
v0.0.0-...-3867518 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 6, 2024 License: Apache-2.0


Content Sources

What is it?

Content Sources is an application for storing information about external content (currently YUM repositories) in a central location as well as creating snapshots of those repositories, backed by a Pulp server.


  1. podman & podman-compose installed or docker & docker-compose installed (and docker running)
    • This is used to start a set of containers that are dependencies for content-sources-backend
  2. yaml2json tool installed (pip install json2yaml).
Create your configuration

Create a config file from the example:

$ cp ./configs/config.yaml.example ./configs/config.yaml
Import Public Repos
$ make repos-import
Start dependency containers
$ make compose-up
Run the server!
$ make run

Hit the API:

  $ curl -H "$( ./scripts/ 9999 1111 )" http://localhost:8000/api/content-sources/v1.0/repositories/
Stop dependency containers

When its time to shut down the running containers:

$ make compose-down

And clean the volume that it uses by (this stops the container before doing it if it were running):

$ make compose-clean

There are other make rules that could be helpful, run make help to list them. Some are highlighted below


You can add new migration files, with the prefixed date attached to the file name, by running the following:

$ go run cmd/dbmigrate/main.go new <name of migration>
Database Commands

Migrate the Database

$ make db-migrate-up

Seed the database

$ make db-migrate-seed

Get an interactive shell:

$ make db-shell

Or open directly a postgres client by running:

$ make db-cli-connect
Kafka commands

You can open an interactive shell by:

$ make kafka-shell

You can run using KAFKA_TOPIC by:

$ make kafka-topic-consume KAFKA_TOPIC=my-kafka-topic
$ make kafka-topic-consume # Use the first topic at KAFKA_TOPICS list

There are other make rules that could be helpful, run make help to list them.

Start / Stop prometheus

Create the configuration for prometheus, getting started with the example one.

Update the configs/prometheus.yaml file to set your hostname instead of localhost at scrape_configs.job_name.targets:

# Note that the targets object cannot reference localhost, it needs the name of your host where
# the prometheus container is executed.
$ cat ./configs/prometheus.example.yaml | sed "s/localhost/$(hostname)/g" > ./configs/prometheus.yaml

To start prometheus run:

$ make prometheus-up

To stop prometheus container run:

$ make prometheus-down

To open the prometheus web UI, once the container is up, run the below:

$ make prometheus-ui
Start / Stop mock for rbac

Configuration requirements

  • To use this you need to enable RBAC into config/configs.yaml file:

      rbac_enabled: True
      rbac_base_url: http://localhost:8800/api/rbac/v1
      rbac_timeout: 30
        user_read_write: ["", "jdoe"]
        user_read: ["", "tdoe"]

Running it

  • Run the application by: make run or ./release/content-sources api consumer instrumentation mock_rbac.
  • Make some request using: ./scripts/ 12345 for admin or ./scripts/ 12345 for viewer.

RBAC mock service is started for make run To use it running directly the service: ./release/content-sources api consumer instrumentation mock_rbac Add the option mock_rbac

Migrate your database (and seed it if desired)
$ make db-migrate-up
$ make db-migrate-seed
Run the server!
$ make run

Hit the API:

$ curl -H "$( ./scripts/ 9999 1111 )" http://localhost:8000/api/content-sources/v1.0/repositories/
Generating new openapi docs:
$ make openapi
Generating new mocks:
$ make mock

The default configuration file in ./configs/config.yaml.example shows all available config options. Any of these can be overridden with an environment variable. For example "" can be passed in via an environment variable named "DATABASE_NAME".


To use golangci-lint:

  1. make install-golangci-lint
  2. make lint

To use pre-commit linter: make install-pre-commit

Code Layout
Path Description
api Openapi docs and doc generation code
db/migrations Database Migrations
pkg/api API Structures that are used for handling data within our API Handlers
pkg/config Config loading and application bootstrapping code
pkg/dao Database Access Object. Abstraction layer that provides an interface and implements it for our default database provider (postgresql). It is separated out for abstraction and easier testing
pkg/db Database connection and migration related code
pkg/handler Methods that directly handle API requests
pkg/middleware Hold all the middleware components created for the service.
pkg/event Event message logic. Mre info here.
pkg/models Structs that represent database models (Gorm)
pkg/seeds Code to help seed the database for both development and testing

More info


Path Synopsis
Package api GENERATED BY SWAG; DO NOT EDIT This file was generated by swaggo/swag
Package api GENERATED BY SWAG; DO NOT EDIT This file was generated by swaggo/swag
Package cache provides application and HTTP response cache.
Package cache provides application and HTTP response cache.

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