Index ¶
- func CreateAdministrativeUnitInfoFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateCallRecordFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateClientUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateDeviceInfoFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateFailureInfoFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateFeedbackTokenSetFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateMediaFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateMediaStreamFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateNetworkInfoFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateOrganizerFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateParticipantBaseFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateParticipantEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateParticipantFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateSegmentFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateServiceEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateServiceUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateSessionFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateTraceRouteHopFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateUserFeedbackFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateUserIdentityFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func ParseAudioCodec(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseCallType(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseClientPlatform(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseFailureStage(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseMediaStreamDirection(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseModality(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseNetworkConnectionType(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseNetworkTransportProtocol(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseProductFamily(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseServiceRole(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseUserFeedbackRating(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseVideoCodec(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseWifiBand(v string) (any, error)
- func ParseWifiRadioType(v string) (any, error)
- func SerializeAudioCodec(values []AudioCodec) []string
- func SerializeCallType(values []CallType) []string
- func SerializeClientPlatform(values []ClientPlatform) []string
- func SerializeFailureStage(values []FailureStage) []string
- func SerializeMediaStreamDirection(values []MediaStreamDirection) []string
- func SerializeModality(values []Modality) []string
- func SerializeNetworkConnectionType(values []NetworkConnectionType) []string
- func SerializeNetworkTransportProtocol(values []NetworkTransportProtocol) []string
- func SerializeProductFamily(values []ProductFamily) []string
- func SerializeServiceRole(values []ServiceRole) []string
- func SerializeUserFeedbackRating(values []UserFeedbackRating) []string
- func SerializeVideoCodec(values []VideoCodec) []string
- func SerializeWifiBand(values []WifiBand) []string
- func SerializeWifiRadioType(values []WifiRadioType) []string
- type AdministrativeUnitInfo
- func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetId() *string
- func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) SetId(value *string)
- func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) SetOdataType(value *string)
- type AdministrativeUnitInfoable
- type AudioCodec
- type CallRecord
- func (m *CallRecord) GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *CallRecord) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *CallRecord) GetJoinWebUrl() *string
- func (m *CallRecord) GetLastModifiedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *CallRecord) GetModalities() []Modality
- func (m *CallRecord) GetOrganizer() ...
- func (m *CallRecord) GetOrganizerV2() Organizerable
- func (m *CallRecord) GetParticipants() ...
- func (m *CallRecord) GetParticipantsV2() []Participantable
- func (m *CallRecord) GetSessions() []Sessionable
- func (m *CallRecord) GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *CallRecord) GetTypeEscaped() *CallType
- func (m *CallRecord) GetVersion() *int64
- func (m *CallRecord) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *CallRecord) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetJoinWebUrl(value *string)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetLastModifiedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetModalities(value []Modality)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetOrganizer(...)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetOrganizerV2(value Organizerable)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetParticipants(...)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetParticipantsV2(value []Participantable)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetSessions(value []Sessionable)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetTypeEscaped(value *CallType)
- func (m *CallRecord) SetVersion(value *int64)
- type CallRecordable
- type CallType
- type ClientPlatform
- type ClientUserAgent
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetAzureADAppId() *string
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetCommunicationServiceId() *string
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetPlatform() *ClientPlatform
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetProductFamily() *ProductFamily
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) SetAzureADAppId(value *string)
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) SetCommunicationServiceId(value *string)
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) SetPlatform(value *ClientPlatform)
- func (m *ClientUserAgent) SetProductFamily(value *ProductFamily)
- type ClientUserAgentable
- type DeviceInfo
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetCaptureDeviceDriver() *string
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetCaptureDeviceName() *string
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetCpuInsufficentEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetDeviceClippingEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetDeviceGlitchEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetHowlingEventCount() *int32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetMicGlitchRate() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetReceivedNoiseLevel() *int32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetReceivedSignalLevel() *int32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderDeviceDriver() *string
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderDeviceName() *string
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderMuteEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetSentNoiseLevel() *int32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetSentSignalLevel() *int32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) GetSpeakerGlitchRate() *float32
- func (m *DeviceInfo) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetCaptureDeviceDriver(value *string)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetCaptureDeviceName(value *string)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetCpuInsufficentEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetDeviceClippingEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetDeviceGlitchEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetHowlingEventCount(value *int32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetMicGlitchRate(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetOdataType(value *string)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetReceivedNoiseLevel(value *int32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetReceivedSignalLevel(value *int32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderDeviceDriver(value *string)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderDeviceName(value *string)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderMuteEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetSentNoiseLevel(value *int32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetSentSignalLevel(value *int32)
- func (m *DeviceInfo) SetSpeakerGlitchRate(value *float32)
- type DeviceInfoable
- type Endpoint
- func (m *Endpoint) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *Endpoint) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Endpoint) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *Endpoint) GetUserAgent() UserAgentable
- func (m *Endpoint) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Endpoint) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *Endpoint) SetOdataType(value *string)
- func (m *Endpoint) SetUserAgent(value UserAgentable)
- type Endpointable
- type FailureInfo
- func (m *FailureInfo) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *FailureInfo) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *FailureInfo) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *FailureInfo) GetReason() *string
- func (m *FailureInfo) GetStage() *FailureStage
- func (m *FailureInfo) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *FailureInfo) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *FailureInfo) SetOdataType(value *string)
- func (m *FailureInfo) SetReason(value *string)
- func (m *FailureInfo) SetStage(value *FailureStage)
- type FailureInfoable
- type FailureStage
- type FeedbackTokenSet
- func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) SetOdataType(value *string)
- type FeedbackTokenSetable
- type Media
- func (m *Media) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *Media) GetCalleeDevice() DeviceInfoable
- func (m *Media) GetCalleeNetwork() NetworkInfoable
- func (m *Media) GetCallerDevice() DeviceInfoable
- func (m *Media) GetCallerNetwork() NetworkInfoable
- func (m *Media) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Media) GetLabel() *string
- func (m *Media) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *Media) GetStreams() []MediaStreamable
- func (m *Media) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Media) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *Media) SetCalleeDevice(value DeviceInfoable)
- func (m *Media) SetCalleeNetwork(value NetworkInfoable)
- func (m *Media) SetCallerDevice(value DeviceInfoable)
- func (m *Media) SetCallerNetwork(value NetworkInfoable)
- func (m *Media) SetLabel(value *string)
- func (m *Media) SetOdataType(value *string)
- func (m *Media) SetStreams(value []MediaStreamable)
- type MediaStream
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAudioCodec() *AudioCodec
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageAudioDegradation() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageAudioNetworkJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageBandwidthEstimate() *int64
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageFreezeDuration() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAveragePacketLossRate() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageReceivedFrameRate() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageRoundTripTime() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageVideoFrameRate() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageVideoPacketLossRate() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *MediaStream) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *MediaStream) GetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed() *bool
- func (m *MediaStream) GetLowFrameRateRatio() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxAudioNetworkJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
- func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
- func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxPacketLossRate() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxRoundTripTime() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
- func (m *MediaStream) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *MediaStream) GetPacketUtilization() *int64
- func (m *MediaStream) GetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate() *float32
- func (m *MediaStream) GetRmsFreezeDuration() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
- func (m *MediaStream) GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *MediaStream) GetStreamDirection() *MediaStreamDirection
- func (m *MediaStream) GetStreamId() *string
- func (m *MediaStream) GetVideoCodec() *VideoCodec
- func (m *MediaStream) GetWasMediaBypassed() *bool
- func (m *MediaStream) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAudioCodec(value *AudioCodec)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageAudioDegradation(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageAudioNetworkJitter(...)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageBandwidthEstimate(value *int64)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageFreezeDuration(...)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageJitter(...)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAveragePacketLossRate(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageReceivedFrameRate(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageRoundTripTime(...)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageVideoFrameRate(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageVideoPacketLossRate(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed(value *bool)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetLowFrameRateRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxAudioNetworkJitter(...)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxJitter(...)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxPacketLossRate(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxRoundTripTime(...)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetOdataType(value *string)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetPacketUtilization(value *int64)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate(value *float32)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetRmsFreezeDuration(...)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetStreamDirection(value *MediaStreamDirection)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetStreamId(value *string)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetVideoCodec(value *VideoCodec)
- func (m *MediaStream) SetWasMediaBypassed(value *bool)
- type MediaStreamDirection
- type MediaStreamable
- type Mediaable
- type Modality
- type NetworkConnectionType
- type NetworkInfo
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetBandwidthLowEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetBasicServiceSetIdentifier() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetConnectionType() *NetworkConnectionType
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetDelayEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetDnsSuffix() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetIpAddress() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetLinkSpeed() *int64
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetMacAddress() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetNetworkTransportProtocol() *NetworkTransportProtocol
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetPort() *int32
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetReceivedQualityEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetReflexiveIPAddress() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetRelayIPAddress() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetRelayPort() *int32
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetSentQualityEventRatio() *float32
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetSubnet() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetTraceRouteHops() []TraceRouteHopable
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiBand() *WifiBand
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiBatteryCharge() *int32
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiChannel() *int32
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiMicrosoftDriver() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiRadioType() *WifiRadioType
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiSignalStrength() *int32
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiVendorDriver() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiVendorDriverVersion() *string
- func (m *NetworkInfo) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetBandwidthLowEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetBasicServiceSetIdentifier(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetConnectionType(value *NetworkConnectionType)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetDelayEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetDnsSuffix(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetIpAddress(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetLinkSpeed(value *int64)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetMacAddress(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetNetworkTransportProtocol(value *NetworkTransportProtocol)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetOdataType(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetPort(value *int32)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetReceivedQualityEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetReflexiveIPAddress(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetRelayIPAddress(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetRelayPort(value *int32)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetSentQualityEventRatio(value *float32)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetSubnet(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetTraceRouteHops(value []TraceRouteHopable)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiBand(value *WifiBand)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiBatteryCharge(value *int32)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiChannel(value *int32)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiMicrosoftDriver(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiRadioType(value *WifiRadioType)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiSignalStrength(value *int32)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiVendorDriver(value *string)
- func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiVendorDriverVersion(value *string)
- type NetworkInfoable
- type NetworkTransportProtocol
- type Organizer
- type Organizerable
- type Participant
- type ParticipantBase
- func (m *ParticipantBase) GetAdministrativeUnitInfos() []AdministrativeUnitInfoable
- func (m *ParticipantBase) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *ParticipantBase) GetIdentity() ...
- func (m *ParticipantBase) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *ParticipantBase) SetAdministrativeUnitInfos(value []AdministrativeUnitInfoable)
- func (m *ParticipantBase) SetIdentity(...)
- type ParticipantBaseable
- type ParticipantEndpoint
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetAssociatedIdentity() ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Identityable
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetCpuCoresCount() *int32
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetCpuName() *string
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz() *int32
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetFeedback() UserFeedbackable
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetIdentity() ...
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetName() *string
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetAssociatedIdentity(...)
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetCpuCoresCount(value *int32)
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetCpuName(value *string)
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz(value *int32)
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetFeedback(value UserFeedbackable)
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetIdentity(...)
- func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetName(value *string)
- type ParticipantEndpointable
- type Participantable
- type ProductFamily
- type Segment
- func (m *Segment) GetCallee() Endpointable
- func (m *Segment) GetCaller() Endpointable
- func (m *Segment) GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *Segment) GetFailureInfo() FailureInfoable
- func (m *Segment) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Segment) GetMedia() []Mediaable
- func (m *Segment) GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *Segment) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Segment) SetCallee(value Endpointable)
- func (m *Segment) SetCaller(value Endpointable)
- func (m *Segment) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *Segment) SetFailureInfo(value FailureInfoable)
- func (m *Segment) SetMedia(value []Mediaable)
- func (m *Segment) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- type Segmentable
- type ServiceEndpoint
- type ServiceEndpointable
- type ServiceRole
- type ServiceUserAgent
- type ServiceUserAgentable
- type Session
- func (m *Session) GetCallee() Endpointable
- func (m *Session) GetCaller() Endpointable
- func (m *Session) GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *Session) GetFailureInfo() FailureInfoable
- func (m *Session) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Session) GetIsTest() *bool
- func (m *Session) GetModalities() []Modality
- func (m *Session) GetSegments() []Segmentable
- func (m *Session) GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *Session) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Session) SetCallee(value Endpointable)
- func (m *Session) SetCaller(value Endpointable)
- func (m *Session) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *Session) SetFailureInfo(value FailureInfoable)
- func (m *Session) SetIsTest(value *bool)
- func (m *Session) SetModalities(value []Modality)
- func (m *Session) SetSegments(value []Segmentable)
- func (m *Session) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- type Sessionable
- type TraceRouteHop
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetHopCount() *int32
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetIpAddress() *string
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetRoundTripTime() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetHopCount(value *int32)
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetIpAddress(value *string)
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetOdataType(value *string)
- func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetRoundTripTime(...)
- type TraceRouteHopable
- type UserAgent
- func (m *UserAgent) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *UserAgent) GetApplicationVersion() *string
- func (m *UserAgent) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *UserAgent) GetHeaderValue() *string
- func (m *UserAgent) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *UserAgent) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *UserAgent) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *UserAgent) SetApplicationVersion(value *string)
- func (m *UserAgent) SetHeaderValue(value *string)
- func (m *UserAgent) SetOdataType(value *string)
- type UserAgentable
- type UserFeedback
- func (m *UserFeedback) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
- func (m *UserFeedback) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *UserFeedback) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *UserFeedback) GetRating() *UserFeedbackRating
- func (m *UserFeedback) GetText() *string
- func (m *UserFeedback) GetTokens() FeedbackTokenSetable
- func (m *UserFeedback) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *UserFeedback) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
- func (m *UserFeedback) SetOdataType(value *string)
- func (m *UserFeedback) SetRating(value *UserFeedbackRating)
- func (m *UserFeedback) SetText(value *string)
- func (m *UserFeedback) SetTokens(value FeedbackTokenSetable)
- type UserFeedbackRating
- type UserFeedbackable
- type UserIdentity
- type UserIdentityable
- type VideoCodec
- type WifiBand
- type WifiRadioType
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CreateAdministrativeUnitInfoFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateAdministrativeUnitInfoFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateAdministrativeUnitInfoFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateCallRecordFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateCallRecordFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateCallRecordFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateClientUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateClientUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateClientUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateDeviceInfoFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateDeviceInfoFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateDeviceInfoFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateFailureInfoFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateFailureInfoFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateFailureInfoFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateFeedbackTokenSetFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateFeedbackTokenSetFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateFeedbackTokenSetFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateMediaFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateMediaFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateMediaFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateMediaStreamFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateMediaStreamFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateMediaStreamFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateNetworkInfoFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateNetworkInfoFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateNetworkInfoFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateOrganizerFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateOrganizerFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateOrganizerFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateParticipantBaseFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateParticipantBaseFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateParticipantBaseFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateParticipantEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateParticipantEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateParticipantEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateParticipantFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateParticipantFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateParticipantFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateSegmentFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateSegmentFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateSegmentFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateServiceEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateServiceEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateServiceEndpointFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateServiceUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateServiceUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateServiceUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateSessionFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateSessionFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateSessionFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateTraceRouteHopFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateTraceRouteHopFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateTraceRouteHopFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateUserAgentFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateUserFeedbackFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateUserFeedbackFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateUserFeedbackFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func CreateUserIdentityFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateUserIdentityFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateUserIdentityFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value returns a Parsable when successful
func ParseAudioCodec ¶
func ParseCallType ¶
func ParseClientPlatform ¶
func ParseFailureStage ¶
func ParseModality ¶
func ParseProductFamily ¶
func ParseServiceRole ¶
func ParseUserFeedbackRating ¶
func ParseVideoCodec ¶
func ParseWifiBand ¶
func ParseWifiRadioType ¶
func SerializeAudioCodec ¶
func SerializeAudioCodec(values []AudioCodec) []string
func SerializeCallType ¶
func SerializeClientPlatform ¶
func SerializeClientPlatform(values []ClientPlatform) []string
func SerializeFailureStage ¶
func SerializeFailureStage(values []FailureStage) []string
func SerializeMediaStreamDirection ¶
func SerializeMediaStreamDirection(values []MediaStreamDirection) []string
func SerializeModality ¶
func SerializeNetworkConnectionType ¶
func SerializeNetworkConnectionType(values []NetworkConnectionType) []string
func SerializeNetworkTransportProtocol ¶
func SerializeNetworkTransportProtocol(values []NetworkTransportProtocol) []string
func SerializeProductFamily ¶
func SerializeProductFamily(values []ProductFamily) []string
func SerializeServiceRole ¶
func SerializeServiceRole(values []ServiceRole) []string
func SerializeUserFeedbackRating ¶
func SerializeUserFeedbackRating(values []UserFeedbackRating) []string
func SerializeVideoCodec ¶
func SerializeVideoCodec(values []VideoCodec) []string
func SerializeWifiBand ¶
func SerializeWifiRadioType ¶
func SerializeWifiRadioType(values []WifiRadioType) []string
Types ¶
type AdministrativeUnitInfo ¶
type AdministrativeUnitInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAdministrativeUnitInfo ¶
func NewAdministrativeUnitInfo() *AdministrativeUnitInfo
NewAdministrativeUnitInfo instantiates a new AdministrativeUnitInfo and sets the default values.
func (*AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetId ¶
func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetId() *string
GetId gets the id property value. Unique identifier for the administrative unit. returns a *string when successful
func (*AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetOdataType ¶
func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*AdministrativeUnitInfo) Serialize ¶
func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*AdministrativeUnitInfo) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*AdministrativeUnitInfo) SetId ¶
func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) SetId(value *string)
SetId sets the id property value. Unique identifier for the administrative unit.
func (*AdministrativeUnitInfo) SetOdataType ¶
func (m *AdministrativeUnitInfo) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
type AdministrativeUnitInfoable ¶
type AdministrativeUnitInfoable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetId() *string GetOdataType() *string SetId(value *string) SetOdataType(value *string) }
type AudioCodec ¶
type AudioCodec int
func (AudioCodec) String ¶
func (i AudioCodec) String() string
type CallRecord ¶
type CallRecord struct { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Entity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCallRecord ¶
func NewCallRecord() *CallRecord
NewCallRecord instantiates a new CallRecord and sets the default values.
func (*CallRecord) GetEndDateTime ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetEndDateTime gets the endDateTime property value. UTC time when the last user left the call. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z returns a *Time when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetJoinWebUrl ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetJoinWebUrl() *string
GetJoinWebUrl gets the joinWebUrl property value. Meeting URL associated to the call. May not be available for a peerToPeer call record type. returns a *string when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetLastModifiedDateTime ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetLastModifiedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetLastModifiedDateTime gets the lastModifiedDateTime property value. UTC time when the call record was created. The DatetimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z returns a *Time when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetModalities ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetModalities() []Modality
GetModalities gets the modalities property value. List of all the modalities used in the call. Possible values are: unknown, audio, video, videoBasedScreenSharing, data, screenSharing, unknownFutureValue. returns a []Modality when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetOrganizer ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetOrganizer() ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable
GetOrganizer gets the organizer property value. The organizing party's identity. The organizer property is deprecated and will stop returning data on June 30, 2026. Going forward, use the organizer_v2 relationship. returns a IdentitySetable when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetOrganizerV2 ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetOrganizerV2() Organizerable
GetOrganizerV2 gets the organizer_v2 property value. Identity of the organizer of the call. This relationship is expanded by default in callRecord methods. returns a Organizerable when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetParticipants ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetParticipants() []ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable
GetParticipants gets the participants property value. List of distinct identities involved in the call. Limited to 130 entries. The participants property is deprecated and will stop returning data on June 30, 2026. Going forward, use the participants_v2 relationship. returns a []IdentitySetable when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetParticipantsV2 ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetParticipantsV2() []Participantable
GetParticipantsV2 gets the participants_v2 property value. List of distinct participants in the call. returns a []Participantable when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetSessions ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetSessions() []Sessionable
GetSessions gets the sessions property value. List of sessions involved in the call. Peer-to-peer calls typically only have one session, whereas group calls typically have at least one session per participant. Read-only. Nullable. returns a []Sessionable when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetStartDateTime ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetStartDateTime gets the startDateTime property value. UTC time when the first user joined the call. The DatetimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. returns a *Time when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetTypeEscaped ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetTypeEscaped() *CallType
GetTypeEscaped gets the type property value. The type property returns a *CallType when successful
func (*CallRecord) GetVersion ¶
func (m *CallRecord) GetVersion() *int64
GetVersion gets the version property value. Monotonically increasing version of the call record. Higher version call records with the same id includes additional data compared to the lower version. returns a *int64 when successful
func (*CallRecord) Serialize ¶
func (m *CallRecord) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*CallRecord) SetEndDateTime ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetEndDateTime sets the endDateTime property value. UTC time when the last user left the call. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
func (*CallRecord) SetJoinWebUrl ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetJoinWebUrl(value *string)
SetJoinWebUrl sets the joinWebUrl property value. Meeting URL associated to the call. May not be available for a peerToPeer call record type.
func (*CallRecord) SetLastModifiedDateTime ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetLastModifiedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetLastModifiedDateTime sets the lastModifiedDateTime property value. UTC time when the call record was created. The DatetimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
func (*CallRecord) SetModalities ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetModalities(value []Modality)
SetModalities sets the modalities property value. List of all the modalities used in the call. Possible values are: unknown, audio, video, videoBasedScreenSharing, data, screenSharing, unknownFutureValue.
func (*CallRecord) SetOrganizer ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetOrganizer(value ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable)
SetOrganizer sets the organizer property value. The organizing party's identity. The organizer property is deprecated and will stop returning data on June 30, 2026. Going forward, use the organizer_v2 relationship.
func (*CallRecord) SetOrganizerV2 ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetOrganizerV2(value Organizerable)
SetOrganizerV2 sets the organizer_v2 property value. Identity of the organizer of the call. This relationship is expanded by default in callRecord methods.
func (*CallRecord) SetParticipants ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetParticipants(value []ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable)
SetParticipants sets the participants property value. List of distinct identities involved in the call. Limited to 130 entries. The participants property is deprecated and will stop returning data on June 30, 2026. Going forward, use the participants_v2 relationship.
func (*CallRecord) SetParticipantsV2 ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetParticipantsV2(value []Participantable)
SetParticipantsV2 sets the participants_v2 property value. List of distinct participants in the call.
func (*CallRecord) SetSessions ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetSessions(value []Sessionable)
SetSessions sets the sessions property value. List of sessions involved in the call. Peer-to-peer calls typically only have one session, whereas group calls typically have at least one session per participant. Read-only. Nullable.
func (*CallRecord) SetStartDateTime ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetStartDateTime sets the startDateTime property value. UTC time when the first user joined the call. The DatetimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
func (*CallRecord) SetTypeEscaped ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetTypeEscaped(value *CallType)
SetTypeEscaped sets the type property value. The type property
func (*CallRecord) SetVersion ¶
func (m *CallRecord) SetVersion(value *int64)
SetVersion sets the version property value. Monotonically increasing version of the call record. Higher version call records with the same id includes additional data compared to the lower version.
type CallRecordable ¶
type CallRecordable interface { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Entityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetJoinWebUrl() *string GetLastModifiedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetModalities() []Modality GetOrganizer() ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable GetOrganizerV2() Organizerable GetParticipants() []ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable GetParticipantsV2() []Participantable GetSessions() []Sessionable GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetTypeEscaped() *CallType GetVersion() *int64 SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetJoinWebUrl(value *string) SetLastModifiedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetModalities(value []Modality) SetOrganizer(value ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable) SetOrganizerV2(value Organizerable) SetParticipants(value []ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable) SetParticipantsV2(value []Participantable) SetSessions(value []Sessionable) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetTypeEscaped(value *CallType) SetVersion(value *int64) }
type ClientPlatform ¶
type ClientPlatform int
func (ClientPlatform) String ¶
func (i ClientPlatform) String() string
type ClientUserAgent ¶
type ClientUserAgent struct { UserAgent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewClientUserAgent ¶
func NewClientUserAgent() *ClientUserAgent
NewClientUserAgent instantiates a new ClientUserAgent and sets the default values.
func (*ClientUserAgent) GetAzureADAppId ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetAzureADAppId() *string
GetAzureADAppId gets the azureADAppId property value. The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra application used by this endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*ClientUserAgent) GetCommunicationServiceId ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetCommunicationServiceId() *string
GetCommunicationServiceId gets the communicationServiceId property value. Immutable resource identifier of the Azure Communication Service associated with this endpoint based on Communication Services APIs. returns a *string when successful
func (*ClientUserAgent) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*ClientUserAgent) GetPlatform ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetPlatform() *ClientPlatform
GetPlatform gets the platform property value. The platform property returns a *ClientPlatform when successful
func (*ClientUserAgent) GetProductFamily ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) GetProductFamily() *ProductFamily
GetProductFamily gets the productFamily property value. The productFamily property returns a *ProductFamily when successful
func (*ClientUserAgent) Serialize ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*ClientUserAgent) SetAzureADAppId ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) SetAzureADAppId(value *string)
SetAzureADAppId sets the azureADAppId property value. The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra application used by this endpoint.
func (*ClientUserAgent) SetCommunicationServiceId ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) SetCommunicationServiceId(value *string)
SetCommunicationServiceId sets the communicationServiceId property value. Immutable resource identifier of the Azure Communication Service associated with this endpoint based on Communication Services APIs.
func (*ClientUserAgent) SetPlatform ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) SetPlatform(value *ClientPlatform)
SetPlatform sets the platform property value. The platform property
func (*ClientUserAgent) SetProductFamily ¶
func (m *ClientUserAgent) SetProductFamily(value *ProductFamily)
SetProductFamily sets the productFamily property value. The productFamily property
type ClientUserAgentable ¶
type ClientUserAgentable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable UserAgentable GetAzureADAppId() *string GetCommunicationServiceId() *string GetPlatform() *ClientPlatform GetProductFamily() *ProductFamily SetAzureADAppId(value *string) SetCommunicationServiceId(value *string) SetPlatform(value *ClientPlatform) SetProductFamily(value *ProductFamily) }
type DeviceInfo ¶
type DeviceInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDeviceInfo ¶
func NewDeviceInfo() *DeviceInfo
NewDeviceInfo instantiates a new DeviceInfo and sets the default values.
func (*DeviceInfo) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetCaptureDeviceDriver ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetCaptureDeviceDriver() *string
GetCaptureDeviceDriver gets the captureDeviceDriver property value. Name of the capture device driver used by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetCaptureDeviceName ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetCaptureDeviceName() *string
GetCaptureDeviceName gets the captureDeviceName property value. Name of the capture device used by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio() *float32
GetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio gets the captureNotFunctioningEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the capture device was not working properly. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetCpuInsufficentEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetCpuInsufficentEventRatio() *float32
GetCpuInsufficentEventRatio gets the cpuInsufficentEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the CPU resources available were insufficient and caused poor quality of the audio sent and received. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetDeviceClippingEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetDeviceClippingEventRatio() *float32
GetDeviceClippingEventRatio gets the deviceClippingEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected clipping in the captured audio that caused poor quality of the audio being sent. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetDeviceGlitchEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetDeviceGlitchEventRatio() *float32
GetDeviceGlitchEventRatio gets the deviceGlitchEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected glitches or gaps in the audio played or captured that caused poor quality of the audio being sent or received. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetHowlingEventCount ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetHowlingEventCount() *int32
GetHowlingEventCount gets the howlingEventCount property value. Number of times during the call that the media endpoint detected howling or screeching audio. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare() *float32
GetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare gets the initialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare property value. The root mean square (RMS) of the incoming signal of up to the first 30 seconds of the call. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio() *float32
GetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio gets the lowSpeechLevelEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected low speech level that caused poor quality of the audio being sent. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio() *float32
GetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio gets the lowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected low speech to noise level that caused poor quality of the audio being sent. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetMicGlitchRate ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetMicGlitchRate() *float32
GetMicGlitchRate gets the micGlitchRate property value. Glitches per 5 minute interval for the media endpoint's microphone. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetOdataType ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetReceivedNoiseLevel ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetReceivedNoiseLevel() *int32
GetReceivedNoiseLevel gets the receivedNoiseLevel property value. Average energy level of received audio for audio classified as mono noise or left channel of stereo noise by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetReceivedSignalLevel ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetReceivedSignalLevel() *int32
GetReceivedSignalLevel gets the receivedSignalLevel property value. Average energy level of received audio for audio classified as mono speech, or left channel of stereo speech by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetRenderDeviceDriver ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderDeviceDriver() *string
GetRenderDeviceDriver gets the renderDeviceDriver property value. Name of the render device driver used by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetRenderDeviceName ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderDeviceName() *string
GetRenderDeviceName gets the renderDeviceName property value. Name of the render device used by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetRenderMuteEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderMuteEventRatio() *float32
GetRenderMuteEventRatio gets the renderMuteEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that media endpoint detected device render is muted. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio() *float32
GetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio gets the renderNotFunctioningEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the render device was not working properly. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio() *float32
GetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio gets the renderZeroVolumeEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that media endpoint detected device render volume is set to 0. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetSentNoiseLevel ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetSentNoiseLevel() *int32
GetSentNoiseLevel gets the sentNoiseLevel property value. Average energy level of sent audio for audio classified as mono noise or left channel of stereo noise by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetSentSignalLevel ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetSentSignalLevel() *int32
GetSentSignalLevel gets the sentSignalLevel property value. Average energy level of sent audio for audio classified as mono speech, or left channel of stereo speech by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) GetSpeakerGlitchRate ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) GetSpeakerGlitchRate() *float32
GetSpeakerGlitchRate gets the speakerGlitchRate property value. Glitches per 5 minute internal for the media endpoint's loudspeaker. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*DeviceInfo) Serialize ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*DeviceInfo) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetCaptureDeviceDriver ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetCaptureDeviceDriver(value *string)
SetCaptureDeviceDriver sets the captureDeviceDriver property value. Name of the capture device driver used by the media endpoint.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetCaptureDeviceName ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetCaptureDeviceName(value *string)
SetCaptureDeviceName sets the captureDeviceName property value. Name of the capture device used by the media endpoint.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio(value *float32)
SetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio sets the captureNotFunctioningEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the capture device was not working properly.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetCpuInsufficentEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetCpuInsufficentEventRatio(value *float32)
SetCpuInsufficentEventRatio sets the cpuInsufficentEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the CPU resources available were insufficient and caused poor quality of the audio sent and received.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetDeviceClippingEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetDeviceClippingEventRatio(value *float32)
SetDeviceClippingEventRatio sets the deviceClippingEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected clipping in the captured audio that caused poor quality of the audio being sent.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetDeviceGlitchEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetDeviceGlitchEventRatio(value *float32)
SetDeviceGlitchEventRatio sets the deviceGlitchEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected glitches or gaps in the audio played or captured that caused poor quality of the audio being sent or received.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetHowlingEventCount ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetHowlingEventCount(value *int32)
SetHowlingEventCount sets the howlingEventCount property value. Number of times during the call that the media endpoint detected howling or screeching audio.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare(value *float32)
SetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare sets the initialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare property value. The root mean square (RMS) of the incoming signal of up to the first 30 seconds of the call.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio(value *float32)
SetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio sets the lowSpeechLevelEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected low speech level that caused poor quality of the audio being sent.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio(value *float32)
SetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio sets the lowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected low speech to noise level that caused poor quality of the audio being sent.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetMicGlitchRate ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetMicGlitchRate(value *float32)
SetMicGlitchRate sets the micGlitchRate property value. Glitches per 5 minute interval for the media endpoint's microphone.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetOdataType ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*DeviceInfo) SetReceivedNoiseLevel ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetReceivedNoiseLevel(value *int32)
SetReceivedNoiseLevel sets the receivedNoiseLevel property value. Average energy level of received audio for audio classified as mono noise or left channel of stereo noise by the media endpoint.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetReceivedSignalLevel ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetReceivedSignalLevel(value *int32)
SetReceivedSignalLevel sets the receivedSignalLevel property value. Average energy level of received audio for audio classified as mono speech, or left channel of stereo speech by the media endpoint.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetRenderDeviceDriver ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderDeviceDriver(value *string)
SetRenderDeviceDriver sets the renderDeviceDriver property value. Name of the render device driver used by the media endpoint.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetRenderDeviceName ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderDeviceName(value *string)
SetRenderDeviceName sets the renderDeviceName property value. Name of the render device used by the media endpoint.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetRenderMuteEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderMuteEventRatio(value *float32)
SetRenderMuteEventRatio sets the renderMuteEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that media endpoint detected device render is muted.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio(value *float32)
SetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio sets the renderNotFunctioningEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the render device was not working properly.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio(value *float32)
SetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio sets the renderZeroVolumeEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that media endpoint detected device render volume is set to 0.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetSentNoiseLevel ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetSentNoiseLevel(value *int32)
SetSentNoiseLevel sets the sentNoiseLevel property value. Average energy level of sent audio for audio classified as mono noise or left channel of stereo noise by the media endpoint.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetSentSignalLevel ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetSentSignalLevel(value *int32)
SetSentSignalLevel sets the sentSignalLevel property value. Average energy level of sent audio for audio classified as mono speech, or left channel of stereo speech by the media endpoint.
func (*DeviceInfo) SetSpeakerGlitchRate ¶
func (m *DeviceInfo) SetSpeakerGlitchRate(value *float32)
SetSpeakerGlitchRate sets the speakerGlitchRate property value. Glitches per 5 minute internal for the media endpoint's loudspeaker.
type DeviceInfoable ¶
type DeviceInfoable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetCaptureDeviceDriver() *string GetCaptureDeviceName() *string GetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio() *float32 GetCpuInsufficentEventRatio() *float32 GetDeviceClippingEventRatio() *float32 GetDeviceGlitchEventRatio() *float32 GetHowlingEventCount() *int32 GetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare() *float32 GetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio() *float32 GetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio() *float32 GetMicGlitchRate() *float32 GetOdataType() *string GetReceivedNoiseLevel() *int32 GetReceivedSignalLevel() *int32 GetRenderDeviceDriver() *string GetRenderDeviceName() *string GetRenderMuteEventRatio() *float32 GetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio() *float32 GetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio() *float32 GetSentNoiseLevel() *int32 GetSentSignalLevel() *int32 GetSpeakerGlitchRate() *float32 SetCaptureDeviceDriver(value *string) SetCaptureDeviceName(value *string) SetCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio(value *float32) SetCpuInsufficentEventRatio(value *float32) SetDeviceClippingEventRatio(value *float32) SetDeviceGlitchEventRatio(value *float32) SetHowlingEventCount(value *int32) SetInitialSignalLevelRootMeanSquare(value *float32) SetLowSpeechLevelEventRatio(value *float32) SetLowSpeechToNoiseEventRatio(value *float32) SetMicGlitchRate(value *float32) SetOdataType(value *string) SetReceivedNoiseLevel(value *int32) SetReceivedSignalLevel(value *int32) SetRenderDeviceDriver(value *string) SetRenderDeviceName(value *string) SetRenderMuteEventRatio(value *float32) SetRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio(value *float32) SetRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio(value *float32) SetSentNoiseLevel(value *int32) SetSentSignalLevel(value *int32) SetSpeakerGlitchRate(value *float32) }
type Endpoint ¶
type Endpoint struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEndpoint ¶
func NewEndpoint() *Endpoint
NewEndpoint instantiates a new Endpoint and sets the default values.
func (*Endpoint) GetAdditionalData ¶
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*Endpoint) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Endpoint) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*Endpoint) GetOdataType ¶
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*Endpoint) GetUserAgent ¶
func (m *Endpoint) GetUserAgent() UserAgentable
GetUserAgent gets the userAgent property value. User-agent reported by this endpoint. returns a UserAgentable when successful
func (*Endpoint) Serialize ¶
func (m *Endpoint) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Endpoint) SetAdditionalData ¶
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*Endpoint) SetOdataType ¶
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*Endpoint) SetUserAgent ¶
func (m *Endpoint) SetUserAgent(value UserAgentable)
SetUserAgent sets the userAgent property value. User-agent reported by this endpoint.
type Endpointable ¶
type Endpointable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetOdataType() *string GetUserAgent() UserAgentable SetOdataType(value *string) SetUserAgent(value UserAgentable) }
type FailureInfo ¶
type FailureInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFailureInfo ¶
func NewFailureInfo() *FailureInfo
NewFailureInfo instantiates a new FailureInfo and sets the default values.
func (*FailureInfo) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*FailureInfo) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*FailureInfo) GetOdataType ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*FailureInfo) GetReason ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) GetReason() *string
GetReason gets the reason property value. Classification of why a call or portion of a call failed. returns a *string when successful
func (*FailureInfo) GetStage ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) GetStage() *FailureStage
GetStage gets the stage property value. The stage property returns a *FailureStage when successful
func (*FailureInfo) Serialize ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*FailureInfo) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*FailureInfo) SetOdataType ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*FailureInfo) SetReason ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) SetReason(value *string)
SetReason sets the reason property value. Classification of why a call or portion of a call failed.
func (*FailureInfo) SetStage ¶
func (m *FailureInfo) SetStage(value *FailureStage)
SetStage sets the stage property value. The stage property
type FailureInfoable ¶
type FailureInfoable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetOdataType() *string GetReason() *string GetStage() *FailureStage SetOdataType(value *string) SetReason(value *string) SetStage(value *FailureStage) }
type FailureStage ¶
type FailureStage int
func (FailureStage) String ¶
func (i FailureStage) String() string
type FeedbackTokenSet ¶
type FeedbackTokenSet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFeedbackTokenSet ¶
func NewFeedbackTokenSet() *FeedbackTokenSet
NewFeedbackTokenSet instantiates a new FeedbackTokenSet and sets the default values.
func (*FeedbackTokenSet) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*FeedbackTokenSet) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*FeedbackTokenSet) GetOdataType ¶
func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*FeedbackTokenSet) Serialize ¶
func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*FeedbackTokenSet) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*FeedbackTokenSet) SetOdataType ¶
func (m *FeedbackTokenSet) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
type FeedbackTokenSetable ¶
type FeedbackTokenSetable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetOdataType() *string SetOdataType(value *string) }
type Media ¶
type Media struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMedia ¶
func NewMedia() *Media
NewMedia instantiates a new Media and sets the default values.
func (*Media) GetAdditionalData ¶
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*Media) GetCalleeDevice ¶
func (m *Media) GetCalleeDevice() DeviceInfoable
GetCalleeDevice gets the calleeDevice property value. Device information associated with the callee endpoint of this media. returns a DeviceInfoable when successful
func (*Media) GetCalleeNetwork ¶
func (m *Media) GetCalleeNetwork() NetworkInfoable
GetCalleeNetwork gets the calleeNetwork property value. Network information associated with the callee endpoint of this media. returns a NetworkInfoable when successful
func (*Media) GetCallerDevice ¶
func (m *Media) GetCallerDevice() DeviceInfoable
GetCallerDevice gets the callerDevice property value. Device information associated with the caller endpoint of this media. returns a DeviceInfoable when successful
func (*Media) GetCallerNetwork ¶
func (m *Media) GetCallerNetwork() NetworkInfoable
GetCallerNetwork gets the callerNetwork property value. Network information associated with the caller endpoint of this media. returns a NetworkInfoable when successful
func (*Media) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Media) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*Media) GetLabel ¶
GetLabel gets the label property value. How the media was identified during media negotiation stage. returns a *string when successful
func (*Media) GetOdataType ¶
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*Media) GetStreams ¶
func (m *Media) GetStreams() []MediaStreamable
GetStreams gets the streams property value. Network streams associated with this media. returns a []MediaStreamable when successful
func (*Media) Serialize ¶
func (m *Media) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Media) SetAdditionalData ¶
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*Media) SetCalleeDevice ¶
func (m *Media) SetCalleeDevice(value DeviceInfoable)
SetCalleeDevice sets the calleeDevice property value. Device information associated with the callee endpoint of this media.
func (*Media) SetCalleeNetwork ¶
func (m *Media) SetCalleeNetwork(value NetworkInfoable)
SetCalleeNetwork sets the calleeNetwork property value. Network information associated with the callee endpoint of this media.
func (*Media) SetCallerDevice ¶
func (m *Media) SetCallerDevice(value DeviceInfoable)
SetCallerDevice sets the callerDevice property value. Device information associated with the caller endpoint of this media.
func (*Media) SetCallerNetwork ¶
func (m *Media) SetCallerNetwork(value NetworkInfoable)
SetCallerNetwork sets the callerNetwork property value. Network information associated with the caller endpoint of this media.
func (*Media) SetLabel ¶
SetLabel sets the label property value. How the media was identified during media negotiation stage.
func (*Media) SetOdataType ¶
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*Media) SetStreams ¶
func (m *Media) SetStreams(value []MediaStreamable)
SetStreams sets the streams property value. Network streams associated with this media.
type MediaStream ¶
type MediaStream struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMediaStream ¶
func NewMediaStream() *MediaStream
NewMediaStream instantiates a new MediaStream and sets the default values.
func (*MediaStream) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAudioCodec ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAudioCodec() *AudioCodec
GetAudioCodec gets the audioCodec property value. Codec name used to encode audio for transmission on the network. Possible values are: unknown, invalid, cn, pcma, pcmu, amrWide, g722, g7221, g7221c, g729, multiChannelAudio, muchv2, opus, satin, satinFullband, rtAudio8, rtAudio16, silk, silkNarrow, silkWide, siren, xmsRta, unknownFutureValue. returns a *AudioCodec when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageAudioDegradation ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageAudioDegradation() *float32
GetAverageAudioDegradation gets the averageAudioDegradation property value. Average Network Mean Opinion Score degradation for stream. Represents how much the network loss and jitter has impacted the quality of received audio. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageAudioNetworkJitter ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageAudioNetworkJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
GetAverageAudioNetworkJitter gets the averageAudioNetworkJitter property value. Average jitter for the stream computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator. returns a *ISODuration when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageBandwidthEstimate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageBandwidthEstimate() *int64
GetAverageBandwidthEstimate gets the averageBandwidthEstimate property value. Average estimated bandwidth available between two endpoints in bits per second. returns a *int64 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageFreezeDuration ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageFreezeDuration() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
GetAverageFreezeDuration gets the averageFreezeDuration property value. Average duration of the received freezing time in the video stream. returns a *ISODuration when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageJitter ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
GetAverageJitter gets the averageJitter property value. Average jitter for the stream computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator. returns a *ISODuration when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAveragePacketLossRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAveragePacketLossRate() *float32
GetAveragePacketLossRate gets the averagePacketLossRate property value. Average packet loss rate for stream. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples() *float32
GetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples gets the averageRatioOfConcealedSamples property value. Ratio of the number of audio frames with samples generated by packet loss concealment to the total number of audio frames. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageReceivedFrameRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageReceivedFrameRate() *float32
GetAverageReceivedFrameRate gets the averageReceivedFrameRate property value. Average frames per second received for all video streams computed over the duration of the session. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageRoundTripTime ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageRoundTripTime() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
GetAverageRoundTripTime gets the averageRoundTripTime property value. Average network propagation round-trip time computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator. returns a *ISODuration when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage() *float32
GetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage gets the averageVideoFrameLossPercentage property value. Average percentage of video frames lost as displayed to the user. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageVideoFrameRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageVideoFrameRate() *float32
GetAverageVideoFrameRate gets the averageVideoFrameRate property value. Average frames per second received for a video stream, computed over the duration of the session. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetAverageVideoPacketLossRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetAverageVideoPacketLossRate() *float32
GetAverageVideoPacketLossRate gets the averageVideoPacketLossRate property value. Average fraction of packets lost, as specified in RFC 3550, computed over the duration of the session. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetEndDateTime ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetEndDateTime gets the endDateTime property value. UTC time when the stream ended. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. This field is only available for streams that use the SIP protocol. returns a *Time when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed() *bool
GetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed gets the isAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed property value. Indicates whether the forward error correction (FEC) was used at some point during the session. The default value is null. returns a *bool when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetLowFrameRateRatio ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetLowFrameRateRatio() *float32
GetLowFrameRateRatio gets the lowFrameRateRatio property value. Fraction of the call where frame rate is less than 7.5 frames per second. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio() *float32
GetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio gets the lowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the client is running less than 70% expected video processing capability. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetMaxAudioNetworkJitter ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxAudioNetworkJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
GetMaxAudioNetworkJitter gets the maxAudioNetworkJitter property value. Maximum of audio network jitter computed over each of the 20 second windows during the session, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator. returns a *ISODuration when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetMaxJitter ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
GetMaxJitter gets the maxJitter property value. Maximum jitter for the stream computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator. returns a *ISODuration when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetMaxPacketLossRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxPacketLossRate() *float32
GetMaxPacketLossRate gets the maxPacketLossRate property value. Maximum packet loss rate for the stream. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples() *float32
GetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples gets the maxRatioOfConcealedSamples property value. Maximum ratio of packets concealed by the healer. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetMaxRoundTripTime ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetMaxRoundTripTime() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
GetMaxRoundTripTime gets the maxRoundTripTime property value. Maximum network propagation round-trip time computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator. returns a *ISODuration when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetOdataType ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetPacketUtilization ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetPacketUtilization() *int64
GetPacketUtilization gets the packetUtilization property value. Packet count for the stream. returns a *int64 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate() *float32
GetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate gets the postForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate property value. Packet loss rate after FEC has been applied aggregated across all video streams and codecs. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetRmsFreezeDuration ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetRmsFreezeDuration() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
GetRmsFreezeDuration gets the rmsFreezeDuration property value. Average duration of the received freezing time in the video stream represented in root mean square. returns a *ISODuration when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetStartDateTime ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetStartDateTime gets the startDateTime property value. UTC time when the stream started. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. This field is only available for streams that use the SIP protocol. returns a *Time when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetStreamDirection ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetStreamDirection() *MediaStreamDirection
GetStreamDirection gets the streamDirection property value. The streamDirection property returns a *MediaStreamDirection when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetStreamId ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetStreamId() *string
GetStreamId gets the streamId property value. Unique identifier for the stream. returns a *string when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetVideoCodec ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetVideoCodec() *VideoCodec
GetVideoCodec gets the videoCodec property value. Codec name used to encode video for transmission on the network. Possible values are: unknown, invalid, av1, h263, h264, h264s, h264uc, h265, rtvc1, rtVideo, xrtvc1, unknownFutureValue. returns a *VideoCodec when successful
func (*MediaStream) GetWasMediaBypassed ¶
func (m *MediaStream) GetWasMediaBypassed() *bool
GetWasMediaBypassed gets the wasMediaBypassed property value. True if the media stream bypassed the Mediation Server and went straight between client and PSTN Gateway/PBX, false otherwise. returns a *bool when successful
func (*MediaStream) Serialize ¶
func (m *MediaStream) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*MediaStream) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*MediaStream) SetAudioCodec ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAudioCodec(value *AudioCodec)
SetAudioCodec sets the audioCodec property value. Codec name used to encode audio for transmission on the network. Possible values are: unknown, invalid, cn, pcma, pcmu, amrWide, g722, g7221, g7221c, g729, multiChannelAudio, muchv2, opus, satin, satinFullband, rtAudio8, rtAudio16, silk, silkNarrow, silkWide, siren, xmsRta, unknownFutureValue.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageAudioDegradation ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageAudioDegradation(value *float32)
SetAverageAudioDegradation sets the averageAudioDegradation property value. Average Network Mean Opinion Score degradation for stream. Represents how much the network loss and jitter has impacted the quality of received audio.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageAudioNetworkJitter ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageAudioNetworkJitter(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration)
SetAverageAudioNetworkJitter sets the averageAudioNetworkJitter property value. Average jitter for the stream computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageBandwidthEstimate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageBandwidthEstimate(value *int64)
SetAverageBandwidthEstimate sets the averageBandwidthEstimate property value. Average estimated bandwidth available between two endpoints in bits per second.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageFreezeDuration ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageFreezeDuration(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration)
SetAverageFreezeDuration sets the averageFreezeDuration property value. Average duration of the received freezing time in the video stream.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageJitter ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageJitter(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration)
SetAverageJitter sets the averageJitter property value. Average jitter for the stream computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator.
func (*MediaStream) SetAveragePacketLossRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAveragePacketLossRate(value *float32)
SetAveragePacketLossRate sets the averagePacketLossRate property value. Average packet loss rate for stream.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples(value *float32)
SetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples sets the averageRatioOfConcealedSamples property value. Ratio of the number of audio frames with samples generated by packet loss concealment to the total number of audio frames.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageReceivedFrameRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageReceivedFrameRate(value *float32)
SetAverageReceivedFrameRate sets the averageReceivedFrameRate property value. Average frames per second received for all video streams computed over the duration of the session.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageRoundTripTime ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageRoundTripTime(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration)
SetAverageRoundTripTime sets the averageRoundTripTime property value. Average network propagation round-trip time computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage(value *float32)
SetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage sets the averageVideoFrameLossPercentage property value. Average percentage of video frames lost as displayed to the user.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageVideoFrameRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageVideoFrameRate(value *float32)
SetAverageVideoFrameRate sets the averageVideoFrameRate property value. Average frames per second received for a video stream, computed over the duration of the session.
func (*MediaStream) SetAverageVideoPacketLossRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetAverageVideoPacketLossRate(value *float32)
SetAverageVideoPacketLossRate sets the averageVideoPacketLossRate property value. Average fraction of packets lost, as specified in RFC 3550, computed over the duration of the session.
func (*MediaStream) SetEndDateTime ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetEndDateTime sets the endDateTime property value. UTC time when the stream ended. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. This field is only available for streams that use the SIP protocol.
func (*MediaStream) SetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed(value *bool)
SetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed sets the isAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed property value. Indicates whether the forward error correction (FEC) was used at some point during the session. The default value is null.
func (*MediaStream) SetLowFrameRateRatio ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetLowFrameRateRatio(value *float32)
SetLowFrameRateRatio sets the lowFrameRateRatio property value. Fraction of the call where frame rate is less than 7.5 frames per second.
func (*MediaStream) SetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio(value *float32)
SetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio sets the lowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the client is running less than 70% expected video processing capability.
func (*MediaStream) SetMaxAudioNetworkJitter ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxAudioNetworkJitter(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration)
SetMaxAudioNetworkJitter sets the maxAudioNetworkJitter property value. Maximum of audio network jitter computed over each of the 20 second windows during the session, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator.
func (*MediaStream) SetMaxJitter ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxJitter(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration)
SetMaxJitter sets the maxJitter property value. Maximum jitter for the stream computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator.
func (*MediaStream) SetMaxPacketLossRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxPacketLossRate(value *float32)
SetMaxPacketLossRate sets the maxPacketLossRate property value. Maximum packet loss rate for the stream.
func (*MediaStream) SetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples(value *float32)
SetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples sets the maxRatioOfConcealedSamples property value. Maximum ratio of packets concealed by the healer.
func (*MediaStream) SetMaxRoundTripTime ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetMaxRoundTripTime(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration)
SetMaxRoundTripTime sets the maxRoundTripTime property value. Maximum network propagation round-trip time computed as specified in RFC 3550, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as 'PT1S', where 'P' is the duration designator, 'T' is the time designator, and 'S' is the second designator.
func (*MediaStream) SetOdataType ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*MediaStream) SetPacketUtilization ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetPacketUtilization(value *int64)
SetPacketUtilization sets the packetUtilization property value. Packet count for the stream.
func (*MediaStream) SetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate(value *float32)
SetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate sets the postForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate property value. Packet loss rate after FEC has been applied aggregated across all video streams and codecs.
func (*MediaStream) SetRmsFreezeDuration ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetRmsFreezeDuration(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration)
SetRmsFreezeDuration sets the rmsFreezeDuration property value. Average duration of the received freezing time in the video stream represented in root mean square.
func (*MediaStream) SetStartDateTime ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetStartDateTime sets the startDateTime property value. UTC time when the stream started. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. This field is only available for streams that use the SIP protocol.
func (*MediaStream) SetStreamDirection ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetStreamDirection(value *MediaStreamDirection)
SetStreamDirection sets the streamDirection property value. The streamDirection property
func (*MediaStream) SetStreamId ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetStreamId(value *string)
SetStreamId sets the streamId property value. Unique identifier for the stream.
func (*MediaStream) SetVideoCodec ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetVideoCodec(value *VideoCodec)
SetVideoCodec sets the videoCodec property value. Codec name used to encode video for transmission on the network. Possible values are: unknown, invalid, av1, h263, h264, h264s, h264uc, h265, rtvc1, rtVideo, xrtvc1, unknownFutureValue.
func (*MediaStream) SetWasMediaBypassed ¶
func (m *MediaStream) SetWasMediaBypassed(value *bool)
SetWasMediaBypassed sets the wasMediaBypassed property value. True if the media stream bypassed the Mediation Server and went straight between client and PSTN Gateway/PBX, false otherwise.
type MediaStreamDirection ¶
type MediaStreamDirection int
func (MediaStreamDirection) String ¶
func (i MediaStreamDirection) String() string
type MediaStreamable ¶
type MediaStreamable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetAudioCodec() *AudioCodec GetAverageAudioDegradation() *float32 GetAverageAudioNetworkJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration GetAverageBandwidthEstimate() *int64 GetAverageFreezeDuration() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration GetAverageJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration GetAveragePacketLossRate() *float32 GetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples() *float32 GetAverageReceivedFrameRate() *float32 GetAverageRoundTripTime() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration GetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage() *float32 GetAverageVideoFrameRate() *float32 GetAverageVideoPacketLossRate() *float32 GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed() *bool GetLowFrameRateRatio() *float32 GetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio() *float32 GetMaxAudioNetworkJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration GetMaxJitter() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration GetMaxPacketLossRate() *float32 GetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples() *float32 GetMaxRoundTripTime() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration GetOdataType() *string GetPacketUtilization() *int64 GetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate() *float32 GetRmsFreezeDuration() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetStreamDirection() *MediaStreamDirection GetStreamId() *string GetVideoCodec() *VideoCodec GetWasMediaBypassed() *bool SetAudioCodec(value *AudioCodec) SetAverageAudioDegradation(value *float32) SetAverageAudioNetworkJitter(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration) SetAverageBandwidthEstimate(value *int64) SetAverageFreezeDuration(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration) SetAverageJitter(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration) SetAveragePacketLossRate(value *float32) SetAverageRatioOfConcealedSamples(value *float32) SetAverageReceivedFrameRate(value *float32) SetAverageRoundTripTime(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration) SetAverageVideoFrameLossPercentage(value *float32) SetAverageVideoFrameRate(value *float32) SetAverageVideoPacketLossRate(value *float32) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetIsAudioForwardErrorCorrectionUsed(value *bool) SetLowFrameRateRatio(value *float32) SetLowVideoProcessingCapabilityRatio(value *float32) SetMaxAudioNetworkJitter(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration) SetMaxJitter(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration) SetMaxPacketLossRate(value *float32) SetMaxRatioOfConcealedSamples(value *float32) SetMaxRoundTripTime(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration) SetOdataType(value *string) SetPacketUtilization(value *int64) SetPostForwardErrorCorrectionPacketLossRate(value *float32) SetRmsFreezeDuration(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetStreamDirection(value *MediaStreamDirection) SetStreamId(value *string) SetVideoCodec(value *VideoCodec) SetWasMediaBypassed(value *bool) }
type Mediaable ¶
type Mediaable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetCalleeDevice() DeviceInfoable GetCalleeNetwork() NetworkInfoable GetCallerDevice() DeviceInfoable GetCallerNetwork() NetworkInfoable GetLabel() *string GetOdataType() *string GetStreams() []MediaStreamable SetCalleeDevice(value DeviceInfoable) SetCalleeNetwork(value NetworkInfoable) SetCallerDevice(value DeviceInfoable) SetCallerNetwork(value NetworkInfoable) SetLabel(value *string) SetOdataType(value *string) SetStreams(value []MediaStreamable) }
type NetworkConnectionType ¶
type NetworkConnectionType int
func (NetworkConnectionType) String ¶
func (i NetworkConnectionType) String() string
type NetworkInfo ¶
type NetworkInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNetworkInfo ¶
func NewNetworkInfo() *NetworkInfo
NewNetworkInfo instantiates a new NetworkInfo and sets the default values.
func (*NetworkInfo) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetBandwidthLowEventRatio ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetBandwidthLowEventRatio() *float32
GetBandwidthLowEventRatio gets the bandwidthLowEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the available bandwidth or bandwidth policy was low enough to cause poor quality of the audio sent. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetBasicServiceSetIdentifier ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetBasicServiceSetIdentifier() *string
GetBasicServiceSetIdentifier gets the basicServiceSetIdentifier property value. The wireless LAN basic service set identifier of the media endpoint used to connect to the network. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetConnectionType ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetConnectionType() *NetworkConnectionType
GetConnectionType gets the connectionType property value. The connectionType property returns a *NetworkConnectionType when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetDelayEventRatio ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetDelayEventRatio() *float32
GetDelayEventRatio gets the delayEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the network delay was significant enough to impact the ability to have real-time two-way communication. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetDnsSuffix ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetDnsSuffix() *string
GetDnsSuffix gets the dnsSuffix property value. DNS suffix associated with the network adapter of the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetIpAddress ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetIpAddress() *string
GetIpAddress gets the ipAddress property value. IP address of the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetLinkSpeed ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetLinkSpeed() *int64
GetLinkSpeed gets the linkSpeed property value. Link speed in bits per second reported by the network adapter used by the media endpoint. returns a *int64 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetMacAddress ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetMacAddress() *string
GetMacAddress gets the macAddress property value. The media access control (MAC) address of the media endpoint's network device. This value may be missing or shown as 02:00:00:00:00:00 due to operating system privacy policies. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetNetworkTransportProtocol ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetNetworkTransportProtocol() *NetworkTransportProtocol
GetNetworkTransportProtocol gets the networkTransportProtocol property value. The networkTransportProtocol property returns a *NetworkTransportProtocol when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetOdataType ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetPort ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetPort() *int32
GetPort gets the port property value. Network port number used by media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetReceivedQualityEventRatio ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetReceivedQualityEventRatio() *float32
GetReceivedQualityEventRatio gets the receivedQualityEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the network was causing poor quality of the audio received. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetReflexiveIPAddress ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetReflexiveIPAddress() *string
GetReflexiveIPAddress gets the reflexiveIPAddress property value. IP address of the media endpoint as seen by the media relay server. This is typically the public internet IP address associated to the endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetRelayIPAddress ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetRelayIPAddress() *string
GetRelayIPAddress gets the relayIPAddress property value. IP address of the media relay server allocated by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetRelayPort ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetRelayPort() *int32
GetRelayPort gets the relayPort property value. Network port number allocated on the media relay server by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetSentQualityEventRatio ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetSentQualityEventRatio() *float32
GetSentQualityEventRatio gets the sentQualityEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the network was causing poor quality of the audio sent. returns a *float32 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetSubnet ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetSubnet() *string
GetSubnet gets the subnet property value. Subnet used for media stream by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetTraceRouteHops ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetTraceRouteHops() []TraceRouteHopable
GetTraceRouteHops gets the traceRouteHops property value. List of network trace route hops collected for this media stream.* returns a []TraceRouteHopable when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetWifiBand ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiBand() *WifiBand
GetWifiBand gets the wifiBand property value. The wifiBand property returns a *WifiBand when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetWifiBatteryCharge ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiBatteryCharge() *int32
GetWifiBatteryCharge gets the wifiBatteryCharge property value. Estimated remaining battery charge in percentage reported by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetWifiChannel ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiChannel() *int32
GetWifiChannel gets the wifiChannel property value. WiFi channel used by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetWifiMicrosoftDriver ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiMicrosoftDriver() *string
GetWifiMicrosoftDriver gets the wifiMicrosoftDriver property value. Name of the Microsoft WiFi driver used by the media endpoint. Value may be localized based on the language used by endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion() *string
GetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion gets the wifiMicrosoftDriverVersion property value. Version of the Microsoft WiFi driver used by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetWifiRadioType ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiRadioType() *WifiRadioType
GetWifiRadioType gets the wifiRadioType property value. The wifiRadioType property returns a *WifiRadioType when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetWifiSignalStrength ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiSignalStrength() *int32
GetWifiSignalStrength gets the wifiSignalStrength property value. WiFi signal strength in percentage reported by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetWifiVendorDriver ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiVendorDriver() *string
GetWifiVendorDriver gets the wifiVendorDriver property value. Name of the WiFi driver used by the media endpoint. Value may be localized based on the language used by endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) GetWifiVendorDriverVersion ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) GetWifiVendorDriverVersion() *string
GetWifiVendorDriverVersion gets the wifiVendorDriverVersion property value. Version of the WiFi driver used by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*NetworkInfo) Serialize ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*NetworkInfo) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetBandwidthLowEventRatio ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetBandwidthLowEventRatio(value *float32)
SetBandwidthLowEventRatio sets the bandwidthLowEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the available bandwidth or bandwidth policy was low enough to cause poor quality of the audio sent.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetBasicServiceSetIdentifier ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetBasicServiceSetIdentifier(value *string)
SetBasicServiceSetIdentifier sets the basicServiceSetIdentifier property value. The wireless LAN basic service set identifier of the media endpoint used to connect to the network.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetConnectionType ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetConnectionType(value *NetworkConnectionType)
SetConnectionType sets the connectionType property value. The connectionType property
func (*NetworkInfo) SetDelayEventRatio ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetDelayEventRatio(value *float32)
SetDelayEventRatio sets the delayEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the network delay was significant enough to impact the ability to have real-time two-way communication.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetDnsSuffix ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetDnsSuffix(value *string)
SetDnsSuffix sets the dnsSuffix property value. DNS suffix associated with the network adapter of the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetIpAddress ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetIpAddress(value *string)
SetIpAddress sets the ipAddress property value. IP address of the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetLinkSpeed ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetLinkSpeed(value *int64)
SetLinkSpeed sets the linkSpeed property value. Link speed in bits per second reported by the network adapter used by the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetMacAddress ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetMacAddress(value *string)
SetMacAddress sets the macAddress property value. The media access control (MAC) address of the media endpoint's network device. This value may be missing or shown as 02:00:00:00:00:00 due to operating system privacy policies.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetNetworkTransportProtocol ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetNetworkTransportProtocol(value *NetworkTransportProtocol)
SetNetworkTransportProtocol sets the networkTransportProtocol property value. The networkTransportProtocol property
func (*NetworkInfo) SetOdataType ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*NetworkInfo) SetPort ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetPort(value *int32)
SetPort sets the port property value. Network port number used by media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetReceivedQualityEventRatio ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetReceivedQualityEventRatio(value *float32)
SetReceivedQualityEventRatio sets the receivedQualityEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the network was causing poor quality of the audio received.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetReflexiveIPAddress ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetReflexiveIPAddress(value *string)
SetReflexiveIPAddress sets the reflexiveIPAddress property value. IP address of the media endpoint as seen by the media relay server. This is typically the public internet IP address associated to the endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetRelayIPAddress ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetRelayIPAddress(value *string)
SetRelayIPAddress sets the relayIPAddress property value. IP address of the media relay server allocated by the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetRelayPort ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetRelayPort(value *int32)
SetRelayPort sets the relayPort property value. Network port number allocated on the media relay server by the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetSentQualityEventRatio ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetSentQualityEventRatio(value *float32)
SetSentQualityEventRatio sets the sentQualityEventRatio property value. Fraction of the call that the media endpoint detected the network was causing poor quality of the audio sent.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetSubnet ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetSubnet(value *string)
SetSubnet sets the subnet property value. Subnet used for media stream by the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetTraceRouteHops ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetTraceRouteHops(value []TraceRouteHopable)
SetTraceRouteHops sets the traceRouteHops property value. List of network trace route hops collected for this media stream.*
func (*NetworkInfo) SetWifiBand ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiBand(value *WifiBand)
SetWifiBand sets the wifiBand property value. The wifiBand property
func (*NetworkInfo) SetWifiBatteryCharge ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiBatteryCharge(value *int32)
SetWifiBatteryCharge sets the wifiBatteryCharge property value. Estimated remaining battery charge in percentage reported by the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetWifiChannel ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiChannel(value *int32)
SetWifiChannel sets the wifiChannel property value. WiFi channel used by the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetWifiMicrosoftDriver ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiMicrosoftDriver(value *string)
SetWifiMicrosoftDriver sets the wifiMicrosoftDriver property value. Name of the Microsoft WiFi driver used by the media endpoint. Value may be localized based on the language used by endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion(value *string)
SetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion sets the wifiMicrosoftDriverVersion property value. Version of the Microsoft WiFi driver used by the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetWifiRadioType ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiRadioType(value *WifiRadioType)
SetWifiRadioType sets the wifiRadioType property value. The wifiRadioType property
func (*NetworkInfo) SetWifiSignalStrength ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiSignalStrength(value *int32)
SetWifiSignalStrength sets the wifiSignalStrength property value. WiFi signal strength in percentage reported by the media endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetWifiVendorDriver ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiVendorDriver(value *string)
SetWifiVendorDriver sets the wifiVendorDriver property value. Name of the WiFi driver used by the media endpoint. Value may be localized based on the language used by endpoint.
func (*NetworkInfo) SetWifiVendorDriverVersion ¶
func (m *NetworkInfo) SetWifiVendorDriverVersion(value *string)
SetWifiVendorDriverVersion sets the wifiVendorDriverVersion property value. Version of the WiFi driver used by the media endpoint.
type NetworkInfoable ¶
type NetworkInfoable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetBandwidthLowEventRatio() *float32 GetBasicServiceSetIdentifier() *string GetConnectionType() *NetworkConnectionType GetDelayEventRatio() *float32 GetDnsSuffix() *string GetIpAddress() *string GetLinkSpeed() *int64 GetMacAddress() *string GetNetworkTransportProtocol() *NetworkTransportProtocol GetOdataType() *string GetPort() *int32 GetReceivedQualityEventRatio() *float32 GetReflexiveIPAddress() *string GetRelayIPAddress() *string GetRelayPort() *int32 GetSentQualityEventRatio() *float32 GetSubnet() *string GetTraceRouteHops() []TraceRouteHopable GetWifiBand() *WifiBand GetWifiBatteryCharge() *int32 GetWifiChannel() *int32 GetWifiMicrosoftDriver() *string GetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion() *string GetWifiRadioType() *WifiRadioType GetWifiSignalStrength() *int32 GetWifiVendorDriver() *string GetWifiVendorDriverVersion() *string SetBandwidthLowEventRatio(value *float32) SetBasicServiceSetIdentifier(value *string) SetConnectionType(value *NetworkConnectionType) SetDelayEventRatio(value *float32) SetDnsSuffix(value *string) SetIpAddress(value *string) SetLinkSpeed(value *int64) SetMacAddress(value *string) SetNetworkTransportProtocol(value *NetworkTransportProtocol) SetOdataType(value *string) SetPort(value *int32) SetReceivedQualityEventRatio(value *float32) SetReflexiveIPAddress(value *string) SetRelayIPAddress(value *string) SetRelayPort(value *int32) SetSentQualityEventRatio(value *float32) SetSubnet(value *string) SetTraceRouteHops(value []TraceRouteHopable) SetWifiBand(value *WifiBand) SetWifiBatteryCharge(value *int32) SetWifiChannel(value *int32) SetWifiMicrosoftDriver(value *string) SetWifiMicrosoftDriverVersion(value *string) SetWifiRadioType(value *WifiRadioType) SetWifiSignalStrength(value *int32) SetWifiVendorDriver(value *string) SetWifiVendorDriverVersion(value *string) }
type NetworkTransportProtocol ¶
type NetworkTransportProtocol int
func (NetworkTransportProtocol) String ¶
func (i NetworkTransportProtocol) String() string
type Organizer ¶
type Organizer struct {
func NewOrganizer ¶
func NewOrganizer() *Organizer
NewOrganizer instantiates a new Organizer and sets the default values.
func (*Organizer) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Organizer) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*Organizer) Serialize ¶
func (m *Organizer) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
type Organizerable ¶
type Organizerable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable ParticipantBaseable }
type Participant ¶
type Participant struct {
func NewParticipant ¶
func NewParticipant() *Participant
NewParticipant instantiates a new Participant and sets the default values.
func (*Participant) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Participant) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*Participant) Serialize ¶
func (m *Participant) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
type ParticipantBase ¶
type ParticipantBase struct { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Entity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewParticipantBase ¶
func NewParticipantBase() *ParticipantBase
NewParticipantBase instantiates a new ParticipantBase and sets the default values.
func (*ParticipantBase) GetAdministrativeUnitInfos ¶
func (m *ParticipantBase) GetAdministrativeUnitInfos() []AdministrativeUnitInfoable
GetAdministrativeUnitInfos gets the administrativeUnitInfos property value. List of administrativeUnitInfo objects for the call participant. returns a []AdministrativeUnitInfoable when successful
func (*ParticipantBase) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *ParticipantBase) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*ParticipantBase) GetIdentity ¶
func (m *ParticipantBase) GetIdentity() ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.CommunicationsIdentitySetable
GetIdentity gets the identity property value. The identity of the call participant. returns a CommunicationsIdentitySetable when successful
func (*ParticipantBase) Serialize ¶
func (m *ParticipantBase) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*ParticipantBase) SetAdministrativeUnitInfos ¶
func (m *ParticipantBase) SetAdministrativeUnitInfos(value []AdministrativeUnitInfoable)
SetAdministrativeUnitInfos sets the administrativeUnitInfos property value. List of administrativeUnitInfo objects for the call participant.
func (*ParticipantBase) SetIdentity ¶
func (m *ParticipantBase) SetIdentity(value ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.CommunicationsIdentitySetable)
SetIdentity sets the identity property value. The identity of the call participant.
type ParticipantBaseable ¶
type ParticipantBaseable interface { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Entityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetAdministrativeUnitInfos() []AdministrativeUnitInfoable GetIdentity() ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.CommunicationsIdentitySetable SetAdministrativeUnitInfos(value []AdministrativeUnitInfoable) SetIdentity(value ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.CommunicationsIdentitySetable) }
type ParticipantEndpoint ¶
type ParticipantEndpoint struct { Endpoint // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewParticipantEndpoint ¶
func NewParticipantEndpoint() *ParticipantEndpoint
NewParticipantEndpoint instantiates a new ParticipantEndpoint and sets the default values.
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) GetAssociatedIdentity ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetAssociatedIdentity() ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Identityable
GetAssociatedIdentity gets the associatedIdentity property value. Identity associated with the endpoint. returns a Identityable when successful
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) GetCpuCoresCount ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetCpuCoresCount() *int32
GetCpuCoresCount gets the cpuCoresCount property value. CPU number of cores used by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) GetCpuName ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetCpuName() *string
GetCpuName gets the cpuName property value. CPU name used by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) GetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz() *int32
GetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz gets the cpuProcessorSpeedInMhz property value. CPU processor speed used by the media endpoint. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) GetFeedback ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetFeedback() UserFeedbackable
GetFeedback gets the feedback property value. The feedback provided by the user of this endpoint about the quality of the session. returns a UserFeedbackable when successful
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) GetIdentity ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetIdentity() ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable
GetIdentity gets the identity property value. Identity associated with the endpoint. The identity property is deprecated and will stop returning data on June 30, 2026. Going forward, use the associatedIdentity property. returns a IdentitySetable when successful
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) GetName ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) GetName() *string
GetName gets the name property value. Name of the device used by the media endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) Serialize ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) SetAssociatedIdentity ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetAssociatedIdentity(value ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Identityable)
SetAssociatedIdentity sets the associatedIdentity property value. Identity associated with the endpoint.
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) SetCpuCoresCount ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetCpuCoresCount(value *int32)
SetCpuCoresCount sets the cpuCoresCount property value. CPU number of cores used by the media endpoint.
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) SetCpuName ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetCpuName(value *string)
SetCpuName sets the cpuName property value. CPU name used by the media endpoint.
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) SetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz(value *int32)
SetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz sets the cpuProcessorSpeedInMhz property value. CPU processor speed used by the media endpoint.
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) SetFeedback ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetFeedback(value UserFeedbackable)
SetFeedback sets the feedback property value. The feedback provided by the user of this endpoint about the quality of the session.
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) SetIdentity ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetIdentity(value ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable)
SetIdentity sets the identity property value. Identity associated with the endpoint. The identity property is deprecated and will stop returning data on June 30, 2026. Going forward, use the associatedIdentity property.
func (*ParticipantEndpoint) SetName ¶
func (m *ParticipantEndpoint) SetName(value *string)
SetName sets the name property value. Name of the device used by the media endpoint.
type ParticipantEndpointable ¶
type ParticipantEndpointable interface { Endpointable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetAssociatedIdentity() ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Identityable GetCpuCoresCount() *int32 GetCpuName() *string GetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz() *int32 GetFeedback() UserFeedbackable GetIdentity() ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable GetName() *string SetAssociatedIdentity(value ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Identityable) SetCpuCoresCount(value *int32) SetCpuName(value *string) SetCpuProcessorSpeedInMhz(value *int32) SetFeedback(value UserFeedbackable) SetIdentity(value ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.IdentitySetable) SetName(value *string) }
type Participantable ¶
type Participantable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable ParticipantBaseable }
type ProductFamily ¶
type ProductFamily int
func (ProductFamily) String ¶
func (i ProductFamily) String() string
type Segment ¶
type Segment struct { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Entity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSegment ¶
func NewSegment() *Segment
NewSegment instantiates a new Segment and sets the default values.
func (*Segment) GetCallee ¶
func (m *Segment) GetCallee() Endpointable
GetCallee gets the callee property value. Endpoint that answered this segment. returns a Endpointable when successful
func (*Segment) GetCaller ¶
func (m *Segment) GetCaller() Endpointable
GetCaller gets the caller property value. Endpoint that initiated this segment. returns a Endpointable when successful
func (*Segment) GetEndDateTime ¶
func (m *Segment) GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetEndDateTime gets the endDateTime property value. UTC time when the segment ended. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z returns a *Time when successful
func (*Segment) GetFailureInfo ¶
func (m *Segment) GetFailureInfo() FailureInfoable
GetFailureInfo gets the failureInfo property value. Failure information associated with the segment if it failed. returns a FailureInfoable when successful
func (*Segment) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Segment) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*Segment) GetMedia ¶
GetMedia gets the media property value. Media associated with this segment. returns a []Mediaable when successful
func (*Segment) GetStartDateTime ¶
func (m *Segment) GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetStartDateTime gets the startDateTime property value. UTC time when the segment started. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z returns a *Time when successful
func (*Segment) Serialize ¶
func (m *Segment) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Segment) SetCallee ¶
func (m *Segment) SetCallee(value Endpointable)
SetCallee sets the callee property value. Endpoint that answered this segment.
func (*Segment) SetCaller ¶
func (m *Segment) SetCaller(value Endpointable)
SetCaller sets the caller property value. Endpoint that initiated this segment.
func (*Segment) SetEndDateTime ¶
func (m *Segment) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetEndDateTime sets the endDateTime property value. UTC time when the segment ended. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
func (*Segment) SetFailureInfo ¶
func (m *Segment) SetFailureInfo(value FailureInfoable)
SetFailureInfo sets the failureInfo property value. Failure information associated with the segment if it failed.
func (*Segment) SetMedia ¶
SetMedia sets the media property value. Media associated with this segment.
func (*Segment) SetStartDateTime ¶
func (m *Segment) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetStartDateTime sets the startDateTime property value. UTC time when the segment started. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
type Segmentable ¶
type Segmentable interface { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Entityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetCallee() Endpointable GetCaller() Endpointable GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetFailureInfo() FailureInfoable GetMedia() []Mediaable GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time SetCallee(value Endpointable) SetCaller(value Endpointable) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetFailureInfo(value FailureInfoable) SetMedia(value []Mediaable) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) }
type ServiceEndpoint ¶
type ServiceEndpoint struct {
func NewServiceEndpoint ¶
func NewServiceEndpoint() *ServiceEndpoint
NewServiceEndpoint instantiates a new ServiceEndpoint and sets the default values.
func (*ServiceEndpoint) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *ServiceEndpoint) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*ServiceEndpoint) Serialize ¶
func (m *ServiceEndpoint) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
type ServiceEndpointable ¶
type ServiceEndpointable interface { Endpointable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable }
type ServiceRole ¶
type ServiceRole int
func (ServiceRole) String ¶
func (i ServiceRole) String() string
type ServiceUserAgent ¶
type ServiceUserAgent struct { UserAgent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewServiceUserAgent ¶
func NewServiceUserAgent() *ServiceUserAgent
NewServiceUserAgent instantiates a new ServiceUserAgent and sets the default values.
func (*ServiceUserAgent) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *ServiceUserAgent) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*ServiceUserAgent) GetRole ¶
func (m *ServiceUserAgent) GetRole() *ServiceRole
GetRole gets the role property value. The role property returns a *ServiceRole when successful
func (*ServiceUserAgent) Serialize ¶
func (m *ServiceUserAgent) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*ServiceUserAgent) SetRole ¶
func (m *ServiceUserAgent) SetRole(value *ServiceRole)
SetRole sets the role property value. The role property
type ServiceUserAgentable ¶
type ServiceUserAgentable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable UserAgentable GetRole() *ServiceRole SetRole(value *ServiceRole) }
type Session ¶
type Session struct { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Entity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSession ¶
func NewSession() *Session
NewSession instantiates a new Session and sets the default values.
func (*Session) GetCallee ¶
func (m *Session) GetCallee() Endpointable
GetCallee gets the callee property value. Endpoint that answered the session. returns a Endpointable when successful
func (*Session) GetCaller ¶
func (m *Session) GetCaller() Endpointable
GetCaller gets the caller property value. Endpoint that initiated the session. returns a Endpointable when successful
func (*Session) GetEndDateTime ¶
func (m *Session) GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetEndDateTime gets the endDateTime property value. UTC time when the last user left the session. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z returns a *Time when successful
func (*Session) GetFailureInfo ¶
func (m *Session) GetFailureInfo() FailureInfoable
GetFailureInfo gets the failureInfo property value. Failure information associated with the session if the session failed. returns a FailureInfoable when successful
func (*Session) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Session) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*Session) GetIsTest ¶
GetIsTest gets the isTest property value. Specifies whether the session is a test. returns a *bool when successful
func (*Session) GetModalities ¶
GetModalities gets the modalities property value. List of modalities present in the session. Possible values are: unknown, audio, video, videoBasedScreenSharing, data, screenSharing, unknownFutureValue. returns a []Modality when successful
func (*Session) GetSegments ¶
func (m *Session) GetSegments() []Segmentable
GetSegments gets the segments property value. The list of segments involved in the session. Read-only. Nullable. returns a []Segmentable when successful
func (*Session) GetStartDateTime ¶
func (m *Session) GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetStartDateTime gets the startDateTime property value. UTC time when the first user joined the session. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z returns a *Time when successful
func (*Session) Serialize ¶
func (m *Session) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Session) SetCallee ¶
func (m *Session) SetCallee(value Endpointable)
SetCallee sets the callee property value. Endpoint that answered the session.
func (*Session) SetCaller ¶
func (m *Session) SetCaller(value Endpointable)
SetCaller sets the caller property value. Endpoint that initiated the session.
func (*Session) SetEndDateTime ¶
func (m *Session) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetEndDateTime sets the endDateTime property value. UTC time when the last user left the session. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
func (*Session) SetFailureInfo ¶
func (m *Session) SetFailureInfo(value FailureInfoable)
SetFailureInfo sets the failureInfo property value. Failure information associated with the session if the session failed.
func (*Session) SetIsTest ¶
SetIsTest sets the isTest property value. Specifies whether the session is a test.
func (*Session) SetModalities ¶
SetModalities sets the modalities property value. List of modalities present in the session. Possible values are: unknown, audio, video, videoBasedScreenSharing, data, screenSharing, unknownFutureValue.
func (*Session) SetSegments ¶
func (m *Session) SetSegments(value []Segmentable)
SetSegments sets the segments property value. The list of segments involved in the session. Read-only. Nullable.
func (*Session) SetStartDateTime ¶
func (m *Session) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetStartDateTime sets the startDateTime property value. UTC time when the first user joined the session. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
type Sessionable ¶
type Sessionable interface { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Entityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetCallee() Endpointable GetCaller() Endpointable GetEndDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetFailureInfo() FailureInfoable GetIsTest() *bool GetModalities() []Modality GetSegments() []Segmentable GetStartDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time SetCallee(value Endpointable) SetCaller(value Endpointable) SetEndDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetFailureInfo(value FailureInfoable) SetIsTest(value *bool) SetModalities(value []Modality) SetSegments(value []Segmentable) SetStartDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) }
type TraceRouteHop ¶
type TraceRouteHop struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTraceRouteHop ¶
func NewTraceRouteHop() *TraceRouteHop
NewTraceRouteHop instantiates a new TraceRouteHop and sets the default values.
func (*TraceRouteHop) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*TraceRouteHop) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*TraceRouteHop) GetHopCount ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetHopCount() *int32
GetHopCount gets the hopCount property value. The network path count of this hop that was used to compute the RTT. returns a *int32 when successful
func (*TraceRouteHop) GetIpAddress ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetIpAddress() *string
GetIpAddress gets the ipAddress property value. IP address used for this hop in the network trace. returns a *string when successful
func (*TraceRouteHop) GetOdataType ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*TraceRouteHop) GetRoundTripTime ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) GetRoundTripTime() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration
GetRoundTripTime gets the roundTripTime property value. The time from when the trace route packet was sent from the client to this hop and back to the client, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as PT1S, where P is the duration designator, T is the time designator, and S is the second designator. returns a *ISODuration when successful
func (*TraceRouteHop) Serialize ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*TraceRouteHop) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*TraceRouteHop) SetHopCount ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetHopCount(value *int32)
SetHopCount sets the hopCount property value. The network path count of this hop that was used to compute the RTT.
func (*TraceRouteHop) SetIpAddress ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetIpAddress(value *string)
SetIpAddress sets the ipAddress property value. IP address used for this hop in the network trace.
func (*TraceRouteHop) SetOdataType ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*TraceRouteHop) SetRoundTripTime ¶
func (m *TraceRouteHop) SetRoundTripTime(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration)
SetRoundTripTime sets the roundTripTime property value. The time from when the trace route packet was sent from the client to this hop and back to the client, denoted in ISO 8601 format. For example, 1 second is denoted as PT1S, where P is the duration designator, T is the time designator, and S is the second designator.
type TraceRouteHopable ¶
type TraceRouteHopable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetHopCount() *int32 GetIpAddress() *string GetOdataType() *string GetRoundTripTime() *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration SetHopCount(value *int32) SetIpAddress(value *string) SetOdataType(value *string) SetRoundTripTime(value *i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ISODuration) }
type UserAgent ¶
type UserAgent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUserAgent ¶
func NewUserAgent() *UserAgent
NewUserAgent instantiates a new UserAgent and sets the default values.
func (*UserAgent) GetAdditionalData ¶
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*UserAgent) GetApplicationVersion ¶
GetApplicationVersion gets the applicationVersion property value. Identifies the version of application software used by this endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*UserAgent) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *UserAgent) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*UserAgent) GetHeaderValue ¶
GetHeaderValue gets the headerValue property value. User-agent header value reported by this endpoint. returns a *string when successful
func (*UserAgent) GetOdataType ¶
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*UserAgent) Serialize ¶
func (m *UserAgent) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*UserAgent) SetAdditionalData ¶
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*UserAgent) SetApplicationVersion ¶
SetApplicationVersion sets the applicationVersion property value. Identifies the version of application software used by this endpoint.
func (*UserAgent) SetHeaderValue ¶
SetHeaderValue sets the headerValue property value. User-agent header value reported by this endpoint.
func (*UserAgent) SetOdataType ¶
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
type UserAgentable ¶
type UserAgentable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetApplicationVersion() *string GetHeaderValue() *string GetOdataType() *string SetApplicationVersion(value *string) SetHeaderValue(value *string) SetOdataType(value *string) }
type UserFeedback ¶
type UserFeedback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUserFeedback ¶
func NewUserFeedback() *UserFeedback
NewUserFeedback instantiates a new UserFeedback and sets the default values.
func (*UserFeedback) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) GetAdditionalData() map[string]any
GetAdditionalData gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well. returns a map[string]any when successful
func (*UserFeedback) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*UserFeedback) GetOdataType ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property returns a *string when successful
func (*UserFeedback) GetRating ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) GetRating() *UserFeedbackRating
GetRating gets the rating property value. The rating property returns a *UserFeedbackRating when successful
func (*UserFeedback) GetText ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) GetText() *string
GetText gets the text property value. The feedback text provided by the user of this endpoint for the session. returns a *string when successful
func (*UserFeedback) GetTokens ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) GetTokens() FeedbackTokenSetable
GetTokens gets the tokens property value. The set of feedback tokens provided by the user of this endpoint for the session. This is a set of Boolean properties. The property names should not be relied upon since they may change depending on what tokens are offered to the user. returns a FeedbackTokenSetable when successful
func (*UserFeedback) Serialize ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*UserFeedback) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]any)
SetAdditionalData sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*UserFeedback) SetOdataType ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*UserFeedback) SetRating ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) SetRating(value *UserFeedbackRating)
SetRating sets the rating property value. The rating property
func (*UserFeedback) SetText ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) SetText(value *string)
SetText sets the text property value. The feedback text provided by the user of this endpoint for the session.
func (*UserFeedback) SetTokens ¶
func (m *UserFeedback) SetTokens(value FeedbackTokenSetable)
SetTokens sets the tokens property value. The set of feedback tokens provided by the user of this endpoint for the session. This is a set of Boolean properties. The property names should not be relied upon since they may change depending on what tokens are offered to the user.
type UserFeedbackRating ¶
type UserFeedbackRating int
func (UserFeedbackRating) String ¶
func (i UserFeedbackRating) String() string
type UserFeedbackable ¶
type UserFeedbackable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetOdataType() *string GetRating() *UserFeedbackRating GetText() *string GetTokens() FeedbackTokenSetable SetOdataType(value *string) SetRating(value *UserFeedbackRating) SetText(value *string) SetTokens(value FeedbackTokenSetable) }
type UserIdentity ¶
type UserIdentity struct { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Identity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewUserIdentity ¶
func NewUserIdentity() *UserIdentity
NewUserIdentity instantiates a new UserIdentity and sets the default values.
func (*UserIdentity) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *UserIdentity) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model returns a map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode)(error) when successful
func (*UserIdentity) GetUserPrincipalName ¶
func (m *UserIdentity) GetUserPrincipalName() *string
GetUserPrincipalName gets the userPrincipalName property value. The userPrincipalName property returns a *string when successful
func (*UserIdentity) Serialize ¶
func (m *UserIdentity) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*UserIdentity) SetUserPrincipalName ¶
func (m *UserIdentity) SetUserPrincipalName(value *string)
SetUserPrincipalName sets the userPrincipalName property value. The userPrincipalName property
type UserIdentityable ¶
type UserIdentityable interface { ib77c81ae8501035869703744ba13b6f711366c9348e33eae916d2aea3d8b34ba.Identityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetUserPrincipalName() *string SetUserPrincipalName(value *string) }
type VideoCodec ¶
type VideoCodec int
func (VideoCodec) String ¶
func (i VideoCodec) String() string
type WifiRadioType ¶
type WifiRadioType int
func (WifiRadioType) String ¶
func (i WifiRadioType) String() string
Source Files
- administrative_unit_info.go
- audio_codec.go
- call_record.go
- call_type.go
- client_platform.go
- client_user_agent.go
- device_info.go
- endpoint.go
- failure_info.go
- failure_stage.go
- feedback_token_set.go
- media.go
- media_stream.go
- media_stream_direction.go
- modality.go
- network_connection_type.go
- network_info.go
- network_transport_protocol.go
- organizer.go
- participant.go
- participant_base.go
- participant_endpoint.go
- product_family.go
- segment.go
- service_endpoint.go
- service_role.go
- service_user_agent.go
- session.go
- trace_route_hop.go
- user_agent.go
- user_feedback.go
- user_feedback_rating.go
- user_identity.go
- video_codec.go
- wifi_band.go
- wifi_radio_type.go