Firefox Embed POC
This is an example of embedding Firefox into a Qt application. Current screenshot:
- Must at least work on Windows (done)
- Have address bar representing the URL (done)
- Have tabs with the title (done)
- Show tabs favicon (done)
- Fix focus issues
- Add forward and back buttons
- Only works on Windows at the moment
- Linux support can happen probably quite easily
- macOS support is unlikely until someone can easily embed a third party native window via Qt
- Uses raw Firefox debugging protocol
- Not built to be robust, just built to serve as an example
Building and Running
Must have Go installed.
Without CGO
Without CGO has a couple of bugs still, but it is a faster build. To build, simply:
go build -tags qtcgoless
Then the ffembedpoc
executable will be in this directory. To build on Windows without console, instead do:
go build -tags qtcgoless -ldflags "-H windowsgui"
But note, without console, you can't see console logs so tweak the logger in main if necessary.
With CGO
With CGO, the builds are slower but more items are supported. Make sure the Qt binding is
installed (doesn't necessarily matter whether global or
module-per-project mode).
To build without console:
qtdeploy -tags qtcgo build desktop .
Then the ffembedpoc
executable will be in the deploy/GOOS
directory (where GOOS
is the OS). Set
environment variable to build on Windows with the GUI.