Falcon Host Details
Stand-alone tool that uses Host API to query all the host details and output JSON to the stdout. This tool can be used together with JSON parsing tools like jq
in order to build reports of your liking.
go get github.com/crowdstrike/gofalcon/examples/falcon_host_details
Exemplary Usage
Get full details of all the hosts
Get total number of hosts
falcon_host_details | jq length
List hostnames of all hosts
falcon_host_details | jq 'map(.hostname)'
List hosts and agent versions as key-value dictionary
falcon_host_details | jq -r ' map( { (.hostname) : .agent_version } ) | add'
List hosts of particular operating system (using FQL (Falcon Query Language))
falcon_host_details --filter="platform_name:'Windows'"
List Kubernetes pods (protected by CrowdStrike Falcon Container) that have been running during past 7 days, show only pod names, agent versions and cloud information.
week_ago=$(date -jf %s $(( $(date +%s) - 86400 * 7 )) +%Y-%m-%d)
falcon_host_details --filter="product_type_desc:'Pod'+last_seen:>='${week_ago}'" \
| jq -r 'map({(.device_id): {"agent_version": .agent_version, "cloud": .service_provider, "pod_name": .pod_name}}) | add'
Please refer to Falcon Hosts API documentation to learn more about FQL filter parameter, about the meaning of the entity properties, and best practices.
Further, please refer to jq tool manual to learn how to effectively post-process JSON outputs in command-line.