baton-aws [flags]
baton-aws [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
--external-id string The external id for the aws account
-f, --file string The path to the c1z file to sync with ($C1_FILE) (default "sync.c1z")
--global-access-key-id string The global-access-key-id for the aws account
--global-binding-external-id string The global external id for the aws account
--global-region string The region for the aws account
--global-role-arn string The role arn for the aws account
--global-secret-access-key string The global-secret-access-key for the aws account
-h, --help help for baton-aws
--log-format string The output format for logs: json, console ($C1_LOG_FORMAT) (default "json")
--log-level string The log level: debug, info, warn, error ($C1_LOG_LEVEL) (default "info")
--role-arn string The role arn for the aws account
-v, --version version for baton-aws
Use "baton-aws [command] --help" for more information about a command.