Kubectl Plugin for Cosmicrocks's Postgres Operator
This plugin is a prototype developed as a part of Google Summer of Code 2019 under the Postgres Operator organization.
Installation of kubectl pg plugin
This project uses Go Modules for dependency management to build locally.
Install go and enable go modules with export GO111MODULE=on
From Go >=1.13 Go modules will be enabled by default.
# Assumes you have a working KUBECONFIG
$ GO111MODULE="on"
$ GOPATH/src/github.com/cosmicrocks/scdl8/kubectl-pg go mod vendor
# This generate a vendor directory with all dependencies needed by the plugin.
$ $GOPATH/src/github.com/cosmicrocks/scdl8/kubectl-pg go install
# This will place the kubectl-pg binary in your $GOPATH/bin
Before using the kubectl pg plugin make sure to set KUBECONFIG env variable
Ideally KUBECONFIG is found in $HOME/.kube/config else specify the KUBECONFIG path here.
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
List all commands available in kubectl pg
kubectl pg --help
(or) kubectl pg
Check if Postgres Operator is installed and running
kubectl pg check
Create a new cluster using manifest file
kubectl pg create -f acid-minimal-cluster.yaml
List postgres resources
kubectl pg list
List clusters across namespaces
kubectl pg list all
Update existing cluster using manifest file
kubectl pg update -f acid-minimal-cluster.yaml
Delete existing cluster
Using the manifest file:
kubectl pg delete -f acid-minimal-cluster.yaml
Or by specifying the cluster name:
kubectl pg delete acid-minimal-cluster
Use --namespace
or -n
flag if your cluster is in a different namespace to where your current context is pointing to:
kubectl pg delete acid-minimal-cluster -n namespace01
Adding manifest roles to an existing cluster
kubectl pg add-user USER01 -p CREATEDB,LOGIN -c acid-minimal-cluster
Note: By default, a LOGIN user is created (unless NOLOGIN is specified).
Adding databases to an existing cluster
You have to specify an owner of the new database and this role must already exist in the cluster:
kubectl pg add-db DB01 -o OWNER01 -c acid-minimal-cluster
Extend the volume of an existing pg cluster
kubectl pg ext-volume 2Gi -c acid-minimal-cluster
Print the version of Postgres Operator and kubectl pg plugin
kubectl pg version
Connect to the shell of a postgres pod
Connect to the master pod:
kubectl pg connect -c CLUSTER -m
Connect to a random replica pod:
kubectl pg connect -c CLUSTER
Connect to a certain replica pod:
kubectl pg connect -c CLUSTER -r 0
Connect to a database via psql
Adding the -p
flag allows you to directly connect to a given database with the psql client.
With -u
you specify the user. If left out the name of the current OS user is taken.
lets you specify the database. If no database is specified, it will be the same as the user name.
Connect to app_db
database on the master with role app_user
kubectl pg connect -c CLUSTER -m -p -u app_user -d app_db
Connect to the postgres
database on a random replica with role postgres
kubectl pg connect -c CLUSTER -p -u postgres
Connect to a certain replica assuming name of OS user, database role and name are all the same:
kubectl pg connect -c CLUSTER -r 0 -p
Access Postgres Operator logs
kubectl pg logs -o
Access Patroni logs of different database pods
Fetch logs of master:
kubectl pg logs -c CLUSTER -m
Fetch logs of a random replica pod:
kubectl pg logs -c CLUSTER
Fetch logs of specified replica
kubectl pg logs -c CLUSTER -r 2
When making changes to the plugin make sure to change the (major/patch) version of plugin in build.sh
script and run ./build.sh
Google Summer of Code 2019
GSoC Proposal
kubectl pg proposal
Weekly Reports
Final Project Report