This provider plugin is maintained by Craig Monson
- Terraform 0.11.x or greater
- Go 1.11 (to build the provider plugin)
To install, as this is a 3rd party plugin, you'll need to follow the directions
Basically, download the latest, decompress it, and place the executable in your
directory (for unix based systems), or %APPDATA%\terraform.d\plugins\<OS>_<ARCH>
for windows.
The file should be named: terraform-provider-validate_vX.X.X (where X.X.X matches the version) or
terraform-provider-validate_vX.X.X.exe` for windows.
terraform init
will pull from the above directory.
download the binary for os-x, unzip, and make sure the file is saved as:
Or, on windows (possibly):
provider "validate" {}
variable "test_exact" {
type = string
default = "test_exact"
variable "test_one_of" {
type = string
default = "test_one_of"
variable "test_regex" {
type = string
default = "^test_.*"
data "validate" "exact" {
val = var.test_exact
exact = "test_exact"
data "validate" "not_exact" {
val = var.test_exact
not_exact = "test_exact"
data "validate" "one_of" {
val = var.test_one_of
one_of = ["test_one_of"]
data "validate" "not_one_of" {
val = var.test_one_of
not_one_of = ["test_one_of"]
data "validate" "regex" {
val = var.test_regex
regex = "test_regex"
data "validate" "not_regex" {
val = var.test_regex
not_regex = "test_regex"
data "validate" "optional_exact" {
val = var.test_optional_exact
exact = "This variable is optional, so can be empty"
optional = true
data "validate" "customized_error_message" {
val = "This will fail"
exact = "Fail me"
error_msg = "This is a custom error message that will be displayed when this validation fails"
The validate
data source will validate input values against a validation check. When
terraform plan
is run, the values will be validated against the check, and will raise
an error if it fails. This allows for ensuring any data requirements (tagging for
example) meet a desired set of criteria.
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) (string) The value to be checked. This should be a variable.
- (Optional) (bool) (Default: false) If set to true, this will allow the check to be optional. If it's empty, ie: "", then the check will pass, regardless if it passes the underlying check.
- (Optional) (string) This message will be displayed instead of the default one if this validation check fails. This allows more customized error outputs.
At least one of these arguments must also exist, but combinations are possible (see compatability matrix):
- (Optional) (a string) Check val
is an exact match of this argument.
- (Optional) (a string) Check val
can not match exactly this argument.
- (Optional) (a list) Check val
is an exact match of one of the items in this list.
- (Optional) (a list) Check val
can not exactly match one of the items in this list.
- (Optional) (a string) Check val
matches the regular expression expressed as this string. This utilizes the RE2 regular expression syntax, which can be found here.
- (Optional) (a string) Check val
does not match the regular expression expressed as this string. This utilizes the RE2 regular expression syntax, which can be found here.
Compatibility Matrix
exact |
not_exact |
one_of |
not_one_of |
regex |
not_regex |
exact |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
not_exact |
N |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
one_of |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
not_one_of |
N |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
regex |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
not_regex |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Attributes Reference
There are no attributes for this data source.
Developing the Provider
If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go
installed, and a correctly setup GOPATH.
To compile the provider, run:
make build
This will build the provider, and put the binary in the local directory.
To test, simply run:
make test
To run the integration tests (check that it works through terraform itself), run:
make tf-test
which will execute a terraform template with passing checks. Similarly, to execute a
terraform template with failing checks, run:
make tf-test-fail