Depp - A fast unused and duplicate package checker 

## NPM
npm install -g depp-installer
# (will try to get npm install -g depp later)
## Go
go install
Just run depp
in your project folder and it will do the rest. Keep in mind it will likely fail without setting some externals
Note if you want it to work with JS please use -j
or --js
by default it will do only .ts|.tsx
All options
➜ depp --help
depp - Find un used packages fast
depp [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
clean Cleans all output files
show Shows previous report
deploy, d Automatically deploy your report to netlify
config A command to handle config
init Initialize project
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--dev, -d Enable dev dependencies (default: false)
--js, -j Enable js source files (default: false)
--path value, -p value Overwrite root directory
--log, -l Will write logs to .depcheck.log (default: false)
--source value, -s value Overwrite default sources
--report, -r Generate report file (default: false)
--show-versions, -v Show conflicting versions (default: false)
--write-output-files, -w This will write the esbuild output files. (default: false)
--externals value, -e value Pass custom externals using this flag
--ignore-namespaces value, --in value Pass namespace (@monorepo) to be ignored
--no-open, --no Flag to prevent auto opening report in browser (default: false)
--save-config, --sc Flag to automatically save config from other flags (default: false)
--ci Run in github actions ci mode (default: false)
--deploy value Will automatically deploy report to netlify
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Example Advanced usage
This is an example of advanced usage of the script with externals
and ignore-namespace
depp -v -j -e mobx -e magic-sdk -e domain -e @daybrush/utils -e yjs -e constants -e ws -e perf_hooks -in @editor -in @server --report
You can save your depp
config and not have to run it with flags every time, the config is saved in .depp/config.json
but can be created from the cli
# Initialize config
depp init
➜ depp --help
depp - Find un used packages fast
depp [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
clean Cleans all output files
show Shows previous report
deploy, d Automatically deploy your report to netlify
config A command to handle config
init Initialize project
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--dev, -d Enable dev dependencies (default: false)
--js, -j Enable js source files (default: false)
--path value, -p value Overwrite root directory
--log, -l Will write logs to .depcheck.log (default: false)
--source value, -s value Overwrite default sources
--report, -r Generate report file (default: false)
--show-versions, -v Show conflicting versions (default: false)
--write-output-files, -w This will write the esbuild output files. (default: false)
--externals value, -e value Pass custom externals using this flag
--ignore-namespaces value, --in value Pass namespace (@monorepo) to be ignored
--no-open, --no Flag to prevent auto opening report in browser (default: false)
--save-config, --sc Flag to automatically save config from other flags (default: false)
--ci Run in github actions ci mode (default: false)
--deploy value Will automatically deploy report to netlify
--browser Will use esbuild browser platform (by default it uses node platform) (default: false)
--ignore-path value, --ip value A glob pattern of files to be ignored
Currently only supports Github actions out of the box.
In mode, depp
will automatically comment on the PR with its report. It will look like this
It can also deploy the report to netlify but requires a NETLIFY_TOKEN
which you can get here
name: Dependency CI
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: 1.17
- name: Install Depp
run: go install
- name: Run Depp
run: depp --ci
# Optional if you want report urls or not
# You can get a netlify pat here
Example Outputs
- Markdown
- Html
Why use this
- It is using
and go
so it is quite a bit faster than most other tools
- Most tools that I could find at least, didn't not support monorepos. This does and is built for monorepos
This is not been extensively tested and might have some short comings, it may not identify every unused package but will definitely do a decent first pass
Credits to @zack_overflow for the amazing cover photo
This is built upon the excellent work down by @evanw on esbuild
and uses esbuild
under the hood