Index ¶
- func NewMsgServerImpl(keeper *Keeper) types.MsgServer
- func ValidatorConsensusKeyInUse(k *Keeper, ctx sdk.Context, valAddr sdk.ValAddress) bool
- type Hooks
- func (h Hooks) AfterDelegationModified(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.AccAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
- func (h Hooks) AfterUnbondingInitiated(ctx sdk.Context, ID uint64) error
- func (h Hooks) AfterValidatorBeginUnbonding(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.ConsAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
- func (h Hooks) AfterValidatorBonded(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.ConsAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
- func (h Hooks) AfterValidatorCreated(ctx sdk.Context, valAddr sdk.ValAddress)
- func (h Hooks) AfterValidatorRemoved(ctx sdk.Context, valConsAddr sdk.ConsAddress, valAddr sdk.ValAddress)
- func (h Hooks) BeforeDelegationCreated(ctx sdk.Context, delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valAddr sdk.ValAddress)
- func (h Hooks) BeforeDelegationRemoved(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.AccAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
- func (h Hooks) BeforeDelegationSharesModified(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.AccAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
- func (h Hooks) BeforeValidatorModified(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.ValAddress)
- func (h Hooks) BeforeValidatorSlashed(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.ValAddress, _ sdk.Dec)
- type Keeper
- func (k Keeper) AppendConsumerAddrsToPrune(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64, ...)
- func (k Keeper) AppendMaturedUnbondingOps(ctx sdk.Context, ids []uint64)
- func (k Keeper) AppendPendingVSCPackets(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, ...)
- func (k Keeper) AppendSlashAck(ctx sdk.Context, chainID, ack string)
- func (k Keeper) AssignConsumerKey(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, validator stakingtypes.Validator, ...) error
- func (k Keeper) AuthenticateCapability(ctx sdk.Context, cap *capabilitytypes.Capability, name string) bool
- func (k Keeper) BeginBlockCCR(ctx sdk.Context)
- func (k Keeper) BeginBlockInit(ctx sdk.Context)
- func (k Keeper) BindPort(ctx sdk.Context, portID string) error
- func (k Keeper) CheckForSlashMeterReplenishment(ctx sdktypes.Context)
- func (k Keeper) ClaimCapability(ctx sdk.Context, cap *capabilitytypes.Capability, name string) error
- func (k Keeper) ConsumeMaturedUnbondingOps(ctx sdk.Context) []uint64
- func (k Keeper) ConsumeSlashAcks(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (acks []string)
- func (k Keeper) CreateConsumerClient(ctx sdk.Context, prop *types.ConsumerAdditionProposal) error
- func (k Keeper) CreateConsumerClientInCachedCtx(ctx sdk.Context, p types.ConsumerAdditionProposal) (cc sdk.Context, writeCache func(), err error)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteChainToChannel(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteChannelToChain(ctx sdk.Context, channelID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteConsumerAddrsToPrune(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteConsumerClientId(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteConsumerGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteGlobalSlashEntries(ctx sdktypes.Context, entries ...providertypes.GlobalSlashEntry)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteGlobalSlashEntriesForConsumer(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteInitChainHeight(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteInitTimeoutTimestamp(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteKeyAssignmentReplacement(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteKeyAssignments(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeletePendingConsumerAdditionProps(ctx sdk.Context, proposals ...types.ConsumerAdditionProposal)
- func (k Keeper) DeletePendingConsumerRemovalProps(ctx sdk.Context, proposals ...types.ConsumerRemovalProposal)
- func (k Keeper) DeletePendingVSCPackets(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteSlashAcks(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteThrottledPacketData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, ibcSeqNumbers ...uint64)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteThrottledPacketDataForConsumer(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteUnbondingOp(ctx sdk.Context, id uint64)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteUnbondingOpIndex(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteValidatorByConsumerAddr(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, consumerAddr types.ConsumerConsAddress)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteValidatorConsumerPubKey(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteValsetUpdateBlockHeight(ctx sdk.Context, valsetUpdateId uint64)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteVscSendTimestamp(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64)
- func (k Keeper) DeleteVscSendTimestampsForConsumer(ctx sdk.Context, consumerChainID string)
- func (k Keeper) EndBlockCCR(ctx sdk.Context)
- func (k Keeper) EndBlockCIS(ctx sdk.Context)
- func (k Keeper) EndBlockVSU(ctx sdk.Context)
- func (k Keeper) ExportGenesis(ctx sdk.Context) *types.GenesisState
- func (k Keeper) GetAllChannelToChains(ctx sdk.Context) (channels []types.ChannelToChain)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllConsumerAddrsToPrune(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (consumerAddrsToPrune []types.ConsumerAddrsToPrune)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllConsumerChains(ctx sdk.Context) (chains []types.Chain)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllGlobalSlashEntries(ctx sdktypes.Context) []providertypes.GlobalSlashEntry
- func (k Keeper) GetAllInitTimeoutTimestamps(ctx sdk.Context) (initTimeoutTimestamps []types.InitTimeoutTimestamp)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllKeyAssignmentReplacements(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (replacements []types.KeyAssignmentReplacement)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllPendingConsumerAdditionProps(ctx sdk.Context) (props []types.ConsumerAdditionProposal)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllPendingConsumerRemovalProps(ctx sdk.Context) (props []types.ConsumerRemovalProposal)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllThrottledPacketData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string) (slashData []ccvtypes.SlashPacketData, ...)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllUnbondingOpIndexes(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (indexes []types.VscUnbondingOps)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllUnbondingOps(ctx sdk.Context) (ops []types.UnbondingOp)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllValidatorConsumerPubKeys(ctx sdk.Context, chainID *string) (validatorConsumerPubKeys []types.ValidatorConsumerPubKey)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllValidatorsByConsumerAddr(ctx sdk.Context, chainID *string) (validatorConsumerAddrs []types.ValidatorByConsumerAddr)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllValsetUpdateBlockHeights(ctx sdk.Context) (valsetUpdateBlockHeights []types.ValsetUpdateIdToHeight)
- func (k Keeper) GetAllVscSendTimestamps(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (vscSendTimestamps []types.VscSendTimestamp)
- func (k Keeper) GetCCVTimeoutPeriod(ctx sdk.Context) time.Duration
- func (k Keeper) GetChainToChannel(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (string, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetChannelToChain(ctx sdk.Context, channelID string) (string, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetConsumerAdditionPropsToExecute(ctx sdk.Context) (propsToExecute []types.ConsumerAdditionProposal)
- func (k Keeper) GetConsumerAddrsToPrune(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64) (consumerAddrsToPrune types.ConsumerAddressList)
- func (k Keeper) GetConsumerClientId(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (string, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetConsumerGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (consumertypes.GenesisState, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetConsumerRemovalPropsToExecute(ctx sdk.Context) []types.ConsumerRemovalProposal
- func (k Keeper) GetEffectiveValPower(ctx sdktypes.Context, valConsAddr providertypes.ProviderConsAddress) sdktypes.Int
- func (k Keeper) GetFeeCollectorAddressStr(ctx sdk.Context) string
- func (k Keeper) GetFirstVscSendTimestamp(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (vscSendTimestamp types.VscSendTimestamp, found bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetInitChainHeight(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (uint64, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetInitTimeoutPeriod(ctx sdk.Context) time.Duration
- func (k Keeper) GetInitTimeoutTimestamp(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (uint64, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetKeyAssignmentReplacement(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress) (prevCKey tmprotocrypto.PublicKey, power int64, found bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetLeadingVSCMaturedData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string) (vscMaturedData []ccvtypes.VSCMaturedPacketData, ibcSeqNums []uint64)
- func (k Keeper) GetMaturedUnbondingOps(ctx sdk.Context) (ids []uint64)
- func (k Keeper) GetMaxThrottledPackets(ctx sdk.Context) int64
- func (k Keeper) GetParams(ctx sdk.Context) types.Params
- func (k Keeper) GetPendingConsumerAdditionProp(ctx sdk.Context, spawnTime time.Time, chainID string) (prop types.ConsumerAdditionProposal, found bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetPendingVSCPackets(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) []ccv.ValidatorSetChangePacketData
- func (k Keeper) GetPort(ctx sdk.Context) string
- func (k Keeper) GetProviderAddrFromConsumerAddr(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, consumerAddr types.ConsumerConsAddress) types.ProviderConsAddress
- func (k Keeper) GetSlashAcks(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) []string
- func (k Keeper) GetSlashAndTrailingData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string) (slashFound bool, slashData ccvtypes.SlashPacketData, ...)
- func (k Keeper) GetSlashLog(ctx sdk.Context, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress) (found bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetSlashMeter(ctx sdktypes.Context) sdktypes.Int
- func (k Keeper) GetSlashMeterAllowance(ctx sdktypes.Context) sdktypes.Int
- func (k Keeper) GetSlashMeterReplenishFraction(ctx sdk.Context) string
- func (k Keeper) GetSlashMeterReplenishPeriod(ctx sdk.Context) time.Duration
- func (k Keeper) GetSlashMeterReplenishTimeCandidate(ctx sdktypes.Context) time.Time
- func (k Keeper) GetTemplateClient(ctx sdk.Context) *ibctmtypes.ClientState
- func (k Keeper) GetThrottledPacketDataSize(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string) uint64
- func (k Keeper) GetTrustingPeriodFraction(ctx sdk.Context) string
- func (k Keeper) GetUnbondingOp(ctx sdk.Context, id uint64) (types.UnbondingOp, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetUnbondingOpIndex(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64) ([]uint64, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetUnbondingOpsFromIndex(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, valsetUpdateID uint64) (entries []types.UnbondingOp)
- func (k Keeper) GetValidatorByConsumerAddr(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, consumerAddr types.ConsumerConsAddress) (providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, found bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetValidatorConsumerPubKey(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress) (consumerKey tmprotocrypto.PublicKey, found bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetValidatorSetUpdateId(ctx sdk.Context) (validatorSetUpdateId uint64)
- func (k Keeper) GetValsetUpdateBlockHeight(ctx sdk.Context, valsetUpdateId uint64) (uint64, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetVscSendTimestamp(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64) (time.Time, bool)
- func (k Keeper) GetVscTimeoutPeriod(ctx sdk.Context) time.Duration
- func (k Keeper) HandleConsumerAdditionProposal(ctx sdk.Context, p *types.ConsumerAdditionProposal) error
- func (k Keeper) HandleConsumerRemovalProposal(ctx sdk.Context, p *types.ConsumerRemovalProposal) error
- func (k Keeper) HandleEquivocationProposal(ctx sdk.Context, p *types.EquivocationProposal) error
- func (k Keeper) HandleLeadingVSCMaturedPackets(ctx sdk.Context)
- func (k Keeper) HandlePacketDataForChain(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, ...)
- func (k Keeper) HandleSlashPacket(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, data ccv.SlashPacketData)
- func (k Keeper) HandleThrottleQueues(ctx sdktypes.Context)
- func (k Keeper) HandleVSCMaturedPacket(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, data ccv.VSCMaturedPacketData)
- func (k *Keeper) Hooks() Hooks
- func (k Keeper) IncrementThrottledPacketDataSize(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string)
- func (k Keeper) IncrementValidatorSetUpdateId(ctx sdk.Context)
- func (k Keeper) InitGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, genState *types.GenesisState)
- func (k Keeper) InitializeSlashMeter(ctx sdktypes.Context)
- func (k Keeper) IsBound(ctx sdk.Context, portID string) bool
- func (k Keeper) Logger(ctx sdk.Context) log.Logger
- func (k Keeper) MakeConsumerGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, prop *types.ConsumerAdditionProposal) (gen consumertypes.GenesisState, nextValidatorsHash []byte, err error)
- func (k Keeper) MustApplyKeyAssignmentToValUpdates(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, valUpdates []abci.ValidatorUpdate) (newUpdates []abci.ValidatorUpdate)
- func (k Keeper) OnAcknowledgementPacket(ctx sdk.Context, packet channeltypes.Packet, ack channeltypes.Acknowledgement) error
- func (k Keeper) OnRecvSlashPacket(ctx sdk.Context, packet channeltypes.Packet, data ccv.SlashPacketData) exported.Acknowledgement
- func (k Keeper) OnRecvVSCMaturedPacket(ctx sdk.Context, packet channeltypes.Packet, data ccv.VSCMaturedPacketData) exported.Acknowledgement
- func (k Keeper) OnTimeoutPacket(ctx sdk.Context, packet channeltypes.Packet) error
- func (k Keeper) PendingConsumerRemovalPropExists(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, timestamp time.Time) bool
- func (k Keeper) PruneKeyAssignments(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64)
- func (k Keeper) QueryConsumerChainStarts(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryConsumerChainStartProposalsRequest) (*types.QueryConsumerChainStartProposalsResponse, error)
- func (k Keeper) QueryConsumerChainStops(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryConsumerChainStopProposalsRequest) (*types.QueryConsumerChainStopProposalsResponse, error)
- func (k Keeper) QueryConsumerChains(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryConsumerChainsRequest) (*types.QueryConsumerChainsResponse, error)
- func (k Keeper) QueryConsumerGenesis(c context.Context, req *types.QueryConsumerGenesisRequest) (*types.QueryConsumerGenesisResponse, error)
- func (k Keeper) QueryThrottleState(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryThrottleStateRequest) (*types.QueryThrottleStateResponse, error)
- func (k Keeper) QueryThrottledConsumerPacketData(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryThrottledConsumerPacketDataRequest) (*types.QueryThrottledConsumerPacketDataResponse, error)
- func (k Keeper) QueryValidatorConsumerAddr(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryValidatorConsumerAddrRequest) (*types.QueryValidatorConsumerAddrResponse, error)
- func (k Keeper) QueryValidatorProviderAddr(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryValidatorProviderAddrRequest) (*types.QueryValidatorProviderAddrResponse, error)
- func (k Keeper) QueueGlobalSlashEntry(ctx sdktypes.Context, entry providertypes.GlobalSlashEntry)
- func (k Keeper) QueueThrottledPacketData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, ibcSeqNum uint64, ...) error
- func (k Keeper) QueueThrottledSlashPacketData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, ibcSeqNum uint64, ...) error
- func (k Keeper) QueueThrottledVSCMaturedPacketData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, ibcSeqNum uint64, ...) error
- func (k Keeper) QueueVSCPackets(ctx sdk.Context)
- func (k Keeper) RemoveConsumerFromUnbondingOp(ctx sdk.Context, id uint64, chainID string) (canComplete bool)
- func (k Keeper) ReplenishSlashMeter(ctx sdktypes.Context)
- func (k Keeper) SendVSCPackets(ctx sdk.Context)
- func (k Keeper) SendVSCPacketsToChain(ctx sdk.Context, chainID, channelID string)
- func (k Keeper) SetChainToChannel(ctx sdk.Context, chainID, channelID string)
- func (k Keeper) SetChannelToChain(ctx sdk.Context, channelID, chainID string)
- func (k Keeper) SetConsumerChain(ctx sdk.Context, channelID string) error
- func (k Keeper) SetConsumerClientId(ctx sdk.Context, chainID, clientID string)
- func (k Keeper) SetConsumerGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, gen consumertypes.GenesisState) error
- func (k Keeper) SetInitChainHeight(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, height uint64)
- func (k Keeper) SetInitTimeoutTimestamp(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, ts uint64)
- func (k Keeper) SetKeyAssignmentReplacement(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, ...)
- func (k Keeper) SetParams(ctx sdk.Context, params types.Params)
- func (k Keeper) SetPendingConsumerAdditionProp(ctx sdk.Context, prop *types.ConsumerAdditionProposal)
- func (k Keeper) SetPendingConsumerRemovalProp(ctx sdk.Context, prop *types.ConsumerRemovalProposal)
- func (k Keeper) SetPort(ctx sdk.Context, portID string)
- func (k Keeper) SetSlashAcks(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, acks []string)
- func (k Keeper) SetSlashLog(ctx sdk.Context, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress)
- func (k Keeper) SetSlashMeter(ctx sdktypes.Context, value sdktypes.Int)
- func (k Keeper) SetSlashMeterReplenishTimeCandidate(ctx sdktypes.Context)
- func (k Keeper) SetThrottledPacketDataSize(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, size uint64)
- func (k Keeper) SetUnbondingOp(ctx sdk.Context, unbondingOp types.UnbondingOp)
- func (k Keeper) SetUnbondingOpIndex(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64, IDs []uint64)
- func (k Keeper) SetValidatorByConsumerAddr(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, consumerAddr types.ConsumerConsAddress, ...)
- func (k Keeper) SetValidatorConsumerPubKey(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, ...)
- func (k Keeper) SetValidatorSetUpdateId(ctx sdk.Context, valUpdateID uint64)
- func (k Keeper) SetValsetUpdateBlockHeight(ctx sdk.Context, valsetUpdateId, blockHeight uint64)
- func (k Keeper) SetVscSendTimestamp(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64, timestamp time.Time)
- func (k Keeper) SetVscTimeoutPeriod(ctx sdk.Context, period time.Duration)
- func (k Keeper) StopConsumerChain(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, closeChan bool) (err error)
- func (k Keeper) StopConsumerChainInCachedCtx(ctx sdk.Context, p types.ConsumerRemovalProposal) (cc sdk.Context, writeCache func(), err error)
- func (k Keeper) ValidateSlashPacket(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, packet channeltypes.Packet, ...) error
- func (k Keeper) VerifyConsumerChain(ctx sdk.Context, channelID string, connectionHops []string) error
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func NewMsgServerImpl ¶ added in v1.0.0
NewMsgServerImpl returns an implementation of the bank MsgServer interface for the provided Keeper.
func ValidatorConsensusKeyInUse ¶ added in v1.0.0
ValidatorConsensusKeyInUse is called when a new validator is created in the x/staking module of cosmos-sdk. In case it panics, the TX aborts and thus, the validator is not created. See AfterValidatorCreated hook.
Types ¶
type Hooks ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Hooks struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Wrapper struct
func (Hooks) AfterDelegationModified ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h Hooks) AfterDelegationModified(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.AccAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
func (Hooks) AfterUnbondingInitiated ¶ added in v0.2.0
This stores a record of each unbonding op from staking, allowing us to track which consumer chains have unbonded
func (Hooks) AfterValidatorBeginUnbonding ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h Hooks) AfterValidatorBeginUnbonding(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.ConsAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
func (Hooks) AfterValidatorBonded ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h Hooks) AfterValidatorBonded(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.ConsAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
func (Hooks) AfterValidatorCreated ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h Hooks) AfterValidatorCreated(ctx sdk.Context, valAddr sdk.ValAddress)
func (Hooks) AfterValidatorRemoved ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h Hooks) AfterValidatorRemoved(ctx sdk.Context, valConsAddr sdk.ConsAddress, valAddr sdk.ValAddress)
func (Hooks) BeforeDelegationCreated ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h Hooks) BeforeDelegationCreated(ctx sdk.Context, delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valAddr sdk.ValAddress)
func (Hooks) BeforeDelegationRemoved ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h Hooks) BeforeDelegationRemoved(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.AccAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
func (Hooks) BeforeDelegationSharesModified ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h Hooks) BeforeDelegationSharesModified(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.AccAddress, _ sdk.ValAddress)
func (Hooks) BeforeValidatorModified ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h Hooks) BeforeValidatorModified(_ sdk.Context, _ sdk.ValAddress)
func (Hooks) BeforeValidatorSlashed ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Keeper ¶
type Keeper struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Keeper defines the Cross-Chain Validation Provider Keeper
func NewKeeper ¶
func NewKeeper( cdc codec.BinaryCodec, key sdk.StoreKey, paramSpace paramtypes.Subspace, scopedKeeper ccv.ScopedKeeper, channelKeeper ccv.ChannelKeeper, portKeeper ccv.PortKeeper, connectionKeeper ccv.ConnectionKeeper, clientKeeper ccv.ClientKeeper, stakingKeeper ccv.StakingKeeper, slashingKeeper ccv.SlashingKeeper, accountKeeper ccv.AccountKeeper, evidenceKeeper ccv.EvidenceKeeper, feeCollectorName string, ) Keeper
NewKeeper creates a new provider Keeper instance
func (Keeper) AppendConsumerAddrsToPrune ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) AppendConsumerAddrsToPrune(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64, consumerAddr types.ConsumerConsAddress)
AppendConsumerAddrsToPrune appends a consumer validator address to the list of consumer addresses that can be pruned once the VSCMaturedPacket with vscID is received.
The following invariant needs to hold: For each consumer address cAddr in ValidatorByConsumerAddr,
- either there exists a provider address pAddr in ValidatorConsumerPubKey, s.t. hash(ValidatorConsumerPubKey(pAddr)) = cAddr
- or there exists a vscID in ConsumerAddrsToPrune s.t. cAddr in ConsumerAddrsToPrune(vscID)
func (Keeper) AppendMaturedUnbondingOps ¶
AppendMaturedUnbondingOps adds a list of ids to the list of matured unbonding operation ids
func (Keeper) AppendPendingVSCPackets ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) AppendPendingVSCPackets(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, newPackets ...ccv.ValidatorSetChangePacketData)
AppendPendingVSCPackets adds the given ValidatorSetChange packet to the list of pending ValidatorSetChange packets stored under chain ID
func (Keeper) AppendSlashAck ¶
AppendSlashAck appends the given slash ack to the given chain ID slash acks in store
func (Keeper) AssignConsumerKey ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) AssignConsumerKey( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, validator stakingtypes.Validator, consumerKey tmprotocrypto.PublicKey, ) error
AssignConsumerKey assigns the consumerKey to the validator with providerAddr on the consumer chain with ID chainID
func (Keeper) AuthenticateCapability ¶
func (k Keeper) AuthenticateCapability(ctx sdk.Context, cap *capabilitytypes.Capability, name string) bool
AuthenticateCapability wraps the scopedKeeper's AuthenticateCapability function
func (Keeper) BeginBlockCCR ¶ added in v0.2.0
BeginBlockCCR iterates over the pending consumer removal proposals in order and stop/removes the chain if the stop time has passed, otherwise it will break out of loop and return. Executed proposals are deleted.
See: Spec tag: [CCV-PCF-BBLOCK-CCR.1]
func (Keeper) BeginBlockInit ¶ added in v0.2.0
BeginBlockInit iterates over the pending consumer addition proposals in order, and creates clients for props in which the spawn time has passed. Executed proposals are deleted.
See: Spec tag:[CCV-PCF-BBLOCK-INIT.1]
func (Keeper) BindPort ¶
BindPort defines a wrapper function for the port Keeper's function in order to expose it to module's InitGenesis function
func (Keeper) CheckForSlashMeterReplenishment ¶ added in v1.0.0
CheckForSlashMeterReplenishment checks if the slash meter should be replenished, and if so, replenishes it. Note: initial slash meter replenish time candidate is set in InitGenesis.
func (Keeper) ClaimCapability ¶
func (k Keeper) ClaimCapability(ctx sdk.Context, cap *capabilitytypes.Capability, name string) error
ClaimCapability allows the transfer module that can claim a capability that IBC module passes to it
func (Keeper) ConsumeMaturedUnbondingOps ¶ added in v0.2.0
ConsumeMaturedUnbondingOps empties and returns list of matured unbonding operation ids (if it exists)
func (Keeper) ConsumeSlashAcks ¶ added in v0.2.0
ConsumeSlashAcks empties and returns the slash acks for a given chain ID
func (Keeper) CreateConsumerClient ¶
CreateConsumerClient will create the CCV client for the given consumer chain. The CCV channel must be built on top of the CCV client to ensure connection with the right consumer chain.
See: Spec tag: [CCV-PCF-CRCLIENT.1]
func (Keeper) CreateConsumerClientInCachedCtx ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) CreateConsumerClientInCachedCtx(ctx sdk.Context, p types.ConsumerAdditionProposal) (cc sdk.Context, writeCache func(), err error)
CreateConsumerClientInCachedCtx creates a consumer client from a given consumer addition proposal in a cached context
func (Keeper) DeleteChainToChannel ¶
DeleteChainToChannel deletes the CCV channel ID for the given consumer chain ID
func (Keeper) DeleteChannelToChain ¶
DeleteChannelToChain deletes the consumer chain ID for a given CCV channelID
func (Keeper) DeleteConsumerAddrsToPrune ¶ added in v1.0.0
DeleteConsumerAddrsToPrune deletes the list of consumer addresses mapped to a given VSC ID
func (Keeper) DeleteConsumerClientId ¶
DeleteConsumerClientId removes from the store the clientID for the given chainID.
func (Keeper) DeleteConsumerGenesis ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (Keeper) DeleteGlobalSlashEntries ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) DeleteGlobalSlashEntries(ctx sdktypes.Context, entries ...providertypes.GlobalSlashEntry)
DeleteGlobalSlashEntries deletes the given global entries from the global slash queue
func (Keeper) DeleteGlobalSlashEntriesForConsumer ¶ added in v1.0.0
DeleteGlobalSlashEntriesForConsumer deletes all pending slash packet entries in the global queue, only relevant to a single consumer.
func (Keeper) DeleteInitChainHeight ¶
DeleteInitChainHeight deletes the block height value for which the given consumer chain's channel was established
func (Keeper) DeleteInitTimeoutTimestamp ¶ added in v0.2.0
DeleteInitTimeoutTimestamp removes from the store the init timeout timestamp for the given chainID.
func (Keeper) DeleteKeyAssignmentReplacement ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) DeleteKeyAssignmentReplacement(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress)
DeleteKeyAssignmentReplacement deletes the previous assigned consumer key and the current power for a provider validator for which a key assignment was received in this block. Both are needed to update the validator's power on the consumer chain at the end of the current block.
func (Keeper) DeleteKeyAssignments ¶ added in v1.0.0
DeleteKeyAssignments deletes all the state needed for key assignments on a consumer chain
func (Keeper) DeletePendingConsumerAdditionProps ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) DeletePendingConsumerAdditionProps(ctx sdk.Context, proposals ...types.ConsumerAdditionProposal)
DeletePendingConsumerAdditionProps deletes the given consumer addition proposals
func (Keeper) DeletePendingConsumerRemovalProps ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) DeletePendingConsumerRemovalProps(ctx sdk.Context, proposals ...types.ConsumerRemovalProposal)
DeletePendingConsumerRemovalProps deletes the given pending consumer removal proposals. This method should be called once the proposal has been acted upon.
func (Keeper) DeletePendingVSCPackets ¶ added in v1.0.0
DeletePendingVSCPackets deletes the list of pending ValidatorSetChange packets for chain ID
func (Keeper) DeleteSlashAcks ¶ added in v1.0.0
DeleteSlashAcks deletes the slash acks for a given chain ID
func (Keeper) DeleteThrottledPacketData ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) DeleteThrottledPacketData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, ibcSeqNumbers ...uint64)
DeleteThrottledPacketData deletes the given throttled packet data instances (specified by their ibc seq number) from the chain-specific throttled packet data queue.
func (Keeper) DeleteThrottledPacketDataForConsumer ¶ added in v1.0.0
DeleteAllPacketDataForConsumer deletes all queued packet data for the given consumer chain.
func (Keeper) DeleteUnbondingOp ¶
DeleteUnbondingOp deletes a UnbondingOp given its ID
func (Keeper) DeleteUnbondingOpIndex ¶
DeleteUnbondingOpIndex deletes the IDs of unbonding operations that are waiting for a VSCMaturedPacket with vscID from a consumer with chainID
func (Keeper) DeleteValidatorByConsumerAddr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) DeleteValidatorByConsumerAddr(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, consumerAddr types.ConsumerConsAddress)
DeleteValidatorByConsumerAddr deletes the mapping from a validator's consensus address on a consumer to the validator's consensus address on the provider
func (Keeper) DeleteValidatorConsumerPubKey ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) DeleteValidatorConsumerPubKey(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress)
DeleteValidatorConsumerPubKey deletes a validator's public key assigned for a consumer chain
func (Keeper) DeleteValsetUpdateBlockHeight ¶
DeleteValsetUpdateBlockHeight deletes the block height value for a given vaset update id
func (Keeper) DeleteVscSendTimestamp ¶ added in v0.2.0
DeleteVscSendTimestamp removes from the store a specific VSC send timestamp for the given chainID and vscID.
func (Keeper) DeleteVscSendTimestampsForConsumer ¶ added in v1.0.0
DeleteVscSendTimestampsForConsumer deletes all VSC send timestamps for a given consumer chain
func (Keeper) EndBlockCCR ¶ added in v0.2.0
EndBlockCCR contains the EndBlock logic needed for the Consumer Chain Removal sub-protocol
func (Keeper) EndBlockCIS ¶ added in v0.2.0
EndBlockCIS contains the EndBlock logic needed for the Consumer Initiated Slashing sub-protocol
func (Keeper) EndBlockVSU ¶ added in v0.2.0
EndBlockVSU contains the EndBlock logic needed for the Validator Set Update sub-protocol
func (Keeper) ExportGenesis ¶
func (k Keeper) ExportGenesis(ctx sdk.Context) *types.GenesisState
ExportGenesis returns the CCV provider module's exported genesis
func (Keeper) GetAllChannelToChains ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllChannelToChains(ctx sdk.Context) (channels []types.ChannelToChain)
GetAllChannelToChains gets all channel to chain mappings. If a mapping exists, then the CCV channel to that consumer chain is established.
Note that mapping from CCV channel IDs to consumer chainIDs is stored under keys with the following format: ChannelToChainBytePrefix | channelID Thus, the returned array is in ascending order of channelIDs.
func (Keeper) GetAllConsumerAddrsToPrune ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllConsumerAddrsToPrune(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (consumerAddrsToPrune []types.ConsumerAddrsToPrune)
GetAllConsumerAddrsToPrune gets all consumer addresses that can be pruned for a given chainID.
Note that the list of all consumer addresses is stored under keys with the following format: ConsumerAddrsToPruneBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | vscID Thus, the returned array is in ascending order of vscIDs.
func (Keeper) GetAllConsumerChains ¶ added in v1.0.0
GetAllConsumerChains gets all of the consumer chains, for which the provider module created IBC clients. Consumer chains with created clients are also referred to as registered.
Note that the registered consumer chains are stored under keys with the following format: ChainToClientBytePrefix | chainID Thus, the returned array is in ascending order of chainIDs.
func (Keeper) GetAllGlobalSlashEntries ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllGlobalSlashEntries(ctx sdktypes.Context) []providertypes.GlobalSlashEntry
GetAllGlobalSlashEntries returns all global slash entries from the queue.
Note global slash entries are stored under keys with the following format: GlobalSlashEntryBytePrefix | uint64 recv time | ibc seq num | consumer chain id Thus, the returned array is ordered by recv time, then ibc seq num.
func (Keeper) GetAllInitTimeoutTimestamps ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllInitTimeoutTimestamps(ctx sdk.Context) (initTimeoutTimestamps []types.InitTimeoutTimestamp)
GetAllInitTimeoutTimestamps gets all init timeout timestamps in the store.
Note that the init timeout timestamps are stored under keys with the following format: InitTimeoutTimestampBytePrefix | chainID Thus, the returned array is in ascending order of chainIDs (NOT in timestamp order).
func (Keeper) GetAllKeyAssignmentReplacements ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllKeyAssignmentReplacements(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (replacements []types.KeyAssignmentReplacement)
GetAllKeyAssignmentReplacements gets all pairs of previous assigned consumer keys and current powers for all provider validator for which key assignments were received in this block.
Note that the pairs are stored under keys with the following format: KeyAssignmentReplacementsBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | providerAddress Thus, the iteration is in ascending order of providerAddresses.
func (Keeper) GetAllPendingConsumerAdditionProps ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllPendingConsumerAdditionProps(ctx sdk.Context) (props []types.ConsumerAdditionProposal)
GetAllPendingConsumerAdditionProps gets all pending consumer addition proposals.
Note that the pending consumer addition proposals are stored under keys with the following format: PendingCAPBytePrefix | spawnTime.UnixNano() | chainID Thus, the returned array is in spawnTime order. If two proposals have the same spawnTime, then they are ordered by chainID.
func (Keeper) GetAllPendingConsumerRemovalProps ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllPendingConsumerRemovalProps(ctx sdk.Context) (props []types.ConsumerRemovalProposal)
GetAllPendingConsumerRemovalProps iterates through the pending consumer removal proposals.
Note that the pending consumer removal proposals are stored under keys with the following format: PendingCRPBytePrefix | stopTime.UnixNano() | chainID Thus, the returned array is in stopTime order.
func (Keeper) GetAllThrottledPacketData ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllThrottledPacketData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string) ( slashData []ccvtypes.SlashPacketData, vscMaturedData []ccvtypes.VSCMaturedPacketData, rawOrderedData []interface{}, ibcSeqNums []uint64)
GetAllThrottledPacketData returns all throttled packet data for a specific consumer chain.
Note: This method is only used by tests and queries, hence why it returns redundant data as different types. Since this method executes on query, no panics are explicitly included.
func (Keeper) GetAllUnbondingOpIndexes ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllUnbondingOpIndexes(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (indexes []types.VscUnbondingOps)
GetAllUnbondingOpIndexes gets all unbonding indexes for a given chain id, i.e., all the IDs of unbonding operations that are waiting for VSCMaturedPackets from a consumer with chainID.
Note that the unbonding indexes for a given chainID are stored under keys with the following format: UnbondingOpIndexBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | vscID Thus, the returned array is in ascending order of vscIDs.
func (Keeper) GetAllUnbondingOps ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllUnbondingOps(ctx sdk.Context) (ops []types.UnbondingOp)
GetAllUnbondingOps gets all UnbondingOps, where each UnbondingOp consists of its unique ID and a list of consumer chainIDs that the unbonding operation is waiting on.
Note that UnbondingOps are stored under keys with the following format: UnbondingOpBytePrefix | ID Thus, the iteration is in ascending order of IDs.
func (Keeper) GetAllValidatorConsumerPubKeys ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllValidatorConsumerPubKeys(ctx sdk.Context, chainID *string) (validatorConsumerPubKeys []types.ValidatorConsumerPubKey)
GetAllValidatorConsumerPubKeys gets all the validators public keys assigned for a consumer chain If chainID is nil, it returns all the validators public keys assigned for all consumer chains
Note that the validators public keys assigned for a consumer chain are stored under keys with the following format: UnbondingOpIndexBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | providerAddress Thus, the returned array is
- in ascending order of providerAddresses, if chainID is not nil;
- in undetermined order, if chainID is nil.
func (Keeper) GetAllValidatorsByConsumerAddr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllValidatorsByConsumerAddr(ctx sdk.Context, chainID *string) (validatorConsumerAddrs []types.ValidatorByConsumerAddr)
GetValidatorsByConsumerAddrs gets all the mappings from consensus addresses on a given consumer chain to consensus addresses on the provider chain. If chainID is nil, it returns all the mappings from consensus addresses on all consumer chains.
Note that the mappings for a consumer chain are stored under keys with the following format: ValidatorsByConsumerAddrBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | consumerAddress Thus, the returned array is
- in ascending order of consumerAddresses, if chainID is not nil;
- in undetermined order, if chainID is nil.
func (Keeper) GetAllValsetUpdateBlockHeights ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllValsetUpdateBlockHeights(ctx sdk.Context) (valsetUpdateBlockHeights []types.ValsetUpdateIdToHeight)
GetAllValsetUpdateBlockHeights gets all the block heights for all valset updates
Note that the mapping from vscIDs to block heights is stored under keys with the following format: ValsetUpdateBlockHeightBytePrefix | vscID Thus, the returned array is in ascending order of vscIDs.
func (Keeper) GetAllVscSendTimestamps ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetAllVscSendTimestamps(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (vscSendTimestamps []types.VscSendTimestamp)
GetAllVscSendTimestamps gets an array of all the vsc send timestamps of the given chainID.
Note that the vsc send timestamps of a given chainID are stored under keys with the following format: VscSendTimestampBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | vscID Thus, the iteration is in ascending order of vscIDs, and as a result in send timestamp order.
func (Keeper) GetCCVTimeoutPeriod ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetCCVTimeoutPeriod returns the timeout period for sent ibc packets
func (Keeper) GetChainToChannel ¶
GetChainToChannel gets the CCV channelID for the given consumer chainID
func (Keeper) GetChannelToChain ¶
GetChannelToChain gets the consumer chainID for a given CCV channelID
func (Keeper) GetConsumerAdditionPropsToExecute ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetConsumerAdditionPropsToExecute(ctx sdk.Context) (propsToExecute []types.ConsumerAdditionProposal)
GetConsumerAdditionPropsToExecute returns the pending consumer addition proposals that are ready to be executed, i.e., consumer clients to be created. A prop is included in the returned list if its proposed spawn time has passed.
Note: this method is split out from BeginBlockInit to be easily unit tested.
func (Keeper) GetConsumerAddrsToPrune ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetConsumerAddrsToPrune( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64, ) (consumerAddrsToPrune types.ConsumerAddressList)
GetConsumerAddrsToPrune returns the list of consumer addresses that can be pruned once the VSCMaturedPacket with vscID is received
func (Keeper) GetConsumerClientId ¶
GetConsumerClientId returns the client ID for the given chain ID.
func (Keeper) GetConsumerGenesis ¶
func (k Keeper) GetConsumerGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (consumertypes.GenesisState, bool)
func (Keeper) GetConsumerRemovalPropsToExecute ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetConsumerRemovalPropsToExecute(ctx sdk.Context) []types.ConsumerRemovalProposal
GetConsumerRemovalPropsToExecute iterates over the pending consumer removal proposals and returns an ordered list of consumer removal proposals to be executed, ie. consumer chains to be stopped and removed from the provider chain. A prop is included in the returned list if its proposed stop time has passed.
Note: this method is split out from BeginBlockCCR to be easily unit tested.
func (Keeper) GetEffectiveValPower ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetEffectiveValPower(ctx sdktypes.Context, valConsAddr providertypes.ProviderConsAddress, ) sdktypes.Int
Obtains the effective validator power relevant to a validator consensus address.
func (Keeper) GetFeeCollectorAddressStr ¶
func (Keeper) GetFirstVscSendTimestamp ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetFirstVscSendTimestamp(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) (vscSendTimestamp types.VscSendTimestamp, found bool)
GetFirstVscSendTimestamp gets the vsc send timestamp with the lowest vscID for the given chainID.
func (Keeper) GetInitChainHeight ¶
GetInitChainHeight returns the provider block height when the given consumer chain was initiated
func (Keeper) GetInitTimeoutPeriod ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetInitTimeoutPeriod returns the init timeout period
func (Keeper) GetInitTimeoutTimestamp ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetInitTimeoutTimestamp returns the init timeout timestamp for the given chain ID. This method is used only in testing.
func (Keeper) GetKeyAssignmentReplacement ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetKeyAssignmentReplacement( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, ) (prevCKey tmprotocrypto.PublicKey, power int64, found bool)
GetKeyAssignmentReplacement returns the previous assigned consumer key and the current power for a provider validator for which a key assignment was received in this block. Both are needed to update the validator's power on the consumer chain at the end of the current block.
func (Keeper) GetLeadingVSCMaturedData ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetLeadingVSCMaturedData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string) ( vscMaturedData []ccvtypes.VSCMaturedPacketData, ibcSeqNums []uint64)
GetLeadingVSCMaturedData returns the leading vsc matured packet data instances for a chain-specific throttled packet data queue. Ie the vsc matured packet data instances that do not have any slash packet data instances preceding them in the queue for consumerChainID.
func (Keeper) GetMaturedUnbondingOps ¶
GetMaturedUnbondingOps returns the list of matured unbonding operation ids
func (Keeper) GetMaxThrottledPackets ¶ added in v1.0.0
GetMaxThrottledPackets returns the maximum amount of throttled slash or vsc matured packets that can be queued for a single consumer before the provider chain halts.
func (Keeper) GetPendingConsumerAdditionProp ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) GetPendingConsumerAdditionProp(ctx sdk.Context, spawnTime time.Time, chainID string) (prop types.ConsumerAdditionProposal, found bool)
GetPendingConsumerAdditionProp retrieves a pending consumer addition proposal by spawn time and chain id.
Note: this method is only used in testing
func (Keeper) GetPendingVSCPackets ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetPendingVSCPackets(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string) []ccv.ValidatorSetChangePacketData
GetPendingVSCPackets returns the list of pending ValidatorSetChange packets stored under chain ID
func (Keeper) GetProviderAddrFromConsumerAddr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetProviderAddrFromConsumerAddr( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, consumerAddr types.ConsumerConsAddress, ) types.ProviderConsAddress
GetProviderAddrFromConsumerAddr returns the consensus address of a validator with consAddr set as the consensus address on a consumer chain
func (Keeper) GetSlashAcks ¶
GetSlashAcks returns the slash acks stored under the given chain ID
TODO: SlashAcks should be persisted as a list of ConsumerConsAddr types, not strings. See
func (Keeper) GetSlashAndTrailingData ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetSlashAndTrailingData(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string) ( slashFound bool, slashData ccvtypes.SlashPacketData, vscMaturedData []ccvtypes.VSCMaturedPacketData, ibcSeqNums []uint64, )
GetSlashAndTrailingData returns the first slash packet data instance and any trailing vsc matured packet data instances in the chain-specific throttled packet data queue.
Note that throttled packet data is stored under keys with the following format: ThrottledPacketDataBytePrefix | len(chainID) | chainID | ibcSeqNum Thus, the returned array is in ascending order of ibc seq numbers.
func (Keeper) GetSlashLog ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetSlashLog( ctx sdk.Context, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, ) (found bool)
GetSlashLog returns a validator's slash log status True will be returned if an entry exists for a given validator address
func (Keeper) GetSlashMeter ¶ added in v1.0.0
GetSlashMeter returns a meter (persisted as a signed int) which stores an amount of voting power, corresponding to an allowance of validators that can be jailed/tombstoned over time.
Note: the value of this int should always be in the range of tendermint's [-MaxVotingPower, MaxVotingPower]
func (Keeper) GetSlashMeterAllowance ¶ added in v1.0.0
GetSlashMeterAllowance returns the amount of voting power units (int) that would be added to the slash meter for a replenishment that would happen this block, this allowance value also serves as the max value for the meter for this block.
Note: allowance can change between blocks, since it is directly correlated to total voting power. The slash meter must be less than or equal to the allowance for this block, before any slash packet handling logic can be executed.
func (Keeper) GetSlashMeterReplenishFraction ¶ added in v1.0.0
GetSlashMeterReplenishFraction returns the string fraction of total voting power that is replenished to the slash meter every replenish period. This param also serves as a maximum fraction of total voting power that the slash meter can hold.
func (Keeper) GetSlashMeterReplenishPeriod ¶ added in v1.0.0
GetSlashMeterReplenishPeriod returns the period in which: Once the slash meter becomes not-full, the slash meter is replenished after this period.
func (Keeper) GetSlashMeterReplenishTimeCandidate ¶ added in v1.0.0
GetSlashMeterReplenishTimeCandidate returns the next UTC time the slash meter could potentially be replenished.
Note: this value is the next time the slash meter will be replenished IFF the slash meter is NOT full. Otherwise this value will be updated in every future block until the slash meter becomes NOT full.
func (Keeper) GetTemplateClient ¶
func (k Keeper) GetTemplateClient(ctx sdk.Context) *ibctmtypes.ClientState
GetTemplateClient returns the template client for provider proposals
func (Keeper) GetThrottledPacketDataSize ¶ added in v1.0.0
GetThrottledPacketDataSize returns the size of the throttled packet data queue for the given consumer chain
func (Keeper) GetTrustingPeriodFraction ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetTrustingPeriodFraction returns a TrustingPeriodFraction used to compute the provider IBC client's TrustingPeriod as UnbondingPeriod / TrustingPeriodFraction
func (Keeper) GetUnbondingOp ¶
GetUnbondingOp gets a UnbondingOp by its unique ID
func (Keeper) GetUnbondingOpIndex ¶
GetUnbondingOpIndex gets the IDs of unbonding operations that are waiting for a VSCMaturedPacket with vscID from a consumer with chainID
func (Keeper) GetUnbondingOpsFromIndex ¶
func (k Keeper) GetUnbondingOpsFromIndex(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, valsetUpdateID uint64) (entries []types.UnbondingOp)
GetUnbondingOpsFromIndex gets the unbonding ops waiting for a given chainID and vscID
func (Keeper) GetValidatorByConsumerAddr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetValidatorByConsumerAddr( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, consumerAddr types.ConsumerConsAddress, ) (providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, found bool)
GetValidatorByConsumerAddr returns a validator's consensus address on the provider given the validator's consensus address on a consumer
func (Keeper) GetValidatorConsumerPubKey ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetValidatorConsumerPubKey( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, ) (consumerKey tmprotocrypto.PublicKey, found bool)
GetValidatorConsumerPubKey returns a validator's public key assigned for a consumer chain
func (Keeper) GetValidatorSetUpdateId ¶
func (Keeper) GetValsetUpdateBlockHeight ¶
GetValsetUpdateBlockHeight gets the block height for a given valset update id
func (Keeper) GetVscSendTimestamp ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) GetVscSendTimestamp(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64) (time.Time, bool)
GetVscSendTimestamp returns a VSC send timestamp by chainID and vscID
Note: This method is used only for testing.
func (Keeper) GetVscTimeoutPeriod ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetVscTimeoutPeriod returns the vsc timeout period
func (Keeper) HandleConsumerAdditionProposal ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) HandleConsumerAdditionProposal(ctx sdk.Context, p *types.ConsumerAdditionProposal) error
HandleConsumerAdditionProposal will receive the consumer chain's client state from the proposal. If the client can be successfully created in a cached context, it stores the proposal as a pending proposal.
Note: This method implements SpawnConsumerChainProposalHandler in spec. See: Spec tag: [CCV-PCF-HCAPROP.1]
func (Keeper) HandleConsumerRemovalProposal ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) HandleConsumerRemovalProposal(ctx sdk.Context, p *types.ConsumerRemovalProposal) error
HandleConsumerRemovalProposal stops a consumer chain and released the outstanding unbonding operations. If the consumer can be successfully stopped in a cached context, it stores the proposal as a pending proposal.
This method implements StopConsumerChainProposalHandler from spec. See: Spec tag: [CCV-PCF-HCRPROP.1]
func (Keeper) HandleEquivocationProposal ¶ added in v1.0.0
HandleEquivocationProposal handles an equivocation proposal. Proposal will be accepted if a record in the SlashLog exists for a given validator address.
func (Keeper) HandleLeadingVSCMaturedPackets ¶ added in v1.0.0
HandleLeadingVSCMaturedPackets handles all VSCMatured packet data that has been queued this block, but does not need to be throttled. The handled data is then removed from the queue.
Note: VSC matured packet data which is queued behind slash packet data CANNOT be handled until the leading slash packet data has been handled. This is to maintain the "VSC Maturity and Slashing Order" CCV property. If VSC matured packet data DOES NOT trail slash packet data for that consumer, it will be handled in this method, bypassing HandleThrottleQueues.
func (Keeper) HandlePacketDataForChain ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) HandlePacketDataForChain(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, slashPacketHandler func(sdktypes.Context, string, ccvtypes.SlashPacketData), vscMaturedPacketHandler func(sdktypes.Context, string, ccvtypes.VSCMaturedPacketData), )
HandlePacketDataForChain handles only the first queued slash packet relevant to the passed consumer chainID, and then handles any trailing vsc matured packets in that (consumer chain specific) throttled packet data queue. The handled data is then deleted from the queue.
Note: Any packet data which is handled in this method is also deleted from the (consumer chain specific) queue.
func (Keeper) HandleSlashPacket ¶
HandleSlashPacket potentially jails a misbehaving validator for a downtime infraction. This method should NEVER be called with a double-sign infraction.
func (Keeper) HandleThrottleQueues ¶ added in v1.0.0
HandleThrottleQueues iterates over the global slash entry queue, and handles all or some portion of throttled (slash and/or VSC matured) packet data received from consumer chains. The slash meter is decremented appropriately in this method.
func (Keeper) HandleVSCMaturedPacket ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) HandleVSCMaturedPacket(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, data ccv.VSCMaturedPacketData)
HandleVSCMaturedPacket handles a VSCMatured packet.
Note: This method should only panic for a system critical error like a failed marshal/unmarshal, or persistence of critical data.
func (Keeper) IncrementThrottledPacketDataSize ¶ added in v1.0.0
IncrementThrottledPacketDataSize increments the size of the throttled packet data queue for the given consumer chain.
func (Keeper) IncrementValidatorSetUpdateId ¶
func (Keeper) InitGenesis ¶
func (k Keeper) InitGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, genState *types.GenesisState)
InitGenesis initializes the CCV provider state and binds to PortID.
func (Keeper) InitializeSlashMeter ¶ added in v1.0.0
InitializeSlashMeter initializes the slash meter to it's max value (also its allowance), and sets the replenish time candidate to one replenish period from current block time.
func (Keeper) MakeConsumerGenesis ¶
func (k Keeper) MakeConsumerGenesis( ctx sdk.Context, prop *types.ConsumerAdditionProposal, ) (gen consumertypes.GenesisState, nextValidatorsHash []byte, err error)
MakeConsumerGenesis constructs the consumer CCV module part of the genesis state.
func (Keeper) MustApplyKeyAssignmentToValUpdates ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) MustApplyKeyAssignmentToValUpdates( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, valUpdates []abci.ValidatorUpdate, ) (newUpdates []abci.ValidatorUpdate)
MustApplyKeyAssignmentToValUpdates applies the key assignment to the validator updates received from the staking module. The method panics if the key-assignment state is corrupted.
func (Keeper) OnAcknowledgementPacket ¶
func (k Keeper) OnAcknowledgementPacket(ctx sdk.Context, packet channeltypes.Packet, ack channeltypes.Acknowledgement) error
OnAcknowledgementPacket handles acknowledgments for sent VSC packets
func (Keeper) OnRecvSlashPacket ¶
func (k Keeper) OnRecvSlashPacket(ctx sdk.Context, packet channeltypes.Packet, data ccv.SlashPacketData) exported.Acknowledgement
OnRecvSlashPacket delivers a received slash packet, validates it and then queues the slash packet as pending if valid.
func (Keeper) OnRecvVSCMaturedPacket ¶
func (k Keeper) OnRecvVSCMaturedPacket( ctx sdk.Context, packet channeltypes.Packet, data ccv.VSCMaturedPacketData, ) exported.Acknowledgement
OnRecvVSCMaturedPacket handles a VSCMatured packet
func (Keeper) OnTimeoutPacket ¶
OnTimeoutPacket aborts the transaction if no chain exists for the destination channel, otherwise it stops the chain
func (Keeper) PendingConsumerRemovalPropExists ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) PendingConsumerRemovalPropExists(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, timestamp time.Time) bool
PendingConsumerRemovalPropExists checks whether a pending consumer removal proposal exists for the given consumer chain ID and stopTime
Note: this method is only used in testing
func (Keeper) PruneKeyAssignments ¶ added in v1.0.0
PruneKeyAssignments prunes the consumer addresses no longer needed as they cannot be referenced in slash requests (by a correct consumer)
func (Keeper) QueryConsumerChainStarts ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) QueryConsumerChainStarts(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryConsumerChainStartProposalsRequest) (*types.QueryConsumerChainStartProposalsResponse, error)
func (Keeper) QueryConsumerChainStops ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) QueryConsumerChainStops(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryConsumerChainStopProposalsRequest) (*types.QueryConsumerChainStopProposalsResponse, error)
func (Keeper) QueryConsumerChains ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) QueryConsumerChains(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryConsumerChainsRequest) (*types.QueryConsumerChainsResponse, error)
func (Keeper) QueryConsumerGenesis ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) QueryConsumerGenesis(c context.Context, req *types.QueryConsumerGenesisRequest) (*types.QueryConsumerGenesisResponse, error)
func (Keeper) QueryThrottleState ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) QueryThrottleState(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryThrottleStateRequest) (*types.QueryThrottleStateResponse, error)
func (Keeper) QueryThrottledConsumerPacketData ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) QueryThrottledConsumerPacketData(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryThrottledConsumerPacketDataRequest) (*types.QueryThrottledConsumerPacketDataResponse, error)
func (Keeper) QueryValidatorConsumerAddr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) QueryValidatorConsumerAddr(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryValidatorConsumerAddrRequest) (*types.QueryValidatorConsumerAddrResponse, error)
func (Keeper) QueryValidatorProviderAddr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) QueryValidatorProviderAddr(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QueryValidatorProviderAddrRequest) (*types.QueryValidatorProviderAddrResponse, error)
func (Keeper) QueueGlobalSlashEntry ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) QueueGlobalSlashEntry(ctx sdktypes.Context, entry providertypes.GlobalSlashEntry)
QueueGlobalSlashEntry queues an entry to the "global" slash packet queue, used for throttling val power changes related to jailing/tombstoning over time. This "global" queue is used to coordinate the order of slash packet handling between chains, whereas the chain-specific queue is used to coordinate the order of slash and vsc matured packets relevant to each chain.
func (Keeper) QueueThrottledPacketData ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) QueueThrottledPacketData( ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, ibcSeqNum uint64, packetData interface{}) error
QueueThrottledPacketData queues a slash packet data or vsc matured packet data instance for the given consumer chain's queue.
Note: This method returns an error because it is called from OnRecvSlashPacket and OnRecvVSCMaturedPacket, meaning we can return an ibc err ack to the counter party chain on error, instead of panicking this chain.
func (Keeper) QueueThrottledSlashPacketData ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) QueueThrottledSlashPacketData( ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, ibcSeqNum uint64, data ccvtypes.SlashPacketData) error
QueueThrottledSlashPacketData queues the slash packet data for a chain-specific throttled packet data queue.
Note: This queue is shared between pending slash packet data and pending vsc matured packet data.
func (Keeper) QueueThrottledVSCMaturedPacketData ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) QueueThrottledVSCMaturedPacketData( ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, ibcSeqNum uint64, data ccvtypes.VSCMaturedPacketData) error
QueueThrottledVSCMaturedPacketData queues the vsc matured packet data for a chain-specific throttled packet data queue.
Note: This queue is shared between pending slash packet data and pending vsc matured packet data.
func (Keeper) QueueVSCPackets ¶ added in v1.0.0
QueueVSCPackets queues latest validator updates for every registered consumer chain
func (Keeper) RemoveConsumerFromUnbondingOp ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) RemoveConsumerFromUnbondingOp(ctx sdk.Context, id uint64, chainID string) (canComplete bool)
RemoveConsumerFromUnbondingOp removes a consumer chain ID that the unbonding op with 'id' is waiting on. The method returns true if the unbonding op can complete. In this case the record is removed from store. The method panics if the unbonding op with 'id' is not found.
func (Keeper) ReplenishSlashMeter ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (Keeper) SendVSCPackets ¶ added in v1.0.0
SendVSCPackets iterates over all registered consumers and sends pending VSC packets to the chains with established CCV channels. If the CCV channel is not established for a consumer chain, the updates will remain queued until the channel is established
func (Keeper) SendVSCPacketsToChain ¶ added in v1.0.0
SendVSCPacketsToChain sends all queued VSC packets to the specified chain
func (Keeper) SetChainToChannel ¶
SetChainToChannel sets the mapping from a consumer chainID to the CCV channel ID for that consumer chain.
func (Keeper) SetChannelToChain ¶
SetChannelToChain sets the mapping from the CCV channel ID to the consumer chainID.
func (Keeper) SetConsumerChain ¶
SetConsumerChain ensures that the consumer chain has not already been set by a different channel, and then sets the consumer chain mappings in keeper, and set the channel status to validating. If there is already a CCV channel between the provider and consumer chain then close the channel, so that another channel can be made.
SetConsumerChain is called by OnChanOpenConfirm.
func (Keeper) SetConsumerClientId ¶
SetConsumerClientId sets the client ID for the given chain ID
func (Keeper) SetConsumerGenesis ¶
func (k Keeper) SetConsumerGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, gen consumertypes.GenesisState) error
func (Keeper) SetInitChainHeight ¶
SetInitChainHeight sets the provider block height when the given consumer chain was initiated
func (Keeper) SetInitTimeoutTimestamp ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetInitTimeoutTimestamp sets the init timeout timestamp for the given chain ID
func (Keeper) SetKeyAssignmentReplacement ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) SetKeyAssignmentReplacement( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, prevCKey tmprotocrypto.PublicKey, power int64, )
SetKeyAssignmentReplacement sets the previous assigned consumer key and the current power for a provider validator for which a key assignment was received in this block. Both are needed to update the validator's power on the consumer chain at the end of the current block.
func (Keeper) SetPendingConsumerAdditionProp ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) SetPendingConsumerAdditionProp(ctx sdk.Context, prop *types.ConsumerAdditionProposal)
SetPendingConsumerAdditionProp stores a pending consumer addition proposal.
Note that the pending consumer addition proposals are stored under keys with the following format: PendingCAPBytePrefix | spawnTime | chainID Thus, if multiple consumer addition proposal for the same chain will pass at the same time, then only the last one will be stored.
func (Keeper) SetPendingConsumerRemovalProp ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) SetPendingConsumerRemovalProp(ctx sdk.Context, prop *types.ConsumerRemovalProposal)
SetPendingConsumerRemovalProp stores a pending consumer removal proposal.
Note that the pending removal addition proposals are stored under keys with the following format: PendingCRPBytePrefix | stopTime | chainID Thus, if multiple removal addition proposal for the same chain will pass at the same time, then only the last one will be stored.
func (Keeper) SetSlashAcks ¶
SetSlashAcks sets the slash acks under the given chain ID
TODO: SlashAcks should be persisted as a list of ConsumerConsAddr types, not strings. See
func (Keeper) SetSlashLog ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) SetSlashLog( ctx sdk.Context, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, )
SetSlashLog updates validator's slash log for a consumer chain If an entry exists for a given validator address, at least one double signing slash packet was received by the provider from at least one consumer chain
func (Keeper) SetSlashMeter ¶ added in v1.0.0
SetSlashMeter sets the slash meter to the given signed int value
Note: the value of this int should always be in the range of tendermint's [-MaxTotalVotingPower, MaxTotalVotingPower]
func (Keeper) SetSlashMeterReplenishTimeCandidate ¶ added in v1.0.0
SetSlashMeterReplenishTimeCandidate sets the next time the slash meter may be replenished to the current block time + the configured slash meter replenish period.
Note: this value is the next time the slash meter will be replenished IFF the slash meter is NOT full. Otherwise this value will be updated in every future block until the slash meter becomes NOT full.
func (Keeper) SetThrottledPacketDataSize ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) SetThrottledPacketDataSize(ctx sdktypes.Context, consumerChainID string, size uint64)
SetThrottledPacketDataSize sets the size of the throttled packet data queue for the given consumer chain
func (Keeper) SetUnbondingOp ¶
func (k Keeper) SetUnbondingOp(ctx sdk.Context, unbondingOp types.UnbondingOp)
SetUnbondingOp sets the UnbondingOp by its unique ID
func (Keeper) SetUnbondingOpIndex ¶
SetUnbondingOpIndex sets the IDs of unbonding operations that are waiting for a VSCMaturedPacket with vscID from a consumer with chainID
func (Keeper) SetValidatorByConsumerAddr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) SetValidatorByConsumerAddr( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, consumerAddr types.ConsumerConsAddress, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, )
SetValidatorByConsumerAddr sets the mapping from a validator's consensus address on a consumer to the validator's consensus address on the provider
func (Keeper) SetValidatorConsumerPubKey ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) SetValidatorConsumerPubKey( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, providerAddr types.ProviderConsAddress, consumerKey tmprotocrypto.PublicKey, )
SetValidatorConsumerPubKey sets a validator's public key assigned for a consumer chain
func (Keeper) SetValidatorSetUpdateId ¶
func (Keeper) SetValsetUpdateBlockHeight ¶
SetValsetUpdateBlockHeight sets the block height for a given valset update id
func (Keeper) SetVscSendTimestamp ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (k Keeper) SetVscSendTimestamp( ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, vscID uint64, timestamp time.Time, )
SetVscSendTimestamp sets the VSC send timestamp for a VSCPacket with ID vscID sent to a chain with ID chainID
func (Keeper) SetVscTimeoutPeriod ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetVscTimeoutPeriod sets the vsc timeout period
func (Keeper) StopConsumerChain ¶
StopConsumerChain cleans up the states for the given consumer chain ID and completes the outstanding unbonding operations on the consumer chain.
This method implements StopConsumerChain from spec. See: Spec tag: [CCV-PCF-STCC.1]
func (Keeper) StopConsumerChainInCachedCtx ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) StopConsumerChainInCachedCtx(ctx sdk.Context, p types.ConsumerRemovalProposal) (cc sdk.Context, writeCache func(), err error)
StopConsumerChainInCachedCtx stop a consumer chain from a given consumer removal proposal in a cached context
func (Keeper) ValidateSlashPacket ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (k Keeper) ValidateSlashPacket(ctx sdk.Context, chainID string, packet channeltypes.Packet, data ccv.SlashPacketData) error
ValidateSlashPacket validates a recv slash packet before it is handled or persisted in store. An error is returned if the packet is invalid, and an error ack should be relayed to the sender.