For personal usage (WIP):
- I use this in conjonction with low_energy_sensor and latest rtl_433.
- rtl_433 is already embedded in the Docker image (final image size is about 14Mb)
What it does:
- listens MQTT messages from rtl_433
- re-send messages on a normalized topic
eg, message received from rtl_433 on rtl_433
{"time":"2019-08-06 10:58:30","brand":"OS","model":"Oregon-BHTR968","id":204,"channel":2,"battery_ok":1,"temperature_C":24.2,"humidity":56,"pressure_hPa":1015.0}
low_energy_sensor_localizer will re-send a retained message. With this low_energy_sensor_localizer.conf, it will give us:
On MQTT topic home/sensors/climate/firstfloor/corridor
message: {"time":"10:58:30","id":204,"temperature":24.2,"humidity":56,"pressure":1015,"battery":"HIGH"}
Modify these files with your choices:
eg for Raspberry
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=5 go build -o rtl_433/low_energy_sensor_localizer
docker-compose up -d
Optionnaly, you can strip the binary to save room (env. 2Mb)