
package module
v0.1.5 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 30, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 33 Imported by: 1



elio means event loop io library.
This library allows you to quickly write epoll-based servers.

github-license build workflow github-license tag version


Download elio
$ git clone https://github.com/cppis/elio
$ cd elio

Now, $PWD is the root path.

Setting Skaffold on Windows

Skaffold settings on windows for continuous developing a Kubernetes-native app.

Run Echo

elio use the viper package to read configs.
It reads configs from environment variable or yaml/json files.
There is a predefined format of configs.
for example, {Service}_IN_URL is a listen url of service.

The elio.Service interface has a Name() method,
which returns a string that is used as a prefix for environment variables.

You can run app in 3 ways.
using go run, docker and Skaffold.

first, move to echo project path.

cd app/echo

using go run

To run echo service, run the following command:

$ ECHO_IN_URL="" go run main.go

You can change the url of service echo by changing
environment variable ECHO_IN_URL.

using docker

To build echo image, run the following command:

$ docker build -t elio:v0.1.4 .
$ docker tag elio:latest elio:v0.1.4

To run echo image, run the following command:

$ docker run -d -e ECHO_IN_URL="" -p 7000:7000 -p 2345:2345 elio:v0.1.4

using Skaffold

To use the Skaffold, you need thd following the Setup Skaffold.
To run echo using Skaffold, run the following command:

$ skaffold dev -p dev

Or, to run echo in debugging mode using Skaffold, run the following command:

$ skaffold debug -p debug

Echo example

app/echo is simple echo example using elio.
Here is the main function:

package main

import (

func main() {
	app := elio.Elio()

	echo := NewEcho(app)



Echo is implementation of elio service interface:
elio service interface has following methods:

package elio

import (

// Service service
type Service interface {
	Name() string
	OnInit(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc) error
	OnOpen(s *Session) error
	OnClose(s *Session, err error)
	OnError(s *Session, err error)
	OnRead(s *Session, in []byte) int
	OnWrite(s *Session, out []byte)
	OnLoop(host *IoHost, t time.Time, d time.Duration)

If network event happens, elio calls proper event method of service.

echo event implementations:

func (e *Echo) OnOpen(s *elio.Session) error {

	return nil

func (e *Echo) OnClose(s *elio.Session, err error) {

func (e *Echo) OnError(s *elio.Session, err error) {

func (e *Echo) OnRead(s *elio.Session, in []byte) (processed int) {
	fmt.Printf("+%d", len(in))


	if 'q' == in[0] {

	return processed

func (e *Echo) OnWrite(s *elio.Session, out []byte) {
	fmt.Printf("-%d", len(out))

Service also has loop callback for run logics:

const (
	// defaultFetchLimit default fetch limit
	defaultFetchLimit int = 2000

func (e *Echo) OnLoop(host *elio.IoHost, t time.Time, d time.Duration) {
	//host.RunDivision(t, r.callbackDivision)

	_, _ = host.Dispatching(t, defaultFetchLimit)

	e.prev = t


You can test echo easily by using telnet.
And, you can end server by send q character.




View Source
const (
	// CaptureInterval capture interval
	CaptureInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
	// StatsDInterval capture interval
	StatsDInterval = 2500 * time.Millisecond
	// StatsDAddress statsd address
	StatsDAddress = ""
View Source
const (
	// MetricAppSessionsf app session metric
	MetricAppSessionsf = "%s.sessions"
	// MetricAppIoInCountf app io in count metric
	MetricAppIoInCountf = "%s.io.incount"
	// MetricAppIoInSizef app io in size metric
	MetricAppIoInSizef = "%s.io.insize"
	// MetricAppIoOutCountf app io out count metric
	MetricAppIoOutCountf = "%s.io.outcount"
	// MetricAppIoOutSizef app io out size metric
	MetricAppIoOutSizef = "%s.io.outsize"
	// MetricPubAppStatesf publish app state metric
	MetricPubAppStatesf = "%s.pub.appstates"
	// MetricSubAppStatesf subscribe app state metric
	MetricSubAppStatesf = "%s.sub.appstates"
View Source
const (
	Success     int32 = 0
	CurlSuccess int32 = 200

	ResponseCodeUnpackError  int32 = 11 // packet unpack error
	ResponseCodeMarshalError int32 = 12 // message marshal error
	ResponseCodeHttpError    int32 = 13 // http 통신 에러

todo range 별 클라 액션을 정하는게..? ex) 100번대는 에러리턴 후 타이틀로 이동 200번대는 에러만 출력 이런식으로... Common

View Source
const (
	ResponseCodeNotLoggedIn      int32 = 101 // 로그인 상태가 아닌 경우
	ResponseCodeAlreadyLoggedOn  int32 = 102 // 이미 로그인 상태인 경우
	ResponseCodeDuplicateLogin   int32 = 103 // 중복로그인. 클라이언트는 이 에러코드를 받으면 타이틀로 이동.
	ResponseCodeNotInTheRoom     int32 = 104 // 방안에 있는 상태가 아닌 경우
	ResponseCodeAlreadyInTheRoom int32 = 105 // 이미 방안에 있는 상태인 경우

	ResponseCodeNotWaitingRoom int32 = 104 // 방이 존재 & 유저를 기다리는 상태가 아닌 경우

	ResponseCodeFailToLogon                int32 = 201
	ResponseCodeFailToLogoff               int32 = 202
	ResponseCodeFailToReqPvPRandomMatching int32 = 203
	ResponseCodeFailToEnterRoom            int32 = 204
	ResponseCodeFailToReadyPvPGame         int32 = 205

Frontend & Relayer

View Source
const (
	ErrNotLoggedon    int32 = 101
	ErrFailToFindRoom int32 = 103

	ErrAlreadyLoginUser int32 = 301

	ErrNotExistInRoom int32 = 313

todo 추후 삭제 예정, 샘플 서버에서 사용하는 코드는 상단의 코드로 교체 필요 (사용하는 코드는 상단에만 존재)

View Source
const (
	// DefaultDefIOInCount default def IO in count
	DefaultDefIOInCount = 1
	// DefaultPollInCount default poll in count
	DefaultPollInCount = 4
View Source
const (
	// LogDump dump
	LogDump = "dump"
	// LogName name
	LogName = "name"
	// LogProject project
	LogProject = "project"
	// LogService service
	LogService = "service"
	// LogStage stage
	LogStage = "stage"
	// LogSuid server unique id
	LogSuid = "suid"
	// LogHost host
	LogHost = "host"
	// LogObject object
	LogObject = "object"
	// LogSession session
	LogSession = "session"
	// LogUuid user unique id
	LogUuid = "uuid"
	// LogIP ip
	LogIP = "ip"
	// LogCode code
	LogCode = "code"
	// LogMatchKey match key
	LogMatchKey = "matchkey"
	// LogState state
	LogState = "state"
	// LogWalltime walltime
	LogWalltime = "walltime"
	// LogErrorCode errorcode
	LogErrorCode = "errorcode"
	// LogRoom room
	LogRoom = "room"
	// LogContext context
	LogContext = "context"
	// LogPayload payload
	LogPayload = "payload"
	// LogGitHash git last commit hash
	LogGitHash = "githash"
	// LogRecover recover
	LogRecover = "recover"
View Source
const (
	// FlagNone default none flag
	FlagNone int = iota
	// FlagTerminate terminate flag
	// FlagSafeTerminate safe terminate flag
	// FlagStop stop listen flag
	// FlagAllout disconnect all flag
	// FlagTerminateAfter5m exit after 5 minute flag
View Source
const (
	// ProdLogger production logger
	ProdLogger = "prod"
	// DevLogger development logger
	DevLogger = "dev"
	// ExamLogger example logger
	ExamLogger = "dev"
View Source
const (
	// ShutRd shut rd
	ShutRd = unix.SHUT_RD
	// ShutWr shut wr
	ShutWr = unix.SHUT_WR
	// ShutRdWr shut rdwr
	ShutRdWr = unix.SHUT_RDWR

	// SigInt sig int
	SigInt = syscall.SIGINT
	// SigTerm sig term
	SigTerm = syscall.SIGTERM
View Source
const DefaultCapacity int = 5000

DefaultCapacity default capacity

View Source
const (
	// DefaultInterval default interval
	DefaultInterval time.Duration = 20 * time.Millisecond
View Source
const (
	// Duration5m duration 5 minute
	Duration5m time.Duration = 5 * time.Second
View Source
const (
	// InvalidDivIndex partition invalid index
	InvalidDivIndex uint32 = ^uint32(0)
View Source
const QueueCapacity int = 5000

QueueCapacity queue default capacity


View Source
var (
	// GetByteBuffer returns an empty byte buffer from the pool, exported from gnet/bytebuffer.
	GetByteBuffer = bytebufferpool.Get
	// PutByteBuffer returns byte buffer to the pool, exported from gnet/bytebuffer.
	PutByteBuffer = func(b *ByteBuffer) {
		if b != nil {
View Source
var UIDInvalid = UID(0)

UIDInvalid uid invalid


func AppDebug

func AppDebug() *zerolog.Event

AppDebug app log debug

func AppError

func AppError() *zerolog.Event

AppError app log error

func AppFatal

func AppFatal() *zerolog.Event

AppFatal app log fatal

func AppInfo

func AppInfo() *zerolog.Event

AppInfo app log info

func AppPanic

func AppPanic() *zerolog.Event

AppPanic app log panic

func AppTrace

func AppTrace() *zerolog.Event

AppTrace app log trace

func AppWarn

func AppWarn() *zerolog.Event

AppWarn app log warn

func DebugEnabled

func DebugEnabled() bool

DebugEnabled debug enabled

func DeleteSession

func DeleteSession(n *Session)

DeleteSession delete session

func DumpDebug

func DumpDebug() *zerolog.Event

DumpDebug packet log debug

func DumpError

func DumpError() *zerolog.Event

DumpError packet log error

func DumpFatal

func DumpFatal() *zerolog.Event

DumpFatal packet log fatal

func DumpInfo

func DumpInfo() *zerolog.Event

DumpInfo packet log info

func DumpPanic

func DumpPanic() *zerolog.Event

DumpPanic packet log panic

func DumpTrace

func DumpTrace() *zerolog.Event

DumpTrace packet log trace

func DumpWarn

func DumpWarn() *zerolog.Event

DumpWarn packet log warn

func ErrorEnabled

func ErrorEnabled() bool

ErrorEnabled error enabled

func FatalEnabled

func FatalEnabled() bool

FatalEnabled fatal enabled

func GetBaseAndConfig

func GetBaseAndConfig() (base string, config string)

GetBaseAndConfig get base and config

func GetBasename

func GetBasename(path string) string

GetBasename get base name

func GetBasepath

func GetBasepath(path string) string

GetBasepath get base path

func GetFdFromConn

func GetFdFromConn(conn net.Conn) int

GetFdFromConn this function is linux only

func GetFdFromLisener

func GetFdFromLisener(listener net.Listener) int

GetFdFromLisener this function is linux only

func GetMaxInCount

func GetMaxInCount(io string) (c int)

GetMaxInCount get max in count

func InfoEnabled

func InfoEnabled() bool

InfoEnabled info enabled

func InitLog

func InitLog(level string, outs []string, json bool)

InitLog init log

func LogDebug

func LogDebug(name string) *zerolog.Event

LogDebug app log debug

func LogError

func LogError(name string) *zerolog.Event

LogError app log error

func LogFatal

func LogFatal(name string) *zerolog.Event

LogFatal app log fatal

func LogInfo

func LogInfo(name string) *zerolog.Event

LogInfo app log info

func LogPanic

func LogPanic(name string) *zerolog.Event

LogPanic app log panic

func LogParams

func LogParams() *logParams

LogParams get log params

func LogTrace

func LogTrace(name string) *zerolog.Event

LogTrace app log trace

func LogWarn

func LogWarn(name string) *zerolog.Event

LogWarn app log warn

func NewIoDefault

func NewIoDefault() *ioDefault

NewIoDefault new io default

func NewIoPoll

func NewIoPoll() *ioPoll

NewIoPoll new io poll

func PacketDebug

func PacketDebug() *zerolog.Event

PacketDebug packet log debug

func PacketError

func PacketError() *zerolog.Event

PacketError packet log error

func PacketFatal

func PacketFatal() *zerolog.Event

PacketFatal packet log fatal

func PacketInfo

func PacketInfo() *zerolog.Event

PacketInfo packet log info

func PacketPanic

func PacketPanic() *zerolog.Event

PacketPanic packet log panic

func PacketTrace

func PacketTrace() *zerolog.Event

PacketTrace packet log trace

func PacketWarn

func PacketWarn() *zerolog.Event

PacketWarn packet log warn

func PanicEnabled

func PanicEnabled() bool

PanicEnabled panic enabled

func PanicParse

func PanicParse() (string, error)

PanicParse panic parse

func SetLimit

func SetLimit() (err error)

SetLimit set limit

func StackParse

func StackParse(in string) (out string, err error)

StackParse stack parse

func StartUp

func StartUp()

StartUp start up

func StopDown

func StopDown(exit func())

StopDown stop down

func T2PParse

func T2PParse(in []byte) (out []string)

T2PParse T2P parse

func T2pOnParse

func T2pOnParse(in []byte) (lenParsed, lenDelimit int, ok bool)

T2pOnParse control on parse

func T2pParseCommand

func T2pParseCommand(in []byte) (out []byte)

T2pParseCommand parse command

func TraceEnabled

func TraceEnabled() bool

TraceEnabled debug enabled

func WarnEnabled

func WarnEnabled() bool

WarnEnabled debug enabled

func WithLevel

func WithLevel(level zerolog.Level) *zerolog.Event

WithLevel with level


type Action

type Action int

Action is an action that occurs after the completion of an event.

const (
	// None indicates that no action should occur following an event.
	None Action = iota
	// Listen listen.
	// Shut close the listen.
	// SafeTermiate close the listen and exit when no user.
	// Termiate terminate the server.
	// TermiateAfter5m shutdown after 5 minute.
	// CloseAll disconnect all connections.
	// Close disconnect connection.

type Alarm

type Alarm interface {
	Check(t time.Time, d time.Duration) bool
	Ring(name string, t time.Time, c *Clock) bool // returns continue flag

Alarm alarm interface

type App

type App struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

App app

func Elio

func Elio() *App

Elio get elio

func NewApp

func NewApp() *App

NewApp new app

func (*App) Config added in v0.1.5

func (a *App) Config() *Config

Config config

func (*App) End

func (a *App) End()

End call cancel callback

func (*App) MetricCounter

func (a *App) MetricCounter(name string) metrics.Counter

MetricCounter get metric counter

func (*App) MetricGauge

func (a *App) MetricGauge(name string) metrics.Gauge

MetricGauge get metric gauge

func (*App) MetricMeter

func (a *App) MetricMeter(name string) metrics.Meter

MetricMeter get metric meter

func (*App) Metrics

func (a *App) Metrics() *AppMetrics

Metrics get app metrics

func (*App) Register

func (a *App) Register(s Service)

Register register service

func (*App) Run

func (a *App) Run()

func (*App) String

func (a *App) String() string

// public scope String object to string

func (*App) Wait

func (a *App) Wait()

Wait wait app

type AppMetrics

type AppMetrics struct {
	Registry metrics.Registry

AppMetrics app metrics

func (*AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterCounter

func (m *AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterCounter(name string) metrics.Counter

GetOrRegisterCounter get or register counter // // Counters hold an int64 value that can be incremented and decremented.

type Counter interface {
 	Count() int64
 	Snapshot() Counter


func (*AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterEwma

func (m *AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterEwma(name string) metrics.EWMA

GetOrRegisterEwma get or register EWMA // // EWMAs continuously calculate an exponentially-weighted moving average // based on an outside source of clock ticks.

type EWMA interface {
	Rate() float64
	Snapshot() EWMA


func (*AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterGauge

func (m *AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterGauge(name string) metrics.Gauge

GetOrRegisterGauge get or register gauge // // Gauges hold an int64 value that can be set arbitrarily.

type Gauge interface {
	Snapshot() Gauge
	Value() int64


func (*AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterGaugeFloat64

func (m *AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterGaugeFloat64(name string) metrics.GaugeFloat64

GetOrRegisterGaugeFloat64 get or register gauge float64 // // GaugeFloat64s hold a float64 value that can be set arbitrarily.

type GaugeFloat64 interface {
	Snapshot() GaugeFloat64
	Value() float64


func (*AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterHistogram

func (m *AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterHistogram(name string, s metrics.Sample) metrics.Histogram

GetOrRegisterHistogram get or register histogram // // Histograms calculate distribution statistics from a series of int64 values.

type Histogram interface {
	Count() int64
	Max() int64
	Mean() float64
	Min() int64
	Percentile(float64) float64
	Percentiles([]float64) []float64
	Sample() Sample
	Snapshot() Histogram
	StdDev() float64
	Sum() int64
	Variance() float64


func (*AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterMeter

func (m *AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterMeter(name string) metrics.Meter

GetOrRegisterMeter get or register meter // // Meters count events to produce exponentially-weighted moving average rates // at one-, five-, and fifteen-minutes and a mean rate.

type Meter interface {
	Count() int64
	Rate1() float64
	Rate5() float64
	Rate15() float64
	RateMean() float64
	Snapshot() Meter


func (*AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterTimer

func (m *AppMetrics) GetOrRegisterTimer(name string) metrics.Timer

GetOrRegisterTimer get or register timer // // Timers capture the duration and rate of events.

type Timer interface {
	Count() int64
	Max() int64
	Mean() float64
	Min() int64
	Percentile(float64) float64
	Percentiles([]float64) []float64
	Rate1() float64
	Rate5() float64
	Rate15() float64
	RateMean() float64
	Snapshot() Timer
	StdDev() float64
	Sum() int64
	Variance() float64


func (*AppMetrics) Init

func (m *AppMetrics) Init(inMetric int)

Init init

func (*AppMetrics) String

func (m *AppMetrics) String() string

String object to string

type Buffer

type Buffer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Buffer is a helper type for managing input streams from inside the Data event.

func (*Buffer) Begin

func (b *Buffer) Begin(pos int) []byte

Begin accepts a new packet and returns a working sequence of unprocessed bytes.

func (*Buffer) Bytes

func (b *Buffer) Bytes() []byte

Bytes get bytes of buffer.

func (*Buffer) Clear

func (b *Buffer) Clear(pos int)

Clear clear buffer

func (*Buffer) Get

func (b *Buffer) Get(begin, end int) []byte

Get get contents

func (*Buffer) GetFrom

func (b *Buffer) GetFrom(begin int) []byte

GetFrom get contents from begin

func (*Buffer) GetTo

func (b *Buffer) GetTo(end int) []byte

GetTo get contents to end

func (*Buffer) Len

func (b *Buffer) Len() int

Len get length of buffer.

func (*Buffer) Put

func (b *Buffer) Put(data []byte) ([]byte, int)

Put put contents to buffer

type ByteBuffer

type ByteBuffer = bytebufferpool.ByteBuffer

ByteBuffer is the alias of bytebufferpool.ByteBuffer.

type Clock

type Clock struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Clock clock

func NewClock

func NewClock() *Clock

NewClock new clock

func (*Clock) Count

func (c *Clock) Count() int

Count count

func (*Clock) Register

func (c *Clock) Register(name string, alarm Alarm) bool

Register regiseter alarm

func (*Clock) RegisterWithTime

func (c *Clock) RegisterWithTime(name string, alarm Alarm, t time.Time) bool

RegisterWithTime regiseter alarm with time

func (*Clock) Reset

func (c *Clock) Reset(name string) bool

Reset reset

func (*Clock) Unregister

func (c *Clock) Unregister(name string) bool

Unregister unregister alarm

func (*Clock) UnregisterAll

func (c *Clock) UnregisterAll()

UnregisterAll unregister all alarm

func (*Clock) Update

func (c *Clock) Update(t time.Time)

Update update

type Config

type Config struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Config config

func NewConfig

func NewConfig() (c *Config)

NewConfig new config

func (*Config) Exists

func (c *Config) Exists(path string) bool

Exists check key exists

func (*Config) Get

func (c *Config) Get(key string) interface{}

Get get

func (*Config) GetBool

func (c *Config) GetBool(key string) bool

GetBool get bool value of key

func (*Config) GetBoolOrDefault

func (c *Config) GetBoolOrDefault(key string, d bool) (bool, bool)

GetBoolOrDefault get bool or default value or of key

func (*Config) GetFloat64

func (c *Config) GetFloat64(key string) float64

GetFloat64 get float64 value of key

func (*Config) GetFloat64OrDefault

func (c *Config) GetFloat64OrDefault(key string, d float64) (float64, bool)

GetFloat64OrDefault get float64 or default value of key

func (*Config) GetInt

func (c *Config) GetInt(key string) int

GetInt get int value of key

func (*Config) GetInt32

func (c *Config) GetInt32(key string) int32

GetInt32 get int32 value of key

func (*Config) GetInt32OrDefault

func (c *Config) GetInt32OrDefault(key string, d int32) (int32, bool)

GetInt32OrDefault get int32 or default value of key

func (*Config) GetInt64

func (c *Config) GetInt64(key string) int64

GetInt64 get int64 value of key

func (*Config) GetInt64OrDefault

func (c *Config) GetInt64OrDefault(key string, d int64) (int64, bool)

GetInt64OrDefault get int64 or default value of key

func (*Config) GetIntOrDefault

func (c *Config) GetIntOrDefault(key string, d int) (int, bool)

GetIntOrDefault get int or default value of key

func (*Config) GetOrDefault

func (c *Config) GetOrDefault(key string, d interface{}) (interface{}, bool)

GetOrDefault get or default

func (*Config) GetString

func (c *Config) GetString(key string) string

GetString get string value of key

func (*Config) GetStringOrDefault

func (c *Config) GetStringOrDefault(key string, d string) (string, bool)

GetStringOrDefault get string or default value of key

func (*Config) GetUint

func (c *Config) GetUint(key string) uint

GetUint get uint value of key

func (*Config) GetUint32

func (c *Config) GetUint32(key string) uint32

GetUint32 get Uint32 value of key

func (*Config) GetUint32OrDefault

func (c *Config) GetUint32OrDefault(key string, d uint32) (uint32, bool)

GetUint32OrDefault get uint32 or default value of key

func (*Config) GetUint64

func (c *Config) GetUint64(key string) uint64

GetUint64 get uint64 value of key

func (*Config) GetUint64OrDefault

func (c *Config) GetUint64OrDefault(key string, d uint64) (uint64, bool)

GetUint64OrDefault get uint64 or default value of key

func (*Config) GetUintOrDefault

func (c *Config) GetUintOrDefault(key string, d uint) (uint, bool)

GetUintOrDefault get uint or default value of key

func (*Config) Load

func (c *Config) Load(path string) (err error)

Load load

func (*Config) Set

func (c *Config) Set(key string, value interface{})

Set set interface value of key

func (*Config) SetBool

func (c *Config) SetBool(key string, value bool)

SetBool set bool value of key

func (*Config) String

func (c *Config) String() string

String object to string

type ConfigIo

type ConfigIo struct {
	ReadBufferLen int
	InURL         string
	InModel       string
	InCount       int
	InWaitCount   int
	InNoDelay     bool
	InRecvTimeo   int
	InRcvBuff     int
	InSndBuff     int
	InReusePort   bool

ConfigIo config service

func ProvideConfigIo

func ProvideConfigIo(name string, config *Config) ConfigIo

ProvideConfigIo returns service config

type Context

type Context struct {
	Session *Session

Context implementation

func NewContext

func NewContext(n *Session) *Context

NewContext create new context

func (*Context) GetSession

func (c *Context) GetSession() *Session

GetSession get session

func (*Context) SetSession

func (c *Context) SetSession(s *Session)

SetSession set session

func (*Context) String

func (c *Context) String() string

type Contexter

type Contexter interface {
	GetSession() *Session
	String() string

Contexter interface

type DivCallback

type DivCallback func(t time.Time, v interface{}) error

DivCallback metric callback

type DivMap

type DivMap struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DivMap division map

func NewDivMap

func NewDivMap(l uint32) *DivMap

NewDivMap new division map

func (*DivMap) Count

func (d *DivMap) Count() int

Count get count

func (*DivMap) Del

func (d *DivMap) Del(i uint32, k uint64) (v interface{}, ok bool)

Del del from partition

func (*DivMap) Get

func (d *DivMap) Get(i uint32) (s *UnsafeMap, err error)

Get get partition

func (*DivMap) GetCounts

func (d *DivMap) GetCounts() []int

GetCounts get partitions count

func (*DivMap) GetCurrent

func (d *DivMap) GetCurrent() (c uint32, s *UnsafeMap)

GetCurrent get current partition

func (*DivMap) GetLeast

func (d *DivMap) GetLeast() (i uint32, s *UnsafeMap)

GetLeast get least partition

func (*DivMap) IsValidIndex

func (d *DivMap) IsValidIndex(i uint32) bool

IsValidIndex is valid index

func (*DivMap) Set

func (d *DivMap) Set(k uint64, v interface{}) (uint32, *UnsafeMap)

Set set to partition

type EnvApp

type EnvApp struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EnvApp env app


type Event

type Event interface {
	String() string

Event event interface

type EventQueue

type EventQueue struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EventQueue event queue

func NewEventQueue

func NewEventQueue() *EventQueue

NewEventQueue new event queue

func (*EventQueue) AppendAll

func (q *EventQueue) AppendAll(events ...interface{})

AppendAll append all

func (*EventQueue) Convey

func (q *EventQueue) Convey() int

Convey convey await to event queue

func (*EventQueue) ConveySlice

func (q *EventQueue) ConveySlice(s ...interface{})

ConveySlice convey slice to event queue

func (*EventQueue) Dispatching

func (q *EventQueue) Dispatching(t time.Time, l int) (int, int)

Dispatching dispatching

func (*EventQueue) GetClock

func (q *EventQueue) GetClock() *Clock

GetClock get clock

func (*EventQueue) Inject

func (q *EventQueue) Inject(event interface{})

Inject inject

func (*EventQueue) InjectToAwait

func (q *EventQueue) InjectToAwait(event interface{})

InjectToAwait inject to await

func (*EventQueue) Paste

func (q *EventQueue) Paste(events []interface{})

Paste paste

type Fnv32

type Fnv32 uint32

Fnv32 fnv32 type definition

func (*Fnv32) FromString

func (f *Fnv32) FromString(k string)

FromString from string

func (*Fnv32) FromUint32

func (f *Fnv32) FromUint32(v uint32)

FromUint32 from uint32

func (*Fnv32) ToUint32

func (f *Fnv32) ToUint32() uint32

ToUint32 to uint32

type Fnv64

type Fnv64 uint64

Fnv64 fnv64 type definition

func (*Fnv64) FromPointer

func (f *Fnv64) FromPointer(p unsafe.Pointer)

FromPointer from pointer

func (*Fnv64) FromString

func (f *Fnv64) FromString(k string)

FromString from string

func (*Fnv64) FromUint64

func (f *Fnv64) FromUint64(v uint64)

FromUint64 from uint64

func (*Fnv64) ToUint64

func (f *Fnv64) ToUint64() uint64

ToUint64 to uint64

type IOs

type IOs int

IOs io models type definition

const (
	// IoAuto IO auto
	IoAuto IOs = iota
	// IoDefault IO default(golang method)
	// IoPoll IO poll

func GetCurrentIO

func GetCurrentIO(io string) IOs

GetCurrentIO get current io

func IOsFromString

func IOsFromString(m string) IOs

IOsFromString IO models from string

func (IOs) String

func (i IOs) String() string

String string

type Io

type Io struct {
	Listener *Listener //net.Listener
	Config   ConfigIo
	Host     *IoHost
	Service  Service

	InAddr  atomic.String //*net.TCPAddr
	InCount atomic.Int32
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewIo added in v0.1.2

func NewIo(h *IoHost, c ConfigIo, s Service) *Io

NewIo new server

func ProvideIo added in v0.1.2

func ProvideIo(h *IoHost, c ConfigIo, s Service) *Io

ProvideIo provide service

func (*Io) End

func (i *Io) End()

End end

func (*Io) GetIoModel added in v0.1.2

func (i *Io) GetIoModel() IoModel

GetIoModel get IO model

func (*Io) Init added in v0.1.2

func (i *Io) Init()

Init init

func (*Io) Listen

func (i *Io) Listen(addr *net.TCPAddr) (ok bool)

Listen listen Io

func (*Io) Run

func (i *Io) Run(addr *net.TCPAddr) (ok bool)

Run run Io

func (*Io) SetIoModel added in v0.1.2

func (i *Io) SetIoModel(ioModel IoModel)

SetIoModel set IO model

func (*Io) Shut

func (i *Io) Shut()

Shut shut

func (*Io) Shutdown

func (i *Io) Shutdown(n *Session, how int) error

Shutdown shutdown

func (*Io) String added in v0.1.2

func (i *Io) String() string

func (*Io) Terminate added in v0.1.2

func (i *Io) Terminate()

Terminate terminate

type IoHost

type IoHost struct {
	Ios        []*Io
	Wg         *sync.WaitGroup
	Url        *net.TCPAddr
	Users      map[UID]interface{}
	Rooms      map[string]interface{} //*Room
	EventQueue *EventQueue
	Divs       *DivMap
	DivChecked uint32

IoHost host

func Host

func Host(config ConfigIo, service Service) (host *IoHost, err error)

Host host

func NewIoHost

func NewIoHost(divs int) (h *IoHost)

NewIoHost new host

func (*IoHost) AddRoom

func (h *IoHost) AddRoom(key string, room interface{})

AddRoom add room

func (*IoHost) CountUser

func (h *IoHost) CountUser() int

CountUser count user

func (*IoHost) DelDivision

func (h *IoHost) DelDivision(d uint32, k uint64) (ok bool)

DelDivision del division

func (*IoHost) DelRoom

func (h *IoHost) DelRoom(key string) bool

DelRoom delete room

func (*IoHost) Dispatching

func (h *IoHost) Dispatching(t time.Time, limit int) (int, int)

Dispatching dispatching

func (*IoHost) End

func (h *IoHost) End()

End end

func (*IoHost) EnterUser

func (h *IoHost) EnterUser(uid UID, i interface{})

EnterUser enter user

func (*IoHost) FindOrEnterUser

func (h *IoHost) FindOrEnterUser(uid UID, i interface{}) bool

FindOrEnterUser find or add user

func (*IoHost) FindRoom

func (h *IoHost) FindRoom(key string) interface{}

FindRoom find room

func (*IoHost) FindUser

func (h *IoHost) FindUser(uid UID) (interface{}, bool)

FindUser find user

func (*IoHost) GetDivision

func (h *IoHost) GetDivision() *DivMap

GetDivision get division

func (*IoHost) GetEventQueue

func (h *IoHost) GetEventQueue() *EventQueue

GetEventQueue get event queue

func (*IoHost) LeaveUser

func (h *IoHost) LeaveUser(uid UID)

LeaveUser leave user

func (*IoHost) ListUser

func (h *IoHost) ListUser() (out string)

ListUser list user

func (*IoHost) PostAllToQueue

func (h *IoHost) PostAllToQueue(l []interface{})

PostAllToQueue post all to queue

func (*IoHost) PostToQueue

func (h *IoHost) PostToQueue(i interface{})

PostToQueue post to event queue

func (*IoHost) Register

func (h *IoHost) Register(p unsafe.Pointer, v interface{}) (d uint32, ok bool)

Register register

func (*IoHost) RunDivision

func (h *IoHost) RunDivision(t time.Time, callback DivCallback)

RunDivision run division

func (*IoHost) SetDivision

func (h *IoHost) SetDivision(k uint64, v interface{}) (d uint32, ok bool)

SetDivision set division

func (*IoHost) String

func (h *IoHost) String() string

String string

func (*IoHost) Terminate

func (h *IoHost) Terminate(safe bool)

Terminate terminate

func (*IoHost) Unregister

func (h *IoHost) Unregister(p unsafe.Pointer, d uint32) (ok bool)

Unregister unregister

type IoModel added in v0.1.2

type IoModel interface {
	GetIo() *Io
	SetIo(c *Io)
	Listen(addr string) bool
	Run() bool
	Shut() // close listen
	End()  // end service
	Read(n *Session, in []byte) (receipt int, err error)
	Write(n *Session, out []byte) (sent int, err error)
	PostWrite(n *Session, out []byte) (sent int, err error)
	Trigger(job interface{}) error
	Close(n *Session) error
	Shutdown(n *Session, how int) error

Io I/O model

func GenIO

func GenIO(io string) IoModel

GenIO gen io

type Job

type Job interface {
	String() string
	Work() error

Job job interface

type Listener

type Listener struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Listener listener

func (*Listener) Close

func (l *Listener) Close()

Close close

func (*Listener) Listen

func (l *Listener) Listen(network, address string) (err error)

Listen listen

func (*Listener) String

func (l *Listener) String() string

func (*Listener) ToFd

func (l *Listener) ToFd() int

ToFd to file descriptor

func (*Listener) ToFile

func (l *Listener) ToFile() (err error)

ToFile to file

type OnFilter

type OnFilter func(x interface{}) bool

OnFilter on filter

type Poll

type Poll struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Poll event poll object

func NewPoll

func NewPoll() (p *Poll)

NewPoll create poll

func (*Poll) Begin

func (p *Poll) Begin() (err error)

Begin begin poll

func (*Poll) ControlAdd

func (p *Poll) ControlAdd(fd int, events uint32) error

ControlAdd control add

func (*Poll) ControlDel

func (p *Poll) ControlDel(fd int, events uint32) error

ControlDel control del

func (*Poll) ControlMod

func (p *Poll) ControlMod(fd int, events uint32) error

ControlMod control mod

func (*Poll) End

func (p *Poll) End()

End ...

func (*Poll) String

func (p *Poll) String() string

String object to string

func (*Poll) Trigger

func (p *Poll) Trigger(job interface{}) error

Trigger ...

func (*Poll) Wait

func (p *Poll) Wait(events []unix.EpollEvent, timeout int) (waits int, err error)

Wait ...

type PollEvent

type PollEvent struct {
	Session *Session

PollEvent poll event

type SafeSlice

type SafeSlice struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SafeSlice safe slice

func NewSafeSlice

func NewSafeSlice(c int) *SafeSlice

NewSafeSlice creates a new safe slice

func (*SafeSlice) Append

func (s *SafeSlice) Append(item interface{})

Append adds an item to the concurrent slice

func (*SafeSlice) AppendAll

func (s *SafeSlice) AppendAll(items ...interface{})

AppendAll adds an items to the concurrent slice

func (*SafeSlice) AppendSlice

func (s *SafeSlice) AppendSlice(ss *SafeSlice)

AppendSlice adds an items to the concurrent slice

func (*SafeSlice) Count

func (s *SafeSlice) Count() int

Count count

func (*SafeSlice) Fetch

func (s *SafeSlice) Fetch() []interface{}

Fetch fetch slice and renew

func (*SafeSlice) FetchWithLimit

func (s *SafeSlice) FetchWithLimit(limit int) []interface{}

FetchWithLimit fetch slice with limit

func (*SafeSlice) FilterOut

func (s *SafeSlice) FilterOut(f OnFilter) []interface{}

FilterOut filter an items out from the concurrent slice

func (*SafeSlice) Iterate

func (s *SafeSlice) Iterate() <-chan SafeSliceItem

Iterate iterates over the items in the concurrent slice Each item is sent over a channel, so that we can iterate over the slice using the builin range keyword

func (*SafeSlice) Paste

func (s *SafeSlice) Paste(items []interface{})

Paste paste an items to the concurrent slice

func (*SafeSlice) Prepend

func (s *SafeSlice) Prepend(item interface{})

Prepend prepend an item to the concurrent slice

func (*SafeSlice) Shift

func (s *SafeSlice) Shift() (front interface{}, count int)

Shift shift slice and renew

type SafeSliceItem

type SafeSliceItem struct {
	Index int
	Value interface{}

SafeSliceItem contains the index/value pair of an item in a concurrent slice

type Service

type Service interface {
	Name() string
	OnInit(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc) error
	//OnListen(i *IoCore)
	//OnShut(i *IoCore)
	OnOpen(s *Session) error
	OnClose(s *Session, err error)
	OnError(s *Session, err error)
	OnRead(s *Session, in []byte) int
	OnWrite(s *Session, out []byte)
	OnLoop(host *IoHost, t time.Time, d time.Duration)

Service service

type Session

type Session struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Session session

func NewSession

func NewSession(f int, c net.Conn, i *Io) *Session

NewSession new session

func (*Session) Close

func (n *Session) Close() error

Close close

func (*Session) CountOutQueue

func (n *Session) CountOutQueue() int

CountOutQueue count out queue

func (*Session) DecRef

func (n *Session) DecRef() int32

DecRef decrease reference count

func (*Session) GetAddr

func (n *Session) GetAddr() (string, bool)

GetAddr ...

func (*Session) GetConn

func (n *Session) GetConn() net.Conn

GetConn get conn

func (*Session) GetContext

func (n *Session) GetContext() interface{}

GetContext get context

func (*Session) GetFd

func (n *Session) GetFd() int

GetFd get fd

func (*Session) GetIo added in v0.1.2

func (n *Session) GetIo() *Io

GetService get service

func (*Session) GetKeepBuffer

func (n *Session) GetKeepBuffer() *Buffer

GetKeepBuffer get keep buffer

func (*Session) GetRemoteIP

func (n *Session) GetRemoteIP() string

GetRemoteIP get remote ip

func (*Session) GetStats

func (n *Session) GetStats() interface{}

GetStats get stats

func (*Session) IncRef

func (n *Session) IncRef() int32

IncRef increase reference count

func (*Session) PostWrite

func (n *Session) PostWrite(out []byte) (sent int, err error)

PostWrite post write

func (*Session) SetContext

func (n *Session) SetContext(c interface{})

SetContext set context

func (*Session) SetStats

func (n *Session) SetStats(s interface{})

SetStats set stats

func (*Session) Shutdown

func (n *Session) Shutdown(how int) error

Shutdown shutdown

func (*Session) String

func (n *Session) String() string

String ...

func (*Session) SubRef

func (n *Session) SubRef(ref int32) int32

SubRef subscribe reference count

func (*Session) Write

func (n *Session) Write(out []byte) (sent int, err error)

Write write

type Sockaddr

type Sockaddr unix.Sockaddr

Sockaddr sockaddr type definition

type UID

type UID int64

UID uid 사용자 ID 정의 타입 KBO(CPB)의 uid, MLB의 vid 값

func (*UID) FromInt

func (u *UID) FromInt(i int64)

FromInt uid from int

func (*UID) FromString

func (u *UID) FromString(s string)

FromString uid from string

func (UID) IsInvalid

func (u UID) IsInvalid() bool

IsInvalid uid is invalid

func (*UID) ToInt

func (u *UID) ToInt() int64

ToInt uid to int

func (*UID) ToString

func (u *UID) ToString() string

ToString uid to string

type UnsafeMap

type UnsafeMap struct {
	Map map[uint64]interface{}

UnsafeMap safe map

func NewUnsafeMap

func NewUnsafeMap() *UnsafeMap

NewUnsafeMap creates a new unsafe map

func (*UnsafeMap) Count

func (m *UnsafeMap) Count() int

Count count

func (*UnsafeMap) Del

func (m *UnsafeMap) Del(key uint64)

Del deletes an item to a concurrent map

func (*UnsafeMap) Fetch

func (m *UnsafeMap) Fetch() map[uint64]interface{}

Fetch fetch map and renew

func (*UnsafeMap) Get

func (m *UnsafeMap) Get(key uint64) (interface{}, bool)

Get retrieves the value for a concurrent map item

func (*UnsafeMap) Init

func (m *UnsafeMap) Init()

Init init

func (*UnsafeMap) Iterate

func (m *UnsafeMap) Iterate() <-chan UnsafeMapItem

Iterate iterates over the items in a concurrent map Each item is sent over a channel, so that we can iterate over the map using the builtin range keyword

func (*UnsafeMap) MarshalJSON

func (m *UnsafeMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON marshal json

func (*UnsafeMap) Set

func (m *UnsafeMap) Set(key uint64, value interface{})

Set adds an item to a concurrent map

func (*UnsafeMap) ToSlice

func (m *UnsafeMap) ToSlice() []UnsafeMapItem

ToSlice to slice

func (*UnsafeMap) Upsert

func (m *UnsafeMap) Upsert(key uint64, new interface{}, callback cmap.UpsertCb) (value interface{})

Upsert update or insert

type UnsafeMapItem

type UnsafeMapItem struct {
	Key   uint64
	Value interface{}

UnsafeMapItem contains a key/value pair item of a concurrent map

type UnsafeSlice

type UnsafeSlice struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

UnsafeSlice safe slice

func NewUnsafeSlice

func NewUnsafeSlice(c int) *UnsafeSlice

NewUnsafeSlice creates a new concurrent slice

func (*UnsafeSlice) Append

func (s *UnsafeSlice) Append(item interface{})

Append adds an item to the concurrent slice

func (*UnsafeSlice) AppendAll

func (s *UnsafeSlice) AppendAll(items ...interface{})

AppendAll adds an items to the concurrent slice

func (*UnsafeSlice) AppendSlice

func (s *UnsafeSlice) AppendSlice(ss *UnsafeSlice)

AppendSlice adds an items to the concurrent slice

func (*UnsafeSlice) Count

func (s *UnsafeSlice) Count() int

Count count

func (*UnsafeSlice) Fetch

func (s *UnsafeSlice) Fetch() []interface{}

Fetch fetch slice and renew

func (*UnsafeSlice) FetchWithLimit

func (s *UnsafeSlice) FetchWithLimit(limit int) []interface{}

FetchWithLimit fetch slice with limit

func (*UnsafeSlice) FilterOut

func (s *UnsafeSlice) FilterOut(f OnFilter) []interface{}

FilterOut filter an items out from the concurrent slice

func (*UnsafeSlice) Iterate

func (s *UnsafeSlice) Iterate() <-chan UnsafeSliceItem

Iterate iterates over the items in the concurrent slice Each item is sent over a channel, so that we can iterate over the slice using the builin range keyword

func (*UnsafeSlice) Paste

func (s *UnsafeSlice) Paste(items []interface{})

Paste paste an items to the concurrent slice

func (*UnsafeSlice) Prepend

func (s *UnsafeSlice) Prepend(item interface{})

Prepend prepend an item to the concurrent slice

func (*UnsafeSlice) Shift

func (s *UnsafeSlice) Shift() (front interface{}, count int)

Shift shift slice and renew

type UnsafeSliceItem

type UnsafeSliceItem struct {
	Index int
	Value interface{}

UnsafeSliceItem contains the index/value pair of an item in a concurrent slice

type WaitResult

type WaitResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WaitResult wait result

type WriteJob

type WriteJob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WriteJob write job

func (*WriteJob) String

func (j *WriteJob) String() string

String string

func (*WriteJob) Work

func (j *WriteJob) Work() (err error)

Work work


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? : This menu
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