Configuration profiles manager for restic backup
resticprofile is the missing link between a configuration file and restic backup. Creating a configuration file for restic has been discussed before, but seems to be a very low priority right now.
With resticprofile:
- You no longer need to remember command parameters and environment variables
- You can create multiple profiles inside one configuration file
- A profile can inherit all the options from another profile
- You can run the forget command before or after a backup (in a section called retention)
- You can check a repository before or after a backup
- You can create groups of profiles that will run sequentially
- You can run shell commands before or after a backup
- You can send a backup stream via stdin
- You can start restic at a lower or higher priority (Priority Class in Windows, nice in all unixes) and/or ionice (only available on Linux)
The configuration file accepts various formats:
- TOML : configuration file with extension .toml and .conf to keep compatibility with versions before 0.6.0
- JSON : configuration file with extension .json
- YAML : configuration file with extension .yaml
For the rest of the documentation, I'll be showing examples using the TOML file configuration format (because it was the only one supported before version 0.6.0) but you can pick your favourite: they all work with resticprofile :-)
Since version 0.6.0, resticprofile no longer needs python installed on your machine. It is distributed as an executable (same as restic).
It's been actively tested on macOS X and Linux, and regularly tested on Windows.
This is at beta stage. Please don't use it in production yet. Even though I'm using it on my servers, I cannot guarantee all combinations of configuration are going to work properly for you.
I'm going to prepare a shell script to help with the installation, but overall the installation is quite simple:
- Download the package corresponding to your system and CPU from the release page
- Once downloaded you need to open the archive and copy the binary file
in your PATH.
Configuration format
- A configuration is a set of profiles.
- Each profile is in its own
. - Inside each profile, you can specify different flags for each command.
- A command definition is
All the restic flags can be defined in a section. For most of them you just need to remove the two dashes in front.
To set the flag --password-file password.txt
you need to add a line like
password-file = "password.txt"
There's one exception: the flag --repo
is named repository
in the configuration
Let's say you normally use this command:
restic --repo "local:/backup" --password-file "password.txt" --verbose backup /home
For resticprofile to generate this command automatically for you, here's the configuration file:
repository = "local:/backup"
password-file = "password.txt"
verbose = true
source = [ "/home" ]
You may have noticed the source
flag is accepting an array of values (inside brakets)
Now, assuming this configuration file is named profiles.conf
in the current folder, you can simply run
resticprofile backup
Configuration examples
Here's a simple configuration file using a Microsoft Azure backend:
repository = "azure:restic:/"
password-file = "key"
AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME = "my_storage_account"
AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY = "my_super_secret_key"
exclude-file = "excludes"
exclude-caches = true
one-file-system = true
tag = [ "root" ]
source = [ "/", "/var" ]
Here's a more complex configuration file showing profile inheritance and two backup profiles using the same repository:
# ionice is available on Linux only
ionice = false
ionice-class = 2
ionice-level = 6
# priority is using priority class on windows, and "nice" on unixes - it's acting on CPU usage only
priority = "low"
# run 'snapshots' when no command is specified when invoking resticprofile
default-command = "snapshots"
# initialize a repository if none exist at location
initialize = false
# a group is a profile that will call all profiles one by one
# when starting a backup on profile "full-backup", it will run the "root" and "src" backup profiles
full-backup = [ "root", "src" ]
# Default profile when not specified (-n or --name)
# Please note there's no default inheritance from the 'default' profile (you can use the 'inherit' flag if needed)
# you can use a relative path, it will be relative to the configuration file
repository = "/backup"
password-file = "key"
initialize = false
TMPDIR= "/tmp"
inherit = "default"
no-cache = true
initialize = false
# New profile named 'root'
inherit = "default"
initialize = true
# this will add a LOCAL lockfile so you cannot run the same profile more than once at a time
# (it's totally independent of the restic locks on the repository)
lock = "/tmp/resticprofile-root.lock"
# 'backup' command of profile 'root'
# files with no path are relative to the configuration file
exclude-file = [ "root-excludes", "excludes" ]
exclude-caches = true
one-file-system = false
tag = [ "test", "dev" ]
source = [ "." ]
# retention policy for profile root
before-backup = false
after-backup = true
keep-last = 3
keep-hourly = 1
keep-daily = 1
keep-weekly = 1
keep-monthly = 1
keep-yearly = 1
keep-within = "3h"
keep-tag = [ "forever" ]
compact = false
prune = false
# if path is NOT specified, it will be copied from the 'backup' source
# path = []
# the tags are NOT copied from the 'backup' command
tag = [ "test", "dev" ]
# host can be a boolean ('true' meaning current hostname) or a string to specify a different hostname
host = true
# New profile named 'src'
inherit = "default"
initialize = true
# 'backup' command of profile 'src'
run-before = [ "echo Starting!", "ls -al ./src" ]
run-after = "echo All Done!"
exclude = [ '/**/.git' ]
exclude-caches = true
one-file-system = false
tag = [ "test", "dev" ]
source = [ "./src" ]
check-before = true
# retention policy for profile src
before-backup = false
after-backup = true
keep-within = "30d"
compact = false
prune = true
And another simple example for Windows:
restic-binary = "c:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\bin\\restic.exe"
# Default profile when not specified (-n or --name)
# Please note there's no default inheritance from the 'default' profile (you can use the 'inherit' flag if needed)
repository = "local:r:/"
password-file = "key"
initialize = false
# New profile named 'test'
inherit = "default"
initialize = true
# 'backup' command of profile 'test'
tag = [ "windows" ]
source = [ "c:\\" ]
check-after = true
run-before = "dir /l"
run-after = "echo All Done!"
Simple example sending a file via stdin
repository = "local:/backup/restic"
password-file = "key"
stdin = true
stdin-filename = "stdin-test"
tag = [ 'stdin' ]
Using resticprofile
Here are a few examples how to run resticprofile (using the main example configuration file)
See all snapshots of your [default]
$ resticprofile
See all available profiles in your configuration file (and the restic commands where some flags are defined):
$ resticprofile profiles
Profiles available:
stdin (snapshots, backup)
src (retention, backup, snapshots)
root (backup, retention)
documents (snapshots, backup)
default (env)
self (backup, snapshots)
Groups available:
full-backup: root, src
Backup root & src profiles (using full-backup group shown earlier)
$ resticprofile --name "full-backup" backup
Assuming the stdin profile from the configuration file shown before, the command to send a mysqldump to the backup is as simple as:
$ mysqldump --all-databases | resticprofile --name stdin backup
Mount the default profile (default) in /mnt/restic:
$ resticprofile mount /mnt/restic
Display quick help
$ resticprofile --help
Usage of resticprofile:
resticprofile [resticprofile flags] [command] [restic flags]
resticprofile flags:
-c, --config string configuration file (default "profiles.conf")
-h, --help display this help
-n, --name string profile name (default "default")
--no-ansi disable ansi control characters (disable console colouring)
-q, --quiet display only warnings and errors
--theme string console colouring theme (dark, light, none) (default "light")
-v, --verbose display all debugging information
A command is a restic command except for one command recognized by resticprofile only: profiles
Using docker image
You can run resticprofile inside a docker container. It is the easiest way to install resticprofile (and restic at the same time) and keep it updated.
But be aware that you will need to mount your backup source (and destination if it's local) as a docker volume. Depending on your operating system, the backup might be very slow. Volumes mounted on a mac OS host are well known for being very slow.
By default, the resticprofile container starts at /resticprofile
. So you can feed a configuration this way:
$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/examples:/resticprofile creativeprojects/resticprofile
You can list your profiles:
$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/examples:/resticprofile creativeprojects/resticprofile profiles
Command line reference
There are not many options on the command line, most of the options are in the configuration file.
- [-h]: Display quick help
- [-c | --config] configuration_file: Specify a configuration file other than the default
- [-n | --name] profile_name: Profile section to use from the configuration file
- [-q | --quiet]: Force resticprofile and restic to be quiet (override any configuration from the profile)
- [-v | --verbose]: Force resticprofile and restic to be verbose (override any configuration from the profile)
- [--no-ansi]: Disable console colouring (to save output into a log file)
- [restic command]: Like snapshots, backup, check, prune, forget, mount, etc.
- [additional flags]: Any additional flags to pass to the restic command line
Configuration file reference
is a fixed name
None of these flags are passed on the restic command line
- ionice: true / false
- ionice-class: integer
- ionice-level: integer
- nice: true / false OR integer
- priority: string =
- default-command: string
- initialize: true / false
- restic-binary: string
is the name of your profile
Flags used by resticprofile only
- inherit: string
- initialize: true / false
- lock: string: specify a local lockfile
Flags passed to the restic command line
- cacert: string
- cache-dir: string
- cleanup-cache: true / false
- json: true / false
- key-hint: string
- limit-download: integer
- limit-upload: integer
- no-cache: true / false
- no-lock: true / false
- option: string OR list of strings
- password-command: string
- password-file: string
- quiet: true / false
- repository: string (will be passed as 'repo' to the command line)
- tls-client-cert: string
- verbose: true / false OR integer
Flags used by resticprofile only
- run-before: string OR list of strings
- run-after: string OR list of strings
- check-before: true / false
- check-after: true / false
Flags passed to the restic command line
- exclude: string OR list of strings
- exclude-caches: true / false
- exclude-file: string OR list of strings
- exclude-if-present: string OR list of strings
- files-from: string OR list of strings
- force: true / false
- host: true / false OR string
- iexclude: string OR list of strings
- ignore-inode: true / false
- one-file-system: true / false
- parent: string
- stdin: true / false
- stdin-filename: string
- tag: string OR list of strings
- time: string
- with-atime: true / false
- source: string OR list of strings
Flags used by resticprofile only
- before-backup: true / false
- after-backup: true / false
Flags passed to the restic command line
- keep-last: integer
- keep-hourly: integer
- keep-daily: integer
- keep-weekly: integer
- keep-monthly: integer
- keep-yearly: integer
- keep-within: string
- keep-tag: string OR list of strings
- host: true / false OR string
- tag: string OR list of strings
- path: string OR list of strings
- compact: true / false
- group-by: string
- dry-run: true / false
- prune: true / false
Flags passed to the restic command line
- compact: true / false
- group-by: string
- host: true / false OR string
- last: true / false
- path: string OR list of strings
- tag: string OR list of strings
Flags passed to the restic command line
- keep-last: integer
- keep-hourly: integer
- keep-daily: integer
- keep-weekly: integer
- keep-monthly: integer
- keep-yearly: integer
- keep-within: string
- keep-tag: string OR list of strings
- host: true / false OR string
- tag: string OR list of strings
- path: string OR list of strings
- compact: true / false
- group-by: string
- dry-run: true / false
- prune: true / false
Flags passed to the restic command line
- check-unused: true / false
- read-data: true / false
- read-data-subset: string
- with-cache: true / false
Flags passed to the restic command line
- allow-other: true / false
- allow-root: true / false
- host: true / false OR string
- no-default-permissions: true / false
- owner-root: true / false
- path: string OR list of strings
- snapshot-template: string
- tag: string OR list of strings
As an example, here's a similar configuration file in YAML:
default-command: version
initialize: false
priority: low
- root
- src
tmp: /tmp
initialize: false
password-file: key
repository: /backup
source: ~/Documents
initialize: false
repository: ~/backup
- documents
exclude-caches: true
- root-excludes
- excludes
one-file-system: false
- .
- test
- dev
inherit: default
initialize: true
after-backup: true
before-backup: false
compact: false
host: true
keep-daily: 1
keep-hourly: 1
keep-last: 3
keep-monthly: 1
- forever
keep-weekly: 1
keep-within: 3h
keep-yearly: 1
prune: false
- test
- dev
source: ./
initialize: false
repository: ../backup
- self
lock: "/tmp/resticprofile-profile-src.lock"
check-before: true
- /**/.git
exclude-caches: true
one-file-system: false
run-after: echo All Done!
- echo Starting!
- ls -al ~/go
- ~/go
- test
- dev
inherit: default
initialize: true
after-backup: true
before-backup: false
compact: false
keep-within: 30d
prune: true
- test
- dev
stdin: true
stdin-filename: stdin-test
- stdin
inherit: default
- stdin
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.