HAProxy SPOE Authentication
This project is a an agent allowing HAProxy to to handle authentication requests.
WARNING This project is under heavy development in alpha stage and it might break anytime.
Getting started
The agent is packaged in a docker-compose for you to quickly test it. You need to make sure
Docker and docker-compose is installed on your machine. Also make sure that port 9080 is
Now, add the two following lines to your /etc/hosts to fake the domains: public.example.com app1.example.com app2.example.com app3.example.com dex.example.com # An OIDC server implementation
And then run
docker-compose up -d
Now you can test the following commands
# This a public domain
curl http://public.example.com:9080/
# This domain is protected but no credentials are provided, it should return 401.
curl http://app1.example.com:9080/
# This domain is protected and credentials are provided, it should return 200.
curl -u "john:password" http://app1.example.com:9080/
# This domain is protected and credentials are provided but with a bad password, it should return 401.
curl -u "john:badpassword" http://app1.example.com:9080/
# This domain is protected by OpenID Connect. This should redirect you to the authorization server where you can provide the same credentials as above.
# Visit http://app2.example.com:9080/ or http://app3.example.com:9080/ in a browser. They are two different applications
in order to test SSO. Note: Dex seems not to provide this feature though but Okta does for instance.
# Once authenticated and consent granted, you're redirected to the app.
# One can also visit http://app2.example.com:9080/secret.html or http://app3.example.com:9080/secret.html to verify the
user is properly redirected as requested before authentication.
Trying to visit the website protected by LDAP in a browser will display a basic auth form that you should fill
before being granted the rights to visit the page. With OpenID Connect, you should be redirected to the Dex
authentication portal to complete the authentication process.
The users available in the LDAP are stored in the file resources/ldap/01-base.ldif.
The agent should be deployed on the same host than the HAProxy to give the best performance.
Then you can check the configuration of HAProxy and the SPOE agents available under resources/haproxy
The agent communicates with HAProxy leveraging the Stream Processing Offload Engine (SPOE) feature
of HAProxy documented here: https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/blob/master/doc/SPOE.txt.
This features allows a bi-directional communication between the agent and HAProxy allowing HAProxy
to forward requests requiring authentication to the agent which itself validates the credentials
against a LDAP server.
Please see the dedicated section.
OpenID Connect
Please see the dedicated section.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. The terms of the license are detailed in LICENSE.