An Advanced Application Proxy
AProxy (An Advanced Application Proxy) is a way to translate complex and generic REST requests into more simplified and specific requests.
- scalable "hot plugging/unplugging" of advanced request proxy/re-write configurations (also called Mappings)
- advanced url and body generation using GO Templates
The following complex request
POST http://api.com/service/application/challenge_result/_search?search_type=count&pretty
"aggs": {
"most_played_challenges": {
"terms": {
"field": "_parent",
"order" : { "_count" : "desc" }
Can be turned into a simple request
GET http://application.com/challenges/popular
By using the following configuration (or Mapping)
"mappings" : {
"indexer" : {
"target" : {
"headers" : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
"verb" : "POST",
"uri" : "http://api.com/service/application/challenge_result/_search?search_type=count&pretty",
"body" : "
\"aggs\"": {
\"most_played_challenges\": {
\"terms\": {
\"field\" : \"_parent\",
\"order\" : { \"_count\" : \"desc\" }
"mapping" : {
"request.path" : "(?i)^/challenges/popular/?$"
AProxy mappings take the form of
"mappings" : {
"<NAME>" : {
"target" : {
"headers" : {"<HEADER_NAME>" : "<HEADER_VALUE>"},
"uri" : "<URI_TEMPLATE>",
"body" : "<BODY_TEMPLATE>"
"mapping" : {
Each mapping has a which is a unique identifier.
Every mapping has a target property:
- headers a list of headers to send to the underlying service
- verb verb to use in request to the underlying service
- uri uri to the underlying service, this is a template and not a simple string
- body body to send to the underlying service, this is a template and not a simple string
Every mapping also has a mapping property, this is a map of property names and regular expressions used to map this particular mapping to incoming requests.
properties available for mappings and templates are:
- request.method request verb, ex: GET, POST, PUT, OPTION, DELETE, HEAD
- request.path ex: /twitter/123451
- request.host ex: www.google.com
- request.uri raw uri, ex: /twitter/123451?id=4512&ref=sau
- request.content-length ex: 1024
- query.xxx always lower-cased, ex: /twitter/123451?id=4512&ref=sau will avail query.id and query.ref
- header.xxx always lower-cased, ex: header.content-type, header.user-agent