End-to-End(E2E) Tests
The E2E tests uses terraform
and terratest
to spin up GKE and EKS clusters. There are altogether four tests:
- AWS EKS 1.28 with AWS VPC CNI
- Test AWS EKS 1.25 with the default AWS VPC CNI
- AWS EKS 1.28 with Calico CNI
- Test AWS EKS 1.28 with calico CNI v3.35.0. As part of the test, the AWS CNI is uninstalled and Calico is installed
- GCP GKE 1.27 with GCP VPC CNI
- GKE 1.27 with GCP VPC CNI
- GCP GKE 1.27 GCP Cilium 1.11 (Dataplane v2)
- GKE 1.24 with data-plane v2 based on Cilium
Each test is skipped if the corresponding environment variable is not set.
Test |
Environment variable |
AWS EKS 1.28 with AWS VPC CNI |
AWS EKS 1.28 with Calico CNI |
GCP GKE 1.27 with GCP VPC CNI |
GCP GKE 1.27 GCP with DataPlane V2 |
Running tests
Make sure you have installed kubectl
and `AWS Cli v2``
Make sure you have also installed Install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin for use with kubectl by following this link
For AWS EKS tests, make sure you have valid AWS credentials
❯ aws sso login
❯ export AWS_PROFILE=<your_profile_name>
❯ export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1
❯ export EKS_VPC_E2E_TESTS=yes
❯ export EKS_CALICO_E2E_TESTS=yes
For GCP GKE tests, make sure you export the Project name and set it as the default project:
❯ export GOOGLE_PROJECT=<your_project>
❯ gcloud config set project <your_project>
❯ gcloud auth application-default login
❯ export GKE_VPC_E2E_TESTS=yes
❯ export GKE_DPV2_E2E_TESTS=yes
Run the tests using the following command:
# from the root of the project
❯ go test -timeout=91m -v ./e2e/... -count=1