIQtyField) Value() enum.IOIQty
type IOIQualifierField ¶
type IOIQualifierField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IOIQualifierField is a enum.IOIQualifier field
func NewIOIQualifier ¶
func NewIOIQualifier(val enum.IOIQualifier) IOIQualifierField
func (IOIQualifierField) Tag ¶
func (f IOIQualifierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOIQualifier (104)
func (IOIQualifierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOIQualifierField) Value() enum.IOIQualifier
type IOIRefIDField ¶
type IOIRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IOIRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewIOIRefID ¶
func NewIOIRefID(val string) IOIRefIDField
NewIOIRefID returns a new IOIRefIDField initialized with val
func (IOIRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOIRefIDField) Value() string
type IOISharesField ¶
IOISharesField is a enum.IOIShares field
func NewIOIShares ¶
func NewIOIShares(val enum.IOIShares) IOISharesField
func (IOISharesField) Tag ¶
func (f IOISharesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOIShares (27)
func (IOISharesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOISharesField) Value() enum.IOIShares
type IOITransTypeField ¶
type IOITransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IOITransTypeField is a enum.IOITransType field
func NewIOITransType ¶
func NewIOITransType(val enum.IOITransType) IOITransTypeField
func (IOITransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f IOITransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOITransType (28)
func (IOITransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOITransTypeField) Value() enum.IOITransType
type IOIidField ¶
type IOIidField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IOIidField is a STRING field
func NewIOIid ¶
func NewIOIid(val string) IOIidField
NewIOIid returns a new IOIidField initialized with val
func (IOIidField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IOIidField) Value() string
type ImpliedMarketIndicatorField ¶
type ImpliedMarketIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ImpliedMarketIndicatorField is a enum.ImpliedMarketIndicator field
func NewImpliedMarketIndicator ¶
func NewImpliedMarketIndicator(val enum.ImpliedMarketIndicator) ImpliedMarketIndicatorField
func (ImpliedMarketIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f ImpliedMarketIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ImpliedMarketIndicator (1144)
func (ImpliedMarketIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ImpliedMarketIndicatorField) Value() enum.ImpliedMarketIndicator
type InViewOfCommonField ¶
type InViewOfCommonField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
InViewOfCommonField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewInViewOfCommon ¶
func NewInViewOfCommon(val bool) InViewOfCommonField
NewInViewOfCommon returns a new InViewOfCommonField initialized with val
func (InViewOfCommonField) Tag ¶
func (f InViewOfCommonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InViewOfCommon (328)
func (InViewOfCommonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InViewOfCommonField) Value() bool
type IncTaxIndField ¶
type IncTaxIndField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IncTaxIndField is a enum.IncTaxInd field
func NewIncTaxInd ¶
func NewIncTaxInd(val enum.IncTaxInd) IncTaxIndField
func (IncTaxIndField) Tag ¶
func (f IncTaxIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IncTaxInd (416)
func (IncTaxIndField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IncTaxIndField) Value() enum.IncTaxInd
type IndividualAllocIDField ¶
type IndividualAllocIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IndividualAllocIDField is a STRING field
func NewIndividualAllocID ¶
func NewIndividualAllocID(val string) IndividualAllocIDField
NewIndividualAllocID returns a new IndividualAllocIDField initialized with val
func (IndividualAllocIDField) Tag ¶
func (f IndividualAllocIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IndividualAllocID (467)
func (IndividualAllocIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IndividualAllocIDField) Value() string
type IndividualAllocRejCodeField ¶
type IndividualAllocRejCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
IndividualAllocRejCodeField is a INT field
func NewIndividualAllocRejCode ¶
func NewIndividualAllocRejCode(val int) IndividualAllocRejCodeField
NewIndividualAllocRejCode returns a new IndividualAllocRejCodeField initialized with val
func (IndividualAllocRejCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f IndividualAllocRejCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IndividualAllocRejCode (776)
func (IndividualAllocRejCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IndividualAllocRejCodeField) Value() int
type IndividualAllocTypeField ¶
type IndividualAllocTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IndividualAllocTypeField is a enum.IndividualAllocType field
func NewIndividualAllocType ¶
func NewIndividualAllocType(val enum.IndividualAllocType) IndividualAllocTypeField
func (IndividualAllocTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f IndividualAllocTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IndividualAllocType (992)
func (IndividualAllocTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IndividualAllocTypeField) Value() enum.IndividualAllocType
type InputSourceField ¶
type InputSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InputSourceField is a STRING field
func NewInputSource ¶
func NewInputSource(val string) InputSourceField
NewInputSource returns a new InputSourceField initialized with val
func (InputSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f InputSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InputSource (979)
func (InputSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InputSourceField) Value() string
type InstrAttribTypeField ¶
type InstrAttribTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InstrAttribTypeField is a enum.InstrAttribType field
func NewInstrAttribType ¶
func NewInstrAttribType(val enum.InstrAttribType) InstrAttribTypeField
func (InstrAttribTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f InstrAttribTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InstrAttribType (871)
func (InstrAttribTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InstrAttribTypeField) Value() enum.InstrAttribType
type InstrAttribValueField ¶
type InstrAttribValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InstrAttribValueField is a STRING field
func NewInstrAttribValue ¶
func NewInstrAttribValue(val string) InstrAttribValueField
NewInstrAttribValue returns a new InstrAttribValueField initialized with val
func (InstrAttribValueField) Tag ¶
func (f InstrAttribValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InstrAttribValue (872)
func (InstrAttribValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InstrAttribValueField) Value() string
type InstrRegistryField ¶
type InstrRegistryField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InstrRegistryField is a enum.InstrRegistry field
func NewInstrRegistry ¶
func NewInstrRegistry(val enum.InstrRegistry) InstrRegistryField
func (InstrRegistryField) Tag ¶
func (f InstrRegistryField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InstrRegistry (543)
func (InstrRegistryField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InstrRegistryField) Value() enum.InstrRegistry
type InstrmtAssignmentMethodField ¶
type InstrmtAssignmentMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InstrmtAssignmentMethodField is a CHAR field
func NewInstrmtAssignmentMethod ¶
func NewInstrmtAssignmentMethod(val string) InstrmtAssignmentMethodField
NewInstrmtAssignmentMethod returns a new InstrmtAssignmentMethodField initialized with val
func (InstrmtAssignmentMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f InstrmtAssignmentMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InstrmtAssignmentMethod (1049)
func (InstrmtAssignmentMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InstrmtAssignmentMethodField) Value() string
type InstrumentPartyIDField ¶
type InstrumentPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InstrumentPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewInstrumentPartyID ¶
func NewInstrumentPartyID(val string) InstrumentPartyIDField
NewInstrumentPartyID returns a new InstrumentPartyIDField initialized with val
func (InstrumentPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f InstrumentPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InstrumentPartyID (1019)
func (InstrumentPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InstrumentPartyIDField) Value() string
type InstrumentPartyIDSourceField ¶
type InstrumentPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InstrumentPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func NewInstrumentPartyIDSource(val string) InstrumentPartyIDSourceField
NewInstrumentPartyIDSource returns a new InstrumentPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (InstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f InstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InstrumentPartyIDSource (1050)
func (InstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type InstrumentPartyRoleField ¶
type InstrumentPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
InstrumentPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func NewInstrumentPartyRole(val int) InstrumentPartyRoleField
NewInstrumentPartyRole returns a new InstrumentPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (InstrumentPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f InstrumentPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InstrumentPartyRole (1051)
func (InstrumentPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InstrumentPartyRoleField) Value() int
type InstrumentPartySubIDField ¶
type InstrumentPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InstrumentPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func NewInstrumentPartySubID(val string) InstrumentPartySubIDField
NewInstrumentPartySubID returns a new InstrumentPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (InstrumentPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f InstrumentPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InstrumentPartySubID (1053)
func (InstrumentPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InstrumentPartySubIDField) Value() string
type InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func NewInstrumentPartySubIDType(val int) InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField
NewInstrumentPartySubIDType returns a new InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InstrumentPartySubIDType (1054)
func (InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type InterestAccrualDateField ¶
type InterestAccrualDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InterestAccrualDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewInterestAccrualDate ¶
func NewInterestAccrualDate(val string) InterestAccrualDateField
NewInterestAccrualDate returns a new InterestAccrualDateField initialized with val
func (InterestAccrualDateField) Tag ¶
func (f InterestAccrualDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InterestAccrualDate (874)
func (InterestAccrualDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InterestAccrualDateField) Value() string
type InterestAtMaturityField ¶
type InterestAtMaturityField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
InterestAtMaturityField is a AMT field
func NewInterestAtMaturity ¶
func NewInterestAtMaturity(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) InterestAtMaturityField
NewInterestAtMaturity returns a new InterestAtMaturityField initialized with val and scale
func (InterestAtMaturityField) Tag ¶
func (f InterestAtMaturityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InterestAtMaturity (738)
func (InterestAtMaturityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InterestAtMaturityField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type InvestorCountryOfResidenceField ¶
type InvestorCountryOfResidenceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
InvestorCountryOfResidenceField is a COUNTRY field
func NewInvestorCountryOfResidence ¶
func NewInvestorCountryOfResidence(val string) InvestorCountryOfResidenceField
NewInvestorCountryOfResidence returns a new InvestorCountryOfResidenceField initialized with val
func (InvestorCountryOfResidenceField) Tag ¶
func (f InvestorCountryOfResidenceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InvestorCountryOfResidence (475)
func (InvestorCountryOfResidenceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f InvestorCountryOfResidenceField) Value() string
type IssueDateField ¶
type IssueDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IssueDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewIssueDate ¶
func NewIssueDate(val string) IssueDateField
NewIssueDate returns a new IssueDateField initialized with val
func (IssueDateField) Tag ¶
func (f IssueDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IssueDate (225)
func (IssueDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IssueDateField) Value() string
type IssuerField ¶
type IssuerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
IssuerField is a STRING field
func NewIssuer ¶
func NewIssuer(val string) IssuerField
NewIssuer returns a new IssuerField initialized with val
func (IssuerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f IssuerField) Value() string
type LanguageCodeField ¶
type LanguageCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LanguageCodeField is a LANGUAGE field
func NewLanguageCode ¶
func NewLanguageCode(val string) LanguageCodeField
NewLanguageCode returns a new LanguageCodeField initialized with val
func (LanguageCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f LanguageCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LanguageCode (1474)
func (LanguageCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LanguageCodeField) Value() string
type LastCapacityField ¶
type LastCapacityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LastCapacityField is a enum.LastCapacity field
func NewLastCapacity ¶
func NewLastCapacity(val enum.LastCapacity) LastCapacityField
func (LastCapacityField) Tag ¶
func (f LastCapacityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastCapacity (29)
func (LastCapacityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastCapacityField) Value() enum.LastCapacity
type LastForwardPoints2Field ¶
type LastForwardPoints2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastForwardPoints2Field is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewLastForwardPoints2 ¶
func NewLastForwardPoints2(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastForwardPoints2Field
NewLastForwardPoints2 returns a new LastForwardPoints2Field initialized with val and scale
func (LastForwardPoints2Field) Tag ¶
func (f LastForwardPoints2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastForwardPoints2 (641)
func (LastForwardPoints2Field) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastForwardPoints2Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastForwardPointsField ¶
type LastForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewLastForwardPoints ¶
func NewLastForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastForwardPointsField
NewLastForwardPoints returns a new LastForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (LastForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f LastForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastForwardPoints (195)
func (LastForwardPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastFragmentField ¶
type LastFragmentField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
LastFragmentField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewLastFragment ¶
func NewLastFragment(val bool) LastFragmentField
NewLastFragment returns a new LastFragmentField initialized with val
func (LastFragmentField) Tag ¶
func (f LastFragmentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastFragment (893)
func (LastFragmentField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastFragmentField) Value() bool
type LastLiquidityIndField ¶
type LastLiquidityIndField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LastLiquidityIndField is a enum.LastLiquidityInd field
func NewLastLiquidityInd ¶
func NewLastLiquidityInd(val enum.LastLiquidityInd) LastLiquidityIndField
func (LastLiquidityIndField) Tag ¶
func (f LastLiquidityIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastLiquidityInd (851)
func (LastLiquidityIndField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastLiquidityIndField) Value() enum.LastLiquidityInd
type LastMktField ¶
type LastMktField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LastMktField is a EXCHANGE field
func NewLastMkt ¶
func NewLastMkt(val string) LastMktField
NewLastMkt returns a new LastMktField initialized with val
func (LastMktField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastMktField) Value() string
type LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField ¶
type LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField is a SEQNUM field
func NewLastMsgSeqNumProcessed ¶
func NewLastMsgSeqNumProcessed(val int) LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField
NewLastMsgSeqNumProcessed returns a new LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField initialized with val
func (LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField) Tag ¶
func (f LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastMsgSeqNumProcessed (369)
func (LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField) Value() int
type LastNetworkResponseIDField ¶
type LastNetworkResponseIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LastNetworkResponseIDField is a STRING field
func NewLastNetworkResponseID ¶
func NewLastNetworkResponseID(val string) LastNetworkResponseIDField
NewLastNetworkResponseID returns a new LastNetworkResponseIDField initialized with val
func (LastNetworkResponseIDField) Tag ¶
func (f LastNetworkResponseIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastNetworkResponseID (934)
func (LastNetworkResponseIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastNetworkResponseIDField) Value() string
type LastParPxField ¶
type LastParPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastParPxField is a PRICE field
func NewLastParPx ¶
func NewLastParPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastParPxField
NewLastParPx returns a new LastParPxField initialized with val and scale
func (LastParPxField) Tag ¶
func (f LastParPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastParPx (669)
func (LastParPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastParPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastPxField ¶
type LastPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastPxField is a PRICE field
func NewLastPx ¶
func NewLastPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastPxField
NewLastPx returns a new LastPxField initialized with val and scale
func (LastPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastQtyField ¶
type LastQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLastQty ¶
func NewLastQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastQtyField
NewLastQty returns a new LastQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LastQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastRptRequestedField ¶
type LastRptRequestedField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
LastRptRequestedField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewLastRptRequested ¶
func NewLastRptRequested(val bool) LastRptRequestedField
NewLastRptRequested returns a new LastRptRequestedField initialized with val
func (LastRptRequestedField) Tag ¶
func (f LastRptRequestedField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastRptRequested (912)
func (LastRptRequestedField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastRptRequestedField) Value() bool
type LastSharesField ¶
LastSharesField is a QTY field
func NewLastShares ¶
func NewLastShares(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastSharesField
NewLastShares returns a new LastSharesField initialized with val and scale
func (LastSharesField) Tag ¶
func (f LastSharesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastShares (32)
func (LastSharesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastSharesField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastSpotRateField ¶
type LastSpotRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastSpotRateField is a PRICE field
func NewLastSpotRate ¶
func NewLastSpotRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastSpotRateField
NewLastSpotRate returns a new LastSpotRateField initialized with val and scale
func (LastSpotRateField) Tag ¶
func (f LastSpotRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastSpotRate (194)
func (LastSpotRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastSpotRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastSwapPointsField ¶
type LastSwapPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastSwapPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewLastSwapPoints ¶
func NewLastSwapPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastSwapPointsField
NewLastSwapPoints returns a new LastSwapPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (LastSwapPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f LastSwapPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastSwapPoints (1071)
func (LastSwapPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastSwapPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastUpdateTimeField ¶
type LastUpdateTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
LastUpdateTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewLastUpdateTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewLastUpdateTime(val time.Time) LastUpdateTimeField
NewLastUpdateTime returns a new LastUpdateTimeField initialized with val
func NewLastUpdateTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewLastUpdateTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) LastUpdateTimeField
NewLastUpdateTimeNoMillis returns a new LastUpdateTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewLastUpdateTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewLastUpdateTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) LastUpdateTimeField
NewLastUpdateTimeWithPrecision returns a new LastUpdateTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (LastUpdateTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f LastUpdateTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastUpdateTime (779)
func (LastUpdateTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LastUpdateTimeField) Value() time.Time
type LateIndicatorField ¶
type LateIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
LateIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewLateIndicator ¶
func NewLateIndicator(val bool) LateIndicatorField
NewLateIndicator returns a new LateIndicatorField initialized with val
func (LateIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f LateIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LateIndicator (978)
func (LateIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LateIndicatorField) Value() bool
type LeavesQtyField ¶
type LeavesQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LeavesQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLeavesQty ¶
func NewLeavesQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LeavesQtyField
NewLeavesQty returns a new LeavesQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LeavesQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LeavesQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LeavesQty (151)
func (LeavesQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LeavesQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegAllocAccountField ¶
type LegAllocAccountField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegAllocAccountField is a STRING field
func NewLegAllocAccount ¶
func NewLegAllocAccount(val string) LegAllocAccountField
NewLegAllocAccount returns a new LegAllocAccountField initialized with val
func (LegAllocAccountField) Tag ¶
func (f LegAllocAccountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegAllocAccount (671)
func (LegAllocAccountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegAllocAccountField) Value() string
type LegAllocAcctIDSourceField ¶
type LegAllocAcctIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegAllocAcctIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewLegAllocAcctIDSource ¶
func NewLegAllocAcctIDSource(val string) LegAllocAcctIDSourceField
NewLegAllocAcctIDSource returns a new LegAllocAcctIDSourceField initialized with val
func (LegAllocAcctIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f LegAllocAcctIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegAllocAcctIDSource (674)
func (LegAllocAcctIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegAllocAcctIDSourceField) Value() string
type LegAllocIDField ¶
type LegAllocIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegAllocIDField is a STRING field
func NewLegAllocID ¶
func NewLegAllocID(val string) LegAllocIDField
NewLegAllocID returns a new LegAllocIDField initialized with val
func (LegAllocIDField) Tag ¶
func (f LegAllocIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegAllocID (1366)
func (LegAllocIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegAllocIDField) Value() string
type LegAllocQtyField ¶
type LegAllocQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegAllocQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLegAllocQty ¶
func NewLegAllocQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegAllocQtyField
NewLegAllocQty returns a new LegAllocQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LegAllocQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegAllocQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegAllocQty (673)
func (LegAllocQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegAllocQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegAllocSettlCurrencyField ¶
type LegAllocSettlCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegAllocSettlCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewLegAllocSettlCurrency ¶
func NewLegAllocSettlCurrency(val string) LegAllocSettlCurrencyField
NewLegAllocSettlCurrency returns a new LegAllocSettlCurrencyField initialized with val
func (LegAllocSettlCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegAllocSettlCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegAllocSettlCurrency (1367)
func (LegAllocSettlCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegAllocSettlCurrencyField) Value() string
type LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField ¶
type LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewLegBenchmarkCurveCurrency ¶
func NewLegBenchmarkCurveCurrency(val string) LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField
NewLegBenchmarkCurveCurrency returns a new LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField initialized with val
func (LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegBenchmarkCurveCurrency (676)
func (LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyField) Value() string
type LegBenchmarkCurveNameField ¶
type LegBenchmarkCurveNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegBenchmarkCurveNameField is a STRING field
func NewLegBenchmarkCurveName ¶
func NewLegBenchmarkCurveName(val string) LegBenchmarkCurveNameField
NewLegBenchmarkCurveName returns a new LegBenchmarkCurveNameField initialized with val
func (LegBenchmarkCurveNameField) Tag ¶
func (f LegBenchmarkCurveNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegBenchmarkCurveName (677)
func (LegBenchmarkCurveNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegBenchmarkCurveNameField) Value() string
type LegBenchmarkCurvePointField ¶
type LegBenchmarkCurvePointField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegBenchmarkCurvePointField is a STRING field
func NewLegBenchmarkCurvePoint ¶
func NewLegBenchmarkCurvePoint(val string) LegBenchmarkCurvePointField
NewLegBenchmarkCurvePoint returns a new LegBenchmarkCurvePointField initialized with val
func (LegBenchmarkCurvePointField) Tag ¶
func (f LegBenchmarkCurvePointField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegBenchmarkCurvePoint (678)
func (LegBenchmarkCurvePointField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegBenchmarkCurvePointField) Value() string
type LegBenchmarkPriceField ¶
type LegBenchmarkPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegBenchmarkPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewLegBenchmarkPrice ¶
func NewLegBenchmarkPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegBenchmarkPriceField
NewLegBenchmarkPrice returns a new LegBenchmarkPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (LegBenchmarkPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f LegBenchmarkPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegBenchmarkPrice (679)
func (LegBenchmarkPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegBenchmarkPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField ¶
type LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField is a INT field
func NewLegBenchmarkPriceType ¶
func NewLegBenchmarkPriceType(val int) LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField
NewLegBenchmarkPriceType returns a new LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField initialized with val
func (LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegBenchmarkPriceType (680)
func (LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegBenchmarkPriceTypeField) Value() int
type LegBidForwardPointsField ¶
type LegBidForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegBidForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewLegBidForwardPoints ¶
func NewLegBidForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegBidForwardPointsField
NewLegBidForwardPoints returns a new LegBidForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (LegBidForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f LegBidForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegBidForwardPoints (1067)
func (LegBidForwardPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegBidForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegBidPxField ¶
type LegBidPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegBidPxField is a PRICE field
func NewLegBidPx ¶
func NewLegBidPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegBidPxField
NewLegBidPx returns a new LegBidPxField initialized with val and scale
func (LegBidPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegBidPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegCFICodeField ¶
type LegCFICodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegCFICodeField is a STRING field
func NewLegCFICode ¶
func NewLegCFICode(val string) LegCFICodeField
NewLegCFICode returns a new LegCFICodeField initialized with val
func (LegCFICodeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegCFICodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegCFICode (608)
func (LegCFICodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegCFICodeField) Value() string
type LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField ¶
type LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLegCalculatedCcyLastQty ¶
func NewLegCalculatedCcyLastQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField
NewLegCalculatedCcyLastQty returns a new LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegCalculatedCcyLastQty (1074)
func (LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegCalculatedCcyLastQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegContractMultiplierField ¶
type LegContractMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegContractMultiplierField is a FLOAT field
func NewLegContractMultiplier ¶
func NewLegContractMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegContractMultiplierField
NewLegContractMultiplier returns a new LegContractMultiplierField initialized with val and scale
func (LegContractMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f LegContractMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegContractMultiplier (614)
func (LegContractMultiplierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegContractMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegContractMultiplierUnitField ¶
type LegContractMultiplierUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegContractMultiplierUnitField is a INT field
func NewLegContractMultiplierUnit ¶
func NewLegContractMultiplierUnit(val int) LegContractMultiplierUnitField
NewLegContractMultiplierUnit returns a new LegContractMultiplierUnitField initialized with val
func (LegContractMultiplierUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f LegContractMultiplierUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegContractMultiplierUnit (1436)
func (LegContractMultiplierUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegContractMultiplierUnitField) Value() int
type LegContractSettlMonthField ¶
type LegContractSettlMonthField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegContractSettlMonthField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewLegContractSettlMonth ¶
func NewLegContractSettlMonth(val string) LegContractSettlMonthField
NewLegContractSettlMonth returns a new LegContractSettlMonthField initialized with val
func (LegContractSettlMonthField) Tag ¶
func (f LegContractSettlMonthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegContractSettlMonth (955)
func (LegContractSettlMonthField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegContractSettlMonthField) Value() string
type LegCountryOfIssueField ¶
type LegCountryOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegCountryOfIssueField is a COUNTRY field
func NewLegCountryOfIssue ¶
func NewLegCountryOfIssue(val string) LegCountryOfIssueField
NewLegCountryOfIssue returns a new LegCountryOfIssueField initialized with val
func (LegCountryOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f LegCountryOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegCountryOfIssue (596)
func (LegCountryOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegCountryOfIssueField) Value() string
type LegCouponPaymentDateField ¶
type LegCouponPaymentDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegCouponPaymentDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewLegCouponPaymentDate ¶
func NewLegCouponPaymentDate(val string) LegCouponPaymentDateField
NewLegCouponPaymentDate returns a new LegCouponPaymentDateField initialized with val
func (LegCouponPaymentDateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegCouponPaymentDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegCouponPaymentDate (248)
func (LegCouponPaymentDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegCouponPaymentDateField) Value() string
type LegCouponRateField ¶
type LegCouponRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegCouponRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewLegCouponRate ¶
func NewLegCouponRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegCouponRateField
NewLegCouponRate returns a new LegCouponRateField initialized with val and scale
func (LegCouponRateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegCouponRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegCouponRate (615)
func (LegCouponRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegCouponRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegCoveredOrUncoveredField ¶
type LegCoveredOrUncoveredField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegCoveredOrUncoveredField is a INT field
func NewLegCoveredOrUncovered ¶
func NewLegCoveredOrUncovered(val int) LegCoveredOrUncoveredField
NewLegCoveredOrUncovered returns a new LegCoveredOrUncoveredField initialized with val
func (LegCoveredOrUncoveredField) Tag ¶
func (f LegCoveredOrUncoveredField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegCoveredOrUncovered (565)
func (LegCoveredOrUncoveredField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegCoveredOrUncoveredField) Value() int
type LegCreditRatingField ¶
type LegCreditRatingField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegCreditRatingField is a STRING field
func NewLegCreditRating ¶
func NewLegCreditRating(val string) LegCreditRatingField
NewLegCreditRating returns a new LegCreditRatingField initialized with val
func (LegCreditRatingField) Tag ¶
func (f LegCreditRatingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegCreditRating (257)
func (LegCreditRatingField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegCreditRatingField) Value() string
type LegCurrencyField ¶
type LegCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewLegCurrency ¶
func NewLegCurrency(val string) LegCurrencyField
NewLegCurrency returns a new LegCurrencyField initialized with val
func (LegCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegCurrency (556)
func (LegCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegCurrencyField) Value() string
type LegCurrencyRatioField ¶
type LegCurrencyRatioField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegCurrencyRatioField is a FLOAT field
func NewLegCurrencyRatio ¶
func NewLegCurrencyRatio(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegCurrencyRatioField
NewLegCurrencyRatio returns a new LegCurrencyRatioField initialized with val and scale
func (LegCurrencyRatioField) Tag ¶
func (f LegCurrencyRatioField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegCurrencyRatio (1383)
func (LegCurrencyRatioField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegCurrencyRatioField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegDatedDateField ¶
type LegDatedDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegDatedDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewLegDatedDate ¶
func NewLegDatedDate(val string) LegDatedDateField
NewLegDatedDate returns a new LegDatedDateField initialized with val
func (LegDatedDateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegDatedDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegDatedDate (739)
func (LegDatedDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegDatedDateField) Value() string
type LegDividendYieldField ¶
type LegDividendYieldField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegDividendYieldField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewLegDividendYield ¶
func NewLegDividendYield(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegDividendYieldField
NewLegDividendYield returns a new LegDividendYieldField initialized with val and scale
func (LegDividendYieldField) Tag ¶
func (f LegDividendYieldField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegDividendYield (1381)
func (LegDividendYieldField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegDividendYieldField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegExecInstField ¶
type LegExecInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegExecInstField is a MULTIPLECHARVALUE field
func NewLegExecInst ¶
func NewLegExecInst(val string) LegExecInstField
NewLegExecInst returns a new LegExecInstField initialized with val
func (LegExecInstField) Tag ¶
func (f LegExecInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegExecInst (1384)
func (LegExecInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegExecInstField) Value() string
type LegExerciseStyleField ¶
type LegExerciseStyleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegExerciseStyleField is a INT field
func NewLegExerciseStyle ¶
func NewLegExerciseStyle(val int) LegExerciseStyleField
NewLegExerciseStyle returns a new LegExerciseStyleField initialized with val
func (LegExerciseStyleField) Tag ¶
func (f LegExerciseStyleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegExerciseStyle (1420)
func (LegExerciseStyleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegExerciseStyleField) Value() int
type LegFactorField ¶
type LegFactorField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegFactorField is a FLOAT field
func NewLegFactor ¶
func NewLegFactor(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegFactorField
NewLegFactor returns a new LegFactorField initialized with val and scale
func (LegFactorField) Tag ¶
func (f LegFactorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegFactor (253)
func (LegFactorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegFactorField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegFlowScheduleTypeField ¶
type LegFlowScheduleTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegFlowScheduleTypeField is a INT field
func NewLegFlowScheduleType ¶
func NewLegFlowScheduleType(val int) LegFlowScheduleTypeField
NewLegFlowScheduleType returns a new LegFlowScheduleTypeField initialized with val
func (LegFlowScheduleTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegFlowScheduleTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegFlowScheduleType (1440)
func (LegFlowScheduleTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegFlowScheduleTypeField) Value() int
type LegFutSettDateField ¶
type LegFutSettDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegFutSettDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewLegFutSettDate ¶
func NewLegFutSettDate(val string) LegFutSettDateField
NewLegFutSettDate returns a new LegFutSettDateField initialized with val
func (LegFutSettDateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegFutSettDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegFutSettDate (588)
func (LegFutSettDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegFutSettDateField) Value() string
type LegGrossTradeAmtField ¶
type LegGrossTradeAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegGrossTradeAmtField is a AMT field
func NewLegGrossTradeAmt ¶
func NewLegGrossTradeAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegGrossTradeAmtField
NewLegGrossTradeAmt returns a new LegGrossTradeAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (LegGrossTradeAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f LegGrossTradeAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegGrossTradeAmt (1075)
func (LegGrossTradeAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegGrossTradeAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegIOIQtyField ¶
type LegIOIQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegIOIQtyField is a STRING field
func NewLegIOIQty ¶
func NewLegIOIQty(val string) LegIOIQtyField
NewLegIOIQty returns a new LegIOIQtyField initialized with val
func (LegIOIQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegIOIQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegIOIQty (682)
func (LegIOIQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegIOIQtyField) Value() string
type LegIndividualAllocIDField ¶
type LegIndividualAllocIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegIndividualAllocIDField is a STRING field
func NewLegIndividualAllocID ¶
func NewLegIndividualAllocID(val string) LegIndividualAllocIDField
NewLegIndividualAllocID returns a new LegIndividualAllocIDField initialized with val
func (LegIndividualAllocIDField) Tag ¶
func (f LegIndividualAllocIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegIndividualAllocID (672)
func (LegIndividualAllocIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegIndividualAllocIDField) Value() string
type LegInstrRegistryField ¶
type LegInstrRegistryField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegInstrRegistryField is a STRING field
func NewLegInstrRegistry ¶
func NewLegInstrRegistry(val string) LegInstrRegistryField
NewLegInstrRegistry returns a new LegInstrRegistryField initialized with val
func (LegInstrRegistryField) Tag ¶
func (f LegInstrRegistryField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegInstrRegistry (599)
func (LegInstrRegistryField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegInstrRegistryField) Value() string
type LegInterestAccrualDateField ¶
type LegInterestAccrualDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegInterestAccrualDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewLegInterestAccrualDate ¶
func NewLegInterestAccrualDate(val string) LegInterestAccrualDateField
NewLegInterestAccrualDate returns a new LegInterestAccrualDateField initialized with val
func (LegInterestAccrualDateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegInterestAccrualDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegInterestAccrualDate (956)
func (LegInterestAccrualDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegInterestAccrualDateField) Value() string
type LegIssueDateField ¶
type LegIssueDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegIssueDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewLegIssueDate ¶
func NewLegIssueDate(val string) LegIssueDateField
NewLegIssueDate returns a new LegIssueDateField initialized with val
func (LegIssueDateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegIssueDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegIssueDate (249)
func (LegIssueDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegIssueDateField) Value() string
type LegIssuerField ¶
type LegIssuerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegIssuerField is a STRING field
func NewLegIssuer ¶
func NewLegIssuer(val string) LegIssuerField
NewLegIssuer returns a new LegIssuerField initialized with val
func (LegIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f LegIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegIssuer (617)
func (LegIssuerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegIssuerField) Value() string
type LegLastForwardPointsField ¶
type LegLastForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegLastForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewLegLastForwardPoints ¶
func NewLegLastForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegLastForwardPointsField
NewLegLastForwardPoints returns a new LegLastForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (LegLastForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f LegLastForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegLastForwardPoints (1073)
func (LegLastForwardPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegLastForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegLastPxField ¶
type LegLastPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegLastPxField is a PRICE field
func NewLegLastPx ¶
func NewLegLastPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegLastPxField
NewLegLastPx returns a new LegLastPxField initialized with val and scale
func (LegLastPxField) Tag ¶
func (f LegLastPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegLastPx (637)
func (LegLastPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegLastPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegLastQtyField ¶
type LegLastQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegLastQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLegLastQty ¶
func NewLegLastQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegLastQtyField
NewLegLastQty returns a new LegLastQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LegLastQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegLastQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegLastQty (1418)
func (LegLastQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegLastQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegLocaleOfIssueField ¶
type LegLocaleOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegLocaleOfIssueField is a STRING field
func NewLegLocaleOfIssue ¶
func NewLegLocaleOfIssue(val string) LegLocaleOfIssueField
NewLegLocaleOfIssue returns a new LegLocaleOfIssueField initialized with val
func (LegLocaleOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f LegLocaleOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegLocaleOfIssue (598)
func (LegLocaleOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegLocaleOfIssueField) Value() string
type LegMaturityDateField ¶
type LegMaturityDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegMaturityDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewLegMaturityDate ¶
func NewLegMaturityDate(val string) LegMaturityDateField
NewLegMaturityDate returns a new LegMaturityDateField initialized with val
func (LegMaturityDateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegMaturityDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegMaturityDate (611)
func (LegMaturityDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegMaturityDateField) Value() string
type LegMaturityMonthYearField ¶
type LegMaturityMonthYearField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegMaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewLegMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewLegMaturityMonthYear(val string) LegMaturityMonthYearField
NewLegMaturityMonthYear returns a new LegMaturityMonthYearField initialized with val
func (LegMaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f LegMaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegMaturityMonthYear (610)
func (LegMaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegMaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type LegMaturityTimeField ¶
type LegMaturityTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegMaturityTimeField is a TZTIMEONLY field
func NewLegMaturityTime ¶
func NewLegMaturityTime(val string) LegMaturityTimeField
NewLegMaturityTime returns a new LegMaturityTimeField initialized with val
func (LegMaturityTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegMaturityTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegMaturityTime (1212)
func (LegMaturityTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegMaturityTimeField) Value() string
type LegNumberField ¶
type LegNumberField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegNumberField is a INT field
func NewLegNumber ¶
func NewLegNumber(val int) LegNumberField
NewLegNumber returns a new LegNumberField initialized with val
func (LegNumberField) Tag ¶
func (f LegNumberField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegNumber (1152)
func (LegNumberField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegNumberField) Value() int
type LegOfferForwardPointsField ¶
type LegOfferForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegOfferForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewLegOfferForwardPoints ¶
func NewLegOfferForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegOfferForwardPointsField
NewLegOfferForwardPoints returns a new LegOfferForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (LegOfferForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f LegOfferForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegOfferForwardPoints (1068)
func (LegOfferForwardPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegOfferForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegOfferPxField ¶
type LegOfferPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegOfferPxField is a PRICE field
func NewLegOfferPx ¶
func NewLegOfferPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegOfferPxField
NewLegOfferPx returns a new LegOfferPxField initialized with val and scale
func (LegOfferPxField) Tag ¶
func (f LegOfferPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegOfferPx (684)
func (LegOfferPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegOfferPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegOptAttributeField ¶
type LegOptAttributeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegOptAttributeField is a CHAR field
func NewLegOptAttribute ¶
func NewLegOptAttribute(val string) LegOptAttributeField
NewLegOptAttribute returns a new LegOptAttributeField initialized with val
func (LegOptAttributeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegOptAttributeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegOptAttribute (613)
func (LegOptAttributeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegOptAttributeField) Value() string
type LegOptionRatioField ¶
type LegOptionRatioField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegOptionRatioField is a FLOAT field
func NewLegOptionRatio ¶
func NewLegOptionRatio(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegOptionRatioField
NewLegOptionRatio returns a new LegOptionRatioField initialized with val and scale
func (LegOptionRatioField) Tag ¶
func (f LegOptionRatioField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegOptionRatio (1017)
func (LegOptionRatioField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegOptionRatioField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegOrderQtyField ¶
type LegOrderQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegOrderQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLegOrderQty ¶
func NewLegOrderQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegOrderQtyField
NewLegOrderQty returns a new LegOrderQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LegOrderQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegOrderQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegOrderQty (685)
func (LegOrderQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegOrderQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegPoolField ¶
type LegPoolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegPoolField is a STRING field
func NewLegPool ¶
func NewLegPool(val string) LegPoolField
NewLegPool returns a new LegPoolField initialized with val
func (LegPoolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegPoolField) Value() string
type LegPositionEffectField ¶
type LegPositionEffectField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegPositionEffectField is a CHAR field
func NewLegPositionEffect ¶
func NewLegPositionEffect(val string) LegPositionEffectField
NewLegPositionEffect returns a new LegPositionEffectField initialized with val
func (LegPositionEffectField) Tag ¶
func (f LegPositionEffectField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegPositionEffect (564)
func (LegPositionEffectField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegPositionEffectField) Value() string
type LegPriceField ¶
type LegPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewLegPrice ¶
func NewLegPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegPriceField
NewLegPrice returns a new LegPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (LegPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegPriceTypeField ¶
type LegPriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegPriceTypeField is a INT field
func NewLegPriceType ¶
func NewLegPriceType(val int) LegPriceTypeField
NewLegPriceType returns a new LegPriceTypeField initialized with val
func (LegPriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegPriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegPriceType (686)
func (LegPriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegPriceTypeField) Value() int
type LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField ¶
type LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField is a STRING field
func NewLegPriceUnitOfMeasure ¶
func NewLegPriceUnitOfMeasure(val string) LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField
NewLegPriceUnitOfMeasure returns a new LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField initialized with val
func (LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField) Tag ¶
func (f LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegPriceUnitOfMeasure (1421)
func (LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegPriceUnitOfMeasureField) Value() string
type LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField ¶
type LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLegPriceUnitOfMeasureQty ¶
func NewLegPriceUnitOfMeasureQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField
NewLegPriceUnitOfMeasureQty returns a new LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQty (1422)
func (LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegProductField ¶
type LegProductField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegProductField is a INT field
func NewLegProduct ¶
func NewLegProduct(val int) LegProductField
NewLegProduct returns a new LegProductField initialized with val
func (LegProductField) Tag ¶
func (f LegProductField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegProduct (607)
func (LegProductField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegProductField) Value() int
type LegPutOrCallField ¶
type LegPutOrCallField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegPutOrCallField is a INT field
func NewLegPutOrCall ¶
func NewLegPutOrCall(val int) LegPutOrCallField
NewLegPutOrCall returns a new LegPutOrCallField initialized with val
func (LegPutOrCallField) Tag ¶
func (f LegPutOrCallField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegPutOrCall (1358)
func (LegPutOrCallField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegPutOrCallField) Value() int
type LegQtyField ¶
type LegQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLegQty ¶
func NewLegQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegQtyField
NewLegQty returns a new LegQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LegQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegRatioQtyField ¶
type LegRatioQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegRatioQtyField is a FLOAT field
func NewLegRatioQty ¶
func NewLegRatioQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegRatioQtyField
NewLegRatioQty returns a new LegRatioQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LegRatioQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegRatioQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegRatioQty (623)
func (LegRatioQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegRatioQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegRedemptionDateField ¶
type LegRedemptionDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegRedemptionDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewLegRedemptionDate ¶
func NewLegRedemptionDate(val string) LegRedemptionDateField
NewLegRedemptionDate returns a new LegRedemptionDateField initialized with val
func (LegRedemptionDateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegRedemptionDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegRedemptionDate (254)
func (LegRedemptionDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegRedemptionDateField) Value() string
type LegRefIDField ¶
type LegRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewLegRefID ¶
func NewLegRefID(val string) LegRefIDField
NewLegRefID returns a new LegRefIDField initialized with val
func (LegRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegRefIDField) Value() string
type LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField ¶
type LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField is a INT field
func NewLegRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func NewLegRepoCollateralSecurityType(val int) LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField
NewLegRepoCollateralSecurityType returns a new LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField initialized with val
func (LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegRepoCollateralSecurityType (250)
func (LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Value() int
type LegReportIDField ¶
type LegReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegReportIDField is a STRING field
func NewLegReportID ¶
func NewLegReportID(val string) LegReportIDField
NewLegReportID returns a new LegReportIDField initialized with val
func (LegReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f LegReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegReportID (990)
func (LegReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegReportIDField) Value() string
type LegRepurchaseRateField ¶
type LegRepurchaseRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegRepurchaseRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewLegRepurchaseRate ¶
func NewLegRepurchaseRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegRepurchaseRateField
NewLegRepurchaseRate returns a new LegRepurchaseRateField initialized with val and scale
func (LegRepurchaseRateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegRepurchaseRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegRepurchaseRate (252)
func (LegRepurchaseRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegRepurchaseRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegRepurchaseTermField ¶
type LegRepurchaseTermField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LegRepurchaseTermField is a INT field
func NewLegRepurchaseTerm ¶
func NewLegRepurchaseTerm(val int) LegRepurchaseTermField
NewLegRepurchaseTerm returns a new LegRepurchaseTermField initialized with val
func (LegRepurchaseTermField) Tag ¶
func (f LegRepurchaseTermField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegRepurchaseTerm (251)
func (LegRepurchaseTermField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegRepurchaseTermField) Value() int
type LegSecurityAltIDField ¶
type LegSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSecurityAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewLegSecurityAltID ¶
func NewLegSecurityAltID(val string) LegSecurityAltIDField
NewLegSecurityAltID returns a new LegSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (LegSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSecurityAltID (605)
func (LegSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSecurityAltIDField) Value() string
type LegSecurityAltIDSourceField ¶
type LegSecurityAltIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSecurityAltIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewLegSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func NewLegSecurityAltIDSource(val string) LegSecurityAltIDSourceField
NewLegSecurityAltIDSource returns a new LegSecurityAltIDSourceField initialized with val
func (LegSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSecurityAltIDSource (606)
func (LegSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value() string
type LegSecurityDescField ¶
type LegSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSecurityDescField is a STRING field
func NewLegSecurityDesc ¶
func NewLegSecurityDesc(val string) LegSecurityDescField
NewLegSecurityDesc returns a new LegSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (LegSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSecurityDesc (620)
func (LegSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSecurityDescField) Value() string
type LegSecurityExchangeField ¶
type LegSecurityExchangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSecurityExchangeField is a EXCHANGE field
func NewLegSecurityExchange ¶
func NewLegSecurityExchange(val string) LegSecurityExchangeField
NewLegSecurityExchange returns a new LegSecurityExchangeField initialized with val
func (LegSecurityExchangeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSecurityExchangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSecurityExchange (616)
func (LegSecurityExchangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSecurityExchangeField) Value() string
type LegSecurityIDField ¶
type LegSecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewLegSecurityID ¶
func NewLegSecurityID(val string) LegSecurityIDField
NewLegSecurityID returns a new LegSecurityIDField initialized with val
func (LegSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSecurityID (602)
func (LegSecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSecurityIDField) Value() string
type LegSecurityIDSourceField ¶
type LegSecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSecurityIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewLegSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewLegSecurityIDSource(val string) LegSecurityIDSourceField
NewLegSecurityIDSource returns a new LegSecurityIDSourceField initialized with val
func (LegSecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSecurityIDSource (603)
func (LegSecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSecurityIDSourceField) Value() string
type LegSecuritySubTypeField ¶
type LegSecuritySubTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSecuritySubTypeField is a STRING field
func NewLegSecuritySubType ¶
func NewLegSecuritySubType(val string) LegSecuritySubTypeField
NewLegSecuritySubType returns a new LegSecuritySubTypeField initialized with val
func (LegSecuritySubTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSecuritySubTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSecuritySubType (764)
func (LegSecuritySubTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSecuritySubTypeField) Value() string
type LegSecurityTypeField ¶
type LegSecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSecurityTypeField is a STRING field
func NewLegSecurityType ¶
func NewLegSecurityType(val string) LegSecurityTypeField
NewLegSecurityType returns a new LegSecurityTypeField initialized with val
func (LegSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSecurityType (609)
func (LegSecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSecurityTypeField) Value() string
type LegSettlCurrencyField ¶
type LegSettlCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSettlCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewLegSettlCurrency ¶
func NewLegSettlCurrency(val string) LegSettlCurrencyField
NewLegSettlCurrency returns a new LegSettlCurrencyField initialized with val
func (LegSettlCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSettlCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSettlCurrency (675)
func (LegSettlCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSettlCurrencyField) Value() string
type LegSettlDateField ¶
type LegSettlDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSettlDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewLegSettlDate ¶
func NewLegSettlDate(val string) LegSettlDateField
NewLegSettlDate returns a new LegSettlDateField initialized with val
func (LegSettlDateField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSettlDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSettlDate (588)
func (LegSettlDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSettlDateField) Value() string
type LegSettlTypeField ¶
type LegSettlTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSettlTypeField is a CHAR field
func NewLegSettlType ¶
func NewLegSettlType(val string) LegSettlTypeField
NewLegSettlType returns a new LegSettlTypeField initialized with val
func (LegSettlTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSettlTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSettlType (587)
func (LegSettlTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSettlTypeField) Value() string
type LegSettlmntTypField ¶
type LegSettlmntTypField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSettlmntTypField is a CHAR field
func NewLegSettlmntTyp ¶
func NewLegSettlmntTyp(val string) LegSettlmntTypField
NewLegSettlmntTyp returns a new LegSettlmntTypField initialized with val
func (LegSettlmntTypField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSettlmntTypField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSettlmntTyp (587)
func (LegSettlmntTypField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSettlmntTypField) Value() string
type LegSideField ¶
type LegSideField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSideField is a CHAR field
func NewLegSide ¶
func NewLegSide(val string) LegSideField
NewLegSide returns a new LegSideField initialized with val
func (LegSideField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSideField) Value() string
type LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField ¶
type LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField is a STRING field
func NewLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func NewLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue(val string) LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField
NewLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns a new LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField initialized with val
func (LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue (597)
func (LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Value() string
type LegStipulationTypeField ¶
type LegStipulationTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegStipulationTypeField is a STRING field
func NewLegStipulationType ¶
func NewLegStipulationType(val string) LegStipulationTypeField
NewLegStipulationType returns a new LegStipulationTypeField initialized with val
func (LegStipulationTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegStipulationTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegStipulationType (688)
func (LegStipulationTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegStipulationTypeField) Value() string
type LegStipulationValueField ¶
type LegStipulationValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegStipulationValueField is a STRING field
func NewLegStipulationValue ¶
func NewLegStipulationValue(val string) LegStipulationValueField
NewLegStipulationValue returns a new LegStipulationValueField initialized with val
func (LegStipulationValueField) Tag ¶
func (f LegStipulationValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegStipulationValue (689)
func (LegStipulationValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegStipulationValueField) Value() string
type LegStrikeCurrencyField ¶
type LegStrikeCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegStrikeCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewLegStrikeCurrency ¶
func NewLegStrikeCurrency(val string) LegStrikeCurrencyField
NewLegStrikeCurrency returns a new LegStrikeCurrencyField initialized with val
func (LegStrikeCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegStrikeCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegStrikeCurrency (942)
func (LegStrikeCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegStrikeCurrencyField) Value() string
type LegStrikePriceField ¶
type LegStrikePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegStrikePriceField is a PRICE field
func NewLegStrikePrice ¶
func NewLegStrikePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegStrikePriceField
NewLegStrikePrice returns a new LegStrikePriceField initialized with val and scale
func (LegStrikePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f LegStrikePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegStrikePrice (612)
func (LegStrikePriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegStrikePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegSwapTypeField ¶
type LegSwapTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSwapTypeField is a enum.LegSwapType field
func NewLegSwapType ¶
func NewLegSwapType(val enum.LegSwapType) LegSwapTypeField
func (LegSwapTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSwapTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSwapType (690)
func (LegSwapTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSwapTypeField) Value() enum.LegSwapType
type LegSymbolField ¶
type LegSymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSymbolField is a STRING field
func NewLegSymbol ¶
func NewLegSymbol(val string) LegSymbolField
NewLegSymbol returns a new LegSymbolField initialized with val
func (LegSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSymbol (600)
func (LegSymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSymbolField) Value() string
type LegSymbolSfxField ¶
type LegSymbolSfxField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegSymbolSfxField is a STRING field
func NewLegSymbolSfx ¶
func NewLegSymbolSfx(val string) LegSymbolSfxField
NewLegSymbolSfx returns a new LegSymbolSfxField initialized with val
func (LegSymbolSfxField) Tag ¶
func (f LegSymbolSfxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegSymbolSfx (601)
func (LegSymbolSfxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegSymbolSfxField) Value() string
type LegTimeUnitField ¶
type LegTimeUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegTimeUnitField is a STRING field
func NewLegTimeUnit ¶
func NewLegTimeUnit(val string) LegTimeUnitField
NewLegTimeUnit returns a new LegTimeUnitField initialized with val
func (LegTimeUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f LegTimeUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegTimeUnit (1001)
func (LegTimeUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegTimeUnitField) Value() string
type LegUnitOfMeasureField ¶
type LegUnitOfMeasureField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LegUnitOfMeasureField is a STRING field
func NewLegUnitOfMeasure ¶
func NewLegUnitOfMeasure(val string) LegUnitOfMeasureField
NewLegUnitOfMeasure returns a new LegUnitOfMeasureField initialized with val
func (LegUnitOfMeasureField) Tag ¶
func (f LegUnitOfMeasureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegUnitOfMeasure (999)
func (LegUnitOfMeasureField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegUnitOfMeasureField) Value() string
type LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField ¶
type LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLegUnitOfMeasureQty ¶
func NewLegUnitOfMeasureQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField
NewLegUnitOfMeasureQty returns a new LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegUnitOfMeasureQty (1224)
func (LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegVolatilityField ¶
type LegVolatilityField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LegVolatilityField is a FLOAT field
func NewLegVolatility ¶
func NewLegVolatility(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LegVolatilityField
NewLegVolatility returns a new LegVolatilityField initialized with val and scale
func (LegVolatilityField) Tag ¶
func (f LegVolatilityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegVolatility (1379)
func (LegVolatilityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegVolatilityField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LegalConfirmField ¶
type LegalConfirmField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
LegalConfirmField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewLegalConfirm ¶
func NewLegalConfirm(val bool) LegalConfirmField
NewLegalConfirm returns a new LegalConfirmField initialized with val
func (LegalConfirmField) Tag ¶
func (f LegalConfirmField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LegalConfirm (650)
func (LegalConfirmField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LegalConfirmField) Value() bool
type LinesOfTextField ¶
type LinesOfTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LinesOfTextField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewLinesOfText ¶
func NewLinesOfText(val int) LinesOfTextField
NewLinesOfText returns a new LinesOfTextField initialized with val
func (LinesOfTextField) Tag ¶
func (f LinesOfTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LinesOfText (33)
func (LinesOfTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LinesOfTextField) Value() int
type LiquidityIndTypeField ¶
type LiquidityIndTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LiquidityIndTypeField is a enum.LiquidityIndType field
func NewLiquidityIndType ¶
func NewLiquidityIndType(val enum.LiquidityIndType) LiquidityIndTypeField
func (LiquidityIndTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityIndTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityIndType (409)
func (LiquidityIndTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LiquidityIndTypeField) Value() enum.LiquidityIndType
type LiquidityNumSecuritiesField ¶
type LiquidityNumSecuritiesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
LiquidityNumSecuritiesField is a INT field
func NewLiquidityNumSecurities ¶
func NewLiquidityNumSecurities(val int) LiquidityNumSecuritiesField
NewLiquidityNumSecurities returns a new LiquidityNumSecuritiesField initialized with val
func (LiquidityNumSecuritiesField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityNumSecuritiesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityNumSecurities (441)
func (LiquidityNumSecuritiesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LiquidityNumSecuritiesField) Value() int
type LiquidityPctHighField ¶
type LiquidityPctHighField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LiquidityPctHighField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewLiquidityPctHigh ¶
func NewLiquidityPctHigh(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LiquidityPctHighField
NewLiquidityPctHigh returns a new LiquidityPctHighField initialized with val and scale
func (LiquidityPctHighField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityPctHighField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityPctHigh (403)
func (LiquidityPctHighField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LiquidityPctHighField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LiquidityPctLowField ¶
type LiquidityPctLowField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LiquidityPctLowField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewLiquidityPctLow ¶
func NewLiquidityPctLow(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LiquidityPctLowField
NewLiquidityPctLow returns a new LiquidityPctLowField initialized with val and scale
func (LiquidityPctLowField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityPctLowField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityPctLow (402)
func (LiquidityPctLowField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LiquidityPctLowField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LiquidityValueField ¶
type LiquidityValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LiquidityValueField is a AMT field
func NewLiquidityValue ¶
func NewLiquidityValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LiquidityValueField
NewLiquidityValue returns a new LiquidityValueField initialized with val and scale
func (LiquidityValueField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityValue (404)
func (LiquidityValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LiquidityValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ListExecInstField ¶
type ListExecInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListExecInstField is a STRING field
func NewListExecInst ¶
func NewListExecInst(val string) ListExecInstField
NewListExecInst returns a new ListExecInstField initialized with val
func (ListExecInstField) Tag ¶
func (f ListExecInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListExecInst (69)
func (ListExecInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListExecInstField) Value() string
type ListExecInstTypeField ¶
type ListExecInstTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListExecInstTypeField is a enum.ListExecInstType field
func NewListExecInstType ¶
func NewListExecInstType(val enum.ListExecInstType) ListExecInstTypeField
func (ListExecInstTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ListExecInstTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListExecInstType (433)
func (ListExecInstTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListExecInstTypeField) Value() enum.ListExecInstType
type ListIDField ¶
type ListIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListIDField is a STRING field
func NewListID ¶
func NewListID(val string) ListIDField
NewListID returns a new ListIDField initialized with val
func (ListIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListIDField) Value() string
type ListMethodField ¶
type ListMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListMethodField is a enum.ListMethod field
func NewListMethod ¶
func NewListMethod(val enum.ListMethod) ListMethodField
func (ListMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f ListMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListMethod (1198)
func (ListMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListMethodField) Value() enum.ListMethod
type ListNameField ¶
type ListNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListNameField is a STRING field
func NewListName ¶
func NewListName(val string) ListNameField
NewListName returns a new ListNameField initialized with val
func (ListNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListNameField) Value() string
type ListNoOrdsField ¶
type ListNoOrdsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ListNoOrdsField is a INT field
func NewListNoOrds ¶
func NewListNoOrds(val int) ListNoOrdsField
NewListNoOrds returns a new ListNoOrdsField initialized with val
func (ListNoOrdsField) Tag ¶
func (f ListNoOrdsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListNoOrds (68)
func (ListNoOrdsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListNoOrdsField) Value() int
type ListOrderStatusField ¶
type ListOrderStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListOrderStatusField is a enum.ListOrderStatus field
func NewListOrderStatus ¶
func NewListOrderStatus(val enum.ListOrderStatus) ListOrderStatusField
func (ListOrderStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f ListOrderStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListOrderStatus (431)
func (ListOrderStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListOrderStatusField) Value() enum.ListOrderStatus
type ListRejectReasonField ¶
type ListRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListRejectReasonField is a enum.ListRejectReason field
func NewListRejectReason ¶
func NewListRejectReason(val enum.ListRejectReason) ListRejectReasonField
func (ListRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f ListRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListRejectReason (1386)
func (ListRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListRejectReasonField) Value() enum.ListRejectReason
type ListSeqNoField ¶
type ListSeqNoField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ListSeqNoField is a INT field
func NewListSeqNo ¶
func NewListSeqNo(val int) ListSeqNoField
NewListSeqNo returns a new ListSeqNoField initialized with val
func (ListSeqNoField) Tag ¶
func (f ListSeqNoField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListSeqNo (67)
func (ListSeqNoField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListSeqNoField) Value() int
type ListStatusTextField ¶
type ListStatusTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListStatusTextField is a STRING field
func NewListStatusText ¶
func NewListStatusText(val string) ListStatusTextField
NewListStatusText returns a new ListStatusTextField initialized with val
func (ListStatusTextField) Tag ¶
func (f ListStatusTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListStatusText (444)
func (ListStatusTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListStatusTextField) Value() string
type ListStatusTypeField ¶
type ListStatusTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListStatusTypeField is a enum.ListStatusType field
func NewListStatusType ¶
func NewListStatusType(val enum.ListStatusType) ListStatusTypeField
func (ListStatusTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ListStatusTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListStatusType (429)
func (ListStatusTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListStatusTypeField) Value() enum.ListStatusType
type ListUpdateActionField ¶
type ListUpdateActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ListUpdateActionField is a CHAR field
func NewListUpdateAction ¶
func NewListUpdateAction(val string) ListUpdateActionField
NewListUpdateAction returns a new ListUpdateActionField initialized with val
func (ListUpdateActionField) Tag ¶
func (f ListUpdateActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListUpdateAction (1324)
func (ListUpdateActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ListUpdateActionField) Value() string
type LocaleOfIssueField ¶
type LocaleOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LocaleOfIssueField is a STRING field
func NewLocaleOfIssue ¶
func NewLocaleOfIssue(val string) LocaleOfIssueField
NewLocaleOfIssue returns a new LocaleOfIssueField initialized with val
func (LocaleOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f LocaleOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LocaleOfIssue (472)
func (LocaleOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LocaleOfIssueField) Value() string
type LocateReqdField ¶
type LocateReqdField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
LocateReqdField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewLocateReqd ¶
func NewLocateReqd(val bool) LocateReqdField
NewLocateReqd returns a new LocateReqdField initialized with val
func (LocateReqdField) Tag ¶
func (f LocateReqdField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LocateReqd (114)
func (LocateReqdField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LocateReqdField) Value() bool
type LocationIDField ¶
type LocationIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LocationIDField is a STRING field
func NewLocationID ¶
func NewLocationID(val string) LocationIDField
NewLocationID returns a new LocationIDField initialized with val
func (LocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f LocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LocationID (283)
func (LocationIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LocationIDField) Value() string
type LongQtyField ¶
type LongQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LongQtyField is a QTY field
func NewLongQty ¶
func NewLongQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LongQtyField
NewLongQty returns a new LongQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (LongQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LongQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LotTypeField ¶
type LotTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
LotTypeField is a enum.LotType field
func NewLotType ¶
func NewLotType(val enum.LotType) LotTypeField
func (LotTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LotTypeField) Value() enum.LotType
type LowLimitPriceField ¶
type LowLimitPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LowLimitPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewLowLimitPrice ¶
func NewLowLimitPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LowLimitPriceField
NewLowLimitPrice returns a new LowLimitPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (LowLimitPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f LowLimitPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LowLimitPrice (1148)
func (LowLimitPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LowLimitPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LowPxField ¶
type LowPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LowPxField is a PRICE field
func NewLowPx ¶
func NewLowPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LowPxField
NewLowPx returns a new LowPxField initialized with val and scale
func (LowPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f LowPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MDBookTypeField ¶
type MDBookTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDBookTypeField is a enum.MDBookType field
func NewMDBookType ¶
func NewMDBookType(val enum.MDBookType) MDBookTypeField
func (MDBookTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDBookTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDBookType (1021)
func (MDBookTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDBookTypeField) Value() enum.MDBookType
type MDEntryBuyerField ¶
type MDEntryBuyerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDEntryBuyerField is a STRING field
func NewMDEntryBuyer ¶
func NewMDEntryBuyer(val string) MDEntryBuyerField
NewMDEntryBuyer returns a new MDEntryBuyerField initialized with val
func (MDEntryBuyerField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryBuyerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryBuyer (288)
func (MDEntryBuyerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryBuyerField) Value() string
type MDEntryDateField ¶
type MDEntryDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDEntryDateField is a UTCDATEONLY field
func NewMDEntryDate ¶
func NewMDEntryDate(val string) MDEntryDateField
NewMDEntryDate returns a new MDEntryDateField initialized with val
func (MDEntryDateField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryDate (272)
func (MDEntryDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryDateField) Value() string
type MDEntryForwardPointsField ¶
type MDEntryForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MDEntryForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewMDEntryForwardPoints ¶
func NewMDEntryForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MDEntryForwardPointsField
NewMDEntryForwardPoints returns a new MDEntryForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (MDEntryForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryForwardPoints (1027)
func (MDEntryForwardPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MDEntryIDField ¶
type MDEntryIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDEntryIDField is a STRING field
func NewMDEntryID ¶
func NewMDEntryID(val string) MDEntryIDField
NewMDEntryID returns a new MDEntryIDField initialized with val
func (MDEntryIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryID (278)
func (MDEntryIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryIDField) Value() string
type MDEntryOriginatorField ¶
type MDEntryOriginatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDEntryOriginatorField is a STRING field
func NewMDEntryOriginator ¶
func NewMDEntryOriginator(val string) MDEntryOriginatorField
NewMDEntryOriginator returns a new MDEntryOriginatorField initialized with val
func (MDEntryOriginatorField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryOriginatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryOriginator (282)
func (MDEntryOriginatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryOriginatorField) Value() string
type MDEntryPositionNoField ¶
type MDEntryPositionNoField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MDEntryPositionNoField is a INT field
func NewMDEntryPositionNo ¶
func NewMDEntryPositionNo(val int) MDEntryPositionNoField
NewMDEntryPositionNo returns a new MDEntryPositionNoField initialized with val
func (MDEntryPositionNoField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryPositionNoField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryPositionNo (290)
func (MDEntryPositionNoField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryPositionNoField) Value() int
type MDEntryPxField ¶
type MDEntryPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MDEntryPxField is a PRICE field
func NewMDEntryPx ¶
func NewMDEntryPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MDEntryPxField
NewMDEntryPx returns a new MDEntryPxField initialized with val and scale
func (MDEntryPxField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryPx (270)
func (MDEntryPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MDEntryRefIDField ¶
type MDEntryRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDEntryRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewMDEntryRefID ¶
func NewMDEntryRefID(val string) MDEntryRefIDField
NewMDEntryRefID returns a new MDEntryRefIDField initialized with val
func (MDEntryRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryRefID (280)
func (MDEntryRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryRefIDField) Value() string
type MDEntrySellerField ¶
type MDEntrySellerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDEntrySellerField is a STRING field
func NewMDEntrySeller ¶
func NewMDEntrySeller(val string) MDEntrySellerField
NewMDEntrySeller returns a new MDEntrySellerField initialized with val
func (MDEntrySellerField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntrySellerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntrySeller (289)
func (MDEntrySellerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntrySellerField) Value() string
type MDEntrySizeField ¶
type MDEntrySizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MDEntrySizeField is a QTY field
func NewMDEntrySize ¶
func NewMDEntrySize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MDEntrySizeField
NewMDEntrySize returns a new MDEntrySizeField initialized with val and scale
func (MDEntrySizeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntrySizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntrySize (271)
func (MDEntrySizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntrySizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MDEntrySpotRateField ¶
type MDEntrySpotRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MDEntrySpotRateField is a FLOAT field
func NewMDEntrySpotRate ¶
func NewMDEntrySpotRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MDEntrySpotRateField
NewMDEntrySpotRate returns a new MDEntrySpotRateField initialized with val and scale
func (MDEntrySpotRateField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntrySpotRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntrySpotRate (1026)
func (MDEntrySpotRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntrySpotRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MDEntryTimeField ¶
type MDEntryTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDEntryTimeField is a UTCTIMEONLY field
func NewMDEntryTime ¶
func NewMDEntryTime(val string) MDEntryTimeField
NewMDEntryTime returns a new MDEntryTimeField initialized with val
func (MDEntryTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryTime (273)
func (MDEntryTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryTimeField) Value() string
type MDEntryTypeField ¶
type MDEntryTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDEntryTypeField is a enum.MDEntryType field
func NewMDEntryType ¶
func NewMDEntryType(val enum.MDEntryType) MDEntryTypeField
func (MDEntryTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryType (269)
func (MDEntryTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDEntryTypeField) Value() enum.MDEntryType
type MDFeedTypeField ¶
type MDFeedTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDFeedTypeField is a STRING field
func NewMDFeedType ¶
func NewMDFeedType(val string) MDFeedTypeField
NewMDFeedType returns a new MDFeedTypeField initialized with val
func (MDFeedTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDFeedTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDFeedType (1022)
func (MDFeedTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDFeedTypeField) Value() string
type MDImplicitDeleteField ¶
type MDImplicitDeleteField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
MDImplicitDeleteField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewMDImplicitDelete ¶
func NewMDImplicitDelete(val bool) MDImplicitDeleteField
NewMDImplicitDelete returns a new MDImplicitDeleteField initialized with val
func (MDImplicitDeleteField) Tag ¶
func (f MDImplicitDeleteField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDImplicitDelete (547)
func (MDImplicitDeleteField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDImplicitDeleteField) Value() bool
type MDMktField ¶
type MDMktField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDMktField is a EXCHANGE field
func NewMDMkt ¶
func NewMDMkt(val string) MDMktField
NewMDMkt returns a new MDMktField initialized with val
func (MDMktField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDMktField) Value() string
type MDOriginTypeField ¶
type MDOriginTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDOriginTypeField is a enum.MDOriginType field
func NewMDOriginType ¶
func NewMDOriginType(val enum.MDOriginType) MDOriginTypeField
func (MDOriginTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDOriginTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDOriginType (1024)
func (MDOriginTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDOriginTypeField) Value() enum.MDOriginType
type MDPriceLevelField ¶
type MDPriceLevelField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MDPriceLevelField is a INT field
func NewMDPriceLevel ¶
func NewMDPriceLevel(val int) MDPriceLevelField
NewMDPriceLevel returns a new MDPriceLevelField initialized with val
func (MDPriceLevelField) Tag ¶
func (f MDPriceLevelField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDPriceLevel (1023)
func (MDPriceLevelField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDPriceLevelField) Value() int
type MDQuoteTypeField ¶
type MDQuoteTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDQuoteTypeField is a enum.MDQuoteType field
func NewMDQuoteType ¶
func NewMDQuoteType(val enum.MDQuoteType) MDQuoteTypeField
func (MDQuoteTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDQuoteTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDQuoteType (1070)
func (MDQuoteTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDQuoteTypeField) Value() enum.MDQuoteType
type MDReportIDField ¶
type MDReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MDReportIDField is a INT field
func NewMDReportID ¶
func NewMDReportID(val int) MDReportIDField
NewMDReportID returns a new MDReportIDField initialized with val
func (MDReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MDReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDReportID (963)
func (MDReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDReportIDField) Value() int
type MDReqIDField ¶
type MDReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewMDReqID ¶
func NewMDReqID(val string) MDReqIDField
NewMDReqID returns a new MDReqIDField initialized with val
func (MDReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDReqIDField) Value() string
type MDReqRejReasonField ¶
type MDReqRejReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDReqRejReasonField is a enum.MDReqRejReason field
func NewMDReqRejReason ¶
func NewMDReqRejReason(val enum.MDReqRejReason) MDReqRejReasonField
func (MDReqRejReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f MDReqRejReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDReqRejReason (281)
func (MDReqRejReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDReqRejReasonField) Value() enum.MDReqRejReason
type MDSecSizeField ¶
type MDSecSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MDSecSizeField is a QTY field
func NewMDSecSize ¶
func NewMDSecSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MDSecSizeField
NewMDSecSize returns a new MDSecSizeField initialized with val and scale
func (MDSecSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDSecSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDSecSize (1179)
func (MDSecSizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDSecSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MDSecSizeTypeField ¶
type MDSecSizeTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDSecSizeTypeField is a enum.MDSecSizeType field
func NewMDSecSizeType ¶
func NewMDSecSizeType(val enum.MDSecSizeType) MDSecSizeTypeField
func (MDSecSizeTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDSecSizeTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDSecSizeType (1178)
func (MDSecSizeTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDSecSizeTypeField) Value() enum.MDSecSizeType
type MDStreamIDField ¶
type MDStreamIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDStreamIDField is a STRING field
func NewMDStreamID ¶
func NewMDStreamID(val string) MDStreamIDField
NewMDStreamID returns a new MDStreamIDField initialized with val
func (MDStreamIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MDStreamIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDStreamID (1500)
func (MDStreamIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDStreamIDField) Value() string
type MDSubBookTypeField ¶
type MDSubBookTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MDSubBookTypeField is a INT field
func NewMDSubBookType ¶
func NewMDSubBookType(val int) MDSubBookTypeField
NewMDSubBookType returns a new MDSubBookTypeField initialized with val
func (MDSubBookTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDSubBookTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDSubBookType (1173)
func (MDSubBookTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDSubBookTypeField) Value() int
type MDUpdateActionField ¶
type MDUpdateActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDUpdateActionField is a enum.MDUpdateAction field
func NewMDUpdateAction ¶
func NewMDUpdateAction(val enum.MDUpdateAction) MDUpdateActionField
func (MDUpdateActionField) Tag ¶
func (f MDUpdateActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDUpdateAction (279)
func (MDUpdateActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDUpdateActionField) Value() enum.MDUpdateAction
type MDUpdateTypeField ¶
type MDUpdateTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MDUpdateTypeField is a enum.MDUpdateType field
func NewMDUpdateType ¶
func NewMDUpdateType(val enum.MDUpdateType) MDUpdateTypeField
func (MDUpdateTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDUpdateTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDUpdateType (265)
func (MDUpdateTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MDUpdateTypeField) Value() enum.MDUpdateType
type MailingDtlsField ¶
type MailingDtlsField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MailingDtlsField is a STRING field
func NewMailingDtls ¶
func NewMailingDtls(val string) MailingDtlsField
NewMailingDtls returns a new MailingDtlsField initialized with val
func (MailingDtlsField) Tag ¶
func (f MailingDtlsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MailingDtls (474)
func (MailingDtlsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MailingDtlsField) Value() string
type MailingInstField ¶
type MailingInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MailingInstField is a STRING field
func NewMailingInst ¶
func NewMailingInst(val string) MailingInstField
NewMailingInst returns a new MailingInstField initialized with val
func (MailingInstField) Tag ¶
func (f MailingInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MailingInst (482)
func (MailingInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MailingInstField) Value() string
type ManualOrderIndicatorField ¶
type ManualOrderIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ManualOrderIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewManualOrderIndicator ¶
func NewManualOrderIndicator(val bool) ManualOrderIndicatorField
NewManualOrderIndicator returns a new ManualOrderIndicatorField initialized with val
func (ManualOrderIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f ManualOrderIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ManualOrderIndicator (1028)
func (ManualOrderIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ManualOrderIndicatorField) Value() bool
type MarginExcessField ¶
type MarginExcessField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MarginExcessField is a AMT field
func NewMarginExcess ¶
func NewMarginExcess(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MarginExcessField
NewMarginExcess returns a new MarginExcessField initialized with val and scale
func (MarginExcessField) Tag ¶
func (f MarginExcessField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarginExcess (899)
func (MarginExcessField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MarginExcessField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MarginRatioField ¶
type MarginRatioField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MarginRatioField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewMarginRatio ¶
func NewMarginRatio(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MarginRatioField
NewMarginRatio returns a new MarginRatioField initialized with val and scale
func (MarginRatioField) Tag ¶
func (f MarginRatioField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarginRatio (898)
func (MarginRatioField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MarginRatioField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MarketDepthField ¶
type MarketDepthField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MarketDepthField is a INT field
func NewMarketDepth ¶
func NewMarketDepth(val int) MarketDepthField
NewMarketDepth returns a new MarketDepthField initialized with val
func (MarketDepthField) Tag ¶
func (f MarketDepthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarketDepth (264)
func (MarketDepthField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MarketDepthField) Value() int
type MarketIDField ¶
type MarketIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MarketIDField is a EXCHANGE field
func NewMarketID ¶
func NewMarketID(val string) MarketIDField
NewMarketID returns a new MarketIDField initialized with val
func (MarketIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MarketIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarketID (1301)
func (MarketIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MarketIDField) Value() string
type MarketReportIDField ¶
type MarketReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MarketReportIDField is a STRING field
func NewMarketReportID ¶
func NewMarketReportID(val string) MarketReportIDField
NewMarketReportID returns a new MarketReportIDField initialized with val
func (MarketReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MarketReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarketReportID (1394)
func (MarketReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MarketReportIDField) Value() string
type MarketReqIDField ¶
type MarketReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MarketReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewMarketReqID ¶
func NewMarketReqID(val string) MarketReqIDField
NewMarketReqID returns a new MarketReqIDField initialized with val
func (MarketReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MarketReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarketReqID (1393)
func (MarketReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MarketReqIDField) Value() string
type MarketSegmentDescField ¶
type MarketSegmentDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MarketSegmentDescField is a STRING field
func NewMarketSegmentDesc ¶
func NewMarketSegmentDesc(val string) MarketSegmentDescField
NewMarketSegmentDesc returns a new MarketSegmentDescField initialized with val
func (MarketSegmentDescField) Tag ¶
func (f MarketSegmentDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarketSegmentDesc (1396)
func (MarketSegmentDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MarketSegmentDescField) Value() string
type MarketSegmentIDField ¶
type MarketSegmentIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MarketSegmentIDField is a STRING field
func NewMarketSegmentID ¶
func NewMarketSegmentID(val string) MarketSegmentIDField
NewMarketSegmentID returns a new MarketSegmentIDField initialized with val
func (MarketSegmentIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MarketSegmentIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarketSegmentID (1300)
func (MarketSegmentIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MarketSegmentIDField) Value() string
type MarketUpdateActionField ¶
type MarketUpdateActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MarketUpdateActionField is a enum.MarketUpdateAction field
func NewMarketUpdateAction ¶
func NewMarketUpdateAction(val enum.MarketUpdateAction) MarketUpdateActionField
func (MarketUpdateActionField) Tag ¶
func (f MarketUpdateActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarketUpdateAction (1395)
func (MarketUpdateActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MarketUpdateActionField) Value() enum.MarketUpdateAction
type MassActionRejectReasonField ¶
type MassActionRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassActionRejectReasonField is a enum.MassActionRejectReason field
func NewMassActionRejectReason ¶
func NewMassActionRejectReason(val enum.MassActionRejectReason) MassActionRejectReasonField
func (MassActionRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f MassActionRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassActionRejectReason (1376)
func (MassActionRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassActionRejectReasonField) Value() enum.MassActionRejectReason
type MassActionReportIDField ¶
type MassActionReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassActionReportIDField is a STRING field
func NewMassActionReportID ¶
func NewMassActionReportID(val string) MassActionReportIDField
NewMassActionReportID returns a new MassActionReportIDField initialized with val
func (MassActionReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MassActionReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassActionReportID (1369)
func (MassActionReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassActionReportIDField) Value() string
type MassActionResponseField ¶
type MassActionResponseField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassActionResponseField is a enum.MassActionResponse field
func NewMassActionResponse ¶
func NewMassActionResponse(val enum.MassActionResponse) MassActionResponseField
func (MassActionResponseField) Tag ¶
func (f MassActionResponseField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassActionResponse (1375)
func (MassActionResponseField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassActionResponseField) Value() enum.MassActionResponse
type MassActionScopeField ¶
type MassActionScopeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassActionScopeField is a enum.MassActionScope field
func NewMassActionScope ¶
func NewMassActionScope(val enum.MassActionScope) MassActionScopeField
func (MassActionScopeField) Tag ¶
func (f MassActionScopeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassActionScope (1374)
func (MassActionScopeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassActionScopeField) Value() enum.MassActionScope
type MassActionTypeField ¶
type MassActionTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassActionTypeField is a enum.MassActionType field
func NewMassActionType ¶
func NewMassActionType(val enum.MassActionType) MassActionTypeField
func (MassActionTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MassActionTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassActionType (1373)
func (MassActionTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassActionTypeField) Value() enum.MassActionType
type MassCancelRejectReasonField ¶
type MassCancelRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassCancelRejectReasonField is a enum.MassCancelRejectReason field
func NewMassCancelRejectReason ¶
func NewMassCancelRejectReason(val enum.MassCancelRejectReason) MassCancelRejectReasonField
func (MassCancelRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f MassCancelRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassCancelRejectReason (532)
func (MassCancelRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassCancelRejectReasonField) Value() enum.MassCancelRejectReason
type MassCancelRequestTypeField ¶
type MassCancelRequestTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassCancelRequestTypeField is a enum.MassCancelRequestType field
func NewMassCancelRequestType ¶
func NewMassCancelRequestType(val enum.MassCancelRequestType) MassCancelRequestTypeField
func (MassCancelRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MassCancelRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassCancelRequestType (530)
func (MassCancelRequestTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassCancelRequestTypeField) Value() enum.MassCancelRequestType
type MassCancelResponseField ¶
type MassCancelResponseField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassCancelResponseField is a enum.MassCancelResponse field
func NewMassCancelResponse ¶
func NewMassCancelResponse(val enum.MassCancelResponse) MassCancelResponseField
func (MassCancelResponseField) Tag ¶
func (f MassCancelResponseField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassCancelResponse (531)
func (MassCancelResponseField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassCancelResponseField) Value() enum.MassCancelResponse
type MassStatusReqIDField ¶
type MassStatusReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassStatusReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewMassStatusReqID ¶
func NewMassStatusReqID(val string) MassStatusReqIDField
NewMassStatusReqID returns a new MassStatusReqIDField initialized with val
func (MassStatusReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MassStatusReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassStatusReqID (584)
func (MassStatusReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassStatusReqIDField) Value() string
type MassStatusReqTypeField ¶
type MassStatusReqTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MassStatusReqTypeField is a enum.MassStatusReqType field
func NewMassStatusReqType ¶
func NewMassStatusReqType(val enum.MassStatusReqType) MassStatusReqTypeField
func (MassStatusReqTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MassStatusReqTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MassStatusReqType (585)
func (MassStatusReqTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MassStatusReqTypeField) Value() enum.MassStatusReqType
type MatchAlgorithmField ¶
type MatchAlgorithmField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MatchAlgorithmField is a STRING field
func NewMatchAlgorithm ¶
func NewMatchAlgorithm(val string) MatchAlgorithmField
NewMatchAlgorithm returns a new MatchAlgorithmField initialized with val
func (MatchAlgorithmField) Tag ¶
func (f MatchAlgorithmField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MatchAlgorithm (1142)
func (MatchAlgorithmField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MatchAlgorithmField) Value() string
type MatchIncrementField ¶
type MatchIncrementField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MatchIncrementField is a QTY field
func NewMatchIncrement ¶
func NewMatchIncrement(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MatchIncrementField
NewMatchIncrement returns a new MatchIncrementField initialized with val and scale
func (MatchIncrementField) Tag ¶
func (f MatchIncrementField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MatchIncrement (1089)
func (MatchIncrementField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MatchIncrementField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MatchStatusField ¶
type MatchStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MatchStatusField is a enum.MatchStatus field
func NewMatchStatus ¶
func NewMatchStatus(val enum.MatchStatus) MatchStatusField
func (MatchStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f MatchStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MatchStatus (573)
func (MatchStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MatchStatusField) Value() enum.MatchStatus
type MatchTypeField ¶
type MatchTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MatchTypeField is a enum.MatchType field
func NewMatchType ¶
func NewMatchType(val enum.MatchType) MatchTypeField
func (MatchTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MatchTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MatchType (574)
func (MatchTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MatchTypeField) Value() enum.MatchType
type MaturityDateField ¶
type MaturityDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MaturityDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewMaturityDate ¶
func NewMaturityDate(val string) MaturityDateField
NewMaturityDate returns a new MaturityDateField initialized with val
func (MaturityDateField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityDate (541)
func (MaturityDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaturityDateField) Value() string
type MaturityDayField ¶
type MaturityDayField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MaturityDayField is a DAYOFMONTH field
func NewMaturityDay ¶
func NewMaturityDay(val int) MaturityDayField
NewMaturityDay returns a new MaturityDayField initialized with val
func (MaturityDayField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityDayField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityDay (205)
func (MaturityDayField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaturityDayField) Value() int
type MaturityMonthYearField ¶
type MaturityMonthYearField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewMaturityMonthYear(val string) MaturityMonthYearField
NewMaturityMonthYear returns a new MaturityMonthYearField initialized with val
func (MaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityMonthYear (200)
func (MaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type MaturityMonthYearFormatField ¶
type MaturityMonthYearFormatField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MaturityMonthYearFormatField is a enum.MaturityMonthYearFormat field
func NewMaturityMonthYearFormat ¶
func NewMaturityMonthYearFormat(val enum.MaturityMonthYearFormat) MaturityMonthYearFormatField
func (MaturityMonthYearFormatField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityMonthYearFormatField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityMonthYearFormat (1303)
func (MaturityMonthYearFormatField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaturityMonthYearFormatField) Value() enum.MaturityMonthYearFormat
type MaturityMonthYearIncrementField ¶
type MaturityMonthYearIncrementField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MaturityMonthYearIncrementField is a INT field
func NewMaturityMonthYearIncrement ¶
func NewMaturityMonthYearIncrement(val int) MaturityMonthYearIncrementField
NewMaturityMonthYearIncrement returns a new MaturityMonthYearIncrementField initialized with val
func (MaturityMonthYearIncrementField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityMonthYearIncrementField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityMonthYearIncrement (1229)
func (MaturityMonthYearIncrementField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaturityMonthYearIncrementField) Value() int
type MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnitsField ¶
type MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnitsField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnitsField is a enum.MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnits field
func NewMaturityMonthYearIncrementUnits ¶
func NewMaturityMonthYearIncrementUnits(val enum.MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnits) MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnitsField
func (MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnitsField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnitsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnits (1302)
func (MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnitsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnitsField) Value() enum.MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnits
type MaturityNetMoneyField ¶
type MaturityNetMoneyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MaturityNetMoneyField is a AMT field
func NewMaturityNetMoney ¶
func NewMaturityNetMoney(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MaturityNetMoneyField
NewMaturityNetMoney returns a new MaturityNetMoneyField initialized with val and scale
func (MaturityNetMoneyField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityNetMoneyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityNetMoney (890)
func (MaturityNetMoneyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaturityNetMoneyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MaturityRuleIDField ¶
type MaturityRuleIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MaturityRuleIDField is a STRING field
func NewMaturityRuleID ¶
func NewMaturityRuleID(val string) MaturityRuleIDField
NewMaturityRuleID returns a new MaturityRuleIDField initialized with val
func (MaturityRuleIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityRuleIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityRuleID (1222)
func (MaturityRuleIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaturityRuleIDField) Value() string
type MaturityTimeField ¶
type MaturityTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MaturityTimeField is a TZTIMEONLY field
func NewMaturityTime ¶
func NewMaturityTime(val string) MaturityTimeField
NewMaturityTime returns a new MaturityTimeField initialized with val
func (MaturityTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityTime (1079)
func (MaturityTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaturityTimeField) Value() string
type MaxFloorField ¶
type MaxFloorField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MaxFloorField is a QTY field
func NewMaxFloor ¶
func NewMaxFloor(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MaxFloorField
NewMaxFloor returns a new MaxFloorField initialized with val and scale
func (MaxFloorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaxFloorField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MaxMessageSizeField ¶
type MaxMessageSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MaxMessageSizeField is a LENGTH field
func NewMaxMessageSize ¶
func NewMaxMessageSize(val int) MaxMessageSizeField
NewMaxMessageSize returns a new MaxMessageSizeField initialized with val
func (MaxMessageSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f MaxMessageSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaxMessageSize (383)
func (MaxMessageSizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaxMessageSizeField) Value() int
type MaxPriceLevelsField ¶
type MaxPriceLevelsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MaxPriceLevelsField is a INT field
func NewMaxPriceLevels ¶
func NewMaxPriceLevels(val int) MaxPriceLevelsField
NewMaxPriceLevels returns a new MaxPriceLevelsField initialized with val
func (MaxPriceLevelsField) Tag ¶
func (f MaxPriceLevelsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaxPriceLevels (1090)
func (MaxPriceLevelsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaxPriceLevelsField) Value() int
type MaxPriceVariationField ¶
type MaxPriceVariationField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MaxPriceVariationField is a FLOAT field
func NewMaxPriceVariation ¶
func NewMaxPriceVariation(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MaxPriceVariationField
NewMaxPriceVariation returns a new MaxPriceVariationField initialized with val and scale
func (MaxPriceVariationField) Tag ¶
func (f MaxPriceVariationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaxPriceVariation (1143)
func (MaxPriceVariationField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaxPriceVariationField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MaxShowField ¶
type MaxShowField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MaxShowField is a QTY field
func NewMaxShow ¶
func NewMaxShow(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MaxShowField
NewMaxShow returns a new MaxShowField initialized with val and scale
func (MaxShowField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaxShowField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MaxTradeVolField ¶
type MaxTradeVolField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MaxTradeVolField is a QTY field
func NewMaxTradeVol ¶
func NewMaxTradeVol(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MaxTradeVolField
NewMaxTradeVol returns a new MaxTradeVolField initialized with val and scale
func (MaxTradeVolField) Tag ¶
func (f MaxTradeVolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaxTradeVol (1140)
func (MaxTradeVolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MaxTradeVolField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MessageEncodingField ¶
type MessageEncodingField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MessageEncodingField is a enum.MessageEncoding field
func NewMessageEncoding ¶
func NewMessageEncoding(val enum.MessageEncoding) MessageEncodingField
func (MessageEncodingField) Tag ¶
func (f MessageEncodingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MessageEncoding (347)
func (MessageEncodingField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MessageEncodingField) Value() enum.MessageEncoding
type MessageEventSourceField ¶
type MessageEventSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MessageEventSourceField is a STRING field
func NewMessageEventSource ¶
func NewMessageEventSource(val string) MessageEventSourceField
NewMessageEventSource returns a new MessageEventSourceField initialized with val
func (MessageEventSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f MessageEventSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MessageEventSource (1011)
func (MessageEventSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MessageEventSourceField) Value() string
type MidPxField ¶
type MidPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MidPxField is a PRICE field
func NewMidPx ¶
func NewMidPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MidPxField
NewMidPx returns a new MidPxField initialized with val and scale
func (MidPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MidPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MidYieldField ¶
type MidYieldField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MidYieldField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewMidYield ¶
func NewMidYield(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MidYieldField
NewMidYield returns a new MidYieldField initialized with val and scale
func (MidYieldField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MidYieldField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MinBidSizeField ¶
type MinBidSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MinBidSizeField is a QTY field
func NewMinBidSize ¶
func NewMinBidSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MinBidSizeField
NewMinBidSize returns a new MinBidSizeField initialized with val and scale
func (MinBidSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f MinBidSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MinBidSize (647)
func (MinBidSizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MinBidSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MinLotSizeField ¶
type MinLotSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MinLotSizeField is a QTY field
func NewMinLotSize ¶
func NewMinLotSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MinLotSizeField
NewMinLotSize returns a new MinLotSizeField initialized with val and scale
func (MinLotSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f MinLotSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MinLotSize (1231)
func (MinLotSizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MinLotSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MinOfferSizeField ¶
type MinOfferSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MinOfferSizeField is a QTY field
func NewMinOfferSize ¶
func NewMinOfferSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MinOfferSizeField
NewMinOfferSize returns a new MinOfferSizeField initialized with val and scale
func (MinOfferSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f MinOfferSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MinOfferSize (648)
func (MinOfferSizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MinOfferSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MinPriceIncrementAmountField ¶
type MinPriceIncrementAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MinPriceIncrementAmountField is a AMT field
func NewMinPriceIncrementAmount ¶
func NewMinPriceIncrementAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MinPriceIncrementAmountField
NewMinPriceIncrementAmount returns a new MinPriceIncrementAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (MinPriceIncrementAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f MinPriceIncrementAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MinPriceIncrementAmount (1146)
func (MinPriceIncrementAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MinPriceIncrementAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MinPriceIncrementField ¶
type MinPriceIncrementField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MinPriceIncrementField is a FLOAT field
func NewMinPriceIncrement ¶
func NewMinPriceIncrement(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MinPriceIncrementField
NewMinPriceIncrement returns a new MinPriceIncrementField initialized with val and scale
func (MinPriceIncrementField) Tag ¶
func (f MinPriceIncrementField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MinPriceIncrement (969)
func (MinPriceIncrementField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MinPriceIncrementField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MinQtyField ¶
type MinQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MinQtyField is a QTY field
func NewMinQty ¶
func NewMinQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MinQtyField
NewMinQty returns a new MinQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (MinQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MinQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MinTradeVolField ¶
type MinTradeVolField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MinTradeVolField is a QTY field
func NewMinTradeVol ¶
func NewMinTradeVol(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MinTradeVolField
NewMinTradeVol returns a new MinTradeVolField initialized with val and scale
func (MinTradeVolField) Tag ¶
func (f MinTradeVolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MinTradeVol (562)
func (MinTradeVolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MinTradeVolField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MiscFeeAmtField ¶
type MiscFeeAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MiscFeeAmtField is a AMT field
func NewMiscFeeAmt ¶
func NewMiscFeeAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MiscFeeAmtField
NewMiscFeeAmt returns a new MiscFeeAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (MiscFeeAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f MiscFeeAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MiscFeeAmt (137)
func (MiscFeeAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MiscFeeAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MiscFeeBasisField ¶
type MiscFeeBasisField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MiscFeeBasisField is a enum.MiscFeeBasis field
func NewMiscFeeBasis ¶
func NewMiscFeeBasis(val enum.MiscFeeBasis) MiscFeeBasisField
func (MiscFeeBasisField) Tag ¶
func (f MiscFeeBasisField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MiscFeeBasis (891)
func (MiscFeeBasisField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MiscFeeBasisField) Value() enum.MiscFeeBasis
type MiscFeeCurrField ¶
type MiscFeeCurrField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MiscFeeCurrField is a CURRENCY field
func NewMiscFeeCurr ¶
func NewMiscFeeCurr(val string) MiscFeeCurrField
NewMiscFeeCurr returns a new MiscFeeCurrField initialized with val
func (MiscFeeCurrField) Tag ¶
func (f MiscFeeCurrField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MiscFeeCurr (138)
func (MiscFeeCurrField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MiscFeeCurrField) Value() string
type MiscFeeTypeField ¶
type MiscFeeTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MiscFeeTypeField is a enum.MiscFeeType field
func NewMiscFeeType ¶
func NewMiscFeeType(val enum.MiscFeeType) MiscFeeTypeField
func (MiscFeeTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MiscFeeTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MiscFeeType (139)
func (MiscFeeTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MiscFeeTypeField) Value() enum.MiscFeeType
type MktBidPxField ¶
type MktBidPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MktBidPxField is a PRICE field
func NewMktBidPx ¶
func NewMktBidPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MktBidPxField
NewMktBidPx returns a new MktBidPxField initialized with val and scale
func (MktBidPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MktBidPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MktOfferPxField ¶
type MktOfferPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MktOfferPxField is a PRICE field
func NewMktOfferPx ¶
func NewMktOfferPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MktOfferPxField
NewMktOfferPx returns a new MktOfferPxField initialized with val and scale
func (MktOfferPxField) Tag ¶
func (f MktOfferPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MktOfferPx (646)
func (MktOfferPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MktOfferPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ModelTypeField ¶
type ModelTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ModelTypeField is a enum.ModelType field
func NewModelType ¶
func NewModelType(val enum.ModelType) ModelTypeField
func (ModelTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ModelTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ModelType (1434)
func (ModelTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ModelTypeField) Value() enum.ModelType
type MoneyLaunderingStatusField ¶
type MoneyLaunderingStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MoneyLaunderingStatusField is a enum.MoneyLaunderingStatus field
func NewMoneyLaunderingStatus ¶
func NewMoneyLaunderingStatus(val enum.MoneyLaunderingStatus) MoneyLaunderingStatusField
func (MoneyLaunderingStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f MoneyLaunderingStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MoneyLaunderingStatus (481)
func (MoneyLaunderingStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MoneyLaunderingStatusField) Value() enum.MoneyLaunderingStatus
type MsgDirectionField ¶
type MsgDirectionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MsgDirectionField is a enum.MsgDirection field
func NewMsgDirection ¶
func NewMsgDirection(val enum.MsgDirection) MsgDirectionField
func (MsgDirectionField) Tag ¶
func (f MsgDirectionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MsgDirection (385)
func (MsgDirectionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MsgDirectionField) Value() enum.MsgDirection
type MsgSeqNumField ¶
type MsgSeqNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
MsgSeqNumField is a SEQNUM field
func NewMsgSeqNum ¶
func NewMsgSeqNum(val int) MsgSeqNumField
NewMsgSeqNum returns a new MsgSeqNumField initialized with val
func (MsgSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f MsgSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MsgSeqNum (34)
func (MsgSeqNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MsgSeqNumField) Value() int
type MsgTypeField ¶
type MsgTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MsgTypeField is a enum.MsgType field
func NewMsgType ¶
func NewMsgType(val enum.MsgType) MsgTypeField
func (MsgTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MsgTypeField) Value() enum.MsgType
type MultiLegReportingTypeField ¶
type MultiLegReportingTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MultiLegReportingTypeField is a enum.MultiLegReportingType field
func NewMultiLegReportingType ¶
func NewMultiLegReportingType(val enum.MultiLegReportingType) MultiLegReportingTypeField
func (MultiLegReportingTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MultiLegReportingTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MultiLegReportingType (442)
func (MultiLegReportingTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MultiLegReportingTypeField) Value() enum.MultiLegReportingType
type MultiLegRptTypeReqField ¶
type MultiLegRptTypeReqField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MultiLegRptTypeReqField is a enum.MultiLegRptTypeReq field
func NewMultiLegRptTypeReq ¶
func NewMultiLegRptTypeReq(val enum.MultiLegRptTypeReq) MultiLegRptTypeReqField
func (MultiLegRptTypeReqField) Tag ¶
func (f MultiLegRptTypeReqField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MultiLegRptTypeReq (563)
func (MultiLegRptTypeReqField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MultiLegRptTypeReqField) Value() enum.MultiLegRptTypeReq
type MultilegModelField ¶
type MultilegModelField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MultilegModelField is a enum.MultilegModel field
func NewMultilegModel ¶
func NewMultilegModel(val enum.MultilegModel) MultilegModelField
func (MultilegModelField) Tag ¶
func (f MultilegModelField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MultilegModel (1377)
func (MultilegModelField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MultilegModelField) Value() enum.MultilegModel
type MultilegPriceMethodField ¶
type MultilegPriceMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
MultilegPriceMethodField is a enum.MultilegPriceMethod field
func NewMultilegPriceMethod ¶
func NewMultilegPriceMethod(val enum.MultilegPriceMethod) MultilegPriceMethodField
func (MultilegPriceMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f MultilegPriceMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MultilegPriceMethod (1378)
func (MultilegPriceMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f MultilegPriceMethodField) Value() enum.MultilegPriceMethod
type NTPositionLimitField ¶
type NTPositionLimitField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NTPositionLimitField is a INT field
func NewNTPositionLimit ¶
func NewNTPositionLimit(val int) NTPositionLimitField
NewNTPositionLimit returns a new NTPositionLimitField initialized with val
func (NTPositionLimitField) Tag ¶
func (f NTPositionLimitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NTPositionLimit (971)
func (NTPositionLimitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NTPositionLimitField) Value() int
type Nested2PartyIDField ¶
type Nested2PartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Nested2PartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewNested2PartyID ¶
func NewNested2PartyID(val string) Nested2PartyIDField
NewNested2PartyID returns a new Nested2PartyIDField initialized with val
func (Nested2PartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested2PartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested2PartyID (757)
func (Nested2PartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested2PartyIDField) Value() string
type Nested2PartyIDSourceField ¶
type Nested2PartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Nested2PartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewNested2PartyIDSource ¶
func NewNested2PartyIDSource(val string) Nested2PartyIDSourceField
NewNested2PartyIDSource returns a new Nested2PartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (Nested2PartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested2PartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested2PartyIDSource (758)
func (Nested2PartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested2PartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type Nested2PartyRoleField ¶
type Nested2PartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
Nested2PartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewNested2PartyRole ¶
func NewNested2PartyRole(val int) Nested2PartyRoleField
NewNested2PartyRole returns a new Nested2PartyRoleField initialized with val
func (Nested2PartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested2PartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested2PartyRole (759)
func (Nested2PartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested2PartyRoleField) Value() int
type Nested2PartySubIDField ¶
type Nested2PartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Nested2PartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewNested2PartySubID ¶
func NewNested2PartySubID(val string) Nested2PartySubIDField
NewNested2PartySubID returns a new Nested2PartySubIDField initialized with val
func (Nested2PartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested2PartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested2PartySubID (760)
func (Nested2PartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested2PartySubIDField) Value() string
type Nested2PartySubIDTypeField ¶
type Nested2PartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
Nested2PartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewNested2PartySubIDType ¶
func NewNested2PartySubIDType(val int) Nested2PartySubIDTypeField
NewNested2PartySubIDType returns a new Nested2PartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (Nested2PartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested2PartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested2PartySubIDType (807)
func (Nested2PartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested2PartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type Nested3PartyIDField ¶
type Nested3PartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Nested3PartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewNested3PartyID ¶
func NewNested3PartyID(val string) Nested3PartyIDField
NewNested3PartyID returns a new Nested3PartyIDField initialized with val
func (Nested3PartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested3PartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested3PartyID (949)
func (Nested3PartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested3PartyIDField) Value() string
type Nested3PartyIDSourceField ¶
type Nested3PartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Nested3PartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewNested3PartyIDSource ¶
func NewNested3PartyIDSource(val string) Nested3PartyIDSourceField
NewNested3PartyIDSource returns a new Nested3PartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (Nested3PartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested3PartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested3PartyIDSource (950)
func (Nested3PartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested3PartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type Nested3PartyRoleField ¶
type Nested3PartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
Nested3PartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewNested3PartyRole ¶
func NewNested3PartyRole(val int) Nested3PartyRoleField
NewNested3PartyRole returns a new Nested3PartyRoleField initialized with val
func (Nested3PartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested3PartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested3PartyRole (951)
func (Nested3PartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested3PartyRoleField) Value() int
type Nested3PartySubIDField ¶
type Nested3PartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Nested3PartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewNested3PartySubID ¶
func NewNested3PartySubID(val string) Nested3PartySubIDField
NewNested3PartySubID returns a new Nested3PartySubIDField initialized with val
func (Nested3PartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested3PartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested3PartySubID (953)
func (Nested3PartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested3PartySubIDField) Value() string
type Nested3PartySubIDTypeField ¶
type Nested3PartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
Nested3PartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewNested3PartySubIDType ¶
func NewNested3PartySubIDType(val int) Nested3PartySubIDTypeField
NewNested3PartySubIDType returns a new Nested3PartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (Nested3PartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested3PartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested3PartySubIDType (954)
func (Nested3PartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested3PartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type Nested4PartyIDField ¶
type Nested4PartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Nested4PartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewNested4PartyID ¶
func NewNested4PartyID(val string) Nested4PartyIDField
NewNested4PartyID returns a new Nested4PartyIDField initialized with val
func (Nested4PartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested4PartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested4PartyID (1415)
func (Nested4PartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested4PartyIDField) Value() string
type Nested4PartyIDSourceField ¶
type Nested4PartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Nested4PartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewNested4PartyIDSource ¶
func NewNested4PartyIDSource(val string) Nested4PartyIDSourceField
NewNested4PartyIDSource returns a new Nested4PartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (Nested4PartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested4PartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested4PartyIDSource (1416)
func (Nested4PartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested4PartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type Nested4PartyRoleField ¶
type Nested4PartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
Nested4PartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewNested4PartyRole ¶
func NewNested4PartyRole(val int) Nested4PartyRoleField
NewNested4PartyRole returns a new Nested4PartyRoleField initialized with val
func (Nested4PartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested4PartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested4PartyRole (1417)
func (Nested4PartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested4PartyRoleField) Value() int
type Nested4PartySubIDField ¶
type Nested4PartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Nested4PartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewNested4PartySubID ¶
func NewNested4PartySubID(val string) Nested4PartySubIDField
NewNested4PartySubID returns a new Nested4PartySubIDField initialized with val
func (Nested4PartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested4PartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested4PartySubID (1412)
func (Nested4PartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested4PartySubIDField) Value() string
type Nested4PartySubIDTypeField ¶
type Nested4PartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
Nested4PartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewNested4PartySubIDType ¶
func NewNested4PartySubIDType(val int) Nested4PartySubIDTypeField
NewNested4PartySubIDType returns a new Nested4PartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (Nested4PartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f Nested4PartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Nested4PartySubIDType (1411)
func (Nested4PartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Nested4PartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type NestedInstrAttribTypeField ¶
type NestedInstrAttribTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NestedInstrAttribTypeField is a INT field
func NewNestedInstrAttribType ¶
func NewNestedInstrAttribType(val int) NestedInstrAttribTypeField
NewNestedInstrAttribType returns a new NestedInstrAttribTypeField initialized with val
func (NestedInstrAttribTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f NestedInstrAttribTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NestedInstrAttribType (1210)
func (NestedInstrAttribTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NestedInstrAttribTypeField) Value() int
type NestedInstrAttribValueField ¶
type NestedInstrAttribValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NestedInstrAttribValueField is a STRING field
func NewNestedInstrAttribValue ¶
func NewNestedInstrAttribValue(val string) NestedInstrAttribValueField
NewNestedInstrAttribValue returns a new NestedInstrAttribValueField initialized with val
func (NestedInstrAttribValueField) Tag ¶
func (f NestedInstrAttribValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NestedInstrAttribValue (1211)
func (NestedInstrAttribValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NestedInstrAttribValueField) Value() string
type NestedPartyIDField ¶
type NestedPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NestedPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewNestedPartyID ¶
func NewNestedPartyID(val string) NestedPartyIDField
NewNestedPartyID returns a new NestedPartyIDField initialized with val
func (NestedPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NestedPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NestedPartyID (524)
func (NestedPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NestedPartyIDField) Value() string
type NestedPartyIDSourceField ¶
type NestedPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NestedPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewNestedPartyIDSource ¶
func NewNestedPartyIDSource(val string) NestedPartyIDSourceField
NewNestedPartyIDSource returns a new NestedPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (NestedPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f NestedPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NestedPartyIDSource (525)
func (NestedPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NestedPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type NestedPartyRoleField ¶
type NestedPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NestedPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewNestedPartyRole ¶
func NewNestedPartyRole(val int) NestedPartyRoleField
NewNestedPartyRole returns a new NestedPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (NestedPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f NestedPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NestedPartyRole (538)
func (NestedPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NestedPartyRoleField) Value() int
type NestedPartySubIDField ¶
type NestedPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NestedPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewNestedPartySubID ¶
func NewNestedPartySubID(val string) NestedPartySubIDField
NewNestedPartySubID returns a new NestedPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (NestedPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NestedPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NestedPartySubID (545)
func (NestedPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NestedPartySubIDField) Value() string
type NestedPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type NestedPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NestedPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewNestedPartySubIDType ¶
func NewNestedPartySubIDType(val int) NestedPartySubIDTypeField
NewNestedPartySubIDType returns a new NestedPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (NestedPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f NestedPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NestedPartySubIDType (805)
func (NestedPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NestedPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type NetChgPrevDayField ¶
type NetChgPrevDayField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
NetChgPrevDayField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewNetChgPrevDay ¶
func NewNetChgPrevDay(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) NetChgPrevDayField
NewNetChgPrevDay returns a new NetChgPrevDayField initialized with val and scale
func (NetChgPrevDayField) Tag ¶
func (f NetChgPrevDayField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NetChgPrevDay (451)
func (NetChgPrevDayField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NetChgPrevDayField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type NetGrossIndField ¶
type NetGrossIndField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NetGrossIndField is a enum.NetGrossInd field
func NewNetGrossInd ¶
func NewNetGrossInd(val enum.NetGrossInd) NetGrossIndField
func (NetGrossIndField) Tag ¶
func (f NetGrossIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NetGrossInd (430)
func (NetGrossIndField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NetGrossIndField) Value() enum.NetGrossInd
type NetMoneyField ¶
type NetMoneyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
NetMoneyField is a AMT field
func NewNetMoney ¶
func NewNetMoney(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) NetMoneyField
NewNetMoney returns a new NetMoneyField initialized with val and scale
func (NetMoneyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NetMoneyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type NetworkRequestIDField ¶
type NetworkRequestIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NetworkRequestIDField is a STRING field
func NewNetworkRequestID ¶
func NewNetworkRequestID(val string) NetworkRequestIDField
NewNetworkRequestID returns a new NetworkRequestIDField initialized with val
func (NetworkRequestIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NetworkRequestIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NetworkRequestID (933)
func (NetworkRequestIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NetworkRequestIDField) Value() string
type NetworkRequestTypeField ¶
type NetworkRequestTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NetworkRequestTypeField is a enum.NetworkRequestType field
func NewNetworkRequestType ¶
func NewNetworkRequestType(val enum.NetworkRequestType) NetworkRequestTypeField
func (NetworkRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f NetworkRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NetworkRequestType (935)
func (NetworkRequestTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NetworkRequestTypeField) Value() enum.NetworkRequestType
type NetworkResponseIDField ¶
type NetworkResponseIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NetworkResponseIDField is a STRING field
func NewNetworkResponseID ¶
func NewNetworkResponseID(val string) NetworkResponseIDField
NewNetworkResponseID returns a new NetworkResponseIDField initialized with val
func (NetworkResponseIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NetworkResponseIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NetworkResponseID (932)
func (NetworkResponseIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NetworkResponseIDField) Value() string
type NetworkStatusResponseTypeField ¶
type NetworkStatusResponseTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NetworkStatusResponseTypeField is a enum.NetworkStatusResponseType field
func NewNetworkStatusResponseType ¶
func NewNetworkStatusResponseType(val enum.NetworkStatusResponseType) NetworkStatusResponseTypeField
func (NetworkStatusResponseTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f NetworkStatusResponseTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NetworkStatusResponseType (937)
func (NetworkStatusResponseTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NetworkStatusResponseTypeField) Value() enum.NetworkStatusResponseType
type NewPasswordField ¶
type NewPasswordField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NewPasswordField is a STRING field
func NewNewPassword ¶
func NewNewPassword(val string) NewPasswordField
NewNewPassword returns a new NewPasswordField initialized with val
func (NewPasswordField) Tag ¶
func (f NewPasswordField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NewPassword (925)
func (NewPasswordField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NewPasswordField) Value() string
type NewSeqNoField ¶
type NewSeqNoField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NewSeqNoField is a SEQNUM field
func NewNewSeqNo ¶
func NewNewSeqNo(val int) NewSeqNoField
NewNewSeqNo returns a new NewSeqNoField initialized with val
func (NewSeqNoField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NewSeqNoField) Value() int
type NewsCategoryField ¶
type NewsCategoryField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NewsCategoryField is a enum.NewsCategory field
func NewNewsCategory ¶
func NewNewsCategory(val enum.NewsCategory) NewsCategoryField
func (NewsCategoryField) Tag ¶
func (f NewsCategoryField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NewsCategory (1473)
func (NewsCategoryField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NewsCategoryField) Value() enum.NewsCategory
type NewsIDField ¶
type NewsIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NewsIDField is a STRING field
func NewNewsID ¶
func NewNewsID(val string) NewsIDField
NewNewsID returns a new NewsIDField initialized with val
func (NewsIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NewsIDField) Value() string
type NewsRefIDField ¶
type NewsRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NewsRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewNewsRefID ¶
func NewNewsRefID(val string) NewsRefIDField
NewNewsRefID returns a new NewsRefIDField initialized with val
func (NewsRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NewsRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NewsRefID (1476)
func (NewsRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NewsRefIDField) Value() string
type NewsRefTypeField ¶
type NewsRefTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NewsRefTypeField is a enum.NewsRefType field
func NewNewsRefType ¶
func NewNewsRefType(val enum.NewsRefType) NewsRefTypeField
func (NewsRefTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f NewsRefTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NewsRefType (1477)
func (NewsRefTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NewsRefTypeField) Value() enum.NewsRefType
type NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField ¶
type NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField is a SEQNUM field
func NewNextExpectedMsgSeqNum ¶
func NewNextExpectedMsgSeqNum(val int) NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField
NewNextExpectedMsgSeqNum returns a new NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField initialized with val
func (NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NextExpectedMsgSeqNum (789)
func (NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NextExpectedMsgSeqNumField) Value() int
type NoAffectedOrdersField ¶
type NoAffectedOrdersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoAffectedOrdersField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoAffectedOrders ¶
func NewNoAffectedOrders(val int) NoAffectedOrdersField
NewNoAffectedOrders returns a new NoAffectedOrdersField initialized with val
func (NoAffectedOrdersField) Tag ¶
func (f NoAffectedOrdersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoAffectedOrders (534)
func (NoAffectedOrdersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoAffectedOrdersField) Value() int
type NoAllocsField ¶
type NoAllocsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoAllocsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoAllocs ¶
func NewNoAllocs(val int) NoAllocsField
NewNoAllocs returns a new NoAllocsField initialized with val
func (NoAllocsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoAllocsField) Value() int
type NoAltMDSourceField ¶
type NoAltMDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoAltMDSourceField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoAltMDSource ¶
func NewNoAltMDSource(val int) NoAltMDSourceField
NewNoAltMDSource returns a new NoAltMDSourceField initialized with val
func (NoAltMDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f NoAltMDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoAltMDSource (816)
func (NoAltMDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoAltMDSourceField) Value() int
type NoApplIDsField ¶
type NoApplIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoApplIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoApplIDs ¶
func NewNoApplIDs(val int) NoApplIDsField
NewNoApplIDs returns a new NoApplIDsField initialized with val
func (NoApplIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoApplIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoApplIDs (1351)
func (NoApplIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoApplIDsField) Value() int
type NoAsgnReqsField ¶
type NoAsgnReqsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoAsgnReqsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoAsgnReqs ¶
func NewNoAsgnReqs(val int) NoAsgnReqsField
NewNoAsgnReqs returns a new NoAsgnReqsField initialized with val
func (NoAsgnReqsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoAsgnReqsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoAsgnReqs (1499)
func (NoAsgnReqsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoAsgnReqsField) Value() int
type NoBidComponentsField ¶
type NoBidComponentsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoBidComponentsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoBidComponents ¶
func NewNoBidComponents(val int) NoBidComponentsField
NewNoBidComponents returns a new NoBidComponentsField initialized with val
func (NoBidComponentsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoBidComponentsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoBidComponents (420)
func (NoBidComponentsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoBidComponentsField) Value() int
type NoBidDescriptorsField ¶
type NoBidDescriptorsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoBidDescriptorsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoBidDescriptors ¶
func NewNoBidDescriptors(val int) NoBidDescriptorsField
NewNoBidDescriptors returns a new NoBidDescriptorsField initialized with val
func (NoBidDescriptorsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoBidDescriptorsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoBidDescriptors (398)
func (NoBidDescriptorsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoBidDescriptorsField) Value() int
type NoCapacitiesField ¶
type NoCapacitiesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoCapacitiesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoCapacities ¶
func NewNoCapacities(val int) NoCapacitiesField
NewNoCapacities returns a new NoCapacitiesField initialized with val
func (NoCapacitiesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoCapacitiesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoCapacities (862)
func (NoCapacitiesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoCapacitiesField) Value() int
type NoClearingInstructionsField ¶
type NoClearingInstructionsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoClearingInstructionsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoClearingInstructions ¶
func NewNoClearingInstructions(val int) NoClearingInstructionsField
NewNoClearingInstructions returns a new NoClearingInstructionsField initialized with val
func (NoClearingInstructionsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoClearingInstructionsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoClearingInstructions (576)
func (NoClearingInstructionsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoClearingInstructionsField) Value() int
type NoCollInquiryQualifierField ¶
type NoCollInquiryQualifierField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoCollInquiryQualifierField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoCollInquiryQualifier ¶
func NewNoCollInquiryQualifier(val int) NoCollInquiryQualifierField
NewNoCollInquiryQualifier returns a new NoCollInquiryQualifierField initialized with val
func (NoCollInquiryQualifierField) Tag ¶
func (f NoCollInquiryQualifierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoCollInquiryQualifier (938)
func (NoCollInquiryQualifierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoCollInquiryQualifierField) Value() int
type NoCompIDsField ¶
type NoCompIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoCompIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoCompIDs ¶
func NewNoCompIDs(val int) NoCompIDsField
NewNoCompIDs returns a new NoCompIDsField initialized with val
func (NoCompIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoCompIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoCompIDs (936)
func (NoCompIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoCompIDsField) Value() int
type NoComplexEventDatesField ¶
type NoComplexEventDatesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoComplexEventDatesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoComplexEventDates ¶
func NewNoComplexEventDates(val int) NoComplexEventDatesField
NewNoComplexEventDates returns a new NoComplexEventDatesField initialized with val
func (NoComplexEventDatesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoComplexEventDatesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoComplexEventDates (1491)
func (NoComplexEventDatesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoComplexEventDatesField) Value() int
type NoComplexEventTimesField ¶
type NoComplexEventTimesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoComplexEventTimesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoComplexEventTimes ¶
func NewNoComplexEventTimes(val int) NoComplexEventTimesField
NewNoComplexEventTimes returns a new NoComplexEventTimesField initialized with val
func (NoComplexEventTimesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoComplexEventTimesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoComplexEventTimes (1494)
func (NoComplexEventTimesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoComplexEventTimesField) Value() int
type NoComplexEventsField ¶
type NoComplexEventsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoComplexEventsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoComplexEvents ¶
func NewNoComplexEvents(val int) NoComplexEventsField
NewNoComplexEvents returns a new NoComplexEventsField initialized with val
func (NoComplexEventsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoComplexEventsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoComplexEvents (1483)
func (NoComplexEventsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoComplexEventsField) Value() int
type NoContAmtsField ¶
type NoContAmtsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoContAmtsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoContAmts ¶
func NewNoContAmts(val int) NoContAmtsField
NewNoContAmts returns a new NoContAmtsField initialized with val
func (NoContAmtsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoContAmtsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoContAmts (518)
func (NoContAmtsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoContAmtsField) Value() int
type NoContextPartyIDsField ¶
type NoContextPartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoContextPartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoContextPartyIDs ¶
func NewNoContextPartyIDs(val int) NoContextPartyIDsField
NewNoContextPartyIDs returns a new NoContextPartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoContextPartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoContextPartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoContextPartyIDs (1522)
func (NoContextPartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoContextPartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoContextPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoContextPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoContextPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoContextPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoContextPartySubIDs(val int) NoContextPartySubIDsField
NewNoContextPartySubIDs returns a new NoContextPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoContextPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoContextPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoContextPartySubIDs (1526)
func (NoContextPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoContextPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoContraBrokersField ¶
type NoContraBrokersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoContraBrokersField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoContraBrokers ¶
func NewNoContraBrokers(val int) NoContraBrokersField
NewNoContraBrokers returns a new NoContraBrokersField initialized with val
func (NoContraBrokersField) Tag ¶
func (f NoContraBrokersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoContraBrokers (382)
func (NoContraBrokersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoContraBrokersField) Value() int
type NoDatesField ¶
type NoDatesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoDatesField is a INT field
func NewNoDates ¶
func NewNoDates(val int) NoDatesField
NewNoDates returns a new NoDatesField initialized with val
func (NoDatesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoDatesField) Value() int
type NoDerivativeEventsField ¶
type NoDerivativeEventsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoDerivativeEventsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoDerivativeEvents ¶
func NewNoDerivativeEvents(val int) NoDerivativeEventsField
NewNoDerivativeEvents returns a new NoDerivativeEventsField initialized with val
func (NoDerivativeEventsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoDerivativeEventsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoDerivativeEvents (1286)
func (NoDerivativeEventsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoDerivativeEventsField) Value() int
type NoDerivativeInstrAttribField ¶
type NoDerivativeInstrAttribField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoDerivativeInstrAttribField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoDerivativeInstrAttrib ¶
func NewNoDerivativeInstrAttrib(val int) NoDerivativeInstrAttribField
NewNoDerivativeInstrAttrib returns a new NoDerivativeInstrAttribField initialized with val
func (NoDerivativeInstrAttribField) Tag ¶
func (f NoDerivativeInstrAttribField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoDerivativeInstrAttrib (1311)
func (NoDerivativeInstrAttribField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoDerivativeInstrAttribField) Value() int
type NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField ¶
type NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoDerivativeInstrumentParties ¶
func NewNoDerivativeInstrumentParties(val int) NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField
NewNoDerivativeInstrumentParties returns a new NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField initialized with val
func (NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoDerivativeInstrumentParties (1292)
func (NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoDerivativeInstrumentPartiesField) Value() int
type NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDs(val int) NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField
NewNoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDs returns a new NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDs (1296)
func (NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField ¶
type NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoDerivativeSecurityAltID ¶
func NewNoDerivativeSecurityAltID(val int) NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField
NewNoDerivativeSecurityAltID returns a new NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoDerivativeSecurityAltID (1218)
func (NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoDerivativeSecurityAltIDField) Value() int
type NoDistribInstsField ¶
type NoDistribInstsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoDistribInstsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoDistribInsts ¶
func NewNoDistribInsts(val int) NoDistribInstsField
NewNoDistribInsts returns a new NoDistribInstsField initialized with val
func (NoDistribInstsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoDistribInstsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoDistribInsts (510)
func (NoDistribInstsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoDistribInstsField) Value() int
type NoDlvyInstField ¶
type NoDlvyInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoDlvyInstField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoDlvyInst ¶
func NewNoDlvyInst(val int) NoDlvyInstField
NewNoDlvyInst returns a new NoDlvyInstField initialized with val
func (NoDlvyInstField) Tag ¶
func (f NoDlvyInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoDlvyInst (85)
func (NoDlvyInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoDlvyInstField) Value() int
type NoEventsField ¶
type NoEventsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoEventsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoEvents ¶
func NewNoEvents(val int) NoEventsField
NewNoEvents returns a new NoEventsField initialized with val
func (NoEventsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoEventsField) Value() int
type NoExecInstRulesField ¶
type NoExecInstRulesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoExecInstRulesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoExecInstRules ¶
func NewNoExecInstRules(val int) NoExecInstRulesField
NewNoExecInstRules returns a new NoExecInstRulesField initialized with val
func (NoExecInstRulesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoExecInstRulesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoExecInstRules (1232)
func (NoExecInstRulesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoExecInstRulesField) Value() int
type NoExecsField ¶
type NoExecsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoExecsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoExecs ¶
func NewNoExecs(val int) NoExecsField
NewNoExecs returns a new NoExecsField initialized with val
func (NoExecsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoExecsField) Value() int
type NoExpirationField ¶
type NoExpirationField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoExpirationField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoExpiration ¶
func NewNoExpiration(val int) NoExpirationField
NewNoExpiration returns a new NoExpirationField initialized with val
func (NoExpirationField) Tag ¶
func (f NoExpirationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoExpiration (981)
func (NoExpirationField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoExpirationField) Value() int
type NoFillsField ¶
type NoFillsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoFillsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoFills ¶
func NewNoFills(val int) NoFillsField
NewNoFills returns a new NoFillsField initialized with val
func (NoFillsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoFillsField) Value() int
type NoHopsField ¶
type NoHopsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoHopsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoHops ¶
func NewNoHops(val int) NoHopsField
NewNoHops returns a new NoHopsField initialized with val
func (NoHopsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoHopsField) Value() int
type NoIOIQualifiersField ¶
type NoIOIQualifiersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoIOIQualifiersField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoIOIQualifiers ¶
func NewNoIOIQualifiers(val int) NoIOIQualifiersField
NewNoIOIQualifiers returns a new NoIOIQualifiersField initialized with val
func (NoIOIQualifiersField) Tag ¶
func (f NoIOIQualifiersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoIOIQualifiers (199)
func (NoIOIQualifiersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoIOIQualifiersField) Value() int
type NoInstrAttribField ¶
type NoInstrAttribField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoInstrAttribField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoInstrAttrib ¶
func NewNoInstrAttrib(val int) NoInstrAttribField
NewNoInstrAttrib returns a new NoInstrAttribField initialized with val
func (NoInstrAttribField) Tag ¶
func (f NoInstrAttribField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoInstrAttrib (870)
func (NoInstrAttribField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoInstrAttribField) Value() int
type NoInstrumentPartiesField ¶
type NoInstrumentPartiesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoInstrumentPartiesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoInstrumentParties ¶
func NewNoInstrumentParties(val int) NoInstrumentPartiesField
NewNoInstrumentParties returns a new NoInstrumentPartiesField initialized with val
func (NoInstrumentPartiesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoInstrumentPartiesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoInstrumentParties (1018)
func (NoInstrumentPartiesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoInstrumentPartiesField) Value() int
type NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoInstrumentPartySubIDs(val int) NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField
NewNoInstrumentPartySubIDs returns a new NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoInstrumentPartySubIDs (1052)
func (NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoLegAllocsField ¶
type NoLegAllocsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoLegAllocsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoLegAllocs ¶
func NewNoLegAllocs(val int) NoLegAllocsField
NewNoLegAllocs returns a new NoLegAllocsField initialized with val
func (NoLegAllocsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoLegAllocsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoLegAllocs (670)
func (NoLegAllocsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoLegAllocsField) Value() int
type NoLegSecurityAltIDField ¶
type NoLegSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NoLegSecurityAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewNoLegSecurityAltID ¶
func NewNoLegSecurityAltID(val string) NoLegSecurityAltIDField
NewNoLegSecurityAltID returns a new NoLegSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (NoLegSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NoLegSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoLegSecurityAltID (604)
func (NoLegSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoLegSecurityAltIDField) Value() string
type NoLegStipulationsField ¶
type NoLegStipulationsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoLegStipulationsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoLegStipulations ¶
func NewNoLegStipulations(val int) NoLegStipulationsField
NewNoLegStipulations returns a new NoLegStipulationsField initialized with val
func (NoLegStipulationsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoLegStipulationsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoLegStipulations (683)
func (NoLegStipulationsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoLegStipulationsField) Value() int
type NoLegsField ¶
type NoLegsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoLegsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoLegs ¶
func NewNoLegs(val int) NoLegsField
NewNoLegs returns a new NoLegsField initialized with val
func (NoLegsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoLegsField) Value() int
type NoLinesOfTextField ¶
type NoLinesOfTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoLinesOfTextField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoLinesOfText ¶
func NewNoLinesOfText(val int) NoLinesOfTextField
NewNoLinesOfText returns a new NoLinesOfTextField initialized with val
func (NoLinesOfTextField) Tag ¶
func (f NoLinesOfTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoLinesOfText (33)
func (NoLinesOfTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoLinesOfTextField) Value() int
type NoLotTypeRulesField ¶
type NoLotTypeRulesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoLotTypeRulesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoLotTypeRules ¶
func NewNoLotTypeRules(val int) NoLotTypeRulesField
NewNoLotTypeRules returns a new NoLotTypeRulesField initialized with val
func (NoLotTypeRulesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoLotTypeRulesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoLotTypeRules (1234)
func (NoLotTypeRulesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoLotTypeRulesField) Value() int
type NoMDEntriesField ¶
type NoMDEntriesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoMDEntriesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoMDEntries ¶
func NewNoMDEntries(val int) NoMDEntriesField
NewNoMDEntries returns a new NoMDEntriesField initialized with val
func (NoMDEntriesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMDEntriesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMDEntries (268)
func (NoMDEntriesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoMDEntriesField) Value() int
type NoMDEntryTypesField ¶
type NoMDEntryTypesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoMDEntryTypesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoMDEntryTypes ¶
func NewNoMDEntryTypes(val int) NoMDEntryTypesField
NewNoMDEntryTypes returns a new NoMDEntryTypesField initialized with val
func (NoMDEntryTypesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMDEntryTypesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMDEntryTypes (267)
func (NoMDEntryTypesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoMDEntryTypesField) Value() int
type NoMDFeedTypesField ¶
type NoMDFeedTypesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoMDFeedTypesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoMDFeedTypes ¶
func NewNoMDFeedTypes(val int) NoMDFeedTypesField
NewNoMDFeedTypes returns a new NoMDFeedTypesField initialized with val
func (NoMDFeedTypesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMDFeedTypesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMDFeedTypes (1141)
func (NoMDFeedTypesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoMDFeedTypesField) Value() int
type NoMarketSegmentsField ¶
type NoMarketSegmentsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoMarketSegmentsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoMarketSegments ¶
func NewNoMarketSegments(val int) NoMarketSegmentsField
NewNoMarketSegments returns a new NoMarketSegmentsField initialized with val
func (NoMarketSegmentsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMarketSegmentsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMarketSegments (1310)
func (NoMarketSegmentsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoMarketSegmentsField) Value() int
type NoMatchRulesField ¶
type NoMatchRulesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoMatchRulesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoMatchRules ¶
func NewNoMatchRules(val int) NoMatchRulesField
NewNoMatchRules returns a new NoMatchRulesField initialized with val
func (NoMatchRulesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMatchRulesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMatchRules (1235)
func (NoMatchRulesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoMatchRulesField) Value() int
type NoMaturityRulesField ¶
type NoMaturityRulesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoMaturityRulesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoMaturityRules ¶
func NewNoMaturityRules(val int) NoMaturityRulesField
NewNoMaturityRules returns a new NoMaturityRulesField initialized with val
func (NoMaturityRulesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMaturityRulesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMaturityRules (1236)
func (NoMaturityRulesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoMaturityRulesField) Value() int
type NoMiscFeesField ¶
type NoMiscFeesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoMiscFeesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoMiscFees ¶
func NewNoMiscFees(val int) NoMiscFeesField
NewNoMiscFees returns a new NoMiscFeesField initialized with val
func (NoMiscFeesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMiscFeesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMiscFees (136)
func (NoMiscFeesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoMiscFeesField) Value() int
type NoMsgTypesField ¶
type NoMsgTypesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoMsgTypesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoMsgTypes ¶
func NewNoMsgTypes(val int) NoMsgTypesField
NewNoMsgTypes returns a new NoMsgTypesField initialized with val
func (NoMsgTypesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMsgTypesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMsgTypes (384)
func (NoMsgTypesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoMsgTypesField) Value() int
type NoNested2PartyIDsField ¶
type NoNested2PartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNested2PartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNested2PartyIDs ¶
func NewNoNested2PartyIDs(val int) NoNested2PartyIDsField
NewNoNested2PartyIDs returns a new NoNested2PartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoNested2PartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNested2PartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNested2PartyIDs (756)
func (NoNested2PartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNested2PartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoNested2PartySubIDsField ¶
type NoNested2PartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNested2PartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNested2PartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoNested2PartySubIDs(val int) NoNested2PartySubIDsField
NewNoNested2PartySubIDs returns a new NoNested2PartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoNested2PartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNested2PartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNested2PartySubIDs (806)
func (NoNested2PartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNested2PartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoNested3PartyIDsField ¶
type NoNested3PartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNested3PartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNested3PartyIDs ¶
func NewNoNested3PartyIDs(val int) NoNested3PartyIDsField
NewNoNested3PartyIDs returns a new NoNested3PartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoNested3PartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNested3PartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNested3PartyIDs (948)
func (NoNested3PartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNested3PartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoNested3PartySubIDsField ¶
type NoNested3PartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNested3PartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNested3PartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoNested3PartySubIDs(val int) NoNested3PartySubIDsField
NewNoNested3PartySubIDs returns a new NoNested3PartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoNested3PartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNested3PartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNested3PartySubIDs (952)
func (NoNested3PartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNested3PartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoNested4PartyIDsField ¶
type NoNested4PartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNested4PartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNested4PartyIDs ¶
func NewNoNested4PartyIDs(val int) NoNested4PartyIDsField
NewNoNested4PartyIDs returns a new NoNested4PartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoNested4PartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNested4PartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNested4PartyIDs (1414)
func (NoNested4PartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNested4PartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoNested4PartySubIDsField ¶
type NoNested4PartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNested4PartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNested4PartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoNested4PartySubIDs(val int) NoNested4PartySubIDsField
NewNoNested4PartySubIDs returns a new NoNested4PartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoNested4PartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNested4PartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNested4PartySubIDs (1413)
func (NoNested4PartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNested4PartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoNestedInstrAttribField ¶
type NoNestedInstrAttribField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNestedInstrAttribField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNestedInstrAttrib ¶
func NewNoNestedInstrAttrib(val int) NoNestedInstrAttribField
NewNoNestedInstrAttrib returns a new NoNestedInstrAttribField initialized with val
func (NoNestedInstrAttribField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNestedInstrAttribField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNestedInstrAttrib (1312)
func (NoNestedInstrAttribField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNestedInstrAttribField) Value() int
type NoNestedPartyIDsField ¶
type NoNestedPartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNestedPartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNestedPartyIDs ¶
func NewNoNestedPartyIDs(val int) NoNestedPartyIDsField
NewNoNestedPartyIDs returns a new NoNestedPartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoNestedPartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNestedPartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNestedPartyIDs (539)
func (NoNestedPartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNestedPartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoNestedPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoNestedPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNestedPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNestedPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoNestedPartySubIDs(val int) NoNestedPartySubIDsField
NewNoNestedPartySubIDs returns a new NoNestedPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoNestedPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNestedPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNestedPartySubIDs (804)
func (NoNestedPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNestedPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoNewsRefIDsField ¶
type NoNewsRefIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNewsRefIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNewsRefIDs ¶
func NewNoNewsRefIDs(val int) NoNewsRefIDsField
NewNoNewsRefIDs returns a new NoNewsRefIDsField initialized with val
func (NoNewsRefIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNewsRefIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNewsRefIDs (1475)
func (NoNewsRefIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNewsRefIDsField) Value() int
type NoNotAffectedOrdersField ¶
type NoNotAffectedOrdersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoNotAffectedOrdersField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoNotAffectedOrders ¶
func NewNoNotAffectedOrders(val int) NoNotAffectedOrdersField
NewNoNotAffectedOrders returns a new NoNotAffectedOrdersField initialized with val
func (NoNotAffectedOrdersField) Tag ¶
func (f NoNotAffectedOrdersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoNotAffectedOrders (1370)
func (NoNotAffectedOrdersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoNotAffectedOrdersField) Value() int
type NoOfLegUnderlyingsField ¶
type NoOfLegUnderlyingsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoOfLegUnderlyingsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoOfLegUnderlyings ¶
func NewNoOfLegUnderlyings(val int) NoOfLegUnderlyingsField
NewNoOfLegUnderlyings returns a new NoOfLegUnderlyingsField initialized with val
func (NoOfLegUnderlyingsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoOfLegUnderlyingsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoOfLegUnderlyings (1342)
func (NoOfLegUnderlyingsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoOfLegUnderlyingsField) Value() int
type NoOfSecSizesField ¶
type NoOfSecSizesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoOfSecSizesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoOfSecSizes ¶
func NewNoOfSecSizes(val int) NoOfSecSizesField
NewNoOfSecSizes returns a new NoOfSecSizesField initialized with val
func (NoOfSecSizesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoOfSecSizesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoOfSecSizes (1177)
func (NoOfSecSizesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoOfSecSizesField) Value() int
type NoOrdTypeRulesField ¶
type NoOrdTypeRulesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoOrdTypeRulesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoOrdTypeRules ¶
func NewNoOrdTypeRules(val int) NoOrdTypeRulesField
NewNoOrdTypeRules returns a new NoOrdTypeRulesField initialized with val
func (NoOrdTypeRulesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoOrdTypeRulesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoOrdTypeRules (1237)
func (NoOrdTypeRulesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoOrdTypeRulesField) Value() int
type NoOrdersField ¶
type NoOrdersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoOrdersField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoOrders ¶
func NewNoOrders(val int) NoOrdersField
NewNoOrders returns a new NoOrdersField initialized with val
func (NoOrdersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoOrdersField) Value() int
type NoPartyAltIDsField ¶
type NoPartyAltIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoPartyAltIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoPartyAltIDs ¶
func NewNoPartyAltIDs(val int) NoPartyAltIDsField
NewNoPartyAltIDs returns a new NoPartyAltIDsField initialized with val
func (NoPartyAltIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoPartyAltIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoPartyAltIDs (1516)
func (NoPartyAltIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoPartyAltIDsField) Value() int
type NoPartyAltSubIDsField ¶
type NoPartyAltSubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoPartyAltSubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoPartyAltSubIDs ¶
func NewNoPartyAltSubIDs(val int) NoPartyAltSubIDsField
NewNoPartyAltSubIDs returns a new NoPartyAltSubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoPartyAltSubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoPartyAltSubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoPartyAltSubIDs (1519)
func (NoPartyAltSubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoPartyAltSubIDsField) Value() int
type NoPartyIDsField ¶
type NoPartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoPartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoPartyIDs ¶
func NewNoPartyIDs(val int) NoPartyIDsField
NewNoPartyIDs returns a new NoPartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoPartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoPartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoPartyIDs (453)
func (NoPartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoPartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoPartyListField ¶
type NoPartyListField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoPartyListField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoPartyList ¶
func NewNoPartyList(val int) NoPartyListField
NewNoPartyList returns a new NoPartyListField initialized with val
func (NoPartyListField) Tag ¶
func (f NoPartyListField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoPartyList (1513)
func (NoPartyListField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoPartyListField) Value() int
type NoPartyListResponseTypesField ¶
type NoPartyListResponseTypesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoPartyListResponseTypesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoPartyListResponseTypes ¶
func NewNoPartyListResponseTypes(val int) NoPartyListResponseTypesField
NewNoPartyListResponseTypes returns a new NoPartyListResponseTypesField initialized with val
func (NoPartyListResponseTypesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoPartyListResponseTypesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoPartyListResponseTypes (1506)
func (NoPartyListResponseTypesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoPartyListResponseTypesField) Value() int
type NoPartyRelationshipsField ¶
type NoPartyRelationshipsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoPartyRelationshipsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoPartyRelationships ¶
func NewNoPartyRelationships(val int) NoPartyRelationshipsField
NewNoPartyRelationships returns a new NoPartyRelationshipsField initialized with val
func (NoPartyRelationshipsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoPartyRelationshipsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoPartyRelationships (1514)
func (NoPartyRelationshipsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoPartyRelationshipsField) Value() int
type NoPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoPartySubIDs(val int) NoPartySubIDsField
NewNoPartySubIDs returns a new NoPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoPartySubIDs (802)
func (NoPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoPosAmtField ¶
type NoPosAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoPosAmtField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoPosAmt ¶
func NewNoPosAmt(val int) NoPosAmtField
NewNoPosAmt returns a new NoPosAmtField initialized with val
func (NoPosAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoPosAmtField) Value() int
type NoPositionsField ¶
type NoPositionsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoPositionsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoPositions ¶
func NewNoPositions(val int) NoPositionsField
NewNoPositions returns a new NoPositionsField initialized with val
func (NoPositionsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoPositionsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoPositions (702)
func (NoPositionsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoPositionsField) Value() int
type NoQuoteEntriesField ¶
type NoQuoteEntriesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoQuoteEntriesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoQuoteEntries ¶
func NewNoQuoteEntries(val int) NoQuoteEntriesField
NewNoQuoteEntries returns a new NoQuoteEntriesField initialized with val
func (NoQuoteEntriesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoQuoteEntriesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoQuoteEntries (295)
func (NoQuoteEntriesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoQuoteEntriesField) Value() int
type NoQuoteQualifiersField ¶
type NoQuoteQualifiersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoQuoteQualifiersField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoQuoteQualifiers ¶
func NewNoQuoteQualifiers(val int) NoQuoteQualifiersField
NewNoQuoteQualifiers returns a new NoQuoteQualifiersField initialized with val
func (NoQuoteQualifiersField) Tag ¶
func (f NoQuoteQualifiersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoQuoteQualifiers (735)
func (NoQuoteQualifiersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoQuoteQualifiersField) Value() int
type NoQuoteSetsField ¶
type NoQuoteSetsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoQuoteSetsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoQuoteSets ¶
func NewNoQuoteSets(val int) NoQuoteSetsField
NewNoQuoteSets returns a new NoQuoteSetsField initialized with val
func (NoQuoteSetsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoQuoteSetsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoQuoteSets (296)
func (NoQuoteSetsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoQuoteSetsField) Value() int
type NoRateSourcesField ¶
type NoRateSourcesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRateSourcesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRateSources ¶
func NewNoRateSources(val int) NoRateSourcesField
NewNoRateSources returns a new NoRateSourcesField initialized with val
func (NoRateSourcesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRateSourcesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRateSources (1445)
func (NoRateSourcesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRateSourcesField) Value() int
type NoRegistDtlsField ¶
type NoRegistDtlsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRegistDtlsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRegistDtls ¶
func NewNoRegistDtls(val int) NoRegistDtlsField
NewNoRegistDtls returns a new NoRegistDtlsField initialized with val
func (NoRegistDtlsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRegistDtlsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRegistDtls (473)
func (NoRegistDtlsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRegistDtlsField) Value() int
type NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField ¶
type NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelatedContextPartyIDs ¶
func NewNoRelatedContextPartyIDs(val int) NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField
NewNoRelatedContextPartyIDs returns a new NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelatedContextPartyIDs (1575)
func (NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelatedContextPartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelatedContextPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoRelatedContextPartySubIDs(val int) NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField
NewNoRelatedContextPartySubIDs returns a new NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelatedContextPartySubIDs (1579)
func (NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelatedContextPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField ¶
type NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelatedPartyAltIDs ¶
func NewNoRelatedPartyAltIDs(val int) NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField
NewNoRelatedPartyAltIDs returns a new NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField initialized with val
func (NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelatedPartyAltIDs (1569)
func (NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelatedPartyAltIDsField) Value() int
type NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField ¶
type NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelatedPartyAltSubIDs ¶
func NewNoRelatedPartyAltSubIDs(val int) NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField
NewNoRelatedPartyAltSubIDs returns a new NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDs (1572)
func (NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDsField) Value() int
type NoRelatedPartyIDsField ¶
type NoRelatedPartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelatedPartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelatedPartyIDs ¶
func NewNoRelatedPartyIDs(val int) NoRelatedPartyIDsField
NewNoRelatedPartyIDs returns a new NoRelatedPartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoRelatedPartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelatedPartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelatedPartyIDs (1562)
func (NoRelatedPartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelatedPartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoRelatedPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoRelatedPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelatedPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelatedPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoRelatedPartySubIDs(val int) NoRelatedPartySubIDsField
NewNoRelatedPartySubIDs returns a new NoRelatedPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoRelatedPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelatedPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelatedPartySubIDs (1566)
func (NoRelatedPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelatedPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoRelatedSymField ¶
type NoRelatedSymField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelatedSymField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelatedSym ¶
func NewNoRelatedSym(val int) NoRelatedSymField
NewNoRelatedSym returns a new NoRelatedSymField initialized with val
func (NoRelatedSymField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelatedSymField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelatedSym (146)
func (NoRelatedSymField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelatedSymField) Value() int
type NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField ¶
type NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelationshipRiskInstruments ¶
func NewNoRelationshipRiskInstruments(val int) NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField
NewNoRelationshipRiskInstruments returns a new NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField initialized with val
func (NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelationshipRiskInstruments (1587)
func (NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelationshipRiskInstrumentsField) Value() int
type NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField ¶
type NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelationshipRiskLimits ¶
func NewNoRelationshipRiskLimits(val int) NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField
NewNoRelationshipRiskLimits returns a new NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField initialized with val
func (NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelationshipRiskLimits (1582)
func (NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelationshipRiskLimitsField) Value() int
type NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField ¶
type NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltID ¶
func NewNoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltID(val int) NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField
NewNoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltID returns a new NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltID (1593)
func (NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField) Value() int
type NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField ¶
type NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRelationshipRiskWarningLevels ¶
func NewNoRelationshipRiskWarningLevels(val int) NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField
NewNoRelationshipRiskWarningLevels returns a new NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField initialized with val
func (NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevels (1613)
func (NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRelationshipRiskWarningLevelsField) Value() int
type NoRequestedPartyRolesField ¶
type NoRequestedPartyRolesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRequestedPartyRolesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRequestedPartyRoles ¶
func NewNoRequestedPartyRoles(val int) NoRequestedPartyRolesField
NewNoRequestedPartyRoles returns a new NoRequestedPartyRolesField initialized with val
func (NoRequestedPartyRolesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRequestedPartyRolesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRequestedPartyRoles (1508)
func (NoRequestedPartyRolesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRequestedPartyRolesField) Value() int
type NoRiskInstrumentsField ¶
type NoRiskInstrumentsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRiskInstrumentsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRiskInstruments ¶
func NewNoRiskInstruments(val int) NoRiskInstrumentsField
NewNoRiskInstruments returns a new NoRiskInstrumentsField initialized with val
func (NoRiskInstrumentsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRiskInstrumentsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRiskInstruments (1534)
func (NoRiskInstrumentsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRiskInstrumentsField) Value() int
type NoRiskLimitsField ¶
type NoRiskLimitsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRiskLimitsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRiskLimits ¶
func NewNoRiskLimits(val int) NoRiskLimitsField
NewNoRiskLimits returns a new NoRiskLimitsField initialized with val
func (NoRiskLimitsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRiskLimitsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRiskLimits (1529)
func (NoRiskLimitsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRiskLimitsField) Value() int
type NoRiskSecurityAltIDField ¶
type NoRiskSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRiskSecurityAltIDField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRiskSecurityAltID ¶
func NewNoRiskSecurityAltID(val int) NoRiskSecurityAltIDField
NewNoRiskSecurityAltID returns a new NoRiskSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (NoRiskSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRiskSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRiskSecurityAltID (1540)
func (NoRiskSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRiskSecurityAltIDField) Value() int
type NoRiskWarningLevelsField ¶
type NoRiskWarningLevelsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRiskWarningLevelsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRiskWarningLevels ¶
func NewNoRiskWarningLevels(val int) NoRiskWarningLevelsField
NewNoRiskWarningLevels returns a new NoRiskWarningLevelsField initialized with val
func (NoRiskWarningLevelsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRiskWarningLevelsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRiskWarningLevels (1559)
func (NoRiskWarningLevelsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRiskWarningLevelsField) Value() int
type NoRootPartyIDsField ¶
type NoRootPartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRootPartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRootPartyIDs ¶
func NewNoRootPartyIDs(val int) NoRootPartyIDsField
NewNoRootPartyIDs returns a new NoRootPartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoRootPartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRootPartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRootPartyIDs (1116)
func (NoRootPartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRootPartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoRootPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoRootPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRootPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRootPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoRootPartySubIDs(val int) NoRootPartySubIDsField
NewNoRootPartySubIDs returns a new NoRootPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoRootPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRootPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRootPartySubIDs (1120)
func (NoRootPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRootPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoRoutingIDsField ¶
type NoRoutingIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRoutingIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoRoutingIDs ¶
func NewNoRoutingIDs(val int) NoRoutingIDsField
NewNoRoutingIDs returns a new NoRoutingIDsField initialized with val
func (NoRoutingIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRoutingIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRoutingIDs (215)
func (NoRoutingIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRoutingIDsField) Value() int
type NoRptsField ¶
type NoRptsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoRptsField is a INT field
func NewNoRpts ¶
func NewNoRpts(val int) NoRptsField
NewNoRpts returns a new NoRptsField initialized with val
func (NoRptsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoRptsField) Value() int
type NoSecurityAltIDField ¶
type NoSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoSecurityAltIDField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoSecurityAltID ¶
func NewNoSecurityAltID(val int) NoSecurityAltIDField
NewNoSecurityAltID returns a new NoSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (NoSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NoSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoSecurityAltID (454)
func (NoSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoSecurityAltIDField) Value() int
type NoSecurityTypesField ¶
type NoSecurityTypesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoSecurityTypesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoSecurityTypes ¶
func NewNoSecurityTypes(val int) NoSecurityTypesField
NewNoSecurityTypes returns a new NoSecurityTypesField initialized with val
func (NoSecurityTypesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoSecurityTypesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoSecurityTypes (558)
func (NoSecurityTypesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoSecurityTypesField) Value() int
type NoSettlDetailsField ¶
type NoSettlDetailsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoSettlDetailsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoSettlDetails ¶
func NewNoSettlDetails(val int) NoSettlDetailsField
NewNoSettlDetails returns a new NoSettlDetailsField initialized with val
func (NoSettlDetailsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoSettlDetailsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoSettlDetails (1158)
func (NoSettlDetailsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoSettlDetailsField) Value() int
type NoSettlInstField ¶
type NoSettlInstField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoSettlInstField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoSettlInst ¶
func NewNoSettlInst(val int) NoSettlInstField
NewNoSettlInst returns a new NoSettlInstField initialized with val
func (NoSettlInstField) Tag ¶
func (f NoSettlInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoSettlInst (778)
func (NoSettlInstField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoSettlInstField) Value() int
type NoSettlObligField ¶
type NoSettlObligField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoSettlObligField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoSettlOblig ¶
func NewNoSettlOblig(val int) NoSettlObligField
NewNoSettlOblig returns a new NoSettlObligField initialized with val
func (NoSettlObligField) Tag ¶
func (f NoSettlObligField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoSettlOblig (1165)
func (NoSettlObligField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoSettlObligField) Value() int
type NoSettlPartyIDsField ¶
type NoSettlPartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoSettlPartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoSettlPartyIDs ¶
func NewNoSettlPartyIDs(val int) NoSettlPartyIDsField
NewNoSettlPartyIDs returns a new NoSettlPartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoSettlPartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoSettlPartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoSettlPartyIDs (781)
func (NoSettlPartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoSettlPartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoSettlPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoSettlPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoSettlPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoSettlPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoSettlPartySubIDs(val int) NoSettlPartySubIDsField
NewNoSettlPartySubIDs returns a new NoSettlPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoSettlPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoSettlPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoSettlPartySubIDs (801)
func (NoSettlPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoSettlPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NoSideTrdRegTSField ¶
type NoSideTrdRegTSField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoSideTrdRegTSField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoSideTrdRegTS ¶
func NewNoSideTrdRegTS(val int) NoSideTrdRegTSField
NewNoSideTrdRegTS returns a new NoSideTrdRegTSField initialized with val
func (NoSideTrdRegTSField) Tag ¶
func (f NoSideTrdRegTSField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoSideTrdRegTS (1016)
func (NoSideTrdRegTSField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoSideTrdRegTSField) Value() int
type NoSidesField ¶
type NoSidesField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NoSidesField is a enum.NoSides field
func NewNoSides ¶
func NewNoSides(val enum.NoSides) NoSidesField
func (NoSidesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoSidesField) Value() enum.NoSides
type NoStatsIndicatorsField ¶
type NoStatsIndicatorsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoStatsIndicatorsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoStatsIndicators ¶
func NewNoStatsIndicators(val int) NoStatsIndicatorsField
NewNoStatsIndicators returns a new NoStatsIndicatorsField initialized with val
func (NoStatsIndicatorsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoStatsIndicatorsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoStatsIndicators (1175)
func (NoStatsIndicatorsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoStatsIndicatorsField) Value() int
type NoStipulationsField ¶
type NoStipulationsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoStipulationsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoStipulations ¶
func NewNoStipulations(val int) NoStipulationsField
NewNoStipulations returns a new NoStipulationsField initialized with val
func (NoStipulationsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoStipulationsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoStipulations (232)
func (NoStipulationsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoStipulationsField) Value() int
type NoStrategyParametersField ¶
type NoStrategyParametersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoStrategyParametersField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoStrategyParameters ¶
func NewNoStrategyParameters(val int) NoStrategyParametersField
NewNoStrategyParameters returns a new NoStrategyParametersField initialized with val
func (NoStrategyParametersField) Tag ¶
func (f NoStrategyParametersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoStrategyParameters (957)
func (NoStrategyParametersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoStrategyParametersField) Value() int
type NoStrikeRulesField ¶
type NoStrikeRulesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoStrikeRulesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoStrikeRules ¶
func NewNoStrikeRules(val int) NoStrikeRulesField
NewNoStrikeRules returns a new NoStrikeRulesField initialized with val
func (NoStrikeRulesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoStrikeRulesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoStrikeRules (1201)
func (NoStrikeRulesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoStrikeRulesField) Value() int
type NoStrikesField ¶
type NoStrikesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoStrikesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoStrikes ¶
func NewNoStrikes(val int) NoStrikesField
NewNoStrikes returns a new NoStrikesField initialized with val
func (NoStrikesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoStrikesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoStrikes (428)
func (NoStrikesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoStrikesField) Value() int
type NoTargetPartyIDsField ¶
type NoTargetPartyIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoTargetPartyIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoTargetPartyIDs ¶
func NewNoTargetPartyIDs(val int) NoTargetPartyIDsField
NewNoTargetPartyIDs returns a new NoTargetPartyIDsField initialized with val
func (NoTargetPartyIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoTargetPartyIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoTargetPartyIDs (1461)
func (NoTargetPartyIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoTargetPartyIDsField) Value() int
type NoTickRulesField ¶
type NoTickRulesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoTickRulesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoTickRules ¶
func NewNoTickRules(val int) NoTickRulesField
NewNoTickRules returns a new NoTickRulesField initialized with val
func (NoTickRulesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoTickRulesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoTickRules (1205)
func (NoTickRulesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoTickRulesField) Value() int
type NoTimeInForceRulesField ¶
type NoTimeInForceRulesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoTimeInForceRulesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoTimeInForceRules ¶
func NewNoTimeInForceRules(val int) NoTimeInForceRulesField
NewNoTimeInForceRules returns a new NoTimeInForceRulesField initialized with val
func (NoTimeInForceRulesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoTimeInForceRulesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoTimeInForceRules (1239)
func (NoTimeInForceRulesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoTimeInForceRulesField) Value() int
type NoTradesField ¶
type NoTradesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoTradesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoTrades ¶
func NewNoTrades(val int) NoTradesField
NewNoTrades returns a new NoTradesField initialized with val
func (NoTradesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoTradesField) Value() int
type NoTradingSessionRulesField ¶
type NoTradingSessionRulesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoTradingSessionRulesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoTradingSessionRules ¶
func NewNoTradingSessionRules(val int) NoTradingSessionRulesField
NewNoTradingSessionRules returns a new NoTradingSessionRulesField initialized with val
func (NoTradingSessionRulesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoTradingSessionRulesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoTradingSessionRules (1309)
func (NoTradingSessionRulesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoTradingSessionRulesField) Value() int
type NoTradingSessionsField ¶
type NoTradingSessionsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoTradingSessionsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoTradingSessions ¶
func NewNoTradingSessions(val int) NoTradingSessionsField
NewNoTradingSessions returns a new NoTradingSessionsField initialized with val
func (NoTradingSessionsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoTradingSessionsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoTradingSessions (386)
func (NoTradingSessionsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoTradingSessionsField) Value() int
type NoTrdRegTimestampsField ¶
type NoTrdRegTimestampsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoTrdRegTimestampsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoTrdRegTimestamps ¶
func NewNoTrdRegTimestamps(val int) NoTrdRegTimestampsField
NewNoTrdRegTimestamps returns a new NoTrdRegTimestampsField initialized with val
func (NoTrdRegTimestampsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoTrdRegTimestampsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoTrdRegTimestamps (768)
func (NoTrdRegTimestampsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoTrdRegTimestampsField) Value() int
type NoTrdRepIndicatorsField ¶
type NoTrdRepIndicatorsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoTrdRepIndicatorsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoTrdRepIndicators ¶
func NewNoTrdRepIndicators(val int) NoTrdRepIndicatorsField
NewNoTrdRepIndicators returns a new NoTrdRepIndicatorsField initialized with val
func (NoTrdRepIndicatorsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoTrdRepIndicatorsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoTrdRepIndicators (1387)
func (NoTrdRepIndicatorsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoTrdRepIndicatorsField) Value() int
type NoUnderlyingAmountsField ¶
type NoUnderlyingAmountsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoUnderlyingAmountsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoUnderlyingAmounts ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingAmounts(val int) NoUnderlyingAmountsField
NewNoUnderlyingAmounts returns a new NoUnderlyingAmountsField initialized with val
func (NoUnderlyingAmountsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoUnderlyingAmountsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoUnderlyingAmounts (984)
func (NoUnderlyingAmountsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoUnderlyingAmountsField) Value() int
type NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField ¶
type NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltID ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltID(val int) NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField
NewNoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltID returns a new NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltID (1334)
func (NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField) Value() int
type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField ¶
type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID(val int) NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField
NewNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID returns a new NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID (457)
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDField) Value() int
type NoUnderlyingStipsField ¶
type NoUnderlyingStipsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoUnderlyingStipsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoUnderlyingStips ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingStips(val int) NoUnderlyingStipsField
NewNoUnderlyingStips returns a new NoUnderlyingStipsField initialized with val
func (NoUnderlyingStipsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoUnderlyingStipsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoUnderlyingStips (887)
func (NoUnderlyingStipsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoUnderlyingStipsField) Value() int
type NoUnderlyingsField ¶
type NoUnderlyingsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoUnderlyingsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoUnderlyings ¶
func NewNoUnderlyings(val int) NoUnderlyingsField
NewNoUnderlyings returns a new NoUnderlyingsField initialized with val
func (NoUnderlyingsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoUnderlyingsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoUnderlyings (711)
func (NoUnderlyingsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoUnderlyingsField) Value() int
type NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField ¶
type NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoUndlyInstrumentParties ¶
func NewNoUndlyInstrumentParties(val int) NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField
NewNoUndlyInstrumentParties returns a new NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField initialized with val
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoUndlyInstrumentParties (1058)
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoUndlyInstrumentPartiesField) Value() int
type NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField ¶
type NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField is a NUMINGROUP field
func NewNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs ¶
func NewNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs(val int) NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField
NewNoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs returns a new NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField initialized with val
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs (1062)
func (NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDsField) Value() int
type NotAffOrigClOrdIDField ¶
type NotAffOrigClOrdIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NotAffOrigClOrdIDField is a STRING field
func NewNotAffOrigClOrdID ¶
func NewNotAffOrigClOrdID(val string) NotAffOrigClOrdIDField
NewNotAffOrigClOrdID returns a new NotAffOrigClOrdIDField initialized with val
func (NotAffOrigClOrdIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NotAffOrigClOrdIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NotAffOrigClOrdID (1372)
func (NotAffOrigClOrdIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NotAffOrigClOrdIDField) Value() string
type NotAffectedOrderIDField ¶
type NotAffectedOrderIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
NotAffectedOrderIDField is a STRING field
func NewNotAffectedOrderID ¶
func NewNotAffectedOrderID(val string) NotAffectedOrderIDField
NewNotAffectedOrderID returns a new NotAffectedOrderIDField initialized with val
func (NotAffectedOrderIDField) Tag ¶
func (f NotAffectedOrderIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NotAffectedOrderID (1371)
func (NotAffectedOrderIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NotAffectedOrderIDField) Value() string
type NotifyBrokerOfCreditField ¶
type NotifyBrokerOfCreditField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
NotifyBrokerOfCreditField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewNotifyBrokerOfCredit ¶
func NewNotifyBrokerOfCredit(val bool) NotifyBrokerOfCreditField
NewNotifyBrokerOfCredit returns a new NotifyBrokerOfCreditField initialized with val
func (NotifyBrokerOfCreditField) Tag ¶
func (f NotifyBrokerOfCreditField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NotifyBrokerOfCredit (208)
func (NotifyBrokerOfCreditField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NotifyBrokerOfCreditField) Value() bool
type NotionalPercentageOutstandingField ¶
type NotionalPercentageOutstandingField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
NotionalPercentageOutstandingField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewNotionalPercentageOutstanding ¶
func NewNotionalPercentageOutstanding(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) NotionalPercentageOutstandingField
NewNotionalPercentageOutstanding returns a new NotionalPercentageOutstandingField initialized with val and scale
func (NotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Tag ¶
func (f NotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NotionalPercentageOutstanding (1451)
func (NotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type NumBiddersField ¶
type NumBiddersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NumBiddersField is a INT field
func NewNumBidders ¶
func NewNumBidders(val int) NumBiddersField
NewNumBidders returns a new NumBiddersField initialized with val
func (NumBiddersField) Tag ¶
func (f NumBiddersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NumBidders (417)
func (NumBiddersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NumBiddersField) Value() int
type NumDaysInterestField ¶
type NumDaysInterestField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NumDaysInterestField is a INT field
func NewNumDaysInterest ¶
func NewNumDaysInterest(val int) NumDaysInterestField
NewNumDaysInterest returns a new NumDaysInterestField initialized with val
func (NumDaysInterestField) Tag ¶
func (f NumDaysInterestField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NumDaysInterest (157)
func (NumDaysInterestField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NumDaysInterestField) Value() int
type NumTicketsField ¶
type NumTicketsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NumTicketsField is a INT field
func NewNumTickets ¶
func NewNumTickets(val int) NumTicketsField
NewNumTickets returns a new NumTicketsField initialized with val
func (NumTicketsField) Tag ¶
func (f NumTicketsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NumTickets (395)
func (NumTicketsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NumTicketsField) Value() int
type NumberOfOrdersField ¶
type NumberOfOrdersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
NumberOfOrdersField is a INT field
func NewNumberOfOrders ¶
func NewNumberOfOrders(val int) NumberOfOrdersField
NewNumberOfOrders returns a new NumberOfOrdersField initialized with val
func (NumberOfOrdersField) Tag ¶
func (f NumberOfOrdersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NumberOfOrders (346)
func (NumberOfOrdersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f NumberOfOrdersField) Value() int
type OddLotField ¶
type OddLotField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
OddLotField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewOddLot ¶
func NewOddLot(val bool) OddLotField
NewOddLot returns a new OddLotField initialized with val
func (OddLotField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OddLotField) Value() bool
type OfferForwardPoints2Field ¶
type OfferForwardPoints2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferForwardPoints2Field is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewOfferForwardPoints2 ¶
func NewOfferForwardPoints2(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferForwardPoints2Field
NewOfferForwardPoints2 returns a new OfferForwardPoints2Field initialized with val and scale
func (OfferForwardPoints2Field) Tag ¶
func (f OfferForwardPoints2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OfferForwardPoints2 (643)
func (OfferForwardPoints2Field) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OfferForwardPoints2Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OfferForwardPointsField ¶
type OfferForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewOfferForwardPoints ¶
func NewOfferForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferForwardPointsField
NewOfferForwardPoints returns a new OfferForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (OfferForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f OfferForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OfferForwardPoints (191)
func (OfferForwardPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OfferForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OfferPxField ¶
type OfferPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferPxField is a PRICE field
func NewOfferPx ¶
func NewOfferPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferPxField
NewOfferPx returns a new OfferPxField initialized with val and scale
func (OfferPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OfferPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OfferSizeField ¶
type OfferSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferSizeField is a QTY field
func NewOfferSize ¶
func NewOfferSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferSizeField
NewOfferSize returns a new OfferSizeField initialized with val and scale
func (OfferSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f OfferSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OfferSize (135)
func (OfferSizeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OfferSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OfferSpotRateField ¶
type OfferSpotRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferSpotRateField is a PRICE field
func NewOfferSpotRate ¶
func NewOfferSpotRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferSpotRateField
NewOfferSpotRate returns a new OfferSpotRateField initialized with val and scale
func (OfferSpotRateField) Tag ¶
func (f OfferSpotRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OfferSpotRate (190)
func (OfferSpotRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OfferSpotRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OfferSwapPointsField ¶
type OfferSwapPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferSwapPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewOfferSwapPoints ¶
func NewOfferSwapPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferSwapPointsField
NewOfferSwapPoints returns a new OfferSwapPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (OfferSwapPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f OfferSwapPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OfferSwapPoints (1066)
func (OfferSwapPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OfferSwapPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OfferYieldField ¶
type OfferYieldField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferYieldField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewOfferYield ¶
func NewOfferYield(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferYieldField
NewOfferYield returns a new OfferYieldField initialized with val and scale
func (OfferYieldField) Tag ¶
func (f OfferYieldField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OfferYield (634)
func (OfferYieldField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OfferYieldField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OnBehalfOfCompIDField ¶
type OnBehalfOfCompIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OnBehalfOfCompIDField is a STRING field
func NewOnBehalfOfCompID ¶
func NewOnBehalfOfCompID(val string) OnBehalfOfCompIDField
NewOnBehalfOfCompID returns a new OnBehalfOfCompIDField initialized with val
func (OnBehalfOfCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OnBehalfOfCompID (115)
func (OnBehalfOfCompIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OnBehalfOfCompIDField) Value() string
type OnBehalfOfLocationIDField ¶
type OnBehalfOfLocationIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OnBehalfOfLocationIDField is a STRING field
func NewOnBehalfOfLocationID ¶
func NewOnBehalfOfLocationID(val string) OnBehalfOfLocationIDField
NewOnBehalfOfLocationID returns a new OnBehalfOfLocationIDField initialized with val
func (OnBehalfOfLocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfLocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OnBehalfOfLocationID (144)
func (OnBehalfOfLocationIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OnBehalfOfLocationIDField) Value() string
type OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField ¶
type OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTime(val time.Time) OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField
NewOnBehalfOfSendingTime returns a new OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField initialized with val
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField
NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeNoMillis returns a new OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField
NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeWithPrecision returns a new OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OnBehalfOfSendingTime (370)
func (OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField) Value() time.Time
type OnBehalfOfSubIDField ¶
type OnBehalfOfSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OnBehalfOfSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewOnBehalfOfSubID ¶
func NewOnBehalfOfSubID(val string) OnBehalfOfSubIDField
NewOnBehalfOfSubID returns a new OnBehalfOfSubIDField initialized with val
func (OnBehalfOfSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OnBehalfOfSubID (116)
func (OnBehalfOfSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OnBehalfOfSubIDField) Value() string
type OpenCloseField ¶
type OpenCloseField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OpenCloseField is a enum.OpenClose field
func NewOpenClose ¶
func NewOpenClose(val enum.OpenClose) OpenCloseField
func (OpenCloseField) Tag ¶
func (f OpenCloseField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OpenClose (77)
func (OpenCloseField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OpenCloseField) Value() enum.OpenClose
type OpenCloseSettlFlagField ¶
type OpenCloseSettlFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OpenCloseSettlFlagField is a enum.OpenCloseSettlFlag field
func NewOpenCloseSettlFlag ¶
func NewOpenCloseSettlFlag(val enum.OpenCloseSettlFlag) OpenCloseSettlFlagField
func (OpenCloseSettlFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f OpenCloseSettlFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OpenCloseSettlFlag (286)
func (OpenCloseSettlFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OpenCloseSettlFlagField) Value() enum.OpenCloseSettlFlag
type OpenCloseSettleFlagField ¶
type OpenCloseSettleFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OpenCloseSettleFlagField is a enum.OpenCloseSettleFlag field
func NewOpenCloseSettleFlag ¶
func NewOpenCloseSettleFlag(val enum.OpenCloseSettleFlag) OpenCloseSettleFlagField
func (OpenCloseSettleFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f OpenCloseSettleFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OpenCloseSettleFlag (286)
func (OpenCloseSettleFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OpenCloseSettleFlagField) Value() enum.OpenCloseSettleFlag
type OpenInterestField ¶
type OpenInterestField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OpenInterestField is a AMT field
func NewOpenInterest ¶
func NewOpenInterest(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OpenInterestField
NewOpenInterest returns a new OpenInterestField initialized with val and scale
func (OpenInterestField) Tag ¶
func (f OpenInterestField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OpenInterest (746)
func (OpenInterestField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OpenInterestField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OptAttributeField ¶
type OptAttributeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OptAttributeField is a CHAR field
func NewOptAttribute ¶
func NewOptAttribute(val string) OptAttributeField
NewOptAttribute returns a new OptAttributeField initialized with val
func (OptAttributeField) Tag ¶
func (f OptAttributeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OptAttribute (206)
func (OptAttributeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OptAttributeField) Value() string
type OptPayAmountField ¶
type OptPayAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OptPayAmountField is a AMT field
func NewOptPayAmount ¶
func NewOptPayAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OptPayAmountField
NewOptPayAmount returns a new OptPayAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (OptPayAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f OptPayAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OptPayAmount (1195)
func (OptPayAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OptPayAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OptPayoutAmountField ¶
type OptPayoutAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OptPayoutAmountField is a AMT field
func NewOptPayoutAmount ¶
func NewOptPayoutAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OptPayoutAmountField
NewOptPayoutAmount returns a new OptPayoutAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (OptPayoutAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f OptPayoutAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OptPayoutAmount (1195)
func (OptPayoutAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OptPayoutAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OptPayoutTypeField ¶
type OptPayoutTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OptPayoutTypeField is a enum.OptPayoutType field
func NewOptPayoutType ¶
func NewOptPayoutType(val enum.OptPayoutType) OptPayoutTypeField
func (OptPayoutTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f OptPayoutTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OptPayoutType (1482)
func (OptPayoutTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OptPayoutTypeField) Value() enum.OptPayoutType
type OrdRejReasonField ¶
type OrdRejReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrdRejReasonField is a enum.OrdRejReason field
func NewOrdRejReason ¶
func NewOrdRejReason(val enum.OrdRejReason) OrdRejReasonField
func (OrdRejReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f OrdRejReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrdRejReason (103)
func (OrdRejReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrdRejReasonField) Value() enum.OrdRejReason
type OrdStatusField ¶
type OrdStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrdStatusField is a enum.OrdStatus field
func NewOrdStatus ¶
func NewOrdStatus(val enum.OrdStatus) OrdStatusField
func (OrdStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f OrdStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrdStatus (39)
func (OrdStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrdStatusField) Value() enum.OrdStatus
type OrdStatusReqIDField ¶
type OrdStatusReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrdStatusReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewOrdStatusReqID ¶
func NewOrdStatusReqID(val string) OrdStatusReqIDField
NewOrdStatusReqID returns a new OrdStatusReqIDField initialized with val
func (OrdStatusReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OrdStatusReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrdStatusReqID (790)
func (OrdStatusReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrdStatusReqIDField) Value() string
type OrdTypeField ¶
type OrdTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrdTypeField is a enum.OrdType field
func NewOrdType ¶
func NewOrdType(val enum.OrdType) OrdTypeField
func (OrdTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrdTypeField) Value() enum.OrdType
type OrderAvgPxField ¶
type OrderAvgPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OrderAvgPxField is a PRICE field
func NewOrderAvgPx ¶
func NewOrderAvgPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OrderAvgPxField
NewOrderAvgPx returns a new OrderAvgPxField initialized with val and scale
func (OrderAvgPxField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderAvgPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderAvgPx (799)
func (OrderAvgPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderAvgPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OrderBookingQtyField ¶
type OrderBookingQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OrderBookingQtyField is a QTY field
func NewOrderBookingQty ¶
func NewOrderBookingQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OrderBookingQtyField
NewOrderBookingQty returns a new OrderBookingQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (OrderBookingQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderBookingQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderBookingQty (800)
func (OrderBookingQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderBookingQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OrderCapacityField ¶
type OrderCapacityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrderCapacityField is a enum.OrderCapacity field
func NewOrderCapacity ¶
func NewOrderCapacity(val enum.OrderCapacity) OrderCapacityField
func (OrderCapacityField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderCapacityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderCapacity (528)
func (OrderCapacityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderCapacityField) Value() enum.OrderCapacity
type OrderCapacityQtyField ¶
type OrderCapacityQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OrderCapacityQtyField is a QTY field
func NewOrderCapacityQty ¶
func NewOrderCapacityQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OrderCapacityQtyField
NewOrderCapacityQty returns a new OrderCapacityQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (OrderCapacityQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderCapacityQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderCapacityQty (863)
func (OrderCapacityQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderCapacityQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OrderCategoryField ¶
type OrderCategoryField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrderCategoryField is a enum.OrderCategory field
func NewOrderCategory ¶
func NewOrderCategory(val enum.OrderCategory) OrderCategoryField
func (OrderCategoryField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderCategoryField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderCategory (1115)
func (OrderCategoryField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderCategoryField) Value() enum.OrderCategory
type OrderDelayField ¶
type OrderDelayField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
OrderDelayField is a INT field
func NewOrderDelay ¶
func NewOrderDelay(val int) OrderDelayField
NewOrderDelay returns a new OrderDelayField initialized with val
func (OrderDelayField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderDelayField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderDelay (1428)
func (OrderDelayField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderDelayField) Value() int
type OrderDelayUnitField ¶
type OrderDelayUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrderDelayUnitField is a enum.OrderDelayUnit field
func NewOrderDelayUnit ¶
func NewOrderDelayUnit(val enum.OrderDelayUnit) OrderDelayUnitField
func (OrderDelayUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderDelayUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderDelayUnit (1429)
func (OrderDelayUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderDelayUnitField) Value() enum.OrderDelayUnit
type OrderHandlingInstSourceField ¶
type OrderHandlingInstSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrderHandlingInstSourceField is a enum.OrderHandlingInstSource field
func NewOrderHandlingInstSource ¶
func NewOrderHandlingInstSource(val enum.OrderHandlingInstSource) OrderHandlingInstSourceField
func (OrderHandlingInstSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderHandlingInstSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderHandlingInstSource (1032)
func (OrderHandlingInstSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderHandlingInstSourceField) Value() enum.OrderHandlingInstSource
type OrderIDField ¶
type OrderIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrderIDField is a STRING field
func NewOrderID ¶
func NewOrderID(val string) OrderIDField
NewOrderID returns a new OrderIDField initialized with val
func (OrderIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderIDField) Value() string
type OrderInputDeviceField ¶
type OrderInputDeviceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrderInputDeviceField is a STRING field
func NewOrderInputDevice ¶
func NewOrderInputDevice(val string) OrderInputDeviceField
NewOrderInputDevice returns a new OrderInputDeviceField initialized with val
func (OrderInputDeviceField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderInputDeviceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderInputDevice (821)
func (OrderInputDeviceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderInputDeviceField) Value() string
type OrderPercentField ¶
type OrderPercentField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OrderPercentField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewOrderPercent ¶
func NewOrderPercent(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OrderPercentField
NewOrderPercent returns a new OrderPercentField initialized with val and scale
func (OrderPercentField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderPercentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderPercent (516)
func (OrderPercentField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderPercentField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OrderQty2Field ¶
type OrderQty2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OrderQty2Field is a QTY field
func NewOrderQty2 ¶
func NewOrderQty2(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OrderQty2Field
NewOrderQty2 returns a new OrderQty2Field initialized with val and scale
func (OrderQty2Field) Tag ¶
func (f OrderQty2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderQty2 (192)
func (OrderQty2Field) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderQty2Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OrderQtyField ¶
type OrderQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OrderQtyField is a QTY field
func NewOrderQty ¶
func NewOrderQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OrderQtyField
NewOrderQty returns a new OrderQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (OrderQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OrderRestrictionsField ¶
type OrderRestrictionsField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrderRestrictionsField is a enum.OrderRestrictions field
func NewOrderRestrictions ¶
func NewOrderRestrictions(val enum.OrderRestrictions) OrderRestrictionsField
func (OrderRestrictionsField) Tag ¶
func (f OrderRestrictionsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderRestrictions (529)
func (OrderRestrictionsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrderRestrictionsField) Value() enum.OrderRestrictions
type OrigClOrdIDField ¶
type OrigClOrdIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrigClOrdIDField is a STRING field
func NewOrigClOrdID ¶
func NewOrigClOrdID(val string) OrigClOrdIDField
NewOrigClOrdID returns a new OrigClOrdIDField initialized with val
func (OrigClOrdIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigClOrdIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigClOrdID (41)
func (OrigClOrdIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigClOrdIDField) Value() string
type OrigCrossIDField ¶
type OrigCrossIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrigCrossIDField is a STRING field
func NewOrigCrossID ¶
func NewOrigCrossID(val string) OrigCrossIDField
NewOrigCrossID returns a new OrigCrossIDField initialized with val
func (OrigCrossIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigCrossIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigCrossID (551)
func (OrigCrossIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigCrossIDField) Value() string
type OrigCustOrderCapacityField ¶
type OrigCustOrderCapacityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrigCustOrderCapacityField is a enum.OrigCustOrderCapacity field
func NewOrigCustOrderCapacity ¶
func NewOrigCustOrderCapacity(val enum.OrigCustOrderCapacity) OrigCustOrderCapacityField
func (OrigCustOrderCapacityField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigCustOrderCapacityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigCustOrderCapacity (1432)
func (OrigCustOrderCapacityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigCustOrderCapacityField) Value() enum.OrigCustOrderCapacity
type OrigOrdModTimeField ¶
type OrigOrdModTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
OrigOrdModTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewOrigOrdModTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewOrigOrdModTime(val time.Time) OrigOrdModTimeField
NewOrigOrdModTime returns a new OrigOrdModTimeField initialized with val
func NewOrigOrdModTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewOrigOrdModTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) OrigOrdModTimeField
NewOrigOrdModTimeNoMillis returns a new OrigOrdModTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewOrigOrdModTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewOrigOrdModTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) OrigOrdModTimeField
NewOrigOrdModTimeWithPrecision returns a new OrigOrdModTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (OrigOrdModTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigOrdModTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigOrdModTime (586)
func (OrigOrdModTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigOrdModTimeField) Value() time.Time
type OrigPosReqRefIDField ¶
type OrigPosReqRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrigPosReqRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewOrigPosReqRefID ¶
func NewOrigPosReqRefID(val string) OrigPosReqRefIDField
NewOrigPosReqRefID returns a new OrigPosReqRefIDField initialized with val
func (OrigPosReqRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigPosReqRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigPosReqRefID (713)
func (OrigPosReqRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigPosReqRefIDField) Value() string
type OrigSecondaryTradeIDField ¶
type OrigSecondaryTradeIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrigSecondaryTradeIDField is a STRING field
func NewOrigSecondaryTradeID ¶
func NewOrigSecondaryTradeID(val string) OrigSecondaryTradeIDField
NewOrigSecondaryTradeID returns a new OrigSecondaryTradeIDField initialized with val
func (OrigSecondaryTradeIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigSecondaryTradeIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigSecondaryTradeID (1127)
func (OrigSecondaryTradeIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigSecondaryTradeIDField) Value() string
type OrigSendingTimeField ¶
type OrigSendingTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
OrigSendingTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewOrigSendingTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewOrigSendingTime(val time.Time) OrigSendingTimeField
NewOrigSendingTime returns a new OrigSendingTimeField initialized with val
func NewOrigSendingTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewOrigSendingTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) OrigSendingTimeField
NewOrigSendingTimeNoMillis returns a new OrigSendingTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewOrigSendingTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewOrigSendingTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) OrigSendingTimeField
NewOrigSendingTimeWithPrecision returns a new OrigSendingTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (OrigSendingTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigSendingTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigSendingTime (122)
func (OrigSendingTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigSendingTimeField) Value() time.Time
type OrigTimeField ¶
type OrigTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
OrigTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewOrigTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewOrigTime(val time.Time) OrigTimeField
NewOrigTime returns a new OrigTimeField initialized with val
func NewOrigTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewOrigTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) OrigTimeField
NewOrigTimeNoMillis returns a new OrigTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewOrigTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewOrigTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) OrigTimeField
NewOrigTimeWithPrecision returns a new OrigTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (OrigTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigTimeField) Value() time.Time
type OrigTradeDateField ¶
type OrigTradeDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrigTradeDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewOrigTradeDate ¶
func NewOrigTradeDate(val string) OrigTradeDateField
NewOrigTradeDate returns a new OrigTradeDateField initialized with val
func (OrigTradeDateField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigTradeDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigTradeDate (1125)
func (OrigTradeDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigTradeDateField) Value() string
type OrigTradeHandlingInstrField ¶
type OrigTradeHandlingInstrField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrigTradeHandlingInstrField is a CHAR field
func NewOrigTradeHandlingInstr ¶
func NewOrigTradeHandlingInstr(val string) OrigTradeHandlingInstrField
NewOrigTradeHandlingInstr returns a new OrigTradeHandlingInstrField initialized with val
func (OrigTradeHandlingInstrField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigTradeHandlingInstrField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigTradeHandlingInstr (1124)
func (OrigTradeHandlingInstrField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigTradeHandlingInstrField) Value() string
type OrigTradeIDField ¶
type OrigTradeIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OrigTradeIDField is a STRING field
func NewOrigTradeID ¶
func NewOrigTradeID(val string) OrigTradeIDField
NewOrigTradeID returns a new OrigTradeIDField initialized with val
func (OrigTradeIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigTradeIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigTradeID (1126)
func (OrigTradeIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OrigTradeIDField) Value() string
type OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField ¶
type OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding ¶
func NewOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField
NewOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding returns a new OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField initialized with val and scale
func (OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Tag ¶
func (f OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding (1452)
func (OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OutMainCntryUIndexField ¶
type OutMainCntryUIndexField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OutMainCntryUIndexField is a AMT field
func NewOutMainCntryUIndex ¶
func NewOutMainCntryUIndex(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OutMainCntryUIndexField
NewOutMainCntryUIndex returns a new OutMainCntryUIndexField initialized with val and scale
func (OutMainCntryUIndexField) Tag ¶
func (f OutMainCntryUIndexField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OutMainCntryUIndex (412)
func (OutMainCntryUIndexField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OutMainCntryUIndexField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OutsideIndexPctField ¶
type OutsideIndexPctField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OutsideIndexPctField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewOutsideIndexPct ¶
func NewOutsideIndexPct(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OutsideIndexPctField
NewOutsideIndexPct returns a new OutsideIndexPctField initialized with val and scale
func (OutsideIndexPctField) Tag ¶
func (f OutsideIndexPctField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OutsideIndexPct (407)
func (OutsideIndexPctField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OutsideIndexPctField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OwnerTypeField ¶
type OwnerTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OwnerTypeField is a enum.OwnerType field
func NewOwnerType ¶
func NewOwnerType(val enum.OwnerType) OwnerTypeField
func (OwnerTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f OwnerTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OwnerType (522)
func (OwnerTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OwnerTypeField) Value() enum.OwnerType
type OwnershipTypeField ¶
type OwnershipTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
OwnershipTypeField is a enum.OwnershipType field
func NewOwnershipType ¶
func NewOwnershipType(val enum.OwnershipType) OwnershipTypeField
func (OwnershipTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f OwnershipTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OwnershipType (517)
func (OwnershipTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f OwnershipTypeField) Value() enum.OwnershipType
type ParentMktSegmIDField ¶
type ParentMktSegmIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ParentMktSegmIDField is a STRING field
func NewParentMktSegmID ¶
func NewParentMktSegmID(val string) ParentMktSegmIDField
NewParentMktSegmID returns a new ParentMktSegmIDField initialized with val
func (ParentMktSegmIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ParentMktSegmIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ParentMktSegmID (1325)
func (ParentMktSegmIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ParentMktSegmIDField) Value() string
type ParticipationRateField ¶
type ParticipationRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ParticipationRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewParticipationRate ¶
func NewParticipationRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ParticipationRateField
NewParticipationRate returns a new ParticipationRateField initialized with val and scale
func (ParticipationRateField) Tag ¶
func (f ParticipationRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ParticipationRate (849)
func (ParticipationRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ParticipationRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PartyAltIDField ¶
type PartyAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewPartyAltID ¶
func NewPartyAltID(val string) PartyAltIDField
NewPartyAltID returns a new PartyAltIDField initialized with val
func (PartyAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyAltID (1517)
func (PartyAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyAltIDField) Value() string
type PartyAltIDSourceField ¶
type PartyAltIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyAltIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewPartyAltIDSource ¶
func NewPartyAltIDSource(val string) PartyAltIDSourceField
NewPartyAltIDSource returns a new PartyAltIDSourceField initialized with val
func (PartyAltIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyAltIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyAltIDSource (1518)
func (PartyAltIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyAltIDSourceField) Value() string
type PartyAltSubIDField ¶
type PartyAltSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyAltSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewPartyAltSubID ¶
func NewPartyAltSubID(val string) PartyAltSubIDField
NewPartyAltSubID returns a new PartyAltSubIDField initialized with val
func (PartyAltSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyAltSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyAltSubID (1520)
func (PartyAltSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyAltSubIDField) Value() string
type PartyAltSubIDTypeField ¶
type PartyAltSubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
PartyAltSubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewPartyAltSubIDType ¶
func NewPartyAltSubIDType(val int) PartyAltSubIDTypeField
NewPartyAltSubIDType returns a new PartyAltSubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (PartyAltSubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyAltSubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyAltSubIDType (1521)
func (PartyAltSubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyAltSubIDTypeField) Value() int
type PartyDetailsListReportIDField ¶
type PartyDetailsListReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyDetailsListReportIDField is a STRING field
func NewPartyDetailsListReportID ¶
func NewPartyDetailsListReportID(val string) PartyDetailsListReportIDField
NewPartyDetailsListReportID returns a new PartyDetailsListReportIDField initialized with val
func (PartyDetailsListReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyDetailsListReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyDetailsListReportID (1510)
func (PartyDetailsListReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyDetailsListReportIDField) Value() string
type PartyDetailsListRequestIDField ¶
type PartyDetailsListRequestIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyDetailsListRequestIDField is a STRING field
func NewPartyDetailsListRequestID ¶
func NewPartyDetailsListRequestID(val string) PartyDetailsListRequestIDField
NewPartyDetailsListRequestID returns a new PartyDetailsListRequestIDField initialized with val
func (PartyDetailsListRequestIDField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyDetailsListRequestIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyDetailsListRequestID (1505)
func (PartyDetailsListRequestIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyDetailsListRequestIDField) Value() string
type PartyDetailsRequestResultField ¶
type PartyDetailsRequestResultField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyDetailsRequestResultField is a enum.PartyDetailsRequestResult field
func NewPartyDetailsRequestResult ¶
func NewPartyDetailsRequestResult(val enum.PartyDetailsRequestResult) PartyDetailsRequestResultField
func (PartyDetailsRequestResultField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyDetailsRequestResultField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyDetailsRequestResult (1511)
func (PartyDetailsRequestResultField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyDetailsRequestResultField) Value() enum.PartyDetailsRequestResult
type PartyIDField ¶
type PartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewPartyID ¶
func NewPartyID(val string) PartyIDField
NewPartyID returns a new PartyIDField initialized with val
func (PartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyIDField) Value() string
type PartyIDSourceField ¶
type PartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyIDSourceField is a enum.PartyIDSource field
func NewPartyIDSource ¶
func NewPartyIDSource(val enum.PartyIDSource) PartyIDSourceField
func (PartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyIDSource (447)
func (PartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyIDSourceField) Value() enum.PartyIDSource
type PartyListResponseTypeField ¶
type PartyListResponseTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyListResponseTypeField is a enum.PartyListResponseType field
func NewPartyListResponseType ¶
func NewPartyListResponseType(val enum.PartyListResponseType) PartyListResponseTypeField
func (PartyListResponseTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyListResponseTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyListResponseType (1507)
func (PartyListResponseTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyListResponseTypeField) Value() enum.PartyListResponseType
type PartyRelationshipField ¶
type PartyRelationshipField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyRelationshipField is a enum.PartyRelationship field
func NewPartyRelationship ¶
func NewPartyRelationship(val enum.PartyRelationship) PartyRelationshipField
func (PartyRelationshipField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyRelationshipField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyRelationship (1515)
func (PartyRelationshipField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyRelationshipField) Value() enum.PartyRelationship
type PartyRoleField ¶
type PartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartyRoleField is a enum.PartyRole field
func NewPartyRole ¶
func NewPartyRole(val enum.PartyRole) PartyRoleField
func (PartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f PartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartyRole (452)
func (PartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartyRoleField) Value() enum.PartyRole
type PartySubIDField ¶
type PartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewPartySubID ¶
func NewPartySubID(val string) PartySubIDField
NewPartySubID returns a new PartySubIDField initialized with val
func (PartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f PartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartySubID (523)
func (PartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartySubIDField) Value() string
type PartySubIDTypeField ¶
type PartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PartySubIDTypeField is a enum.PartySubIDType field
func NewPartySubIDType ¶
func NewPartySubIDType(val enum.PartySubIDType) PartySubIDTypeField
func (PartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PartySubIDType (803)
func (PartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PartySubIDTypeField) Value() enum.PartySubIDType
type PasswordField ¶
type PasswordField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PasswordField is a STRING field
func NewPassword ¶
func NewPassword(val string) PasswordField
NewPassword returns a new PasswordField initialized with val
func (PasswordField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PasswordField) Value() string
type PaymentDateField ¶
type PaymentDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PaymentDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewPaymentDate ¶
func NewPaymentDate(val string) PaymentDateField
NewPaymentDate returns a new PaymentDateField initialized with val
func (PaymentDateField) Tag ¶
func (f PaymentDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PaymentDate (504)
func (PaymentDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PaymentDateField) Value() string
type PaymentMethodField ¶
type PaymentMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PaymentMethodField is a enum.PaymentMethod field
func NewPaymentMethod ¶
func NewPaymentMethod(val enum.PaymentMethod) PaymentMethodField
func (PaymentMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f PaymentMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PaymentMethod (492)
func (PaymentMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PaymentMethodField) Value() enum.PaymentMethod
type PaymentRefField ¶
type PaymentRefField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PaymentRefField is a STRING field
func NewPaymentRef ¶
func NewPaymentRef(val string) PaymentRefField
NewPaymentRef returns a new PaymentRefField initialized with val
func (PaymentRefField) Tag ¶
func (f PaymentRefField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PaymentRef (476)
func (PaymentRefField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PaymentRefField) Value() string
type PaymentRemitterIDField ¶
type PaymentRemitterIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PaymentRemitterIDField is a STRING field
func NewPaymentRemitterID ¶
func NewPaymentRemitterID(val string) PaymentRemitterIDField
NewPaymentRemitterID returns a new PaymentRemitterIDField initialized with val
func (PaymentRemitterIDField) Tag ¶
func (f PaymentRemitterIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PaymentRemitterID (505)
func (PaymentRemitterIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PaymentRemitterIDField) Value() string
type PctAtRiskField ¶
type PctAtRiskField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PctAtRiskField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewPctAtRisk ¶
func NewPctAtRisk(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PctAtRiskField
NewPctAtRisk returns a new PctAtRiskField initialized with val and scale
func (PctAtRiskField) Tag ¶
func (f PctAtRiskField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PctAtRisk (869)
func (PctAtRiskField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PctAtRiskField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PegDifferenceField ¶
type PegDifferenceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PegDifferenceField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewPegDifference ¶
func NewPegDifference(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PegDifferenceField
NewPegDifference returns a new PegDifferenceField initialized with val and scale
func (PegDifferenceField) Tag ¶
func (f PegDifferenceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegDifference (211)
func (PegDifferenceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegDifferenceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PegLimitTypeField ¶
type PegLimitTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegLimitTypeField is a enum.PegLimitType field
func NewPegLimitType ¶
func NewPegLimitType(val enum.PegLimitType) PegLimitTypeField
func (PegLimitTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PegLimitTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegLimitType (837)
func (PegLimitTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegLimitTypeField) Value() enum.PegLimitType
type PegMoveTypeField ¶
type PegMoveTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegMoveTypeField is a enum.PegMoveType field
func NewPegMoveType ¶
func NewPegMoveType(val enum.PegMoveType) PegMoveTypeField
func (PegMoveTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PegMoveTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegMoveType (835)
func (PegMoveTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegMoveTypeField) Value() enum.PegMoveType
type PegOffsetTypeField ¶
type PegOffsetTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegOffsetTypeField is a enum.PegOffsetType field
func NewPegOffsetType ¶
func NewPegOffsetType(val enum.PegOffsetType) PegOffsetTypeField
func (PegOffsetTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PegOffsetTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegOffsetType (836)
func (PegOffsetTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegOffsetTypeField) Value() enum.PegOffsetType
type PegOffsetValueField ¶
type PegOffsetValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PegOffsetValueField is a FLOAT field
func NewPegOffsetValue ¶
func NewPegOffsetValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PegOffsetValueField
NewPegOffsetValue returns a new PegOffsetValueField initialized with val and scale
func (PegOffsetValueField) Tag ¶
func (f PegOffsetValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegOffsetValue (211)
func (PegOffsetValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegOffsetValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PegPriceTypeField ¶
type PegPriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegPriceTypeField is a enum.PegPriceType field
func NewPegPriceType ¶
func NewPegPriceType(val enum.PegPriceType) PegPriceTypeField
func (PegPriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PegPriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegPriceType (1094)
func (PegPriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegPriceTypeField) Value() enum.PegPriceType
type PegRoundDirectionField ¶
type PegRoundDirectionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegRoundDirectionField is a enum.PegRoundDirection field
func NewPegRoundDirection ¶
func NewPegRoundDirection(val enum.PegRoundDirection) PegRoundDirectionField
func (PegRoundDirectionField) Tag ¶
func (f PegRoundDirectionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegRoundDirection (838)
func (PegRoundDirectionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegRoundDirectionField) Value() enum.PegRoundDirection
type PegScopeField ¶
type PegScopeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegScopeField is a enum.PegScope field
func NewPegScope ¶
func NewPegScope(val enum.PegScope) PegScopeField
func (PegScopeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegScopeField) Value() enum.PegScope
type PegSecurityDescField ¶
type PegSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegSecurityDescField is a STRING field
func NewPegSecurityDesc ¶
func NewPegSecurityDesc(val string) PegSecurityDescField
NewPegSecurityDesc returns a new PegSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (PegSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f PegSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegSecurityDesc (1099)
func (PegSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegSecurityDescField) Value() string
type PegSecurityIDField ¶
type PegSecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegSecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewPegSecurityID ¶
func NewPegSecurityID(val string) PegSecurityIDField
NewPegSecurityID returns a new PegSecurityIDField initialized with val
func (PegSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f PegSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegSecurityID (1097)
func (PegSecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegSecurityIDField) Value() string
type PegSecurityIDSourceField ¶
type PegSecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegSecurityIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewPegSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewPegSecurityIDSource(val string) PegSecurityIDSourceField
NewPegSecurityIDSource returns a new PegSecurityIDSourceField initialized with val
func (PegSecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f PegSecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegSecurityIDSource (1096)
func (PegSecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegSecurityIDSourceField) Value() string
type PegSymbolField ¶
type PegSymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PegSymbolField is a STRING field
func NewPegSymbol ¶
func NewPegSymbol(val string) PegSymbolField
NewPegSymbol returns a new PegSymbolField initialized with val
func (PegSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f PegSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegSymbol (1098)
func (PegSymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PegSymbolField) Value() string
type PeggedPriceField ¶
type PeggedPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PeggedPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewPeggedPrice ¶
func NewPeggedPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PeggedPriceField
NewPeggedPrice returns a new PeggedPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (PeggedPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f PeggedPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PeggedPrice (839)
func (PeggedPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PeggedPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PeggedRefPriceField ¶
type PeggedRefPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PeggedRefPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewPeggedRefPrice ¶
func NewPeggedRefPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PeggedRefPriceField
NewPeggedRefPrice returns a new PeggedRefPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (PeggedRefPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f PeggedRefPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PeggedRefPrice (1095)
func (PeggedRefPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PeggedRefPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PoolField ¶
type PoolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PoolField is a STRING field
type PosAmtField ¶
type PosAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PosAmtField is a AMT field
func NewPosAmt ¶
func NewPosAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PosAmtField
NewPosAmt returns a new PosAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (PosAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PosAmtTypeField ¶
type PosAmtTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosAmtTypeField is a enum.PosAmtType field
func NewPosAmtType ¶
func NewPosAmtType(val enum.PosAmtType) PosAmtTypeField
func (PosAmtTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PosAmtTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosAmtType (707)
func (PosAmtTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosAmtTypeField) Value() enum.PosAmtType
type PosMaintActionField ¶
type PosMaintActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosMaintActionField is a enum.PosMaintAction field
func NewPosMaintAction ¶
func NewPosMaintAction(val enum.PosMaintAction) PosMaintActionField
func (PosMaintActionField) Tag ¶
func (f PosMaintActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosMaintAction (712)
func (PosMaintActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosMaintActionField) Value() enum.PosMaintAction
type PosMaintResultField ¶
type PosMaintResultField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosMaintResultField is a enum.PosMaintResult field
func NewPosMaintResult ¶
func NewPosMaintResult(val enum.PosMaintResult) PosMaintResultField
func (PosMaintResultField) Tag ¶
func (f PosMaintResultField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosMaintResult (723)
func (PosMaintResultField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosMaintResultField) Value() enum.PosMaintResult
type PosMaintRptIDField ¶
type PosMaintRptIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosMaintRptIDField is a STRING field
func NewPosMaintRptID ¶
func NewPosMaintRptID(val string) PosMaintRptIDField
NewPosMaintRptID returns a new PosMaintRptIDField initialized with val
func (PosMaintRptIDField) Tag ¶
func (f PosMaintRptIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosMaintRptID (721)
func (PosMaintRptIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosMaintRptIDField) Value() string
type PosMaintRptRefIDField ¶
type PosMaintRptRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosMaintRptRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewPosMaintRptRefID ¶
func NewPosMaintRptRefID(val string) PosMaintRptRefIDField
NewPosMaintRptRefID returns a new PosMaintRptRefIDField initialized with val
func (PosMaintRptRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f PosMaintRptRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosMaintRptRefID (714)
func (PosMaintRptRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosMaintRptRefIDField) Value() string
type PosMaintStatusField ¶
type PosMaintStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosMaintStatusField is a enum.PosMaintStatus field
func NewPosMaintStatus ¶
func NewPosMaintStatus(val enum.PosMaintStatus) PosMaintStatusField
func (PosMaintStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f PosMaintStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosMaintStatus (722)
func (PosMaintStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosMaintStatusField) Value() enum.PosMaintStatus
type PosQtyStatusField ¶
type PosQtyStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosQtyStatusField is a enum.PosQtyStatus field
func NewPosQtyStatus ¶
func NewPosQtyStatus(val enum.PosQtyStatus) PosQtyStatusField
func (PosQtyStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f PosQtyStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosQtyStatus (706)
func (PosQtyStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosQtyStatusField) Value() enum.PosQtyStatus
type PosReqIDField ¶
type PosReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewPosReqID ¶
func NewPosReqID(val string) PosReqIDField
NewPosReqID returns a new PosReqIDField initialized with val
func (PosReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosReqIDField) Value() string
type PosReqResultField ¶
type PosReqResultField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosReqResultField is a enum.PosReqResult field
func NewPosReqResult ¶
func NewPosReqResult(val enum.PosReqResult) PosReqResultField
func (PosReqResultField) Tag ¶
func (f PosReqResultField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosReqResult (728)
func (PosReqResultField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosReqResultField) Value() enum.PosReqResult
type PosReqStatusField ¶
type PosReqStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosReqStatusField is a enum.PosReqStatus field
func NewPosReqStatus ¶
func NewPosReqStatus(val enum.PosReqStatus) PosReqStatusField
func (PosReqStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f PosReqStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosReqStatus (729)
func (PosReqStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosReqStatusField) Value() enum.PosReqStatus
type PosReqTypeField ¶
type PosReqTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosReqTypeField is a enum.PosReqType field
func NewPosReqType ¶
func NewPosReqType(val enum.PosReqType) PosReqTypeField
func (PosReqTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PosReqTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosReqType (724)
func (PosReqTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosReqTypeField) Value() enum.PosReqType
type PosTransTypeField ¶
type PosTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosTransTypeField is a enum.PosTransType field
func NewPosTransType ¶
func NewPosTransType(val enum.PosTransType) PosTransTypeField
func (PosTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PosTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PosTransType (709)
func (PosTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosTransTypeField) Value() enum.PosTransType
type PosTypeField ¶
type PosTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PosTypeField is a enum.PosType field
func NewPosType ¶
func NewPosType(val enum.PosType) PosTypeField
func (PosTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PosTypeField) Value() enum.PosType
type PositionCurrencyField ¶
type PositionCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PositionCurrencyField is a STRING field
func NewPositionCurrency ¶
func NewPositionCurrency(val string) PositionCurrencyField
NewPositionCurrency returns a new PositionCurrencyField initialized with val
func (PositionCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f PositionCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PositionCurrency (1055)
func (PositionCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PositionCurrencyField) Value() string
type PositionEffectField ¶
type PositionEffectField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PositionEffectField is a enum.PositionEffect field
func NewPositionEffect ¶
func NewPositionEffect(val enum.PositionEffect) PositionEffectField
func (PositionEffectField) Tag ¶
func (f PositionEffectField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PositionEffect (77)
func (PositionEffectField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PositionEffectField) Value() enum.PositionEffect
type PositionLimitField ¶
type PositionLimitField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
PositionLimitField is a INT field
func NewPositionLimit ¶
func NewPositionLimit(val int) PositionLimitField
NewPositionLimit returns a new PositionLimitField initialized with val
func (PositionLimitField) Tag ¶
func (f PositionLimitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PositionLimit (970)
func (PositionLimitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PositionLimitField) Value() int
type PossDupFlagField ¶
type PossDupFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
PossDupFlagField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewPossDupFlag ¶
func NewPossDupFlag(val bool) PossDupFlagField
NewPossDupFlag returns a new PossDupFlagField initialized with val
func (PossDupFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f PossDupFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PossDupFlag (43)
func (PossDupFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PossDupFlagField) Value() bool
type PossResendField ¶
type PossResendField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
PossResendField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewPossResend ¶
func NewPossResend(val bool) PossResendField
NewPossResend returns a new PossResendField initialized with val
func (PossResendField) Tag ¶
func (f PossResendField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PossResend (97)
func (PossResendField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PossResendField) Value() bool
type PreTradeAnonymityField ¶
type PreTradeAnonymityField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
PreTradeAnonymityField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewPreTradeAnonymity ¶
func NewPreTradeAnonymity(val bool) PreTradeAnonymityField
NewPreTradeAnonymity returns a new PreTradeAnonymityField initialized with val
func (PreTradeAnonymityField) Tag ¶
func (f PreTradeAnonymityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PreTradeAnonymity (1091)
func (PreTradeAnonymityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PreTradeAnonymityField) Value() bool
type PreallocMethodField ¶
type PreallocMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PreallocMethodField is a enum.PreallocMethod field
func NewPreallocMethod ¶
func NewPreallocMethod(val enum.PreallocMethod) PreallocMethodField
func (PreallocMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f PreallocMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PreallocMethod (591)
func (PreallocMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PreallocMethodField) Value() enum.PreallocMethod
type PrevClosePxField ¶
type PrevClosePxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PrevClosePxField is a PRICE field
func NewPrevClosePx ¶
func NewPrevClosePx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PrevClosePxField
NewPrevClosePx returns a new PrevClosePxField initialized with val and scale
func (PrevClosePxField) Tag ¶
func (f PrevClosePxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PrevClosePx (140)
func (PrevClosePxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PrevClosePxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PreviouslyReportedField ¶
type PreviouslyReportedField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
PreviouslyReportedField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewPreviouslyReported ¶
func NewPreviouslyReported(val bool) PreviouslyReportedField
NewPreviouslyReported returns a new PreviouslyReportedField initialized with val
func (PreviouslyReportedField) Tag ¶
func (f PreviouslyReportedField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PreviouslyReported (570)
func (PreviouslyReportedField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PreviouslyReportedField) Value() bool
type Price2Field ¶
type Price2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
Price2Field is a PRICE field
func NewPrice2 ¶
func NewPrice2(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) Price2Field
NewPrice2 returns a new Price2Field initialized with val and scale
func (Price2Field) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Price2Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PriceDeltaField ¶
type PriceDeltaField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PriceDeltaField is a FLOAT field
func NewPriceDelta ¶
func NewPriceDelta(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PriceDeltaField
NewPriceDelta returns a new PriceDeltaField initialized with val and scale
func (PriceDeltaField) Tag ¶
func (f PriceDeltaField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriceDelta (811)
func (PriceDeltaField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriceDeltaField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PriceField ¶
type PriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PriceField is a PRICE field
func NewPrice ¶
func NewPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PriceField
NewPrice returns a new PriceField initialized with val and scale
func (PriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PriceImprovementField ¶
type PriceImprovementField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PriceImprovementField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewPriceImprovement ¶
func NewPriceImprovement(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PriceImprovementField
NewPriceImprovement returns a new PriceImprovementField initialized with val and scale
func (PriceImprovementField) Tag ¶
func (f PriceImprovementField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriceImprovement (639)
func (PriceImprovementField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriceImprovementField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PriceLimitTypeField ¶
type PriceLimitTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PriceLimitTypeField is a enum.PriceLimitType field
func NewPriceLimitType ¶
func NewPriceLimitType(val enum.PriceLimitType) PriceLimitTypeField
func (PriceLimitTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PriceLimitTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriceLimitType (1306)
func (PriceLimitTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriceLimitTypeField) Value() enum.PriceLimitType
type PriceProtectionScopeField ¶
type PriceProtectionScopeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PriceProtectionScopeField is a enum.PriceProtectionScope field
func NewPriceProtectionScope ¶
func NewPriceProtectionScope(val enum.PriceProtectionScope) PriceProtectionScopeField
func (PriceProtectionScopeField) Tag ¶
func (f PriceProtectionScopeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriceProtectionScope (1092)
func (PriceProtectionScopeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriceProtectionScopeField) Value() enum.PriceProtectionScope
type PriceQuoteMethodField ¶
type PriceQuoteMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PriceQuoteMethodField is a enum.PriceQuoteMethod field
func NewPriceQuoteMethod ¶
func NewPriceQuoteMethod(val enum.PriceQuoteMethod) PriceQuoteMethodField
func (PriceQuoteMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f PriceQuoteMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriceQuoteMethod (1196)
func (PriceQuoteMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriceQuoteMethodField) Value() enum.PriceQuoteMethod
type PriceTypeField ¶
type PriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PriceTypeField is a enum.PriceType field
func NewPriceType ¶
func NewPriceType(val enum.PriceType) PriceTypeField
func (PriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriceType (423)
func (PriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriceTypeField) Value() enum.PriceType
type PriceUnitOfMeasureField ¶
type PriceUnitOfMeasureField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PriceUnitOfMeasureField is a STRING field
func NewPriceUnitOfMeasure ¶
func NewPriceUnitOfMeasure(val string) PriceUnitOfMeasureField
NewPriceUnitOfMeasure returns a new PriceUnitOfMeasureField initialized with val
func (PriceUnitOfMeasureField) Tag ¶
func (f PriceUnitOfMeasureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriceUnitOfMeasure (1191)
func (PriceUnitOfMeasureField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriceUnitOfMeasureField) Value() string
type PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField ¶
type PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField is a QTY field
func NewPriceUnitOfMeasureQty ¶
func NewPriceUnitOfMeasureQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField
NewPriceUnitOfMeasureQty returns a new PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriceUnitOfMeasureQty (1192)
func (PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PriorSettlPriceField ¶
type PriorSettlPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PriorSettlPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewPriorSettlPrice ¶
func NewPriorSettlPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PriorSettlPriceField
NewPriorSettlPrice returns a new PriorSettlPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (PriorSettlPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f PriorSettlPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriorSettlPrice (734)
func (PriorSettlPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriorSettlPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PriorSpreadIndicatorField ¶
type PriorSpreadIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
PriorSpreadIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewPriorSpreadIndicator ¶
func NewPriorSpreadIndicator(val bool) PriorSpreadIndicatorField
NewPriorSpreadIndicator returns a new PriorSpreadIndicatorField initialized with val
func (PriorSpreadIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f PriorSpreadIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriorSpreadIndicator (720)
func (PriorSpreadIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriorSpreadIndicatorField) Value() bool
type PriorityIndicatorField ¶
type PriorityIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PriorityIndicatorField is a enum.PriorityIndicator field
func NewPriorityIndicator ¶
func NewPriorityIndicator(val enum.PriorityIndicator) PriorityIndicatorField
func (PriorityIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f PriorityIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriorityIndicator (638)
func (PriorityIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PriorityIndicatorField) Value() enum.PriorityIndicator
type PrivateQuoteField ¶
type PrivateQuoteField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
PrivateQuoteField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewPrivateQuote ¶
func NewPrivateQuote(val bool) PrivateQuoteField
NewPrivateQuote returns a new PrivateQuoteField initialized with val
func (PrivateQuoteField) Tag ¶
func (f PrivateQuoteField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PrivateQuote (1171)
func (PrivateQuoteField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PrivateQuoteField) Value() bool
type ProcessCodeField ¶
type ProcessCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ProcessCodeField is a enum.ProcessCode field
func NewProcessCode ¶
func NewProcessCode(val enum.ProcessCode) ProcessCodeField
func (ProcessCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f ProcessCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ProcessCode (81)
func (ProcessCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ProcessCodeField) Value() enum.ProcessCode
type ProductComplexField ¶
type ProductComplexField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ProductComplexField is a STRING field
func NewProductComplex ¶
func NewProductComplex(val string) ProductComplexField
NewProductComplex returns a new ProductComplexField initialized with val
func (ProductComplexField) Tag ¶
func (f ProductComplexField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ProductComplex (1227)
func (ProductComplexField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ProductComplexField) Value() string
type ProductField ¶
type ProductField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ProductField is a enum.Product field
func NewProduct ¶
func NewProduct(val enum.Product) ProductField
func (ProductField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ProductField) Value() enum.Product
type ProgPeriodIntervalField ¶
type ProgPeriodIntervalField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
ProgPeriodIntervalField is a INT field
func NewProgPeriodInterval ¶
func NewProgPeriodInterval(val int) ProgPeriodIntervalField
NewProgPeriodInterval returns a new ProgPeriodIntervalField initialized with val
func (ProgPeriodIntervalField) Tag ¶
func (f ProgPeriodIntervalField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ProgPeriodInterval (415)
func (ProgPeriodIntervalField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ProgPeriodIntervalField) Value() int
type ProgRptReqsField ¶
type ProgRptReqsField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ProgRptReqsField is a enum.ProgRptReqs field
func NewProgRptReqs ¶
func NewProgRptReqs(val enum.ProgRptReqs) ProgRptReqsField
func (ProgRptReqsField) Tag ¶
func (f ProgRptReqsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ProgRptReqs (414)
func (ProgRptReqsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ProgRptReqsField) Value() enum.ProgRptReqs
type PublishTrdIndicatorField ¶
type PublishTrdIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
PublishTrdIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewPublishTrdIndicator ¶
func NewPublishTrdIndicator(val bool) PublishTrdIndicatorField
NewPublishTrdIndicator returns a new PublishTrdIndicatorField initialized with val
func (PublishTrdIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f PublishTrdIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PublishTrdIndicator (852)
func (PublishTrdIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PublishTrdIndicatorField) Value() bool
type PutOrCallField ¶
type PutOrCallField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
PutOrCallField is a enum.PutOrCall field
func NewPutOrCall ¶
func NewPutOrCall(val enum.PutOrCall) PutOrCallField
func (PutOrCallField) Tag ¶
func (f PutOrCallField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PutOrCall (201)
func (PutOrCallField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f PutOrCallField) Value() enum.PutOrCall
type QtyTypeField ¶
type QtyTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QtyTypeField is a enum.QtyType field
func NewQtyType ¶
func NewQtyType(val enum.QtyType) QtyTypeField
func (QtyTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QtyTypeField) Value() enum.QtyType
type QuantityDateField ¶
type QuantityDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuantityDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewQuantityDate ¶
func NewQuantityDate(val string) QuantityDateField
NewQuantityDate returns a new QuantityDateField initialized with val
func (QuantityDateField) Tag ¶
func (f QuantityDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuantityDate (976)
func (QuantityDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuantityDateField) Value() string
type QuantityField ¶
type QuantityField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
QuantityField is a QTY field
func NewQuantity ¶
func NewQuantity(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) QuantityField
NewQuantity returns a new QuantityField initialized with val and scale
func (QuantityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuantityField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type QuantityTypeField ¶
type QuantityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuantityTypeField is a enum.QuantityType field
func NewQuantityType ¶
func NewQuantityType(val enum.QuantityType) QuantityTypeField
func (QuantityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuantityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuantityType (465)
func (QuantityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuantityTypeField) Value() enum.QuantityType
type QuoteAckStatusField ¶
type QuoteAckStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteAckStatusField is a enum.QuoteAckStatus field
func NewQuoteAckStatus ¶
func NewQuoteAckStatus(val enum.QuoteAckStatus) QuoteAckStatusField
func (QuoteAckStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteAckStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteAckStatus (297)
func (QuoteAckStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteAckStatusField) Value() enum.QuoteAckStatus
type QuoteCancelTypeField ¶
type QuoteCancelTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteCancelTypeField is a enum.QuoteCancelType field
func NewQuoteCancelType ¶
func NewQuoteCancelType(val enum.QuoteCancelType) QuoteCancelTypeField
func (QuoteCancelTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteCancelTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteCancelType (298)
func (QuoteCancelTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteCancelTypeField) Value() enum.QuoteCancelType
type QuoteConditionField ¶
type QuoteConditionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteConditionField is a enum.QuoteCondition field
func NewQuoteCondition ¶
func NewQuoteCondition(val enum.QuoteCondition) QuoteConditionField
func (QuoteConditionField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteConditionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteCondition (276)
func (QuoteConditionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteConditionField) Value() enum.QuoteCondition
type QuoteEntryIDField ¶
type QuoteEntryIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteEntryIDField is a STRING field
func NewQuoteEntryID ¶
func NewQuoteEntryID(val string) QuoteEntryIDField
NewQuoteEntryID returns a new QuoteEntryIDField initialized with val
func (QuoteEntryIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteEntryIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteEntryID (299)
func (QuoteEntryIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteEntryIDField) Value() string
type QuoteEntryRejectReasonField ¶
type QuoteEntryRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteEntryRejectReasonField is a enum.QuoteEntryRejectReason field
func NewQuoteEntryRejectReason ¶
func NewQuoteEntryRejectReason(val enum.QuoteEntryRejectReason) QuoteEntryRejectReasonField
func (QuoteEntryRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteEntryRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteEntryRejectReason (368)
func (QuoteEntryRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteEntryRejectReasonField) Value() enum.QuoteEntryRejectReason
type QuoteEntryStatusField ¶
type QuoteEntryStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteEntryStatusField is a enum.QuoteEntryStatus field
func NewQuoteEntryStatus ¶
func NewQuoteEntryStatus(val enum.QuoteEntryStatus) QuoteEntryStatusField
func (QuoteEntryStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteEntryStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteEntryStatus (1167)
func (QuoteEntryStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteEntryStatusField) Value() enum.QuoteEntryStatus
type QuoteIDField ¶
type QuoteIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteIDField is a STRING field
func NewQuoteID ¶
func NewQuoteID(val string) QuoteIDField
NewQuoteID returns a new QuoteIDField initialized with val
func (QuoteIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteIDField) Value() string
type QuoteMsgIDField ¶
type QuoteMsgIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteMsgIDField is a STRING field
func NewQuoteMsgID ¶
func NewQuoteMsgID(val string) QuoteMsgIDField
NewQuoteMsgID returns a new QuoteMsgIDField initialized with val
func (QuoteMsgIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteMsgIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteMsgID (1166)
func (QuoteMsgIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteMsgIDField) Value() string
type QuotePriceTypeField ¶
type QuotePriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuotePriceTypeField is a enum.QuotePriceType field
func NewQuotePriceType ¶
func NewQuotePriceType(val enum.QuotePriceType) QuotePriceTypeField
func (QuotePriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuotePriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuotePriceType (692)
func (QuotePriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuotePriceTypeField) Value() enum.QuotePriceType
type QuoteQualifierField ¶
type QuoteQualifierField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteQualifierField is a CHAR field
func NewQuoteQualifier ¶
func NewQuoteQualifier(val string) QuoteQualifierField
NewQuoteQualifier returns a new QuoteQualifierField initialized with val
func (QuoteQualifierField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteQualifierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteQualifier (695)
func (QuoteQualifierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteQualifierField) Value() string
type QuoteRejectReasonField ¶
type QuoteRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteRejectReasonField is a enum.QuoteRejectReason field
func NewQuoteRejectReason ¶
func NewQuoteRejectReason(val enum.QuoteRejectReason) QuoteRejectReasonField
func (QuoteRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRejectReason (300)
func (QuoteRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteRejectReasonField) Value() enum.QuoteRejectReason
type QuoteReqIDField ¶
type QuoteReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewQuoteReqID ¶
func NewQuoteReqID(val string) QuoteReqIDField
NewQuoteReqID returns a new QuoteReqIDField initialized with val
func (QuoteReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteReqID (131)
func (QuoteReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteReqIDField) Value() string
type QuoteRequestRejectReasonField ¶
type QuoteRequestRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteRequestRejectReasonField is a enum.QuoteRequestRejectReason field
func NewQuoteRequestRejectReason ¶
func NewQuoteRequestRejectReason(val enum.QuoteRequestRejectReason) QuoteRequestRejectReasonField
func (QuoteRequestRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRequestRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRequestRejectReason (658)
func (QuoteRequestRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteRequestRejectReasonField) Value() enum.QuoteRequestRejectReason
type QuoteRequestTypeField ¶
type QuoteRequestTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteRequestTypeField is a enum.QuoteRequestType field
func NewQuoteRequestType ¶
func NewQuoteRequestType(val enum.QuoteRequestType) QuoteRequestTypeField
func (QuoteRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRequestType (303)
func (QuoteRequestTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteRequestTypeField) Value() enum.QuoteRequestType
type QuoteRespIDField ¶
type QuoteRespIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteRespIDField is a STRING field
func NewQuoteRespID ¶
func NewQuoteRespID(val string) QuoteRespIDField
NewQuoteRespID returns a new QuoteRespIDField initialized with val
func (QuoteRespIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRespIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRespID (693)
func (QuoteRespIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteRespIDField) Value() string
type QuoteRespTypeField ¶
type QuoteRespTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteRespTypeField is a enum.QuoteRespType field
func NewQuoteRespType ¶
func NewQuoteRespType(val enum.QuoteRespType) QuoteRespTypeField
func (QuoteRespTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRespTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRespType (694)
func (QuoteRespTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteRespTypeField) Value() enum.QuoteRespType
type QuoteResponseLevelField ¶
type QuoteResponseLevelField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteResponseLevelField is a enum.QuoteResponseLevel field
func NewQuoteResponseLevel ¶
func NewQuoteResponseLevel(val enum.QuoteResponseLevel) QuoteResponseLevelField
func (QuoteResponseLevelField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteResponseLevelField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteResponseLevel (301)
func (QuoteResponseLevelField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteResponseLevelField) Value() enum.QuoteResponseLevel
type QuoteSetIDField ¶
type QuoteSetIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteSetIDField is a STRING field
func NewQuoteSetID ¶
func NewQuoteSetID(val string) QuoteSetIDField
NewQuoteSetID returns a new QuoteSetIDField initialized with val
func (QuoteSetIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteSetIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteSetID (302)
func (QuoteSetIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteSetIDField) Value() string
type QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField ¶
type QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTime(val time.Time) QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField
NewQuoteSetValidUntilTime returns a new QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField initialized with val
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField
NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeNoMillis returns a new QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField
NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeWithPrecision returns a new QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteSetValidUntilTime (367)
func (QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField) Value() time.Time
type QuoteStatusField ¶
type QuoteStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteStatusField is a enum.QuoteStatus field
func NewQuoteStatus ¶
func NewQuoteStatus(val enum.QuoteStatus) QuoteStatusField
func (QuoteStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteStatus (297)
func (QuoteStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteStatusField) Value() enum.QuoteStatus
type QuoteStatusReqIDField ¶
type QuoteStatusReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteStatusReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewQuoteStatusReqID ¶
func NewQuoteStatusReqID(val string) QuoteStatusReqIDField
NewQuoteStatusReqID returns a new QuoteStatusReqIDField initialized with val
func (QuoteStatusReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteStatusReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteStatusReqID (649)
func (QuoteStatusReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteStatusReqIDField) Value() string
type QuoteTypeField ¶
type QuoteTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
QuoteTypeField is a enum.QuoteType field
func NewQuoteType ¶
func NewQuoteType(val enum.QuoteType) QuoteTypeField
func (QuoteTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteType (537)
func (QuoteTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f QuoteTypeField) Value() enum.QuoteType
type RFQReqIDField ¶
type RFQReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RFQReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewRFQReqID ¶
func NewRFQReqID(val string) RFQReqIDField
NewRFQReqID returns a new RFQReqIDField initialized with val
func (RFQReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RFQReqIDField) Value() string
type RateSourceField ¶
type RateSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RateSourceField is a enum.RateSource field
func NewRateSource ¶
func NewRateSource(val enum.RateSource) RateSourceField
func (RateSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RateSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RateSource (1446)
func (RateSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RateSourceField) Value() enum.RateSource
type RateSourceTypeField ¶
type RateSourceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RateSourceTypeField is a enum.RateSourceType field
func NewRateSourceType ¶
func NewRateSourceType(val enum.RateSourceType) RateSourceTypeField
func (RateSourceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RateSourceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RateSourceType (1447)
func (RateSourceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RateSourceTypeField) Value() enum.RateSourceType
type RatioQtyField ¶
type RatioQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RatioQtyField is a QTY field
func NewRatioQty ¶
func NewRatioQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RatioQtyField
NewRatioQty returns a new RatioQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (RatioQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RatioQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RawDataField ¶
type RawDataField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RawDataField is a DATA field
func NewRawData ¶
func NewRawData(val string) RawDataField
NewRawData returns a new RawDataField initialized with val
func (RawDataField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RawDataField) Value() string
type RawDataLengthField ¶
type RawDataLengthField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RawDataLengthField is a LENGTH field
func NewRawDataLength ¶
func NewRawDataLength(val int) RawDataLengthField
NewRawDataLength returns a new RawDataLengthField initialized with val
func (RawDataLengthField) Tag ¶
func (f RawDataLengthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RawDataLength (95)
func (RawDataLengthField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RawDataLengthField) Value() int
type ReceivedDeptIDField ¶
type ReceivedDeptIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ReceivedDeptIDField is a STRING field
func NewReceivedDeptID ¶
func NewReceivedDeptID(val string) ReceivedDeptIDField
NewReceivedDeptID returns a new ReceivedDeptIDField initialized with val
func (ReceivedDeptIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ReceivedDeptIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ReceivedDeptID (1030)
func (ReceivedDeptIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ReceivedDeptIDField) Value() string
type RedemptionDateField ¶
type RedemptionDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RedemptionDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewRedemptionDate ¶
func NewRedemptionDate(val string) RedemptionDateField
NewRedemptionDate returns a new RedemptionDateField initialized with val
func (RedemptionDateField) Tag ¶
func (f RedemptionDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RedemptionDate (240)
func (RedemptionDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RedemptionDateField) Value() string
type RefAllocIDField ¶
type RefAllocIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefAllocIDField is a STRING field
func NewRefAllocID ¶
func NewRefAllocID(val string) RefAllocIDField
NewRefAllocID returns a new RefAllocIDField initialized with val
func (RefAllocIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefAllocIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefAllocID (72)
func (RefAllocIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefAllocIDField) Value() string
type RefApplExtIDField ¶
type RefApplExtIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RefApplExtIDField is a INT field
func NewRefApplExtID ¶
func NewRefApplExtID(val int) RefApplExtIDField
NewRefApplExtID returns a new RefApplExtIDField initialized with val
func (RefApplExtIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefApplExtIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefApplExtID (1406)
func (RefApplExtIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefApplExtIDField) Value() int
type RefApplIDField ¶
type RefApplIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefApplIDField is a STRING field
func NewRefApplID ¶
func NewRefApplID(val string) RefApplIDField
NewRefApplID returns a new RefApplIDField initialized with val
func (RefApplIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefApplIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefApplID (1355)
func (RefApplIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefApplIDField) Value() string
type RefApplLastSeqNumField ¶
type RefApplLastSeqNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RefApplLastSeqNumField is a SEQNUM field
func NewRefApplLastSeqNum ¶
func NewRefApplLastSeqNum(val int) RefApplLastSeqNumField
NewRefApplLastSeqNum returns a new RefApplLastSeqNumField initialized with val
func (RefApplLastSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f RefApplLastSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefApplLastSeqNum (1357)
func (RefApplLastSeqNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefApplLastSeqNumField) Value() int
type RefApplReqIDField ¶
type RefApplReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefApplReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewRefApplReqID ¶
func NewRefApplReqID(val string) RefApplReqIDField
NewRefApplReqID returns a new RefApplReqIDField initialized with val
func (RefApplReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefApplReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefApplReqID (1433)
func (RefApplReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefApplReqIDField) Value() string
type RefApplVerIDField ¶
type RefApplVerIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefApplVerIDField is a STRING field
func NewRefApplVerID ¶
func NewRefApplVerID(val string) RefApplVerIDField
NewRefApplVerID returns a new RefApplVerIDField initialized with val
func (RefApplVerIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefApplVerIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefApplVerID (1130)
func (RefApplVerIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefApplVerIDField) Value() string
type RefCompIDField ¶
type RefCompIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefCompIDField is a STRING field
func NewRefCompID ¶
func NewRefCompID(val string) RefCompIDField
NewRefCompID returns a new RefCompIDField initialized with val
func (RefCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefCompID (930)
func (RefCompIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefCompIDField) Value() string
type RefCstmApplVerIDField ¶
type RefCstmApplVerIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefCstmApplVerIDField is a STRING field
func NewRefCstmApplVerID ¶
func NewRefCstmApplVerID(val string) RefCstmApplVerIDField
NewRefCstmApplVerID returns a new RefCstmApplVerIDField initialized with val
func (RefCstmApplVerIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefCstmApplVerIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefCstmApplVerID (1131)
func (RefCstmApplVerIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefCstmApplVerIDField) Value() string
type RefMsgTypeField ¶
type RefMsgTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefMsgTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRefMsgType ¶
func NewRefMsgType(val string) RefMsgTypeField
NewRefMsgType returns a new RefMsgTypeField initialized with val
func (RefMsgTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RefMsgTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefMsgType (372)
func (RefMsgTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefMsgTypeField) Value() string
type RefOrdIDReasonField ¶
type RefOrdIDReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefOrdIDReasonField is a enum.RefOrdIDReason field
func NewRefOrdIDReason ¶
func NewRefOrdIDReason(val enum.RefOrdIDReason) RefOrdIDReasonField
func (RefOrdIDReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f RefOrdIDReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefOrdIDReason (1431)
func (RefOrdIDReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefOrdIDReasonField) Value() enum.RefOrdIDReason
type RefOrderIDField ¶
type RefOrderIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefOrderIDField is a STRING field
func NewRefOrderID ¶
func NewRefOrderID(val string) RefOrderIDField
NewRefOrderID returns a new RefOrderIDField initialized with val
func (RefOrderIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefOrderIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefOrderID (1080)
func (RefOrderIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefOrderIDField) Value() string
type RefOrderIDSourceField ¶
type RefOrderIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefOrderIDSourceField is a enum.RefOrderIDSource field
func NewRefOrderIDSource ¶
func NewRefOrderIDSource(val enum.RefOrderIDSource) RefOrderIDSourceField
func (RefOrderIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RefOrderIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefOrderIDSource (1081)
func (RefOrderIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefOrderIDSourceField) Value() enum.RefOrderIDSource
type RefSeqNumField ¶
type RefSeqNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RefSeqNumField is a SEQNUM field
func NewRefSeqNum ¶
func NewRefSeqNum(val int) RefSeqNumField
NewRefSeqNum returns a new RefSeqNumField initialized with val
func (RefSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f RefSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefSeqNum (45)
func (RefSeqNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefSeqNumField) Value() int
type RefSubIDField ¶
type RefSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RefSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewRefSubID ¶
func NewRefSubID(val string) RefSubIDField
NewRefSubID returns a new RefSubIDField initialized with val
func (RefSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefSubIDField) Value() string
type RefTagIDField ¶
type RefTagIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RefTagIDField is a INT field
func NewRefTagID ¶
func NewRefTagID(val int) RefTagIDField
NewRefTagID returns a new RefTagIDField initialized with val
func (RefTagIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefTagIDField) Value() int
type ReferencePageField ¶
type ReferencePageField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ReferencePageField is a STRING field
func NewReferencePage ¶
func NewReferencePage(val string) ReferencePageField
NewReferencePage returns a new ReferencePageField initialized with val
func (ReferencePageField) Tag ¶
func (f ReferencePageField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ReferencePage (1448)
func (ReferencePageField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ReferencePageField) Value() string
type RefreshIndicatorField ¶
type RefreshIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
RefreshIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewRefreshIndicator ¶
func NewRefreshIndicator(val bool) RefreshIndicatorField
NewRefreshIndicator returns a new RefreshIndicatorField initialized with val
func (RefreshIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f RefreshIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefreshIndicator (1187)
func (RefreshIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefreshIndicatorField) Value() bool
type RefreshQtyField ¶
type RefreshQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RefreshQtyField is a QTY field
func NewRefreshQty ¶
func NewRefreshQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RefreshQtyField
NewRefreshQty returns a new RefreshQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (RefreshQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f RefreshQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefreshQty (1088)
func (RefreshQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RefreshQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RegistAcctTypeField ¶
type RegistAcctTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistAcctTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRegistAcctType ¶
func NewRegistAcctType(val string) RegistAcctTypeField
NewRegistAcctType returns a new RegistAcctTypeField initialized with val
func (RegistAcctTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RegistAcctTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RegistAcctType (493)
func (RegistAcctTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistAcctTypeField) Value() string
type RegistDetlsField ¶
type RegistDetlsField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistDetlsField is a STRING field
func NewRegistDetls ¶
func NewRegistDetls(val string) RegistDetlsField
NewRegistDetls returns a new RegistDetlsField initialized with val
func (RegistDetlsField) Tag ¶
func (f RegistDetlsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RegistDetls (509)
func (RegistDetlsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistDetlsField) Value() string
type RegistDtlsField ¶
type RegistDtlsField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistDtlsField is a STRING field
func NewRegistDtls ¶
func NewRegistDtls(val string) RegistDtlsField
NewRegistDtls returns a new RegistDtlsField initialized with val
func (RegistDtlsField) Tag ¶
func (f RegistDtlsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RegistDtls (509)
func (RegistDtlsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistDtlsField) Value() string
type RegistEmailField ¶
type RegistEmailField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistEmailField is a STRING field
func NewRegistEmail ¶
func NewRegistEmail(val string) RegistEmailField
NewRegistEmail returns a new RegistEmailField initialized with val
func (RegistEmailField) Tag ¶
func (f RegistEmailField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RegistEmail (511)
func (RegistEmailField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistEmailField) Value() string
type RegistIDField ¶
type RegistIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistIDField is a STRING field
func NewRegistID ¶
func NewRegistID(val string) RegistIDField
NewRegistID returns a new RegistIDField initialized with val
func (RegistIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistIDField) Value() string
type RegistRefIDField ¶
type RegistRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewRegistRefID ¶
func NewRegistRefID(val string) RegistRefIDField
NewRegistRefID returns a new RegistRefIDField initialized with val
func (RegistRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RegistRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RegistRefID (508)
func (RegistRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistRefIDField) Value() string
type RegistRejReasonCodeField ¶
type RegistRejReasonCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistRejReasonCodeField is a enum.RegistRejReasonCode field
func NewRegistRejReasonCode ¶
func NewRegistRejReasonCode(val enum.RegistRejReasonCode) RegistRejReasonCodeField
func (RegistRejReasonCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f RegistRejReasonCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RegistRejReasonCode (507)
func (RegistRejReasonCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistRejReasonCodeField) Value() enum.RegistRejReasonCode
type RegistRejReasonTextField ¶
type RegistRejReasonTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistRejReasonTextField is a STRING field
func NewRegistRejReasonText ¶
func NewRegistRejReasonText(val string) RegistRejReasonTextField
NewRegistRejReasonText returns a new RegistRejReasonTextField initialized with val
func (RegistRejReasonTextField) Tag ¶
func (f RegistRejReasonTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RegistRejReasonText (496)
func (RegistRejReasonTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistRejReasonTextField) Value() string
type RegistStatusField ¶
type RegistStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistStatusField is a enum.RegistStatus field
func NewRegistStatus ¶
func NewRegistStatus(val enum.RegistStatus) RegistStatusField
func (RegistStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f RegistStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RegistStatus (506)
func (RegistStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistStatusField) Value() enum.RegistStatus
type RegistTransTypeField ¶
type RegistTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RegistTransTypeField is a enum.RegistTransType field
func NewRegistTransType ¶
func NewRegistTransType(val enum.RegistTransType) RegistTransTypeField
func (RegistTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RegistTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RegistTransType (514)
func (RegistTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RegistTransTypeField) Value() enum.RegistTransType
type RejectTextField ¶
type RejectTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RejectTextField is a STRING field
func NewRejectText ¶
func NewRejectText(val string) RejectTextField
NewRejectText returns a new RejectTextField initialized with val
func (RejectTextField) Tag ¶
func (f RejectTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RejectText (1328)
func (RejectTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RejectTextField) Value() string
type RelSymTransactTimeField ¶
type RelSymTransactTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
RelSymTransactTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewRelSymTransactTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewRelSymTransactTime(val time.Time) RelSymTransactTimeField
NewRelSymTransactTime returns a new RelSymTransactTimeField initialized with val
func NewRelSymTransactTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewRelSymTransactTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) RelSymTransactTimeField
NewRelSymTransactTimeNoMillis returns a new RelSymTransactTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewRelSymTransactTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewRelSymTransactTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) RelSymTransactTimeField
NewRelSymTransactTimeWithPrecision returns a new RelSymTransactTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (RelSymTransactTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelSymTransactTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelSymTransactTime (1504)
func (RelSymTransactTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelSymTransactTimeField) Value() time.Time
type RelatdSymField ¶
type RelatdSymField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatdSymField is a STRING field
func NewRelatdSym ¶
func NewRelatdSym(val string) RelatdSymField
NewRelatdSym returns a new RelatdSymField initialized with val
func (RelatdSymField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatdSymField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatdSym (46)
func (RelatdSymField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatdSymField) Value() string
type RelatedContextPartyIDField ¶
type RelatedContextPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatedContextPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewRelatedContextPartyID ¶
func NewRelatedContextPartyID(val string) RelatedContextPartyIDField
NewRelatedContextPartyID returns a new RelatedContextPartyIDField initialized with val
func (RelatedContextPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedContextPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedContextPartyID (1576)
func (RelatedContextPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedContextPartyIDField) Value() string
type RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField ¶
type RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewRelatedContextPartyIDSource ¶
func NewRelatedContextPartyIDSource(val string) RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField
NewRelatedContextPartyIDSource returns a new RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedContextPartyIDSource (1577)
func (RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedContextPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type RelatedContextPartyRoleField ¶
type RelatedContextPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelatedContextPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewRelatedContextPartyRole ¶
func NewRelatedContextPartyRole(val int) RelatedContextPartyRoleField
NewRelatedContextPartyRole returns a new RelatedContextPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (RelatedContextPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedContextPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedContextPartyRole (1578)
func (RelatedContextPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedContextPartyRoleField) Value() int
type RelatedContextPartySubIDField ¶
type RelatedContextPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatedContextPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewRelatedContextPartySubID ¶
func NewRelatedContextPartySubID(val string) RelatedContextPartySubIDField
NewRelatedContextPartySubID returns a new RelatedContextPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (RelatedContextPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedContextPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedContextPartySubID (1580)
func (RelatedContextPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedContextPartySubIDField) Value() string
type RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewRelatedContextPartySubIDType ¶
func NewRelatedContextPartySubIDType(val int) RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField
NewRelatedContextPartySubIDType returns a new RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedContextPartySubIDType (1581)
func (RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedContextPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type RelatedPartyAltIDField ¶
type RelatedPartyAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatedPartyAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewRelatedPartyAltID ¶
func NewRelatedPartyAltID(val string) RelatedPartyAltIDField
NewRelatedPartyAltID returns a new RelatedPartyAltIDField initialized with val
func (RelatedPartyAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedPartyAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedPartyAltID (1570)
func (RelatedPartyAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedPartyAltIDField) Value() string
type RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField ¶
type RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewRelatedPartyAltIDSource ¶
func NewRelatedPartyAltIDSource(val string) RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField
NewRelatedPartyAltIDSource returns a new RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField initialized with val
func (RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedPartyAltIDSource (1571)
func (RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedPartyAltIDSourceField) Value() string
type RelatedPartyAltSubIDField ¶
type RelatedPartyAltSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatedPartyAltSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewRelatedPartyAltSubID ¶
func NewRelatedPartyAltSubID(val string) RelatedPartyAltSubIDField
NewRelatedPartyAltSubID returns a new RelatedPartyAltSubIDField initialized with val
func (RelatedPartyAltSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedPartyAltSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedPartyAltSubID (1573)
func (RelatedPartyAltSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedPartyAltSubIDField) Value() string
type RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField ¶
type RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewRelatedPartyAltSubIDType ¶
func NewRelatedPartyAltSubIDType(val int) RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField
NewRelatedPartyAltSubIDType returns a new RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedPartyAltSubIDType (1574)
func (RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedPartyAltSubIDTypeField) Value() int
type RelatedPartyIDField ¶
type RelatedPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatedPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewRelatedPartyID ¶
func NewRelatedPartyID(val string) RelatedPartyIDField
NewRelatedPartyID returns a new RelatedPartyIDField initialized with val
func (RelatedPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedPartyID (1563)
func (RelatedPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedPartyIDField) Value() string
type RelatedPartyIDSourceField ¶
type RelatedPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatedPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewRelatedPartyIDSource ¶
func NewRelatedPartyIDSource(val string) RelatedPartyIDSourceField
NewRelatedPartyIDSource returns a new RelatedPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (RelatedPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedPartyIDSource (1564)
func (RelatedPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type RelatedPartyRoleField ¶
type RelatedPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelatedPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewRelatedPartyRole ¶
func NewRelatedPartyRole(val int) RelatedPartyRoleField
NewRelatedPartyRole returns a new RelatedPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (RelatedPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedPartyRole (1565)
func (RelatedPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedPartyRoleField) Value() int
type RelatedPartySubIDField ¶
type RelatedPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelatedPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewRelatedPartySubID ¶
func NewRelatedPartySubID(val string) RelatedPartySubIDField
NewRelatedPartySubID returns a new RelatedPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (RelatedPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedPartySubID (1567)
func (RelatedPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedPartySubIDField) Value() string
type RelatedPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type RelatedPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelatedPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewRelatedPartySubIDType ¶
func NewRelatedPartySubIDType(val int) RelatedPartySubIDTypeField
NewRelatedPartySubIDType returns a new RelatedPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (RelatedPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatedPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatedPartySubIDType (1568)
func (RelatedPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelatedPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type RelationshipRiskCFICodeField ¶
type RelationshipRiskCFICodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskCFICodeField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskCFICode ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskCFICode(val string) RelationshipRiskCFICodeField
NewRelationshipRiskCFICode returns a new RelationshipRiskCFICodeField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskCFICodeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskCFICodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskCFICode (1599)
func (RelationshipRiskCFICodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskCFICodeField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskCouponRateField ¶
type RelationshipRiskCouponRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RelationshipRiskCouponRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewRelationshipRiskCouponRate ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskCouponRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RelationshipRiskCouponRateField
NewRelationshipRiskCouponRate returns a new RelationshipRiskCouponRateField initialized with val and scale
func (RelationshipRiskCouponRateField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskCouponRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskCouponRate (1608)
func (RelationshipRiskCouponRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskCouponRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField ¶
type RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField is a DATA field
func NewRelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDesc(val string) RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField
NewRelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDesc returns a new RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDesc (1619)
func (RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField ¶
type RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewRelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLen(val int) RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField
NewRelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLen returns a new RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLen (1618)
func (RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value() int
type RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField ¶
type RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewRelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicator ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicator(val bool) RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField
NewRelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicator returns a new RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicator (1607)
func (RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicatorField) Value() bool
type RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField ¶
type RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField is a FLOAT field
func NewRelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplier ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField
NewRelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplier returns a new RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField initialized with val and scale
func (RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplier (1612)
func (RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField ¶
type RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField is a INT field
func NewRelationshipRiskInstrumentOperator ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskInstrumentOperator(val int) RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField
NewRelationshipRiskInstrumentOperator returns a new RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperator (1588)
func (RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperatorField) Value() int
type RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField ¶
type RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlType ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlType(val string) RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField
NewRelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlType returns a new RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlType (1611)
func (RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlTypeField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField ¶
type RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField is a AMT field
func NewRelationshipRiskLimitAmount ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskLimitAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField
NewRelationshipRiskLimitAmount returns a new RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskLimitAmount (1584)
func (RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskLimitAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField ¶
type RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewRelationshipRiskLimitCurrency ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskLimitCurrency(val string) RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField
NewRelationshipRiskLimitCurrency returns a new RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskLimitCurrency (1585)
func (RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskLimitCurrencyField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField ¶
type RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskLimitPlatform ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskLimitPlatform(val string) RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField
NewRelationshipRiskLimitPlatform returns a new RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskLimitPlatform (1586)
func (RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskLimitPlatformField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField ¶
type RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField is a INT field
func NewRelationshipRiskLimitType ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskLimitType(val int) RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField
NewRelationshipRiskLimitType returns a new RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskLimitType (1583)
func (RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskLimitTypeField) Value() int
type RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField ¶
type RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewRelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYear(val string) RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField
NewRelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYear returns a new RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYear (1602)
func (RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField ¶
type RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField is a TZTIMEONLY field
func NewRelationshipRiskMaturityTime ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskMaturityTime(val string) RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField
NewRelationshipRiskMaturityTime returns a new RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskMaturityTime (1603)
func (RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskMaturityTimeField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskProductComplexField ¶
type RelationshipRiskProductComplexField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskProductComplexField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskProductComplex ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskProductComplex(val string) RelationshipRiskProductComplexField
NewRelationshipRiskProductComplex returns a new RelationshipRiskProductComplexField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskProductComplexField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskProductComplexField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskProductComplex (1597)
func (RelationshipRiskProductComplexField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskProductComplexField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskProductField ¶
type RelationshipRiskProductField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelationshipRiskProductField is a INT field
func NewRelationshipRiskProduct ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskProduct(val int) RelationshipRiskProductField
NewRelationshipRiskProduct returns a new RelationshipRiskProductField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskProductField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskProductField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskProduct (1596)
func (RelationshipRiskProductField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskProductField) Value() int
type RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField ¶
type RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField is a INT field
func NewRelationshipRiskPutOrCall ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskPutOrCall(val int) RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField
NewRelationshipRiskPutOrCall returns a new RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskPutOrCall (1606)
func (RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskPutOrCallField) Value() int
type RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField ¶
type RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskRestructuringType ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskRestructuringType(val string) RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField
NewRelationshipRiskRestructuringType returns a new RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskRestructuringType (1604)
func (RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskRestructuringTypeField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityAltID ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityAltID(val string) RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField
NewRelationshipRiskSecurityAltID returns a new RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSecurityAltID (1594)
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSource(val string) RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField
NewRelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSource returns a new RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSource (1595)
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityDesc ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityDesc(val string) RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField
NewRelationshipRiskSecurityDesc returns a new RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSecurityDesc (1610)
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityDescField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField is a EXCHANGE field
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityExchange ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityExchange(val string) RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField
NewRelationshipRiskSecurityExchange returns a new RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSecurityExchange (1609)
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityExchangeField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityGroup ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityGroup(val string) RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField
NewRelationshipRiskSecurityGroup returns a new RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSecurityGroup (1598)
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityGroupField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityID ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityID(val string) RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField
NewRelationshipRiskSecurityID returns a new RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSecurityID (1591)
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityIDField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityIDSource(val string) RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField
NewRelationshipRiskSecurityIDSource returns a new RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSource (1592)
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSourceField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSecuritySubType ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSecuritySubType(val string) RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField
NewRelationshipRiskSecuritySubType returns a new RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSecuritySubType (1601)
func (RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSecuritySubTypeField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityType ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSecurityType(val string) RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField
NewRelationshipRiskSecurityType returns a new RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSecurityType (1600)
func (RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSecurityTypeField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSeniorityField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSeniorityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSeniorityField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSeniority ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSeniority(val string) RelationshipRiskSeniorityField
NewRelationshipRiskSeniority returns a new RelationshipRiskSeniorityField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSeniorityField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSeniorityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSeniority (1605)
func (RelationshipRiskSeniorityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSeniorityField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSymbolField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSymbolField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSymbol ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSymbol(val string) RelationshipRiskSymbolField
NewRelationshipRiskSymbol returns a new RelationshipRiskSymbolField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSymbol (1589)
func (RelationshipRiskSymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSymbolField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField ¶
type RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskSymbolSfx ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskSymbolSfx(val string) RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField
NewRelationshipRiskSymbolSfx returns a new RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskSymbolSfx (1590)
func (RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskSymbolSfxField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField ¶
type RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField is a STRING field
func NewRelationshipRiskWarningLevelName ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskWarningLevelName(val string) RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField
NewRelationshipRiskWarningLevelName returns a new RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField initialized with val
func (RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskWarningLevelName (1615)
func (RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskWarningLevelNameField) Value() string
type RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField ¶
type RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewRelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercent ¶
func NewRelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercent(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField
NewRelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercent returns a new RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField initialized with val and scale
func (RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField) Tag ¶
func (f RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercent (1614)
func (RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RelationshipRiskWarningLevelPercentField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField ¶
type RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField is a INT field
func NewRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func NewRepoCollateralSecurityType(val int) RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField
NewRepoCollateralSecurityType returns a new RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField initialized with val
func (RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RepoCollateralSecurityType (239)
func (RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Value() int
type ReportToExchField ¶
type ReportToExchField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ReportToExchField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewReportToExch ¶
func NewReportToExch(val bool) ReportToExchField
NewReportToExch returns a new ReportToExchField initialized with val
func (ReportToExchField) Tag ¶
func (f ReportToExchField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ReportToExch (113)
func (ReportToExchField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ReportToExchField) Value() bool
type ReportedPxDiffField ¶
type ReportedPxDiffField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ReportedPxDiffField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewReportedPxDiff ¶
func NewReportedPxDiff(val bool) ReportedPxDiffField
NewReportedPxDiff returns a new ReportedPxDiffField initialized with val
func (ReportedPxDiffField) Tag ¶
func (f ReportedPxDiffField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ReportedPxDiff (1134)
func (ReportedPxDiffField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ReportedPxDiffField) Value() bool
type ReportedPxField ¶
type ReportedPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ReportedPxField is a PRICE field
func NewReportedPx ¶
func NewReportedPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ReportedPxField
NewReportedPx returns a new ReportedPxField initialized with val and scale
func (ReportedPxField) Tag ¶
func (f ReportedPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ReportedPx (861)
func (ReportedPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ReportedPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RepurchaseRateField ¶
type RepurchaseRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RepurchaseRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewRepurchaseRate ¶
func NewRepurchaseRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RepurchaseRateField
NewRepurchaseRate returns a new RepurchaseRateField initialized with val and scale
func (RepurchaseRateField) Tag ¶
func (f RepurchaseRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RepurchaseRate (227)
func (RepurchaseRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RepurchaseRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RepurchaseTermField ¶
type RepurchaseTermField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RepurchaseTermField is a INT field
func NewRepurchaseTerm ¶
func NewRepurchaseTerm(val int) RepurchaseTermField
NewRepurchaseTerm returns a new RepurchaseTermField initialized with val
func (RepurchaseTermField) Tag ¶
func (f RepurchaseTermField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RepurchaseTerm (226)
func (RepurchaseTermField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RepurchaseTermField) Value() int
type RequestedPartyRoleField ¶
type RequestedPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RequestedPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewRequestedPartyRole ¶
func NewRequestedPartyRole(val int) RequestedPartyRoleField
NewRequestedPartyRole returns a new RequestedPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (RequestedPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f RequestedPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RequestedPartyRole (1509)
func (RequestedPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RequestedPartyRoleField) Value() int
type ResetSeqNumFlagField ¶
type ResetSeqNumFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ResetSeqNumFlagField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewResetSeqNumFlag ¶
func NewResetSeqNumFlag(val bool) ResetSeqNumFlagField
NewResetSeqNumFlag returns a new ResetSeqNumFlagField initialized with val
func (ResetSeqNumFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f ResetSeqNumFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ResetSeqNumFlag (141)
func (ResetSeqNumFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ResetSeqNumFlagField) Value() bool
type RespondentTypeField ¶
type RespondentTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RespondentTypeField is a enum.RespondentType field
func NewRespondentType ¶
func NewRespondentType(val enum.RespondentType) RespondentTypeField
func (RespondentTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RespondentTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RespondentType (1172)
func (RespondentTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RespondentTypeField) Value() enum.RespondentType
type ResponseDestinationField ¶
type ResponseDestinationField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ResponseDestinationField is a STRING field
func NewResponseDestination ¶
func NewResponseDestination(val string) ResponseDestinationField
NewResponseDestination returns a new ResponseDestinationField initialized with val
func (ResponseDestinationField) Tag ¶
func (f ResponseDestinationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ResponseDestination (726)
func (ResponseDestinationField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ResponseDestinationField) Value() string
type ResponseTransportTypeField ¶
type ResponseTransportTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ResponseTransportTypeField is a enum.ResponseTransportType field
func NewResponseTransportType ¶
func NewResponseTransportType(val enum.ResponseTransportType) ResponseTransportTypeField
func (ResponseTransportTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ResponseTransportTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ResponseTransportType (725)
func (ResponseTransportTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ResponseTransportTypeField) Value() enum.ResponseTransportType
type RestructuringTypeField ¶
type RestructuringTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RestructuringTypeField is a enum.RestructuringType field
func NewRestructuringType ¶
func NewRestructuringType(val enum.RestructuringType) RestructuringTypeField
func (RestructuringTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RestructuringTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RestructuringType (1449)
func (RestructuringTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RestructuringTypeField) Value() enum.RestructuringType
type ReversalIndicatorField ¶
type ReversalIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ReversalIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewReversalIndicator ¶
func NewReversalIndicator(val bool) ReversalIndicatorField
NewReversalIndicator returns a new ReversalIndicatorField initialized with val
func (ReversalIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f ReversalIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ReversalIndicator (700)
func (ReversalIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ReversalIndicatorField) Value() bool
type RiskCFICodeField ¶
type RiskCFICodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskCFICodeField is a STRING field
func NewRiskCFICode ¶
func NewRiskCFICode(val string) RiskCFICodeField
NewRiskCFICode returns a new RiskCFICodeField initialized with val
func (RiskCFICodeField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskCFICodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskCFICode (1546)
func (RiskCFICodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskCFICodeField) Value() string
type RiskCouponRateField ¶
type RiskCouponRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RiskCouponRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewRiskCouponRate ¶
func NewRiskCouponRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RiskCouponRateField
NewRiskCouponRate returns a new RiskCouponRateField initialized with val and scale
func (RiskCouponRateField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskCouponRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskCouponRate (1555)
func (RiskCouponRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskCouponRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RiskEncodedSecurityDescField ¶
type RiskEncodedSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskEncodedSecurityDescField is a DATA field
func NewRiskEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func NewRiskEncodedSecurityDesc(val string) RiskEncodedSecurityDescField
NewRiskEncodedSecurityDesc returns a new RiskEncodedSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (RiskEncodedSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskEncodedSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskEncodedSecurityDesc (1621)
func (RiskEncodedSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskEncodedSecurityDescField) Value() string
type RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField ¶
type RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewRiskEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func NewRiskEncodedSecurityDescLen(val int) RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField
NewRiskEncodedSecurityDescLen returns a new RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField initialized with val
func (RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskEncodedSecurityDescLen (1620)
func (RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskEncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value() int
type RiskFlexibleIndicatorField ¶
type RiskFlexibleIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
RiskFlexibleIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewRiskFlexibleIndicator ¶
func NewRiskFlexibleIndicator(val bool) RiskFlexibleIndicatorField
NewRiskFlexibleIndicator returns a new RiskFlexibleIndicatorField initialized with val
func (RiskFlexibleIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskFlexibleIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskFlexibleIndicator (1554)
func (RiskFlexibleIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskFlexibleIndicatorField) Value() bool
type RiskFreeRateField ¶
type RiskFreeRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RiskFreeRateField is a FLOAT field
func NewRiskFreeRate ¶
func NewRiskFreeRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RiskFreeRateField
NewRiskFreeRate returns a new RiskFreeRateField initialized with val and scale
func (RiskFreeRateField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskFreeRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskFreeRate (1190)
func (RiskFreeRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskFreeRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RiskInstrumentMultiplierField ¶
type RiskInstrumentMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RiskInstrumentMultiplierField is a FLOAT field
func NewRiskInstrumentMultiplier ¶
func NewRiskInstrumentMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RiskInstrumentMultiplierField
NewRiskInstrumentMultiplier returns a new RiskInstrumentMultiplierField initialized with val and scale
func (RiskInstrumentMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskInstrumentMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskInstrumentMultiplier (1558)
func (RiskInstrumentMultiplierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskInstrumentMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RiskInstrumentOperatorField ¶
type RiskInstrumentOperatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskInstrumentOperatorField is a enum.RiskInstrumentOperator field
func NewRiskInstrumentOperator ¶
func NewRiskInstrumentOperator(val enum.RiskInstrumentOperator) RiskInstrumentOperatorField
func (RiskInstrumentOperatorField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskInstrumentOperatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskInstrumentOperator (1535)
func (RiskInstrumentOperatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskInstrumentOperatorField) Value() enum.RiskInstrumentOperator
type RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField ¶
type RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRiskInstrumentSettlType ¶
func NewRiskInstrumentSettlType(val string) RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField
NewRiskInstrumentSettlType returns a new RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField initialized with val
func (RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskInstrumentSettlType (1557)
func (RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskInstrumentSettlTypeField) Value() string
type RiskLimitAmountField ¶
type RiskLimitAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RiskLimitAmountField is a AMT field
func NewRiskLimitAmount ¶
func NewRiskLimitAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RiskLimitAmountField
NewRiskLimitAmount returns a new RiskLimitAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (RiskLimitAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskLimitAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskLimitAmount (1531)
func (RiskLimitAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskLimitAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RiskLimitCurrencyField ¶
type RiskLimitCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskLimitCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewRiskLimitCurrency ¶
func NewRiskLimitCurrency(val string) RiskLimitCurrencyField
NewRiskLimitCurrency returns a new RiskLimitCurrencyField initialized with val
func (RiskLimitCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskLimitCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskLimitCurrency (1532)
func (RiskLimitCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskLimitCurrencyField) Value() string
type RiskLimitPlatformField ¶
type RiskLimitPlatformField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskLimitPlatformField is a STRING field
func NewRiskLimitPlatform ¶
func NewRiskLimitPlatform(val string) RiskLimitPlatformField
NewRiskLimitPlatform returns a new RiskLimitPlatformField initialized with val
func (RiskLimitPlatformField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskLimitPlatformField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskLimitPlatform (1533)
func (RiskLimitPlatformField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskLimitPlatformField) Value() string
type RiskLimitTypeField ¶
type RiskLimitTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskLimitTypeField is a enum.RiskLimitType field
func NewRiskLimitType ¶
func NewRiskLimitType(val enum.RiskLimitType) RiskLimitTypeField
func (RiskLimitTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskLimitTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskLimitType (1530)
func (RiskLimitTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskLimitTypeField) Value() enum.RiskLimitType
type RiskMaturityMonthYearField ¶
type RiskMaturityMonthYearField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskMaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewRiskMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewRiskMaturityMonthYear(val string) RiskMaturityMonthYearField
NewRiskMaturityMonthYear returns a new RiskMaturityMonthYearField initialized with val
func (RiskMaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskMaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskMaturityMonthYear (1549)
func (RiskMaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskMaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type RiskMaturityTimeField ¶
type RiskMaturityTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskMaturityTimeField is a TZTIMEONLY field
func NewRiskMaturityTime ¶
func NewRiskMaturityTime(val string) RiskMaturityTimeField
NewRiskMaturityTime returns a new RiskMaturityTimeField initialized with val
func (RiskMaturityTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskMaturityTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskMaturityTime (1550)
func (RiskMaturityTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskMaturityTimeField) Value() string
type RiskProductComplexField ¶
type RiskProductComplexField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskProductComplexField is a STRING field
func NewRiskProductComplex ¶
func NewRiskProductComplex(val string) RiskProductComplexField
NewRiskProductComplex returns a new RiskProductComplexField initialized with val
func (RiskProductComplexField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskProductComplexField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskProductComplex (1544)
func (RiskProductComplexField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskProductComplexField) Value() string
type RiskProductField ¶
type RiskProductField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RiskProductField is a INT field
func NewRiskProduct ¶
func NewRiskProduct(val int) RiskProductField
NewRiskProduct returns a new RiskProductField initialized with val
func (RiskProductField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskProductField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskProduct (1543)
func (RiskProductField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskProductField) Value() int
type RiskPutOrCallField ¶
type RiskPutOrCallField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RiskPutOrCallField is a INT field
func NewRiskPutOrCall ¶
func NewRiskPutOrCall(val int) RiskPutOrCallField
NewRiskPutOrCall returns a new RiskPutOrCallField initialized with val
func (RiskPutOrCallField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskPutOrCallField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskPutOrCall (1553)
func (RiskPutOrCallField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskPutOrCallField) Value() int
type RiskRestructuringTypeField ¶
type RiskRestructuringTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskRestructuringTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRiskRestructuringType ¶
func NewRiskRestructuringType(val string) RiskRestructuringTypeField
NewRiskRestructuringType returns a new RiskRestructuringTypeField initialized with val
func (RiskRestructuringTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskRestructuringTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskRestructuringType (1551)
func (RiskRestructuringTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskRestructuringTypeField) Value() string
type RiskSecurityAltIDField ¶
type RiskSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSecurityAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSecurityAltID ¶
func NewRiskSecurityAltID(val string) RiskSecurityAltIDField
NewRiskSecurityAltID returns a new RiskSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (RiskSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSecurityAltID (1541)
func (RiskSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSecurityAltIDField) Value() string
type RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField ¶
type RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func NewRiskSecurityAltIDSource(val string) RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField
NewRiskSecurityAltIDSource returns a new RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField initialized with val
func (RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSecurityAltIDSource (1542)
func (RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value() string
type RiskSecurityDescField ¶
type RiskSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSecurityDescField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSecurityDesc ¶
func NewRiskSecurityDesc(val string) RiskSecurityDescField
NewRiskSecurityDesc returns a new RiskSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (RiskSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSecurityDesc (1556)
func (RiskSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSecurityDescField) Value() string
type RiskSecurityExchangeField ¶
type RiskSecurityExchangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSecurityExchangeField is a EXCHANGE field
func NewRiskSecurityExchange ¶
func NewRiskSecurityExchange(val string) RiskSecurityExchangeField
NewRiskSecurityExchange returns a new RiskSecurityExchangeField initialized with val
func (RiskSecurityExchangeField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSecurityExchangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSecurityExchange (1616)
func (RiskSecurityExchangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSecurityExchangeField) Value() string
type RiskSecurityGroupField ¶
type RiskSecurityGroupField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSecurityGroupField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSecurityGroup ¶
func NewRiskSecurityGroup(val string) RiskSecurityGroupField
NewRiskSecurityGroup returns a new RiskSecurityGroupField initialized with val
func (RiskSecurityGroupField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSecurityGroupField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSecurityGroup (1545)
func (RiskSecurityGroupField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSecurityGroupField) Value() string
type RiskSecurityIDField ¶
type RiskSecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSecurityID ¶
func NewRiskSecurityID(val string) RiskSecurityIDField
NewRiskSecurityID returns a new RiskSecurityIDField initialized with val
func (RiskSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSecurityID (1538)
func (RiskSecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSecurityIDField) Value() string
type RiskSecurityIDSourceField ¶
type RiskSecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSecurityIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewRiskSecurityIDSource(val string) RiskSecurityIDSourceField
NewRiskSecurityIDSource returns a new RiskSecurityIDSourceField initialized with val
func (RiskSecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSecurityIDSource (1539)
func (RiskSecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSecurityIDSourceField) Value() string
type RiskSecuritySubTypeField ¶
type RiskSecuritySubTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSecuritySubTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSecuritySubType ¶
func NewRiskSecuritySubType(val string) RiskSecuritySubTypeField
NewRiskSecuritySubType returns a new RiskSecuritySubTypeField initialized with val
func (RiskSecuritySubTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSecuritySubTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSecuritySubType (1548)
func (RiskSecuritySubTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSecuritySubTypeField) Value() string
type RiskSecurityTypeField ¶
type RiskSecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSecurityTypeField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSecurityType ¶
func NewRiskSecurityType(val string) RiskSecurityTypeField
NewRiskSecurityType returns a new RiskSecurityTypeField initialized with val
func (RiskSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSecurityType (1547)
func (RiskSecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSecurityTypeField) Value() string
type RiskSeniorityField ¶
type RiskSeniorityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSeniorityField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSeniority ¶
func NewRiskSeniority(val string) RiskSeniorityField
NewRiskSeniority returns a new RiskSeniorityField initialized with val
func (RiskSeniorityField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSeniorityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSeniority (1552)
func (RiskSeniorityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSeniorityField) Value() string
type RiskSymbolField ¶
type RiskSymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSymbolField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSymbol ¶
func NewRiskSymbol(val string) RiskSymbolField
NewRiskSymbol returns a new RiskSymbolField initialized with val
func (RiskSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSymbol (1536)
func (RiskSymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSymbolField) Value() string
type RiskSymbolSfxField ¶
type RiskSymbolSfxField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskSymbolSfxField is a STRING field
func NewRiskSymbolSfx ¶
func NewRiskSymbolSfx(val string) RiskSymbolSfxField
NewRiskSymbolSfx returns a new RiskSymbolSfxField initialized with val
func (RiskSymbolSfxField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskSymbolSfxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskSymbolSfx (1537)
func (RiskSymbolSfxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskSymbolSfxField) Value() string
type RiskWarningLevelNameField ¶
type RiskWarningLevelNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RiskWarningLevelNameField is a STRING field
func NewRiskWarningLevelName ¶
func NewRiskWarningLevelName(val string) RiskWarningLevelNameField
NewRiskWarningLevelName returns a new RiskWarningLevelNameField initialized with val
func (RiskWarningLevelNameField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskWarningLevelNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskWarningLevelName (1561)
func (RiskWarningLevelNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskWarningLevelNameField) Value() string
type RiskWarningLevelPercentField ¶
type RiskWarningLevelPercentField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RiskWarningLevelPercentField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewRiskWarningLevelPercent ¶
func NewRiskWarningLevelPercent(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RiskWarningLevelPercentField
NewRiskWarningLevelPercent returns a new RiskWarningLevelPercentField initialized with val and scale
func (RiskWarningLevelPercentField) Tag ¶
func (f RiskWarningLevelPercentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RiskWarningLevelPercent (1560)
func (RiskWarningLevelPercentField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RiskWarningLevelPercentField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RndPxField ¶
type RndPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RndPxField is a PRICE field
func NewRndPx ¶
func NewRndPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RndPxField
NewRndPx returns a new RndPxField initialized with val and scale
func (RndPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RndPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RootPartyIDField ¶
type RootPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RootPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewRootPartyID ¶
func NewRootPartyID(val string) RootPartyIDField
NewRootPartyID returns a new RootPartyIDField initialized with val
func (RootPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RootPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RootPartyID (1117)
func (RootPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RootPartyIDField) Value() string
type RootPartyIDSourceField ¶
type RootPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RootPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewRootPartyIDSource ¶
func NewRootPartyIDSource(val string) RootPartyIDSourceField
NewRootPartyIDSource returns a new RootPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (RootPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f RootPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RootPartyIDSource (1118)
func (RootPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RootPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type RootPartyRoleField ¶
type RootPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RootPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewRootPartyRole ¶
func NewRootPartyRole(val int) RootPartyRoleField
NewRootPartyRole returns a new RootPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (RootPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f RootPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RootPartyRole (1119)
func (RootPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RootPartyRoleField) Value() int
type RootPartySubIDField ¶
type RootPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RootPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewRootPartySubID ¶
func NewRootPartySubID(val string) RootPartySubIDField
NewRootPartySubID returns a new RootPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (RootPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RootPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RootPartySubID (1121)
func (RootPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RootPartySubIDField) Value() string
type RootPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type RootPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RootPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewRootPartySubIDType ¶
func NewRootPartySubIDType(val int) RootPartySubIDTypeField
NewRootPartySubIDType returns a new RootPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (RootPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RootPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RootPartySubIDType (1122)
func (RootPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RootPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type RoundLotField ¶
type RoundLotField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RoundLotField is a QTY field
func NewRoundLot ¶
func NewRoundLot(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RoundLotField
NewRoundLot returns a new RoundLotField initialized with val and scale
func (RoundLotField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RoundLotField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RoundingDirectionField ¶
type RoundingDirectionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RoundingDirectionField is a enum.RoundingDirection field
func NewRoundingDirection ¶
func NewRoundingDirection(val enum.RoundingDirection) RoundingDirectionField
func (RoundingDirectionField) Tag ¶
func (f RoundingDirectionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RoundingDirection (468)
func (RoundingDirectionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RoundingDirectionField) Value() enum.RoundingDirection
type RoundingModulusField ¶
type RoundingModulusField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RoundingModulusField is a FLOAT field
func NewRoundingModulus ¶
func NewRoundingModulus(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RoundingModulusField
NewRoundingModulus returns a new RoundingModulusField initialized with val and scale
func (RoundingModulusField) Tag ¶
func (f RoundingModulusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RoundingModulus (469)
func (RoundingModulusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RoundingModulusField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RoutingIDField ¶
type RoutingIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RoutingIDField is a STRING field
func NewRoutingID ¶
func NewRoutingID(val string) RoutingIDField
NewRoutingID returns a new RoutingIDField initialized with val
func (RoutingIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RoutingIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RoutingID (217)
func (RoutingIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RoutingIDField) Value() string
type RoutingTypeField ¶
type RoutingTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RoutingTypeField is a enum.RoutingType field
func NewRoutingType ¶
func NewRoutingType(val enum.RoutingType) RoutingTypeField
func (RoutingTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RoutingTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RoutingType (216)
func (RoutingTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RoutingTypeField) Value() enum.RoutingType
type RptSeqField ¶
type RptSeqField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
RptSeqField is a INT field
func NewRptSeq ¶
func NewRptSeq(val int) RptSeqField
NewRptSeq returns a new RptSeqField initialized with val
func (RptSeqField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RptSeqField) Value() int
type RptSysField ¶
type RptSysField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
RptSysField is a STRING field
func NewRptSys ¶
func NewRptSys(val string) RptSysField
NewRptSys returns a new RptSysField initialized with val
func (RptSysField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f RptSysField) Value() string
type Rule80AField ¶
type Rule80AField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
Rule80AField is a enum.Rule80A field
func NewRule80A ¶
func NewRule80A(val enum.Rule80A) Rule80AField
func (Rule80AField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f Rule80AField) Value() enum.Rule80A
type ScopeField ¶
type ScopeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ScopeField is a enum.Scope field
func NewScope ¶
func NewScope(val enum.Scope) ScopeField
func (ScopeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ScopeField) Value() enum.Scope
type SecDefStatusField ¶
type SecDefStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecDefStatusField is a enum.SecDefStatus field
func NewSecDefStatus ¶
func NewSecDefStatus(val enum.SecDefStatus) SecDefStatusField
func (SecDefStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f SecDefStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecDefStatus (653)
func (SecDefStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecDefStatusField) Value() enum.SecDefStatus
type SecondaryAllocIDField ¶
type SecondaryAllocIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecondaryAllocIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecondaryAllocID ¶
func NewSecondaryAllocID(val string) SecondaryAllocIDField
NewSecondaryAllocID returns a new SecondaryAllocIDField initialized with val
func (SecondaryAllocIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryAllocIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryAllocID (793)
func (SecondaryAllocIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryAllocIDField) Value() string
type SecondaryClOrdIDField ¶
type SecondaryClOrdIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecondaryClOrdIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecondaryClOrdID ¶
func NewSecondaryClOrdID(val string) SecondaryClOrdIDField
NewSecondaryClOrdID returns a new SecondaryClOrdIDField initialized with val
func (SecondaryClOrdIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryClOrdIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryClOrdID (526)
func (SecondaryClOrdIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryClOrdIDField) Value() string
type SecondaryDisplayQtyField ¶
type SecondaryDisplayQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SecondaryDisplayQtyField is a QTY field
func NewSecondaryDisplayQty ¶
func NewSecondaryDisplayQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SecondaryDisplayQtyField
NewSecondaryDisplayQty returns a new SecondaryDisplayQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (SecondaryDisplayQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryDisplayQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryDisplayQty (1082)
func (SecondaryDisplayQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryDisplayQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SecondaryExecIDField ¶
type SecondaryExecIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecondaryExecIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecondaryExecID ¶
func NewSecondaryExecID(val string) SecondaryExecIDField
NewSecondaryExecID returns a new SecondaryExecIDField initialized with val
func (SecondaryExecIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryExecIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryExecID (527)
func (SecondaryExecIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryExecIDField) Value() string
type SecondaryFirmTradeIDField ¶
type SecondaryFirmTradeIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecondaryFirmTradeIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecondaryFirmTradeID ¶
func NewSecondaryFirmTradeID(val string) SecondaryFirmTradeIDField
NewSecondaryFirmTradeID returns a new SecondaryFirmTradeIDField initialized with val
func (SecondaryFirmTradeIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryFirmTradeIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryFirmTradeID (1042)
func (SecondaryFirmTradeIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryFirmTradeIDField) Value() string
type SecondaryHighLimitPriceField ¶
type SecondaryHighLimitPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SecondaryHighLimitPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewSecondaryHighLimitPrice ¶
func NewSecondaryHighLimitPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SecondaryHighLimitPriceField
NewSecondaryHighLimitPrice returns a new SecondaryHighLimitPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (SecondaryHighLimitPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryHighLimitPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryHighLimitPrice (1230)
func (SecondaryHighLimitPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryHighLimitPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField ¶
type SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecondaryIndividualAllocID ¶
func NewSecondaryIndividualAllocID(val string) SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField
NewSecondaryIndividualAllocID returns a new SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField initialized with val
func (SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryIndividualAllocID (989)
func (SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryIndividualAllocIDField) Value() string
type SecondaryLowLimitPriceField ¶
type SecondaryLowLimitPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SecondaryLowLimitPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewSecondaryLowLimitPrice ¶
func NewSecondaryLowLimitPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SecondaryLowLimitPriceField
NewSecondaryLowLimitPrice returns a new SecondaryLowLimitPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (SecondaryLowLimitPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryLowLimitPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryLowLimitPrice (1221)
func (SecondaryLowLimitPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryLowLimitPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SecondaryOrderIDField ¶
type SecondaryOrderIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecondaryOrderIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecondaryOrderID ¶
func NewSecondaryOrderID(val string) SecondaryOrderIDField
NewSecondaryOrderID returns a new SecondaryOrderIDField initialized with val
func (SecondaryOrderIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryOrderIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryOrderID (198)
func (SecondaryOrderIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryOrderIDField) Value() string
type SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField ¶
type SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField is a INT field
func NewSecondaryPriceLimitType ¶
func NewSecondaryPriceLimitType(val int) SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField
NewSecondaryPriceLimitType returns a new SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField initialized with val
func (SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryPriceLimitType (1305)
func (SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryPriceLimitTypeField) Value() int
type SecondaryTradeIDField ¶
type SecondaryTradeIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecondaryTradeIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecondaryTradeID ¶
func NewSecondaryTradeID(val string) SecondaryTradeIDField
NewSecondaryTradeID returns a new SecondaryTradeIDField initialized with val
func (SecondaryTradeIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryTradeIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryTradeID (1040)
func (SecondaryTradeIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryTradeIDField) Value() string
type SecondaryTradeReportIDField ¶
type SecondaryTradeReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecondaryTradeReportIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecondaryTradeReportID ¶
func NewSecondaryTradeReportID(val string) SecondaryTradeReportIDField
NewSecondaryTradeReportID returns a new SecondaryTradeReportIDField initialized with val
func (SecondaryTradeReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryTradeReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryTradeReportID (818)
func (SecondaryTradeReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryTradeReportIDField) Value() string
type SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField ¶
type SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecondaryTradeReportRefID ¶
func NewSecondaryTradeReportRefID(val string) SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField
NewSecondaryTradeReportRefID returns a new SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField initialized with val
func (SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryTradeReportRefID (881)
func (SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryTradeReportRefIDField) Value() string
type SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField ¶
type SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField is a PRICE field
func NewSecondaryTradingReferencePrice ¶
func NewSecondaryTradingReferencePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField
NewSecondaryTradingReferencePrice returns a new SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField initialized with val and scale
func (SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryTradingReferencePrice (1240)
func (SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryTradingReferencePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SecondaryTrdTypeField ¶
type SecondaryTrdTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SecondaryTrdTypeField is a INT field
func NewSecondaryTrdType ¶
func NewSecondaryTrdType(val int) SecondaryTrdTypeField
NewSecondaryTrdType returns a new SecondaryTrdTypeField initialized with val
func (SecondaryTrdTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryTrdTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryTrdType (855)
func (SecondaryTrdTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecondaryTrdTypeField) Value() int
type SecureDataField ¶
type SecureDataField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecureDataField is a DATA field
func NewSecureData ¶
func NewSecureData(val string) SecureDataField
NewSecureData returns a new SecureDataField initialized with val
func (SecureDataField) Tag ¶
func (f SecureDataField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecureData (91)
func (SecureDataField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecureDataField) Value() string
type SecureDataLenField ¶
type SecureDataLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SecureDataLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewSecureDataLen ¶
func NewSecureDataLen(val int) SecureDataLenField
NewSecureDataLen returns a new SecureDataLenField initialized with val
func (SecureDataLenField) Tag ¶
func (f SecureDataLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecureDataLen (90)
func (SecureDataLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecureDataLenField) Value() int
type SecurityAltIDField ¶
type SecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityAltID ¶
func NewSecurityAltID(val string) SecurityAltIDField
NewSecurityAltID returns a new SecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (SecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityAltID (455)
func (SecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityAltIDField) Value() string
type SecurityAltIDSourceField ¶
type SecurityAltIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityAltIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func NewSecurityAltIDSource(val string) SecurityAltIDSourceField
NewSecurityAltIDSource returns a new SecurityAltIDSourceField initialized with val
func (SecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityAltIDSource (456)
func (SecurityAltIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityAltIDSourceField) Value() string
type SecurityDescField ¶
type SecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityDescField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityDesc ¶
func NewSecurityDesc(val string) SecurityDescField
NewSecurityDesc returns a new SecurityDescField initialized with val
func (SecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityDesc (107)
func (SecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityDescField) Value() string
type SecurityExchangeField ¶
type SecurityExchangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityExchangeField is a EXCHANGE field
func NewSecurityExchange ¶
func NewSecurityExchange(val string) SecurityExchangeField
NewSecurityExchange returns a new SecurityExchangeField initialized with val
func (SecurityExchangeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityExchangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityExchange (207)
func (SecurityExchangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityExchangeField) Value() string
type SecurityGroupField ¶
type SecurityGroupField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityGroupField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityGroup ¶
func NewSecurityGroup(val string) SecurityGroupField
NewSecurityGroup returns a new SecurityGroupField initialized with val
func (SecurityGroupField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityGroupField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityGroup (1151)
func (SecurityGroupField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityGroupField) Value() string
type SecurityIDField ¶
type SecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityID ¶
func NewSecurityID(val string) SecurityIDField
NewSecurityID returns a new SecurityIDField initialized with val
func (SecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityID (48)
func (SecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityIDField) Value() string
type SecurityIDSourceField ¶
type SecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityIDSourceField is a enum.SecurityIDSource field
func NewSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewSecurityIDSource(val enum.SecurityIDSource) SecurityIDSourceField
func (SecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityIDSource (22)
func (SecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityIDSourceField) Value() enum.SecurityIDSource
type SecurityListDescField ¶
type SecurityListDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityListDescField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityListDesc ¶
func NewSecurityListDesc(val string) SecurityListDescField
NewSecurityListDesc returns a new SecurityListDescField initialized with val
func (SecurityListDescField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityListDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityListDesc (1467)
func (SecurityListDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityListDescField) Value() string
type SecurityListIDField ¶
type SecurityListIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityListIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityListID ¶
func NewSecurityListID(val string) SecurityListIDField
NewSecurityListID returns a new SecurityListIDField initialized with val
func (SecurityListIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityListIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityListID (1465)
func (SecurityListIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityListIDField) Value() string
type SecurityListRefIDField ¶
type SecurityListRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityListRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityListRefID ¶
func NewSecurityListRefID(val string) SecurityListRefIDField
NewSecurityListRefID returns a new SecurityListRefIDField initialized with val
func (SecurityListRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityListRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityListRefID (1466)
func (SecurityListRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityListRefIDField) Value() string
type SecurityListRequestTypeField ¶
type SecurityListRequestTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityListRequestTypeField is a enum.SecurityListRequestType field
func NewSecurityListRequestType ¶
func NewSecurityListRequestType(val enum.SecurityListRequestType) SecurityListRequestTypeField
func (SecurityListRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityListRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityListRequestType (559)
func (SecurityListRequestTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityListRequestTypeField) Value() enum.SecurityListRequestType
type SecurityListTypeField ¶
type SecurityListTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityListTypeField is a enum.SecurityListType field
func NewSecurityListType ¶
func NewSecurityListType(val enum.SecurityListType) SecurityListTypeField
func (SecurityListTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityListTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityListType (1470)
func (SecurityListTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityListTypeField) Value() enum.SecurityListType
type SecurityListTypeSourceField ¶
type SecurityListTypeSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityListTypeSourceField is a enum.SecurityListTypeSource field
func NewSecurityListTypeSource ¶
func NewSecurityListTypeSource(val enum.SecurityListTypeSource) SecurityListTypeSourceField
func (SecurityListTypeSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityListTypeSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityListTypeSource (1471)
func (SecurityListTypeSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityListTypeSourceField) Value() enum.SecurityListTypeSource
type SecurityReportIDField ¶
type SecurityReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SecurityReportIDField is a INT field
func NewSecurityReportID ¶
func NewSecurityReportID(val int) SecurityReportIDField
NewSecurityReportID returns a new SecurityReportIDField initialized with val
func (SecurityReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityReportID (964)
func (SecurityReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityReportIDField) Value() int
type SecurityReqIDField ¶
type SecurityReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityReqID ¶
func NewSecurityReqID(val string) SecurityReqIDField
NewSecurityReqID returns a new SecurityReqIDField initialized with val
func (SecurityReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityReqID (320)
func (SecurityReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityReqIDField) Value() string
type SecurityRequestResultField ¶
type SecurityRequestResultField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityRequestResultField is a enum.SecurityRequestResult field
func NewSecurityRequestResult ¶
func NewSecurityRequestResult(val enum.SecurityRequestResult) SecurityRequestResultField
func (SecurityRequestResultField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityRequestResultField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityRequestResult (560)
func (SecurityRequestResultField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityRequestResultField) Value() enum.SecurityRequestResult
type SecurityRequestTypeField ¶
type SecurityRequestTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityRequestTypeField is a enum.SecurityRequestType field
func NewSecurityRequestType ¶
func NewSecurityRequestType(val enum.SecurityRequestType) SecurityRequestTypeField
func (SecurityRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityRequestType (321)
func (SecurityRequestTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityRequestTypeField) Value() enum.SecurityRequestType
type SecurityResponseIDField ¶
type SecurityResponseIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityResponseIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityResponseID ¶
func NewSecurityResponseID(val string) SecurityResponseIDField
NewSecurityResponseID returns a new SecurityResponseIDField initialized with val
func (SecurityResponseIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityResponseIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityResponseID (322)
func (SecurityResponseIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityResponseIDField) Value() string
type SecurityResponseTypeField ¶
type SecurityResponseTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityResponseTypeField is a enum.SecurityResponseType field
func NewSecurityResponseType ¶
func NewSecurityResponseType(val enum.SecurityResponseType) SecurityResponseTypeField
func (SecurityResponseTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityResponseTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityResponseType (323)
func (SecurityResponseTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityResponseTypeField) Value() enum.SecurityResponseType
type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField ¶
type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField is a STRING field
func NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctName ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctName(val string) SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField
NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctName returns a new SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField initialized with val
func (SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentAcctName (179)
func (SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField ¶
type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField is a STRING field
func NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctNum ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctNum(val string) SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField
NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctNum returns a new SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField initialized with val
func (SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentAcctNum (178)
func (SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentCodeField ¶
type SecuritySettlAgentCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecuritySettlAgentCodeField is a STRING field
func NewSecuritySettlAgentCode ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentCode(val string) SecuritySettlAgentCodeField
NewSecuritySettlAgentCode returns a new SecuritySettlAgentCodeField initialized with val
func (SecuritySettlAgentCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentCode (177)
func (SecuritySettlAgentCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecuritySettlAgentCodeField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField ¶
type SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField is a STRING field
func NewSecuritySettlAgentContactName ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentContactName(val string) SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField
NewSecuritySettlAgentContactName returns a new SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField initialized with val
func (SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentContactName (180)
func (SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField ¶
type SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField is a STRING field
func NewSecuritySettlAgentContactPhone ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentContactPhone(val string) SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField
NewSecuritySettlAgentContactPhone returns a new SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField initialized with val
func (SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentContactPhone (181)
func (SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentNameField ¶
type SecuritySettlAgentNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecuritySettlAgentNameField is a STRING field
func NewSecuritySettlAgentName ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentName(val string) SecuritySettlAgentNameField
NewSecuritySettlAgentName returns a new SecuritySettlAgentNameField initialized with val
func (SecuritySettlAgentNameField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentName (176)
func (SecuritySettlAgentNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecuritySettlAgentNameField) Value() string
type SecurityStatusField ¶
type SecurityStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityStatusField is a enum.SecurityStatus field
func NewSecurityStatus ¶
func NewSecurityStatus(val enum.SecurityStatus) SecurityStatusField
func (SecurityStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityStatus (965)
func (SecurityStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityStatusField) Value() enum.SecurityStatus
type SecurityStatusReqIDField ¶
type SecurityStatusReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityStatusReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityStatusReqID ¶
func NewSecurityStatusReqID(val string) SecurityStatusReqIDField
NewSecurityStatusReqID returns a new SecurityStatusReqIDField initialized with val
func (SecurityStatusReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityStatusReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityStatusReqID (324)
func (SecurityStatusReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityStatusReqIDField) Value() string
type SecuritySubTypeField ¶
type SecuritySubTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecuritySubTypeField is a STRING field
func NewSecuritySubType ¶
func NewSecuritySubType(val string) SecuritySubTypeField
NewSecuritySubType returns a new SecuritySubTypeField initialized with val
func (SecuritySubTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySubTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySubType (762)
func (SecuritySubTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecuritySubTypeField) Value() string
type SecurityTradingEventField ¶
type SecurityTradingEventField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityTradingEventField is a enum.SecurityTradingEvent field
func NewSecurityTradingEvent ¶
func NewSecurityTradingEvent(val enum.SecurityTradingEvent) SecurityTradingEventField
func (SecurityTradingEventField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityTradingEventField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityTradingEvent (1174)
func (SecurityTradingEventField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityTradingEventField) Value() enum.SecurityTradingEvent
type SecurityTradingStatusField ¶
type SecurityTradingStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityTradingStatusField is a enum.SecurityTradingStatus field
func NewSecurityTradingStatus ¶
func NewSecurityTradingStatus(val enum.SecurityTradingStatus) SecurityTradingStatusField
func (SecurityTradingStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityTradingStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityTradingStatus (326)
func (SecurityTradingStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityTradingStatusField) Value() enum.SecurityTradingStatus
type SecurityTypeField ¶
type SecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityTypeField is a enum.SecurityType field
func NewSecurityType ¶
func NewSecurityType(val enum.SecurityType) SecurityTypeField
func (SecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityType (167)
func (SecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityTypeField) Value() enum.SecurityType
type SecurityUpdateActionField ¶
type SecurityUpdateActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityUpdateActionField is a enum.SecurityUpdateAction field
func NewSecurityUpdateAction ¶
func NewSecurityUpdateAction(val enum.SecurityUpdateAction) SecurityUpdateActionField
func (SecurityUpdateActionField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityUpdateActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityUpdateAction (980)
func (SecurityUpdateActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityUpdateActionField) Value() enum.SecurityUpdateAction
type SecurityXMLField ¶
type SecurityXMLField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityXMLField is a XMLDATA field
func NewSecurityXML ¶
func NewSecurityXML(val string) SecurityXMLField
NewSecurityXML returns a new SecurityXMLField initialized with val
func (SecurityXMLField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityXMLField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityXML (1185)
func (SecurityXMLField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityXMLField) Value() string
type SecurityXMLLenField ¶
type SecurityXMLLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SecurityXMLLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewSecurityXMLLen ¶
func NewSecurityXMLLen(val int) SecurityXMLLenField
NewSecurityXMLLen returns a new SecurityXMLLenField initialized with val
func (SecurityXMLLenField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityXMLLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityXMLLen (1184)
func (SecurityXMLLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityXMLLenField) Value() int
type SecurityXMLSchemaField ¶
type SecurityXMLSchemaField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SecurityXMLSchemaField is a STRING field
func NewSecurityXMLSchema ¶
func NewSecurityXMLSchema(val string) SecurityXMLSchemaField
NewSecurityXMLSchema returns a new SecurityXMLSchemaField initialized with val
func (SecurityXMLSchemaField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityXMLSchemaField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityXMLSchema (1186)
func (SecurityXMLSchemaField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SecurityXMLSchemaField) Value() string
type SellVolumeField ¶
type SellVolumeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SellVolumeField is a QTY field
func NewSellVolume ¶
func NewSellVolume(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SellVolumeField
NewSellVolume returns a new SellVolumeField initialized with val and scale
func (SellVolumeField) Tag ¶
func (f SellVolumeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SellVolume (331)
func (SellVolumeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SellVolumeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SellerDaysField ¶
type SellerDaysField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SellerDaysField is a INT field
func NewSellerDays ¶
func NewSellerDays(val int) SellerDaysField
NewSellerDays returns a new SellerDaysField initialized with val
func (SellerDaysField) Tag ¶
func (f SellerDaysField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SellerDays (287)
func (SellerDaysField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SellerDaysField) Value() int
type SenderCompIDField ¶
type SenderCompIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SenderCompIDField is a STRING field
func NewSenderCompID ¶
func NewSenderCompID(val string) SenderCompIDField
NewSenderCompID returns a new SenderCompIDField initialized with val
func (SenderCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SenderCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SenderCompID (49)
func (SenderCompIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SenderCompIDField) Value() string
type SenderLocationIDField ¶
type SenderLocationIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SenderLocationIDField is a STRING field
func NewSenderLocationID ¶
func NewSenderLocationID(val string) SenderLocationIDField
NewSenderLocationID returns a new SenderLocationIDField initialized with val
func (SenderLocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SenderLocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SenderLocationID (142)
func (SenderLocationIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SenderLocationIDField) Value() string
type SenderSubIDField ¶
type SenderSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SenderSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewSenderSubID ¶
func NewSenderSubID(val string) SenderSubIDField
NewSenderSubID returns a new SenderSubIDField initialized with val
func (SenderSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SenderSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SenderSubID (50)
func (SenderSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SenderSubIDField) Value() string
type SendingDateField ¶
type SendingDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SendingDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewSendingDate ¶
func NewSendingDate(val string) SendingDateField
NewSendingDate returns a new SendingDateField initialized with val
func (SendingDateField) Tag ¶
func (f SendingDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SendingDate (51)
func (SendingDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SendingDateField) Value() string
type SendingTimeField ¶
type SendingTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
SendingTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewSendingTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewSendingTime(val time.Time) SendingTimeField
NewSendingTime returns a new SendingTimeField initialized with val
func NewSendingTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewSendingTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) SendingTimeField
NewSendingTimeNoMillis returns a new SendingTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewSendingTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewSendingTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) SendingTimeField
NewSendingTimeWithPrecision returns a new SendingTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (SendingTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f SendingTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SendingTime (52)
func (SendingTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SendingTimeField) Value() time.Time
type SeniorityField ¶
type SeniorityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SeniorityField is a enum.Seniority field
func NewSeniority ¶
func NewSeniority(val enum.Seniority) SeniorityField
func (SeniorityField) Tag ¶
func (f SeniorityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Seniority (1450)
func (SeniorityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SeniorityField) Value() enum.Seniority
type SessionRejectReasonField ¶
type SessionRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SessionRejectReasonField is a enum.SessionRejectReason field
func NewSessionRejectReason ¶
func NewSessionRejectReason(val enum.SessionRejectReason) SessionRejectReasonField
func (SessionRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f SessionRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SessionRejectReason (373)
func (SessionRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SessionRejectReasonField) Value() enum.SessionRejectReason
type SessionStatusField ¶
type SessionStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SessionStatusField is a enum.SessionStatus field
func NewSessionStatus ¶
func NewSessionStatus(val enum.SessionStatus) SessionStatusField
func (SessionStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f SessionStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SessionStatus (1409)
func (SessionStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SessionStatusField) Value() enum.SessionStatus
type SettlBrkrCodeField ¶
type SettlBrkrCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlBrkrCodeField is a STRING field
func NewSettlBrkrCode ¶
func NewSettlBrkrCode(val string) SettlBrkrCodeField
NewSettlBrkrCode returns a new SettlBrkrCodeField initialized with val
func (SettlBrkrCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlBrkrCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlBrkrCode (174)
func (SettlBrkrCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlBrkrCodeField) Value() string
type SettlCurrAmtField ¶
type SettlCurrAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SettlCurrAmtField is a AMT field
func NewSettlCurrAmt ¶
func NewSettlCurrAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SettlCurrAmtField
NewSettlCurrAmt returns a new SettlCurrAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (SettlCurrAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrAmt (119)
func (SettlCurrAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlCurrAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SettlCurrBidFxRateField ¶
type SettlCurrBidFxRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SettlCurrBidFxRateField is a FLOAT field
func NewSettlCurrBidFxRate ¶
func NewSettlCurrBidFxRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SettlCurrBidFxRateField
NewSettlCurrBidFxRate returns a new SettlCurrBidFxRateField initialized with val and scale
func (SettlCurrBidFxRateField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrBidFxRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrBidFxRate (656)
func (SettlCurrBidFxRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlCurrBidFxRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SettlCurrFxRateCalcField ¶
type SettlCurrFxRateCalcField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlCurrFxRateCalcField is a enum.SettlCurrFxRateCalc field
func NewSettlCurrFxRateCalc ¶
func NewSettlCurrFxRateCalc(val enum.SettlCurrFxRateCalc) SettlCurrFxRateCalcField
func (SettlCurrFxRateCalcField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrFxRateCalcField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrFxRateCalc (156)
func (SettlCurrFxRateCalcField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlCurrFxRateCalcField) Value() enum.SettlCurrFxRateCalc
type SettlCurrFxRateField ¶
type SettlCurrFxRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SettlCurrFxRateField is a FLOAT field
func NewSettlCurrFxRate ¶
func NewSettlCurrFxRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SettlCurrFxRateField
NewSettlCurrFxRate returns a new SettlCurrFxRateField initialized with val and scale
func (SettlCurrFxRateField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrFxRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrFxRate (155)
func (SettlCurrFxRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlCurrFxRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SettlCurrOfferFxRateField ¶
type SettlCurrOfferFxRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SettlCurrOfferFxRateField is a FLOAT field
func NewSettlCurrOfferFxRate ¶
func NewSettlCurrOfferFxRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SettlCurrOfferFxRateField
NewSettlCurrOfferFxRate returns a new SettlCurrOfferFxRateField initialized with val and scale
func (SettlCurrOfferFxRateField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrOfferFxRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrOfferFxRate (657)
func (SettlCurrOfferFxRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlCurrOfferFxRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SettlCurrencyField ¶
type SettlCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewSettlCurrency ¶
func NewSettlCurrency(val string) SettlCurrencyField
NewSettlCurrency returns a new SettlCurrencyField initialized with val
func (SettlCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrency (120)
func (SettlCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlCurrencyField) Value() string
type SettlDate2Field ¶
type SettlDate2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlDate2Field is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewSettlDate2 ¶
func NewSettlDate2(val string) SettlDate2Field
NewSettlDate2 returns a new SettlDate2Field initialized with val
func (SettlDate2Field) Tag ¶
func (f SettlDate2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlDate2 (193)
func (SettlDate2Field) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlDate2Field) Value() string
type SettlDateField ¶
type SettlDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewSettlDate ¶
func NewSettlDate(val string) SettlDateField
NewSettlDate returns a new SettlDateField initialized with val
func (SettlDateField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlDate (64)
func (SettlDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlDateField) Value() string
type SettlDeliveryTypeField ¶
type SettlDeliveryTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlDeliveryTypeField is a enum.SettlDeliveryType field
func NewSettlDeliveryType ¶
func NewSettlDeliveryType(val enum.SettlDeliveryType) SettlDeliveryTypeField
func (SettlDeliveryTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlDeliveryTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlDeliveryType (172)
func (SettlDeliveryTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlDeliveryTypeField) Value() enum.SettlDeliveryType
type SettlDepositoryCodeField ¶
type SettlDepositoryCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlDepositoryCodeField is a STRING field
func NewSettlDepositoryCode ¶
func NewSettlDepositoryCode(val string) SettlDepositoryCodeField
NewSettlDepositoryCode returns a new SettlDepositoryCodeField initialized with val
func (SettlDepositoryCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlDepositoryCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlDepositoryCode (173)
func (SettlDepositoryCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlDepositoryCodeField) Value() string
type SettlInstCodeField ¶
type SettlInstCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlInstCodeField is a STRING field
func NewSettlInstCode ¶
func NewSettlInstCode(val string) SettlInstCodeField
NewSettlInstCode returns a new SettlInstCodeField initialized with val
func (SettlInstCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstCode (175)
func (SettlInstCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlInstCodeField) Value() string
type SettlInstIDField ¶
type SettlInstIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlInstIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlInstID ¶
func NewSettlInstID(val string) SettlInstIDField
NewSettlInstID returns a new SettlInstIDField initialized with val
func (SettlInstIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstID (162)
func (SettlInstIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlInstIDField) Value() string
type SettlInstModeField ¶
type SettlInstModeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlInstModeField is a enum.SettlInstMode field
func NewSettlInstMode ¶
func NewSettlInstMode(val enum.SettlInstMode) SettlInstModeField
func (SettlInstModeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstModeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstMode (160)
func (SettlInstModeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlInstModeField) Value() enum.SettlInstMode
type SettlInstMsgIDField ¶
type SettlInstMsgIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlInstMsgIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlInstMsgID ¶
func NewSettlInstMsgID(val string) SettlInstMsgIDField
NewSettlInstMsgID returns a new SettlInstMsgIDField initialized with val
func (SettlInstMsgIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstMsgIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstMsgID (777)
func (SettlInstMsgIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlInstMsgIDField) Value() string
type SettlInstRefIDField ¶
type SettlInstRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlInstRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlInstRefID ¶
func NewSettlInstRefID(val string) SettlInstRefIDField
NewSettlInstRefID returns a new SettlInstRefIDField initialized with val
func (SettlInstRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstRefID (214)
func (SettlInstRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlInstRefIDField) Value() string
type SettlInstReqIDField ¶
type SettlInstReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlInstReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlInstReqID ¶
func NewSettlInstReqID(val string) SettlInstReqIDField
NewSettlInstReqID returns a new SettlInstReqIDField initialized with val
func (SettlInstReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstReqID (791)
func (SettlInstReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlInstReqIDField) Value() string
type SettlInstReqRejCodeField ¶
type SettlInstReqRejCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlInstReqRejCodeField is a enum.SettlInstReqRejCode field
func NewSettlInstReqRejCode ¶
func NewSettlInstReqRejCode(val enum.SettlInstReqRejCode) SettlInstReqRejCodeField
func (SettlInstReqRejCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstReqRejCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstReqRejCode (792)
func (SettlInstReqRejCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlInstReqRejCodeField) Value() enum.SettlInstReqRejCode
type SettlInstSourceField ¶
type SettlInstSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlInstSourceField is a enum.SettlInstSource field
func NewSettlInstSource ¶
func NewSettlInstSource(val enum.SettlInstSource) SettlInstSourceField
func (SettlInstSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstSource (165)
func (SettlInstSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlInstSourceField) Value() enum.SettlInstSource
type SettlInstTransTypeField ¶
type SettlInstTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlInstTransTypeField is a enum.SettlInstTransType field
func NewSettlInstTransType ¶
func NewSettlInstTransType(val enum.SettlInstTransType) SettlInstTransTypeField
func (SettlInstTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstTransType (163)
func (SettlInstTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlInstTransTypeField) Value() enum.SettlInstTransType
type SettlLocationField ¶
type SettlLocationField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlLocationField is a enum.SettlLocation field
func NewSettlLocation ¶
func NewSettlLocation(val enum.SettlLocation) SettlLocationField
func (SettlLocationField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlLocationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlLocation (166)
func (SettlLocationField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlLocationField) Value() enum.SettlLocation
type SettlMethodField ¶
type SettlMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlMethodField is a enum.SettlMethod field
func NewSettlMethod ¶
func NewSettlMethod(val enum.SettlMethod) SettlMethodField
func (SettlMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlMethod (1193)
func (SettlMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlMethodField) Value() enum.SettlMethod
type SettlObligIDField ¶
type SettlObligIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlObligIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlObligID ¶
func NewSettlObligID(val string) SettlObligIDField
NewSettlObligID returns a new SettlObligIDField initialized with val
func (SettlObligIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlObligIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlObligID (1161)
func (SettlObligIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlObligIDField) Value() string
type SettlObligModeField ¶
type SettlObligModeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlObligModeField is a enum.SettlObligMode field
func NewSettlObligMode ¶
func NewSettlObligMode(val enum.SettlObligMode) SettlObligModeField
func (SettlObligModeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlObligModeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlObligMode (1159)
func (SettlObligModeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlObligModeField) Value() enum.SettlObligMode
type SettlObligMsgIDField ¶
type SettlObligMsgIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlObligMsgIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlObligMsgID ¶
func NewSettlObligMsgID(val string) SettlObligMsgIDField
NewSettlObligMsgID returns a new SettlObligMsgIDField initialized with val
func (SettlObligMsgIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlObligMsgIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlObligMsgID (1160)
func (SettlObligMsgIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlObligMsgIDField) Value() string
type SettlObligRefIDField ¶
type SettlObligRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlObligRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlObligRefID ¶
func NewSettlObligRefID(val string) SettlObligRefIDField
NewSettlObligRefID returns a new SettlObligRefIDField initialized with val
func (SettlObligRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlObligRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlObligRefID (1163)
func (SettlObligRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlObligRefIDField) Value() string
type SettlObligSourceField ¶
type SettlObligSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlObligSourceField is a enum.SettlObligSource field
func NewSettlObligSource ¶
func NewSettlObligSource(val enum.SettlObligSource) SettlObligSourceField
func (SettlObligSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlObligSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlObligSource (1164)
func (SettlObligSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlObligSourceField) Value() enum.SettlObligSource
type SettlObligTransTypeField ¶
type SettlObligTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlObligTransTypeField is a enum.SettlObligTransType field
func NewSettlObligTransType ¶
func NewSettlObligTransType(val enum.SettlObligTransType) SettlObligTransTypeField
func (SettlObligTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlObligTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlObligTransType (1162)
func (SettlObligTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlObligTransTypeField) Value() enum.SettlObligTransType
type SettlPartyIDField ¶
type SettlPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlPartyID ¶
func NewSettlPartyID(val string) SettlPartyIDField
NewSettlPartyID returns a new SettlPartyIDField initialized with val
func (SettlPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlPartyID (782)
func (SettlPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlPartyIDField) Value() string
type SettlPartyIDSourceField ¶
type SettlPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewSettlPartyIDSource ¶
func NewSettlPartyIDSource(val string) SettlPartyIDSourceField
NewSettlPartyIDSource returns a new SettlPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (SettlPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlPartyIDSource (783)
func (SettlPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type SettlPartyRoleField ¶
type SettlPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SettlPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewSettlPartyRole ¶
func NewSettlPartyRole(val int) SettlPartyRoleField
NewSettlPartyRole returns a new SettlPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (SettlPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlPartyRole (784)
func (SettlPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlPartyRoleField) Value() int
type SettlPartySubIDField ¶
type SettlPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlPartySubID ¶
func NewSettlPartySubID(val string) SettlPartySubIDField
NewSettlPartySubID returns a new SettlPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (SettlPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlPartySubID (785)
func (SettlPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlPartySubIDField) Value() string
type SettlPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type SettlPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SettlPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewSettlPartySubIDType ¶
func NewSettlPartySubIDType(val int) SettlPartySubIDTypeField
NewSettlPartySubIDType returns a new SettlPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (SettlPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlPartySubIDType (786)
func (SettlPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type SettlPriceField ¶
type SettlPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SettlPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewSettlPrice ¶
func NewSettlPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SettlPriceField
NewSettlPrice returns a new SettlPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (SettlPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlPrice (730)
func (SettlPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SettlPriceTypeField ¶
type SettlPriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlPriceTypeField is a enum.SettlPriceType field
func NewSettlPriceType ¶
func NewSettlPriceType(val enum.SettlPriceType) SettlPriceTypeField
func (SettlPriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlPriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlPriceType (731)
func (SettlPriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlPriceTypeField) Value() enum.SettlPriceType
type SettlSessIDField ¶
type SettlSessIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlSessIDField is a enum.SettlSessID field
func NewSettlSessID ¶
func NewSettlSessID(val enum.SettlSessID) SettlSessIDField
func (SettlSessIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlSessIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlSessID (716)
func (SettlSessIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlSessIDField) Value() enum.SettlSessID
type SettlSessSubIDField ¶
type SettlSessSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlSessSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewSettlSessSubID ¶
func NewSettlSessSubID(val string) SettlSessSubIDField
NewSettlSessSubID returns a new SettlSessSubIDField initialized with val
func (SettlSessSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlSessSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlSessSubID (717)
func (SettlSessSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlSessSubIDField) Value() string
type SettlTypeField ¶
type SettlTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlTypeField is a enum.SettlType field
func NewSettlType ¶
func NewSettlType(val enum.SettlType) SettlTypeField
func (SettlTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlType (63)
func (SettlTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlTypeField) Value() enum.SettlType
type SettleOnOpenFlagField ¶
type SettleOnOpenFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettleOnOpenFlagField is a STRING field
func NewSettleOnOpenFlag ¶
func NewSettleOnOpenFlag(val string) SettleOnOpenFlagField
NewSettleOnOpenFlag returns a new SettleOnOpenFlagField initialized with val
func (SettleOnOpenFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f SettleOnOpenFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettleOnOpenFlag (966)
func (SettleOnOpenFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettleOnOpenFlagField) Value() string
type SettlementCycleNoField ¶
type SettlementCycleNoField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SettlementCycleNoField is a INT field
func NewSettlementCycleNo ¶
func NewSettlementCycleNo(val int) SettlementCycleNoField
NewSettlementCycleNo returns a new SettlementCycleNoField initialized with val
func (SettlementCycleNoField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlementCycleNoField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlementCycleNo (1153)
func (SettlementCycleNoField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlementCycleNoField) Value() int
type SettlmntTypField ¶
type SettlmntTypField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SettlmntTypField is a enum.SettlmntTyp field
func NewSettlmntTyp ¶
func NewSettlmntTyp(val enum.SettlmntTyp) SettlmntTypField
func (SettlmntTypField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlmntTypField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlmntTyp (63)
func (SettlmntTypField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SettlmntTypField) Value() enum.SettlmntTyp
type SharedCommissionField ¶
SharedCommissionField is a AMT field
func NewSharedCommission ¶
func NewSharedCommission(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SharedCommissionField
NewSharedCommission returns a new SharedCommissionField initialized with val and scale
func (SharedCommissionField) Tag ¶
func (f SharedCommissionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SharedCommission (858)
func (SharedCommissionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SharedCommissionField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SharesField ¶
SharesField is a QTY field
func NewShares ¶
func NewShares(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SharesField
NewShares returns a new SharesField initialized with val and scale
func (SharesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SharesField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ShortQtyField ¶
type ShortQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ShortQtyField is a QTY field
func NewShortQty ¶
func NewShortQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ShortQtyField
NewShortQty returns a new ShortQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (ShortQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ShortQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ShortSaleReasonField ¶
type ShortSaleReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ShortSaleReasonField is a enum.ShortSaleReason field
func NewShortSaleReason ¶
func NewShortSaleReason(val enum.ShortSaleReason) ShortSaleReasonField
func (ShortSaleReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f ShortSaleReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ShortSaleReason (853)
func (ShortSaleReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ShortSaleReasonField) Value() enum.ShortSaleReason
type SideComplianceIDField ¶
type SideComplianceIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideComplianceIDField is a STRING field
func NewSideComplianceID ¶
func NewSideComplianceID(val string) SideComplianceIDField
NewSideComplianceID returns a new SideComplianceIDField initialized with val
func (SideComplianceIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SideComplianceIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideComplianceID (659)
func (SideComplianceIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideComplianceIDField) Value() string
type SideCurrencyField ¶
type SideCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewSideCurrency ¶
func NewSideCurrency(val string) SideCurrencyField
NewSideCurrency returns a new SideCurrencyField initialized with val
func (SideCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f SideCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideCurrency (1154)
func (SideCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideCurrencyField) Value() string
type SideExecIDField ¶
type SideExecIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideExecIDField is a STRING field
func NewSideExecID ¶
func NewSideExecID(val string) SideExecIDField
NewSideExecID returns a new SideExecIDField initialized with val
func (SideExecIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SideExecIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideExecID (1427)
func (SideExecIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideExecIDField) Value() string
type SideFillStationCdField ¶
type SideFillStationCdField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideFillStationCdField is a STRING field
func NewSideFillStationCd ¶
func NewSideFillStationCd(val string) SideFillStationCdField
NewSideFillStationCd returns a new SideFillStationCdField initialized with val
func (SideFillStationCdField) Tag ¶
func (f SideFillStationCdField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideFillStationCd (1006)
func (SideFillStationCdField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideFillStationCdField) Value() string
type SideGrossTradeAmtField ¶
type SideGrossTradeAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SideGrossTradeAmtField is a AMT field
func NewSideGrossTradeAmt ¶
func NewSideGrossTradeAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SideGrossTradeAmtField
NewSideGrossTradeAmt returns a new SideGrossTradeAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (SideGrossTradeAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f SideGrossTradeAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideGrossTradeAmt (1072)
func (SideGrossTradeAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideGrossTradeAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SideLastQtyField ¶
type SideLastQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SideLastQtyField is a INT field
func NewSideLastQty ¶
func NewSideLastQty(val int) SideLastQtyField
NewSideLastQty returns a new SideLastQtyField initialized with val
func (SideLastQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f SideLastQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideLastQty (1009)
func (SideLastQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideLastQtyField) Value() int
type SideLiquidityIndField ¶
type SideLiquidityIndField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SideLiquidityIndField is a INT field
func NewSideLiquidityInd ¶
func NewSideLiquidityInd(val int) SideLiquidityIndField
NewSideLiquidityInd returns a new SideLiquidityIndField initialized with val
func (SideLiquidityIndField) Tag ¶
func (f SideLiquidityIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideLiquidityInd (1444)
func (SideLiquidityIndField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideLiquidityIndField) Value() int
type SideMultiLegReportingTypeField ¶
type SideMultiLegReportingTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideMultiLegReportingTypeField is a enum.SideMultiLegReportingType field
func NewSideMultiLegReportingType ¶
func NewSideMultiLegReportingType(val enum.SideMultiLegReportingType) SideMultiLegReportingTypeField
func (SideMultiLegReportingTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SideMultiLegReportingTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideMultiLegReportingType (752)
func (SideMultiLegReportingTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideMultiLegReportingTypeField) Value() enum.SideMultiLegReportingType
type SideQtyField ¶
type SideQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SideQtyField is a INT field
func NewSideQty ¶
func NewSideQty(val int) SideQtyField
NewSideQty returns a new SideQtyField initialized with val
func (SideQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideQtyField) Value() int
type SideReasonCdField ¶
type SideReasonCdField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideReasonCdField is a STRING field
func NewSideReasonCd ¶
func NewSideReasonCd(val string) SideReasonCdField
NewSideReasonCd returns a new SideReasonCdField initialized with val
func (SideReasonCdField) Tag ¶
func (f SideReasonCdField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideReasonCd (1007)
func (SideReasonCdField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideReasonCdField) Value() string
type SideSettlCurrencyField ¶
type SideSettlCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideSettlCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewSideSettlCurrency ¶
func NewSideSettlCurrency(val string) SideSettlCurrencyField
NewSideSettlCurrency returns a new SideSettlCurrencyField initialized with val
func (SideSettlCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f SideSettlCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideSettlCurrency (1155)
func (SideSettlCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideSettlCurrencyField) Value() string
type SideTimeInForceField ¶
type SideTimeInForceField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
SideTimeInForceField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewSideTimeInForce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewSideTimeInForce(val time.Time) SideTimeInForceField
NewSideTimeInForce returns a new SideTimeInForceField initialized with val
func NewSideTimeInForceNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewSideTimeInForceNoMillis(val time.Time) SideTimeInForceField
NewSideTimeInForceNoMillis returns a new SideTimeInForceField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewSideTimeInForceWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewSideTimeInForceWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) SideTimeInForceField
NewSideTimeInForceWithPrecision returns a new SideTimeInForceField initialized with val of specified precision
func (SideTimeInForceField) Tag ¶
func (f SideTimeInForceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideTimeInForce (962)
func (SideTimeInForceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideTimeInForceField) Value() time.Time
type SideTradeReportIDField ¶
type SideTradeReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideTradeReportIDField is a STRING field
func NewSideTradeReportID ¶
func NewSideTradeReportID(val string) SideTradeReportIDField
NewSideTradeReportID returns a new SideTradeReportIDField initialized with val
func (SideTradeReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SideTradeReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideTradeReportID (1005)
func (SideTradeReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideTradeReportIDField) Value() string
type SideTrdRegTimestampField ¶
type SideTrdRegTimestampField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
SideTrdRegTimestampField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewSideTrdRegTimestamp ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewSideTrdRegTimestamp(val time.Time) SideTrdRegTimestampField
NewSideTrdRegTimestamp returns a new SideTrdRegTimestampField initialized with val
func NewSideTrdRegTimestampNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewSideTrdRegTimestampNoMillis(val time.Time) SideTrdRegTimestampField
NewSideTrdRegTimestampNoMillis returns a new SideTrdRegTimestampField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewSideTrdRegTimestampWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewSideTrdRegTimestampWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) SideTrdRegTimestampField
NewSideTrdRegTimestampWithPrecision returns a new SideTrdRegTimestampField initialized with val of specified precision
func (SideTrdRegTimestampField) Tag ¶
func (f SideTrdRegTimestampField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideTrdRegTimestamp (1012)
func (SideTrdRegTimestampField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideTrdRegTimestampField) Value() time.Time
type SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField ¶
type SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField is a STRING field
func NewSideTrdRegTimestampSrc ¶
func NewSideTrdRegTimestampSrc(val string) SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField
NewSideTrdRegTimestampSrc returns a new SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField initialized with val
func (SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField) Tag ¶
func (f SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideTrdRegTimestampSrc (1014)
func (SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideTrdRegTimestampSrcField) Value() string
type SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField ¶
type SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField is a INT field
func NewSideTrdRegTimestampType ¶
func NewSideTrdRegTimestampType(val int) SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField
NewSideTrdRegTimestampType returns a new SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField initialized with val
func (SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideTrdRegTimestampType (1013)
func (SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideTrdRegTimestampTypeField) Value() int
type SideTrdSubTypField ¶
type SideTrdSubTypField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideTrdSubTypField is a enum.SideTrdSubTyp field
func NewSideTrdSubTyp ¶
func NewSideTrdSubTyp(val enum.SideTrdSubTyp) SideTrdSubTypField
func (SideTrdSubTypField) Tag ¶
func (f SideTrdSubTypField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideTrdSubTyp (1008)
func (SideTrdSubTypField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideTrdSubTypField) Value() enum.SideTrdSubTyp
type SideValue1Field ¶
type SideValue1Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SideValue1Field is a AMT field
func NewSideValue1 ¶
func NewSideValue1(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SideValue1Field
NewSideValue1 returns a new SideValue1Field initialized with val and scale
func (SideValue1Field) Tag ¶
func (f SideValue1Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideValue1 (396)
func (SideValue1Field) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideValue1Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SideValue2Field ¶
type SideValue2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SideValue2Field is a AMT field
func NewSideValue2 ¶
func NewSideValue2(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SideValue2Field
NewSideValue2 returns a new SideValue2Field initialized with val and scale
func (SideValue2Field) Tag ¶
func (f SideValue2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideValue2 (397)
func (SideValue2Field) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideValue2Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SideValueIndField ¶
type SideValueIndField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SideValueIndField is a enum.SideValueInd field
func NewSideValueInd ¶
func NewSideValueInd(val enum.SideValueInd) SideValueIndField
func (SideValueIndField) Tag ¶
func (f SideValueIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideValueInd (401)
func (SideValueIndField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SideValueIndField) Value() enum.SideValueInd
type SignatureField ¶
type SignatureField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SignatureField is a DATA field
func NewSignature ¶
func NewSignature(val string) SignatureField
NewSignature returns a new SignatureField initialized with val
func (SignatureField) Tag ¶
func (f SignatureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Signature (89)
func (SignatureField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SignatureField) Value() string
type SignatureLengthField ¶
type SignatureLengthField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
SignatureLengthField is a LENGTH field
func NewSignatureLength ¶
func NewSignatureLength(val int) SignatureLengthField
NewSignatureLength returns a new SignatureLengthField initialized with val
func (SignatureLengthField) Tag ¶
func (f SignatureLengthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SignatureLength (93)
func (SignatureLengthField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SignatureLengthField) Value() int
type SolicitedFlagField ¶
type SolicitedFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
SolicitedFlagField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewSolicitedFlag ¶
func NewSolicitedFlag(val bool) SolicitedFlagField
NewSolicitedFlag returns a new SolicitedFlagField initialized with val
func (SolicitedFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f SolicitedFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SolicitedFlag (377)
func (SolicitedFlagField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SolicitedFlagField) Value() bool
type SpreadField ¶
type SpreadField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SpreadField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewSpread ¶
func NewSpread(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SpreadField
NewSpread returns a new SpreadField initialized with val and scale
func (SpreadField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SpreadField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SpreadToBenchmarkField ¶
type SpreadToBenchmarkField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SpreadToBenchmarkField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewSpreadToBenchmark ¶
func NewSpreadToBenchmark(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SpreadToBenchmarkField
NewSpreadToBenchmark returns a new SpreadToBenchmarkField initialized with val and scale
func (SpreadToBenchmarkField) Tag ¶
func (f SpreadToBenchmarkField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SpreadToBenchmark (218)
func (SpreadToBenchmarkField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SpreadToBenchmarkField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StandInstDbIDField ¶
type StandInstDbIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StandInstDbIDField is a STRING field
func NewStandInstDbID ¶
func NewStandInstDbID(val string) StandInstDbIDField
NewStandInstDbID returns a new StandInstDbIDField initialized with val
func (StandInstDbIDField) Tag ¶
func (f StandInstDbIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StandInstDbID (171)
func (StandInstDbIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StandInstDbIDField) Value() string
type StandInstDbNameField ¶
type StandInstDbNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StandInstDbNameField is a STRING field
func NewStandInstDbName ¶
func NewStandInstDbName(val string) StandInstDbNameField
NewStandInstDbName returns a new StandInstDbNameField initialized with val
func (StandInstDbNameField) Tag ¶
func (f StandInstDbNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StandInstDbName (170)
func (StandInstDbNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StandInstDbNameField) Value() string
type StandInstDbTypeField ¶
type StandInstDbTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StandInstDbTypeField is a enum.StandInstDbType field
func NewStandInstDbType ¶
func NewStandInstDbType(val enum.StandInstDbType) StandInstDbTypeField
func (StandInstDbTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f StandInstDbTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StandInstDbType (169)
func (StandInstDbTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StandInstDbTypeField) Value() enum.StandInstDbType
type StartCashField ¶
type StartCashField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StartCashField is a AMT field
func NewStartCash ¶
func NewStartCash(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StartCashField
NewStartCash returns a new StartCashField initialized with val and scale
func (StartCashField) Tag ¶
func (f StartCashField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StartCash (921)
func (StartCashField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StartCashField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StartDateField ¶
type StartDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StartDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewStartDate ¶
func NewStartDate(val string) StartDateField
NewStartDate returns a new StartDateField initialized with val
func (StartDateField) Tag ¶
func (f StartDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StartDate (916)
func (StartDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StartDateField) Value() string
type StartMaturityMonthYearField ¶
type StartMaturityMonthYearField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StartMaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewStartMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewStartMaturityMonthYear(val string) StartMaturityMonthYearField
NewStartMaturityMonthYear returns a new StartMaturityMonthYearField initialized with val
func (StartMaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f StartMaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StartMaturityMonthYear (1241)
func (StartMaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StartMaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type StartStrikePxRangeField ¶
type StartStrikePxRangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StartStrikePxRangeField is a PRICE field
func NewStartStrikePxRange ¶
func NewStartStrikePxRange(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StartStrikePxRangeField
NewStartStrikePxRange returns a new StartStrikePxRangeField initialized with val and scale
func (StartStrikePxRangeField) Tag ¶
func (f StartStrikePxRangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StartStrikePxRange (1202)
func (StartStrikePxRangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StartStrikePxRangeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StartTickPriceRangeField ¶
type StartTickPriceRangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StartTickPriceRangeField is a PRICE field
func NewStartTickPriceRange ¶
func NewStartTickPriceRange(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StartTickPriceRangeField
NewStartTickPriceRange returns a new StartTickPriceRangeField initialized with val and scale
func (StartTickPriceRangeField) Tag ¶
func (f StartTickPriceRangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StartTickPriceRange (1206)
func (StartTickPriceRangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StartTickPriceRangeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StateOrProvinceOfIssueField ¶
type StateOrProvinceOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StateOrProvinceOfIssueField is a STRING field
func NewStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func NewStateOrProvinceOfIssue(val string) StateOrProvinceOfIssueField
NewStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns a new StateOrProvinceOfIssueField initialized with val
func (StateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f StateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StateOrProvinceOfIssue (471)
func (StateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Value() string
type StatsTypeField ¶
type StatsTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StatsTypeField is a enum.StatsType field
func NewStatsType ¶
func NewStatsType(val enum.StatsType) StatsTypeField
func (StatsTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f StatsTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StatsType (1176)
func (StatsTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StatsTypeField) Value() enum.StatsType
type StatusTextField ¶
type StatusTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StatusTextField is a STRING field
func NewStatusText ¶
func NewStatusText(val string) StatusTextField
NewStatusText returns a new StatusTextField initialized with val
func (StatusTextField) Tag ¶
func (f StatusTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StatusText (929)
func (StatusTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StatusTextField) Value() string
type StatusValueField ¶
type StatusValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StatusValueField is a enum.StatusValue field
func NewStatusValue ¶
func NewStatusValue(val enum.StatusValue) StatusValueField
func (StatusValueField) Tag ¶
func (f StatusValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StatusValue (928)
func (StatusValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StatusValueField) Value() enum.StatusValue
type StipulationTypeField ¶
type StipulationTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StipulationTypeField is a enum.StipulationType field
func NewStipulationType ¶
func NewStipulationType(val enum.StipulationType) StipulationTypeField
func (StipulationTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f StipulationTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StipulationType (233)
func (StipulationTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StipulationTypeField) Value() enum.StipulationType
type StipulationValueField ¶
type StipulationValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StipulationValueField is a STRING field
func NewStipulationValue ¶
func NewStipulationValue(val string) StipulationValueField
NewStipulationValue returns a new StipulationValueField initialized with val
func (StipulationValueField) Tag ¶
func (f StipulationValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StipulationValue (234)
func (StipulationValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StipulationValueField) Value() string
type StopPxField ¶
type StopPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StopPxField is a PRICE field
func NewStopPx ¶
func NewStopPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StopPxField
NewStopPx returns a new StopPxField initialized with val and scale
func (StopPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StopPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StrategyParameterNameField ¶
type StrategyParameterNameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StrategyParameterNameField is a STRING field
func NewStrategyParameterName ¶
func NewStrategyParameterName(val string) StrategyParameterNameField
NewStrategyParameterName returns a new StrategyParameterNameField initialized with val
func (StrategyParameterNameField) Tag ¶
func (f StrategyParameterNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrategyParameterName (958)
func (StrategyParameterNameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrategyParameterNameField) Value() string
type StrategyParameterTypeField ¶
type StrategyParameterTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StrategyParameterTypeField is a enum.StrategyParameterType field
func NewStrategyParameterType ¶
func NewStrategyParameterType(val enum.StrategyParameterType) StrategyParameterTypeField
func (StrategyParameterTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f StrategyParameterTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrategyParameterType (959)
func (StrategyParameterTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrategyParameterTypeField) Value() enum.StrategyParameterType
type StrategyParameterValueField ¶
type StrategyParameterValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StrategyParameterValueField is a STRING field
func NewStrategyParameterValue ¶
func NewStrategyParameterValue(val string) StrategyParameterValueField
NewStrategyParameterValue returns a new StrategyParameterValueField initialized with val
func (StrategyParameterValueField) Tag ¶
func (f StrategyParameterValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrategyParameterValue (960)
func (StrategyParameterValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrategyParameterValueField) Value() string
type StreamAsgnAckTypeField ¶
type StreamAsgnAckTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StreamAsgnAckTypeField is a enum.StreamAsgnAckType field
func NewStreamAsgnAckType ¶
func NewStreamAsgnAckType(val enum.StreamAsgnAckType) StreamAsgnAckTypeField
func (StreamAsgnAckTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f StreamAsgnAckTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StreamAsgnAckType (1503)
func (StreamAsgnAckTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StreamAsgnAckTypeField) Value() enum.StreamAsgnAckType
type StreamAsgnRejReasonField ¶
type StreamAsgnRejReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StreamAsgnRejReasonField is a enum.StreamAsgnRejReason field
func NewStreamAsgnRejReason ¶
func NewStreamAsgnRejReason(val enum.StreamAsgnRejReason) StreamAsgnRejReasonField
func (StreamAsgnRejReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f StreamAsgnRejReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StreamAsgnRejReason (1502)
func (StreamAsgnRejReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StreamAsgnRejReasonField) Value() enum.StreamAsgnRejReason
type StreamAsgnReqIDField ¶
type StreamAsgnReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StreamAsgnReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewStreamAsgnReqID ¶
func NewStreamAsgnReqID(val string) StreamAsgnReqIDField
NewStreamAsgnReqID returns a new StreamAsgnReqIDField initialized with val
func (StreamAsgnReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f StreamAsgnReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StreamAsgnReqID (1497)
func (StreamAsgnReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StreamAsgnReqIDField) Value() string
type StreamAsgnReqTypeField ¶
type StreamAsgnReqTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StreamAsgnReqTypeField is a enum.StreamAsgnReqType field
func NewStreamAsgnReqType ¶
func NewStreamAsgnReqType(val enum.StreamAsgnReqType) StreamAsgnReqTypeField
func (StreamAsgnReqTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f StreamAsgnReqTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StreamAsgnReqType (1498)
func (StreamAsgnReqTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StreamAsgnReqTypeField) Value() enum.StreamAsgnReqType
type StreamAsgnRptIDField ¶
type StreamAsgnRptIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StreamAsgnRptIDField is a STRING field
func NewStreamAsgnRptID ¶
func NewStreamAsgnRptID(val string) StreamAsgnRptIDField
NewStreamAsgnRptID returns a new StreamAsgnRptIDField initialized with val
func (StreamAsgnRptIDField) Tag ¶
func (f StreamAsgnRptIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StreamAsgnRptID (1501)
func (StreamAsgnRptIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StreamAsgnRptIDField) Value() string
type StreamAsgnTypeField ¶
type StreamAsgnTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StreamAsgnTypeField is a enum.StreamAsgnType field
func NewStreamAsgnType ¶
func NewStreamAsgnType(val enum.StreamAsgnType) StreamAsgnTypeField
func (StreamAsgnTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f StreamAsgnTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StreamAsgnType (1617)
func (StreamAsgnTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StreamAsgnTypeField) Value() enum.StreamAsgnType
type StrikeCurrencyField ¶
type StrikeCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StrikeCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewStrikeCurrency ¶
func NewStrikeCurrency(val string) StrikeCurrencyField
NewStrikeCurrency returns a new StrikeCurrencyField initialized with val
func (StrikeCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikeCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikeCurrency (947)
func (StrikeCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikeCurrencyField) Value() string
type StrikeExerciseStyleField ¶
type StrikeExerciseStyleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
StrikeExerciseStyleField is a INT field
func NewStrikeExerciseStyle ¶
func NewStrikeExerciseStyle(val int) StrikeExerciseStyleField
NewStrikeExerciseStyle returns a new StrikeExerciseStyleField initialized with val
func (StrikeExerciseStyleField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikeExerciseStyleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikeExerciseStyle (1304)
func (StrikeExerciseStyleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikeExerciseStyleField) Value() int
type StrikeIncrementField ¶
type StrikeIncrementField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StrikeIncrementField is a FLOAT field
func NewStrikeIncrement ¶
func NewStrikeIncrement(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StrikeIncrementField
NewStrikeIncrement returns a new StrikeIncrementField initialized with val and scale
func (StrikeIncrementField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikeIncrementField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikeIncrement (1204)
func (StrikeIncrementField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikeIncrementField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StrikeMultiplierField ¶
type StrikeMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StrikeMultiplierField is a FLOAT field
func NewStrikeMultiplier ¶
func NewStrikeMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StrikeMultiplierField
NewStrikeMultiplier returns a new StrikeMultiplierField initialized with val and scale
func (StrikeMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikeMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikeMultiplier (967)
func (StrikeMultiplierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikeMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StrikePriceBoundaryMethodField ¶
type StrikePriceBoundaryMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StrikePriceBoundaryMethodField is a enum.StrikePriceBoundaryMethod field
func NewStrikePriceBoundaryMethod ¶
func NewStrikePriceBoundaryMethod(val enum.StrikePriceBoundaryMethod) StrikePriceBoundaryMethodField
func (StrikePriceBoundaryMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikePriceBoundaryMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikePriceBoundaryMethod (1479)
func (StrikePriceBoundaryMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikePriceBoundaryMethodField) Value() enum.StrikePriceBoundaryMethod
type StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField ¶
type StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewStrikePriceBoundaryPrecision ¶
func NewStrikePriceBoundaryPrecision(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField
NewStrikePriceBoundaryPrecision returns a new StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField initialized with val and scale
func (StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikePriceBoundaryPrecision (1480)
func (StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikePriceBoundaryPrecisionField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StrikePriceDeterminationMethodField ¶
type StrikePriceDeterminationMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StrikePriceDeterminationMethodField is a enum.StrikePriceDeterminationMethod field
func NewStrikePriceDeterminationMethod ¶
func NewStrikePriceDeterminationMethod(val enum.StrikePriceDeterminationMethod) StrikePriceDeterminationMethodField
func (StrikePriceDeterminationMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikePriceDeterminationMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikePriceDeterminationMethod (1478)
func (StrikePriceDeterminationMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikePriceDeterminationMethodField) Value() enum.StrikePriceDeterminationMethod
type StrikePriceField ¶
type StrikePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StrikePriceField is a PRICE field
func NewStrikePrice ¶
func NewStrikePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StrikePriceField
NewStrikePrice returns a new StrikePriceField initialized with val and scale
func (StrikePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikePrice (202)
func (StrikePriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StrikeRuleIDField ¶
type StrikeRuleIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
StrikeRuleIDField is a STRING field
func NewStrikeRuleID ¶
func NewStrikeRuleID(val string) StrikeRuleIDField
NewStrikeRuleID returns a new StrikeRuleIDField initialized with val
func (StrikeRuleIDField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikeRuleIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikeRuleID (1223)
func (StrikeRuleIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikeRuleIDField) Value() string
type StrikeTimeField ¶
type StrikeTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
StrikeTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewStrikeTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewStrikeTime(val time.Time) StrikeTimeField
NewStrikeTime returns a new StrikeTimeField initialized with val
func NewStrikeTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewStrikeTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) StrikeTimeField
NewStrikeTimeNoMillis returns a new StrikeTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewStrikeTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewStrikeTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) StrikeTimeField
NewStrikeTimeWithPrecision returns a new StrikeTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (StrikeTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikeTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikeTime (443)
func (StrikeTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikeTimeField) Value() time.Time
type StrikeValueField ¶
type StrikeValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StrikeValueField is a FLOAT field
func NewStrikeValue ¶
func NewStrikeValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StrikeValueField
NewStrikeValue returns a new StrikeValueField initialized with val and scale
func (StrikeValueField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikeValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikeValue (968)
func (StrikeValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f StrikeValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SubjectField ¶
type SubjectField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SubjectField is a STRING field
func NewSubject ¶
func NewSubject(val string) SubjectField
NewSubject returns a new SubjectField initialized with val
func (SubjectField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SubjectField) Value() string
type SubscriptionRequestTypeField ¶
type SubscriptionRequestTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SubscriptionRequestTypeField is a enum.SubscriptionRequestType field
func NewSubscriptionRequestType ¶
func NewSubscriptionRequestType(val enum.SubscriptionRequestType) SubscriptionRequestTypeField
func (SubscriptionRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SubscriptionRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SubscriptionRequestType (263)
func (SubscriptionRequestTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SubscriptionRequestTypeField) Value() enum.SubscriptionRequestType
type SwapPointsField ¶
type SwapPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SwapPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewSwapPoints ¶
func NewSwapPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SwapPointsField
NewSwapPoints returns a new SwapPointsField initialized with val and scale
func (SwapPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f SwapPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SwapPoints (1069)
func (SwapPointsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SwapPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SymbolField ¶
type SymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SymbolField is a STRING field
func NewSymbol ¶
func NewSymbol(val string) SymbolField
NewSymbol returns a new SymbolField initialized with val
func (SymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SymbolField) Value() string
type SymbolSfxField ¶
type SymbolSfxField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
SymbolSfxField is a enum.SymbolSfx field
func NewSymbolSfx ¶
func NewSymbolSfx(val enum.SymbolSfx) SymbolSfxField
func (SymbolSfxField) Tag ¶
func (f SymbolSfxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SymbolSfx (65)
func (SymbolSfxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f SymbolSfxField) Value() enum.SymbolSfx
type TZTransactTimeField ¶
type TZTransactTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TZTransactTimeField is a TZTIMESTAMP field
func NewTZTransactTime ¶
func NewTZTransactTime(val string) TZTransactTimeField
NewTZTransactTime returns a new TZTransactTimeField initialized with val
func (TZTransactTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TZTransactTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TZTransactTime (1132)
func (TZTransactTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TZTransactTimeField) Value() string
type TargetCompIDField ¶
type TargetCompIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TargetCompIDField is a STRING field
func NewTargetCompID ¶
func NewTargetCompID(val string) TargetCompIDField
NewTargetCompID returns a new TargetCompIDField initialized with val
func (TargetCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetCompID (56)
func (TargetCompIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TargetCompIDField) Value() string
type TargetLocationIDField ¶
type TargetLocationIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TargetLocationIDField is a STRING field
func NewTargetLocationID ¶
func NewTargetLocationID(val string) TargetLocationIDField
NewTargetLocationID returns a new TargetLocationIDField initialized with val
func (TargetLocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetLocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetLocationID (143)
func (TargetLocationIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TargetLocationIDField) Value() string
type TargetPartyIDField ¶
type TargetPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TargetPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewTargetPartyID ¶
func NewTargetPartyID(val string) TargetPartyIDField
NewTargetPartyID returns a new TargetPartyIDField initialized with val
func (TargetPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetPartyID (1462)
func (TargetPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TargetPartyIDField) Value() string
type TargetPartyIDSourceField ¶
type TargetPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TargetPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewTargetPartyIDSource ¶
func NewTargetPartyIDSource(val string) TargetPartyIDSourceField
NewTargetPartyIDSource returns a new TargetPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (TargetPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetPartyIDSource (1463)
func (TargetPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TargetPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type TargetPartyRoleField ¶
type TargetPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TargetPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewTargetPartyRole ¶
func NewTargetPartyRole(val int) TargetPartyRoleField
NewTargetPartyRole returns a new TargetPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (TargetPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetPartyRole (1464)
func (TargetPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TargetPartyRoleField) Value() int
type TargetStrategyField ¶
type TargetStrategyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TargetStrategyField is a enum.TargetStrategy field
func NewTargetStrategy ¶
func NewTargetStrategy(val enum.TargetStrategy) TargetStrategyField
func (TargetStrategyField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetStrategyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetStrategy (847)
func (TargetStrategyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TargetStrategyField) Value() enum.TargetStrategy
type TargetStrategyParametersField ¶
type TargetStrategyParametersField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TargetStrategyParametersField is a STRING field
func NewTargetStrategyParameters ¶
func NewTargetStrategyParameters(val string) TargetStrategyParametersField
NewTargetStrategyParameters returns a new TargetStrategyParametersField initialized with val
func (TargetStrategyParametersField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetStrategyParametersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetStrategyParameters (848)
func (TargetStrategyParametersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TargetStrategyParametersField) Value() string
type TargetStrategyPerformanceField ¶
type TargetStrategyPerformanceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TargetStrategyPerformanceField is a FLOAT field
func NewTargetStrategyPerformance ¶
func NewTargetStrategyPerformance(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TargetStrategyPerformanceField
NewTargetStrategyPerformance returns a new TargetStrategyPerformanceField initialized with val and scale
func (TargetStrategyPerformanceField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetStrategyPerformanceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetStrategyPerformance (850)
func (TargetStrategyPerformanceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TargetStrategyPerformanceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TargetSubIDField ¶
type TargetSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TargetSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewTargetSubID ¶
func NewTargetSubID(val string) TargetSubIDField
NewTargetSubID returns a new TargetSubIDField initialized with val
func (TargetSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetSubID (57)
func (TargetSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TargetSubIDField) Value() string
type TaxAdvantageTypeField ¶
type TaxAdvantageTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TaxAdvantageTypeField is a enum.TaxAdvantageType field
func NewTaxAdvantageType ¶
func NewTaxAdvantageType(val enum.TaxAdvantageType) TaxAdvantageTypeField
func (TaxAdvantageTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TaxAdvantageTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TaxAdvantageType (495)
func (TaxAdvantageTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TaxAdvantageTypeField) Value() enum.TaxAdvantageType
type TerminationTypeField ¶
type TerminationTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TerminationTypeField is a enum.TerminationType field
func NewTerminationType ¶
func NewTerminationType(val enum.TerminationType) TerminationTypeField
func (TerminationTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TerminationTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TerminationType (788)
func (TerminationTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TerminationTypeField) Value() enum.TerminationType
type TestMessageIndicatorField ¶
type TestMessageIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
TestMessageIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewTestMessageIndicator ¶
func NewTestMessageIndicator(val bool) TestMessageIndicatorField
NewTestMessageIndicator returns a new TestMessageIndicatorField initialized with val
func (TestMessageIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f TestMessageIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TestMessageIndicator (464)
func (TestMessageIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TestMessageIndicatorField) Value() bool
type TestReqIDField ¶
type TestReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TestReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewTestReqID ¶
func NewTestReqID(val string) TestReqIDField
NewTestReqID returns a new TestReqIDField initialized with val
func (TestReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TestReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TestReqID (112)
func (TestReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TestReqIDField) Value() string
type TextField ¶
type TextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TextField is a STRING field
type ThresholdAmountField ¶
type ThresholdAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ThresholdAmountField is a PRICEOFFSET field
func NewThresholdAmount ¶
func NewThresholdAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ThresholdAmountField
NewThresholdAmount returns a new ThresholdAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (ThresholdAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f ThresholdAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ThresholdAmount (834)
func (ThresholdAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ThresholdAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TickDirectionField ¶
type TickDirectionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TickDirectionField is a enum.TickDirection field
func NewTickDirection ¶
func NewTickDirection(val enum.TickDirection) TickDirectionField
func (TickDirectionField) Tag ¶
func (f TickDirectionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TickDirection (274)
func (TickDirectionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TickDirectionField) Value() enum.TickDirection
type TickIncrementField ¶
type TickIncrementField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TickIncrementField is a PRICE field
func NewTickIncrement ¶
func NewTickIncrement(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TickIncrementField
NewTickIncrement returns a new TickIncrementField initialized with val and scale
func (TickIncrementField) Tag ¶
func (f TickIncrementField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TickIncrement (1208)
func (TickIncrementField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TickIncrementField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TickRuleTypeField ¶
type TickRuleTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TickRuleTypeField is a enum.TickRuleType field
func NewTickRuleType ¶
func NewTickRuleType(val enum.TickRuleType) TickRuleTypeField
func (TickRuleTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TickRuleTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TickRuleType (1209)
func (TickRuleTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TickRuleTypeField) Value() enum.TickRuleType
type TierCodeField ¶
type TierCodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TierCodeField is a STRING field
func NewTierCode ¶
func NewTierCode(val string) TierCodeField
NewTierCode returns a new TierCodeField initialized with val
func (TierCodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TierCodeField) Value() string
type TimeBracketField ¶
type TimeBracketField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TimeBracketField is a STRING field
func NewTimeBracket ¶
func NewTimeBracket(val string) TimeBracketField
NewTimeBracket returns a new TimeBracketField initialized with val
func (TimeBracketField) Tag ¶
func (f TimeBracketField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TimeBracket (943)
func (TimeBracketField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TimeBracketField) Value() string
type TimeInForceField ¶
type TimeInForceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TimeInForceField is a enum.TimeInForce field
func NewTimeInForce ¶
func NewTimeInForce(val enum.TimeInForce) TimeInForceField
func (TimeInForceField) Tag ¶
func (f TimeInForceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TimeInForce (59)
func (TimeInForceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TimeInForceField) Value() enum.TimeInForce
type TimeToExpirationField ¶
type TimeToExpirationField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TimeToExpirationField is a FLOAT field
func NewTimeToExpiration ¶
func NewTimeToExpiration(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TimeToExpirationField
NewTimeToExpiration returns a new TimeToExpirationField initialized with val and scale
func (TimeToExpirationField) Tag ¶
func (f TimeToExpirationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TimeToExpiration (1189)
func (TimeToExpirationField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TimeToExpirationField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TimeUnitField ¶
type TimeUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TimeUnitField is a enum.TimeUnit field
func NewTimeUnit ¶
func NewTimeUnit(val enum.TimeUnit) TimeUnitField
func (TimeUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TimeUnitField) Value() enum.TimeUnit
type TotNoAccQuotesField ¶
type TotNoAccQuotesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoAccQuotesField is a INT field
func NewTotNoAccQuotes ¶
func NewTotNoAccQuotes(val int) TotNoAccQuotesField
NewTotNoAccQuotes returns a new TotNoAccQuotesField initialized with val
func (TotNoAccQuotesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoAccQuotesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoAccQuotes (1169)
func (TotNoAccQuotesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoAccQuotesField) Value() int
type TotNoAllocsField ¶
type TotNoAllocsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoAllocsField is a INT field
func NewTotNoAllocs ¶
func NewTotNoAllocs(val int) TotNoAllocsField
NewTotNoAllocs returns a new TotNoAllocsField initialized with val
func (TotNoAllocsField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoAllocsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoAllocs (892)
func (TotNoAllocsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoAllocsField) Value() int
type TotNoCxldQuotesField ¶
type TotNoCxldQuotesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoCxldQuotesField is a INT field
func NewTotNoCxldQuotes ¶
func NewTotNoCxldQuotes(val int) TotNoCxldQuotesField
NewTotNoCxldQuotes returns a new TotNoCxldQuotesField initialized with val
func (TotNoCxldQuotesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoCxldQuotesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoCxldQuotes (1168)
func (TotNoCxldQuotesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoCxldQuotesField) Value() int
type TotNoFillsField ¶
type TotNoFillsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoFillsField is a INT field
func NewTotNoFills ¶
func NewTotNoFills(val int) TotNoFillsField
NewTotNoFills returns a new TotNoFillsField initialized with val
func (TotNoFillsField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoFillsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoFills (1361)
func (TotNoFillsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoFillsField) Value() int
type TotNoOrdersField ¶
type TotNoOrdersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoOrdersField is a INT field
func NewTotNoOrders ¶
func NewTotNoOrders(val int) TotNoOrdersField
NewTotNoOrders returns a new TotNoOrdersField initialized with val
func (TotNoOrdersField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoOrdersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoOrders (68)
func (TotNoOrdersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoOrdersField) Value() int
type TotNoPartyListField ¶
type TotNoPartyListField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoPartyListField is a INT field
func NewTotNoPartyList ¶
func NewTotNoPartyList(val int) TotNoPartyListField
NewTotNoPartyList returns a new TotNoPartyListField initialized with val
func (TotNoPartyListField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoPartyListField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoPartyList (1512)
func (TotNoPartyListField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoPartyListField) Value() int
type TotNoQuoteEntriesField ¶
type TotNoQuoteEntriesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoQuoteEntriesField is a INT field
func NewTotNoQuoteEntries ¶
func NewTotNoQuoteEntries(val int) TotNoQuoteEntriesField
NewTotNoQuoteEntries returns a new TotNoQuoteEntriesField initialized with val
func (TotNoQuoteEntriesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoQuoteEntriesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoQuoteEntries (304)
func (TotNoQuoteEntriesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoQuoteEntriesField) Value() int
type TotNoRejQuotesField ¶
type TotNoRejQuotesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoRejQuotesField is a INT field
func NewTotNoRejQuotes ¶
func NewTotNoRejQuotes(val int) TotNoRejQuotesField
NewTotNoRejQuotes returns a new TotNoRejQuotesField initialized with val
func (TotNoRejQuotesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoRejQuotesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoRejQuotes (1170)
func (TotNoRejQuotesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoRejQuotesField) Value() int
type TotNoRelatedSymField ¶
type TotNoRelatedSymField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoRelatedSymField is a INT field
func NewTotNoRelatedSym ¶
func NewTotNoRelatedSym(val int) TotNoRelatedSymField
NewTotNoRelatedSym returns a new TotNoRelatedSymField initialized with val
func (TotNoRelatedSymField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoRelatedSymField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoRelatedSym (393)
func (TotNoRelatedSymField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoRelatedSymField) Value() int
type TotNoSecurityTypesField ¶
type TotNoSecurityTypesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoSecurityTypesField is a INT field
func NewTotNoSecurityTypes ¶
func NewTotNoSecurityTypes(val int) TotNoSecurityTypesField
NewTotNoSecurityTypes returns a new TotNoSecurityTypesField initialized with val
func (TotNoSecurityTypesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoSecurityTypesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoSecurityTypes (557)
func (TotNoSecurityTypesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoSecurityTypesField) Value() int
type TotNoStrikesField ¶
type TotNoStrikesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNoStrikesField is a INT field
func NewTotNoStrikes ¶
func NewTotNoStrikes(val int) TotNoStrikesField
NewTotNoStrikes returns a new TotNoStrikesField initialized with val
func (TotNoStrikesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoStrikesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoStrikes (422)
func (TotNoStrikesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNoStrikesField) Value() int
type TotNumAssignmentReportsField ¶
type TotNumAssignmentReportsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNumAssignmentReportsField is a INT field
func NewTotNumAssignmentReports ¶
func NewTotNumAssignmentReports(val int) TotNumAssignmentReportsField
NewTotNumAssignmentReports returns a new TotNumAssignmentReportsField initialized with val
func (TotNumAssignmentReportsField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNumAssignmentReportsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNumAssignmentReports (832)
func (TotNumAssignmentReportsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNumAssignmentReportsField) Value() int
type TotNumReportsField ¶
type TotNumReportsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNumReportsField is a INT field
func NewTotNumReports ¶
func NewTotNumReports(val int) TotNumReportsField
NewTotNumReports returns a new TotNumReportsField initialized with val
func (TotNumReportsField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNumReportsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNumReports (911)
func (TotNumReportsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNumReportsField) Value() int
type TotNumTradeReportsField ¶
type TotNumTradeReportsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotNumTradeReportsField is a INT field
func NewTotNumTradeReports ¶
func NewTotNumTradeReports(val int) TotNumTradeReportsField
NewTotNumTradeReports returns a new TotNumTradeReportsField initialized with val
func (TotNumTradeReportsField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNumTradeReportsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNumTradeReports (748)
func (TotNumTradeReportsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotNumTradeReportsField) Value() int
type TotQuoteEntriesField ¶
type TotQuoteEntriesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotQuoteEntriesField is a INT field
func NewTotQuoteEntries ¶
func NewTotQuoteEntries(val int) TotQuoteEntriesField
NewTotQuoteEntries returns a new TotQuoteEntriesField initialized with val
func (TotQuoteEntriesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotQuoteEntriesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotQuoteEntries (304)
func (TotQuoteEntriesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotQuoteEntriesField) Value() int
type TotalAccruedInterestAmtField ¶
type TotalAccruedInterestAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TotalAccruedInterestAmtField is a AMT field
func NewTotalAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func NewTotalAccruedInterestAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TotalAccruedInterestAmtField
NewTotalAccruedInterestAmt returns a new TotalAccruedInterestAmtField initialized with val and scale
func (TotalAccruedInterestAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalAccruedInterestAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalAccruedInterestAmt (540)
func (TotalAccruedInterestAmtField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalAccruedInterestAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TotalAffectedOrdersField ¶
type TotalAffectedOrdersField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotalAffectedOrdersField is a INT field
func NewTotalAffectedOrders ¶
func NewTotalAffectedOrders(val int) TotalAffectedOrdersField
NewTotalAffectedOrders returns a new TotalAffectedOrdersField initialized with val
func (TotalAffectedOrdersField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalAffectedOrdersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalAffectedOrders (533)
func (TotalAffectedOrdersField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalAffectedOrdersField) Value() int
type TotalNetValueField ¶
type TotalNetValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TotalNetValueField is a AMT field
func NewTotalNetValue ¶
func NewTotalNetValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TotalNetValueField
NewTotalNetValue returns a new TotalNetValueField initialized with val and scale
func (TotalNetValueField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalNetValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalNetValue (900)
func (TotalNetValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalNetValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TotalNumPosReportsField ¶
type TotalNumPosReportsField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotalNumPosReportsField is a INT field
func NewTotalNumPosReports ¶
func NewTotalNumPosReports(val int) TotalNumPosReportsField
NewTotalNumPosReports returns a new TotalNumPosReportsField initialized with val
func (TotalNumPosReportsField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalNumPosReportsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalNumPosReports (727)
func (TotalNumPosReportsField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalNumPosReportsField) Value() int
type TotalNumSecuritiesField ¶
type TotalNumSecuritiesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotalNumSecuritiesField is a INT field
func NewTotalNumSecurities ¶
func NewTotalNumSecurities(val int) TotalNumSecuritiesField
NewTotalNumSecurities returns a new TotalNumSecuritiesField initialized with val
func (TotalNumSecuritiesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalNumSecuritiesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalNumSecurities (393)
func (TotalNumSecuritiesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalNumSecuritiesField) Value() int
type TotalNumSecurityTypesField ¶
type TotalNumSecurityTypesField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TotalNumSecurityTypesField is a INT field
func NewTotalNumSecurityTypes ¶
func NewTotalNumSecurityTypes(val int) TotalNumSecurityTypesField
NewTotalNumSecurityTypes returns a new TotalNumSecurityTypesField initialized with val
func (TotalNumSecurityTypesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalNumSecurityTypesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalNumSecurityTypes (557)
func (TotalNumSecurityTypesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalNumSecurityTypesField) Value() int
type TotalTakedownField ¶
type TotalTakedownField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TotalTakedownField is a AMT field
func NewTotalTakedown ¶
func NewTotalTakedown(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TotalTakedownField
NewTotalTakedown returns a new TotalTakedownField initialized with val and scale
func (TotalTakedownField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalTakedownField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalTakedown (237)
func (TotalTakedownField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalTakedownField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TotalVolumeTradedDateField ¶
type TotalVolumeTradedDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TotalVolumeTradedDateField is a UTCDATEONLY field
func NewTotalVolumeTradedDate ¶
func NewTotalVolumeTradedDate(val string) TotalVolumeTradedDateField
NewTotalVolumeTradedDate returns a new TotalVolumeTradedDateField initialized with val
func (TotalVolumeTradedDateField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalVolumeTradedDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalVolumeTradedDate (449)
func (TotalVolumeTradedDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalVolumeTradedDateField) Value() string
type TotalVolumeTradedField ¶
type TotalVolumeTradedField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TotalVolumeTradedField is a QTY field
func NewTotalVolumeTraded ¶
func NewTotalVolumeTraded(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TotalVolumeTradedField
NewTotalVolumeTraded returns a new TotalVolumeTradedField initialized with val and scale
func (TotalVolumeTradedField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalVolumeTradedField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalVolumeTraded (387)
func (TotalVolumeTradedField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalVolumeTradedField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TotalVolumeTradedTimeField ¶
type TotalVolumeTradedTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TotalVolumeTradedTimeField is a UTCTIMEONLY field
func NewTotalVolumeTradedTime ¶
func NewTotalVolumeTradedTime(val string) TotalVolumeTradedTimeField
NewTotalVolumeTradedTime returns a new TotalVolumeTradedTimeField initialized with val
func (TotalVolumeTradedTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalVolumeTradedTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalVolumeTradedTime (450)
func (TotalVolumeTradedTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TotalVolumeTradedTimeField) Value() string
type TradSesCloseTimeField ¶
type TradSesCloseTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesCloseTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewTradSesCloseTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesCloseTime(val time.Time) TradSesCloseTimeField
NewTradSesCloseTime returns a new TradSesCloseTimeField initialized with val
func NewTradSesCloseTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesCloseTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesCloseTimeField
NewTradSesCloseTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesCloseTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewTradSesCloseTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTradSesCloseTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesCloseTimeField
NewTradSesCloseTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesCloseTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (TradSesCloseTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesCloseTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesCloseTime (344)
func (TradSesCloseTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesCloseTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesEndTimeField ¶
type TradSesEndTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesEndTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewTradSesEndTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesEndTime(val time.Time) TradSesEndTimeField
NewTradSesEndTime returns a new TradSesEndTimeField initialized with val
func NewTradSesEndTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesEndTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesEndTimeField
NewTradSesEndTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesEndTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewTradSesEndTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTradSesEndTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesEndTimeField
NewTradSesEndTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesEndTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (TradSesEndTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesEndTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesEndTime (345)
func (TradSesEndTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesEndTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesEventField ¶
type TradSesEventField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradSesEventField is a enum.TradSesEvent field
func NewTradSesEvent ¶
func NewTradSesEvent(val enum.TradSesEvent) TradSesEventField
func (TradSesEventField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesEventField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesEvent (1368)
func (TradSesEventField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesEventField) Value() enum.TradSesEvent
type TradSesMethodField ¶
type TradSesMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradSesMethodField is a enum.TradSesMethod field
func NewTradSesMethod ¶
func NewTradSesMethod(val enum.TradSesMethod) TradSesMethodField
func (TradSesMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesMethod (338)
func (TradSesMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesMethodField) Value() enum.TradSesMethod
type TradSesModeField ¶
type TradSesModeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradSesModeField is a enum.TradSesMode field
func NewTradSesMode ¶
func NewTradSesMode(val enum.TradSesMode) TradSesModeField
func (TradSesModeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesModeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesMode (339)
func (TradSesModeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesModeField) Value() enum.TradSesMode
type TradSesOpenTimeField ¶
type TradSesOpenTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesOpenTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewTradSesOpenTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesOpenTime(val time.Time) TradSesOpenTimeField
NewTradSesOpenTime returns a new TradSesOpenTimeField initialized with val
func NewTradSesOpenTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesOpenTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesOpenTimeField
NewTradSesOpenTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesOpenTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewTradSesOpenTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTradSesOpenTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesOpenTimeField
NewTradSesOpenTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesOpenTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (TradSesOpenTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesOpenTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesOpenTime (342)
func (TradSesOpenTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesOpenTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesPreCloseTimeField ¶
type TradSesPreCloseTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesPreCloseTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewTradSesPreCloseTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesPreCloseTime(val time.Time) TradSesPreCloseTimeField
NewTradSesPreCloseTime returns a new TradSesPreCloseTimeField initialized with val
func NewTradSesPreCloseTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesPreCloseTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesPreCloseTimeField
NewTradSesPreCloseTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesPreCloseTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewTradSesPreCloseTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTradSesPreCloseTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesPreCloseTimeField
NewTradSesPreCloseTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesPreCloseTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (TradSesPreCloseTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesPreCloseTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesPreCloseTime (343)
func (TradSesPreCloseTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesPreCloseTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesReqIDField ¶
type TradSesReqIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradSesReqIDField is a STRING field
func NewTradSesReqID ¶
func NewTradSesReqID(val string) TradSesReqIDField
NewTradSesReqID returns a new TradSesReqIDField initialized with val
func (TradSesReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesReqID (335)
func (TradSesReqIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesReqIDField) Value() string
type TradSesStartTimeField ¶
type TradSesStartTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesStartTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewTradSesStartTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesStartTime(val time.Time) TradSesStartTimeField
NewTradSesStartTime returns a new TradSesStartTimeField initialized with val
func NewTradSesStartTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTradSesStartTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesStartTimeField
NewTradSesStartTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesStartTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewTradSesStartTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTradSesStartTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesStartTimeField
NewTradSesStartTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesStartTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (TradSesStartTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesStartTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesStartTime (341)
func (TradSesStartTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesStartTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesStatusField ¶
type TradSesStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradSesStatusField is a enum.TradSesStatus field
func NewTradSesStatus ¶
func NewTradSesStatus(val enum.TradSesStatus) TradSesStatusField
func (TradSesStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesStatus (340)
func (TradSesStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesStatusField) Value() enum.TradSesStatus
type TradSesStatusRejReasonField ¶
type TradSesStatusRejReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradSesStatusRejReasonField is a enum.TradSesStatusRejReason field
func NewTradSesStatusRejReason ¶
func NewTradSesStatusRejReason(val enum.TradSesStatusRejReason) TradSesStatusRejReasonField
func (TradSesStatusRejReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesStatusRejReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesStatusRejReason (567)
func (TradSesStatusRejReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesStatusRejReasonField) Value() enum.TradSesStatusRejReason
type TradSesUpdateActionField ¶
type TradSesUpdateActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradSesUpdateActionField is a CHAR field
func NewTradSesUpdateAction ¶
func NewTradSesUpdateAction(val string) TradSesUpdateActionField
NewTradSesUpdateAction returns a new TradSesUpdateActionField initialized with val
func (TradSesUpdateActionField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesUpdateActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesUpdateAction (1327)
func (TradSesUpdateActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradSesUpdateActionField) Value() string
type TradeAllocIndicatorField ¶
type TradeAllocIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeAllocIndicatorField is a enum.TradeAllocIndicator field
func NewTradeAllocIndicator ¶
func NewTradeAllocIndicator(val enum.TradeAllocIndicator) TradeAllocIndicatorField
func (TradeAllocIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeAllocIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeAllocIndicator (826)
func (TradeAllocIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeAllocIndicatorField) Value() enum.TradeAllocIndicator
type TradeConditionField ¶
type TradeConditionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeConditionField is a enum.TradeCondition field
func NewTradeCondition ¶
func NewTradeCondition(val enum.TradeCondition) TradeConditionField
func (TradeConditionField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeConditionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeCondition (277)
func (TradeConditionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeConditionField) Value() enum.TradeCondition
type TradeDateField ¶
type TradeDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewTradeDate ¶
func NewTradeDate(val string) TradeDateField
NewTradeDate returns a new TradeDateField initialized with val
func (TradeDateField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeDate (75)
func (TradeDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeDateField) Value() string
type TradeHandlingInstrField ¶
type TradeHandlingInstrField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeHandlingInstrField is a enum.TradeHandlingInstr field
func NewTradeHandlingInstr ¶
func NewTradeHandlingInstr(val enum.TradeHandlingInstr) TradeHandlingInstrField
func (TradeHandlingInstrField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeHandlingInstrField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeHandlingInstr (1123)
func (TradeHandlingInstrField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeHandlingInstrField) Value() enum.TradeHandlingInstr
type TradeIDField ¶
type TradeIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeIDField is a STRING field
func NewTradeID ¶
func NewTradeID(val string) TradeIDField
NewTradeID returns a new TradeIDField initialized with val
func (TradeIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeIDField) Value() string
type TradeInputDeviceField ¶
type TradeInputDeviceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeInputDeviceField is a STRING field
func NewTradeInputDevice ¶
func NewTradeInputDevice(val string) TradeInputDeviceField
NewTradeInputDevice returns a new TradeInputDeviceField initialized with val
func (TradeInputDeviceField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeInputDeviceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeInputDevice (579)
func (TradeInputDeviceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeInputDeviceField) Value() string
type TradeInputSourceField ¶
type TradeInputSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeInputSourceField is a STRING field
func NewTradeInputSource ¶
func NewTradeInputSource(val string) TradeInputSourceField
NewTradeInputSource returns a new TradeInputSourceField initialized with val
func (TradeInputSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeInputSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeInputSource (578)
func (TradeInputSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeInputSourceField) Value() string
type TradeLegRefIDField ¶
type TradeLegRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeLegRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewTradeLegRefID ¶
func NewTradeLegRefID(val string) TradeLegRefIDField
NewTradeLegRefID returns a new TradeLegRefIDField initialized with val
func (TradeLegRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeLegRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeLegRefID (824)
func (TradeLegRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeLegRefIDField) Value() string
type TradeLinkIDField ¶
type TradeLinkIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeLinkIDField is a STRING field
func NewTradeLinkID ¶
func NewTradeLinkID(val string) TradeLinkIDField
NewTradeLinkID returns a new TradeLinkIDField initialized with val
func (TradeLinkIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeLinkIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeLinkID (820)
func (TradeLinkIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeLinkIDField) Value() string
type TradeOriginationDateField ¶
type TradeOriginationDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeOriginationDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewTradeOriginationDate ¶
func NewTradeOriginationDate(val string) TradeOriginationDateField
NewTradeOriginationDate returns a new TradeOriginationDateField initialized with val
func (TradeOriginationDateField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeOriginationDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeOriginationDate (229)
func (TradeOriginationDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeOriginationDateField) Value() string
type TradePublishIndicatorField ¶
type TradePublishIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradePublishIndicatorField is a enum.TradePublishIndicator field
func NewTradePublishIndicator ¶
func NewTradePublishIndicator(val enum.TradePublishIndicator) TradePublishIndicatorField
func (TradePublishIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f TradePublishIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradePublishIndicator (1390)
func (TradePublishIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradePublishIndicatorField) Value() enum.TradePublishIndicator
type TradeReportIDField ¶
type TradeReportIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeReportIDField is a STRING field
func NewTradeReportID ¶
func NewTradeReportID(val string) TradeReportIDField
NewTradeReportID returns a new TradeReportIDField initialized with val
func (TradeReportIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeReportIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeReportID (571)
func (TradeReportIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeReportIDField) Value() string
type TradeReportRefIDField ¶
type TradeReportRefIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeReportRefIDField is a STRING field
func NewTradeReportRefID ¶
func NewTradeReportRefID(val string) TradeReportRefIDField
NewTradeReportRefID returns a new TradeReportRefIDField initialized with val
func (TradeReportRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeReportRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeReportRefID (572)
func (TradeReportRefIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeReportRefIDField) Value() string
type TradeReportRejectReasonField ¶
type TradeReportRejectReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeReportRejectReasonField is a enum.TradeReportRejectReason field
func NewTradeReportRejectReason ¶
func NewTradeReportRejectReason(val enum.TradeReportRejectReason) TradeReportRejectReasonField
func (TradeReportRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeReportRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeReportRejectReason (751)
func (TradeReportRejectReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeReportRejectReasonField) Value() enum.TradeReportRejectReason
type TradeReportTransTypeField ¶
type TradeReportTransTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeReportTransTypeField is a enum.TradeReportTransType field
func NewTradeReportTransType ¶
func NewTradeReportTransType(val enum.TradeReportTransType) TradeReportTransTypeField
func (TradeReportTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeReportTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeReportTransType (487)
func (TradeReportTransTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeReportTransTypeField) Value() enum.TradeReportTransType
type TradeReportTypeField ¶
type TradeReportTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeReportTypeField is a enum.TradeReportType field
func NewTradeReportType ¶
func NewTradeReportType(val enum.TradeReportType) TradeReportTypeField
func (TradeReportTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeReportTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeReportType (856)
func (TradeReportTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeReportTypeField) Value() enum.TradeReportType
type TradeRequestIDField ¶
type TradeRequestIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeRequestIDField is a STRING field
func NewTradeRequestID ¶
func NewTradeRequestID(val string) TradeRequestIDField
NewTradeRequestID returns a new TradeRequestIDField initialized with val
func (TradeRequestIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeRequestIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeRequestID (568)
func (TradeRequestIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeRequestIDField) Value() string
type TradeRequestResultField ¶
type TradeRequestResultField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeRequestResultField is a enum.TradeRequestResult field
func NewTradeRequestResult ¶
func NewTradeRequestResult(val enum.TradeRequestResult) TradeRequestResultField
func (TradeRequestResultField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeRequestResultField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeRequestResult (749)
func (TradeRequestResultField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeRequestResultField) Value() enum.TradeRequestResult
type TradeRequestStatusField ¶
type TradeRequestStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeRequestStatusField is a enum.TradeRequestStatus field
func NewTradeRequestStatus ¶
func NewTradeRequestStatus(val enum.TradeRequestStatus) TradeRequestStatusField
func (TradeRequestStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeRequestStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeRequestStatus (750)
func (TradeRequestStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeRequestStatusField) Value() enum.TradeRequestStatus
type TradeRequestTypeField ¶
type TradeRequestTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeRequestTypeField is a enum.TradeRequestType field
func NewTradeRequestType ¶
func NewTradeRequestType(val enum.TradeRequestType) TradeRequestTypeField
func (TradeRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeRequestType (569)
func (TradeRequestTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeRequestTypeField) Value() enum.TradeRequestType
type TradeTypeField ¶
type TradeTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradeTypeField is a enum.TradeType field
func NewTradeType ¶
func NewTradeType(val enum.TradeType) TradeTypeField
func (TradeTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeType (418)
func (TradeTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeTypeField) Value() enum.TradeType
type TradeVolumeField ¶
type TradeVolumeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TradeVolumeField is a QTY field
func NewTradeVolume ¶
func NewTradeVolume(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TradeVolumeField
NewTradeVolume returns a new TradeVolumeField initialized with val and scale
func (TradeVolumeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeVolumeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeVolume (1020)
func (TradeVolumeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradeVolumeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TradedFlatSwitchField ¶
type TradedFlatSwitchField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
TradedFlatSwitchField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewTradedFlatSwitch ¶
func NewTradedFlatSwitch(val bool) TradedFlatSwitchField
NewTradedFlatSwitch returns a new TradedFlatSwitchField initialized with val
func (TradedFlatSwitchField) Tag ¶
func (f TradedFlatSwitchField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradedFlatSwitch (258)
func (TradedFlatSwitchField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradedFlatSwitchField) Value() bool
type TradingCurrencyField ¶
type TradingCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradingCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewTradingCurrency ¶
func NewTradingCurrency(val string) TradingCurrencyField
NewTradingCurrency returns a new TradingCurrencyField initialized with val
func (TradingCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f TradingCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradingCurrency (1245)
func (TradingCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradingCurrencyField) Value() string
type TradingReferencePriceField ¶
type TradingReferencePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TradingReferencePriceField is a PRICE field
func NewTradingReferencePrice ¶
func NewTradingReferencePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TradingReferencePriceField
NewTradingReferencePrice returns a new TradingReferencePriceField initialized with val and scale
func (TradingReferencePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f TradingReferencePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradingReferencePrice (1150)
func (TradingReferencePriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradingReferencePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TradingSessionDescField ¶
type TradingSessionDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradingSessionDescField is a STRING field
func NewTradingSessionDesc ¶
func NewTradingSessionDesc(val string) TradingSessionDescField
NewTradingSessionDesc returns a new TradingSessionDescField initialized with val
func (TradingSessionDescField) Tag ¶
func (f TradingSessionDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradingSessionDesc (1326)
func (TradingSessionDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradingSessionDescField) Value() string
type TradingSessionIDField ¶
type TradingSessionIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradingSessionIDField is a enum.TradingSessionID field
func NewTradingSessionID ¶
func NewTradingSessionID(val enum.TradingSessionID) TradingSessionIDField
func (TradingSessionIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradingSessionIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradingSessionID (336)
func (TradingSessionIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradingSessionIDField) Value() enum.TradingSessionID
type TradingSessionSubIDField ¶
type TradingSessionSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TradingSessionSubIDField is a enum.TradingSessionSubID field
func NewTradingSessionSubID ¶
func NewTradingSessionSubID(val enum.TradingSessionSubID) TradingSessionSubIDField
func (TradingSessionSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradingSessionSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradingSessionSubID (625)
func (TradingSessionSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TradingSessionSubIDField) Value() enum.TradingSessionSubID
type TransBkdTimeField ¶
type TransBkdTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TransBkdTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewTransBkdTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTransBkdTime(val time.Time) TransBkdTimeField
NewTransBkdTime returns a new TransBkdTimeField initialized with val
func NewTransBkdTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTransBkdTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TransBkdTimeField
NewTransBkdTimeNoMillis returns a new TransBkdTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewTransBkdTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTransBkdTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TransBkdTimeField
NewTransBkdTimeWithPrecision returns a new TransBkdTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (TransBkdTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TransBkdTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TransBkdTime (483)
func (TransBkdTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TransBkdTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TransactTimeField ¶
type TransactTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TransactTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewTransactTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTransactTime(val time.Time) TransactTimeField
NewTransactTime returns a new TransactTimeField initialized with val
func NewTransactTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTransactTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TransactTimeField
NewTransactTimeNoMillis returns a new TransactTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewTransactTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTransactTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TransactTimeField
NewTransactTimeWithPrecision returns a new TransactTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (TransactTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TransactTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TransactTime (60)
func (TransactTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TransactTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TransferReasonField ¶
type TransferReasonField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TransferReasonField is a STRING field
func NewTransferReason ¶
func NewTransferReason(val string) TransferReasonField
NewTransferReason returns a new TransferReasonField initialized with val
func (TransferReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f TransferReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TransferReason (830)
func (TransferReasonField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TransferReasonField) Value() string
type TrdMatchIDField ¶
type TrdMatchIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TrdMatchIDField is a STRING field
func NewTrdMatchID ¶
func NewTrdMatchID(val string) TrdMatchIDField
NewTrdMatchID returns a new TrdMatchIDField initialized with val
func (TrdMatchIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TrdMatchIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TrdMatchID (880)
func (TrdMatchIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TrdMatchIDField) Value() string
type TrdRegTimestampField ¶
type TrdRegTimestampField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TrdRegTimestampField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewTrdRegTimestamp ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTrdRegTimestamp(val time.Time) TrdRegTimestampField
NewTrdRegTimestamp returns a new TrdRegTimestampField initialized with val
func NewTrdRegTimestampNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewTrdRegTimestampNoMillis(val time.Time) TrdRegTimestampField
NewTrdRegTimestampNoMillis returns a new TrdRegTimestampField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewTrdRegTimestampWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTrdRegTimestampWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TrdRegTimestampField
NewTrdRegTimestampWithPrecision returns a new TrdRegTimestampField initialized with val of specified precision
func (TrdRegTimestampField) Tag ¶
func (f TrdRegTimestampField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TrdRegTimestamp (769)
func (TrdRegTimestampField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TrdRegTimestampField) Value() time.Time
type TrdRegTimestampOriginField ¶
type TrdRegTimestampOriginField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TrdRegTimestampOriginField is a STRING field
func NewTrdRegTimestampOrigin ¶
func NewTrdRegTimestampOrigin(val string) TrdRegTimestampOriginField
NewTrdRegTimestampOrigin returns a new TrdRegTimestampOriginField initialized with val
func (TrdRegTimestampOriginField) Tag ¶
func (f TrdRegTimestampOriginField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TrdRegTimestampOrigin (771)
func (TrdRegTimestampOriginField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TrdRegTimestampOriginField) Value() string
type TrdRegTimestampTypeField ¶
type TrdRegTimestampTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TrdRegTimestampTypeField is a enum.TrdRegTimestampType field
func NewTrdRegTimestampType ¶
func NewTrdRegTimestampType(val enum.TrdRegTimestampType) TrdRegTimestampTypeField
func (TrdRegTimestampTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TrdRegTimestampTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TrdRegTimestampType (770)
func (TrdRegTimestampTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TrdRegTimestampTypeField) Value() enum.TrdRegTimestampType
type TrdRepIndicatorField ¶
type TrdRepIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
TrdRepIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewTrdRepIndicator ¶
func NewTrdRepIndicator(val bool) TrdRepIndicatorField
NewTrdRepIndicator returns a new TrdRepIndicatorField initialized with val
func (TrdRepIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f TrdRepIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TrdRepIndicator (1389)
func (TrdRepIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TrdRepIndicatorField) Value() bool
type TrdRepPartyRoleField ¶
type TrdRepPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
TrdRepPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewTrdRepPartyRole ¶
func NewTrdRepPartyRole(val int) TrdRepPartyRoleField
NewTrdRepPartyRole returns a new TrdRepPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (TrdRepPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f TrdRepPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TrdRepPartyRole (1388)
func (TrdRepPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TrdRepPartyRoleField) Value() int
type TrdRptStatusField ¶
type TrdRptStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TrdRptStatusField is a enum.TrdRptStatus field
func NewTrdRptStatus ¶
func NewTrdRptStatus(val enum.TrdRptStatus) TrdRptStatusField
func (TrdRptStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f TrdRptStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TrdRptStatus (939)
func (TrdRptStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TrdRptStatusField) Value() enum.TrdRptStatus
type TrdSubTypeField ¶
type TrdSubTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TrdSubTypeField is a enum.TrdSubType field
func NewTrdSubType ¶
func NewTrdSubType(val enum.TrdSubType) TrdSubTypeField
func (TrdSubTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TrdSubTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TrdSubType (829)
func (TrdSubTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TrdSubTypeField) Value() enum.TrdSubType
type TrdTypeField ¶
type TrdTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TrdTypeField is a enum.TrdType field
func NewTrdType ¶
func NewTrdType(val enum.TrdType) TrdTypeField
func (TrdTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TrdTypeField) Value() enum.TrdType
type TriggerActionField ¶
type TriggerActionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerActionField is a enum.TriggerAction field
func NewTriggerAction ¶
func NewTriggerAction(val enum.TriggerAction) TriggerActionField
func (TriggerActionField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerAction (1101)
func (TriggerActionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerActionField) Value() enum.TriggerAction
type TriggerNewPriceField ¶
type TriggerNewPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TriggerNewPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewTriggerNewPrice ¶
func NewTriggerNewPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TriggerNewPriceField
NewTriggerNewPrice returns a new TriggerNewPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (TriggerNewPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerNewPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerNewPrice (1110)
func (TriggerNewPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerNewPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TriggerNewQtyField ¶
type TriggerNewQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TriggerNewQtyField is a QTY field
func NewTriggerNewQty ¶
func NewTriggerNewQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TriggerNewQtyField
NewTriggerNewQty returns a new TriggerNewQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (TriggerNewQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerNewQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerNewQty (1112)
func (TriggerNewQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerNewQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TriggerOrderTypeField ¶
type TriggerOrderTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerOrderTypeField is a enum.TriggerOrderType field
func NewTriggerOrderType ¶
func NewTriggerOrderType(val enum.TriggerOrderType) TriggerOrderTypeField
func (TriggerOrderTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerOrderTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerOrderType (1111)
func (TriggerOrderTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerOrderTypeField) Value() enum.TriggerOrderType
type TriggerPriceDirectionField ¶
type TriggerPriceDirectionField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerPriceDirectionField is a enum.TriggerPriceDirection field
func NewTriggerPriceDirection ¶
func NewTriggerPriceDirection(val enum.TriggerPriceDirection) TriggerPriceDirectionField
func (TriggerPriceDirectionField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerPriceDirectionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerPriceDirection (1109)
func (TriggerPriceDirectionField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerPriceDirectionField) Value() enum.TriggerPriceDirection
type TriggerPriceField ¶
type TriggerPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TriggerPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewTriggerPrice ¶
func NewTriggerPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TriggerPriceField
NewTriggerPrice returns a new TriggerPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (TriggerPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerPrice (1102)
func (TriggerPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TriggerPriceTypeField ¶
type TriggerPriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerPriceTypeField is a enum.TriggerPriceType field
func NewTriggerPriceType ¶
func NewTriggerPriceType(val enum.TriggerPriceType) TriggerPriceTypeField
func (TriggerPriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerPriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerPriceType (1107)
func (TriggerPriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerPriceTypeField) Value() enum.TriggerPriceType
type TriggerPriceTypeScopeField ¶
type TriggerPriceTypeScopeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerPriceTypeScopeField is a enum.TriggerPriceTypeScope field
func NewTriggerPriceTypeScope ¶
func NewTriggerPriceTypeScope(val enum.TriggerPriceTypeScope) TriggerPriceTypeScopeField
func (TriggerPriceTypeScopeField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerPriceTypeScopeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerPriceTypeScope (1108)
func (TriggerPriceTypeScopeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerPriceTypeScopeField) Value() enum.TriggerPriceTypeScope
type TriggerSecurityDescField ¶
type TriggerSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerSecurityDescField is a STRING field
func NewTriggerSecurityDesc ¶
func NewTriggerSecurityDesc(val string) TriggerSecurityDescField
NewTriggerSecurityDesc returns a new TriggerSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (TriggerSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerSecurityDesc (1106)
func (TriggerSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerSecurityDescField) Value() string
type TriggerSecurityIDField ¶
type TriggerSecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerSecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewTriggerSecurityID ¶
func NewTriggerSecurityID(val string) TriggerSecurityIDField
NewTriggerSecurityID returns a new TriggerSecurityIDField initialized with val
func (TriggerSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerSecurityID (1104)
func (TriggerSecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerSecurityIDField) Value() string
type TriggerSecurityIDSourceField ¶
type TriggerSecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerSecurityIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewTriggerSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewTriggerSecurityIDSource(val string) TriggerSecurityIDSourceField
NewTriggerSecurityIDSource returns a new TriggerSecurityIDSourceField initialized with val
func (TriggerSecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerSecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerSecurityIDSource (1105)
func (TriggerSecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerSecurityIDSourceField) Value() string
type TriggerSymbolField ¶
type TriggerSymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerSymbolField is a STRING field
func NewTriggerSymbol ¶
func NewTriggerSymbol(val string) TriggerSymbolField
NewTriggerSymbol returns a new TriggerSymbolField initialized with val
func (TriggerSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerSymbol (1103)
func (TriggerSymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerSymbolField) Value() string
type TriggerTradingSessionIDField ¶
type TriggerTradingSessionIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerTradingSessionIDField is a STRING field
func NewTriggerTradingSessionID ¶
func NewTriggerTradingSessionID(val string) TriggerTradingSessionIDField
NewTriggerTradingSessionID returns a new TriggerTradingSessionIDField initialized with val
func (TriggerTradingSessionIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerTradingSessionIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerTradingSessionID (1113)
func (TriggerTradingSessionIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerTradingSessionIDField) Value() string
type TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField ¶
type TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewTriggerTradingSessionSubID ¶
func NewTriggerTradingSessionSubID(val string) TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField
NewTriggerTradingSessionSubID returns a new TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField initialized with val
func (TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerTradingSessionSubID (1114)
func (TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerTradingSessionSubIDField) Value() string
type TriggerTypeField ¶
type TriggerTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
TriggerTypeField is a enum.TriggerType field
func NewTriggerType ¶
func NewTriggerType(val enum.TriggerType) TriggerTypeField
func (TriggerTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerType (1100)
func (TriggerTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f TriggerTypeField) Value() enum.TriggerType
type URLLinkField ¶
type URLLinkField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
URLLinkField is a STRING field
func NewURLLink ¶
func NewURLLink(val string) URLLinkField
NewURLLink returns a new URLLinkField initialized with val
func (URLLinkField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f URLLinkField) Value() string
type UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField ¶
type UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField is a QTY field
func NewUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity ¶
func NewUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField
NewUnderlyingAdjustedQuantity returns a new UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingAdjustedQuantity (1044)
func (UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingAdjustedQuantityField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingAllocationPercentField ¶
type UnderlyingAllocationPercentField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingAllocationPercentField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewUnderlyingAllocationPercent ¶
func NewUnderlyingAllocationPercent(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingAllocationPercentField
NewUnderlyingAllocationPercent returns a new UnderlyingAllocationPercentField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingAllocationPercentField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingAllocationPercentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingAllocationPercent (972)
func (UnderlyingAllocationPercentField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingAllocationPercentField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingAttachmentPointField ¶
type UnderlyingAttachmentPointField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingAttachmentPointField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewUnderlyingAttachmentPoint ¶
func NewUnderlyingAttachmentPoint(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingAttachmentPointField
NewUnderlyingAttachmentPoint returns a new UnderlyingAttachmentPointField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingAttachmentPointField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingAttachmentPointField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingAttachmentPoint (1459)
func (UnderlyingAttachmentPointField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingAttachmentPointField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingCFICodeField ¶
type UnderlyingCFICodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingCFICodeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingCFICode ¶
func NewUnderlyingCFICode(val string) UnderlyingCFICodeField
NewUnderlyingCFICode returns a new UnderlyingCFICodeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingCFICodeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCFICodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCFICode (463)
func (UnderlyingCFICodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCFICodeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingCPProgramField ¶
type UnderlyingCPProgramField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingCPProgramField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingCPProgram ¶
func NewUnderlyingCPProgram(val string) UnderlyingCPProgramField
NewUnderlyingCPProgram returns a new UnderlyingCPProgramField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingCPProgramField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCPProgramField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCPProgram (877)
func (UnderlyingCPProgramField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCPProgramField) Value() string
type UnderlyingCPRegTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingCPRegTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingCPRegTypeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingCPRegType ¶
func NewUnderlyingCPRegType(val string) UnderlyingCPRegTypeField
NewUnderlyingCPRegType returns a new UnderlyingCPRegTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingCPRegTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCPRegTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCPRegType (878)
func (UnderlyingCPRegTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCPRegTypeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingCapValueField ¶
type UnderlyingCapValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingCapValueField is a AMT field
func NewUnderlyingCapValue ¶
func NewUnderlyingCapValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingCapValueField
NewUnderlyingCapValue returns a new UnderlyingCapValueField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingCapValueField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCapValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCapValue (1038)
func (UnderlyingCapValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCapValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingCashAmountField ¶
type UnderlyingCashAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingCashAmountField is a AMT field
func NewUnderlyingCashAmount ¶
func NewUnderlyingCashAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingCashAmountField
NewUnderlyingCashAmount returns a new UnderlyingCashAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingCashAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCashAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCashAmount (973)
func (UnderlyingCashAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCashAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingCashTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingCashTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingCashTypeField is a enum.UnderlyingCashType field
func NewUnderlyingCashType ¶
func NewUnderlyingCashType(val enum.UnderlyingCashType) UnderlyingCashTypeField
func (UnderlyingCashTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCashTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCashType (974)
func (UnderlyingCashTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCashTypeField) Value() enum.UnderlyingCashType
type UnderlyingCollectAmountField ¶
type UnderlyingCollectAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingCollectAmountField is a AMT field
func NewUnderlyingCollectAmount ¶
func NewUnderlyingCollectAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingCollectAmountField
NewUnderlyingCollectAmount returns a new UnderlyingCollectAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingCollectAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCollectAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCollectAmount (986)
func (UnderlyingCollectAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCollectAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingContractMultiplierField ¶
type UnderlyingContractMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingContractMultiplierField is a FLOAT field
func NewUnderlyingContractMultiplier ¶
func NewUnderlyingContractMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingContractMultiplierField
NewUnderlyingContractMultiplier returns a new UnderlyingContractMultiplierField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingContractMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingContractMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingContractMultiplier (436)
func (UnderlyingContractMultiplierField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingContractMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField ¶
type UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingContractMultiplierUnit ¶
func NewUnderlyingContractMultiplierUnit(val int) UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField
NewUnderlyingContractMultiplierUnit returns a new UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnit (1437)
func (UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnitField) Value() int
type UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField ¶
type UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField is a COUNTRY field
func NewUnderlyingCountryOfIssue ¶
func NewUnderlyingCountryOfIssue(val string) UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField
NewUnderlyingCountryOfIssue returns a new UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCountryOfIssue (592)
func (UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCountryOfIssueField) Value() string
type UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField ¶
type UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate ¶
func NewUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate(val string) UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField
NewUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate returns a new UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate (241)
func (UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCouponPaymentDateField) Value() string
type UnderlyingCouponRateField ¶
type UnderlyingCouponRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingCouponRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewUnderlyingCouponRate ¶
func NewUnderlyingCouponRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingCouponRateField
NewUnderlyingCouponRate returns a new UnderlyingCouponRateField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingCouponRateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCouponRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCouponRate (435)
func (UnderlyingCouponRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCouponRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingCreditRatingField ¶
type UnderlyingCreditRatingField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingCreditRatingField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingCreditRating ¶
func NewUnderlyingCreditRating(val string) UnderlyingCreditRatingField
NewUnderlyingCreditRating returns a new UnderlyingCreditRatingField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingCreditRatingField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCreditRatingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCreditRating (256)
func (UnderlyingCreditRatingField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCreditRatingField) Value() string
type UnderlyingCurrencyField ¶
type UnderlyingCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewUnderlyingCurrency ¶
func NewUnderlyingCurrency(val string) UnderlyingCurrencyField
NewUnderlyingCurrency returns a new UnderlyingCurrencyField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCurrency (318)
func (UnderlyingCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCurrencyField) Value() string
type UnderlyingCurrentValueField ¶
type UnderlyingCurrentValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingCurrentValueField is a AMT field
func NewUnderlyingCurrentValue ¶
func NewUnderlyingCurrentValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingCurrentValueField
NewUnderlyingCurrentValue returns a new UnderlyingCurrentValueField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingCurrentValueField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCurrentValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCurrentValue (885)
func (UnderlyingCurrentValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingCurrentValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField ¶
type UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField is a AMT field
func NewUnderlyingDeliveryAmount ¶
func NewUnderlyingDeliveryAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField
NewUnderlyingDeliveryAmount returns a new UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingDeliveryAmount (1037)
func (UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingDeliveryAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingDetachmentPointField ¶
type UnderlyingDetachmentPointField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingDetachmentPointField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewUnderlyingDetachmentPoint ¶
func NewUnderlyingDetachmentPoint(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingDetachmentPointField
NewUnderlyingDetachmentPoint returns a new UnderlyingDetachmentPointField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingDetachmentPointField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingDetachmentPointField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingDetachmentPoint (1460)
func (UnderlyingDetachmentPointField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingDetachmentPointField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingDirtyPriceField ¶
type UnderlyingDirtyPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingDirtyPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewUnderlyingDirtyPrice ¶
func NewUnderlyingDirtyPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingDirtyPriceField
NewUnderlyingDirtyPrice returns a new UnderlyingDirtyPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingDirtyPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingDirtyPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingDirtyPrice (882)
func (UnderlyingDirtyPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingDirtyPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingEndPriceField ¶
type UnderlyingEndPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingEndPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewUnderlyingEndPrice ¶
func NewUnderlyingEndPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingEndPriceField
NewUnderlyingEndPrice returns a new UnderlyingEndPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingEndPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingEndPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingEndPrice (883)
func (UnderlyingEndPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingEndPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingEndValueField ¶
type UnderlyingEndValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingEndValueField is a AMT field
func NewUnderlyingEndValue ¶
func NewUnderlyingEndValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingEndValueField
NewUnderlyingEndValue returns a new UnderlyingEndValueField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingEndValueField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingEndValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingEndValue (886)
func (UnderlyingEndValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingEndValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingExerciseStyleField ¶
type UnderlyingExerciseStyleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingExerciseStyleField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingExerciseStyle ¶
func NewUnderlyingExerciseStyle(val int) UnderlyingExerciseStyleField
NewUnderlyingExerciseStyle returns a new UnderlyingExerciseStyleField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingExerciseStyleField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingExerciseStyleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingExerciseStyle (1419)
func (UnderlyingExerciseStyleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingExerciseStyleField) Value() int
type UnderlyingFXRateCalcField ¶
type UnderlyingFXRateCalcField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingFXRateCalcField is a enum.UnderlyingFXRateCalc field
func NewUnderlyingFXRateCalc ¶
func NewUnderlyingFXRateCalc(val enum.UnderlyingFXRateCalc) UnderlyingFXRateCalcField
func (UnderlyingFXRateCalcField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingFXRateCalcField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingFXRateCalc (1046)
func (UnderlyingFXRateCalcField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingFXRateCalcField) Value() enum.UnderlyingFXRateCalc
type UnderlyingFXRateField ¶
type UnderlyingFXRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingFXRateField is a FLOAT field
func NewUnderlyingFXRate ¶
func NewUnderlyingFXRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingFXRateField
NewUnderlyingFXRate returns a new UnderlyingFXRateField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingFXRateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingFXRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingFXRate (1045)
func (UnderlyingFXRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingFXRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingFactorField ¶
type UnderlyingFactorField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingFactorField is a FLOAT field
func NewUnderlyingFactor ¶
func NewUnderlyingFactor(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingFactorField
NewUnderlyingFactor returns a new UnderlyingFactorField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingFactorField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingFactorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingFactor (246)
func (UnderlyingFactorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingFactorField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingFlowScheduleType ¶
func NewUnderlyingFlowScheduleType(val int) UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField
NewUnderlyingFlowScheduleType returns a new UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingFlowScheduleType (1441)
func (UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingFlowScheduleTypeField) Value() int
type UnderlyingIDSourceField ¶
type UnderlyingIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingIDSource ¶
func NewUnderlyingIDSource(val string) UnderlyingIDSourceField
NewUnderlyingIDSource returns a new UnderlyingIDSourceField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingIDSource (305)
func (UnderlyingIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingIDSourceField) Value() string
type UnderlyingInstrRegistryField ¶
type UnderlyingInstrRegistryField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingInstrRegistryField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingInstrRegistry ¶
func NewUnderlyingInstrRegistry(val string) UnderlyingInstrRegistryField
NewUnderlyingInstrRegistry returns a new UnderlyingInstrRegistryField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingInstrRegistryField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingInstrRegistryField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingInstrRegistry (595)
func (UnderlyingInstrRegistryField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingInstrRegistryField) Value() string
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField ¶
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartyID ¶
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartyID(val string) UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField
NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartyID returns a new UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingInstrumentPartyID (1059)
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDField) Value() string
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField ¶
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSource(val string) UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField
NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSource returns a new UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSource (1060)
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField ¶
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartyRole(val int) UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField
NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartyRole returns a new UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRole (1061)
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRoleField) Value() int
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField ¶
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartySubID(val string) UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField
NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartySubID returns a new UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubID (1063)
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDField) Value() string
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDType(val int) UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField
NewUnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDType returns a new UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDType (1064)
func (UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type UnderlyingIssueDateField ¶
type UnderlyingIssueDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingIssueDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewUnderlyingIssueDate ¶
func NewUnderlyingIssueDate(val string) UnderlyingIssueDateField
NewUnderlyingIssueDate returns a new UnderlyingIssueDateField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingIssueDateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingIssueDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingIssueDate (242)
func (UnderlyingIssueDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingIssueDateField) Value() string
type UnderlyingIssuerField ¶
type UnderlyingIssuerField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingIssuerField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func NewUnderlyingIssuer(val string) UnderlyingIssuerField
NewUnderlyingIssuer returns a new UnderlyingIssuerField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingIssuer (306)
func (UnderlyingIssuerField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingIssuerField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLastPxField ¶
type UnderlyingLastPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingLastPxField is a PRICE field
func NewUnderlyingLastPx ¶
func NewUnderlyingLastPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingLastPxField
NewUnderlyingLastPx returns a new UnderlyingLastPxField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingLastPxField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLastPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLastPx (651)
func (UnderlyingLastPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLastPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingLastQtyField ¶
type UnderlyingLastQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingLastQtyField is a QTY field
func NewUnderlyingLastQty ¶
func NewUnderlyingLastQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingLastQtyField
NewUnderlyingLastQty returns a new UnderlyingLastQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingLastQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLastQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLastQty (652)
func (UnderlyingLastQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLastQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingLegCFICodeField ¶
type UnderlyingLegCFICodeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegCFICodeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegCFICode ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegCFICode(val string) UnderlyingLegCFICodeField
NewUnderlyingLegCFICode returns a new UnderlyingLegCFICodeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegCFICodeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegCFICodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegCFICode (1344)
func (UnderlyingLegCFICodeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegCFICodeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField ¶
type UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewUnderlyingLegMaturityDate ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegMaturityDate(val string) UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField
NewUnderlyingLegMaturityDate returns a new UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegMaturityDate (1345)
func (UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegMaturityDateField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField ¶
type UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewUnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYear(val string) UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField
NewUnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYear returns a new UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYear (1339)
func (UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField ¶
type UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField is a TZTIMEONLY field
func NewUnderlyingLegMaturityTime ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegMaturityTime(val string) UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField
NewUnderlyingLegMaturityTime returns a new UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegMaturityTime (1405)
func (UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegMaturityTimeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField ¶
type UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField is a CHAR field
func NewUnderlyingLegOptAttribute ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegOptAttribute(val string) UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField
NewUnderlyingLegOptAttribute returns a new UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegOptAttribute (1391)
func (UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegOptAttributeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField ¶
type UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingLegPutOrCall ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegPutOrCall(val int) UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField
NewUnderlyingLegPutOrCall returns a new UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegPutOrCall (1343)
func (UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegPutOrCallField) Value() int
type UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityAltID ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityAltID(val string) UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField
NewUnderlyingLegSecurityAltID returns a new UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSecurityAltID (1335)
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSource(val string) UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField
NewUnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSource returns a new UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSource (1336)
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityDesc ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityDesc(val string) UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField
NewUnderlyingLegSecurityDesc returns a new UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSecurityDesc (1392)
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityDescField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityExchange ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityExchange(val string) UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField
NewUnderlyingLegSecurityExchange returns a new UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSecurityExchange (1341)
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityExchangeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityID ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityID(val string) UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField
NewUnderlyingLegSecurityID returns a new UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSecurityID (1332)
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityIDField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityIDSource(val string) UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField
NewUnderlyingLegSecurityIDSource returns a new UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSource (1333)
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityIDSourceField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSecuritySubType ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSecuritySubType(val string) UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField
NewUnderlyingLegSecuritySubType returns a new UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSecuritySubType (1338)
func (UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSecuritySubTypeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityType ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSecurityType(val string) UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField
NewUnderlyingLegSecurityType returns a new UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSecurityType (1337)
func (UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSecurityTypeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField ¶
type UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField is a PRICE field
func NewUnderlyingLegStrikePrice ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegStrikePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField
NewUnderlyingLegStrikePrice returns a new UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegStrikePrice (1340)
func (UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegStrikePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingLegSymbolField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSymbolField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSymbol ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSymbol(val string) UnderlyingLegSymbolField
NewUnderlyingLegSymbol returns a new UnderlyingLegSymbolField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSymbol (1330)
func (UnderlyingLegSymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSymbolField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField ¶
type UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLegSymbolSfx ¶
func NewUnderlyingLegSymbolSfx(val string) UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField
NewUnderlyingLegSymbolSfx returns a new UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLegSymbolSfx (1331)
func (UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLegSymbolSfxField) Value() string
type UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField ¶
type UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue ¶
func NewUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue(val string) UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField
NewUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue returns a new UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue (594)
func (UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingLocaleOfIssueField) Value() string
type UnderlyingMaturityDateField ¶
type UnderlyingMaturityDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingMaturityDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewUnderlyingMaturityDate ¶
func NewUnderlyingMaturityDate(val string) UnderlyingMaturityDateField
NewUnderlyingMaturityDate returns a new UnderlyingMaturityDateField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingMaturityDateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingMaturityDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingMaturityDate (542)
func (UnderlyingMaturityDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingMaturityDateField) Value() string
type UnderlyingMaturityDayField ¶
type UnderlyingMaturityDayField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingMaturityDayField is a DAYOFMONTH field
func NewUnderlyingMaturityDay ¶
func NewUnderlyingMaturityDay(val int) UnderlyingMaturityDayField
NewUnderlyingMaturityDay returns a new UnderlyingMaturityDayField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingMaturityDayField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingMaturityDayField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingMaturityDay (314)
func (UnderlyingMaturityDayField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingMaturityDayField) Value() int
type UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField ¶
type UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field
func NewUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear(val string) UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField
NewUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear returns a new UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear (313)
func (UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type UnderlyingMaturityTimeField ¶
type UnderlyingMaturityTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingMaturityTimeField is a TZTIMEONLY field
func NewUnderlyingMaturityTime ¶
func NewUnderlyingMaturityTime(val string) UnderlyingMaturityTimeField
NewUnderlyingMaturityTime returns a new UnderlyingMaturityTimeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingMaturityTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingMaturityTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingMaturityTime (1213)
func (UnderlyingMaturityTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingMaturityTimeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField ¶
type UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewUnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstanding ¶
func NewUnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstanding(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField
NewUnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstanding returns a new UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstanding (1455)
func (UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingOptAttributeField ¶
type UnderlyingOptAttributeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingOptAttributeField is a CHAR field
func NewUnderlyingOptAttribute ¶
func NewUnderlyingOptAttribute(val string) UnderlyingOptAttributeField
NewUnderlyingOptAttribute returns a new UnderlyingOptAttributeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingOptAttributeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingOptAttributeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingOptAttribute (317)
func (UnderlyingOptAttributeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingOptAttributeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField ¶
type UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewUnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding ¶
func NewUnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField
NewUnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding returns a new UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding (1456)
func (UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstandingField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingPayAmountField ¶
type UnderlyingPayAmountField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingPayAmountField is a AMT field
func NewUnderlyingPayAmount ¶
func NewUnderlyingPayAmount(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingPayAmountField
NewUnderlyingPayAmount returns a new UnderlyingPayAmountField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingPayAmountField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingPayAmountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingPayAmount (985)
func (UnderlyingPayAmountField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingPayAmountField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethodField ¶
type UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethodField is a enum.UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethod field
func NewUnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethod ¶
func NewUnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethod(val enum.UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethod) UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethodField
func (UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethod (1481)
type UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField ¶
type UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure ¶
func NewUnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure(val string) UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField
NewUnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure returns a new UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure (1424)
func (UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureField) Value() string
type UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField ¶
type UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField is a QTY field
func NewUnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQty ¶
func NewUnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField
NewUnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQty returns a new UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQty (1425)
func (UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingProductField ¶
type UnderlyingProductField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingProductField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingProduct ¶
func NewUnderlyingProduct(val int) UnderlyingProductField
NewUnderlyingProduct returns a new UnderlyingProductField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingProductField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingProductField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingProduct (462)
func (UnderlyingProductField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingProductField) Value() int
type UnderlyingPutOrCallField ¶
type UnderlyingPutOrCallField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingPutOrCallField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingPutOrCall ¶
func NewUnderlyingPutOrCall(val int) UnderlyingPutOrCallField
NewUnderlyingPutOrCall returns a new UnderlyingPutOrCallField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingPutOrCallField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingPutOrCallField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingPutOrCall (315)
func (UnderlyingPutOrCallField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingPutOrCallField) Value() int
type UnderlyingPxField ¶
type UnderlyingPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingPxField is a PRICE field
func NewUnderlyingPx ¶
func NewUnderlyingPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingPxField
NewUnderlyingPx returns a new UnderlyingPxField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingPxField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingPx (810)
func (UnderlyingPxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingQtyField ¶
type UnderlyingQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingQtyField is a QTY field
func NewUnderlyingQty ¶
func NewUnderlyingQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingQtyField
NewUnderlyingQty returns a new UnderlyingQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingQty (879)
func (UnderlyingQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingRedemptionDateField ¶
type UnderlyingRedemptionDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingRedemptionDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewUnderlyingRedemptionDate ¶
func NewUnderlyingRedemptionDate(val string) UnderlyingRedemptionDateField
NewUnderlyingRedemptionDate returns a new UnderlyingRedemptionDateField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingRedemptionDateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingRedemptionDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingRedemptionDate (247)
func (UnderlyingRedemptionDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingRedemptionDateField) Value() string
type UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func NewUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType(val int) UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField
NewUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType returns a new UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType (243)
func (UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityTypeField) Value() int
type UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField ¶
type UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewUnderlyingRepurchaseRate ¶
func NewUnderlyingRepurchaseRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField
NewUnderlyingRepurchaseRate returns a new UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingRepurchaseRate (245)
func (UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingRepurchaseRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField ¶
type UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm ¶
func NewUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm(val int) UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField
NewUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm returns a new UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm (244)
func (UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingRepurchaseTermField) Value() int
type UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingRestructuringType ¶
func NewUnderlyingRestructuringType(val string) UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField
NewUnderlyingRestructuringType returns a new UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingRestructuringType (1453)
func (UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingRestructuringTypeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField ¶
type UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityAltID(val string) UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField
NewUnderlyingSecurityAltID returns a new UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityAltID (458)
func (UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSecurityAltIDField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField ¶
type UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource(val string) UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField
NewUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource returns a new UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource (459)
func (UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSourceField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityDescField ¶
type UnderlyingSecurityDescField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSecurityDescField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityDesc(val string) UnderlyingSecurityDescField
NewUnderlyingSecurityDesc returns a new UnderlyingSecurityDescField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityDesc (307)
func (UnderlyingSecurityDescField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSecurityDescField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField ¶
type UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField is a EXCHANGE field
func NewUnderlyingSecurityExchange ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityExchange(val string) UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField
NewUnderlyingSecurityExchange returns a new UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityExchange (308)
func (UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityIDField ¶
type UnderlyingSecurityIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSecurityIDField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSecurityID ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityID(val string) UnderlyingSecurityIDField
NewUnderlyingSecurityID returns a new UnderlyingSecurityIDField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityID (309)
func (UnderlyingSecurityIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSecurityIDField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField ¶
type UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSecurityIDSource ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityIDSource(val string) UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField
NewUnderlyingSecurityIDSource returns a new UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityIDSource (305)
func (UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSecurityIDSourceField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSecuritySubType ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecuritySubType(val string) UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField
NewUnderlyingSecuritySubType returns a new UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecuritySubType (763)
func (UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSecuritySubTypeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingSecurityTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSecurityTypeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSecurityType ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityType(val string) UnderlyingSecurityTypeField
NewUnderlyingSecurityType returns a new UnderlyingSecurityTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityType (310)
func (UnderlyingSecurityTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSecurityTypeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSeniorityField ¶
type UnderlyingSeniorityField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSeniorityField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSeniority ¶
func NewUnderlyingSeniority(val string) UnderlyingSeniorityField
NewUnderlyingSeniority returns a new UnderlyingSeniorityField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSeniorityField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSeniorityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSeniority (1454)
func (UnderlyingSeniorityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSeniorityField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSettlMethodField ¶
type UnderlyingSettlMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSettlMethodField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSettlMethod ¶
func NewUnderlyingSettlMethod(val string) UnderlyingSettlMethodField
NewUnderlyingSettlMethod returns a new UnderlyingSettlMethodField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSettlMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSettlMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSettlMethod (1039)
func (UnderlyingSettlMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSettlMethodField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSettlPriceField ¶
type UnderlyingSettlPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingSettlPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewUnderlyingSettlPrice ¶
func NewUnderlyingSettlPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingSettlPriceField
NewUnderlyingSettlPrice returns a new UnderlyingSettlPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingSettlPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSettlPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSettlPrice (732)
func (UnderlyingSettlPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSettlPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField is a INT field
func NewUnderlyingSettlPriceType ¶
func NewUnderlyingSettlPriceType(val int) UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField
NewUnderlyingSettlPriceType returns a new UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSettlPriceType (733)
func (UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSettlPriceTypeField) Value() int
type UnderlyingSettlementDateField ¶
type UnderlyingSettlementDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSettlementDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewUnderlyingSettlementDate ¶
func NewUnderlyingSettlementDate(val string) UnderlyingSettlementDateField
NewUnderlyingSettlementDate returns a new UnderlyingSettlementDateField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSettlementDateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSettlementDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSettlementDate (987)
func (UnderlyingSettlementDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSettlementDateField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSettlementStatusField ¶
type UnderlyingSettlementStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSettlementStatusField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSettlementStatus ¶
func NewUnderlyingSettlementStatus(val string) UnderlyingSettlementStatusField
NewUnderlyingSettlementStatus returns a new UnderlyingSettlementStatusField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSettlementStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSettlementStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSettlementStatus (988)
func (UnderlyingSettlementStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSettlementStatusField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSettlementTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingSettlementTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSettlementTypeField is a enum.UnderlyingSettlementType field
func NewUnderlyingSettlementType ¶
func NewUnderlyingSettlementType(val enum.UnderlyingSettlementType) UnderlyingSettlementTypeField
func (UnderlyingSettlementTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSettlementTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSettlementType (975)
func (UnderlyingSettlementTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSettlementTypeField) Value() enum.UnderlyingSettlementType
type UnderlyingStartValueField ¶
type UnderlyingStartValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingStartValueField is a AMT field
func NewUnderlyingStartValue ¶
func NewUnderlyingStartValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingStartValueField
NewUnderlyingStartValue returns a new UnderlyingStartValueField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingStartValueField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingStartValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingStartValue (884)
func (UnderlyingStartValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingStartValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField ¶
type UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func NewUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue(val string) UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField
NewUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns a new UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue (593)
func (UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssueField) Value() string
type UnderlyingStipTypeField ¶
type UnderlyingStipTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingStipTypeField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingStipType ¶
func NewUnderlyingStipType(val string) UnderlyingStipTypeField
NewUnderlyingStipType returns a new UnderlyingStipTypeField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingStipTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingStipTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingStipType (888)
func (UnderlyingStipTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingStipTypeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingStipValueField ¶
type UnderlyingStipValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingStipValueField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingStipValue ¶
func NewUnderlyingStipValue(val string) UnderlyingStipValueField
NewUnderlyingStipValue returns a new UnderlyingStipValueField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingStipValueField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingStipValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingStipValue (889)
func (UnderlyingStipValueField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingStipValueField) Value() string
type UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField ¶
type UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field
func NewUnderlyingStrikeCurrency ¶
func NewUnderlyingStrikeCurrency(val string) UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField
NewUnderlyingStrikeCurrency returns a new UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingStrikeCurrency (941)
func (UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingStrikeCurrencyField) Value() string
type UnderlyingStrikePriceField ¶
type UnderlyingStrikePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingStrikePriceField is a PRICE field
func NewUnderlyingStrikePrice ¶
func NewUnderlyingStrikePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingStrikePriceField
NewUnderlyingStrikePrice returns a new UnderlyingStrikePriceField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingStrikePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingStrikePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingStrikePrice (316)
func (UnderlyingStrikePriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingStrikePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingSymbolField ¶
type UnderlyingSymbolField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSymbolField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSymbol ¶
func NewUnderlyingSymbol(val string) UnderlyingSymbolField
NewUnderlyingSymbol returns a new UnderlyingSymbolField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSymbol (311)
func (UnderlyingSymbolField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSymbolField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSymbolSfxField ¶
type UnderlyingSymbolSfxField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingSymbolSfxField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingSymbolSfx ¶
func NewUnderlyingSymbolSfx(val string) UnderlyingSymbolSfxField
NewUnderlyingSymbolSfx returns a new UnderlyingSymbolSfxField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingSymbolSfxField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSymbolSfxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSymbolSfx (312)
func (UnderlyingSymbolSfxField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingSymbolSfxField) Value() string
type UnderlyingTimeUnitField ¶
type UnderlyingTimeUnitField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingTimeUnitField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingTimeUnit ¶
func NewUnderlyingTimeUnit(val string) UnderlyingTimeUnitField
NewUnderlyingTimeUnit returns a new UnderlyingTimeUnitField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingTimeUnitField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingTimeUnitField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingTimeUnit (1000)
func (UnderlyingTimeUnitField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingTimeUnitField) Value() string
type UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField ¶
type UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingTradingSessionID ¶
func NewUnderlyingTradingSessionID(val string) UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField
NewUnderlyingTradingSessionID returns a new UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingTradingSessionID (822)
func (UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingTradingSessionIDField) Value() string
type UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField ¶
type UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingTradingSessionSubID ¶
func NewUnderlyingTradingSessionSubID(val string) UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField
NewUnderlyingTradingSessionSubID returns a new UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingTradingSessionSubID (823)
func (UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingTradingSessionSubIDField) Value() string
type UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField ¶
type UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField is a STRING field
func NewUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure ¶
func NewUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure(val string) UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField
NewUnderlyingUnitOfMeasure returns a new UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField initialized with val
func (UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure (998)
func (UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureField) Value() string
type UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField ¶
type UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField is a QTY field
func NewUnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQty ¶
func NewUnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField
NewUnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQty returns a new UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQty (1423)
func (UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField ¶
type UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField is a STRING field
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartyID ¶
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartyID(val string) UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField
NewUndlyInstrumentPartyID returns a new UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField initialized with val
func (UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UndlyInstrumentPartyID (1059)
func (UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartyIDField) Value() string
type UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField ¶
type UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField is a CHAR field
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource ¶
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource(val string) UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField
NewUndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource returns a new UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField initialized with val
func (UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSource (1060)
func (UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartyIDSourceField) Value() string
type UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField ¶
type UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField is a INT field
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartyRole ¶
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartyRole(val int) UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField
NewUndlyInstrumentPartyRole returns a new UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField initialized with val
func (UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField) Tag ¶
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UndlyInstrumentPartyRole (1061)
func (UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartyRoleField) Value() int
type UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField ¶
type UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField is a STRING field
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartySubID ¶
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartySubID(val string) UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField
NewUndlyInstrumentPartySubID returns a new UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField initialized with val
func (UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UndlyInstrumentPartySubID (1063)
func (UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDField) Value() string
type UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField ¶
type UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField is a INT field
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType ¶
func NewUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType(val int) UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField
NewUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType returns a new UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField initialized with val
func (UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDType (1064)
func (UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UndlyInstrumentPartySubIDTypeField) Value() int
type UnitOfMeasureField ¶
type UnitOfMeasureField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UnitOfMeasureField is a enum.UnitOfMeasure field
func NewUnitOfMeasure ¶
func NewUnitOfMeasure(val enum.UnitOfMeasure) UnitOfMeasureField
func (UnitOfMeasureField) Tag ¶
func (f UnitOfMeasureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnitOfMeasure (996)
func (UnitOfMeasureField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnitOfMeasureField) Value() enum.UnitOfMeasure
type UnitOfMeasureQtyField ¶
type UnitOfMeasureQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnitOfMeasureQtyField is a QTY field
func NewUnitOfMeasureQty ¶
func NewUnitOfMeasureQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnitOfMeasureQtyField
NewUnitOfMeasureQty returns a new UnitOfMeasureQtyField initialized with val and scale
func (UnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f UnitOfMeasureQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnitOfMeasureQty (1147)
func (UnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnitOfMeasureQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnsolicitedIndicatorField ¶
type UnsolicitedIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
UnsolicitedIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewUnsolicitedIndicator ¶
func NewUnsolicitedIndicator(val bool) UnsolicitedIndicatorField
NewUnsolicitedIndicator returns a new UnsolicitedIndicatorField initialized with val
func (UnsolicitedIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f UnsolicitedIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnsolicitedIndicator (325)
func (UnsolicitedIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UnsolicitedIndicatorField) Value() bool
type UrgencyField ¶
type UrgencyField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UrgencyField is a enum.Urgency field
func NewUrgency ¶
func NewUrgency(val enum.Urgency) UrgencyField
func (UrgencyField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UrgencyField) Value() enum.Urgency
type UserRequestIDField ¶
type UserRequestIDField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UserRequestIDField is a STRING field
func NewUserRequestID ¶
func NewUserRequestID(val string) UserRequestIDField
NewUserRequestID returns a new UserRequestIDField initialized with val
func (UserRequestIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UserRequestIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UserRequestID (923)
func (UserRequestIDField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UserRequestIDField) Value() string
type UserRequestTypeField ¶
type UserRequestTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UserRequestTypeField is a enum.UserRequestType field
func NewUserRequestType ¶
func NewUserRequestType(val enum.UserRequestType) UserRequestTypeField
func (UserRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UserRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UserRequestType (924)
func (UserRequestTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UserRequestTypeField) Value() enum.UserRequestType
type UserStatusField ¶
type UserStatusField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UserStatusField is a enum.UserStatus field
func NewUserStatus ¶
func NewUserStatus(val enum.UserStatus) UserStatusField
func (UserStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f UserStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UserStatus (926)
func (UserStatusField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UserStatusField) Value() enum.UserStatus
type UserStatusTextField ¶
type UserStatusTextField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UserStatusTextField is a STRING field
func NewUserStatusText ¶
func NewUserStatusText(val string) UserStatusTextField
NewUserStatusText returns a new UserStatusTextField initialized with val
func (UserStatusTextField) Tag ¶
func (f UserStatusTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UserStatusText (927)
func (UserStatusTextField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UserStatusTextField) Value() string
type UsernameField ¶
type UsernameField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
UsernameField is a STRING field
func NewUsername ¶
func NewUsername(val string) UsernameField
NewUsername returns a new UsernameField initialized with val
func (UsernameField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f UsernameField) Value() string
type ValidUntilTimeField ¶
type ValidUntilTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
ValidUntilTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field
func NewValidUntilTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewValidUntilTime(val time.Time) ValidUntilTimeField
NewValidUntilTime returns a new ValidUntilTimeField initialized with val
func NewValidUntilTimeNoMillis ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewValidUntilTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) ValidUntilTimeField
NewValidUntilTimeNoMillis returns a new ValidUntilTimeField initialized with val without millisecs
func NewValidUntilTimeWithPrecision ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewValidUntilTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) ValidUntilTimeField
NewValidUntilTimeWithPrecision returns a new ValidUntilTimeField initialized with val of specified precision
func (ValidUntilTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f ValidUntilTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ValidUntilTime (62)
func (ValidUntilTimeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ValidUntilTimeField) Value() time.Time
type ValuationMethodField ¶
type ValuationMethodField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
ValuationMethodField is a enum.ValuationMethod field
func NewValuationMethod ¶
func NewValuationMethod(val enum.ValuationMethod) ValuationMethodField
func (ValuationMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f ValuationMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ValuationMethod (1197)
func (ValuationMethodField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ValuationMethodField) Value() enum.ValuationMethod
type ValueOfFuturesField ¶
type ValueOfFuturesField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ValueOfFuturesField is a AMT field
func NewValueOfFutures ¶
func NewValueOfFutures(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ValueOfFuturesField
NewValueOfFutures returns a new ValueOfFuturesField initialized with val and scale
func (ValueOfFuturesField) Tag ¶
func (f ValueOfFuturesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ValueOfFutures (408)
func (ValueOfFuturesField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f ValueOfFuturesField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type VenueTypeField ¶
type VenueTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
VenueTypeField is a enum.VenueType field
func NewVenueType ¶
func NewVenueType(val enum.VenueType) VenueTypeField
func (VenueTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f VenueTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.VenueType (1430)
func (VenueTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f VenueTypeField) Value() enum.VenueType
type VolatilityField ¶
type VolatilityField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
VolatilityField is a FLOAT field
func NewVolatility ¶
func NewVolatility(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) VolatilityField
NewVolatility returns a new VolatilityField initialized with val and scale
func (VolatilityField) Tag ¶
func (f VolatilityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Volatility (1188)
func (VolatilityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f VolatilityField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type WaveNoField ¶
type WaveNoField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
WaveNoField is a STRING field
func NewWaveNo ¶
func NewWaveNo(val string) WaveNoField
NewWaveNo returns a new WaveNoField initialized with val
func (WaveNoField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f WaveNoField) Value() string
type WorkingIndicatorField ¶
type WorkingIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
WorkingIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field
func NewWorkingIndicator ¶
func NewWorkingIndicator(val bool) WorkingIndicatorField
NewWorkingIndicator returns a new WorkingIndicatorField initialized with val
func (WorkingIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f WorkingIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.WorkingIndicator (636)
func (WorkingIndicatorField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f WorkingIndicatorField) Value() bool
type WtAverageLiquidityField ¶
type WtAverageLiquidityField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
WtAverageLiquidityField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewWtAverageLiquidity ¶
func NewWtAverageLiquidity(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) WtAverageLiquidityField
NewWtAverageLiquidity returns a new WtAverageLiquidityField initialized with val and scale
func (WtAverageLiquidityField) Tag ¶
func (f WtAverageLiquidityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.WtAverageLiquidity (410)
func (WtAverageLiquidityField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f WtAverageLiquidityField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type XmlDataField ¶
type XmlDataField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
XmlDataField is a DATA field
func NewXmlData ¶
func NewXmlData(val string) XmlDataField
NewXmlData returns a new XmlDataField initialized with val
func (XmlDataField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f XmlDataField) Value() string
type XmlDataLenField ¶
type XmlDataLenField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
XmlDataLenField is a LENGTH field
func NewXmlDataLen ¶
func NewXmlDataLen(val int) XmlDataLenField
NewXmlDataLen returns a new XmlDataLenField initialized with val
func (XmlDataLenField) Tag ¶
func (f XmlDataLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.XmlDataLen (212)
func (XmlDataLenField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f XmlDataLenField) Value() int
type YieldCalcDateField ¶
type YieldCalcDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
YieldCalcDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewYieldCalcDate ¶
func NewYieldCalcDate(val string) YieldCalcDateField
NewYieldCalcDate returns a new YieldCalcDateField initialized with val
func (YieldCalcDateField) Tag ¶
func (f YieldCalcDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.YieldCalcDate (701)
func (YieldCalcDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f YieldCalcDateField) Value() string
type YieldField ¶
type YieldField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
YieldField is a PERCENTAGE field
func NewYield ¶
func NewYield(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) YieldField
NewYield returns a new YieldField initialized with val and scale
func (YieldField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f YieldField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type YieldRedemptionDateField ¶
type YieldRedemptionDateField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
YieldRedemptionDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field
func NewYieldRedemptionDate ¶
func NewYieldRedemptionDate(val string) YieldRedemptionDateField
NewYieldRedemptionDate returns a new YieldRedemptionDateField initialized with val
func (YieldRedemptionDateField) Tag ¶
func (f YieldRedemptionDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.YieldRedemptionDate (696)
func (YieldRedemptionDateField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f YieldRedemptionDateField) Value() string
type YieldRedemptionPriceField ¶
type YieldRedemptionPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
YieldRedemptionPriceField is a PRICE field
func NewYieldRedemptionPrice ¶
func NewYieldRedemptionPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) YieldRedemptionPriceField
NewYieldRedemptionPrice returns a new YieldRedemptionPriceField initialized with val and scale
func (YieldRedemptionPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f YieldRedemptionPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.YieldRedemptionPrice (697)
func (YieldRedemptionPriceField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f YieldRedemptionPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField ¶
type YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXInt }
YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField is a INT field
func NewYieldRedemptionPriceType ¶
func NewYieldRedemptionPriceType(val int) YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField
NewYieldRedemptionPriceType returns a new YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField initialized with val
func (YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.YieldRedemptionPriceType (698)
func (YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f YieldRedemptionPriceTypeField) Value() int
type YieldTypeField ¶
type YieldTypeField struct{ quickfix.FIXString }
YieldTypeField is a enum.YieldType field
func NewYieldType ¶
func NewYieldType(val enum.YieldType) YieldTypeField
func (YieldTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f YieldTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.YieldType (235)
func (YieldTypeField) Value ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f YieldTypeField) Value() enum.YieldType