Contentflow / deploy
is a small pull-based deployment daemon following some of the principles AWS CodeDeploy is using. The deployment artifact is roughly compatible between the two systems while some attributes are ignored. Also there is no central API containing information about deployments: The latest deployment is derived from the update time of the artifacts found in the respective storage provider.
$ deploy --help
Usage of deploy:
-c, --fetch-cron string When to query for new deployments (cron syntax) (default "* * * * *")
-i, --identifier string Software identifier to query deployments for (default "default")
--log-level string Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal) (default "info")
-r, --reporter strings Reporting URIs to notify about deployments
-s, --storage string URI for the storage provider to use
--version Prints current version and exits
Basically there are three important CLI parameters to be set:
- Interval when to search for new deployment artifacts
(cron syntax without named patterns like @hourly
- Identifier to distinguish between different deployments published to the same location
- The most important one to configure where to look for deployment artifacts
If not specified otherwise below the artifacts in the respective locations are expected to have the following format:
So the software identifier default
combined with the deployment-id xyz123
would be named
Storage provider: Google Cloud Storage
Storage URI format: gs://<bucket>/<prefix>
(Example: gs://my-bucket/path/inside
which would load path/inside/
file from bucket my-bucket
in above mentioned example)
Authentication for GCS is done through the Application Default Credentials (ADC) either through an account.json file specified in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
environment variable or through the instance serviceaccount when running on GCE.
Storage provider: Local
This provider mainly is meant for testing and debugging purposes!
Storage URI format: file://<path>
(Example: file:///tmp/deploy
which would load /tmp/deploy/
file in above mentioned example)
Reporting provider: Slack
Reporting URI format: slack+
where the part starting with https://
is what Slack gives you when creating an incoming slack hook.
There are no settings for channel, bot name or icon: You need to put those in the hook configuration.
Reporting provider: Local
Reporting URI format: file://<path>
(Example: file:///var/log/deploy-{s}-{t}.log
which would write /var/log/deploy-default-2018-04-16T14-59-40.log
log file.
Variables to be used in the URI:
- Current time in format 2006-01-02
- Hostname
- Deployment ID
- Software Identifier
- Current time in format 2006-01-02T15-04-05