Opinionated but Re-usable Go libraries for the Crewlinker platform
Setup the development environment mage -v dev
Run the full test suite: mage -v test
To release a new version: mage -v release v0.1.1
SHOULD update github.com/caarlos0/env/v6 to v8
MUST include a mechanism to provide isolated schemas to tests, using a "versioned" migration strategy
in a migraiton directory
MUST include tracing, and re-add the test for contextual postgres logging (from the old 'back' repo)
SHOULD upgrade otel packages when otelsql package is supported
SHOULD add the Atlasgo github integration for checking migrations
SHOULD Allow configuration of the postgres application name to diagnose connections
SHOULD allow iam authentication to a database
SHOULD test our clserve.Handle with http2 server/client
SHOULD test our clserve.Handle with websocket hijack/upgrade
COULD develop metric middleware for aws client so we can measure (average) latency (per service?)?
Correct Otel dependencies
OTEL is still a bit of a moving target. So if the dependencies break after running go mod tidy. This is the
set of constraints that should make it right.