A simple API that provides an endpoint to resize images to a given size and format
- GET /ping - replies with "pong" text - useful for external monitoring apps like Zabbix
- GET /status - returns a JSON with the API status, up time and number of converted images and errors
- GET /appVersions - returns a JOSN with app version
- POST /resize - resizes an image transmited via img POST param, together with width, height, format and quality parameters
/resize parameters
img (mandatory) - base64 encoded image
width (mandatory) - output image width
height (mandatory) - output image height
quality (optional) - output image quality.
Possible values: between 1 and 100.
Default value: 75
format (optional) - output image format.
Possible values: png, jpg or webp.
Default value: same as input image
/resize output
A JSON with output image params and image encoded in base64
Sample output:
"status": "ok",
"format": "webp",
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"quality": 10,
"resizedImage": "UklGRi..."
You can find a Postman collection in this Repo