
v3.4.6 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 17, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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type AlertType

type AlertType string
const (
	AdministrativeMessage              AlertType = "Administrative Message"
	AirQualityAlert                    AlertType = "Air Quality Alert"
	AirStagnationAdvisory              AlertType = "Air Stagnation Advisory"
	ArroyoAndSmallStreamFloodAdvisory  AlertType = "Arroyo And Small Stream Flood Advisory"
	AshfallAdvisory                    AlertType = "Ashfall Advisory"
	AshfallWarning                     AlertType = "Ashfall Warning"
	AvalancheAdvisory                  AlertType = "Avalanche Advisory"
	AvalancheWarning                   AlertType = "Avalanche Warning"
	AvalancheWatch                     AlertType = "Avalanche Watch"
	BeachHazardsStatement              AlertType = "Beach Hazards Statement"
	BlizzardWarning                    AlertType = "Blizzard Warning"
	BlizzardWatch                      AlertType = "Blizzard Watch"
	BlowingDustAdvisory                AlertType = "Blowing Dust Advisory"
	BlowingDustWarning                 AlertType = "Blowing Dust Warning"
	BriskWindAdvisory                  AlertType = "Brisk Wind Advisory"
	ChildAbductionEmergency            AlertType = "Child Abduction Emergency"
	CivilDangerWarning                 AlertType = "Civil Danger Warning"
	CivilEmergencyMessage              AlertType = "Civil Emergency Message"
	CoastalFloodAdvisory               AlertType = "Coastal Flood Advisory"
	CoastalFloodStatement              AlertType = "Coastal Flood Statement"
	CoastalFloodWarning                AlertType = "Coastal Flood Warning"
	CoastalFloodWatch                  AlertType = "Coastal Flood Watch"
	DenseFogAdvisory                   AlertType = "Dense Fog Advisory"
	DenseSmokeAdvisory                 AlertType = "Dense Smoke Advisory"
	DustAdvisory                       AlertType = "Dust Advisory"
	DustStormWarning                   AlertType = "Dust Storm Warning"
	EarthquakeWarning                  AlertType = "Earthquake Warning"
	EvacuationImmediate                AlertType = "Evacuation - Immediate"
	ExcessiveHeatWarning               AlertType = "Excessive Heat Warning"
	ExcessiveHeatWatch                 AlertType = "Excessive Heat Watch"
	ExtremeColdWarning                 AlertType = "Extreme Cold Warning"
	ExtremeColdWatch                   AlertType = "Extreme Cold Watch"
	ExtremeFireDanger                  AlertType = "Extreme Fire Danger"
	ExtremeWindWarning                 AlertType = "Extreme Wind Warning"
	FireWarning                        AlertType = "Fire Warning"
	FireWeatherWatch                   AlertType = "Fire Weather Watch"
	FlashFloodStatement                AlertType = "Flash Flood Statement"
	FlashFloodWarning                  AlertType = "Flash Flood Warning"
	FlashFloodWatch                    AlertType = "Flash Flood Watch"
	FloodAdvisory                      AlertType = "Flood Advisory"
	FloodStatement                     AlertType = "Flood Statement"
	FloodWarning                       AlertType = "Flood Warning"
	FloodWatch                         AlertType = "Flood Watch"
	FreezeWarning                      AlertType = "Freeze Warning"
	FreezeWatch                        AlertType = "Freeze Watch"
	FreezingFogAdvisory                AlertType = "Freezing Fog Advisory"
	FreezingRainAdvisory               AlertType = "Freezing Rain Advisory"
	FreezingSprayAdvisory              AlertType = "Freezing Spray Advisory"
	FrostAdvisory                      AlertType = "Frost Advisory"
	GaleWarning                        AlertType = "Gale Warning"
	GaleWatch                          AlertType = "Gale Watch"
	HardFreezeWarning                  AlertType = "Hard Freeze Warning"
	HardFreezeWatch                    AlertType = "Hard Freeze Watch"
	HazardousMaterialsWarning          AlertType = "Hazardous Materials Warning"
	HazardousSeasWarning               AlertType = "Hazardous Seas Warning"
	HazardousSeasWatch                 AlertType = "Hazardous Seas Watch"
	HazardousWeatherOutlook            AlertType = "Hazardous Weather Outlook"
	HeatAdvisory                       AlertType = "Heat Advisory"
	HeavyFreezingSprayWarning          AlertType = "Heavy Freezing Spray Warning"
	HeavyFreezingSprayWatch            AlertType = "Heavy Freezing Spray Watch"
	HighSurfAdvisory                   AlertType = "High Surf Advisory"
	HighSurfWarning                    AlertType = "High Surf Warning"
	HighWindWarning                    AlertType = "High Wind Warning"
	HighWindWatch                      AlertType = "High Wind Watch"
	HurricaneForceWindWarning          AlertType = "Hurricane Force Wind Warning"
	HurricaneForceWindWatch            AlertType = "Hurricane Force Wind Watch"
	HurricaneLocalStatement            AlertType = "Hurricane Local Statement"
	HurricaneWarning                   AlertType = "Hurricane Warning"
	HurricaneWatch                     AlertType = "Hurricane Watch"
	HydrologicAdvisory                 AlertType = "Hydrologic Advisory"
	HydrologicOutlook                  AlertType = "Hydrologic Outlook"
	IceStormWarning                    AlertType = "Ice Storm Warning"
	LakeEffectSnowAdvisory             AlertType = "Lake Effect Snow Advisory"
	LakeEffectSnowWarning              AlertType = "Lake Effect Snow Warning"
	LakeEffectSnowWatch                AlertType = "Lake Effect Snow Watch"
	LakeWindAdvisory                   AlertType = "Lake Wind Advisory"
	LakeshoreFloodAdvisory             AlertType = "Lakeshore Flood Advisory"
	LakeshoreFloodStatement            AlertType = "Lakeshore Flood Statement"
	LakeshoreFloodWarning              AlertType = "Lakeshore Flood Warning"
	LakeshoreFloodWatch                AlertType = "Lakeshore Flood Watch"
	LawEnforcementWarning              AlertType = "Law Enforcement Warning"
	LocalAreaEmergency                 AlertType = "Local Area Emergency"
	LowWaterAdvisory                   AlertType = "Low Water Advisory"
	MarineWeatherStatement             AlertType = "Marine Weather Statement"
	NuclearPowerPlantWarning           AlertType = "Nuclear Power Plant Warning"
	RadiologicalHazardWarning          AlertType = "Radiological Hazard Warning"
	RedFlagWarning                     AlertType = "Red Flag Warning"
	RipCurrentStatement                AlertType = "Rip Current Statement"
	SevereThunderstormWarning          AlertType = "Severe Thunderstorm Warning"
	SevereThunderstormWatch            AlertType = "Severe Thunderstorm Watch"
	SevereWeatherStatement             AlertType = "Severe Weather Statement"
	ShelterInPlaceWarning              AlertType = "Shelter In Place Warning"
	ShortTermForecast                  AlertType = "Short Term Forecast"
	SmallCraftAdvisory                 AlertType = "Small Craft Advisory"
	SmallCraftAdvisoryForHazardousSeas AlertType = "Small Craft Advisory For Hazardous Seas"
	SmallCraftAdvisoryForRoughBar      AlertType = "Small Craft Advisory For Rough Bar"
	SmallCraftAdvisoryForWinds         AlertType = "Small Craft Advisory For Winds"
	SmallStreamFloodAdvisory           AlertType = "Small Stream Flood Advisory"
	SnowSquallWarning                  AlertType = "Snow Squall Warning"
	SpecialMarineWarning               AlertType = "Special Marine Warning"
	SpecialWeatherStatement            AlertType = "Special Weather Statement"
	StormSurgeWarning                  AlertType = "Storm Surge Warning"
	StormSurgeWatch                    AlertType = "Storm Surge Watch"
	StormWarning                       AlertType = "Storm Warning"
	StormWatch                         AlertType = "Storm Watch"
	Test                               AlertType = "Test"
	TornadoWarning                     AlertType = "Tornado Warning"
	TornadoWatch                       AlertType = "Tornado Watch"
	TropicalDepressionLocalStatement   AlertType = "Tropical Depression Local Statement"
	TropicalStormLocalStatement        AlertType = "Tropical Storm Local Statement"
	TropicalStormWarning               AlertType = "Tropical Storm Warning"
	TropicalStormWatch                 AlertType = "Tropical Storm Watch"
	TsunamiAdvisory                    AlertType = "Tsunami Advisory"
	TsunamiWarning                     AlertType = "Tsunami Warning"
	TsunamiWatch                       AlertType = "Tsunami Watch"
	TyphoonLocalStatement              AlertType = "Typhoon Local Statement"
	TyphoonWarning                     AlertType = "Typhoon Warning"
	TyphoonWatch                       AlertType = "Typhoon Watch"
	UrbanAndSmallStreamFloodAdvisory   AlertType = "Urban And Small Stream Flood Advisory"
	VolcanoWarning                     AlertType = "Volcano Warning"
	WindAdvisory                       AlertType = "Wind Advisory"
	WindChillAdvisory                  AlertType = "Wind Chill Advisory"
	WindChillWarning                   AlertType = "Wind Chill Warning"
	WindChillWatch                     AlertType = "Wind Chill Watch"
	WinterStormWarning                 AlertType = "Winter Storm Warning"
	WinterStormWatch                   AlertType = "Winter Storm Watch"
	WinterWeatherAdvisory              AlertType = "Winter Weather Advisory"

type ConvectiveOutlookType

type ConvectiveOutlookType string
const (
	Day1Categorical              ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 1 Categorical"
	Day1Tornado                  ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 1 Tornado"
	Day1Wind                     ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 1 Wind"
	Day1Hail                     ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 1 Hail"
	Day1SignificantTornado       ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 1 Significant Tornado"
	Day1SignificantWind          ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 1 Significant Wind"
	Day1SignificantHail          ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 1 Significant Hail"
	Day2Categorical              ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 2 Categorical"
	Day2Tornado                  ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 2 Tornado"
	Day2Wind                     ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 2 Wind"
	Day2Hail                     ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 2 Hail"
	Day2SignificantTornado       ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 2 Significant Tornado"
	Day2SignificantWind          ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 2 Significant Wind"
	Day2SignificantHail          ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 2 Significant Hail"
	Day3Categorical              ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 3 Categorical"
	Day3Probabilistic            ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 3 Probabilistic"
	Day3SignificantProbabilistic ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 3 Significant Probabilistic"
	Day4Probabilistic            ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 4 Probabilistic"
	Day5Probabilistic            ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 5 Probabilistic"
	Day6Probabilistic            ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 6 Probabilistic"
	Day7Probabilistic            ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 7 Probabilistic"
	Day8Probabilistic            ConvectiveOutlookType = "Day 8 Probabilistic"

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