
Golang-based SDK to CrowdStrike's Falcon APIs.
gofalcon is periodically refreshed to reflect newest additions to the CrowdStrike API. Ready-made examples are included to show-case usage of the API. The following examples are useful as stand-alone programs.
- falcon_sensor_download - stand-alone tool that can be used to download CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor
- falcon_event_stream - stand-alone tool that can be used to stream events as they happen in CrowdStrike Falcon Console
- falcon_cleanup_pods - stand-alone tool that can be used to clean-up inactive pods from CrowdStrike Falcon Console
Gofalcon is an open source project, not CrowdStrike product. As such it carries
no formal support, expressed or implied.
go get github.com/CrowdStrike/gofalcon/falcon
Usage Example
Various real-life examples can be found in the examples/ directory. The bare minimum example follows.
package main
import (
func main() {
client, err := falcon.NewClient(&falcon.ApiConfig{
ClientId: "FILL-IN-HERE",
ClientSecret: "FILL-IN-HERE",
Context: context.Background(),
if err != nil {
desc := "timestamp.desc"
res, err := client.Incidents.CrowdScore(&incidents.CrowdScoreParams{
Context: context.Background(),
Sort: &desc,
if err != nil {
payload := res.GetPayload()
fmt.Printf("As of %s your CrowdScore is %d.\n",
payload.Resources[0].Timestamp.String(), *payload.Resources[0].Score)