Depcon (Container Deployment)

An advanced deployment tool for docker containers against Mesos/Marathon, Kubernetes and Amazon ECS
For full up to date documentation and usage please see:
Depcon makes managing clusters that run docker containers a breeze. It offers the ability to define environments such as test, pre-prod, production against Marathon (initial release), Kubernetes and Amazon ECS.
Some key features of Depcon are:
- Variable substistution in deployment descriptors
- Output results in Column, YAML and JSON formats for easy integration with automation
- Accepts deployment descriptors in either JSON or YAML format
- Full Mesos/Marathon support
- Application, Group & Task management
- Partial application updates: CPU, Memory & Scaling
- Quick application rollback
- Leader election, Server info and elapsed response
- Docker compose support
- Supports all major operating systems
- Works with Docker Machine aka Boot2Docker
- Parameter support --
can be placed in compose files
- Future releases will offer a proposed Open Deployment Descriptor format which will allow Depcon to deploy a common descriptor against Marathon, Kubernetes, ECS and Docker Swarm.
- Ability to wait until a new or updated container deployment is healthy
Binary Installation
Binaries are available through GitHub releases. You can download the appropriate binary, package and version from the Releases page
Build and Install the Binaries from Source
Add Depcon and its package dependencies to your go src
go get -v
Once the get
has completed, you should find your new depcon
(or depcon.exe
) executable sitting inside the $GOPATH/bin/
To update Depcon's dependencies, use go get
with the -u
go get -u -v
Running Depcon in Docker
With each release we publish a very small docker image containing depcon.
Quick Example
# Run depcon in the background capture cid, add alias
$ cid=$(docker run -itd -v $PWD:/data pacesys/depcon)
$ alias depcon="docker exec -it ${cid} depcon"
# Use depcon like it was native
$ depcon app list
For additional instructions in testing depcon within docker (useful for CI systems) see the docker hub repository at:
Global options in Depcon
Output Options
Depcon makes it easy to integrate with third party systems. Any command or query in depcon has the options to list results in tabular, json or yaml formats.
For example: depcon app list -o json
would return a list of running applications in JSON form. You can also use -o yaml
for yaml or no option which by default results in table/tabular form.
Using Depcon with Mesos/Marathon
Below are examples with application managements
Listing deployed applications
List all applications
$ depcon app list
Getting details about a running application by it's ID
Gets an application details by Id
$ depcon app get myapp
Destroy/Delete a running application
Remove an application [applicationId] and all of it's instances
$ decon app destroy myapp
Scale an Application
Scales [appliationId] to total [instances]
$ depcon app scale myapp 2
Restart a running application
Restarts an application by Id
$ depcon app restart myapp
Update a running application
// Update CPU resources
$ depcon app update cpu myapp 0.5
// Update Memory to 400mb
$ depcon app update mem myapp 400
Using Depcon as a Docker Compose client
Depcon supports Docker Compose natively on all major operating systems. This feature is currently in beta, please report any found issues.
Available Docker Compose Actions
$ depcon compose
depcon compose [command]
Available Commands:
build Build or rebuild services
kill Kill containers
logs View output from containers
port Stops services
ps List containers
up Create and start containers
pull Pulls service imagess
restart Restart running containers
rm Remove stopped containers
start Start services
stop Stops services
up Create and start containers
--compose-file="docker-compose.yml": Docker compose file
-h, --help[=false]: help for compose
--name="depcon_proj": Project name for this composition
Global Flags:
-e, --env="": Specifies the Environment name to use (eg. test | prod | etc). This can be omitted if only a single environment has been defined
-o, --output="column": Specifies the output format [column | json | yaml]
--verbose[=false]: Enables debug/verbose logging
Use "depcon compose [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The examples below assume docker-compose.yml
is found in the execution directory. If the compose file is located in another location then
the global --compose-file
flag can be invoked.
Creating and Starting containers
$ depcon compose up
Creating and Starting a specific service
$ depcon compose up redis
Stopping compose services
$ depcon compose kill
Using parameters within Compose templates
Depcon offers extenability on top of tradditional Docker compose. It allows params to be placed within compose files in the format of ${PARAM}
. Depcon allows these params to be resolved via the flag --param PARAM=value
during use or via exported env variables.
Take a look at the samples/docker-compose-params.yml
in Depcon source repo. Here's an example of params using the referenced sample compose file.
// Inline params
$ depcon compose up redis --compose-file samples/docker-compose-params.yml -p REDIS_PORT=6379
// As env variables
$ export REDIS_PORT=6379
$ depcon compose up redis --compose-file samples/docker-compose-params.yml
This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
Copyright 2016 Jeremy Unruh
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.