
v1.0.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 7, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 25 Imported by: 0




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View Source
var (
	SearchFields           = []string{"ProjectName"}
	FilterFields           = []string{"project_name", "TenantID"}
	PreloadFields          = []string{"Applications", "Environments", "Registries", "Users", "Tenant"}
	OrderFields            = []string{"project_name", "ID"}
	PreloadSensitiveFields = map[string]string{"Cluster": "id, cluster_name"}
	ModelName              = "Project"
	PrimaryKeyName         = "project_id"


func GetNodeTotal

func GetNodeTotal(nodes *[]v1.Node, tquotalist *[]gemsv1beta1.TenantResourceQuota, nodeMetrics *[]v1beta1.NodeMetrics) map[string]interface{}


type ClusterAggregateData

type ClusterAggregateData struct {
	ClusterName   string
	ClusterID     uint
	NetworkPolicy interface{}
	Environments  []EnvironmentAggregateData

type EnvironmentAggregateData

type EnvironmentAggregateData struct {
	Env           models.Environment
	ResourceQuota interface{}

type ProjectHandler

type ProjectHandler struct {

func (*ProjectHandler) DeleteProject

func (h *ProjectHandler) DeleteProject(c *gin.Context)

DeleteProject 删除 Project

@Tags			Project
@Summary		删除 Project
@Description	删除 Project
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint					true	"project_id"
@Success		204			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct	"resp"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id} [delete]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) DeleteProjectUser

func (h *ProjectHandler) DeleteProjectUser(c *gin.Context)

DeleteProjectUser 删除 User 和 Project 的关系

@Tags			Project
@Summary		删除 User 和 Project 的关系
@Description	删除 User 和 Project 的关系
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint										true	"project_id"
@Param			user_id		path		uint										true	"user_id"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=models.User}	"models.User"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/user/{user_id} [delete]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) EnvironmentStatistics

func (h *ProjectHandler) EnvironmentStatistics(c *gin.Context)

EnvironmentStatistics 项目环境资源统计

@Tags			Project
@Summary		项目环境资源统计
@Description	项目环境资源统计
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id		path		int										true	"project_id"
@Param			environment_id	path		int										true	"environment_id"
@Success		200				{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=object}	"statistics"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/environment/{environment_id}/statistics [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) GetEnvironmentResourceQuota

func (h *ProjectHandler) GetEnvironmentResourceQuota(c *gin.Context)

GetEnvironmentResourceQuota 单个环境下的资源统计[quota]

@Tags			Project
@Summary		单个环境下的资源统计[quota]
@Description	单个环境下的资源统计[quota]
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id		path		int										true	"project_id"
@Param			environment_id	path		int										true	"environment_id"
@Success		200				{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=object}	"quota"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/environment/{environment_id}/quota [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) GetEnvironmentResourceQuotas

func (h *ProjectHandler) GetEnvironmentResourceQuotas(c *gin.Context)

GetEnvironmentResourceQuotas 获取项目下的环境资源统计列表[quota]

@Tags			Project
@Summary		获取项目下的环境资源统计列表[quota]
@Description	获取项目下的环境资源统计列表[quota]
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		int										true	"project_id"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=object}	"quota"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/environment/_/quotas [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) GetProjectListResourceQuotas

func (h *ProjectHandler) GetProjectListResourceQuotas(c *gin.Context)

GetProjectListResourceQuotas 获取项目资源统计列表[quota]

@Tags			Project
@Summary		获取项目资源统计列表[quota]
@Description	获取项目资源统计列表[quota]
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			TenantID	query		string															false	"TenantID"
@Param			page		query		int																false	"page"
@Param			size		query		int																false	"page"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=handlers.PageData{List=[]object}}	"quotas"
@Router			/v1/project/_/quotas [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) GetProjectResource

func (h *ProjectHandler) GetProjectResource(c *gin.Context)

GetProjectResource 获取项目资源清单

@Tags			ResourceList
@Summary		获取项目资源清单
@Description	获取项目资源清单
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint														true	"project_id"
@Param			date		query		string														false	"date"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=[]models.EnvironmentResource}	"EnvironmentResource"
@Router			/v1/resources/project/{project_id} [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) GetProjectResourceQuota

func (h *ProjectHandler) GetProjectResourceQuota(c *gin.Context)

GetProjectResourceQuota 获取单个项目资源统计[quota]

@Tags			Project
@Summary		获取单个项目资源统计[quota]
@Description	获取单个项目资源统计[quota]
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		int										true	"project_id"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=object}	"quota"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/quota [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) ListProject

func (h *ProjectHandler) ListProject(c *gin.Context)

ListProject 列表 Project

@Tags			Project
@Summary		Project列表
@Description	Project列表
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			ProjectName	query		string																	false	"ProjectName"
@Param			TenantID	query		string																	false	"TenantID"
@Param			preload		query		string																	false	"choices Applications,Environments,Registries,Users,Tenant"
@Param			page		query		int																		false	"page"
@Param			size		query		int																		false	"page"
@Param			search		query		string																	false	"search in (ProjectName)"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=handlers.PageData{List=[]models.Project}}	"Project"
@Router			/v1/project [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) ListProjectEnvironment

func (h *ProjectHandler) ListProjectEnvironment(c *gin.Context)

ListProjectEnvironment 获取属于Project的 Environment 列表

@Tags			Project
@Summary		获取属于 Project 的 Environment 列表
@Description	获取属于 Project 的 Environment 列表
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id		path		uint																		true	"project_id"
@Param			preload			query		string																		false	"choices Creator,Cluster,Project,Applications,Users"
@Param			page			query		int																			false	"page"
@Param			size			query		int																			false	"page"
@Param			search			query		string																		false	"search in (EnvironmentName)"
@Param			containNSLabels	query		bool																		false	"是否包含命名空间标签"
@Success		200				{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=handlers.PageData{List=[]models.Environment}}	"models.Environment"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/environment [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) ListProjectUser

func (h *ProjectHandler) ListProjectUser(c *gin.Context)

ListProjectUser 获取属于Project的 User 列表

@Tags			Project
@Summary		获取属于 Project 的 User 列表
@Description	获取属于 Project 的 User 列表
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint																true	"project_id"
@Param			preload		query		string																false	"choices Tenants,SystemRole"
@Param			page		query		int																	false	"page"
@Param			size		query		int																	false	"page"
@Param			search		query		string																false	"search in (Username,Email)"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=handlers.PageData{List=[]models.User}}	"models.User"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/user [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) PostProjectEnvironment

func (h *ProjectHandler) PostProjectEnvironment(c *gin.Context)

PostProjectEnvironment 创建一个属于 Project 的Environment

@Tags			Project
@Summary		创建一个属于 Project 的Environment
@Description	创建一个属于 Project 的Environment
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint												true	"project_id"
@Param			param		body		models.Environment									true	"表单"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=models.Environment}	"models.Environment"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/environment [post]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) PostProjectUser

func (h *ProjectHandler) PostProjectUser(c *gin.Context)

PostProjectUser 在User和Project间添加关联关系

@Tags			Project
@Summary		在User和Project间添加关联关系
@Description	在User和Project间添加关联关系
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint													true	"project_id"
@Param			param		body		models.ProjectUserRels									true	"表单"`
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=models.ProjectUserRels}	"models.User"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/user [post]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) ProjectEnvironments

func (h *ProjectHandler) ProjectEnvironments(c *gin.Context)

ProjectEnvironments 获取项目下环境列表,按照集群聚合,同时获取集群的下的租户网络策略

@Tags			Project
@Summary		获取项目下环境列表,按照集群聚合,同时获取集群的下的租户网络策略
@Description	获取项目下环境列表,按照集群聚合,同时获取集群的下的租户网络策略
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		int										true	"project_id"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=object}	"object"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/agg_environment [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) ProjectNoneResourceStatistics

func (h *ProjectHandler) ProjectNoneResourceStatistics(c *gin.Context)

ProjectNoneResourceStatistics 项目非资源类型数据统计

@Tags			Project
@Summary		项目非资源类型数据统计
@Description	项目非资源类型数据统计
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		int										true	"project_id"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=object}	"statistics"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/none_resource_statistics [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) ProjectStatistics

func (h *ProjectHandler) ProjectStatistics(c *gin.Context)

ProjectStatistics 项目资源统计

@Tags			Project
@Summary		项目资源统计
@Description	项目资源统计
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		int										true	"project_id"
@Param			aggregate	query		string									false	"是否聚合(yes,no;default no)"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=object}	"statistics"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/statistics [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) ProjectSwitch

func (h *ProjectHandler) ProjectSwitch(c *gin.Context)

@Tags NetworkIsolated @Summary 项目网络隔离开关 @Description 项目网络隔离开关 @Accept json @Produce json @Param project_id path uint true "project_id" @Param param body handlers.ClusterIsolatedSwitch true "表单 " @Success 200 {object} handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=handlers.IsolatedSwitch} "object" @Router /v1/project/{project_id}/action/networkisolate [post] @Security JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) PutProject

func (h *ProjectHandler) PutProject(c *gin.Context)

PutProject 修改Project

@Tags			Project
@Summary		修改Project
@Description	修改Project
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint											true	"project_id"
@Param			param		body		models.Project									true	"表单"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=models.Project}	"Project"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id} [put]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) PutProjectUser

func (h *ProjectHandler) PutProjectUser(c *gin.Context)

PutProjectUser 修改 User 和 Project 的关联关系

@Tags			Project
@Summary		修改 User 和 Project 的关联关系
@Description	修改 User 和 Project 的关联关系
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint													true	"project_id"
@Param			user_id		path		uint													true	"user_id"
@Param			param		body		models.ProjectUserRels									true	"表单"`
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=models.ProjectUserRels}	"models.User"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/user/{user_id} [put]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) RegistRouter

func (h *ProjectHandler) RegistRouter(rg *gin.RouterGroup)

func (*ProjectHandler) RetrieveProject

func (h *ProjectHandler) RetrieveProject(c *gin.Context)

RetrieveProject Project详情

@Tags			Project
@Summary		Project详情
@Description	get Project详情
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint											true	"project_id"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=models.Project}	"Project"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id} [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) RetrieveProjectEnvironment

func (h *ProjectHandler) RetrieveProjectEnvironment(c *gin.Context)

RetrieveProjectEnvironment 获取Project 的一个 Environment详情

@Tags			Project
@Summary		获取Project 的一个 Environment详情
@Description	获取Project 的一个 Environment详情
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id		path		uint												true	"project_id"
@Param			environment_id	path		uint												true	"environment_id"
@Success		200				{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=models.Environment}	"models.Environment"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/environment/{environment_id} [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) RetrieveProjectUser

func (h *ProjectHandler) RetrieveProjectUser(c *gin.Context)

RetrieveProjectUser 获取Project 的一个 User详情

@Tags			Project
@Summary		获取Project 的一个 User详情
@Description	获取Project 的一个 User详情
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			project_id	path		uint										true	"project_id"
@Param			user_id		path		uint										true	"user_id"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=models.User}	"models.User"
@Router			/v1/project/{project_id}/user/{user_id} [get]
@Security		JWT

func (*ProjectHandler) TenantProjectListResourceQuotas

func (h *ProjectHandler) TenantProjectListResourceQuotas(c *gin.Context)

TenantProjectListResourceQuotas 租户下所有项目的资源统计列表[quota]

@Tags			Tenant
@Summary		租户下所有项目的资源统计列表[quota]
@Description	租户下所有项目的资源统计列表[quota]
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			tenant_id	path		uint									true	"tenant_id"
@Success		200			{object}	handlers.ResponseStruct{Data=[]object}	"quotas"
@Router			/v1/tenant/{tenant_id}/projectquotas [get]
@Security		JWT

type Res

type Res map[v1.ResourceName]int64

func NewEmptyResoureList

func NewEmptyResoureList() Res

func (*Res) AsResourceList

func (r *Res) AsResourceList() v1.ResourceList

func (*Res) Total

func (r *Res) Total(rtype string, rqs ...*v1.ResourceQuota)

type ResourceCount

type ResourceCount struct {
	Total v1.ResourceList
	Used  v1.ResourceList

func GetResourceCount

func GetResourceCount(rqs ...*v1.ResourceQuota) *ResourceCount

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