Write standard tests for your Go compiled to WASM.
Inspired by go-billy, "goes" wraps
"syscall/js" with interface types. The goal is to make it easier to test the Go
side of interactions with the Javascript runtime without needing to run the
project in a browser or with Node.
The example in examples/greeting has an acceptance test using
to test how the WASM interacts with the page.
Hello World Example
The following code and tests can will run on save without needing to
be run as WASM; you can run go test
from the terminal to iterate
on the functionality.
Given a this wrapper around a div containing a greeting,
package greeting
import (
type HelloBox struct {
div goes.Value
message string
func NewHelloBox(msg string) *HelloBox {
return &HelloBox{
message: msg,
func (box *HelloBox) SetMessage(msg string) {
box.message = msg
box.div.Set("innerText", msg)
func (box *HelloBox) Message() string {
if box.message != "" {
return box.message
box.message = box.div.Get("innerText").String()
return box.message
func (box *HelloBox) Create(document goes.Value) goes.Value {
box.div = document.Call("createElement", "div")
box.div.Call("setAttribute", "id", "hello-box")
return box.div
it can be tested as follows:
Note the build flag ensures the unit tests are not run in the browser
when the acceptance tests are being run.
//+build !js
package greeting_test
import (
func TestNewHelloBox(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
div := goesfakes.NewValue(ctrl)
div.EXPECT().Call(gomock.Eq("setAttribute"), gomock.Eq("id"), gomock.Eq("hello-box"))
div.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Eq("innerText"), gomock.Eq("hello"))
document := goesfakes.NewValue(ctrl)
document.EXPECT().Call(gomock.Eq("createElement"), gomock.Eq("div")).Return(div).Times(1)
box := greeting.NewHelloBox("hello")
func TestHelloBox_SetMessage(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
div := goesfakes.NewValue(ctrl)
div.EXPECT().Call(gomock.Eq("setAttribute"), gomock.Eq("id"), gomock.Eq("hello-box")),
div.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Eq("innerText"), gomock.Eq("hello")),
div.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Eq("innerText"), gomock.Eq("Hello, world!")),
document := goesfakes.NewValue(ctrl)
document.EXPECT().Call(gomock.Eq("createElement"), gomock.Eq("div")).Return(div).Times(1)
box := greeting.NewHelloBox("hello")
box.SetMessage("Hello, world!")
if box.Message() != "Hello, world!" {
t.Run("when initialized with an empty string", func(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
msgTxtFromDom := goesfakes.NewValue(ctrl)
msgTxtFromDom.EXPECT().String().Return("Hello, world!").AnyTimes()
div := goesfakes.NewValue(ctrl)
div.EXPECT().Call(gomock.Eq("setAttribute"), gomock.Eq("id"), gomock.Eq("hello-box")),
div.EXPECT().Set(gomock.Eq("innerText"), gomock.Eq("")),
div.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Eq("innerText")).Return(msgTxtFromDom), // <- what changed
document := goesfakes.NewValue(ctrl)
document.EXPECT().Call(gomock.Eq("createElement"), gomock.Eq("div")).Return(div).Times(1)
box := greeting.NewHelloBox("")
if box.Message() != "Hello, world!" {