= CodeReady Toolchain
image:https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/codeready-toolchain/toolchain-common[Go Report Card, link="https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/codeready-toolchain/toolchain-common"]
This repo is for controllers, libs, scripts, make files, etc to be shared between host and member operators.
== Build
Requires Go version 1.21.x (1.21.13 or higher) - download for your development environment https://golang.org/dl/[here].
This repository uses https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules[Go modules].
== Configuring developers.redhat.com Authentication in OpenShift 4 Cluster
Create a secret with Identity Provider credentials:
$ oc apply -f deploy/idp_secret.yaml
Create an Identity Provider:
$ oc apply -f deploy/idp.yaml
== Creating User
Create a user, identity and user identity mapping:
$ oc apply -f deploy/user.yaml