
Chorus is vendor-agnostic S3-compatible backup, replication, and routing software.
Once configured it can:
- sync existing buckets and objects from source to destination S3 storage
- capture live bucket/object changes from source S3
- propagate the changes to destination S3
Listed features can be configured per S3 user and per bucket with management CLI or webUI.
Chorus S3 Proxy service responsible for routing s3 requests and capturing data change events.
Chorus Agent can be used as an alternative solution for capturing events instead of proxy.
Chorus Worker service does actual data replication with the help of RClone.
Communication between Proxy/Agent and worker is done over work queue.
Asynq with Redis is used as a work queue.

For more details, see:
Documentation available at docs.clyso.com.
From source
Run all-in-one standalone binry from Go:
go run ./cmd/chorus
Or run each service separately:
# run chorus worker
go run ./cmd/worker
# run chorus worker with a custom YAML config file
go run ./cmd/worker -config <path to worker yaml config>
# run chorus proxy with a custom YAML config file
go run ./cmd/proxy -config <path to proxy yaml config>
# run chorus agent with a custom YAML config file
go run ./cmd/agent -config <path to agent yaml config>
Standalone binary
See: service/standalone
See: docker-compose
With Helm
Install the Chorus Helm chart from the OCI registry:
helm install <release name> oci://harbor.clyso.com/chorus/chorus
See: deploy/chorus
test package contains e2e tests for replications between s3 storages.
It runs:
all listed tools are written in go so test can be run without external dependencies just by:
go test ./test/...