Overview ¶
Copyright 2024 Coralogix Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright 2024 Coralogix Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright 2024 Coralogix Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright 2024 Coralogix Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func CoralogixGrpcEndpointFromRegion(regionIdentifier string) string
- func CoralogixRegionFromEnv() (string, error)
- func CoralogixRestEndpointFromRegion(regionIdentifier string) string
- func CoralogixTeamsLevelAPIKeyFromEnv() (string, error)
- func CoralogixUserLevelAPIKeyFromEnv() (string, error)
- type APIKeyPermissions
- type Action
- type ActionsClient
- func (a ActionsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateActionRequest) (*actions.CreateActionResponse, error)
- func (a ActionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteActionRequest) (*actions.DeleteActionResponse, error)
- func (a ActionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetActionRequest) (*actions.GetActionResponse, error)
- func (a ActionsClient) Order(ctx context.Context, req *actions.OrderActionsRequest) (*actions.OrderActionsResponse, error)
- func (a ActionsClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *ReplaceActionRequest) (*actions.ReplaceActionResponse, error)
- type AlertDefAdvancedNotificationGroup
- type AlertDefAdvancedTargets
- type AlertDefIntegrationType
- type AlertDefIntegrationTypeIntegrationID
- type AlertDefIntegrationTypeRecipients
- type AlertDefNotificationGroup
- type AlertDefProperties
- type AlertDefRecipients
- type AlertDefScheduleActiveOn
- type AlertDefSimpleNotificationGroup
- type AlertDefSimpleTarget
- type AlertSchedulerFilter
- type AlertSchedulerFilterUniqueIDs
- type AlertSchedulerRule
- type AlertUniqueIDs
- type AlertsClient
- func (a AlertsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.CreateAlertDefRequest) (*alerts.CreateAlertDefResponse, error)
- func (a AlertsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.DeleteAlertDefRequest) (*alerts.DeleteAlertDefResponse, error)
- func (a AlertsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.GetAlertDefRequest) (*alerts.GetAlertDefResponse, error)
- func (a AlertsClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.ListAlertDefsRequest) (*alerts.ListAlertDefsResponse, error)
- func (a AlertsClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.ReplaceAlertDefRequest) (*alerts.ReplaceAlertDefResponse, error)
- func (a AlertsClient) Set(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.SetActiveRequest) (*alerts.SetActiveResponse, error)
- type AlertsSchedulersClient
- func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.CreateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.CreateAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
- func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) CreateBulk(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.CreateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.CreateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
- func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
- func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.GetAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.GetAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
- func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) GetBulk(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.GetBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.GetBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
- func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
- func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) UpdateBulk(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.UpdateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.UpdateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
- type ApikeysClient
- func (t ApikeysClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *apikeys.CreateApiKeyRequest) (*apikeys.CreateApiKeyResponse, error)
- func (t ApikeysClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *apikeys.DeleteApiKeyRequest) (*apikeys.DeleteApiKeyResponse, error)
- func (t ApikeysClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *apikeys.GetApiKeyRequest) (*apikeys.GetApiKeyResponse, error)
- func (t ApikeysClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *apikeys.UpdateApiKeyRequest) (*apikeys.UpdateApiKeyResponse, error)
- type ArchiveLogsClient
- func (c ArchiveLogsClient) Get(ctx context.Context) (*archiveLogs.GetTargetResponse, error)
- func (c ArchiveLogsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *archiveLogs.SetTargetRequest) (*archiveLogs.SetTargetResponse, error)
- func (c ArchiveLogsClient) ValidateTarget(ctx context.Context, req *archiveLogs.ValidateTargetRequest) (*archiveLogs.ValidateTargetResponse, error)
- type ArchiveMetricsClient
- func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) ConfigureTenant(ctx context.Context, req *archiveMetrics.ConfigureTenantRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) Disable(ctx context.Context) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) Enable(ctx context.Context) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) Get(ctx context.Context) (*archiveMetrics.GetTenantConfigResponseV2, error)
- func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *archiveMetrics.UpdateRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) ValidateTarget(ctx context.Context, req *archiveMetrics.ValidateBucketRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- type ArchiveRetentionsClient
- func (c ArchiveRetentionsClient) Activate(ctx context.Context, req *archiveRetention.ActivateRetentionsRequest) (*archiveRetention.ActivateRetentionsResponse, error)
- func (c ArchiveRetentionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *archiveRetention.GetRetentionsRequest) (*archiveRetention.GetRetentionsResponse, error)
- func (c ArchiveRetentionsClient) GetEnabled(ctx context.Context, req *archiveRetention.GetRetentionsEnabledRequest) (*archiveRetention.GetRetentionsEnabledResponse, error)
- func (c ArchiveRetentionsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *archiveRetention.UpdateRetentionsRequest) (*archiveRetention.UpdateRetentionsResponse, error)
- type ArchiveS3Config
- type AuthContext
- type AwsEventBridge
- type AwsEventBridgeConfig
- type CallProperties
- type CallPropertiesCreator
- type ClientSet
- func (c *ClientSet) APIKeys() *ApikeysClient
- func (c *ClientSet) Actions() *ActionsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) AlertSchedulers() *AlertsSchedulersClient
- func (c *ClientSet) Alerts() *AlertsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) ArchiveLogs() *ArchiveLogsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) ArchiveMetrics() *ArchiveMetricsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) ArchiveRetentions() *ArchiveRetentionsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) DataSet() *DataSetClient
- func (c *ClientSet) Enrichments() *EnrichmentsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) Events2Metrics() *Events2MetricsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) Groups() *GroupsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) RuleGroups() *RuleGroupsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) SLOs() *SLOsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) Scopes() *ScopesClient
- func (c *ClientSet) TCOPolicies() *TCOPoliciesClient
- func (c *ClientSet) Teams() *TeamsClient
- func (c *ClientSet) Users() *UsersClient
- func (c *ClientSet) Webhooks() *WebhooksClient
- type ConfigureTenantRequest
- type ConfigureTenantRequestS3
- type CreateAPIKeyRequest
- type CreateActionRequest
- type CreateAlertRequest
- type CreateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest
- type CreateDashboardFolderRequest
- type CreateDashboardRequest
- type CreateDataSetRequest
- type CreateOutgoingWebhookRequest
- type CreateScopeRequest
- type CreateServiceSloRequest
- type CreateTeamInOrgRequest
- type Dashboard
- type DashboardFolder
- type DashboardFolderPath
- type DashboardsClient
- func (d DashboardsClient) AssignToFolder(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.AssignDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.AssignDashboardFolderResponse, error)
- func (d DashboardsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.CreateDashboardResponse, error)
- func (d DashboardsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.DeleteDashboardResponse, error)
- func (d DashboardsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.GetDashboardResponse, error)
- func (d DashboardsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (*dashboards.GetDashboardCatalogResponse, error)
- func (d DashboardsClient) Pin(ctx context.Context, req *PinDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.PinDashboardResponse, error)
- func (d DashboardsClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *ReplaceDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.ReplaceDashboardResponse, error)
- func (d DashboardsClient) Unpin(ctx context.Context, req *UnpinDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.UnpinDashboardResponse, error)
- type DashboardsFoldersClient
- func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.CreateDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.CreateDashboardFolderResponse, error)
- func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.DeleteDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.DeleteDashboardFolderResponse, error)
- func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.GetDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.GetDashboardFolderResponse, error)
- func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) List(ctx context.Context) (*dashboards.ListDashboardFoldersResponse, error)
- func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.ReplaceDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.ReplaceDashboardFolderResponse, error)
- type DataSetClient
- func (d DataSetClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateDataSetRequest) (*enrichment.CreateCustomEnrichmentResponse, error)
- func (d DataSetClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteDataSetRequest) (*enrichment.DeleteCustomEnrichmentResponse, error)
- func (d DataSetClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetDataSetRequest) (*enrichment.GetCustomEnrichmentResponse, error)
- func (d DataSetClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *enrichment.GetCustomEnrichmentsRequest) (*enrichment.GetCustomEnrichmentsResponse, error)
- func (d DataSetClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateDataSetRequest) (*enrichment.UpdateCustomEnrichmentResponse, error)
- type DataprimeClient
- type DataprimeQueryMetadata
- type DeleteAPIKeyRequest
- type DeleteActionRequest
- type DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleRequest
- type DeleteDashboardRequest
- type DeleteDataSetRequest
- type DeleteIntegrationRequest
- type DeleteOutgoingWebhookRequest
- type DeleteScopeRequest
- type DeleteServiceSloRequest
- type DeleteTeamRequest
- type Demisto
- type DemistoConfig
- type EmailGroup
- type EmailGroupConfig
- type EnrichmentsClient
- func (e EnrichmentsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *enrichment.AddEnrichmentsRequest) ([]*enrichment.Enrichment, error)
- func (e EnrichmentsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *enrichment.RemoveEnrichmentsRequest) error
- func (e EnrichmentsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, customEnrichmentID uint32) ([]*enrichment.Enrichment, error)
- func (e EnrichmentsClient) GetByType(ctx context.Context, enrichmentType string) ([]*enrichment.Enrichment, error)
- func (e EnrichmentsClient) GetLimits(ctx context.Context) (*enrichment.GetEnrichmentLimitResponse, error)
- func (e EnrichmentsClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *enrichment.GetEnrichmentsRequest) ([]*enrichment.Enrichment, error)
- type Events2MetricsClient
- func (e Events2MetricsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.CreateE2MRequest) (*e2m.CreateE2MResponse, error)
- func (e Events2MetricsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.DeleteE2MRequest) (*e2m.DeleteE2MResponse, error)
- func (e Events2MetricsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.GetE2MRequest) (*e2m.GetE2MResponse, error)
- func (e Events2MetricsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (*e2m.ListE2MResponse, error)
- func (e Events2MetricsClient) ListLabelsCardinality(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.ListLabelsCardinalityRequest) (*e2m.ListLabelsCardinalityResponse, error)
- func (e Events2MetricsClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.ReplaceE2MRequest) (*e2m.ReplaceE2MResponse, error)
- type File
- type FileBinary
- type FileTextual
- type Filter
- type FolderPath
- type GenericIntegrationParameters
- type GenericWebhook
- type GenericWebhookConfig
- type GetAPIKeyRequest
- type GetActionRequest
- type GetAlertSchedulerRuleRequest
- type GetDashboardFolderRequest
- type GetDashboardRequest
- type GetDataSetRequest
- type GetDeployedIntegrationRequest
- type GetDeployedIntegrationResponse
- type GetIntegrationDefinitionRequest
- type GetIntegrationDetailsRequest
- type GetManagedIntegrationStatusRequest
- type GetOutgoingWebhookRequest
- type GetRumApplicationVersionDataRequest
- type GetServiceSloRequest
- type GetTeamQuotaRequest
- type GetTeamRequest
- type GetTeamScopesByIDsRequest
- type GetTeamScopesRequest
- type GetTemplateRequest
- type GetTenantConfigRequest
- type GroupsClient
- func (c GroupsClient) AddUsers(ctx context.Context, req *groups.AddUsersToTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.AddUsersToTeamGroupResponse, error)
- func (c GroupsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *groups.CreateTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.CreateTeamGroupResponse, error)
- func (c GroupsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *groups.DeleteTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.DeleteTeamGroupResponse, error)
- func (c GroupsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *groups.GetTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.GetTeamGroupResponse, error)
- func (c GroupsClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *groups.GetTeamGroupsRequest) (*groups.GetTeamGroupsResponse, error)
- func (c GroupsClient) RemoveUsers(ctx context.Context, req *groups.RemoveUsersFromTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.RemoveUsersFromTeamGroupResponse, error)
- func (c GroupsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *groups.UpdateTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.UpdateTeamGroupResponse, error)
- type IbmEventNotifications
- type IbmEventNotificationsConfig
- type IntegrationDetailsDefault
- type IntegrationMetadata
- type IntegrationMetadataIntegrationParameters
- type IntegrationParameter
- type IntegrationParameterAPIKey
- type IntegrationParameterBooleanValue
- type IntegrationParameterNumericValue
- type IntegrationParameterSensitiveData
- type IntegrationParameterStringList
- type IntegrationParameterStringListInner
- type IntegrationParameterStringValue
- type IntegrationTestFail
- type IntegrationTestSuccess
- type IntegrationsClient
- func (c IntegrationsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *SaveIntegrationRequest) (*ext.SaveIntegrationResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteIntegrationRequest) (*ext.DeleteIntegrationResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *ext.GetDeployedIntegrationRequest) (*ext.GetDeployedIntegrationResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) GetDefinition(ctx context.Context, req *GetIntegrationDefinitionRequest) (*ext.GetIntegrationDefinitionResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) GetDetails(ctx context.Context, req *GetIntegrationDetailsRequest) (*ext.GetIntegrationDetailsResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) GetIntegrationStatus(ctx context.Context, req *GetManagedIntegrationStatusRequest) (*ext.GetManagedIntegrationStatusResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) GetRumApplicationVersionData(ctx context.Context, req *GetRumApplicationVersionDataRequest) (*ext.GetRumApplicationVersionDataResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) GetTemplate(ctx context.Context, req *GetTemplateRequest) (*ext.GetTemplateResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) SyncRumData(ctx context.Context, req *SyncRumDataRequest) (*ext.SyncRumDataResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) Test(ctx context.Context, req *TestIntegrationRequest) (*ext.TestIntegrationResponse, error)
- func (c IntegrationsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateIntegrationRequest) (*ext.UpdateIntegrationResponse, error)
- type Jira
- type JiraConfig
- type ListAlertDefsRequest
- type ListAllOutgoingWebhooksRequest
- type ListDashboardFolderRequest
- type ListOutgoingWebhookTypesRequest
- type MetaLabel
- type MicrosoftTeams
- type MicrosoftTeamsConfig
- type MoveQuotaRequest
- type OneTime
- type Opsgenie
- type OpsgenieConfig
- type OrderActionsRequest
- type OutgoingWebhookInputData
- type Owner
- type OwnerOrganisationID
- type OwnerTeamID
- type OwnerUserID
- type PagerDuty
- type PagerDutyConfig
- type PinDashboardRequest
- type QueryRequest
- type ReplaceActionRequest
- type ReplaceDashboardRequest
- type ReplaceServiceSloRequest
- type RetentionPolicyRequest
- type RuleGroupsClient
- func (r RuleGroupsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *rulesgroups.CreateRuleGroupRequest) (*rulesgroups.CreateRuleGroupResponse, error)
- func (r RuleGroupsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *rulesgroups.DeleteRuleGroupRequest) (*rulesgroups.DeleteRuleGroupResponse, error)
- func (r RuleGroupsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *rulesgroups.GetRuleGroupRequest) (*rulesgroups.GetRuleGroupResponse, error)
- func (r RuleGroupsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *rulesgroups.UpdateRuleGroupRequest) (*rulesgroups.UpdateRuleGroupResponse, error)
- type SCIMUser
- type SCIMUserEmail
- type SCIMUserGroup
- type SCIMUserName
- type SLOsClient
- func (c SLOsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *slos.CreateServiceSloRequest) (*slos.CreateServiceSloResponse, error)
- func (c SLOsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *slos.DeleteServiceSloRequest) (*slos.DeleteServiceSloResponse, error)
- func (c SLOsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *slos.GetServiceSloRequest) (*slos.GetServiceSloResponse, error)
- func (c SLOsClient) GetBulk(ctx context.Context, req *slos.BatchGetServiceSlosRequest) (*slos.BatchGetServiceSlosResponse, error)
- func (c SLOsClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *slos.ListServiceSlosRequest) (*slos.ListServiceSlosResponse, error)
- func (c SLOsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *slos.ReplaceServiceSloRequest) (*slos.ReplaceServiceSloResponse, error)
- type SaveIntegrationRequest
- type Schedule
- type ScheduleOneTime
- type ScopesClient
- func (c ScopesClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateScopeRequest) (*scopes.CreateScopeResponse, error)
- func (c ScopesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteScopeRequest) (*scopes.DeleteScopeResponse, error)
- func (c ScopesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetTeamScopesByIDsRequest) (*scopes.GetScopesResponse, error)
- func (c ScopesClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *GetTeamScopesRequest) (*scopes.GetScopesResponse, error)
- func (c ScopesClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateScopeRequest) (*scopes.UpdateScopeResponse, error)
- type SendLog
- type SendLogConfig
- type ServiceSlo
- type ServiceSloErrorSli
- type SetActiveRequest
- type SetDailyQuotaRequest
- type Slack
- type SlackConfig
- type SlackConfigAttachment
- type SlackConfigDigest
- type SyncRumDataRequest
- type TCOPoliciesClient
- func (t TCOPoliciesClient) CreateTCOPolicy(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.CreatePolicyRequest) (*tcopolicies.CreatePolicyResponse, error)
- func (t TCOPoliciesClient) DeleteTCOPolicy(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.DeletePolicyRequest) (*tcopolicies.DeletePolicyResponse, error)
- func (t TCOPoliciesClient) GetTCOPolicies(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.GetCompanyPoliciesRequest) (*tcopolicies.GetCompanyPoliciesResponse, error)
- func (t TCOPoliciesClient) GetTCOPolicy(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.GetPolicyRequest) (*tcopolicies.GetPolicyResponse, error)
- func (t TCOPoliciesClient) OverwriteTCOLogsPolicies(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.AtomicOverwriteLogPoliciesRequest) (*tcopolicies.AtomicOverwriteLogPoliciesResponse, error)
- func (t TCOPoliciesClient) OverwriteTCOTracesPolicies(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.AtomicOverwriteSpanPoliciesRequest) (*tcopolicies.AtomicOverwriteSpanPoliciesResponse, error)
- func (t TCOPoliciesClient) ReorderTCOPolicies(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.ReorderPoliciesRequest) (*tcopolicies.ReorderPoliciesResponse, error)
- func (t TCOPoliciesClient) UpdateTCOPolicy(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.UpdatePolicyRequest) (*tcopolicies.UpdatePolicyResponse, error)
- type TeamID
- type TeamsClient
- func (c TeamsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateTeamInOrgRequest) (*teams.CreateTeamInOrgResponse, error)
- func (c TeamsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteTeamRequest) (*teams.DeleteTeamResponse, error)
- func (c TeamsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetTeamRequest) (*teams.GetTeamResponse, error)
- func (c TeamsClient) GetQuota(ctx context.Context, req *GetTeamQuotaRequest) (*teams.GetTeamQuotaResponse, error)
- func (c TeamsClient) MoveQuota(ctx context.Context, req *MoveQuotaRequest) (*teams.MoveQuotaResponse, error)
- func (c TeamsClient) SetDailyQuota(ctx context.Context, req *SetDailyQuotaRequest) (*teams.SetDailyQuotaResponse, error)
- func (c TeamsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateTeamRequest) (*teams.UpdateTeamResponse, error)
- type TenantConfigV2Ibm
- type TenantConfigV2S3
- type TestExistingOutgoingWebhookRequest
- type TestIntegrationRequest
- type TestOutgoingWebhookFailure
- type TestOutgoingWebhookRequest
- type TestOutgoingWebhookSuccess
- type Timeframe
- type TimeframeEndTime
- type UnpinDashboardRequest
- type UpdateAPIKeyRequest
- type UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest
- type UpdateDataSetRequest
- type UpdateIntegrationRequest
- type UpdateOutgoingWebhookRequest
- type UpdateRequestIbm
- type UpdateRequestS3
- type UpdateScopeRequest
- type UpdateTeamRequest
- type UpdateTenantRequest
- type UsersClient
- func (c UsersClient) Create(ctx context.Context, userReq *SCIMUser) (*SCIMUser, error)
- func (c UsersClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, userID string) error
- func (c UsersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, userID string) (*SCIMUser, error)
- func (c UsersClient) Update(ctx context.Context, userID string, userReq *SCIMUser) (*SCIMUser, error)
- type ValidateBucketRequest
- type ValidateBucketRequestIbm
- type ValidateBucketRequestS3
- type WebhookType
- type WebhooksClient
- func (c WebhooksClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.CreateOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
- func (c WebhooksClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.DeleteOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
- func (c WebhooksClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.GetOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
- func (c WebhooksClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *ListAllOutgoingWebhooksRequest) (*webhooks.ListAllOutgoingWebhooksResponse, error)
- func (c WebhooksClient) ListTypes(ctx context.Context, req *ListOutgoingWebhookTypesRequest) (*webhooks.ListOutgoingWebhookTypesResponse, error)
- func (c WebhooksClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.UpdateOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
- func (c WebhooksClient) Test(ctx context.Context, req *TestOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.TestOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
- func (c WebhooksClient) TestByID(ctx context.Context, req *TestExistingOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.TestOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
Constants ¶
const ( // SourceTypeSourceTypeUnspecified is an unspecified source type. SourceTypeSourceTypeUnspecified = actions.SourceType_SOURCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED // SourceTypeSourceTypeLog is a webhook source type. SourceTypeSourceTypeLog = actions.SourceType_SOURCE_TYPE_LOG // SourceTypeSourceTypeDataMap is a data map source type. SourceTypeSourceTypeDataMap = actions.SourceType_SOURCE_TYPE_DATA_MAP )
const ( // ScheduleOperationScheduleOperationActivate is a ScheduleOperation that activates an alert scheduler. ScheduleOperationScheduleOperationActivate = alertsSchedulers.ScheduleOperation_SCHEDULE_OPERATION_ACTIVATE // ScheduleOperationScheduleOperationUnspecified is an unspecified ScheduleOperation. ScheduleOperationScheduleOperationUnspecified = alertsSchedulers.ScheduleOperation_SCHEDULE_OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED // ScheduleOperationScheduleOperationMute is a ScheduleOperation that mutes an alert scheduler. ScheduleOperationScheduleOperationMute = alertsSchedulers.ScheduleOperation_SCHEDULE_OPERATION_MUTE )
const ( // GrpcUS1 is the URL for the us1 region. GrpcUS1 = "" // GrpcUS2 is the URL for the us2 region. GrpcUS2 = "" // GrpcEU1 is the URL for the eu1 region. GrpcEU1 = "" // GrpcEU2 is the URL for the eu2 region. GrpcEU2 = "" // GrpcAP1 is the URL for the ap1 region. GrpcAP1 = "" // GrpcAP2 is the URL for the ap2 region. GrpcAP2 = "" )
const ( // RestUS1 is the URL for the us1 region. RestUS1 = "" // RestUS2 is the URL for the us2 region. RestUS2 = "" // RestEU1 is the URL for the eu1 region. RestEU1 = "" // RestEU2 is the URL for the eu2 region. RestEU2 = "" // RestAP1 is the URL for the ap1 region. RestAP1 = "" // RestAP2 is the URL for the ap2 region. RestAP2 = "" )
const ( // EntityTypeUnspecified is an unspecified entity type EntityTypeUnspecified = scopes.EntityType_UNSPECIFIED // EntityTypeLogs is a logs entity type EntityTypeLogs = scopes.EntityType_LOGS // EntityTypeSpans is a metrics entity type EntityTypeSpans = scopes.EntityType_SPANS )
const ( // WebhookTypeUnknown is an unknown webhook type. WebhookTypeUnknown = webhooks.WebhookType_UNKNOWN // WebhookTypeGeneric is a generic webhook type. WebhookTypeGeneric = webhooks.WebhookType_GENERIC // WebhookTypeSlack is a Slack webhook type. WebhookTypeSlack = webhooks.WebhookType_SLACK // WebhookTypePagerduty is a PagerDuty webhook type. WebhookTypePagerduty = webhooks.WebhookType_PAGERDUTY // WebhookTypeSendLog is a SendLog webhook type. WebhookTypeSendLog = webhooks.WebhookType_SEND_LOG // WebhookTypeEmailGroup is an EmailGroup webhook type. WebhookTypeEmailGroup = webhooks.WebhookType_EMAIL_GROUP // WebhookTypeMicrosoftTeams is a MicrosoftTeams webhook type. WebhookTypeMicrosoftTeams = webhooks.WebhookType_MICROSOFT_TEAMS // WebhookTypeJira is a Jira webhook type. WebhookTypeJira = webhooks.WebhookType_JIRA // WebhookTypeOpsgenie is an Opsgenie webhook type. WebhookTypeOpsgenie = webhooks.WebhookType_OPSGENIE // WebhookTypeDemisto is a Demisto webhook type. WebhookTypeDemisto = webhooks.WebhookType_DEMISTO // WebhookTypeAwsEventBridge is an AWS EventBridge webhook type. WebhookTypeAwsEventBridge = webhooks.WebhookType_AWS_EVENT_BRIDGE // WebhookTypeIbmEventNotifications is an IBM Event Notifications webhook type. WebhookTypeIbmEventNotifications = webhooks.WebhookType_IBM_EVENT_NOTIFICATIONS )
const ( // GenericWebhookConfigUnknown is an unknown config GenericWebhookConfigUnknown = webhooks.GenericWebhookConfig_UNKNOWN // GenericWebhookConfigGet is a GET request GenericWebhookConfigGet = webhooks.GenericWebhookConfig_GET // GenericWebhookConfigPost is a POST request GenericWebhookConfigPost = webhooks.GenericWebhookConfig_POST // GenericWebhookConfigPut is a PUT request GenericWebhookConfigPut = webhooks.GenericWebhookConfig_PUT )
const ( // SlackConfigEmpty is an empty attachment SlackConfigEmpty = webhooks.SlackConfig_EMPTY // SlackConfigMetricSnapshot for metrics SlackConfigMetricSnapshot = webhooks.SlackConfig_METRIC_SNAPSHOT // SlackConfigLogs for logs SlackConfigLogs = webhooks.SlackConfig_LOGS // SlackConfigUnknown unknown digest SlackConfigUnknown = webhooks.SlackConfig_UNKNOWN // SlackConfigErrorAndCriticalLogs for error and critical logs SlackConfigErrorAndCriticalLogs = webhooks.SlackConfig_ERROR_AND_CRITICAL_LOGS // SlackConfigFlowAnomalies for flow anomalies SlackConfigFlowAnomalies = webhooks.SlackConfig_FLOW_ANOMALIES // SlackConfigSpikeAnomalies for spike anomalies SlackConfigSpikeAnomalies = webhooks.SlackConfig_SPIKE_ANOMALIES // SlackConfigDataUsage for data usage SlackConfigDataUsage = webhooks.SlackConfig_DATA_USAGE )
const AlertDefPriorityP1 = alerts.AlertDefPriority_ALERT_DEF_PRIORITY_P1
AlertDefPriorityP1 is the alert priority P1.
const AlertDefPriorityP2 = alerts.AlertDefPriority_ALERT_DEF_PRIORITY_P2
AlertDefPriorityP2 is the alert priority P2.
const AlertDefPriorityP3 = alerts.AlertDefPriority_ALERT_DEF_PRIORITY_P3
AlertDefPriorityP3 is the alert priority P3.
const AlertDefPriorityP4 = alerts.AlertDefPriority_ALERT_DEF_PRIORITY_P4
AlertDefPriorityP4 is the alert priority P4.
const AlertDefPriorityP5OrUnspecified = alerts.AlertDefPriority_ALERT_DEF_PRIORITY_P5_OR_UNSPECIFIED
AlertDefPriorityP5OrUnspecified is the alert priority P5 or unspecified.
const AlertDefTypeFlow = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_FLOW
AlertDefTypeFlow is the alert type "flow".
const AlertDefTypeLogsImmediateOrUnspecified = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_IMMEDIATE_OR_UNSPECIFIED
AlertDefTypeLogsImmediateOrUnspecified is the alert type "logs immediate or unspecified".
const AlertDefTypeLogsLessThan = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_LESS_THAN
AlertDefTypeLogsLessThan is the alert type "logs less than".
const AlertDefTypeLogsMoreThan = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_MORE_THAN
AlertDefTypeLogsMoreThan is the alert type "logs more than".
const AlertDefTypeLogsMoreThanUsual = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_MORE_THAN_USUAL
AlertDefTypeLogsMoreThanUsual is the alert type "logs more than usual".
const AlertDefTypeLogsNewValue = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_NEW_VALUE
AlertDefTypeLogsNewValue is the alert type "logs new value".
const AlertDefTypeLogsRatioLessThan = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_RATIO_LESS_THAN
AlertDefTypeLogsRatioLessThan is the alert type "logs ratio less than".
const AlertDefTypeLogsRatioMoreThan = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_RATIO_MORE_THAN
AlertDefTypeLogsRatioMoreThan is the alert type "logs ratio more than".
const AlertDefTypeLogsTimeRelativeLessThan = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_TIME_RELATIVE_LESS_THAN
AlertDefTypeLogsTimeRelativeLessThan is the alert type "logs time relative less than".
const AlertDefTypeLogsTimeRelativeMoreThan = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_TIME_RELATIVE_MORE_THAN
AlertDefTypeLogsTimeRelativeMoreThan is the alert type "logs time relative more than".
const AlertDefTypeLogsUniqueCount = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_LOGS_UNIQUE_COUNT
AlertDefTypeLogsUniqueCount is the alert type "logs unique count".
const AlertDefTypeMetricLessThan = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_METRIC_LESS_THAN
AlertDefTypeMetricLessThan is the alert type "metric less than".
const AlertDefTypeMetricLessThanOrEquals = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_METRIC_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS
AlertDefTypeMetricLessThanOrEquals is the alert type "metric less than or equals".
const AlertDefTypeMetricLessThanUsual = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_METRIC_LESS_THAN_USUAL
AlertDefTypeMetricLessThanUsual is the alert type "metric less than usual".
const AlertDefTypeMetricMoreThan = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_METRIC_MORE_THAN
AlertDefTypeMetricMoreThan is the alert type "metric less than".
const AlertDefTypeMetricMoreThanOrEquals = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_METRIC_MORE_THAN_OR_EQUALS
AlertDefTypeMetricMoreThanOrEquals is the alert type "metric more than or equals".
const AlertDefTypeMetricMoreThanUsual = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_METRIC_MORE_THAN_USUAL
AlertDefTypeMetricMoreThanUsual is the alert type "metric more than usual".
const AlertDefTypeTracingImmediate = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_TRACING_IMMEDIATE
AlertDefTypeTracingImmediate is the alert type "tracing immediate".
const AlertDefTypeTracingMoreThan = alerts.AlertDefType_ALERT_DEF_TYPE_TRACING_MORE_THAN
AlertDefTypeTracingMoreThan is the alert type "tracing more than".
const EnvCoralogixTeamLevelAPIKey = "CORALOGIX_TEAM_API_KEY"
EnvCoralogixTeamLevelAPIKey is the name of the environment variable that contains the Coralogix Team API key.
const EnvCoralogixUserLevelAPIKey = "CORALOGIX_USER_API_KEY"
EnvCoralogixUserLevelAPIKey is the name of the environment variable that contains the Coralogix User API key.
const EnvCoralogxRegion = "CORALOGIX_REGION"
EnvCoralogxRegion is the name of the environment variable that contains the Coralogix region.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CoralogixGrpcEndpointFromRegion ¶
CoralogixGrpcEndpointFromRegion reads the Coralogix region from environment variables.
func CoralogixRegionFromEnv ¶
CoralogixRegionFromEnv reads the Coralogix region from environment variables.
func CoralogixRestEndpointFromRegion ¶
CoralogixRestEndpointFromRegion reads the Coralogix REST endpoint from environment variables.
func CoralogixTeamsLevelAPIKeyFromEnv ¶
CoralogixTeamsLevelAPIKeyFromEnv reads the Coralogix Team API key from environment variables.
func CoralogixUserLevelAPIKeyFromEnv ¶
CoralogixUserLevelAPIKeyFromEnv reads the Coralogix User API key from environment variables.
Types ¶
type APIKeyPermissions ¶
type APIKeyPermissions = apikeys.CreateApiKeyRequest_KeyPermissions
APIKeyPermissions is a set of permissions for an API key.
type ActionsClient ¶
type ActionsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ActionsClient is a client for the Coralogix Actions API.
func NewActionsClient ¶
func NewActionsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *ActionsClient
NewActionsClient Creates a new actions client.
func (ActionsClient) Create ¶
func (a ActionsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateActionRequest) (*actions.CreateActionResponse, error)
Create creates a new action.
func (ActionsClient) Delete ¶
func (a ActionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteActionRequest) (*actions.DeleteActionResponse, error)
Delete deletes an action.
func (ActionsClient) Get ¶
func (a ActionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetActionRequest) (*actions.GetActionResponse, error)
Get gets an action.
func (ActionsClient) Order ¶
func (a ActionsClient) Order(ctx context.Context, req *actions.OrderActionsRequest) (*actions.OrderActionsResponse, error)
Order sets the order of actions.
func (ActionsClient) Replace ¶
func (a ActionsClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *ReplaceActionRequest) (*actions.ReplaceActionResponse, error)
Replace replaces an action.
type AlertDefAdvancedNotificationGroup ¶
type AlertDefAdvancedNotificationGroup = alerts.AlertDefNotificationGroup_Advanced
AlertDefAdvancedNotificationGroup represents an advanced notification group.
type AlertDefAdvancedTargets ¶
type AlertDefAdvancedTargets = alerts.AlertDefAdvancedTargets
AlertDefAdvancedTargets represents a set of advanced targets.
type AlertDefIntegrationType ¶
type AlertDefIntegrationType = alerts.IntegrationType
AlertDefIntegrationType represents an integration type.
type AlertDefIntegrationTypeIntegrationID ¶
type AlertDefIntegrationTypeIntegrationID = alerts.IntegrationType_IntegrationId
AlertDefIntegrationTypeIntegrationID represents an integration of type integration ID.
type AlertDefIntegrationTypeRecipients ¶
type AlertDefIntegrationTypeRecipients = alerts.IntegrationType_Recipients
AlertDefIntegrationTypeRecipients represents an integration of type recipients.
type AlertDefNotificationGroup ¶
type AlertDefNotificationGroup = alerts.AlertDefNotificationGroup
AlertDefNotificationGroup represents a notification group.
type AlertDefProperties ¶
type AlertDefProperties = alerts.AlertDefProperties
AlertDefProperties is the properties of an alert.
type AlertDefRecipients ¶
type AlertDefRecipients = alerts.Recipients
AlertDefRecipients represents the recipients of a notification.
type AlertDefScheduleActiveOn ¶
type AlertDefScheduleActiveOn = alerts.AlertDefProperties_ActiveOn
AlertDefScheduleActiveOn represents the active on schedule of an alert.
type AlertDefSimpleNotificationGroup ¶
type AlertDefSimpleNotificationGroup = alerts.AlertDefNotificationGroup_Simple
AlertDefSimpleNotificationGroup represents a simple notification group.
type AlertDefSimpleTarget ¶
type AlertDefSimpleTarget = alerts.AlertDefTargetSimple
AlertDefSimpleTarget represents a simple target.
type AlertSchedulerFilter ¶
type AlertSchedulerFilter = alertsSchedulers.Filter
AlertSchedulerFilter is a filter for an alert scheduler rule.
type AlertSchedulerFilterUniqueIDs ¶
type AlertSchedulerFilterUniqueIDs = alertsSchedulers.Filter_AlertUniqueIds
AlertSchedulerFilterUniqueIDs is a filter for an alert scheduler rule that contains unique IDs.
type AlertSchedulerRule ¶
type AlertSchedulerRule = alertsSchedulers.AlertSchedulerRule
AlertSchedulerRule is an alert scheduler rule.
type AlertUniqueIDs ¶
type AlertUniqueIDs = alertsSchedulers.AlertUniqueIds
AlertUniqueIDs is a list of alert unique IDs.
type AlertsClient ¶
type AlertsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AlertsClient is a client for the Coralogix Alerts API.
func NewAlertsClient ¶
func NewAlertsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *AlertsClient
NewAlertsClient creates a new alerts client.
func (AlertsClient) Create ¶
func (a AlertsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.CreateAlertDefRequest) (*alerts.CreateAlertDefResponse, error)
Create creates an alert.
func (AlertsClient) Delete ¶
func (a AlertsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.DeleteAlertDefRequest) (*alerts.DeleteAlertDefResponse, error)
Delete deletes an alert.
func (AlertsClient) Get ¶
func (a AlertsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.GetAlertDefRequest) (*alerts.GetAlertDefResponse, error)
Get gets an alert.
func (AlertsClient) List ¶
func (a AlertsClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.ListAlertDefsRequest) (*alerts.ListAlertDefsResponse, error)
List lists the alerts.
func (AlertsClient) Replace ¶
func (a AlertsClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.ReplaceAlertDefRequest) (*alerts.ReplaceAlertDefResponse, error)
Replace replaces an alert.
func (AlertsClient) Set ¶
func (a AlertsClient) Set(ctx context.Context, req *alerts.SetActiveRequest) (*alerts.SetActiveResponse, error)
Set sets the active status of an alert.
type AlertsSchedulersClient ¶
type AlertsSchedulersClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AlertsSchedulersClient is a client for the Coralogix Alerts API.
func NewAlertsSchedulersClient ¶
func NewAlertsSchedulersClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *AlertsSchedulersClient
NewAlertsSchedulersClient creates a new alerts scheduler client.
func (AlertsSchedulersClient) Create ¶
func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.CreateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.CreateAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
Create creates a new alert scheduler.
func (AlertsSchedulersClient) CreateBulk ¶
func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) CreateBulk(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.CreateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.CreateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
CreateBulk creates multiple alert schedulers in bulk.
func (AlertsSchedulersClient) Delete ¶
func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
Delete deletes an alert scheduler.
func (AlertsSchedulersClient) Get ¶
func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.GetAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.GetAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
Get gets an alert scheduler.
func (AlertsSchedulersClient) GetBulk ¶
func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) GetBulk(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.GetBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.GetBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
GetBulk gets multiple alert schedulers in bulk.
func (AlertsSchedulersClient) Update ¶
func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
Update updates an alert scheduler.
func (AlertsSchedulersClient) UpdateBulk ¶
func (c AlertsSchedulersClient) UpdateBulk(ctx context.Context, req *alertsSchedulers.UpdateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest) (*alertsSchedulers.UpdateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse, error)
UpdateBulk updates multiple alert schedulers in bulk.
type ApikeysClient ¶
type ApikeysClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ApikeysClient is a client for the Coralogix API keys API.
func NewAPIKeysClient ¶
func NewAPIKeysClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *ApikeysClient
NewAPIKeysClient creates a new API keys client.
func (ApikeysClient) Create ¶
func (t ApikeysClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *apikeys.CreateApiKeyRequest) (*apikeys.CreateApiKeyResponse, error)
Create creates a new API key.
func (ApikeysClient) Delete ¶
func (t ApikeysClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *apikeys.DeleteApiKeyRequest) (*apikeys.DeleteApiKeyResponse, error)
Delete deletes an API key.
func (ApikeysClient) Get ¶
func (t ApikeysClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *apikeys.GetApiKeyRequest) (*apikeys.GetApiKeyResponse, error)
Get gets an API key.
func (ApikeysClient) Update ¶
func (t ApikeysClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *apikeys.UpdateApiKeyRequest) (*apikeys.UpdateApiKeyResponse, error)
Update updates an API key.
type ArchiveLogsClient ¶
type ArchiveLogsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ArchiveLogsClient is a client for the Coralogix Archive Logs API.
func NewArchiveLogsClient ¶
func NewArchiveLogsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *ArchiveLogsClient
NewArchiveLogsClient creates a new archive logs client.
func (ArchiveLogsClient) Get ¶
func (c ArchiveLogsClient) Get(ctx context.Context) (*archiveLogs.GetTargetResponse, error)
Get gets the archive logs target.
func (ArchiveLogsClient) Update ¶
func (c ArchiveLogsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *archiveLogs.SetTargetRequest) (*archiveLogs.SetTargetResponse, error)
Update updates the archive logs target.
func (ArchiveLogsClient) ValidateTarget ¶
func (c ArchiveLogsClient) ValidateTarget(ctx context.Context, req *archiveLogs.ValidateTargetRequest) (*archiveLogs.ValidateTargetResponse, error)
ValidateTarget validates the archive logs target.
type ArchiveMetricsClient ¶
type ArchiveMetricsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ArchiveMetricsClient is a client for the Coralogix Archive Metrics API.
func NewArchiveMetricsClient ¶
func NewArchiveMetricsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *ArchiveMetricsClient
NewArchiveMetricsClient creates a new archive metrics client.
func (ArchiveMetricsClient) ConfigureTenant ¶
func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) ConfigureTenant(ctx context.Context, req *archiveMetrics.ConfigureTenantRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
ConfigureTenant configures the archive metrics bucket.
func (ArchiveMetricsClient) Get ¶
func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) Get(ctx context.Context) (*archiveMetrics.GetTenantConfigResponseV2, error)
Get gets the archive metrics configuration.
func (ArchiveMetricsClient) Update ¶
func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *archiveMetrics.UpdateRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
Update updates the archive metrics configuration.
func (ArchiveMetricsClient) ValidateTarget ¶
func (c ArchiveMetricsClient) ValidateTarget(ctx context.Context, req *archiveMetrics.ValidateBucketRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
ValidateTarget validates the archive metrics bucket.
type ArchiveRetentionsClient ¶
type ArchiveRetentionsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ArchiveRetentionsClient is a client for the Coralogix Archive Retentions API.
func NewArchiveRetentionsClient ¶
func NewArchiveRetentionsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *ArchiveRetentionsClient
NewArchiveRetentionsClient Creates a new archive retentions client.
func (ArchiveRetentionsClient) Activate ¶
func (c ArchiveRetentionsClient) Activate(ctx context.Context, req *archiveRetention.ActivateRetentionsRequest) (*archiveRetention.ActivateRetentionsResponse, error)
Activate activates the archive retentions.
func (ArchiveRetentionsClient) Get ¶
func (c ArchiveRetentionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *archiveRetention.GetRetentionsRequest) (*archiveRetention.GetRetentionsResponse, error)
Get gets the archive retentions.
func (ArchiveRetentionsClient) GetEnabled ¶
func (c ArchiveRetentionsClient) GetEnabled(ctx context.Context, req *archiveRetention.GetRetentionsEnabledRequest) (*archiveRetention.GetRetentionsEnabledResponse, error)
GetEnabled returns a boolean that signals whether archive retentions are enabled.
func (ArchiveRetentionsClient) Update ¶
func (c ArchiveRetentionsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *archiveRetention.UpdateRetentionsRequest) (*archiveRetention.UpdateRetentionsResponse, error)
Update updates the archive retentions.
type ArchiveS3Config ¶
type ArchiveS3Config = archiveMetrics.S3Config
ArchiveS3Config is an S3 configuration for the archive.
type AuthContext ¶
type AuthContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuthContext is a struct that holds the API keys for the Coralogix SDK.
func AuthContextFromEnv ¶
func AuthContextFromEnv() (AuthContext, error)
AuthContextFromEnv reads the Coralogix API keys from environment variables.
func NewAuthContext ¶
func NewAuthContext(teamLevelAPIKey, userLevelAPIKey string) AuthContext
NewAuthContext creates a new AuthContext.
type AwsEventBridge ¶
type AwsEventBridge = webhooks.OutgoingWebhookInputData_AwsEventBridge
AwsEventBridge is a Webhook Type
type AwsEventBridgeConfig ¶
type AwsEventBridgeConfig = webhooks.AwsEventBridgeConfig
AwsEventBridgeConfig configures the service
type CallProperties ¶
type CallProperties struct { Ctx context.Context Connection *grpc.ClientConn CallOptions []grpc.CallOption }
CallProperties is a struct that holds the context, connection, and call options for a gRPC call.
type CallPropertiesCreator ¶
type CallPropertiesCreator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CallPropertiesCreator is a struct that creates CallProperties objects.
func NewCallPropertiesCreator ¶
func NewCallPropertiesCreator(region string, authContext AuthContext) *CallPropertiesCreator
NewCallPropertiesCreator creates a new CallPropertiesCreator object.
func (CallPropertiesCreator) GetTeamsLevelCallProperties ¶
func (c CallPropertiesCreator) GetTeamsLevelCallProperties(ctx context.Context) (*CallProperties, error)
GetTeamsLevelCallProperties returns a new CallProperties object built from a team-level API key. It essentially prepares the context, connection, and call options for a gRPC call.
func (CallPropertiesCreator) GetUserLevelCallProperties ¶
func (c CallPropertiesCreator) GetUserLevelCallProperties(ctx context.Context) (*CallProperties, error)
GetUserLevelCallProperties returns a new CallProperties object built from a user-level API key. It essentially prepares the context, connection, and call options for a gRPC call.
type ClientSet ¶
type ClientSet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClientSet is a set of clients for the Coralogix SDK.
func NewClientSet ¶
NewClientSet Creates a new ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) APIKeys ¶
func (c *ClientSet) APIKeys() *ApikeysClient
APIKeys gets an SLOsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) Actions ¶
func (c *ClientSet) Actions() *ActionsClient
Actions gets an ActionsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) AlertSchedulers ¶
func (c *ClientSet) AlertSchedulers() *AlertsSchedulersClient
AlertSchedulers Gets an AlertsSchedulersClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) Alerts ¶
func (c *ClientSet) Alerts() *AlertsClient
Alerts gets an AlertsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) ArchiveLogs ¶
func (c *ClientSet) ArchiveLogs() *ArchiveLogsClient
ArchiveLogs gets an ArchiveLogsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) ArchiveMetrics ¶
func (c *ClientSet) ArchiveMetrics() *ArchiveMetricsClient
ArchiveMetrics gets an ArchiveMetricsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) ArchiveRetentions ¶
func (c *ClientSet) ArchiveRetentions() *ArchiveRetentionsClient
ArchiveRetentions gets an ArchiveRetentionsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) DataSet ¶
func (c *ClientSet) DataSet() *DataSetClient
DataSet gets a DataSetClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) Enrichments ¶
func (c *ClientSet) Enrichments() *EnrichmentsClient
Enrichments gets an EnrichmentsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) Events2Metrics ¶
func (c *ClientSet) Events2Metrics() *Events2MetricsClient
Events2Metrics gets an Events2MetricsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) Groups ¶
func (c *ClientSet) Groups() *GroupsClient
Groups gets a GroupsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) RuleGroups ¶
func (c *ClientSet) RuleGroups() *RuleGroupsClient
RuleGroups gets a RuleGroupsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) SLOs ¶
func (c *ClientSet) SLOs() *SLOsClient
SLOs gets an SLOsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) Scopes ¶
func (c *ClientSet) Scopes() *ScopesClient
Scopes gets a ScopesClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) TCOPolicies ¶
func (c *ClientSet) TCOPolicies() *TCOPoliciesClient
TCOPolicies gets a TCOPoliciesClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) Teams ¶
func (c *ClientSet) Teams() *TeamsClient
Teams gets a TeamsClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) Users ¶
func (c *ClientSet) Users() *UsersClient
Users gets a UsersClient from the ClientSet.
func (*ClientSet) Webhooks ¶
func (c *ClientSet) Webhooks() *WebhooksClient
Webhooks gets a WebhooksClient from the ClientSet.
type ConfigureTenantRequest ¶
type ConfigureTenantRequest = archiveMetrics.ConfigureTenantRequest
ConfigureTenantRequest is a request to configure the tenant.
type ConfigureTenantRequestS3 ¶
type ConfigureTenantRequestS3 = archiveMetrics.ConfigureTenantRequest_S3
ConfigureTenantRequestS3 is a request to configure the tenant with S3.
type CreateAPIKeyRequest ¶
type CreateAPIKeyRequest = apikeys.CreateApiKeyRequest
CreateAPIKeyRequest is a request to create an API key.
type CreateActionRequest ¶
type CreateActionRequest = actions.CreateActionRequest
CreateActionRequest is a request to create an action.
type CreateAlertRequest ¶
type CreateAlertRequest = alerts.CreateAlertDefRequest
CreateAlertRequest is a request to create an alert.
type CreateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest ¶
type CreateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest = alertsSchedulers.CreateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest
CreateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest is a request to create an alert scheduler rule.
type CreateDashboardFolderRequest ¶
type CreateDashboardFolderRequest = dashboards.CreateDashboardFolderRequest
CreateDashboardFolderRequest is a request to create a dashboards folder.
type CreateDashboardRequest ¶
type CreateDashboardRequest = dashboards.CreateDashboardRequest
CreateDashboardRequest is a request to create a dashboard.
type CreateDataSetRequest ¶
type CreateDataSetRequest = enrichment.CreateCustomEnrichmentRequest
CreateDataSetRequest is a request to create a data set.
type CreateOutgoingWebhookRequest ¶
type CreateOutgoingWebhookRequest = webhooks.CreateOutgoingWebhookRequest
CreateOutgoingWebhookRequest is a request to create a new webhook.
type CreateScopeRequest ¶
type CreateScopeRequest = scopes.CreateScopeRequest
CreateScopeRequest is a request to create a new scope
type CreateServiceSloRequest ¶
type CreateServiceSloRequest = slos.CreateServiceSloRequest
CreateServiceSloRequest is a request to create an SLO.
type CreateTeamInOrgRequest ¶
type CreateTeamInOrgRequest = teams.CreateTeamInOrgRequest
CreateTeamInOrgRequest is a request to create a team.
type DashboardFolder ¶
type DashboardFolder = dashboards.DashboardFolder
DashboardFolder is a dashboard folder.
type DashboardFolderPath ¶
type DashboardFolderPath = dashboards.Dashboard_FolderPath
DashboardFolderPath is a dashboard folder path.
type DashboardsClient ¶
type DashboardsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DashboardsClient is a client for the Coralogix Dashboards API.
func NewDashboardsClient ¶
func NewDashboardsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *DashboardsClient
NewDashboardsClient creates a new DashboardsClient.
func (DashboardsClient) AssignToFolder ¶
func (d DashboardsClient) AssignToFolder(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.AssignDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.AssignDashboardFolderResponse, error)
AssignToFolder assigns a dashboard to a folder.
func (DashboardsClient) Create ¶
func (d DashboardsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.CreateDashboardResponse, error)
Create Creates a new dashboard.
func (DashboardsClient) Delete ¶
func (d DashboardsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.DeleteDashboardResponse, error)
Delete deletes a dashboard.
func (DashboardsClient) Get ¶
func (d DashboardsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.GetDashboardResponse, error)
Get gets a dashboard.
func (DashboardsClient) List ¶
func (d DashboardsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (*dashboards.GetDashboardCatalogResponse, error)
List lists all dashboards.
func (DashboardsClient) Pin ¶
func (d DashboardsClient) Pin(ctx context.Context, req *PinDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.PinDashboardResponse, error)
Pin pins a dashboard.
func (DashboardsClient) Replace ¶
func (d DashboardsClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *ReplaceDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.ReplaceDashboardResponse, error)
Replace replaces a dashboard.
func (DashboardsClient) Unpin ¶
func (d DashboardsClient) Unpin(ctx context.Context, req *UnpinDashboardRequest) (*dashboards.UnpinDashboardResponse, error)
Unpin unpins a dashboard.
type DashboardsFoldersClient ¶
type DashboardsFoldersClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DashboardsFoldersClient is a client for the Coralogix Dashboards Folders API.
func NewDashboardsFoldersClient ¶
func NewDashboardsFoldersClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *DashboardsFoldersClient
NewDashboardsFoldersClient Creates a new DashboardsFoldersClient.
func (DashboardsFoldersClient) Create ¶
func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.CreateDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.CreateDashboardFolderResponse, error)
Create creates a new dashboard folder.
func (DashboardsFoldersClient) Delete ¶
func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.DeleteDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.DeleteDashboardFolderResponse, error)
Delete deletes a dashboard folder.
func (DashboardsFoldersClient) Get ¶
func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.GetDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.GetDashboardFolderResponse, error)
Get dashboard folder details.
func (DashboardsFoldersClient) List ¶
func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) List(ctx context.Context) (*dashboards.ListDashboardFoldersResponse, error)
List gets all dashboard folders.
func (DashboardsFoldersClient) Replace ¶
func (c DashboardsFoldersClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *dashboards.ReplaceDashboardFolderRequest) (*dashboards.ReplaceDashboardFolderResponse, error)
Replace updates a dashboard folder.
type DataSetClient ¶
type DataSetClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DataSetClient is a client for the Coralogix Data Sets API.
func NewDataSetClient ¶
func NewDataSetClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *DataSetClient
NewDataSetClient creates a new data set client.
func (DataSetClient) Create ¶
func (d DataSetClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateDataSetRequest) (*enrichment.CreateCustomEnrichmentResponse, error)
Create creates a new data set.
func (DataSetClient) Delete ¶
func (d DataSetClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteDataSetRequest) (*enrichment.DeleteCustomEnrichmentResponse, error)
Delete deletes a data set.
func (DataSetClient) Get ¶
func (d DataSetClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetDataSetRequest) (*enrichment.GetCustomEnrichmentResponse, error)
Get gets a data set.
func (DataSetClient) List ¶
func (d DataSetClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *enrichment.GetCustomEnrichmentsRequest) (*enrichment.GetCustomEnrichmentsResponse, error)
List retrieves all data sets.
func (DataSetClient) Update ¶
func (d DataSetClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateDataSetRequest) (*enrichment.UpdateCustomEnrichmentResponse, error)
Update updates a data set.
type DataprimeClient ¶
type DataprimeClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DataprimeClient is a client for the Coralogix Dataprime API.
func NewDataprimeClient ¶
func NewDataprimeClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *DataprimeClient
NewDataprimeClient creates a new dataprime client.
func (DataprimeClient) Query ¶
func (c DataprimeClient) Query(ctx context.Context, req *QueryRequest) (dataprime.DataprimeQueryService_QueryClient, error)
Query runs a query.
type DataprimeQueryMetadata ¶
DataprimeQueryMetadata is the metadata for the query
type DeleteAPIKeyRequest ¶
type DeleteAPIKeyRequest = apikeys.DeleteApiKeyRequest
DeleteAPIKeyRequest is a request to delete an API key.
type DeleteActionRequest ¶
type DeleteActionRequest = actions.DeleteActionRequest
DeleteActionRequest is a request to delete an action.
type DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleRequest ¶
type DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleRequest = alertsSchedulers.DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleRequest
DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleRequest is a request to delete an alert scheduler rule.
type DeleteDashboardRequest ¶
type DeleteDashboardRequest = dashboards.DeleteDashboardRequest
DeleteDashboardRequest is a request to delete a dashboard.
type DeleteDataSetRequest ¶
type DeleteDataSetRequest = enrichment.DeleteCustomEnrichmentRequest
DeleteDataSetRequest is a request to delete a data set.
type DeleteIntegrationRequest ¶
type DeleteIntegrationRequest = ext.DeleteIntegrationRequest
DeleteIntegrationRequest is a request to delete an integration.
type DeleteOutgoingWebhookRequest ¶
type DeleteOutgoingWebhookRequest = webhooks.DeleteOutgoingWebhookRequest
DeleteOutgoingWebhookRequest is a request to delete a webhook.
type DeleteScopeRequest ¶
type DeleteScopeRequest = scopes.DeleteScopeRequest
DeleteScopeRequest is a request to delete a scope
type DeleteServiceSloRequest ¶
type DeleteServiceSloRequest = slos.DeleteServiceSloRequest
DeleteServiceSloRequest is a request to delete an SLO.
type DeleteTeamRequest ¶
type DeleteTeamRequest = teams.DeleteTeamRequest
DeleteTeamRequest is a request to delete a team.
type DemistoConfig ¶
type DemistoConfig = webhooks.DemistoConfig
DemistoConfig configures the service
type EmailGroup ¶
type EmailGroup = webhooks.OutgoingWebhookInputData_EmailGroup
EmailGroup is a Webhook Type
type EmailGroupConfig ¶
type EmailGroupConfig = webhooks.EmailGroupConfig
EmailGroupConfig configures the service
type EnrichmentsClient ¶
type EnrichmentsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EnrichmentsClient is a client for the Coralogix Enrichments API.
func NewEnrichmentClient ¶
func NewEnrichmentClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *EnrichmentsClient
NewEnrichmentClient creates a new enrichments client.
func (EnrichmentsClient) Create ¶
func (e EnrichmentsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *enrichment.AddEnrichmentsRequest) ([]*enrichment.Enrichment, error)
Create creates a new enrichment.
func (EnrichmentsClient) Delete ¶
func (e EnrichmentsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *enrichment.RemoveEnrichmentsRequest) error
Delete deletes the specified enrichments.
func (EnrichmentsClient) Get ¶
func (e EnrichmentsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, customEnrichmentID uint32) ([]*enrichment.Enrichment, error)
Get gets all custom enrichments.
func (EnrichmentsClient) GetByType ¶
func (e EnrichmentsClient) GetByType(ctx context.Context, enrichmentType string) ([]*enrichment.Enrichment, error)
GetByType gets all enrichments of a certain type.
func (EnrichmentsClient) GetLimits ¶
func (e EnrichmentsClient) GetLimits(ctx context.Context) (*enrichment.GetEnrichmentLimitResponse, error)
GetLimits returns the enrichment limits.
func (EnrichmentsClient) List ¶
func (e EnrichmentsClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *enrichment.GetEnrichmentsRequest) ([]*enrichment.Enrichment, error)
List returns all enrichments.
type Events2MetricsClient ¶
type Events2MetricsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Events2MetricsClient is a client for the Coralogix Events2Metrics API. Read more at
func NewEvents2MetricsClient ¶
func NewEvents2MetricsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *Events2MetricsClient
NewEvents2MetricsClient creates a new Events2MetricsClient.
func (Events2MetricsClient) Create ¶
func (e Events2MetricsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.CreateE2MRequest) (*e2m.CreateE2MResponse, error)
Create Creates a new metric.
func (Events2MetricsClient) Delete ¶
func (e Events2MetricsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.DeleteE2MRequest) (*e2m.DeleteE2MResponse, error)
Delete deletes a metric.
func (Events2MetricsClient) Get ¶
func (e Events2MetricsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.GetE2MRequest) (*e2m.GetE2MResponse, error)
Get gets a metric.
func (Events2MetricsClient) List ¶
func (e Events2MetricsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (*e2m.ListE2MResponse, error)
List lists all metrics
func (Events2MetricsClient) ListLabelsCardinality ¶
func (e Events2MetricsClient) ListLabelsCardinality(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.ListLabelsCardinalityRequest) (*e2m.ListLabelsCardinalityResponse, error)
ListLabelsCardinality lists the cardinality of labels for a given metric.
func (Events2MetricsClient) Replace ¶
func (e Events2MetricsClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *e2m.ReplaceE2MRequest) (*e2m.ReplaceE2MResponse, error)
Replace replaces a metric.
type GenericIntegrationParameters ¶
type GenericIntegrationParameters = ext.GenericIntegrationParameters
GenericIntegrationParameters are the integration parameters.
type GenericWebhook ¶
type GenericWebhook = webhooks.OutgoingWebhookInputData_GenericWebhook
GenericWebhook is a Webhook Type
type GenericWebhookConfig ¶
type GenericWebhookConfig = webhooks.GenericWebhookConfig
GenericWebhookConfig is the configuration for a generic webhook.
type GetAPIKeyRequest ¶
type GetAPIKeyRequest = apikeys.GetApiKeyRequest
GetAPIKeyRequest is a request to get an API key.
type GetActionRequest ¶
type GetActionRequest = actions.GetActionRequest
GetActionRequest is a request to get an action.
type GetAlertSchedulerRuleRequest ¶
type GetAlertSchedulerRuleRequest = alertsSchedulers.GetAlertSchedulerRuleRequest
GetAlertSchedulerRuleRequest is a request to get an alert scheduler rule.
type GetDashboardFolderRequest ¶
type GetDashboardFolderRequest = dashboards.GetDashboardFolderRequest
GetDashboardFolderRequest is a request to get a dashboard folders.
type GetDashboardRequest ¶
type GetDashboardRequest = dashboards.GetDashboardRequest
GetDashboardRequest is a request to get a dashboard.
type GetDataSetRequest ¶
type GetDataSetRequest = enrichment.GetCustomEnrichmentRequest
GetDataSetRequest is a request to get a data set.
type GetDeployedIntegrationRequest ¶
type GetDeployedIntegrationRequest = ext.GetDeployedIntegrationRequest
GetDeployedIntegrationRequest is a request to get a deployed integration.
type GetDeployedIntegrationResponse ¶
type GetDeployedIntegrationResponse = ext.GetDeployedIntegrationResponse
GetDeployedIntegrationResponse contains the response to a GetDeployedIntegrationRequest.
type GetIntegrationDefinitionRequest ¶
type GetIntegrationDefinitionRequest = ext.GetIntegrationDefinitionRequest
GetIntegrationDefinitionRequest is a request to get an integration definition.
type GetIntegrationDetailsRequest ¶
type GetIntegrationDetailsRequest = ext.GetIntegrationDetailsRequest
GetIntegrationDetailsRequest is a request to get integration details.
type GetManagedIntegrationStatusRequest ¶
type GetManagedIntegrationStatusRequest = ext.GetManagedIntegrationStatusRequest
GetManagedIntegrationStatusRequest is a request to get the status of a managed integration.
type GetOutgoingWebhookRequest ¶
type GetOutgoingWebhookRequest = webhooks.GetOutgoingWebhookRequest
GetOutgoingWebhookRequest is a request to get a webhook by its ID.
type GetRumApplicationVersionDataRequest ¶
type GetRumApplicationVersionDataRequest = ext.GetRumApplicationVersionDataRequest
GetRumApplicationVersionDataRequest is a request to get RUM application version data.
type GetServiceSloRequest ¶
type GetServiceSloRequest = slos.GetServiceSloRequest
GetServiceSloRequest is a request to get an SLO.
type GetTeamQuotaRequest ¶
type GetTeamQuotaRequest = teams.GetTeamQuotaRequest
GetTeamQuotaRequest is a request to get the quota for a team.
type GetTeamRequest ¶
type GetTeamRequest = teams.GetTeamRequest
GetTeamRequest is a request to get a team.
type GetTeamScopesByIDsRequest ¶
type GetTeamScopesByIDsRequest = scopes.GetTeamScopesByIdsRequest
GetTeamScopesByIDsRequest is a request to get a scope by its ID
type GetTeamScopesRequest ¶
type GetTeamScopesRequest = scopes.GetTeamScopesRequest
GetTeamScopesRequest is a request to list all scopes for the current team
type GetTemplateRequest ¶
type GetTemplateRequest = ext.GetTemplateRequest
GetTemplateRequest is a request to get an integration template.
type GetTenantConfigRequest ¶
type GetTenantConfigRequest = archiveMetrics.GetTenantConfigRequest
GetTenantConfigRequest is a request to get the tenant configuration.
type GroupsClient ¶
type GroupsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GroupsClient is a client for the Groups API
func NewGroupsClient ¶
func NewGroupsClient(callPropertiesCreator *CallPropertiesCreator) *GroupsClient
NewGroupsClient creates a new GroupsClient
func (GroupsClient) AddUsers ¶
func (c GroupsClient) AddUsers(ctx context.Context, req *groups.AddUsersToTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.AddUsersToTeamGroupResponse, error)
AddUsers adds users to a group
func (GroupsClient) Create ¶
func (c GroupsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *groups.CreateTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.CreateTeamGroupResponse, error)
Create creates a new group
func (GroupsClient) Delete ¶
func (c GroupsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *groups.DeleteTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.DeleteTeamGroupResponse, error)
Delete deletes a group by ID
func (GroupsClient) Get ¶
func (c GroupsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *groups.GetTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.GetTeamGroupResponse, error)
Get retrieves a group by ID
func (GroupsClient) List ¶
func (c GroupsClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *groups.GetTeamGroupsRequest) (*groups.GetTeamGroupsResponse, error)
List retrieves all groups in the team
func (GroupsClient) RemoveUsers ¶
func (c GroupsClient) RemoveUsers(ctx context.Context, req *groups.RemoveUsersFromTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.RemoveUsersFromTeamGroupResponse, error)
RemoveUsers removes users from a group
func (GroupsClient) Update ¶
func (c GroupsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *groups.UpdateTeamGroupRequest) (*groups.UpdateTeamGroupResponse, error)
Update updates a group
type IbmEventNotifications ¶
type IbmEventNotifications = webhooks.OutgoingWebhookInputData_IbmEventNotifications
IbmEventNotifications is a Webhook Type
type IbmEventNotificationsConfig ¶
type IbmEventNotificationsConfig = webhooks.IbmEventNotificationsConfig
IbmEventNotificationsConfig configures the service
type IntegrationDetailsDefault ¶
type IntegrationDetailsDefault = ext.IntegrationDetails_Default
IntegrationDetailsDefault the type for all registered instances
type IntegrationMetadata ¶
type IntegrationMetadata = ext.IntegrationMetadata
IntegrationMetadata is an integration.
type IntegrationMetadataIntegrationParameters ¶
type IntegrationMetadataIntegrationParameters = ext.IntegrationMetadata_IntegrationParameters
IntegrationMetadataIntegrationParameters is integration parameters.
type IntegrationParameter ¶
IntegrationParameter is a parameter for configuring an integration.
type IntegrationParameterAPIKey ¶
type IntegrationParameterAPIKey = ext.Parameter_ApiKey
IntegrationParameterAPIKey is an API key parameter.
type IntegrationParameterBooleanValue ¶
type IntegrationParameterBooleanValue = ext.Parameter_BooleanValue
IntegrationParameterBooleanValue is a boolean value parameter.
type IntegrationParameterNumericValue ¶
type IntegrationParameterNumericValue = ext.Parameter_NumericValue
IntegrationParameterNumericValue is a numeric value parameter.
type IntegrationParameterSensitiveData ¶
type IntegrationParameterSensitiveData = ext.Parameter_SensitiveData
IntegrationParameterSensitiveData is a sensitive data parameter.
type IntegrationParameterStringList ¶
type IntegrationParameterStringList = ext.Parameter_StringList_
IntegrationParameterStringList is a string list parameter.
type IntegrationParameterStringListInner ¶
type IntegrationParameterStringListInner = ext.Parameter_StringList
IntegrationParameterStringListInner is the wrapped string list parameter.
type IntegrationParameterStringValue ¶
type IntegrationParameterStringValue = ext.Parameter_StringValue
IntegrationParameterStringValue is a string value parameter.
type IntegrationTestFail ¶
type IntegrationTestFail = ext.TestIntegrationResult_Failure_
IntegrationTestFail indicates whether a test was a failure
type IntegrationTestSuccess ¶
type IntegrationTestSuccess = ext.TestIntegrationResult_Success_
IntegrationTestSuccess indicates whether a test was a success
type IntegrationsClient ¶
type IntegrationsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IntegrationsClient is a client for the Coralogix Extensions API.
func NewIntegrationsClient ¶
func NewIntegrationsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *IntegrationsClient
NewIntegrationsClient creates a new client.
func (IntegrationsClient) Create ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *SaveIntegrationRequest) (*ext.SaveIntegrationResponse, error)
Create creates a new integration.
func (IntegrationsClient) Delete ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteIntegrationRequest) (*ext.DeleteIntegrationResponse, error)
Delete deletes an integration
func (IntegrationsClient) Get ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *ext.GetDeployedIntegrationRequest) (*ext.GetDeployedIntegrationResponse, error)
Get gets a deployed integration
func (IntegrationsClient) GetDefinition ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) GetDefinition(ctx context.Context, req *GetIntegrationDefinitionRequest) (*ext.GetIntegrationDefinitionResponse, error)
GetDefinition gets an integration definition
func (IntegrationsClient) GetDetails ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) GetDetails(ctx context.Context, req *GetIntegrationDetailsRequest) (*ext.GetIntegrationDetailsResponse, error)
GetDetails gets all deployed integrations
func (IntegrationsClient) GetIntegrationStatus ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) GetIntegrationStatus(ctx context.Context, req *GetManagedIntegrationStatusRequest) (*ext.GetManagedIntegrationStatusResponse, error)
GetIntegrationStatus gets the status of a integration
func (IntegrationsClient) GetRumApplicationVersionData ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) GetRumApplicationVersionData(ctx context.Context, req *GetRumApplicationVersionDataRequest) (*ext.GetRumApplicationVersionDataResponse, error)
GetRumApplicationVersionData gets RUM application version data
func (IntegrationsClient) GetTemplate ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) GetTemplate(ctx context.Context, req *GetTemplateRequest) (*ext.GetTemplateResponse, error)
GetTemplate gets an integration template
func (IntegrationsClient) SyncRumData ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) SyncRumData(ctx context.Context, req *SyncRumDataRequest) (*ext.SyncRumDataResponse, error)
SyncRumData syncs RUM data
func (IntegrationsClient) Test ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) Test(ctx context.Context, req *TestIntegrationRequest) (*ext.TestIntegrationResponse, error)
Test tests an integration
func (IntegrationsClient) Update ¶
func (c IntegrationsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateIntegrationRequest) (*ext.UpdateIntegrationResponse, error)
Update updates an integration
type ListAlertDefsRequest ¶
type ListAlertDefsRequest = alerts.ListAlertDefsRequest
ListAlertDefsRequest is a request to list alerts.
type ListAllOutgoingWebhooksRequest ¶
type ListAllOutgoingWebhooksRequest = webhooks.ListAllOutgoingWebhooksRequest
ListAllOutgoingWebhooksRequest is a request to list all webhooks.
type ListDashboardFolderRequest ¶
type ListDashboardFolderRequest = dashboards.ListDashboardFoldersRequest
ListDashboardFolderRequest is a request to get a dashboard folders.
type ListOutgoingWebhookTypesRequest ¶
type ListOutgoingWebhookTypesRequest = webhooks.ListOutgoingWebhookTypesRequest
ListOutgoingWebhookTypesRequest is a request to list all webhook types.
type MicrosoftTeams ¶
type MicrosoftTeams = webhooks.OutgoingWebhookInputData_MicrosoftTeams
MicrosoftTeams is a Webhook Type
type MicrosoftTeamsConfig ¶
type MicrosoftTeamsConfig = webhooks.MicrosoftTeamsConfig
MicrosoftTeamsConfig configures the service
type MoveQuotaRequest ¶
type MoveQuotaRequest = teams.MoveQuotaRequest
MoveQuotaRequest is a request to move the quota from one team to another.
type Opsgenie ¶
type Opsgenie = webhooks.OutgoingWebhookInputData_Opsgenie
Opsgenie is a Webhook Type
type OpsgenieConfig ¶
type OpsgenieConfig = webhooks.OpsgenieConfig
OpsgenieConfig configures the service
type OrderActionsRequest ¶
type OrderActionsRequest = actions.OrderActionsRequest
OrderActionsRequest is a request to order actions.
type OutgoingWebhookInputData ¶
type OutgoingWebhookInputData = webhooks.OutgoingWebhookInputData
OutgoingWebhookInputData is the wrapped data for the webhooks.
type OwnerOrganisationID ¶
type OwnerOrganisationID = apikeys.Owner_OrganisationId
OwnerOrganisationID is an owner organisation ID.
type PagerDuty ¶
type PagerDuty = webhooks.OutgoingWebhookInputData_PagerDuty
PagerDuty is a Webhook Type
type PagerDutyConfig ¶
type PagerDutyConfig = webhooks.PagerDutyConfig
PagerDutyConfig configures the service
type PinDashboardRequest ¶
type PinDashboardRequest = dashboards.PinDashboardRequest
PinDashboardRequest is a request to pin a dashboard.
type QueryRequest ¶
type QueryRequest = dataprime.QueryRequest
QueryRequest is for running the query
type ReplaceActionRequest ¶
type ReplaceActionRequest = actions.ReplaceActionRequest
ReplaceActionRequest is a request to replace an action.
type ReplaceDashboardRequest ¶
type ReplaceDashboardRequest = dashboards.ReplaceDashboardRequest
ReplaceDashboardRequest is a request to replace a dashboard.
type ReplaceServiceSloRequest ¶
type ReplaceServiceSloRequest = slos.ReplaceServiceSloRequest
ReplaceServiceSloRequest is a request to replace an SLO.
type RetentionPolicyRequest ¶
type RetentionPolicyRequest = archiveMetrics.RetentionPolicyRequest
RetentionPolicyRequest is a request to set the retention policy.
type RuleGroupsClient ¶
type RuleGroupsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RuleGroupsClient is a client for the Coralogix Rules Groups API.
func NewRuleGroupsClient ¶
func NewRuleGroupsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *RuleGroupsClient
NewRuleGroupsClient creates a new rule groups client.
func (RuleGroupsClient) Create ¶
func (r RuleGroupsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *rulesgroups.CreateRuleGroupRequest) (*rulesgroups.CreateRuleGroupResponse, error)
Create creates a new rule group.
func (RuleGroupsClient) Delete ¶
func (r RuleGroupsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *rulesgroups.DeleteRuleGroupRequest) (*rulesgroups.DeleteRuleGroupResponse, error)
Delete deletes a rule group.
func (RuleGroupsClient) Get ¶
func (r RuleGroupsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *rulesgroups.GetRuleGroupRequest) (*rulesgroups.GetRuleGroupResponse, error)
Get gets a rule group.
func (RuleGroupsClient) Update ¶
func (r RuleGroupsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *rulesgroups.UpdateRuleGroupRequest) (*rulesgroups.UpdateRuleGroupResponse, error)
Update updates a rule group.
type SCIMUser ¶
type SCIMUser struct { Schemas []string `json:"schemas"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` UserName string `json:"userName"` Active bool `json:"active"` Name *SCIMUserName `json:"name,omitempty"` Groups []SCIMUserGroup `json:"groups,omitempty"` Emails []SCIMUserEmail `json:"emails,omitempty"` }
SCIMUser represents a SCIM User
type SCIMUserEmail ¶
type SCIMUserEmail struct { Value string `json:"value"` Primary bool `json:"primary"` Type string `json:"type"` }
SCIMUserEmail represents a SCIM User Email
type SCIMUserGroup ¶
type SCIMUserGroup struct {
Value string `json:"value"`
SCIMUserGroup represents a SCIM User Group
type SCIMUserName ¶
type SCIMUserName struct { GivenName string `json:"givenName"` FamilyName string `json:"familyName"` }
SCIMUserName represents a SCIM User Name
type SLOsClient ¶
type SLOsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SLOsClient is a client for the Coralogix SLOs API.
func NewSLOsClient ¶
func NewSLOsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *SLOsClient
NewSLOsClient creates a new SLOs client.
func (SLOsClient) Create ¶
func (c SLOsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *slos.CreateServiceSloRequest) (*slos.CreateServiceSloResponse, error)
Create creates a new SLO.
func (SLOsClient) Delete ¶
func (c SLOsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *slos.DeleteServiceSloRequest) (*slos.DeleteServiceSloResponse, error)
Delete deletes the specified SLO.
func (SLOsClient) Get ¶
func (c SLOsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *slos.GetServiceSloRequest) (*slos.GetServiceSloResponse, error)
Get gets the specified SLO.
func (SLOsClient) GetBulk ¶
func (c SLOsClient) GetBulk(ctx context.Context, req *slos.BatchGetServiceSlosRequest) (*slos.BatchGetServiceSlosResponse, error)
GetBulk gets multiple SLOs in a single call.
func (SLOsClient) List ¶
func (c SLOsClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *slos.ListServiceSlosRequest) (*slos.ListServiceSlosResponse, error)
List lists all service SLOs.
func (SLOsClient) Update ¶
func (c SLOsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *slos.ReplaceServiceSloRequest) (*slos.ReplaceServiceSloResponse, error)
Update updates the specified SLO.
type SaveIntegrationRequest ¶
type SaveIntegrationRequest = ext.SaveIntegrationRequest
SaveIntegrationRequest is a request to create an integration.
type ScheduleOneTime ¶
type ScheduleOneTime = alertsSchedulers.Schedule_OneTime
ScheduleOneTime is a one-time schedule container.
type ScopesClient ¶
type ScopesClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ScopesClient is a client for the scopes service
func NewScopesClient ¶
func NewScopesClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *ScopesClient
NewScopesClient creates a new ScopesClient
func (ScopesClient) Create ¶
func (c ScopesClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateScopeRequest) (*scopes.CreateScopeResponse, error)
Create creates a new scope
func (ScopesClient) Delete ¶
func (c ScopesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteScopeRequest) (*scopes.DeleteScopeResponse, error)
Delete deletes a scope
func (ScopesClient) Get ¶
func (c ScopesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetTeamScopesByIDsRequest) (*scopes.GetScopesResponse, error)
Get gets a scope by its ID
func (ScopesClient) List ¶
func (c ScopesClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *GetTeamScopesRequest) (*scopes.GetScopesResponse, error)
List lists all scopes for the current team
func (ScopesClient) Update ¶
func (c ScopesClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateScopeRequest) (*scopes.UpdateScopeResponse, error)
Update updates a scope
type SendLogConfig ¶
type SendLogConfig = webhooks.SendLogConfig
SendLogConfig configures the service
type ServiceSloErrorSli ¶
type ServiceSloErrorSli = slos.ServiceSlo_ErrorSli
ServiceSloErrorSli is an SLO error SLI.
type SetActiveRequest ¶
type SetActiveRequest = alerts.SetActiveRequest
SetActiveRequest is a request to set the active status of an alert.
type SetDailyQuotaRequest ¶
type SetDailyQuotaRequest = teams.SetDailyQuotaRequest
SetDailyQuotaRequest is a request to set the daily quota for a team.
type SlackConfigAttachment ¶
type SlackConfigAttachment = webhooks.SlackConfig_Attachment
SlackConfigAttachment is a config
type SlackConfigDigest ¶
type SlackConfigDigest = webhooks.SlackConfig_Digest
SlackConfigDigest is a config
type SyncRumDataRequest ¶
type SyncRumDataRequest = ext.SyncRumDataRequest
SyncRumDataRequest is a request to sync RUM data.
type TCOPoliciesClient ¶
type TCOPoliciesClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCOPoliciesClient is a client for the Coralogix TCO Policies API.
func NewTCOPoliciesClient ¶
func NewTCOPoliciesClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *TCOPoliciesClient
NewTCOPoliciesClient Creates a new TCO policies client.
func (TCOPoliciesClient) CreateTCOPolicy ¶
func (t TCOPoliciesClient) CreateTCOPolicy(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.CreatePolicyRequest) (*tcopolicies.CreatePolicyResponse, error)
CreateTCOPolicy creates a new TCO policy.
func (TCOPoliciesClient) DeleteTCOPolicy ¶
func (t TCOPoliciesClient) DeleteTCOPolicy(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.DeletePolicyRequest) (*tcopolicies.DeletePolicyResponse, error)
DeleteTCOPolicy deletes the specified TCO policy.
func (TCOPoliciesClient) GetTCOPolicies ¶
func (t TCOPoliciesClient) GetTCOPolicies(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.GetCompanyPoliciesRequest) (*tcopolicies.GetCompanyPoliciesResponse, error)
GetTCOPolicies gets the specified TCO logs policies.
func (TCOPoliciesClient) GetTCOPolicy ¶
func (t TCOPoliciesClient) GetTCOPolicy(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.GetPolicyRequest) (*tcopolicies.GetPolicyResponse, error)
GetTCOPolicy gets the specified TCO policy.
func (TCOPoliciesClient) OverwriteTCOLogsPolicies ¶
func (t TCOPoliciesClient) OverwriteTCOLogsPolicies(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.AtomicOverwriteLogPoliciesRequest) (*tcopolicies.AtomicOverwriteLogPoliciesResponse, error)
OverwriteTCOLogsPolicies overwrites the specified TCO logs policies.
func (TCOPoliciesClient) OverwriteTCOTracesPolicies ¶
func (t TCOPoliciesClient) OverwriteTCOTracesPolicies(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.AtomicOverwriteSpanPoliciesRequest) (*tcopolicies.AtomicOverwriteSpanPoliciesResponse, error)
OverwriteTCOTracesPolicies overwrites the specified TCO traces policies.
func (TCOPoliciesClient) ReorderTCOPolicies ¶
func (t TCOPoliciesClient) ReorderTCOPolicies(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.ReorderPoliciesRequest) (*tcopolicies.ReorderPoliciesResponse, error)
ReorderTCOPolicies reorders the specified TCO policies.
func (TCOPoliciesClient) UpdateTCOPolicy ¶
func (t TCOPoliciesClient) UpdateTCOPolicy(ctx context.Context, req *tcopolicies.UpdatePolicyRequest) (*tcopolicies.UpdatePolicyResponse, error)
UpdateTCOPolicy updates the specified TCO policy.
type TeamsClient ¶
type TeamsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TeamsClient is a client for the Coralogix Teams API.
func NewTeamsClient ¶
func NewTeamsClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *TeamsClient
NewTeamsClient creates a new teams client.
func (TeamsClient) Create ¶
func (c TeamsClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateTeamInOrgRequest) (*teams.CreateTeamInOrgResponse, error)
Create creates a new team.
func (TeamsClient) Delete ¶
func (c TeamsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteTeamRequest) (*teams.DeleteTeamResponse, error)
Delete deletes a team.
func (TeamsClient) Get ¶
func (c TeamsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetTeamRequest) (*teams.GetTeamResponse, error)
Get gets a team.
func (TeamsClient) GetQuota ¶
func (c TeamsClient) GetQuota(ctx context.Context, req *GetTeamQuotaRequest) (*teams.GetTeamQuotaResponse, error)
GetQuota gets the quota for a team.
func (TeamsClient) MoveQuota ¶
func (c TeamsClient) MoveQuota(ctx context.Context, req *MoveQuotaRequest) (*teams.MoveQuotaResponse, error)
MoveQuota moves the quota from one team to another.
func (TeamsClient) SetDailyQuota ¶
func (c TeamsClient) SetDailyQuota(ctx context.Context, req *SetDailyQuotaRequest) (*teams.SetDailyQuotaResponse, error)
SetDailyQuota sets the daily quota for a team.
func (TeamsClient) Update ¶
func (c TeamsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateTeamRequest) (*teams.UpdateTeamResponse, error)
Update updates a team.
type TenantConfigV2Ibm ¶
type TenantConfigV2Ibm = archiveMetrics.TenantConfigV2_Ibm
TenantConfigV2Ibm is a type to view the IBM storage config.
type TenantConfigV2S3 ¶
type TenantConfigV2S3 = archiveMetrics.TenantConfigV2_S3
TenantConfigV2S3 is a type to view the S3 bucket config.
type TestExistingOutgoingWebhookRequest ¶
type TestExistingOutgoingWebhookRequest = webhooks.TestExistingOutgoingWebhookRequest
TestExistingOutgoingWebhookRequest is a request to test an existing webhook.
type TestIntegrationRequest ¶
type TestIntegrationRequest = ext.TestIntegrationRequest
TestIntegrationRequest is a request to test an integration.
type TestOutgoingWebhookFailure ¶
type TestOutgoingWebhookFailure = webhooks.TestOutgoingWebhookResponse_Failure
TestOutgoingWebhookFailure response for testing a webhook
type TestOutgoingWebhookRequest ¶
type TestOutgoingWebhookRequest = webhooks.TestOutgoingWebhookRequest
TestOutgoingWebhookRequest is a request to test a webhook.
type TestOutgoingWebhookSuccess ¶
type TestOutgoingWebhookSuccess = webhooks.TestOutgoingWebhookResponse_Success
TestOutgoingWebhookSuccess response for testing a webhook
type TimeframeEndTime ¶
type TimeframeEndTime = alertsSchedulers.Timeframe_EndTime
TimeframeEndTime is the end time of a timeframe.
type UnpinDashboardRequest ¶
type UnpinDashboardRequest = dashboards.UnpinDashboardRequest
UnpinDashboardRequest is a request to unpin a dashboard.
type UpdateAPIKeyRequest ¶
type UpdateAPIKeyRequest = apikeys.UpdateApiKeyRequest
UpdateAPIKeyRequest is a request to update an API key.
type UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest ¶
type UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest = alertsSchedulers.UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest
UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest is a request to update an alert scheduler rule.
type UpdateDataSetRequest ¶
type UpdateDataSetRequest = enrichment.UpdateCustomEnrichmentRequest
UpdateDataSetRequest is a request to update a data set.
type UpdateIntegrationRequest ¶
type UpdateIntegrationRequest = ext.UpdateIntegrationRequest
UpdateIntegrationRequest is a request to update an integration.
type UpdateOutgoingWebhookRequest ¶
type UpdateOutgoingWebhookRequest = webhooks.UpdateOutgoingWebhookRequest
UpdateOutgoingWebhookRequest is a request to update a webhook.
type UpdateRequestIbm ¶
type UpdateRequestIbm = archiveMetrics.UpdateRequest_Ibm
UpdateRequestIbm is a type to update the IBM storage.
type UpdateRequestS3 ¶
type UpdateRequestS3 = archiveMetrics.UpdateRequest_S3
UpdateRequestS3 is a type to update the S3 bucket.
type UpdateScopeRequest ¶
type UpdateScopeRequest = scopes.UpdateScopeRequest
UpdateScopeRequest is a request to update a scope
type UpdateTeamRequest ¶
type UpdateTeamRequest = teams.UpdateTeamRequest
UpdateTeamRequest is a request to update a team.
type UpdateTenantRequest ¶
type UpdateTenantRequest = archiveMetrics.UpdateRequest
UpdateTenantRequest is a request to update the tenant.
type UsersClient ¶
type UsersClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UsersClient is a client for the SCIM Users API
func NewUsersClient ¶
func NewUsersClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *UsersClient
NewUsersClient creates a new UsersClient
func (UsersClient) Delete ¶
func (c UsersClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, userID string) error
Delete deletes a SCIM User by ID
type ValidateBucketRequest ¶
type ValidateBucketRequest = archiveMetrics.ValidateBucketRequest
ValidateBucketRequest is a request to validate the bucket.
type ValidateBucketRequestIbm ¶
type ValidateBucketRequestIbm = archiveMetrics.ValidateBucketRequest_Ibm
ValidateBucketRequestIbm is a request to validate the IBM storage.
type ValidateBucketRequestS3 ¶
type ValidateBucketRequestS3 = archiveMetrics.ValidateBucketRequest_S3
ValidateBucketRequestS3 is a request to validate the S3 bucket.
type WebhooksClient ¶
type WebhooksClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebhooksClient is a client for the Coralogix Webhooks API.
func NewWebhooksClient ¶
func NewWebhooksClient(c *CallPropertiesCreator) *WebhooksClient
NewWebhooksClient creates a new webhooks client.
func (WebhooksClient) Create ¶
func (c WebhooksClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.CreateOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
Create creates a new webhook.
func (WebhooksClient) Delete ¶
func (c WebhooksClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *DeleteOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.DeleteOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
Delete deletes the specified webhook.
func (WebhooksClient) Get ¶
func (c WebhooksClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *GetOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.GetOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
Get gets the specified webhook.
func (WebhooksClient) List ¶
func (c WebhooksClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *ListAllOutgoingWebhooksRequest) (*webhooks.ListAllOutgoingWebhooksResponse, error)
List lists all webhooks.
func (WebhooksClient) ListTypes ¶
func (c WebhooksClient) ListTypes(ctx context.Context, req *ListOutgoingWebhookTypesRequest) (*webhooks.ListOutgoingWebhookTypesResponse, error)
ListTypes lists all webhook types.
func (WebhooksClient) Replace ¶
func (c WebhooksClient) Replace(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.UpdateOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
Replace replaces the specified webhook.
func (WebhooksClient) Test ¶
func (c WebhooksClient) Test(ctx context.Context, req *TestOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.TestOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
Test tests the included webhook.
func (WebhooksClient) TestByID ¶
func (c WebhooksClient) TestByID(ctx context.Context, req *TestExistingOutgoingWebhookRequest) (*webhooks.TestOutgoingWebhookResponse, error)
TestByID tests an existing webhook.
Source Files
- actions-client.go
- alerts-client.go
- alerts-scheduler-client.go
- apikeys-client.go
- archive-logs.go
- archive-metrics.go
- archive-retentions.go
- callPropertiesCreator.go
- cxsdk.go
- dashboard-folders-client.go
- dashboards-client.go
- data-sets-client.go
- dataprime-client.go
- enrichments-client.go
- events2metrics-client.go
- groups-client.go
- integrations-client.go
- rest-client.go
- rules-groups-client.go
- scopes-client.go
- slos-client.go
- tco-policies-client.go
- teams-client.go
- users-client.go
- webhooks-client.go