Package net
provides a portable interface for network I/O, including TCP/IP, UDP, domain name resolution, and Unix domain sockets. Although the package provides access to low-level networking primitives.
Package net/http
provides HTTP client and server implementations.
⚡️ Quick start
- Create a new project with Fiber:
cgapp create
# Choose a backend framework:
# > net/http
# Fiber
- Run Docker container with database (by default, for PostgreSQL):
make docker.postgres
- Apply migrations:
make migration.up user=<db_user> pass=<db_pass> host=<db_host> table=<db_table>
Rename .env.example
to .env
and fill it with your environment values.
Run project by this command:
make run
- Go to API Docs page (Swagger): localhost:5000/swagger/index.html.
📦 Used packages
🗄 Template structure
Folder with business logic only. This directory doesn't care about what database driver you're using or which caching solution your choose or any third-party things.
folder for functional controllers (used in routes)
folder for describe business models and methods of your project
folder for describe queries for models of your project
folder for describe validators for models fields
Folder with API Documentation. This directory contains config files for auto-generated API Docs by Swagger.
Folder with project-specific functionality. This directory contains all the project-specific code tailored only for your business use case, like configs, middleware, routes or utils.
folder for configuration functions
folder for add middleware (Fiber built-in and yours)
folder for describe routes of your project
folder with utility functions (server starter, error checker, etc)
Folder with platform-level logic. This directory contains all the platform-level logic that will build up the actual project, like setting up the database or cache server instance and storing migrations.
folder with database setup functions (by default, PostgreSQL)
folder with migration files (used with golang-migrate/migrate tool)
⚙️ Configuration
# .env
# Server settings:
# JWT settings:
# Database settings:
DB_SERVER_URL="host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=password dbname=postgres sslmode=disable"
# SMTP severs settings:
⚠️ License
MIT © Vic Shóstak & True web artisans.