Bot Box
Bot Box is a customizable server meant for battling AIs against each other. It
comes in multiple parts:
- A sandboxed game server with scheduler that plays bots against each other by
communicating via websockets.
- A framework for creating game rules and constraints to be played by bots in
real-time or alternating turns.
- SDKs for a number of languages to write bots.
- A web visualizer for watching games (games will need a view component) and
tracking high scores.
Currently the following is implemented and working:
- Example Tron game and websocket server with a Python client SDK.
- Sandbox service which spawns isolated Docker containers and plays games
started via an HTTP API.
- Database container with empty PostgreSQL database
- Account creation / login
Remaining work:
- Finish the web API
- Finish web interface
- Create a scheduler service for matchmaking
- Continuous deployment and upgrade scripts
Right now from games/tron/server
you can run
go run main.go --ids "1 2" --secrets "s1 s2"
This starts the Tron server and waits for clients.
Install the Tron SDK from games/tron/sdk/python using python develop
Then write a simple Tron agent, e.g.:
import botbox_tron
import random
def move(p, actions, state):
"""A trivial agent that randomly picks an action."""
# find moves that are safe to make
safe = botbox_tron.safe_moves(p, state)
# find the intersection of valid and safe moves
actions = [a for a in actions if a in safe]
if actions:
# pick a valid, safe action
return random.choice(actions)
# can't do anything
# Start the agent with our simple move function
and run two instances of it to watch them play each other!
Right now there is a simple ./ script you can run to start up the
docker containers.
Environment variables
You must create an
script to correctly start the Botbox services.
$ cp
$ vim
To deploy all services on one box:
$ ./
If you make changes to a single service,
you can deploy only that service to save time:
$ ./ api
$ ./ database
$ ./ web
$ ./ nginx
To delete the database and create an empty one:
$ ./ database new
Visit http://localhost to see the web interface.
Currently the deployment script starts Docker containers only on the current
machine, but future updates will allow deploying services on multiple machines
connected to the same network.