Index ¶
- func Route(router RouteOut) (string, string, quickfix.MessageRoute)
- type ExecutionReport
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetAccount() (f field.AccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetAvgPx() (f field.AvgPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetCashOrderQty() (f field.CashOrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetClOrdID() (f field.ClOrdIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetClearingAccount() (f field.ClearingAccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetClearingFirm() (f field.ClearingFirmField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetClientID() (f field.ClientIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetCommType() (f field.CommTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetCommission() (f field.CommissionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetComplianceID() (f field.ComplianceIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetContractMultiplier() (f field.ContractMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetCouponRate() (f field.CouponRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetCumQty() (f field.CumQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetCurrency() (f field.CurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetDayAvgPx() (f field.DayAvgPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetDayCumQty() (f field.DayCumQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetDayOrderQty() (f field.DayOrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetDiscretionInst() (f field.DiscretionInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetDiscretionOffset() (f field.DiscretionOffsetField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetEffectiveTime() (f field.EffectiveTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedIssuer() (f field.EncodedIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedIssuerLen() (f field.EncodedIssuerLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedSecurityDesc() (f field.EncodedSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen() (f field.EncodedSecurityDescLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedText() (f field.EncodedTextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedTextLen() (f field.EncodedTextLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecBroker() (f field.ExecBrokerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecID() (f field.ExecIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecInst() (f field.ExecInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecRefID() (f field.ExecRefIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecRestatementReason() (f field.ExecRestatementReasonField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecTransType() (f field.ExecTransTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecType() (f field.ExecTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetExpireDate() (f field.ExpireDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetExpireTime() (f field.ExpireTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetFutSettDate() (f field.FutSettDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetFutSettDate2() (f field.FutSettDate2Field, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetGTBookingInst() (f field.GTBookingInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetGrossTradeAmt() (f field.GrossTradeAmtField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetHandlInst() (f field.HandlInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetIDSource() (f field.IDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetIssuer() (f field.IssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastCapacity() (f field.LastCapacityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastForwardPoints() (f field.LastForwardPointsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastMkt() (f field.LastMktField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastPx() (f field.LastPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastShares() (f field.LastSharesField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastSpotRate() (f field.LastSpotRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetLeavesQty() (f field.LeavesQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetListID() (f field.ListIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetMaturityDay() (f field.MaturityDayField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetMaturityMonthYear() (f field.MaturityMonthYearField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetMaxFloor() (f field.MaxFloorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetMaxShow() (f field.MaxShowField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetMinQty() (f field.MinQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetMultiLegReportingType() (f field.MultiLegReportingTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetNoContraBrokers() (NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetOpenClose() (f field.OpenCloseField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetOptAttribute() (f field.OptAttributeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrdRejReason() (f field.OrdRejReasonField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrdStatus() (f field.OrdStatusField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrdType() (f field.OrdTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrderID() (f field.OrderIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrderQty() (f field.OrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrderQty2() (f field.OrderQty2Field, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrigClOrdID() (f field.OrigClOrdIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetPegDifference() (f field.PegDifferenceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetPrice() (f field.PriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetPutOrCall() (f field.PutOrCallField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetReportToExch() (f field.ReportToExchField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetRule80A() (f field.Rule80AField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecondaryOrderID() (f field.SecondaryOrderIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecurityDesc() (f field.SecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecurityExchange() (f field.SecurityExchangeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecurityID() (f field.SecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecurityType() (f field.SecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrAmt() (f field.SettlCurrAmtField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrFxRate() (f field.SettlCurrFxRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrFxRateCalc() (f field.SettlCurrFxRateCalcField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrency() (f field.SettlCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlmntTyp() (f field.SettlmntTypField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSide() (f field.SideField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSolicitedFlag() (f field.SolicitedFlagField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetStopPx() (f field.StopPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetStrikePrice() (f field.StrikePriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSymbol() (f field.SymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetSymbolSfx() (f field.SymbolSfxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetText() (f field.TextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetTimeInForce() (f field.TimeInForceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetTradeDate() (f field.TradeDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetTradingSessionID() (f field.TradingSessionIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) GetTransactTime() (f field.TransactTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasAccount() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasAvgPx() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasCashOrderQty() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasClOrdID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasClearingAccount() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasClearingFirm() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasClientID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasCommType() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasCommission() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasComplianceID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasContractMultiplier() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasCouponRate() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasCumQty() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasCurrency() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasDayAvgPx() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasDayCumQty() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasDayOrderQty() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasDiscretionInst() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasDiscretionOffset() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasEffectiveTime() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedIssuer() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedIssuerLen() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedText() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedTextLen() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecBroker() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecInst() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecRefID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecRestatementReason() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecTransType() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecType() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasExpireDate() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasExpireTime() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasFutSettDate() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasFutSettDate2() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasGTBookingInst() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasGrossTradeAmt() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasHandlInst() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasIDSource() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasIssuer() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastCapacity() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastForwardPoints() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastMkt() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastPx() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastShares() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastSpotRate() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasLeavesQty() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasListID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasMaturityDay() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasMaturityMonthYear() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasMaxFloor() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasMaxShow() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasMinQty() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasMultiLegReportingType() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasNoContraBrokers() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasOpenClose() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasOptAttribute() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrdRejReason() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrdStatus() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrdType() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrderID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrderQty() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrderQty2() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrigClOrdID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasPegDifference() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasPrice() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasPutOrCall() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasReportToExch() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasRule80A() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecondaryOrderID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecurityExchange() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecurityID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecurityType() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrAmt() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrFxRate() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrFxRateCalc() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrency() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlmntTyp() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSide() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSolicitedFlag() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasStopPx() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasStrikePrice() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSymbol() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasSymbolSfx() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasText() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasTimeInForce() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasTradeDate() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasTradingSessionID() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) HasTransactTime() bool
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetAccount(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetAvgPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetCashOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetClOrdID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetClearingAccount(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetClearingFirm(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetClientID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetCommType(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetCommission(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetComplianceID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetContractMultiplier(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetCouponRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetCumQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetCurrency(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetDayAvgPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetDayCumQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetDayOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetDiscretionInst(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetDiscretionOffset(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetEffectiveTime(v time.Time)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedIssuer(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedIssuerLen(v int)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen(v int)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedText(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedTextLen(v int)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecBroker(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecInst(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecRefID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecRestatementReason(v int)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecTransType(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecType(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetExpireDate(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetExpireTime(v time.Time)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetFutSettDate(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetFutSettDate2(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetGTBookingInst(v int)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetGrossTradeAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetHandlInst(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetIDSource(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetIssuer(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastCapacity(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastForwardPoints(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastMkt(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastShares(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastSpotRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetLeavesQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetListID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetMaturityDay(v int)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetMaturityMonthYear(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetMaxFloor(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetMaxShow(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetMinQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetMultiLegReportingType(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetNoContraBrokers(f NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetOpenClose(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetOptAttribute(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrdRejReason(v int)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrdStatus(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrdType(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrderID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrderQty2(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrigClOrdID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetPegDifference(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetPutOrCall(v int)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetReportToExch(v bool)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetRule80A(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecondaryOrderID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecurityExchange(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecurityID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecurityType(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrFxRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrFxRateCalc(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrency(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlmntTyp(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSide(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSolicitedFlag(v bool)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetStopPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetStrikePrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSymbol(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetSymbolSfx(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetText(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetTimeInForce(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetTradeDate(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetTradingSessionID(v string)
- func (m ExecutionReport) SetTransactTime(v time.Time)
- func (m ExecutionReport) ToMessage() quickfix.Message
- type NoContraBrokers
- func (m NoContraBrokers) GetContraBroker() (f field.ContraBrokerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoContraBrokers) GetContraTradeQty() (f field.ContraTradeQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoContraBrokers) GetContraTradeTime() (f field.ContraTradeTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoContraBrokers) GetContraTrader() (f field.ContraTraderField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoContraBrokers) HasContraBroker() bool
- func (m NoContraBrokers) HasContraTradeQty() bool
- func (m NoContraBrokers) HasContraTradeTime() bool
- func (m NoContraBrokers) HasContraTrader() bool
- func (m NoContraBrokers) SetContraBroker(v string)
- func (m NoContraBrokers) SetContraTradeQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoContraBrokers) SetContraTradeTime(v time.Time)
- func (m NoContraBrokers) SetContraTrader(v string)
- type NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup
- type RouteOut
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type ExecutionReport ¶
type ExecutionReport struct { fix42.Header quickfix.Body fix42.Trailer //ReceiveTime is the time that this message was read from the socket connection ReceiveTime time.Time }
ExecutionReport is the fix42 ExecutionReport type, MsgType = 8
func FromMessage ¶
func FromMessage(m quickfix.Message) ExecutionReport
FromMessage creates a ExecutionReport from a quickfix.Message instance
func New ¶
func New(orderid field.OrderIDField, execid field.ExecIDField, exectranstype field.ExecTransTypeField, exectype field.ExecTypeField, ordstatus field.OrdStatusField, symbol field.SymbolField, side field.SideField, leavesqty field.LeavesQtyField, cumqty field.CumQtyField, avgpx field.AvgPxField) (m ExecutionReport)
New returns a ExecutionReport initialized with the required fields for ExecutionReport
func (ExecutionReport) GetAccount ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetAccount() (f field.AccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAccount gets Account, Tag 1
func (ExecutionReport) GetAvgPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetAvgPx() (f field.AvgPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAvgPx gets AvgPx, Tag 6
func (ExecutionReport) GetCashOrderQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetCashOrderQty() (f field.CashOrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCashOrderQty gets CashOrderQty, Tag 152
func (ExecutionReport) GetClOrdID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetClOrdID() (f field.ClOrdIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetClOrdID gets ClOrdID, Tag 11
func (ExecutionReport) GetClearingAccount ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetClearingAccount() (f field.ClearingAccountField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetClearingAccount gets ClearingAccount, Tag 440
func (ExecutionReport) GetClearingFirm ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetClearingFirm() (f field.ClearingFirmField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetClearingFirm gets ClearingFirm, Tag 439
func (ExecutionReport) GetClientID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetClientID() (f field.ClientIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetClientID gets ClientID, Tag 109
func (ExecutionReport) GetCommType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetCommType() (f field.CommTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCommType gets CommType, Tag 13
func (ExecutionReport) GetCommission ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetCommission() (f field.CommissionField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCommission gets Commission, Tag 12
func (ExecutionReport) GetComplianceID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetComplianceID() (f field.ComplianceIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetComplianceID gets ComplianceID, Tag 376
func (ExecutionReport) GetContractMultiplier ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetContractMultiplier() (f field.ContractMultiplierField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContractMultiplier gets ContractMultiplier, Tag 231
func (ExecutionReport) GetCouponRate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetCouponRate() (f field.CouponRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCouponRate gets CouponRate, Tag 223
func (ExecutionReport) GetCumQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetCumQty() (f field.CumQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCumQty gets CumQty, Tag 14
func (ExecutionReport) GetCurrency ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetCurrency() (f field.CurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCurrency gets Currency, Tag 15
func (ExecutionReport) GetDayAvgPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetDayAvgPx() (f field.DayAvgPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDayAvgPx gets DayAvgPx, Tag 426
func (ExecutionReport) GetDayCumQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetDayCumQty() (f field.DayCumQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDayCumQty gets DayCumQty, Tag 425
func (ExecutionReport) GetDayOrderQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetDayOrderQty() (f field.DayOrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDayOrderQty gets DayOrderQty, Tag 424
func (ExecutionReport) GetDiscretionInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetDiscretionInst() (f field.DiscretionInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDiscretionInst gets DiscretionInst, Tag 388
func (ExecutionReport) GetDiscretionOffset ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetDiscretionOffset() (f field.DiscretionOffsetField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDiscretionOffset gets DiscretionOffset, Tag 389
func (ExecutionReport) GetEffectiveTime ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetEffectiveTime() (f field.EffectiveTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEffectiveTime gets EffectiveTime, Tag 168
func (ExecutionReport) GetEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedIssuer() (f field.EncodedIssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedIssuer gets EncodedIssuer, Tag 349
func (ExecutionReport) GetEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedIssuerLen() (f field.EncodedIssuerLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedIssuerLen gets EncodedIssuerLen, Tag 348
func (ExecutionReport) GetEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedSecurityDesc() (f field.EncodedSecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedSecurityDesc gets EncodedSecurityDesc, Tag 351
func (ExecutionReport) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen() (f field.EncodedSecurityDescLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedSecurityDescLen gets EncodedSecurityDescLen, Tag 350
func (ExecutionReport) GetEncodedText ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedText() (f field.EncodedTextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedText gets EncodedText, Tag 355
func (ExecutionReport) GetEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetEncodedTextLen() (f field.EncodedTextLenField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedTextLen gets EncodedTextLen, Tag 354
func (ExecutionReport) GetExecBroker ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecBroker() (f field.ExecBrokerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExecBroker gets ExecBroker, Tag 76
func (ExecutionReport) GetExecID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecID() (f field.ExecIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExecID gets ExecID, Tag 17
func (ExecutionReport) GetExecInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecInst() (f field.ExecInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExecInst gets ExecInst, Tag 18
func (ExecutionReport) GetExecRefID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecRefID() (f field.ExecRefIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExecRefID gets ExecRefID, Tag 19
func (ExecutionReport) GetExecRestatementReason ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecRestatementReason() (f field.ExecRestatementReasonField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExecRestatementReason gets ExecRestatementReason, Tag 378
func (ExecutionReport) GetExecTransType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecTransType() (f field.ExecTransTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExecTransType gets ExecTransType, Tag 20
func (ExecutionReport) GetExecType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetExecType() (f field.ExecTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExecType gets ExecType, Tag 150
func (ExecutionReport) GetExpireDate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetExpireDate() (f field.ExpireDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExpireDate gets ExpireDate, Tag 432
func (ExecutionReport) GetExpireTime ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetExpireTime() (f field.ExpireTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExpireTime gets ExpireTime, Tag 126
func (ExecutionReport) GetFutSettDate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetFutSettDate() (f field.FutSettDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetFutSettDate gets FutSettDate, Tag 64
func (ExecutionReport) GetFutSettDate2 ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetFutSettDate2() (f field.FutSettDate2Field, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetFutSettDate2 gets FutSettDate2, Tag 193
func (ExecutionReport) GetGTBookingInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetGTBookingInst() (f field.GTBookingInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetGTBookingInst gets GTBookingInst, Tag 427
func (ExecutionReport) GetGrossTradeAmt ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetGrossTradeAmt() (f field.GrossTradeAmtField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetGrossTradeAmt gets GrossTradeAmt, Tag 381
func (ExecutionReport) GetHandlInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetHandlInst() (f field.HandlInstField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetHandlInst gets HandlInst, Tag 21
func (ExecutionReport) GetIDSource ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetIDSource() (f field.IDSourceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIDSource gets IDSource, Tag 22
func (ExecutionReport) GetIssuer ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetIssuer() (f field.IssuerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIssuer gets Issuer, Tag 106
func (ExecutionReport) GetLastCapacity ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastCapacity() (f field.LastCapacityField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLastCapacity gets LastCapacity, Tag 29
func (ExecutionReport) GetLastForwardPoints ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastForwardPoints() (f field.LastForwardPointsField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLastForwardPoints gets LastForwardPoints, Tag 195
func (ExecutionReport) GetLastMkt ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastMkt() (f field.LastMktField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLastMkt gets LastMkt, Tag 30
func (ExecutionReport) GetLastPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastPx() (f field.LastPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLastPx gets LastPx, Tag 31
func (ExecutionReport) GetLastShares ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastShares() (f field.LastSharesField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLastShares gets LastShares, Tag 32
func (ExecutionReport) GetLastSpotRate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetLastSpotRate() (f field.LastSpotRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLastSpotRate gets LastSpotRate, Tag 194
func (ExecutionReport) GetLeavesQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetLeavesQty() (f field.LeavesQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLeavesQty gets LeavesQty, Tag 151
func (ExecutionReport) GetListID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetListID() (f field.ListIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetListID gets ListID, Tag 66
func (ExecutionReport) GetMaturityDay ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetMaturityDay() (f field.MaturityDayField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaturityDay gets MaturityDay, Tag 205
func (ExecutionReport) GetMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetMaturityMonthYear() (f field.MaturityMonthYearField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaturityMonthYear gets MaturityMonthYear, Tag 200
func (ExecutionReport) GetMaxFloor ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetMaxFloor() (f field.MaxFloorField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaxFloor gets MaxFloor, Tag 111
func (ExecutionReport) GetMaxShow ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetMaxShow() (f field.MaxShowField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaxShow gets MaxShow, Tag 210
func (ExecutionReport) GetMinQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetMinQty() (f field.MinQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMinQty gets MinQty, Tag 110
func (ExecutionReport) GetMultiLegReportingType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetMultiLegReportingType() (f field.MultiLegReportingTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMultiLegReportingType gets MultiLegReportingType, Tag 442
func (ExecutionReport) GetNoContraBrokers ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetNoContraBrokers() (NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoContraBrokers gets NoContraBrokers, Tag 382
func (ExecutionReport) GetOpenClose ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetOpenClose() (f field.OpenCloseField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOpenClose gets OpenClose, Tag 77
func (ExecutionReport) GetOptAttribute ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetOptAttribute() (f field.OptAttributeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOptAttribute gets OptAttribute, Tag 206
func (ExecutionReport) GetOrdRejReason ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrdRejReason() (f field.OrdRejReasonField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrdRejReason gets OrdRejReason, Tag 103
func (ExecutionReport) GetOrdStatus ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrdStatus() (f field.OrdStatusField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrdStatus gets OrdStatus, Tag 39
func (ExecutionReport) GetOrdType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrdType() (f field.OrdTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrdType gets OrdType, Tag 40
func (ExecutionReport) GetOrderID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrderID() (f field.OrderIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderID gets OrderID, Tag 37
func (ExecutionReport) GetOrderQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrderQty() (f field.OrderQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderQty gets OrderQty, Tag 38
func (ExecutionReport) GetOrderQty2 ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrderQty2() (f field.OrderQty2Field, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderQty2 gets OrderQty2, Tag 192
func (ExecutionReport) GetOrigClOrdID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetOrigClOrdID() (f field.OrigClOrdIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrigClOrdID gets OrigClOrdID, Tag 41
func (ExecutionReport) GetPegDifference ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetPegDifference() (f field.PegDifferenceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPegDifference gets PegDifference, Tag 211
func (ExecutionReport) GetPrice ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetPrice() (f field.PriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPrice gets Price, Tag 44
func (ExecutionReport) GetPutOrCall ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetPutOrCall() (f field.PutOrCallField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPutOrCall gets PutOrCall, Tag 201
func (ExecutionReport) GetReportToExch ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetReportToExch() (f field.ReportToExchField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetReportToExch gets ReportToExch, Tag 113
func (ExecutionReport) GetRule80A ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetRule80A() (f field.Rule80AField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRule80A gets Rule80A, Tag 47
func (ExecutionReport) GetSecondaryOrderID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecondaryOrderID() (f field.SecondaryOrderIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecondaryOrderID gets SecondaryOrderID, Tag 198
func (ExecutionReport) GetSecurityDesc ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecurityDesc() (f field.SecurityDescField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityDesc gets SecurityDesc, Tag 107
func (ExecutionReport) GetSecurityExchange ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecurityExchange() (f field.SecurityExchangeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityExchange gets SecurityExchange, Tag 207
func (ExecutionReport) GetSecurityID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecurityID() (f field.SecurityIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityID gets SecurityID, Tag 48
func (ExecutionReport) GetSecurityType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSecurityType() (f field.SecurityTypeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityType gets SecurityType, Tag 167
func (ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrAmt ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrAmt() (f field.SettlCurrAmtField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlCurrAmt gets SettlCurrAmt, Tag 119
func (ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrFxRate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrFxRate() (f field.SettlCurrFxRateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlCurrFxRate gets SettlCurrFxRate, Tag 155
func (ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrFxRateCalc ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrFxRateCalc() (f field.SettlCurrFxRateCalcField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlCurrFxRateCalc gets SettlCurrFxRateCalc, Tag 156
func (ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrency ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlCurrency() (f field.SettlCurrencyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlCurrency gets SettlCurrency, Tag 120
func (ExecutionReport) GetSettlmntTyp ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSettlmntTyp() (f field.SettlmntTypField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlmntTyp gets SettlmntTyp, Tag 63
func (ExecutionReport) GetSide ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSide() (f field.SideField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSide gets Side, Tag 54
func (ExecutionReport) GetSolicitedFlag ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSolicitedFlag() (f field.SolicitedFlagField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSolicitedFlag gets SolicitedFlag, Tag 377
func (ExecutionReport) GetStopPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetStopPx() (f field.StopPxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStopPx gets StopPx, Tag 99
func (ExecutionReport) GetStrikePrice ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetStrikePrice() (f field.StrikePriceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrikePrice gets StrikePrice, Tag 202
func (ExecutionReport) GetSymbol ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSymbol() (f field.SymbolField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSymbol gets Symbol, Tag 55
func (ExecutionReport) GetSymbolSfx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetSymbolSfx() (f field.SymbolSfxField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSymbolSfx gets SymbolSfx, Tag 65
func (ExecutionReport) GetText ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetText() (f field.TextField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetText gets Text, Tag 58
func (ExecutionReport) GetTimeInForce ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetTimeInForce() (f field.TimeInForceField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTimeInForce gets TimeInForce, Tag 59
func (ExecutionReport) GetTradeDate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetTradeDate() (f field.TradeDateField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradeDate gets TradeDate, Tag 75
func (ExecutionReport) GetTradingSessionID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetTradingSessionID() (f field.TradingSessionIDField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradingSessionID gets TradingSessionID, Tag 336
func (ExecutionReport) GetTransactTime ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) GetTransactTime() (f field.TransactTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTransactTime gets TransactTime, Tag 60
func (ExecutionReport) HasAccount ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasAccount() bool
HasAccount returns true if Account is present, Tag 1
func (ExecutionReport) HasAvgPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasAvgPx() bool
HasAvgPx returns true if AvgPx is present, Tag 6
func (ExecutionReport) HasCashOrderQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasCashOrderQty() bool
HasCashOrderQty returns true if CashOrderQty is present, Tag 152
func (ExecutionReport) HasClOrdID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasClOrdID() bool
HasClOrdID returns true if ClOrdID is present, Tag 11
func (ExecutionReport) HasClearingAccount ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasClearingAccount() bool
HasClearingAccount returns true if ClearingAccount is present, Tag 440
func (ExecutionReport) HasClearingFirm ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasClearingFirm() bool
HasClearingFirm returns true if ClearingFirm is present, Tag 439
func (ExecutionReport) HasClientID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasClientID() bool
HasClientID returns true if ClientID is present, Tag 109
func (ExecutionReport) HasCommType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasCommType() bool
HasCommType returns true if CommType is present, Tag 13
func (ExecutionReport) HasCommission ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasCommission() bool
HasCommission returns true if Commission is present, Tag 12
func (ExecutionReport) HasComplianceID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasComplianceID() bool
HasComplianceID returns true if ComplianceID is present, Tag 376
func (ExecutionReport) HasContractMultiplier ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasContractMultiplier() bool
HasContractMultiplier returns true if ContractMultiplier is present, Tag 231
func (ExecutionReport) HasCouponRate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasCouponRate() bool
HasCouponRate returns true if CouponRate is present, Tag 223
func (ExecutionReport) HasCumQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasCumQty() bool
HasCumQty returns true if CumQty is present, Tag 14
func (ExecutionReport) HasCurrency ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasCurrency() bool
HasCurrency returns true if Currency is present, Tag 15
func (ExecutionReport) HasDayAvgPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasDayAvgPx() bool
HasDayAvgPx returns true if DayAvgPx is present, Tag 426
func (ExecutionReport) HasDayCumQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasDayCumQty() bool
HasDayCumQty returns true if DayCumQty is present, Tag 425
func (ExecutionReport) HasDayOrderQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasDayOrderQty() bool
HasDayOrderQty returns true if DayOrderQty is present, Tag 424
func (ExecutionReport) HasDiscretionInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasDiscretionInst() bool
HasDiscretionInst returns true if DiscretionInst is present, Tag 388
func (ExecutionReport) HasDiscretionOffset ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasDiscretionOffset() bool
HasDiscretionOffset returns true if DiscretionOffset is present, Tag 389
func (ExecutionReport) HasEffectiveTime ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasEffectiveTime() bool
HasEffectiveTime returns true if EffectiveTime is present, Tag 168
func (ExecutionReport) HasEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedIssuer() bool
HasEncodedIssuer returns true if EncodedIssuer is present, Tag 349
func (ExecutionReport) HasEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedIssuerLen() bool
HasEncodedIssuerLen returns true if EncodedIssuerLen is present, Tag 348
func (ExecutionReport) HasEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedSecurityDesc() bool
HasEncodedSecurityDesc returns true if EncodedSecurityDesc is present, Tag 351
func (ExecutionReport) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen() bool
HasEncodedSecurityDescLen returns true if EncodedSecurityDescLen is present, Tag 350
func (ExecutionReport) HasEncodedText ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedText() bool
HasEncodedText returns true if EncodedText is present, Tag 355
func (ExecutionReport) HasEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasEncodedTextLen() bool
HasEncodedTextLen returns true if EncodedTextLen is present, Tag 354
func (ExecutionReport) HasExecBroker ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecBroker() bool
HasExecBroker returns true if ExecBroker is present, Tag 76
func (ExecutionReport) HasExecID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecID() bool
HasExecID returns true if ExecID is present, Tag 17
func (ExecutionReport) HasExecInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecInst() bool
HasExecInst returns true if ExecInst is present, Tag 18
func (ExecutionReport) HasExecRefID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecRefID() bool
HasExecRefID returns true if ExecRefID is present, Tag 19
func (ExecutionReport) HasExecRestatementReason ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecRestatementReason() bool
HasExecRestatementReason returns true if ExecRestatementReason is present, Tag 378
func (ExecutionReport) HasExecTransType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecTransType() bool
HasExecTransType returns true if ExecTransType is present, Tag 20
func (ExecutionReport) HasExecType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasExecType() bool
HasExecType returns true if ExecType is present, Tag 150
func (ExecutionReport) HasExpireDate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasExpireDate() bool
HasExpireDate returns true if ExpireDate is present, Tag 432
func (ExecutionReport) HasExpireTime ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasExpireTime() bool
HasExpireTime returns true if ExpireTime is present, Tag 126
func (ExecutionReport) HasFutSettDate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasFutSettDate() bool
HasFutSettDate returns true if FutSettDate is present, Tag 64
func (ExecutionReport) HasFutSettDate2 ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasFutSettDate2() bool
HasFutSettDate2 returns true if FutSettDate2 is present, Tag 193
func (ExecutionReport) HasGTBookingInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasGTBookingInst() bool
HasGTBookingInst returns true if GTBookingInst is present, Tag 427
func (ExecutionReport) HasGrossTradeAmt ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasGrossTradeAmt() bool
HasGrossTradeAmt returns true if GrossTradeAmt is present, Tag 381
func (ExecutionReport) HasHandlInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasHandlInst() bool
HasHandlInst returns true if HandlInst is present, Tag 21
func (ExecutionReport) HasIDSource ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasIDSource() bool
HasIDSource returns true if IDSource is present, Tag 22
func (ExecutionReport) HasIssuer ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasIssuer() bool
HasIssuer returns true if Issuer is present, Tag 106
func (ExecutionReport) HasLastCapacity ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastCapacity() bool
HasLastCapacity returns true if LastCapacity is present, Tag 29
func (ExecutionReport) HasLastForwardPoints ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastForwardPoints() bool
HasLastForwardPoints returns true if LastForwardPoints is present, Tag 195
func (ExecutionReport) HasLastMkt ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastMkt() bool
HasLastMkt returns true if LastMkt is present, Tag 30
func (ExecutionReport) HasLastPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastPx() bool
HasLastPx returns true if LastPx is present, Tag 31
func (ExecutionReport) HasLastShares ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastShares() bool
HasLastShares returns true if LastShares is present, Tag 32
func (ExecutionReport) HasLastSpotRate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasLastSpotRate() bool
HasLastSpotRate returns true if LastSpotRate is present, Tag 194
func (ExecutionReport) HasLeavesQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasLeavesQty() bool
HasLeavesQty returns true if LeavesQty is present, Tag 151
func (ExecutionReport) HasListID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasListID() bool
HasListID returns true if ListID is present, Tag 66
func (ExecutionReport) HasMaturityDay ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasMaturityDay() bool
HasMaturityDay returns true if MaturityDay is present, Tag 205
func (ExecutionReport) HasMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasMaturityMonthYear() bool
HasMaturityMonthYear returns true if MaturityMonthYear is present, Tag 200
func (ExecutionReport) HasMaxFloor ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasMaxFloor() bool
HasMaxFloor returns true if MaxFloor is present, Tag 111
func (ExecutionReport) HasMaxShow ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasMaxShow() bool
HasMaxShow returns true if MaxShow is present, Tag 210
func (ExecutionReport) HasMinQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasMinQty() bool
HasMinQty returns true if MinQty is present, Tag 110
func (ExecutionReport) HasMultiLegReportingType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasMultiLegReportingType() bool
HasMultiLegReportingType returns true if MultiLegReportingType is present, Tag 442
func (ExecutionReport) HasNoContraBrokers ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasNoContraBrokers() bool
HasNoContraBrokers returns true if NoContraBrokers is present, Tag 382
func (ExecutionReport) HasOpenClose ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasOpenClose() bool
HasOpenClose returns true if OpenClose is present, Tag 77
func (ExecutionReport) HasOptAttribute ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasOptAttribute() bool
HasOptAttribute returns true if OptAttribute is present, Tag 206
func (ExecutionReport) HasOrdRejReason ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrdRejReason() bool
HasOrdRejReason returns true if OrdRejReason is present, Tag 103
func (ExecutionReport) HasOrdStatus ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrdStatus() bool
HasOrdStatus returns true if OrdStatus is present, Tag 39
func (ExecutionReport) HasOrdType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrdType() bool
HasOrdType returns true if OrdType is present, Tag 40
func (ExecutionReport) HasOrderID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrderID() bool
HasOrderID returns true if OrderID is present, Tag 37
func (ExecutionReport) HasOrderQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrderQty() bool
HasOrderQty returns true if OrderQty is present, Tag 38
func (ExecutionReport) HasOrderQty2 ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrderQty2() bool
HasOrderQty2 returns true if OrderQty2 is present, Tag 192
func (ExecutionReport) HasOrigClOrdID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasOrigClOrdID() bool
HasOrigClOrdID returns true if OrigClOrdID is present, Tag 41
func (ExecutionReport) HasPegDifference ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasPegDifference() bool
HasPegDifference returns true if PegDifference is present, Tag 211
func (ExecutionReport) HasPrice ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasPrice() bool
HasPrice returns true if Price is present, Tag 44
func (ExecutionReport) HasPutOrCall ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasPutOrCall() bool
HasPutOrCall returns true if PutOrCall is present, Tag 201
func (ExecutionReport) HasReportToExch ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasReportToExch() bool
HasReportToExch returns true if ReportToExch is present, Tag 113
func (ExecutionReport) HasRule80A ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasRule80A() bool
HasRule80A returns true if Rule80A is present, Tag 47
func (ExecutionReport) HasSecondaryOrderID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecondaryOrderID() bool
HasSecondaryOrderID returns true if SecondaryOrderID is present, Tag 198
func (ExecutionReport) HasSecurityDesc ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecurityDesc() bool
HasSecurityDesc returns true if SecurityDesc is present, Tag 107
func (ExecutionReport) HasSecurityExchange ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecurityExchange() bool
HasSecurityExchange returns true if SecurityExchange is present, Tag 207
func (ExecutionReport) HasSecurityID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecurityID() bool
HasSecurityID returns true if SecurityID is present, Tag 48
func (ExecutionReport) HasSecurityType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSecurityType() bool
HasSecurityType returns true if SecurityType is present, Tag 167
func (ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrAmt ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrAmt() bool
HasSettlCurrAmt returns true if SettlCurrAmt is present, Tag 119
func (ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrFxRate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrFxRate() bool
HasSettlCurrFxRate returns true if SettlCurrFxRate is present, Tag 155
func (ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrFxRateCalc ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrFxRateCalc() bool
HasSettlCurrFxRateCalc returns true if SettlCurrFxRateCalc is present, Tag 156
func (ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrency ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlCurrency() bool
HasSettlCurrency returns true if SettlCurrency is present, Tag 120
func (ExecutionReport) HasSettlmntTyp ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSettlmntTyp() bool
HasSettlmntTyp returns true if SettlmntTyp is present, Tag 63
func (ExecutionReport) HasSide ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSide() bool
HasSide returns true if Side is present, Tag 54
func (ExecutionReport) HasSolicitedFlag ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSolicitedFlag() bool
HasSolicitedFlag returns true if SolicitedFlag is present, Tag 377
func (ExecutionReport) HasStopPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasStopPx() bool
HasStopPx returns true if StopPx is present, Tag 99
func (ExecutionReport) HasStrikePrice ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasStrikePrice() bool
HasStrikePrice returns true if StrikePrice is present, Tag 202
func (ExecutionReport) HasSymbol ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSymbol() bool
HasSymbol returns true if Symbol is present, Tag 55
func (ExecutionReport) HasSymbolSfx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasSymbolSfx() bool
HasSymbolSfx returns true if SymbolSfx is present, Tag 65
func (ExecutionReport) HasText ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasText() bool
HasText returns true if Text is present, Tag 58
func (ExecutionReport) HasTimeInForce ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasTimeInForce() bool
HasTimeInForce returns true if TimeInForce is present, Tag 59
func (ExecutionReport) HasTradeDate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasTradeDate() bool
HasTradeDate returns true if TradeDate is present, Tag 75
func (ExecutionReport) HasTradingSessionID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasTradingSessionID() bool
HasTradingSessionID returns true if TradingSessionID is present, Tag 336
func (ExecutionReport) HasTransactTime ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) HasTransactTime() bool
HasTransactTime returns true if TransactTime is present, Tag 60
func (ExecutionReport) SetAccount ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetAccount(v string)
SetAccount sets Account, Tag 1
func (ExecutionReport) SetAvgPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetAvgPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetAvgPx sets AvgPx, Tag 6
func (ExecutionReport) SetCashOrderQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetCashOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetCashOrderQty sets CashOrderQty, Tag 152
func (ExecutionReport) SetClOrdID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetClOrdID(v string)
SetClOrdID sets ClOrdID, Tag 11
func (ExecutionReport) SetClearingAccount ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetClearingAccount(v string)
SetClearingAccount sets ClearingAccount, Tag 440
func (ExecutionReport) SetClearingFirm ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetClearingFirm(v string)
SetClearingFirm sets ClearingFirm, Tag 439
func (ExecutionReport) SetClientID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetClientID(v string)
SetClientID sets ClientID, Tag 109
func (ExecutionReport) SetCommType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetCommType(v string)
SetCommType sets CommType, Tag 13
func (ExecutionReport) SetCommission ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetCommission(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetCommission sets Commission, Tag 12
func (ExecutionReport) SetComplianceID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetComplianceID(v string)
SetComplianceID sets ComplianceID, Tag 376
func (ExecutionReport) SetContractMultiplier ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetContractMultiplier(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetContractMultiplier sets ContractMultiplier, Tag 231
func (ExecutionReport) SetCouponRate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetCouponRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetCouponRate sets CouponRate, Tag 223
func (ExecutionReport) SetCumQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetCumQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetCumQty sets CumQty, Tag 14
func (ExecutionReport) SetCurrency ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetCurrency(v string)
SetCurrency sets Currency, Tag 15
func (ExecutionReport) SetDayAvgPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetDayAvgPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetDayAvgPx sets DayAvgPx, Tag 426
func (ExecutionReport) SetDayCumQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetDayCumQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetDayCumQty sets DayCumQty, Tag 425
func (ExecutionReport) SetDayOrderQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetDayOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetDayOrderQty sets DayOrderQty, Tag 424
func (ExecutionReport) SetDiscretionInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetDiscretionInst(v string)
SetDiscretionInst sets DiscretionInst, Tag 388
func (ExecutionReport) SetDiscretionOffset ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetDiscretionOffset(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetDiscretionOffset sets DiscretionOffset, Tag 389
func (ExecutionReport) SetEffectiveTime ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetEffectiveTime(v time.Time)
SetEffectiveTime sets EffectiveTime, Tag 168
func (ExecutionReport) SetEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedIssuer(v string)
SetEncodedIssuer sets EncodedIssuer, Tag 349
func (ExecutionReport) SetEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedIssuerLen(v int)
SetEncodedIssuerLen sets EncodedIssuerLen, Tag 348
func (ExecutionReport) SetEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedSecurityDesc(v string)
SetEncodedSecurityDesc sets EncodedSecurityDesc, Tag 351
func (ExecutionReport) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen(v int)
SetEncodedSecurityDescLen sets EncodedSecurityDescLen, Tag 350
func (ExecutionReport) SetEncodedText ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedText(v string)
SetEncodedText sets EncodedText, Tag 355
func (ExecutionReport) SetEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetEncodedTextLen(v int)
SetEncodedTextLen sets EncodedTextLen, Tag 354
func (ExecutionReport) SetExecBroker ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecBroker(v string)
SetExecBroker sets ExecBroker, Tag 76
func (ExecutionReport) SetExecID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecID(v string)
SetExecID sets ExecID, Tag 17
func (ExecutionReport) SetExecInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecInst(v string)
SetExecInst sets ExecInst, Tag 18
func (ExecutionReport) SetExecRefID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecRefID(v string)
SetExecRefID sets ExecRefID, Tag 19
func (ExecutionReport) SetExecRestatementReason ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecRestatementReason(v int)
SetExecRestatementReason sets ExecRestatementReason, Tag 378
func (ExecutionReport) SetExecTransType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecTransType(v string)
SetExecTransType sets ExecTransType, Tag 20
func (ExecutionReport) SetExecType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetExecType(v string)
SetExecType sets ExecType, Tag 150
func (ExecutionReport) SetExpireDate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetExpireDate(v string)
SetExpireDate sets ExpireDate, Tag 432
func (ExecutionReport) SetExpireTime ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetExpireTime(v time.Time)
SetExpireTime sets ExpireTime, Tag 126
func (ExecutionReport) SetFutSettDate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetFutSettDate(v string)
SetFutSettDate sets FutSettDate, Tag 64
func (ExecutionReport) SetFutSettDate2 ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetFutSettDate2(v string)
SetFutSettDate2 sets FutSettDate2, Tag 193
func (ExecutionReport) SetGTBookingInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetGTBookingInst(v int)
SetGTBookingInst sets GTBookingInst, Tag 427
func (ExecutionReport) SetGrossTradeAmt ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetGrossTradeAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetGrossTradeAmt sets GrossTradeAmt, Tag 381
func (ExecutionReport) SetHandlInst ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetHandlInst(v string)
SetHandlInst sets HandlInst, Tag 21
func (ExecutionReport) SetIDSource ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetIDSource(v string)
SetIDSource sets IDSource, Tag 22
func (ExecutionReport) SetIssuer ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetIssuer(v string)
SetIssuer sets Issuer, Tag 106
func (ExecutionReport) SetLastCapacity ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastCapacity(v string)
SetLastCapacity sets LastCapacity, Tag 29
func (ExecutionReport) SetLastForwardPoints ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastForwardPoints(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetLastForwardPoints sets LastForwardPoints, Tag 195
func (ExecutionReport) SetLastMkt ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastMkt(v string)
SetLastMkt sets LastMkt, Tag 30
func (ExecutionReport) SetLastPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetLastPx sets LastPx, Tag 31
func (ExecutionReport) SetLastShares ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastShares(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetLastShares sets LastShares, Tag 32
func (ExecutionReport) SetLastSpotRate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetLastSpotRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetLastSpotRate sets LastSpotRate, Tag 194
func (ExecutionReport) SetLeavesQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetLeavesQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetLeavesQty sets LeavesQty, Tag 151
func (ExecutionReport) SetListID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetListID(v string)
SetListID sets ListID, Tag 66
func (ExecutionReport) SetMaturityDay ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetMaturityDay(v int)
SetMaturityDay sets MaturityDay, Tag 205
func (ExecutionReport) SetMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetMaturityMonthYear(v string)
SetMaturityMonthYear sets MaturityMonthYear, Tag 200
func (ExecutionReport) SetMaxFloor ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetMaxFloor(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetMaxFloor sets MaxFloor, Tag 111
func (ExecutionReport) SetMaxShow ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetMaxShow(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetMaxShow sets MaxShow, Tag 210
func (ExecutionReport) SetMinQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetMinQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetMinQty sets MinQty, Tag 110
func (ExecutionReport) SetMultiLegReportingType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetMultiLegReportingType(v string)
SetMultiLegReportingType sets MultiLegReportingType, Tag 442
func (ExecutionReport) SetNoContraBrokers ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetNoContraBrokers(f NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup)
SetNoContraBrokers sets NoContraBrokers, Tag 382
func (ExecutionReport) SetOpenClose ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetOpenClose(v string)
SetOpenClose sets OpenClose, Tag 77
func (ExecutionReport) SetOptAttribute ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetOptAttribute(v string)
SetOptAttribute sets OptAttribute, Tag 206
func (ExecutionReport) SetOrdRejReason ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrdRejReason(v int)
SetOrdRejReason sets OrdRejReason, Tag 103
func (ExecutionReport) SetOrdStatus ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrdStatus(v string)
SetOrdStatus sets OrdStatus, Tag 39
func (ExecutionReport) SetOrdType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrdType(v string)
SetOrdType sets OrdType, Tag 40
func (ExecutionReport) SetOrderID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrderID(v string)
SetOrderID sets OrderID, Tag 37
func (ExecutionReport) SetOrderQty ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetOrderQty sets OrderQty, Tag 38
func (ExecutionReport) SetOrderQty2 ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrderQty2(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetOrderQty2 sets OrderQty2, Tag 192
func (ExecutionReport) SetOrigClOrdID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetOrigClOrdID(v string)
SetOrigClOrdID sets OrigClOrdID, Tag 41
func (ExecutionReport) SetPegDifference ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetPegDifference(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetPegDifference sets PegDifference, Tag 211
func (ExecutionReport) SetPrice ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetPrice sets Price, Tag 44
func (ExecutionReport) SetPutOrCall ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetPutOrCall(v int)
SetPutOrCall sets PutOrCall, Tag 201
func (ExecutionReport) SetReportToExch ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetReportToExch(v bool)
SetReportToExch sets ReportToExch, Tag 113
func (ExecutionReport) SetRule80A ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetRule80A(v string)
SetRule80A sets Rule80A, Tag 47
func (ExecutionReport) SetSecondaryOrderID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecondaryOrderID(v string)
SetSecondaryOrderID sets SecondaryOrderID, Tag 198
func (ExecutionReport) SetSecurityDesc ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecurityDesc(v string)
SetSecurityDesc sets SecurityDesc, Tag 107
func (ExecutionReport) SetSecurityExchange ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecurityExchange(v string)
SetSecurityExchange sets SecurityExchange, Tag 207
func (ExecutionReport) SetSecurityID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecurityID(v string)
SetSecurityID sets SecurityID, Tag 48
func (ExecutionReport) SetSecurityType ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSecurityType(v string)
SetSecurityType sets SecurityType, Tag 167
func (ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrAmt ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetSettlCurrAmt sets SettlCurrAmt, Tag 119
func (ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrFxRate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrFxRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetSettlCurrFxRate sets SettlCurrFxRate, Tag 155
func (ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrFxRateCalc ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrFxRateCalc(v string)
SetSettlCurrFxRateCalc sets SettlCurrFxRateCalc, Tag 156
func (ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrency ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlCurrency(v string)
SetSettlCurrency sets SettlCurrency, Tag 120
func (ExecutionReport) SetSettlmntTyp ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSettlmntTyp(v string)
SetSettlmntTyp sets SettlmntTyp, Tag 63
func (ExecutionReport) SetSide ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSide(v string)
SetSide sets Side, Tag 54
func (ExecutionReport) SetSolicitedFlag ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSolicitedFlag(v bool)
SetSolicitedFlag sets SolicitedFlag, Tag 377
func (ExecutionReport) SetStopPx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetStopPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetStopPx sets StopPx, Tag 99
func (ExecutionReport) SetStrikePrice ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetStrikePrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetStrikePrice sets StrikePrice, Tag 202
func (ExecutionReport) SetSymbol ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSymbol(v string)
SetSymbol sets Symbol, Tag 55
func (ExecutionReport) SetSymbolSfx ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetSymbolSfx(v string)
SetSymbolSfx sets SymbolSfx, Tag 65
func (ExecutionReport) SetText ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetText(v string)
SetText sets Text, Tag 58
func (ExecutionReport) SetTimeInForce ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetTimeInForce(v string)
SetTimeInForce sets TimeInForce, Tag 59
func (ExecutionReport) SetTradeDate ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetTradeDate(v string)
SetTradeDate sets TradeDate, Tag 75
func (ExecutionReport) SetTradingSessionID ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetTradingSessionID(v string)
SetTradingSessionID sets TradingSessionID, Tag 336
func (ExecutionReport) SetTransactTime ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) SetTransactTime(v time.Time)
SetTransactTime sets TransactTime, Tag 60
func (ExecutionReport) ToMessage ¶
func (m ExecutionReport) ToMessage() quickfix.Message
ToMessage returns a quickfix.Message instance
type NoContraBrokers ¶
NoContraBrokers is a repeating group element, Tag 382
func (NoContraBrokers) GetContraBroker ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) GetContraBroker() (f field.ContraBrokerField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContraBroker gets ContraBroker, Tag 375
func (NoContraBrokers) GetContraTradeQty ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) GetContraTradeQty() (f field.ContraTradeQtyField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContraTradeQty gets ContraTradeQty, Tag 437
func (NoContraBrokers) GetContraTradeTime ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) GetContraTradeTime() (f field.ContraTradeTimeField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContraTradeTime gets ContraTradeTime, Tag 438
func (NoContraBrokers) GetContraTrader ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) GetContraTrader() (f field.ContraTraderField, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContraTrader gets ContraTrader, Tag 337
func (NoContraBrokers) HasContraBroker ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) HasContraBroker() bool
HasContraBroker returns true if ContraBroker is present, Tag 375
func (NoContraBrokers) HasContraTradeQty ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) HasContraTradeQty() bool
HasContraTradeQty returns true if ContraTradeQty is present, Tag 437
func (NoContraBrokers) HasContraTradeTime ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) HasContraTradeTime() bool
HasContraTradeTime returns true if ContraTradeTime is present, Tag 438
func (NoContraBrokers) HasContraTrader ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) HasContraTrader() bool
HasContraTrader returns true if ContraTrader is present, Tag 337
func (NoContraBrokers) SetContraBroker ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) SetContraBroker(v string)
SetContraBroker sets ContraBroker, Tag 375
func (NoContraBrokers) SetContraTradeQty ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) SetContraTradeQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetContraTradeQty sets ContraTradeQty, Tag 437
func (NoContraBrokers) SetContraTradeTime ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) SetContraTradeTime(v time.Time)
SetContraTradeTime sets ContraTradeTime, Tag 438
func (NoContraBrokers) SetContraTrader ¶
func (m NoContraBrokers) SetContraTrader(v string)
SetContraTrader sets ContraTrader, Tag 337
type NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup struct {
NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 382
func NewNoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup() NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup
NewNoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup
func (NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup) Add() NoContraBrokers
Add create and append a new NoContraBrokers to this group
func (NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoContraBrokersRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoContraBrokers
Get returns the ith NoContraBrokers in the NoContraBrokersRepeatinGroup
type RouteOut ¶
type RouteOut func(msg ExecutionReport, sessionID quickfix.SessionID) quickfix.MessageRejectError
A RouteOut is the callback type that should be implemented for routing Message