GoIPLookup - geoiplookup for GeoLite2 written in Go

GoIPLookup is a geoiplookup replacement for the free MaxMind GeoLite2-Country,
written in Go.
It currently only supports the free GeoLite2-Country database, and there is no planned support for the other types.
- Drop-in replacement for the now defunct
utility, simply rename it
- Works with the current MaxMind database format (mmdd)
- IPv4, IPv6 and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) support
- Options to return just the country iso (
) or country name (New Zealand
), rather than the full GeoIP Country Edition: NZ, New Zealand
- Built-in database update support (see Database updates)
- Built-in self updater (if new release is available)
Multiple OS/Architecture binaries are supplied with releases. Extract the binary, make it executable, and move it to a location such as /usr/local/bin
If you wish to replace an existing defunct implementation of geoiplookup, then simply name the file geoiplookup
Basic usage
Usage: goiplookup [-i] [-c] [-d <database directory>] <ipaddress|hostname|db-update|self-update>
-V show version number
-c return country name
-d string
database directory or file (default "/usr/share/GeoIP")
-h show help
-i return country iso code
-v verbose/debug output
goiplookup Return the country ISO code and name
goiplookup -d ~/GeoIP Use a different database directory
goiplookup -i Return just the country ISO code
goiplookup -c Return just the country name
goiplookup db-update Update the GeoLite2-Country database (do not run more than once a month)
goiplookup self-update Update the GoIpLookup binary with the latest release
GoIPLookup updates
GoIPLookup comes with a built-in self-updater:
goiplookup self-update
Version checked (goiplookup -V
) will tell you if your version is out of date.
Database updates
GoIPLookup is able to update your GeoLite2 Country database. As of 01/01/2020 MaxMind require a (free) License Key in order to download these updates. The release (binary) versions of goiplookup (>= 0.2.2) already contain a key for this, however if you are compiling from source you will need to set your own licence key in your environment (see below).
Binary release database updates
goiplookup db-update
Self-compiled database updates
If you wish to use your own MaxMind license key, or you are compiling from source, then you must provide a key in your environment.
To generate your own license key from MaxMind you must first register a free account and follow the instructions.
LICENSEKEY="xxxxxxxx" goiplookup db-update
export LICENSEKEY="xxxxxxxx"
goiplookup db-update
or if you wish to compile the source code yourself with your key:
make LICENSEKEY="xxxxxxxx"
Compiling from source
Go >= 1.11 required:
go get github.com/cornymoment/goiplookup