Local-CI is an orchestrator to execute complex CI jobs locally.
❯ Installation steps
You can use a pre-built binary with:
wget https://github.com/CorentinDeBoisset/localci/releases/download/<version>/localci_<platform>_<arch> -O localci
# On linux, you can install on /usr/local/bin (requires sudo), or in ~/bin
install -m 0755 localci /path/to/install
Alternatively, you can run the following command (you will need to install golang v1.23+):
go install github.com/corentindeboisset/localci
❯ Contributing
Development setup
You can build the development binary:
make dev
./bin/localci_dev <args>
If you want to run the tests, you can execute:
make test
Aditionnaly, if you want a coverage report:
make coverage