
v0.2.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 30, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 0




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const (
	WalletTypeVault   = "VAULT"
	WalletTypeTrading = "TRADING"
	WalletTypeOther   = "WALLET_TYPE_OTHER"

	WalletDepositTypeWire   = "WIRE"
	WalletDepositTypeSwift  = "SWIFT"
	WalletDepositTypeCrypto = "CRYPTO"

	BalanceTypeTrading = "TRADING_BALANCES"
	BalanceTypeVault   = "VAULT_BALANCES"
	BalanceTypeTotal   = "TOTAL_BALANCES"

	OrderSideBuy  = "BUY"
	OrderSideSell = "SELL"

	OrderTypeMarket = "MARKET"
	OrderTypeLimit  = "LIMIT"
	OrderTypeTwap   = "TWAP"
	OrderTypeBlock  = "BLOCK"

	TimeInForceGoodUntilTime      = "GOOD_UNTIL_DATE_TIME"
	TimeInForceGoodUntilCancelled = "GOOD_UNTIL_CANCELLED"
	TimeInForceImmediateOrCancel  = "IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AccountMetadata

type AccountMetadata struct {
	Consensus *Consensus `json:"consensus"`

type Activity

type Activity struct {
	Id              string           `json:"id"`
	ReferenceId     string           `json:"reference_id"`
	Category        string           `json:"category"`
	PrimaryType     string           `json:"type"`
	SecondaryType   string           `json:"secondary_type"`
	Status          string           `json:"status"`
	CreatedBy       string           `json:"created_by"`
	Title           string           `json:"title"`
	Description     string           `json:"description"`
	UserActions     []*UserAction    `json:"user_actions"`
	AccountMetadata *AccountMetadata `json:"account_metadata"`
	OrdersMetadata  *OrdersMetadata  `json:"orders_metadata"`
	Symbols         []string         `json:"symbols"`
	Created         string           `json:"created_at"`
	Updated         string           `json:"updated_at"`

type AddressBookEntry

type AddressBookEntry struct {
	Id                    string                   `json:"id"`
	Symbol                string                   `json:"currency_symbol"`
	Name                  string                   `json:"name"`
	Address               string                   `json:"address"`
	AccountIdentifier     string                   `json:"account_identifier"`
	AccountIdentifierName string                   `json:"account_identifier_name"`
	State                 string                   `json:"state"`
	ExplorerLink          string                   `json:"explorer_link"`
	LastUsed              time.Time                `json:"last_used_at"`
	Added                 time.Time                `json:"added_at"`
	AddedBy               *AddressBookEntryAddedBy `json:"added_by"`

type AddressBookEntryAddedBy

type AddressBookEntryAddedBy struct {
	Id        string `json:"id"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	AvatarUrl string `json:"avatar_url"`

type Allocation

type Allocation struct {
	RootId        string                   `json:"root_id"`
	ReversalId    string                   `json:"reversal_id"`
	Completed     string                   `json:"allocation_completed_at"`
	UserId        string                   `json:"user_id"`
	ProductId     string                   `json:"product_id"`
	Side          string                   `json:"side"`
	AvgPrice      string                   `json:"avg_price"`
	BaseQuantity  string                   `json:"base_quantity"`
	QuoteValue    string                   `json:"quote_value"`
	FeesAllocated string                   `json:"fees_allocated"`
	Status        string                   `json:"status"`
	Source        string                   `json:"source"`
	OrderIds      []string                 `json:"order_ids"`
	Destinations  []*AllocationDestination `json:"destinations"`

type AllocationDestination

type AllocationDestination struct {
	LegId             string `json:"leg_id"`
	SourcePortfolioId string `json:"portfolio_id"`
	AllocationBase    string `json:"allocation_base"`
	AllocationQuote   string `json:"allocation_quote"`
	FeesAllocatedLeg  string `json:"fees_allocated_leg"`

type AllocationLeg

type AllocationLeg struct {
	LegId                  string `json:"allocation_leg_id"`
	DestinationPortfolioId string `json:"destination_portfolio_id"`
	Amount                 string `json:"amount"`

type Asset

type Asset struct {
	Name             string `json:"name"`
	Symbol           string `json:"symbol"`
	DecimalPrecision string `json:"decial_precision"`
	TradingSupported bool   `json:"trading_supported"`
	ExplorerUrl      string `json:"explorer_url"`

type AssetChange added in v0.2.1

type AssetChange struct {
	Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"`

type Balance

type Balance struct {
	Symbol               string `json:"symbol"`
	Amount               string `json:"amount"`
	Holds                string `json:"holds"`
	BondedAmount         string `json:"bonded_amount"`
	ReservedAmount       string `json:"reserved_amount"`
	UnbondingAmount      string `json:"unbonding_amount"`
	UnvestedAmount       string `json:"unvested_amount"`
	PendingRewardsAmount string `json:"pending_rewards_amount"`
	PastRewardsAmount    string `json:"past_rewards_amount"`
	BondableAmount       string `json:"bondable_amount"`
	WithdrawableAmount   string `json:"withdrawable_amount"`

func (Balance) AmountNum

func (b Balance) AmountNum() (amount decimal.Decimal, err error)

func (Balance) HoldsNum

func (b Balance) HoldsNum() (holds decimal.Decimal, err error)

type BalanceWithHolds

type BalanceWithHolds struct {
	Total string `json:"total"`
	Holds string `json:"holds"`

type BlockchainAddress

type BlockchainAddress struct {
	Address           string `json:"address"`
	AccountIdentifier string `json:"account_identifier"`

type Commission

type Commission struct {
	Type          string `json:"type"`
	Rate          string `json:"rate"`
	TradingVolume string `json:"trading_volume"`

func (Commission) RateNum

func (p Commission) RateNum() (rate decimal.Decimal, err error)

type Consensus

type Consensus struct {
	ApprovalDeadline string `json:"approval_deadline"`
	PassedConsensus  bool   `json:"has_passed_consensus"`

type CryptoDepositInstructions

type CryptoDepositInstructions struct {
	Id                string `json:"id"`
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	Type              string `json:"type"`
	Address           string `json:"address"`
	AccountIdentifier string `json:"account_identifier"`

type EntityPaymentMethod

type EntityPaymentMethod struct {
	Id                string `json:"id"`
	Symbol            string `json:"symbol"`
	PaymentMethodType string `json:"payment_method_type"`
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	AccountNumber     string `json:"account_number"`
	BankCode          string `json:"bank_code"`

type ErrorMessage

type ErrorMessage struct {
	Value string `json:"message"`

type EstimatedNetworkFees added in v0.2.1

type EstimatedNetworkFees struct {
	LowerBound string `json:"lower_bound,omitempty"`
	UpperBound string `json:"upper_bound,omitempty"`

type FiatDepositInstructions

type FiatDepositInstructions struct {
	Id            string `json:"id"`
	Name          string `json:"name"`
	Type          string `json:"type"`
	AccountNumber string `json:"account_number"`
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routing_number"`
	ReferenceCode string `json:"reference_code"`

type Invoice

type Invoice struct {
	Id            string         `json:"id"`
	BillingYear   int32          `json:"billing_year"`
	BillingMonth  int32          `json:"billing_month"`
	DueDate       string         `json:"due_date"`
	InvoiceNumber string         `json:"invoice_number"`
	State         string         `json:"state"`
	UsdAmountPaid float64        `json:"usd_amount_paid"`
	UsdAmountOwed float64        `json:"usd_amount_owed"`
	Items         []*InvoiceItem `json:"invoice_items"`

type InvoiceItem

type InvoiceItem struct {
	Description    string  `json:"description"`
	CurrencySymbol string  `json:"currency_symbol"`
	InvoiceType    string  `json:"invoice_type"`
	Type           string  `json:"invoice_type"`
	Rate           float64 `json:"rate"`
	Quantity       float64 `json:"quantity"`
	Price          float64 `json:"price"`
	AverageAuc     float64 `json:"average_auc"`
	Total          float64 `json:"total"`

type MatchMetadata added in v0.2.1

type MatchMetadata struct {
	ReferenceId    string `json:"reference_id,omitempty"`
	SettlementDate string `json:"settlement_date,omitempty"`

type OnchainDetail added in v0.2.1

type OnchainDetail struct {
	SignedTransaction     string          `json:"signed_transaction"`
	RiskAssessment        *RiskAssessment `json:"risk_assessment"`
	ChainId               string          `json:"chain_id"`
	Nonce                 string          `json:"nonce"`
	ReplacedTransactionId string          `json:"replaced_transaction_id"`
	DestinationAddress    string          `json:"destination_address"`
	SkipBroadcast         bool            `json:"skip_broadcast"`
	FailureReason         string          `json:"failure_reason"`
	SigningStatus         string          `json:"signing_status"`

type Order

type Order struct {
	PortfolioId string `json:"portfolio_id"`
	Side        string `json:"side"`

	// A client-generated order ID used for reference purposes (note: order will be rejected if this ID
	// is not unique among all currently active orders)
	ClientOrderId string `json:"client_order_id"`
	ProductId     string `json:"product_id"`
	Type          string `json:"type"`

	// Order size in base asset units (either `base_quantity` or `quote_value` is required)
	BaseQuantity string `json:"base_quantity"`

	// Order size in quote asset units, i.e. the amount the user wants to spend (when buying) or receive (when selling);
	// the quantity in base units will be determined based on the market liquidity and indicated `quote_value` (either
	// `base_quantity` or `quote_value` is required)
	QuoteValue string `json:"quote_value,omitempty"`

	LimitPrice string `json:"limit_price,omitempty"`

	// The start time of the order in UTC (TWAP only)
	StartTime string `json:"start_time,omitempty"`

	// The expiry time of the order in UTC (TWAP and limit GTD only)
	ExpiryTime  string `json:"expiry_time,omitempty"`
	TimeInForce string `json:"time_in_force,omitempty"`

	// An optional self trade prevention id (in the form of a UUID). The value is only honored for certain
	// clients who are permitted to specify a custom self trade prevention id
	StpId string `json:"stp_id,omitempty"`

	// Optionally specify a display size. This is the maximum order size that will show up on venue order books.
	// Specifying a value here effectively makes a LIMIT order into an "iceberg" style order.
	// This property only applies to LIMIT orders and will be ignored for other order types.
	DisplayQuoteSize string `json:"display_quote_size,omitempty"`
	DisplayBaseSize  string `json:"display_base_size,omitempty"`

	// If you pass is_raise_exact = TRUE, you must use quote_value = n where n is the amount you want,
	// so $2000 will then cost you 1 ETH + fee, requiring > 1 ETH
	IsRaiseExact string `json:"is_raise_exact,omitempty"`

	// Used for describe order and create order preview
	Id                 string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	UserId             string `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
	Created            string `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
	FilledQuantity     string `json:"filled_quantity,omitempty"`
	FilledValue        string `json:"filled_value,omitempty"`
	AverageFilledPrice string `json:"average_filled_price,omitempty"`
	Commission         string `json:"commission,omitempty"`
	ExchangeFee        string `json:"exchange_fee,omitempty"`
	Total              string `json:"order_total,omitempty"`
	BestBid            string `json:"best_bid,omitempty"`
	BestAsk            string `json:"best_ask,omitempty"`
	Slippage           string `json:"slippage,omitempty"`

type OrderFill

type OrderFill struct {
	Id             string    `json:"id"`
	Side           string    `json:"side"`
	ProductId      string    `json:"product_id"`
	FilledQuantity string    `json:"filled_quantity"`
	FilledValue    string    `json:"filled_value"`
	Price          string    `json:"price"`
	Time           time.Time `json:"time"`
	Commission     string    `json:"commission"`
	Venue          string    `json:"venue"`

type OrdersMetadata

type OrdersMetadata struct{}

An empty/unimplemented/placeholder object in Prime

type Pagination

type Pagination struct {
	NextCursor    string `json:"next_cursor"`
	SortDirection string `json:"sort_direction"`
	HasNext       bool   `json:"has_next"`

type PaginationParams

type PaginationParams struct {
	Cursor        string `json:"cursor"`
	Limit         string `json:"limit"`
	SortDirection string `json:"sort_direction"`

type Portfolio

type Portfolio struct {
	Id             string `json:"id"`
	Name           string `json:"name"`
	EntityId       string `json:"entity_id"`
	OrganizationId string `json:"organization_id"`

type PostTradeCredit

type PostTradeCredit struct {
	Id                     string                      `json:"portfolio_id"`
	Currency               string                      `json:"currency"`
	Limit                  string                      `json:"limit"`
	Utilized               string                      `json:"utilized"`
	Available              string                      `json:"available"`
	Frozen                 bool                        `json:"frozen"`
	AmountsDue             []*PostTradeCreditAmountDue `json:"amounts_due"`
	FrozenReason           string                      `json:"frozen_reason"`
	Enabled                bool                        `json:"enabled"`
	AdjustedCreditUtilized string                      `json:"adjusted_credit_utilized"`
	AdjustedEquity         string                      `json:"adjusted_portfolio_equity"`

type PostTradeCreditAmountDue

type PostTradeCreditAmountDue struct {
	Currency string    `json:"currency"`
	Amount   string    `json:"amount"`
	DueDate  time.Time `json:"due_date"`

type Product

type Product struct {
	Id             string   `json:"id"`
	BaseIncrement  string   `json:"base_increment"`
	QuoteIncrement string   `json:"quote_increment"`
	BaseMinSize    string   `json:"base_min_size"`
	BaseMaxSize    string   `json:"base_max_size"`
	QuoteMinSize   string   `json:"quote_min_size"`
	QuoteMaxSize   string   `json:"quote_max_size"`
	Permissions    []string `json:"permissions"`

func (Product) BaseIncrementNum

func (p Product) BaseIncrementNum() (amount decimal.Decimal, err error)

func (Product) BaseMaxSizeNum

func (p Product) BaseMaxSizeNum() (amount decimal.Decimal, err error)

func (Product) BaseMinSizeNum

func (p Product) BaseMinSizeNum() (amount decimal.Decimal, err error)

func (Product) QuoteIncrementNum

func (p Product) QuoteIncrementNum() (amount decimal.Decimal, err error)

func (Product) QuoteMaxSizeNum

func (p Product) QuoteMaxSizeNum() (amount decimal.Decimal, err error)

func (Product) QuoteMinSizeNum

func (p Product) QuoteMinSizeNum() (amount decimal.Decimal, err error)

type RiskAssessment added in v0.2.1

type RiskAssessment struct {
	ComplianceRiskDetected bool `json:"compliance_risk_detected"`
	SecurityRiskDetected   bool `json:"security_risk_detected"`

type Transaction

type Transaction struct {
	Id                    string                `json:"id"`
	WalletId              string                `json:"wallet_id"`
	PortfolioId           string                `json:"portfolio_id"`
	Type                  string                `json:"type"`
	Status                string                `json:"status"`
	Symbol                string                `json:"symbol"`
	Created               time.Time             `json:"created_at"`
	Completed             time.Time             `json:"completed_at"`
	Amount                string                `json:"amount"`
	TransferFrom          *Transfer             `json:"transfer_from,omitempty"`
	TransferTo            *Transfer             `json:"transfer_to,omitempty"`
	NetworkFees           string                `json:"network_fees"`
	Fees                  string                `json:"fees"`
	FeeSymbol             string                `json:"fee_symbol"`
	BlockchainIds         []string              `json:"blockchain_ids"`
	TransactionId         string                `json:"transaction_id"`
	DestinationSymbol     string                `json:"destination_symbol"`
	EstimatedNetworkFees  *EstimatedNetworkFees `json:"estimated_network_fees,omitempty"`
	Network               string                `json:"network"`
	EstimatedAssetChanges []AssetChange         `json:"estimated_asset_changes"`
	Metadata              *TransactionMetadata  `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	IdempotencyKey        string                `json:"idempotency_key"`
	OnchainDetails        *OnchainDetail        `json:"onchain_details,omitempty"`

type TransactionMetadata added in v0.2.1

type TransactionMetadata struct {
	MatchMetadata *MatchMetadata `json:"match_metadata,omitempty"`

type TransactionsMetadata

type TransactionsMetadata struct {
	Consensus *Consensus `json:"consensus"`

type Transfer

type Transfer struct {
	Type  string `json:"type"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

func (Transfer) ValueNum

func (tr Transfer) ValueNum() (amount decimal.Decimal, err error)

type User

type User struct {
	Id          string `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Email       string `json:"email"`
	EntityId    string `json:"entity_id"`
	PortfolioId string `json:"portfolio_id,omitempty"`
	Role        string `json:"role"`

type UserAction

type UserAction struct {
	Action               string                `json:"action"`
	UserId               string                `json:"user_id"`
	Timestamp            string                `json:"timestamp"`
	TransactionsMetadata *TransactionsMetadata `json:"transactions_metadata"`

type Wallet

type Wallet struct {
	Id      string    `json:"id"`
	Type    string    `json:"type"`
	Name    string    `json:"name"`
	Symbol  string    `json:"symbol"`
	Created time.Time `json:"created_at"`

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