= Registration Service
image:https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/codeready-toolchain/registration-service[Go Report Card, link="https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/codeready-toolchain/registration-service"]
image:https://github.com/codeready-toolchain/registration-service/actions/workflows/operator-cd.yml/badge.svg[Operator CD,link="https://github.com/codeready-toolchain/registration-service/actions/workflows/operator-cd.yml"]
This is the Developer Sandbox Registration Service repository. It implements the registration flow for the Toolchain SaaS.
== Build
Requires Go version 1.21.x (1.21.13 or higher) - download for your development environment https://golang.org/dl/[here].
This repository uses https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules[Go modules].
To build, execute:
make build
This builds the executable with bundled assets. Only the binary needs to be deployed, all static assets are bundled with the binary.
== Development
To make development on the static content easier, use the `./scripts/deploy-dev.sh` shell script with the following commands:
$ ./scripts/deploy-dev.sh setup
to setup the access to the Container Registry running within the OpenShift cluster accessed via `$KUBECONFIG` and scale down the deployment to 1 replicas
$ ./scripts/deploy-dev.sh setup
to build the binary, package into an Image, push it to the Container Registry and update the deployment.
=== Tests
Tests are run by executing:
make test
Tests are run with bundled assets, see above.
=== VSCode Testing/Debugging
To use the internal test runner and debug features of VSCode, you need to make sure that VSCode runs in a context where Go Modules are enabled. To do this, run:
export GO111MODULE=on
Before running VSCode from that shell.