
package module
v0.3.5 Latest Latest

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Published: May 8, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 13 Imported by: 2


sturdyc: a caching library for building sturdy systems

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Sturdyc is a highly concurrent cache that supports non-blocking reads and has a configurable number of shards that makes it possible to achieve parallel writes. The xxhash algorithm is used for efficient key distribution. Evictions are performed per shard based on recency at O(N) time complexity using quickselect.

It has all the functionality you would expect from a caching library, along with additional features designed to help you build performant and robust applications, such as:

The package has great support for batchable data sources as it takes the response apart, and then caches each record individually based on the permutations of the options with which it was fetched. It can also significantly reduce the traffic to the underlying data sources by creating a buffer for each unique option set, and then delaying the refreshes until it has gathered enough IDs

Records can be configured to refresh either based on time or at a certain rate of requests. All refreshes occur in the background, ensuring that users never have to wait for a record to be updated, resulting in very low latency applications while also allowing unused keys to expire.

There are examples for all of these configurations further down this file!


go get

At a glance

The package exports the following functions:

  • Use Get to get a record from the cache.
  • Use GetFetch to have the cache fetch and store a record.
  • Use GetFetchBatch to have the cache fetch and store a batch of records.
  • Use Set to write a record to the cache.
  • Use SetMany to write multiple records to the cache.
  • Use Delete to delete a record from the cache.
  • Use Passthrough to have the cache fetch and store a record.
  • Use PassthroughBatch to have the cache fetch and store a batch of records.
  • Use Size to get the number of items in the cache.
  • Use Size to get the number of items in the cache.
  • Use PermutatedKey to create a permutated cache key.
  • Use PermutatedBatchKeyFn to create a permutated cache key for every record in a batch.
  • Use BatchKeyFn to create a cache key for every record in a batch.

To utilize these functions, you will first have to set up a cache client to manage your configuration:

	// Maximum number of entries in the cache.
	capacity := 10000
	// Number of shards to use for the sturdyc.
	numShards := 10
	// Time-to-live for cache entries.
	ttl := 2 * time.Hour
	// Percentage of entries to evict when the cache is full. Setting this
	// to 0 will make set a no-op if the cache has reached its capacity.
	evictionPercentage := 10

	// Create a cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[int](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage)

	cacheClient.Set("key1", 99)


Next, we'll look at some of the more advanced features.

Stampede protection

Cache stampedes (also known as thundering herd) occur when many requests for a particular piece of data (which has just expired or been evicted from the cache) come in at once. This can cause all requests to fetch the data concurrently, subsequently causing a significant load on the underlying data source.

To prevent this, we can enable stampede protection:

func main() {
	// Set a minimum and maximum refresh delay for the sturdyc. This is
	// used to spread out the refreshes for our entries evenly over time.
	minRefreshDelay := time.Millisecond * 10
	maxRefreshDelay := time.Millisecond * 30
	// The base used for exponential backoff when retrying a refresh.
	retryBaseDelay := time.Millisecond * 10
	// NOTE: Ignore this for now, it will be shown in the next example.
	storeMisses := false

	// Create a cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithStampedeProtection(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay, storeMisses),

With this configuration, the cache will prevent records from expiring by enqueueing refreshes when a key is requested again at a random interval between 10 and 30 milliseconds. Performing the refreshes upon cache key retrieval, rather than at a fixed interval, allows unused keys to expire.

To demonstrate this, we can create a simple API client:

type API struct {

func NewAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[string]) *API {
	return &API{c}

func (a *API) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error) {
	// This could be a call to a rate limited service, a database query, etc.
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context) (string, error) {
		log.Printf("Fetching value for key: %s\n", key)
		return "value", nil
	return a.GetFetch(ctx, key, fetchFn)

and use it in our main function:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Create a cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithStampedeProtection(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay, storeMisses),

	// Create a new API instance with the cache client.
	api := NewAPI(cacheClient)

	// We are going to retrieve the values every 10 milliseconds, however the
	// logs will reveal that actual refreshes fluctuate randomly within a 10-30
	// millisecond range. Even if this loop is executed across multiple
	// goroutines, the API call frequency will maintain this variability,
	// ensuring we avoid overloading the API with requests.
	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		val, _ := api.Get(context.Background(), "key")
		log.Printf("Value: %s\n", val)

Running this program, we're going to see that the value gets refreshed once every 2-3 retrievals:

go run .
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Fetching value for key: key
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Fetching value for key: key
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:05:29 Fetching value for key: key

The entire example is available here.

Non-existent records

Another factor to consider is non-existent keys. It could be an ID that has been added manually to a CMS with a typo that leads to no data being returned from the upstream source. This can significantly increase our systems latency, as we're never able to get a cache hit and serve from memory.

However, it could also be caused by a slow ingestion process. Perhaps it takes some time for a new entity to propagate through a distributed system.

The cache allows us to store these IDs as missing records, while refreshing them like any other entity. To illustrate, we can extend the previous example to enable this functionality:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Tell the cache to store missing records.
	storeMisses := true

	// Create a cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithStampedeProtection(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay, storeMisses),

	// Create a new API instance with the cache client.
	api := NewAPI(cacheClient)

	// ...
	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		val, err := api.Get(context.Background(), "key")
		if errors.Is(err, sturdyc.ErrMissingRecord) {
			log.Println("Record does not exist.")
		if err == nil {
			log.Printf("Value: %s\n", val)

Next, we'll modify the API client to return the ErrStoreMissingRecord error for the first 3 calls. This error instructs the cache to store it as a missing record:

type API struct {
	count int

func NewAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[string]) *API {
	return &API{c, 0}

func (a *API) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error) {
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context) (string, error) {
		log.Printf("Fetching value for key: %s\n", key)
		if a.count < 3 {
			return "", sturdyc.ErrStoreMissingRecord
		return "value", nil
	return a.GetFetch(ctx, key, fetchFn)

and then call it:

func main() {
	// ...

	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		val, err := api.Get(context.Background(), "key")
		if errors.Is(err, sturdyc.ErrMissingRecord) {
			log.Println("Record does not exist.")
		if err == nil {
			log.Printf("Value: %s\n", val)

Running this program, we'll see that the record is missing during the first 3 refreshes and then transitions into having a value:

2024/04/07 09:42:49 Fetching value for key: key
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Record does not exist.
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Record does not exist.
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Record does not exist.
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Fetching value for key: key
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Record does not exist.
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Record does not exist.
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Record does not exist.
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Fetching value for key: key
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Value: value
2024/04/07 09:42:49 Fetching value for key: key

The entire example is available here.

Batch endpoints

One challenge with caching batchable endpoints is that you have to find a way to reduce the number of keys. To illustrate, let's say that we have 10 000 records, and an endpoint for fetching them that allows for batches of 20.

Now, let's calculate the number of combinations if we were to create the cache keys from the query params:

$$ C(n, k) = \binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} $$

For $n = 10,000$ and $k = 20$, this becomes:

$$ C(10,000, 20) = \binom{10,000}{20} = \frac{10,000!}{20!(10,000-20)!} $$

This results in an approximate value of:

$$ \approx 4.032 \times 10^{61} $$

and this is if we're sending perfect batches of 20. If we were to do 1 to 20 IDs (not just exactly 20 each time) the total number of combinations would be the sum of combinations for each k from 1 to 20.

sturdyc caches each record individually, which effectively prevents factorial increases in cache keys.

To see how this works, we can look at a small example application. This time, we'll start with the API client:

type API struct {

func NewAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[string]) *API {
	return &API{c}

func (a *API) GetBatch(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]string, error) {
	// We are going to pass the cache a key function that prefixes each id.
	// This makes it possible to save the same id for different data sources.
	cacheKeyFn := a.BatchKeyFn("some-prefix")

	// The fetchFn is only going to retrieve the IDs that are not in the cache.
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]string, error) {
		log.Printf("Cache miss. Fetching ids: %s\n", strings.Join(cacheMisses, ", "))
		// Batch functions should return a map where the key is the id of the record.
		// If you have storage of missing records enabled, any ID that isn't present
		// in this map is going to be stored as a cache miss.
		response := make(map[string]string, len(cacheMisses))
		for _, id := range cacheMisses {
			response[id] = "value"
		return response, nil

	return a.GetFetchBatch(ctx, ids, cacheKeyFn, fetchFn)

and we're going to use the same cache configuration as the previous example, so I've omitted it for brevity:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Create a new API instance with the cache client.
	api := NewAPI(cacheClient)

	// Seed the cache with ids 1-10.
	log.Println("Seeding ids 1-10")
	ids := []string{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"}
	api.GetBatch(context.Background(), ids)
	log.Println("Seed completed")

	// Each record has been cached individually. To illustrate this, we can keep
	// fetching a random number of records from the original batch, plus a new ID.
	// Looking at the logs, we'll should be able to see that the cache only
	// fetches the id that wasn't present in the original batch.
	for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
		// Get N ids from the original batch.
		recordsToFetch := rand.IntN(10) + 1
		batch := make([]string, recordsToFetch)
		copy(batch, ids[:recordsToFetch])
		// Add a random ID between 1 and 100 to the batch.
		batch = append(batch, strconv.Itoa(rand.IntN(1000)+10))
		values, _ := api.GetBatch(context.Background(), batch)
		// Print the records we retrieved from the cache.

Running this code, we can see that we only end up fetching the randomized ID, while continuously getting cache hits for IDs 1-10, regardless of what the batch looks like:

2024/04/07 11:09:58 Seed completed
2024/04/07 11:09:58 Cache miss. Fetching ids: 173
2024/04/07 11:09:58 map[1:value 173:value 2:value 3:value 4:value]
2024/04/07 11:09:58 Cache miss. Fetching ids: 12
2024/04/07 11:09:58 map[1:value 12:value 2:value 3:value 4:value]
2024/04/07 11:09:58 Cache miss. Fetching ids: 730
2024/04/07 11:09:58 map[1:value 2:value 3:value 4:value 730:value]
2024/04/07 11:09:58 Cache miss. Fetching ids: 520
2024/04/07 11:09:58 map[1:value 2:value 3:value 4:value 5:value 520:value 6:value 7:value 8:value]

The entire example is available here.

Cache key permutations

If you're attempting to cache data from an upstream system, the ID alone may be insufficient to uniquely identify the record in your cache. The endpoint you're calling might accept a variety of options that transform the data in different ways. Therefore, it's important to consider this and store records for each unique set of options.

To showcase this, we can create a simple API client that interacts with a service for retrieving order statuses:

type OrderOptions struct {
	CarrierName        string
	LatestDeliveryTime string

type OrderAPI struct {

func NewOrderAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[string]) *OrderAPI {
	return &OrderAPI{c}

func (a *OrderAPI) OrderStatus(ctx context.Context, ids []string, opts OrderOptions) (map[string]string, error) {
	// We use the  PermutedBatchKeyFn when an ID isn't enough to uniquely identify a
	// record. The cache is going to store each id once per set of options. In a more
	// realistic scenario, the opts would be query params or arguments to a DB query.
	cacheKeyFn := a.PermutatedBatchKeyFn("key", opts)

	// We'll create a fetchFn with a closure that captures the options. For this
	// simple example, it logs and returns the status for each order, but you could
	// just as easily have called an external API.
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]string, error) {
		log.Printf("Fetching: %v, carrier: %s, delivery time: %s\n", cacheMisses, opts.CarrierName, opts.LatestDeliveryTime)
		response := map[string]string{}
		for _, id := range cacheMisses {
			response[id] = fmt.Sprintf("Available for %s", opts.CarrierName)
		return response, nil
	return a.GetFetchBatch(ctx, ids, cacheKeyFn, fetchFn)

The main difference from the previous example is that we're using the PermutatedBatchKeyFn function. Internally, the cache uses reflection to extract the names and values of every exported field, and uses them to build the cache keys.

To demonstrate this, we can write another small program:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Create a new cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithStampedeProtection(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay, storeMisses),

	// We will fetch these IDs using various option sets.
	ids := []string{"id1", "id2", "id3"}
	optionSetOne := OrderOptions{CarrierName: "FEDEX", LatestDeliveryTime: "2024-04-06"}
	optionSetTwo := OrderOptions{CarrierName: "DHL", LatestDeliveryTime: "2024-04-07"}
	optionSetThree := OrderOptions{CarrierName: "UPS", LatestDeliveryTime: "2024-04-08"}

	orderClient := NewOrderAPI(cacheClient)
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Next, we'll seed our cache by fetching the entire list of IDs for all options sets.
	log.Println("Filling the cache with all IDs for all option sets")
	orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, ids, optionSetOne)
	orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, ids, optionSetTwo)
	orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, ids, optionSetThree)
	log.Println("Cache filled")

At this point, the cache has stored each record individually for each option set:

  • FEDEX-2024-04-06-id1
  • DHL-2024-04-07-id1
  • UPS-2024-04-08-id1
  • etc..

Next, we'll add a sleep to make sure that all of the records are due for a refresh, and then request the ids individually for each set of options:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Sleep to make sure that all records are due for a refresh.
	time.Sleep(maxRefreshDelay + 1)

	// Fetch each id for each option set.
	for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
		orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, []string{ids[i]}, optionSetOne)
		orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, []string{ids[i]}, optionSetTwo)
		orderClient.OrderStatus(ctx, []string{ids[i]}, optionSetThree)

	// Sleep for a second to allow the refresh logs to print.

Running this program, we can see that the records are refreshed once per unique id+option combination:

go run .
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Filling the cache with all IDs for all option sets
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:33:56 Cache filled
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id3], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id1], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id1], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id2], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id2], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id3], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id2], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id3], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:33:58 Fetching: [id1], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07

The entire example is available here.

Refresh buffering

As seen in the example above, we're not really utilizing the fact that the endpoint is batchable when we're performing the refreshes.

To make this more efficient, we can enable the refresh buffering functionality. Internally, the cache is going to create a buffer for each permutation of our options. It is then going to collect ids until it reaches a certain size, or exceeds a time threshold.

The only change we have to make to the example above is to enable this functionality:

func main() {
	// ...

	// With refresh buffering enabled, the cache will buffer refreshes
	// until the batch size is reached or the buffer timeout is hit.
	batchSize := 3
	batchBufferTimeout := time.Second * 30

	// Create a new cache client with the specified configuration.
	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithStampedeProtection(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay, storeMisses),
		sturdyc.WithRefreshBuffering(batchSize, batchBufferTimeout),

	// ...

and now we can see that the cache performs the refreshes in batches per permutation of our query params:

go run .
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Filling the cache with all IDs for all option sets
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08
2024/04/07 13:45:42 Cache filled
2024/04/07 13:45:44 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: FEDEX, delivery time: 2024-04-06
2024/04/07 13:45:44 Fetching: [id1 id3 id2], carrier: DHL, delivery time: 2024-04-07
2024/04/07 13:45:44 Fetching: [id1 id2 id3], carrier: UPS, delivery time: 2024-04-08

The entire example is available here.


Time-based refreshes work really well for most use cases. However, there are scenarios where you might want to allow a certain amount of traffic to hit the underlying data source. For example, you might achieve a 99.99% cache hit rate, and even though you refresh the data every 1-2 seconds, it only amounts to a handful of requests. This could cause the other system to scale down too much.

To solve this problem, sturdyc provides you with client.Passthrough and client.PassthroughBatch. These functions are functionally equivalent to client.GetFetch and client.GetFetchBatch, except they allow a certain percentage of requests through rather than allowing a request through every x milliseconds/seconds/minutes/hours.

The passthroughs will still be performed in the background, which means that your application will maintain low latency response times. Moreover, if the underlying system goes down, client.Passthrough and client.PassthroughBatch will still be able to serve stale data until the record's TTL expires.

capacity := 5
numShards := 2
ttl := time.Minute
evictionPercentage := 10
c := sturdyc.New[string](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
    // Allow 50% of the requests to pass-through. Default is 100%.
    // Buffer the batchable pass-throughs. Default is false.

res, err := sturdyc.Passthrough(ctx, c, "id", fetchFn)
batchRes, batchErr := sturdyc.PassthroughBatch(ctx, c, idBatch, c.BatchKeyFn("item"), batchFetchFn)

Custom metrics

The cache can be configured to report custom metrics for:

  • Size of the cache
  • Cache hits
  • Cache misses
  • Evictions
  • Forced evictions
  • The number of entries evicted
  • Shard distribution
  • The size of the refresh buckets

All you have to do is implement the MetricsRecorder interface:

type MetricsRecorder interface {
	CacheBatchRefreshSize(size int)
	ObserveCacheSize(callback func() int)

and pass it as an option when you create the client:

cache := sturdyc.New[any](

Below are a few images where these metrics have been visualized in Grafana:

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12 36 43 Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12 37 39 Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12 38 04 Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12 38 20


There are scenarios, where you might want to use the same cache for a data source that could return multiples types. Personally, I tend to create caches based on how frequently the data needs to be refreshed. I'll often have one transient cache which refreshes the data every 2-5 milliseconds. Hence, I'll use any as the type:

	cacheClient := sturdyc.New[any](capacity, numShards, ttl, evictionPercentage,
		sturdyc.WithStampedeProtection(minRefreshDelay, maxRefreshDelay, retryBaseDelay, storeMisses),
		sturdyc.WithRefreshBuffering(10, time.Second*15),

However, if this data source has more than a handful of types, the type conversions may quickly feel like too much boilerplate. If that is the case, you can use any of these package level functions:

They will perform the type conversions for you, and if any of them where to fail, you'll get a ErrInvalidType error.

Below is an example of what an API client that uses these functions might look like:

type OrderAPI struct {
	cacheClient *sturdyc.Client[any]

func NewOrderAPI(c *sturdyc.Client[any]) *OrderAPI {
	return &OrderAPI{cacheClient: c}

func (a *OrderAPI) OrderStatus(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]string, error) {
	cacheKeyFn := a.cacheClient.BatchKeyFn("order-status")
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]string, error) {
		response := make(map[string]string, len(ids))
		for _, id := range cacheMisses {
			response[id] = "Order status: pending"
		return response, nil
	return sturdyc.GetFetchBatch(ctx, a.cacheClient, ids, cacheKeyFn, fetchFn)

func (a *OrderAPI) DeliveryTime(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]time.Time, error) {
	cacheKeyFn := a.cacheClient.BatchKeyFn("delivery-time")
	fetchFn := func(_ context.Context, cacheMisses []string) (map[string]time.Time, error) {
		response := make(map[string]time.Time, len(ids))
		for _, id := range cacheMisses {
			response[id] = time.Now()
		return response, nil
	return sturdyc.GetFetchBatch(ctx, a.cacheClient, ids, cacheKeyFn, fetchFn)

The entire example is available here.




This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	// ErrStoreMissingRecord should be returned from a FetchFn to indicate that a record is
	// to be marked as missing by the cache. This will prevent continuous outgoing requests
	// to the source. The record will still be refreshed like any other record, and if your
	// FetchFn returns a value for it, the record will no longer be considered missing.
	// Please note that this only applies to client.GetFetch and client.Passthrough. For
	// client.GetFetchBatch and client.PassthroughBatch, this works implicitly if you return
	// a map without the ID, and have store missing records enabled.
	ErrStoreMissingRecord = errors.New("the record will be marked as missing in the cache")
	// ErrMissingRecord is returned by client.GetFetch and client.Passthrough when a record has been marked
	// as missing. The cache will still try to refresh the record in the background if it's being requested.
	ErrMissingRecord = errors.New("the record has been marked as missing in the cache")
	// ErrOnlyCachedRecords is returned by client.GetFetchBatch and client.PassthroughBatch
	// when some of the requested records are available in the cache, but the attempt to
	// fetch the remaining records failed. As the consumer, you can then decide whether to
	// proceed with the cached records or if the entire batch is necessary.
	ErrOnlyCachedRecords = errors.New("failed to fetch the records that were not in the cache")
	// ErrInvalidType is returned when you try to use one of the generic
	// package level functions but the type assertion fails.
	ErrInvalidType = errors.New("invalid response type")
	// ErrDeletedRecord should be returned by the FetchFn that is passed to client.GetFetch
	// and client.Passthrough if you wan't to have a record deleted by a refresh. This is
	// not needed for client.GetFetchBatch and client.PassthroughBatch as the cache will
	// delete the record automatically if stampede protection is enabled and store missing
	// records is set to false.
	ErrDeleteRecord = errors.New("the record has been deleted at the data source")


func FindCutoff

func FindCutoff(times []time.Time, percentile float64) time.Time

FindCutoff returns the time that is the k-th smallest time in the given array.

func GetFetch

func GetFetch[V, T any](ctx context.Context, c *Client[T], key string, fetchFn FetchFn[V]) (V, error)

GetFetch is a convenience function that performs type assertion on the result of client.GetFetch.

func GetFetchBatch

func GetFetchBatch[V, T any](ctx context.Context, c *Client[T], ids []string, keyFn KeyFn, fetchFn BatchFetchFn[V]) (map[string]V, error)

GetFetchBatch is a convenience function that performs type assertion on the result of client.GetFetchBatch.

func Passthrough added in v0.2.0

func Passthrough[T, V any](ctx context.Context, c *Client[T], key string, fetchFn FetchFn[V]) (V, error)

Passthrough is a convenience function that performs type assertion on the result of client.Passthrough.

func PassthroughBatch added in v0.2.0

func PassthroughBatch[V, T any](ctx context.Context, c *Client[T], ids []string, keyFn KeyFn, fetchFn BatchFetchFn[V]) (map[string]V, error)

Passthrough is a convenience function that performs type assertion on the result of client.PassthroughBatch.


type BatchFetchFn

type BatchFetchFn[T any] func(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]T, error)

BatchFetchFn represents a function that can be used to fetch multiple records from a data source.

type BatchResponse added in v0.1.1

type BatchResponse[T any] map[string]T

type Client

type Client[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client represents a cache client that can be used to store and retrieve values.

func New

func New[T any](capacity, numShards int, ttl time.Duration, evictionPercentage int, opts ...Option) *Client[T]

New creates a new Client instance with the specified configuration.

`capacity` defines the maximum number of entries that the cache can store. `numShards` Is used to set the number of shards. Has to be greater than 0. `ttl` Sets the time to live for each entry in the cache. Has to be greater than 0. `evictionPercentage` Percentage of items to evict when the cache exceeds its capacity. `opts` allows for additional configurations to be applied to the cache client.

func (*Client[T]) BatchKeyFn

func (c *Client[T]) BatchKeyFn(prefix string) KeyFn

BatchKeyFn provides a function for that can be used in conjunction with "GetFetchBatch". It takes in a prefix, and returns a function that will append an ID suffix for each item.

func (*Client[T]) Delete added in v0.2.0

func (c *Client[T]) Delete(key string)

Delete removes a single entry from the cache.

func (*Client[T]) Get added in v0.3.0

func (c *Client[T]) Get(key string) (T, bool)

func (*Client[T]) GetFetch added in v0.3.0

func (c *Client[T]) GetFetch(ctx context.Context, key string, fetchFn FetchFn[T]) (T, error)

GetFetch attempts to retrieve the specified key from the cache. If the value is absent, it invokes the "fetchFn" function to obtain it and then stores the result. Additionally, when stampede protection is enabled, GetFetch determines if the record needs refreshing and, if necessary, schedules this task for background execution.

func (*Client[T]) GetFetchBatch added in v0.3.0

func (c *Client[T]) GetFetchBatch(ctx context.Context, ids []string, keyFn KeyFn, fetchFn BatchFetchFn[T]) (map[string]T, error)

GetFetchBatch attempts to retrieve the specified ids from the cache. If any of the values are absent, it invokes the fetchFn function to obtain them and then stores the result. Additionally, when stampede protection is enabled, GetFetch determines if any of the records needs refreshing and, if necessary, schedules this to be performed in the background.

func (*Client[T]) Passthrough added in v0.3.0

func (c *Client[T]) Passthrough(ctx context.Context, key string, fetchFn FetchFn[T]) (T, error)

Passthrough attempts to retrieve the id from the cache. If looking up the ID results in a cache miss, it will fetch the record using the fetchFn. If the record was found in the cache, it will perform another check to determine if it should allow a request to passthrough to the underlying data source. This is performed in the background, and the cache cached record will be updated with the response.

func (*Client[T]) PassthroughBatch added in v0.3.0

func (c *Client[T]) PassthroughBatch(ctx context.Context, ids []string, keyFn KeyFn, fetchFn BatchFetchFn[T]) (map[string]T, error)

PassthroughBatch attempts to retrieve the ids from the cache. If looking up any of the IDs results in a cache miss, it will fetch the batch using the fetchFn. If all of the ID's are found in the cache, it will perform another check to determine if it should allow a request to passthrough to the underlying data source. This is performed in the background, and the cache will be updated with the response.

func (*Client[T]) PermutatedBatchKeyFn

func (c *Client[T]) PermutatedBatchKeyFn(prefix string, permutationStruct interface{}) KeyFn

PermutatedBatchKeyFn provides a function that can be used in conjunction with GetFetchBatch. It takes a prefix, and a struct where the fields are concatenated with the id in order to make a unique key. Passing anything but a struct for "permutationStruct" will result in a panic. This function is useful when the id isn't enough in itself to uniquely identify a record.

func (*Client[T]) PermutatedKey

func (c *Client[T]) PermutatedKey(prefix string, permutationStruct interface{}) string

PermutatedKey is a helper function for creating a cache key from a struct of options. Passing anything but a struct for "permutationStruct" will result in a panic.

func (*Client[T]) Set added in v0.3.0

func (c *Client[T]) Set(key string, value T) bool

Set writes a single value to the cache. Returns true if it triggered an eviction.

func (*Client[T]) SetMany added in v0.3.0

func (c *Client[T]) SetMany(records map[string]T, cacheKeyFn KeyFn) bool

SetMany writes multiple values to the cache. Returns true if it triggered an eviction.

func (*Client[T]) SetMissing added in v0.3.0

func (c *Client[T]) SetMissing(key string, value T, isMissingRecord bool) bool

SetMissing writes a single value to the cache. Returns true if it triggered an eviction.

func (*Client[T]) Size

func (c *Client[T]) Size() int

Size returns the number of entries in the cache.

type Clock

type Clock interface {
	Now() time.Time
	NewTicker(d time.Duration) (<-chan time.Time, func())
	NewTimer(d time.Duration) (<-chan time.Time, func() bool)

type Config added in v0.3.0

type Config struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Config represents the configuration that can be applied to the cache.

type FetchFn

type FetchFn[T any] func(ctx context.Context) (T, error)

FetchFn Fetch represents a function that can be used to fetch a single record from a data source.

type KeyFn

type KeyFn func(id string) string

KeyFn is called invoked for each record that a batch fetch operation returns. It is used to create unique cache keys.

type MetricsRecorder

type MetricsRecorder interface {
	CacheBatchRefreshSize(size int)
	ObserveCacheSize(callback func() int)

type Option

type Option func(*Config)

func WithClock

func WithClock(clock Clock) Option

WithClock can be used to change the clock that the cache uses. This is useful for testing.

func WithEvictionInterval

func WithEvictionInterval(interval time.Duration) Option

WithEvictionInterval sets the interval at which the cache scans a shard to evict expired entries.

func WithMetrics

func WithMetrics(recorder MetricsRecorder) Option

WithMetrics is used to make the cache report metrics.

func WithPassthroughBuffering added in v0.2.0

func WithPassthroughBuffering() Option

WithPassthroughBuffering allows you to decide if the batchable passthrough requests should be buffered and batched more efficiently.

func WithPassthroughPercentage added in v0.2.0

func WithPassthroughPercentage(percentage int) Option

WithPassthroughPercentage controls the rate at which requests are allowed through by the passthrough caching functions. For example, setting the percentage parameter to 50 would allow half of the requests to through.

func WithRefreshBuffering

func WithRefreshBuffering(batchSize int, maxBufferTime time.Duration) Option

WithRefreshBuffering will make the cache refresh data from batchable endpoints more efficiently. It is going to create a buffer for each cache key permutation, and gather IDs until the "batchSize" is reached, or the "maxBufferTime" has passed.

func WithRelativeTimeKeyFormat

func WithRelativeTimeKeyFormat(truncation time.Duration) Option

WithRelativeTimeKeyFormat allows you to control the truncation of time.Time values that are being passed in to the cache key functions.

func WithStampedeProtection

func WithStampedeProtection(minRefreshTime, maxRefreshTime, retryBaseDelay time.Duration, storeMisses bool) Option

WithStampedeProtection makes the cache shield the underlying data sources from cache stampedes. Cache stampedes occur when many requests for a particular piece of data (which has just expired or been evicted from the cache) come in at once. This can cause all requests to fetch the data concurrently, which may result in a significant burst of outgoing requests to the underlying data source.

type RealClock

type RealClock struct{}

func NewClock

func NewClock() *RealClock

func (*RealClock) NewTicker

func (c *RealClock) NewTicker(d time.Duration) (<-chan time.Time, func())

func (*RealClock) NewTimer

func (c *RealClock) NewTimer(d time.Duration) (<-chan time.Time, func() bool)

func (*RealClock) Now

func (c *RealClock) Now() time.Time

type TestClock

type TestClock struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTestClock

func NewTestClock(time time.Time) *TestClock

func (*TestClock) Add

func (c *TestClock) Add(d time.Duration)

func (*TestClock) NewTicker

func (c *TestClock) NewTicker(d time.Duration) (<-chan time.Time, func())

func (*TestClock) NewTimer

func (c *TestClock) NewTimer(d time.Duration) (<-chan time.Time, func() bool)

func (*TestClock) Now

func (c *TestClock) Now() time.Time

func (*TestClock) Set

func (c *TestClock) Set(t time.Time)


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