Index ¶
- Variables
- type APIToken
- type AccessMode
- type Account
- type AccountCollaborators
- type AccountFeatures
- type AddUserToAccountArgs
- type AnalysisMetricProviderTypes
- type AnalysisPhases
- type AnalysisRun
- type AnalysisRunDatadogSpec
- type AnalysisRunEdge
- type AnalysisRunKayentaSpec
- type AnalysisRunMetricSpec
- type AnalysisRunMetricSpecBase
- type AnalysisRunMetricSpecCalculated
- type AnalysisRunNewRelicSpec
- type AnalysisRunPrometheusSpec
- type AnalysisRunProviderSpec
- type AnalysisRunSlice
- type AnalysisRunSpec
- type AnalysisRunStatus
- type AnalysisRunWavefrontSpec
- type AnalysisRunWebSpec
- type AnalyticsAppGroupList
- type AnalyticsApplicationsList
- type AnalyticsClassicPipeline
- type AnalyticsClassicPipelineTag
- type AnalyticsClassicPipelinesList
- type AnalyticsClassicProject
- type AnalyticsClassicProjectsList
- type AnalyticsClassicTagsList
- type AnalyticsClustersList
- type AnalyticsEnvironmentList
- type AnalyticsProductList
- type AnalyticsRuntimesList
- type Annotation
- type AnnotationArgs
- type AnnotationEdge
- type AnnotationFilterArgs
- type AnnotationSlice
- type AppAndAppSetEdge
- type AppAndAppSetSlice
- type AppOperationType
- type AppProjectDestination
- type AppProxyInfo
- type AppProxyStatus
- type AppResourceDifference
- type AppResourceDifferenceRecord
- type AppSyncPolicies
- type Application
- type ApplicationEdge
- type ApplicationField
- type ApplicationFormData
- type ApplicationFormDestination
- type ApplicationFormIgnoreDifferences
- type ApplicationFormMetadata
- type ApplicationFormSource
- type ApplicationFormSourceDirectory
- type ApplicationFormSourceDirectoryJsonnet
- type ApplicationFormSourceHelm
- type ApplicationFormSourceKsonnet
- type ApplicationFormSourceKustomize
- type ApplicationFormSourcePlugin
- type ApplicationFormSyncAutomatedPolicy
- type ApplicationFormSyncPolicy
- type ApplicationFormSyncRetryBackoffOptions
- type ApplicationFormSyncRetryOptions
- type ApplicationGroup
- type ApplicationGroupEdge
- type ApplicationGroupFilterArgs
- type ApplicationGroupSlice
- type ApplicationGroupSortArg
- type ApplicationGroupsSortingField
- type ApplicationIDInput
- type ApplicationIssue
- type ApplicationManifestHierarchy
- type ApplicationOperation
- type ApplicationOperationInitiatedBy
- type ApplicationOperationRetryBackoffOptions
- type ApplicationOperationRetryOptions
- type ApplicationOperationState
- type ApplicationOperationSync
- type ApplicationOperationSyncResource
- type ApplicationOperationSyncStrategy
- type ApplicationOrderedStatistics
- type ApplicationOrderedStatisticsData
- type ApplicationRef
- type ApplicationSet
- type ApplicationSetEdge
- type ApplicationSetSlice
- type ApplicationSlice
- type ApplicationSyncComparedTo
- type ApplicationSyncResult
- type ApplicationSyncStatus
- type ApplicationTreeHealthStatusStatisticRecord
- type ApplicationTreeItem
- type ApplicationTreeSortingField
- type AppsRelations
- type ArgoCDApplicationDestination
- type ArgoCDApplicationSpecSource
- type ArgoCDApplicationStatus
- type ArgoCDNotification
- type ArgoCdDTOApplicationSourcePluginParameter
- type ArgoCdDTOHelmFileParameter
- type ArgoCdDTOIntstrIntOrString
- type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeGvk
- type ArgoCdDTOKustomizePatch
- type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeReplica
- type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeResID
- type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeSelector
- type ArgoCdDTOManagedNamespaceMetadata
- type ArgoCdDTORuntimeRawExtension
- type ArgoCdDTOSyncStrategyApply
- type ArgoCdDTOSyncStrategyHook
- type ArgoEventsNotification
- type ArgoHubTemplate
- type ArgoHubTemplates
- type ArgoHubTemplatesFilterArgs
- type ArgoHubTemplatesSlice
- type AuditEdge
- type AuditEntity
- type AuditFilterArgs
- type AuditSlice
- type Auth0sso
- type AvgChangeFailureRateStatistics
- type AvgTimeToRestoreServiceStatistics
- type AzureSso
- type BaseEntity
- type BasePrice
- type BaseReference
- type BitbucketCloudTriggerConditions
- type BitbucketCloudTriggerConditionsArgs
- type BitbucketServerTriggerConditions
- type BitbucketServerTriggerConditionsArgs
- type Build
- type CacheInfo
- type CalendarEventPayloadData
- type CalendarTriggerConditions
- type CalendarTriggerConditionsArgs
- type ChildApplicationField
- type ChildWorkflowRef
- type ClassicPipelineDurationMetric
- type ClassicPipelineMetric
- type ClassicPipelinePerformanceRecord
- type ClassicPipelineStatistics
- type ClassicPipelinesPerformanceStatistics
- type ClientIP
- type CloudBuilds
- type Cluster
- type ClusterConnectionStatus
- type ClusterEdge
- type ClusterInfo
- type ClusterNamesDDRecord
- type ClusterSlice
- type ClusterURLDDRecord
- type ClustersStatistics
- type CommitFilesArgs
- type CommitInfo
- type CommitInfoArgs
- type Commits
- type CommitsOutput
- type CommitterLabel
- type CommonGitEventPayloadData
- type Component
- type ComponentDependenciesContent
- type ComponentEdge
- type ComponentNotification
- type ComponentSlice
- type CompositeSlice
- type CompositeSliceInfo
- type CompositeSlicePaginationArgs
- type ConfigMapFormData
- type ConfigMapMetadata
- type ConnectionState
- type CreateAuditClassicRecordResponse
- type CreateCommitAdHocProductReleaseInput
- type CreateEnvironmentArgs
- type CreateGitSourcePlaceholderInput
- type CreateProductArgs
- type Customer
- type DataFilter
- type DataFilterArgs
- type DataRetention
- type DefaultDindResources
- type DeleteEnvironmentArgs
- type DeleteProductArgs
- type Deployment
- type DeploymentContainer
- type DeploymentEdge
- type DeploymentFrequencyStatistics
- type DeploymentSlice
- type DeploymentSpec
- type DeploymentSpecPart
- type DeploymentStatistics
- type DeploymentStatisticsData
- type DeploymentStatisticsInfo
- type DeploymentStatisticsStatus
- type DeploymentStatus
- type DoraGeneralStatistics
- type DoraMetricsGeneralStatistics
- type DoraStatisticsData
- type DoraStatisticsSummery
- type DurationName
- type Edge
- type EditUserToAccountArgs
- type Entity
- type EntityReferenceMeta
- type Environment
- type EnvironmentCluster
- type EnvironmentClusterInput
- type EnvironmentConcurrency
- type EnvironmentFilterArgs
- type EnvironmentKind
- type EnvironmentRelativePos
- type EnvironmentsWorkflowsSteps
- type Error
- type ErrorContext
- type ErrorLevels
- type Event
- type EventPayload
- type EventPayloadData
- type EventPayloadEdge
- type EventPayloadSlice
- type EventSource
- type EventSourceEdge
- type EventSourceSlice
- type EventSourceType
- type Favorable
- type FavorableNotK8s
- type FavorableNotK8sEntity
- type FavoriteInfoArgs
- type File
- type FileSource
- type FlowStep
- type FromState
- type GeneralStatistics
- type GenericEntity
- type GenericEntityEdge
- type GenericEntitySlice
- type GenericErrorNotification
- type GitAuthConfig
- type GitAuthConfigFormData
- type GitAuthMode
- type GitAuthProviderConfig
- type GitAuthProvidersData
- type GitConfigEntitySource
- type GitIssue
- type GitOpsEdge
- type GitOpsNotification
- type GitOpsSettings
- type GitOpsSlice
- type GitPRComment
- type GitPREventPayloadData
- type GitPr
- type GitPrFork
- type GitProviders
- type GitPush
- type GitPushCommit
- type GitPushCommitRevision
- type GitPushCommitTargetRevision
- type GitPushEventPayloadData
- type GitPushPayloadDataTypes
- type GitPushTag
- type GitPushTagRevision
- type GitRelease
- type GitReleaseEventPayloadData
- type GitSource
- type GitSourceEdge
- type GitSourceNotification
- type GitSourceSlice
- type GitUnknownEventPayloadData
- type GithubEvent
- type GithubTriggerConditions
- type GithubTriggerConditionsArgs
- type GitlabTriggerConditions
- type GitlabTriggerConditionsArgs
- type GitopsEntity
- type GitopsEntitySource
- type GitopsRelease
- type GitopsReleaseApplicationArgs
- type GitopsReleaseChartRecord
- type GitopsReleaseChartRelease
- type GitopsReleaseEdge
- type GitopsReleaseFilterArgs
- type GitopsReleaseSlice
- type GitopsReleasesSortingField
- type GoogleSso
- type HealthError
- type HealthErrorCodes
- type HealthErrorInput
- type HealthStatus
- type HierarchyRef
- type HierarchyStep
- type HierarchyTemplate
- type HierarchyTemplates
- type IDP
- type ImageApplication
- type ImageApplicationCommitAuthor
- type ImageApplicationGitInfo
- type ImageBinariesInfo
- type ImageBinary
- type ImageBinaryAuthor
- type ImageBinaryAuthorOutput
- type ImageBinaryEdge
- type ImageBinaryOutput
- type ImageBinarySlice
- type ImageDetails
- type ImageLayerOutput
- type ImageLayersOutput
- type ImagePullPolicy
- type ImageRegistry
- type ImageRegistryEdge
- type ImageRegistryOutput
- type ImageRegistrySlice
- type ImageRegistryType
- type ImageRepoTag
- type ImageRepoTagEdge
- type ImageRepoTagSlice
- type ImageRepoTagSortingField
- type ImageRepository
- type ImageRepositoryEdge
- type ImageRepositorySlice
- type ImageRepositorySortingField
- type ImageTag
- type ImageTagOutput
- type Images
- type Ingress
- type Initiator
- type InputArgoCDApplicationDestination
- type InstallationStatus
- type InstallationType
- type IntegrationConfig
- type IntegrationConsumer
- type IntegrationEdge
- type IntegrationEntity
- type IntegrationFilterArgs
- type IntegrationGenerationInput
- type IntegrationGenerationMetadata
- type IntegrationGenerationOutput
- type IntegrationSecret
- type IntegrationSlice
- type Issue
- type IssueKind
- type IssueType
- type IssueValue
- type JiraCommand
- type JiraDeployment
- type JiraDeploymentsOutput
- type JiraEnvironment
- type JiraPipeline
- type K8sEntityID
- type K8sLogicEntity
- type K8sStandardEntity
- type KeycloakSso
- type LabelArrays
- type LdapSso
- type LeadTimeForChangesStatistics
- type LoadBalancer
- type LogicEntityID
- type Mapping
- type MatchExpressionOperator
- type MetricMeasurement
- type MetricResult
- type MetricWithTrend
- type Mutation
- type NameValueCodeOutput
- type NameValueOutput
- type NamedResource
- type NodeStatus
- type Notification
- type NotificationActionType
- type NotificationEdge
- type NotificationSlice
- type NotificationState
- type NotificationType
- type ObjectMeta
- type OktaSso
- type OneTimeToken
- type OneloginSso
- type Pack
- type PackMetadata
- type PackRuntime
- type ParentWorkflowRef
- type PastDue
- type PayloadDataTypes
- type Permission
- type PermissionInput
- type Pipeline
- type PipelineAverageDurationStats
- type PipelineAverageDurationStatsData
- type PipelineAverageDurationStatsInfo
- type PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType
- type PipelineClassicStatsInfo
- type PipelineCommittersStats
- type PipelineCommittersStatsData
- type PipelineCommittersStatsInfo
- type PipelineConfig
- type PipelineConfigExecution
- type PipelineConfigGeneral
- type PipelineConfigPendingApproval
- type PipelineConfigYaml
- type PipelineEdge
- type PipelineExecutionsStats
- type PipelineExecutionsStatsData
- type PipelineExecutionsStatsInfo
- type PipelineOrderedStatistics
- type PipelineRef
- type PipelineSlice
- type PipelineSpec
- type PipelineStatistics
- type PipelineStepStatistics
- type PipelineSuccessRateStats
- type PipelineSuccessRateStatsData
- type PipelineSuccessRateStatsInfo
- type PipelinesFilterArgs
- type Plan
- type PlanCollaborators
- type PlanEnvironment
- type PlanWorkflows
- type PodSpec
- type PodTemplateSpec
- type PredefinedFilter
- type PredefinedFilterArgs
- type PreviewedPromotionPolicy
- type Product
- type ProductApplication
- type ProductApplicationDeployedTo
- type ProductApplicationEntityID
- type ProductApplicationRelease
- type ProductApplicationStatus
- type ProductComponent
- type ProductComponentEdge
- type ProductComponentFilterArgs
- type ProductComponentPromotedByWorkflow
- type ProductComponentSortArg
- type ProductComponentSortingField
- type ProductComponentType
- type ProductComponentVersions
- type ProductComponentsCounts
- type ProductComponentsHealthStatusStatisticRecord
- type ProductComponentsSlice
- type ProductEdge
- type ProductEnvironmentStatistic
- type ProductFilterArgs
- type ProductGitTrigger
- type ProductGitTriggerSelector
- type ProductPromotionFlowSelectors
- type ProductRelease
- type ProductReleaseDetails
- type ProductReleaseEdge
- type ProductReleaseError
- type ProductReleaseErrorCode
- type ProductReleaseFiltersArgs
- type ProductReleaseSlice
- type ProductReleaseStatus
- type ProductReleaseStep
- type ProductReleaseStepAction
- type ProductReleaseStepStatus
- type ProductReleaseTask
- type ProductReleaseTaskType
- type ProductSlice
- type ProductSortArg
- type ProductSortingField
- type ProductStatistic
- type Project
- type ProjectBasedEntity
- type ProjectEdge
- type ProjectSlice
- type PromotionFlow
- type PromotionFlowEdge
- type PromotionFlowSlice
- type PromotionPolicy
- type PromotionPolicyAction
- type PromotionPolicyDefinition
- type PromotionPolicyDefinitionInput
- type PromotionPolicyEdge
- type PromotionPolicyEnvironmentSelector
- type PromotionPolicyFilterArgs
- type PromotionPolicyFilterValues
- type PromotionPolicyProductSelector
- type PromotionPolicySelector
- type PromotionPolicySlice
- type PromotionPolicySortArg
- type PromotionPolicySortingField
- type PromotionSource
- type PromotionTemplate
- type PromotionTemplateEdge
- type PromotionTemplateFields
- type PromotionTemplateShort
- type PromotionTemplateSlice
- type PullRequest
- type PullRequestArgs
- type PullRequestCommitter
- type PullRequestValue
- type Query
- type Registry
- type RegistryOutput
- type Release
- type ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons
- type ReleaseRolloutState
- type ReleaseServiceState
- type RenewAccessTokenResponse
- type ReplicaSet
- type ReplicaSetEdge
- type ReplicaSetSlice
- type RepoBitbucketCloudFilterArgs
- type RepoBitbucketCloudFilterArgsInput
- type ReportRuntimeErrorsArgs
- type ResolvedPromotionPolicy
- type ResolvedPromotionPolicyItem
- type ResourceAction
- type ResourceEvent
- type ResourceManifest
- type ResourceOperation
- type ResourcesRequests
- type RestrictedGitSource
- type RestrictedGitSourceDetails
- type RestrictedGitSourceEdge
- type RestrictedGitSourceSlice
- type RevisionInfo
- type RollbackAvailabilityInfo
- type Rollout
- type RolloutAnalysisRunStatus
- type RolloutAnalysisStatus
- type RolloutCanaryInlineAnalysisStep
- type RolloutCanaryPauseStep
- type RolloutCanarySetScaleStep
- type RolloutCanaryStatus
- type RolloutCanaryStep
- type RolloutEdge
- type RolloutImageDetails
- type RolloutInlineAnalysisTemplate
- type RolloutInlineExperimentAnalyses
- type RolloutInlineExperimentTemplate
- type RolloutInlineExperimentTemplates
- type RolloutPerformedActions
- type RolloutPhases
- type RolloutPromoteFullDetails
- type RolloutRollbackRevisionsComparenceResponse
- type RolloutSkippedStep
- type RolloutSlice
- type RolloutSpec
- type RolloutStatus
- type RolloutStepDetails
- type RolloutStepStatus
- type RolloutStrategy
- type RolloutStrategyNames
- type RolloutTransition
- type Runtime
- type RuntimeCreationResponse
- type RuntimeEdge
- type RuntimeFeature
- type RuntimeInfo
- type RuntimeInstallationArgs
- type RuntimeIntegration
- type RuntimeNotification
- type RuntimeOperation
- type RuntimeOperationAction
- type RuntimeSlice
- type RuntimeStatus
- type RuntimeSyncMode
- type RuntimesStatistics
- type SSOArgs
- type SamlSso
- type SecretData
- type SecretKeySelector
- type SecretPath
- type SecretType
- type SecurityInfo
- type SecurityInfoArgs
- type Sensor
- type SensorEdge
- type SensorSlice
- type ServiceEntity
- type ServiceEntityEdge
- type ServiceEntitySlice
- type ServiceItem
- type ServicePort
- type ServiceSortingField
- type ServiceSpec
- type ServiceStatus
- type ServiceTransition
- type ServiceType
- type SessionAffinityConfig
- type SetAccountAllowedDomainsArgs
- type SetGitSourcePermissionArgs
- type SingleComponentDependency
- type Slice
- type SliceInfo
- type SlicePaginationArgs
- type SortingOrder
- type SpecificTriggerConditions
- type SpecificTriggerConditionsArgs
- type Sso
- type StatsTimePeriodData
- type StatusHistoryItem
- type StringPair
- type Stripe
- type SupportedCITools
- type SupportedEventMapping
- type SwitchAccountResponse
- type SyncActionOnResource
- type SyncError
- type SyncErrorCodes
- type SyncHookType
- type SyncOperationPhase
- type SyncPhase
- type SyncResultCode
- type SyncResultResource
- type SyncStatus
- type SystemType
- type SystemTypeOutput
- type Team
- type TeamSource
- type TeamType
- type TimeSeriesDataRecord
- type ToState
- type Transition
- type Trial
- type TriggerConditionDataFilters
- type TriggerConditionDataFiltersArgs
- type TriggerConditionFilters
- type TriggerConditionFiltersArgs
- type TriggerConditionParameter
- type TriggerConditionParameterArgs
- type TriggerConditions
- type TriggerConditionsArgs
- type TriggerConditionsWorkflow
- type TriggerConditionsWorkflowArgs
- type UnknownEventPayloadData
- type UpdateEnvironmentArgs
- type UpdateGitSourcePermissionsArgs
- type UpdateProductArgs
- type User
- type UserDetailsArgs
- type UserSettings
- type UserSettingsArgs
- type Workflow
- type WorkflowArguments
- type WorkflowConcurrency
- type WorkflowConcurrencyInfo
- type WorkflowConditions
- type WorkflowContainerSpec
- type WorkflowContainerTemplate
- type WorkflowDAGTask
- type WorkflowDAGTemplate
- type WorkflowEdge
- type WorkflowInitiator
- type WorkflowIssue
- type WorkflowLastExecution
- type WorkflowNodePhases
- type WorkflowOrigins
- type WorkflowParameter
- type WorkflowParameterArgs
- type WorkflowPhases
- type WorkflowRepository
- type WorkflowResourceTemplate
- type WorkflowResourcesDuration
- type WorkflowScriptTemplate
- type WorkflowSlice
- type WorkflowSpec
- type WorkflowSpecNameOnlyTemplate
- type WorkflowSpecTemplate
- type WorkflowStatus
- type WorkflowStep
- type WorkflowStepsTemplate
- type WorkflowSuspendedTemplate
- type WorkflowTemplate
- type WorkflowTemplateEdge
- type WorkflowTemplateRef
- type WorkflowTemplateSlice
- type WorkflowTemplatesFilterArgs
- type WorkflowsStepView
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var AllAccessMode = []AccessMode{ AccessModeIngress, AccessModeTunnel, }
var AllAnalysisMetricProviderTypes = []AnalysisMetricProviderTypes{ AnalysisMetricProviderTypesCloudWatch, AnalysisMetricProviderTypesDatadog, AnalysisMetricProviderTypesJob, AnalysisMetricProviderTypesKayenta, AnalysisMetricProviderTypesNewRelic, AnalysisMetricProviderTypesPrometheus, AnalysisMetricProviderTypesUnknown, AnalysisMetricProviderTypesWavefront, AnalysisMetricProviderTypesWeb, }
var AllAnalysisPhases = []AnalysisPhases{ AnalysisPhasesError, AnalysisPhasesFailed, AnalysisPhasesInconclusive, AnalysisPhasesPending, AnalysisPhasesRunning, AnalysisPhasesSuccessful, }
var AllAppOperationType = []AppOperationType{ AppOperationTypeDelete, AppOperationTypeSync, AppOperationTypeUnknown, }
var AllAppProxyStatus = []AppProxyStatus{ AppProxyStatusFailed, AppProxyStatusSuccessful, AppProxyStatusUnknown, }
var AllAppSyncPolicies = []AppSyncPolicies{ AppSyncPoliciesAutomated, AppSyncPoliciesManual, AppSyncPoliciesUnknown, }
var AllApplicationGroupsSortingField = []ApplicationGroupsSortingField{ ApplicationGroupsSortingFieldName, ApplicationGroupsSortingFieldUpdatedAt, }
var AllApplicationTreeSortingField = []ApplicationTreeSortingField{ ApplicationTreeSortingFieldHealthStatus, ApplicationTreeSortingFieldKind, ApplicationTreeSortingFieldLastUpdated, ApplicationTreeSortingFieldName, ApplicationTreeSortingFieldRuntime, ApplicationTreeSortingFieldSyncStatus, }
var AllClusterConnectionStatus = []ClusterConnectionStatus{ ClusterConnectionStatusFailed, ClusterConnectionStatusSuccessful, ClusterConnectionStatusUnknown, }
var AllDeploymentStatisticsStatus = []DeploymentStatisticsStatus{ DeploymentStatisticsStatusAll, DeploymentStatisticsStatusDegraded, DeploymentStatisticsStatusDegradedAndRollback, DeploymentStatisticsStatusHealthy, DeploymentStatisticsStatusRollback, }
var AllDurationName = []DurationName{ DurationNameDelayDuration, DurationNameInitializingDuration, DurationNamePendingApprovalDuration, DurationNamePendingConcurrencyDuration, DurationNameRunningDuration, DurationNameTotalDuration, }
var AllEnvironmentKind = []EnvironmentKind{ EnvironmentKindNonProd, EnvironmentKindProd, }
var AllEnvironmentRelativePos = []EnvironmentRelativePos{ EnvironmentRelativePosAfter, EnvironmentRelativePosBefore, }
var AllErrorLevels = []ErrorLevels{ ErrorLevelsError, ErrorLevelsWarning, }
var AllGitAuthMode = []GitAuthMode{ GitAuthModeCodefresh, GitAuthModeCustom, GitAuthModePat, }
var AllGitProviders = []GitProviders{ GitProvidersBitbucket, GitProvidersBitbucketServer, GitProvidersGerrit, GitProvidersGithub, GitProvidersGitlab, }
var AllGitPushPayloadDataTypes = []GitPushPayloadDataTypes{ GitPushPayloadDataTypesBranch, GitPushPayloadDataTypesTag, }
var AllGitopsReleasesSortingField = []GitopsReleasesSortingField{ GitopsReleasesSortingFieldCreatedAt, GitopsReleasesSortingFieldHealthStatus, GitopsReleasesSortingFieldHistoryID, GitopsReleasesSortingFieldSyncStatus, }
var AllHealthErrorCodes = []HealthErrorCodes{ HealthErrorCodesBrokenReference, HealthErrorCodesInactiveRuntime, HealthErrorCodesInsufficientResources, HealthErrorCodesRuntimeInstallationError, HealthErrorCodesTransitiveError, HealthErrorCodesUnknown, }
var AllHealthStatus = []HealthStatus{ HealthStatusDegraded, HealthStatusHealthy, HealthStatusMissing, HealthStatusProgressing, HealthStatusSuspended, HealthStatusTerminated, HealthStatusUnknown, }
var AllImagePullPolicy = []ImagePullPolicy{ ImagePullPolicyAlways, ImagePullPolicyIfNotPresent, ImagePullPolicyNever, }
var AllImageRegistryType = []ImageRegistryType{ ImageRegistryTypeDockerHub, ImageRegistryTypeEcr, ImageRegistryTypeGcr, ImageRegistryTypeGhcr, ImageRegistryTypeJfrog, ImageRegistryTypeOther, ImageRegistryTypeQuay, }
var AllImageRepoTagSortingField = []ImageRepoTagSortingField{ ImageRepoTagSortingFieldTag, }
var AllImageRepositorySortingField = []ImageRepositorySortingField{ ImageRepositorySortingFieldLastUpdate, ImageRepositorySortingFieldName, }
var AllInstallationStatus = []InstallationStatus{ InstallationStatusCompleted, InstallationStatusFailed, InstallationStatusInProgress, }
var AllInstallationType = []InstallationType{ InstallationTypeCli, InstallationTypeHelm, InstallationTypeHelmHosted, InstallationTypeHosted, }
var AllIntegrationConsumer = []IntegrationConsumer{ IntegrationConsumerJiraWriteBack, }
var AllIssueType = []IssueType{ IssueTypeApplication, IssueTypeGit, IssueTypeWorkflow, }
var AllMatchExpressionOperator = []MatchExpressionOperator{ MatchExpressionOperatorDoesNotExist, MatchExpressionOperatorExists, MatchExpressionOperatorIn, MatchExpressionOperatorNotIn, }
var AllNotificationActionType = []NotificationActionType{ NotificationActionTypeAdded, NotificationActionTypeRemoved, NotificationActionTypeUpdate, }
var AllNotificationState = []NotificationState{ NotificationStateFailed, NotificationStateInProgress, NotificationStateSuccess, }
var AllNotificationType = []NotificationType{ NotificationTypeArgoCdEvent, NotificationTypeArgoEventsEvent, NotificationTypeGenericEvent, }
var AllPayloadDataTypes = []PayloadDataTypes{ PayloadDataTypesCalendar, PayloadDataTypesGit, PayloadDataTypesUnknown, }
var AllPipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType = []PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType{ PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricTypeAverageDuration, PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricTypeP50Duration, PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricTypeP90Duration, }
var AllProductComponentSortingField = []ProductComponentSortingField{ ProductComponentSortingFieldName, ProductComponentSortingFieldUpdatedAt, }
var AllProductComponentType = []ProductComponentType{ ProductComponentTypeArgoApplication, ProductComponentTypeHelm, }
var AllProductGitTrigger = []ProductGitTrigger{ ProductGitTriggerCommitMessage, ProductGitTriggerGitRevision, }
var AllProductReleaseErrorCode = []ProductReleaseErrorCode{ ProductReleaseErrorCodePromotionFlowError, ProductReleaseErrorCodeStepError, ProductReleaseErrorCodeStepFailed, ProductReleaseErrorCodeStepTerminated, }
var AllProductReleaseStatus = []ProductReleaseStatus{ ProductReleaseStatusFailed, ProductReleaseStatusRunning, ProductReleaseStatusSucceeded, ProductReleaseStatusSuspended, }
var AllProductReleaseStepStatus = []ProductReleaseStepStatus{ ProductReleaseStepStatusFailed, ProductReleaseStepStatusPending, ProductReleaseStepStatusRunning, ProductReleaseStepStatusSucceeded, ProductReleaseStepStatusSuspended, }
var AllProductReleaseTaskType = []ProductReleaseTaskType{ ProductReleaseTaskTypeRetryProductReleaseTask, ProductReleaseTaskTypeCreateProductReleaseTask, }
var AllProductSortingField = []ProductSortingField{ ProductSortingFieldName, ProductSortingFieldUpdatedAt, }
var AllPromotionPolicyAction = []PromotionPolicyAction{ PromotionPolicyActionCommit, PromotionPolicyActionNone, PromotionPolicyActionPr, }
var AllPromotionPolicySortingField = []PromotionPolicySortingField{ PromotionPolicySortingFieldCreatedAt, PromotionPolicySortingFieldName, PromotionPolicySortingFieldPriority, }
var AllReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons = []ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons{ ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasonsRestartedDueNewCommit, }
var AllResourceAction = []ResourceAction{ ResourceActionAdded, ResourceActionDeleted, ResourceActionUpdated, }
var AllResourceOperation = []ResourceOperation{ ResourceOperationCreate, ResourceOperationDelete, ResourceOperationUpdate, }
var AllRolloutPhases = []RolloutPhases{ RolloutPhasesDegraded, RolloutPhasesHealthy, RolloutPhasesPaused, RolloutPhasesProgressing, RolloutPhasesTerminated, RolloutPhasesUnknown, }
var AllRolloutStepStatus = []RolloutStepStatus{ RolloutStepStatusActive, RolloutStepStatusFailed, RolloutStepStatusPassed, RolloutStepStatusPausedInconclusive, RolloutStepStatusPausedIndefinite, RolloutStepStatusPending, RolloutStepStatusTerminated, }
var AllRolloutStrategyNames = []RolloutStrategyNames{ RolloutStrategyNamesBlueGreen, RolloutStrategyNamesCanary, }
var AllRuntimeOperationAction = []RuntimeOperationAction{ RuntimeOperationActionDelete, RuntimeOperationActionUpsert, }
var AllRuntimeSyncMode = []RuntimeSyncMode{ RuntimeSyncModeGitops, RuntimeSyncModeHelm, RuntimeSyncModeUnknown, }
var AllSecretType = []SecretType{ SecretTypeExternalSecret, SecretTypeSealedSecret, }
var AllServiceSortingField = []ServiceSortingField{ ServiceSortingFieldLastUpdate, ServiceSortingFieldServiceName, }
var AllServiceType = []ServiceType{ ServiceTypeClusterIP, ServiceTypeExternalName, ServiceTypeLoadBalancer, ServiceTypeNodePort, }
var AllSortingOrder = []SortingOrder{ SortingOrderAsc, SortingOrderDesc, }
var AllSupportedCITools = []SupportedCITools{ SupportedCIToolsClassic, SupportedCIToolsGithubActions, SupportedCIToolsJenkins, }
var AllSyncActionOnResource = []SyncActionOnResource{ SyncActionOnResourceConfigured, SyncActionOnResourceCreated, SyncActionOnResourcePruned, SyncActionOnResourcePruneSkipped, SyncActionOnResourceSyncFailed, SyncActionOnResourceUnchanged, SyncActionOnResourceUnknown, }
var AllSyncErrorCodes = []SyncErrorCodes{ SyncErrorCodesInvalidSpec, SyncErrorCodesLongSync, SyncErrorCodesMissingRolloutsComponent, SyncErrorCodesUnknown, }
var AllSyncHookType = []SyncHookType{ SyncHookTypePostSync, SyncHookTypePreSync, SyncHookTypeSkip, SyncHookTypeSync, SyncHookTypeSyncFail, }
var AllSyncOperationPhase = []SyncOperationPhase{ SyncOperationPhaseError, SyncOperationPhaseFailed, SyncOperationPhaseRunning, SyncOperationPhaseSucceeded, SyncOperationPhaseTerminating, SyncOperationPhaseUnknown, }
var AllSyncPhase = []SyncPhase{ SyncPhasePostSync, SyncPhasePreSync, SyncPhaseSync, SyncPhaseSyncFail, }
var AllSyncResultCode = []SyncResultCode{ SyncResultCodePruned, SyncResultCodePruneSkipped, SyncResultCodeSynced, SyncResultCodeSyncFailed, SyncResultCodeUnknown, }
var AllSyncStatus = []SyncStatus{ SyncStatusOutOfSync, SyncStatusSynced, SyncStatusSyncing, SyncStatusUnknown, }
var AllSystemType = []SystemType{ SystemTypeClassic, SystemTypeGitops, SystemTypeGitopsAndClassic, SystemTypeProjectOne, }
var AllTeamSource = []TeamSource{ TeamSourceAuth0, TeamSourceAzure, TeamSourceGithub, TeamSourceGoogle, TeamSourceKeycloak, TeamSourceLdap, TeamSourceOkta, TeamSourceOnelogin, }
var AllTeamType = []TeamType{ TeamTypeAdmin, TeamTypeDefault, }
var AllWorkflowNodePhases = []WorkflowNodePhases{ WorkflowNodePhasesError, WorkflowNodePhasesFailed, WorkflowNodePhasesOmitted, WorkflowNodePhasesPending, WorkflowNodePhasesRunning, WorkflowNodePhasesSkipped, WorkflowNodePhasesSucceeded, }
var AllWorkflowOrigins = []WorkflowOrigins{ WorkflowOriginsCiEnrichment, WorkflowOriginsCiEnrichmentCodefreshClassic, WorkflowOriginsCiEnrichmentGa, WorkflowOriginsCiEnrichmentJenkins, WorkflowOriginsCommon, WorkflowOriginsPlayground, }
var AllWorkflowPhases = []WorkflowPhases{ WorkflowPhasesError, WorkflowPhasesFailed, WorkflowPhasesPending, WorkflowPhasesRunning, WorkflowPhasesSucceeded, WorkflowPhasesUnknown, }
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type APIToken ¶
type APIToken struct { // The token to use in runtime installation and other requests Token *string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
"Generate api token result
type AccessMode ¶
type AccessMode string
Access Mode
const ( // standard installation using an ingress resource AccessModeIngress AccessMode = "INGRESS" // ingressless installation, using an FRP tunnel AccessModeTunnel AccessMode = "TUNNEL" )
func (AccessMode) IsValid ¶
func (e AccessMode) IsValid() bool
func (AccessMode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AccessMode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AccessMode) String ¶
func (e AccessMode) String() string
func (*AccessMode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AccessMode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Account ¶
type Account struct { // The account id ID string `json:"id"` // The account unique name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Show to feature flags status for this account Features *AccountFeatures `json:"features,omitempty"` // Account SSO integrations SsoIntegrations []*Sso `json:"ssoIntegrations,omitempty"` // Users that are attached to this account Users []*User `json:"users,omitempty"` // Ids of all users that have account admin permission to this account Admins []string `json:"admins,omitempty"` // Controls if this account can edit its allowedDomains EnabledAllowedDomains *bool `json:"enabledAllowedDomains,omitempty"` // All allowed domains for this account AllowedDomains []string `json:"allowedDomains,omitempty"` // Account security Security *SecurityInfo `json:"security,omitempty"` // Collaborators Collaborators *AccountCollaborators `json:"collaborators,omitempty"` // Private account owner PrivateAccountOwner *string `json:"privateAccountOwner,omitempty"` // The git provider of the shared config repo GitProvider *GitProviders `json:"gitProvider,omitempty"` // The api url of the shared config repo git server GitAPIURL *string `json:"gitApiUrl,omitempty"` SharedConfigRepo *string `json:"sharedConfigRepo,omitempty"` // CSDP settings validated CsdpValidated *bool `json:"csdpValidated,omitempty"` // Features supported by all runtimes RuntimeFeatures []*RuntimeFeature `json:"runtimeFeatures"` // Supports Managed Runtime SupportsManagedRuntime *bool `json:"supportsManagedRuntime,omitempty"` // Pipeline settings PipelineConfig *PipelineConfig `json:"pipelineConfig,omitempty"` // System type SystemType *SystemType `json:"systemType,omitempty"` // System type prev SystemTypePrev *SystemType `json:"systemTypePrev,omitempty"` // Account badge token BadgeToken *string `json:"badgeToken,omitempty"` // Cloud Builds CloudBuilds *CloudBuilds `json:"cloudBuilds,omitempty"` }
Account is logical entity that group together users pipeliens and more
type AccountCollaborators ¶
type AccountCollaborators struct { // Limit Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Used Used *int `json:"used,omitempty"` }
type AccountFeatures ¶
type AccountFeatures struct { // Support ability to toggle between dark and light mode ThemeToggle *bool `json:"themeToggle,omitempty"` // Add ability to create/edit pipeline from UI in the configuration tab CreatePipelineArguments *bool `json:"createPipelineArguments,omitempty"` // Add ability to see workflow templates list page CsdpWorkflowTemplates *bool `json:"csdpWorkflowTemplates,omitempty"` // Add ability to see additonal widgets on the dashboard in home page CsdpDashboardWidgets *bool `json:"csdpDashboardWidgets,omitempty"` // Add ability to see and access DORA metrics page CsdpDoraMetrics *bool `json:"csdpDoraMetrics,omitempty"` // Add ability to see and access integration widgets on the dashboard CsdpManagedArgo *bool `json:"csdpManagedArgo,omitempty"` // Add ability to force reload route when navigation failed due to chunk error CsdpReloadOnChunkErrorFeature *bool `json:"csdpReloadOnChunkErrorFeature,omitempty"` // Show CSDP runtime resources in applications list ShowCSDPRuntimeResources *bool `json:"showCSDPRuntimeResources,omitempty"` // Shows button that links to classic codefresh ShowClassicCodefreshButton *bool `json:"showClassicCodefreshButton,omitempty"` // Support ability to use oauth2 for automatic registration Oauth2AutomaticRegistration *bool `json:"oauth2AutomaticRegistration,omitempty"` // Support ability to add integrations CsdpIntegrations *bool `json:"csdpIntegrations,omitempty"` // Support ability to add Amazon ECR integration CsdpAmazonECRIntegration *bool `json:"csdpAmazonECRIntegration,omitempty"` // Support ability to add authentications CsdpAuthentication *bool `json:"csdpAuthentication,omitempty"` // Adds ability to set SSH connection credentials to allow applications and sub modules to connect to a repository over SSH SupportSSHCreds *bool `json:"supportSSHCreds,omitempty"` // Gives access to application current state graph ShowAppCurrentStateGraph *bool `json:"showAppCurrentStateGraph,omitempty"` // Gives access to application release rollout details drawer ShowAppRolloutDetails *bool `json:"showAppRolloutDetails,omitempty"` // Gives access to application release analysis run details drawer ShowAppAnalysisRunsDetails *bool `json:"showAppAnalysisRunsDetails,omitempty"` // To build correct references beetween apps and appSets we always define metadata.cluster=https://kubernetes.default.svc because they always within same cluster UseDefaultSvcApplicationClusterMetadata *bool `json:"useDefaultSvcApplicationClusterMetadata,omitempty"` // Sets default codefresh authentication for runtime UseCodefreshAuthForManagedRuntime *bool `json:"useCodefreshAuthForManagedRuntime,omitempty"` // Retrieve runtime features for the active account CsdpRuntimesCompatibility *bool `json:"csdpRuntimesCompatibility,omitempty"` // Cut refsBy if parent app not present in list of applications CsdpAppUnexistedRefByCut *bool `json:"csdpAppUnexistedRefByCut,omitempty"` // Ability to sync application CsdpApplicationSync *bool `json:"csdpApplicationSync,omitempty"` // Ability to refresh application CsdpApplicationRefresh *bool `json:"csdpApplicationRefresh,omitempty"` // Adds ability to disable Sync from UI CsdpDisableSyncFromUI *bool `json:"csdpDisableSyncFromUi,omitempty"` // Ability to show application details CsdpApplicationDetails *bool `json:"csdpApplicationDetails,omitempty"` // Allows to send csdp audit events to classic platform CsdpAudit *bool `json:"csdpAudit,omitempty"` // Hides first release till it doesn't have attached rollout CsdpHideFirstRelease *bool `json:"csdpHideFirstRelease,omitempty"` // Allow runtime installation via helm chart KubeNativeInstall *bool `json:"kubeNativeInstall,omitempty"` // Applications dashboard cards view ApplicationsDashboardCardsView *bool `json:"applicationsDashboardCardsView,omitempty"` // Updated resources section in app release CsdpAppReleaseResourceDiff *bool `json:"csdpAppReleaseResourceDiff,omitempty"` // Application events tab ApplicationEventsTab *bool `json:"applicationEventsTab,omitempty"` // Ability to resume rollout CsdpRolloutResume *bool `json:"csdpRolloutResume,omitempty"` // Enable refresh token logic CsdpRefreshToken *bool `json:"csdpRefreshToken,omitempty"` // Adds ability to add jira oauth integration CsdpJiraOauthIntegration *bool `json:"csdpJiraOauthIntegration,omitempty"` // Supports GitLab for managed runtime GitlabSupportForManagedRuntime *bool `json:"gitlabSupportForManagedRuntime,omitempty"` // Supports Bitbucket for managed runtime BitbucketSupportForManagedRuntime *bool `json:"bitbucketSupportForManagedRuntime,omitempty"` // Adds ability to connect Gerrit as git provider SupportGerrit *bool `json:"supportGerrit,omitempty"` // Show new errors drawer for runtime NewRuntimeErrorsDrawer *bool `json:"newRuntimeErrorsDrawer,omitempty"` // Adds manifest field to resource tree object (temporary) ResourceTreeWithManifest *bool `json:"resourceTreeWithManifest,omitempty"` // Show require pruning label to resource RequirePruningLabelToResource *bool `json:"requirePruningLabelToResource,omitempty"` // Disables all actions for rollout resource: in playe (rollout details drawer), current state (three dot menu), release / services / section DisableRolloutActionsWithoutRbac *bool `json:"disableRolloutActionsWithoutRBAC,omitempty"` // Combines GitOps and Codefresh Classic menu items CommonSideMenu *bool `json:"commonSideMenu,omitempty"` // UI Execution Context page in the account settings ExecutionContext *bool `json:"executionContext,omitempty"` // Account has ABAC support Abac *bool `json:"abac,omitempty"` // New ABAC permissions page AbacV2 *bool `json:"abacV2,omitempty"` // Shows user git personal token settings menu in project one UnifiedUserGitTokens *bool `json:"unifiedUserGitTokens,omitempty"` // Adds ability to rollback rollout from rollout drawer in app timeline GitOpsRolloutRollback *bool `json:"gitOpsRolloutRollback,omitempty"` // Shows Beamer widget for all platforms (What's new) BeamerWidget *bool `json:"beamerWidget,omitempty"` // Enables codefreshV2 for admins CodefreshV2 *bool `json:"codefreshV2,omitempty"` // Enables codefreshV2 for non admins CodefreshV2NonAdmins *bool `json:"codefreshV2NonAdmins,omitempty"` // Adds ability for account admins to switch account type ProjectOneSwitch *bool `json:"projectOneSwitch,omitempty"` // Adds ability to expand graph GraphExpand *bool `json:"graphExpand,omitempty"` // Theme configurations depend on systemType & prevSystemType fields ProjectOneSystemTypes *bool `json:"projectOneSystemTypes,omitempty"` // Shows gitops page in classic EnvironmentsV2Flag *bool `json:"environmentsV2Flag,omitempty"` // Shows gitOps home dashboard inside the project one menu only for gitOps users ShowGitOpsHomeDashboardInTheProjectOneMenu *bool `json:"showGitOpsHomeDashboardInTheProjectOneMenu,omitempty"` // Enables Unified Dashboard for Project One CommonDashboardProjectOne *bool `json:"commonDashboardProjectOne,omitempty"` // Adds ability to rollback release in native argo cd way GitopsArgoCdRollback *bool `json:"gitopsArgoCdRollback,omitempty"` // Enables CommandBar in the client Commandbar *bool `json:"commandbar,omitempty"` // Adds ability to group applications by annotation '' GitopsAppGroups *bool `json:"gitopsAppGroups,omitempty"` // Enables environments view for gitops platform GitopsEnvironments *bool `json:"gitopsEnvironments,omitempty"` // Adds ability to copy link with account specific info AccountInfoCopyButton *bool `json:"accountInfoCopyButton,omitempty"` // Allows the creation of a restricted git source RestrictedGitSource *bool `json:"restrictedGitSource,omitempty"` // Enables Codefresh to track user activity with Smartlook in the UI Smartlook *bool `json:"smartlook,omitempty"` // Enables Codefresh to track user activity with Fullstory in the UI Fullstory *bool `json:"fullstory,omitempty"` // Enables showing Delighted CX surveys in the UI DelightedSurvey *bool `json:"delightedSurvey,omitempty"` // Enables environments view used in the classic platform ClassicEnvironments *bool `json:"classicEnvironments,omitempty"` // Hide git-sources and related applications without git permissions and when permissions are not provided CsdpFilterAppsByGitPermissions *bool `json:"csdpFilterAppsByGitPermissions,omitempty"` // Hide Compositions item in navigation menu HideCompositionsMenuItem *bool `json:"hideCompositionsMenuItem,omitempty"` // Shows promotion workflows in the application menu PromotionWorkflows *bool `json:"promotionWorkflows,omitempty"` // Allows product components to be draggable and enables a promotion flow PromotionFlow *bool `json:"promotionFlow,omitempty"` // Feature provides a visual representation of the differences between the normalizedLiveState and predictedLiveState AppDiffView *bool `json:"appDiffView,omitempty"` // Install hosted runtimes using the gitops runtime helm chart HelmHostedRuntime *bool `json:"helmHostedRuntime,omitempty"` // Enables usage of argo-platform-broadcaster service instead of api-graphql for subscriptions APIBroadcasterEnabled *bool `json:"apiBroadcasterEnabled,omitempty"` // Enables promotion flows view PromotionFlowsManagement *bool `json:"promotionFlowsManagement,omitempty"` // Enables ability to display application info from AppProxy HeaderLiveState *bool `json:"headerLiveState,omitempty"` // Enables promotion orchestration for products including product's releases API and promotion flow API PromotionOrchestration *bool `json:"promotionOrchestration,omitempty"` // Enables promotion policies view PromotionPolicies *bool `json:"promotionPolicies,omitempty"` // Enables ability to display runtime observability GitopsRuntimeObservability *bool `json:"gitopsRuntimeObservability,omitempty"` // When enabled instead of showing the account switch dialog the account will automatically be switched AutoBuildSwitchAccount *bool `json:"autoBuildSwitchAccount,omitempty"` // Enables ability to display rolloout + analysis run info from AppProxy RolloutPlayerLiveState *bool `json:"rolloutPlayerLiveState,omitempty"` // Enables Product CRD functionality ProductCrd *bool `json:"productCRD,omitempty"` // Enables dynamic breadcrumbs functionality for gitops platform GitopsDynamicBreadcrumbs *bool `json:"gitopsDynamicBreadcrumbs,omitempty"` // Enables ability to create a shared service account user that's not tied to any specific person and holds account api-keys ServiceAccounts *bool `json:"serviceAccounts,omitempty"` }
Account Features flags
type AddUserToAccountArgs ¶
type AddUserToAccountArgs struct { // User email UserEmail string `json:"userEmail"` // Is user Admin IsAdmin bool `json:"isAdmin"` // Users chosen sso id Sso *string `json:"sso,omitempty"` }
Args to add user to account
type AnalysisMetricProviderTypes ¶
type AnalysisMetricProviderTypes string
Analysis Metric Provider Types
const ( // CLOUD_WATCH AnalysisMetricProviderTypesCloudWatch AnalysisMetricProviderTypes = "CLOUD_WATCH" // DATADOG AnalysisMetricProviderTypesDatadog AnalysisMetricProviderTypes = "DATADOG" // JOB AnalysisMetricProviderTypesJob AnalysisMetricProviderTypes = "JOB" // KAYENTA AnalysisMetricProviderTypesKayenta AnalysisMetricProviderTypes = "KAYENTA" // NEW_RELIC AnalysisMetricProviderTypesNewRelic AnalysisMetricProviderTypes = "NEW_RELIC" // PROMETHEUS AnalysisMetricProviderTypesPrometheus AnalysisMetricProviderTypes = "PROMETHEUS" // UNKNOWN AnalysisMetricProviderTypesUnknown AnalysisMetricProviderTypes = "UNKNOWN" // WAVEFRONT AnalysisMetricProviderTypesWavefront AnalysisMetricProviderTypes = "WAVEFRONT" // WEB AnalysisMetricProviderTypesWeb AnalysisMetricProviderTypes = "WEB" )
func (AnalysisMetricProviderTypes) IsValid ¶
func (e AnalysisMetricProviderTypes) IsValid() bool
func (AnalysisMetricProviderTypes) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AnalysisMetricProviderTypes) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AnalysisMetricProviderTypes) String ¶
func (e AnalysisMetricProviderTypes) String() string
func (*AnalysisMetricProviderTypes) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AnalysisMetricProviderTypes) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AnalysisPhases ¶
type AnalysisPhases string
const ( // Error AnalysisPhasesError AnalysisPhases = "Error" // Failed AnalysisPhasesFailed AnalysisPhases = "Failed" // Inconclusive AnalysisPhasesInconclusive AnalysisPhases = "Inconclusive" // Pending AnalysisPhasesPending AnalysisPhases = "Pending" // Running AnalysisPhasesRunning AnalysisPhases = "Running" // Successful AnalysisPhasesSuccessful AnalysisPhases = "Successful" )
func (AnalysisPhases) IsValid ¶
func (e AnalysisPhases) IsValid() bool
func (AnalysisPhases) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AnalysisPhases) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AnalysisPhases) String ¶
func (e AnalysisPhases) String() string
func (*AnalysisPhases) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AnalysisPhases) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AnalysisRun ¶
type AnalysisRun struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Live manifest LiveManifest *string `json:"liveManifest,omitempty"` // Rollout revision Revision int `json:"revision"` // Analysis Run Status Status *AnalysisRunStatus `json:"status"` // Analysis Run spec Spec *AnalysisRunSpec `json:"spec"` }
func (AnalysisRun) IsEntity ¶
func (AnalysisRun) IsEntity()
func (AnalysisRun) IsK8sStandardEntity ¶
func (AnalysisRun) IsK8sStandardEntity()
type AnalysisRunDatadogSpec ¶
type AnalysisRunDatadogSpec struct { // Query Query string `json:"query"` }
Analysis Datadog Spec
type AnalysisRunEdge ¶
type AnalysisRunEdge struct { // Node contains the actual analysis run data Node *AnalysisRun `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
AnalysisRun Edge
func (AnalysisRunEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (AnalysisRunEdge) IsEdge()
type AnalysisRunKayentaSpec ¶
type AnalysisRunKayentaSpec struct { // Address Address string `json:"address"` }
Analysis Kayenta Spec
type AnalysisRunMetricSpec ¶
type AnalysisRunMetricSpec struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Interval Interval *string `json:"interval,omitempty"` // Success Condition SuccessCondition *string `json:"successCondition,omitempty"` // Failure Condition FailureCondition *string `json:"failureCondition,omitempty"` // Failure Limit FailureLimit *string `json:"failureLimit,omitempty"` // Inconclusive Limit InconclusiveLimit *string `json:"inconclusiveLimit,omitempty"` // Consecutive Error Limit ConsecutiveErrorLimit *string `json:"consecutiveErrorLimit,omitempty"` // Count Count *string `json:"count,omitempty"` // Initial Delay InitialDelay *string `json:"initialDelay,omitempty"` // Analysis run spec object calculated - after processing template variables CalculatedValues *AnalysisRunMetricSpecCalculated `json:"calculatedValues,omitempty"` // Provider Provider *AnalysisRunProviderSpec `json:"provider"` }
Analysis run spec object
func (AnalysisRunMetricSpec) IsAnalysisRunMetricSpecBase ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (AnalysisRunMetricSpec) IsAnalysisRunMetricSpecBase()
type AnalysisRunMetricSpecBase ¶ added in v1.3.1
type AnalysisRunMetricSpecBase interface {
Analysis run spec object base fields
type AnalysisRunMetricSpecCalculated ¶ added in v1.3.1
type AnalysisRunMetricSpecCalculated struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Interval Interval *string `json:"interval,omitempty"` // Success Condition SuccessCondition *string `json:"successCondition,omitempty"` // Failure Condition FailureCondition *string `json:"failureCondition,omitempty"` // Failure Limit FailureLimit *string `json:"failureLimit,omitempty"` // Inconclusive Limit InconclusiveLimit *string `json:"inconclusiveLimit,omitempty"` // Consecutive Error Limit ConsecutiveErrorLimit *string `json:"consecutiveErrorLimit,omitempty"` // Count Count *string `json:"count,omitempty"` // Initial Delay InitialDelay *string `json:"initialDelay,omitempty"` }
Analysis run spec object with calculated values - all fields conditinal
func (AnalysisRunMetricSpecCalculated) IsAnalysisRunMetricSpecBase ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (AnalysisRunMetricSpecCalculated) IsAnalysisRunMetricSpecBase()
type AnalysisRunNewRelicSpec ¶
type AnalysisRunNewRelicSpec struct { // Query Query string `json:"query"` }
Analysis NewRelic Spec
type AnalysisRunPrometheusSpec ¶
type AnalysisRunPrometheusSpec struct { // Address Address string `json:"address"` // Query Query string `json:"query"` }
Analysis Run Prometheus spec
type AnalysisRunProviderSpec ¶
type AnalysisRunProviderSpec struct { // Job Job *string `json:"job,omitempty"` // Prometheus Prometheus *AnalysisRunPrometheusSpec `json:"prometheus,omitempty"` // Datadog Datadog *AnalysisRunDatadogSpec `json:"datadog,omitempty"` // New Relic NewRelic *AnalysisRunNewRelicSpec `json:"newRelic,omitempty"` // Wavefront Wavefront *AnalysisRunWavefrontSpec `json:"wavefront,omitempty"` // Web Web *AnalysisRunWebSpec `json:"web,omitempty"` // Kayenta Kayenta *AnalysisRunKayentaSpec `json:"kayenta,omitempty"` // Cloud Watch CloudWatch *string `json:"cloudWatch,omitempty"` }
Analysis status object
type AnalysisRunSlice ¶
type AnalysisRunSlice struct { // Analysis run edges Edges []*RolloutEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
AnalysisRun Slice
func (AnalysisRunSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (AnalysisRunSlice) IsSlice()
type AnalysisRunSpec ¶
type AnalysisRunSpec struct { // Metrics Metrics []*AnalysisRunMetricSpec `json:"metrics"` }
Analysis run spec metrics
type AnalysisRunStatus ¶
type AnalysisRunStatus struct { // Message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Metric results MetricResults []*MetricResult `json:"metricResults"` // Total Successful TotalSuccessful int `json:"totalSuccessful"` // Total Failed TotalFailed int `json:"totalFailed"` // Total Inconclusive TotalInconclusive int `json:"totalInconclusive"` // Total Error TotalError int `json:"totalError"` // Entire state of analysis Phase *AnalysisPhases `json:"phase,omitempty"` }
Analysis status object
type AnalysisRunWavefrontSpec ¶
type AnalysisRunWavefrontSpec struct { // Address Address string `json:"address"` // Query Query string `json:"query"` }
Analysis Wavefront Spec
type AnalysisRunWebSpec ¶
type AnalysisRunWebSpec struct { // Url URL string `json:"url"` }
Analysis Web Spec
type AnalyticsAppGroupList ¶
type AnalyticsAppGroupList struct { // App Groups AppGroups []string `json:"appGroups"` }
Analytics app group dropdown list
type AnalyticsApplicationsList ¶
type AnalyticsApplicationsList struct { // Applications Applications []string `json:"applications"` }
Analytics application dropdown list
type AnalyticsClassicPipeline ¶
type AnalyticsClassicPipeline struct { // Pipeline Id PipelineID string `json:"pipelineId"` // Pipeline Name PipelineName string `json:"pipelineName"` // Pipeline Full Name PipelineFullName string `json:"pipelineFullName"` // Is pipeline deleted IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` }
Classic Analytics Pipeline Dropdown
type AnalyticsClassicPipelineTag ¶
type AnalyticsClassicPipelineTag struct { // Tag Id TagID string `json:"tagId"` // Tag Name TagName string `json:"tagName"` }
Classic Analytics Pipeline Tags Dropdown
type AnalyticsClassicPipelinesList ¶
type AnalyticsClassicPipelinesList struct { // Pipelines Pipelines []*AnalyticsClassicPipeline `json:"pipelines"` }
Analytics classic pipelines dropdown list
type AnalyticsClassicProject ¶
type AnalyticsClassicProject struct { // Project Id ProjectID string `json:"projectId"` // Project Name ProjectName string `json:"projectName"` // Is Deleted IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` }
Classic Analytics Proejcts Dropdown
type AnalyticsClassicProjectsList ¶
type AnalyticsClassicProjectsList struct { // Projects Projects []*AnalyticsClassicProject `json:"projects"` }
Analytics classic projects dropdown list
type AnalyticsClassicTagsList ¶
type AnalyticsClassicTagsList struct { // Tags Tags []*AnalyticsClassicPipelineTag `json:"tags"` }
Analytics classic pipelines dropdown list
type AnalyticsClustersList ¶
type AnalyticsClustersList struct { // Cluster Names ClusterNamesList []*ClusterNamesDDRecord `json:"clusterNamesList"` // Cluster Names ClusterUrlsList []*ClusterURLDDRecord `json:"clusterUrlsList"` }
Analytics cluster dropdown list
type AnalyticsEnvironmentList ¶
type AnalyticsEnvironmentList struct { // Environments Environments []string `json:"environments"` }
Analytics environment dropdown list
type AnalyticsProductList ¶
type AnalyticsProductList struct { // Products Products []string `json:"products"` }
Analytics product dropdown list
type AnalyticsRuntimesList ¶
type AnalyticsRuntimesList struct { // Runtimes RuntimeNames []string `json:"runtimeNames"` }
Analytics runtime dropdown list
type Annotation ¶
type Annotation struct { // Annotation id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Annotation type Type string `json:"type"` // Annotation value Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` // Annotation accountId AccountID *string `json:"accountId,omitempty"` // Annotation classicId ClassicID *string `json:"classicId,omitempty"` // Annotation entityId EntityID string `json:"entityId"` // Annotation entityType EntityType string `json:"entityType"` // Annotation key Key string `json:"key"` }
type AnnotationArgs ¶
type AnnotationArgs struct { // Event-source k8sEntityId K8sEntityID *K8sEntityID `json:"k8sEntityId,omitempty"` // Event-source logicEntityId LogicEntityID *LogicEntityID `json:"logicEntityId,omitempty"` // Event-source entityType EntityType string `json:"entityType"` // Event-source key Key string `json:"key"` // Event-source type Type string `json:"type"` // Annotation classicId ClassicID *string `json:"classicId,omitempty"` // Event-source issueValue IssueValue *IssueValue `json:"issueValue,omitempty"` // Event-source pullRequestValue PullRequestValue *PullRequestValue `json:"pullRequestValue,omitempty"` // Event-source genericValue GenericValue *string `json:"genericValue,omitempty"` }
Args to set annotation for entity
type AnnotationEdge ¶
type AnnotationEdge struct { // Node contains the actual application data Node *Annotation `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Application Edge
type AnnotationFilterArgs ¶
type AnnotationFilterArgs struct { // Event-source id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Event-source k8sEntityId K8sEntityID *K8sEntityID `json:"k8sEntityId,omitempty"` // Event-source logicEntityId LogicEntityID *LogicEntityID `json:"logicEntityId,omitempty"` // Event-source entityType EntityType *string `json:"entityType,omitempty"` // Annotation classicId ClassicID *string `json:"classicId,omitempty"` // Event-source key Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // Event-source type Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Args to filter annotation
type AnnotationSlice ¶
type AnnotationSlice struct { // Annotation edges Edges []*AnnotationEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Annotation Slice
type AppAndAppSetEdge ¶
type AppAndAppSetEdge struct { // Node contains the actual application data Node ApplicationTreeItem `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
AppAndAppSet Edge
type AppAndAppSetSlice ¶
type AppAndAppSetSlice struct { // Application edges Edges []*AppAndAppSetEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
AppAndAppSet Slice
type AppOperationType ¶
type AppOperationType string
const ( // Delete AppOperationTypeDelete AppOperationType = "Delete" // Sync AppOperationTypeSync AppOperationType = "Sync" // Unknown AppOperationTypeUnknown AppOperationType = "Unknown" )
func (AppOperationType) IsValid ¶
func (e AppOperationType) IsValid() bool
func (AppOperationType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AppOperationType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AppOperationType) String ¶
func (e AppOperationType) String() string
func (*AppOperationType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AppOperationType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AppProjectDestination ¶
type AppProjectDestination struct { // The destination server name (CAN NOT contain wildcards) Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The destination server url (can contain wildcards) Server *string `json:"server,omitempty"` // The destination namespace (can contain wildcards) Namespace string `json:"namespace"` }
RestrictedGitSource destination
type AppProxyInfo ¶
type AppProxyInfo struct { // Description Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Status Status AppProxyStatus `json:"status"` }
App-Proxy Info
type AppProxyStatus ¶
type AppProxyStatus string
App-Proxy Status
const ( // FAILED AppProxyStatusFailed AppProxyStatus = "FAILED" // SUCCESSFUL AppProxyStatusSuccessful AppProxyStatus = "SUCCESSFUL" // UNKNOWN AppProxyStatusUnknown AppProxyStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (AppProxyStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e AppProxyStatus) IsValid() bool
func (AppProxyStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AppProxyStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AppProxyStatus) String ¶
func (e AppProxyStatus) String() string
func (*AppProxyStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AppProxyStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AppResourceDifference ¶
type AppResourceDifference struct { // Current record CurrentRecord *AppResourceDifferenceRecord `json:"currentRecord"` // Previous record PreviousRecord *AppResourceDifferenceRecord `json:"previousRecord,omitempty"` }
type AppResourceDifferenceRecord ¶
type AppResourceDifferenceRecord struct { // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` }
type AppSyncPolicies ¶
type AppSyncPolicies string
App Sync Policies
const ( // Automated AppSyncPoliciesAutomated AppSyncPolicies = "Automated" // Manual AppSyncPoliciesManual AppSyncPolicies = "Manual" // Unknown AppSyncPoliciesUnknown AppSyncPolicies = "Unknown" )
func (AppSyncPolicies) IsValid ¶
func (e AppSyncPolicies) IsValid() bool
func (AppSyncPolicies) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AppSyncPolicies) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AppSyncPolicies) String ¶
func (e AppSyncPolicies) String() string
func (*AppSyncPolicies) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AppSyncPolicies) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Application ¶
type Application struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Relations between parents and child applications in tree AppsRelations *AppsRelations `json:"appsRelations,omitempty"` // ReadPermission of related git source ReadPermission *bool `json:"readPermission,omitempty"` // History of the application History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity (generation) Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Updated At UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Path Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // RepoURL RepoURL *string `json:"repoURL,omitempty"` // Number of resources Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Revision Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Status Status *ArgoCDApplicationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Favorites Favorites []string `json:"favorites,omitempty"` // Argo CD application destination config Destination *ArgoCDApplicationDestination `json:"destination,omitempty"` // Argo CD application spec source config SpecSource *ArgoCDApplicationSpecSource `json:"specSource,omitempty"` // Include files Include *string `json:"include,omitempty"` // Exclude files Exclude *string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` // Operation State (argo) OperationState *ApplicationOperationState `json:"operationState,omitempty"` // Sync info (argo) Sync *ApplicationSyncStatus `json:"sync,omitempty"` // Sync policy SyncPolicy *AppSyncPolicies `json:"syncPolicy,omitempty"` // Is HELM app flag IsHelmApp *bool `json:"isHelmApp,omitempty"` // Is git source app flag IsGitSource *bool `json:"isGitSource,omitempty"` // Related groups names list RelatedGroups []*string `json:"relatedGroups"` // Version of application and dependencies AppVersions *ProductComponentVersions `json:"appVersions,omitempty"` // Resolved when product app attached to specific product or null if unassigned. Normally should be 1 or 0. If more this means that collision in relation present and component belongs to different products Products []*Product `json:"products,omitempty"` // Resolved when product app attached to specific environment or null if unassigned Environments []*Environment `json:"environments,omitempty"` }
Application entity
func (Application) IsApplicationTreeItem ¶
func (Application) IsApplicationTreeItem()
func (Application) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (Application) IsBaseEntity()
func (Application) IsEntity ¶
func (Application) IsEntity()
func (Application) IsFavorable ¶
func (Application) IsFavorable()
func (Application) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (Application) IsGitopsEntity()
func (Application) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (Application) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type ApplicationEdge ¶
type ApplicationEdge struct { // Node contains the actual application data Node *Application `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Application Edge
func (ApplicationEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ApplicationEdge) IsEdge()
type ApplicationField ¶
type ApplicationField struct { // Destination info Destination *ApplicationFormDestination `json:"destination,omitempty"` // Status Status *ArgoCDApplicationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Issues Issues []*Annotation `json:"issues,omitempty"` // PullRequest Prs []*Annotation `json:"prs,omitempty"` // Committers Committers []*CommitterLabel `json:"committers,omitempty"` // ArgoCD application target revision Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Build Builds []*Build `json:"builds,omitempty"` }
ApplicationField Entity
type ApplicationFormData ¶
type ApplicationFormData struct { // Metadata Metadata *ApplicationFormMetadata `json:"metadata"` // Destination info Destination *ApplicationFormDestination `json:"destination"` // Application source Source *ApplicationFormSource `json:"source"` // Project of application Project string `json:"project"` // Sync policy settings SyncPolicy *ApplicationFormSyncPolicy `json:"syncPolicy,omitempty"` // Ignore differences list IgnoreDifferences []*ApplicationFormIgnoreDifferences `json:"ignoreDifferences,omitempty"` }
Application form data object
type ApplicationFormDestination ¶
type ApplicationFormDestination struct { // Cluster name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Destination namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Cluster address Server *string `json:"server,omitempty"` }
Application form Destination
type ApplicationFormIgnoreDifferences ¶
type ApplicationFormIgnoreDifferences struct { // Group of ignored resource Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"` // Kind of ignored resource Kind string `json:"kind"` // Name of ignored resource Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Namespace of ignored resource Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Ignored json paths JSONPointers []string `json:"jsonPointers,omitempty"` // Jq Path Expressions JqPathExpressions []string `json:"jqPathExpressions,omitempty"` // ManagedFieldsManagers is a list of trusted managers. Fields mutated by those managers will take precedence over the desired state defined in the SCM and won't be displayed in diffs ManagedFieldsManagers []string `json:"managedFieldsManagers,omitempty"` }
Application ignore differences
type ApplicationFormMetadata ¶
type ApplicationFormMetadata struct { // Application name Name string `json:"name"` // Application namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Application finalizers Finalizers []string `json:"finalizers,omitempty"` // Annotations Annotations *string `json:"annotations,omitempty"` // Labels Labels *string `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
Application form metadata
type ApplicationFormSource ¶
type ApplicationFormSource struct { // Path Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Repository url RepoURL string `json:"repoURL"` // Target revision TargetRevision *string `json:"targetRevision,omitempty"` // Helm chart Chart *string `json:"chart,omitempty"` // Directory Directory *ApplicationFormSourceDirectory `json:"directory,omitempty"` // HEML Helm *ApplicationFormSourceHelm `json:"helm,omitempty"` // Kustomize Kustomize *ApplicationFormSourceKustomize `json:"kustomize,omitempty"` // Ksonnet Ksonnet *ApplicationFormSourceKsonnet `json:"ksonnet,omitempty"` // Plugin Plugin *ApplicationFormSourcePlugin `json:"plugin,omitempty"` // Name of ref source Ref *string `json:"ref,omitempty"` }
Application form Source
type ApplicationFormSourceDirectory ¶
type ApplicationFormSourceDirectory struct { // Directory recurse Recurse *bool `json:"recurse,omitempty"` // Exclude Exclude *string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` // Include Include *string `json:"include,omitempty"` // Directory jsonnet options Jsonnet *ApplicationFormSourceDirectoryJsonnet `json:"jsonnet,omitempty"` }
Application form Source Directory
type ApplicationFormSourceDirectoryJsonnet ¶
type ApplicationFormSourceDirectoryJsonnet struct { // Top level vars Tlas []*NameValueCodeOutput `json:"tlas,omitempty"` // External vars ExtVars []*NameValueCodeOutput `json:"extVars,omitempty"` // Libs Libs []string `json:"libs,omitempty"` }
Application form Source Directory Jsonnet
type ApplicationFormSourceHelm ¶
type ApplicationFormSourceHelm struct { // Values Values *string `json:"values,omitempty"` // Value files ValueFiles []string `json:"valueFiles,omitempty"` // Parameters Parameters []*NameValueOutput `json:"parameters,omitempty"` // File Parameters FileParameters []*ArgoCdDTOHelmFileParameter `json:"fileParameters,omitempty"` // Ignore Missing Value Files IgnoreMissingValueFiles *bool `json:"ignoreMissingValueFiles,omitempty"` // Pass Credentials PassCredentials *bool `json:"passCredentials,omitempty"` // Release Name ReleaseName *string `json:"releaseName,omitempty"` // Skip Crds SkipCrds *bool `json:"skipCrds,omitempty"` // Values Object ValuesObject *ArgoCdDTORuntimeRawExtension `json:"valuesObject,omitempty"` // Version Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
Application form Source Helm
type ApplicationFormSourceKsonnet ¶
type ApplicationFormSourceKsonnet struct { // Environment Environment string `json:"environment"` }
Application form Source Ksonnet
type ApplicationFormSourceKustomize ¶
type ApplicationFormSourceKustomize struct { // Name prefix NamePrefix *string `json:"namePrefix,omitempty"` // Name suffix NameSuffix *string `json:"nameSuffix,omitempty"` // Images Images []string `json:"images,omitempty"` // CommonAnnotations CommonAnnotations *string `json:"commonAnnotations,omitempty"` // CommonAnnotationsEnvsubst CommonAnnotationsEnvsubst *bool `json:"commonAnnotationsEnvsubst,omitempty"` // CommonLabels CommonLabels *string `json:"commonLabels,omitempty"` // Components Components []*string `json:"components,omitempty"` // ForceCommonAnnotations ForceCommonAnnotations *bool `json:"forceCommonAnnotations,omitempty"` // ForceCommonLabels ForceCommonLabels *bool `json:"forceCommonLabels,omitempty"` // ForceNamespace ForceNamespace *bool `json:"forceNamespace,omitempty"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Patches Patches []*ArgoCdDTOKustomizePatch `json:"patches,omitempty"` // Replicas Replicas []*ArgoCdDTOKustomizeReplica `json:"replicas,omitempty"` // Version Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
Application form Source Kustomize
type ApplicationFormSourcePlugin ¶
type ApplicationFormSourcePlugin struct { // Plagin name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Plagin parameters Parameters []*ArgoCdDTOApplicationSourcePluginParameter `json:"parameters,omitempty"` // Array of env variables Env []*NameValueOutput `json:"env,omitempty"` }
Application form Source Plugin
type ApplicationFormSyncAutomatedPolicy ¶
type ApplicationFormSyncAutomatedPolicy struct { // Prune policy flag Prune *bool `json:"prune,omitempty"` // Self heal policy flag SelfHeal *bool `json:"selfHeal,omitempty"` // AllowEmpty allows apps have zero live resources AllowEmpty *bool `json:"allowEmpty,omitempty"` }
Application form Sync Automated Policy
type ApplicationFormSyncPolicy ¶
type ApplicationFormSyncPolicy struct { // Automated sync policy options Automated *ApplicationFormSyncAutomatedPolicy `json:"automated,omitempty"` // Sync options - e.g. ['key=value'] SyncOptions []string `json:"syncOptions,omitempty"` // Retry options Retry *ApplicationFormSyncRetryOptions `json:"retry,omitempty"` // Managed namespace metadata ManagedNamespaceMetadata *ArgoCdDTOManagedNamespaceMetadata `json:"managedNamespaceMetadata,omitempty"` }
Application form Sync Policy
type ApplicationFormSyncRetryBackoffOptions ¶
type ApplicationFormSyncRetryBackoffOptions struct { // Duration Duration string `json:"duration"` // Max duration MaxDuration string `json:"maxDuration"` // Factor Factor int `json:"factor"` }
Application form Sync Policy retry options
type ApplicationFormSyncRetryOptions ¶
type ApplicationFormSyncRetryOptions struct { // Retries amount Limit int `json:"limit"` // Backoff options Backoff *ApplicationFormSyncRetryBackoffOptions `json:"backoff"` }
Application form Sync Policy retry options
type ApplicationGroup ¶
type ApplicationGroup struct { // Entity db id ID string `json:"id"` // Group name Name string `json:"name"` // Group Applications count ApplicationCount *int `json:"applicationCount,omitempty"` // Favorites Favorites []string `json:"favorites,omitempty"` // Is group marked as favorite (user scope) Favorite *bool `json:"favorite,omitempty"` }
Application Group Entity
func (ApplicationGroup) IsEntity ¶
func (ApplicationGroup) IsEntity()
func (ApplicationGroup) IsFavorableNotK8s ¶
func (ApplicationGroup) IsFavorableNotK8s()
func (ApplicationGroup) IsFavorableNotK8sEntity ¶
func (ApplicationGroup) IsFavorableNotK8sEntity()
type ApplicationGroupEdge ¶
type ApplicationGroupEdge struct { // Node contains the actual application group data Node *ApplicationGroup `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
ApplicationGroup Edge
func (ApplicationGroupEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ApplicationGroupEdge) IsEdge()
type ApplicationGroupFilterArgs ¶
type ApplicationGroupFilterArgs struct { // Partial name (case insensitive) PartialName *string `json:"partialName,omitempty"` // Application names AppNames []*string `json:"appNames,omitempty"` // Filter by user favorite Favorite *bool `json:"favorite,omitempty"` }
Args to filter ApplicationGroup
type ApplicationGroupSlice ¶
type ApplicationGroupSlice struct { // Application Group edges Edges []*ApplicationGroupEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Application Group Slice
func (ApplicationGroupSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ApplicationGroupSlice) IsSlice()
type ApplicationGroupSortArg ¶
type ApplicationGroupSortArg struct { // Field for sorting Field ApplicationGroupsSortingField `json:"field"` // Order Order SortingOrder `json:"order"` }
Application Groups sorting arguments
type ApplicationGroupsSortingField ¶
type ApplicationGroupsSortingField string
Application Groups Sorting field
const ( // By name ApplicationGroupsSortingFieldName ApplicationGroupsSortingField = "name" // By updated at ApplicationGroupsSortingFieldUpdatedAt ApplicationGroupsSortingField = "updatedAt" )
func (ApplicationGroupsSortingField) IsValid ¶
func (e ApplicationGroupsSortingField) IsValid() bool
func (ApplicationGroupsSortingField) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ApplicationGroupsSortingField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ApplicationGroupsSortingField) String ¶
func (e ApplicationGroupsSortingField) String() string
func (*ApplicationGroupsSortingField) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ApplicationGroupsSortingField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ApplicationIDInput ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ApplicationIDInput struct { // Runtime name Runtime string `json:"runtime"` // Application name Name string `json:"name"` // Namespace Namespace string `json:"namespace"` }
Application id
type ApplicationIssue ¶
type ApplicationIssue struct { // Application Name ApplicationName string `json:"applicationName"` // Runtime name Runtime *string `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Application namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Issue date Date string `json:"date"` // Error message Message string `json:"message"` // Kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Application sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Application health status HealthStatus HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus"` // Issue type Type IssueType `json:"type"` // Error level Level ErrorLevels `json:"level"` }
Product Release step application issue
func (ApplicationIssue) IsIssue ¶
func (ApplicationIssue) IsIssue()
func (ApplicationIssue) IsIssueKind ¶
func (ApplicationIssue) IsIssueKind()
type ApplicationManifestHierarchy ¶
type ApplicationManifestHierarchy struct { // Block name Name string `json:"name"` // Block line number Line *int `json:"line,omitempty"` // Nested items Children []*ApplicationManifestHierarchy `json:"children"` }
Application manifest hierarchy
type ApplicationOperation ¶
type ApplicationOperation struct { // Initiated By InitiatedBy *ApplicationOperationInitiatedBy `json:"initiatedBy,omitempty"` // Retry Retry *ApplicationOperationRetryOptions `json:"retry,omitempty"` // Info Info []*NameValueOutput `json:"info,omitempty"` // Sync Sync *ApplicationOperationSync `json:"sync,omitempty"` }
Application Operation
type ApplicationOperationInitiatedBy ¶
type ApplicationOperationInitiatedBy struct { // Automated Automated *bool `json:"automated,omitempty"` // Username Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
type ApplicationOperationRetryBackoffOptions ¶
type ApplicationOperationRetryBackoffOptions struct { // Duration Duration *string `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Max duration MaxDuration *string `json:"maxDuration,omitempty"` // Factor Factor *int `json:"factor,omitempty"` }
Application form Sync Policy retry options
type ApplicationOperationRetryOptions ¶
type ApplicationOperationRetryOptions struct { // Limit is the maximum Int of attempts for retrying a failed sync. If set to 0, no retries will be performed. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Backoff Backoff *ApplicationOperationRetryBackoffOptions `json:"backoff,omitempty"` }
type ApplicationOperationState ¶
type ApplicationOperationState struct { // Finished At FinishedAt *string `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` // Started At StartedAt string `json:"startedAt"` // Message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Phase Phase SyncOperationPhase `json:"phase"` // Type Type AppOperationType `json:"type"` // Retry Count RetryCount *int `json:"retryCount,omitempty"` // Operation Operation *ApplicationOperation `json:"operation"` // Sync Result SyncResult *ApplicationSyncResult `json:"syncResult,omitempty"` }
Application Operation State
type ApplicationOperationSync ¶
type ApplicationOperationSync struct { // Prune Prune *bool `json:"prune,omitempty"` // Revision Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Sync Options - e.g. ['key=value'] SyncOptions []string `json:"syncOptions,omitempty"` // Resources Resources []*ApplicationOperationSyncResource `json:"resources,omitempty"` // Sync Strategy SyncStrategy *ApplicationOperationSyncStrategy `json:"syncStrategy,omitempty"` // DryRun DryRun *bool `json:"dryRun,omitempty"` // Manifests Manifests []*string `json:"manifests,omitempty"` // Revisions is the list of revision (Git) or chart version (Helm) which to sync each source in sources field for the application to. If omitted, will use the revision specified in app spec. Revisions []*string `json:"revisions,omitempty"` // Source Source *ApplicationFormSource `json:"source,omitempty"` // Sources Sources []*ApplicationFormSource `json:"sources,omitempty"` }
ArgoCdDTO SyncOperation object
type ApplicationOperationSyncResource ¶
type ApplicationOperationSyncResource struct { // Kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Group Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` }
type ApplicationOperationSyncStrategy ¶
type ApplicationOperationSyncStrategy struct { // Apply Apply *ArgoCdDTOSyncStrategyApply `json:"apply,omitempty"` // Hook Hook *ArgoCdDTOSyncStrategyHook `json:"hook,omitempty"` }
type ApplicationOrderedStatistics ¶
type ApplicationOrderedStatistics struct { // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData"` // Applications stats ApplicationsStats []*ApplicationOrderedStatisticsData `json:"applicationsStats"` }
type ApplicationOrderedStatisticsData ¶
type ApplicationOrderedStatisticsData struct { // Application Application string `json:"application"` // Namespace Namespace string `json:"namespace"` // Runtime Runtime string `json:"runtime"` // Cluster Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // Application deployment statistics by status DeploymentStatusBreakdown []*DeploymentStatisticsInfo `json:"deploymentStatusBreakdown"` // Total deployments TotalDeployments *MetricWithTrend `json:"totalDeployments"` }
Ordered Application Stats single application statistics
type ApplicationRef ¶
type ApplicationRef struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Group Group string `json:"group"` // Kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Version Version string `json:"version"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Is reference was cut during tree normalizing IsReferenceCut *bool `json:"isReferenceCut,omitempty"` }
Application ref
type ApplicationSet ¶
type ApplicationSet struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Relations between parents and child applications in tree AppsRelations *AppsRelations `json:"appsRelations,omitempty"` // ReadPermission of related git source ReadPermission *bool `json:"readPermission,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Updated At UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Path Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // RepoURL RepoURL *string `json:"repoURL,omitempty"` // Revision Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Number of resources Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Favorites Favorites []string `json:"favorites,omitempty"` }
ApplicationSet entity
func (ApplicationSet) IsApplicationTreeItem ¶
func (ApplicationSet) IsApplicationTreeItem()
func (ApplicationSet) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (ApplicationSet) IsBaseEntity()
func (ApplicationSet) IsEntity ¶
func (ApplicationSet) IsEntity()
func (ApplicationSet) IsFavorable ¶
func (ApplicationSet) IsFavorable()
func (ApplicationSet) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (ApplicationSet) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type ApplicationSetEdge ¶
type ApplicationSetEdge struct { // Node contains the actual application set data Node *ApplicationSet `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Application Set Edge
func (ApplicationSetEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ApplicationSetEdge) IsEdge()
type ApplicationSetSlice ¶
type ApplicationSetSlice struct { // Application edges Edges []*ApplicationSetEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
ApplicationSet Slice
func (ApplicationSetSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ApplicationSetSlice) IsSlice()
type ApplicationSlice ¶
type ApplicationSlice struct { // Application edges Edges []*ApplicationEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Application Slice
func (ApplicationSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ApplicationSlice) IsSlice()
type ApplicationSyncComparedTo ¶
type ApplicationSyncComparedTo struct { // Destination Destination *ApplicationFormDestination `json:"destination"` // Source Source *ApplicationFormSource `json:"source,omitempty"` }
Application Sync Compared To
type ApplicationSyncResult ¶
type ApplicationSyncResult struct { // Revision Revision string `json:"revision"` // Resources Resources []*SyncResultResource `json:"resources,omitempty"` // Source Source *ApplicationFormSource `json:"source,omitempty"` }
type ApplicationSyncStatus ¶
type ApplicationSyncStatus struct { // Status Status SyncStatus `json:"status"` // Revision Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // ComparedTo ComparedTo *ApplicationSyncComparedTo `json:"comparedTo,omitempty"` }
Application Sync Status
type ApplicationTreeHealthStatusStatisticRecord ¶
type ApplicationTreeHealthStatusStatisticRecord struct { // Health Status Type HealthStatus `json:"type"` // Count Count int `json:"count"` }
Application Tree Health Status Statistic
type ApplicationTreeItem ¶
type ApplicationTreeItem interface {
Application tree item might be Application or ApplicationSet
type ApplicationTreeSortingField ¶
type ApplicationTreeSortingField string
Application Tree Sorting field
const ( // healthStatus ApplicationTreeSortingFieldHealthStatus ApplicationTreeSortingField = "healthStatus" // kind ApplicationTreeSortingFieldKind ApplicationTreeSortingField = "kind" // last deployment date ApplicationTreeSortingFieldLastUpdated ApplicationTreeSortingField = "lastUpdated" // name ApplicationTreeSortingFieldName ApplicationTreeSortingField = "name" // runtime ApplicationTreeSortingFieldRuntime ApplicationTreeSortingField = "runtime" // syncStatus ApplicationTreeSortingFieldSyncStatus ApplicationTreeSortingField = "syncStatus" )
func (ApplicationTreeSortingField) IsValid ¶
func (e ApplicationTreeSortingField) IsValid() bool
func (ApplicationTreeSortingField) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ApplicationTreeSortingField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ApplicationTreeSortingField) String ¶
func (e ApplicationTreeSortingField) String() string
func (*ApplicationTreeSortingField) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ApplicationTreeSortingField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AppsRelations ¶
type AppsRelations struct { // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []*ApplicationRef `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []*ApplicationRef `json:"references,omitempty"` }
Application relations
type ArgoCDApplicationDestination ¶
type ArgoCDApplicationDestination struct { // Cluster name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Cluster url Server *string `json:"server,omitempty"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` }
Argo CD Application destination config
type ArgoCDApplicationSpecSource ¶
type ArgoCDApplicationSpecSource struct { // Path Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Repo url RepoURL string `json:"repoURL"` // Branch/Tag or chart version (for helm) TargetRevision *string `json:"targetRevision,omitempty"` // Chart name Chart *string `json:"chart,omitempty"` }
Argo CD Application spec source
type ArgoCDApplicationStatus ¶
type ArgoCDApplicationStatus struct { // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Sync started at SyncStartedAt *string `json:"syncStartedAt,omitempty"` // Sync finished at SyncFinishedAt *string `json:"syncFinishedAt,omitempty"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Revision Revision string `json:"revision"` // Version Version string `json:"version"` // CommitAuthor CommitAuthor *string `json:"commitAuthor,omitempty"` // CommitAvatar CommitAvatar *string `json:"commitAvatar,omitempty"` // CommitUrl CommitURL *string `json:"commitUrl,omitempty"` // CommitMessage CommitMessage *string `json:"commitMessage,omitempty"` // CommitDate CommitDate *string `json:"commitDate,omitempty"` // History Id HistoryID *int `json:"historyId,omitempty"` // History Id MinHistoryID *int `json:"minHistoryId,omitempty"` }
Argo CD Application status
type ArgoCDNotification ¶
type ArgoCDNotification interface {
ArgoCD Notification
type ArgoCdDTOApplicationSourcePluginParameter ¶
type ArgoCdDTOApplicationSourcePluginParameter struct { // Array is the value of an array type parameter. Array []*string `json:"array,omitempty"` // Map is the value of a map type parameter. {[k: String]: String } Map *string `json:"map,omitempty"` // Name is the name identifying a parameter. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // String_ is the value of a String type parameter. String *string `json:"string,omitempty"` }
type ArgoCdDTOHelmFileParameter ¶
type ArgoCdDTOHelmFileParameter struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Path Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
type ArgoCdDTOIntstrIntOrString ¶
type ArgoCdDTOIntstrIntOrString struct { // IntVal IntVal *int `json:"intVal,omitempty"` // StrVal StrVal *string `json:"strVal,omitempty"` // Type Type *int `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeGvk ¶
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeGvk struct { // Group Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"` // Kind Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"` // Version Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizePatch ¶
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizePatch struct { // { [k: String]: Boolean } Options *string `json:"options,omitempty"` // Patch Patch *string `json:"patch,omitempty"` // Path Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Target Target *ArgoCdDTOKustomizeSelector `json:"target,omitempty"` }
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeReplica ¶
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeReplica struct { // Count Count *ArgoCdDTOIntstrIntOrString `json:"count"` // Name Name string `json:"name"` }
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeResID ¶
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeResID struct { // Gvk Gvk *ArgoCdDTOKustomizeGvk `json:"gvk,omitempty"` // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` }
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeSelector ¶
type ArgoCdDTOKustomizeSelector struct { // AnnotationSelector AnnotationSelector *string `json:"annotationSelector,omitempty"` // LabelSelector LabelSelector *string `json:"labelSelector,omitempty"` // ResId ResID *ArgoCdDTOKustomizeResID `json:"resId,omitempty"` }
type ArgoCdDTOManagedNamespaceMetadata ¶
type ArgoCdDTOManagedNamespaceMetadata struct { // { [k: String]: String } Annotations *string `json:"annotations,omitempty"` // { [k: String]: String } Labels *string `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
type ArgoCdDTORuntimeRawExtension ¶
type ArgoCdDTORuntimeRawExtension struct { // Raw Raw *string `json:"raw,omitempty"` }
RawExtension is used to hold extensions in external versions. To use this, make a field which has RawExtension as its type in your external, versioned struct, and Object in your internal struct. You also need to register your various plugin types.
type ArgoCdDTOSyncStrategyApply ¶
type ArgoCdDTOSyncStrategyApply struct { // Force indicates whether or not to supply the --force flag to `kubectl apply`. The --force flag deletes and re-create the resource, when PATCH encounters conflict and has retried for 5 times. Force *bool `json:"force,omitempty"` }
type ArgoCdDTOSyncStrategyHook ¶
type ArgoCdDTOSyncStrategyHook struct { // SyncStrategyApply SyncStrategyApply *ArgoCdDTOSyncStrategyApply `json:"syncStrategyApply,omitempty"` }
SyncStrategyHook will perform a sync using hooks annotations. If no hook annotation is specified falls back to `kubectl apply`.
type ArgoEventsNotification ¶
type ArgoEventsNotification interface {
ArgoEvents Notification
type ArgoHubTemplate ¶
type ArgoHubTemplate struct { // Version ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Manifest Manifest *string `json:"manifest,omitempty"` // Manifest url ManifestURL *string `json:"manifestUrl,omitempty"` // Description Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Categories Categories []*string `json:"categories,omitempty"` }
Argo Hub Template
type ArgoHubTemplates ¶
type ArgoHubTemplates struct { // Starter template name Data []*ArgoHubTemplatesSlice `json:"data,omitempty"` }
Argo Hub Templates
type ArgoHubTemplatesFilterArgs ¶
type ArgoHubTemplatesFilterArgs struct { // Filter Argo Hub Templates by category Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` // Filter Argo Hub Templates by name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Argo Hub templates filter arguments
type ArgoHubTemplatesSlice ¶
type ArgoHubTemplatesSlice struct { // Template name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Versions Versions []*ArgoHubTemplate `json:"versions,omitempty"` // Latest version LatestVersion *ArgoHubTemplate `json:"latestVersion,omitempty"` }
Argo Hub Templates Slice
type AuditEdge ¶
type AuditEdge struct { // Node contains the actual audit record Node *AuditEntity `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Audit Edge
type AuditEntity ¶
type AuditEntity struct { // Timestamp Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // AccountId AccountID *string `json:"accountId,omitempty"` // AccountName AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty"` // UserId UserID *string `json:"userId,omitempty"` // UserName UserName *string `json:"userName,omitempty"` // Action Action string `json:"action"` // AuthEntityType AuthEntityType string `json:"authEntityType"` // EventType EventType string `json:"eventType"` // EntityType EntityType string `json:"entityType"` // EntityId EntityID *string `json:"entityId,omitempty"` // EntityName EntityName string `json:"entityName"` // Runtime Runtime *string `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // IP IP *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Method Method *string `json:"method,omitempty"` // Url URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Params Params *string `json:"params,omitempty"` // Query Query *string `json:"query,omitempty"` // Headers Headers *string `json:"headers,omitempty"` // Payload Payload *string `json:"payload,omitempty"` // Status Status *int `json:"status,omitempty"` // Response Response *string `json:"response,omitempty"` }
Audit Entity Record
type AuditFilterArgs ¶
type AuditFilterArgs struct { // Status Status *int `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Args to filter audit
type AuditSlice ¶
type AuditSlice struct { // Audit edges Edges []*AuditEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Audit Slice
type Auth0sso ¶
type Auth0sso struct { // ID ID string `json:"id"` // Client type ClientType string `json:"clientType"` // Client name ClientName string `json:"clientName"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Accounts Accounts []*string `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // Access token AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` // Client Id, appId in Azure ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` // Client secret ClientSecret *string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` // Onprem default IDP OnpremDefaultIdp *bool `json:"onpremDefaultIdp,omitempty"` // Redirect url RedirectURL *string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect ui url RedirectUIURL *string `json:"redirectUiUrl,omitempty"` // Login url LoginURL *string `json:"loginUrl,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Scopes Scopes []*string `json:"scopes,omitempty"` // Client host ClientHost *string `json:"clientHost,omitempty"` }
type AvgChangeFailureRateStatistics ¶
type AvgChangeFailureRateStatistics struct { // Avg change failure rate data Data []*DoraStatisticsData `json:"data"` // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData"` // Avg change failure rate info Info *DoraStatisticsSummery `json:"info"` }
Stats for avg change failure rate
type AvgTimeToRestoreServiceStatistics ¶
type AvgTimeToRestoreServiceStatistics struct { // Avg time to restore service data Data []*DoraStatisticsData `json:"data"` // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData"` // Avg time to restore service info Info *DoraStatisticsSummery `json:"info"` }
Stats for Avg time to restore service
type AzureSso ¶
type AzureSso struct { // ID ID string `json:"id"` // Client type ClientType string `json:"clientType"` // Client name ClientName string `json:"clientName"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Accounts Accounts []*string `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // Access token AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` // Client Id, appId in Azure ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` // Client secret ClientSecret *string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` // Onprem default IDP OnpremDefaultIdp *bool `json:"onpremDefaultIdp,omitempty"` // Redirect url RedirectURL *string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect ui url RedirectUIURL *string `json:"redirectUiUrl,omitempty"` // Login url LoginURL *string `json:"loginUrl,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Client host ClientHost *string `json:"clientHost,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *string `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Object Id in Azure AppID *string `json:"appId,omitempty"` // Scopes Scopes []*string `json:"scopes,omitempty"` // Cookie key CookieKey *string `json:"cookieKey,omitempty"` // Cookie iv CookieIv *string `json:"cookieIv,omitempty"` // Auto group sync AutoGroupSync *bool `json:"autoGroupSync,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncInterval *string `json:"syncInterval,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncIntervalType *string `json:"syncIntervalType,omitempty"` }
type BasePrice ¶
type BasePrice struct { // Month Month *int `json:"month,omitempty"` // Year Year *int `json:"year,omitempty"` }
type BaseReference ¶
type BaseReference struct { // Object metadata Metadata *EntityReferenceMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` }
references info
type BitbucketCloudTriggerConditions ¶
type BitbucketCloudTriggerConditions struct { // Event type from mapping (push, pull_request etc.) EventType string `json:"eventType"` // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Repositories Repositories []string `json:"repositories"` // Filters for this trigger condition Filters *TriggerConditionFilters `json:"filters"` // Parameters choosen for each event type (push, pull_request...) Parameters []*TriggerConditionParameter `json:"parameters"` // Repo filter argumets Repo *RepoBitbucketCloudFilterArgs `json:"repo"` }
BitbucketCloud trigger conditions
type BitbucketCloudTriggerConditionsArgs ¶
type BitbucketCloudTriggerConditionsArgs struct { // Specific gitlab event (push, push.heads, pull_request etc.) EventType string `json:"eventType"` // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Repositories Repositories []string `json:"repositories"` // Filters for this trigger condition Filters *TriggerConditionFiltersArgs `json:"filters"` // Parameters choosen for each event type (push, pull_request...) Parameters []*TriggerConditionParameterArgs `json:"parameters"` // repo filter argumets Repo *RepoBitbucketCloudFilterArgsInput `json:"repo"` // serverCertSecret refers the secret that contains the server cert. ServerCertSecret *SecretKeySelector `json:"serverCertSecret,omitempty"` }
BitbucketCloud trigger conditions
type BitbucketServerTriggerConditions ¶
type BitbucketServerTriggerConditions struct { // Event type from mapping (push, pull_request etc.) EventType string `json:"eventType"` // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Repositories Repositories []string `json:"repositories"` // Bitbucket Server url BaseURL string `json:"baseUrl"` // Filters for this trigger condition Filters *TriggerConditionFilters `json:"filters"` // Parameters choosen for each event type (push, pull_request...) Parameters []*TriggerConditionParameter `json:"parameters"` }
BitbucketServer trigger conditions
type BitbucketServerTriggerConditionsArgs ¶
type BitbucketServerTriggerConditionsArgs struct { // Specific gitlab event (push, push.heads, pull_request etc.) EventType string `json:"eventType"` // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Repositories Repositories []string `json:"repositories"` // Base url BaseURL string `json:"baseUrl"` // Filters for this trigger condition Filters *TriggerConditionFiltersArgs `json:"filters"` // Parameters choosen for each event type (push, pull_request...) Parameters []*TriggerConditionParameterArgs `json:"parameters"` // serverCertSecret refers the secret that contains the server cert. ServerCertSecret *SecretKeySelector `json:"serverCertSecret,omitempty"` }
BitbucketServer trigger conditions
type Build ¶
type Build struct { // Build Id ID string `json:"id"` // PipelineRef Pipeline *PipelineRef `json:"pipeline"` }
Build Entity
type CacheInfo ¶
type CacheInfo struct { // ResourcesCount holds number of observed Kubernetes resources ResourcesCount *int `json:"resourcesCount,omitempty"` // APIsCount holds number of observed Kubernetes API count ApisCount *int `json:"apisCount,omitempty"` // LastCacheSyncTime holds time of most recent cache synchronization LastCacheSyncTime *string `json:"lastCacheSyncTime,omitempty"` }
ClusterCacheInfo contains information about the cluster cache
type CalendarEventPayloadData ¶
type CalendarEventPayloadData struct { // Event payload type Type PayloadDataTypes `json:"type"` // Event uid UID string `json:"uid"` // Event source name EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // The relevant event name in the event source EventName *string `json:"eventName,omitempty"` // TBD Schedule *string `json:"schedule,omitempty"` // TBD Interval *string `json:"interval,omitempty"` // TBD Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` // TBD Metadata *string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` }
Calendar event payload data
func (CalendarEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData ¶
func (CalendarEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData()
type CalendarTriggerConditions ¶
type CalendarTriggerConditions struct { // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Number of seconds, minutes, hours, etc.. Interval *string `json:"interval,omitempty"` // Cron expression Schedule *string `json:"schedule,omitempty"` // TimeZone Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` // Metadata Metadata *string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` }
Calendar trigger conditions
type CalendarTriggerConditionsArgs ¶
type CalendarTriggerConditionsArgs struct { // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Number of seconds, minutes, hours, etc.. Interval *string `json:"interval,omitempty"` // Cron expression Schedule *string `json:"schedule,omitempty"` // TimeZone Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` // Metadata Metadata *string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` }
Calendar trigger conditions
type ChildApplicationField ¶
type ChildApplicationField struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Repo Repo *string `json:"repo,omitempty"` // Cluster Cluster *string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Status Status *SyncStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
ChildApplicationField Entity
type ChildWorkflowRef ¶
type ChildWorkflowRef struct { // Child workflow Workflow *Workflow `json:"workflow,omitempty"` // Child workflow type Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Node ref NodeRef *string `json:"nodeRef,omitempty"` }
Child workflow reference
type ClassicPipelineDurationMetric ¶
type ClassicPipelineDurationMetric struct { // Duration Name DurationName DurationName `json:"durationName"` // Duration statistics DurationStats *ClassicPipelineMetric `json:"durationStats"` }
Classic pipeline duration stats
type ClassicPipelineMetric ¶
type ClassicPipelineMetric struct { // Info Info *PipelineClassicStatsInfo `json:"info"` // Data Data []*TimeSeriesDataRecord `json:"data"` }
Classic pipeline metric
type ClassicPipelinePerformanceRecord ¶
type ClassicPipelinePerformanceRecord struct { // Pipeline Id PipelineID string `json:"pipelineId"` // Pipeline Name PipelineName string `json:"pipelineName"` // Project Id ProjectID *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // Project Name ProjectName *string `json:"projectName,omitempty"` // Number of exeuctions statistic Executions *MetricWithTrend `json:"executions"` // Pipeline Duration Statitstic Duration *MetricWithTrend `json:"duration"` // Is Deleted IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` }
Classic Pipeline Performance Record
type ClassicPipelineStatistics ¶
type ClassicPipelineStatistics struct { // Success Rate stats SuccessRateStats *ClassicPipelineMetric `json:"successRateStats"` // Duration stats DurationStats []*ClassicPipelineDurationMetric `json:"durationStats"` }
Pipeline statistics to be used in analytics module
type ClassicPipelinesPerformanceStatistics ¶
type ClassicPipelinesPerformanceStatistics struct { // Performance stats PerformancesStats []*ClassicPipelinePerformanceRecord `json:"performancesStats"` // Duration type DurationType *PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType `json:"durationType,omitempty"` // Time dimension info Info *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"info,omitempty"` }
Classic Pipelines Performance Statistics
type ClientIP ¶
type ClientIP struct { // TimeoutSeconds TimeoutSeconds *int `json:"timeoutSeconds,omitempty"` }
type CloudBuilds ¶
type CloudBuilds struct { // Is cloud builds activated IsActivated *bool `json:"isActivated,omitempty"` // Who was it performed by PerformedBy *string `json:"performedBy,omitempty"` // Is cloud builds requested IsRequested *bool `json:"isRequested,omitempty"` // Date Date *string `json:"date,omitempty"` }
Cloud Builds
type Cluster ¶
type Cluster struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references"` // Server is the API server URL of the Kubernetes cluster Server string `json:"server"` // Holds list of namespaces which are accessible in that cluster. Cluster level resources will be ignored if namespace list is not empty. Namespaces []string `json:"namespaces"` // RefreshRequestedAt holds time when cluster cache refresh has been requested RefreshRequestedAt *string `json:"refreshRequestedAt,omitempty"` // Shard contains optional shard number. Calculated on the fly by the application controller if not specified. Shard *int `json:"shard,omitempty"` // Indicates if cluster level resources should be managed. This setting is used only if cluster is connected in a namespaced mode. ClusterResources bool `json:"clusterResources"` // Info holds information about cluster cache and state Info *ClusterInfo `json:"info"` }
Cluster entity
func (Cluster) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (Cluster) IsBaseEntity()
type ClusterConnectionStatus ¶
type ClusterConnectionStatus string
ConnectionState contains information about remote resource connection state, currently used for clusters and repositories
const ( // ConnectionStatusFailed indicates that a connection attempt has failed ClusterConnectionStatusFailed ClusterConnectionStatus = "Failed" // ConnectionStatusSuccessful indicates that a connection has been successfully established ClusterConnectionStatusSuccessful ClusterConnectionStatus = "Successful" // ConnectionStatusUnknown indicates that the connection status could not be reliably determined ClusterConnectionStatusUnknown ClusterConnectionStatus = "Unknown" )
func (ClusterConnectionStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e ClusterConnectionStatus) IsValid() bool
func (ClusterConnectionStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ClusterConnectionStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ClusterConnectionStatus) String ¶
func (e ClusterConnectionStatus) String() string
func (*ClusterConnectionStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ClusterConnectionStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ClusterEdge ¶
type ClusterEdge struct { // Node contains the actual cluster data Node *Cluster `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Cluster Edge
func (ClusterEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ClusterEdge) IsEdge()
type ClusterInfo ¶
type ClusterInfo struct { // ConnectionState contains information about the connection to the cluster ConnectionState *ConnectionState `json:"connectionState"` // ServerVersion contains information about the Kubernetes version of the cluster ServerVersion *string `json:"serverVersion,omitempty"` // CacheInfo contains information about the cluster cache CacheInfo *CacheInfo `json:"cacheInfo,omitempty"` // ApplicationsCount is the number of applications managed by Argo CD on the cluster ApplicationsCount int `json:"applicationsCount"` // APIVersions contains list of API versions supported by the cluster APIVersions []*string `json:"apiVersions,omitempty"` }
ClusterInfo contains information about the cluster
type ClusterNamesDDRecord ¶
type ClusterNamesDDRecord struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Is Deleted IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` }
Cluster Names Record For Dropdown
type ClusterSlice ¶
type ClusterSlice struct { // Cluster edges Edges []*ClusterEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Cluster Slice
func (ClusterSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ClusterSlice) IsSlice()
type ClusterURLDDRecord ¶
type ClusterURLDDRecord struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Url URL string `json:"url"` // Is Deleted IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` }
Cluster Url Record For Dropdown
type ClustersStatistics ¶
type ClustersStatistics struct { // Total clusters number Total int `json:"total"` // Number of connected runtimes Connected int `json:"connected"` // Number of failed connection clusters Failed int `json:"failed"` // Number of unknown connection clusters Unknown int `json:"unknown"` }
Clusters statistics
type CommitFilesArgs ¶ added in v1.3.1
type CommitFilesArgs struct { // Git integration name, if not provided will use the default one IntegrationName *string `json:"integrationName,omitempty"` // Branch name, if empty - will use the repo's defaultBranch (usually 'main') BranchName *string `json:"branchName,omitempty"` // Repository full name in format {owner}/{name} Repo string `json:"repo"` // Files to commit Files []*File `json:"files"` // Commit messege Msg *string `json:"msg,omitempty"` // Description messege Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Forced Commit flag -> If true will commit even if one of the files is outdated Force *bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // allow empty commit AllowEmpty *bool `json:"allowEmpty,omitempty"` }
Commit files to a git repository args
type CommitInfo ¶
type CommitInfo struct { // Commit message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Committer name Committer *string `json:"committer,omitempty"` // Commit sha Sha *string `json:"sha,omitempty"` // Commit revision Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Commit repository url RepoURL *string `json:"repoURL,omitempty"` // Committer avatar Avatar *string `json:"avatar,omitempty"` }
Commit info
type CommitInfoArgs ¶
type CommitInfoArgs struct { // Message Message string `json:"message"` // Committer Committer string `json:"committer"` // Sha Sha string `json:"sha"` // Revision Revision string `json:"revision"` // Repo URL RepoURL string `json:"repoURL"` }
type Commits ¶
type Commits struct { // url URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // userName UserName *string `json:"userName,omitempty"` // sha Sha *string `json:"sha,omitempty"` // message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // commitDate CommitDate *string `json:"commitDate,omitempty"` }
type CommitsOutput ¶
type CommitsOutput struct { // Commit url URL string `json:"url"` // Commit author UserName string `json:"userName"` // Commit sha Sha string `json:"sha"` // Commit message Message string `json:"message"` }
Commits output
type CommitterLabel ¶
type CommitterLabel struct { // UserName UserName string `json:"userName"` // Avatar Avatar *string `json:"avatar,omitempty"` // Committer commits list Commits []*CommitsOutput `json:"commits,omitempty"` }
Committer Label
type CommonGitEventPayloadData ¶
type CommonGitEventPayloadData interface {
"Common events properties
type Component ¶
type Component struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Self entity reference for the real k8s entity in case of codefresh logical entity Self *Application `json:"self,omitempty"` // History of the component History *CompositeSlice `json:"history"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Component's version Version string `json:"version"` }
Component entity
func (Component) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (Component) IsBaseEntity()
func (Component) IsK8sLogicEntity ¶
func (Component) IsK8sLogicEntity()
func (Component) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (Component) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type ComponentDependenciesContent ¶
type ComponentDependenciesContent struct { // Source of dependencies Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` // Yaml of dependencies Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` }
Yaml contents of dependencies description
type ComponentEdge ¶
type ComponentEdge struct { // Node contains the actual component data Node *Component `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Component Edge
func (ComponentEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ComponentEdge) IsEdge()
type ComponentNotification ¶
type ComponentNotification struct { // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus"` // Revision Revision string `json:"revision"` // Metadata object of the k8s entity Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Action type Action *NotificationActionType `json:"action,omitempty"` // Notification unique id ID string `json:"id"` // Account id AccountID string `json:"accountId"` // Text of error or warning message Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Notification kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // State of notification State *NotificationState `json:"state,omitempty"` // Timestamp of notification Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // Notification type NotificationType NotificationType `json:"notificationType"` }
Component Notification
func (ComponentNotification) IsArgoCDNotification ¶
func (ComponentNotification) IsArgoCDNotification()
func (ComponentNotification) IsGitOpsNotification ¶
func (ComponentNotification) IsGitOpsNotification()
func (ComponentNotification) IsNotification ¶
func (ComponentNotification) IsNotification()
type ComponentSlice ¶
type ComponentSlice struct { // Component edges Edges []*ComponentEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Component Slice
func (ComponentSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ComponentSlice) IsSlice()
type CompositeSlice ¶
type CompositeSlice struct { // GitOps edges Edges []*GitOpsEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo []*CompositeSliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Indicate if there is next slice HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage"` // Indicate if there is previous slice HasPrevPage bool `json:"hasPrevPage"` }
Composite Slice
type CompositeSliceInfo ¶
type CompositeSliceInfo struct { // Key of the slice Key string `json:"key"` // Cursor for the first result in the slice StartCursor *string `json:"startCursor,omitempty"` // Cursor for the last result in the slice EndCursor *string `json:"endCursor,omitempty"` }
Infomration about a slice of a specific kind
type CompositeSlicePaginationArgs ¶
type CompositeSlicePaginationArgs struct { // References a specific key Key string `json:"key"` // Returns entities after the provided cursor After *string `json:"after,omitempty"` // Returns entities before the provided cursor Before *string `json:"before,omitempty"` // Returns the first X entities First *int `json:"first,omitempty"` // Returns the last X entities Last *int `json:"last,omitempty"` }
Pagination arguments to request kind-slice
type ConfigMapFormData ¶
type ConfigMapFormData struct { // Metadata Metadata *ConfigMapMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Data Data *string `json:"data,omitempty"` // Data BinaryData *string `json:"binaryData,omitempty"` // Sync status SyncStatus *SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus,omitempty"` }
ConfigMap Form Data object
type ConfigMapMetadata ¶
type ConfigMapMetadata struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Runtime Runtime *string `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Labels Labels []*StringPair `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
type ConnectionState ¶
type ConnectionState struct { // Status contains the current status indicator for the connection Status ClusterConnectionStatus `json:"status"` // Message contains human readable information about the connection status Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // AttemptedAt contains the timestamp when this connection status has been determined AttemptedAt *string `json:"attemptedAt,omitempty"` }
ConnectionState contains information about remote resource connection state, currently used for clusters and repositories
type CreateAuditClassicRecordResponse ¶
type CreateAuditClassicRecordResponse struct { // IsError IsError bool `json:"isError"` // Error message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
Create Audit Classic Record Response
type CreateCommitAdHocProductReleaseInput ¶ added in v1.3.1
type CreateCommitAdHocProductReleaseInput struct { // Source application id SrcAppID *ApplicationIDInput `json:"srcAppId"` // List of destination applications ids DestAppIds []*ApplicationIDInput `json:"destAppIds"` // Destination environment name DestEnvironment string `json:"destEnvironment"` // Last commit info CommitInfo *CommitInfoArgs `json:"commitInfo"` // Promotion policy Policy *PromotionPolicyDefinitionInput `json:"policy"` Payload *CommitFilesArgs `json:"payload"` }
Create commit ad hoc product release arguments
type CreateEnvironmentArgs ¶
type CreateEnvironmentArgs struct { // Environment name Name string `json:"name"` // Kind of environment Kind EnvironmentKind `json:"kind"` // List of clusters that belong to this environment Clusters []*EnvironmentClusterInput `json:"clusters"` }
Create Environment Input
type CreateGitSourcePlaceholderInput ¶
type CreateGitSourcePlaceholderInput struct { // App name AppName string `json:"appName"` // The path to the source watched by the git-source AppSpecifier string `json:"appSpecifier"` // The server on which the resources will be applied DestServer string `json:"destServer"` // The server on which the resources will be applied DestNamespace string `json:"destNamespace"` // The labels of the git-source Labels *string `json:"labels,omitempty"` // Files to be included Include *string `json:"include,omitempty"` // Files to be excluded Exclude *string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` // Is this a codefresh internal git-source IsInternal *bool `json:"isInternal,omitempty"` // Is this a restricted git-source IsRestricted *bool `json:"isRestricted,omitempty"` }
Input for git-source placeholder
type CreateProductArgs ¶
type CreateProductArgs struct { // Product name Name string `json:"name"` // Tags list Tags []*string `json:"tags"` }
Create Product Input
type DataFilter ¶
type DataFilter struct { // Comparator compares the event data with a user given value. Can be '>=', '>', '=', '!=', '<', or '<='. Is optional, and if left blank treated as equality '='. Comparator *string `json:"comparator,omitempty"` // Path is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key Path is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard characters '*' and '?'. To access an array value use the index as the key. Path string `json:"path"` // Template is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's data. A Template is evaluated with provided path, type and value. The templating follows the standard go-template syntax as well as sprig's extra functions Template *string `json:"template,omitempty"` // Type contains the JSON type of the data Type string `json:"type"` // Value is the allowed string values for this key Booleans are passed using strconv.ParseBool() Numbers are parsed using as float64 using strconv.ParseFloat() Strings are taken as is Nils this value is ignored Value []*string `json:"value"` }
Data filter is the raw argo events DataFilter ported from their types
type DataFilterArgs ¶
type DataFilterArgs struct { // Comparator compares the event data with a user given value. Can be '>=', '>', '=', '!=', '<', or '<='. Is optional, and if left blank treated as equality '='. Comparator *string `json:"comparator,omitempty"` // Path is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key Path is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard characters '*' and '?'. To access an array value use the index as the key. Path string `json:"path"` // Template is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's data. A Template is evaluated with provided path, type and value. The templating follows the standard go-template syntax as well as sprig's extra functions Template *string `json:"template,omitempty"` // Type contains the JSON type of the data Type string `json:"type"` // Value is the allowed string values for this key Booleans are passed using strconv.ParseBool() Numbers are parsed using as float64 using strconv.ParseFloat() Strings are taken as is Nils this value is ignored Value []*string `json:"value"` }
Data filter is the raw argo events DataFilter ported from their types
type DataRetention ¶
type DataRetention struct { // Weeks Weeks *int `json:"weeks,omitempty"` }
type DefaultDindResources ¶
type DefaultDindResources struct { // Requests Requests *ResourcesRequests `json:"requests,omitempty"` }
type DeleteEnvironmentArgs ¶
type DeleteEnvironmentArgs struct { // Id of the environment ID string `json:"id"` }
Delete Environment Input
type DeleteProductArgs ¶
type DeleteProductArgs struct { // Id of the Product ID string `json:"id"` }
Delete Product Input
type Deployment ¶
type Deployment struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the generic entity History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Deployment Entity Spec *DeploymentSpec `json:"spec"` // Deployment Status Status *DeploymentStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Deployment entity
func (Deployment) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (Deployment) IsBaseEntity()
func (Deployment) IsEntity ¶
func (Deployment) IsEntity()
func (Deployment) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (Deployment) IsGitopsEntity()
func (Deployment) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (Deployment) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type DeploymentContainer ¶
type DeploymentContainer struct { // Containers Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Image Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` // ImagePullPolicy ImagePullPolicy *ImagePullPolicy `json:"imagePullPolicy,omitempty"` }
type DeploymentEdge ¶
type DeploymentEdge struct { // Node contains the actual Deployment data Node *Deployment `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Deployment Edge
func (DeploymentEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (DeploymentEdge) IsEdge()
type DeploymentFrequencyStatistics ¶
type DeploymentFrequencyStatistics struct { // Deployment frequency statistics data Data []*DoraStatisticsData `json:"data"` // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData"` // Deployments frequency info Info *DoraStatisticsSummery `json:"info"` }
Stats for deployment frequency
type DeploymentSlice ¶
type DeploymentSlice struct { // Deployment edges Edges []*DeploymentEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Deployment Slice
func (DeploymentSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (DeploymentSlice) IsSlice()
type DeploymentSpec ¶
type DeploymentSpec struct { // Template Template *PodTemplateSpec `json:"template,omitempty"` // Replicas Replicas *int `json:"replicas,omitempty"` }
Deployment Spec
type DeploymentSpecPart ¶
type DeploymentSpecPart struct { // Metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Status Status *DeploymentStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Containers Containers []*DeploymentContainer `json:"containers,omitempty"` }
type DeploymentStatistics ¶
type DeploymentStatistics struct { // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData"` // Deployment statistics data Data []*DeploymentStatisticsData `json:"data"` // Deplyment statistics total Info []*DeploymentStatisticsInfo `json:"info"` }
Deployment statistics
type DeploymentStatisticsData ¶
type DeploymentStatisticsData struct { // Time Time string `json:"time"` // Deployment status Status DeploymentStatisticsStatus `json:"status"` // Number Of Syncs Value int `json:"value"` }
Stats data for deployments - holds daily stats
type DeploymentStatisticsInfo ¶
type DeploymentStatisticsInfo struct { // Deployment status Status DeploymentStatisticsStatus `json:"status"` // Total number of deployments in the given time period TotalDeployments *MetricWithTrend `json:"totalDeployments"` // Last deployment LastDeployment *MetricWithTrend `json:"lastDeployment,omitempty"` }
Stats info for deployments holds total data for each of the statuses
type DeploymentStatisticsStatus ¶
type DeploymentStatisticsStatus string
Deployment Statistics Status
const ( DeploymentStatisticsStatusAll DeploymentStatisticsStatus = "ALL" DeploymentStatisticsStatusDegraded DeploymentStatisticsStatus = "DEGRADED" DeploymentStatisticsStatusDegradedAndRollback DeploymentStatisticsStatus = "DEGRADED_AND_ROLLBACK" DeploymentStatisticsStatusHealthy DeploymentStatisticsStatus = "HEALTHY" DeploymentStatisticsStatusRollback DeploymentStatisticsStatus = "ROLLBACK" )
func (DeploymentStatisticsStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e DeploymentStatisticsStatus) IsValid() bool
func (DeploymentStatisticsStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeploymentStatisticsStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeploymentStatisticsStatus) String ¶
func (e DeploymentStatisticsStatus) String() string
func (*DeploymentStatisticsStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeploymentStatisticsStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeploymentStatus ¶
type DeploymentStatus struct { // Replicas Replicas *int `json:"replicas,omitempty"` // AvailableReplicas AvailableReplicas *int `json:"availableReplicas,omitempty"` // ReadyReplicas ReadyReplicas *int `json:"readyReplicas,omitempty"` UnavailableReplicas *int `json:"unavailableReplicas,omitempty"` // UpdatedReplicas UpdatedReplicas *int `json:"updatedReplicas,omitempty"` }
Deployment Status
type DoraGeneralStatistics ¶
type DoraGeneralStatistics struct { // Total Total float64 `json:"total"` }
General stats data
type DoraMetricsGeneralStatistics ¶
type DoraMetricsGeneralStatistics struct { // Deployments Deployments *DoraGeneralStatistics `json:"deployments"` // Rollback Rollbacks *DoraGeneralStatistics `json:"rollbacks"` // Failure rate FailureRate *DoraGeneralStatistics `json:"failureRate"` // Commit / pull request CommitOrPullRequests *DoraGeneralStatistics `json:"commitOrPullRequests"` }
General dora metrics stats data
type DoraStatisticsData ¶
type DoraStatisticsData struct { // Time Time string `json:"time"` // Number of deployment Value float64 `json:"value"` }
Stats data for deployment frequency
type DoraStatisticsSummery ¶
type DoraStatisticsSummery struct { // Avg Summery float64 `json:"summery"` }
Stats summery for all dora graphs
type DurationName ¶
type DurationName string
Duration Name
const ( DurationNameDelayDuration DurationName = "DELAY_DURATION" DurationNameInitializingDuration DurationName = "INITIALIZING_DURATION" DurationNamePendingApprovalDuration DurationName = "PENDING_APPROVAL_DURATION" DurationNamePendingConcurrencyDuration DurationName = "PENDING_CONCURRENCY_DURATION" DurationNameRunningDuration DurationName = "RUNNING_DURATION" DurationNameTotalDuration DurationName = "TOTAL_DURATION" )
func (DurationName) IsValid ¶
func (e DurationName) IsValid() bool
func (DurationName) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DurationName) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DurationName) String ¶
func (e DurationName) String() string
func (*DurationName) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DurationName) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EditUserToAccountArgs ¶
type EditUserToAccountArgs struct { // User email UserEmail string `json:"userEmail"` // Is user Admin IsAdmin bool `json:"isAdmin"` // Users chosen sso id Sso *string `json:"sso,omitempty"` // The user id ID string `json:"id"` // The current status of this user Status string `json:"status"` }
Args to edit user to account
type EntityReferenceMeta ¶
type EntityReferenceMeta struct { // GVK/group Group string `json:"group"` // GVK/version Version string `json:"version"` // GVK/kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Runtime Runtime string `json:"runtime"` // Resource name Name string `json:"name"` // Resource namespace Namespace string `json:"namespace"` }
Entity Reference Meta
type Environment ¶
type Environment struct { // Entity db id ID string `json:"id"` // Environment name Name string `json:"name"` // Kind of environment Kind EnvironmentKind `json:"kind"` // Position of the environment on the dashboard Position float64 `json:"position"` // List of clusters that belong to this environment Clusters []*EnvironmentCluster `json:"clusters"` // List of userIds that mark resource as favorite Favorites []string `json:"favorites,omitempty"` // Is favorite Favorite bool `json:"favorite"` }
Environment Entity
func (Environment) IsFavorableNotK8s ¶
func (Environment) IsFavorableNotK8s()
func (Environment) IsFavorableNotK8sEntity ¶
func (Environment) IsFavorableNotK8sEntity()
type EnvironmentCluster ¶
type EnvironmentCluster struct { // Runtime name RuntimeName string `json:"runtimeName"` // Cluster name Name string `json:"name"` // Cluster address Server string `json:"server"` // Cluster namespaces Namespaces []string `json:"namespaces"` }
Environment Cluster
type EnvironmentClusterInput ¶
type EnvironmentClusterInput struct { // Runtime name RuntimeName string `json:"runtimeName"` // Cluster name Name string `json:"name"` // Cluster address Server string `json:"server"` // Cluster namespaces Namespaces []string `json:"namespaces"` }
Environment Cluster
type EnvironmentConcurrency ¶
type EnvironmentConcurrency struct { // Price Price *BasePrice `json:"price,omitempty"` // Amount Amount *int `json:"amount,omitempty"` // Min Min *int `json:"min,omitempty"` }
type EnvironmentFilterArgs ¶
type EnvironmentFilterArgs struct { // Partial name (case insensitive) PartialName *string `json:"partialName,omitempty"` // Filter by user favorite Favorite *bool `json:"favorite,omitempty"` }
Args to filter ApplicationGroup
type EnvironmentKind ¶
type EnvironmentKind string
Kind of environment
const ( EnvironmentKindNonProd EnvironmentKind = "NON_PROD" EnvironmentKindProd EnvironmentKind = "PROD" )
func (EnvironmentKind) IsValid ¶
func (e EnvironmentKind) IsValid() bool
func (EnvironmentKind) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EnvironmentKind) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EnvironmentKind) String ¶
func (e EnvironmentKind) String() string
func (*EnvironmentKind) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EnvironmentKind) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EnvironmentRelativePos ¶
type EnvironmentRelativePos string
"Relative position of the moved environment in relation to the target environment"
const ( EnvironmentRelativePosAfter EnvironmentRelativePos = "AFTER" EnvironmentRelativePosBefore EnvironmentRelativePos = "BEFORE" )
func (EnvironmentRelativePos) IsValid ¶
func (e EnvironmentRelativePos) IsValid() bool
func (EnvironmentRelativePos) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EnvironmentRelativePos) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EnvironmentRelativePos) String ¶
func (e EnvironmentRelativePos) String() string
func (*EnvironmentRelativePos) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EnvironmentRelativePos) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EnvironmentsWorkflowsSteps ¶
type EnvironmentsWorkflowsSteps struct { // Environment name Environment string `json:"environment"` // Product release environment step pre workflows steps view PreWorkflowsStepsView []*WorkflowsStepView `json:"preWorkflowsStepsView"` // Product release environment step post workflows steps view PostWorkflowsStepsView []*WorkflowsStepView `json:"postWorkflowsStepsView"` }
Environment workflows steps view
type ErrorContext ¶
type ErrorContext struct { // Repo url RepoURL string `json:"repoURL"` // Related revision Revision string `json:"revision"` // Git commit message CommitMessage *string `json:"commitMessage,omitempty"` // Git commit date CommitDate *string `json:"commitDate,omitempty"` // Git commit author CommitAuthor *string `json:"commitAuthor,omitempty"` // Path to related file Path string `json:"path"` // Related line Line *int `json:"line,omitempty"` // Commit url CommitURL *string `json:"commitUrl,omitempty"` // Commit url with file FileURL *string `json:"fileUrl,omitempty"` }
Error Context
type ErrorLevels ¶
type ErrorLevels string
Error severity levels
const ( // Error - The resource will not function correctly ErrorLevelsError ErrorLevels = "ERROR" // Warning - The resource may not function correctly ErrorLevelsWarning ErrorLevels = "WARNING" )
func (ErrorLevels) IsValid ¶
func (e ErrorLevels) IsValid() bool
func (ErrorLevels) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ErrorLevels) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ErrorLevels) String ¶
func (e ErrorLevels) String() string
func (*ErrorLevels) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ErrorLevels) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EventPayload ¶
type EventPayload struct { // UID of event UID *string `json:"uid,omitempty"` // Content of the event Data *string `json:"data,omitempty"` // Time Time *string `json:"time,omitempty"` // Event source EventSource *EventSource `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // Event name EventName *string `json:"eventName,omitempty"` // Event type EventType *string `json:"eventType,omitempty"` // Account Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"` // Runtime Runtime *string `json:"runtime,omitempty"` }
Event payload entity
func (EventPayload) IsEntity ¶
func (EventPayload) IsEntity()
type EventPayloadData ¶
type EventPayloadData interface {
Event payload data types
type EventPayloadEdge ¶
type EventPayloadEdge struct { // Node contains the actual event payload data Node *EventPayload `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
EventPayload Edge
func (EventPayloadEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (EventPayloadEdge) IsEdge()
type EventPayloadSlice ¶
type EventPayloadSlice struct { // EventPayload edges Edges []*EventPayloadEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
EventPayload Slice
func (EventPayloadSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (EventPayloadSlice) IsSlice()
type EventSource ¶
type EventSource struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the event-source History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` }
Event source entity
func (EventSource) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (EventSource) IsBaseEntity()
func (EventSource) IsEntity ¶
func (EventSource) IsEntity()
func (EventSource) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (EventSource) IsGitopsEntity()
func (EventSource) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (EventSource) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type EventSourceEdge ¶
type EventSourceEdge struct { // Node contains the actual event source data Node *EventSource `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Event source Edge
func (EventSourceEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (EventSourceEdge) IsEdge()
type EventSourceSlice ¶
type EventSourceSlice struct { // Event source edges Edges []*EventSourceEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Event source Slice
func (EventSourceSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (EventSourceSlice) IsSlice()
type EventSourceType ¶
type EventSourceType struct { // Logic name Key string `json:"key"` // Human friendly name Name string `json:"name"` // List of the supported events by this event source type. CAP know how to filter this kind of events. Events []*SupportedEventMapping `json:"events"` }
Event source type
type FavorableNotK8sEntity ¶
type FavorableNotK8sEntity interface {
Favorable Not K8s Entity
type FavoriteInfoArgs ¶
type FavoriteInfoArgs struct { // Event-source kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Event-source group Group string `json:"group"` // Event-source group Version string `json:"version"` // Event-source runtime name Runtime string `json:"runtime"` // Event-source name Name string `json:"name"` // Event-source namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Event-source cluster URL Cluster *string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` }
Args to set favorite for entity
type File ¶ added in v1.3.1
type File struct { // File full path Path string `json:"path"` // File revision Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // File data Data string `json:"data"` }
type FileSource ¶
type FileSource struct { // File path File string `json:"file"` // JSON path to the value in the file JSONPath string `json:"jsonPath"` }
FileSource entity
type FlowStep ¶
type FlowStep struct { // Environment name Environment string `json:"environment"` // DependsOn array DependsOn []string `json:"dependsOn"` // Policy Policy *PromotionPolicyDefinition `json:"policy,omitempty"` }
Flow step
type FromState ¶
type FromState struct { // Services - for Deployments Services []*ServiceItem `json:"services"` // Rollouts Rollouts []*ReleaseRolloutState `json:"rollouts"` }
From State Entity
type GeneralStatistics ¶
type GeneralStatistics struct { // Runtimes statistics Runtimes *RuntimesStatistics `json:"runtimes"` // Clusters statistics Clusters *ClustersStatistics `json:"clusters"` }
Returns runtimes and clusters statistics
type GenericEntity ¶
type GenericEntity struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the generic entity History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` }
Generic entity
func (GenericEntity) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (GenericEntity) IsBaseEntity()
func (GenericEntity) IsEntity ¶
func (GenericEntity) IsEntity()
func (GenericEntity) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (GenericEntity) IsGitopsEntity()
func (GenericEntity) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (GenericEntity) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type GenericEntityEdge ¶
type GenericEntityEdge struct { // Node contains the actual app-project data Node *GenericEntity `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
GenericEntity Edge
func (GenericEntityEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (GenericEntityEdge) IsEdge()
type GenericEntitySlice ¶
type GenericEntitySlice struct { // GenericEntity edges Edges []*GenericEntityEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
GenericEntity Slice
func (GenericEntitySlice) IsSlice ¶
func (GenericEntitySlice) IsSlice()
type GenericErrorNotification ¶
type GenericErrorNotification struct { // Notification unique id ID string `json:"id"` // Account id AccountID string `json:"accountId"` // Notification type Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Text of error or warning message Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Notification kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // State of notification State *NotificationState `json:"state,omitempty"` // Timestamp of notification Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // Notification type NotificationType NotificationType `json:"notificationType"` // Metadata object of the k8s entity Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Action type Action *NotificationActionType `json:"action,omitempty"` }
Argo events generic Error Notification
func (GenericErrorNotification) IsArgoEventsNotification ¶
func (GenericErrorNotification) IsArgoEventsNotification()
func (GenericErrorNotification) IsNotification ¶
func (GenericErrorNotification) IsNotification()
type GitAuthConfig ¶
type GitAuthConfig struct { // Metadata Metadata *ConfigMapMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Data Data *GitAuthProvidersData `json:"data,omitempty"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Entity source Source *GitConfigEntitySource `json:"source,omitempty"` }
type GitAuthConfigFormData ¶
type GitAuthConfigFormData struct { // Metadata Metadata *ConfigMapMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Data Data *GitAuthProvidersData `json:"data"` // Sync status SyncStatus *SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus,omitempty"` }
GitAuthConfig form data object
type GitAuthMode ¶
type GitAuthMode string
const ( // CODEFRESH mode GitAuthModeCodefresh GitAuthMode = "CODEFRESH" // CUSTOM mode GitAuthModeCustom GitAuthMode = "CUSTOM" // PAT mode GitAuthModePat GitAuthMode = "PAT" )
func (GitAuthMode) IsValid ¶
func (e GitAuthMode) IsValid() bool
func (GitAuthMode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GitAuthMode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GitAuthMode) String ¶
func (e GitAuthMode) String() string
func (*GitAuthMode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GitAuthMode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GitAuthProviderConfig ¶
type GitAuthProviderConfig struct { // Provider Provider string `json:"provider"` // Mode Mode GitAuthMode `json:"mode"` // AppName AppName *string `json:"appName,omitempty"` // Secret Secret *SecretData `json:"secret,omitempty"` }
type GitAuthProvidersData ¶
type GitAuthProvidersData struct { // Config Config *GitAuthProviderConfig `json:"config,omitempty"` }
type GitConfigEntitySource ¶
type GitConfigEntitySource struct { // GitSource GitSource *string `json:"gitSource,omitempty"` // RepoURL RepoURL *string `json:"repoURL,omitempty"` // Path Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Revision Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // CommitMessage CommitMessage *string `json:"commitMessage,omitempty"` // CommitDate CommitDate *string `json:"commitDate,omitempty"` // CommitAuthor CommitAuthor *string `json:"commitAuthor,omitempty"` // SyncStartedAt SyncStartedAt *string `json:"syncStartedAt,omitempty"` // SyncFinishedAt SyncFinishedAt *string `json:"syncFinishedAt,omitempty"` // ResourceAction ResourceAction *ResourceAction `json:"resourceAction,omitempty"` }
type GitIssue ¶
type GitIssue struct { // Application Name ApplicationName string `json:"applicationName"` // Issue date Date string `json:"date"` // Error message Message string `json:"message"` // Issue type Type IssueType `json:"type"` // Error level Level ErrorLevels `json:"level"` }
Product Release step git issue
func (GitIssue) IsIssueKind ¶
func (GitIssue) IsIssueKind()
type GitOpsEdge ¶
type GitOpsEdge struct { // Node contains the actual component data Node GitopsEntity `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
GitOps Edge
type GitOpsNotification ¶
type GitOpsNotification interface {
Notification That is part of a process
type GitOpsSettings ¶
type GitOpsSettings struct { // Account id AccountID string `json:"accountId"` // Is hide runtime hosted boxes in ui IsHideHostedRuntimeBoxes bool `json:"isHideHostedRuntimeBoxes"` }
GitOps settings
type GitOpsSlice ¶
type GitOpsSlice struct { // GitOps edges Edges []*GitOpsEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
GitOps Slice
type GitPRComment ¶
type GitPRComment struct { // Comment message Message string `json:"message"` // Comment author Author string `json:"author"` // Comment author association AuthorAssociation *string `json:"authorAssociation,omitempty"` }
"PR Comment data
type GitPREventPayloadData ¶
type GitPREventPayloadData struct { // Event payload type Type PayloadDataTypes `json:"type"` // Event uid UID string `json:"uid"` // Event source name EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // The relevant event name in the event source EventName *string `json:"eventName,omitempty"` // Name of the git event Event string `json:"event"` // Git provider Provider string `json:"provider"` // Repository Repository *WorkflowRepository `json:"repository"` // Event initiator Initiator *Initiator `json:"initiator"` // Event timestamp Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // PR data Pr *GitPr `json:"pr,omitempty"` }
"PR event
func (GitPREventPayloadData) IsCommonGitEventPayloadData ¶
func (GitPREventPayloadData) IsCommonGitEventPayloadData()
func (GitPREventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData ¶
func (GitPREventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData()
type GitPr ¶
type GitPr struct { // PR action Action string `json:"action"` // PR id ID string `json:"id"` // PR title Title string `json:"title"` // PR url URL string `json:"url"` // PR number Number int `json:"number"` // PR labels Labels []string `json:"labels"` // PR head Head *GitPushCommitRevision `json:"head"` // PR target Target *GitPushCommitTargetRevision `json:"target"` // Indicates if a PR was merged Merged *bool `json:"merged,omitempty"` // Indicates if a PR comes from forked repo Fork *GitPrFork `json:"fork,omitempty"` // PR comment Comment *GitPRComment `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Modified files ModifiedFiles []string `json:"modifiedFiles,omitempty"` }
"PR data
type GitPrFork ¶
type GitPrFork struct { // Repository Repository *WorkflowRepository `json:"repository"` }
"PR fork data
type GitProviders ¶
type GitProviders string
Git providers
const ( // Bitbucket cloud GitProvidersBitbucket GitProviders = "BITBUCKET" // Bitbucket server GitProvidersBitbucketServer GitProviders = "BITBUCKET_SERVER" // Gerrit GitProvidersGerrit GitProviders = "GERRIT" // Github GitProvidersGithub GitProviders = "GITHUB" // Gitlab GitProvidersGitlab GitProviders = "GITLAB" )
func (GitProviders) IsValid ¶
func (e GitProviders) IsValid() bool
func (GitProviders) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GitProviders) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GitProviders) String ¶
func (e GitProviders) String() string
func (*GitProviders) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GitProviders) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GitPushCommit ¶
type GitPushCommit struct { // Commit message Message string `json:"message"` // Commit url URL string `json:"url"` // Push revision Head *GitPushCommitRevision `json:"head"` // Push subject type SubjectType GitPushPayloadDataTypes `json:"subjectType"` // Modified files ModifiedFiles []string `json:"modifiedFiles,omitempty"` }
"Push commit event data
func (GitPushCommit) IsGitPush ¶
func (GitPushCommit) IsGitPush()
type GitPushCommitRevision ¶
type GitPushCommitRevision struct { // Branch name Branch string `json:"branch"` // Branch URL BranchURL string `json:"branchURL"` // SHA Sha string `json:"sha"` // SHA URL ShaURL string `json:"shaURL"` }
"Commit revision data
type GitPushCommitTargetRevision ¶
type GitPushCommitTargetRevision struct { // Branch name Branch string `json:"branch"` // Branch URL BranchURL string `json:"branchURL"` // SHA Sha *string `json:"sha,omitempty"` // SHA URL ShaURL *string `json:"shaURL,omitempty"` }
"PR target commit revision data
type GitPushEventPayloadData ¶
type GitPushEventPayloadData struct { // Event payload type Type PayloadDataTypes `json:"type"` // Event uid UID string `json:"uid"` // Event source name EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // The relevant event name in the event source EventName *string `json:"eventName,omitempty"` // Name of the git event Event string `json:"event"` // Git provider Provider string `json:"provider"` // Repository Repository *WorkflowRepository `json:"repository"` // Event initiator Initiator *Initiator `json:"initiator"` // Event timestamp Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Push data Push GitPush `json:"push"` }
"Push event
func (GitPushEventPayloadData) IsCommonGitEventPayloadData ¶
func (GitPushEventPayloadData) IsCommonGitEventPayloadData()
func (GitPushEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData ¶
func (GitPushEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData()
type GitPushPayloadDataTypes ¶
type GitPushPayloadDataTypes string
Types of push event
const ( GitPushPayloadDataTypesBranch GitPushPayloadDataTypes = "branch" GitPushPayloadDataTypesTag GitPushPayloadDataTypes = "tag" )
func (GitPushPayloadDataTypes) IsValid ¶
func (e GitPushPayloadDataTypes) IsValid() bool
func (GitPushPayloadDataTypes) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GitPushPayloadDataTypes) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GitPushPayloadDataTypes) String ¶
func (e GitPushPayloadDataTypes) String() string
func (*GitPushPayloadDataTypes) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GitPushPayloadDataTypes) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GitPushTag ¶
type GitPushTag struct { // Commit message Message string `json:"message"` // Commit url URL string `json:"url"` // Tag revision Head *GitPushTagRevision `json:"head"` // Push subject type SubjectType GitPushPayloadDataTypes `json:"subjectType"` // Modified files ModifiedFiles []string `json:"modifiedFiles,omitempty"` }
"Push commit event data
func (GitPushTag) IsGitPush ¶
func (GitPushTag) IsGitPush()
type GitPushTagRevision ¶
type GitPushTagRevision struct { // Tag name Tag string `json:"tag"` // Tag URL TagURL string `json:"tagURL"` // SHA Sha string `json:"sha"` // SHA URL ShaURL string `json:"shaURL"` }
"Tag revision data
type GitRelease ¶
type GitRelease struct { // Release action Action string `json:"action"` // Release id ID string `json:"id"` // Release name Name string `json:"name"` // Release tag name TagName string `json:"tagName"` // Indicates if current release is a pre release IsPreRelease bool `json:"isPreRelease"` }
"Release data
type GitReleaseEventPayloadData ¶
type GitReleaseEventPayloadData struct { // Event payload type Type PayloadDataTypes `json:"type"` // Event uid UID string `json:"uid"` // The relevant event name in the event source EventName *string `json:"eventName,omitempty"` // Event source name EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // Name of the git event Event string `json:"event"` // Git provider Provider string `json:"provider"` // Repository Repository *WorkflowRepository `json:"repository"` // Event initiator Initiator *Initiator `json:"initiator"` // Event timestamp Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Release data Release *GitRelease `json:"release,omitempty"` }
"Release event
func (GitReleaseEventPayloadData) IsCommonGitEventPayloadData ¶
func (GitReleaseEventPayloadData) IsCommonGitEventPayloadData()
func (GitReleaseEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData ¶
func (GitReleaseEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData()
type GitSource ¶
type GitSource struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Self entity reference for the real k8s entity in case of codefresh logical entity Self *Application `json:"self,omitempty"` // History of the GitSource History *CompositeSlice `json:"history"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Is this a restricted git-source IsRestricted bool `json:"isRestricted"` // Restricted Git Source details RestrictedDetails *RestrictedGitSourceDetails `json:"restrictedDetails,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Permissions to this git source Permissions []*Permission `json:"permissions"` }
Git source entity
func (GitSource) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (GitSource) IsBaseEntity()
func (GitSource) IsK8sLogicEntity ¶
func (GitSource) IsK8sLogicEntity()
func (GitSource) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (GitSource) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type GitSourceEdge ¶
type GitSourceEdge struct { // Node contains the actual git source data Node *GitSource `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Git source Edge
func (GitSourceEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (GitSourceEdge) IsEdge()
type GitSourceNotification ¶
type GitSourceNotification struct { // Commit information that triggered sync Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source,omitempty"` // Link to the git-source in git provider GsRepoLink *string `json:"gsRepoLink,omitempty"` // Sync status GsSyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"gsSyncStatus"` // Revision Revision string `json:"revision"` // Metadata object of the k8s entity Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Action type Action *NotificationActionType `json:"action,omitempty"` // Notification unique id ID string `json:"id"` // Account id AccountID string `json:"accountId"` // Text of error or warning message Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Notification kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // State of notification State *NotificationState `json:"state,omitempty"` // Timestamp of notification Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // Notification type NotificationType NotificationType `json:"notificationType"` }
Git Source Notification
func (GitSourceNotification) IsArgoCDNotification ¶
func (GitSourceNotification) IsArgoCDNotification()
func (GitSourceNotification) IsGitOpsNotification ¶
func (GitSourceNotification) IsGitOpsNotification()
func (GitSourceNotification) IsNotification ¶
func (GitSourceNotification) IsNotification()
type GitSourceSlice ¶
type GitSourceSlice struct { // Git source edges Edges []*GitSourceEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Git source Slice
func (GitSourceSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (GitSourceSlice) IsSlice()
type GitUnknownEventPayloadData ¶
type GitUnknownEventPayloadData struct { // Event payload type Type PayloadDataTypes `json:"type"` // Event uid UID string `json:"uid"` // Event source name EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // The relevant event name in the event source EventName *string `json:"eventName,omitempty"` // Name of the git event Event string `json:"event"` // Git provider Provider string `json:"provider"` // Repository Repository *WorkflowRepository `json:"repository"` // Event timestamp Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Event initiator Initiator *Initiator `json:"initiator"` }
"Unknown Git event
func (GitUnknownEventPayloadData) IsCommonGitEventPayloadData ¶
func (GitUnknownEventPayloadData) IsCommonGitEventPayloadData()
func (GitUnknownEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData ¶
func (GitUnknownEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData()
type GithubEvent ¶
type GithubEvent struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Repository owner Owner string `json:"owner"` // Repository names Repositories []string `json:"repositories"` // Webhook events Events []string `json:"events"` }
Github event
func (GithubEvent) IsEvent ¶
func (GithubEvent) IsEvent()
type GithubTriggerConditions ¶
type GithubTriggerConditions struct { // Event type from mapping (push, pull_request etc.) EventType string `json:"eventType"` // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Base url for github enterprise BaseURL *string `json:"baseUrl,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Repositories Repositories []string `json:"repositories"` // Filters for this trigger condition Filters *TriggerConditionFilters `json:"filters"` // Parameters chosen for each event type (push, pull_request...) Parameters []*TriggerConditionParameter `json:"parameters"` }
Github trigger conditions
type GithubTriggerConditionsArgs ¶
type GithubTriggerConditionsArgs struct { // Specific github event (push, push.heads, pull_request etc.) EventType string `json:"eventType"` // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Base url for github enterprise BaseURL *string `json:"baseUrl,omitempty"` // Repositories Repositories []*string `json:"repositories"` // Filters for this trigger condition Filters *TriggerConditionFiltersArgs `json:"filters"` // Parameters choosen for each event type (push, pull_request...) Parameters []*TriggerConditionParameterArgs `json:"parameters"` // serverCertSecret refers the secret that contains the server cert. ServerCertSecret *SecretKeySelector `json:"serverCertSecret,omitempty"` }
Github trigger conditions
type GitlabTriggerConditions ¶
type GitlabTriggerConditions struct { // Event type from mapping (push, pull_request etc.) EventType string `json:"eventType"` // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Repositories Repositories []string `json:"repositories"` // Gitlab enterprise url BaseURL *string `json:"baseUrl,omitempty"` // Filters for this trigger condition Filters *TriggerConditionFilters `json:"filters"` // Parameters choosen for each event type (push, pull_request...) Parameters []*TriggerConditionParameter `json:"parameters"` }
Gitlab trigger conditions
type GitlabTriggerConditionsArgs ¶
type GitlabTriggerConditionsArgs struct { // Specific gitlab event (push, push.heads, pull_request etc.) EventType string `json:"eventType"` // EventSource name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // EventSource event name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) EventSourceEvent *string `json:"eventSourceEvent,omitempty"` // Dependency name (for backward converting from trigger conditions) Dependency *string `json:"dependency,omitempty"` // Repositories Repositories []string `json:"repositories"` // Base url BaseURL *string `json:"baseUrl,omitempty"` // Filters for this trigger condition Filters *TriggerConditionFiltersArgs `json:"filters"` // Parameters choosen for each event type (push, pull_request...) Parameters []*TriggerConditionParameterArgs `json:"parameters"` // serverCertSecret refers the secret that contains the server cert. ServerCertSecret *SecretKeySelector `json:"serverCertSecret,omitempty"` }
Gitlab trigger conditions
type GitopsEntitySource ¶
type GitopsEntitySource struct { // Entity source GitSource *GitSource `json:"gitSource,omitempty"` // Repo URL RepoURL *string `json:"repoURL,omitempty"` // Path Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Full web url to file in commit FileURL *string `json:"fileURL,omitempty"` // Git revision Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Git commit message CommitMessage *string `json:"commitMessage,omitempty"` // Git commit date CommitDate *string `json:"commitDate,omitempty"` // Git commit web url CommitURL *string `json:"commitURL,omitempty"` // Git commit author CommitAuthor *string `json:"commitAuthor,omitempty"` // Author web profile url ProfileURL *string `json:"profileURL,omitempty"` // Author avatar url AvatarURL *string `json:"avatarURL,omitempty"` // Git manifest GitManifest *string `json:"gitManifest,omitempty"` // The resource action ResourceAction *ResourceAction `json:"resourceAction,omitempty"` }
Gitops entity source
type GitopsRelease ¶
type GitopsRelease struct { // Object metadata ApplicationMetadata *ObjectMeta `json:"applicationMetadata"` // History id HistoryID int `json:"historyId"` // Related argocd history id ArgoHistoryID *int `json:"argoHistoryId,omitempty"` // Application field Application *ApplicationField `json:"application"` // Operation State (argo) OperationState *ApplicationOperationState `json:"operationState,omitempty"` // Child applications ChildApps []*ChildApplicationField `json:"childApps"` // From state FromState *FromState `json:"fromState,omitempty"` // To state ToState *ToState `json:"toState"` // Transition Transition *Transition `json:"transition"` // Current release flag Current *bool `json:"current,omitempty"` }
Gitops Release Entity
type GitopsReleaseApplicationArgs ¶
type GitopsReleaseApplicationArgs struct { // App Group name AppGroupName *string `json:"appGroupName,omitempty"` // Runtime Runtime *string `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Group Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"` // Version Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Kind Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"` }
Args to define application
type GitopsReleaseChartRecord ¶
type GitopsReleaseChartRecord struct { // Date Date string `json:"date"` // Date Releases []*GitopsReleaseChartRelease `json:"releases"` }
Gitops Release chart record
type GitopsReleaseChartRelease ¶
type GitopsReleaseChartRelease struct { // Date SyncStartedAt *string `json:"syncStartedAt,omitempty"` // Health status HealthStatus HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus"` // History id HistoryID int `json:"historyId"` // Object metadata ApplicationMetadata *ObjectMeta `json:"applicationMetadata"` }
Gitops Release chart release
type GitopsReleaseEdge ¶
type GitopsReleaseEdge struct { // Node contains the actual application data Node *GitopsRelease `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Release Edge
type GitopsReleaseFilterArgs ¶
type GitopsReleaseFilterArgs struct { // Runtime Runtime *string `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Group Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"` // Version Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Kind Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"` // HistoryId HistoryID *int `json:"historyId,omitempty"` // Issue key IssueKey *string `json:"issueKey,omitempty"` // PR key PrKey *string `json:"prKey,omitempty"` // Committer Committer *string `json:"committer,omitempty"` // Issue key array IssueKeys []string `json:"issueKeys,omitempty"` // PR key array PrKeys []string `json:"prKeys,omitempty"` // Committers array Committers []string `json:"committers,omitempty"` // Filter workflows from a specific start date SyncStartDateFrom *string `json:"syncStartDateFrom,omitempty"` // Filter workflows to a specific start date SyncStartDateTo *string `json:"syncStartDateTo,omitempty"` // Start date StartDate *string `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // End date EndDate *string `json:"endDate,omitempty"` // Jira report filter JiraReportFilter *bool `json:"jiraReportFilter,omitempty"` // App Group name AppGroupName *string `json:"appGroupName,omitempty"` }
Args to filter release
type GitopsReleaseSlice ¶
type GitopsReleaseSlice struct { // Release edges Edges []*GitopsReleaseEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Gitops Release Slice
type GitopsReleasesSortingField ¶
type GitopsReleasesSortingField string
Gitops Releases Sorting field
const ( // By date GitopsReleasesSortingFieldCreatedAt GitopsReleasesSortingField = "createdAt" // By health status GitopsReleasesSortingFieldHealthStatus GitopsReleasesSortingField = "healthStatus" // By history id (for chronological sorting) GitopsReleasesSortingFieldHistoryID GitopsReleasesSortingField = "historyId" // By sync status GitopsReleasesSortingFieldSyncStatus GitopsReleasesSortingField = "syncStatus" )
func (GitopsReleasesSortingField) IsValid ¶
func (e GitopsReleasesSortingField) IsValid() bool
func (GitopsReleasesSortingField) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GitopsReleasesSortingField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GitopsReleasesSortingField) String ¶
func (e GitopsReleasesSortingField) String() string
func (*GitopsReleasesSortingField) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GitopsReleasesSortingField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GoogleSso ¶
type GoogleSso struct { // ID ID string `json:"id"` // Client type ClientType string `json:"clientType"` // Client name ClientName string `json:"clientName"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Accounts Accounts []*string `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // Access token AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` // Client Id, appId in Azure ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` // Client secret ClientSecret *string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` // Onprem default IDP OnpremDefaultIdp *bool `json:"onpremDefaultIdp,omitempty"` // Redirect url RedirectURL *string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect ui url RedirectUIURL *string `json:"redirectUiUrl,omitempty"` // Login url LoginURL *string `json:"loginUrl,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // ClientHost ClientHost *string `json:"clientHost,omitempty"` // Scopes Scopes []*string `json:"scopes,omitempty"` // Keyfile Keyfile *string `json:"keyfile,omitempty"` // Subject Subject *string `json:"subject,omitempty"` // Auto group sync AutoGroupSync *bool `json:"autoGroupSync,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncInterval *string `json:"syncInterval,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncIntervalType *string `json:"syncIntervalType,omitempty"` // SyncField SyncField *string `json:"syncField,omitempty"` }
type HealthError ¶
type HealthError struct { // Level Level ErrorLevels `json:"level"` // Title Title string `json:"title"` // Message Message string `json:"message"` // Suggestion Suggestion *string `json:"suggestion,omitempty"` // The entity related to this error Object BaseEntity `json:"object,omitempty"` // Error code Code HealthErrorCodes `json:"code"` // Last time this error has been seen LastSeen string `json:"lastSeen"` }
Health Error
func (HealthError) IsError ¶
func (HealthError) IsError()
type HealthErrorCodes ¶
type HealthErrorCodes string
Health Error codes
const ( // The resource has a reference to a non-existing resource HealthErrorCodesBrokenReference HealthErrorCodes = "BROKEN_REFERENCE" // The runtime is not active HealthErrorCodesInactiveRuntime HealthErrorCodes = "INACTIVE_RUNTIME" // The resource has insufficient resources HealthErrorCodesInsufficientResources HealthErrorCodes = "INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES" // Runtime Installation error HealthErrorCodesRuntimeInstallationError HealthErrorCodes = "RUNTIME_INSTALLATION_ERROR" // Transitive health error that originates from one of referenced entities HealthErrorCodesTransitiveError HealthErrorCodes = "TRANSITIVE_ERROR" // Uknown sync error HealthErrorCodesUnknown HealthErrorCodes = "UNKNOWN" )
func (HealthErrorCodes) IsValid ¶
func (e HealthErrorCodes) IsValid() bool
func (HealthErrorCodes) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HealthErrorCodes) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HealthErrorCodes) String ¶
func (e HealthErrorCodes) String() string
func (*HealthErrorCodes) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HealthErrorCodes) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HealthErrorInput ¶
type HealthErrorInput struct { // Level Level ErrorLevels `json:"level"` // Message Message string `json:"message"` }
Health Error Input
type HealthStatus ¶
type HealthStatus string
Health Status
const ( // resource status indicates failure HealthStatusDegraded HealthStatus = "DEGRADED" // resource is healthy HealthStatusHealthy HealthStatus = "HEALTHY" // resource is missing from the cluster HealthStatusMissing HealthStatus = "MISSING" // resource not yet healthy but has a chance to become healthy HealthStatusProgressing HealthStatus = "PROGRESSING" // resource is suspended (for example: cronjob) HealthStatusSuspended HealthStatus = "SUSPENDED" // CUSTOM status, used in case when resource update process was interrupted by new changes HealthStatusTerminated HealthStatus = "TERMINATED" // health assessment failed HealthStatusUnknown HealthStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (HealthStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e HealthStatus) IsValid() bool
func (HealthStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HealthStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HealthStatus) String ¶
func (e HealthStatus) String() string
func (*HealthStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HealthStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HierarchyRef ¶
type HierarchyRef struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Group Group string `json:"group"` // Version Version string `json:"version"` // Kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Ref line number Line *int `json:"line,omitempty"` }
Workflow template ref Hierarchy
type HierarchyStep ¶
type HierarchyStep struct { // Step name Name string `json:"name"` // Line number of the step Line *int `json:"line,omitempty"` }
WorkflowTemplate Hierarchy Step
type HierarchyTemplate ¶
type HierarchyTemplate struct { // Template name Name string `json:"name"` // Line number of the step Line *int `json:"line,omitempty"` // Steps Steps []*HierarchyStep `json:"steps,omitempty"` }
WorkflowTemplate Steps Template
type HierarchyTemplates ¶
type HierarchyTemplates struct { // WorkflowTemlate name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // WorkflowTemlate name line number Line *int `json:"line,omitempty"` // WorkflowTemplate templates structer heiarchy Steps []*HierarchyTemplate `json:"steps,omitempty"` // WorkflowTemplate templates structer heiarchy Refs []*HierarchyRef `json:"refs,omitempty"` }
WorkflowTemplate templates hierarchy
type ImageApplication ¶
type ImageApplication struct { // Application Ref metadata ApplicationRef *ObjectMeta `json:"applicationRef"` // Argo CD application destination config ApplicationDestination *ArgoCDApplicationDestination `json:"applicationDestination,omitempty"` // Application git info ApplicationGitInfo *ImageApplicationGitInfo `json:"applicationGitInfo,omitempty"` // Image repository name RepositoryName string `json:"repositoryName"` // Tag Tag string `json:"tag"` // Image binary id BinaryID string `json:"binaryId"` // Image service name ServiceName *string `json:"serviceName,omitempty"` // Related binary Binary *ImageBinary `json:"binary,omitempty"` // Currently deployed CurrentlyDeployed bool `json:"currentlyDeployed"` // Image name ImageName *string `json:"imageName,omitempty"` // Image registry domain ImageRegistryDomain ImageRegistryType `json:"imageRegistryDomain"` }
Image application
type ImageApplicationCommitAuthor ¶
type ImageApplicationCommitAuthor struct { // Username Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Profile Url ProfileURL *string `json:"profileUrl,omitempty"` // Avatar Url AvatarURL *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` }
Application Commit Author
type ImageApplicationGitInfo ¶
type ImageApplicationGitInfo struct { // Git repo url RepoURL *string `json:"repoURL,omitempty"` // Git branch Branch *string `json:"branch,omitempty"` // Commit author Author *ImageApplicationCommitAuthor `json:"author,omitempty"` // Commit message CommitMessage *string `json:"commitMessage,omitempty"` // Commit url CommitURL *string `json:"commitUrl,omitempty"` }
Image Application Git Info
type ImageBinariesInfo ¶
type ImageBinariesInfo struct { // ImageBinaries Images []*ImageBinary `json:"images"` // PRs annotations Prs []*Annotation `json:"prs,omitempty"` // Issues annotations Issues []*Annotation `json:"issues,omitempty"` // Generic annotations Annotations []*Annotation `json:"annotations,omitempty"` // Dockerfile DockerFile *string `json:"dockerFile,omitempty"` // Branch Branch *string `json:"branch,omitempty"` // Commit Commit *string `json:"commit,omitempty"` // CommitMsg CommitMsg *string `json:"commitMsg,omitempty"` // CommitURL CommitURL *string `json:"commitURL,omitempty"` // Git repository GitRepository *string `json:"gitRepository,omitempty"` // Runtime Runtime *RuntimeInfo `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Author Author *ImageBinaryAuthor `json:"author,omitempty"` }
Image binary info
type ImageBinary ¶
type ImageBinary struct { // Runtime Runtime *RuntimeInfo `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Id ID string `json:"id"` // Created Created string `json:"created"` // Last update LastUpdate string `json:"lastUpdate"` // ImageName ImageName string `json:"imageName"` // Image repository name RepositoryName string `json:"repositoryName"` // Branch Branch *string `json:"branch,omitempty"` // Commit Commit *string `json:"commit,omitempty"` // CommitMsg CommitMsg *string `json:"commitMsg,omitempty"` // CommitURL CommitURL *string `json:"commitURL,omitempty"` // Git repository GitRepository *string `json:"gitRepository,omitempty"` // Git provider GitProvider *string `json:"gitProvider,omitempty"` // AccountId AccountID string `json:"accountId"` // DockerFile DockerFile *string `json:"dockerFile,omitempty"` // Size Size *float64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // OS Os *string `json:"os,omitempty"` // Architecture Architecture *string `json:"architecture,omitempty"` // Info Info *string `json:"info,omitempty"` // Author Author *ImageBinaryAuthor `json:"author,omitempty"` // Workflow name WorkflowName *string `json:"workflowName,omitempty"` // Workflow url WorkflowURL *string `json:"workflowUrl,omitempty"` // CI provider CiProvider *string `json:"ciProvider,omitempty"` // Logs url LogsURL *string `json:"logsUrl,omitempty"` // Image registry ImageRegistryDomains []ImageRegistryType `json:"imageRegistryDomains"` // Image hash Hash *string `json:"hash,omitempty"` // Image internal ID InternalImageID *string `json:"internalImageId,omitempty"` // Image repo digest RepoDigest *string `json:"repoDigest,omitempty"` // Image domain ImageDomain ImageRegistryType `json:"imageDomain"` }
Image binary entity
func (ImageBinary) IsEntity ¶
func (ImageBinary) IsEntity()
type ImageBinaryAuthor ¶
type ImageBinaryAuthor struct { // Username Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Full name FullName *string `json:"fullName,omitempty"` // Profile Url ProfileURL *string `json:"profileUrl,omitempty"` // Avatar Url AvatarURL *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` }
type ImageBinaryAuthorOutput ¶
type ImageBinaryAuthorOutput struct { // Username Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Avatar URL AvatarURL *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` }
type ImageBinaryEdge ¶
type ImageBinaryEdge struct { // Node contains the actual image binary data Node *ImageBinary `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Image Binary Edge
func (ImageBinaryEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ImageBinaryEdge) IsEdge()
type ImageBinaryOutput ¶
type ImageBinaryOutput struct { // Id ID string `json:"id"` // ImageName ImageName string `json:"imageName"` // Branch Branch *string `json:"branch,omitempty"` // Commit Commit *string `json:"commit,omitempty"` // CommitMsg CommitMsg *string `json:"commitMsg,omitempty"` // CommitURL CommitURL *string `json:"commitURL,omitempty"` // DockerFile DockerFile *string `json:"dockerFile,omitempty"` // Size Size *float64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // Os Os *string `json:"os,omitempty"` // Architecture Architecture *string `json:"architecture,omitempty"` // Info Info *string `json:"info,omitempty"` // Info Author *ImageBinaryAuthorOutput `json:"author,omitempty"` // Workflow name WorkflowName *string `json:"workflowName,omitempty"` // Workflow url WorkflowURL *string `json:"workflowUrl,omitempty"` // CI provider CiProvider *string `json:"ciProvider,omitempty"` // Logs url LogsURL *string `json:"logsUrl,omitempty"` // Image hash Hash *string `json:"hash,omitempty"` // Image internal ID InternalImageID *string `json:"internalImageId,omitempty"` // Image repo digest RepoDigest *string `json:"repoDigest,omitempty"` }
type ImageBinarySlice ¶
type ImageBinarySlice struct { // Image edges Edges []*ImageBinaryEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Images Binary Slice
func (ImageBinarySlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ImageBinarySlice) IsSlice()
type ImageDetails ¶
type ImageDetails struct { // Image name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Registry type Type *ImageRegistryType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Link Link *string `json:"link,omitempty"` }
Image Details
type ImageLayerOutput ¶
type ImageLayerOutput struct { // Created Created string `json:"created"` // Instruction Instruction string `json:"instruction"` // Size Size float64 `json:"size"` // Args Args *string `json:"args,omitempty"` }
type ImageLayersOutput ¶
type ImageLayersOutput struct { // AccountId AccountID string `json:"accountId"` // Created Created string `json:"created"` // Image Image string `json:"image"` // LayerDigests LayerDigests []string `json:"layerDigests,omitempty"` // Layers Layers []*ImageLayerOutput `json:"layers"` }
type ImagePullPolicy ¶
type ImagePullPolicy string
Image pull policy Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot be updated
const ( ImagePullPolicyAlways ImagePullPolicy = "Always" ImagePullPolicyIfNotPresent ImagePullPolicy = "IfNotPresent" ImagePullPolicyNever ImagePullPolicy = "Never" )
func (ImagePullPolicy) IsValid ¶
func (e ImagePullPolicy) IsValid() bool
func (ImagePullPolicy) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ImagePullPolicy) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ImagePullPolicy) String ¶
func (e ImagePullPolicy) String() string
func (*ImagePullPolicy) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ImagePullPolicy) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ImageRegistry ¶
type ImageRegistry struct { // Binary Id BinaryID string `json:"binaryId"` // Created Created string `json:"created"` // AccountId AccountID string `json:"accountId"` // Image repository name RepositoryName string `json:"repositoryName"` // Repo digest RepoDigest *string `json:"repoDigest,omitempty"` // Tags Tags []*ImageTag `json:"tags"` // Registry Registry *Registry `json:"registry"` // Image internal id InternalImageID *string `json:"internalImageId,omitempty"` }
Image Registry entity
func (ImageRegistry) IsEntity ¶
func (ImageRegistry) IsEntity()
type ImageRegistryEdge ¶
type ImageRegistryEdge struct { // Node contains the actual image registry data Node *ImageRegistry `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Image Registry Edge
func (ImageRegistryEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ImageRegistryEdge) IsEdge()
type ImageRegistryOutput ¶
type ImageRegistryOutput struct { // Binary Id BinaryID string `json:"binaryId"` // Created Created string `json:"created"` // Image name ImageName *string `json:"imageName,omitempty"` // Repo digest RepoDigest *string `json:"repoDigest,omitempty"` // Tags Tags []*ImageTagOutput `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Registry Registry *RegistryOutput `json:"registry,omitempty"` // Image internal id InternalImageID *string `json:"internalImageId,omitempty"` }
type ImageRegistrySlice ¶
type ImageRegistrySlice struct { // Image registry edges Edges []*ImageRegistryEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Images Registry Slice
func (ImageRegistrySlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ImageRegistrySlice) IsSlice()
type ImageRegistryType ¶
type ImageRegistryType string
Image registry domain types
const ( // Docker hub ImageRegistryTypeDockerHub ImageRegistryType = "DOCKER_HUB" // Amazon ECR ImageRegistryTypeEcr ImageRegistryType = "ECR" // Google container Registry ImageRegistryTypeGcr ImageRegistryType = "GCR" // Ghcr ImageRegistryTypeGhcr ImageRegistryType = "GHCR" // Jfrog ImageRegistryTypeJfrog ImageRegistryType = "JFROG" // Other type ImageRegistryTypeOther ImageRegistryType = "OTHER" // Quay ImageRegistryTypeQuay ImageRegistryType = "QUAY" )
func (ImageRegistryType) IsValid ¶
func (e ImageRegistryType) IsValid() bool
func (ImageRegistryType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ImageRegistryType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ImageRegistryType) String ¶
func (e ImageRegistryType) String() string
func (*ImageRegistryType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ImageRegistryType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ImageRepoTag ¶
type ImageRepoTag struct { // Image repository name RepositoryName string `json:"repositoryName"` // Tag Tag string `json:"tag"` // Created Date Created string `json:"created"` // Related binaries Binaries []*ImageBinary `json:"binaries,omitempty"` // Image applications Applications []*ImageApplication `json:"applications,omitempty"` }
Image Repo Tag entity
func (ImageRepoTag) IsEntity ¶
func (ImageRepoTag) IsEntity()
type ImageRepoTagEdge ¶
type ImageRepoTagEdge struct { // Node contains the actual image repo tag data Node *ImageRepoTag `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Image repo tag Edge
func (ImageRepoTagEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ImageRepoTagEdge) IsEdge()
type ImageRepoTagSlice ¶
type ImageRepoTagSlice struct { // Image Repository edges Edges []*ImageRepoTagEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Images repo tag Slice
func (ImageRepoTagSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ImageRepoTagSlice) IsSlice()
type ImageRepoTagSortingField ¶
type ImageRepoTagSortingField string
Image Repo Tag Sorting field
const ( // Tag name ImageRepoTagSortingFieldTag ImageRepoTagSortingField = "tag" )
func (ImageRepoTagSortingField) IsValid ¶
func (e ImageRepoTagSortingField) IsValid() bool
func (ImageRepoTagSortingField) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ImageRepoTagSortingField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ImageRepoTagSortingField) String ¶
func (e ImageRepoTagSortingField) String() string
func (*ImageRepoTagSortingField) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ImageRepoTagSortingField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ImageRepository ¶
type ImageRepository struct { // Image repository name Name string `json:"name"` // Account Id AccountID string `json:"accountId"` // Last update LastUpdate string `json:"lastUpdate"` // Image repository registry domain types RegistryDomains []ImageRegistryType `json:"registryDomains"` // Image applications Applications []*ImageApplication `json:"applications"` }
Image Repository entity
func (ImageRepository) IsEntity ¶
func (ImageRepository) IsEntity()
type ImageRepositoryEdge ¶
type ImageRepositoryEdge struct { // Node contains the actual image registry data Node *ImageRepository `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Image Repository Edge
func (ImageRepositoryEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ImageRepositoryEdge) IsEdge()
type ImageRepositorySlice ¶
type ImageRepositorySlice struct { // Image Repository edges Edges []*ImageRepositoryEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Images Repository Slice
func (ImageRepositorySlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ImageRepositorySlice) IsSlice()
type ImageRepositorySortingField ¶
type ImageRepositorySortingField string
Image Repository Sorting field
const ( // Last Update ImageRepositorySortingFieldLastUpdate ImageRepositorySortingField = "lastUpdate" // Image repo name ImageRepositorySortingFieldName ImageRepositorySortingField = "name" )
func (ImageRepositorySortingField) IsValid ¶
func (e ImageRepositorySortingField) IsValid() bool
func (ImageRepositorySortingField) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ImageRepositorySortingField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ImageRepositorySortingField) String ¶
func (e ImageRepositorySortingField) String() string
func (*ImageRepositorySortingField) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ImageRepositorySortingField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ImageTag ¶
type ImageTag struct { // Registry Registry *string `json:"registry,omitempty"` // Tag Tag string `json:"tag"` // Created Created string `json:"created"` }
type ImageTagOutput ¶
type ImageTagOutput struct { // Registry Registry *string `json:"registry,omitempty"` // Tag Tag string `json:"tag"` // Created Created string `json:"created"` }
type Images ¶
type Images struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Image Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` // RepositoryName RepositoryName *string `json:"repositoryName,omitempty"` // BinaryId BinaryID *string `json:"binaryId,omitempty"` // WorkflowName WorkflowName *string `json:"workflowName,omitempty"` // WorkflowUrl WorkflowURL *string `json:"workflowUrl,omitempty"` // CiProvider CiProvider *string `json:"ciProvider,omitempty"` }
Images Entity
type Ingress ¶
type Ingress struct { // Hostname Hostname *string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` // Ip IP *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` }
type Initiator ¶
type Initiator struct { // Git user username UserName string `json:"userName"` // Git user id UserID string `json:"userId"` // Git user email UserEmail string `json:"userEmail"` // Link to the user avatar image UserAvatarURL string `json:"userAvatarUrl"` // Link to the user git profile UserProfileURL string `json:"userProfileUrl"` }
"Event initiator
type InputArgoCDApplicationDestination ¶
type InputArgoCDApplicationDestination struct { // Cluster name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Cluster url Server *string `json:"server,omitempty"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` }
Input for Argo CD Application destination config
type InstallationStatus ¶
type InstallationStatus string
Installation Status
const ( // installation is completed InstallationStatusCompleted InstallationStatus = "COMPLETED" // installation failed InstallationStatusFailed InstallationStatus = "FAILED" // installation is in progress InstallationStatusInProgress InstallationStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" )
func (InstallationStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e InstallationStatus) IsValid() bool
func (InstallationStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e InstallationStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (InstallationStatus) String ¶
func (e InstallationStatus) String() string
func (*InstallationStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *InstallationStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type InstallationType ¶
type InstallationType string
Installation type
const ( // CLI InstallationTypeCli InstallationType = "CLI" // Helm InstallationTypeHelm InstallationType = "HELM" // Helm-Hosted InstallationTypeHelmHosted InstallationType = "HELM_HOSTED" // Hosted InstallationTypeHosted InstallationType = "HOSTED" )
func (InstallationType) IsValid ¶
func (e InstallationType) IsValid() bool
func (InstallationType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e InstallationType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (InstallationType) String ¶
func (e InstallationType) String() string
func (*InstallationType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *InstallationType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type IntegrationConfig ¶
type IntegrationConfig struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the generic entity History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Self entity reference for the real k8s entity in case of codefresh logical entity Self *GenericEntity `json:"self,omitempty"` // Integration Type IntegrationType string `json:"integrationType"` // Integration Type ProviderInfo *string `json:"providerInfo,omitempty"` }
Integration entity
func (IntegrationConfig) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (IntegrationConfig) IsBaseEntity()
func (IntegrationConfig) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (IntegrationConfig) IsGitopsEntity()
func (IntegrationConfig) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (IntegrationConfig) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type IntegrationConsumer ¶
type IntegrationConsumer string
Integration Consumer
const ( // Jira Write Back IntegrationConsumerJiraWriteBack IntegrationConsumer = "JIRA_WRITE_BACK" )
func (IntegrationConsumer) IsValid ¶
func (e IntegrationConsumer) IsValid() bool
func (IntegrationConsumer) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e IntegrationConsumer) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (IntegrationConsumer) String ¶
func (e IntegrationConsumer) String() string
func (*IntegrationConsumer) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *IntegrationConsumer) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type IntegrationEdge ¶
type IntegrationEdge struct { // Node contains the actual application data Node *IntegrationEntity `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Application Edge
type IntegrationEntity ¶
type IntegrationEntity struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Integration type usually consists of `<type>.<subtype>`, for example `issue.jira`. // // Take a look on libs/db/src/entities/common/integration/operation-state.types.ts to see the allowed values Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Provider info contains all non-secure data related to the integration, // for example `host` and `username` for `registry.quay` integration. // // Depends on the integration `type` ProviderInfo *string `json:"providerInfo,omitempty"` // Runtimes Runtimes []string `json:"runtimes,omitempty"` // Sync Status SyncStatus *SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus,omitempty"` // All runtimes enabled IsAllRuntimes *bool `json:"isAllRuntimes,omitempty"` // Enabled integration consumers EnabledIntegrationConsumers []*IntegrationConsumer `json:"enabledIntegrationConsumers,omitempty"` }
type IntegrationFilterArgs ¶
type IntegrationFilterArgs struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Integration type usually consists of `<type>.<subtype>`, for example `issue.jira`. // // Take a look on libs/db/src/entities/common/integration/operation-state.types.ts to see the allowed values Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Category type CategoryType *string `json:"categoryType,omitempty"` // Ci tool CiTool *SupportedCITools `json:"ciTool,omitempty"` // Runtime name Runtime *string `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Include default integrations IncludeDefaultIntegrations *bool `json:"includeDefaultIntegrations,omitempty"` // Enabled Integration Consumers EnabledIntegrationConsumers []*IntegrationConsumer `json:"enabledIntegrationConsumers,omitempty"` // Exclude not supported enrichment integrations ExcludeNotSupportedEnrichment *bool `json:"excludeNotSupportedEnrichment,omitempty"` }
Args to filter annotation
type IntegrationGenerationInput ¶
type IntegrationGenerationInput struct { // Metadata Metadata *IntegrationGenerationMetadata `json:"metadata"` // Provider info ProviderInfo string `json:"providerInfo"` // Intended operation over integration Operation ResourceOperation `json:"operation"` // Yaml containing encrypted sealed secret SealedSecretYaml *string `json:"sealedSecretYaml,omitempty"` }
type IntegrationGenerationMetadata ¶
type IntegrationGenerationMetadata struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Type Type string `json:"type"` // Runtimes Runtimes []string `json:"runtimes"` // IsAllRuntimes IsAllRuntimes bool `json:"isAllRuntimes"` // Enabled Integration Consumers EnabledIntegrationConsumers []*IntegrationConsumer `json:"enabledIntegrationConsumers,omitempty"` }
type IntegrationGenerationOutput ¶
type IntegrationGenerationOutput struct { // Operations Operations []*RuntimeOperation `json:"operations"` // Manifests Manifests []*ResourceManifest `json:"manifests"` }
type IntegrationSecret ¶
type IntegrationSecret struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the generic entity History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Self entity reference for the real k8s entity in case of codefresh logical entity Self *GenericEntity `json:"self,omitempty"` // Integration Type IntegrationType string `json:"integrationType"` // Integration Name IntegrationName string `json:"integrationName"` // Secret Type SecretType SecretType `json:"secretType"` }
Integration entity
func (IntegrationSecret) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (IntegrationSecret) IsBaseEntity()
func (IntegrationSecret) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (IntegrationSecret) IsGitopsEntity()
func (IntegrationSecret) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (IntegrationSecret) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type IntegrationSlice ¶
type IntegrationSlice struct { // Integration edges Edges []*IntegrationEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Integration Slice
type IssueType ¶
type IssueType string
Issue Type
func (IssueType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*IssueType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type IssueValue ¶
type IssueValue struct { // Issue url URL string `json:"url"` // Issue title Title string `json:"title"` // Issue status Status string `json:"status"` // Issue avatar URL AvatarURL *string `json:"avatarURL,omitempty"` // Issue assignee Assignee *string `json:"assignee,omitempty"` }
Issue value
type JiraCommand ¶
type JiraCommand struct { // Command Command *string `json:"command,omitempty"` }
Jira command
type JiraDeployment ¶
type JiraDeployment struct { // DeploymentSequenceNumber DeploymentSequenceNumber float64 `json:"deploymentSequenceNumber"` // UpdateSequenceNumber UpdateSequenceNumber float64 `json:"updateSequenceNumber"` // IssueKeys IssueKeys []*string `json:"issueKeys,omitempty"` // Associations Associations []*string `json:"associations,omitempty"` // DisplayName DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Url URL string `json:"url"` // Description Description string `json:"description"` // LastUpdated LastUpdated string `json:"lastUpdated"` // Label Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` // State State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // Pipeline Pipeline *JiraPipeline `json:"pipeline"` // Environment Environment *JiraEnvironment `json:"environment"` // Commands Commands []*JiraCommand `json:"commands,omitempty"` // SchemaVersion SchemaVersion *string `json:"schemaVersion,omitempty"` }
Jira Deployments
type JiraDeploymentsOutput ¶
type JiraDeploymentsOutput struct { // Jira Deployment Deployments []*JiraDeployment `json:"deployments"` // Exist Candidates To Report ExistCandidatesToReport *bool `json:"existCandidatesToReport,omitempty"` }
jira Deployments output
type JiraEnvironment ¶
type JiraEnvironment struct { // Id ID string `json:"id"` // DisplayName DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Type Type string `json:"type"` }
Jira environment
type JiraPipeline ¶
type JiraPipeline struct { // Id ID string `json:"id"` // DisplayName DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Url URL string `json:"url"` }
Jira pipeline
type K8sEntityID ¶
type K8sEntityID struct { // name Name string `json:"name"` // namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` }
K8s entity id
type KeycloakSso ¶
type KeycloakSso struct { // ID ID string `json:"id"` // Client type ClientType string `json:"clientType"` // Client name ClientName string `json:"clientName"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Accounts Accounts []*string `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // Access token AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` // Client Id, appId in Azure ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` // Client secret ClientSecret *string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` // Onprem default IDP OnpremDefaultIdp *bool `json:"onpremDefaultIdp,omitempty"` // Redirect url RedirectURL *string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect ui url RedirectUIURL *string `json:"redirectUiUrl,omitempty"` // Login url LoginURL *string `json:"loginUrl,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Host Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Realm Realm *string `json:"realm,omitempty"` }
func (KeycloakSso) IsIDP ¶
func (KeycloakSso) IsIDP()
type LabelArrays ¶
Label arrays
type LdapSso ¶
type LdapSso struct { // ID ID string `json:"id"` // Client type ClientType string `json:"clientType"` // Client name ClientName string `json:"clientName"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Accounts Accounts []*string `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // Access token AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` // Client Id, appId in Azure ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` // Client secret ClientSecret *string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` // Onprem default IDP OnpremDefaultIdp *bool `json:"onpremDefaultIdp,omitempty"` // Redirect url RedirectURL *string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect ui url RedirectUIURL *string `json:"redirectUiUrl,omitempty"` // Login url LoginURL *string `json:"loginUrl,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Password Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // URL URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Distinguished name DistinguishedName *string `json:"distinguishedName,omitempty"` // Search base SearchBase *string `json:"searchBase,omitempty"` // Search filter SearchFilter *string `json:"searchFilter,omitempty"` // Certificate Certificate *string `json:"certificate,omitempty"` // Allowed groups for sync AllowedGroupsForSync *string `json:"allowedGroupsForSync,omitempty"` // Search base for sync SearchBaseForSync *string `json:"searchBaseForSync,omitempty"` }
type LeadTimeForChangesStatistics ¶
type LeadTimeForChangesStatistics struct { // Lead time for changes statistics data Data []*DoraStatisticsData `json:"data"` // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData"` // Lead time for changes statistics info Info *DoraStatisticsSummery `json:"info"` }
Stats for lead time for changes statistics
type LoadBalancer ¶
type LoadBalancer struct { // Ingress Ingress []*Ingress `json:"ingress,omitempty"` }
type Mapping ¶
type Mapping struct { // Name of the variable VarName string `json:"varName"` // Description of the variable Description string `json:"description"` // Indicates if the mapping should be used in filtering expressions. Some mappings can be useless for filtering, like GIT_REPO that will be the same for each event. Filter bool `json:"filter"` }
Mapping between the var name and the path to the value in event payload
type MatchExpressionOperator ¶ added in v1.3.1
type MatchExpressionOperator string
const ( // DoesNotExist MatchExpressionOperatorDoesNotExist MatchExpressionOperator = "DoesNotExist" // Exists MatchExpressionOperatorExists MatchExpressionOperator = "Exists" // In MatchExpressionOperatorIn MatchExpressionOperator = "In" // NotIn MatchExpressionOperatorNotIn MatchExpressionOperator = "NotIn" )
func (MatchExpressionOperator) IsValid ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e MatchExpressionOperator) IsValid() bool
func (MatchExpressionOperator) MarshalGQL ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e MatchExpressionOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (MatchExpressionOperator) String ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e MatchExpressionOperator) String() string
func (*MatchExpressionOperator) UnmarshalGQL ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e *MatchExpressionOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type MetricMeasurement ¶
type MetricMeasurement struct { // Finished at date FinishedAt *string `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` // Started at date StartedAt *string `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Analysis Phase Phase *AnalysisPhases `json:"phase,omitempty"` // Measurements metadata object (@job-name etc.) Metadata *string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Measurement value Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
type MetricResult ¶
type MetricResult struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Provider type ProviderType AnalysisMetricProviderTypes `json:"providerType"` // Phase Phase AnalysisPhases `json:"phase"` // Measurements Measurements []*MetricMeasurement `json:"measurements"` // Message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Successful measurements Successful *int `json:"successful,omitempty"` // Failed measurements Failed *int `json:"failed,omitempty"` // Inconclusive measurements Inconclusive *int `json:"inconclusive,omitempty"` // Error measurements Error *int `json:"error,omitempty"` // Failure Limit FailureLimit *int `json:"failureLimit,omitempty"` // Inconclusive Limit InconclusiveLimit *int `json:"inconclusiveLimit,omitempty"` // Measurements count Count *int `json:"count,omitempty"` // Consecutive error limit ConsecutiveErrorLimit *int `json:"consecutiveErrorLimit,omitempty"` }
Metric result
type MetricWithTrend ¶
type MetricWithTrend struct { // Metric value Value int `json:"value"` // Percent Diff between the current time period and the previous time period PctDiffFromLastTimeFrame *float64 `json:"pctDiffFromLastTimeFrame,omitempty"` }
Pipeline metric with trend
type NameValueCodeOutput ¶
type NameValueCodeOutput struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Value Value string `json:"value"` // Code Code *bool `json:"code,omitempty"` }
Object with name / value / code fields
type NameValueOutput ¶
type NameValueOutput struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Value Value string `json:"value"` }
Object with name and value fields
type NodeStatus ¶
type NodeStatus struct { // Type Type string `json:"type"` // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Template Name TemplateName *string `json:"templateName,omitempty"` // Node children Children []*string `json:"children,omitempty"` // Current step phase Phase *WorkflowNodePhases `json:"phase,omitempty"` // Progress Progress *string `json:"progress,omitempty"` // Message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Start time StartedAt *string `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Finish time FinishedAt *string `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` // Inputs Inputs *string `json:"inputs,omitempty"` // Outputs Outputs *string `json:"outputs,omitempty"` // Script Script *string `json:"script,omitempty"` // Previous statuses Statuses []*StatusHistoryItem `json:"statuses"` // Id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Resources Duration ResourcesDuration *string `json:"resourcesDuration,omitempty"` // Template Ref TemplateRef *string `json:"templateRef,omitempty"` // Host node name HostNodeName *string `json:"hostNodeName,omitempty"` // Template Template *string `json:"template,omitempty"` // Template scope TemplateScope *string `json:"templateScope,omitempty"` }
Node status
type NotificationActionType ¶
type NotificationActionType string
Notification action type
const ( // Add action NotificationActionTypeAdded NotificationActionType = "ADDED" // Remove action NotificationActionTypeRemoved NotificationActionType = "REMOVED" // Update action NotificationActionTypeUpdate NotificationActionType = "UPDATE" )
func (NotificationActionType) IsValid ¶
func (e NotificationActionType) IsValid() bool
func (NotificationActionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e NotificationActionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (NotificationActionType) String ¶
func (e NotificationActionType) String() string
func (*NotificationActionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *NotificationActionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type NotificationEdge ¶
type NotificationEdge struct { // Node contains the actual notification data Node Notification `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Notification Edge
type NotificationSlice ¶
type NotificationSlice struct { // Notification edges Edges []*NotificationEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Notification Slice
type NotificationState ¶
type NotificationState string
Notification State
const ( // Failed state NotificationStateFailed NotificationState = "FAILED" // In progress state NotificationStateInProgress NotificationState = "IN_PROGRESS" // Success state NotificationStateSuccess NotificationState = "SUCCESS" )
func (NotificationState) IsValid ¶
func (e NotificationState) IsValid() bool
func (NotificationState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e NotificationState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (NotificationState) String ¶
func (e NotificationState) String() string
func (*NotificationState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *NotificationState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type NotificationType ¶
type NotificationType string
Notification Type
const ( // Event that are coming from argo cd NotificationTypeArgoCdEvent NotificationType = "ARGO_CD_EVENT" // Event that are coming from argo events NotificationTypeArgoEventsEvent NotificationType = "ARGO_EVENTS_EVENT" // Generic Event NotificationTypeGenericEvent NotificationType = "GENERIC_EVENT" )
func (NotificationType) IsValid ¶
func (e NotificationType) IsValid() bool
func (NotificationType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e NotificationType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (NotificationType) String ¶
func (e NotificationType) String() string
func (*NotificationType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *NotificationType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ObjectMeta ¶
type ObjectMeta struct { // Group Group string `json:"group"` // Version Version string `json:"version"` // Kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Description Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Runtime Runtime string `json:"runtime"` // Cluster URL Cluster *string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Account name Account string `json:"account"` // Labels Labels []*StringPair `json:"labels,omitempty"` // Annotations Annotations []*StringPair `json:"annotations,omitempty"` // Last updated LastUpdated *string `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` // Created Created *string `json:"created,omitempty"` // K8s object uid UID *string `json:"uid,omitempty"` // Favorite Favorite *bool `json:"favorite,omitempty"` // Revision number Revision *int `json:"revision,omitempty"` }
Object metadata
type OktaSso ¶
type OktaSso struct { // ID ID string `json:"id"` // Client type ClientType string `json:"clientType"` // Client name ClientName string `json:"clientName"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Accounts Accounts []*string `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // Access token AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` // Client Id, appId in Azure ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` // Client secret ClientSecret *string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` // Onprem default IDP OnpremDefaultIdp *bool `json:"onpremDefaultIdp,omitempty"` // Redirect url RedirectURL *string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect ui url RedirectUIURL *string `json:"redirectUiUrl,omitempty"` // Login url LoginURL *string `json:"loginUrl,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Scopes Scopes []*string `json:"scopes,omitempty"` // Client host ClientHost *string `json:"clientHost,omitempty"` // AutoGroupSync AutoGroupSync *bool `json:"autoGroupSync,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncInterval *string `json:"syncInterval,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncIntervalType *string `json:"syncIntervalType,omitempty"` // App Id AppID *string `json:"appId,omitempty"` // Sync mirror accounts SyncMirrorAccounts []*string `json:"syncMirrorAccounts,omitempty"` // Remove deactivated users after sync RemoveDeactivatedUsers *bool `json:"removeDeactivatedUsers,omitempty"` // Activate user after sync ActivateUserAfterSync *bool `json:"activateUserAfterSync,omitempty"` }
type OneTimeToken ¶
type OneTimeToken struct { // One time access token AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"` }
"get one time token for a user
type OneloginSso ¶
type OneloginSso struct { // ID ID string `json:"id"` // Client type ClientType string `json:"clientType"` // Client name ClientName string `json:"clientName"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Accounts Accounts []*string `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // Access token AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` // Client Id, appId in Azure ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` // Client secret ClientSecret *string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` // Onprem default IDP OnpremDefaultIdp *bool `json:"onpremDefaultIdp,omitempty"` // Redirect url RedirectURL *string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect ui url RedirectUIURL *string `json:"redirectUiUrl,omitempty"` // Login url LoginURL *string `json:"loginUrl,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Client host ClientHost *string `json:"clientHost,omitempty"` // API client id APIClientID *string `json:"apiClientId,omitempty"` // API client id APIClientSecret *string `json:"apiClientSecret,omitempty"` }
func (OneloginSso) IsIDP ¶
func (OneloginSso) IsIDP()
type Pack ¶
type Pack struct { // Metadata Metadata *PackMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Workflows Workflows *WorkflowConcurrency `json:"workflows,omitempty"` // Runtime Runtime *PackRuntime `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` }
type PackMetadata ¶
type PackMetadata struct { // Description Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
type PackRuntime ¶
type PackRuntime struct { // DefaultDindResources DefaultDindResources *DefaultDindResources `json:"defaultDindResources,omitempty"` // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // OS Os *string `json:"os,omitempty"` // Architecture Architecture *string `json:"architecture,omitempty"` // CPU CPU *string `json:"cpu,omitempty"` // Memory Memory *string `json:"memory,omitempty"` // Storage Storage *string `json:"storage,omitempty"` // DindStorage DindStorage *string `json:"dindStorage,omitempty"` }
type ParentWorkflowRef ¶
type ParentWorkflowRef struct { // Parent workflow Workflow *Workflow `json:"workflow,omitempty"` // Parent workflow type Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Parent workflow reference
type PastDue ¶
type PastDue struct { // IsPastDue IsPastDue *bool `json:"isPastDue,omitempty"` // ShowPastDueWarning ShowPastDueWarning *bool `json:"showPastDueWarning,omitempty"` }
type PayloadDataTypes ¶
type PayloadDataTypes string
Types of event payload
const ( PayloadDataTypesCalendar PayloadDataTypes = "calendar" PayloadDataTypesGit PayloadDataTypes = "git" PayloadDataTypesUnknown PayloadDataTypes = "unknown" )
func (PayloadDataTypes) IsValid ¶
func (e PayloadDataTypes) IsValid() bool
func (PayloadDataTypes) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PayloadDataTypes) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PayloadDataTypes) String ¶
func (e PayloadDataTypes) String() string
func (*PayloadDataTypes) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PayloadDataTypes) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Permission ¶
type Permission struct { // The id of the user with the permission UserID string `json:"userId"` // Has read permission? Read bool `json:"read"` // Has write permission? Write bool `json:"write"` // Deprecated: The user with the permission User *User `json:"user"` }
Permission model
type PermissionInput ¶
type PermissionInput struct { // The id of the user the permission UserID string `json:"userId"` // Has read permission? Read bool `json:"read"` // Has write permission? Write bool `json:"write"` }
Permission input
type Pipeline ¶
type Pipeline struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Self entity reference for the real k8s entity in case of codefresh logical entity Self *Sensor `json:"self,omitempty"` // History of the pipeline History *CompositeSlice `json:"history"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Trigger name Spec *PipelineSpec `json:"spec"` // Statistics Statistics *PipelineStatistics `json:"statistics,omitempty"` // List of last N workflows RecentActivity *WorkflowSlice `json:"recentActivity,omitempty"` }
Pipeline entity
func (Pipeline) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (Pipeline) IsBaseEntity()
func (Pipeline) IsK8sLogicEntity ¶
func (Pipeline) IsK8sLogicEntity()
func (Pipeline) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (Pipeline) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type PipelineAverageDurationStats ¶
type PipelineAverageDurationStats struct { // Info Info *PipelineAverageDurationStatsInfo `json:"info"` // Data Data []*PipelineAverageDurationStatsData `json:"data"` }
Pipeline statistics for average duration
type PipelineAverageDurationStatsData ¶
type PipelineAverageDurationStatsData struct { // Time Time *string `json:"time,omitempty"` // Average duration AverageDuration *float64 `json:"averageDuration,omitempty"` }
Stats data for pipline average duration
type PipelineAverageDurationStatsInfo ¶
type PipelineAverageDurationStatsInfo struct { // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData,omitempty"` // Total average duration for the all time period AverageDuration float64 `json:"averageDuration"` // Diff in avarages between the current time period and the previous time period PctDiffFromLastTimeFrame *float64 `json:"pctDiffFromLastTimeFrame,omitempty"` }
Stats info for pipeline success rate.
type PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType ¶
type PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType string
Pipeline statistics sort by duration type
const ( PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricTypeAverageDuration PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType = "AVERAGE_DURATION" PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricTypeP50Duration PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType = "P50_DURATION" PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricTypeP90Duration PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType = "P90_DURATION" )
func (PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType) IsValid ¶
func (e PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType) IsValid() bool
func (PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType) String ¶
func (e PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType) String() string
func (*PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PipelineClassicStatisticDurationMetricType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PipelineClassicStatsInfo ¶
type PipelineClassicStatsInfo struct { // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData,omitempty"` // Value for the all time period Value *MetricWithTrend `json:"value,omitempty"` }
Stats info for pipeline success rate.
type PipelineCommittersStats ¶
type PipelineCommittersStats struct { // Info Info *PipelineCommittersStatsInfo `json:"info"` // Data Data []*PipelineCommittersStatsData `json:"data"` }
Pipeline statistics for pipline success rate
type PipelineCommittersStatsData ¶
type PipelineCommittersStatsData struct { // Time Time *string `json:"time,omitempty"` // Committers Committers *int `json:"committers,omitempty"` }
Stats data for pipline committers
type PipelineCommittersStatsInfo ¶
type PipelineCommittersStatsInfo struct { // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData,omitempty"` // Total number of committers for the all time period TotalCommitters int `json:"totalCommitters"` // Diff in totals between the current time period and the previous time period PctDiffFromLastTimeFrame *float64 `json:"pctDiffFromLastTimeFrame,omitempty"` }
Stats info for pipeline committers.
type PipelineConfig ¶
type PipelineConfig struct { // General Pipeline Config General *PipelineConfigGeneral `json:"general,omitempty"` // Pipeline YAML Config Yaml *PipelineConfigYaml `json:"yaml,omitempty"` // Pipeline Execution Config Execution *PipelineConfigExecution `json:"execution,omitempty"` // Pending Approval Config PendingApproval *PipelineConfigPendingApproval `json:"pendingApproval,omitempty"` // Pipeline service account ServiceAccount *string `json:"serviceAccount,omitempty"` // Enable argo workflows pipelines EnableArgoWorkflows *bool `json:"enableArgoWorkflows,omitempty"` }
Pipeline config
type PipelineConfigExecution ¶
type PipelineConfigExecution struct { // Keeping PVS for pending approval steps KeepPVCsForPendingApproval *bool `json:"keepPVCsForPendingApproval,omitempty"` // Include builds that are pending for approval to the number of concurrent builds PendingApprovalConcurrencyApplied *bool `json:"pendingApprovalConcurrencyApplied,omitempty"` // Marketplace registry MarketplaceRegistry *string `json:"marketplaceRegistry,omitempty"` }
Pipeline Execution Config
type PipelineConfigGeneral ¶
type PipelineConfigGeneral struct { // Templates Templates *bool `json:"templates,omitempty"` // Clone Clone *bool `json:"clone,omitempty"` }
General Pipeline Config
type PipelineConfigPendingApproval ¶
type PipelineConfigPendingApproval struct { // Pending approval confirmation modal window PendingApprovalConfirmation *string `json:"pendingApprovalConfirmation,omitempty"` }
Pipeline Execution Config
type PipelineConfigYaml ¶
type PipelineConfigYaml struct { // Enable inline YAMLs Inline *bool `json:"inline,omitempty"` // Enable YAMLs from repository Git *bool `json:"git,omitempty"` // Enable YAMLs from URL URL *bool `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Pipeline YAML Config
type PipelineEdge ¶
type PipelineEdge struct { // Node contains the actual pipeline data Node *Pipeline `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Pipeline Edge
func (PipelineEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (PipelineEdge) IsEdge()
type PipelineExecutionsStats ¶
type PipelineExecutionsStats struct { // Info Info *PipelineExecutionsStatsInfo `json:"info"` // Data Data []*PipelineExecutionsStatsData `json:"data"` }
Pipeline statistics for pipline executions
type PipelineExecutionsStatsData ¶
type PipelineExecutionsStatsData struct { // Time Time *string `json:"time,omitempty"` // Executions Executions *int `json:"executions,omitempty"` }
Stats data for pipline executions
type PipelineExecutionsStatsInfo ¶
type PipelineExecutionsStatsInfo struct { // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData,omitempty"` // Total number of executions for the all time period TotalExecutions int `json:"totalExecutions"` // Diff in totals between the current time period and the previous time period PctDiffFromLastTimeFrame *float64 `json:"pctDiffFromLastTimeFrame,omitempty"` }
Stats info for pipeline executions.
type PipelineOrderedStatistics ¶
type PipelineOrderedStatistics struct { // Pipeline name PipelineName string `json:"pipelineName"` // Pipeline namespace PipelineNamespace string `json:"pipelineNamespace"` // Runtime Runtime string `json:"runtime"` // Position Position int `json:"position"` // Position Diff from last time frame PositionDiffFromLastTimeFrame *int `json:"positionDiffFromLastTimeFrame,omitempty"` // Success Rate stats SuccessRateStats *MetricWithTrend `json:"successRateStats,omitempty"` // Average duration stats AverageDurationStats *MetricWithTrend `json:"averageDurationStats,omitempty"` // Execution stats ExecutionsStats *MetricWithTrend `json:"executionsStats,omitempty"` }
Pipeline Ordered statistics
type PipelineRef ¶
type PipelineRef struct { // Id ID string `json:"id"` // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Project Project string `json:"project"` // ProjectId ProjectID string `json:"projectId"` }
Pipeline Reference
type PipelineSlice ¶
type PipelineSlice struct { // Pipeline edges Edges []*PipelineEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Pipeline Slice
func (PipelineSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (PipelineSlice) IsSlice()
type PipelineSpec ¶
type PipelineSpec struct { // Trigger Trigger string `json:"trigger"` }
Pipeline Spec
type PipelineStatistics ¶
type PipelineStatistics struct { // Success Rate stats SuccessRateStats *PipelineSuccessRateStats `json:"successRateStats,omitempty"` // Average duration stats AverageDurationStats *PipelineAverageDurationStats `json:"averageDurationStats,omitempty"` // Execution stats ExecutionsStats *PipelineExecutionsStats `json:"executionsStats,omitempty"` // Committers stats CommittersStats *PipelineCommittersStats `json:"committersStats,omitempty"` }
Pipeline statistics to be used in analytics module
type PipelineStepStatistics ¶
type PipelineStepStatistics struct { // Step Name StepName *string `json:"stepName,omitempty"` // Template Name TemplateName *string `json:"templateName,omitempty"` // Workflow Template WorkflowTemplate *string `json:"workflowTemplate,omitempty"` // Node Type NodeType *string `json:"nodeType,omitempty"` // Step Average duration AverageDurationStats *MetricWithTrend `json:"averageDurationStats,omitempty"` // Step Executions count ExecutionsStats *MetricWithTrend `json:"executionsStats,omitempty"` // Step Average CPU usage CPUStats *MetricWithTrend `json:"cpuStats,omitempty"` // Step Average Memory MemoryStats *MetricWithTrend `json:"memoryStats,omitempty"` // Step Errors count ErrorsCountStats *MetricWithTrend `json:"errorsCountStats,omitempty"` }
Pipeline Step
type PipelineSuccessRateStats ¶
type PipelineSuccessRateStats struct { // Info Info *PipelineSuccessRateStatsInfo `json:"info"` // Data Data []*PipelineSuccessRateStatsData `json:"data"` }
Pipeline statistics for pipline success rate
type PipelineSuccessRateStatsData ¶
type PipelineSuccessRateStatsData struct { // Time Time *string `json:"time,omitempty"` // Success rate SuccessRate *int `json:"successRate,omitempty"` }
Stats data for pipline success rate
type PipelineSuccessRateStatsInfo ¶
type PipelineSuccessRateStatsInfo struct { // Time period data TimePeriodData *StatsTimePeriodData `json:"timePeriodData,omitempty"` // Total average success rate for the all time period AverageSuccessRate int `json:"averageSuccessRate"` // Diff in avarages between the current time period and the previous time period PctDiffFromLastTimeFrame *float64 `json:"pctDiffFromLastTimeFrame,omitempty"` }
Stats info for pipeline success rate.
type PipelinesFilterArgs ¶
type PipelinesFilterArgs struct { // Filter pipelines from a specific project Project *string `json:"project,omitempty"` // Filter pipelines from a specific runtime Runtime *string `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Filter pipelines from a specific runtime Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Filter pipelines from a specific cluster URL Cluster *string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Filter pipelines from a specific pipeline Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Filter pipelines from a specific groups Groups []*string `json:"groups,omitempty"` // Filter pipelines from a specific versions Versions []*string `json:"versions,omitempty"` // Filter pipelines by workflowTemplate WorkflowTemplate *string `json:"workflowTemplate,omitempty"` }
Pipeline filter arguments
type Plan ¶
type Plan struct { // Stripe Stripe *Stripe `json:"stripe,omitempty"` // Trial Trial *Trial `json:"trial,omitempty"` // BasePrice BasePrice *BasePrice `json:"basePrice,omitempty"` // Workflows Workflows *PlanWorkflows `json:"workflows,omitempty"` // Environments Environments *PlanEnvironment `json:"environments,omitempty"` // DataRetention DataRetention *DataRetention `json:"dataRetention,omitempty"` // Collaborators Collaborators *PlanCollaborators `json:"collaborators,omitempty"` // PastDue PastDue *PastDue `json:"pastDue,omitempty"` // NewPricingModel NewPricingModel *bool `json:"newPricingModel,omitempty"` // Azure Azure *bool `json:"azure,omitempty"` // Currency Currency *string `json:"currency,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Dedicated Dedicated *bool `json:"dedicated,omitempty"` // PrivateRepo PrivateRepo *bool `json:"privateRepo,omitempty"` // PaymentInterval PaymentInterval *string `json:"paymentInterval,omitempty"` // IsWiredTransfer IsWiredTransfer *bool `json:"isWiredTransfer,omitempty"` // Packs Packs []*Pack `json:"packs,omitempty"` // TotalPrice TotalPrice *int `json:"totalPrice,omitempty"` // DisplayName DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // Id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // DefaultPack DefaultPack *string `json:"defaultPack,omitempty"` // Segment Segment *string `json:"segment,omitempty"` // MRR Mrr *int `json:"mrr,omitempty"` // ARR Arr *int `json:"arr,omitempty"` }
type PlanCollaborators ¶
type PlanCollaborators struct { // Limit Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
type PlanEnvironment ¶
type PlanEnvironment struct { // Concurrency Concurrency *EnvironmentConcurrency `json:"concurrency,omitempty"` }
type PlanWorkflows ¶
type PlanWorkflows struct { // Concurrency Concurrency *WorkflowConcurrency `json:"concurrency,omitempty"` }
type PodSpec ¶
type PodSpec struct { // Containers Containers []*DeploymentContainer `json:"containers,omitempty"` }
Pod Spec
type PodTemplateSpec ¶
type PodTemplateSpec struct { // Metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Spec Spec *PodSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
PodTemplate Spec
type PredefinedFilter ¶
type PredefinedFilter struct { // Key is the name of predefined filter Key string `json:"key"` // Value is the allowed string values for this key Booleans are passed using strconv.ParseBool() Numbers are parsed using as float64 using strconv.ParseFloat() Strings are taken as is Nils this value is ignored Value []string `json:"value"` // Comparator compares the event data with a user given value. Can be '>=', '>', '=', '!=', '<', or '<='. Is optional, and if left blank treated as equality '='. Comparator *string `json:"comparator,omitempty"` }
Predefined filter is similar to Classic Codefresh filters by branch, repo etc.
type PredefinedFilterArgs ¶
type PredefinedFilterArgs struct { // Key is the name of predefined filter Key string `json:"key"` // Value is the allowed string values for this key Booleans are passed using strconv.ParseBool() Numbers are parsed using as float64 using strconv.ParseFloat() Strings are taken as is Nils this value is ignored Value []string `json:"value"` // Comparator compares the event data with a user given value. Can be '>=', '>', '=', '!=', '<', or '<='. Is optional, and if left blank treated as equality '='. Comparator *string `json:"comparator,omitempty"` }
Predefined filter is similar to Classic Codefresh filters by branch, repo etc.
type PreviewedPromotionPolicy ¶ added in v1.3.1
type PreviewedPromotionPolicy struct { // Resolved preAction PreAction *ResolvedPromotionPolicyItem `json:"preAction,omitempty"` // Resolved postAction PostAction *ResolvedPromotionPolicyItem `json:"postAction,omitempty"` // Resolved action Action *ResolvedPromotionPolicyItem `json:"action,omitempty"` }
Result of the promotion policy preview. Action is optional.
type Product ¶
type Product struct { // Entity db id ID string `json:"id"` // Deprecated: Use instead Name string `json:"name"` // Favorites Favorites []string `json:"favorites,omitempty"` // Is group marked as favorite (user scope) Favorite *bool `json:"favorite,omitempty"` // Annotaion pairs array strings(key=value) AnnotationPairs []*string `json:"annotationPairs"` // List of environments that has at least 1 product component associated with this product Environments []*Environment `json:"environments"` // Tags list Tags []*string `json:"tags"` // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the application History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity (generation) Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Promotion flows and their selectors PromotionFlows []*ProductPromotionFlowSelectors `json:"promotionFlows,omitempty"` }
Product Entity
func (Product) IsBaseEntity ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (Product) IsBaseEntity()
func (Product) IsFavorable ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (Product) IsFavorable()
func (Product) IsFavorableNotK8sEntity ¶
func (Product) IsFavorableNotK8sEntity()
func (Product) IsGitopsEntity ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (Product) IsGitopsEntity()
func (Product) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (Product) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type ProductApplication ¶
type ProductApplication struct { // Entity id object Self *ProductApplicationEntityID `json:"self"` // Resolved application based on self object AppEntity *Application `json:"appEntity,omitempty"` // Runtime name Runtime string `json:"runtime"` // Deployed to object DeployedTo *ProductApplicationDeployedTo `json:"deployedTo"` // Product App Application Status object Status *ProductApplicationStatus `json:"status"` // Annotaion pairs array strings(key=value) AnnotationPairs []*string `json:"annotationPairs"` // Latest application release Release *ProductApplicationRelease `json:"release,omitempty"` }
Product App application
type ProductApplicationDeployedTo ¶
type ProductApplicationDeployedTo struct { // Destination cluster name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Destination server url Server *string `json:"server,omitempty"` // Destination namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` }
Product Application deployed to
type ProductApplicationEntityID ¶
type ProductApplicationEntityID struct { // Group Group string `json:"group"` // Version Version string `json:"version"` // Kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Cluster Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` }
Product application entity id
type ProductApplicationRelease ¶
type ProductApplicationRelease struct { // History id HistoryID int `json:"historyId"` // Related argocd history id ArgoHistoryID *int `json:"argoHistoryId,omitempty"` // Application field Application *ApplicationField `json:"application"` // Child applications ChildApps []*ChildApplicationField `json:"childApps"` // From state FromState *FromState `json:"fromState,omitempty"` // To state ToState *ToState `json:"toState"` // Transition Transition *Transition `json:"transition"` // Version of application and dependencies AppVersions *ProductComponentVersions `json:"appVersions,omitempty"` }
Product Application Release
type ProductApplicationStatus ¶
type ProductApplicationStatus struct { // Application sync status Sync *SyncStatus `json:"sync,omitempty"` // Application health status Health *HealthStatus `json:"health,omitempty"` }
Product App deployed to
type ProductComponent ¶
type ProductComponent struct { // Entity db id ID string `json:"id"` // Component name Name string `json:"name"` // Product app type Type ProductComponentType `json:"type"` // Pending Pull Requests PendingPullRequests []*PullRequest `json:"pendingPullRequests,omitempty"` // Application Application *ProductApplication `json:"application,omitempty"` // Promotion workflow PromotedBy *ProductComponentPromotedByWorkflow `json:"promotedBy,omitempty"` // ID of product to which component is manually attached ManuallyAttachedToProductID *string `json:"manuallyAttachedToProductId,omitempty"` // Resolved when product app attached to specific product or null if unassigned. Normally should be 1 or 0. If more this means that collision in relation present and component belongs to different products Products []*Product `json:"products,omitempty"` // Resolved when product app attached to specific environment or null if unassigned Environments []*Environment `json:"environments,omitempty"` // Favorites Favorites []string `json:"favorites,omitempty"` // Is group marked as favorite (user scope) Favorite *bool `json:"favorite,omitempty"` }
Product Component Entity
func (ProductComponent) IsEntity ¶
func (ProductComponent) IsEntity()
func (ProductComponent) IsFavorableNotK8s ¶
func (ProductComponent) IsFavorableNotK8s()
type ProductComponentEdge ¶
type ProductComponentEdge struct { // Node contains the actual Product data Node *ProductComponent `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Product component Edge
func (ProductComponentEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ProductComponentEdge) IsEdge()
type ProductComponentFilterArgs ¶
type ProductComponentFilterArgs struct { // Partial name (case insensitive) PartialName *string `json:"partialName,omitempty"` // Application names AppNames []*string `json:"appNames,omitempty"` // Filter by user favorite Favorite *bool `json:"favorite,omitempty"` // Issue key array IssueKeys []string `json:"issueKeys,omitempty"` // PR key array PrKeys []string `json:"prKeys,omitempty"` // Committers array Committers []string `json:"committers,omitempty"` // Images array Images []string `json:"images,omitempty"` // Product names array Products []string `json:"products,omitempty"` // If 'true' returns unassigned components, 'false' ignored NotInProduct *bool `json:"notInProduct,omitempty"` // Environments names array Environments []string `json:"environments,omitempty"` // If 'true' returns components that belong to any environment, 'false' ignored InEnvironment *bool `json:"inEnvironment,omitempty"` // By application health status HealthStatuses []HealthStatus `json:"healthStatuses,omitempty"` // If 'true' returns components that have at least 1 pending PR HasPendingPullRequests *bool `json:"hasPendingPullRequests,omitempty"` }
Args to filter Product Components
type ProductComponentPromotedByWorkflow ¶
type ProductComponentPromotedByWorkflow struct { // Workflow name WorkflowName string `json:"workflowName"` // Workflow status Status WorkflowPhases `json:"status"` // Git commit SHA that triggered the workflow Revision string `json:"revision"` // Workflow start time StartedAt *string `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Workflow finish time FinishedAt *string `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` }
Info about the workflow that promoted component
type ProductComponentSortArg ¶
type ProductComponentSortArg struct { // Field for sorting Field ProductComponentSortingField `json:"field"` // Order Order SortingOrder `json:"order"` }
Product Component sorting arguments
type ProductComponentSortingField ¶
type ProductComponentSortingField string
Product Components Sorting field
const ( // By name ProductComponentSortingFieldName ProductComponentSortingField = "name" // By updated at ProductComponentSortingFieldUpdatedAt ProductComponentSortingField = "updatedAt" )
func (ProductComponentSortingField) IsValid ¶
func (e ProductComponentSortingField) IsValid() bool
func (ProductComponentSortingField) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ProductComponentSortingField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProductComponentSortingField) String ¶
func (e ProductComponentSortingField) String() string
func (*ProductComponentSortingField) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ProductComponentSortingField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProductComponentType ¶
type ProductComponentType string
Product Component types
const ( // Argo application ProductComponentTypeArgoApplication ProductComponentType = "ARGO_APPLICATION" // Helm - not implemented yet ProductComponentTypeHelm ProductComponentType = "HELM" )
func (ProductComponentType) IsValid ¶
func (e ProductComponentType) IsValid() bool
func (ProductComponentType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ProductComponentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProductComponentType) String ¶
func (e ProductComponentType) String() string
func (*ProductComponentType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ProductComponentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProductComponentVersions ¶
type ProductComponentVersions struct { // AppVersion AppVersion *string `json:"appVersion,omitempty"` // VersionSources as yaml resources VersionSources []*ComponentDependenciesContent `json:"versionSources,omitempty"` // Versions VersionSummary []*SingleComponentDependency `json:"versionSummary,omitempty"` }
Version of product and dependencies
type ProductComponentsCounts ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ProductComponentsCounts struct { // Assigned Product Components Health Status Statistic Assigned []*ProductComponentsHealthStatusStatisticRecord `json:"assigned,omitempty"` // Unassigned Product Components Health Status Statistic Unassigned []*ProductComponentsHealthStatusStatisticRecord `json:"unassigned,omitempty"` }
Product Components Counts
type ProductComponentsHealthStatusStatisticRecord ¶
type ProductComponentsHealthStatusStatisticRecord struct { // Health Status Type HealthStatus `json:"type"` // Count Count int `json:"count"` }
Product Components Health Status Statistic
type ProductComponentsSlice ¶
type ProductComponentsSlice struct { // Product app edges Edges []*ProductComponentEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Product components Slice
func (ProductComponentsSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ProductComponentsSlice) IsSlice()
type ProductEdge ¶
type ProductEdge struct { // Node contains the actual Product data Node *Product `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Product Edge
func (ProductEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ProductEdge) IsEdge()
type ProductEnvironmentStatistic ¶
type ProductEnvironmentStatistic struct { // Entity db id EnvID string `json:"envId"` // Environment name Name string `json:"name"` // Kind of environment Kind EnvironmentKind `json:"kind"` // Kind of environment ComponentsAmount int `json:"componentsAmount"` // Position of environment Position int `json:"position"` }
Product Environment Statistic item
type ProductFilterArgs ¶
type ProductFilterArgs struct { // Partial name (case insensitive) PartialName *string `json:"partialName,omitempty"` // Application names AppNames []*string `json:"appNames,omitempty"` // Environments names Environments []*string `json:"environments,omitempty"` // Filter by user favorite Favorite *bool `json:"favorite,omitempty"` }
Args to filter Product
type ProductGitTrigger ¶ added in v1.3.1
type ProductGitTrigger string
const ( // commitMessage ProductGitTriggerCommitMessage ProductGitTrigger = "commitMessage" // Git revision (branch | tag) ProductGitTriggerGitRevision ProductGitTrigger = "gitRevision" )
func (ProductGitTrigger) IsValid ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e ProductGitTrigger) IsValid() bool
func (ProductGitTrigger) MarshalGQL ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e ProductGitTrigger) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProductGitTrigger) String ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e ProductGitTrigger) String() string
func (*ProductGitTrigger) UnmarshalGQL ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e *ProductGitTrigger) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProductGitTriggerSelector ¶ added in v1.3.1
type ProductGitTriggerSelector struct { // Key Key ProductGitTrigger `json:"key"` // Operator Operator MatchExpressionOperator `json:"operator"` // Values Values []string `json:"values"` }
Product Git Trigger Selector
type ProductPromotionFlowSelectors ¶ added in v1.3.1
type ProductPromotionFlowSelectors struct { // Entity db id Name string `json:"name"` // Group name GitTriggerSelectors []*ProductGitTriggerSelector `json:"gitTriggerSelectors"` }
Product Promotion Flow Selectors
type ProductRelease ¶
type ProductRelease struct { // Release id ReleaseID string `json:"releaseId"` // WIP - Release name - will be promotion flow name or generated? ReleaseName string `json:"releaseName"` // Promotion flow name PromotionFlowName *string `json:"promotionFlowName,omitempty"` // Environment that triggered the product release TriggerEnvironment *string `json:"triggerEnvironment,omitempty"` // Product release steps Steps []*ProductReleaseStep `json:"steps"` // First commit that triggered the product release TriggerCommit *CommitInfo `json:"triggerCommit,omitempty"` // Product release status Status ProductReleaseStatus `json:"status"` // Last update date of the product release UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"` // Creation date of the product release CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"` // Product Release error Error *ProductReleaseError `json:"error,omitempty"` // Product release details Details *ProductReleaseDetails `json:"details"` }
Product Release
type ProductReleaseDetails ¶
type ProductReleaseDetails struct { // Issues Issues []*Annotation `json:"issues"` // PullRequest Prs []*Annotation `json:"prs"` // Images Images []*Images `json:"images"` // Build Builds []*Build `json:"builds"` }
Product Release Details
type ProductReleaseEdge ¶
type ProductReleaseEdge struct { // Node contains the actual product Release data Node *ProductRelease `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Product Release Edge
type ProductReleaseError ¶
type ProductReleaseError struct { // Product release error code Code ProductReleaseErrorCode `json:"code"` // Product release error message Message string `json:"message"` }
Product release error
type ProductReleaseErrorCode ¶
type ProductReleaseErrorCode string
Product release error code
const ( // Promotion flow error ProductReleaseErrorCodePromotionFlowError ProductReleaseErrorCode = "PROMOTION_FLOW_ERROR" // Step error ProductReleaseErrorCodeStepError ProductReleaseErrorCode = "STEP_ERROR" // Step failed ProductReleaseErrorCodeStepFailed ProductReleaseErrorCode = "STEP_FAILED" // Step terminated ProductReleaseErrorCodeStepTerminated ProductReleaseErrorCode = "STEP_TERMINATED" )
func (ProductReleaseErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ProductReleaseErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ProductReleaseErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ProductReleaseErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProductReleaseErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ProductReleaseErrorCode) String() string
func (*ProductReleaseErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ProductReleaseErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProductReleaseFiltersArgs ¶
type ProductReleaseFiltersArgs struct { // Promotion Flow ids PromotionFlows []string `json:"promotionFlows,omitempty"` // Product release status Statuses []ProductReleaseStatus `json:"statuses,omitempty"` // Start date StartDate *string `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // End date EndDate *string `json:"endDate,omitempty"` }
Product release filters args
type ProductReleaseSlice ¶
type ProductReleaseSlice struct { // Product Release edges Edges []*ProductReleaseEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Product Release Slice
type ProductReleaseStatus ¶
type ProductReleaseStatus string
Product Release Status
const ( // Release status on release step failed ProductReleaseStatusFailed ProductReleaseStatus = "FAILED" // Release status on release step is running ProductReleaseStatusRunning ProductReleaseStatus = "RUNNING" // Release status on release step is succeeded ProductReleaseStatusSucceeded ProductReleaseStatus = "SUCCEEDED" // Release waiting for PR approval ProductReleaseStatusSuspended ProductReleaseStatus = "SUSPENDED" )
func (ProductReleaseStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e ProductReleaseStatus) IsValid() bool
func (ProductReleaseStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ProductReleaseStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProductReleaseStatus) String ¶
func (e ProductReleaseStatus) String() string
func (*ProductReleaseStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ProductReleaseStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProductReleaseStep ¶
type ProductReleaseStep struct { // Environment name supplied by promotion flow, immutable EnvironmentName string `json:"environmentName"` // Environment Kind EnvironmentKind EnvironmentKind `json:"environmentKind"` // Environments names depends on the current environment supplied by promotion flow, immutable DependsOn []string `json:"dependsOn"` // Product release environment step pre workflows steps view PreWorkflowsStepsView []*WorkflowsStepView `json:"preWorkflowsStepsView"` // Product release environment step post workflows steps view PostWorkflowsStepsView []*WorkflowsStepView `json:"postWorkflowsStepsView"` // Product release step status Status ProductReleaseStepStatus `json:"status"` // Last update at date UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Started at date StartedAt *string `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Issues Issues []Issue `json:"issues"` // Active release, latest release of that environment Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` // Product Release Step pending pr Pr *Annotation `json:"pr,omitempty"` }
Product release step
type ProductReleaseStepAction ¶
type ProductReleaseStepAction struct { // Post action workflowTemplate name PostAction *string `json:"postAction,omitempty"` // Labels to be set on the workflow Labels model.StringMap `json:"labels"` }
Product Release step action
type ProductReleaseStepStatus ¶
type ProductReleaseStepStatus string
Product Release step status
const ( // Product Release step status on release step is failed ProductReleaseStepStatusFailed ProductReleaseStepStatus = "FAILED" // Product Release step status on release step is pending for previous step to complete ProductReleaseStepStatusPending ProductReleaseStepStatus = "PENDING" // Product Release step status on release step is running ProductReleaseStepStatusRunning ProductReleaseStepStatus = "RUNNING" // Product Release step status on release step is succeeded ProductReleaseStepStatusSucceeded ProductReleaseStepStatus = "SUCCEEDED" // Product Release step status on release step is Suspended ProductReleaseStepStatusSuspended ProductReleaseStepStatus = "SUSPENDED" )
func (ProductReleaseStepStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e ProductReleaseStepStatus) IsValid() bool
func (ProductReleaseStepStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ProductReleaseStepStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProductReleaseStepStatus) String ¶
func (e ProductReleaseStepStatus) String() string
func (*ProductReleaseStepStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ProductReleaseStepStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProductReleaseTask ¶
type ProductReleaseTask struct { // App namespace AppNamespace *string `json:"appNamespace,omitempty"` // App name AppName *string `json:"appName,omitempty"` // Repo URL RepoURL *string `json:"repoUrl,omitempty"` // Branch Branch *string `json:"branch,omitempty"` // Path Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Pre Action (optional) PreAction *string `json:"preAction,omitempty"` // Action URL (optional) ActionURL *string `json:"actionUrl,omitempty"` // Action Body (optional) ActionBody *string `json:"actionBody,omitempty"` // Post Action (optional) PostAction *string `json:"postAction,omitempty"` // Labels (will end up as pre/post workflow labels) Labels model.StringMap `json:"labels,omitempty"` // Post action only - indicate if to run only post action PostActionOnly *bool `json:"postActionOnly,omitempty"` // workflow namespace WorkflowNamespace *string `json:"workflowNamespace,omitempty"` // Workflow wrapper name of the application in case the workflow was already run and restarted WorkflowName *string `json:"workflowName,omitempty"` // Product release task type Type ProductReleaseTaskType `json:"type"` }
product release task
type ProductReleaseTaskType ¶ added in v1.3.1
type ProductReleaseTaskType string
const ( // Retry product release task ProductReleaseTaskTypeRetryProductReleaseTask ProductReleaseTaskType = "RetryProductReleaseTask" // Create product release task ProductReleaseTaskTypeCreateProductReleaseTask ProductReleaseTaskType = "CreateProductReleaseTask" )
func (ProductReleaseTaskType) IsValid ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e ProductReleaseTaskType) IsValid() bool
func (ProductReleaseTaskType) MarshalGQL ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e ProductReleaseTaskType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProductReleaseTaskType) String ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e ProductReleaseTaskType) String() string
func (*ProductReleaseTaskType) UnmarshalGQL ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (e *ProductReleaseTaskType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProductSlice ¶
type ProductSlice struct { // Product edges Edges []*ProductEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Product Slice
func (ProductSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ProductSlice) IsSlice()
type ProductSortArg ¶
type ProductSortArg struct { // Field for sorting Field ProductSortingField `json:"field"` // Order Order SortingOrder `json:"order"` }
Product sorting arguments
type ProductSortingField ¶
type ProductSortingField string
Product Sorting field
const ( // By name ProductSortingFieldName ProductSortingField = "name" // By updated at ProductSortingFieldUpdatedAt ProductSortingField = "updatedAt" )
func (ProductSortingField) IsValid ¶
func (e ProductSortingField) IsValid() bool
func (ProductSortingField) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ProductSortingField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProductSortingField) String ¶
func (e ProductSortingField) String() string
func (*ProductSortingField) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ProductSortingField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProductStatistic ¶
type ProductStatistic struct { // Entity db id ID string `json:"id"` // Group name Name string `json:"name"` // Entironments Environments []*ProductEnvironmentStatistic `json:"environments"` }
Product Statistic item
type Project ¶
type Project struct { // Project name Name string `json:"name"` // Project description Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
Project entity
type ProjectBasedEntity ¶
type ProjectBasedEntity interface {
Project based entity
type ProjectEdge ¶
type ProjectEdge struct { // Node contains the actual project data Node *Project `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Project Edge
func (ProjectEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ProjectEdge) IsEdge()
type ProjectSlice ¶
type ProjectSlice struct { // Project edges Edges []*ProjectEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Project Slice
func (ProjectSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ProjectSlice) IsSlice()
type PromotionFlow ¶
type PromotionFlow struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Relations between parents and child applications in tree AppsRelations *AppsRelations `json:"appsRelations,omitempty"` // ReadPermission of related git source ReadPermission *bool `json:"readPermission,omitempty"` // History of the application History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity (generation) Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Db entity id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Updated At UpdatedAt *string `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Trigger Environment TriggerEnvironment string `json:"triggerEnvironment"` // Post Trigger PostTrigger *string `json:"postTrigger,omitempty"` // Promotion flow steps Steps []*FlowStep `json:"steps"` }
PromotionFlow entity
func (PromotionFlow) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (PromotionFlow) IsBaseEntity()
func (PromotionFlow) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (PromotionFlow) IsGitopsEntity()
func (PromotionFlow) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (PromotionFlow) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type PromotionFlowEdge ¶
type PromotionFlowEdge struct { // Node contains the actual promotion flow data Node *PromotionFlow `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Promotion flow Edge
type PromotionFlowSlice ¶
type PromotionFlowSlice struct { // Promotion flow edges Edges []*PromotionFlowEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Promotion flow Slice
type PromotionPolicy ¶
type PromotionPolicy struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // History History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity (generation) Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest bool `json:"latest"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Product and Environment selector Selector *PromotionPolicySelector `json:"selector,omitempty"` // Policy Policy *PromotionPolicyDefinition `json:"policy"` // Number that represents the priority of the promotion policy when multiple policies can be applied. The higher the number, the higher the priority. The default value is 0. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` }
PromotionPolicy entity
func (PromotionPolicy) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (PromotionPolicy) IsBaseEntity()
func (PromotionPolicy) IsEntity ¶
func (PromotionPolicy) IsEntity()
func (PromotionPolicy) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (PromotionPolicy) IsGitopsEntity()
type PromotionPolicyAction ¶
type PromotionPolicyAction string
Promotion policy possible actions
const ( // Action type is a commit PromotionPolicyActionCommit PromotionPolicyAction = "commit" // Action type is none PromotionPolicyActionNone PromotionPolicyAction = "none" // Action type is a PR PromotionPolicyActionPr PromotionPolicyAction = "pr" )
func (PromotionPolicyAction) IsValid ¶
func (e PromotionPolicyAction) IsValid() bool
func (PromotionPolicyAction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PromotionPolicyAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PromotionPolicyAction) String ¶
func (e PromotionPolicyAction) String() string
func (*PromotionPolicyAction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PromotionPolicyAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PromotionPolicyDefinition ¶
type PromotionPolicyDefinition struct { // Pre action workflowTemplate name PreAction *string `json:"preAction,omitempty"` // Post action workflowTemplate name PostAction *string `json:"postAction,omitempty"` // Action Type Action *PromotionPolicyAction `json:"action,omitempty"` }
Promotion policy definition
type PromotionPolicyDefinitionInput ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PromotionPolicyDefinitionInput struct { // Pre action workflowTemplate name PreAction *string `json:"preAction,omitempty"` // Post action workflowTemplate name PostAction *string `json:"postAction,omitempty"` // Action Type Action PromotionPolicyAction `json:"action"` }
promotion policy definition
type PromotionPolicyEdge ¶
type PromotionPolicyEdge struct { // Node Node *PromotionPolicy `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
PromotionPolicy Edge
func (PromotionPolicyEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (PromotionPolicyEdge) IsEdge()
type PromotionPolicyEnvironmentSelector ¶
type PromotionPolicyEnvironmentSelector struct { // Environment names Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"` // Environment types Types []EnvironmentKind `json:"types,omitempty"` // Environment tags Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
Promotion policy environment selector
type PromotionPolicyFilterArgs ¶
type PromotionPolicyFilterArgs struct { // Partial name (case insensitive) PartialName *string `json:"partialName,omitempty"` // Pre-action (case insensitive) PreActionNames []string `json:"preActionNames,omitempty"` // Post-action (case insensitive) PostActionNames []string `json:"postActionNames,omitempty"` // Action Action *PromotionPolicyAction `json:"action,omitempty"` }
Args to filter Promotion Policy
type PromotionPolicyFilterValues ¶
type PromotionPolicyFilterValues struct { // Pre-action PreActions []string `json:"preActions"` // Post-action PostActions []string `json:"postActions"` }
Promotion Policy filter values
type PromotionPolicyProductSelector ¶
type PromotionPolicyProductSelector struct { // Product names Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"` // Products tags Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
Promotion policy product selector
type PromotionPolicySelector ¶
type PromotionPolicySelector struct { // Product selector Product *PromotionPolicyProductSelector `json:"product,omitempty"` // Environment selector TargetEnvironment *PromotionPolicyEnvironmentSelector `json:"targetEnvironment,omitempty"` }
Promotion policy selector
type PromotionPolicySlice ¶
type PromotionPolicySlice struct { // PromotionPolicy edges Edges []*PromotionPolicyEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
PromotionPolicy Slice
func (PromotionPolicySlice) IsSlice ¶
func (PromotionPolicySlice) IsSlice()
type PromotionPolicySortArg ¶
type PromotionPolicySortArg struct { // Field for sorting Field PromotionPolicySortingField `json:"field"` // Order Order SortingOrder `json:"order"` }
Promotion Policy sorting arguments
type PromotionPolicySortingField ¶
type PromotionPolicySortingField string
Product Policy sorting field
const ( // By creation date PromotionPolicySortingFieldCreatedAt PromotionPolicySortingField = "createdAt" // By name PromotionPolicySortingFieldName PromotionPolicySortingField = "name" // By priority PromotionPolicySortingFieldPriority PromotionPolicySortingField = "priority" )
func (PromotionPolicySortingField) IsValid ¶
func (e PromotionPolicySortingField) IsValid() bool
func (PromotionPolicySortingField) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PromotionPolicySortingField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PromotionPolicySortingField) String ¶
func (e PromotionPolicySortingField) String() string
func (*PromotionPolicySortingField) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PromotionPolicySortingField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PromotionSource ¶
type PromotionSource struct { // File path Glob string `json:"glob"` // JSON paths to the values in the file JSONPaths []string `json:"jsonPaths"` }
PromotionSource entity
type PromotionTemplate ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PromotionTemplate struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this entity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Version Source VersionSource *FileSource `json:"versionSource"` // Promotion array of PromotionSource Promotion []*PromotionSource `json:"promotion"` }
PromotionTemplate entity
func (PromotionTemplate) IsBaseEntity ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (PromotionTemplate) IsBaseEntity()
func (PromotionTemplate) IsEntity ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (PromotionTemplate) IsEntity()
func (PromotionTemplate) IsPromotionTemplateFields ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (PromotionTemplate) IsPromotionTemplateFields()
type PromotionTemplateEdge ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PromotionTemplateEdge struct { // Node contains the actual application configuration data Node *PromotionTemplate `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Application Set Edge
func (PromotionTemplateEdge) IsEdge ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (PromotionTemplateEdge) IsEdge()
type PromotionTemplateFields ¶ added in v1.3.1
type PromotionTemplateFields interface {
type PromotionTemplateShort ¶ added in v1.3.1
type PromotionTemplateShort struct { // Version Source VersionSource *FileSource `json:"versionSource"` // Promotion array of PromotionSource Promotion []*PromotionSource `json:"promotion"` }
PromotionTemplate Short entity
func (PromotionTemplateShort) IsPromotionTemplateFields ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (PromotionTemplateShort) IsPromotionTemplateFields()
type PromotionTemplateSlice ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PromotionTemplateSlice struct { // Application edges Edges []*PromotionTemplateEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
PromotionTemplate Slice
func (PromotionTemplateSlice) IsSlice ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (PromotionTemplateSlice) IsSlice()
type PullRequest ¶
type PullRequest struct { // Pull request repo name Repo string `json:"repo"` // Pull request id ID int `json:"id"` // Pull request description Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Pull request title Title string `json:"title"` // Pull request url URL string `json:"url"` // Pull request author Author string `json:"author"` // Pull request author avatar url AvatarURL string `json:"avatarUrl"` // Pull request created at CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"` }
Pull request
type PullRequestArgs ¶
type PullRequestArgs struct { // Pull request repo name Repo string `json:"repo"` // Pull request id ID int `json:"id"` // Pull request url URL string `json:"url"` // Pull request title Title string `json:"title"` // Pull request description Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Pull request author Author string `json:"author"` // Pull request author avatar url AvatarURL string `json:"avatarUrl"` // Pull request created at CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"` }
Pull request args
type PullRequestCommitter ¶
type PullRequestCommitter struct { // userName UserName string `json:"userName"` // avatar Avatar *string `json:"avatar,omitempty"` }
type PullRequestValue ¶
type PullRequestValue struct { // url URL string `json:"url"` // title Title string `json:"title"` // committers Committers []*PullRequestCommitter `json:"committers"` // commits Commits []*Commits `json:"commits,omitempty"` // id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` }
PullRequest value
type Registry ¶
type Registry struct { // Domain Domain string `json:"domain"` // Registry type Type ImageRegistryType `json:"type"` // Repository prefix derived from image name: `domain + repository/prefix[/any] + imageName RepositoryPrefix *string `json:"repositoryPrefix,omitempty"` // Original Repository Prefix OriginalRepositoryPrefix *string `json:"originalRepositoryPrefix,omitempty"` }
type RegistryOutput ¶
type RegistryOutput struct { // Id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Domain Domain string `json:"domain"` // Repository prefix derived from image name: `domain + repository/prefix[/any] + imageName RepositoryPrefix *string `json:"repositoryPrefix,omitempty"` // OriginalRepositoryPrefix OriginalRepositoryPrefix *string `json:"originalRepositoryPrefix,omitempty"` }
type Release ¶
type Release struct { // Runtime version (backward compatability, not used anywhere) Version string `json:"version"` // Runtime version RuntimeVersion string `json:"runtimeVersion"` // Chart version (only exists in helm runtime) ChartVersion *string `json:"chartVersion,omitempty"` // Has security vulnerabilities HasSecurityVulnerabilities *bool `json:"hasSecurityVulnerabilities,omitempty"` }
Release Entity - represents a Codefresh runtime release
type ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons ¶
type ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons string
Release Rollout Disabled Reasons
const ( // Happens only when new commit occured (non-image change) while Rollout was progressing ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasonsRestartedDueNewCommit ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons = "RESTARTED_DUE_NEW_COMMIT" )
func (ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons) IsValid ¶
func (e ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons) IsValid() bool
func (ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons) String ¶
func (e ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons) String() string
func (*ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ReleaseRolloutState ¶
type ReleaseRolloutState struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // UID UID *string `json:"uid,omitempty"` // Revision CurrentRevision int `json:"currentRevision"` // Disable rollout access on ui Disabled *ReleaseRolloutDisabledReasons `json:"disabled,omitempty"` // Status of the process Phase RolloutPhases `json:"phase"` // Health message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Name of current strategy CurrentStrategyName RolloutStrategyNames `json:"currentStrategyName"` // Number of steps Steps *int `json:"steps,omitempty"` // Current step index CurrentStepIndex *int `json:"currentStepIndex,omitempty"` // Current step spec CurrentStepSpec *string `json:"currentStepSpec,omitempty"` // Services Services []*string `json:"services"` // Status of PrePromotion analysis PrePromotionAnalysisRunStatus *RolloutAnalysisStatus `json:"prePromotionAnalysisRunStatus,omitempty"` // Status of postPromotion analysis PostPromotionAnalysisRunStatus *RolloutAnalysisStatus `json:"postPromotionAnalysisRunStatus,omitempty"` // Status of inline analyses StepsAnalysisRunStatuses []*RolloutAnalysisStatus `json:"stepsAnalysisRunStatuses,omitempty"` // Status of background status BackgroundAnalysisRunStatus *RolloutAnalysisStatus `json:"backgroundAnalysisRunStatus,omitempty"` // Revision info RevisionInfo *RevisionInfo `json:"revisionInfo"` // Is rollout complete IsComplete bool `json:"isComplete"` // Is rollout paused (taken from status.paused) Paused *bool `json:"paused,omitempty"` // Set to true only when analysis run status become inconclusive PausedInconclusive *bool `json:"pausedInconclusive,omitempty"` }
Rollout Rollout State
type ReleaseServiceState ¶
type ReleaseServiceState struct { // Images Images []*Images `json:"images,omitempty"` // SyncStatus SyncStatus *SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus,omitempty"` // Replicas Replicas *int `json:"replicas,omitempty"` // Available Replicas AvailableReplicas *int `json:"availableReplicas,omitempty"` }
ReleaseServiceState Entity
type RenewAccessTokenResponse ¶
type RenewAccessTokenResponse struct { // The access token to use for the next requests NewAccessToken *string `json:"newAccessToken,omitempty"` }
"response for renew access token
type ReplicaSet ¶
type ReplicaSet struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the application History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Image Image string `json:"image"` // Replicas Replicas int `json:"replicas"` // Ready Replicas ReadyReplicas int `json:"readyReplicas"` // Current Replicas CurrentReplicas int `json:"currentReplicas"` // Available Replicas AvailableReplicas int `json:"availableReplicas"` // Updated Replicas UpdatedReplicas int `json:"updatedReplicas"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest string `json:"actualManifest"` }
ReplicaSet entity
func (ReplicaSet) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (ReplicaSet) IsBaseEntity()
func (ReplicaSet) IsEntity ¶
func (ReplicaSet) IsEntity()
type ReplicaSetEdge ¶
type ReplicaSetEdge struct { // Node contains the actual ReplicaSet data Node *ReplicaSet `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
ReplicaSet Edge
func (ReplicaSetEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ReplicaSetEdge) IsEdge()
type ReplicaSetSlice ¶
type ReplicaSetSlice struct { // ReplicaSet edges Edges []*ReplicaSetEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
ReplicaSet Slice
func (ReplicaSetSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ReplicaSetSlice) IsSlice()
type RepoBitbucketCloudFilterArgs ¶
type RepoBitbucketCloudFilterArgs struct { // Repo owner Owner string `json:"owner"` // Repo projectKey ProjectKey string `json:"projectKey"` // Repo name RepositorySlug string `json:"repositorySlug"` }
type RepoBitbucketCloudFilterArgsInput ¶
type RepoBitbucketCloudFilterArgsInput struct { // Repo owner Owner string `json:"owner"` // Repo projectKey ProjectKey string `json:"projectKey"` // Repo name RepositorySlug string `json:"repositorySlug"` }
type ReportRuntimeErrorsArgs ¶
type ReportRuntimeErrorsArgs struct { // Name of the Runtime Runtime string `json:"runtime"` // Errors Errors []*HealthErrorInput `json:"errors"` }
Runtime Errors Report Arguments
type ResolvedPromotionPolicy ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ResolvedPromotionPolicy struct { // Resolved preAction PreAction *ResolvedPromotionPolicyItem `json:"preAction,omitempty"` // Resolved postAction PostAction *ResolvedPromotionPolicyItem `json:"postAction,omitempty"` // Resolved action Action *ResolvedPromotionPolicyItem `json:"action"` }
Result of the promotion policy resolution. Action is required.
type ResolvedPromotionPolicyItem ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ResolvedPromotionPolicyItem struct { // Value Value string `json:"value"` // Origin of the value Origin *PromotionPolicy `json:"origin"` }
Value and origin of the resolved PP field
type ResourceAction ¶
type ResourceAction string
Resource action
const ( // Added ResourceActionAdded ResourceAction = "ADDED" // Deleted ResourceActionDeleted ResourceAction = "DELETED" // Updated ResourceActionUpdated ResourceAction = "UPDATED" )
func (ResourceAction) IsValid ¶
func (e ResourceAction) IsValid() bool
func (ResourceAction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ResourceAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ResourceAction) String ¶
func (e ResourceAction) String() string
func (*ResourceAction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ResourceAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ResourceEvent ¶
type ResourceEvent struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Group Group string `json:"group"` // Version Version string `json:"version"` // Kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Namespace Namespace string `json:"namespace"` }
Resource event
func (ResourceEvent) IsEvent ¶
func (ResourceEvent) IsEvent()
type ResourceManifest ¶
type ResourceManifest struct { // Full filename with path Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` // Status: created, updated, deleted Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` // K8s kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // File contents Content string `json:"content"` // Old file contents OldContent *string `json:"oldContent,omitempty"` // Git commit sha Revision *string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this resource ReferencedBy []*BaseReference `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` }
Resource manifest
type ResourceOperation ¶
type ResourceOperation string
const ( // Create resources ResourceOperationCreate ResourceOperation = "CREATE" // Delete resources ResourceOperationDelete ResourceOperation = "DELETE" // Update resources ResourceOperationUpdate ResourceOperation = "UPDATE" )
func (ResourceOperation) IsValid ¶
func (e ResourceOperation) IsValid() bool
func (ResourceOperation) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ResourceOperation) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ResourceOperation) String ¶
func (e ResourceOperation) String() string
func (*ResourceOperation) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ResourceOperation) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ResourcesRequests ¶
type ResourcesRequests struct { // CPU CPU *string `json:"cpu,omitempty"` // Memory Memory *string `json:"memory,omitempty"` }
type RestrictedGitSource ¶
type RestrictedGitSource struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // The generated AppProject's sourceNamespace SourceNamespace string `json:"sourceNamespace"` // The generated AppProject's destinations array Destinations []*AppProjectDestination `json:"destinations"` // The generated AppProject's sourceRepos array SourceRepos []string `json:"sourceRepos,omitempty"` }
RestrictedGitSource entity
func (RestrictedGitSource) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (RestrictedGitSource) IsBaseEntity()
func (RestrictedGitSource) IsEntity ¶
func (RestrictedGitSource) IsEntity()
type RestrictedGitSourceDetails ¶
type RestrictedGitSourceDetails struct { // The generated AppProject's sourceNamespace SourceNamespace string `json:"sourceNamespace"` // The generated AppProject's destinations array Destinations []*AppProjectDestination `json:"destinations"` // The generated AppProject's sourceRepos array SourceRepos []string `json:"sourceRepos,omitempty"` }
Restricted Git Source details
type RestrictedGitSourceEdge ¶
type RestrictedGitSourceEdge struct { // Node contains the actual restricted gitsource data Node *RestrictedGitSource `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
RestrictedGitSource Edge
func (RestrictedGitSourceEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (RestrictedGitSourceEdge) IsEdge()
type RestrictedGitSourceSlice ¶
type RestrictedGitSourceSlice struct { // Restricted git source edges Edges []*RestrictedGitSourceEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
RestrictedGitSource Slice
func (RestrictedGitSourceSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (RestrictedGitSourceSlice) IsSlice()
type RevisionInfo ¶
type RevisionInfo struct { // Image Name Image string `json:"image"` // Image details ImageDetails *RolloutImageDetails `json:"imageDetails,omitempty"` // Current traffic weight directed to this revision Weight int `json:"weight"` // Current replicas Replicas *int `json:"replicas,omitempty"` // Current ready replicas ReadyReplicas *int `json:"readyReplicas,omitempty"` // Current total replicas CurrentReplicas *int `json:"currentReplicas,omitempty"` // Current available replicas AvailableReplicas *int `json:"availableReplicas,omitempty"` UnavailableReplicas *int `json:"unavailableReplicas,omitempty"` // Updated replicas UpdatedReplicas *int `json:"updatedReplicas,omitempty"` }
Revision Info Entity
type RollbackAvailabilityInfo ¶
type RollbackAvailabilityInfo struct { // Is rollback allowed for this rollout Allowed bool `json:"allowed"` // Is this rollout is latest one or not IsLatestRollout bool `json:"isLatestRollout"` // Is this rollout replicaset resource still exists in cluster as per history settings InRevisionsHistory bool `json:"inRevisionsHistory"` // Current revision history limit which is set in latest rollout of the application RevisionHistoryLimitSettings int `json:"revisionHistoryLimitSettings"` // Revision of latest rollout LatestRevision int `json:"latestRevision"` }
Rollback Availability Info
type Rollout ¶
type Rollout struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // History of the entity History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Spec Spec *RolloutSpec `json:"spec"` // Status Status *RolloutStatus `json:"status"` // Performed Actions (from codefresh) PerformedActions *RolloutPerformedActions `json:"performedActions,omitempty"` // Rollback info RollbackAvailability *RollbackAvailabilityInfo `json:"rollbackAvailability,omitempty"` }
"Rollout Entity
func (Rollout) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (Rollout) IsBaseEntity()
func (Rollout) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (Rollout) IsGitopsEntity()
func (Rollout) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (Rollout) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type RolloutAnalysisRunStatus ¶
type RolloutAnalysisRunStatus struct { // Number of erroneous measurments Name string `json:"name"` // Status Status AnalysisPhases `json:"status"` // Message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
Rollout Analysis Run Status
type RolloutAnalysisStatus ¶
type RolloutAnalysisStatus struct { // Number of erroneous measurments Error int `json:"error"` // Number of failed measurments Failed int `json:"failed"` // Number of inconclusive measurments Inconclusive int `json:"inconclusive"` // Name of the analysis Name string `json:"name"` // The summary state of the analysis, taking into account defined limits Phase string `json:"phase"` // Number of successful measurments Successful int `json:"successful"` }
Rollout Analysis Status
type RolloutCanaryInlineAnalysisStep ¶
type RolloutCanaryInlineAnalysisStep struct { // Replicas Templates []*RolloutInlineAnalysisTemplate `json:"templates"` // Name value args list Args []*NameValueOutput `json:"args,omitempty"` }
Rollout Set Canary Scale Step
type RolloutCanaryPauseStep ¶
type RolloutCanaryPauseStep struct { // Duration settings Duration *string `json:"duration,omitempty"` }
Rollout Canary Pause Step
type RolloutCanarySetScaleStep ¶
type RolloutCanarySetScaleStep struct { // Replicas Replicas *int `json:"replicas,omitempty"` // Weight Weight *int `json:"weight,omitempty"` // Match Traffic Weight MatchTrafficWeight *bool `json:"matchTrafficWeight,omitempty"` }
Rollout Set Canary Scale Step
type RolloutCanaryStatus ¶
type RolloutCanaryStatus struct { // Status of current step analysis CurrentStepAnalysisRunStatus *RolloutAnalysisRunStatus `json:"currentStepAnalysisRunStatus,omitempty"` // Status of background status BackgroundAnalysisRunStatus *RolloutAnalysisRunStatus `json:"backgroundAnalysisRunStatus,omitempty"` }
Rollout Canary Status
type RolloutCanaryStep ¶
type RolloutCanaryStep struct { // Set weight SetWeight *int `json:"setWeight,omitempty"` // Pause settings Pause *RolloutCanaryPauseStep `json:"pause,omitempty"` // Set canary scal SetCanaryScale *RolloutCanarySetScaleStep `json:"setCanaryScale,omitempty"` // Inline analysis Analysis *RolloutCanaryInlineAnalysisStep `json:"analysis,omitempty"` // Inline experiment Experiment *RolloutInlineExperimentTemplate `json:"experiment,omitempty"` // Related Analysis Runs array AnalysisRuns []*AnalysisRun `json:"analysisRuns,omitempty"` }
Rollout Canary Step
type RolloutEdge ¶
type RolloutEdge struct { // Node contains the actual rollout data Node *Rollout `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Rollout Edge
func (RolloutEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (RolloutEdge) IsEdge()
type RolloutImageDetails ¶
type RolloutImageDetails struct { // Image name Image string `json:"image"` // Image repository name RepositoryName string `json:"repositoryName"` // Image binary id BinaryID string `json:"binaryId"` // Workflow name WorkflowName *string `json:"workflowName,omitempty"` // Workflow url WorkflowURL *string `json:"workflowUrl,omitempty"` // CI provider CiProvider *string `json:"ciProvider,omitempty"` }
Rollout Image Details
type RolloutInlineAnalysisTemplate ¶
type RolloutInlineAnalysisTemplate struct { // Template name TemplateName string `json:"templateName"` }
Rollout Set Canary Scale Step
type RolloutInlineExperimentAnalyses ¶
type RolloutInlineExperimentAnalyses struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Template name TemplateName string `json:"templateName"` }
Rollout Set Canary Scale Step
type RolloutInlineExperimentTemplate ¶
type RolloutInlineExperimentTemplate struct { // Duration Duration *string `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Templates Templates []*RolloutInlineExperimentTemplates `json:"templates"` // Analyses Analyses []*RolloutInlineExperimentAnalyses `json:"analyses,omitempty"` }
Rollout Set Canary Scale Step
type RolloutInlineExperimentTemplates ¶
type RolloutInlineExperimentTemplates struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Spec ref SpecRef string `json:"specRef"` }
Rollout Set Canary Scale Step
type RolloutPerformedActions ¶
type RolloutPerformedActions struct { // Skipped Steps SkippedSteps []*RolloutSkippedStep `json:"skippedSteps,omitempty"` // Promote full details PromoteFull *RolloutPromoteFullDetails `json:"promoteFull,omitempty"` }
Rollout Performed Actions
type RolloutPhases ¶
type RolloutPhases string
Rollout Phases
const ( // Degraded RolloutPhasesDegraded RolloutPhases = "Degraded" // Healthy RolloutPhasesHealthy RolloutPhases = "Healthy" // Paused RolloutPhasesPaused RolloutPhases = "Paused" // Progressing RolloutPhasesProgressing RolloutPhases = "Progressing" // Terminated RolloutPhasesTerminated RolloutPhases = "Terminated" // Unknown RolloutPhasesUnknown RolloutPhases = "Unknown" )
func (RolloutPhases) IsValid ¶
func (e RolloutPhases) IsValid() bool
func (RolloutPhases) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RolloutPhases) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RolloutPhases) String ¶
func (e RolloutPhases) String() string
func (*RolloutPhases) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RolloutPhases) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RolloutPromoteFullDetails ¶
type RolloutPromoteFullDetails struct { // Date when action was performed PerformedAt string `json:"performedAt"` // Canary step index (0+) FromStep *int `json:"fromStep,omitempty"` }
Rollout Promote Full Details
type RolloutRollbackRevisionsComparenceResponse ¶
type RolloutRollbackRevisionsComparenceResponse struct { // Rollout Rollout *Rollout `json:"rollout"` // Actual/current rollout manifest ActualManifest string `json:"actualManifest"` // State in case of rollback RollbackManifest *string `json:"rollbackManifest,omitempty"` }
Rollout Rollback Revisions Comparence Response
type RolloutSkippedStep ¶
type RolloutSkippedStep struct { // Step index (0+) Index int `json:"index"` // Date when action was performed PerformedAt string `json:"performedAt"` }
Rollout Skipped Step
type RolloutSlice ¶
type RolloutSlice struct { // Rollout edges Edges []*RolloutEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Rollout Slice
func (RolloutSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (RolloutSlice) IsSlice()
type RolloutSpec ¶
type RolloutSpec struct { // Strategy Strategy *RolloutStrategy `json:"strategy"` // Desired replicas DesiredReplicas int `json:"desiredReplicas"` // Revision History Limit RevisionHistoryLimit int `json:"revisionHistoryLimit"` }
Rollout Spec
type RolloutStatus ¶
type RolloutStatus struct { // Index of the current step that is being executed CurrentStepIndex *int `json:"currentStepIndex,omitempty"` // Status of the process Phase string `json:"phase"` // Health message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Current ready replicas ReadyReplicas *int `json:"readyReplicas,omitempty"` // Current total replicas CurrentReplicas *int `json:"currentReplicas,omitempty"` // Current available replicas AvailableReplicas *int `json:"availableReplicas,omitempty"` // Updated replicas UpdatedReplicas *int `json:"updatedReplicas,omitempty"` // Current traffic weight of the new version WeightOfNew int `json:"weightOfNew"` // Is the rollout aborted Abort *bool `json:"abort,omitempty"` // Is the rollout paused Paused *bool `json:"paused,omitempty"` // Is the rollout fully promoted PromoteFull *bool `json:"promoteFull,omitempty"` // Canary status Canary *RolloutCanaryStatus `json:"canary,omitempty"` }
Rollout Status
type RolloutStepDetails ¶
type RolloutStepDetails struct { // Step status Status *RolloutStepStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Rollout Step Details
type RolloutStepStatus ¶
type RolloutStepStatus string
Rollout Step Status
const ( // ACTIVE RolloutStepStatusActive RolloutStepStatus = "ACTIVE" // FAILED RolloutStepStatusFailed RolloutStepStatus = "FAILED" // PASSED RolloutStepStatusPassed RolloutStepStatus = "PASSED" // PAUSED INCONCLUSIVE RolloutStepStatusPausedInconclusive RolloutStepStatus = "PAUSED_INCONCLUSIVE" // PAUSED INDEFINITE RolloutStepStatusPausedIndefinite RolloutStepStatus = "PAUSED_INDEFINITE" // PENDING RolloutStepStatusPending RolloutStepStatus = "PENDING" // TERMINATED RolloutStepStatusTerminated RolloutStepStatus = "TERMINATED" )
func (RolloutStepStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e RolloutStepStatus) IsValid() bool
func (RolloutStepStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RolloutStepStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RolloutStepStatus) String ¶
func (e RolloutStepStatus) String() string
func (*RolloutStepStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RolloutStepStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RolloutStrategy ¶
type RolloutStrategy struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Rollout new image NewImage string `json:"newImage"` // Rollout new image details NewImageRegistry *ImageRegistry `json:"newImageRegistry,omitempty"` // Steps Steps []*RolloutCanaryStep `json:"steps,omitempty"` // The name of the service pointing to the old version CurrentService *string `json:"currentService,omitempty"` // The name of the service pointing to the new version NewService *string `json:"newService,omitempty"` // Canary background analysis run details BackgroundAnalysisRun *AnalysisRun `json:"backgroundAnalysisRun,omitempty"` // Canary background analysis starting step BackgoundAnalysisSpec *string `json:"backgoundAnalysisSpec,omitempty"` // Blue-green pre promotion analysis run details PrePromotionAnalysisRun *AnalysisRun `json:"prePromotionAnalysisRun,omitempty"` // Blue-green post promotion analysis run details PostPromotionAnalysisRun *AnalysisRun `json:"postPromotionAnalysisRun,omitempty"` }
Rollout Strategy
type RolloutStrategyNames ¶
type RolloutStrategyNames string
Rollout Strategy Names
const ( // BlueGreen RolloutStrategyNamesBlueGreen RolloutStrategyNames = "blueGreen" // Canary RolloutStrategyNamesCanary RolloutStrategyNames = "canary" )
func (RolloutStrategyNames) IsValid ¶
func (e RolloutStrategyNames) IsValid() bool
func (RolloutStrategyNames) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RolloutStrategyNames) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RolloutStrategyNames) String ¶
func (e RolloutStrategyNames) String() string
func (*RolloutStrategyNames) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RolloutStrategyNames) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RolloutTransition ¶
type RolloutTransition struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // From From *ReleaseRolloutState `json:"from,omitempty"` // To To *ReleaseRolloutState `json:"to,omitempty"` // Rollbacks Rollbacks []*RolloutTransition `json:"rollbacks"` }
RolloutTransition Entity
type Runtime ¶
type Runtime struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Self entity reference for the real k8s entity in case of codefresh logical entity Self *GenericEntity `json:"self,omitempty"` // History of the runtime History *CompositeSlice `json:"history"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // K8s cluster where the runtime is running Cluster *string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Type of installation CLI|HELM|HOSTED InstallationType InstallationType `json:"installationType"` // Runtime is managed Managed bool `json:"managed"` // Ignore security and git token updates users IgnoreSecurityAndGitTokenUpdatesUsers []string `json:"ignoreSecurityAndGitTokenUpdatesUsers,omitempty"` // At least one remote cluster is connected (for managed runtimes) IsRemoteClusterConnected bool `json:"isRemoteClusterConnected"` // Ingress host of the runtime IngressHost *string `json:"ingressHost,omitempty"` // Internal Ingress host of the runtime - for app proxy usage only InternalIngressHost *string `json:"internalIngressHost,omitempty"` // Ingress class of the runtime IngressClass *string `json:"ingressClass,omitempty"` // Ingress controller of the runtime IngressController *string `json:"ingressController,omitempty"` // Gateway name GatewayName *string `json:"gatewayName,omitempty"` // Gateway namespace GatewayNamespace *string `json:"gatewayNamespace,omitempty"` // Runtime version RuntimeVersion *string `json:"runtimeVersion,omitempty"` // Chart version ChartVersion *string `json:"chartVersion,omitempty"` // Runtime release information RuntimeRelease *Release `json:"runtimeRelease"` // Last Updated LastUpdated *string `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"` // Installation Status InstallationStatus InstallationStatus `json:"installationStatus"` // Repo URL with optional path and branch info Repo *string `json:"repo,omitempty"` // Clusters managed by this runtime ManagedClusters []*Cluster `json:"managedClusters"` // Total number of clusters managed by this runtime ManagedClustersNum int `json:"managedClustersNum"` // Runtime features Features []*RuntimeFeature `json:"features"` // The git provider of the installation repo GitProvider *GitProviders `json:"gitProvider,omitempty"` // The access mode to the runtime - INGRESS|TUNNEL AccessMode AccessMode `json:"accessMode"` // Flag for managed runtime to indicate if ISC was initialized IscInitialized *bool `json:"iscInitialized,omitempty"` // True if lastHeartbeat was recent than some cutoff (if no lastHeartbeat available, checks updatedAt instead) Available bool `json:"available"` // Status Status *RuntimeStatus `json:"status"` // True if the runtime is a configuration runtime IsConfigurationRuntime bool `json:"isConfigurationRuntime"` }
Runtime entity
func (Runtime) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (Runtime) IsBaseEntity()
func (Runtime) IsK8sLogicEntity ¶
func (Runtime) IsK8sLogicEntity()
func (Runtime) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (Runtime) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type RuntimeCreationResponse ¶
type RuntimeCreationResponse struct { // The runtime access token that will be used for requests from the runtime NewAccessToken string `json:"newAccessToken"` // The name of the newly created runtime Name string `json:"name"` }
Response for creating a runtime
type RuntimeEdge ¶
type RuntimeEdge struct { // Node contains the actual runtime data Node *Runtime `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Runtime Edge
func (RuntimeEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (RuntimeEdge) IsEdge()
type RuntimeFeature ¶
type RuntimeFeature struct { // Runtime feature name Name string `json:"name"` // Is feature supported Supported bool `json:"supported"` // Minimal runtime version supporting the feature RequiredVersion *string `json:"requiredVersion,omitempty"` }
Runtime Feature
type RuntimeInfo ¶
type RuntimeInfo struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
type RuntimeInstallationArgs ¶
type RuntimeInstallationArgs struct { // Name of the Runtime RuntimeName string `json:"runtimeName"` // Namespace of the Runtime RuntimeNamespace *string `json:"runtimeNamespace,omitempty"` // Cluster Cluster string `json:"cluster"` // Type of installation CLI|HELM|HOSTED InstallationType *InstallationType `json:"installationType,omitempty"` // Managed runtime (default false) Managed *bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` // The git provider of the installation repo GitProvider *GitProviders `json:"gitProvider,omitempty"` // Runtime Version RuntimeVersion string `json:"runtimeVersion"` // Chart Version ChartVersion *string `json:"chartVersion,omitempty"` // The names of the components to be installed as placeholders ComponentNames []string `json:"componentNames"` // Ingress Host IngressHost *string `json:"ingressHost,omitempty"` // Internal Ingress Host InternalIngressHost *string `json:"internalIngressHost,omitempty"` // Ingress class name IngressClass *string `json:"ingressClass,omitempty"` // Ingress controller name IngressController *string `json:"ingressController,omitempty"` // Gateway name GatewayName *string `json:"gatewayName,omitempty"` // Gateway namespace GatewayNamespace *string `json:"gatewayNamespace,omitempty"` // Repo URL with optional path and branch info Repo *string `json:"repo,omitempty"` // Does runtime installed from an existing repo Recover *bool `json:"recover,omitempty"` // The access mode to the runtime - INGRESS|TUNNEL AccessMode *AccessMode `json:"accessMode,omitempty"` }
Runtime Installation Arguments
type RuntimeIntegration ¶
type RuntimeIntegration struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Type Type string `json:"type"` // Config Name Config *NamedResource `json:"config,omitempty"` // Secret Name Secret *NamedResource `json:"secret,omitempty"` }
Runtime Integarion Response
type RuntimeNotification ¶
type RuntimeNotification struct { // Metadata object of the k8s entity Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Action type Action *NotificationActionType `json:"action,omitempty"` // Notification unique id ID string `json:"id"` // Account id AccountID string `json:"accountId"` // Text of error or warning message Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Notification kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // State of notification State *NotificationState `json:"state,omitempty"` // Timestamp of notification Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // Notification type NotificationType NotificationType `json:"notificationType"` }
Runtume Notification
func (RuntimeNotification) IsArgoCDNotification ¶
func (RuntimeNotification) IsArgoCDNotification()
func (RuntimeNotification) IsNotification ¶
func (RuntimeNotification) IsNotification()
type RuntimeOperation ¶
type RuntimeOperation struct { // Runtime Runtime string `json:"runtime"` // Runtime Name string `json:"name"` // Runtime Action RuntimeOperationAction `json:"action"` }
type RuntimeOperationAction ¶
type RuntimeOperationAction string
const ( // Delete resources from runtime RuntimeOperationActionDelete RuntimeOperationAction = "DELETE" // Upsert resources to runtime RuntimeOperationActionUpsert RuntimeOperationAction = "UPSERT" )
func (RuntimeOperationAction) IsValid ¶
func (e RuntimeOperationAction) IsValid() bool
func (RuntimeOperationAction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RuntimeOperationAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RuntimeOperationAction) String ¶
func (e RuntimeOperationAction) String() string
func (*RuntimeOperationAction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RuntimeOperationAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RuntimeSlice ¶
type RuntimeSlice struct { // Runtime edges Edges []*RuntimeEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Runtime Slice
func (RuntimeSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (RuntimeSlice) IsSlice()
type RuntimeStatus ¶
type RuntimeStatus struct { // App-Proxy Started AppProxyStarted *AppProxyInfo `json:"appProxyStarted"` // Default Git Integration DefaultGitIntegration *AppProxyInfo `json:"defaultGitIntegration"` // Encryption Key EncryptionKey *AppProxyInfo `json:"encryptionKey"` // Encryption IV EncryptionIv *AppProxyInfo `json:"encryptionIv"` // Event-Reporter Argo-CD Token EventReporterArgoCDToken *AppProxyInfo `json:"eventReporterArgoCDToken"` // ISC Isc *AppProxyInfo `json:"isc"` // Runtime Git Token RuntimeGitToken *AppProxyInfo `json:"runtimeGitToken"` // Runtime Sync Mode SyncMode RuntimeSyncMode `json:"syncMode"` }
type RuntimeSyncMode ¶
type RuntimeSyncMode string
Runtime Sync Mode
const ( // GITOPS RuntimeSyncModeGitops RuntimeSyncMode = "GITOPS" // HELM RuntimeSyncModeHelm RuntimeSyncMode = "HELM" // UNKNOWN RuntimeSyncModeUnknown RuntimeSyncMode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (RuntimeSyncMode) IsValid ¶
func (e RuntimeSyncMode) IsValid() bool
func (RuntimeSyncMode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RuntimeSyncMode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RuntimeSyncMode) String ¶
func (e RuntimeSyncMode) String() string
func (*RuntimeSyncMode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RuntimeSyncMode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RuntimesStatistics ¶
type RuntimesStatistics struct { // Total runtimes number Total int `json:"total"` // Number of unhealthy runtimes Unhealthy int `json:"unhealthy"` }
Runtimes statistics
type SSOArgs ¶
type SSOArgs struct { // Id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Accounts Accounts []*string `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // Client type ClientType string `json:"clientType"` // Client name ClientName *string `json:"clientName,omitempty"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Client Id, appId in Azure ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` // Client secret ClientSecret *string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` // Onprem default IDP OnpremDefaultIdp *bool `json:"onpremDefaultIdp,omitempty"` // Access token AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` // Entry point EntryPoint *string `json:"entryPoint,omitempty"` // Callback url CallbackURL *string `json:"callbackUrl,omitempty"` // Cert Cert *string `json:"cert,omitempty"` // Provider Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"` // Keyfile Keyfile *string `json:"keyfile,omitempty"` // Subject Subject *string `json:"subject,omitempty"` // Auto group sync AutoGroupSync *bool `json:"autoGroupSync,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncInterval *string `json:"syncInterval,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncIntervalType *string `json:"syncIntervalType,omitempty"` // SyncField SyncField *string `json:"syncField,omitempty"` // App Id AppID *string `json:"appId,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *string `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Password Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // URL URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Distinguished name DistinguishedName *string `json:"distinguishedName,omitempty"` // Search base SearchBase *string `json:"searchBase,omitempty"` // Search filter SearchFilter *string `json:"searchFilter,omitempty"` // Certificate Certificate *string `json:"certificate,omitempty"` // Allowed groups for sync AllowedGroupsForSync *string `json:"allowedGroupsForSync,omitempty"` // Search base for sync SearchBaseForSync *string `json:"searchBaseForSync,omitempty"` // Client host ClientHost *string `json:"clientHost,omitempty"` // API client id APIClientID *string `json:"apiClientId,omitempty"` // API client id APIClientSecret *string `json:"apiClientSecret,omitempty"` // Login url LoginURL *string `json:"loginUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect url RedirectURL *string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect ui url RedirectUIURL *string `json:"redirectUiUrl,omitempty"` // Host Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Realm Realm *string `json:"realm,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Activate user after sync ActivateUserAfterSync *bool `json:"activateUserAfterSync,omitempty"` // Sync mirror accounts SyncMirrorAccounts []*string `json:"syncMirrorAccounts,omitempty"` // Remove deactivated users after sync RemoveDeactivatedUsers *bool `json:"removeDeactivatedUsers,omitempty"` }
type SamlSso ¶
type SamlSso struct { // ID ID string `json:"id"` // Client type ClientType string `json:"clientType"` // Client name ClientName string `json:"clientName"` // Display name DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // Accounts Accounts []*string `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // Access token AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken,omitempty"` // Client Id, appId in Azure ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` // Client secret ClientSecret *string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` // Onprem default IDP OnpremDefaultIdp *bool `json:"onpremDefaultIdp,omitempty"` // Redirect url RedirectURL *string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // Redirect ui url RedirectUIURL *string `json:"redirectUiUrl,omitempty"` // Login url LoginURL *string `json:"loginUrl,omitempty"` // Default Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // Entry point EntryPoint *string `json:"entryPoint,omitempty"` // Callback url CallbackURL *string `json:"callbackUrl,omitempty"` // Cert Cert *string `json:"cert,omitempty"` // Provider Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"` // Keyfile Keyfile *string `json:"keyfile,omitempty"` // Subject Subject *string `json:"subject,omitempty"` // Auto group sync AutoGroupSync *bool `json:"autoGroupSync,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncInterval *string `json:"syncInterval,omitempty"` // Sync interval SyncIntervalType *string `json:"syncIntervalType,omitempty"` // SyncField SyncField *string `json:"syncField,omitempty"` // Client host ClientHost *string `json:"clientHost,omitempty"` // Application ID AppID *string `json:"appId,omitempty"` // Activate user after sync ActivateUserAfterSync *bool `json:"activateUserAfterSync,omitempty"` }
type SecretData ¶
type SecretData struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Namespace Namespace string `json:"namespace"` // Path Path *SecretPath `json:"path"` }
type SecretKeySelector ¶
type SecretKeySelector struct { // Name of the referent. Name string `json:"name"` // The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. Key string `json:"key"` }
SecretKeySelector selects a key of a Secret.
type SecretPath ¶
type SecretPath struct { // AppId AppID string `json:"appId"` // ClientId ClientID string `json:"clientId"` // ClientSecret ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret"` // Url URL string `json:"url"` }
type SecretType ¶
type SecretType string
Integration Entity Type
const ( // External Secret SecretTypeExternalSecret SecretType = "EXTERNAL_SECRET" // Sealed Secret SecretTypeSealedSecret SecretType = "SEALED_SECRET" )
func (SecretType) IsValid ¶
func (e SecretType) IsValid() bool
func (SecretType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SecretType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SecretType) String ¶
func (e SecretType) String() string
func (*SecretType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SecretType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SecurityInfo ¶
type SecurityInfo struct { // Security duration limit in minutes, before inactive user will be logged out of the app InactivityThreshold *int `json:"inactivityThreshold,omitempty"` }
Security info for account
type SecurityInfoArgs ¶
type SecurityInfoArgs struct { // Security duration limit in minutes, before inactive user will be logged out of the app InactivityThreshold *int `json:"inactivityThreshold,omitempty"` }
Args to set security for account
type Sensor ¶
type Sensor struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the sensor History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` }
Sensor entity
func (Sensor) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (Sensor) IsBaseEntity()
func (Sensor) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (Sensor) IsGitopsEntity()
func (Sensor) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (Sensor) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type SensorEdge ¶
type SensorEdge struct { // Node contains the actual sensor data Node *Sensor `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Sensor Edge
func (SensorEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (SensorEdge) IsEdge()
type SensorSlice ¶
type SensorSlice struct { // Sensor edges Edges []*SensorEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Sensor Slice
func (SensorSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (SensorSlice) IsSlice()
type ServiceEntity ¶
type ServiceEntity struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the generic entity History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // ServiceSpec Spec *ServiceSpec `json:"spec"` // ServiceStatus Status *ServiceStatus `json:"status"` // Deployment Spec Part Deployments []*DeploymentSpecPart `json:"deployments,omitempty"` }
Service entity
func (ServiceEntity) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (ServiceEntity) IsBaseEntity()
func (ServiceEntity) IsEntity ¶
func (ServiceEntity) IsEntity()
func (ServiceEntity) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (ServiceEntity) IsGitopsEntity()
func (ServiceEntity) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (ServiceEntity) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type ServiceEntityEdge ¶
type ServiceEntityEdge struct { // Node contains the actual Service data Node *ServiceEntity `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Service Entity Edge
func (ServiceEntityEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (ServiceEntityEdge) IsEdge()
type ServiceEntitySlice ¶
type ServiceEntitySlice struct { // Service edges Edges []*ServiceEntityEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Service Slice
func (ServiceEntitySlice) IsSlice ¶
func (ServiceEntitySlice) IsSlice()
type ServiceItem ¶
type ServiceItem struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Service Item Entity
type ServicePort ¶
type ServicePort struct { // AppProtocol AppProtocol *string `json:"appProtocol,omitempty"` // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // NodePort NodePort *int `json:"nodePort,omitempty"` // Port Port *int `json:"port,omitempty"` // Protocol Protocol *string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` // TargetPort TargetPort *string `json:"targetPort,omitempty"` }
type ServiceSortingField ¶
type ServiceSortingField string
Service Sorting field
const ( // Last Update ServiceSortingFieldLastUpdate ServiceSortingField = "lastUpdate" // Service Name ServiceSortingFieldServiceName ServiceSortingField = "serviceName" )
func (ServiceSortingField) IsValid ¶
func (e ServiceSortingField) IsValid() bool
func (ServiceSortingField) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ServiceSortingField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ServiceSortingField) String ¶
func (e ServiceSortingField) String() string
func (*ServiceSortingField) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ServiceSortingField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ServiceSpec ¶
type ServiceSpec struct { // AllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts AllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts *bool `json:"allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts,omitempty"` // ClusterIP ClusterIP *string `json:"clusterIP,omitempty"` // ClusterIPs ClusterIPs []*string `json:"clusterIPs,omitempty"` // ExternalIPs ExternalIPs []*string `json:"externalIPs,omitempty"` // ExternalName ExternalName *string `json:"externalName,omitempty"` // ExternalTrafficPolicy ExternalTrafficPolicy *string `json:"externalTrafficPolicy,omitempty"` // HealthCheckNodePort HealthCheckNodePort *int `json:"healthCheckNodePort,omitempty"` // InternalTrafficPolicy InternalTrafficPolicy *string `json:"internalTrafficPolicy,omitempty"` // IpFamilies IPFamilies []*string `json:"ipFamilies,omitempty"` // IpFamilyPolicy IPFamilyPolicy *string `json:"ipFamilyPolicy,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerClass LoadBalancerClass *string `json:"loadBalancerClass,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerIP LoadBalancerIP *string `json:"loadBalancerIP,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerSourceRanges LoadBalancerSourceRanges []*string `json:"loadBalancerSourceRanges,omitempty"` // Ports Ports []*ServicePort `json:"ports,omitempty"` // PublishNotReadyAddresses PublishNotReadyAddresses *bool `json:"publishNotReadyAddresses,omitempty"` // Selector Selector []*StringPair `json:"selector,omitempty"` // SessionAffinity SessionAffinity *string `json:"sessionAffinity,omitempty"` // SessionAffinityConfig SessionAffinityConfig *SessionAffinityConfig `json:"sessionAffinityConfig,omitempty"` // Type Type *ServiceType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type ServiceStatus ¶
type ServiceStatus struct { // LoadBalancer LoadBalancer *LoadBalancer `json:"loadBalancer,omitempty"` }
type ServiceTransition ¶
type ServiceTransition struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // From From *ReleaseServiceState `json:"from,omitempty"` // To To *ReleaseServiceState `json:"to,omitempty"` }
ServiceTransition Entity
type ServiceType ¶
type ServiceType string
const ( ServiceTypeClusterIP ServiceType = "ClusterIP" ServiceTypeExternalName ServiceType = "ExternalName" ServiceTypeLoadBalancer ServiceType = "LoadBalancer" ServiceTypeNodePort ServiceType = "NodePort" )
func (ServiceType) IsValid ¶
func (e ServiceType) IsValid() bool
func (ServiceType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ServiceType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ServiceType) String ¶
func (e ServiceType) String() string
func (*ServiceType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ServiceType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SessionAffinityConfig ¶
type SessionAffinityConfig struct { // ClientIP ClientIP *ClientIP `json:"clientIP,omitempty"` }
type SetAccountAllowedDomainsArgs ¶
type SetAccountAllowedDomainsArgs struct { // Controls if this account can edit its allowedDomains EnabledAllowedDomains *bool `json:"enabledAllowedDomains,omitempty"` // All allowed domains for this account AllowedDomains []string `json:"allowedDomains,omitempty"` }
Args to set allowed domains for account
type SetGitSourcePermissionArgs ¶
type SetGitSourcePermissionArgs struct { // The name of the git-source the update is for GitSource string `json:"gitSource"` // The namespace of the git-source Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // The new permission to set Permission *PermissionInput `json:"permission"` }
Args to set the permissions of a specific user to a git-source
type SingleComponentDependency ¶
type SingleComponentDependency struct { // Name of dependency Name string `json:"name"` // Version Version string `json:"version"` }
Single dependency item
type SliceInfo ¶
type SliceInfo struct { // Cursor for the first result in the slice StartCursor *string `json:"startCursor,omitempty"` // Cursor for the last result in the slice EndCursor *string `json:"endCursor,omitempty"` // Indicate if there is next slice HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage"` // Indicate if there is previous slice HasPrevPage bool `json:"hasPrevPage"` }
Information about current slice
type SlicePaginationArgs ¶
type SlicePaginationArgs struct { // Returns entities after the provided cursor After *string `json:"after,omitempty"` // Returns entities before the provided cursor Before *string `json:"before,omitempty"` // Returns the first X entities First *int `json:"first,omitempty"` // Returns the last X entities Last *int `json:"last,omitempty"` }
Pagination arguments to request slice
type SortingOrder ¶
type SortingOrder string
Sorting order
const ( // ascending SortingOrderAsc SortingOrder = "asc" // descending SortingOrderDesc SortingOrder = "desc" )
func (SortingOrder) IsValid ¶
func (e SortingOrder) IsValid() bool
func (SortingOrder) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SortingOrder) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SortingOrder) String ¶
func (e SortingOrder) String() string
func (*SortingOrder) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SortingOrder) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SpecificTriggerConditions ¶
type SpecificTriggerConditions struct { // Github trigger conditions Github []*GithubTriggerConditions `json:"github,omitempty"` // Gitlab trigger conditions Gitlab []*GitlabTriggerConditions `json:"gitlab,omitempty"` // BitbucketServer trigger conditions Bitbucketserver []*BitbucketServerTriggerConditions `json:"bitbucketserver,omitempty"` // BitbucketCloud trigger conditions Bitbucket []*BitbucketCloudTriggerConditions `json:"bitbucket,omitempty"` // Calendar trigger conditions Calendar []*CalendarTriggerConditions `json:"calendar,omitempty"` }
Object of specific trigger conditions
type SpecificTriggerConditionsArgs ¶
type SpecificTriggerConditionsArgs struct { // Github trigger conditions Github []*GithubTriggerConditionsArgs `json:"github,omitempty"` // Gitlab trigger conditions Gitlab []*GitlabTriggerConditionsArgs `json:"gitlab,omitempty"` // BitbucketServer trigger conditions Bitbucketserver []*BitbucketServerTriggerConditionsArgs `json:"bitbucketserver,omitempty"` // BitbucketCloud trigger conditions Bitbucket []*BitbucketCloudTriggerConditionsArgs `json:"bitbucket,omitempty"` // Calendar trigger conditions Calendar []*CalendarTriggerConditionsArgs `json:"calendar,omitempty"` }
Object of specific trigger conditions
type Sso ¶
type Sso struct { // The sso id ID string `json:"id"` // Client type name ClientType *string `json:"clientType,omitempty"` // Display name DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` }
type StatsTimePeriodData ¶
type StatsTimePeriodData struct { // Granularity for the graph X Axis Granularity *string `json:"granularity,omitempty"` // Date range for the statistics DateRange []*string `json:"dateRange,omitempty"` // Prev data range PrevDateRange []*string `json:"prevDateRange,omitempty"` }
Statistics time period meta data
type StatusHistoryItem ¶
type StatusHistoryItem struct { // The time the status started Since string `json:"since"` // Phase Phase WorkflowNodePhases `json:"phase"` // Message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
Workflow status history item
type StringPair ¶
type Stripe ¶
type Stripe struct { // Name HardCodedPlan *bool `json:"hardCodedPlan,omitempty"` // Plan id PlanID *string `json:"planId,omitempty"` // Subscription id SubscriptionID *string `json:"subscriptionId,omitempty"` // Customer id CustomerID *string `json:"customerId,omitempty"` }
type SupportedCITools ¶
type SupportedCITools string
Supported CI Tools
const ( // CLASSIC SupportedCIToolsClassic SupportedCITools = "classic" // GITHUB_ACTIONS SupportedCIToolsGithubActions SupportedCITools = "github_actions" // JENKINS SupportedCIToolsJenkins SupportedCITools = "jenkins" )
func (SupportedCITools) IsValid ¶
func (e SupportedCITools) IsValid() bool
func (SupportedCITools) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SupportedCITools) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SupportedCITools) String ¶
func (e SupportedCITools) String() string
func (*SupportedCITools) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SupportedCITools) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SupportedEventMapping ¶
type SupportedEventMapping struct { // Logic name Key string `json:"key"` // Human friendly name Name string `json:"name"` // Mappings between the var name and the path to the value in event payload Mappings []*Mapping `json:"mappings"` }
Event filter
type SwitchAccountResponse ¶
type SwitchAccountResponse struct { // The token to use for the next requests NewAccessToken *string `json:"newAccessToken,omitempty"` }
"response for request to switch account
type SyncActionOnResource ¶
type SyncActionOnResource string
const ( // Configured / updated SyncActionOnResourceConfigured SyncActionOnResource = "Configured" // Created SyncActionOnResourceCreated SyncActionOnResource = "Created" // Pruned SyncActionOnResourcePruned SyncActionOnResource = "Pruned" // Prune Skipped SyncActionOnResourcePruneSkipped SyncActionOnResource = "PruneSkipped" // Sync Failed SyncActionOnResourceSyncFailed SyncActionOnResource = "SyncFailed" // Unchanged SyncActionOnResourceUnchanged SyncActionOnResource = "Unchanged" // Unknown SyncActionOnResourceUnknown SyncActionOnResource = "Unknown" )
func (SyncActionOnResource) IsValid ¶
func (e SyncActionOnResource) IsValid() bool
func (SyncActionOnResource) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SyncActionOnResource) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SyncActionOnResource) String ¶
func (e SyncActionOnResource) String() string
func (*SyncActionOnResource) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SyncActionOnResource) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SyncError ¶
type SyncError struct { // Level Level ErrorLevels `json:"level"` // Title Title string `json:"title"` // Message Message string `json:"message"` // Suggestion Suggestion *string `json:"suggestion,omitempty"` // The entity related to this error Object BaseEntity `json:"object,omitempty"` // Error code Code SyncErrorCodes `json:"code"` // Last time this error has been seen LastSeen string `json:"lastSeen"` // Error gitops context Context *ErrorContext `json:"context,omitempty"` }
Sync Error
type SyncErrorCodes ¶
type SyncErrorCodes string
Sync Error codes
const ( // The resource desired state has an invalid state and cannot be synced to the cluster SyncErrorCodesInvalidSpec SyncErrorCodes = "INVALID_SPEC" // Sync error for cases when sync operation lasts more than X minutes SyncErrorCodesLongSync SyncErrorCodes = "LONG_SYNC" // Sync in impossible due to missing rollouts components SyncErrorCodesMissingRolloutsComponent SyncErrorCodes = "MISSING_ROLLOUTS_COMPONENT" // Uknown sync error SyncErrorCodesUnknown SyncErrorCodes = "UNKNOWN" )
func (SyncErrorCodes) IsValid ¶
func (e SyncErrorCodes) IsValid() bool
func (SyncErrorCodes) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SyncErrorCodes) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SyncErrorCodes) String ¶
func (e SyncErrorCodes) String() string
func (*SyncErrorCodes) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SyncErrorCodes) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SyncHookType ¶
type SyncHookType string
const ( // PostSync SyncHookTypePostSync SyncHookType = "PostSync" // PreSync SyncHookTypePreSync SyncHookType = "PreSync" // Skip SyncHookTypeSkip SyncHookType = "Skip" // Sync SyncHookTypeSync SyncHookType = "Sync" // SyncFail SyncHookTypeSyncFail SyncHookType = "SyncFail" )
func (SyncHookType) IsValid ¶
func (e SyncHookType) IsValid() bool
func (SyncHookType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SyncHookType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SyncHookType) String ¶
func (e SyncHookType) String() string
func (*SyncHookType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SyncHookType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SyncOperationPhase ¶
type SyncOperationPhase string
const ( // Error SyncOperationPhaseError SyncOperationPhase = "Error" // Failed SyncOperationPhaseFailed SyncOperationPhase = "Failed" // Running SyncOperationPhaseRunning SyncOperationPhase = "Running" // Succeeded SyncOperationPhaseSucceeded SyncOperationPhase = "Succeeded" // Terminating SyncOperationPhaseTerminating SyncOperationPhase = "Terminating" // Unknown SyncOperationPhaseUnknown SyncOperationPhase = "Unknown" )
func (SyncOperationPhase) IsValid ¶
func (e SyncOperationPhase) IsValid() bool
func (SyncOperationPhase) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SyncOperationPhase) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SyncOperationPhase) String ¶
func (e SyncOperationPhase) String() string
func (*SyncOperationPhase) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SyncOperationPhase) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SyncPhase ¶
type SyncPhase string
func (SyncPhase) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*SyncPhase) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type SyncResultCode ¶
type SyncResultCode string
const ( // Pruned SyncResultCodePruned SyncResultCode = "Pruned" // PruneSkipped SyncResultCodePruneSkipped SyncResultCode = "PruneSkipped" // Synced SyncResultCodeSynced SyncResultCode = "Synced" // SyncFailed SyncResultCodeSyncFailed SyncResultCode = "SyncFailed" // Unknown SyncResultCodeUnknown SyncResultCode = "Unknown" )
func (SyncResultCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SyncResultCode) IsValid() bool
func (SyncResultCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SyncResultCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SyncResultCode) String ¶
func (e SyncResultCode) String() string
func (*SyncResultCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SyncResultCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SyncResultResource ¶
type SyncResultResource struct { // Group Group string `json:"group"` // Version Version string `json:"version"` // Kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Sync Action On Resource SyncActionOnResource *SyncActionOnResource `json:"syncActionOnResource,omitempty"` // Status Status *SyncResultCode `json:"status,omitempty"` // Sync Phase SyncPhase *SyncPhase `json:"syncPhase,omitempty"` // Hook Phase HookPhase *SyncOperationPhase `json:"hookPhase,omitempty"` // Hook Type HookType *SyncHookType `json:"hookType,omitempty"` }
Aplication SyncResultResource
type SyncStatus ¶
type SyncStatus string
Sync status
const ( // Out of sync SyncStatusOutOfSync SyncStatus = "OUT_OF_SYNC" // Synced SyncStatusSynced SyncStatus = "SYNCED" // Syncing SyncStatusSyncing SyncStatus = "SYNCING" // Unknown SyncStatusUnknown SyncStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (SyncStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e SyncStatus) IsValid() bool
func (SyncStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SyncStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SyncStatus) String ¶
func (e SyncStatus) String() string
func (*SyncStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SyncStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SystemType ¶
type SystemType string
Types of system type
const ( SystemTypeClassic SystemType = "CLASSIC" SystemTypeGitops SystemType = "GITOPS" SystemTypeGitopsAndClassic SystemType = "GITOPS_AND_CLASSIC" SystemTypeProjectOne SystemType = "PROJECT_ONE" )
func (SystemType) IsValid ¶
func (e SystemType) IsValid() bool
func (SystemType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SystemType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SystemType) String ¶
func (e SystemType) String() string
func (*SystemType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SystemType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SystemTypeOutput ¶
type SystemTypeOutput struct { // SystemType SystemType SystemType `json:"systemType"` }
type Team ¶
type Team struct { // Team name Name string `json:"name"` // Team ID ID string `json:"id"` // Account ID Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"` // List of users in team Users []*User `json:"users,omitempty"` // Team tags Tags []*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Team type Type *TeamType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Team ref id RefID *string `json:"refId,omitempty"` // Team source Source *TeamSource `json:"source,omitempty"` }
type TeamSource ¶
type TeamSource string
Team sources
const ( // auth0 TeamSourceAuth0 TeamSource = "AUTH0" // azure TeamSourceAzure TeamSource = "AZURE" // github TeamSourceGithub TeamSource = "GITHUB" // google TeamSourceGoogle TeamSource = "GOOGLE" // keycloak TeamSourceKeycloak TeamSource = "KEYCLOAK" // ldap TeamSourceLdap TeamSource = "LDAP" // okta TeamSourceOkta TeamSource = "OKTA" // onelogin TeamSourceOnelogin TeamSource = "ONELOGIN" )
func (TeamSource) IsValid ¶
func (e TeamSource) IsValid() bool
func (TeamSource) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TeamSource) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TeamSource) String ¶
func (e TeamSource) String() string
func (*TeamSource) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TeamSource) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type TeamType ¶
type TeamType string
Types of team
func (TeamType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*TeamType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type TimeSeriesDataRecord ¶
type TimeSeriesDataRecord struct { // Time Time string `json:"time"` // Value Value int `json:"value"` }
Time Series Data Record
type ToState ¶
type ToState struct { // Services - for Deployments Services []*ServiceItem `json:"services"` // Rollouts Rollouts []*ReleaseRolloutState `json:"rollouts"` }
To State Entity
type Transition ¶
type Transition struct { // Services Services []*ServiceTransition `json:"services"` // Rollouts Rollouts []*RolloutTransition `json:"rollouts"` }
Transition Entity
type Trial ¶
type Trial struct { // Trialing Trialing *bool `json:"trialing,omitempty"` // IsRuntimePaying IsRuntimePaying *bool `json:"isRuntimePaying,omitempty"` // TrialWillEndNotified TrialWillEndNotified *bool `json:"trialWillEndNotified,omitempty"` // TrialEndedNotified TrialEndedNotified *bool `json:"trialEndedNotified,omitempty"` // Type Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // PreviousSegment PreviousSegment *string `json:"previousSegment,omitempty"` // TrialEnd TrialEnd *string `json:"trialEnd,omitempty"` }
type TriggerConditionDataFilters ¶
type TriggerConditionDataFilters struct { // Implicit filters are derived from Event Type (push.heads, pull_request.merge etc) Implicit []*DataFilter `json:"implicit"` // Custom are just regular data filters added by the user Custom []*DataFilter `json:"custom"` // Predefinded are the filters like by branch, by repo etc Predefined []*PredefinedFilter `json:"predefined"` }
Differentiated DataFilters
type TriggerConditionDataFiltersArgs ¶
type TriggerConditionDataFiltersArgs struct { // Implicit filters are derived from Event Type (push.heads, pull_request.merge etc) Implicit []*DataFilterArgs `json:"implicit"` // Custom are just regular data filters added by the user Custom []*DataFilterArgs `json:"custom"` // Predefinded are the filters like by branch, by repo etc Predefined []*PredefinedFilterArgs `json:"predefined"` }
Differentiated DataFilters
type TriggerConditionFilters ¶
type TriggerConditionFilters struct { // Data are DataFilters from argo events Data *TriggerConditionDataFilters `json:"data"` }
TriggerConditions filters object
type TriggerConditionFiltersArgs ¶
type TriggerConditionFiltersArgs struct { // Data are DataFilters from argo events Data *TriggerConditionDataFiltersArgs `json:"data"` }
TriggerConditions filters object
type TriggerConditionParameter ¶
type TriggerConditionParameter struct { // Corresponding name of the workflow parameter on sensor to be injected instead Name string `json:"name"` // String containing gotemplate DataTemplate string `json:"dataTemplate"` // Operation is what to do with the existing value at Dest, whether to 'prepend', 'overwrite', or 'append' it Operation *string `json:"operation,omitempty"` }
Parameters choosen for each event type (push, pull_request...)
type TriggerConditionParameterArgs ¶
type TriggerConditionParameterArgs struct { // Corresponding name of the workflow parameter on sensor to be injected instead Name string `json:"name"` // String containing gotemplate DataTemplate string `json:"dataTemplate"` // Operation is what to do with the existing value at Dest, whether to 'prepend', 'overwrite', or 'append' it Operation *string `json:"operation,omitempty"` }
Parameters choosen for each event type (push, pull_request...)
type TriggerConditions ¶
type TriggerConditions struct { // Conditions Conditions *SpecificTriggerConditions `json:"conditions"` // Submitted workflow configuration Workflow *TriggerConditionsWorkflow `json:"workflow"` }
Trigger Conditions that tell how a pipeline is being triggered
type TriggerConditionsArgs ¶
type TriggerConditionsArgs struct { // Sensor name SensorName string `json:"sensorName"` // Trigger name TriggerName string `json:"triggerName"` // Ingress host (SET ON BACKEND) IngressHost *string `json:"ingressHost,omitempty"` // Conditions Conditions *SpecificTriggerConditionsArgs `json:"conditions"` // Submitted workflow configuration Workflow *TriggerConditionsWorkflowArgs `json:"workflow"` }
Trigger Conditions that tell how a pipeline is being triggered
type TriggerConditionsWorkflow ¶
type TriggerConditionsWorkflow struct { // Name of the referenced WorkflowTemplate Name string `json:"name"` // Entrypoint template of the referenced WorkflowTemplate (can be set just on the WorkflowTemplate, so may be null here) Entrypoint *string `json:"entrypoint,omitempty"` // Default workflow parameters to be passed from sensor Parameters []*WorkflowParameter `json:"parameters"` }
Submitted workflow template configuration and default parameters
type TriggerConditionsWorkflowArgs ¶
type TriggerConditionsWorkflowArgs struct { // Name of the referenced WorkflowTemplate Name string `json:"name"` // Entrypoint template of the referenced WorkflowTemplate (can be set just on the WorkflowTemplate, so may be null here) Entrypoint *string `json:"entrypoint,omitempty"` // Default workflow parameters to be passed from sensor Parameters []*WorkflowParameterArgs `json:"parameters"` }
Submitted workflow template configuration and default parameters
type UnknownEventPayloadData ¶
type UnknownEventPayloadData struct { // Event payload type Type PayloadDataTypes `json:"type"` // Event uid UID string `json:"uid"` // Event source name EventSource *string `json:"eventSource,omitempty"` // The relevant event name in the event source EventName *string `json:"eventName,omitempty"` // Event name Event string `json:"event"` }
Calendar event payload data
func (UnknownEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData ¶
func (UnknownEventPayloadData) IsEventPayloadData()
type UpdateEnvironmentArgs ¶
type UpdateEnvironmentArgs struct { // Id of the environment ID string `json:"id"` // Environment name Name string `json:"name"` // Kind of environment Kind EnvironmentKind `json:"kind"` // List of clusters that belong to this environment Clusters []*EnvironmentClusterInput `json:"clusters"` }
Update Environment Input
type UpdateGitSourcePermissionsArgs ¶
type UpdateGitSourcePermissionsArgs struct { // The name of the git-source the update is for GitSource string `json:"gitSource"` // The namespace of the git-source Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // The set of permissions Permissions []*PermissionInput `json:"permissions"` }
Args to update the permissions of a git-source
type UpdateProductArgs ¶
type UpdateProductArgs struct { // Id of the Product ID string `json:"id"` // Product name Name string `json:"name"` // Tags list Tags []*string `json:"tags"` }
Update Product Input
type User ¶
type User struct { // The user id ID string `json:"id"` // The user name Name string `json:"name"` // The user email Email string `json:"email"` // User image url AvatarURL *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` // Is the user have system admin permission IsAdmin *bool `json:"isAdmin,omitempty"` // The accounts the this user have acsess to Accounts []*Account `json:"accounts,omitempty"` // The default account for this user ActiveAccount *Account `json:"activeAccount,omitempty"` // The customers that this user is in Customers []Customer `json:"customers,omitempty"` // The current status of this user Status string `json:"status"` // Register date RegisterDate *string `json:"registerDate,omitempty"` // Last time user logged in to the system LastLoginDate *string `json:"lastLoginDate,omitempty"` // User chosen sso of active account Sso *string `json:"sso,omitempty"` // User settings Settings *UserSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"` // GitOps settings GitOpsSettings []*GitOpsSettings `json:"gitOpsSettings,omitempty"` // Runtime name RuntimeName *string `json:"runtimeName,omitempty"` }
type UserDetailsArgs ¶
type UserDetailsArgs struct { // User settings Settings *UserSettingsArgs `json:"settings,omitempty"` }
Args to edit user details
type UserSettings ¶
type UserSettings struct { // Allow admin to login AllowAdminToLogin *bool `json:"allowAdminToLogin,omitempty"` // Display welcome screen DisplayWelcomeScreen *bool `json:"displayWelcomeScreen,omitempty"` }
User settings
type UserSettingsArgs ¶
type UserSettingsArgs struct { // Allow admin to login AllowAdminToLogin *bool `json:"allowAdminToLogin,omitempty"` }
Args to edit settings user details
type Workflow ¶
type Workflow struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Workflow spec Spec *WorkflowSpec `json:"spec"` // Workflow status Status *WorkflowStatus `json:"status"` // Initiator of the workflow Initiator *WorkflowInitiator `json:"initiator,omitempty"` // Events payload Data EventsPayloadData []EventPayloadData `json:"eventsPayloadData"` // Events payload references EventsPayload []string `json:"eventsPayload"` // Pipeline reference Pipeline *Pipeline `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Workflow URL. Maybe empty if the runtime was deleted. URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Workflow's runtime ingress host. Maybe empty if the runtime was deleted. IngressHost *string `json:"ingressHost,omitempty"` // Workflow's runtime version. Maybe empty if the runtime was deleted. RuntimeVersion *string `json:"runtimeVersion,omitempty"` // Indicates that workflow was created by platform/app-proxy and the value shows the flow that caused the creation OriginatedFrom *string `json:"originatedFrom,omitempty"` // Workflows which executed by this workflow ChildWorkflows []*ChildWorkflowRef `json:"childWorkflows,omitempty"` // Parent workflow that executed this workflow ParentWorkflow *ParentWorkflowRef `json:"parentWorkflow,omitempty"` // Image details that was created from report image workflow execution. ImageDetails *ImageDetails `json:"imageDetails,omitempty"` }
Workflow entity
func (Workflow) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (Workflow) IsBaseEntity()
func (Workflow) IsK8sStandardEntity ¶
func (Workflow) IsK8sStandardEntity()
func (Workflow) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (Workflow) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type WorkflowArguments ¶
type WorkflowArguments struct { // Workflow parameters Parameters []*WorkflowParameter `json:"parameters,omitempty"` }
type WorkflowConcurrency ¶
type WorkflowConcurrency struct { // Concurrency Concurrency *WorkflowConcurrencyInfo `json:"concurrency,omitempty"` }
type WorkflowConcurrencyInfo ¶
type WorkflowConcurrencyInfo struct { // Price Price *BasePrice `json:"price,omitempty"` // Amount Amount *int `json:"amount,omitempty"` // Absorb Absorb *int `json:"absorb,omitempty"` // Min Min *int `json:"min,omitempty"` // Max Max *int `json:"max,omitempty"` // AllowUnlimited AllowUnlimited *bool `json:"allowUnlimited,omitempty"` }
type WorkflowConditions ¶
type WorkflowConditions struct { // Type Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Status Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Workflow conditions
type WorkflowContainerSpec ¶
type WorkflowContainerSpec struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Image Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` // Command array Command []*string `json:"command,omitempty"` // Args Args []*string `json:"args,omitempty"` // Env map Env []*StringPair `json:"env,omitempty"` }
Workflow step
type WorkflowContainerTemplate ¶
type WorkflowContainerTemplate struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Daemon Daemon *bool `json:"daemon,omitempty"` // Container Container *WorkflowContainerSpec `json:"container,omitempty"` }
Workflow container template
func (WorkflowContainerTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate ¶
func (WorkflowContainerTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate()
type WorkflowDAGTask ¶
type WorkflowDAGTask struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Template to execute TemplateName *string `json:"templateName,omitempty"` // Workflow template ref WorkflowTemplateRef *WorkflowTemplateRef `json:"workflowTemplateRef,omitempty"` }
Workflow DAG task
type WorkflowDAGTemplate ¶
type WorkflowDAGTemplate struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Tasks Tasks []*WorkflowDAGTask `json:"tasks"` // Fail on first failed task FailFast *bool `json:"failFast,omitempty"` }
Workflow DAG template
func (WorkflowDAGTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate ¶
func (WorkflowDAGTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate()
type WorkflowEdge ¶
type WorkflowEdge struct { // Node contains the actual workflow data Node *Workflow `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Workflow Edge
func (WorkflowEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (WorkflowEdge) IsEdge()
type WorkflowInitiator ¶
type WorkflowInitiator struct { // Initiator name Name string `json:"name"` // Initiator avatar URL AvatarURL *string `json:"avatarURL,omitempty"` }
If the workflow created through the wt playground it will contain username and avatar URL of codefresh user. If the workflow was triggered by some GIT event it will contain username and avatar URL of git user. Otherwise this field will be empty.
type WorkflowIssue ¶
type WorkflowIssue struct { // Application Name ApplicationName string `json:"applicationName"` // Issue date Date string `json:"date"` // Error message Message string `json:"message"` // Workflow name WorkflowName string `json:"workflowName"` // Issue type Type IssueType `json:"type"` // Error level Level ErrorLevels `json:"level"` }
Product Release step workflow issue
func (WorkflowIssue) IsIssue ¶
func (WorkflowIssue) IsIssue()
func (WorkflowIssue) IsIssueKind ¶
func (WorkflowIssue) IsIssueKind()
type WorkflowLastExecution ¶
type WorkflowLastExecution struct { // Arguments Arguments *WorkflowArguments `json:"arguments,omitempty"` }
Workflow last execution object
type WorkflowNodePhases ¶
type WorkflowNodePhases string
Workflow nodes WorkflowPhases
const ( // Error WorkflowNodePhasesError WorkflowNodePhases = "Error" // Failed WorkflowNodePhasesFailed WorkflowNodePhases = "Failed" // Omitted WorkflowNodePhasesOmitted WorkflowNodePhases = "Omitted" // Pending WorkflowNodePhasesPending WorkflowNodePhases = "Pending" // Running WorkflowNodePhasesRunning WorkflowNodePhases = "Running" // Skipped WorkflowNodePhasesSkipped WorkflowNodePhases = "Skipped" // Succeeded WorkflowNodePhasesSucceeded WorkflowNodePhases = "Succeeded" )
func (WorkflowNodePhases) IsValid ¶
func (e WorkflowNodePhases) IsValid() bool
func (WorkflowNodePhases) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WorkflowNodePhases) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WorkflowNodePhases) String ¶
func (e WorkflowNodePhases) String() string
func (*WorkflowNodePhases) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WorkflowNodePhases) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WorkflowOrigins ¶
type WorkflowOrigins string
Name of the flows that can be the workflow origins
const ( // workflow was created as a result of image reporting/enrichment by unknown source WorkflowOriginsCiEnrichment WorkflowOrigins = "CI_ENRICHMENT" // workflow was created as a result of image reporting/enrichment by github-action plugin WorkflowOriginsCiEnrichmentCodefreshClassic WorkflowOrigins = "CI_ENRICHMENT_CODEFRESH_CLASSIC" // workflow was created as a result of image reporting/enrichment by github-action plugin WorkflowOriginsCiEnrichmentGa WorkflowOrigins = "CI_ENRICHMENT_GA" // workflow was created as a result of image reporting/enrichment by jenkins plugin WorkflowOriginsCiEnrichmentJenkins WorkflowOrigins = "CI_ENRICHMENT_JENKINS" // workflow without specific origin, regular pipeline workflow WorkflowOriginsCommon WorkflowOrigins = "COMMON" // workflow was create as a result of running the workflow template WorkflowOriginsPlayground WorkflowOrigins = "PLAYGROUND" )
func (WorkflowOrigins) IsValid ¶
func (e WorkflowOrigins) IsValid() bool
func (WorkflowOrigins) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WorkflowOrigins) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WorkflowOrigins) String ¶
func (e WorkflowOrigins) String() string
func (*WorkflowOrigins) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WorkflowOrigins) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WorkflowParameter ¶
type WorkflowParameter struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Value Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` // Default value Default *string `json:"default,omitempty"` }
Workflow Parameter object
type WorkflowParameterArgs ¶
type WorkflowParameterArgs struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Value Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` // Default value Default *string `json:"default,omitempty"` }
Workflow Parameter object
type WorkflowPhases ¶
type WorkflowPhases string
Workflow WorkflowPhases
const ( // Error WorkflowPhasesError WorkflowPhases = "Error" // Failed WorkflowPhasesFailed WorkflowPhases = "Failed" // Pending WorkflowPhasesPending WorkflowPhases = "Pending" // Running WorkflowPhasesRunning WorkflowPhases = "Running" // Succeeded WorkflowPhasesSucceeded WorkflowPhases = "Succeeded" // Unknown WorkflowPhasesUnknown WorkflowPhases = "Unknown" )
func (WorkflowPhases) IsValid ¶
func (e WorkflowPhases) IsValid() bool
func (WorkflowPhases) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WorkflowPhases) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WorkflowPhases) String ¶
func (e WorkflowPhases) String() string
func (*WorkflowPhases) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WorkflowPhases) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WorkflowRepository ¶
type WorkflowRepository struct { // Repository name Name string `json:"name"` // Repository owner Owner string `json:"owner"` // Repository name in format {owner}/{name} FullName string `json:"fullName"` // Repository URL URL string `json:"url"` }
"Repository data for workflows
type WorkflowResourceTemplate ¶
type WorkflowResourceTemplate struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` }
Workflow Resource template
func (WorkflowResourceTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate ¶
func (WorkflowResourceTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate()
type WorkflowResourcesDuration ¶
type WorkflowResourcesDuration struct { // Cpu CPU *int `json:"cpu,omitempty"` // Memory Memory *int `json:"memory,omitempty"` }
Workflow resources duration
type WorkflowScriptTemplate ¶
type WorkflowScriptTemplate struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` }
Workflow script template
func (WorkflowScriptTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate ¶
func (WorkflowScriptTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate()
type WorkflowSlice ¶
type WorkflowSlice struct { // Workflow edges Edges []*WorkflowEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Workflow Slice
func (WorkflowSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (WorkflowSlice) IsSlice()
type WorkflowSpec ¶
type WorkflowSpec struct { // Entrypoint Entrypoint *string `json:"entrypoint,omitempty"` // Templates Templates []WorkflowSpecTemplate `json:"templates,omitempty"` // Workflow template reference WorkflowTemplateRef *WorkflowTemplateRef `json:"workflowTemplateRef,omitempty"` }
Workflow spec
type WorkflowSpecNameOnlyTemplate ¶
type WorkflowSpecNameOnlyTemplate struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` }
Workflow spec name only template
func (WorkflowSpecNameOnlyTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate ¶
func (WorkflowSpecNameOnlyTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate()
type WorkflowSpecTemplate ¶
type WorkflowSpecTemplate interface {
Workflow spec template
type WorkflowStatus ¶
type WorkflowStatus struct { // Start time StartedAt *string `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Finish time FinishedAt *string `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` // Current workflow phase Phase WorkflowPhases `json:"phase"` // Progress Progress *string `json:"progress,omitempty"` // Current workflow nodes status Nodes []*NodeStatus `json:"nodes,omitempty"` // Message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Previous statuses Statuses []*StatusHistoryItem `json:"statuses,omitempty"` // Stored Templates StoredTemplates *string `json:"storedTemplates,omitempty"` // Stored workflow template spec StoredWorkflowTemplateSpec *string `json:"storedWorkflowTemplateSpec,omitempty"` // Conditions Conditions []*WorkflowConditions `json:"conditions,omitempty"` // Resources duration ResourcesDuration *WorkflowResourcesDuration `json:"resourcesDuration,omitempty"` // Amount of running pods RunningPodsCount int `json:"runningPodsCount"` // Name of the first running pod ActivePodName *string `json:"activePodName,omitempty"` // Current workflow failed nodes status FailedNodes []*NodeStatus `json:"failedNodes,omitempty"` }
Workflow status
type WorkflowStep ¶
type WorkflowStep struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Template to execute TemplateName *string `json:"templateName,omitempty"` // Workflow template ref WorkflowTemplateRef *WorkflowTemplateRef `json:"workflowTemplateRef,omitempty"` }
Workflow step
type WorkflowStepsTemplate ¶
type WorkflowStepsTemplate struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` // Steps Steps [][]*WorkflowStep `json:"steps"` }
Workflow steps template
func (WorkflowStepsTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate ¶
func (WorkflowStepsTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate()
type WorkflowSuspendedTemplate ¶
type WorkflowSuspendedTemplate struct { // Name Name string `json:"name"` }
Workflow Resource template
func (WorkflowSuspendedTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate ¶
func (WorkflowSuspendedTemplate) IsWorkflowSpecTemplate()
type WorkflowTemplate ¶
type WorkflowTemplate struct { // Object metadata Metadata *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Errors Errors []Error `json:"errors"` // Entities referencing this entity ReferencedBy []BaseEntity `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"` // Entities referenced by this enitity References []BaseEntity `json:"references,omitempty"` // History of the workflow-template History *GitOpsSlice `json:"history"` // Version of the entity Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // Is this the latest version of this entity Latest *bool `json:"latest,omitempty"` // Entity source Source *GitopsEntitySource `json:"source"` // Sync status SyncStatus SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` // Health status HealthStatus *HealthStatus `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"` // Health message HealthMessage *string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"` // Desired manifest DesiredManifest *string `json:"desiredManifest,omitempty"` // Actual manifest ActualManifest *string `json:"actualManifest,omitempty"` // Projects Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Workflow spec Spec *WorkflowSpec `json:"spec"` }
Workflow template entity
func (WorkflowTemplate) IsBaseEntity ¶
func (WorkflowTemplate) IsBaseEntity()
func (WorkflowTemplate) IsEntity ¶
func (WorkflowTemplate) IsEntity()
func (WorkflowTemplate) IsGitopsEntity ¶
func (WorkflowTemplate) IsGitopsEntity()
func (WorkflowTemplate) IsProjectBasedEntity ¶
func (WorkflowTemplate) IsProjectBasedEntity()
type WorkflowTemplateEdge ¶
type WorkflowTemplateEdge struct { // Node contains the actual workflow template data Node *WorkflowTemplate `json:"node"` // Cursor Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
Workflow template Edge
func (WorkflowTemplateEdge) IsEdge ¶
func (WorkflowTemplateEdge) IsEdge()
type WorkflowTemplateRef ¶
type WorkflowTemplateRef struct { // Name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Group Group string `json:"group"` // Version Version string `json:"version"` // Kind Kind string `json:"kind"` // Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` }
Workflow template ref
type WorkflowTemplateSlice ¶
type WorkflowTemplateSlice struct { // Workflow template edges Edges []*WorkflowTemplateEdge `json:"edges"` // Slice information PageInfo *SliceInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
WorkflowTemplate Slice
func (WorkflowTemplateSlice) IsSlice ¶
func (WorkflowTemplateSlice) IsSlice()
type WorkflowTemplatesFilterArgs ¶
type WorkflowTemplatesFilterArgs struct { // Filter WorkflowTemplates from a specific project Project *string `json:"project,omitempty"` // Filter WorkflowTemplates from a specific runtime Runtime *string `json:"runtime,omitempty"` // Filter WorkflowTemplates from a specific cluster URL Cluster *string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Filter WorkflowTemplates by name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Filter WorkflowTemplates by namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Filter WorkflowTemplates by group Groups []*string `json:"groups,omitempty"` // Filter WorkflowTemplates by version Versions []*string `json:"versions,omitempty"` // Filter WorkflowTemplates by git source GitSource *string `json:"gitSource,omitempty"` // Filter WorkflowTemplates that are related to promotions PromotionRelated *bool `json:"promotionRelated,omitempty"` }
Workflow template filter arguments
type WorkflowsStepView ¶
type WorkflowsStepView struct { // Applications workflow step name, only for running/succeed/failed workflows Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Applications workflow template step name TemplateName string `json:"templateName"` // Workflow start time StartedAt *string `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Workflow finish time FinishedAt *string `json:"finishedAt,omitempty"` // Application status Status WorkflowNodePhases `json:"status"` }
Applications Workflows Step view