Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- type Category
- type CreateCategoryParams
- type CreateGoadminMenuParams
- type CreateGoadminOperationLogParams
- type CreateGoadminPermissionParams
- type CreateGoadminRoleMenuParams
- type CreateGoadminRoleParams
- type CreateGoadminRolePermissionParams
- type CreateGoadminRoleUserParams
- type CreateGoadminSessionParams
- type CreateGoadminSiteParams
- type CreateGoadminUserParams
- type CreateGoadminUserPermissionParams
- type CreateGroupParams
- type CreateTodoDetailParams
- type CreateTodoParams
- type CreateTodoTagParams
- type CreateTodosongroupParams
- type DBTX
- type DeleteTodosongroupParams
- type GetTodosongroupParams
- type GoadminMenu
- type GoadminOperationLog
- type GoadminPermission
- type GoadminRole
- type GoadminRoleMenu
- type GoadminRolePermission
- type GoadminRoleUser
- type GoadminSession
- type GoadminSite
- type GoadminUser
- type GoadminUserPermission
- type Group
- type NullTodoPriority
- type NullTodoStatus
- type Querier
- type Queries
- func (q *Queries) Close() error
- func (q *Queries) CountCategories(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminMenus(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminOperationLogs(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminPermissions(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminRoleMenus(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminRolePermissions(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminRoleUsers(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminRoles(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminSessions(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminSites(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminUserPermissions(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGoadminUsers(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountGroups(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountTodoDetails(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountTodoDetailsByTodoID(ctx context.Context, todoID int) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountTodoTags(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountTodos(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountTodosongroups(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateCategory(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCategoryParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminMenu(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminMenuParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminOperationLog(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminOperationLogParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminPermission(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminPermissionParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminRole(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminRoleParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminRoleMenuParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminRolePermission(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminRolePermissionParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminRoleUser(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminRoleUserParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminSession(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminSessionParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminSite(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminSiteParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminUser(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminUserParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGoadminUserPermission(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminUserPermissionParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGroupParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateTodo(ctx context.Context, arg CreateTodoParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateTodoDetail(ctx context.Context, arg CreateTodoDetailParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateTodoTag(ctx context.Context, arg CreateTodoTagParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg CreateTodosongroupParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) DeleteCategory(ctx context.Context, id int) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminMenu(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminOperationLog(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminPermission(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminRole(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminRolePermission(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminRoleUser(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminSession(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminSite(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminUser(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGoadminUserPermission(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, id int) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteTodo(ctx context.Context, id int) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteTodoDetail(ctx context.Context, todoID int) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteTodoTag(ctx context.Context, id int) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteTodosongroupParams) error
- func (q *Queries) GetCategories(ctx context.Context) ([]Category, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetCategoriesByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]Category, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetCategory(ctx context.Context, id int) (Category, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminMenu(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminMenu, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminMenus(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminMenu, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminOperationLog(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminOperationLog, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminOperationLogs(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminOperationLog, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminPermission(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminPermission, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminPermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminPermission, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRole(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminRole, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) (GoadminRoleMenu, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRoleMenus(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRoleMenu, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRolePermission(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) (GoadminRolePermission, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRolePermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRolePermission, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRoleUser(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) (GoadminRoleUser, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRoleUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRoleUser, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRoles(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRole, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminSession(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminSession, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminSessions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminSession, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminSite(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminSite, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminSites(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminSite, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminUser(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminUser, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminUserByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (GoadminUser, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminUserPermission(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) (GoadminUserPermission, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminUserPermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminUserPermission, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGoadminUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminUser, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGroup(ctx context.Context, id int) (Group, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGroups(ctx context.Context) ([]Group, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGroupsByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]Group, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodo(ctx context.Context, id int) (Todo, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodoDetail(ctx context.Context, todoID int) (TodoDetail, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodoDetails(ctx context.Context) ([]TodoDetail, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodoDetailsByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]TodoDetail, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodoTag(ctx context.Context, id int) (TodoTag, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodoTags(ctx context.Context) ([]TodoTag, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodoTagsByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]TodoTag, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodos(ctx context.Context) ([]Todo, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodosByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]Todo, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg GetTodosongroupParams) (Todosongroup, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTodosongroups(ctx context.Context) ([]Todosongroup, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateCategory(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCategoryParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminMenu(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminMenuParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminOperationLog(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminOperationLogParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminPermission(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminPermissionParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminRole(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRoleParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRoleMenuParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminRolePermission(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRolePermissionParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminRoleUser(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRoleUserParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminSession(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminSessionParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminSite(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminSiteParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminUser(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminUserParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminUserPermission(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminUserPermissionParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGroup(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGroupParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateTodo(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateTodoParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateTodoDetail(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateTodoDetailParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateTodoTag(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateTodoTagParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateTodosongroupParams) (sql.Result, error)
- func (q *Queries) WithTx(tx *sql.Tx) *Queries
- type Todo
- type TodoDetail
- type TodoPriority
- type TodoStatus
- type TodoTag
- type Todosongroup
- type UpdateCategoryParams
- type UpdateGoadminMenuParams
- type UpdateGoadminOperationLogParams
- type UpdateGoadminPermissionParams
- type UpdateGoadminRoleMenuParams
- type UpdateGoadminRoleParams
- type UpdateGoadminRolePermissionParams
- type UpdateGoadminRoleUserParams
- type UpdateGoadminSessionParams
- type UpdateGoadminSiteParams
- type UpdateGoadminUserParams
- type UpdateGoadminUserPermissionParams
- type UpdateGroupParams
- type UpdateTodoDetailParams
- type UpdateTodoParams
- type UpdateTodoTagParams
- type UpdateTodosongroupParams
Constants ¶
View Source
const CountCategories = `-- name: CountCategories :one
SELECT count(*)
FROM ` + "`" + `category` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminMenus = `-- name: CountGoadminMenus :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_menu` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminOperationLogs = `-- name: CountGoadminOperationLogs :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_operation_log` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminPermissions = `-- name: CountGoadminPermissions :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_permissions` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminRoleMenus = `-- name: CountGoadminRoleMenus :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_menu` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminRolePermissions = `-- name: CountGoadminRolePermissions :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_permissions` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminRoleUsers = `-- name: CountGoadminRoleUsers :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_users` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminRoles = `-- name: CountGoadminRoles :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_roles` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminSessions = `-- name: CountGoadminSessions :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_session` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminSites = `-- name: CountGoadminSites :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_site` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminUserPermissions = `-- name: CountGoadminUserPermissions :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_user_permissions` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGoadminUsers = `-- name: CountGoadminUsers :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_users` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountGroups = `-- name: CountGroups :one
SELECT count(*)
FROM ` + "`" + `group` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountTodoDetails = `-- name: CountTodoDetails :one
SELECT count(*)
FROM ` + "`" + `todo_detail` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountTodoDetailsByTodoID = `-- name: CountTodoDetailsByTodoID :one
SELECT count(*)
FROM ` + "`" + `todo_detail` + "`" + `
WHERE todo_id = ?
View Source
const CountTodoTags = `-- name: CountTodoTags :one
SELECT count(*) FROM ` + "`" + `todo_tag` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountTodos = `-- name: CountTodos :one
SELECT count(*)
FROM ` + "`" + `todo` + "`" + `
View Source
const CountTodosongroups = `-- name: CountTodosongroups :one
SELECT count(*)
FROM ` + "`" + `todosongroups` + "`" + `
View Source
const CreateCategory = `-- name: CreateCategory :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `category` + "`" + ` (` + "`" + `name` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `parent_id` + "`" + `)
VALUES (?, ?)
View Source
const CreateGoadminMenu = `-- name: CreateGoadminMenu :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_menu` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `header` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `icon` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `order` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `parent_id` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `plugin_name` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `title` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `type` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `uri` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `uuid` + "`" + `
? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminOperationLog = `-- name: CreateGoadminOperationLog :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_operation_log` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `input` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `ip` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `method` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `path` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `user_id` + "`" + `
? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminPermission = `-- name: CreateGoadminPermission :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_permissions` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `http_method` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `http_path` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `name` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `slug` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `
? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminRole = `-- name: CreateGoadminRole :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_roles` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `name` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `slug` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `
? ,? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminRoleMenu = `-- name: CreateGoadminRoleMenu :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_menu` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `menu_id` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `role_id` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `
? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminRolePermission = `-- name: CreateGoadminRolePermission :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_permissions` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `permission_id` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `role_id` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `
? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminRoleUser = `-- name: CreateGoadminRoleUser :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_users` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `role_id` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `user_id` + "`" + `
? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminSession = `-- name: CreateGoadminSession :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_session` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `sid` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `values` + "`" + `
? ,? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminSite = `-- name: CreateGoadminSite :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_site` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `description` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `key` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `state` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `value` + "`" + `
? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminUser = `-- name: CreateGoadminUser :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_users` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `avatar` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `email` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `name` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `password` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `remember_token` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `username` + "`" + `
? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGoadminUserPermission = `-- name: CreateGoadminUserPermission :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `goadmin_user_permissions` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `permission_id` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `user_id` + "`" + `
? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateGroup = `-- name: CreateGroup :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `group` + "`" + ` (` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `name` + "`" + `)
VALUES (?, ?)
View Source
const CreateTodo = `-- name: CreateTodo :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `todo` + "`" + ` (` + "`" + `amount` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `category_id` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `content` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `deadline` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `priority` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `score` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `status` + "`" + `,
` + "`" + `title` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + `)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
View Source
const CreateTodoDetail = `-- name: CreateTodoDetail :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `todo_detail` + "`" + ` (` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `img_url` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `todo_id` + "`" + `)
VALUES (?, ?, ?)
View Source
const CreateTodoTag = `-- name: CreateTodoTag :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `todo_tag` + "`" + ` (
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `name` + "`" + `,` + "`" + `todo_id` + "`" + `
? ,? ,?
View Source
const CreateTodosongroup = `-- name: CreateTodosongroup :execresult
INSERT INTO ` + "`" + `todosongroups` + "`" + ` (` + "`" + `todo_id` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `group_id` + "`" + `)
VALUES (?, ?)
View Source
const DeleteCategory = `-- name: DeleteCategory :exec
FROM ` + "`" + `category` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminMenu = `-- name: DeleteGoadminMenu :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_menu` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminOperationLog = `-- name: DeleteGoadminOperationLog :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_operation_log` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminPermission = `-- name: DeleteGoadminPermission :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_permissions` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminRole = `-- name: DeleteGoadminRole :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_roles` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminRoleMenu = `-- name: DeleteGoadminRoleMenu :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_menu` + "`" + `
WHERE created_at = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminRolePermission = `-- name: DeleteGoadminRolePermission :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_permissions` + "`" + `
WHERE created_at = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminRoleUser = `-- name: DeleteGoadminRoleUser :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_users` + "`" + `
WHERE created_at = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminSession = `-- name: DeleteGoadminSession :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_session` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminSite = `-- name: DeleteGoadminSite :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_site` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminUser = `-- name: DeleteGoadminUser :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_users` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteGoadminUserPermission = `-- name: DeleteGoadminUserPermission :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_user_permissions` + "`" + `
WHERE created_at = ?
View Source
const DeleteGroup = `-- name: DeleteGroup :exec
FROM ` + "`" + `group` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteTodo = `-- name: DeleteTodo :exec
FROM ` + "`" + `todo` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteTodoDetail = `-- name: DeleteTodoDetail :exec
FROM ` + "`" + `todo_detail` + "`" + `
WHERE todo_id = ?
View Source
const DeleteTodoTag = `-- name: DeleteTodoTag :exec
DELETE FROM ` + "`" + `todo_tag` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const DeleteTodosongroup = `-- name: DeleteTodosongroup :exec
FROM ` + "`" + `todosongroups` + "`" + `
WHERE todo_id = ?
AND group_id = ?
View Source
const GetCategories = `-- name: GetCategories :many
SELECT id, name, parent_id
FROM ` + "`" + `category` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetCategoriesByIDs = `-- name: GetCategoriesByIDs :many
SELECT id, name, parent_id
FROM ` + "`" + `category` + "`" + `
WHERE id IN (/*SLICE:ids*/?)
View Source
const GetCategory = `-- name: GetCategory :one
SELECT id, name, parent_id
FROM ` + "`" + `category` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminMenu = `-- name: GetGoadminMenu :one
SELECT id, parent_id, type, ` + "`" + `order` + "`" + `, title, icon, uri, header, plugin_name, uuid, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_menu` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminMenus = `-- name: GetGoadminMenus :many
SELECT id, parent_id, type, ` + "`" + `order` + "`" + `, title, icon, uri, header, plugin_name, uuid, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_menu` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminOperationLog = `-- name: GetGoadminOperationLog :one
SELECT id, user_id, path, method, ip, input, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_operation_log` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminOperationLogs = `-- name: GetGoadminOperationLogs :many
SELECT id, user_id, path, method, ip, input, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_operation_log` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminPermission = `-- name: GetGoadminPermission :one
SELECT id, name, slug, http_method, http_path, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_permissions` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminPermissions = `-- name: GetGoadminPermissions :many
SELECT id, name, slug, http_method, http_path, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_permissions` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminRole = `-- name: GetGoadminRole :one
SELECT id, name, slug, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_roles` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminRoleMenu = `-- name: GetGoadminRoleMenu :one
SELECT role_id, menu_id, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_menu` + "`" + `
WHERE created_at = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminRoleMenus = `-- name: GetGoadminRoleMenus :many
SELECT role_id, menu_id, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_menu` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminRolePermission = `-- name: GetGoadminRolePermission :one
SELECT role_id, permission_id, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_permissions` + "`" + `
WHERE created_at = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminRolePermissions = `-- name: GetGoadminRolePermissions :many
SELECT role_id, permission_id, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_permissions` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminRoleUser = `-- name: GetGoadminRoleUser :one
SELECT role_id, user_id, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_users` + "`" + `
WHERE created_at = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminRoleUsers = `-- name: GetGoadminRoleUsers :many
SELECT role_id, user_id, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_users` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminRoles = `-- name: GetGoadminRoles :many
SELECT id, name, slug, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_roles` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminSession = `-- name: GetGoadminSession :one
SELECT id, sid, ` + "`" + `values` + "`" + `, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_session` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminSessions = `-- name: GetGoadminSessions :many
SELECT id, sid, ` + "`" + `values` + "`" + `, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_session` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminSite = `-- name: GetGoadminSite :one
SELECT id, ` + "`" + `key` + "`" + `, value, description, state, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_site` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminSites = `-- name: GetGoadminSites :many
SELECT id, ` + "`" + `key` + "`" + `, value, description, state, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_site` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminUser = `-- name: GetGoadminUser :one
SELECT id, username, password, name, avatar, remember_token, email, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_users` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminUserByEmail = `-- name: GetGoadminUserByEmail :one
SELECT id, username, password, name, avatar, remember_token, email, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_users` + "`" + `
WHERE ` + "`" + `email` + "`" + ` = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminUserPermission = `-- name: GetGoadminUserPermission :one
SELECT user_id, permission_id, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_user_permissions` + "`" + `
WHERE created_at = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGoadminUserPermissions = `-- name: GetGoadminUserPermissions :many
SELECT user_id, permission_id, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_user_permissions` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGoadminUsers = `-- name: GetGoadminUsers :many
SELECT id, username, password, name, avatar, remember_token, email, created_at, updated_at FROM ` + "`" + `goadmin_users` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGroup = `-- name: GetGroup :one
SELECT id, name, ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + `
FROM ` + "`" + `group` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetGroups = `-- name: GetGroups :many
SELECT id, name, ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + `
FROM ` + "`" + `group` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetGroupsByIDs = `-- name: GetGroupsByIDs :many
SELECT id, name, ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + `
FROM ` + "`" + `group` + "`" + `
WHERE id IN (/*SLICE:ids*/?)
View Source
const GetTodo = `-- name: GetTodo :one
SELECT id, title, score, amount, status, created_at, updated_at, deadline, priority, content, category_id
FROM ` + "`" + `todo` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const GetTodoDetail = `-- name: GetTodoDetail :one
SELECT id, ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + `, img_url, todo_id
FROM ` + "`" + `todo_detail` + "`" + `
WHERE todo_id = ?
View Source
const GetTodoDetails = `-- name: GetTodoDetails :many
SELECT id, ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + `, img_url, todo_id
FROM ` + "`" + `todo_detail` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetTodoDetailsByIDs = `-- name: GetTodoDetailsByIDs :many
SELECT id, ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + `, img_url, todo_id
FROM ` + "`" + `todo_detail` + "`" + `
WHERE todo_id IN (/*SLICE:ids*/?)
View Source
const GetTodoTag = `-- name: GetTodoTag :one
SELECT id, name, todo_id, created_at FROM ` + "`" + `todo_tag` + "`" + `
WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetTodoTags = `-- name: GetTodoTags :many
SELECT id, name, todo_id, created_at FROM ` + "`" + `todo_tag` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetTodoTagsByIDs = `-- name: GetTodoTagsByIDs :many
SELECT id, name, todo_id, created_at
FROM ` + "`" + `todo_tag` + "`" + `
WHERE id IN (/*SLICE:ids*/?)
View Source
const GetTodos = `-- name: GetTodos :many
SELECT id, title, score, amount, status, created_at, updated_at, deadline, priority, content, category_id
FROM ` + "`" + `todo` + "`" + `
View Source
const GetTodosByIDs = `-- name: GetTodosByIDs :many
SELECT id, title, score, amount, status, created_at, updated_at, deadline, priority, content, category_id
FROM ` + "`" + `todo` + "`" + `
WHERE id IN (/*SLICE:ids*/?)
View Source
const GetTodosongroup = `-- name: GetTodosongroup :one
SELECT todo_id, group_id, assigned_at
FROM ` + "`" + `todosongroups` + "`" + `
WHERE todo_id = ?
AND group_id = ? LIMIT 1
View Source
const GetTodosongroups = `-- name: GetTodosongroups :many
SELECT todo_id, group_id, assigned_at
FROM ` + "`" + `todosongroups` + "`" + `
View Source
const UpdateCategory = `-- name: UpdateCategory :execresult
UPDATE ` + "`" + `category` + "`" + `
SET ` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `parent_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `parent_id` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminMenu = `-- name: UpdateGoadminMenu :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_menu` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `header` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `header` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `icon` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `icon` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `order` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `order` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `parent_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `parent_id` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `plugin_name` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `plugin_name` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `title` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `title` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `type` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `type` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `uri` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `uri` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `uuid` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `uuid` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminOperationLog = `-- name: UpdateGoadminOperationLog :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_operation_log` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `input` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `input` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `ip` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `ip` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `method` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `method` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `path` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `path` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `user_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `user_id` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminPermission = `-- name: UpdateGoadminPermission :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_permissions` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `http_method` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `http_method` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `http_path` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `http_path` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `slug` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `slug` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminRole = `-- name: UpdateGoadminRole :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_roles` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `slug` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `slug` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminRoleMenu = `-- name: UpdateGoadminRoleMenu :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_menu` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `menu_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `menu_id` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `role_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `role_id` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END
WHERE created_at = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminRolePermission = `-- name: UpdateGoadminRolePermission :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_permissions` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `permission_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `permission_id` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `role_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `role_id` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END
WHERE created_at = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminRoleUser = `-- name: UpdateGoadminRoleUser :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_role_users` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `role_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `role_id` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `user_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `user_id` + "`" + ` END
WHERE created_at = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminSession = `-- name: UpdateGoadminSession :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_session` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `sid` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `sid` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `values` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `values` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminSite = `-- name: UpdateGoadminSite :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_site` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `description` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `description` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `key` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `key` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `state` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `state` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `value` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `value` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminUser = `-- name: UpdateGoadminUser :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_users` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `avatar` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `avatar` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `created_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `email` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `email` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `password` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `password` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `remember_token` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `remember_token` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `username` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `username` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateGoadminUserPermission = `-- name: UpdateGoadminUserPermission :exec
UPDATE ` + "`" + `goadmin_user_permissions` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `permission_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `permission_id` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `user_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `user_id` + "`" + ` END
WHERE created_at = ?
View Source
const UpdateGroup = `-- name: UpdateGroup :execresult
UPDATE ` + "`" + `group` + "`" + `
SET ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateTodo = `-- name: UpdateTodo :execresult
UPDATE ` + "`" + `todo` + "`" + `
SET ` + "`" + `amount` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `amount` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `category_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `category_id` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `content` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `content` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `deadline` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `deadline` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `priority` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `priority` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `score` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `score` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `status` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `status` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `title` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `title` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `updated_at` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateTodoDetail = `-- name: UpdateTodoDetail :execresult
UPDATE ` + "`" + `todo_detail` + "`" + `
SET ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `img_url` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `img_url` + "`" + ` END
WHERE todo_id = ?
View Source
const UpdateTodoTag = `-- name: UpdateTodoTag :execresult
UPDATE ` + "`" + `todo_tag` + "`" + `
` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `todo_id` + "`" + ` = CASE WHEN ? IS NOT NULL THEN ? ELSE ` + "`" + `todo_id` + "`" + ` END
WHERE id = ?
View Source
const UpdateTodosongroup = `-- name: UpdateTodosongroup :execresult
UPDATE ` + "`" + `todosongroups` + "`" + `
SET ` + "`" + `todo_id` + "`" + ` = CASE
ELSE ` + "`" + `todo_id` + "`" + ` END,
` + "`" + `group_id` + "`" + ` = CASE
ELSE ` + "`" + `group_id` + "`" + `
WHERE assigned_at = ?
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type CreateCategoryParams ¶
type CreateGoadminMenuParams ¶
type CreateGoadminMenuParams struct { CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Header sql.NullString `db:"header" json:"header"` Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` Order uint32 `db:"order" json:"order"` ParentID uint32 `db:"parent_id" json:"parent_id"` PluginName string `db:"plugin_name" json:"plugin_name"` Title string `db:"title" json:"title"` Type uint32 `db:"type" json:"type"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Uri string `db:"uri" json:"uri"` Uuid sql.NullString `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"` }
type CreateGoadminOperationLogParams ¶
type CreateGoadminOperationLogParams struct { CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Input string `db:"input" json:"input"` Ip string `db:"ip" json:"ip"` Method string `db:"method" json:"method"` Path string `db:"path" json:"path"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` UserID uint32 `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` }
type CreateGoadminPermissionParams ¶
type CreateGoadminPermissionParams struct { CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` HttpMethod sql.NullString `db:"http_method" json:"http_method"` HttpPath string `db:"http_path" json:"http_path"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Slug string `db:"slug" json:"slug"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` }
type CreateGoadminRoleParams ¶
type CreateGoadminSiteParams ¶
type CreateGoadminSiteParams struct { CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Description sql.NullString `db:"description" json:"description"` Key sql.NullString `db:"key" json:"key"` State uint32 `db:"state" json:"state"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Value sql.NullString `db:"value" json:"value"` }
type CreateGoadminUserParams ¶
type CreateGoadminUserParams struct { Avatar sql.NullString `db:"avatar" json:"avatar"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Email string `db:"email" json:"email"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Password string `db:"password" json:"password"` RememberToken sql.NullString `db:"remember_token" json:"remember_token"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Username string `db:"username" json:"username"` }
type CreateGroupParams ¶
type CreateTodoDetailParams ¶
type CreateTodoParams ¶
type CreateTodoParams struct { Amount float64 `db:"amount" json:"amount"` CategoryID sql.NullInt32 `db:"category_id" json:"category_id"` Content string `db:"content" json:"content"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Deadline time.Time `db:"deadline" json:"deadline"` Priority TodoPriority `db:"priority" json:"priority"` Score int `db:"score" json:"score"` Status TodoStatus `db:"status" json:"status"` Title string `db:"title" json:"title"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` }
type CreateTodoTagParams ¶
type GetTodosongroupParams ¶
type GoadminMenu ¶
type GoadminMenu struct { ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` ParentID uint32 `db:"parent_id" json:"parent_id"` Type uint32 `db:"type" json:"type"` Order uint32 `db:"order" json:"order"` Title string `db:"title" json:"title"` Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` Uri string `db:"uri" json:"uri"` Header sql.NullString `db:"header" json:"header"` PluginName string `db:"plugin_name" json:"plugin_name"` Uuid sql.NullString `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` }
type GoadminOperationLog ¶
type GoadminOperationLog struct { ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` UserID uint32 `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` Path string `db:"path" json:"path"` Method string `db:"method" json:"method"` Ip string `db:"ip" json:"ip"` Input string `db:"input" json:"input"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` }
type GoadminPermission ¶
type GoadminPermission struct { ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Slug string `db:"slug" json:"slug"` HttpMethod sql.NullString `db:"http_method" json:"http_method"` HttpPath string `db:"http_path" json:"http_path"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` }
type GoadminRole ¶
type GoadminRoleMenu ¶
type GoadminRolePermission ¶
type GoadminRoleUser ¶
type GoadminSession ¶
type GoadminSite ¶
type GoadminSite struct { ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` Key sql.NullString `db:"key" json:"key"` Value sql.NullString `db:"value" json:"value"` Description sql.NullString `db:"description" json:"description"` State uint32 `db:"state" json:"state"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` }
type GoadminUser ¶
type GoadminUser struct { ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` Username string `db:"username" json:"username"` Password string `db:"password" json:"password"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Avatar sql.NullString `db:"avatar" json:"avatar"` RememberToken sql.NullString `db:"remember_token" json:"remember_token"` Email string `db:"email" json:"email"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` }
type GoadminUserPermission ¶
type NullTodoPriority ¶
type NullTodoPriority struct { TodoPriority TodoPriority `json:"todo_priority"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if TodoPriority is not NULL }
func (*NullTodoPriority) Scan ¶
func (ns *NullTodoPriority) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullTodoStatus ¶
type NullTodoStatus struct { TodoStatus TodoStatus `json:"todo_status"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if TodoStatus is not NULL }
func (*NullTodoStatus) Scan ¶
func (ns *NullTodoStatus) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type Querier ¶
type Querier interface { CountCategories(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminMenus(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminOperationLogs(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminPermissions(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminRoleMenus(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminRolePermissions(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminRoleUsers(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminRoles(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminSessions(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminSites(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminUserPermissions(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGoadminUsers(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountGroups(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountTodoDetails(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountTodoDetailsByTodoID(ctx context.Context, todoID int) (int64, error) CountTodoTags(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountTodos(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CountTodosongroups(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) CreateCategory(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCategoryParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminMenu(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminMenuParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminOperationLog(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminOperationLogParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminPermission(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminPermissionParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminRole(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminRoleParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminRoleMenuParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminRolePermission(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminRolePermissionParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminRoleUser(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminRoleUserParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminSession(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminSessionParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminSite(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminSiteParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminUser(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminUserParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGoadminUserPermission(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGoadminUserPermissionParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, arg CreateGroupParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateTodo(ctx context.Context, arg CreateTodoParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateTodoDetail(ctx context.Context, arg CreateTodoDetailParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateTodoTag(ctx context.Context, arg CreateTodoTagParams) (sql.Result, error) CreateTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg CreateTodosongroupParams) (sql.Result, error) DeleteCategory(ctx context.Context, id int) error DeleteGoadminMenu(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error DeleteGoadminOperationLog(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error DeleteGoadminPermission(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error DeleteGoadminRole(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error DeleteGoadminRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) error DeleteGoadminRolePermission(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) error DeleteGoadminRoleUser(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) error DeleteGoadminSession(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error DeleteGoadminSite(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error DeleteGoadminUser(ctx context.Context, id uint32) error DeleteGoadminUserPermission(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) error DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, id int) error DeleteTodo(ctx context.Context, id int) error DeleteTodoDetail(ctx context.Context, todoID int) error DeleteTodoTag(ctx context.Context, id int) error DeleteTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteTodosongroupParams) error GetCategories(ctx context.Context) ([]Category, error) GetCategoriesByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]Category, error) GetCategory(ctx context.Context, id int) (Category, error) GetGoadminMenu(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminMenu, error) GetGoadminMenus(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminMenu, error) GetGoadminOperationLog(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminOperationLog, error) GetGoadminOperationLogs(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminOperationLog, error) GetGoadminPermission(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminPermission, error) GetGoadminPermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminPermission, error) GetGoadminRole(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminRole, error) GetGoadminRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) (GoadminRoleMenu, error) GetGoadminRoleMenus(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRoleMenu, error) GetGoadminRolePermission(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) (GoadminRolePermission, error) GetGoadminRolePermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRolePermission, error) GetGoadminRoleUser(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) (GoadminRoleUser, error) GetGoadminRoleUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRoleUser, error) GetGoadminRoles(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRole, error) GetGoadminSession(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminSession, error) GetGoadminSessions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminSession, error) GetGoadminSite(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminSite, error) GetGoadminSites(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminSite, error) GetGoadminUser(ctx context.Context, id uint32) (GoadminUser, error) GetGoadminUserByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (GoadminUser, error) GetGoadminUserPermission(ctx context.Context, createdAt time.Time) (GoadminUserPermission, error) GetGoadminUserPermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminUserPermission, error) GetGoadminUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminUser, error) GetGroup(ctx context.Context, id int) (Group, error) GetGroups(ctx context.Context) ([]Group, error) GetGroupsByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]Group, error) GetTodo(ctx context.Context, id int) (Todo, error) GetTodoDetail(ctx context.Context, todoID int) (TodoDetail, error) GetTodoDetails(ctx context.Context) ([]TodoDetail, error) GetTodoDetailsByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]TodoDetail, error) GetTodoTag(ctx context.Context, id int) (TodoTag, error) GetTodoTags(ctx context.Context) ([]TodoTag, error) GetTodoTagsByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]TodoTag, error) GetTodos(ctx context.Context) ([]Todo, error) GetTodosByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int) ([]Todo, error) GetTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg GetTodosongroupParams) (Todosongroup, error) GetTodosongroups(ctx context.Context) ([]Todosongroup, error) UpdateCategory(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCategoryParams) (sql.Result, error) UpdateGoadminMenu(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminMenuParams) error UpdateGoadminOperationLog(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminOperationLogParams) error UpdateGoadminPermission(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminPermissionParams) error UpdateGoadminRole(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRoleParams) error UpdateGoadminRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRoleMenuParams) error UpdateGoadminRolePermission(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRolePermissionParams) error UpdateGoadminRoleUser(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRoleUserParams) error UpdateGoadminSession(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminSessionParams) error UpdateGoadminSite(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminSiteParams) error UpdateGoadminUser(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminUserParams) error UpdateGoadminUserPermission(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminUserPermissionParams) error UpdateGroup(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGroupParams) (sql.Result, error) UpdateTodo(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateTodoParams) (sql.Result, error) UpdateTodoDetail(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateTodoDetailParams) (sql.Result, error) UpdateTodoTag(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateTodoTagParams) (sql.Result, error) UpdateTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateTodosongroupParams) (sql.Result, error) }
type Queries ¶
type Queries struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Queries) CountCategories ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminMenus ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminOperationLogs ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminPermissions ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminRoleMenus ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminRolePermissions ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminRoleUsers ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminRoles ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminSessions ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminSites ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminUserPermissions ¶
func (*Queries) CountGoadminUsers ¶
func (*Queries) CountTodoDetails ¶
func (*Queries) CountTodoDetailsByTodoID ¶
func (*Queries) CountTodosongroups ¶
func (*Queries) CreateCategory ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminMenu ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminOperationLog ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminPermission ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminRole ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminRoleMenu ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminRolePermission ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminRoleUser ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminSession ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminSite ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminUser ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGoadminUserPermission ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGroup ¶
func (*Queries) CreateTodo ¶
func (*Queries) CreateTodoDetail ¶
func (*Queries) CreateTodoTag ¶
func (*Queries) CreateTodosongroup ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteCategory ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminMenu ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminOperationLog ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminPermission ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminRole ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminRoleMenu ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminRolePermission ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminRoleUser ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminSession ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminSite ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminUser ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteGoadminUserPermission ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteTodoDetail ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteTodosongroup ¶
func (q *Queries) DeleteTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteTodosongroupParams) error
func (*Queries) GetCategories ¶
func (*Queries) GetCategoriesByIDs ¶
func (*Queries) GetCategory ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminMenu ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminMenus ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminMenus(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminMenu, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminOperationLog ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminOperationLogs ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminOperationLogs(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminOperationLog, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminPermission ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminPermissions ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminPermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminPermission, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminRole ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminRoleMenu ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminRoleMenus ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRoleMenus(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRoleMenu, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminRolePermission ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminRolePermissions ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRolePermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRolePermission, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminRoleUser ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminRoleUsers ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRoleUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRoleUser, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminRoles ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminRoles(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminRole, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminSession ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminSessions ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminSessions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminSession, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminSite ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminSites ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminSites(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminSite, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminUser ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminUserByEmail ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminUserPermission ¶
func (*Queries) GetGoadminUserPermissions ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminUserPermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminUserPermission, error)
func (*Queries) GetGoadminUsers ¶
func (q *Queries) GetGoadminUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]GoadminUser, error)
func (*Queries) GetGroupsByIDs ¶
func (*Queries) GetTodoDetail ¶
func (*Queries) GetTodoDetails ¶
func (q *Queries) GetTodoDetails(ctx context.Context) ([]TodoDetail, error)
func (*Queries) GetTodoDetailsByIDs ¶
func (*Queries) GetTodoTag ¶
func (*Queries) GetTodoTagsByIDs ¶
func (*Queries) GetTodosByIDs ¶
func (*Queries) GetTodosongroup ¶
func (q *Queries) GetTodosongroup(ctx context.Context, arg GetTodosongroupParams) (Todosongroup, error)
func (*Queries) GetTodosongroups ¶
func (q *Queries) GetTodosongroups(ctx context.Context) ([]Todosongroup, error)
func (*Queries) UpdateCategory ¶
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminMenu ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminMenu(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminMenuParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminOperationLog ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminOperationLog(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminOperationLogParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminPermission ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminPermission(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminPermissionParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminRole ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminRole(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRoleParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminRoleMenu ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRoleMenuParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminRolePermission ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminRolePermission(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRolePermissionParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminRoleUser ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminRoleUser(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminRoleUserParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminSession ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminSession(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminSessionParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminSite ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminSite(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminSiteParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminUser ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminUser(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminUserParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGoadminUserPermission ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateGoadminUserPermission(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateGoadminUserPermissionParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateGroup ¶
func (*Queries) UpdateTodo ¶
func (*Queries) UpdateTodoDetail ¶
func (*Queries) UpdateTodoTag ¶
func (*Queries) UpdateTodosongroup ¶
type Todo ¶
type Todo struct { ID int `db:"id" json:"id"` Title string `db:"title" json:"title"` Score int `db:"score" json:"score"` Amount float64 `db:"amount" json:"amount"` Status TodoStatus `db:"status" json:"status"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Deadline time.Time `db:"deadline" json:"deadline"` Priority TodoPriority `db:"priority" json:"priority"` Content string `db:"content" json:"content"` CategoryID sql.NullInt32 `db:"category_id" json:"category_id"` }
type TodoDetail ¶
type TodoPriority ¶
type TodoPriority string
const ( TodoPriorityHIGH TodoPriority = "HIGH" TodoPriorityMEDIUM TodoPriority = "MEDIUM" TodoPriorityLOW TodoPriority = "LOW" )
func (*TodoPriority) Scan ¶
func (e *TodoPriority) Scan(src interface{}) error
type TodoStatus ¶
type TodoStatus string
const ( TodoStatusPENDING TodoStatus = "PENDING" TodoStatusPAUSED TodoStatus = "PAUSED" TodoStatusCOMPLETED TodoStatus = "COMPLETED" TodoStatusPROCESSING TodoStatus = "PROCESSING" )
func (*TodoStatus) Scan ¶
func (e *TodoStatus) Scan(src interface{}) error
type Todosongroup ¶
type UpdateCategoryParams ¶
type UpdateGoadminMenuParams ¶
type UpdateGoadminMenuParams struct { CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Header sql.NullString `db:"header" json:"header"` Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` Order uint32 `db:"order" json:"order"` ParentID uint32 `db:"parent_id" json:"parent_id"` PluginName string `db:"plugin_name" json:"plugin_name"` Title string `db:"title" json:"title"` Type uint32 `db:"type" json:"type"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Uri string `db:"uri" json:"uri"` Uuid sql.NullString `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"` ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` }
type UpdateGoadminOperationLogParams ¶
type UpdateGoadminOperationLogParams struct { CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Input string `db:"input" json:"input"` Ip string `db:"ip" json:"ip"` Method string `db:"method" json:"method"` Path string `db:"path" json:"path"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` UserID uint32 `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` }
type UpdateGoadminPermissionParams ¶
type UpdateGoadminPermissionParams struct { CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` HttpMethod sql.NullString `db:"http_method" json:"http_method"` HttpPath string `db:"http_path" json:"http_path"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Slug string `db:"slug" json:"slug"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` }
type UpdateGoadminRoleParams ¶
type UpdateGoadminSiteParams ¶
type UpdateGoadminSiteParams struct { CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Description sql.NullString `db:"description" json:"description"` Key sql.NullString `db:"key" json:"key"` State uint32 `db:"state" json:"state"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Value sql.NullString `db:"value" json:"value"` ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` }
type UpdateGoadminUserParams ¶
type UpdateGoadminUserParams struct { Avatar sql.NullString `db:"avatar" json:"avatar"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Email string `db:"email" json:"email"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Password string `db:"password" json:"password"` RememberToken sql.NullString `db:"remember_token" json:"remember_token"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Username string `db:"username" json:"username"` ID uint32 `db:"id" json:"id"` }
type UpdateGroupParams ¶
type UpdateTodoDetailParams ¶
type UpdateTodoParams ¶
type UpdateTodoParams struct { Amount float64 `db:"amount" json:"amount"` CategoryID sql.NullInt32 `db:"category_id" json:"category_id"` Content string `db:"content" json:"content"` Deadline time.Time `db:"deadline" json:"deadline"` Priority TodoPriority `db:"priority" json:"priority"` Score int `db:"score" json:"score"` Status TodoStatus `db:"status" json:"status"` Title string `db:"title" json:"title"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` ID int `db:"id" json:"id"` }
type UpdateTodoTagParams ¶
Source Files ¶
- category.sql.go
- db.go
- goadmin_menu.sql.go
- goadmin_operation_log.sql.go
- goadmin_permissions.sql.go
- goadmin_role_menu.sql.go
- goadmin_role_permissions.sql.go
- goadmin_role_users.sql.go
- goadmin_roles.sql.go
- goadmin_session.sql.go
- goadmin_site.sql.go
- goadmin_user_permissions.sql.go
- goadmin_users.sql.go
- group.sql.go
- models.go
- querier.go
- todo.sql.go
- todo_detail.sql.go
- todo_tag.sql.go
- todosongroups.sql.go
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