This plugin enables caddy to run and supervise background processes.
How it works
For every supervisor caddy directive a command is executed in background and killed when caddy stops.
You can use supervisor plugin as an http directive or as a server type.
Supervisor http directive
You can activate a supervisor directly from your web caddyfile using:
supervisor command arg1 arg2 arg3
Or using a block for more control
supervisor {
command command
args arg1 arg2 arg3
dir directory
redirect_stdout file
redirect_stderr file
restart_policy policy
termination_grace_period period
Supervisor server type
You can also use a supervisor server type using -type
CLI option:
caddy -type supervisor
The Caddyfile syntax for supervisor server type is:
name {
command command
args arg1 arg2 arg3
dir directory
redirect_stdout file
redirect_stderr file
restart_policy policy
termination_grace_period period
Options description
- command: the command or executable name to be executed
- args: args provided to the command, separated by whitespace
- dir: the working directory the command should be executed in
- env: declare environment variable that should be passed to command. This property can be repeated
- redirect_stdout: redirect command stdout to a file. Use "stdout" to redirect to caddy stdout
- redirect_stderr: redirect command stderr to a file. Use "stderr" to redirect to caddy stderr
- restart_policy: define under which conditions the command should be restarted after exit. Valid values:
- never: do not restart the command
- on_failure: restart if exit code is not 0
- always: always restart
- termination_grace_period: amount of time to wait for application graceful termination before killing it. Ex: 10s
On windows termination_grace_period is ignored and the command is killed immediatelly due to lack of signals support.
Exponential backoff
To avoid spending too many resources on a crashing application, this plugin makes use of exponential backoff.
That means that when the command exits, it will be restarted with a delay of 10 seconds.
On every successive exit, the delay time doubles, with a max limit of 5 minutes.
If the command runs stable for at least 10 minutes, the restart delay is reset to 10 seconds.
AspNet Core application on windows: {
run {
env ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://localhost:5000
command dotnet ./MyApplication.dll
dir "C:\MyApplicationFolder"
redirect_stdout stdout
redirect_stderr stderr
restart_policy always
proxy / localhost:5000 {
Php fastcgi on windows: {
run {
command ./php-cgi.exe
args -b 9800
dir C:/php/
redirect_stdout stdout
redirect_stderr stderr
restart_policy always
root C:/Site
fastcgi / localhost:9800 php
Building it
Build from caddy repository and import caddy-supervisor plugin on file :
import (
_ ""
_ ""