
package module
v0.0.0-...-addaa65 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 26, 2023 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 22 Imported by: 1






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const (
	MethodGet      = "GET"      // RFC 7231, 4.3.1
	MethodPost     = "POST"     // RFC 7231, 4.3.3
	MethodPut      = "PUT"      // RFC 7231, 4.3.4
	MethodPatch    = "PATCH"    // RFC 5789, 2.2
	MethodDelete   = "DELETE"   // RFC 7231, 4.3.5
	MethodCopy     = "COPY"     // RFC 4918, 11.1
	MethodHead     = "HEAD"     // RFC 7231, 4.3.2
	MethodOptions  = "OPTIONS"  // RFC 7231, 4.3.7
	MethodLink     = "LINK"     // RFC 2068,
	MethodUnlink   = "UNLINK"   // RFC 2068,
	MethodPurge    = "PURGE"    // HTTP 1.1, 9.2
	MethodLock     = "LOCK"     // RFC 4918, 11.2
	MethodUnlock   = "UNLOCK"   // RFC 4918, 11.3
	MethodPropfind = "PROPFIND" // RFC 4918, 11.1
	MethodView     = "VIEW"     // RFC 5842, 7.1

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const (
	HeaderAccept     = "Accept"
	HeaderAcceptEnc  = "Accept-Encoding"
	HeaderAcceptLang = "Accept-Language"

	HeaderCacheControl = "Cache-Control"
	HeaderConnection   = "Connection"
	HeaderContentEnc   = "Content-Encoding"
	HeaderContentLang  = "Content-Language"
	HeaderContentLen   = "Content-Length"
	HeaderContentLoc   = "Content-Location"
	HeaderContentMD5   = "Content-MD5"
	HeaderContentType  = "Content-Type"

	HeaderDate = "Date"

	HeaderETag    = "ETag"
	HeaderExpect  = "Expect"
	HeaderExpires = "Expires"

	HeaderFrom = "From"

	HeaderHost = "Host"

	HeaderIfMatch           = "If-Match"
	HeaderIfModifiedSince   = "If-Modified-Since"
	HeaderIfNoneMatch       = "If-None-Match"
	HeaderIfRange           = "If-Range"
	HeaderIfUnmodifiedSince = "If-Unmodified-Since"

	HeaderLastModified = "Last-Modified"
	HeaderLocation     = "Location"

	HeaderMaxForwards = "Max-Forwards"

	HeaderPragma = "Pragma"

	HeaderRange = "Range"

	HeaderReferer = "Referer"

	HeaderTE = "TE"

	HeaderUpgrade   = "Upgrade"
	HeaderUserAgent = "User-Agent"

	HeaderXForwardedFor   = "X-Forwarded-For"
	HeaderXRealIP         = "X-Real-IP"
	HeaderXRequestID      = "X-Request-ID"
	HeaderXRequestedWith  = "X-Requested-With"
	HeaderXRequestedBy    = "X-Requested-By"
	HeaderXRequestedFor   = "X-Requested-For"
	HeaderXRequestedIn    = "X-Requested-In"
	HeaderXRequestedAt    = "X-Requested-At"
	HeaderXRequestedOn    = "X-Requested-On"
	HeaderXRequestedFrom  = "X-Requested-From"
	HeaderXRequestedVia   = "X-Requested-Via"
	HeaderXRequestedHost  = "X-Requested-Host"
	HeaderXRequestedURI   = "X-Requested-URI"
	HeaderXRequestedURL   = "X-Requested-URL"
	HeaderXRequestedPath  = "X-Requested-Path"
	HeaderXRequestedFile  = "X-Requested-File"
	HeaderXRequestedExt   = "X-Requested-Ext"
	HeaderXRequestedPort  = "X-Requested-Port"
	HeaderXRequestedProto = "X-Requested-Proto"

	HeaderSessionId = "X-Session-Id"
	HeaderRole      = "X-Role"


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const (
	MIMEAbiWord         = "application/x-abiword"                                                     // .abw
	MIMEFreearc         = "application/x-freearc"                                                     // .arc
	MIMEXhtml           = "application/xhtml+xml"                                                     // .xhtml
	MIMEExcel           = "application/vnd.ms-excel"                                                  // .xls
	MIMEExcelXlsx       = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"         // .xlsx
	MIMEXml             = "application/xml"                                                           // .xml
	MIMEXul             = "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"                                           // .xul
	MIMEZip             = "application/zip"                                                           // .zip
	MIMEPdf             = "application/pdf"                                                           // .pdf
	MIMEApplicationPhp  = "application/x-httpd-php"                                                   // .php
	MIMEApplicationPpt  = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"                                             // .ppt
	MIMEApplicationPptx = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation" // .ppt
	MIMERar             = "application/vnd.rar"                                                       // .rar
	MIMERtf             = "application/rtf"                                                           // .rtf
	MIMESh              = "application/x-sh"                                                          // .sh
	MIMEApplication     = "application/vnd.apple.installer+xml"                                       // .mpkg
	MIMEOpenDoc         = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation"                           // .odp
	MIMEOpenExcel       = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"                            // .ods
	MIMEOpenText        = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"                                   // .odt
	MIMEMsword          = "application/msword"                                                        // .doc
	MIMEWord            = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"   // .docx
	MIMENsOpenTypeFont  = "application/vnd.ms-fontobject"                                             // .eot
	MIMEEpub            = "application/epub+zip"                                                      // .epub
	MIMEGzip            = "application/gzip"                                                          // .gz
	MIMEJavaArchive     = "application/java-archive"                                                  // .jar
	MIMEJson            = "application/json"                                                          // .json
	MIMEJsonLD          = "application/ld+json"                                                       // .jsonld
	MIMEApplicationOgg  = "application/ogg"                                                           // .ogx
	MIMETar             = "application/x-tar"                                                         // .tar
	MIMEMsVisio         = "application/vnd.visio"                                                     // .vsd
	MIMEBzip            = "application/x-bzip"                                                        // .bz
	MIMEBzip2           = "application/x-bzip2"                                                       // .bz2
	MIMECdf             = "application/x-cdf"                                                         // .cdf
	MIMECsh             = "application/x-csh"                                                         // .csh
	MIMEAmazonEbook     = "application/vnd.amazon.ebook"                                              // .azw
	MIMEBinary          = "application/octet-stream"                                                  // .bin

	MIMEAudioAac  = "audio/aac"   // .aac
	MIMEAudioFlac = "audio/flac"  // .flac
	MIMEAudioM4a  = "audio/x-m4a" // .m4a
	MIMEAudioMidi = "audio/midi"  // .midi .mid
	MIMEAudioOgg  = "audio/ogg"   // .oga
	MIMEAudioOpus = "audio/opus"  // .opus
	MIMEAudioMpeg = "audio/mpeg"  // .mp3
	MIMEAudioWav  = "audio/wav"   // .wav
	MIMEAudioWebm = "audio/webm"  // .weba
	MIMEAudio3gpp = "audio/3gpp"  // .3gp

	MIMEImageAVIF = "image/avif"               // .avif
	MIMEImageBmp  = "image/bmp"                // .bmp
	MIMEImageGif  = "image/gif"                // .gif
	MIMEImageIco  = "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" // .ico
	MIMEImageJpeg = "image/jpeg"               // .jpeg .jpg
	MIMEImagePng  = "image/png"                // .png
	MIMEImageApng = "image/apng"               // .apng
	MIMEImageSvg  = "image/svg+xml"            // .svg
	MIMEImageTiff = "image/tiff"               // .tiff .tif
	MIMEImageWebp = "image/webp"               // .webp
	MIMEImageJp2  = "image/jp2"                // .jp2
	MIMEImageJpx  = "image/jpx"                // .jpx
	MIMEImageJpm  = "image/jpm"                // .jpm
	MIMEImageMj2  = "image/mj2"                // .mj2

	MIMEMsVideo    = "video/x-msvideo"  // .avi
	MIMEVideo3gpp  = "video/3gpp"       // .3gp
	MIMEVideo3gpp2 = "video/3gpp2"      // .3g2
	MIMEVideoH261  = "video/h261"       // .h261
	MIMEVideoH263  = "video/h263"       // .h263
	MIMEVideoH264  = "video/h264"       // .h264
	MIMEVideoMpeg  = "video/mpeg"       // .mpeg
	MIMEVideoOgg   = "video/ogg"        // .ogv
	MIMEVideoMp2t  = "video/mp2t"       // .ts
	MIMEVideoWebm  = "video/webm"       // .webm
	MIMEVideoMp4   = "video/mp4"        // .mp4
	MIMEVideoM4v   = "video/x-m4v"      // .m4v
	MIMEVideoMj2   = "video/mj2"        // .mj2
	MIMEVideoMkv   = "video/x-matroska" // .mkv
	MIMEVideoMov   = "video/quicktime"  // .mov
	MIMEVideoMxf   = "video/mxf"        // .mxf
	MIMEVideoFlv   = "video/x-flv"      // .flv
	MIMEVideoF4v   = "video/x-f4v"      // .f4v
	MIMEVideoF4p   = "video/x-f4p"      // .f4p
	MIMEVideoF4a   = "video/x-f4a"      // .f4a
	MIMEVideoF4b   = "video/x-f4b"      // .f4b
	MIMEVideoMng   = "video/x-mng"      // .mng
	MIMEVideoAsf   = "video/x-ms-asf"   // .asf
	MIMEVideoWmv   = "video/x-ms-wmv"   // .wmv
	MIMEVideoWmx   = "video/x-ms-wmx"   // .wmx
	MIMEVideoWvx   = "video/x-ms-wvx"   // .wvx
	MIMEVideoM2v   = "video/x-matroska" // .m2v

	MIMETextCss      = "text/css"        // .css
	MIMETextCsv      = "text/csv"        // .csv
	MIMETextHtml     = "text/html"       // .html .htm
	MIMETextCalendar = "text/calendar"   // .ics
	MIMEJavaScript   = "text/javascript" // .js
	MIMEJsModule     = "text/javascript" // .mjs
	MIMETextMarkdown = "text/markdown"   // .md
	MIMETextPlain    = "text/plain"      // .txt
	MIMETextRtf      = "text/rtf"        // .rtf
	MIMETextVcard    = "text/vcard"      // .vcf
	MIMETextXml      = "text/xml"        // .xml

	MIMEFontOtf   = "font/otf"   // .otf
	MIMEFontTtf   = "font/ttf"   // .ttf
	MIMEFontWoff  = "font/woff"  // .woff
	MIMEFontWoff2 = "font/woff2" // .woff2

	MIMEConuwaJson = "conuwa/json;charset=utf-8"

MIME types for HTTP requests. See https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Type


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var DefaultService = NewService()
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var Meta meta


func CallForConuwa

func CallForConuwa(ctx *Ctx, name string, path string, req, rsp interface{}) error

func CallForGateway

func CallForGateway(ctx *Ctx, name string, path string, req []byte) ([]byte, error)

func ConuwaStop

func ConuwaStop(ctx *Ctx, name string) error

func GetClient

func GetClient(u *url.URL) *fasthttp.HostClient

func MustParseUrl

func MustParseUrl(rawRul string) (u *url.URL)

func RegisterInterface

func RegisterInterface(infos ...[]*InterfaceInfo)


type BaseRpcResp

type BaseRpcResp struct {
	Data any `json:"data,omitempty" yaml:"data,omitempty"`

type Ctx

type Ctx struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCtx

func NewCtx() *Ctx

func (*Ctx) Context

func (p *Ctx) Context() *fasthttp.RequestCtx

func (*Ctx) Error

func (p *Ctx) Error(err error) error

func (*Ctx) GetReqHeader

func (p *Ctx) GetReqHeader(key string) string

func (*Ctx) Json

func (p *Ctx) Json(i any) error

func (*Ctx) Method

func (p *Ctx) Method() string

func (*Ctx) Next

func (p *Ctx) Next() error

func (*Ctx) Path

func (p *Ctx) Path() string

func (*Ctx) RealIp

func (p *Ctx) RealIp() string

func (*Ctx) ReqBody

func (p *Ctx) ReqBody() []byte

func (*Ctx) Role

func (p *Ctx) Role() string

func (*Ctx) RspBody

func (p *Ctx) RspBody() []byte

func (*Ctx) SendRaw

func (p *Ctx) SendRaw(buf []byte) error

SendRaw send raw data to client

func (*Ctx) SetReqHeader

func (p *Ctx) SetReqHeader(key string, value string)

func (*Ctx) SetRspHeader

func (p *Ctx) SetRspHeader(key string, value string)

type Handler

type Handler = func(ctx *Ctx) error

func GenHandler

func GenHandler(logic any) Handler

type InterfaceInfo

type InterfaceInfo struct {
	Method  string      `json:"method,omitempty" yaml:"method,omitempty"`
	Path    string      `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`
	Handler interface{} `json:"handler,omitempty" yaml:"handler,omitempty"`

type Option

type Option struct {
	ServiceName string

	OnShutdown []func()

	Port string

type Route

type Route struct {
	Path    string
	Handler Handler
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Router

type Router interface {

type Service

type Service struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewService

func NewService(opts ...*Option) *Service

func OnShutdown

func OnShutdown(logic ...func()) *Service

func WithPort

func WithPort(port string) *Service

func WithServiceName

func WithServiceName(name string) *Service

func (*Service) AcquireCtx

func (p *Service) AcquireCtx(c *fasthttp.RequestCtx) *Ctx

func (*Service) All

func (p *Service) All(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) BindAddress

func (p *Service) BindAddress() (addrs []string)

func (*Service) Copy

func (p *Service) Copy(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Delete

func (p *Service) Delete(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Get

func (p *Service) Get(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) GetPost

func (p *Service) GetPost(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Head

func (p *Service) Head(path string, handler Handler)
func (p *Service) Link(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) ListenAndServe

func (p *Service) ListenAndServe() (err error)

func (*Service) Lock

func (p *Service) Lock(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Option

func (p *Service) Option(opts ...*Option) *Service

func (*Service) Options

func (p *Service) Options(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Patch

func (p *Service) Patch(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Post

func (p *Service) Post(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Propfind

func (p *Service) Propfind(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Purge

func (p *Service) Purge(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Put

func (p *Service) Put(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) ReleaseCtx

func (p *Service) ReleaseCtx(ctx *Ctx)
func (p *Service) Unlink(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Unlock

func (p *Service) Unlock(path string, handler Handler)

func (*Service) Use

func (p *Service) Use(i ...any)

func (*Service) View

func (p *Service) View(path string, handler Handler)

type ServiceInfo

type ServiceInfo struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"`

type TypeJsonTag

type TypeJsonTag struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func GetTypeJsonTag

func GetTypeJsonTag(value reflect.Value) *TypeJsonTag

func NewTypeJsonTag

func NewTypeJsonTag() *TypeJsonTag

func (*TypeJsonTag) Get

func (p *TypeJsonTag) Get(key string) *reflect.StructField

func (*TypeJsonTag) Set

func (p *TypeJsonTag) Set(key string, value *reflect.StructField)


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL