Start the Slack controller: make run. This will run in the foreground, so you may want to open a new terminal window. If you do, make sure to export KUBECONFIG in that session as well.
Create a Secret and Provider object populated with your API token: ./config/tbs/slack/
Edit config/tbs/slack/message.yaml with your desired message and channel to post to. You can find your channel ID by navigating to the channel in your browser and it will be the last part of the URL path.
Create your Message object: kubectl apply -f config/tbs/slack/message.yaml
You should see a message posted to your Slack channel, and the controller should report successful reconciliation in your logs!
Create Your Own
This project was bootstrapped using Kubebuilder. You can copy this project and modify it, or setup your own using the Kubebuilder book.