Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- func CheckTypedArray(p TypedArray, other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func FillJSONPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func FillMathPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func FillNodeJS_cryptoPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func FillNodeJS_fsPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func FillNodeJS_httpPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func FillNodeJS_mysqlPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func FillNodeJS_nodemailerPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func FillNodeJS_pathPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func FillNodeJS_processPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func FillNodeJS_streamPackage(pkg values.Package)
- func GetLiteralObjectMembers(v_ values.Value) (map[string]values.Value, error)
- func GetPromiseContent(v values.Value) (values.Value, error)
- func GetTypedArrayClassMember(p TypedArray, key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func GetTypedArrayClassValue(p TypedArray) (*values.Class, error)
- func GetTypedArrayInstanceMember(p TypedArray, key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func IsAbstract(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsArray(v values.Value) bool
- func IsAsync(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsBlob(v values.Value) bool
- func IsBoolean(v values.Value) bool
- func IsCanvasGradient(v values.Value) bool
- func IsCanvasPattern(v values.Value) bool
- func IsConst(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsError(v values.Value) bool
- func IsGetter(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsInt(v values.Value) bool
- func IsNormal(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsNumber(v values.Value) bool
- func IsObject(v values.Value) bool
- func IsOverride(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsPrivate(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsPromise(v values.Value) bool
- func IsProperty(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsPublic(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsRegExp(v values.Value) bool
- func IsSetter(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsSharedWorker(v values.Value) bool
- func IsStatic(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsStaticGetter(m FunctionWithRole) bool
- func IsString(v values.Value) bool
- func IsStringable(v values.Value) bool
- func IsTypedArray(v values.Value) bool
- func IsWebAssemblyEnv(v values.Value) bool
- func IsWebGLRenderingContext(v values.Value) bool
- func NewArray(content values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewArrayBuffer(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewArrayBufferPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewArrayPrototype(content values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewBigInt(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewBigIntPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewBlob(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewBlobPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewBoolean(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewBooleanPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewCSSImageValue(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewCSSImageValuePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewCSSStyleDeclaration(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewCSSStyleDeclarationPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewCanvasGradient(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewCanvasGradientPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewCanvasImageSource(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewCanvasImageSourceInterface() values.Interface
- func NewCanvasPattern(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewCanvasPatternPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewCanvasRenderingContext2D(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewCanvasRenderingContext2DPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewConfigObject(members map[string]values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewConsole(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewConsolePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewCrypto(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewCryptoPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewDOMMatrix(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewDOMMatrixPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewDOMRect(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewDOMRectPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewDataView(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewDataViewPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewDate(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewDatePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewDedicatedWorkerGlobalScope(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewDedicatedWorkerGlobalScopePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewDocument(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewDocumentPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewElement(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewElementPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewEmptyIDBRequest(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewError(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewErrorPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewEvent(target values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewEventPrototype(target values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewEventTarget(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewEventTargetPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewFetchFunction(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewFileReader(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewFileReaderPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewFloat32Array(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewFloat32ArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewFloat64Array(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewFloat64ArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewFontFaceSet(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewFontFaceSetPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewGLEnum(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewGLEnumPrototype(name string) values.Prototype
- func NewHTMLCanvasElement(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHTMLCanvasElementPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewHTMLCollection(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHTMLCollectionPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewHTMLElement(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHTMLElementPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewHTMLIFrameElement(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHTMLIFrameElementPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewHTMLImageElement(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHTMLImageElementPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewHTMLInputElement(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHTMLInputElementPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewHTMLLinkElement(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHTMLLinkElementPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewHTMLSelectElement(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHTMLSelectElementPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewHTMLTextAreaElement(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHTMLTextAreaElementPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewHashChangeEvent(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewHashChangeEventPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBCursor(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBCursorPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBCursorWithValue(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBCursorWithValuePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBDatabase(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBDatabasePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBFactory(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBFactoryPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBIndex(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBIndexPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBKeyRange(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBKeyRangePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBObjectStore(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBObjectStorePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBOpenDBRequest(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBOpenDBRequestPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBRequest(content values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBRequestPrototype(content values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewIDBTransaction(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBTransactionPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIDBVersionChangeEvent(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewIDBVersionChangeEventPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewImage(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewImageData(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewImageDataPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewImagePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewInt(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewInt16Array(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewInt16ArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewInt32Array(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewInt32ArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewInt8Array(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewInt8ArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewIntPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewKeyboardEvent(target values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewKeyboardEventPrototype(target values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewLiteralBoolean(v bool, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewLiteralInt(v int, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewLiteralString(v string, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewLocaleOptions(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewLocation(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewLocationPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewMap(key values.Value, item values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewMapLikeObject(common values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewMapLikeObjectPrototype(common values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewMapPrototype(key values.Value, item values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewMessageEvent(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewMessageEventPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewMessagePort(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewMessagePortPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewMouseEvent(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewMouseEventPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNamedGLEnum(name string, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNode(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_Buffer(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_BufferPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_EventEmitter(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_EventEmitterPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_crypto_Cipher(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_crypto_CipherPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_crypto_Decipher(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_crypto_DecipherPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_http_IncomingMessage(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_http_IncomingMessagePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_http_Server(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_http_ServerPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_http_ServerResponse(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_http_ServerResponsePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_Connection(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_ConnectionPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_Error(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_ErrorPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_FieldPacket(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_FieldPacketPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_Pool(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_PoolPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_Query(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_mysql_QueryPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransportPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodeJS_stream_Readable(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNodeJS_stream_ReadablePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNodePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewNumber(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewNumberPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewObject(members map[string]values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewObjectPrototype(members map[string]values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewPath2D(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewPath2DPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewPostMessageFunction(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewPromise(content values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewPromisePrototype(content values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewRPCServer(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewRPCServerPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewRegExp(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewRegExpArray(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewRegExpArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewRegExpPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewRequestIdleCallbackFunction(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewResponse(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewResponsePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewSearchIndex(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewSearchIndexPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewSet(content values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewSetPrototype(content values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewSetTimeoutFunction(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewSharedWorker(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewSharedWorkerGlobalScope(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewSharedWorkerGlobalScopePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewSharedWorkerPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewStorage(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewStoragePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewString(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewStringPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewTargetlessKeyboardEventPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewText(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewTextDecoder(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewTextDecoderPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewTextEncoder(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewTextEncoderPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewTextMetrics(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewTextMetricsPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewTextPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewTuple(content []values.Value, ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewTuplePrototype(content []values.Value) values.Prototype
- func NewTypedArray(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewURL(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewURLPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewURLSearchParams(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewURLSearchParamsPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewUint16Array(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewUint16ArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewUint32Array(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewUint32ArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewUint8Array(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewUint8ArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewUint8ClampedArray(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewUint8ClampedArrayPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewVoidPromise(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewVoidPromisePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWebAssembly(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWebAssemblyEnv(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWebAssemblyEnvPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWebAssemblyFS(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWebAssemblyPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWebGLBuffer(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWebGLBufferPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWebGLExtension(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWebGLExtensionPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWebGLProgram(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWebGLProgramPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWebGLRenderingContext(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWebGLRenderingContextPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWebGLShader(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWebGLShaderPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWebGLTexture(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWebGLTexturePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWheelEvent(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWheelEventPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWindow(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWindowPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWorker(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWorkerGlobalScope(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewWorkerGlobalScopePrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewWorkerPrototype() values.Prototype
- func NewXMLHttpRequest(ctx context.Context) values.Value
- func NewXMLHttpRequestPrototype() values.Prototype
- type AbstractBuiltinInterface
- func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) Context() context.Context
- func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) GetInterfaces() ([]values.Interface, error)
- func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) GetPrototypes() ([]values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) IsRPC() bool
- func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) IsUniversal() bool
- func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) Name() string
- func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type AbstractEvent
- type AbstractTypedArray
- func (p *AbstractTypedArray) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *AbstractTypedArray) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *AbstractTypedArray) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *AbstractTypedArray) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *AbstractTypedArray) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *AbstractTypedArray) IsUniversal() bool
- type Array
- func (p *Array) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Array) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Array) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Array) IsUniversal() bool
- func (p *Array) Name() string
- func (p *Array) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type ArrayBuffer
- type BigInt
- type Blob
- type Boolean
- type BuiltinInterface
- type BuiltinPrototype
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) Context() context.Context
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) GetInterfaces() ([]values.Interface, error)
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) GetPrototypes() ([]values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) IsAbstract() bool
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) IsFinal() bool
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) IsRPC() bool
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) IsUniversal() bool
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) Name() string
- func (p *BuiltinPrototype) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type CSSImageValue
- type CSSStyleDeclaration
- func (p *CSSStyleDeclaration) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *CSSStyleDeclaration) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *CSSStyleDeclaration) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *CSSStyleDeclaration) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type CanvasGradient
- type CanvasImageSource
- type CanvasPattern
- type CanvasRenderingContext2D
- func (p *CanvasRenderingContext2D) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *CanvasRenderingContext2D) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *CanvasRenderingContext2D) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *CanvasRenderingContext2D) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type Console
- type Crypto
- type DOMMatrix
- type DOMRect
- type DataView
- type Date
- func (p *Date) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Date) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Date) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Date) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Date) IsUniversal() bool
- type DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
- type Document
- func (p *Document) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Document) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Document) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Document) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *Document) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type Element
- func (p *Element) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Element) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Element) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Element) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *Element) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type Error
- type Event
- type EventTarget
- type FileReader
- func (p *FileReader) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *FileReader) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *FileReader) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *FileReader) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type Float32Array
- func (p *Float32Array) Check(other values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Float32Array) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Float32Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Float32Array) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type Float64Array
- func (p *Float64Array) Check(other values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Float64Array) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Float64Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Float64Array) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type FontFaceSet
- type FunctionRole
- type FunctionWithRole
- type GLEnum
- type HTMLCanvasElement
- func (p *HTMLCanvasElement) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *HTMLCanvasElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *HTMLCanvasElement) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *HTMLCanvasElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *HTMLCanvasElement) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type HTMLCollection
- type HTMLElement
- func (p *HTMLElement) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *HTMLElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *HTMLElement) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *HTMLElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type HTMLIFrameElement
- func (p *HTMLIFrameElement) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *HTMLIFrameElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *HTMLIFrameElement) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *HTMLIFrameElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *HTMLIFrameElement) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type HTMLImageElement
- func (p *HTMLImageElement) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *HTMLImageElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *HTMLImageElement) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *HTMLImageElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *HTMLImageElement) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type HTMLInputElement
- func (p *HTMLInputElement) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *HTMLInputElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *HTMLInputElement) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *HTMLInputElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *HTMLInputElement) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type HTMLLinkElement
- func (p *HTMLLinkElement) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *HTMLLinkElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *HTMLLinkElement) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *HTMLLinkElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *HTMLLinkElement) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type HTMLSelectElement
- func (p *HTMLSelectElement) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *HTMLSelectElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *HTMLSelectElement) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *HTMLSelectElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *HTMLSelectElement) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type HTMLTextAreaElement
- func (p *HTMLTextAreaElement) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *HTMLTextAreaElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *HTMLTextAreaElement) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *HTMLTextAreaElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *HTMLTextAreaElement) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type HashChangeEvent
- func (p *HashChangeEvent) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *HashChangeEvent) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *HashChangeEvent) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *HashChangeEvent) Name() string
- type IDBCursor
- type IDBCursorWithValue
- func (p *IDBCursorWithValue) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *IDBCursorWithValue) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *IDBCursorWithValue) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *IDBCursorWithValue) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type IDBDatabase
- type IDBFactory
- type IDBIndex
- type IDBKeyRange
- func (p *IDBKeyRange) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *IDBKeyRange) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *IDBKeyRange) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *IDBKeyRange) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type IDBObjectStore
- type IDBOpenDBRequest
- func (p *IDBOpenDBRequest) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *IDBOpenDBRequest) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *IDBOpenDBRequest) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *IDBOpenDBRequest) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *IDBOpenDBRequest) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type IDBRequest
- func (p *IDBRequest) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *IDBRequest) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *IDBRequest) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *IDBRequest) Name() string
- func (p *IDBRequest) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type IDBTransaction
- func (p *IDBTransaction) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *IDBTransaction) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *IDBTransaction) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *IDBTransaction) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type IDBVersionChangeEvent
- func (p *IDBVersionChangeEvent) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *IDBVersionChangeEvent) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *IDBVersionChangeEvent) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *IDBVersionChangeEvent) Name() string
- type Image
- type ImageData
- type Int
- func (p *Int) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Int) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Int) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Int) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *Int) IsUniversal() bool
- type Int16Array
- func (p *Int16Array) Check(other values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Int16Array) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Int16Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Int16Array) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type Int32Array
- func (p *Int32Array) Check(other values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Int32Array) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Int32Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Int32Array) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type Int8Array
- func (p *Int8Array) Check(other values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Int8Array) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Int8Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Int8Array) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type KeyboardEvent
- type Location
- func (p *Location) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Location) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Location) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Location) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type Map
- type MessageEvent
- type MessagePort
- func (p *MessagePort) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *MessagePort) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *MessagePort) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *MessagePort) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type MouseEvent
- type Node
- type NodeJS_Buffer
- func (p *NodeJS_Buffer) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_Buffer) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_Buffer) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_Buffer) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type NodeJS_EventEmitter
- type NodeJS_crypto_Cipher
- func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Cipher) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Cipher) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Cipher) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Cipher) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type NodeJS_crypto_Decipher
- func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Decipher) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Decipher) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Decipher) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Decipher) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage
- func (p *NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type NodeJS_http_Server
- func (p *NodeJS_http_Server) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_http_Server) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_http_Server) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_http_Server) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type NodeJS_http_ServerResponse
- func (p *NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type NodeJS_mysql_Connection
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Connection) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Connection) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Connection) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Connection) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type NodeJS_mysql_Error
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Error) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Error) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Error) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Error) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type NodeJS_mysql_FieldPacket
- type NodeJS_mysql_Pool
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Pool) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Pool) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Pool) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Pool) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type NodeJS_mysql_Query
- type NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport
- func (p *NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type NodeJS_stream_Readable
- func (p *NodeJS_stream_Readable) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *NodeJS_stream_Readable) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_stream_Readable) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *NodeJS_stream_Readable) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type Number
- func (p *Number) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Number) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Number) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Number) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Number) IsUniversal() bool
- type Object
- func (p *Object) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Object) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Object) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Object) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Object) IsUniversal() bool
- func (p *Object) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type Path2D
- type Promise
- func (p *Promise) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Promise) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Promise) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Promise) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Promise) Name() string
- type RPCServer
- type RegExp
- type RegExpArray
- func (p *RegExpArray) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *RegExpArray) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *RegExpArray) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *RegExpArray) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- type Response
- type SearchIndex
- func (p *SearchIndex) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *SearchIndex) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *SearchIndex) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *SearchIndex) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type Set
- type SharedWorker
- type SharedWorkerGlobalScope
- type Storage
- type String
- func (p *String) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *String) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *String) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *String) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *String) IsUniversal() bool
- type Text
- type TextDecoder
- type TextEncoder
- type TextMetrics
- type Tuple
- func (p *Tuple) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Tuple) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Tuple) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Tuple) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *Tuple) IsUniversal() bool
- func (p *Tuple) Name() string
- type TypedArray
- type URL
- func (p *URL) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *URL) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *URL) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *URL) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type URLSearchParams
- type Uint16Array
- func (p *Uint16Array) Check(other values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Uint16Array) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Uint16Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Uint16Array) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type Uint32Array
- func (p *Uint32Array) Check(other values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Uint32Array) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Uint32Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Uint32Array) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type Uint8Array
- func (p *Uint8Array) Check(other values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Uint8Array) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Uint8Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Uint8Array) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type Uint8ClampedArray
- func (p *Uint8ClampedArray) Check(other values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Uint8ClampedArray) GetClassMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Uint8ClampedArray) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Uint8ClampedArray) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- type WebAssembly
- type WebAssemblyEnv
- type WebAssemblyFS
- type WebGLBuffer
- type WebGLExtension
- type WebGLProgram
- type WebGLRenderingContext
- type WebGLShader
- type WebGLTexture
- type WheelEvent
- func (p *WheelEvent) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *WheelEvent) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *WheelEvent) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *WheelEvent) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
- func (p *WheelEvent) Name() string
- type Window
- type Worker
- func (p *Worker) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *Worker) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *Worker) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *Worker) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
- type WorkerGlobalScope
- type XMLHttpRequest
- func (p *XMLHttpRequest) Check(other_ values.Interface, ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *XMLHttpRequest) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
- func (p *XMLHttpRequest) GetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, ctx context.Context) (values.Value, error)
- func (p *XMLHttpRequest) SetInstanceMember(key string, includePrivate bool, arg values.Value, ctx context.Context) error
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( NORMAL FunctionRole = 0 CONST = 1 << 0 STATIC = 1 << 1 GETTER = 1 << 2 SETTER = 1 << 3 PUBLIC = 1 << 4 PRIVATE = 1 << 5 ABSTRACT = 1 << 6 OVERRIDE = 1 << 7 ASYNC = 1 << 8 PROPERTY = 1 << 9 )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CheckTypedArray ¶
func FillJSONPackage ¶
func FillMathPackage ¶
func FillNodeJS_fsPackage ¶
func FillNodeJS_httpPackage ¶
func FillNodeJS_mysqlPackage ¶
func FillNodeJS_pathPackage ¶
func GetLiteralObjectMembers ¶
func GetTypedArrayClassValue ¶
func GetTypedArrayClassValue(p TypedArray) (*values.Class, error)
func IsAbstract ¶
func IsAbstract(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsAsync ¶
func IsAsync(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsCanvasGradient ¶
func IsCanvasPattern ¶
func IsConst ¶
func IsConst(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsGetter ¶
func IsGetter(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsNormal ¶
func IsNormal(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsOverride ¶
func IsOverride(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsPrivate ¶
func IsPrivate(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsProperty ¶
func IsProperty(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsPublic ¶
func IsPublic(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsSetter ¶
func IsSetter(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsSharedWorker ¶
func IsStatic ¶
func IsStatic(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsStaticGetter ¶
func IsStaticGetter(m FunctionWithRole) bool
func IsStringable ¶
func IsTypedArray ¶
func IsWebAssemblyEnv ¶
func IsWebGLRenderingContext ¶
func NewArrayBufferPrototype ¶
func NewBigIntPrototype ¶
func NewBlobPrototype ¶
func NewBooleanPrototype ¶
func NewConfigObject ¶
func NewConsolePrototype ¶
func NewCryptoPrototype ¶ added in v0.5.1
func NewDOMMatrixPrototype ¶
func NewDOMRectPrototype ¶
func NewDataViewPrototype ¶
func NewDatePrototype ¶
func NewDocumentPrototype ¶
func NewElementPrototype ¶
func NewErrorPrototype ¶
func NewEventTargetPrototype ¶
func NewFileReaderPrototype ¶
func NewFontFaceSetPrototype ¶
func NewGLEnumPrototype ¶
func NewHTMLElementPrototype ¶
func NewIDBCursorPrototype ¶
func NewIDBDatabasePrototype ¶
func NewIDBFactoryPrototype ¶
func NewIDBIndexPrototype ¶
func NewIDBKeyRangePrototype ¶
func NewImageDataPrototype ¶
func NewImagePrototype ¶
func NewInt16ArrayPrototype ¶
func NewInt32ArrayPrototype ¶
func NewInt8ArrayPrototype ¶
func NewIntPrototype ¶
func NewKeyboardEvent ¶
func NewLocationPrototype ¶
func NewMapLikeObject ¶
func NewMessagePortPrototype ¶
func NewMouseEventPrototype ¶
func NewNodePrototype ¶
func NewNumberPrototype ¶
func NewPath2DPrototype ¶
func NewRPCServerPrototype ¶
func NewRegExpArrayPrototype ¶
func NewRegExpPrototype ¶
func NewResponsePrototype ¶
func NewSearchIndexPrototype ¶
func NewStoragePrototype ¶
func NewStringPrototype ¶
func NewTextDecoderPrototype ¶
func NewTextEncoderPrototype ¶
func NewTextMetricsPrototype ¶
func NewTextPrototype ¶
func NewTypedArray ¶
used for some internal type checks instead of [Float32Array, Float64Array, Int16......]
func NewURLPrototype ¶
func NewUint16ArrayPrototype ¶
func NewUint32ArrayPrototype ¶
func NewUint8ArrayPrototype ¶
func NewVoidPromisePrototype ¶
func NewWebAssemblyPrototype ¶
func NewWebGLBufferPrototype ¶
func NewWebGLShaderPrototype ¶
func NewWheelEventPrototype ¶
func NewWindowPrototype ¶
func NewWorkerPrototype ¶
Types ¶
type AbstractBuiltinInterface ¶
type AbstractBuiltinInterface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AbstractBuiltinInterface) Context ¶
func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) Context() context.Context
func (*AbstractBuiltinInterface) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*AbstractBuiltinInterface) GetInterfaces ¶
func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) GetInterfaces() ([]values.Interface, error)
func (*AbstractBuiltinInterface) GetPrototypes ¶
func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) GetPrototypes() ([]values.Prototype, error)
func (*AbstractBuiltinInterface) IsRPC ¶
func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) IsRPC() bool
func (*AbstractBuiltinInterface) IsUniversal ¶
func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) IsUniversal() bool
func (*AbstractBuiltinInterface) Name ¶
func (p *AbstractBuiltinInterface) Name() string
func (*AbstractBuiltinInterface) SetInstanceMember ¶
type AbstractEvent ¶
type AbstractEvent struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AbstractEvent) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*AbstractEvent) Name ¶
func (p *AbstractEvent) Name() string
type AbstractTypedArray ¶
type AbstractTypedArray struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AbstractTypedArray) GetClassMember ¶
func (*AbstractTypedArray) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *AbstractTypedArray) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*AbstractTypedArray) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*AbstractTypedArray) GetParent ¶
func (p *AbstractTypedArray) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*AbstractTypedArray) IsUniversal ¶
func (p *AbstractTypedArray) IsUniversal() bool
type Array ¶
type Array struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
instance of Array are values.Prototype, not values.Value!
func (*Array) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Array) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*Array) IsUniversal ¶
type ArrayBuffer ¶
type ArrayBuffer struct {
func (*ArrayBuffer) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *ArrayBuffer) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type Blob ¶
type Blob struct {
type Boolean ¶
type Boolean struct {
func (*Boolean) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*Boolean) IsUniversal ¶
type BuiltinInterface ¶
type BuiltinPrototype ¶
type BuiltinPrototype struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BuiltinPrototype) Context ¶
func (p *BuiltinPrototype) Context() context.Context
func (*BuiltinPrototype) GetClassMember ¶
func (*BuiltinPrototype) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*BuiltinPrototype) GetInterfaces ¶
func (p *BuiltinPrototype) GetInterfaces() ([]values.Interface, error)
func (*BuiltinPrototype) GetParent ¶
func (p *BuiltinPrototype) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*BuiltinPrototype) GetPrototypes ¶
func (p *BuiltinPrototype) GetPrototypes() ([]values.Prototype, error)
func (*BuiltinPrototype) IsAbstract ¶
func (p *BuiltinPrototype) IsAbstract() bool
func (*BuiltinPrototype) IsFinal ¶
func (p *BuiltinPrototype) IsFinal() bool
func (*BuiltinPrototype) IsRPC ¶
func (p *BuiltinPrototype) IsRPC() bool
func (*BuiltinPrototype) IsUniversal ¶
func (p *BuiltinPrototype) IsUniversal() bool
func (*BuiltinPrototype) Name ¶
func (p *BuiltinPrototype) Name() string
func (*BuiltinPrototype) SetInstanceMember ¶
type CSSImageValue ¶
type CSSImageValue struct {
func (*CSSImageValue) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *CSSImageValue) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type CSSStyleDeclaration ¶
type CSSStyleDeclaration struct {
func (*CSSStyleDeclaration) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *CSSStyleDeclaration) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*CSSStyleDeclaration) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*CSSStyleDeclaration) SetInstanceMember ¶
type CanvasGradient ¶
type CanvasGradient struct {
func (*CanvasGradient) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *CanvasGradient) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*CanvasGradient) GetInstanceMember ¶
type CanvasImageSource ¶
type CanvasImageSource struct {
func (*CanvasImageSource) Check ¶
interfaces usually check in a different way, but this isn't really an interface
func (*CanvasImageSource) GetPrototypes ¶
func (p *CanvasImageSource) GetPrototypes() ([]values.Prototype, error)
func (*CanvasImageSource) IsUniversal ¶
func (p *CanvasImageSource) IsUniversal() bool
type CanvasPattern ¶
type CanvasPattern struct {
func (*CanvasPattern) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *CanvasPattern) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type CanvasRenderingContext2D ¶
type CanvasRenderingContext2D struct {
func (*CanvasRenderingContext2D) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *CanvasRenderingContext2D) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*CanvasRenderingContext2D) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*CanvasRenderingContext2D) SetInstanceMember ¶
type Console ¶
type Console struct {
type Crypto ¶ added in v0.5.1
type Crypto struct {
func (*Crypto) GetClassValue ¶ added in v0.5.1
type DOMRect ¶
type DOMRect struct {
type Date ¶
type Date struct {
func (*Date) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Date) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*Date) IsUniversal ¶
type DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope ¶
type DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope struct {
func (*DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope) GetClassMember ¶
func (*DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type Document ¶
type Document struct {
func (*Document) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Error ¶
type Error struct {
func (*Error) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*Error) IsUniversal ¶
type EventTarget ¶
type EventTarget struct {
func (*EventTarget) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *EventTarget) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*EventTarget) GetInstanceMember ¶
type FileReader ¶
type FileReader struct {
func (*FileReader) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *FileReader) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*FileReader) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*FileReader) SetInstanceMember ¶
type Float32Array ¶
type Float32Array struct {
func (*Float32Array) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Float32Array) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *Float32Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*Float32Array) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Float64Array ¶
type Float64Array struct {
func (*Float64Array) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Float64Array) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *Float64Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*Float64Array) GetInstanceMember ¶
type FontFaceSet ¶
type FontFaceSet struct {
func (*FontFaceSet) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *FontFaceSet) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*FontFaceSet) GetInstanceMember ¶
type FunctionRole ¶
type FunctionRole int
type FunctionWithRole ¶
type FunctionWithRole interface {
Role() FunctionRole
type GLEnum ¶
type GLEnum struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type HTMLCanvasElement ¶
type HTMLCanvasElement struct {
func (*HTMLCanvasElement) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HTMLCanvasElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HTMLCanvasElement) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*HTMLCanvasElement) GetParent ¶
func (p *HTMLCanvasElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*HTMLCanvasElement) SetInstanceMember ¶
type HTMLCollection ¶
type HTMLCollection struct {
func (*HTMLCollection) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HTMLCollection) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HTMLCollection) GetInstanceMember ¶
type HTMLElement ¶
type HTMLElement struct {
func (*HTMLElement) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HTMLElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HTMLElement) GetInstanceMember ¶
type HTMLIFrameElement ¶
type HTMLIFrameElement struct {
func (*HTMLIFrameElement) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HTMLIFrameElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HTMLIFrameElement) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*HTMLIFrameElement) GetParent ¶
func (p *HTMLIFrameElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*HTMLIFrameElement) SetInstanceMember ¶
type HTMLImageElement ¶
type HTMLImageElement struct {
func (*HTMLImageElement) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HTMLImageElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HTMLImageElement) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*HTMLImageElement) GetParent ¶
func (p *HTMLImageElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*HTMLImageElement) SetInstanceMember ¶
type HTMLInputElement ¶
type HTMLInputElement struct {
func (*HTMLInputElement) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HTMLInputElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HTMLInputElement) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*HTMLInputElement) GetParent ¶
func (p *HTMLInputElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*HTMLInputElement) SetInstanceMember ¶
type HTMLLinkElement ¶
type HTMLLinkElement struct {
func (*HTMLLinkElement) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HTMLLinkElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HTMLLinkElement) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*HTMLLinkElement) SetInstanceMember ¶
type HTMLSelectElement ¶
type HTMLSelectElement struct {
func (*HTMLSelectElement) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HTMLSelectElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HTMLSelectElement) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*HTMLSelectElement) GetParent ¶
func (p *HTMLSelectElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*HTMLSelectElement) SetInstanceMember ¶
type HTMLTextAreaElement ¶
type HTMLTextAreaElement struct {
func (*HTMLTextAreaElement) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HTMLTextAreaElement) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HTMLTextAreaElement) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*HTMLTextAreaElement) GetParent ¶
func (p *HTMLTextAreaElement) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*HTMLTextAreaElement) SetInstanceMember ¶
type HashChangeEvent ¶
type HashChangeEvent struct {
func (*HashChangeEvent) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *HashChangeEvent) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*HashChangeEvent) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*HashChangeEvent) Name ¶
func (p *HashChangeEvent) Name() string
type IDBCursorWithValue ¶
type IDBCursorWithValue struct {
func (*IDBCursorWithValue) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *IDBCursorWithValue) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*IDBCursorWithValue) GetInstanceMember ¶
type IDBDatabase ¶
type IDBDatabase struct {
func (*IDBDatabase) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *IDBDatabase) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*IDBDatabase) GetInstanceMember ¶
type IDBFactory ¶
type IDBFactory struct {
func (*IDBFactory) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *IDBFactory) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*IDBFactory) GetInstanceMember ¶
type IDBKeyRange ¶
type IDBKeyRange struct {
func (*IDBKeyRange) GetClassMember ¶
func (*IDBKeyRange) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *IDBKeyRange) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*IDBKeyRange) GetInstanceMember ¶
type IDBObjectStore ¶
type IDBObjectStore struct {
func (*IDBObjectStore) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *IDBObjectStore) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*IDBObjectStore) GetInstanceMember ¶
type IDBOpenDBRequest ¶
type IDBOpenDBRequest struct {
func (*IDBOpenDBRequest) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *IDBOpenDBRequest) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*IDBOpenDBRequest) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*IDBOpenDBRequest) GetParent ¶
func (p *IDBOpenDBRequest) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*IDBOpenDBRequest) SetInstanceMember ¶
type IDBRequest ¶
type IDBRequest struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*IDBRequest) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *IDBRequest) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*IDBRequest) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*IDBRequest) Name ¶
func (p *IDBRequest) Name() string
func (*IDBRequest) SetInstanceMember ¶
type IDBTransaction ¶
type IDBTransaction struct {
func (*IDBTransaction) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *IDBTransaction) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*IDBTransaction) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*IDBTransaction) SetInstanceMember ¶
type IDBVersionChangeEvent ¶
type IDBVersionChangeEvent struct {
func (*IDBVersionChangeEvent) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *IDBVersionChangeEvent) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*IDBVersionChangeEvent) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*IDBVersionChangeEvent) Name ¶
func (p *IDBVersionChangeEvent) Name() string
type Image ¶
type Image struct {
type Int ¶
type Int struct {
func (*Int) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*Int) IsUniversal ¶
type Int16Array ¶
type Int16Array struct {
func (*Int16Array) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Int16Array) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *Int16Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*Int16Array) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Int32Array ¶
type Int32Array struct {
func (*Int32Array) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Int32Array) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *Int32Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*Int32Array) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Int8Array ¶
type Int8Array struct {
func (*Int8Array) GetClassMember ¶
type KeyboardEvent ¶
type KeyboardEvent struct { AbstractEvent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*KeyboardEvent) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *KeyboardEvent) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*KeyboardEvent) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Location ¶
type Location struct {
func (*Location) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Map ¶
type Map struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Map) GetInstanceMember ¶
type MessageEvent ¶
type MessageEvent struct {
func (*MessageEvent) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *MessageEvent) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*MessageEvent) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*MessageEvent) Name ¶
func (p *MessageEvent) Name() string
type MessagePort ¶
type MessagePort struct {
func (*MessagePort) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *MessagePort) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*MessagePort) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*MessagePort) SetInstanceMember ¶
type MouseEvent ¶
type MouseEvent struct {
func (*MouseEvent) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *MouseEvent) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*MouseEvent) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*MouseEvent) Name ¶
func (p *MouseEvent) Name() string
type NodeJS_Buffer ¶
type NodeJS_Buffer struct {
func (*NodeJS_Buffer) GetClassMember ¶
func (*NodeJS_Buffer) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_Buffer) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_Buffer) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_EventEmitter ¶
type NodeJS_EventEmitter struct {
func (*NodeJS_EventEmitter) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_EventEmitter) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_EventEmitter) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_crypto_Cipher ¶
type NodeJS_crypto_Cipher struct {
func (*NodeJS_crypto_Cipher) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Cipher) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_crypto_Cipher) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_crypto_Decipher ¶
type NodeJS_crypto_Decipher struct {
func (*NodeJS_crypto_Decipher) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_crypto_Decipher) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_crypto_Decipher) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage ¶
type NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage struct {
func (*NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_http_Server ¶
type NodeJS_http_Server struct {
func (*NodeJS_http_Server) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_http_Server) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_http_Server) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_http_ServerResponse ¶
type NodeJS_http_ServerResponse struct {
func (*NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) GetParent ¶
func (p *NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) GetParent() (values.Prototype, error)
func (*NodeJS_http_ServerResponse) SetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_Connection ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_Connection struct {
func (*NodeJS_mysql_Connection) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Connection) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_mysql_Connection) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_Error ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_Error struct {
func (*NodeJS_mysql_Error) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Error) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_mysql_Error) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_FieldPacket ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_FieldPacket struct {
func (*NodeJS_mysql_FieldPacket) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_mysql_FieldPacket) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_mysql_FieldPacket) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_Pool ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_Pool struct {
func (*NodeJS_mysql_Pool) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Pool) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_mysql_Pool) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_Query ¶
type NodeJS_mysql_Query struct {
func (*NodeJS_mysql_Query) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_mysql_Query) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport ¶
type NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport struct {
func (*NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport) GetInstanceMember ¶
type NodeJS_stream_Readable ¶
type NodeJS_stream_Readable struct {
func (*NodeJS_stream_Readable) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *NodeJS_stream_Readable) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*NodeJS_stream_Readable) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Number ¶
type Number struct {
func (*Number) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Number) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*Number) IsUniversal ¶
type Object ¶
type Object struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Object) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Object) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*Object) IsUniversal ¶
type Path2D ¶
type Path2D struct {
type Promise ¶
type Promise struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Promise) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Promise) GetInstanceMember ¶
type RegExp ¶
type RegExp struct {
type RegExpArray ¶
type RegExpArray struct {
func (*RegExpArray) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *RegExpArray) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*RegExpArray) GetInstanceMember ¶
type SearchIndex ¶
type SearchIndex struct {
func (*SearchIndex) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *SearchIndex) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*SearchIndex) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*SearchIndex) SetInstanceMember ¶
type Set ¶
type Set struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SharedWorker ¶
type SharedWorker struct {
}func (*SharedWorker) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *SharedWorker) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*SharedWorker) GetInstanceMember ¶
type SharedWorkerGlobalScope ¶
type SharedWorkerGlobalScope struct {
}func (*SharedWorkerGlobalScope) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *SharedWorkerGlobalScope) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type Storage ¶
type Storage struct {
type String ¶
type String struct {
func (*String) GetClassMember ¶
func (*String) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*String) IsUniversal ¶
type Text ¶
type Text struct {
type TextDecoder ¶
type TextDecoder struct {
func (*TextDecoder) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *TextDecoder) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*TextDecoder) GetInstanceMember ¶
type TextEncoder ¶
type TextEncoder struct {
func (*TextEncoder) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *TextEncoder) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*TextEncoder) GetInstanceMember ¶
type TextMetrics ¶
type TextMetrics struct {
func (*TextMetrics) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *TextMetrics) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*TextMetrics) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Tuple ¶
type Tuple struct { BuiltinPrototype // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Tuple) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*Tuple) IsUniversal ¶
type TypedArray ¶
type URLSearchParams ¶
type URLSearchParams struct {
func (*URLSearchParams) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *URLSearchParams) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*URLSearchParams) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Uint16Array ¶
type Uint16Array struct {
func (*Uint16Array) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Uint16Array) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *Uint16Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*Uint16Array) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Uint32Array ¶
type Uint32Array struct {
func (*Uint32Array) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Uint32Array) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *Uint32Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*Uint32Array) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Uint8Array ¶
type Uint8Array struct {
func (*Uint8Array) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Uint8Array) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *Uint8Array) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*Uint8Array) GetInstanceMember ¶
type Uint8ClampedArray ¶
type Uint8ClampedArray struct {
func (*Uint8ClampedArray) GetClassMember ¶
func (*Uint8ClampedArray) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *Uint8ClampedArray) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*Uint8ClampedArray) GetInstanceMember ¶
type WebAssembly ¶
type WebAssembly struct {
func (*WebAssembly) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WebAssembly) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type WebAssemblyEnv ¶
type WebAssemblyEnv struct {
func (*WebAssemblyEnv) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WebAssemblyEnv) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type WebAssemblyFS ¶
type WebAssemblyFS struct {
func (*WebAssemblyFS) Check ¶
interfaces usually check in a different way, but this isn't really an interface
func (*WebAssemblyFS) GetInstanceMember ¶
type WebGLBuffer ¶
type WebGLBuffer struct {
func (*WebGLBuffer) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WebGLBuffer) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type WebGLExtension ¶
type WebGLExtension struct {
func (*WebGLExtension) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WebGLExtension) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type WebGLProgram ¶
type WebGLProgram struct {
func (*WebGLProgram) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WebGLProgram) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type WebGLRenderingContext ¶
type WebGLRenderingContext struct {
func (*WebGLRenderingContext) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WebGLRenderingContext) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*WebGLRenderingContext) GetInstanceMember ¶
type WebGLShader ¶
type WebGLShader struct {
func (*WebGLShader) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WebGLShader) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type WebGLTexture ¶
type WebGLTexture struct {
func (*WebGLTexture) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WebGLTexture) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type WheelEvent ¶
type WheelEvent struct {
func (*WheelEvent) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WheelEvent) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*WheelEvent) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*WheelEvent) Name ¶
func (p *WheelEvent) Name() string
type WorkerGlobalScope ¶
type WorkerGlobalScope struct {
func (*WorkerGlobalScope) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *WorkerGlobalScope) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
type XMLHttpRequest ¶
type XMLHttpRequest struct {
func (*XMLHttpRequest) GetClassValue ¶
func (p *XMLHttpRequest) GetClassValue() (*values.Class, error)
func (*XMLHttpRequest) GetInstanceMember ¶
func (*XMLHttpRequest) SetInstanceMember ¶
Source Files ¶
- Array.go
- ArrayBuffer.go
- BigInt.go
- Blob.go
- Boolean.go
- BuiltinInterface.go
- BuiltinPrototype.go
- CSSImageValue.go
- CSSStyleDeclaration.go
- CanvasGradient.go
- CanvasImageSource.go
- CanvasPattern.go
- CanvasRenderingContext2D.go
- Console.go
- Crypto.go
- DOMMatrix.go
- DOMRect.go
- DataView.go
- Date.go
- DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.go
- Document.go
- Element.go
- Error.go
- Event.go
- EventTarget.go
- FileReader.go
- Float32Array.go
- Float64Array.go
- FontFaceSet.go
- FunctionRole.go
- GLEnum.go
- HTMLCanvasElement.go
- HTMLCollection.go
- HTMLElement.go
- HTMLIFrameElement.go
- HTMLImageElement.go
- HTMLInputElement.go
- HTMLLinkElement.go
- HTMLSelectElement.go
- HTMLTextAreaElement.go
- HashChangeEvent.go
- IDBCursor.go
- IDBCursorWithValue.go
- IDBDatabase.go
- IDBFactory.go
- IDBIndex.go
- IDBKeyRange.go
- IDBObjectStore.go
- IDBOpenDBRequest.go
- IDBRequest.go
- IDBTransaction.go
- IDBVersionChangeEvent.go
- Image.go
- ImageData.go
- Int.go
- Int16Array.go
- Int32Array.go
- Int8Array.go
- JSON.go
- KeyboardEvent.go
- LocaleOptions.go
- Location.go
- Map.go
- Math.go
- MessageEvent.go
- MessagePort.go
- MouseEvent.go
- Node.go
- NodeJS_Buffer.go
- NodeJS_EventEmitter.go
- NodeJS_crypto.go
- NodeJS_crypto_Cipher.go
- NodeJS_crypto_Decipher.go
- NodeJS_fs.go
- NodeJS_http.go
- NodeJS_http_IncomingMessage.go
- NodeJS_http_Server.go
- NodeJS_http_ServerResponse.go
- NodeJS_mysql.go
- NodeJS_mysql_Connection.go
- NodeJS_mysql_Error.go
- NodeJS_mysql_FieldPacket.go
- NodeJS_mysql_Pool.go
- NodeJS_mysql_Query.go
- NodeJS_nodemailer.go
- NodeJS_nodemailer_SMTPTransport.go
- NodeJS_path.go
- NodeJS_process.go
- NodeJS_stream.go
- NodeJS_stream_Readable.go
- Number.go
- Object.go
- Path2D.go
- Promise.go
- RPCServer.go
- RegExp.go
- RegExpArray.go
- Response.go
- SearchIndex.go
- Set.go
- SharedWorker.go
- SharedWorkerGlobalScope.go
- Storage.go
- String.go
- Text.go
- TextDecoder.go
- TextEncoder.go
- TextMetrics.go
- Tuple.go
- TypedArray.go
- URL.go
- URLSearchParams.go
- Uint16Array.go
- Uint32Array.go
- Uint8Array.go
- Uint8ClampedArray.go
- WebAssembly.go
- WebAssemblyEnv.go
- WebAssemblyFS.go
- WebGLBuffer.go
- WebGLExtension.go
- WebGLProgram.go
- WebGLRenderingContext.go
- WebGLShader.go
- WebGLTexture.go
- WheelEvent.go
- Window.go
- Worker.go
- WorkerGlobalScope.go
- XMLHttpRequest.go
- checkParent.go
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