Executor Service
Overall Architecture
| Transport Layer (HTTP / WebSocket / FFI / ...) |
| Executor Worker |
| EnvExec + Environment Pool + Environment Builder | File Store |
| Linux (go-sandbox) | Windows (winc) | macOS (app sandbox) | Memory | Local | ... |
A rest service to run program in restricted environment and it is basically a wrapper for pkg/envexec
to run single / multiple programs.
- /run POST execute program in the restricted environment
- /file GET list all cached file
- /file POST prepare a file in the executor service (in memory), returns fileId (can be referenced in /run parameter)
- /file/:fileId GET downloads file from executor service (in memory), returns file content
- /file/:fileId DELETE delete file specified by fileId
- /ws WebSocket for /run
- /metrics prometheus metrics (specifies
environment variable to enable metrics)
- /debug (specifies
environment variable to enable go runtime debug endpoint)
- /version gets build git version (e.g.
) together with runtime information (go version, os, platform)
Install & Run Developing Server
Install GO 1.13+ from download
go get github.com/criyle/go-judge/cmd/executorserver
sudo ~/go/bin/executorserver # or executorserver if $(GOPATH)/bin is in your $PATH
Or, by docker
docker run -it --rm --privileged -p 5050:5050 criyle/executorserver:demo
Build by your own docker build -t executorserver -f Dockerfile.exec .
The executorserver
need root privilege to create cgroup
. Either creates sub-directory /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/go-judger
, /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/go-judger
, /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/go-judger
and make execution user readable or use sudo
to run it.
Command Line Arguments
- The default binding address for the executor server is
. Can be specified with -http
- The default binding address for the gRPC executor server is
. Can be specified with -grpc
flag. (Notice: need to set GRPC=1
environment variable to enable GRPC endpoint)
- The default concurrency is
, Can be specified with -parallism
- The default file store is in memory, local cache can be specified with
- The default log level is debug, use
to disable logs.
to add token-based authentication to REST / gRPC
to restrict src
copyIn path (need to be absolute path)
Environment Variables
Environment variable will override command line arguments if they both present.
- The http binding address specifies as
- The grpc binding address specifies as
- The parallism specifies as
- The token specifies as
enables gRPC
enables metrics
enables debug
Build Shared object
Build container init cinit
go build -o cinit ./cmd/cinit
Build executor_server.so
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o executor_server.so ./cmd/ffi/
For example, in JavaScript, run with ffi-napi
(seems node 14 is not supported yet):
Build Executor Proxy
Build go build ./cmd/executorproxy
Run ./executorproxy
, connect to gRPC endpoint and offers REST endpoint.
Build Executor Shell
Build go build ./cmd/executorshell
Run ./executorshell
, connect to gRPC endpoint with interactive shell.
Container Root Filesystem
- necessary lib / exec / compiler / header readonly bind mounted from current file system: /lib /lib64 /bin /usr
- work directory tmpfs mount: /w (work dir), /tmp (compiler temp files)
The following mounts point are examples that can be configured through config file later
- additional compiler scripts / exec readonly bind mounted: /c
- additional header readonly bind mounted: /i
- pkg/envexec: run single / group of programs in parallel within restricted environment and resource constraints
- pkg/pool: reference implementation for Cgroup & Environment Pool
Windows Support
Build executorserver
go build ./cmd/executorserver/
Build executor_server.dll
: (need to install gcc
as well)
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o executor_server.so ./cmd/ffi/
Run: ./executorserver
Windows Security
MacOS Support
Build executorserver
go build ./cmd/executorserver/
Build executor_server.dylib
: (need to install XCode
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o executor_server.dylib ./cmd/ffi/
Run: ./executorserver
MacOS Security
profile deny network access and file read / write
By wrk
with t.lua
: Tested ~140-160 op/s macOS Docker Desktop & ~1100-1200 op/s Windows 10 WSL2.
wrk.method = "POST"
wrk.body = '{"cmd":[{"args":["/bin/cat","a.hs"],"env":["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],"files":[{"content":""},{"name":"stdout","max":10240},{"name":"stderr","max":10240}],"cpuLimit":10000000000,"memoryLimit":104857600,"procLimit":50,"copyIn":{"a.hs":{"content":"main = putStrLn \\"Hello, World!\\""},"b":{"content":"TEST"}}}]}'
wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
wrk -s t.lua -c 1 -t 1 -d 30s --latency http://localhost:5050/run
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:5050/run
1 threads and 1 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 6.28ms 1.66ms 19.00ms 90.63%
Req/Sec 160.60 23.15 200.00 83.33%
Latency Distribution
50% 5.89ms
75% 6.57ms
90% 7.53ms
99% 14.21ms
4810 requests in 30.05s, 1.19MB read
Requests/sec: 160.05
Transfer/sec: 40.59KB
- Github actions to auto build
- Configure mounts using YAML config file
- Investigate root-free running mechanism (no cgroup && not set uid / gid)
- Investigate RLimit settings (cpu, data, fsize, stack, noFile)
- Add WebSocket for job submission
- Windows support
- MacOS support
- GRPC + protobuf support
- Token-based authentication
- Prometheus metrics support
API interface
interface LocalFile {
src: string; // absolute path for the file
interface MemoryFile {
content: string | Buffer; // file contents
interface PreparedFile {
fileId: string; // fileId defines file uploaded by /file
interface Pipe {
name: string; // file name in copyOut
max: number; // maximum bytes to collect from pipe
interface Cmd {
args: string[]; // command line argument
env?: string[]; // environment
// specifies file input / pipe collector for program file descriptors
files?: (LocalFile | MemoryFile | PreparedFile | Pipe | null)[];
tty?: boolean; // enables tty on the input and output pipes (should have just one input & one output)
// Notice: must have TERM environment variables (e.g. TERM=xterm)
// limitations
cpuLimit?: number; // ns
realCpuLimit?: number; // ns
memoryLimit?: number; // byte
stackLimit?: number; // byte (N/A on windows, macOS cannot set over 32M)
procLimit?: number;
// copy the correspond file to the container dst path
copyIn?: {[dst:string]:LocalFile | MemoryFile | PreparedFile};
// copy out specifies files need to be copied out from the container after execution
copyOut?: string[];
// similar to copyOut but stores file in executor service and returns fileId, later download through /file/:fileId
copyOutCached?: string[];
// specifies the directory to dump container /w content
copyOutDir: string
// specifies the max file size to copy out
copyOutMax: number; // byte
enum Status {
Accepted, // normal
MemoryLimitExceeded, // mle
TimeLimitExceeded, // tle
OutputLimitExceeded, // ole
FileError, // fe
RuntimeError, // re
DangerousSyscall, // dgs
InternalError, // system error
interface PipeIndex {
index: number; // the index of cmd
fd: number; // the fd number of cmd
interface PipeMap {
in: PipeIndex; // input end of the pipe
out: PipeIndex; // output end of the pipe
interface Request {
requestId?: string; // for WebSocket requests
cmd: Cmd[];
pipeMapping: PipeMap[];
interface Result {
status: Status;
error?: string; // potential system error message
time: number; // ns (cgroup recorded time)
memory: number; // byte
runTime: number; // ns (wall clock time)
// copyFile name -> content
files?: {[name:string]:string};
// copyFileCached name -> fileId
fileIds?: {[name:string]:string};
// WebSocket results
interface WSResult {
requestId: string;
results: []Result;
error?: string;
Example Request & Response
var ffi = require('ffi-napi');
var executor_server = ffi.Library('./executor_server', {
'Init': ['int', ['string']],
'Exec': ['string', ['string']],
'FileList': ['string', []],
'FileAdd': ['string', ['string']],
'FileGet': ['string', ['string']],
'FileDelete': ['string', ['string']]
if (executor_server.Init(JSON.stringify({
cinitPath: "/judge/cinit",
parallism: 4,
}))) {
console.log("Failed to init executor server");
const result = JSON.parse(executor_server.Exec(JSON.stringify({
"cmd": [{
"args": ["/bin/cat", "test.txt"],
"env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
"files": [{
"content": ""
}, {
"name": "stdout",
"max": 10240
}, {
"name": "stderr",
"max": 10240
"cpuLimit": 10000000000,
"memoryLimit": 104857600,
"procLimit": 50,
"copyIn": {
"test.txt": {
"content": "TEST"
// Async
"cmd": [{
"args": ["/bin/cat", "test.txt"],
"env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
"files": [{
"content": ""
}, {
"name": "stdout",
"max": 10240
}, {
"name": "stderr",
"max": 10240
"cpuLimit": 10000000000,
"memoryLimit": 104857600,
"procLimit": 50,
"copyIn": {
"test.txt": {
"content": "TEST"
}), (err, res) => {
if (err) throw err;
const fileAdd = (param) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
executor_server.FileAdd.async(JSON.stringify(param), (err, res) => {
if (err != null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); }
const fileList = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
executor_server.FileList.async((err, res) => {
if (err != null && res == null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(JSON.parse(res)); }
const fileGet = (param) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
executor_server.FileGet.async(JSON.stringify(param), (err, res) => {
if (err != null && res == null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); }
const fileDelete = (param) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
executor_server.FileDelete.async(JSON.stringify(param), (err, res) => {
if (err != null && res == null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); }
const fileOps = async () => {
const fileId = await fileAdd({ name: 'Name', content: 'Content' });
const list = await fileList();
const file = await fileGet({ id: fileId });
const d = await fileDelete({ id: fileId });
const e = await fileList();
requestId: '',
results: [
status: 'Accepted',
exitStatus: 0,
time: 814048,
memory: 253952,
files: [Object]
Single (this example require apt install g++
inside the container):
"cmd": [{
"args": ["/usr/bin/g++", "a.cc", "-o", "a"],
"env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
"files": [{
"content": ""
}, {
"name": "stdout",
"max": 10240
}, {
"name": "stderr",
"max": 10240
"cpuLimit": 10000000000,
"memoryLimit": 104857600,
"procLimit": 50,
"copyIn": {
"a.cc": {
"content": "#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n}"
"copyOut": ["stdout", "stderr"],
"copyOutCached": ["a.cc", "a"],
"copyOutDir": "1"
"status": "Accepted",
"exitStatus": 0,
"time": 303225231,
"memory": 32243712,
"runTime": 524177700,
"files": {
"stderr": "",
"stdout": ""
"fileIds": {
"a": "5LWIZAA45JHX4Y4Z",
Multiple (interaction problem):
"cmd": [{
"args": ["/bin/cat", "1"],
"env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
"files": [{
"content": ""
}, null, {
"name": "stderr",
"max": 10240
"cpuLimit": 1000000000,
"memoryLimit": 1048576,
"procLimit": 50,
"copyIn": {
"1": { "content": "TEST 1" }
"copyOut": ["stderr"]
"args": ["/bin/cat"],
"env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
"files": [null, {
"name": "stdout",
"max": 10240
}, {
"name": "stderr",
"max": 10240
"cpuLimit": 1000000000,
"memoryLimit": 1048576,
"procLimit": 50,
"copyOut": ["stdout", "stderr"]
"pipeMapping": [{
"in" : {"index": 0, "fd": 1 },
"out" : {"index": 1, "fd" : 0 }
"status": "Accepted",
"exitStatus": 0,
"time": 1545123,
"memory": 253952,
"runTime": 4148800,
"files": {
"stderr": ""
"fileIds": {}
"status": "Accepted",
"exitStatus": 0,
"time": 1501463,
"memory": 253952,
"runTime": 5897700,
"files": {
"stderr": "",
"stdout": "TEST 1"
"fileIds": {}
Compile On Windows (cygwin):
"cmd": [{
"args": ["C:\\Cygwin\\bin\\g++", "a.cc", "-o", "a"],
"env": ["PATH=C:\\Cygwin\\bin;"],
"files": [{
"content": ""
}, {
"name": "stdout",
"max": 10240
}, {
"name": "stderr",
"max": 10240
"cpuLimit": 10000000000,
"memoryLimit": 104857600,
"procLimit": 50,
"copyIn": {
"a.cc": {
"content": "#include <iostream>\n#include <signal.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n}"
"copyOutCached": ["a.exe"]
"status": "Accepted",
"exitStatus": 0,
"time": 140625000,
"memory": 36286464,
"files": {
"stderr": "",
"stdout": ""
"fileIds": {