Index ¶
- type Client
- func (a *Client) Deprovision(params *DeprovisionParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*DeprovisionOK, error)
- func (a *Client) Execute(params *ExecuteParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ExecuteOK, error)
- func (a *Client) ExecutionAction(params *ExecutionActionParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ExecutionActionOK, error)
- func (a *Client) ExecutionResults(params *ExecutionResultsParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ExecutionResultsOK, error)
- func (a *Client) Promote(params *PromoteParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*PromoteOK, error)
- func (a *Client) Provision(params *ProvisionParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ProvisionOK, error)
- func (a *Client) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowActivitiesCombined(params *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowDefinitionsCombined(params *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowDefinitionsExport(params *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK, *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowDefinitionsImport(params *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowDefinitionsUpdate(params *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowExecuteInternal(params *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowExecutionsCombined(params *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowGetHumanInputV1(params *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowMockExecute(params *WorkflowMockExecuteParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowTriggersCombined(params *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK, error)
- func (a *Client) WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1(params *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK, error)
- type ClientOption
- type ClientService
- type DeprovisionBadRequest
- func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) String() string
- type DeprovisionForbidden
- func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) String() string
- type DeprovisionInternalServerError
- func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) String() string
- type DeprovisionNotFound
- func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) String() string
- type DeprovisionOK
- func (o *DeprovisionOK) Code() int
- func (o *DeprovisionOK) Error() string
- func (o *DeprovisionOK) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionOK) String() string
- type DeprovisionParams
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionDeProvisionRequest)
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionDeProvisionRequest) *DeprovisionParams
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeprovisionParams
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithDefaults() *DeprovisionParams
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeprovisionParams
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeprovisionParams
- func (o *DeprovisionParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type DeprovisionReader
- type DeprovisionTooManyRequests
- func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) String() string
- type ExecuteBadRequest
- func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) String() string
- type ExecuteForbidden
- func (o *ExecuteForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *ExecuteForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *ExecuteForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecuteForbidden) String() string
- type ExecuteInternalServerError
- func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) String() string
- type ExecuteNotFound
- func (o *ExecuteNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *ExecuteNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *ExecuteNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecuteNotFound) String() string
- type ExecuteOK
- func (o *ExecuteOK) Code() int
- func (o *ExecuteOK) Error() string
- func (o *ExecuteOK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *ExecuteOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecuteOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecuteOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecuteOK) String() string
- type ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetBody(body models.MapStringInterface)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetDefinitionID(definitionID []string)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetDepth(depth *int64)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetExecutionCid(executionCid []string)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetKey(key *string)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetName(name *string)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithBody(body models.MapStringInterface) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithDefaults() *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithDefinitionID(definitionID []string) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithDepth(depth *int64) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithExecutionCid(executionCid []string) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithKey(key *string) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithName(name *string) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecuteParams
- func (o *ExecuteParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ExecuteReader
- type ExecuteTooManyRequests
- func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) String() string
- type ExecuteUnauthorized
- func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) GetPayload() *models.APIMFAResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) String() string
- type ExecutionActionBadRequest
- func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse
- func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) String() string
- type ExecutionActionForbidden
- func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) String() string
- type ExecutionActionInternalServerError
- func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse
- func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) String() string
- type ExecutionActionNotFound
- func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse
- func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) String() string
- type ExecutionActionOK
- func (o *ExecutionActionOK) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionActionOK) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionActionOK) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse
- func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionOK) String() string
- type ExecutionActionParams
- func NewExecutionActionParams() *ExecutionActionParams
- func NewExecutionActionParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecutionActionParams
- func NewExecutionActionParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecutionActionParams
- func NewExecutionActionParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecutionActionParams
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetActionName(actionName string)
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetBody(body *models.ClientActionRequest)
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithActionName(actionName string) *ExecutionActionParams
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithBody(body *models.ClientActionRequest) *ExecutionActionParams
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecutionActionParams
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithDefaults() *ExecutionActionParams
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecutionActionParams
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecutionActionParams
- func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ExecutionActionReader
- type ExecutionActionTooManyRequests
- func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) String() string
- type ExecutionResultsBadRequest
- func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
- func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) String() string
- type ExecutionResultsForbidden
- func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) String() string
- type ExecutionResultsInternalServerError
- func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
- func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) String() string
- type ExecutionResultsNotFound
- func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
- func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) String() string
- type ExecutionResultsOK
- func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
- func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) String() string
- type ExecutionResultsParams
- func NewExecutionResultsParams() *ExecutionResultsParams
- func NewExecutionResultsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecutionResultsParams
- func NewExecutionResultsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecutionResultsParams
- func NewExecutionResultsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecutionResultsParams
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetIds(ids []string)
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecutionResultsParams
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithDefaults() *ExecutionResultsParams
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecutionResultsParams
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithIds(ids []string) *ExecutionResultsParams
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecutionResultsParams
- func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ExecutionResultsReader
- type ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests
- func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) String() string
- type PromoteBadRequest
- func (o *PromoteBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *PromoteBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *PromoteBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *PromoteBadRequest) String() string
- type PromoteForbidden
- func (o *PromoteForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *PromoteForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *PromoteForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *PromoteForbidden) String() string
- type PromoteInternalServerError
- func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) String() string
- type PromoteNotFound
- func (o *PromoteNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *PromoteNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *PromoteNotFound) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *PromoteNotFound) String() string
- type PromoteOK
- func (o *PromoteOK) Code() int
- func (o *PromoteOK) Error() string
- func (o *PromoteOK) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *PromoteOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *PromoteOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *PromoteOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *PromoteOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *PromoteOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *PromoteOK) String() string
- type PromoteParams
- func (o *PromoteParams) SetBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionPromoteRequest)
- func (o *PromoteParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *PromoteParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *PromoteParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *PromoteParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *PromoteParams) WithBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionPromoteRequest) *PromoteParams
- func (o *PromoteParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PromoteParams
- func (o *PromoteParams) WithDefaults() *PromoteParams
- func (o *PromoteParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PromoteParams
- func (o *PromoteParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PromoteParams
- func (o *PromoteParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type PromoteReader
- type PromoteTooManyRequests
- func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) String() string
- type ProvisionBadRequest
- func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) String() string
- type ProvisionForbidden
- func (o *ProvisionForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *ProvisionForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *ProvisionForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ProvisionForbidden) String() string
- type ProvisionInternalServerError
- func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) String() string
- type ProvisionNotFound
- func (o *ProvisionNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *ProvisionNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *ProvisionNotFound) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ProvisionNotFound) String() string
- type ProvisionOK
- func (o *ProvisionOK) Code() int
- func (o *ProvisionOK) Error() string
- func (o *ProvisionOK) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
- func (o *ProvisionOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ProvisionOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ProvisionOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ProvisionOK) String() string
- type ProvisionParams
- func (o *ProvisionParams) SetBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionProvisionRequest)
- func (o *ProvisionParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ProvisionParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *ProvisionParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ProvisionParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ProvisionParams) WithBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionProvisionRequest) *ProvisionParams
- func (o *ProvisionParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ProvisionParams
- func (o *ProvisionParams) WithDefaults() *ProvisionParams
- func (o *ProvisionParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ProvisionParams
- func (o *ProvisionParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ProvisionParams
- func (o *ProvisionParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ProvisionReader
- type ProvisionTooManyRequests
- func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) GetPayload() *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) GetPayload() *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) String() string
- type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetFilter(filter string)
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetLimit(limit *int64)
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetOffset(offset *string)
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetSort(sort *string)
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithFilter(filter string) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithLimit(limit *int64) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithOffset(offset *string) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithSort(sort *string) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedReader
- type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetFilter(filter string)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetLimit(limit *int64)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetOffset(offset *string)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetSort(sort *string)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithFilter(filter string) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithLimit(limit *int64) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithOffset(offset *string) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithSort(sort *string) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedReader
- type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) GetPayload() []int64
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) GetPayload() []int64
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) GetPayload() []int64
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) GetPayload() []int64
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParams() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetID(id string)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetSanitize(sanitize *bool)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithID(id string) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithSanitize(sanitize *bool) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowDefinitionsExportReader
- type WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) GetPayload() []int64
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParams() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetDataFile(dataFile runtime.NamedReadCloser)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetName(name *string)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithDataFile(dataFile runtime.NamedReadCloser) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithName(name *string) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowDefinitionsImportReader
- type WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) String() string
- type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetBody(body *models.ModelsDefinitionUpdateRequestV2)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool)
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithBody(body *models.ModelsDefinitionUpdateRequestV2) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateReader
- type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowExecuteInternalOK
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) String() string
- type WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParams() *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetBatchSize(batchSize *int64)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetBody(body models.MapStringInterface)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetDefinitionID(definitionID []string)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetDepth(depth *int64)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetExecutionCid(executionCid []string)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetKey(key *string)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetName(name *string)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithBatchSize(batchSize *int64) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithBody(body models.MapStringInterface) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithDefinitionID(definitionID []string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithDepth(depth *int64) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithExecutionCid(executionCid []string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithKey(key *string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithName(name *string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowExecuteInternalReader
- type WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) String() string
- type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetFilter(filter string)
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetLimit(limit *int64)
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetOffset(offset *string)
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetSort(sort *string)
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithFilter(filter string) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithLimit(limit *int64) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithOffset(offset *string) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithSort(sort *string) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedReader
- type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) GetPayload() *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) GetPayload() *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) String() string
- type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetIds(ids []string)
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithDefaults() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithIds(ids []string) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Reader
- type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowMockExecuteOK
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) String() string
- type WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParams() *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetBody(body *models.ModelsMockExecutionCreateRequestV1)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetDefinitionID(definitionID *string)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetDepth(depth *int64)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetExecutionCid(executionCid []string)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetKey(key *string)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetName(name *string)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool)
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithBody(body *models.ModelsMockExecutionCreateRequestV1) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithDefinitionID(definitionID *string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithDepth(depth *int64) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithExecutionCid(executionCid []string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithKey(key *string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithName(name *string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowMockExecuteReader
- type WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) GetPayload() *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) GetPayload() *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) String() string
- type WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParams() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetFilter(filter string)
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithFilter(filter string) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowTriggersCombinedReader
- type WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) String() string
- type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) String() string
- type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) String() string
- type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) String() string
- type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) String() string
- type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) String() string
- type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetBody(body *models.ModelUserInputUpdateRequest)
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetDefaults()
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetID(id string)
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithBody(body *models.ModelUserInputUpdateRequest) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithDefaults() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithID(id string) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Reader
- type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Code() int
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Error() string
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) String() string
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client for workflows API
func (*Client) Deprovision ¶
func (a *Client) Deprovision(params *DeprovisionParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*DeprovisionOK, error)
Deprovision deprovisions a system definition that was previously provisioned on the target c ID
func (*Client) Execute ¶
func (a *Client) Execute(params *ExecuteParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ExecuteOK, error)
Execute executes an on demand workflow the body is JSON used to trigger the execution the response the execution ID s
func (*Client) ExecutionAction ¶
func (a *Client) ExecutionAction(params *ExecutionActionParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ExecutionActionOK, error)
ExecutionAction allows a user to resume retry a failed workflow execution
func (*Client) ExecutionResults ¶
func (a *Client) ExecutionResults(params *ExecutionResultsParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ExecutionResultsOK, error)
ExecutionResults gets execution result of a given execution
func (*Client) Promote ¶
func (a *Client) Promote(params *PromoteParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*PromoteOK, error)
Promote promotes a version of a system definition for a customer the customer must already have been provisioned this allows the caller to apply an updated template version to a specific cid and expects all parameters to be supplied if the template supports multi instance the customer scope definition ID must be supplied to determine which customer workflow should be updated
func (*Client) Provision ¶
func (a *Client) Provision(params *ProvisionParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ProvisionOK, error)
Provision provisions a system definition onto the target c ID by using the template and provided parameters
func (*Client) SetTransport ¶
func (a *Client) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport)
SetTransport changes the transport on the client
func (*Client) WorkflowActivitiesCombined ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowActivitiesCombined(params *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK, error)
WorkflowActivitiesCombined searches for activities by name returns all supported activities if no filter specified
func (*Client) WorkflowDefinitionsCombined ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowDefinitionsCombined(params *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK, error)
WorkflowDefinitionsCombined searches workflow definitions based on the provided filter
func (*Client) WorkflowDefinitionsExport ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowDefinitionsExport(params *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK, *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299, error)
WorkflowDefinitionsExport exports a workflow definition for the given definition ID
func (*Client) WorkflowDefinitionsImport ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowDefinitionsImport(params *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK, error)
WorkflowDefinitionsImport imports a workflow definition based on the provided model
func (*Client) WorkflowDefinitionsUpdate ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowDefinitionsUpdate(params *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK, error)
WorkflowDefinitionsUpdate updates a workflow definition based on the provided model
func (*Client) WorkflowExecuteInternal ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowExecuteInternal(params *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK, error)
WorkflowExecuteInternal executes an on demand workflow internal workflows permitted the body is JSON used to trigger the execution the response the execution ID s
func (*Client) WorkflowExecutionsCombined ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowExecutionsCombined(params *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK, error)
WorkflowExecutionsCombined searches workflow executions based on the provided filter
func (*Client) WorkflowGetHumanInputV1 ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowGetHumanInputV1(params *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK, error)
WorkflowGetHumanInputV1 gets one or more specific human inputs by their i ds
func (*Client) WorkflowMockExecute ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowMockExecute(params *WorkflowMockExecuteParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK, error)
WorkflowMockExecute executes a workflow definition with mocks
func (*Client) WorkflowTriggersCombined ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowTriggersCombined(params *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK, error)
WorkflowTriggersCombined searches for triggers by namespaced identifier i e falcon audit detection or falcon audit detection status returns all triggers if no filter specified
func (*Client) WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1 ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (a *Client) WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1(params *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK, error)
WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1 provides an input in response to a human input action depending on action configuration one or more of approve decline and or escalate are permitted
type ClientOption ¶
type ClientOption func(*runtime.ClientOperation)
ClientOption is the option for Client methods
type ClientService ¶
type ClientService interface { Deprovision(params *DeprovisionParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*DeprovisionOK, error) Execute(params *ExecuteParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ExecuteOK, error) ExecutionAction(params *ExecutionActionParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ExecutionActionOK, error) ExecutionResults(params *ExecutionResultsParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ExecutionResultsOK, error) Promote(params *PromoteParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*PromoteOK, error) Provision(params *ProvisionParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*ProvisionOK, error) WorkflowActivitiesCombined(params *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK, error) WorkflowDefinitionsCombined(params *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK, error) WorkflowDefinitionsExport(params *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK, *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299, error) WorkflowDefinitionsImport(params *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK, error) WorkflowDefinitionsUpdate(params *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK, error) WorkflowExecuteInternal(params *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK, error) WorkflowExecutionsCombined(params *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK, error) WorkflowGetHumanInputV1(params *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK, error) WorkflowMockExecute(params *WorkflowMockExecuteParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK, error) WorkflowTriggersCombined(params *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK, error) WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1(params *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params, opts ...ClientOption) (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK, error) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport) }
ClientService is the interface for Client methods
func New ¶
func New(transport runtime.ClientTransport, formats strfmt.Registry) ClientService
New creates a new workflows API client.
type DeprovisionBadRequest ¶
type DeprovisionBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
DeprovisionBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewDeprovisionBadRequest ¶
func NewDeprovisionBadRequest() *DeprovisionBadRequest
NewDeprovisionBadRequest creates a DeprovisionBadRequest with default headers values
func (*DeprovisionBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the deprovision bad request response
func (*DeprovisionBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) Error() string
func (*DeprovisionBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*DeprovisionBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this deprovision bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeprovisionBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this deprovision bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeprovisionBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this deprovision bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeprovisionBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this deprovision bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeprovisionBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this deprovision bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeprovisionBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *DeprovisionBadRequest) String() string
type DeprovisionForbidden ¶
type DeprovisionForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
DeprovisionForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewDeprovisionForbidden ¶
func NewDeprovisionForbidden() *DeprovisionForbidden
NewDeprovisionForbidden creates a DeprovisionForbidden with default headers values
func (*DeprovisionForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the deprovision forbidden response
func (*DeprovisionForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) Error() string
func (*DeprovisionForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*DeprovisionForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this deprovision forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeprovisionForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this deprovision forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeprovisionForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this deprovision forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeprovisionForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this deprovision forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeprovisionForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this deprovision forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeprovisionForbidden) String ¶
func (o *DeprovisionForbidden) String() string
type DeprovisionInternalServerError ¶
type DeprovisionInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
DeprovisionInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewDeprovisionInternalServerError ¶
func NewDeprovisionInternalServerError() *DeprovisionInternalServerError
NewDeprovisionInternalServerError creates a DeprovisionInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*DeprovisionInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the deprovision internal server error response
func (*DeprovisionInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*DeprovisionInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this deprovision internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this deprovision internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this deprovision internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this deprovision internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this deprovision internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeprovisionInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *DeprovisionInternalServerError) String() string
type DeprovisionNotFound ¶
type DeprovisionNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
DeprovisionNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewDeprovisionNotFound ¶
func NewDeprovisionNotFound() *DeprovisionNotFound
NewDeprovisionNotFound creates a DeprovisionNotFound with default headers values
func (*DeprovisionNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the deprovision not found response
func (*DeprovisionNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) Error() string
func (*DeprovisionNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*DeprovisionNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this deprovision not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeprovisionNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this deprovision not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeprovisionNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this deprovision not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeprovisionNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this deprovision not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeprovisionNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this deprovision not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeprovisionNotFound) String ¶
func (o *DeprovisionNotFound) String() string
type DeprovisionOK ¶
type DeprovisionOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
DeprovisionOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewDeprovisionOK ¶
func NewDeprovisionOK() *DeprovisionOK
NewDeprovisionOK creates a DeprovisionOK with default headers values
func (*DeprovisionOK) Code ¶
func (o *DeprovisionOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the deprovision o k response
func (*DeprovisionOK) Error ¶
func (o *DeprovisionOK) Error() string
func (*DeprovisionOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeprovisionOK) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*DeprovisionOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this deprovision o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeprovisionOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this deprovision o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeprovisionOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this deprovision o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeprovisionOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this deprovision o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeprovisionOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeprovisionOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this deprovision o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeprovisionOK) String ¶
func (o *DeprovisionOK) String() string
type DeprovisionParams ¶
type DeprovisionParams struct { // Body. Body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionDeProvisionRequest Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeprovisionParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the deprovision operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewDeprovisionParams ¶
func NewDeprovisionParams() *DeprovisionParams
NewDeprovisionParams creates a new DeprovisionParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewDeprovisionParamsWithContext ¶
func NewDeprovisionParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeprovisionParams
NewDeprovisionParamsWithContext creates a new DeprovisionParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewDeprovisionParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewDeprovisionParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeprovisionParams
NewDeprovisionParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new DeprovisionParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewDeprovisionParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewDeprovisionParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeprovisionParams
NewDeprovisionParamsWithTimeout creates a new DeprovisionParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*DeprovisionParams) SetBody ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionDeProvisionRequest)
SetBody adds the body to the deprovision params
func (*DeprovisionParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the deprovision params
func (*DeprovisionParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the deprovision params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*DeprovisionParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the deprovision params
func (*DeprovisionParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the deprovision params
func (*DeprovisionParams) WithBody ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionDeProvisionRequest) *DeprovisionParams
WithBody adds the body to the deprovision params
func (*DeprovisionParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeprovisionParams
WithContext adds the context to the deprovision params
func (*DeprovisionParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithDefaults() *DeprovisionParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the deprovision params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*DeprovisionParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeprovisionParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the deprovision params
func (*DeprovisionParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeprovisionParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the deprovision params
func (*DeprovisionParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *DeprovisionParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type DeprovisionReader ¶
type DeprovisionReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeprovisionReader is a Reader for the Deprovision structure.
func (*DeprovisionReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *DeprovisionReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type DeprovisionTooManyRequests ¶
type DeprovisionTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
DeprovisionTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewDeprovisionTooManyRequests ¶
func NewDeprovisionTooManyRequests() *DeprovisionTooManyRequests
NewDeprovisionTooManyRequests creates a DeprovisionTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*DeprovisionTooManyRequests) Code ¶
func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the deprovision too many requests response
func (*DeprovisionTooManyRequests) Error ¶
func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*DeprovisionTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this deprovision too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this deprovision too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this deprovision too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this deprovision too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this deprovision too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeprovisionTooManyRequests) String ¶
func (o *DeprovisionTooManyRequests) String() string
type ExecuteBadRequest ¶
type ExecuteBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
ExecuteBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewExecuteBadRequest ¶
func NewExecuteBadRequest() *ExecuteBadRequest
NewExecuteBadRequest creates a ExecuteBadRequest with default headers values
func (*ExecuteBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execute bad request response
func (*ExecuteBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) Error() string
func (*ExecuteBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*ExecuteBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execute bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecuteBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execute bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecuteBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execute bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecuteBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execute bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecuteBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execute bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecuteBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *ExecuteBadRequest) String() string
type ExecuteForbidden ¶
type ExecuteForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
ExecuteForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewExecuteForbidden ¶
func NewExecuteForbidden() *ExecuteForbidden
NewExecuteForbidden creates a ExecuteForbidden with default headers values
func (*ExecuteForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *ExecuteForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execute forbidden response
func (*ExecuteForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *ExecuteForbidden) Error() string
func (*ExecuteForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecuteForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*ExecuteForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execute forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecuteForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execute forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecuteForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execute forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecuteForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execute forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecuteForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecuteForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execute forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecuteForbidden) String ¶
func (o *ExecuteForbidden) String() string
type ExecuteInternalServerError ¶
type ExecuteInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
ExecuteInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewExecuteInternalServerError ¶
func NewExecuteInternalServerError() *ExecuteInternalServerError
NewExecuteInternalServerError creates a ExecuteInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*ExecuteInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execute internal server error response
func (*ExecuteInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*ExecuteInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*ExecuteInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execute internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecuteInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execute internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecuteInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execute internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecuteInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execute internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecuteInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execute internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecuteInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *ExecuteInternalServerError) String() string
type ExecuteNotFound ¶
type ExecuteNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
ExecuteNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewExecuteNotFound ¶
func NewExecuteNotFound() *ExecuteNotFound
NewExecuteNotFound creates a ExecuteNotFound with default headers values
func (*ExecuteNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *ExecuteNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execute not found response
func (*ExecuteNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *ExecuteNotFound) Error() string
func (*ExecuteNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecuteNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*ExecuteNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execute not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecuteNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execute not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecuteNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execute not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecuteNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execute not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecuteNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecuteNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execute not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecuteNotFound) String ¶
func (o *ExecuteNotFound) String() string
type ExecuteOK ¶
type ExecuteOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
ExecuteOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewExecuteOK ¶
func NewExecuteOK() *ExecuteOK
NewExecuteOK creates a ExecuteOK with default headers values
func (*ExecuteOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecuteOK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*ExecuteOK) IsClientError ¶
IsClientError returns true when this execute o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecuteOK) IsCode ¶
IsCode returns true when this execute o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecuteOK) IsRedirect ¶
IsRedirect returns true when this execute o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecuteOK) IsServerError ¶
IsServerError returns true when this execute o k response has a 5xx status code
type ExecuteParams ¶
type ExecuteParams struct { // Body. Body models.MapStringInterface /* DefinitionID. Definition ID to execute, either a name or an ID can be specified. */ DefinitionID []string /* Depth. Used to record the execution depth to help limit execution loops when a workflow triggers another. The maximum depth is 4. */ Depth *int64 /* ExecutionCid. CID(s) to execute on. This can be a child if this is a flight control enabled definition. If unset the definition CID is used. */ ExecutionCid []string /* Key. Key used to help deduplicate executions, if unset a new UUID is used */ Key *string /* Name. Workflow name to execute, either a name or an ID can be specified. */ Name *string /* SourceEventURL. Used to record a URL to the source that led to triggering this workflow */ SourceEventURL *string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ExecuteParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the execute operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewExecuteParams ¶
func NewExecuteParams() *ExecuteParams
NewExecuteParams creates a new ExecuteParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewExecuteParamsWithContext ¶
func NewExecuteParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecuteParams
NewExecuteParamsWithContext creates a new ExecuteParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewExecuteParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewExecuteParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecuteParams
NewExecuteParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ExecuteParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewExecuteParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewExecuteParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecuteParams
NewExecuteParamsWithTimeout creates a new ExecuteParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*ExecuteParams) SetBody ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetBody(body models.MapStringInterface)
SetBody adds the body to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the execute params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ExecuteParams) SetDefinitionID ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetDefinitionID(definitionID []string)
SetDefinitionID adds the definitionId to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) SetDepth ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetDepth(depth *int64)
SetDepth adds the depth to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) SetExecutionCid ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetExecutionCid(executionCid []string)
SetExecutionCid adds the executionCid to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) SetKey ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetKey(key *string)
SetKey adds the key to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) SetName ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetName(name *string)
SetName adds the name to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) SetSourceEventURL ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string)
SetSourceEventURL adds the sourceEventUrl to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithBody ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithBody(body models.MapStringInterface) *ExecuteParams
WithBody adds the body to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecuteParams
WithContext adds the context to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithDefaults() *ExecuteParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the execute params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ExecuteParams) WithDefinitionID ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithDefinitionID(definitionID []string) *ExecuteParams
WithDefinitionID adds the definitionID to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithDepth ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithDepth(depth *int64) *ExecuteParams
WithDepth adds the depth to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithExecutionCid ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithExecutionCid(executionCid []string) *ExecuteParams
WithExecutionCid adds the executionCid to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecuteParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithKey ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithKey(key *string) *ExecuteParams
WithKey adds the key to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithName ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithName(name *string) *ExecuteParams
WithName adds the name to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithSourceEventURL ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string) *ExecuteParams
WithSourceEventURL adds the sourceEventURL to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecuteParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the execute params
func (*ExecuteParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ExecuteParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ExecuteReader ¶
type ExecuteReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExecuteReader is a Reader for the Execute structure.
func (*ExecuteReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ExecuteReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ExecuteTooManyRequests ¶
type ExecuteTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
ExecuteTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewExecuteTooManyRequests ¶
func NewExecuteTooManyRequests() *ExecuteTooManyRequests
NewExecuteTooManyRequests creates a ExecuteTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*ExecuteTooManyRequests) Code ¶
func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execute too many requests response
func (*ExecuteTooManyRequests) Error ¶
func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*ExecuteTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execute too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execute too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execute too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execute too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execute too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecuteTooManyRequests) String ¶
func (o *ExecuteTooManyRequests) String() string
type ExecuteUnauthorized ¶ added in v0.9.0
type ExecuteUnauthorized struct { string XRateLimitLimit int64 XRateLimitRemaining int64 }XCSTRACEID
ExecuteUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewExecuteUnauthorized ¶ added in v0.9.0
func NewExecuteUnauthorized() *ExecuteUnauthorized
NewExecuteUnauthorized creates a ExecuteUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*ExecuteUnauthorized) Code ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execute unauthorized response
func (*ExecuteUnauthorized) Error ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*ExecuteUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) GetPayload() *models.APIMFAResourceIDsResponse
func (*ExecuteUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execute unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecuteUnauthorized) IsCode ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execute unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecuteUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execute unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecuteUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execute unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecuteUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execute unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecuteUnauthorized) String ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (o *ExecuteUnauthorized) String() string
type ExecutionActionBadRequest ¶
type ExecutionActionBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse }
ExecutionActionBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewExecutionActionBadRequest ¶
func NewExecutionActionBadRequest() *ExecutionActionBadRequest
NewExecutionActionBadRequest creates a ExecutionActionBadRequest with default headers values
func (*ExecutionActionBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution action bad request response
func (*ExecutionActionBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) Error() string
func (*ExecutionActionBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse
func (*ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution action bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution action bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution action bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution action bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution action bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionBadRequest) String() string
type ExecutionActionForbidden ¶
type ExecutionActionForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
ExecutionActionForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewExecutionActionForbidden ¶
func NewExecutionActionForbidden() *ExecutionActionForbidden
NewExecutionActionForbidden creates a ExecutionActionForbidden with default headers values
func (*ExecutionActionForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution action forbidden response
func (*ExecutionActionForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) Error() string
func (*ExecutionActionForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*ExecutionActionForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution action forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution action forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionActionForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution action forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution action forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution action forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionForbidden) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionForbidden) String() string
type ExecutionActionInternalServerError ¶
type ExecutionActionInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse }
ExecutionActionInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewExecutionActionInternalServerError ¶
func NewExecutionActionInternalServerError() *ExecutionActionInternalServerError
NewExecutionActionInternalServerError creates a ExecutionActionInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*ExecutionActionInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution action internal server error response
func (*ExecutionActionInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*ExecutionActionInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse
func (*ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution action internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution action internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution action internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution action internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution action internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionInternalServerError) String() string
type ExecutionActionNotFound ¶
type ExecutionActionNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse }
ExecutionActionNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewExecutionActionNotFound ¶
func NewExecutionActionNotFound() *ExecutionActionNotFound
NewExecutionActionNotFound creates a ExecutionActionNotFound with default headers values
func (*ExecutionActionNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution action not found response
func (*ExecutionActionNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) Error() string
func (*ExecutionActionNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse
func (*ExecutionActionNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution action not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution action not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionActionNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution action not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution action not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution action not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionNotFound) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionNotFound) String() string
type ExecutionActionOK ¶
type ExecutionActionOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse }
ExecutionActionOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewExecutionActionOK ¶
func NewExecutionActionOK() *ExecutionActionOK
NewExecutionActionOK creates a ExecutionActionOK with default headers values
func (*ExecutionActionOK) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution action o k response
func (*ExecutionActionOK) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionOK) Error() string
func (*ExecutionActionOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionOK) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionEntitiesResponse
func (*ExecutionActionOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution action o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution action o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionActionOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution action o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution action o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution action o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionOK) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionOK) String() string
type ExecutionActionParams ¶
type ExecutionActionParams struct { /* ActionName. Specify one of these actions: - `resume`: resume/retry the workflow execution(s) specified in ids */ ActionName string // Body. Body *models.ClientActionRequest Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ExecutionActionParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the execution action operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewExecutionActionParams ¶
func NewExecutionActionParams() *ExecutionActionParams
NewExecutionActionParams creates a new ExecutionActionParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewExecutionActionParamsWithContext ¶
func NewExecutionActionParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecutionActionParams
NewExecutionActionParamsWithContext creates a new ExecutionActionParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewExecutionActionParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewExecutionActionParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecutionActionParams
NewExecutionActionParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ExecutionActionParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewExecutionActionParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewExecutionActionParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecutionActionParams
NewExecutionActionParamsWithTimeout creates a new ExecutionActionParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*ExecutionActionParams) SetActionName ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetActionName(actionName string)
SetActionName adds the actionName to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) SetBody ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetBody(body *models.ClientActionRequest)
SetBody adds the body to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the execution action params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ExecutionActionParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) WithActionName ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithActionName(actionName string) *ExecutionActionParams
WithActionName adds the actionName to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) WithBody ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithBody(body *models.ClientActionRequest) *ExecutionActionParams
WithBody adds the body to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecutionActionParams
WithContext adds the context to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithDefaults() *ExecutionActionParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the execution action params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ExecutionActionParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecutionActionParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecutionActionParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the execution action params
func (*ExecutionActionParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ExecutionActionReader ¶
type ExecutionActionReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExecutionActionReader is a Reader for the ExecutionAction structure.
func (*ExecutionActionReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ExecutionActionTooManyRequests ¶
type ExecutionActionTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
ExecutionActionTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewExecutionActionTooManyRequests ¶
func NewExecutionActionTooManyRequests() *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests
NewExecutionActionTooManyRequests creates a ExecutionActionTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution action too many requests response
func (*ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution action too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution action too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution action too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution action too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution action too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionActionTooManyRequests) String() string
type ExecutionResultsBadRequest ¶
type ExecutionResultsBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse }
ExecutionResultsBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewExecutionResultsBadRequest ¶
func NewExecutionResultsBadRequest() *ExecutionResultsBadRequest
NewExecutionResultsBadRequest creates a ExecutionResultsBadRequest with default headers values
func (*ExecutionResultsBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution results bad request response
func (*ExecutionResultsBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) Error() string
func (*ExecutionResultsBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
func (*ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution results bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution results bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution results bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution results bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution results bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsBadRequest) String() string
type ExecutionResultsForbidden ¶
type ExecutionResultsForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
ExecutionResultsForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewExecutionResultsForbidden ¶
func NewExecutionResultsForbidden() *ExecutionResultsForbidden
NewExecutionResultsForbidden creates a ExecutionResultsForbidden with default headers values
func (*ExecutionResultsForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution results forbidden response
func (*ExecutionResultsForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) Error() string
func (*ExecutionResultsForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution results forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution results forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution results forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution results forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution results forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsForbidden) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsForbidden) String() string
type ExecutionResultsInternalServerError ¶
type ExecutionResultsInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse }
ExecutionResultsInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewExecutionResultsInternalServerError ¶
func NewExecutionResultsInternalServerError() *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError
NewExecutionResultsInternalServerError creates a ExecutionResultsInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution results internal server error response
func (*ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
func (*ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution results internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution results internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution results internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution results internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution results internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsInternalServerError) String() string
type ExecutionResultsNotFound ¶
type ExecutionResultsNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse }
ExecutionResultsNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewExecutionResultsNotFound ¶
func NewExecutionResultsNotFound() *ExecutionResultsNotFound
NewExecutionResultsNotFound creates a ExecutionResultsNotFound with default headers values
func (*ExecutionResultsNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution results not found response
func (*ExecutionResultsNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) Error() string
func (*ExecutionResultsNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
func (*ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution results not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution results not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution results not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution results not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution results not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsNotFound) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsNotFound) String() string
type ExecutionResultsOK ¶
type ExecutionResultsOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse }
ExecutionResultsOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewExecutionResultsOK ¶
func NewExecutionResultsOK() *ExecutionResultsOK
NewExecutionResultsOK creates a ExecutionResultsOK with default headers values
func (*ExecutionResultsOK) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution results o k response
func (*ExecutionResultsOK) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) Error() string
func (*ExecutionResultsOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
func (*ExecutionResultsOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution results o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution results o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionResultsOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution results o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution results o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution results o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsOK) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsOK) String() string
type ExecutionResultsParams ¶
type ExecutionResultsParams struct { /* Ids. workflow execution id to return results for. */ Ids []string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ExecutionResultsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the execution results operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewExecutionResultsParams ¶
func NewExecutionResultsParams() *ExecutionResultsParams
NewExecutionResultsParams creates a new ExecutionResultsParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewExecutionResultsParamsWithContext ¶
func NewExecutionResultsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecutionResultsParams
NewExecutionResultsParamsWithContext creates a new ExecutionResultsParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewExecutionResultsParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewExecutionResultsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecutionResultsParams
NewExecutionResultsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ExecutionResultsParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewExecutionResultsParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewExecutionResultsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecutionResultsParams
NewExecutionResultsParamsWithTimeout creates a new ExecutionResultsParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the execution results params
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the execution results params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the execution results params
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) SetIds ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetIds(ids []string)
SetIds adds the ids to the execution results params
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the execution results params
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ExecutionResultsParams
WithContext adds the context to the execution results params
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithDefaults() *ExecutionResultsParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the execution results params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ExecutionResultsParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the execution results params
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) WithIds ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithIds(ids []string) *ExecutionResultsParams
WithIds adds the ids to the execution results params
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ExecutionResultsParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the execution results params
func (*ExecutionResultsParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ExecutionResultsReader ¶
type ExecutionResultsReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExecutionResultsReader is a Reader for the ExecutionResults structure.
func (*ExecutionResultsReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests ¶
type ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewExecutionResultsTooManyRequests ¶
func NewExecutionResultsTooManyRequests() *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests
NewExecutionResultsTooManyRequests creates a ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) Code ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the execution results too many requests response
func (*ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) Error ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this execution results too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this execution results too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this execution results too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this execution results too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this execution results too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) String ¶
func (o *ExecutionResultsTooManyRequests) String() string
type PromoteBadRequest ¶
type PromoteBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
PromoteBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewPromoteBadRequest ¶
func NewPromoteBadRequest() *PromoteBadRequest
NewPromoteBadRequest creates a PromoteBadRequest with default headers values
func (*PromoteBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *PromoteBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the promote bad request response
func (*PromoteBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *PromoteBadRequest) Error() string
func (*PromoteBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *PromoteBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*PromoteBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this promote bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*PromoteBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this promote bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*PromoteBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this promote bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*PromoteBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this promote bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*PromoteBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *PromoteBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this promote bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*PromoteBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *PromoteBadRequest) String() string
type PromoteForbidden ¶
type PromoteForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
PromoteForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewPromoteForbidden ¶
func NewPromoteForbidden() *PromoteForbidden
NewPromoteForbidden creates a PromoteForbidden with default headers values
func (*PromoteForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *PromoteForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the promote forbidden response
func (*PromoteForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *PromoteForbidden) Error() string
func (*PromoteForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *PromoteForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*PromoteForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this promote forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*PromoteForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this promote forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*PromoteForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this promote forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*PromoteForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this promote forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*PromoteForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *PromoteForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this promote forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*PromoteForbidden) String ¶
func (o *PromoteForbidden) String() string
type PromoteInternalServerError ¶
type PromoteInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
PromoteInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewPromoteInternalServerError ¶
func NewPromoteInternalServerError() *PromoteInternalServerError
NewPromoteInternalServerError creates a PromoteInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*PromoteInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the promote internal server error response
func (*PromoteInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*PromoteInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*PromoteInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this promote internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*PromoteInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this promote internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*PromoteInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this promote internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*PromoteInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this promote internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*PromoteInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this promote internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*PromoteInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *PromoteInternalServerError) String() string
type PromoteNotFound ¶
type PromoteNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
PromoteNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewPromoteNotFound ¶
func NewPromoteNotFound() *PromoteNotFound
NewPromoteNotFound creates a PromoteNotFound with default headers values
func (*PromoteNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *PromoteNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the promote not found response
func (*PromoteNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *PromoteNotFound) Error() string
func (*PromoteNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *PromoteNotFound) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*PromoteNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this promote not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*PromoteNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this promote not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*PromoteNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this promote not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*PromoteNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this promote not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*PromoteNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *PromoteNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this promote not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*PromoteNotFound) String ¶
func (o *PromoteNotFound) String() string
type PromoteOK ¶
type PromoteOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
PromoteOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewPromoteOK ¶
func NewPromoteOK() *PromoteOK
NewPromoteOK creates a PromoteOK with default headers values
func (*PromoteOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *PromoteOK) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*PromoteOK) IsClientError ¶
IsClientError returns true when this promote o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*PromoteOK) IsCode ¶
IsCode returns true when this promote o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*PromoteOK) IsRedirect ¶
IsRedirect returns true when this promote o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*PromoteOK) IsServerError ¶
IsServerError returns true when this promote o k response has a 5xx status code
type PromoteParams ¶
type PromoteParams struct { // Body. Body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionPromoteRequest Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PromoteParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the promote operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewPromoteParams ¶
func NewPromoteParams() *PromoteParams
NewPromoteParams creates a new PromoteParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewPromoteParamsWithContext ¶
func NewPromoteParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PromoteParams
NewPromoteParamsWithContext creates a new PromoteParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewPromoteParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewPromoteParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PromoteParams
NewPromoteParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new PromoteParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewPromoteParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewPromoteParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PromoteParams
NewPromoteParamsWithTimeout creates a new PromoteParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*PromoteParams) SetBody ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) SetBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionPromoteRequest)
SetBody adds the body to the promote params
func (*PromoteParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the promote params
func (*PromoteParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the promote params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*PromoteParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the promote params
func (*PromoteParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the promote params
func (*PromoteParams) WithBody ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) WithBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionPromoteRequest) *PromoteParams
WithBody adds the body to the promote params
func (*PromoteParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PromoteParams
WithContext adds the context to the promote params
func (*PromoteParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) WithDefaults() *PromoteParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the promote params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*PromoteParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PromoteParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the promote params
func (*PromoteParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PromoteParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the promote params
func (*PromoteParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *PromoteParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type PromoteReader ¶
type PromoteReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PromoteReader is a Reader for the Promote structure.
func (*PromoteReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *PromoteReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type PromoteTooManyRequests ¶
type PromoteTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
PromoteTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewPromoteTooManyRequests ¶
func NewPromoteTooManyRequests() *PromoteTooManyRequests
NewPromoteTooManyRequests creates a PromoteTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*PromoteTooManyRequests) Code ¶
func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the promote too many requests response
func (*PromoteTooManyRequests) Error ¶
func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*PromoteTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶
func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*PromoteTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶
func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this promote too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*PromoteTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶
func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this promote too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*PromoteTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this promote too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*PromoteTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶
func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this promote too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*PromoteTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this promote too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*PromoteTooManyRequests) String ¶
func (o *PromoteTooManyRequests) String() string
type ProvisionBadRequest ¶
type ProvisionBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
ProvisionBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewProvisionBadRequest ¶
func NewProvisionBadRequest() *ProvisionBadRequest
NewProvisionBadRequest creates a ProvisionBadRequest with default headers values
func (*ProvisionBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the provision bad request response
func (*ProvisionBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) Error() string
func (*ProvisionBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*ProvisionBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this provision bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*ProvisionBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this provision bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*ProvisionBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this provision bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*ProvisionBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this provision bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*ProvisionBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this provision bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*ProvisionBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *ProvisionBadRequest) String() string
type ProvisionForbidden ¶
type ProvisionForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
ProvisionForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewProvisionForbidden ¶
func NewProvisionForbidden() *ProvisionForbidden
NewProvisionForbidden creates a ProvisionForbidden with default headers values
func (*ProvisionForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *ProvisionForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the provision forbidden response
func (*ProvisionForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *ProvisionForbidden) Error() string
func (*ProvisionForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ProvisionForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*ProvisionForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this provision forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*ProvisionForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this provision forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*ProvisionForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this provision forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*ProvisionForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this provision forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*ProvisionForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ProvisionForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this provision forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*ProvisionForbidden) String ¶
func (o *ProvisionForbidden) String() string
type ProvisionInternalServerError ¶
type ProvisionInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
ProvisionInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewProvisionInternalServerError ¶
func NewProvisionInternalServerError() *ProvisionInternalServerError
NewProvisionInternalServerError creates a ProvisionInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*ProvisionInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the provision internal server error response
func (*ProvisionInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*ProvisionInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*ProvisionInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this provision internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*ProvisionInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this provision internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*ProvisionInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this provision internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*ProvisionInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this provision internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*ProvisionInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this provision internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*ProvisionInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *ProvisionInternalServerError) String() string
type ProvisionNotFound ¶
type ProvisionNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
ProvisionNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewProvisionNotFound ¶
func NewProvisionNotFound() *ProvisionNotFound
NewProvisionNotFound creates a ProvisionNotFound with default headers values
func (*ProvisionNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *ProvisionNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the provision not found response
func (*ProvisionNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *ProvisionNotFound) Error() string
func (*ProvisionNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ProvisionNotFound) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*ProvisionNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this provision not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*ProvisionNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this provision not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*ProvisionNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this provision not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*ProvisionNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this provision not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*ProvisionNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ProvisionNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this provision not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*ProvisionNotFound) String ¶
func (o *ProvisionNotFound) String() string
type ProvisionOK ¶
type ProvisionOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse }
ProvisionOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewProvisionOK ¶
func NewProvisionOK() *ProvisionOK
NewProvisionOK creates a ProvisionOK with default headers values
func (*ProvisionOK) Code ¶
func (o *ProvisionOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the provision o k response
func (*ProvisionOK) Error ¶
func (o *ProvisionOK) Error() string
func (*ProvisionOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ProvisionOK) GetPayload() *models.ClientSystemDefinitionCreateResponse
func (*ProvisionOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ProvisionOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this provision o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*ProvisionOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *ProvisionOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this provision o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*ProvisionOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ProvisionOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this provision o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*ProvisionOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ProvisionOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this provision o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*ProvisionOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ProvisionOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this provision o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*ProvisionOK) String ¶
func (o *ProvisionOK) String() string
type ProvisionParams ¶
type ProvisionParams struct { // Body. Body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionProvisionRequest Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ProvisionParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the provision operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewProvisionParams ¶
func NewProvisionParams() *ProvisionParams
NewProvisionParams creates a new ProvisionParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewProvisionParamsWithContext ¶
func NewProvisionParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ProvisionParams
NewProvisionParamsWithContext creates a new ProvisionParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewProvisionParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewProvisionParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ProvisionParams
NewProvisionParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ProvisionParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewProvisionParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewProvisionParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ProvisionParams
NewProvisionParamsWithTimeout creates a new ProvisionParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*ProvisionParams) SetBody ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) SetBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionProvisionRequest)
SetBody adds the body to the provision params
func (*ProvisionParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the provision params
func (*ProvisionParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the provision params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ProvisionParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the provision params
func (*ProvisionParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the provision params
func (*ProvisionParams) WithBody ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) WithBody(body *models.ClientSystemDefinitionProvisionRequest) *ProvisionParams
WithBody adds the body to the provision params
func (*ProvisionParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ProvisionParams
WithContext adds the context to the provision params
func (*ProvisionParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) WithDefaults() *ProvisionParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the provision params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ProvisionParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ProvisionParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the provision params
func (*ProvisionParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ProvisionParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the provision params
func (*ProvisionParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ProvisionParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ProvisionReader ¶
type ProvisionReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProvisionReader is a Reader for the Provision structure.
func (*ProvisionReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ProvisionReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ProvisionTooManyRequests ¶
type ProvisionTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
ProvisionTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewProvisionTooManyRequests ¶
func NewProvisionTooManyRequests() *ProvisionTooManyRequests
NewProvisionTooManyRequests creates a ProvisionTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*ProvisionTooManyRequests) Code ¶
func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the provision too many requests response
func (*ProvisionTooManyRequests) Error ¶
func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*ProvisionTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this provision too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶
func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this provision too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this provision too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this provision too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this provision too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*ProvisionTooManyRequests) String ¶
func (o *ProvisionTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse }
WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest creates a WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow activities combined bad request response
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow activities combined bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow activities combined bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow activities combined bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow activities combined bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow activities combined bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedBadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden creates a WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow activities combined forbidden response
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow activities combined forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow activities combined forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow activities combined forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow activities combined forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow activities combined forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedForbidden) String() string
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse }
WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError creates a WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow activities combined internal server error response
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow activities combined internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow activities combined internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow activities combined internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow activities combined internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow activities combined internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedInternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse }
WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound creates a WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow activities combined not found response
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) GetPayload() *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow activities combined not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow activities combined not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow activities combined not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow activities combined not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow activities combined not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedNotFound) String() string
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse }
WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK creates a WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow activities combined o k response
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) GetPayload() *models.ActivitiesActivityExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow activities combined o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow activities combined o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow activities combined o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow activities combined o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow activities combined o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedOK) String() string
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams struct { /* Filter. FQL query specifying filter parameters. */ Filter string /* Limit. Maximum number of records to return. */ Limit *int64 /* Offset. Starting pagination offset of records to return. */ Offset *string /* Sort. Sort items by providing a comma separated list of property and direction (eg name.desc,time.asc). If direction is omitted, defaults to descending. */ Sort *string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow activities combined operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams creates a new WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow activities combined params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetFilter ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetFilter(filter string)
SetFilter adds the filter to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetLimit(limit *int64)
SetLimit adds the limit to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetOffset ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetOffset(offset *string)
SetOffset adds the offset to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetSort ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetSort(sort *string)
SetSort adds the sort to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
WithContext adds the context to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow activities combined params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithFilter ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithFilter(filter string) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
WithFilter adds the filter to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithLimit ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithLimit(limit *int64) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
WithLimit adds the limit to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithOffset ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithOffset(offset *string) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
WithOffset adds the offset to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithSort ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithSort(sort *string) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
WithSort adds the sort to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow activities combined params
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedReader ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowActivitiesCombinedReader is a Reader for the WorkflowActivitiesCombined structure.
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedReader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests() *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests
NewWorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests creates a WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow activities combined too many requests response
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow activities combined too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow activities combined too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow activities combined too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow activities combined too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow activities combined too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowActivitiesCombinedTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest creates a WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions combined bad request response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions combined bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions combined bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions combined bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions combined bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions combined bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedBadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden creates a WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions combined forbidden response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions combined forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions combined forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions combined forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions combined forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions combined forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedForbidden) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError creates a WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions combined internal server error response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions combined internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions combined internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions combined internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions combined internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions combined internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedInternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound creates a WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions combined not found response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions combined not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions combined not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions combined not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions combined not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions combined not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedNotFound) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK creates a WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions combined o k response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions combined o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions combined o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions combined o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions combined o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions combined o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedOK) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams struct { /* Filter. FQL query specifying filter parameters. */ Filter string /* Limit. Maximum number of records to return. */ Limit *int64 /* Offset. Starting pagination offset of records to return. */ Offset *string /* Sort. Sort items by providing a comma separated list of property and direction (eg name.desc,time.asc). If direction is omitted, defaults to descending. */ Sort *string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow definitions combined operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow definitions combined params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetFilter ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetFilter(filter string)
SetFilter adds the filter to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetLimit(limit *int64)
SetLimit adds the limit to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetOffset ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetOffset(offset *string)
SetOffset adds the offset to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetSort ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetSort(sort *string)
SetSort adds the sort to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
WithContext adds the context to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow definitions combined params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithFilter ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithFilter(filter string) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
WithFilter adds the filter to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithLimit ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithLimit(limit *int64) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
WithLimit adds the limit to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithOffset ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithOffset(offset *string) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
WithOffset adds the offset to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithSort ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithSort(sort *string) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
WithSort adds the sort to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow definitions combined params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedReader ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedReader is a Reader for the WorkflowDefinitionsCombined structure.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedReader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests() *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests
NewWorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests creates a WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions combined too many requests response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions combined too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions combined too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions combined too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions combined too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions combined too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsCombinedTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload []int64 }
WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest creates a WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions export bad request response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) GetPayload() []int64
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions export bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions export bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions export bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions export bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions export bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportBadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden creates a WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions export forbidden response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions export forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions export forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions export forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions export forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions export forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportForbidden) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload []int64 }
WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError creates a WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions export internal server error response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) GetPayload() []int64
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions export internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions export internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions export internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions export internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions export internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportInternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload []int64 }
WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound creates a WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions export not found response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) GetPayload() []int64
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions export not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions export not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions export not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions export not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions export not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportNotFound) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload []int64 }
WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportOK() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportOK creates a WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions export o k response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) GetPayload() []int64
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions export o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions export o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions export o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions export o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions export o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportOK) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams struct { /* ID. ID of workflow definitions to return details for */ ID string /* Sanitize. whether or not to sanitize PII from workflow before it's exported Default: true */ Sanitize *bool Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow definitions export operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParams() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParams creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow definitions export params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetID ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetID(id string)
SetID adds the id to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetSanitize ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetSanitize(sanitize *bool)
SetSanitize adds the sanitize to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
WithContext adds the context to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow definitions export params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithID ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithID(id string) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
WithID adds the id to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithSanitize ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithSanitize(sanitize *bool) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
WithSanitize adds the sanitize to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow definitions export params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportReader ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowDefinitionsExportReader is a Reader for the WorkflowDefinitionsExport structure.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportReader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299 ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299 struct { /* Warning message from workflow export Format: string */ XAPIWarning string /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload []int64 }
WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299 describes a response with status code 299, with default header values.
Miscellaneous Persistent Warning
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299 ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299 creates a WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299 with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions export status299 response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) GetPayload() []int64
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions export status299 response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions export status299 response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions export status299 response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions export status299 response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions export status299 response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportStatus299) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests() *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests
NewWorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests creates a WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions export too many requests response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions export too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions export too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions export too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions export too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions export too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsExportTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest creates a WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions import bad request response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions import bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions import bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions import bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions import bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions import bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportBadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden creates a WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions import forbidden response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions import forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions import forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions import forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions import forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions import forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportForbidden) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError creates a WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions import internal server error response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions import internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions import internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions import internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions import internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions import internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportInternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound creates a WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions import not found response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions import not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions import not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions import not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions import not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions import not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportNotFound) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportOK() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportOK creates a WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions import o k response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) GetPayload() *models.DefinitionsDefinitionImportResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions import o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions import o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions import o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions import o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions import o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportOK) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams struct { /* DataFile. A workflow definition in YAML format to import */ DataFile runtime.NamedReadCloser /* Name. Workflow name to override */ Name *string /* ValidateOnly. When enabled, prevents saving workflow after validating */ ValidateOnly *bool Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow definitions import operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParams() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParams creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetDataFile ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetDataFile(dataFile runtime.NamedReadCloser)
SetDataFile adds the dataFile to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow definitions import params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetName ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetName(name *string)
SetName adds the name to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetValidateOnly ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) SetValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool)
SetValidateOnly adds the validateOnly to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
WithContext adds the context to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithDataFile ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithDataFile(dataFile runtime.NamedReadCloser) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
WithDataFile adds the dataFile to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow definitions import params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithName ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithName(name *string) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
WithName adds the name to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithValidateOnly ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WithValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool) *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams
WithValidateOnly adds the validateOnly to the workflow definitions import params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportReader ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowDefinitionsImportReader is a Reader for the WorkflowDefinitionsImport structure.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportReader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests() *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests
NewWorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests creates a WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions import too many requests response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions import too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions import too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions import too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions import too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions import too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsImportTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest creates a WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions update bad request response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions update bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions update bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions update bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions update bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions update bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateBadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden creates a WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions update forbidden response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions update forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions update forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions update forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions update forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions update forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateForbidden) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError creates a WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions update internal server error response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions update internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions update internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions update internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions update internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions update internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateInternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound creates a WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions update not found response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions update not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions update not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions update not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions update not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions update not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateNotFound) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK creates a WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions update o k response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions update o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions update o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions update o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions update o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions update o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateOK) String() string
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams struct { // Body. Body *models.ModelsDefinitionUpdateRequestV2 /* ValidateOnly. When enabled, prevents saving workflow after validating */ ValidateOnly *bool Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow definitions update operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetBody ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetBody(body *models.ModelsDefinitionUpdateRequestV2)
SetBody adds the body to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow definitions update params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetValidateOnly ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) SetValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool)
SetValidateOnly adds the validateOnly to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithBody ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithBody(body *models.ModelsDefinitionUpdateRequestV2) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
WithBody adds the body to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
WithContext adds the context to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow definitions update params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithValidateOnly ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WithValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool) *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams
WithValidateOnly adds the validateOnly to the workflow definitions update params
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateReader ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateReader is a Reader for the WorkflowDefinitionsUpdate structure.
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateReader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests() *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests
NewWorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests creates a WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow definitions update too many requests response
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow definitions update too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow definitions update too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow definitions update too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow definitions update too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow definitions update too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowDefinitionsUpdateTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest() *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest creates a WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow execute internal bad request response
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow execute internal bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow execute internal bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow execute internal bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow execute internal bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow execute internal bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalBadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden() *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden creates a WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow execute internal forbidden response
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow execute internal forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow execute internal forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow execute internal forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow execute internal forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow execute internal forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalForbidden) String() string
type WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError() *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError creates a WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow execute internal internal server error response
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow execute internal internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow execute internal internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow execute internal internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow execute internal internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow execute internal internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalInternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound() *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound creates a WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow execute internal not found response
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow execute internal not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow execute internal not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow execute internal not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow execute internal not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow execute internal not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalNotFound) String() string
type WorkflowExecuteInternalOK ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowExecuteInternalOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowExecuteInternalOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalOK ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalOK() *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalOK creates a WorkflowExecuteInternalOK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow execute internal o k response
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow execute internal o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow execute internal o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow execute internal o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow execute internal o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow execute internal o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalOK) String() string
type WorkflowExecuteInternalParams ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowExecuteInternalParams struct { /* BatchSize. Used to set the batchSize, if unset the default batchSize is used */ BatchSize *int64 // Body. Body models.MapStringInterface /* DefinitionID. Definition ID to execute, either a name or an ID can be specified. */ DefinitionID []string /* Depth. Used to record the execution depth to help limit execution loops when a workflow triggers another. The maximum depth is 4. */ Depth *int64 /* ExecutionCid. CID(s) to execute on. This can be a child if this is a flight control enabled definition. If unset the definition CID is used. */ ExecutionCid []string /* Key. Key used to help deduplicate executions, if unset a new UUID is used */ Key *string /* Name. Workflow name to execute, either a name or an ID can be specified. */ Name *string /* SourceEventURL. Used to record a URL to the source that led to triggering this workflow */ SourceEventURL *string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowExecuteInternalParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow execute internal operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParams ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParams() *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParams creates a new WorkflowExecuteInternalParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowExecuteInternalParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowExecuteInternalParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowExecuteInternalParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetBatchSize ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetBatchSize(batchSize *int64)
SetBatchSize adds the batchSize to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetBody ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetBody(body models.MapStringInterface)
SetBody adds the body to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow execute internal params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetDefinitionID ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetDefinitionID(definitionID []string)
SetDefinitionID adds the definitionId to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetDepth ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetDepth(depth *int64)
SetDepth adds the depth to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetExecutionCid ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetExecutionCid(executionCid []string)
SetExecutionCid adds the executionCid to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetKey ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetKey(key *string)
SetKey adds the key to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetName ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetName(name *string)
SetName adds the name to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetSourceEventURL ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string)
SetSourceEventURL adds the sourceEventUrl to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithBatchSize ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithBatchSize(batchSize *int64) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithBatchSize adds the batchSize to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithBody ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithBody(body models.MapStringInterface) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithBody adds the body to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithContext adds the context to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow execute internal params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithDefinitionID ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithDefinitionID(definitionID []string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithDefinitionID adds the definitionID to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithDepth ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithDepth(depth *int64) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithDepth adds the depth to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithExecutionCid ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithExecutionCid(executionCid []string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithExecutionCid adds the executionCid to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithKey ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithKey(key *string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithKey adds the key to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithName ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithName(name *string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithName adds the name to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithSourceEventURL ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithSourceEventURL adds the sourceEventURL to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow execute internal params
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowExecuteInternalReader ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowExecuteInternalReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowExecuteInternalReader is a Reader for the WorkflowExecuteInternal structure.
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalReader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests() *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests
NewWorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests creates a WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow execute internal too many requests response
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow execute internal too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow execute internal too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow execute internal too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow execute internal too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow execute internal too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowExecuteInternalTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse }
WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest creates a WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow executions combined bad request response
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow executions combined bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow executions combined bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow executions combined bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow executions combined bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow executions combined bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedBadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden creates a WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow executions combined forbidden response
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow executions combined forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow executions combined forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow executions combined forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow executions combined forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow executions combined forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedForbidden) String() string
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse }
WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError creates a WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow executions combined internal server error response
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow executions combined internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow executions combined internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow executions combined internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow executions combined internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow executions combined internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedInternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse }
WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound creates a WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow executions combined not found response
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow executions combined not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow executions combined not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow executions combined not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow executions combined not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow executions combined not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedNotFound) String() string
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse }
WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK creates a WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow executions combined o k response
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) GetPayload() *models.APIExecutionResultsResponse
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow executions combined o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow executions combined o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow executions combined o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow executions combined o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow executions combined o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedOK) String() string
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams struct { /* Filter. FQL query specifying filter parameters. */ Filter string /* Limit. Maximum number of records to return. */ Limit *int64 /* Offset. Starting pagination offset of records to return. */ Offset *string /* Sort. Sort items by providing a comma separated list of property and direction (eg name.desc,time.asc). If direction is omitted, defaults to descending. */ Sort *string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow executions combined operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams creates a new WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow executions combined params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetFilter ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetFilter(filter string)
SetFilter adds the filter to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetLimit(limit *int64)
SetLimit adds the limit to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetOffset ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetOffset(offset *string)
SetOffset adds the offset to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetSort ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetSort(sort *string)
SetSort adds the sort to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
WithContext adds the context to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow executions combined params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithFilter ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithFilter(filter string) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
WithFilter adds the filter to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithLimit ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithLimit(limit *int64) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
WithLimit adds the limit to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithOffset ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithOffset(offset *string) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
WithOffset adds the offset to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithSort ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithSort(sort *string) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
WithSort adds the sort to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow executions combined params
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedReader ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowExecutionsCombinedReader is a Reader for the WorkflowExecutionsCombined structure.
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedReader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests() *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests
NewWorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests creates a WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow executions combined too many requests response
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow executions combined too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow executions combined too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow executions combined too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow executions combined too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow executions combined too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowExecutionsCombinedTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse }
WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest creates a WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow get human input v1 bad request response
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) GetPayload() *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow get human input v1 bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow get human input v1 bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow get human input v1 bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1BadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden creates a WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow get human input v1 forbidden response
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow get human input v1 forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow get human input v1 forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow get human input v1 forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Forbidden) String() string
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse }
WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError creates a WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow get human input v1 internal server error response
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow get human input v1 internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow get human input v1 internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow get human input v1 internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1InternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse }
WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound creates a WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow get human input v1 not found response
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) GetPayload() *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow get human input v1 not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow get human input v1 not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow get human input v1 not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1NotFound) String() string
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse }
WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK creates a WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow get human input v1 o k response
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) GetPayload() *models.ModelUserInputReadResponse
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow get human input v1 o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow get human input v1 o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow get human input v1 o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1OK) String() string
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params struct { /* Ids. IDs of human inputs to read */ Ids []string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow get human input v1 operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params creates a new WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1ParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow get human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow get human input v1 params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow get human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetIds ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetIds(ids []string)
SetIds adds the ids to the workflow get human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow get human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
WithContext adds the context to the workflow get human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithDefaults() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow get human input v1 params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow get human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithIds ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithIds(ids []string) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
WithIds adds the ids to the workflow get human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow get human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Reader ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Reader is a Reader for the WorkflowGetHumanInputV1 structure.
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Reader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests() *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests
NewWorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests creates a WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow get human input v1 too many requests response
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow get human input v1 too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow get human input v1 too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow get human input v1 too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow get human input v1 too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowGetHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest() *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest
NewWorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest creates a WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow mock execute bad request response
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow mock execute bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow mock execute bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow mock execute bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow mock execute bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow mock execute bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteBadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteForbidden ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteForbidden() *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden
NewWorkflowMockExecuteForbidden creates a WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow mock execute forbidden response
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow mock execute forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow mock execute forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow mock execute forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow mock execute forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow mock execute forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteForbidden) String() string
type WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError() *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError
NewWorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError creates a WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow mock execute internal server error response
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow mock execute internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow mock execute internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow mock execute internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow mock execute internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow mock execute internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteInternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteNotFound ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteNotFound() *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound
NewWorkflowMockExecuteNotFound creates a WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow mock execute not found response
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow mock execute not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow mock execute not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow mock execute not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow mock execute not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow mock execute not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteNotFound) String() string
type WorkflowMockExecuteOK ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowMockExecuteOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowMockExecuteOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteOK ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteOK() *WorkflowMockExecuteOK
NewWorkflowMockExecuteOK creates a WorkflowMockExecuteOK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow mock execute o k response
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow mock execute o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow mock execute o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow mock execute o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow mock execute o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow mock execute o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteOK) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteOK) String() string
type WorkflowMockExecuteParams ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowMockExecuteParams struct { // Body. Body *models.ModelsMockExecutionCreateRequestV1 /* DefinitionID. Definition ID to execute, either a name or an ID, or the definition itself in the request body, can be specified. */ DefinitionID *string /* Depth. Used to record the execution depth to help limit execution loops when a workflow triggers another. The maximum depth is 4. */ Depth *int64 /* ExecutionCid. CID(s) to execute on. This can be a child if this is a flight control enabled definition. If unset the definition CID is used. */ ExecutionCid []string /* Key. Key used to help deduplicate executions, if unset a new UUID is used */ Key *string /* Name. Workflow name to execute, either a name or an ID, or the definition itself in the request body, can be specified. */ Name *string /* SourceEventURL. Used to record a URL to the source that led to triggering this workflow */ SourceEventURL *string /* ValidateOnly. When enabled, prevents execution after validating mocks against definition */ ValidateOnly *bool Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowMockExecuteParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow mock execute operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParams ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParams() *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
NewWorkflowMockExecuteParams creates a new WorkflowMockExecuteParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowMockExecuteParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowMockExecuteParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
NewWorkflowMockExecuteParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowMockExecuteParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetBody ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetBody(body *models.ModelsMockExecutionCreateRequestV1)
SetBody adds the body to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow mock execute params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetDefinitionID ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetDefinitionID(definitionID *string)
SetDefinitionID adds the definitionId to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetDepth ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetDepth(depth *int64)
SetDepth adds the depth to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetExecutionCid ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetExecutionCid(executionCid []string)
SetExecutionCid adds the executionCid to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetKey ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetKey(key *string)
SetKey adds the key to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetName ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetName(name *string)
SetName adds the name to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetSourceEventURL ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string)
SetSourceEventURL adds the sourceEventUrl to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetValidateOnly ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) SetValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool)
SetValidateOnly adds the validateOnly to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithBody ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithBody(body *models.ModelsMockExecutionCreateRequestV1) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithBody adds the body to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithContext adds the context to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow mock execute params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithDefinitionID ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithDefinitionID(definitionID *string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithDefinitionID adds the definitionID to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithDepth ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithDepth(depth *int64) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithDepth adds the depth to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithExecutionCid ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithExecutionCid(executionCid []string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithExecutionCid adds the executionCid to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithKey ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithKey(key *string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithKey adds the key to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithName ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithName(name *string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithName adds the name to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithSourceEventURL ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithSourceEventURL(sourceEventURL *string) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithSourceEventURL adds the sourceEventURL to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithValidateOnly ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WithValidateOnly(validateOnly *bool) *WorkflowMockExecuteParams
WithValidateOnly adds the validateOnly to the workflow mock execute params
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowMockExecuteReader ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowMockExecuteReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowMockExecuteReader is a Reader for the WorkflowMockExecute structure.
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteReader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests() *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests
NewWorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests creates a WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow mock execute too many requests response
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow mock execute too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow mock execute too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow mock execute too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow mock execute too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow mock execute too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowMockExecuteTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse }
WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest creates a WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow triggers combined bad request response
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) GetPayload() *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow triggers combined bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow triggers combined bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow triggers combined bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow triggers combined bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow triggers combined bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedBadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden creates a WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow triggers combined forbidden response
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow triggers combined forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow triggers combined forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow triggers combined forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow triggers combined forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow triggers combined forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedForbidden) String() string
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse }
WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError creates a WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow triggers combined internal server error response
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow triggers combined internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow triggers combined internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow triggers combined internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow triggers combined internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow triggers combined internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedInternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse }
WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound creates a WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow triggers combined not found response
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) GetPayload() *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow triggers combined not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow triggers combined not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow triggers combined not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow triggers combined not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow triggers combined not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedNotFound) String() string
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse }
WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedOK ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedOK() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedOK creates a WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow triggers combined o k response
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) GetPayload() *models.TriggersTriggerExternalResponse
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow triggers combined o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow triggers combined o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow triggers combined o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow triggers combined o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow triggers combined o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedOK) String() string
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams struct { /* Filter. FQL query specifying filter parameters. */ Filter string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow triggers combined operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParams ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParams() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParams creates a new WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow triggers combined params
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow triggers combined params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetFilter ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetFilter(filter string)
SetFilter adds the filter to the workflow triggers combined params
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow triggers combined params
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow triggers combined params
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithContext ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
WithContext adds the context to the workflow triggers combined params
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithDefaults() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow triggers combined params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithFilter ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithFilter(filter string) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
WithFilter adds the filter to the workflow triggers combined params
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow triggers combined params
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow triggers combined params
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedReader ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowTriggersCombinedReader is a Reader for the WorkflowTriggersCombined structure.
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedReader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests() *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests
NewWorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests creates a WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow triggers combined too many requests response
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow triggers combined too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow triggers combined too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow triggers combined too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow triggers combined too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow triggers combined too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (o *WorkflowTriggersCombinedTooManyRequests) String() string
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad Request
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest creates a WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest with default headers values
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow update human input v1 bad request response
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) Error() string
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow update human input v1 bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow update human input v1 bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow update human input v1 bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1BadRequest) String() string
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden creates a WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden with default headers values
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow update human input v1 forbidden response
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) Error() string
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow update human input v1 forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow update human input v1 forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow update human input v1 forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Forbidden) String() string
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal Server Error
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError creates a WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError with default headers values
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow update human input v1 internal server error response
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) Error() string
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow update human input v1 internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow update human input v1 internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow update human input v1 internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1InternalServerError) String() string
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not Found
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound creates a WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound with default headers values
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow update human input v1 not found response
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) Error() string
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow update human input v1 not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow update human input v1 not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow update human input v1 not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1NotFound) String() string
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 Payload *models.APIResourceIDsResponse }
WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK creates a WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK with default headers values
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow update human input v1 o k response
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) Error() string
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) GetPayload() *models.APIResourceIDsResponse
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow update human input v1 o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow update human input v1 o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow update human input v1 o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1OK) String() string
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params struct { // Body. Body *models.ModelUserInputUpdateRequest /* ID. ID of human input to provide an input to */ ID string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the workflow update human input v1 operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params creates a new WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithContext creates a new WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1ParamsWithTimeout creates a new WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetBody ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetBody(body *models.ModelUserInputUpdateRequest)
SetBody adds the body to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow update human input v1 params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetID ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetID(id string)
SetID adds the id to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithBody ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithBody(body *models.ModelUserInputUpdateRequest) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
WithBody adds the body to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithContext ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
WithContext adds the context to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithDefaults ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithDefaults() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the workflow update human input v1 params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithID ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithID(id string) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
WithID adds the id to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the workflow update human input v1 params
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WriteToRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Reader ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Reader is a Reader for the WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1 structure.
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Reader) ReadResponse ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests struct { /* Trace-ID: submit to support if resolving an issue */ XCSTRACEID string /* Request limit per minute. */ XRateLimitLimit int64 /* The number of requests remaining for the sliding one minute window. */ XRateLimitRemaining int64 /* Too many requests, retry after this time (as milliseconds since epoch) */ XRateLimitRetryAfter int64 Payload *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly }
WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests describes a response with status code 429, with default header values.
Too Many Requests
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests() *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests
NewWorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests creates a WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests with default headers values
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Code ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the workflow update human input v1 too many requests response
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) Error() string
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) GetPayload ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) GetPayload() *models.MsaReplyMetaOnly
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsClientError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 too many requests response has a 4xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsCode ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this workflow update human input v1 too many requests response a status code equal to that given
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsRedirect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this workflow update human input v1 too many requests response has a 3xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsServerError ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this workflow update human input v1 too many requests response has a 5xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsSuccess ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this workflow update human input v1 too many requests response has a 2xx status code
func (*WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (o *WorkflowUpdateHumanInputV1TooManyRequests) String() string
Source Files
- deprovision_parameters.go
- deprovision_responses.go
- execute_parameters.go
- execute_responses.go
- execution_action_parameters.go
- execution_action_responses.go
- execution_results_parameters.go
- execution_results_responses.go
- promote_parameters.go
- promote_responses.go
- provision_parameters.go
- provision_responses.go
- workflow_activities_combined_parameters.go
- workflow_activities_combined_responses.go
- workflow_definitions_combined_parameters.go
- workflow_definitions_combined_responses.go
- workflow_definitions_export_parameters.go
- workflow_definitions_export_responses.go
- workflow_definitions_import_parameters.go
- workflow_definitions_import_responses.go
- workflow_definitions_update_parameters.go
- workflow_definitions_update_responses.go
- workflow_execute_internal_parameters.go
- workflow_execute_internal_responses.go
- workflow_executions_combined_parameters.go
- workflow_executions_combined_responses.go
- workflow_get_human_input_v1_parameters.go
- workflow_get_human_input_v1_responses.go
- workflow_mock_execute_parameters.go
- workflow_mock_execute_responses.go
- workflow_triggers_combined_parameters.go
- workflow_triggers_combined_responses.go
- workflow_update_human_input_v1_parameters.go
- workflow_update_human_input_v1_responses.go
- workflows_client.go