
v1.0.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 9, 2021 License: MIT



Go Reference Go Report Card Release Build

Executor Service

| Transport Layer (HTTP / WebSocket / FFI / ...)                            |
| Executor Worker                                                           |
| Environment Pool + EnvExec + Environment Builder          | File Store    |
| Linux (go-sandbox) | Windows (winc) | macOS (app sandbox) | Memory | Disk |

A REST service to run program in restricted environment and it is basically a wrapper for envexec to run single / multiple programs.

  • /run POST execute program in the restricted environment (examples below)
  • /file GET list all cached file
  • /file POST prepare a file in the executor service (in memory), returns fileId (can be referenced in /run parameter)
  • /file/:fileId GET downloads file from executor service (in memory), returns file content
  • /file/:fileId DELETE delete file specified by fileId
  • /ws WebSocket for /run
  • /metrics prometheus metrics (specifies ES_ENABLE_METRICS=1 environment variable to enable metrics)
  • /debug (specifies ES_ENABLE_DEBUG=1 environment variable to enable go runtime debug endpoint)
  • /version gets build git version (e.g. v0.9.4) together with runtime information (go version, os, platform)
Command Line Arguments


  • The default binding address for the executor server is :5050. Can be specified with -http-addr flag.
  • By default gRPC endpoint is disabled, to enable gRPC endpoint, add -enable-grpc flag.
  • The default binding address for the gRPC executor server is :5051. Can be specified with -grpc-addr flag.
  • The default log level is debug, use -silent to disable logs or use -release to enable release logger (auto turn on if in docker).
  • -auth-token to add token-based authentication to REST / gRPC
  • By default, the GO debug endpoints are disabled, to enable, specifies -enable-debug
  • By default, the prometheus metrics endpoints are disabled, to enable, specifies -enable-metrics


  • The default concurrency is 4, Can be specified with -parallelism flag.
  • The default file store is in memory, local cache can be specified with -dir flag.
  • The default CGroup prefix is executor_server, Can be specified with -cgroup-prefix flag.
  • -src-prefix to restrict src copyIn path (need to be absolute path)
  • -time-limit-checker-interval specifies time limit checker interval (default 100ms) (valid value: [1ms, 1s])
  • -output-limit specifies size limit of POSIX rlimit of output (default 256MiB)
  • -extra-memory-limit specifies the additional memory limit to check memory limit exceeded (default 16KiB)
  • -copy-out-limit specifies the default file copy out max (default 64MiB)
  • -cpuset specifies cpuset.cpus cgroup for each container
  • -container-cred-start specifies container setuid / setgid credential start point (default: 10000)
    • for example, by default container 0 will run with 10001 uid & gid and container 1 will run with 10002 uid & gid...
  • -enable-cpu-rate enabled cpu cgroup to control cpu rate using cfs_quota & cfs_period control
  • -cpu-cfs-period specifies cfs_period if cpu rate is enabled (default 100ms) (valid value: [1ms, 1s])
  • -seccomp-conf specifies seecomp filter setting to load when running program (need build tag seccomp)
    • for example, by strace -c prog to get all syscall needed and restrict to that sub set
    • however, the syscall count in one platform(e.g. x86_64) is not suitable for all platform, so this option is not recommended
    • the program killed by seccomp filter will have status Dangerous Syscall
  • -pre-fork specifies number of container to create when server starts
  • -tmp-fs-param specifies the tmpfs parameter for /w and /tmp when using default mounting
Environment Variables

Environment variable will be override by command line arguments if they both present and all command line arguments have its correspond environment variable (e.g. ES_HTTP_ADDR). Run executorserver --help to see all the environment variable configurations.

Install & Run

Download compiled executable from Release and run.

Or, by docker

docker run -it --rm --privileged -p 5050:5050 criyle/executorserver:demo
Build Executor Server

Build by your own docker build -t executorserver -f Dockerfile.exec .

The executorserver need root privilege to create cgroup. Either creates sub-directory /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/executor_server, /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/executor_server, /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/executor_server and make execution user readable or use sudo to run it.

Build Shared object

Build container init cinit:

go build -o cinit ./cmd/cinit

Build executor_server.so:

go build -buildmode=c-shared -o executor_server.so ./cmd/ffi/

For example, in JavaScript, run with ffi-napi (seems node 14 is not supported yet):

Build Executor Proxy

Build go build ./cmd/executorproxy

Run ./executorproxy, connect to gRPC endpoint expose as a REST endpoint.

Build Executor Shell

Build go build ./cmd/executorshell

Run ./executorshell, connect to gRPC endpoint with interactive shell.

Return Status
  • Accepted: Program exited with status code 0 within time & memory limits
  • Memory Limit Exceeded: Program uses more memory than memory limits
  • Time Limit Exceeded:
    • Program uses more CPU time than cpuLimit
    • Or, program uses more clock time than clockLimit
  • Output Limit Exceeded:
    • Program output more than pipeCollector limits
    • Or, program output more than output-limit
  • File Error:
    • CopyIn file is not existed
    • Or, CopyIn file too large for container file system
    • Or, CopyOut file is not existed after program exited
  • Non Zero Exit Status: Program exited with non 0 status code within time & memory limits
  • Signalled: Program exited with signal (e.g. SIGSEGV)
  • Dangerous Syscall: Program killed by seccomp filter
  • Internal Error:
    • Program is not exist
    • Or, container create not successful (e.g. not privileged docker)
    • Or, other errors
Container Root Filesystem

For linux platform, the default mounts points are bind mounting host's /lib, /lib64, /usr, /bin, /etc/alternatives, /etc/fpc.cfg, /dev/null, /dev/urandom and mounts tmpfs at /w, /tmp and creates /proc.

To customize mount points, please look at example mount.yaml file.

  • envexec: run single / group of programs in parallel within restricted environment and resource constraints
  • env: reference implementation environments to inject into envexec
Windows Support
  • Build executorserver by: go build ./cmd/executorserver/
  • Build executor_server.dll: (need to install gcc as well) go build -buildmode=c-shared -o executor_server.so ./cmd/ffi/
  • Run: ./executorserver
Windows Security
MacOS Support
  • Build executorserver by: go build ./cmd/executorserver/
  • Build executor_server.dylib: (need to install XCode) go build -buildmode=c-shared -o executor_server.dylib ./cmd/ffi/
  • Run: ./executorserver
MacOS Security
  • sandbox-init profile deny network access and file read / write and read / write to /Users directory

By wrk with t.lua: wrk -s t.lua -c 1 -t 1 -d 30s --latency http://localhost:5050/run.

However, these results are not the real use cases since the running time depends on the actual program specifies in the request. Normally, the executor server consumes ~1ms more compare to running without sandbox.

wrk.method = "POST"
wrk.body   = '{"cmd":[{"args":["/bin/cat","a.hs"],"env":["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],"files":[{"content":""},{"name":"stdout","max":10240},{"name":"stderr","max":10240}],"cpuLimit":10000000000,"memoryLimit":104857600,"procLimit":50,"copyIn":{"a.hs":{"content":"main = putStrLn \\"Hello, World!\\""},"b":{"content":"TEST"}}}]}'
wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
  • Single thread ~400-460 op/s Windows 10 WSL2
  • Multi thread ~1100-1200 op/s Windows 10 WSL2

Single thread:

Running 30s test @ http://localhost:5050/run
  1 threads and 1 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     2.23ms  287.79us  14.29ms   86.51%
    Req/Sec   451.05     17.60   494.00     76.00%
  Latency Distribution
     50%    2.19ms
     75%    2.33ms
     90%    2.50ms
     99%    2.93ms
  13482 requests in 30.02s, 3.58MB read
Requests/sec:    449.15
Transfer/sec:    121.98KB
REST API Interface
interface LocalFile {
    src: string; // absolute path for the file

interface MemoryFile {
    content: string | Buffer; // file contents

interface PreparedFile {
    fileId: string; // fileId defines file uploaded by /file

interface Pipe {
    name: string; // file name in copyOut
    max: number;  // maximum bytes to collect from pipe

interface Cmd {
    args: string[]; // command line argument
    env?: string[]; // environment

    // specifies file input / pipe collector for program file descriptors
    files?: (LocalFile | MemoryFile | PreparedFile | Pipe | null)[];
    tty?: boolean; // enables tty on the input and output pipes (should have just one input & one output)
    // Notice: must have TERM environment variables (e.g. TERM=xterm)

    // limitations
    cpuLimit?: number;     // ns
    realCpuLimit?: number; // deprecated: use clock limit instead (still working)
    clockLimit?: number;   // ns
    memoryLimit?: number;  // byte
    stackLimit?: number;   // byte (N/A on windows, macOS cannot set over 32M)
    procLimit?: number;

    // copy the correspond file to the container dst path
    copyIn?: {[dst:string]:LocalFile | MemoryFile | PreparedFile};

    // copy out specifies files need to be copied out from the container after execution
    copyOut?: string[];
    // similar to copyOut but stores file in executor service and returns fileId, later download through /file/:fileId
    copyOutCached?: string[];
    // specifies the directory to dump container /w content
    copyOutDir: string
    // specifies the max file size to copy out
    copyOutMax: number; // byte

enum Status {
    Accepted,            // normal
    MemoryLimitExceeded, // mle
    TimeLimitExceeded,   // tle
    OutputLimitExceeded, // ole
    FileError,           // fe
    RuntimeError,        // re
    DangerousSyscall,    // dgs
    InternalError,       // system error

interface PipeIndex {
    index: number; // the index of cmd
    fd: number;    // the fd number of cmd

interface PipeMap {
    in: PipeIndex;  // input end of the pipe
    out: PipeIndex; // output end of the pipe

interface Request {
    requestId?: string; // for WebSocket requests
    cmd: Cmd[];
    pipeMapping: PipeMap[];

interface Result {
    status: Status;
    error?: string; // potential system error message
    time: number;   // ns (cgroup recorded time)
    memory: number; // byte
    runTime: number; // ns (wall clock time)
    // copyFile name -> content
    files?: {[name:string]:string};
    // copyFileCached name -> fileId
    fileIds?: {[name:string]:string};

// WebSocket results
interface WSResult {
    requestId: string;
    results: []Result;
    error?: string;
Example Request & Response


var ffi = require('ffi-napi');

var executor_server = ffi.Library('./executor_server', {
    'Init': ['int', ['string']],
    'Exec': ['string', ['string']],
    'FileList': ['string', []],
    'FileAdd': ['string', ['string']],
    'FileGet': ['string', ['string']],
    'FileDelete': ['string', ['string']]

if (executor_server.Init(JSON.stringify({
    cinitPath: "/judge/cinit",
    parallelism: 4,
}))) {
    console.log("Failed to init executor server");

const result = JSON.parse(executor_server.Exec(JSON.stringify({
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/bin/cat", "test.txt"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "test.txt": {
                "content": "TEST"

// Async
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/bin/cat", "test.txt"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "test.txt": {
                "content": "TEST"
}), (err, res) => {
    if (err) throw err;

const fileAdd = (param) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    executor_server.FileAdd.async(JSON.stringify(param), (err, res) => {
        if (err != null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); }
const fileList = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    executor_server.FileList.async((err, res) => {
        if (err != null && res == null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(JSON.parse(res)); }
const fileGet = (param) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    executor_server.FileGet.async(JSON.stringify(param), (err, res) => {
        if (err != null && res == null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); }
const fileDelete = (param) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    executor_server.FileDelete.async(JSON.stringify(param), (err, res) => {
        if (err != null && res == null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); }

const fileOps = async () => {
    const fileId = await fileAdd({ name: 'Name', content: 'Content' });
    const list = await fileList();
    const file = await fileGet({ id: fileId });
    const d = await fileDelete({ id: fileId });
    const e = await fileList();



  requestId: '',
  results: [
      status: 'Accepted',
      exitStatus: 0,
      time: 814048,
      memory: 253952,
      files: [Object]

Single (this example require apt install g++ inside the container):

    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/usr/bin/g++", "a.cc", "-o", "a"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "a.cc": {
                "content": "#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n}"
        "copyOut": ["stdout", "stderr"],
        "copyOutCached": ["a.cc", "a"],
        "copyOutDir": "1"
        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 303225231,
        "memory": 32243712,
        "runTime": 524177700,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": ""
        "fileIds": {
            "a": "5LWIZAA45JHX4Y4Z",
            "a.cc": "NOHPGGDTYQUFRSLJ"

Multiple (interaction problem):

    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/bin/cat", "1"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, null, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 1000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 1048576,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "1": { "content": "TEST 1" }
        "copyOut": ["stderr"]
        "args": ["/bin/cat"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [null, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 1000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 1048576,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyOut": ["stdout", "stderr"]
    "pipeMapping": [{
        "in" : {"index": 0, "fd": 1 },
        "out" : {"index": 1, "fd" : 0 }
        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 1545123,
        "memory": 253952,
        "runTime": 4148800,
        "files": {
            "stderr": ""
        "fileIds": {}
        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 1501463,
        "memory": 253952,
        "runTime": 5897700,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": "TEST 1"
        "fileIds": {}

Compile On Windows (cygwin):

    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["C:\\Cygwin\\bin\\g++", "a.cc", "-o", "a"],
        "env": ["PATH=C:\\Cygwin\\bin;"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "a.cc": {
                "content": "#include <iostream>\n#include <signal.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n}"
        "copyOutCached": ["a.exe"]
        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 140625000,
        "memory": 36286464,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": ""
        "fileIds": {
            "a.exe": "HLQH2OF4MXUUJBCB"

Infinite loop with cpu rate control:

	"cmd": [{
		"args": ["/usr/bin/python3", "1.py"],
		"env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
		"files": [{"content": ""}, {"name": "stdout","max": 10240}, {"name": "stderr","max": 10240}],
		"cpuLimit": 3000000000,
        "clockLimit": 4000000000,
		"memoryLimit": 104857600,
		"procLimit": 50,
        "cpuRate": 0.1,
		"copyIn": {
			"1.py": {
				"content": "while True:\n    pass"
        "status": "Time Limit Exceeded",
        "exitStatus": 9,
        "time": 414803599,
        "memory": 3657728,
        "runTime": 4046054900,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": ""


Path Synopsis
Command executorclient is used to test executor server's grpc call
Command executorclient is used to test executor server's grpc call
Command executorserver will starts a http server that receives command to run programs inside a sandbox.
Command executorserver will starts a http server that receives command to run programs inside a sandbox.
Package env provides a unified method to create environment for envexec.
Package env provides a unified method to create environment for envexec.
Package pool provides reference implementation for envexec.EnvironmentPool from EnvBuilder
Package pool provides reference implementation for envexec.EnvironmentPool from EnvBuilder
Package envexec provides utility function to run program in restricted environments through container and cgroup.
Package envexec provides utility function to run program in restricted environments through container and cgroup.

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL