Overview ¶
Package models has the structs representing definitions
Package models has the structs representing requests ¶
Package models has the structs representing responses
Index ¶
- type AWSConnection
- type AWSConnectionConfigModel
- type AWSConnectionLinks
- type AWSConnectionListEmbedded
- type AWSConnectionListLinks
- type AWSEnvironment
- type AWSEnvironmentEmbedded
- type AWSEnvironmentLinks
- type AWSEnvironmentListEmbedded
- type AWSEnvironmentListLinks
- type Alert
- type AlertEmbedded
- type AlertLinks
- type AlertListEmbedded
- type AlertListLinks
- type AlertParentEntity
- type AlertPrimaryEntity
- type AncestorRefModel
- type AssignPolicyAction
- type AssignmentEntity
- type AuditParentEntity
- type AuditPrimaryEntity
- type AuditTrailListEmbedded
- type AuditTrailListLinks
- type AuditTrails
- type AwsDsGroupingCriteria
- type AwsTag
- type AwsTagCommonModel
- type AwsTagEmbedded
- type AwsTagLinks
- type AwsTagListEmbedded
- type AwsTagListLinks
- type AwsTagModel
- type BackupSLA
- type BackupWindow
- type ChangePasswordV1Request
- type CloudConnectorCountByStatus
- type ComplianceStatsDeprecated
- type ComputeResourceEmbedded
- type ComputeResourceIDModel
- type ComputeResourceLinks
- type ConnectionRegion
- type ConnectionRegionListEmbedded
- type ConnectionRegionListLinks
- type ConsolidatedAlert
- type ConsolidatedAlertDetails
- type ConsolidatedAlertLinks
- type ConsolidatedAlertListEmbedded
- type ConsolidatedAlertListLinks
- type ConsolidatedAlertParentEntity
- type CreateAWSConnectionResponse
- type CreateAWSTemplateV2Response
- type CreateAwsConnectionV1Request
- type CreateBackupAwsEbsVolumeV1Request
- type CreateBackupMssqlDatabaseV1Request
- type CreateBackupVmwareVmV1Request
- type CreateConnectionTemplateV1Request
- type CreateHcmHostResponse
- type CreateHostECCredentialsResponse
- type CreateMssqlDatabaseRestoreResponse
- type CreateMssqlHostConnectionCredentialsV1Request
- type CreateMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request
- type CreateOrganizationalUnitResponse
- type CreateOrganizationalUnitV1Request
- type CreatePolicyDefinitionV1Request
- type CreatePolicyResponse
- type CreatePolicyRuleV1Request
- type CreateReportDownloadResponse
- type CreateReportDownloadV1Request
- type CreateRuleResponse
- type CreateUserResponse
- type CreateUserV1Request
- type DataAccessObject
- type DatabaseLinks
- type DatacenterEmbedded
- type DatacenterLinks
- type DatacenterListEmbedded
- type DatacenterListLinks
- type DatacenterWithETag
- type DeleteHcmHostResponse
- type DeleteMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request
- type DeleteOrganizationalUnitResponse
- type DeletePolicyRuleV1Request
- type DeleteRuleResponse
- type DirectDownloadDataAccessObject
- type Directory
- type DirectoryBrowseEmbedded
- type DirectoryBrowseLinks
- type DirectoryLinks
- type DiscoverConfig
- type DiscoverTemplateInfo
- type DiscoverTemplateInfoV2
- type EBS
- type EBSBackupLinksV1
- type EBSBackupListEmbeddedV1
- type EBSBackupListLinksV1
- type EBSBackupV1
- type EBSRestoreSourceV1
- type EBSRestoreTargetV1
- type EbsAssetInfo
- type EbsTemplateInfo
- type EbsVolumeEmbedded
- type EbsVolumeLinks
- type EbsVolumeListEmbedded
- type EbsVolumeListLinks
- type EditProfileResponse
- type EmailDownloadDataAccessObject
- type EmailDownloadDataAccessOption
- type EntityGroupAssignmetUpdates
- type EntityGroupEmbedded
- type EntityModel
- type Error
- type FileDescriptor
- type FileListResponse
- type FileRestoreSource
- type FileRestoreTarget
- type FileSearchListEmbedded
- type FileSearchListLinks
- type FileSearchResponse
- type FileSearchResult
- type FileSystem
- type FileSystemListEmbedded
- type FileSystemListLinks
- type FileVersion
- type FileVersionHateoas
- type FileVersionsListEmbedded
- type FileVersionsListLinks
- type FolderEmbedded
- type FolderLinks
- type FolderListEmbedded
- type FolderListLinks
- type FolderWithETag
- type GeneralSettingsLinks
- type HateoasCommonLinks
- type HateoasFirstLink
- type HateoasLastLink
- type HateoasLink
- type HateoasNextLink
- type HateoasPrevLink
- type HateoasSelfLink
- type Host
- type HostIDModel
- type HostLinks
- type HostListEmbedded
- type HostListLinks
- type HostWithETag
- type IndividualAlertDetails
- type InheritedFrom
- type ListAWSConnectionsResponse
- type ListAWSEnvironmentsResponse
- type ListAWSRegionsResponse
- type ListAlertsResponse
- type ListAuditTrailsResponse
- type ListAwsTagsResponse
- type ListComputeResourcesResponse
- type ListConsolidatedAlertsResponse
- type ListDatacentersResponse
- type ListEBSBackupsResponseV1
- type ListEbsVolumesResponse
- type ListFileSystemsResponse
- type ListFileVersionsHateoasLink
- type ListFileVersionsHateoasLinks
- type ListFoldersResponse
- type ListHcmHostsResponse
- type ListHostsResponse
- type ListManagementGroupsResponse
- type ListMssqlAGsResponse
- type ListMssqlDatabaseBackupsResponse
- type ListMssqlDatabasePitrIntervalsResponse
- type ListMssqlDatabasesResponse
- type ListMssqlHostsResponse
- type ListMssqlInstancesResponse
- type ListOrganizationalUnitsResponse
- type ListPoliciesResponse
- type ListReportDownloadsResponse
- type ListReportDownloadsV1Request
- type ListResourcePoolsResponse
- type ListRolesResponse
- type ListSubgroupsResponse
- type ListTagCategories2Response
- type ListTagsResponse
- type ListTasksResponse
- type ListUsersResponse
- type ListVMBackupsResponse
- type ListVMwareDatastoresResponse
- type ListVMwareVCenterNetworksResponse
- type ListVcentersResponse
- type ListVmsResponse
- type M365GroupingCriteria
- type ManagementGroup
- type ManagementGroupLinks
- type ManagementGroupListEmbedded
- type ManagementGroupListLinks
- type MoveHcmHostsResponse
- type MoveHostsLinks
- type MoveHostsSource
- type MoveHostsTarget
- type MoveMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request
- type MssqlAG
- type MssqlAGEmbedded
- type MssqlAGLinks
- type MssqlAGListEmbedded
- type MssqlAGListLinks
- type MssqlDatabase
- type MssqlDatabaseBackup
- type MssqlDatabaseBackupEmbedded
- type MssqlDatabaseBackupLinks
- type MssqlDatabaseBackupListEmbedded
- type MssqlDatabaseBackupListLinks
- type MssqlDatabaseEmbedded
- type MssqlDatabaseFile
- type MssqlDatabaseListEmbedded
- type MssqlDatabaseListLinks
- type MssqlDatabasePitrInterval
- type MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListEmbedded
- type MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListLinks
- type MssqlHost
- type MssqlHostEmbedded
- type MssqlHostLinks
- type MssqlHostListEmbedded
- type MssqlHostListLinks
- type MssqlInstance
- type MssqlInstanceEmbedded
- type MssqlInstanceLinks
- type MssqlInstanceListEmbedded
- type MssqlInstanceListLinks
- type MssqlPITROptions
- type MssqlRestoreFromBackupOptions
- type MssqlRestoreSource
- type MssqlRestoreTarget
- type OUGroupingCriteria
- type OnDemandMssqlBackupResponse
- type OrganizationalUnitLinks
- type OrganizationalUnitListEmbedded
- type OrganizationalUnitListLinks
- type OrganizationalUnitParentEntity
- type OrganizationalUnitPrimaryEntity
- type OrganizationalUnitWithETag
- type PatchGeneralSettingsResponseV2
- type PatchOrganizationalUnitResponse
- type PatchOrganizationalUnitV1Request
- type PermissionModel
- type Policy
- type PolicyEmbedded
- type PolicyLinks
- type PolicyListEmbedded
- type PolicyListLinks
- type PolicyOperation
- type PostProcessAwsConnectionV1Request
- type ProtectConfig
- type ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink
- type ProtectTemplateConfig
- type ProtectTemplateInfo
- type ProtectTemplateInfoV2
- type ProtectedStatsDeprecated
- type ProtectionInfo
- type ProtectionInfoDeprecated
- type ProtectionInfoWithRule
- type RPOBackupSLAParam
- type RdsAssetInfo
- type RdsTemplateInfo
- type ReadAWSConnectionResponse
- type ReadAWSEnvironmentResponse
- type ReadAWSTemplatesResponse
- type ReadAWSTemplatesV2Response
- type ReadAlertResponse
- type ReadAwsTagResponse
- type ReadComputeResourceResponse
- type ReadConsolidatedAlertResponse
- type ReadDatacenterResponse
- type ReadDirectoryResponse
- type ReadEBSBackupResponseV1
- type ReadEbsTagComplianceStatsResponse
- type ReadEbsVolumeResponse
- type ReadFileSystemResponse
- type ReadFolderResponse
- type ReadGeneralSettingsResponseV2
- type ReadHcmHostResponse
- type ReadHostResponse
- type ReadManagementGroupResponse
- type ReadMssqlAGResponse
- type ReadMssqlDatabaseBackupResponse
- type ReadMssqlDatabaseResponse
- type ReadMssqlHostResponse
- type ReadMssqlInstanceResponse
- type ReadOrganizationalUnitResponse
- type ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink
- type ReadPolicyResponse
- type ReadResourcePoolResponse
- type ReadRoleResponse
- type ReadRuleResponse
- type ReadSubgroupResponse
- type ReadTagCategory2Response
- type ReadTagResponse
- type ReadTaskHateoasLinks
- type ReadTaskResponse
- type ReadUserResponse
- type ReadVCenterObjectProtectionStatsHateoasLink
- type ReadVMBackupResponse
- type ReadVMwareComputeResourceStatsResponse
- type ReadVMwareDatacenterStatsResponse
- type ReadVMwareDatastoreResponse
- type ReadVMwareFolderStatsResponse
- type ReadVMwareTagStatsResponse
- type ReadVMwareVCenterNetworkResponse
- type ReadVMwareVCenterProtectionStatsLinks
- type ReadVMwareVCenterProtectionStatsResponse
- type ReadVcenterResponse
- type ReadVmResponse
- type ReportDownload
- type ReportDownloadListEmbedded
- type ReportDownloadListLinks
- type ResourcePoolDatacenterModel
- type ResourcePoolLinks
- type ResourcePoolListEmbedded
- type ResourcePoolListLinks
- type ResourcePoolWithETag
- type RestEntity
- type RestoreAwsEbsVolumeV1Request
- type RestoreFileResponse
- type RestoreFilesV1Request
- type RestoreMssqlDatabaseV1Request
- type RestoreVMwareVMResponse
- type RestoreVmwareVmV1Request
- type RestoredFileInfo
- type RestoredFilesListEmbedded
- type RestoredFilesListLinks
- type RestoredFilesResponse
- type RetentionBackupSLAParam
- type RoleLinks
- type RoleListEmbedded
- type RoleListLinks
- type RoleWithETag
- type Rule
- type RuleAction
- type RuleEmbedded
- type RuleLinks
- type RulePriority
- type SetAssignmentsResponse
- type SetPolicyAssignmentsV1Request
- type SingleErrorResponse
- type Subgroup
- type SubgroupLinks
- type SubgroupListEmbedded
- type SubgroupListLinks
- type Tag2
- type Tag2Embedded
- type Tag2Links
- type Tag2ListEmbedded
- type Tag2ListLinks
- type TagCategory2Links
- type TagCategory2ListEmbedded
- type TagCategory2ListLinks
- type TagCategory2WithETag
- type TagParentCategoryModel
- type Task
- type TaskLinks
- type TaskListEmbedded
- type TaskListLinks
- type TaskParentEntity
- type TaskPrimaryEntity
- type TemplateConfiguration
- type UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink
- type UpdateAWSConnectionResponse
- type UpdateAlertResponse
- type UpdateAwsConnectionV1Request
- type UpdateConsolidatedAlertResponse
- type UpdateConsolidatedAlertV1Request
- type UpdateEntities
- type UpdateGeneralSettingsV2Request
- type UpdateIndividualAlertV1Request
- type UpdateManagementGroupResponse
- type UpdateManagementGroupV1Request
- type UpdateManagementSubgroupV1Request
- type UpdatePolicyDefinitionV1Request
- type UpdatePolicyResponse
- type UpdatePolicyRuleV1Request
- type UpdateRuleResponse
- type UpdateSubgroupResponse
- type UpdateTaskResponse
- type UpdateTaskV1Request
- type UpdateUserAssignments
- type UpdateUserProfileV1Request
- type UpdateUserResponse
- type UpdateUserV1Request
- type UserEmbedded
- type UserHateoas
- type UserLinks
- type UserListEmbedded
- type UserListHateoasLinks
- type VCenterComputeResource
- type VCenterComputeResourceLinks
- type VCenterFolder
- type VCenterFolderLinks
- type VMBackupHateoas
- type VMBackupHateoasLinks
- type VMBackupListEmbedded
- type VMBackupListHateoasLinks
- type VMComputeResourceFolderModel
- type VMComputeResourceModel
- type VMDatacenterFolderModel
- type VMDatacenterModel
- type VMFolderModel
- type VMHostModel
- type VMNicBackupModel
- type VMNicModel
- type VMNicNetworkModel
- type VMNicRestore
- type VMResourcePoolModel
- type VMRestoreOptions
- type VMRestoreSource
- type VMRestoreTag
- type VMRestoreTarget
- type VMTagWithCategoryModel
- type VMwareComputeResourceComplianceStatsLinks
- type VMwareDatacenterFolderIDModel
- type VMwareDatacenterStatsLinks
- type VMwareDatastoreLinks
- type VMwareDatastoreListEmbedded
- type VMwareDatastoreListLinks
- type VMwareDatastoreWithETag
- type VMwareDsGroupingCriteria
- type VMwareFolderStatsLinks
- type VMwareResourcePoolComputeResourceModel
- type VMwareResourcePoolParentModel
- type VMwareRootComputeResourceFolderIDModel
- type VMwareRootVMFolderIDModel
- type VMwareTagStatsLinks
- type VMwareVCenterComputeResourceDatacenterModel
- type VMwareVCenterComputeResourceFolderModel
- type VMwareVCenterDatastoreDatacenterModel
- type VMwareVCenterDatastoreFolderModel
- type VMwareVCenterFolderDatacenterModel
- type VMwareVCenterHostComputeResourceModel
- type VMwareVCenterHostDatacenterModel
- type VMwareVCenterNetworkDatacenterModel
- type VMwareVCenterNetworkFolderModel
- type VMwareVCenterNetworkLinks
- type VMwareVCenterNetworkListEmbedded
- type VMwareVCenterNetworkListLinks
- type VMwareVCenterNetworkWithETag
- type VMwareVCenterParentFolderModel
- type Vcenter
- type VcenterEmbedded
- type VcenterLinks
- type VcenterListEmbedded
- type VcenterListLinks
- type Vm
- type VmComputeResourceLink
- type VmDatacenterLink
- type VmEmbedded
- type VmFolderLink
- type VmLinks
- type VmListEmbedded
- type VmListLinks
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AWSConnection ¶
type AWSConnection struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AWSConnectionLinks `json:"_links"` // The alias given to the account on AWS. AccountName *string `json:"account_name"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the connection. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The AWS region associated with the connection. For example, `us-east-1`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // Clumio AWS AccountId ClumioAwsAccountId *string `json:"clumio_aws_account_id"` // Clumio AWS Region ClumioAwsRegion *string `json:"clumio_aws_region"` // The status of the connection. Possible values include "connecting", // "connected", and "unlinked". ConnectionStatus *string `json:"connection_status"` // The timestamp of when the connection was created. CreatedTimestamp *string `json:"created_timestamp"` // An optional, user-provided description for this connection. Description *string `json:"description"` // The configuration of the Clumio Discover product for this connection. // If this connection is not configured for Clumio Discover, then this field has a // value of `null`. Discover *DiscoverConfig `json:"discover"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the connection. Id *string `json:"id"` // K8S Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the // AWS environment. If this parameter is not provided, then the value // defaults to the first organizational unit assigned to the requesting // user. For more information about organizational units, refer to the // Organizational-Units documentation. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The configuration of the Clumio Cloud Protect product for this connection. // If this connection is not configured for Clumio Cloud Protect, then this field has a // value of `null`. Protect *ProtectConfig `json:"protect"` // The asset types enabled for protect. This is only populated if "protect" // is enabled. Valid values are any of ["EBS", "RDS", "DynamoDB", "EC2MSSQL"]. // EBS and RDS are mandatory datasources. ProtectAssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"protect_asset_types_enabled"` // The services to be enabled for this configuration. Valid values are // ["discover"], ["discover", "protect"]. This is only set when the // registration is created, the enabled services are obtained directly from // the installed template after that. ServicesEnabled []*string `json:"services_enabled"` // The Amazon Resource Name of the installed CloudFormation stack in this AWS account StackArn *string `json:"stack_arn"` // The name given to the installed CloudFormation stack on AWS. StackName *string `json:"stack_name"` // The 36-character Clumio AWS integration ID token used to identify the // installation of the CloudFormation template on the account. This value // will be pasted into the ClumioToken field when creating the // CloudFormation stack. Token *string `json:"token"` }
AWSConnection represents a custom type struct
type AWSConnectionConfigModel ¶
type AWSConnectionConfigModel struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Protect *ProtectTemplateConfig `json:"protect"` }
AWSConnectionConfigModel represents a custom type struct
type AWSConnectionLinks ¶
type AWSConnectionLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. DeleteConnectionAws *HateoasLink `json:"delete-connection-aws"` }
AWSConnectionLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type AWSConnectionListEmbedded ¶
type AWSConnectionListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*AWSConnection `json:"items"` }
AWSConnectionListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type AWSConnectionListLinks ¶
type AWSConnectionListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. CreateAwsConnection *HateoasLink `json:"create-aws-connection"` }
AWSConnectionListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type AWSEnvironment ¶
type AWSEnvironment struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AWSEnvironmentEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AWSEnvironmentLinks `json:"_links"` // The name given to the account. AccountName *string `json:"account_name"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the environment. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The valid AWS availability zones for the environment. For example, `us_west-2a`. AwsAz []*string `json:"aws_az"` // The AWS region associated with the environment. For example, `us-west-2`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the connection associated with the environment. ConnectionId *string `json:"connection_id"` // The status of the connection to the environment, which is mediated by a CloudFormation stack. ConnectionStatus *string `json:"connection_status"` // The user-provided account description. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the environment. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the environment. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The AWS services enabled for this environment. Possible values include "ebs", "rds" and "dynamodb". ServicesEnabled []*string `json:"services_enabled"` // The Clumio CloudFormation template version used to deploy the CloudFormation stack. TemplateVersion *int64 `json:"template_version"` }
AWSEnvironment represents a custom type struct
type AWSEnvironmentEmbedded ¶
type AWSEnvironmentEmbedded struct {
// TODO: Add struct field description
ReadAwsEnvironmentEbsVolumesComplianceStats interface{} `json:"read-aws-environment-ebs-volumes-compliance-stats"`
AWSEnvironmentEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type AWSEnvironmentLinks ¶
type AWSEnvironmentLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ProtectEntities *HateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadAwsEnvironmentEbsVolumesComplianceStats *HateoasLink `json:"read-aws-environment-ebs-volumes-compliance-stats"` }
AWSEnvironmentLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type AWSEnvironmentListEmbedded ¶
type AWSEnvironmentListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*AWSEnvironment `json:"items"` }
AWSEnvironmentListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type AWSEnvironmentListLinks ¶
type AWSEnvironmentListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
AWSEnvironmentListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type Alert ¶
type Alert struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AlertEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AlertLinks `json:"_links"` // The issue that generated the alert. Each cause belongs to an alert type. Cause *string `json:"cause"` // The timestamp of when the alert was cleared, either automatically by Clumio or manually by a Clumio user. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this alert has not been cleared, then this field has a value of `null`. ClearedTimestamp *string `json:"cleared_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the consolidated alert associated with this individual alert. Alerts are consolidated based on matching parent entity, alert type, and alert cause. ConsolidatedAlertId *string `json:"consolidated_alert_id"` // Additional information about the alert. Details *IndividualAlertDetails `json:"details"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the individual alert. Id *string `json:"id"` // A record of user-provided information about the alert. Notes *string `json:"notes"` // The parent object of the primary entity associated with or affected by the alert. For example, "aws_environment" is the parent entity of primary entity "aws_ebs_volume". ParentEntity *AlertParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The primary object associated with or affected by the alert. Examples of primary entities include "aws_connection", "aws_ebs_volume" and "vmware_vm". PrimaryEntity *AlertPrimaryEntity `json:"primary_entity"` // The number of times the alert has recurred for this primary entity. RaisedCount *uint64 `json:"raised_count"` // The timestamp of when the alert was raised. Represented in RFC-3339 format. RaisedTimestamp *string `json:"raised_timestamp"` // The alert severity level. Values include "error" and "warning". Severity *string `json:"severity"` // The individual alert status. An individual alert that is in "active" status is one that is still open and has yet to be addressed. // An individual alert that is in "cleared" status is one that has been cleared, either automatically by Clumio or manually by a Clumio user. Status *string `json:"status"` // TODO: Add struct field description Tags []*RestEntity `json:"tags"` // The general alert category. Some alert types may be associated with multiple causes. // Refer to the Alert Type table for a complete list of alert types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The timestamp of when the alert was last updated. Represented in RFC-3339 format. // The alert is updated whenever there is a new occurrence of the same alert within the same entity. UpdatedTimestamp *string `json:"updated_timestamp"` }
Alert represents a custom type struct
type AlertEmbedded ¶
type AlertEmbedded struct {
// Embeds the associated consolidated alert in the response.
ReadConsolidatedAlert interface{} `json:"read-consolidated-alert"`
AlertEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type AlertLinks ¶
type AlertLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadConsolidatedAlert *HateoasLink `json:"read-consolidated-alert"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. UpdateIndividualAlert *HateoasLink `json:"update-individual-alert"` }
AlertLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type AlertListEmbedded ¶
type AlertListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*Alert `json:"items"` }
AlertListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type AlertListLinks ¶
type AlertListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
AlertListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type AlertParentEntity ¶
type AlertParentEntity struct { // A system-generated ID assigned to this entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the entity types that Clumio supports. // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=============================================+ // | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm | VMware virtual machine. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_ebs_volume | AWS EBS volume. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_connection | AWS connection mediated by a CloudFormation | // | | stack. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_environment | AWS environment specified by an | // | | account/region pair. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_cmk | AWS Customer Master Key used to encrypt | // | | data. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // A system-generated value assigned to the entity. For example, if the primary entity type is "vmware_vm" for a virtual machine, then the value is the name of the VM. Value *string `json:"value"` }
AlertParentEntity represents a custom type struct. The parent object of the primary entity associated with or affected by the alert. For example, "aws_environment" is the parent entity of primary entity "aws_ebs_volume".
type AlertPrimaryEntity ¶
type AlertPrimaryEntity struct { // A system-generated ID assigned to this entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the entity types that Clumio supports. // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=============================================+ // | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm | VMware virtual machine. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_ebs_volume | AWS EBS volume. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_connection | AWS connection mediated by a CloudFormation | // | | stack. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_environment | AWS environment specified by an | // | | account/region pair. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_cmk | AWS Customer Master Key used to encrypt | // | | data. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // A system-generated value assigned to the entity. For example, if the primary entity type is "vmware_vm" for a virtual machine, then the value is the name of the VM. Value *string `json:"value"` }
AlertPrimaryEntity represents a custom type struct. The primary object associated with or affected by the alert. Examples of primary entities include "aws_connection", "aws_ebs_volume" and "vmware_vm".
type AncestorRefModel ¶
type AncestorRefModel struct { // A VMware-assigned ID for this ancestor. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether this ancestor is a hidden root object. If `true`, this ancestor is a hidden root object. IsRoot *bool `json:"is_root"` // The name of the ancestor. Name *string `json:"name"` // The type of vCenter object that this ancestor represents. For example, a data center can be an ancestor of a data center folder. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
AncestorRefModel represents a custom type struct
type AssignPolicyAction ¶
type AssignPolicyAction struct { // The policy to be applied to the assets. PolicyId *string `json:"policy_id"` }
AssignPolicyAction represents a custom type struct. Apply a policy to assets.
type AssignmentEntity ¶
type AssignmentEntity struct { // A system-generated ID assigned of an entity being assigned or unassigned to a policy. Id *string `json:"id"` // // The type of an entity being associated or disassociated with a policy. // Valid primary entity types include the following: // // +---------------------+---------------------+ // | Primary Entity Type | Details | // +=====================+=====================+ // | aws_ebs_volume | AWS EBS volume. | // +---------------------+---------------------+ // | aws_ec2_instance | AWS EC2 instance. | // +---------------------+---------------------+ // | aws_rds_cluster | AWS RDS cluster. | // +---------------------+---------------------+ // | aws_rds_instance | AWS RDS instance. | // +---------------------+---------------------+ // | aws_dynamodb_table | AWS DynamoDB table. | // +---------------------+---------------------+ // | protection_group | Protection group. | // +---------------------+---------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
AssignmentEntity represents a custom type struct
type AuditParentEntity ¶
type AuditParentEntity struct { // A system-generated ID assigned to this entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the entity types that Clumio supports. // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=============================================+ // | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm | VMware virtual machine. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_ebs_volume | AWS EBS volume. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_connection | AWS connection mediated by a CloudFormation | // | | stack. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_environment | AWS environment specified by an | // | | account/region pair. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_cmk | AWS Customer Master Key used to encrypt | // | | data. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // A system-generated value assigned to the entity. For example, if the primary entity type is "vmware_vm" for a virtual machine, then the value is the name of the VM. Value *string `json:"value"` }
AuditParentEntity represents a custom type struct. The parent object of the primary entity associated with or affected by the audit. If the primary entity is not a vmware entity, this field will have a value of null For example, "vmware_vcenter" is the parent entity of primary entity "vmware_vm".
type AuditPrimaryEntity ¶
type AuditPrimaryEntity struct { // A system-generated ID assigned to this entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the entity types that Clumio supports. // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=============================================+ // | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm | VMware virtual machine. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_ebs_volume | AWS EBS volume. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_connection | AWS connection mediated by a CloudFormation | // | | stack. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_environment | AWS environment specified by an | // | | account/region pair. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_cmk | AWS Customer Master Key used to encrypt | // | | data. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // A system-generated value assigned to the entity. For example, if the primary entity type is "vmware_vm" for a virtual machine, then the value is the name of the VM. Value *string `json:"value"` }
AuditPrimaryEntity represents a custom type struct. The primary object associated with the audit event. Examples of primary entities include "aws_connection", "aws_ebs_volume" and "vmware_vm". In some cases like global settings, the primary entity may be null.
type AuditTrailListEmbedded ¶
type AuditTrailListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*AuditTrails `json:"items"` }
AuditTrailListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type AuditTrailListLinks ¶
type AuditTrailListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
AuditTrailListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type AuditTrails ¶
type AuditTrails struct { // The action performed by the user. // // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | Action | Details | // +==================+===========================================================+ // | create | Creating or adding new entities like new policy, | // | | configuration, user, etc | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | update | Updating an existing entity like policy, settings, | // | | passwords, etc | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | delete | Delete an existing entity like policy, settings, users, | // | | etc | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | enable | Enabling a feature like single sign on or multi factor | // | | authentication settings | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | disable | Disabling features like single sign on or multi factor | // | | authentication settings | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | browse | Browsing through entities in the system like mailboxes or | // | | backups, etc | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | search | Searching through entities in the system like mailboxes | // | | or backups, etc | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | login | User logs in or tries to login | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | logout | User explicitly logged out. | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | register | When new registrations happen like new | // | | datasource registration or user registering for MFA | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | unregister | When unregistering like unregistering | // | | datasource or user unregistering MFA | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | apply | Apply policy to protect entities, tags, etc | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | remove | Remove protection for entities, tags, etc | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | invite | Inviting a user | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | suspend | Suspend an existing user | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | full_restore | Full restore of the VM, volume, mailbox, database or | // | | other entities | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // | granular_restore | Restoring individual files, mails or records | // +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ // Action *string `json:"action"` // The category of the auditable action performed by the user. // // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | Category | Details | // +=========================+====================================================+ // | authentication | Activities related to Authentication | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | data_source | Data source changes | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | policy | Policy related actions | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | protection | Applying and removing protection | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | restore | Restore related operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | tasks | Tasks | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | backup | Backup related operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | users | User related operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | api_tokens | API Token related operations like creating, | // | | revoking or deleting tokens | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | kms_config | Key Management Service(KMS) related operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | sso | Single sign-on (SSO) related operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | mfa | Multi Factor Authentication(MFA) related | // | | operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | reports | Reports related operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | alerts | Alerts related operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | cloud_connector | Cloud connector related operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | cloudformation_template | Cloud Formation Template related operations | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | bandwidth_config | Bandwidth configuration related changes | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | partner_ecosystem | Changes to partner ecosystem | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // | ecosystem_changes | Changes in the ecosystem like adding or remvoings | // | | VMs | // +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ // Category *string `json:"category"` // Additional details about the activity provided in JSON format. Details *string `json:"details"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the audit event. Id *string `json:"id"` // The interface used to make the request i.e. 'UI','API' ClumioInterface *string `json:"interface"` // The IP address from which the activity was requested. IpAddress *string `json:"ip_address"` // The parent object of the primary entity associated with or affected by the audit. // If the primary entity is not a vmware entity, this field will have a value of null // For example, "vmware_vcenter" is the parent entity of primary entity "vmware_vm". ParentEntity *AuditParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The primary object associated with the audit event. Examples of primary entities // include "aws_connection", "aws_ebs_volume" and "vmware_vm". In some cases like // global settings, the primary entity may be null. PrimaryEntity *AuditPrimaryEntity `json:"primary_entity"` // The status of the performed action. 'success', 'failure', 'partial_success' Status *string `json:"status"` // The Timestamp of when the activity began. Represented in RFC-3339 format. Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp"` // The email address of the logged in user making the request. UserEmail *string `json:"user_email"` }
AuditTrails represents a custom type struct
type AwsDsGroupingCriteria ¶
type AwsDsGroupingCriteria struct { // Determines whether or not this data group is editable. If false, then an // organizational unit uses this data group. // To edit this data group, all organizational units using it must be deleted. IsEditable *bool `json:"is_editable"` // The entity type used to group organizational units for AWS resources. // // +-----------------+-------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +=================+=========================+ // | aws_environment | AWS account and region. | // +-----------------+-------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
AwsDsGroupingCriteria represents a custom type struct. The entity type used to group organizational units for AWS resources.
type AwsTag ¶
type AwsTag struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AwsTagEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AwsTagLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the AWS tag. Id *string `json:"id"` // The AWS-assigned tag key. Key *string `json:"key"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the AWS key. KeyId *string `json:"key_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the tag. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of the EBS volume. Possible values include "protected" and "unprotected". ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The AWS-assigned tag value. Value *string `json:"value"` }
AwsTag represents a custom type struct
type AwsTagCommonModel ¶
type AwsTagCommonModel struct { // The AWS-assigned tag key. Key *string `json:"key"` // The AWS-assigned tag value. Value *string `json:"value"` }
AwsTagCommonModel represents a custom type struct. A tag created through AWS Console which can be applied to EBS volumes.
type AwsTagEmbedded ¶
type AwsTagEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description ReadAwsEnvironmentTagEbsVolumesComplianceStats interface{} `json:"read-aws-environment-tag-ebs-volumes-compliance-stats"` // Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy. ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"` }
AwsTagEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type AwsTagLinks ¶
type AwsTagLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadAwsEnvironmentTagEbsVolumesComplianceStats *HateoasLink `json:"read-aws-environment-tag-ebs-volumes-compliance-stats"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
AwsTagLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type AwsTagListEmbedded ¶
type AwsTagListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*AwsTag `json:"items"` }
AwsTagListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type AwsTagListLinks ¶
type AwsTagListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
AwsTagListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type AwsTagModel ¶
type AwsTagModel struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the AWS tag. Id *string `json:"id"` // The AWS-assigned tag key. Key *string `json:"key"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the AWS key. KeyId *string `json:"key_id"` // The AWS-assigned tag value. Value *string `json:"value"` }
AwsTagModel represents a custom type struct. A tag created through AWS console which can be applied to EBS volumes.
type BackupSLA ¶
type BackupSLA struct { // The retention time for this SLA. For example, to retain the backup for 1 month, set `unit="months"` and `value=1`. RetentionDuration *RetentionBackupSLAParam `json:"retention_duration"` // The minimum frequency between backups for this SLA. Also known as the recovery point objective (RPO) interval. // For example, to configure the minimum frequency between backups to be every 2 days, set `unit="days"` and `value=2`. // To configure the SLA for on-demand backups, set `unit="on_demand"` and leave the `value` field empty. RpoFrequency *RPOBackupSLAParam `json:"rpo_frequency"` }
BackupSLA represents a custom type struct. backup_sla captures the SLA parameters backup_sla captures the SLA parameters
type BackupWindow ¶
type BackupWindow struct { // The time when the backup window closes. Specify the end time in the format `hh:mm`, where `hh` represents the hour of the day and `mm` represents the minute of the day based on the 24 hour clock. If the backup window closes while a backup is in progress, the entire backup process is aborted. Clumio will perform the next backup when the backup window opens again. EndTime *string `json:"end_time"` // The time when the backup window opens. Specify the start time in the format `hh:mm`, where `hh` represents the hour of the day and `mm` represents the minute of the day based on the 24 hour clock. StartTime *string `json:"start_time"` }
BackupWindow represents a custom type struct. The start and end times for the customized backup window.
type ChangePasswordV1Request ¶
type ChangePasswordV1Request struct { // The user's current password. CurrentPassword *string `json:"current_password"` // The new password that is to replace the user's current password. Passwords must be between 14 and 64 characters // and include the following: one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one number, and one special character. // Spaces are not allowed. NewPassword *string `json:"new_password"` }
ChangePasswordV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CloudConnectorCountByStatus ¶
type CloudConnectorCountByStatus struct { // The number of degraded cloud connectors in this subgroup. Degraded *int64 `json:"degraded"` // The number of healthy cloud connectors in this subgroup. Healthy *int64 `json:"healthy"` }
CloudConnectorCountByStatus represents a custom type struct. The number of cloud connectors in this subgroup, aggregated by their status.
type ComplianceStatsDeprecated ¶
type ComplianceStatsDeprecated struct { // Compliant count. Compliant *uint32 `json:"COMPLIANT"` // Deactivated count. Deactivated *uint32 `json:"DEACTIVATED"` // Non-Compliant count. NonCompliant *uint32 `json:"NON_COMPLIANT"` // Seeding count. Seeding *uint32 `json:"SEEDING"` // Wait-for-seeding count. WaitForSeeding *uint32 `json:"WAIT_FOR_SEEDING"` }
ComplianceStatsDeprecated represents a custom type struct. ComplianceStatsDeprecated denotes compliance metrics for all entities associated with a given type
type ComputeResourceEmbedded ¶
type ComputeResourceEmbedded struct { // Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy. ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"` // Embeds the compliance statistics of VMs into each vCenter resource in the response, if requested using the `_embed` query parameter. ReadVmwareVcenterComputeResourceComplianceStats interface{} `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-compute-resource-compliance-stats"` // TODO: Add struct field description ReadVmwareVcenterComputeResourceConnectionStats interface{} `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-compute-resource-connection-stats"` }
ComputeResourceEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type ComputeResourceIDModel ¶
type ComputeResourceIDModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the compute resource. Id *string `json:"id"` }
ComputeResourceIDModel represents a custom type struct
type ComputeResourceLinks ¶
type ComputeResourceLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to the compliance statistics of VMs in the folders and subfolders of this vCenter resource. ReadVmwareVcenterComputeResourceComplianceStats *ReadVCenterObjectProtectionStatsHateoasLink `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-compute-resource-compliance-stats"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadVmwareVcenterComputeResourceConnectionStats *HateoasLink `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-compute-resource-connection-stats"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
ComputeResourceLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type ConnectionRegion ¶
type ConnectionRegion struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the connection. Id *string `json:"id"` // Boolean that notes which regions can be designated as targets IsDataPlaneRegion *bool `json:"is_data_plane_region"` // Name is a user friendly name of the AWS region. Name *string `json:"name"` }
ConnectionRegion represents a custom type struct
type ConnectionRegionListEmbedded ¶
type ConnectionRegionListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*ConnectionRegion `json:"items"` }
ConnectionRegionListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type ConnectionRegionListLinks ¶
type ConnectionRegionListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
ConnectionRegionListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type ConsolidatedAlert ¶
type ConsolidatedAlert struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ConsolidatedAlertLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of currently active individual alerts associated with the consolidated alert. ActiveEntityCount *int64 `json:"active_entity_count"` // The issue that generated the alert. Each alert cause is associated with an alert type. Cause *string `json:"cause"` // The number of cleared individual alerts associated with the consolidated alert. ClearedEntityCount *int64 `json:"cleared_entity_count"` // The timestamp of when the consolidated alert was cleared, if ever. Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this alert has not been cleared, this field will have a value of `null`. // A consolidated alert goes into "cleared" status when all of its associated individual alerts are in "cleared" status or when a Clumio user manually clears it. ClearedTimestamp *string `json:"cleared_timestamp"` // Additional information about the consolidated alert. Details *ConsolidatedAlertDetails `json:"details"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the consolidated alert. Id *string `json:"id"` // A record of user-provided information about the alert. Notes *string `json:"notes"` // The entity associated with or affected by the alert. ParentEntity *ConsolidatedAlertParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The timestamp of when the consolidated alert was initially raised. Represented in RFC-3339 format. RaisedTimestamp *string `json:"raised_timestamp"` // The alert severity level. Values include "error" and "warning". Severity *string `json:"severity"` // The consolidated alert status. A consolidated alert is in "active" status if one or more of its associated individual alerts is in "active" status. // A consolidated alert goes into "cleared" status when all of its associated individual alerts are in "cleared" status or when a Clumio user manually clears it. Status *string `json:"status"` // The general alert category. An alert type may be associated with multiple alert causes. Examples of alert types include "tag_conflict" and "policy_violated". // Refer to the Alert Type table for a complete list of alert types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The timestamp of when the consolidated alert was last updated. Represented in RFC-3339 format. // Raising a new individual alert will update its associated consolidated alert. UpdatedTimestamp *string `json:"updated_timestamp"` }
ConsolidatedAlert represents a custom type struct
type ConsolidatedAlertDetails ¶
type ConsolidatedAlertDetails struct { // A brief description of the condition that caused the alert. Examples include "Size Limit Exceeded" and "Insufficient Cloud Connector Capacity". Cause *string `json:"cause"` // The general alert category. Examples include "Policy Violated" and "Restore Failed". ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
ConsolidatedAlertDetails represents a custom type struct. Additional information about the consolidated alert.
type ConsolidatedAlertLinks ¶
type ConsolidatedAlertLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. UpdateConsolidatedAlert *HateoasLink `json:"update-consolidated-alert"` }
ConsolidatedAlertLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type ConsolidatedAlertListEmbedded ¶
type ConsolidatedAlertListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*ConsolidatedAlert `json:"items"` }
ConsolidatedAlertListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type ConsolidatedAlertListLinks ¶
type ConsolidatedAlertListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
ConsolidatedAlertListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type ConsolidatedAlertParentEntity ¶
type ConsolidatedAlertParentEntity struct { // A system-generated ID assigned to this entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the entity types that Clumio supports. // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=============================================+ // | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm | VMware virtual machine. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_ebs_volume | AWS EBS volume. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_connection | AWS connection mediated by a CloudFormation | // | | stack. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_environment | AWS environment specified by an | // | | account/region pair. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_cmk | AWS Customer Master Key used to encrypt | // | | data. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // A system-generated value assigned to the entity. For example, if the primary entity type is "vmware_vm" for a virtual machine, then the value is the name of the VM. Value *string `json:"value"` }
ConsolidatedAlertParentEntity represents a custom type struct. The entity associated with or affected by the alert.
type CreateAWSConnectionResponse ¶
type CreateAWSConnectionResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AWSConnectionLinks `json:"_links"` // The alias given to the account on AWS. AccountName *string `json:"account_name"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the connection. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The AWS region associated with the connection. For example, `us-east-1`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // Clumio AWS AccountId ClumioAwsAccountId *string `json:"clumio_aws_account_id"` // Clumio AWS Region ClumioAwsRegion *string `json:"clumio_aws_region"` // The status of the connection. Possible values include "connecting", // "connected", and "unlinked". ConnectionStatus *string `json:"connection_status"` // The timestamp of when the connection was created. CreatedTimestamp *string `json:"created_timestamp"` // An optional, user-provided description for this connection. Description *string `json:"description"` // The configuration of the Clumio Discover product for this connection. // If this connection is not configured for Clumio Discover, then this field has a // value of `null`. Discover *DiscoverConfig `json:"discover"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the connection. Id *string `json:"id"` // K8S Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the // AWS environment. If this parameter is not provided, then the value // defaults to the first organizational unit assigned to the requesting // user. For more information about organizational units, refer to the // Organizational-Units documentation. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The configuration of the Clumio Cloud Protect product for this connection. // If this connection is not configured for Clumio Cloud Protect, then this field has a // value of `null`. Protect *ProtectConfig `json:"protect"` // The asset types enabled for protect. This is only populated if "protect" // is enabled. Valid values are any of ["EBS", "RDS", "DynamoDB", "EC2MSSQL"]. // EBS and RDS are mandatory datasources. ProtectAssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"protect_asset_types_enabled"` // The services to be enabled for this configuration. Valid values are // ["discover"], ["discover", "protect"]. This is only set when the // registration is created, the enabled services are obtained directly from // the installed template after that. ServicesEnabled []*string `json:"services_enabled"` // The Amazon Resource Name of the installed CloudFormation stack in this AWS account StackArn *string `json:"stack_arn"` // The name given to the installed CloudFormation stack on AWS. StackName *string `json:"stack_name"` // The 36-character Clumio AWS integration ID token used to identify the // installation of the CloudFormation template on the account. This value // will be pasted into the ClumioToken field when creating the // CloudFormation stack. Token *string `json:"token"` }
CreateAWSConnectionResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreateAWSTemplateV2Response ¶
type CreateAWSTemplateV2Response struct { // The latest available URL for the template. CloudformationUrl *string `json:"cloudformation_url"` // TODO: Add struct field description Config *TemplateConfiguration `json:"config"` // The latest available URL for the terraform template. TerraformUrl *string `json:"terraform_url"` }
CreateAWSTemplateV2Response represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreateAwsConnectionV1Request ¶
type CreateAwsConnectionV1Request struct { // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the connection. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The AWS region associated with the connection. For example, `us-east-1`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // An optional, user-provided description for this connection. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the // AWS environment. If this parameter is not provided, then the value // defaults to the first organizational unit assigned to the requesting // user. For more information about organizational units, refer to the // Organizational-Units documentation. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The asset types enabled for protect. This is only populated if "protect" // is enabled. Valid values are any of ["EBS", "RDS", "DynamoDB", "EC2MSSQL"]. // EBS and RDS are mandatory datasources. ProtectAssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"protect_asset_types_enabled"` // The services to be enabled for this configuration. Valid values are // ["discover"], ["discover", "protect"]. This is only set when the // registration is created, the enabled services are obtained directly from // the installed template after that. ServicesEnabled []*string `json:"services_enabled"` }
CreateAwsConnectionV1Request represents a custom type struct. The body of the request.
type CreateBackupAwsEbsVolumeV1Request ¶
type CreateBackupAwsEbsVolumeV1Request struct { // Performs the operation on the EBS volume with the specified Clumio-assigned ID. VolumeId *string `json:"volume_id"` }
CreateBackupAwsEbsVolumeV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CreateBackupMssqlDatabaseV1Request ¶
type CreateBackupMssqlDatabaseV1Request struct { // Performs the operation on the Mssql asset with the specified Clumio-assigned ID. AssetId *string `json:"asset_id"` // The type of the backup. Possible values - `mssql_database_backup`, `mssql_log_backup`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
CreateBackupMssqlDatabaseV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CreateBackupVmwareVmV1Request ¶
type CreateBackupVmwareVmV1Request struct { // Performs the operation on a VM within the specified vCenter server. VcenterId *string `json:"vcenter_id"` // Performs the operation on the VM with the specified VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID. VmId *string `json:"vm_id"` }
CreateBackupVmwareVmV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CreateConnectionTemplateV1Request ¶
type CreateConnectionTemplateV1Request struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Config *AWSConnectionConfigModel `json:"config"` }
CreateConnectionTemplateV1Request represents a custom type struct. The body of the request.
type CreateHcmHostResponse ¶
type CreateHcmHostResponse struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Hosts []*Host `json:"hosts"` }
CreateHcmHostResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreateHostECCredentialsResponse ¶
type CreateHostECCredentialsResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *HostLinks `json:"_links"` // The edge connector credentials for the host. This token is required during the installation of the MSI. EdgeConnectorCredentials *string `json:"edge_connector_credentials"` // The user-provided endpoint used to connect the host. Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group associated with the host. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Host. Id *string `json:"id"` // The timestamp of the last successful heartbeat of this host. Represented in RFC-3339 format. LastHeartbeatTimestamp *string `json:"last_heartbeat_timestamp"` // Name of the Host. Name *string `json:"name"` // The connection status of the Host. Possible values include `connected`, `disconnected`, `connection_pending`, and `invalid_token`. Status *string `json:"status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup associated with the host. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` // The Clumio-assigned UUID of the host. This UUID is used for filtering hosts during list operations. Uuid *string `json:"uuid"` }
CreateHostECCredentialsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreateMssqlDatabaseRestoreResponse ¶
type CreateMssqlDatabaseRestoreResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_embedded"` // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` }
CreateMssqlDatabaseRestoreResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreateMssqlHostConnectionCredentialsV1Request ¶
type CreateMssqlHostConnectionCredentialsV1Request struct { // Performs the operation on a host within the specified endpoint. Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // Performs the operation on a host within the specified group. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // Performs the operation on a host within the specified subgroup. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` }
CreateMssqlHostConnectionCredentialsV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CreateMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request ¶
type CreateMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request struct { // The fully-qualified domain names or IP addresses of hosts to be connected. Endpoints []*string `json:"endpoints"` // Performs the operation on a host within the specified management group. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the Host. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // Performs the operation on a host within the specified management subgroup. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` }
CreateMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CreateOrganizationalUnitResponse ¶
type CreateOrganizationalUnitResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *EntityGroupEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *OrganizationalUnitLinks `json:"_links"` // Number of immediate children of the organizational unit. ChildrenCount *int64 `json:"children_count"` // Datasource types configured in this organizational unit. Possible values include `aws`, `microsoft365`, `vmware`, or `mssql`. ConfiguredDatasourceTypes []*string `json:"configured_datasource_types"` // List of all recursive descendant organizational units of this OU. DescendantIds []*string `json:"descendant_ids"` // A description of the organizational unit. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio assigned ID of the organizational unit. Id *string `json:"id"` // Unique name assigned to the organizational unit. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio assigned ID of the parent organizational unit. // The parent organizational unit contains the entities in this organizational unit and can update this organizational unit. // If this organizational unit is the global organizational unit, then this field has a value of `null`. ParentId *string `json:"parent_id"` // Number of users to whom this organizational unit or any of its descendants have been assigned. UserCount *int64 `json:"user_count"` // Users IDs to whom the organizational unit has been assigned. // This attribute will be available when reading a single OU and not when listing OUs. Users []*string `json:"users"` }
CreateOrganizationalUnitResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreateOrganizationalUnitV1Request ¶
type CreateOrganizationalUnitV1Request struct { // A description of the organizational unit. Description *string `json:"description"` // entityModel denotes the entityModel Entities []*EntityModel `json:"entities"` // Unique name assigned to the organizational unit. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the parent organizational unit under which the new organizational unit is to be created. ParentId *string `json:"parent_id"` // List of user ids to assign this organizational unit. Users []*string `json:"users"` }
CreateOrganizationalUnitV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CreatePolicyDefinitionV1Request ¶
type CreatePolicyDefinitionV1Request struct { // The status of the policy. // Refer to the Policy Activation Status table for a complete list of policy statuses. ActivationStatus *string `json:"activation_status"` // The user-provided name of the policy. Name *string `json:"name"` // The SLAs of an individual operation. Operations []*PolicyOperation `json:"operations"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the policy. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
CreatePolicyDefinitionV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CreatePolicyResponse ¶
type CreatePolicyResponse struct { // If the `embed` query parameter is set, displays the responses of the related resource, // as defined by the embeddable link specified. Embedded *PolicyEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *PolicyLinks `json:"_links"` // The status of the policy. // Refer to the Policy Activation Status table for a complete list of policy statuses. ActivationStatus *string `json:"activation_status"` // The Clumio-assigned IDs of the organizational units to whom the policy has been assigned. AssignedOrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"assigned_organizational_unit_ids"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the policy. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the possible lock statuses of a policy. // // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Status | Description | // +==========+===================================================================+ // | unlocked | Policies are unlocked until an update or deletion task is queued. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | updating | During a policy edit, concurrent edits or deletion requests will | // | | be rejected. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | deleting | During policy deletion, concurrent edits or deletion requests | // | | will be rejected. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // LockStatus *string `json:"lock_status"` // The user-provided name of the policy. Name *string `json:"name"` // The SLAs of an individual operation. Operations []*PolicyOperation `json:"operations"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the policy. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
CreatePolicyResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreatePolicyRuleV1Request ¶
type CreatePolicyRuleV1Request struct { // An action to be applied subject to the rule criteria. Action *RuleAction `json:"action"` // The following table describes the possible conditions for a rule. // // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | Field | Rule Condition | Description | // +=======================+===========================+==========================+ // | aws_account_native_id | $eq, $in | Denotes the AWS account | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_account_native_id" | // | | | :{"$eq":"111111111111"}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_account_native_id" | // | | | :{"$in":["111111111111", | // | | | "222222222222"]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | aws_region | $eq, $in | Denotes the AWS region | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_region":{"$eq":"us | // | | | -west-2"}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_region":{"$in":["u | // | | | s-west-2", "us- | // | | | east-1"]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | aws_tag | $eq, $in, $all, $contains | Denotes the AWS tag(s) | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$eq":{"key" | // | | | :"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$in":[{"key | // | | | ":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}, | // | | | {"key":"Hello", | // | | | "value":"World"}]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$all":[{"ke | // | | | y":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}, | // | | | {"key":"Hello", | // | | | "value":"World"}]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$contains": | // | | | {"key":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // Condition *string `json:"condition"` // The following table describes the possible execution types of a rule. // // +--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Type | Description | // +========+=====================================================================+ // | actual | Create and apply the rule | // +--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | dryrun | Preview the effect of the rule without applying or persisting the | // | | rule | // +--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // ExecutionType *string `json:"execution_type"` // Name of the rule. Name *string `json:"name"` // A priority relative to other rules. Priority *RulePriority `json:"priority"` }
CreatePolicyRuleV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CreateReportDownloadResponse ¶
type CreateReportDownloadResponse struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task created by the request. // The progress of the task can be monitored using the // [`GET /tasks/{task_id}`](#operation/list-tasks) endpoint. TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` }
CreateReportDownloadResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreateReportDownloadV1Request ¶
type CreateReportDownloadV1Request struct { // The name of the report. Field cannot be empty. FileName *string `json:"file_name"` // // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // | Field | Filter Condition | Report Type | Description | // +===================+==================+===================+===================+ // | backup_timestamp | $gte, $lt, $eq | Compliance | Backup timestamp | // | | | | denotes the time | // | | | | filter for | // | | | | Compliance | // | | | | reports. | // | | | | $gte and $lt | // | | | | accept RFC-3999 | // | | | | timestamps and | // | | | | $eq accepts a | // | | | | unix timestamp | // | | | | denoting the | // | | | | offset from the | // | | | | current time. $eq | // | | | | takes precedence | // | | | | over both | // | | | | $gte and $lt so | // | | | | if $eq is used, | // | | | | the backend will | // | | | | use the relative | // | | | | time | // | | | | filter instead of | // | | | | absolute time | // | | | | filters. For | // | | | | example, | // | | | | | // | | | | "filter":"{"backu | // | | | | p_timestamp":{"$e | // | | | | q":86400}}" | // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // | activity_start_ti | $gte, $lt, $eq | Activity | Activity start | // | mestamp | | | timestamp denotes | // | | | | the time filter | // | | | | for Activity | // | | | | reports. | // | | | | $gte and $lt | // | | | | accept RFC-3999 | // | | | | timestamps and | // | | | | $eq accepts a | // | | | | unix timestamp | // | | | | denoting the | // | | | | offset from the | // | | | | current time. $eq | // | | | | takes precedence | // | | | | over both | // | | | | $gte and $lt so | // | | | | if $eq is used, | // | | | | the backend will | // | | | | use the relative | // | | | | time filter | // | | | | instead of | // | | | | absolute time | // | | | | filters.For | // | | | | example, | // | | | | | // | | | | "filter":"{"activ | // | | | | ity_start_timesta | // | | | | mp":{"$eq":86400} | // | | | | }" | // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // | task | $in | Activity | Possible values | // | | | | for task include | // | | | | backup and | // | | | | restore. | // | | | | For example, | // | | | | | // | | | | "filter":"{"task" | // | | | | :{"$in":["ebs_inc | // | | | | remental_backup"] | // | | | | }}" | // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // | status | $in | Activity, | Filter on | // | | | Compliance | compliance status | // | | | | of entity. | // | | | | Possible values | // | | | | for compliance | // | | | | status | // | | | | include compliant | // | | | | and non_compliant | // | | | | For example, | // | | | | | // | | | | "filter": "{"stat | // | | | | us":{"$in":["non_ | // | | | | compliant"]}}" | // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // | | $in | Any | The system- | // | | | | generated IDs of | // | | | | the primary | // | | | | entities affected | // | | | | by the activity. | // | | | | For example, | // | | | | | // | | | | filter={"primary_ | // | | | |":{"$in" | // | | | | :["9c2934fc-ff4d- | // | | | | 11e9-8e11-76706df | // | | | | 7fe01"]}} | // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // | primary_entity.ty | $eq | Any | The type of | // | pe | | | primary entities | // | | | | affected by the | // | | | | activity. | // | | | | Examples of | // | | | | primary entity | // | | | | types include | // | | | | "aws_ebs_volume", | // | | | | "vmware_vm", | // | | | | "microsoft365_mai | // | | | | lbox". For | // | | | | example, | // | | | | | // | | | | filter={"primary_ | // | | | | entity.type":{"$i | // | | | | n":["aws_ebs_volu | // | | | | me"]}} | // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // | | $in | Any | The value or name | // | lue | | | associated with | // | | | | the primary | // | | | | entities affected | // | | | | by | // | | | | the compliance | // | | | | event. For | // | | | | example, the | // | | | | primary entity | // | | | | value associated | // | | | | with | // | | | | primary entity | // | | | | type | // | | | | "aws_ebs_volume" | // | | | | is "vol-0a5f2e52d | // | | | | 6decd664" | // | | | | representing | // | | | | the name of the | // | | | | EBS volume. The | // | | | | filter supports | // | | | | substring search | // | | | | for all | // | | | | elements in the | // | | | | array For | // | | | | example, | // | | | | | // | | | | filter={"primary_ | // | | | | entity.value":{"$ | // | | | | in":["vol-0a"]}} | // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // | parent_entity.typ | $in | Any | The types of the | // | e | | | parent entities | // | | | | which are | // | | | | associated | // | | | | with the primary | // | | | | entity affected | // | | | | by the activity. | // | | | | Examples of the | // | | | | parent entity | // | | | | types include | // | | | | "vmware_vcenter", | // | | | | "aws_environment" | // | | | | , "microsoft365_d | // | | | | omain". For | // | | | | example, | // | | | | | // | | | | filter={"parent_e | // | | | | ntity.type":{"$in | // | | | | ":["aws_environme | // | | | | nt"]}} | // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // | | $in | Any | | // | | | | The value or name | // | | | | associated with | // | | | | the parent | // | | | | entities affected | // | | | | by | // | | | | the compliance | // | | | | event. For | // | | | | example, the | // | | | | parent entity | // | | | | value associated | // | | | | with | // | | | | primary entity | // | | | | type | // | | | | "aws_ebs_volume" | // | | | | is | // | | | | "891106093485/us- | // | | | | west-2" | // | | | | representing | // | | | | the name of the | // | | | | AWS Account | // | | | | Region. For | // | | | | example, | // | | | | | // | | | | filter={"parent_e | // | | | |":{"$in": | // | | | | ["9c2934fc-ff4d-1 | // | | | | 1e9-8e11-76706df7 | // | | | | fe01"]}} | // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-------------------+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ // // For more information about filtering, refer to the // Filtering section of this guide. // in: query Filter *string `json:"filter"` // The report type. Examples of report types include, "activity", // "compliance", "audit". ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
CreateReportDownloadV1Request represents a custom type struct
type CreateRuleResponse ¶
type CreateRuleResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the preview generated by this request. Only valid if // `execution_type` is set to `dryrun`. PreviewId *string `json:"preview_id"` // A rule applies an action subject to a condition criteria. Rule *Rule `json:"rule"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task generated by this request. TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` }
CreateRuleResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreateUserResponse ¶
type CreateUserResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *UserEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *UserLinks `json:"_links"` // The list of organizational unit IDs assigned to the user. // This attribute will be available when reading a single user and not when listing users. AssignedOrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"assigned_organizational_unit_ids"` // Assigned Role for the user. AssignedRole *string `json:"assigned_role"` // The email address of the Clumio user. Email *string `json:"email"` // The first and last name of the Clumio user. The name appears in the User Management screen and is used to identify the user. FullName *string `json:"full_name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Clumio user. Id *string `json:"id"` // The ID number of the user who sent the email invitation. Inviter *string `json:"inviter"` // Determines whether the user has activated their Clumio account. // If `true`, the user has activated the account. IsConfirmed *bool `json:"is_confirmed"` // Determines whether the user is enabled (in "Activated" or "Invited" status) in Clumio. // If `true`, the user is in "Activated" or "Invited" status in Clumio. // Users in "Activated" status can log in to Clumio. // Users in "Invited" status have been invited to log in to Clumio via an email invitation and the invitation // is pending acceptance from the user. // If `false`, the user has been manually suspended and cannot log in to Clumio // until another Clumio user reactivates the account. IsEnabled *bool `json:"is_enabled"` // The timestamp of when when the user was last active in the Clumio system. Represented in RFC-3339 format. LastActivityTimestamp *string `json:"last_activity_timestamp"` // The number of organizational units accessible to the user. OrganizationalUnitCount *int64 `json:"organizational_unit_count"` }
CreateUserResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type CreateUserV1Request ¶
type CreateUserV1Request struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the role to assign to the user. // The available roles can be retrieved via the [GET /roles](#operation/list-roles) API. // When not set, the role is determined as follows // // +-------------+---------------------------+----------------+ // | Inviter | Assigned OUs | Resulting Role | // +=============+===========================+================+ // | Super Admin | Gloabl OU is assigned | Super Admin | // +-------------+---------------------------+----------------+ // | Super Admin | Gloabl OU is not assigned | OU Admin | // +-------------+---------------------------+----------------+ // | OU Admin | Any | OU Admin | // +-------------+---------------------------+----------------+ // AssignedRole *string `json:"assigned_role"` // The email address of the user to be added to Clumio. Email *string `json:"email"` // The full name of the user to be added to Clumio. For example, enter the user's first name and last name. // The name appears in the User Management screen and in the body of the email invitation. FullName *string `json:"full_name"` // The Clumio-assigned IDs of the organizational units to be assigned to the user. OrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"organizational_unit_ids"` }
CreateUserV1Request represents a custom type struct
type DataAccessObject ¶
type DataAccessObject struct { // The details used to access the restored file if it was shared by direct download. If // the restored file was shared by email (and not by direct download), then this field // has a value of `null`. DirectDownload *DirectDownloadDataAccessObject `json:"direct_download"` // The details used to access the restored file, if it was shared by email. If the // restored file was shared by direct download (and not email), then this field has a // value of `null`. Email *EmailDownloadDataAccessObject `json:"email"` }
DataAccessObject represents a custom type struct. Specifies information about the data-access method for accessing the restored file.
type DatabaseLinks ¶
type DatabaseLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. CreateBackupMssqlDatabase *HateoasLink `json:"create-backup-mssql-database"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ListBackupMssqlDatabases *HateoasLink `json:"list-backup-mssql-databases"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadManagementGroup *HateoasLink `json:"read-management-group"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadManagementSubgroup *HateoasLink `json:"read-management-subgroup"` }
DatabaseLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type DatacenterEmbedded ¶
type DatacenterEmbedded struct { // Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy. ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"` // Embeds the compliance statistics of VMs into each vCenter resource in the response, if requested using the `_embed` query parameter. ReadVmwareVcenterDatacenterComplianceStats interface{} `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-datacenter-compliance-stats"` }
DatacenterEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type DatacenterLinks ¶
type DatacenterLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to the compliance statistics of VMs in the folders and subfolders of this vCenter resource. ReadVmwareVcenterDatacenterComplianceStats *ReadVCenterObjectProtectionStatsHateoasLink `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-datacenter-compliance-stats"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
DatacenterLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type DatacenterListEmbedded ¶
type DatacenterListEmbedded struct { // DatacenterWithETag to support etag string to be calculated Items []*DatacenterWithETag `json:"items"` }
DatacenterListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type DatacenterListLinks ¶
type DatacenterListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
DatacenterListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type DatacenterWithETag ¶
type DatacenterWithETag struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *DatacenterEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *DatacenterLinks `json:"_links"` // TODO: Add struct field description AncestorRefs []*AncestorRefModel `json:"ancestor_refs"` // The data center folder in which the data center resides. DatacenterFolder *VMwareDatacenterFolderIDModel `json:"datacenter_folder"` // Determines whether compute resources exist directly under the hidden root compute resource folder. If `true`, then compute resources exist directly under the root compute resource folder. HasComputeResources *bool `json:"has_compute_resources"` // Determines whether VMs exist directly under the hidden root VM folder. If `true`, then VMs exist directly under the root VM folder. HasVmFolders *bool `json:"has_vm_folders"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of this data center. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the datacenter. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of this data center. Refer to the Protection Status table for a complete list of protection statuses. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The hidden root compute resource folder of the data center. RootComputeResourceFolder *VMwareRootComputeResourceFolderIDModel `json:"root_compute_resource_folder"` // The hidden root virtual machine folder of the data center. RootVmFolder *VMwareRootVMFolderIDModel `json:"root_vm_folder"` }
DatacenterWithETag represents a custom type struct. DatacenterWithETag to support etag string to be calculated
type DeleteHcmHostResponse ¶
type DeleteHcmHostResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_embedded"` // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // TaskID for DeleteHostsReq TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` }
DeleteHcmHostResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type DeleteMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request ¶
type DeleteMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request struct { // The endpoints of hosts to be deleted. Endpoints []*string `json:"endpoints"` // Performs the operation on a host within the specified management group. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // Performs the operation on a host within the specified management subgroup. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` }
DeleteMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request represents a custom type struct
type DeleteOrganizationalUnitResponse ¶
type DeleteOrganizationalUnitResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *EntityGroupEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` }
DeleteOrganizationalUnitResponse represents a custom type struct. Accepted
type DeletePolicyRuleV1Request ¶
type DeletePolicyRuleV1Request struct { // The following table describes the possible execution types of a rule. // // +--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Type | Description | // +========+=====================================================================+ // | actual | Create and apply the rule | // +--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | dryrun | Preview the effect of the rule without applying or persisting the | // | | rule | // +--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // ExecutionType *string `json:"execution_type"` }
DeletePolicyRuleV1Request represents a custom type struct
type DeleteRuleResponse ¶
type DeleteRuleResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the preview generated by this request. Only valid if // `execution_type` is set to `dryrun`. PreviewId *string `json:"preview_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task generated by this request. TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` }
DeleteRuleResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type DirectDownloadDataAccessObject ¶
type DirectDownloadDataAccessObject struct { // The download link used to access the restored file through direct download. DownloadLink *string `json:"download_link"` // The email address of the user who initiated the file level restore. RetrievedBy *string `json:"retrieved_by"` }
DirectDownloadDataAccessObject represents a custom type struct. The details used to access the restored file if it was shared by direct download. If the restored file was shared by email (and not by direct download), then this field has a value of `null`.
type Directory ¶
type Directory struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *DirectoryLinks `json:"_links"` // The directory ID of the file. If the file is not a directory, then this field has // a value of `null`. DirectoryId *string `json:"directory_id"` // Determines whether or not this file is a directory. If true, then this file // is a directory. IsDirectory *bool `json:"is_directory"` // The timestamp of when this file was last modified. ModifiedTimestamp *string `json:"modified_timestamp"` // Name of this file. Name *string `json:"name"` // Size of this file, in bytes. Size *uint64 `json:"size"` }
Directory represents a custom type struct
type DirectoryBrowseEmbedded ¶
type DirectoryBrowseEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*Directory `json:"items"` }
DirectoryBrowseEmbedded represents a custom type struct
type DirectoryBrowseLinks ¶
type DirectoryBrowseLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
DirectoryBrowseLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type DirectoryLinks ¶
type DirectoryLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
DirectoryLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type DiscoverConfig ¶
type DiscoverConfig struct { // The asset types supported on the current version of the feature AssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"asset_types_enabled"` // The current version of the feature. InstalledTemplateVersion *string `json:"installed_template_version"` }
DiscoverConfig represents a custom type struct. The configuration of the Clumio Discover product for this connection. If this connection is not configured for Clumio Discover, then this field has a value of `null`.
type DiscoverTemplateInfo ¶
type DiscoverTemplateInfo struct { // The AWS asset types supported with the available version of the template. AssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"asset_types_enabled"` // The latest available URL for the template. AvailableTemplateUrl *string `json:"available_template_url"` // The latest available version for the template. AvailableTemplateVersion *string `json:"available_template_version"` }
DiscoverTemplateInfo represents a custom type struct. The latest available CloudFormation template for Clumio Discover.
type DiscoverTemplateInfoV2 ¶
type DiscoverTemplateInfoV2 struct { // The AWS asset types supported with the available version of the template. AssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"asset_types_enabled"` // The latest available version for the template. AvailableTemplateVersion *string `json:"available_template_version"` }
DiscoverTemplateInfoV2 represents a custom type struct
type EBS ¶
type EBS struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *EbsVolumeEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *EbsVolumeLinks `json:"_links"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the EBS volume. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The AWS availability zone in which the EBS volume resides. For example, // `us-west-2a`. AwsAz *string `json:"aws_az"` // The AWS region associated with the EBS volume. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // The compliance status of the protected EBS volume. Possible values include // "compliant" and "noncompliant". If the volume is not protected, then this field has // a value of `null`. ComplianceStatus *string `json:"compliance_status"` // The timestamp of when the volume was deleted. Represented in RFC-3339 format. If // this volume has not been deleted, then this field has a value of `null`. DeletionTimestamp *string `json:"deletion_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the policy directly assigned to the entity. DirectAssignmentPolicyId *string `json:"direct_assignment_policy_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the AWS environment associated with the EBS volume. EnvironmentId *string `json:"environment_id"` // Determines whether the table has a direct assignment. HasDirectAssignment *bool `json:"has_direct_assignment"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the EBS volume. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the EBS volume has been deleted. If `true`, the volume has been // deleted. IsDeleted *bool `json:"is_deleted"` // Determines whether the EBS volume is encrypted. If `true`, the volume is encrypted. IsEncrypted *bool `json:"is_encrypted"` // Determines whether the EBS volume is supported for backups. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the KMS key encrypting the EBS volume. If the volume is // unencrypted, then this field has a value of `null`. KmsKeyNativeId *string `json:"kms_key_native_id"` // The timestamp of the most recent backup of the EBS volume. Represented in RFC-3339 // format. If the volume has never been backed up, then this field has a value of // `null`. LastBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_backup_timestamp"` // The timestamp of the most recent snapshot of the EBS volume taken as part of // Snapshot Manager. Represented in RFC-3339 format. If the volume has never been // snapshotted, then this field has a value of `null`. LastSnapshotTimestamp *string `json:"last_snapshot_timestamp"` // The AWS-assigned name of the EBS volume. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the EBS volume. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfoWithRule `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of the EBS volume. Possible values include "protected", // "unprotected", and "unsupported". If the EBS volume does not support backups, then // this field has a value of `unsupported`. If the volume has been deleted, then this // field has a value of `null`. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The size of the EBS volume. Measured in bytes (B). Size *int64 `json:"size"` // A tag created through AWS console which can be applied to EBS volumes. Tags []*AwsTagModel `json:"tags"` // The type of EBS volume. Possible values include "gp2", "io1", "st1", "sc1", and // "standard". ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The reason why protection is not available. If the volume is supported, then this // field has a value of `null`. UnsupportedReason *string `json:"unsupported_reason"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the EBS volume. VolumeNativeId *string `json:"volume_native_id"` }
EBS represents a custom type struct
type EBSBackupLinksV1 ¶
type EBSBackupLinksV1 struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
EBSBackupLinksV1 represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type EBSBackupListEmbeddedV1 ¶
type EBSBackupListEmbeddedV1 struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*EBSBackupV1 `json:"items"` }
EBSBackupListEmbeddedV1 represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type EBSBackupListLinksV1 ¶
type EBSBackupListLinksV1 struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
EBSBackupListLinksV1 represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type EBSBackupV1 ¶
type EBSBackupV1 struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *EBSBackupLinksV1 `json:"_links"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the backup. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The availability zone associated with the volume backup. For example, `us-west-2a`. AwsAz *string `json:"aws_az"` // The AWS region in which the volume backup resides. For example, `us-west-2`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // The reason that browsing is unavailable for the backup. Possible values include "file_limit_exceeded" and // "browsing_unavailable". If browse indexing is successful, then this field has a value of `null`. BrowsingFailedReason *string `json:"browsing_failed_reason"` // The timestamp of when this backup expires. Represented in RFC-3339 format. ExpirationTimestamp *string `json:"expiration_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the volume backup. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether browsing is available for the backup. If `true`, then browsing is available for the backup. IsBrowsable *bool `json:"is_browsable"` // Determines whether the EBS volume backup is encrypted. If `true`, the volume backup is encrypted. IsEncrypted *bool `json:"is_encrypted"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the KMS key encrypting this EBS volume backup. If the volume is not encrypted, this field has a value of `null`. KmsKeyNativeId *string `json:"kms_key_native_id"` // The size of the volume backup. Measured in gigabytes (GB). Size *int64 `json:"size"` // The timestamp of when this backup started. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // A tag created through AWS Console which can be applied to EBS volumes. Tags []*AwsTagCommonModel `json:"tags"` // The volume type of the original EBS volume before backup. Possible values include `gp2`, `io1`, `st1`, `sc1`, `standard`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the EBS volume associated with the volume backup. VolumeId *string `json:"volume_id"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the EBS volume associated with the volume backup. VolumeNativeId *string `json:"volume_native_id"` }
EBSBackupV1 represents a custom type struct
type EBSRestoreSourceV1 ¶
type EBSRestoreSourceV1 struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the EBS volume backup to be restored. Use the [GET /backups/aws/ebs-volumes](#operation/list-aws-ebs-volumes) endpoint to fetch valid values. BackupId *string `json:"backup_id"` }
EBSRestoreSourceV1 represents a custom type struct. The EBS volume backup to be restored.
type EBSRestoreTargetV1 ¶
type EBSRestoreTargetV1 struct { // The availability zone into which the EBS volume is restored. For example, `us-west-2a`. // Use the [GET /datasources/aws/environments](#operation/list-aws-environments) endpoint to fetch valid values. AwsAz *string `json:"aws_az"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the AWS environment to be used as the restore destination. Use the [GET /datasources/aws/environments](#operation/list-aws-environments) endpoint to fetch valid values. EnvironmentId *string `json:"environment_id"` // The KMS encryption key ID used to encrypt the EBS volume data. The KMS encryption key ID is stored in the AWS cloud as part of your AWS account. KmsKeyNativeId *string `json:"kms_key_native_id"` // A tag created through AWS Console which can be applied to EBS volumes. Tags []*AwsTagCommonModel `json:"tags"` }
EBSRestoreTargetV1 represents a custom type struct. The configuration of the EBS volume to be restored.
type EbsAssetInfo ¶
type EbsAssetInfo struct { // The current version of the feature. InstalledTemplateVersion *string `json:"installed_template_version"` }
EbsAssetInfo represents a custom type struct
type EbsTemplateInfo ¶
type EbsTemplateInfo struct { // The latest available feature version for the asset. AvailableTemplateVersion *string `json:"available_template_version"` }
EbsTemplateInfo represents a custom type struct
type EbsVolumeEmbedded ¶
type EbsVolumeEmbedded struct {
// Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy.
ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"`
EbsVolumeEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type EbsVolumeLinks ¶
type EbsVolumeLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. CreateBackupAwsEbsVolume *HateoasLink `json:"create-backup-aws-ebs-volume"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ListBackupAwsEbsVolumes *HateoasLink `json:"list-backup-aws-ebs-volumes"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` }
EbsVolumeLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type EbsVolumeListEmbedded ¶
type EbsVolumeListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*EBS `json:"items"` }
EbsVolumeListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type EbsVolumeListLinks ¶
type EbsVolumeListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
EbsVolumeListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type EditProfileResponse ¶
type EditProfileResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *UserEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *UserLinks `json:"_links"` // The list of organizational unit IDs assigned to the user. // This attribute will be available when reading a single user and not when listing users. AssignedOrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"assigned_organizational_unit_ids"` // Assigned Role for the user. AssignedRole *string `json:"assigned_role"` // The email address of the Clumio user. Email *string `json:"email"` // The first and last name of the Clumio user. The name appears in the User Management screen and is used to identify the user. FullName *string `json:"full_name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Clumio user. Id *string `json:"id"` // The ID number of the user who sent the email invitation. Inviter *string `json:"inviter"` // Determines whether the user has activated their Clumio account. // If `true`, the user has activated the account. IsConfirmed *bool `json:"is_confirmed"` // Determines whether the user is enabled (in "Activated" or "Invited" status) in Clumio. // If `true`, the user is in "Activated" or "Invited" status in Clumio. // Users in "Activated" status can log in to Clumio. // Users in "Invited" status have been invited to log in to Clumio via an email invitation and the invitation // is pending acceptance from the user. // If `false`, the user has been manually suspended and cannot log in to Clumio // until another Clumio user reactivates the account. IsEnabled *bool `json:"is_enabled"` // The timestamp of when when the user was last active in the Clumio system. Represented in RFC-3339 format. LastActivityTimestamp *string `json:"last_activity_timestamp"` // The number of organizational units accessible to the user. OrganizationalUnitCount *int64 `json:"organizational_unit_count"` }
EditProfileResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type EmailDownloadDataAccessObject ¶
type EmailDownloadDataAccessObject struct { // The optional message that was sent as part of the email. EmailMessage *string `json:"email_message"` // The email address of the user who initiated the file level restore. RetrievedBy *string `json:"retrieved_by"` // The email address of the user who the file was retrieved for. RetrievedFor *string `json:"retrieved_for"` }
EmailDownloadDataAccessObject represents a custom type struct. The details used to access the restored file, if it was shared by email. If the restored file was shared by direct download (and not email), then this field has a value of `null`.
type EmailDownloadDataAccessOption ¶
type EmailDownloadDataAccessOption struct { // The email address of the user who will receive the download link to the restored // file. EmailAddress *string `json:"email_address"` // The optional message sent as part of the email. Message *string `json:"message"` }
EmailDownloadDataAccessOption represents a custom type struct. Specifies a download link (accessible via email) as the restore target. If not specified, `target` defaults to `direct_download`. If you specify `email`, also send the user the passcode that gets generated from this request (see `passcode` in the response). After the user clicks the download link, they must enter the passcode to access the files.
type EntityGroupAssignmetUpdates ¶
type EntityGroupAssignmetUpdates struct { // The Clumio-assigned IDs of the organizational units to be assigned to the user. Add []*string `json:"add"` // The Clumio-assigned IDs of the organizational units to be unassigned to the user. Remove []*string `json:"remove"` }
EntityGroupAssignmetUpdates represents a custom type struct. Updates to the organizational unit assignments.
type EntityGroupEmbedded ¶
type EntityGroupEmbedded struct {
// Embeds the associated task of a resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter.
ReadTask interface{} `json:"read-task"`
EntityGroupEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type EntityModel ¶
type EntityModel struct { // The parent object of the primary entity associated with the organizational unit. For example, "vmware_vcenter" is the parent entity of primary entity "vmware_vm_folder". // The parent object is necessary for VMware entities and can be omitted for other data sources. ParentEntity *OrganizationalUnitParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The primary object associated with the organizational unit. Examples of primary entities include "aws_environment" and "vmware_vm". PrimaryEntity *OrganizationalUnitPrimaryEntity `json:"primary_entity"` }
EntityModel represents a custom type struct. entityModel denotes the entityModel
type Error ¶
type Error struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Errors []*SingleErrorResponse `json:"errors"` }
Error represents a custom type struct. Error
type FileDescriptor ¶
type FileDescriptor struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the filesystem within which to restore the file. Use // [ GET /backups/files/search/{search_result_id}/versions](#operation/list-file-versions) // to fetch the value. FilesystemId *string `json:"filesystem_id"` // The path of the file to be restored. Use // [GET /backups/files/search](#operation/list-files) to fetch the value. Path *string `json:"path"` }
FileDescriptor represents a custom type struct. Specifies a file/directory by providing path and file system.
type FileListResponse ¶
type FileListResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *FileVersionsListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *FileVersionsListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
FileListResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type FileRestoreSource ¶
type FileRestoreSource struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the backup containing the files you want to restore. Use // [ GET /backups/files/search/{search_result_id}/versions](#operation/list-file-versions) // to fetch the value. BackupId *string `json:"backup_id"` // Specifies a file/directory by providing path and file system. Files []*FileDescriptor `json:"files"` }
FileRestoreSource represents a custom type struct. The files to be restored and from which backup they are to be restored from.
type FileRestoreTarget ¶
type FileRestoreTarget struct { // Specifies the Clumio UI as the restore target for direct download. Optionally set // `direct_download: {}`. If a target is not specified, then `target` defaults to // `direct_download`. DirectDownload interface{} `json:"direct_download"` // Specifies a download link (accessible via email) as the restore target. If not // specified, `target` defaults to `direct_download`. If you specify `email`, also // send the user the passcode that gets generated from this request (see `passcode` in // the response). After the user clicks the download link, they must enter the // passcode to access the files. Email *EmailDownloadDataAccessOption `json:"email"` }
FileRestoreTarget represents a custom type struct. The destination information for the file level restore, representing the access option for the restored file. Users can access the restored file by direct download or by email. The direct download (`direct_download`) option allows users to directly download the restored file from the Clumio UI. The email (`email`) option allows users to access the restored file using a downloadable link they receive by email. If a target is not specified, then `target` defaults to `direct_download`.
type FileSearchListEmbedded ¶
type FileSearchListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*FileSearchResult `json:"items"` }
FileSearchListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type FileSearchListLinks ¶
type FileSearchListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
FileSearchListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type FileSearchResponse ¶
type FileSearchResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *FileSearchListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *FileSearchListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
FileSearchResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type FileSearchResult ¶
type FileSearchResult struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ListFileVersionsHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The full file path. Path *string `json:"path"` // The Clumio-assigned ID representing a collection of one or more versions of the same // file backed up at different times. This ID cannot be used to restore the // file. To restore the file, use the // [GET /backups/files/search/{search_result_id}/versions](#operation/list-file-versions) // endpoint to retrieve particular versions of this file that can be restored. // Then, use the backup ID, filesystem ID, and file path as parameters for the // [POST /restores/files](#operation/restore-files) endpoint. SearchResultId *string `json:"search_result_id"` }
FileSearchResult represents a custom type struct
type FileSystem ¶
type FileSystem struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Links *HateoasCommonLinks `json:"_links"` // The amount of available memory on the filesystem in bytes. Does not include // reserved memory. Available *uint64 `json:"available"` // The filesystem UUID produced by the `lsblk` linux command. If this filesystem // was not given a UUID in the host environment, then this field has a value of // `null`. FilesystemNativeId *string `json:"filesystem_native_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the filesystem. Id *string `json:"id"` // The reason why file indexing failed. If file indexing succeeded, then this field // has a value of `null`. Possible values include "unsupported" and "encrypted". IndexingFailedReason *string `json:"indexing_failed_reason"` // Determines whether the file system was encrypted. IsEncrypted *bool `json:"is_encrypted"` // Determines whether the file system has been indexed. // If `true`, file indexing completed successfully. IsIndexed *bool `json:"is_indexed"` // The location of this filesystem in the host environment. Only identifies mount // points that correspond to Windows drive letters. All other mount points are // identified by a '/'. MountPath *string `json:"mount_path"` // The total amount of memory available to the filesystem in bytes. Size *uint64 `json:"size"` // The type of the filesystem. This field is populated with values returned from // the lsblk command. Possible values include `ntfs`, `xfs`, and `ext3`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The amount of memory used by the filesystem in bytes. Used *uint64 `json:"used"` }
FileSystem represents a custom type struct
type FileSystemListEmbedded ¶
type FileSystemListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*FileSystem `json:"items"` }
FileSystemListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. _embedded contains the list of items of a file_system list query
type FileSystemListLinks ¶
type FileSystemListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
FileSystemListLinks represents a custom type struct. _links provides URLs to related navigable pages of a file_system list query
type FileVersion ¶
type FileVersion struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *FileVersionHateoas `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the backup. BackupId *string `json:"backup_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the filesystem within which to restore the file. Use // [ GET /backups/files/search/{search_result_id}/versions](#operation/list-file-versions) // to fetch the value. FilesystemId *string `json:"filesystem_id"` // The timestamp of the last time the file was modified. Represented in RFC-3339 format. ModifiedTimestamp *string `json:"modified_timestamp"` // The path of the file to be restored. Use // [GET /backups/files/search](#operation/list-files) to fetch the value. Path *string `json:"path"` // The size of the file in bytes. Size *int64 `json:"size"` // The timestamp of when the backup associated with this file started. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` }
FileVersion represents a custom type struct
type FileVersionHateoas ¶
type FileVersionHateoas struct { // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. RestoreFiles *HateoasLink `json:"restore-files"` }
FileVersionHateoas represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type FileVersionsListEmbedded ¶
type FileVersionsListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*FileVersion `json:"items"` }
FileVersionsListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type FileVersionsListLinks ¶
type FileVersionsListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
FileVersionsListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type FolderEmbedded ¶
type FolderEmbedded struct { // Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy. ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"` // Embeds the compliance statistics of VMs into each vCenter resource in the response, if requested using the `_embed` query parameter. ReadVmwareVcenterFolderComplianceStats interface{} `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-folder-compliance-stats"` }
FolderEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type FolderLinks ¶
type FolderLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to the compliance statistics of VMs in the folders and subfolders of this vCenter resource. ReadVmwareVcenterFolderComplianceStats *ReadVCenterObjectProtectionStatsHateoasLink `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-folder-compliance-stats"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
FolderLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type FolderListEmbedded ¶
type FolderListEmbedded struct { // FolderWithETag to support etag string to be calculated Items []*FolderWithETag `json:"items"` }
FolderListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type FolderListLinks ¶
type FolderListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
FolderListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type FolderWithETag ¶
type FolderWithETag struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *FolderEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *FolderLinks `json:"_links"` // The data center associated with this folder. Datacenter *VMwareVCenterFolderDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // Count of all descendant folders inside this folder DescendantFolderCount *int64 `json:"descendant_folder_count"` // Determines whether the folder has direct child folders. HasChildFolders *bool `json:"has_child_folders"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the folder is a hidden root folder. If `true`, the folder is a hidden root folder. IsRoot *bool `json:"is_root"` // Determines whether the folder can be used as a restore destination. If `true`, the folder can be used as a restore destination, and backups can be restored to the folder. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The VMware-assigned name of the folder. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the folder. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The parent folder under which this folder resides. ParentFolder *VMwareVCenterParentFolderModel `json:"parent_folder"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of this folder. Refer to the Protection Status table for a complete list of protection statuses. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The folder type. Examples of folder types include "datacenter_folder" and "vm_folder". Refer to the Folder Type table for a complete list of folder types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
FolderWithETag represents a custom type struct. FolderWithETag to support etag string to be calculated
type GeneralSettingsLinks ¶
type GeneralSettingsLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. UpdateGeneralSettings *HateoasLink `json:"update-general-settings"` }
GeneralSettingsLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type HateoasCommonLinks ¶
type HateoasCommonLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
HateoasCommonLinks represents a custom type struct
type HateoasFirstLink ¶
type HateoasFirstLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
HateoasFirstLink represents a custom type struct. The HATEOAS link to the first page of results.
type HateoasLastLink ¶
type HateoasLastLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
HateoasLastLink represents a custom type struct. The HATEOAS link to the last page of results.
type HateoasLink ¶
type HateoasLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
HateoasLink represents a custom type struct. A resource-specific HATEOAS link.
type HateoasNextLink ¶
type HateoasNextLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
HateoasNextLink represents a custom type struct. The HATEOAS link to the next page of results.
type HateoasPrevLink ¶
type HateoasPrevLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
HateoasPrevLink represents a custom type struct. The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results.
type HateoasSelfLink ¶
type HateoasSelfLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
HateoasSelfLink represents a custom type struct. The HATEOAS link to this resource.
type Host ¶
type Host struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *HostLinks `json:"_links"` // The endpoints discovered post the host connection of the host. DiscoveredEndpoints []*string `json:"discovered_endpoints"` // The Current MSI version of the edge connector installed in the host. EdgeConnectorVersion *string `json:"edge_connector_version"` // The user-provided endpoint used to connect the host. Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group associated with the host. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Host. Id *string `json:"id"` // The timestamp of the last successful heartbeat of this host. Represented in RFC-3339 format. LastHeartbeatTimestamp *string `json:"last_heartbeat_timestamp"` // Name of the Host. Name *string `json:"name"` // The operational status of the Host. Possible values include `upgrade_in_progress`, `upgrade_success`, `upgrade_failed`, `delete_in_progress`, `delete_failed`, `move_in_progress`, `move_succeeded` and `move_failed`. OperationalStatus *string `json:"operational_status"` // The connection status of the Host. Possible values include `connected`, `disconnected`, `connection_pending`, and `invalid_token`. Status *string `json:"status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the subgroup associated with the host. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` // The Clumio-assigned UUID of the host. This UUID is used for filtering hosts during list operations. Uuid *string `json:"uuid"` }
Host represents a custom type struct
type HostIDModel ¶
type HostIDModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the host. Id *string `json:"id"` }
HostIDModel represents a custom type struct
type HostLinks ¶
type HostLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
HostLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type HostListEmbedded ¶
type HostListEmbedded struct { // HostWithETag to support etag string to be calculated Items []*HostWithETag `json:"items"` }
HostListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type HostListLinks ¶
type HostListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
HostListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type HostWithETag ¶
type HostWithETag struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *HostLinks `json:"_links"` // The VMware compute resource representing the host. ComputeResource *VMwareVCenterHostComputeResourceModel `json:"compute_resource"` // The connection state of the host as seen through the vCenter server. Examples include "connected", "disconnected", and "not_responding". ConnectionState *string `json:"connection_state"` // The data center in which the host resides. Datacenter *VMwareVCenterHostDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the host. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the host has been placed in maintenance mode as seen through the vCenter server. If `true`, the host is in maintenance mode. IsInMaintenanceMode *bool `json:"is_in_maintenance_mode"` // Determines whether the host has been placed in quarantine mode as seen through the vCenter server. If `true`, the host is in quarantine mode. IsInQuarantineMode *bool `json:"is_in_quarantine_mode"` // Determines whether the host is a standalone host. If `true`, the host is a standalone host. IsStandalone *bool `json:"is_standalone"` // Determines whether the host can be used as a restore destination. If `true`, the host can be used as a restore destination and backups can be restored to the host. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The VMware-assigned name of the host. Name *string `json:"name"` // The power state of the host as seen through the vCenter server. Examples include "powered_off", "powered_on", and "standby". PowerState *string `json:"power_state"` }
HostWithETag represents a custom type struct. HostWithETag to support etag string to be calculated
type IndividualAlertDetails ¶
type IndividualAlertDetails struct { // A brief description of the condition that caused the alert. Examples include "Size Limit Exceeded" and "Insufficient Cloud Connector Capacity". Cause *string `json:"cause"` // A detailed description of the alert, including the reason why the alert occurred // and the steps you must take to resolve the issue. Description *string `json:"description"` // The general alert category. Examples include "Policy Violated" and "Restore Failed". ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // Data specific to the alert generated. If the alert has no variables, then this // field has a value of `null`. Variables map[string]*string `json:"variables"` }
IndividualAlertDetails represents a custom type struct. Additional information about the alert.
type InheritedFrom ¶
type InheritedFrom struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the item. Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the folder. Name *string `json:"name"` // VCenterObjectType denotes the VCenter object type Objecttype *string `json:"objectType"` }
InheritedFrom represents a custom type struct
type ListAWSConnectionsResponse ¶
type ListAWSConnectionsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AWSConnectionListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AWSConnectionListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
ListAWSConnectionsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListAWSEnvironmentsResponse ¶
type ListAWSEnvironmentsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AWSEnvironmentListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AWSEnvironmentListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
ListAWSEnvironmentsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListAWSRegionsResponse ¶
type ListAWSRegionsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ConnectionRegionListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ConnectionRegionListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
ListAWSRegionsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListAlertsResponse ¶
type ListAlertsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AlertListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AlertListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The sort order used in the request. SortApplied *string `json:"sort_applied"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListAlertsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListAuditTrailsResponse ¶
type ListAuditTrailsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AuditTrailListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AuditTrailListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListAuditTrailsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListAwsTagsResponse ¶
type ListAwsTagsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AwsTagListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AwsTagListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListAwsTagsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListComputeResourcesResponse ¶
type ListComputeResourcesResponse struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Computeresourcefolders []*VCenterFolder `json:"computeResourceFolders"` // TODO: Add struct field description Computeresources []*VCenterComputeResource `json:"computeResources"` }
ListComputeResourcesResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListConsolidatedAlertsResponse ¶
type ListConsolidatedAlertsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ConsolidatedAlertListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ConsolidatedAlertListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListConsolidatedAlertsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListDatacentersResponse ¶
type ListDatacentersResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *DatacenterListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *DatacenterListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListDatacentersResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListEBSBackupsResponseV1 ¶
type ListEBSBackupsResponseV1 struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *EBSBackupListEmbeddedV1 `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *EBSBackupListLinksV1 `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListEBSBackupsResponseV1 represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListEbsVolumesResponse ¶
type ListEbsVolumesResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *EbsVolumeListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *EbsVolumeListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListEbsVolumesResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListFileSystemsResponse ¶
type ListFileSystemsResponse struct { // _embedded contains the list of items of a file_system list query Embedded *FileSystemListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // _links provides URLs to related navigable pages of a file_system list query Links *FileSystemListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListFileSystemsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListFileVersionsHateoasLink ¶
type ListFileVersionsHateoasLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
ListFileVersionsHateoasLink represents a custom type struct. A HATEOAS link to the file versions associated with this resource.
type ListFileVersionsHateoasLinks ¶
type ListFileVersionsHateoasLinks struct { // A HATEOAS link to the file versions associated with this resource. ListFileVersions *ListFileVersionsHateoasLink `json:"list-file-versions"` }
ListFileVersionsHateoasLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type ListFoldersResponse ¶
type ListFoldersResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *FolderListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *FolderListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListFoldersResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListHcmHostsResponse ¶
type ListHcmHostsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *HostListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *HostListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
ListHcmHostsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListHostsResponse ¶
type ListHostsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *HostListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *HostListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListHostsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListManagementGroupsResponse ¶
type ListManagementGroupsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ManagementGroupListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ManagementGroupListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The total count of groups upto 10. Any number of groups beyond 10 will // still be returned as 10. MinCount *int64 `json:"min_count"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
ListManagementGroupsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListMssqlAGsResponse ¶
type ListMssqlAGsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlAGListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlAGListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListMssqlAGsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListMssqlDatabaseBackupsResponse ¶
type ListMssqlDatabaseBackupsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlDatabaseBackupListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlDatabaseBackupListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListMssqlDatabaseBackupsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListMssqlDatabasePitrIntervalsResponse ¶
type ListMssqlDatabasePitrIntervalsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
ListMssqlDatabasePitrIntervalsResponse represents a custom type struct. ListMssqlDatabasePitrIntervalsResponse represents the success response
type ListMssqlDatabasesResponse ¶
type ListMssqlDatabasesResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlDatabaseListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlDatabaseListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListMssqlDatabasesResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListMssqlHostsResponse ¶
type ListMssqlHostsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlHostListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlHostListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListMssqlHostsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListMssqlInstancesResponse ¶
type ListMssqlInstancesResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlInstanceListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlInstanceListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListMssqlInstancesResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListOrganizationalUnitsResponse ¶
type ListOrganizationalUnitsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *OrganizationalUnitListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *OrganizationalUnitListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListOrganizationalUnitsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListPoliciesResponse ¶
type ListPoliciesResponse struct { // An array of embedded resources related to this resource. Embedded *PolicyListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *PolicyListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
ListPoliciesResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListReportDownloadsResponse ¶
type ListReportDownloadsResponse struct { // _embedded contains the list of items of a list report CSV download query Embedded *ReportDownloadListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // _links provides URLs to related navigable pages of a list report CSV download query Links *ReportDownloadListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListReportDownloadsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListReportDownloadsV1Request ¶
type ListReportDownloadsV1Request struct { // // +-----------------+------------------+-----------------------------------------+ // | Field | Filter Condition | Description | // +=================+==================+=========================================+ // | start_timestamp | $gte, $lt | Start timestamp denotes the time filter | // | | | for listing report CSV downloads. | // | | | $gte and $lt accept RFC-3999 | // | | | timestamps. For example, | // | | | | // | | | "filter":"{"start_timestamp":{"$gt":"20 | // | | | 19-10-12T07:20:50.52Z"}}" | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------+------------------+-----------------------------------------+ // | report_type | $in | | // | | | Filter report downloaded records whose | // | | | type is one of the given values. The | // | | | possible values are: "activity", | // | | | "compliance". | // | | | | // | | | filter={"report_type":{"$in":["complian | // | | | ce"]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------+------------------+-----------------------------------------+ // // For more information about filtering, refer to the // Filtering section of this guide. // in: query Filter *string `json:"filter"` // Limits the size of the response on each page to the specified number of items. // in: query Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // Sets the page number used to browse the collection. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `start=1`). // in: query Start *string `json:"start"` }
ListReportDownloadsV1Request represents a custom type struct
type ListResourcePoolsResponse ¶
type ListResourcePoolsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ResourcePoolListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ResourcePoolListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListResourcePoolsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListRolesResponse ¶
type ListRolesResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *RoleListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *RoleListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListRolesResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListSubgroupsResponse ¶
type ListSubgroupsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *SubgroupListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *SubgroupListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The total count of subgroups upto 20. Any number of subgroups beyond 20 // will still be returned as 20. MinCount *int64 `json:"min_count"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
ListSubgroupsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListTagCategories2Response ¶
type ListTagCategories2Response struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource Embedded *TagCategory2ListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource Links *TagCategory2ListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListTagCategories2Response represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListTagsResponse ¶
type ListTagsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *Tag2ListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *Tag2ListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListTagsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListTasksResponse ¶
type ListTasksResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *TaskListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *TaskListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListTasksResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListUsersResponse ¶
type ListUsersResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *UserListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *UserListHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListUsersResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListVMBackupsResponse ¶
type ListVMBackupsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *VMBackupListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMBackupListHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListVMBackupsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListVMwareDatastoresResponse ¶
type ListVMwareDatastoresResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *VMwareDatastoreListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareDatastoreListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListVMwareDatastoresResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListVMwareVCenterNetworksResponse ¶
type ListVMwareVCenterNetworksResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *VMwareVCenterNetworkListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareVCenterNetworkListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListVMwareVCenterNetworksResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListVcentersResponse ¶
type ListVcentersResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *VcenterListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VcenterListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListVcentersResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ListVmsResponse ¶
type ListVmsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *VmListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VmListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The filter used in the request. The filter includes both manually-specified and system-generated filters. FilterApplied *string `json:"filter_applied"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
ListVmsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type M365GroupingCriteria ¶
type M365GroupingCriteria struct { // Determines whether or not this data group is editable. If false, then an // organizational unit uses this data group. // To edit this data group, all organizational units using it must be deleted. IsEditable *bool `json:"is_editable"` // The entity type used to group organizational units for Microsoft 365 resources. // // +---------------------+------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +=====================+========================+ // | microsoft365_domain | Microsoft 365 account. | // +---------------------+------------------------+ // | microsoft365_group | Microsoft 365 group. | // +---------------------+------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
M365GroupingCriteria represents a custom type struct. The entity type used to group organizational units for Microsoft 365 resources.
type ManagementGroup ¶
type ManagementGroup struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ManagementGroupLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group. Id *string `json:"id"` // The name of the management group. Name *string `json:"name"` // The type of the management group. Possible values include `on_prem`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the vCenter server associated with the management group. // All management groups are associated with a vCenter server. VcenterId *string `json:"vcenter_id"` }
ManagementGroup represents a custom type struct
type ManagementGroupLinks ¶
type ManagementGroupLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ListManagementSubgroups *HateoasLink `json:"list-management-subgroups"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. UpdateManagementGroup *HateoasLink `json:"update-management-group"` }
ManagementGroupLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type ManagementGroupListEmbedded ¶
type ManagementGroupListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*ManagementGroup `json:"items"` }
ManagementGroupListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type ManagementGroupListLinks ¶
type ManagementGroupListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
ManagementGroupListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MoveHcmHostsResponse ¶
type MoveHcmHostsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MoveHostsLinks `json:"_links"` // TaskID for MoveHostsReq TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` }
MoveHcmHostsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type MoveHostsLinks ¶
type MoveHostsLinks struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
MoveHostsLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MoveHostsSource ¶
type MoveHostsSource struct { // Endpoints of hosts to be deleted Endpoints []*string `json:"endpoints"` // Performs the operation on a host within the specified group id. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // Performs the operation on a host within the specified subgroup id. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` }
MoveHostsSource represents a custom type struct. The hosts to be moved to a different management subgroup.
type MoveHostsTarget ¶
type MoveHostsTarget struct { // Performs the operation on a host within the specified group id. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // Performs the operation on a host within the specified subgroup id. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` }
MoveHostsTarget represents a custom type struct. The target configuration of the hosts to be moved.
type MoveMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request ¶
type MoveMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request struct { // The hosts to be moved to a different management subgroup. Source *MoveHostsSource `json:"source"` // The target configuration of the hosts to be moved. Target *MoveHostsTarget `json:"target"` }
MoveMssqlHostConnectionsV1Request represents a custom type struct
type MssqlAG ¶
type MssqlAG struct { // MssqlAGEmbedded is embed of MSSQL Availability Groups // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlAGEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlAGLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the availability group. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Microsoft SQL-assigned name of the availability group. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the availability group. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The status of the availability group, Possible values include 'active' and 'inactive'. Status *string `json:"status"` }
MssqlAG represents a custom type struct
type MssqlAGEmbedded ¶
type MssqlAGEmbedded struct { // availability group level stats contains compliant database stats GetMssqlAvailabilityGroupStats interface{} `json:"get-mssql-availability-group-stats"` // Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy. ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"` }
MssqlAGEmbedded represents a custom type struct. MssqlAGEmbedded is embed of MSSQL Availability Groups Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlAGLinks ¶
type MssqlAGLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. GetMssqlAvailabilityGroupStats *HateoasLink `json:"get-mssql-availability-group-stats"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
MssqlAGLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlAGListEmbedded ¶
type MssqlAGListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*MssqlAG `json:"items"` }
MssqlAGListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlAGListLinks ¶
type MssqlAGListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
MssqlAGListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlDatabase ¶
type MssqlDatabase struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlDatabaseEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *DatabaseLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the availability group. It is null in case of a standalone database. AvailabilityGroupId *string `json:"availability_group_id"` // The Microsoft SQL assigned name of the availability group. It is null in case of a standalone database. AvailabilityGroupName *string `json:"availability_group_name"` // The policy compliance status of the resource. If the database is not protected, // then this field has a value of `null`. Refer to // // the Compliance Status table // // for a complete list of compliance statuses. ComplianceStatus *string `json:"compliance_status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the group to which the standalone database belongs, in case of an // availability group database it will be empty. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The user-provided endpoint of the host containing the given database. HostEndpoint *string `json:"host_endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the host containing the given database. HostId *string `json:"host_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Database. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the instance containing the given database. InstanceId *string `json:"instance_id"` // The name of the Microsoft SQL instance containing the given database. InstanceName *string `json:"instance_name"` // is_supported is true if Clumio supports backup of the database. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The timestamp of the last time this database was full backed up. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this database has never been backed up, // this field has a value of `null`. LastBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_backup_timestamp"` // The timestamp of the last time this database was log backed up in Bulk Recovery Model. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this database has never been backed up, // this field has a value of `null`. LastBulkRecoveryModelLogBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_bulk_recovery_model_log_backup_timestamp"` // The timestamp of the last time this database was log backed up in Full Recovery Model. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this database has never been backed up, // this field has a value of `null`. LastFullRecoveryModelLogBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_full_recovery_model_log_backup_timestamp"` // The name of the Database. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the database. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // recovery_model is the recovery model of the database. Possible values include 'simple_recovery_model', // 'bulk_recovery_model', and 'full_recovery_model'. RecoveryModel *string `json:"recovery_model"` // The size of the Database. Size *float64 `json:"size"` // The status of the database, Possible values include 'active' and 'inactive'. Status *string `json:"status"` // subgroup id is the id of the Subgroup where this database belongs, in case of AG database // it will be empty. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` // The type of the database. Possible values include 'availability_group_database' and 'standalone_database'. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // unsupported_reason is the reason why Clumio doesn't support backup of such database, // possible values include 'filestream_enabled_database'. UnsupportedReason *string `json:"unsupported_reason"` }
MssqlDatabase represents a custom type struct
type MssqlDatabaseBackup ¶
type MssqlDatabaseBackup struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlDatabaseBackupEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlDatabaseBackupLinks `json:"_links"` // TODO: Add struct field description DatabaseFiles []*MssqlDatabaseFile `json:"database_files"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the database associated with this backup. DatabaseId *string `json:"database_id"` // The Microsoft SQL database engine at the time of backup. Engine *string `json:"engine"` // The Microsoft SQL database engine version at the time of backup. EngineVersion *string `json:"engine_version"` // The timestamp of when this backup expires. Represented in RFC-3339 format. ExpirationTimestamp *string `json:"expiration_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group associated with the database at the time of backup. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The user-provided endpoint of the host containing the given database at the time of backup. HostEndpoint *string `json:"host_endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the host associated with the database at the time of backup. HostId *string `json:"host_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the backup. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Clumio-assigned instance id at the time of backup. InstanceId *string `json:"instance_id"` // The instance name at the time of backup. InstanceName *string `json:"instance_name"` // The timestamp of when this backup started. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup associated with the database at the time of backup. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` // The type of backup. Possible values include `mssql_database_backup`, `mssql_log_backup_full_recovery_model` and `mssql_log_backup_bulk_logged_model`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
MssqlDatabaseBackup represents a custom type struct
type MssqlDatabaseBackupEmbedded ¶
type MssqlDatabaseBackupEmbedded struct { // Embedded types ReadManagementGroup interface{} `json:"read-management-group"` // Embedded types ReadManagementSubgroup interface{} `json:"read-management-subgroup"` }
MssqlDatabaseBackupEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlDatabaseBackupLinks ¶
type MssqlDatabaseBackupLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadManagementGroup *HateoasLink `json:"read-management-group"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadManagementSubgroup *HateoasLink `json:"read-management-subgroup"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. RestoreMssqlDatabase *HateoasLink `json:"restore-mssql-database"` }
MssqlDatabaseBackupLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlDatabaseBackupListEmbedded ¶
type MssqlDatabaseBackupListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*MssqlDatabaseBackup `json:"items"` }
MssqlDatabaseBackupListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlDatabaseBackupListLinks ¶
type MssqlDatabaseBackupListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
MssqlDatabaseBackupListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlDatabaseEmbedded ¶
type MssqlDatabaseEmbedded struct { // Embedded types ReadManagementGroup interface{} `json:"read-management-group"` // Embedded types ReadManagementSubgroup interface{} `json:"read-management-subgroup"` // Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy. ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"` }
MssqlDatabaseEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlDatabaseFile ¶
type MssqlDatabaseFile struct { // The name of the database file. Name *string `json:"name"` // The type of the database file. Possible values include sql_row_file and sql_log_file. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
MssqlDatabaseFile represents a custom type struct
type MssqlDatabaseListEmbedded ¶
type MssqlDatabaseListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*MssqlDatabase `json:"items"` }
MssqlDatabaseListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlDatabaseListLinks ¶
type MssqlDatabaseListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. CreateMssqlHostConnections *HateoasLink `json:"create-mssql-host-connections"` }
MssqlDatabaseListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlDatabasePitrInterval ¶
type MssqlDatabasePitrInterval struct { // End timestamp of the interval. Represented in RFC-3339 format. EndTimestamp *string `json:"end_timestamp"` // Start timestamp of the interval. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` }
MssqlDatabasePitrInterval represents a custom type struct
type MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListEmbedded ¶
type MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*MssqlDatabasePitrInterval `json:"items"` }
MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListLinks ¶
type MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
MssqlDatabasePitrIntervalListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlHost ¶
type MssqlHost struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlHostEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlHostLinks `json:"_links"` // The user-provided endpoint of the host containing the given database. Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group to which the host belongs. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // Determines whether or not an availability group is present in the host. HasAssociatedAvailabilityGroup *bool `json:"has_associated_availability_group"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Host. Id *string `json:"id"` // The number of instances present in the host. InstanceCount *int64 `json:"instance_count"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the host. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The status of the Host, Possible values include 'active' and 'inactive'. Status *string `json:"status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup to which the host belongs. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` }
MssqlHost represents a custom type struct
type MssqlHostEmbedded ¶
type MssqlHostEmbedded struct { // host level stats GetMssqlHostStats interface{} `json:"get-mssql-host-stats"` // Embedded types ReadManagementGroup interface{} `json:"read-management-group"` // Embedded types ReadManagementSubgroup interface{} `json:"read-management-subgroup"` // Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy. ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"` }
MssqlHostEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlHostLinks ¶
type MssqlHostLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. GetMssqlHostStats *HateoasLink `json:"get-mssql-host-stats"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadManagementGroup *HateoasLink `json:"read-management-group"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadManagementSubgroup *HateoasLink `json:"read-management-subgroup"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
MssqlHostLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlHostListEmbedded ¶
type MssqlHostListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*MssqlHost `json:"items"` }
MssqlHostListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlHostListLinks ¶
type MssqlHostListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. CreateMssqlHostConnections *HateoasLink `json:"create-mssql-host-connections"` }
MssqlHostListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlInstance ¶
type MssqlInstance struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlInstanceEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlInstanceLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group to which the host belongs. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The boolean value represents if availability group is present in the instance. HasAssociatedAvailabilityGroup *bool `json:"has_associated_availability_group"` // The user-provided endpoint of the host containing the given database. HostEndpoint *string `json:"host_endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the host, containing the instance. HostId *string `json:"host_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Instance. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Microsoft SQL assigned name of the instance. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the instance. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // Product Version of the instance. ProductVersion *string `json:"product_version"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The Microsoft SQL assigned server name of the instance. ServerName *string `json:"server_name"` // The status of the Instance, Possible values include 'active' and 'inactive'. Status *string `json:"status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup to which the host belongs. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` }
MssqlInstance represents a custom type struct
type MssqlInstanceEmbedded ¶
type MssqlInstanceEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description GetMssqlInstanceStats interface{} `json:"get-mssql-instance-stats"` // Embedded types ReadManagementGroup interface{} `json:"read-management-group"` // Embedded types ReadManagementSubgroup interface{} `json:"read-management-subgroup"` // Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy. ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"` }
MssqlInstanceEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlInstanceLinks ¶
type MssqlInstanceLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. GetMssqlInstanceStats *HateoasLink `json:"get-mssql-instance-stats"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadManagementGroup *HateoasLink `json:"read-management-group"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadManagementSubgroup *HateoasLink `json:"read-management-subgroup"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
MssqlInstanceLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlInstanceListEmbedded ¶
type MssqlInstanceListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*MssqlInstance `json:"items"` }
MssqlInstanceListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type MssqlInstanceListLinks ¶
type MssqlInstanceListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
MssqlInstanceListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type MssqlPITROptions ¶
type MssqlPITROptions struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the MSSQL database to be restored. // Use the [GET /datasources/mssql/databases](#operation/list-mssql-databases) // endpoint to fetch valid values. DatabaseId *string `json:"database_id"` // The point in time to be restored in RFC-3339 format. Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp"` }
MssqlPITROptions represents a custom type struct. A database and a point-in-time to be restored. Only one of `backup` or `pitr` should be specified.
type MssqlRestoreFromBackupOptions ¶
type MssqlRestoreFromBackupOptions struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the backup to be restored. // Use the [GET /backups/mssql/databases](#operation/list-backup-mssql-databases) // endpoint to fetch valid values. BackupId *string `json:"backup_id"` }
MssqlRestoreFromBackupOptions represents a custom type struct. The MSSQL database backup to be restored. Only one of `backup` or `pitr` should be specified.
type MssqlRestoreSource ¶
type MssqlRestoreSource struct { // The MSSQL database backup to be restored. Only one of `backup` or `pitr` // should be specified. Backup *MssqlRestoreFromBackupOptions `json:"backup"` // A database and a point-in-time to be restored. Only one of `backup` or // `pitr` should be specified. Pitr *MssqlPITROptions `json:"pitr"` }
MssqlRestoreSource represents a custom type struct. The MSSQL database backup to be restored. Only one of `backup` or `pitr` should be set.
type MssqlRestoreTarget ¶
type MssqlRestoreTarget struct { // The target location within the instance to restore data files. For example, // `C:\\Programe Files\clumio\restored-data-files\`. If this field is empty, we // will restore data files into the same location as the source database. DataFilesPath *string `json:"data_files_path"` // The user-assigned name of the database. DatabaseName *string `json:"database_name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the instance to restore the database into. // Use the [GET /datasources/mssql/instances](#operation/list-mssql-instances) to fetch valid values. InstanceId *string `json:"instance_id"` // The target location within the instance to restore log files. For example, // `C:\\Programe Files\clumio\restored-log-files\`. If this field is empty, we // will restore log files into the same location as the source database. LogFilesPath *string `json:"log_files_path"` }
MssqlRestoreTarget represents a custom type struct. The configuration of the MSSQL database to which the data has to be restored.
type OUGroupingCriteria ¶
type OUGroupingCriteria struct { // The entity type used to group organizational units for AWS resources. Aws *AwsDsGroupingCriteria `json:"aws"` // The entity type used to group organizational units for Microsoft 365 resources. Microsoft365 *M365GroupingCriteria `json:"microsoft365"` // The entity type used to group organizational units for VMware resources. Vmware *VMwareDsGroupingCriteria `json:"vmware"` }
OUGroupingCriteria represents a custom type struct. The grouping criteria for each datasource type. These can only be edited for datasource types which do not have any organizational units configured.
type OnDemandMssqlBackupResponse ¶
type OnDemandMssqlBackupResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_embedded"` // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` }
OnDemandMssqlBackupResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type OrganizationalUnitLinks ¶
type OrganizationalUnitLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. DeleteOrganizationalUnit *HateoasLink `json:"delete-organizational-unit"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. PatchOrganizationalUnit *HateoasLink `json:"patch-organizational-unit"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadTask *HateoasLink `json:"read-task"` }
OrganizationalUnitLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type OrganizationalUnitListEmbedded ¶
type OrganizationalUnitListEmbedded struct { // OrganizationalUnitWithETag to support etag string to be calculated Items []*OrganizationalUnitWithETag `json:"items"` }
OrganizationalUnitListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type OrganizationalUnitListLinks ¶
type OrganizationalUnitListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
OrganizationalUnitListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type OrganizationalUnitParentEntity ¶
type OrganizationalUnitParentEntity struct { // The Clumio assigned ID of the entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The entity type. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
OrganizationalUnitParentEntity represents a custom type struct. The parent object of the primary entity associated with the organizational unit. For example, "vmware_vcenter" is the parent entity of primary entity "vmware_vm_folder". The parent object is necessary for VMware entities and can be omitted for other data sources.
type OrganizationalUnitPrimaryEntity ¶
type OrganizationalUnitPrimaryEntity struct { // The Clumio assigned ID of the entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The entity type. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
OrganizationalUnitPrimaryEntity represents a custom type struct. The primary object associated with the organizational unit. Examples of primary entities include "aws_environment" and "vmware_vm".
type OrganizationalUnitWithETag ¶
type OrganizationalUnitWithETag struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *EntityGroupEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // ETag value Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *OrganizationalUnitLinks `json:"_links"` // Number of immediate children of the organizational unit. ChildrenCount *int64 `json:"children_count"` // Datasource types configured in this organizational unit. Possible values include `aws`, `microsoft365`, `vmware`, or `mssql`. ConfiguredDatasourceTypes []*string `json:"configured_datasource_types"` // List of all recursive descendant organizational units of this OU. DescendantIds []*string `json:"descendant_ids"` // A description of the organizational unit. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio assigned ID of the organizational unit. Id *string `json:"id"` // Unique name assigned to the organizational unit. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio assigned ID of the parent organizational unit. // The parent organizational unit contains the entities in this organizational unit and can update this organizational unit. // If this organizational unit is the global organizational unit, then this field has a value of `null`. ParentId *string `json:"parent_id"` // Number of users to whom this organizational unit or any of its descendants have been assigned. UserCount *int64 `json:"user_count"` // Users IDs to whom the organizational unit has been assigned. // This attribute will be available when reading a single OU and not when listing OUs. Users []*string `json:"users"` }
OrganizationalUnitWithETag represents a custom type struct. OrganizationalUnitWithETag to support etag string to be calculated
type PatchGeneralSettingsResponseV2 ¶
type PatchGeneralSettingsResponseV2 struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *GeneralSettingsLinks `json:"_links"` // The length of time before a user is logged out of the Clumio system due to inactivity. Measured in seconds. // The valid range is between `600` seconds (10 minutes) and `3600` seconds (60 minutes). // If not configured, the value defaults to `900` seconds (15 minutes). AutoLogoutDuration *int64 `json:"auto_logout_duration"` // The designated range of IP addresses that are allowed to access the Clumio REST API. // API requests that originate from outside this list will be blocked. // The IP address of the server from which this request is being made must be in this list; otherwise, the request will fail. // Set the parameter to individual IP addresses and/or a range of IP addresses in CIDR notation. // For example, `["", ""]`. // If not configured, the value defaults to [""] meaning all addresses will be allowed. IpAllowlist []*string `json:"ip_allowlist"` // The grouping criteria for each datasource type. // These can only be edited for datasource types which do not have any // organizational units configured. OrganizationalUnitDataGroups *OUGroupingCriteria `json:"organizational_unit_data_groups"` // The length of time a user password is valid before it must be changed. Measured in seconds. // The valid range is between `2592000` seconds (30 days) and `15552000` seconds (180 days). // If not configured, the value defaults to `7776000` seconds (90 days). PasswordExpirationDuration *int64 `json:"password_expiration_duration"` }
PatchGeneralSettingsResponseV2 represents a custom type struct for Success
type PatchOrganizationalUnitResponse ¶
type PatchOrganizationalUnitResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *EntityGroupEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *OrganizationalUnitLinks `json:"_links"` // Number of immediate children of the organizational unit. ChildrenCount *int64 `json:"children_count"` // Datasource types configured in this organizational unit. Possible values include `aws`, `microsoft365`, `vmware`, or `mssql`. ConfiguredDatasourceTypes []*string `json:"configured_datasource_types"` // List of all recursive descendant organizational units of this OU. DescendantIds []*string `json:"descendant_ids"` // A description of the organizational unit. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio assigned ID of the organizational unit. Id *string `json:"id"` // Unique name assigned to the organizational unit. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio assigned ID of the parent organizational unit. // The parent organizational unit contains the entities in this organizational unit and can update this organizational unit. // If this organizational unit is the global organizational unit, then this field has a value of `null`. ParentId *string `json:"parent_id"` // Number of users to whom this organizational unit or any of its descendants have been assigned. UserCount *int64 `json:"user_count"` // Users IDs to whom the organizational unit has been assigned. // This attribute will be available when reading a single OU and not when listing OUs. Users []*string `json:"users"` }
PatchOrganizationalUnitResponse represents a custom type struct. Accepted
type PatchOrganizationalUnitV1Request ¶
type PatchOrganizationalUnitV1Request struct { // A description of the organizational unit. Description *string `json:"description"` // Updates to the entities in the organizational unit. Entities *UpdateEntities `json:"entities"` // Unique name assigned to the organizational unit. Name *string `json:"name"` // Updates to the user assignments. Users *UpdateUserAssignments `json:"users"` }
PatchOrganizationalUnitV1Request represents a custom type struct
type PermissionModel ¶
type PermissionModel struct { // Description of the permission. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the permission. Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the permission. // The following table lists the supported permissions for a role: // // +----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ // | Permission Name | Full/Partial Applicable | // +====================================================+=========================+ // | Policy Management | Yes | // +----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ // | Data Source Management | Yes | // +----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ // | Perform Backup (Scheduled or On-demand) | Yes | // +----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ // | Regular Restore | No | // +----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ // | Redirected Granular Restore (things like GRR & | Yes | // | content download) | | // +----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ // | Dashboards & Reports | Yes | // +----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ // | Some Admin Functions (User mgmt, SSO/MFA, IP | No | // | Allow, Password expiry, OU, KMS) | | // +----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ // | Other Admin Functions (API Tokens, Tasks, Alerts | Yes | // | and Audit Logs) | | // +----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ // Name *string `json:"name"` }
PermissionModel represents a custom type struct
type Policy ¶
type Policy struct { // If the `embed` query parameter is set, displays the responses of the related resource, // as defined by the embeddable link specified. Embedded *PolicyEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *PolicyLinks `json:"_links"` // The status of the policy. // Refer to the Policy Activation Status table for a complete list of policy statuses. ActivationStatus *string `json:"activation_status"` // The Clumio-assigned IDs of the organizational units to whom the policy has been assigned. AssignedOrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"assigned_organizational_unit_ids"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the policy. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the possible lock statuses of a policy. // // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Status | Description | // +==========+===================================================================+ // | unlocked | Policies are unlocked until an update or deletion task is queued. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | updating | During a policy edit, concurrent edits or deletion requests will | // | | be rejected. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | deleting | During policy deletion, concurrent edits or deletion requests | // | | will be rejected. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // LockStatus *string `json:"lock_status"` // The user-provided name of the policy. Name *string `json:"name"` // The SLAs of an individual operation. Operations []*PolicyOperation `json:"operations"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the policy. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
Policy represents a custom type struct
type PolicyEmbedded ¶
type PolicyEmbedded struct { // Embeds the EBS compliance statistics into the response. ReadPolicyAwsEbsVolumesComplianceStats interface{} `json:"read-policy-aws-ebs-volumes-compliance-stats"` // Embeds the VM compliance statisticss into the response. ReadPolicyVmwareVmsComplianceStats interface{} `json:"read-policy-vmware-vms-compliance-stats"` }
PolicyEmbedded represents a custom type struct. If the `embed` query parameter is set, displays the responses of the related resource, as defined by the embeddable link specified.
type PolicyLinks ¶
type PolicyLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. DeletePolicyDefinition *HateoasLink `json:"delete-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadPolicyAwsEbsVolumesComplianceStats *HateoasLink `json:"read-policy-aws-ebs-volumes-compliance-stats"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ReadPolicyVmwareVmsComplianceStats *HateoasLink `json:"read-policy-vmware-vms-compliance-stats"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. UpdatePolicyDefinition *HateoasLink `json:"update-policy-definition"` }
PolicyLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type PolicyListEmbedded ¶
type PolicyListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*Policy `json:"items"` }
PolicyListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. An array of embedded resources related to this resource.
type PolicyListLinks ¶
type PolicyListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. CreatePolicyDefinition *HateoasLink `json:"create-policy-definition"` }
PolicyListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type PolicyOperation ¶
type PolicyOperation struct { // Determines whether the protection policy should take action now or during the specified backup window. // If set to `immediate`, Clumio starts the backup process right away. If set to `window`, Clumio starts the backup process when the backup window (`backup_window`) opens. // If set to `window` and `operation="aws_rds_resource_aws_snapshot"`, // the backup window will be determined by the database's maintenance window (as specified by AWS) and not Clumio's backup window. ActionSetting *string `json:"action_setting"` // The start and end times for the customized backup window. BackupWindow *BackupWindow `json:"backup_window"` // backup_sla captures the SLA parameters // backup_sla captures the SLA parameters Slas []*BackupSLA `json:"slas"` // The operation to be performed for this SLA set. Each SLA set corresponds to one and only one operation. // Refer to the Policy Operation table for a complete list of policy operations. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
PolicyOperation represents a custom type struct. The SLAs of an individual operation.
type PostProcessAwsConnectionV1Request ¶
type PostProcessAwsConnectionV1Request struct { // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the connection. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The AWS region associated with the connection. For example, `us-east-1`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // Configuration represents the AWS connection configuration in json string format Configuration *string `json:"configuration"` // RequestType indicates whether this is a Create, Update or Delete request RequestType *string `json:"request_type"` // RoleArn is the ARN of the ClumioIAMRole created in the customer account RoleArn *string `json:"role_arn"` // Role External Id is the unique string passed while creating the AWS resources . RoleExternalId *string `json:"role_external_id"` // The 36-character Clumio AWS integration ID token used to identify the // installation of the CloudFormation/Terraform template on the account. Token *string `json:"token"` }
PostProcessAwsConnectionV1Request represents a custom type struct. The body of the request.
type ProtectConfig ¶
type ProtectConfig struct { // The asset types supported on the current version of the feature AssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"asset_types_enabled"` // TODO: Add struct field description Ebs *EbsAssetInfo `json:"ebs"` // The current version of the feature. InstalledTemplateVersion *string `json:"installed_template_version"` // TODO: Add struct field description Rds *RdsAssetInfo `json:"rds"` }
ProtectConfig represents a custom type struct. The configuration of the Clumio Cloud Protect product for this connection. If this connection is not configured for Clumio Cloud Protect, then this field has a value of `null`.
type ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink ¶
type ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink represents a custom type struct. A HATEOAS link to protect the entities.
type ProtectTemplateConfig ¶
type ProtectTemplateConfig struct { // The asset types for which the template is to be generated. Possible // asset types are ["EBS", "RDS", "DynamoDB", "EC2MSSQL"]. AssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"asset_types_enabled"` }
ProtectTemplateConfig represents a custom type struct
type ProtectTemplateInfo ¶
type ProtectTemplateInfo struct { // The AWS asset types supported with the available version of the template. AssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"asset_types_enabled"` // The latest available URL for the template. AvailableTemplateUrl *string `json:"available_template_url"` // The latest available version for the template. AvailableTemplateVersion *string `json:"available_template_version"` // TODO: Add struct field description Ebs *EbsTemplateInfo `json:"ebs"` // TODO: Add struct field description Rds *RdsTemplateInfo `json:"rds"` }
ProtectTemplateInfo represents a custom type struct. The latest available CloudFormation template for Clumio Cloud Protect.
type ProtectTemplateInfoV2 ¶
type ProtectTemplateInfoV2 struct { // The AWS asset types supported with the available version of the template. AssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"asset_types_enabled"` // The latest available version for the template. AvailableTemplateVersion *string `json:"available_template_version"` // TODO: Add struct field description Ebs *EbsTemplateInfo `json:"ebs"` // TODO: Add struct field description Rds *RdsTemplateInfo `json:"rds"` }
ProtectTemplateInfoV2 represents a custom type struct
type ProtectedStatsDeprecated ¶
type ProtectedStatsDeprecated struct { // ComplianceStatsDeprecated denotes compliance metrics for all entities associated with a given type Protected *ComplianceStatsDeprecated `json:"protected"` // Unprotected count. Unprotected *uint32 `json:"unprotected"` }
ProtectedStatsDeprecated represents a custom type struct. ProtectedStatsDeprecated contains the compliance stats for policies which are protected along with the unprotected policies count
type ProtectionInfo ¶
type ProtectionInfo struct { // The ID of the entity from which protection was inherited. // If protection was not inherited, then this field has a value of `null`. InheritingEntityId *string `json:"inheriting_entity_id"` // The type of entity from which protection was inherited. // If protection was not inherited, then this field has a value of `null`. // Entities from which protection can be inherited include the following: // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | Inheriting Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=================================+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // InheritingEntityType *string `json:"inheriting_entity_type"` // A system-generated ID assigned to the policy protecting this resource. PolicyId *string `json:"policy_id"` }
ProtectionInfo represents a custom type struct. The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`.
type ProtectionInfoDeprecated ¶
type ProtectionInfoDeprecated struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Inheritedfrom *InheritedFrom `json:"inheritedFrom"` // PolicyID for the policy. Policyid *string `json:"policyId"` }
ProtectionInfoDeprecated represents a custom type struct
type ProtectionInfoWithRule ¶
type ProtectionInfoWithRule struct { // The ID of the entity from which protection was inherited. // If protection was not inherited, then this field has a value of `null`. InheritingEntityId *string `json:"inheriting_entity_id"` // The type of entity from which protection was inherited. // If protection was not inherited, then this field has a value of `null`. // Entities from which protection can be inherited include the following: // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | Inheriting Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=================================+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // InheritingEntityType *string `json:"inheriting_entity_type"` // A system-generated ID assigned to the policy protecting this resource. PolicyId *string `json:"policy_id"` }
ProtectionInfoWithRule represents a custom type struct. The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`.
type RPOBackupSLAParam ¶
type RPOBackupSLAParam struct { // The measurement unit of the SLA parameter. Values include `hours`, `days`, `months`, and `years`. Unit *string `json:"unit"` // The measurement value of the SLA parameter. Value *int64 `json:"value"` }
RPOBackupSLAParam represents a custom type struct. The minimum frequency between backups for this SLA. Also known as the recovery point objective (RPO) interval. For example, to configure the minimum frequency between backups to be every 2 days, set `unit="days"` and `value=2`. To configure the SLA for on-demand backups, set `unit="on_demand"` and leave the `value` field empty.
type RdsAssetInfo ¶
type RdsAssetInfo struct { // The current version of the feature. InstalledTemplateVersion *string `json:"installed_template_version"` }
RdsAssetInfo represents a custom type struct
type RdsTemplateInfo ¶
type RdsTemplateInfo struct { // The latest available feature version for the asset. AvailableTemplateVersion *string `json:"available_template_version"` }
RdsTemplateInfo represents a custom type struct
type ReadAWSConnectionResponse ¶
type ReadAWSConnectionResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AWSConnectionLinks `json:"_links"` // The alias given to the account on AWS. AccountName *string `json:"account_name"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the connection. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The AWS region associated with the connection. For example, `us-east-1`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // Clumio AWS AccountId ClumioAwsAccountId *string `json:"clumio_aws_account_id"` // Clumio AWS Region ClumioAwsRegion *string `json:"clumio_aws_region"` // The status of the connection. Possible values include "connecting", // "connected", and "unlinked". ConnectionStatus *string `json:"connection_status"` // The timestamp of when the connection was created. CreatedTimestamp *string `json:"created_timestamp"` // An optional, user-provided description for this connection. Description *string `json:"description"` // The configuration of the Clumio Discover product for this connection. // If this connection is not configured for Clumio Discover, then this field has a // value of `null`. Discover *DiscoverConfig `json:"discover"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the connection. Id *string `json:"id"` // K8S Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the // AWS environment. If this parameter is not provided, then the value // defaults to the first organizational unit assigned to the requesting // user. For more information about organizational units, refer to the // Organizational-Units documentation. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The configuration of the Clumio Cloud Protect product for this connection. // If this connection is not configured for Clumio Cloud Protect, then this field has a // value of `null`. Protect *ProtectConfig `json:"protect"` // The asset types enabled for protect. This is only populated if "protect" // is enabled. Valid values are any of ["EBS", "RDS", "DynamoDB", "EC2MSSQL"]. // EBS and RDS are mandatory datasources. ProtectAssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"protect_asset_types_enabled"` // The services to be enabled for this configuration. Valid values are // ["discover"], ["discover", "protect"]. This is only set when the // registration is created, the enabled services are obtained directly from // the installed template after that. ServicesEnabled []*string `json:"services_enabled"` // The Amazon Resource Name of the installed CloudFormation stack in this AWS account StackArn *string `json:"stack_arn"` // The name given to the installed CloudFormation stack on AWS. StackName *string `json:"stack_name"` // The 36-character Clumio AWS integration ID token used to identify the // installation of the CloudFormation template on the account. This value // will be pasted into the ClumioToken field when creating the // CloudFormation stack. Token *string `json:"token"` }
ReadAWSConnectionResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadAWSEnvironmentResponse ¶
type ReadAWSEnvironmentResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AWSEnvironmentEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AWSEnvironmentLinks `json:"_links"` // The name given to the account. AccountName *string `json:"account_name"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the environment. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The valid AWS availability zones for the environment. For example, `us_west-2a`. AwsAz []*string `json:"aws_az"` // The AWS region associated with the environment. For example, `us-west-2`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the connection associated with the environment. ConnectionId *string `json:"connection_id"` // The status of the connection to the environment, which is mediated by a CloudFormation stack. ConnectionStatus *string `json:"connection_status"` // The user-provided account description. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the environment. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the environment. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The AWS services enabled for this environment. Possible values include "ebs", "rds" and "dynamodb". ServicesEnabled []*string `json:"services_enabled"` // The Clumio CloudFormation template version used to deploy the CloudFormation stack. TemplateVersion *int64 `json:"template_version"` }
ReadAWSEnvironmentResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadAWSTemplatesResponse ¶
type ReadAWSTemplatesResponse struct { // The latest available CloudFormation template for Clumio Discover. Discover *DiscoverTemplateInfo `json:"discover"` // The latest available CloudFormation template for Clumio Cloud Protect. Protect *ProtectTemplateInfo `json:"protect"` }
ReadAWSTemplatesResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadAWSTemplatesV2Response ¶
type ReadAWSTemplatesV2Response struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Config *TemplateConfiguration `json:"config"` }
ReadAWSTemplatesV2Response represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadAlertResponse ¶
type ReadAlertResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AlertEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AlertLinks `json:"_links"` // The issue that generated the alert. Each cause belongs to an alert type. Cause *string `json:"cause"` // The timestamp of when the alert was cleared, either automatically by Clumio or manually by a Clumio user. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this alert has not been cleared, then this field has a value of `null`. ClearedTimestamp *string `json:"cleared_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the consolidated alert associated with this individual alert. Alerts are consolidated based on matching parent entity, alert type, and alert cause. ConsolidatedAlertId *string `json:"consolidated_alert_id"` // Additional information about the alert. Details *IndividualAlertDetails `json:"details"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the individual alert. Id *string `json:"id"` // A record of user-provided information about the alert. Notes *string `json:"notes"` // The parent object of the primary entity associated with or affected by the alert. For example, "aws_environment" is the parent entity of primary entity "aws_ebs_volume". ParentEntity *AlertParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The primary object associated with or affected by the alert. Examples of primary entities include "aws_connection", "aws_ebs_volume" and "vmware_vm". PrimaryEntity *AlertPrimaryEntity `json:"primary_entity"` // The number of times the alert has recurred for this primary entity. RaisedCount *uint64 `json:"raised_count"` // The timestamp of when the alert was raised. Represented in RFC-3339 format. RaisedTimestamp *string `json:"raised_timestamp"` // The alert severity level. Values include "error" and "warning". Severity *string `json:"severity"` // The individual alert status. An individual alert that is in "active" status is one that is still open and has yet to be addressed. // An individual alert that is in "cleared" status is one that has been cleared, either automatically by Clumio or manually by a Clumio user. Status *string `json:"status"` // TODO: Add struct field description Tags []*RestEntity `json:"tags"` // The general alert category. Some alert types may be associated with multiple causes. // Refer to the Alert Type table for a complete list of alert types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The timestamp of when the alert was last updated. Represented in RFC-3339 format. // The alert is updated whenever there is a new occurrence of the same alert within the same entity. UpdatedTimestamp *string `json:"updated_timestamp"` }
ReadAlertResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadAwsTagResponse ¶
type ReadAwsTagResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AwsTagEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AwsTagLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the AWS tag. Id *string `json:"id"` // The AWS-assigned tag key. Key *string `json:"key"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the AWS key. KeyId *string `json:"key_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the tag. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of the EBS volume. Possible values include "protected" and "unprotected". ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The AWS-assigned tag value. Value *string `json:"value"` }
ReadAwsTagResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadComputeResourceResponse ¶
type ReadComputeResourceResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ComputeResourceEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ComputeResourceLinks `json:"_links"` // The compute resource folder in which the compute resource resides. ComputeResourceFolder *VMwareVCenterComputeResourceFolderModel `json:"compute_resource_folder"` // The data center associated with this compute resource. Datacenter *VMwareVCenterComputeResourceDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the compute resource. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the compute resource is a cluster. If `true`, then the compute resource is a cluster. IsCluster *bool `json:"is_cluster"` // Determines whether the compute resource has Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) enabled. If this field and `"is_cluster":true`, then DRS is enabled in the compute resource cluster. IsDrsEnabled *bool `json:"is_drs_enabled"` // The VMware-assigned name of the compute resource. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the compute resource. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of this compute resource. Refer to the Protection Status table for a complete list of protection statuses. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` }
ReadComputeResourceResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadConsolidatedAlertResponse ¶
type ReadConsolidatedAlertResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ConsolidatedAlertLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of currently active individual alerts associated with the consolidated alert. ActiveEntityCount *int64 `json:"active_entity_count"` // The issue that generated the alert. Each alert cause is associated with an alert type. Cause *string `json:"cause"` // The number of cleared individual alerts associated with the consolidated alert. ClearedEntityCount *int64 `json:"cleared_entity_count"` // The timestamp of when the consolidated alert was cleared, if ever. Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this alert has not been cleared, this field will have a value of `null`. // A consolidated alert goes into "cleared" status when all of its associated individual alerts are in "cleared" status or when a Clumio user manually clears it. ClearedTimestamp *string `json:"cleared_timestamp"` // Additional information about the consolidated alert. Details *ConsolidatedAlertDetails `json:"details"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the consolidated alert. Id *string `json:"id"` // A record of user-provided information about the alert. Notes *string `json:"notes"` // The entity associated with or affected by the alert. ParentEntity *ConsolidatedAlertParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The timestamp of when the consolidated alert was initially raised. Represented in RFC-3339 format. RaisedTimestamp *string `json:"raised_timestamp"` // The alert severity level. Values include "error" and "warning". Severity *string `json:"severity"` // The consolidated alert status. A consolidated alert is in "active" status if one or more of its associated individual alerts is in "active" status. // A consolidated alert goes into "cleared" status when all of its associated individual alerts are in "cleared" status or when a Clumio user manually clears it. Status *string `json:"status"` // The general alert category. An alert type may be associated with multiple alert causes. Examples of alert types include "tag_conflict" and "policy_violated". // Refer to the Alert Type table for a complete list of alert types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The timestamp of when the consolidated alert was last updated. Represented in RFC-3339 format. // Raising a new individual alert will update its associated consolidated alert. UpdatedTimestamp *string `json:"updated_timestamp"` }
ReadConsolidatedAlertResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadDatacenterResponse ¶
type ReadDatacenterResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *DatacenterEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *DatacenterLinks `json:"_links"` // TODO: Add struct field description AncestorRefs []*AncestorRefModel `json:"ancestor_refs"` // The data center folder in which the data center resides. DatacenterFolder *VMwareDatacenterFolderIDModel `json:"datacenter_folder"` // Determines whether compute resources exist directly under the hidden root compute resource folder. If `true`, then compute resources exist directly under the root compute resource folder. HasComputeResources *bool `json:"has_compute_resources"` // Determines whether VMs exist directly under the hidden root VM folder. If `true`, then VMs exist directly under the root VM folder. HasVmFolders *bool `json:"has_vm_folders"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of this data center. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the datacenter. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of this data center. Refer to the Protection Status table for a complete list of protection statuses. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The hidden root compute resource folder of the data center. RootComputeResourceFolder *VMwareRootComputeResourceFolderIDModel `json:"root_compute_resource_folder"` // The hidden root virtual machine folder of the data center. RootVmFolder *VMwareRootVMFolderIDModel `json:"root_vm_folder"` }
ReadDatacenterResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadDirectoryResponse ¶
type ReadDirectoryResponse struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Embedded *DirectoryBrowseEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *DirectoryBrowseLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page token used to get this response. Start *string `json:"start"` }
ReadDirectoryResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadEBSBackupResponseV1 ¶
type ReadEBSBackupResponseV1 struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *EBSBackupLinksV1 `json:"_links"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the backup. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The availability zone associated with the volume backup. For example, `us-west-2a`. AwsAz *string `json:"aws_az"` // The AWS region in which the volume backup resides. For example, `us-west-2`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // The reason that browsing is unavailable for the backup. Possible values include "file_limit_exceeded" and // "browsing_unavailable". If browse indexing is successful, then this field has a value of `null`. BrowsingFailedReason *string `json:"browsing_failed_reason"` // The timestamp of when this backup expires. Represented in RFC-3339 format. ExpirationTimestamp *string `json:"expiration_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the volume backup. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether browsing is available for the backup. If `true`, then browsing is available for the backup. IsBrowsable *bool `json:"is_browsable"` // Determines whether the EBS volume backup is encrypted. If `true`, the volume backup is encrypted. IsEncrypted *bool `json:"is_encrypted"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the KMS key encrypting this EBS volume backup. If the volume is not encrypted, this field has a value of `null`. KmsKeyNativeId *string `json:"kms_key_native_id"` // The size of the volume backup. Measured in gigabytes (GB). Size *int64 `json:"size"` // The timestamp of when this backup started. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // A tag created through AWS Console which can be applied to EBS volumes. Tags []*AwsTagCommonModel `json:"tags"` // The volume type of the original EBS volume before backup. Possible values include `gp2`, `io1`, `st1`, `sc1`, `standard`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the EBS volume associated with the volume backup. VolumeId *string `json:"volume_id"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the EBS volume associated with the volume backup. VolumeNativeId *string `json:"volume_native_id"` }
ReadEBSBackupResponseV1 represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadEbsTagComplianceStatsResponse ¶
type ReadEbsTagComplianceStatsResponse struct { // The total number of compliant entities. CompliantCount *int64 `json:"compliant_count"` // The total number of entities associated with deactivated policies. DeactivatedCount *int64 `json:"deactivated_count"` // Determines whether one or more entities is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. // If set to `true`, at least one entity is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. HasSeedingEntities *bool `json:"has_seeding_entities"` // The total number of non-compliant entities. NonCompliantCount *int64 `json:"non_compliant_count"` // The number of entities with protection applied. ProtectedCount *int64 `json:"protected_count"` // The number of entities without protection applied. UnprotectedCount *int64 `json:"unprotected_count"` }
ReadEbsTagComplianceStatsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadEbsVolumeResponse ¶
type ReadEbsVolumeResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *EbsVolumeEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *EbsVolumeLinks `json:"_links"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the EBS volume. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The AWS availability zone in which the EBS volume resides. For example, // `us-west-2a`. AwsAz *string `json:"aws_az"` // The AWS region associated with the EBS volume. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // The compliance status of the protected EBS volume. Possible values include // "compliant" and "noncompliant". If the volume is not protected, then this field has // a value of `null`. ComplianceStatus *string `json:"compliance_status"` // The timestamp of when the volume was deleted. Represented in RFC-3339 format. If // this volume has not been deleted, then this field has a value of `null`. DeletionTimestamp *string `json:"deletion_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the policy directly assigned to the entity. DirectAssignmentPolicyId *string `json:"direct_assignment_policy_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the AWS environment associated with the EBS volume. EnvironmentId *string `json:"environment_id"` // Determines whether the table has a direct assignment. HasDirectAssignment *bool `json:"has_direct_assignment"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the EBS volume. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the EBS volume has been deleted. If `true`, the volume has been // deleted. IsDeleted *bool `json:"is_deleted"` // Determines whether the EBS volume is encrypted. If `true`, the volume is encrypted. IsEncrypted *bool `json:"is_encrypted"` // Determines whether the EBS volume is supported for backups. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the KMS key encrypting the EBS volume. If the volume is // unencrypted, then this field has a value of `null`. KmsKeyNativeId *string `json:"kms_key_native_id"` // The timestamp of the most recent backup of the EBS volume. Represented in RFC-3339 // format. If the volume has never been backed up, then this field has a value of // `null`. LastBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_backup_timestamp"` // The timestamp of the most recent snapshot of the EBS volume taken as part of // Snapshot Manager. Represented in RFC-3339 format. If the volume has never been // snapshotted, then this field has a value of `null`. LastSnapshotTimestamp *string `json:"last_snapshot_timestamp"` // The AWS-assigned name of the EBS volume. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the EBS volume. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfoWithRule `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of the EBS volume. Possible values include "protected", // "unprotected", and "unsupported". If the EBS volume does not support backups, then // this field has a value of `unsupported`. If the volume has been deleted, then this // field has a value of `null`. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The size of the EBS volume. Measured in bytes (B). Size *int64 `json:"size"` // A tag created through AWS console which can be applied to EBS volumes. Tags []*AwsTagModel `json:"tags"` // The type of EBS volume. Possible values include "gp2", "io1", "st1", "sc1", and // "standard". ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The reason why protection is not available. If the volume is supported, then this // field has a value of `null`. UnsupportedReason *string `json:"unsupported_reason"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the EBS volume. VolumeNativeId *string `json:"volume_native_id"` }
ReadEbsVolumeResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadFileSystemResponse ¶
type ReadFileSystemResponse struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Links *HateoasCommonLinks `json:"_links"` // The amount of available memory on the filesystem in bytes. Does not include // reserved memory. Available *uint64 `json:"available"` // The filesystem UUID produced by the `lsblk` linux command. If this filesystem // was not given a UUID in the host environment, then this field has a value of // `null`. FilesystemNativeId *string `json:"filesystem_native_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the filesystem. Id *string `json:"id"` // The reason why file indexing failed. If file indexing succeeded, then this field // has a value of `null`. Possible values include "unsupported" and "encrypted". IndexingFailedReason *string `json:"indexing_failed_reason"` // Determines whether the file system was encrypted. IsEncrypted *bool `json:"is_encrypted"` // Determines whether the file system has been indexed. // If `true`, file indexing completed successfully. IsIndexed *bool `json:"is_indexed"` // The location of this filesystem in the host environment. Only identifies mount // points that correspond to Windows drive letters. All other mount points are // identified by a '/'. MountPath *string `json:"mount_path"` // The total amount of memory available to the filesystem in bytes. Size *uint64 `json:"size"` // The type of the filesystem. This field is populated with values returned from // the lsblk command. Possible values include `ntfs`, `xfs`, and `ext3`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The amount of memory used by the filesystem in bytes. Used *uint64 `json:"used"` }
ReadFileSystemResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadFolderResponse ¶
type ReadFolderResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *FolderEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *FolderLinks `json:"_links"` // The data center associated with this folder. Datacenter *VMwareVCenterFolderDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // Count of all descendant folders inside this folder DescendantFolderCount *int64 `json:"descendant_folder_count"` // Determines whether the folder has direct child folders. HasChildFolders *bool `json:"has_child_folders"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the folder is a hidden root folder. If `true`, the folder is a hidden root folder. IsRoot *bool `json:"is_root"` // Determines whether the folder can be used as a restore destination. If `true`, the folder can be used as a restore destination, and backups can be restored to the folder. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The VMware-assigned name of the folder. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the folder. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The parent folder under which this folder resides. ParentFolder *VMwareVCenterParentFolderModel `json:"parent_folder"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of this folder. Refer to the Protection Status table for a complete list of protection statuses. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The folder type. Examples of folder types include "datacenter_folder" and "vm_folder". Refer to the Folder Type table for a complete list of folder types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
ReadFolderResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadGeneralSettingsResponseV2 ¶
type ReadGeneralSettingsResponseV2 struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *GeneralSettingsLinks `json:"_links"` // The length of time before a user is logged out of the Clumio system due to inactivity. Measured in seconds. // The valid range is between `600` seconds (10 minutes) and `3600` seconds (60 minutes). // If not configured, the value defaults to `900` seconds (15 minutes). AutoLogoutDuration *int64 `json:"auto_logout_duration"` // The designated range of IP addresses that are allowed to access the Clumio REST API. // API requests that originate from outside this list will be blocked. // The IP address of the server from which this request is being made must be in this list; otherwise, the request will fail. // Set the parameter to individual IP addresses and/or a range of IP addresses in CIDR notation. // For example, `["", ""]`. // If not configured, the value defaults to [""] meaning all addresses will be allowed. IpAllowlist []*string `json:"ip_allowlist"` // The grouping criteria for each datasource type. // These can only be edited for datasource types which do not have any // organizational units configured. OrganizationalUnitDataGroups *OUGroupingCriteria `json:"organizational_unit_data_groups"` // The length of time a user password is valid before it must be changed. Measured in seconds. // The valid range is between `2592000` seconds (30 days) and `15552000` seconds (180 days). // If not configured, the value defaults to `7776000` seconds (90 days). PasswordExpirationDuration *int64 `json:"password_expiration_duration"` }
ReadGeneralSettingsResponseV2 represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadHcmHostResponse ¶
type ReadHcmHostResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *HostLinks `json:"_links"` // The endpoints discovered post the host connection of the host. DiscoveredEndpoints []*string `json:"discovered_endpoints"` // The Current MSI version of the edge connector installed in the host. EdgeConnectorVersion *string `json:"edge_connector_version"` // The user-provided endpoint used to connect the host. Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group associated with the host. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Host. Id *string `json:"id"` // The timestamp of the last successful heartbeat of this host. Represented in RFC-3339 format. LastHeartbeatTimestamp *string `json:"last_heartbeat_timestamp"` // Name of the Host. Name *string `json:"name"` // The operational status of the Host. Possible values include `upgrade_in_progress`, `upgrade_success`, `upgrade_failed`, `delete_in_progress`, `delete_failed`, `move_in_progress`, `move_succeeded` and `move_failed`. OperationalStatus *string `json:"operational_status"` // The connection status of the Host. Possible values include `connected`, `disconnected`, `connection_pending`, and `invalid_token`. Status *string `json:"status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the subgroup associated with the host. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` // The Clumio-assigned UUID of the host. This UUID is used for filtering hosts during list operations. Uuid *string `json:"uuid"` }
ReadHcmHostResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadHostResponse ¶
type ReadHostResponse struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *HostLinks `json:"_links"` // The VMware compute resource representing the host. ComputeResource *VMwareVCenterHostComputeResourceModel `json:"compute_resource"` // The connection state of the host as seen through the vCenter server. Examples include "connected", "disconnected", and "not_responding". ConnectionState *string `json:"connection_state"` // The data center in which the host resides. Datacenter *VMwareVCenterHostDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the host. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the host has been placed in maintenance mode as seen through the vCenter server. If `true`, the host is in maintenance mode. IsInMaintenanceMode *bool `json:"is_in_maintenance_mode"` // Determines whether the host has been placed in quarantine mode as seen through the vCenter server. If `true`, the host is in quarantine mode. IsInQuarantineMode *bool `json:"is_in_quarantine_mode"` // Determines whether the host is a standalone host. If `true`, the host is a standalone host. IsStandalone *bool `json:"is_standalone"` // Determines whether the host can be used as a restore destination. If `true`, the host can be used as a restore destination and backups can be restored to the host. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The VMware-assigned name of the host. Name *string `json:"name"` // The power state of the host as seen through the vCenter server. Examples include "powered_off", "powered_on", and "standby". PowerState *string `json:"power_state"` }
ReadHostResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadManagementGroupResponse ¶
type ReadManagementGroupResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ManagementGroupLinks `json:"_links"` // Determines whether backups are allowed to occur across different subgroups or cloud connectors. BackupAcrossSubgroups *bool `json:"backup_across_subgroups"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group. Id *string `json:"id"` // The name of the management group. Name *string `json:"name"` // The type of the management group. Possible values include `on_prem`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the vCenter server associated with the management group. // All management groups are associated with a vCenter server. VcenterId *string `json:"vcenter_id"` }
ReadManagementGroupResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadMssqlAGResponse ¶
type ReadMssqlAGResponse struct { // MssqlAGEmbedded is embed of MSSQL Availability Groups // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlAGEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlAGLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the availability group. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Microsoft SQL-assigned name of the availability group. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the availability group. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The status of the availability group, Possible values include 'active' and 'inactive'. Status *string `json:"status"` }
ReadMssqlAGResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadMssqlDatabaseBackupResponse ¶
type ReadMssqlDatabaseBackupResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlDatabaseBackupEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlDatabaseBackupLinks `json:"_links"` // TODO: Add struct field description DatabaseFiles []*MssqlDatabaseFile `json:"database_files"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the database associated with this backup. DatabaseId *string `json:"database_id"` // The Microsoft SQL database engine at the time of backup. Engine *string `json:"engine"` // The Microsoft SQL database engine version at the time of backup. EngineVersion *string `json:"engine_version"` // The timestamp of when this backup expires. Represented in RFC-3339 format. ExpirationTimestamp *string `json:"expiration_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group associated with the database at the time of backup. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The user-provided endpoint of the host containing the given database at the time of backup. HostEndpoint *string `json:"host_endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the host associated with the database at the time of backup. HostId *string `json:"host_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the backup. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Clumio-assigned instance id at the time of backup. InstanceId *string `json:"instance_id"` // The instance name at the time of backup. InstanceName *string `json:"instance_name"` // The timestamp of when this backup started. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup associated with the database at the time of backup. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` // The type of backup. Possible values include `mssql_database_backup`, `mssql_log_backup_full_recovery_model` and `mssql_log_backup_bulk_logged_model`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
ReadMssqlDatabaseBackupResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadMssqlDatabaseResponse ¶
type ReadMssqlDatabaseResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlDatabaseEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *DatabaseLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the availability group. It is null in case of a standalone database. AvailabilityGroupId *string `json:"availability_group_id"` // The Microsoft SQL assigned name of the availability group. It is null in case of a standalone database. AvailabilityGroupName *string `json:"availability_group_name"` // The policy compliance status of the resource. If the database is not protected, // then this field has a value of `null`. Refer to // // the Compliance Status table // // for a complete list of compliance statuses. ComplianceStatus *string `json:"compliance_status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the group to which the standalone database belongs, in case of an // availability group database it will be empty. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The user-provided endpoint of the host containing the given database. HostEndpoint *string `json:"host_endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the host containing the given database. HostId *string `json:"host_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Database. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the instance containing the given database. InstanceId *string `json:"instance_id"` // The name of the Microsoft SQL instance containing the given database. InstanceName *string `json:"instance_name"` // is_supported is true if Clumio supports backup of the database. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The timestamp of the last time this database was full backed up. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this database has never been backed up, // this field has a value of `null`. LastBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_backup_timestamp"` // The timestamp of the last time this database was log backed up in Bulk Recovery Model. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this database has never been backed up, // this field has a value of `null`. LastBulkRecoveryModelLogBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_bulk_recovery_model_log_backup_timestamp"` // The timestamp of the last time this database was log backed up in Full Recovery Model. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this database has never been backed up, // this field has a value of `null`. LastFullRecoveryModelLogBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_full_recovery_model_log_backup_timestamp"` // The name of the Database. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the database. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // recovery_model is the recovery model of the database. Possible values include 'simple_recovery_model', // 'bulk_recovery_model', and 'full_recovery_model'. RecoveryModel *string `json:"recovery_model"` // The size of the Database. Size *float64 `json:"size"` // The status of the database, Possible values include 'active' and 'inactive'. Status *string `json:"status"` // subgroup id is the id of the Subgroup where this database belongs, in case of AG database // it will be empty. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` // The type of the database. Possible values include 'availability_group_database' and 'standalone_database'. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // unsupported_reason is the reason why Clumio doesn't support backup of such database, // possible values include 'filestream_enabled_database'. UnsupportedReason *string `json:"unsupported_reason"` }
ReadMssqlDatabaseResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadMssqlHostResponse ¶
type ReadMssqlHostResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlHostEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlHostLinks `json:"_links"` // The user-provided endpoint of the host containing the given database. Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group to which the host belongs. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // Determines whether or not an availability group is present in the host. HasAssociatedAvailabilityGroup *bool `json:"has_associated_availability_group"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Host. Id *string `json:"id"` // The number of instances present in the host. InstanceCount *int64 `json:"instance_count"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the host. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The status of the Host, Possible values include 'active' and 'inactive'. Status *string `json:"status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup to which the host belongs. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` }
ReadMssqlHostResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadMssqlInstanceResponse ¶
type ReadMssqlInstanceResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *MssqlInstanceEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *MssqlInstanceLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group to which the host belongs. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The boolean value represents if availability group is present in the instance. HasAssociatedAvailabilityGroup *bool `json:"has_associated_availability_group"` // The user-provided endpoint of the host containing the given database. HostEndpoint *string `json:"host_endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the host, containing the instance. HostId *string `json:"host_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Instance. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Microsoft SQL assigned name of the instance. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the instance. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // Product Version of the instance. ProductVersion *string `json:"product_version"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The Microsoft SQL assigned server name of the instance. ServerName *string `json:"server_name"` // The status of the Instance, Possible values include 'active' and 'inactive'. Status *string `json:"status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup to which the host belongs. SubgroupId *string `json:"subgroup_id"` }
ReadMssqlInstanceResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadOrganizationalUnitResponse ¶
type ReadOrganizationalUnitResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *EntityGroupEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // ETag value Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *OrganizationalUnitLinks `json:"_links"` // Number of immediate children of the organizational unit. ChildrenCount *int64 `json:"children_count"` // Datasource types configured in this organizational unit. Possible values include `aws`, `microsoft365`, `vmware`, or `mssql`. ConfiguredDatasourceTypes []*string `json:"configured_datasource_types"` // List of all recursive descendant organizational units of this OU. DescendantIds []*string `json:"descendant_ids"` // A description of the organizational unit. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio assigned ID of the organizational unit. Id *string `json:"id"` // Unique name assigned to the organizational unit. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio assigned ID of the parent organizational unit. // The parent organizational unit contains the entities in this organizational unit and can update this organizational unit. // If this organizational unit is the global organizational unit, then this field has a value of `null`. ParentId *string `json:"parent_id"` // Number of users to whom this organizational unit or any of its descendants have been assigned. UserCount *int64 `json:"user_count"` // Users IDs to whom the organizational unit has been assigned. // This attribute will be available when reading a single OU and not when listing OUs. Users []*string `json:"users"` }
ReadOrganizationalUnitResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink ¶
type ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink represents a custom type struct. A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities.
type ReadPolicyResponse ¶
type ReadPolicyResponse struct { // If the `embed` query parameter is set, displays the responses of the related resource, // as defined by the embeddable link specified. Embedded *PolicyEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *PolicyLinks `json:"_links"` // The status of the policy. // Refer to the Policy Activation Status table for a complete list of policy statuses. ActivationStatus *string `json:"activation_status"` // The Clumio-assigned IDs of the organizational units to whom the policy has been assigned. AssignedOrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"assigned_organizational_unit_ids"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the policy. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the possible lock statuses of a policy. // // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Status | Description | // +==========+===================================================================+ // | unlocked | Policies are unlocked until an update or deletion task is queued. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | updating | During a policy edit, concurrent edits or deletion requests will | // | | be rejected. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | deleting | During policy deletion, concurrent edits or deletion requests | // | | will be rejected. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // LockStatus *string `json:"lock_status"` // The user-provided name of the policy. Name *string `json:"name"` // The SLAs of an individual operation. Operations []*PolicyOperation `json:"operations"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the policy. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
ReadPolicyResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadResourcePoolResponse ¶
type ReadResourcePoolResponse struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ResourcePoolLinks `json:"_links"` // The compute resource that the resource pool comprises. ComputeResource *VMwareResourcePoolComputeResourceModel `json:"compute_resource"` // The data center in which the resource pool resides. Datacenter *ResourcePoolDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the resource pool. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the resource pool is the default, hidden resource pool. IsRoot *bool `json:"is_root"` // Determines whether the resource pool can be used as a restore destination. If `true`, the resource pool can be used as a restore destination and backups can be restored to the resource pool. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The VMware-assigned name of the resource pool. Name *string `json:"name"` // The vCenter object that is the parent of the resource pool. Parent *VMwareResourcePoolParentModel `json:"parent"` }
ReadResourcePoolResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadRoleResponse ¶
type ReadRoleResponse struct { // ETag value Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *RoleLinks `json:"_links"` // A description of the role. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the role. Id *string `json:"id"` // Unique name assigned to the role. Name *string `json:"name"` // TODO: Add struct field description Permissions []*PermissionModel `json:"permissions"` // Number of users to whom the role has been assigned. UserCount *int64 `json:"user_count"` }
ReadRoleResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadRuleResponse ¶
type ReadRuleResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *RuleEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *RuleLinks `json:"_links"` // An action to be applied subject to the rule criteria. Action *RuleAction `json:"action"` // The following table describes the possible conditions for a rule. // // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | Field | Rule Condition | Description | // +=======================+===========================+==========================+ // | aws_account_native_id | $eq, $in | Denotes the AWS account | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_account_native_id" | // | | | :{"$eq":"111111111111"}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_account_native_id" | // | | | :{"$in":["111111111111", | // | | | "222222222222"]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | aws_region | $eq, $in | Denotes the AWS region | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_region":{"$eq":"us | // | | | -west-2"}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_region":{"$in":["u | // | | | s-west-2", "us- | // | | | east-1"]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | aws_tag | $eq, $in, $all, $contains | Denotes the AWS tag(s) | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$eq":{"key" | // | | | :"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$in":[{"key | // | | | ":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}, | // | | | {"key":"Hello", | // | | | "value":"World"}]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$all":[{"ke | // | | | y":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}, | // | | | {"key":"Hello", | // | | | "value":"World"}]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$contains": | // | | | {"key":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // Condition *string `json:"condition"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the policy rule. Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the rule. Name *string `json:"name"` // A priority relative to other rules. Priority *RulePriority `json:"priority"` }
ReadRuleResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadSubgroupResponse ¶
type ReadSubgroupResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *SubgroupLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of cloud connectors in this subgroup, aggregated by their status. CloudConnectorCountByStatus *CloudConnectorCountByStatus `json:"cloud_connector_count_by_status"` // The overall health of cloud connectors in this subgroup. Possible values include: 'healthy', indicating // that all cloud connectors in the subgroup are connected; 'degraded' indicating that one or more cloud // connectors in the subgroup have connection issues; `none`, indicating that no cloud connectors are in the subgroup. CloudConnectorStatus *string `json:"cloud_connector_status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group associated with this subgroup. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup. Id *string `json:"id"` // The name of the management subgroup. Name *string `json:"name"` }
ReadSubgroupResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadTagCategory2Response ¶
type ReadTagCategory2Response struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource Links *TagCategory2Links `json:"_links"` // A description of the tag category. Description *string `json:"description"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the tag category. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of the tag category. Name *string `json:"name"` // The number of tags in the tag category. NumberOfTags *int32 `json:"number_of_tags"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the tag category. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
ReadTagCategory2Response represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadTagResponse ¶
type ReadTagResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *Tag2Embedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *Tag2Links `json:"_links"` // The tag category associated with the tag. Category *TagParentCategoryModel `json:"category"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the tag. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of the tag. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the tag. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of this tag. Refer to the Protection Status table for a complete list of protection statuses. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` }
ReadTagResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadTaskHateoasLinks ¶
type ReadTaskHateoasLinks struct {
// Embeds the associated task of a resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter.
ReadTask interface{} `json:"read-task"`
ReadTaskHateoasLinks represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type ReadTaskResponse ¶
type ReadTaskResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *TaskLinks `json:"_links"` // The task category. Examples of task types include "backup", "restore", "snapshot", and "system". // // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | Category | Description | // +===================+==========================================================+ // | backup | Encompasses all modes of backups. This does not include | // | | in-account snapshots. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | restore | Encompasses all modes of restores. This does not include | // | | restores of in-account snapshots. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | snapshot | Encompasses all modes of in-account snapshots. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | snapshot_restore | Encompasses all modes of snapshot restores. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | system | Encompasses a variety of system-initiated tasks, such as | // | | aws_rds_backup_target_setup and | // | | aws_ec2_instance_backup_indexing. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | report_generation | Encompasses task types which generate reports, such as | // | | activity_report_file_download. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | management | Encompasses user-initiated tasks which manage Clumio | // | | resources, such as organizational_unit_update and | // | | policy_update. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // Category *string `json:"category"` // The timestamp of when the task was created. Represented in RFC-3339 format. CreatedTimestamp *string `json:"created_timestamp"` // The timestamp of when the task ended. If this task has not yet ended, // then this field has a value of `null`. Represented in RFC-3339 format. EndTimestamp *string `json:"end_timestamp"` // The task genre. A genre is a high-level collection of task categories. // // +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Genre | Description | // +================+=============================================================+ // | operational | Encompasses all backup, restore, snapshot, and | // | | snapshot_restore tasks. | // +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | administrative | Encompasses management, system, and report_generation | // | | tasks. | // +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ // Genre *string `json:"genre"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether or not this task can be aborted. // A task can be aborted if its status is either "queued" or "in_progress". // Tasks of certain types including // "vmware_vm_backup_indexing" and "aws_ebs_volume_backup_indexing" cannot be aborted. IsAbortable *bool `json:"is_abortable"` // The parent entity associated with the task. ParentEntity *TaskParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The primary entity associated with the task. PrimaryEntity *TaskPrimaryEntity `json:"primary_entity"` // The percentage progress of task completion. Measured as an integer value between 0 and 100. ProgressPercentage *int64 `json:"progress_percentage"` // The timestamp of when the task started. If this task has not started yet, // then this field has a value of `null`. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // The task status. Examples of task statuses include, "queued", "in_progress", and "completed". // Refer to the Task Status table for a complete list of task statuses. Status *string `json:"status"` // The task type. Examples of task types include "vm_backup_seeding", "ebs_indexing", and "file_restore". // Refer to the Task Type table for a complete list of task types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
ReadTaskResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadUserResponse ¶
type ReadUserResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *UserEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *UserLinks `json:"_links"` // The list of organizational unit IDs assigned to the user. // This attribute will be available when reading a single user and not when listing users. AssignedOrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"assigned_organizational_unit_ids"` // Assigned Role for the user. AssignedRole *string `json:"assigned_role"` // The email address of the Clumio user. Email *string `json:"email"` // The first and last name of the Clumio user. The name appears in the User Management screen and is used to identify the user. FullName *string `json:"full_name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Clumio user. Id *string `json:"id"` // The ID number of the user who sent the email invitation. Inviter *string `json:"inviter"` // Determines whether the user has activated their Clumio account. // If `true`, the user has activated the account. IsConfirmed *bool `json:"is_confirmed"` // Determines whether the user is enabled (in "Activated" or "Invited" status) in Clumio. // If `true`, the user is in "Activated" or "Invited" status in Clumio. // Users in "Activated" status can log in to Clumio. // Users in "Invited" status have been invited to log in to Clumio via an email invitation and the invitation // is pending acceptance from the user. // If `false`, the user has been manually suspended and cannot log in to Clumio // until another Clumio user reactivates the account. IsEnabled *bool `json:"is_enabled"` // The timestamp of when when the user was last active in the Clumio system. Represented in RFC-3339 format. LastActivityTimestamp *string `json:"last_activity_timestamp"` // The number of organizational units accessible to the user. OrganizationalUnitCount *int64 `json:"organizational_unit_count"` }
ReadUserResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVCenterObjectProtectionStatsHateoasLink ¶
type ReadVCenterObjectProtectionStatsHateoasLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
ReadVCenterObjectProtectionStatsHateoasLink represents a custom type struct. A HATEOAS link to the compliance statistics of VMs in the folders and subfolders of this vCenter resource.
type ReadVMBackupResponse ¶
type ReadVMBackupResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMBackupHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The reason that browsing is unavailable for the backup. Possible values include "file_limit_exceeded" and // "browsing_unavailable". If browse indexing is successful, then this field has a value of `null`. BrowsingFailedReason *string `json:"browsing_failed_reason"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center // associated with this backup. DatacenterId *string `json:"datacenter_id"` // The timestamp of when this backup expires. Represented in RFC-3339 format. ExpirationTimestamp *string `json:"expiration_timestamp"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the // host associated with this backup. HostId *string `json:"host_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the backup. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether browsing is available for the backup. If `true`, then browsing is available for the backup. IsBrowsable *bool `json:"is_browsable"` // TODO: Add struct field description Nics []*VMNicBackupModel `json:"nics"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the resource pool // associated with this backup. ResourcePoolId *string `json:"resource_pool_id"` // The timestamp of when this backup started. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // VMTagWithCategoryModel // A tag associated with the VM. Tags []*VMTagWithCategoryModel `json:"tags"` // The IP address or FQDN of the vCenter server associated with this backup. // If a backup was initiated before 2020-06-30, when this field was introduced, // then this field has a value of `null`. VcenterEndpoint *string `json:"vcenter_endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the vCenter associated with this backup. VcenterId *string `json:"vcenter_id"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the // VM folder associated with this backup. VmFolderId *string `json:"vm_folder_id"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the // VM associated with this backup. VmId *string `json:"vm_id"` // The name of the virtual machine associated with this backup. VmName *string `json:"vm_name"` }
ReadVMBackupResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVMwareComputeResourceStatsResponse ¶
type ReadVMwareComputeResourceStatsResponse struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareComputeResourceComplianceStatsLinks `json:"_links"` // The total number of compliant entities. CompliantCount *int64 `json:"compliant_count"` // The total number of entities associated with deactivated policies. DeactivatedCount *int64 `json:"deactivated_count"` // Determines whether one or more entities is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. // If set to `true`, at least one entity is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. HasSeedingEntities *bool `json:"has_seeding_entities"` // The total number of non-compliant entities. NonCompliantCount *int64 `json:"non_compliant_count"` // The number of entities with protection applied. ProtectedCount *int64 `json:"protected_count"` // The number of entities without protection applied. UnprotectedCount *int64 `json:"unprotected_count"` }
ReadVMwareComputeResourceStatsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVMwareDatacenterStatsResponse ¶
type ReadVMwareDatacenterStatsResponse struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareDatacenterStatsLinks `json:"_links"` // The total number of compliant entities. CompliantCount *int64 `json:"compliant_count"` // The total number of entities associated with deactivated policies. DeactivatedCount *int64 `json:"deactivated_count"` // Determines whether one or more entities is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. // If set to `true`, at least one entity is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. HasSeedingEntities *bool `json:"has_seeding_entities"` // The total number of non-compliant entities. NonCompliantCount *int64 `json:"non_compliant_count"` // The number of entities with protection applied. ProtectedCount *int64 `json:"protected_count"` // The number of entities without protection applied. UnprotectedCount *int64 `json:"unprotected_count"` }
ReadVMwareDatacenterStatsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVMwareDatastoreResponse ¶
type ReadVMwareDatastoreResponse struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareDatastoreLinks `json:"_links"` // TODO: Add struct field description ComputeResources []*ComputeResourceIDModel `json:"compute_resources"` // The data center in which this datastore resides. Datacenter *VMwareVCenterDatastoreDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // VMwareVCenterDatastoreFolderModel // The datastore folder in which this datastore resides. DatastoreFolder *VMwareVCenterDatastoreFolderModel `json:"datastore_folder"` // The file system format used for the datastore. Refer to the Supported Datastore Types section for a complete list of datastore types. DatastoreType *string `json:"datastore_type"` // TODO: Add struct field description Hosts []*HostIDModel `json:"hosts"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the datastore. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the datastore is shared across multiple hosts. If `true`, the datastore is a multi-host datastore. IsMultiHost *bool `json:"is_multi_host"` // Determines whether the datastore can be used as a restore destination. If `true`, the datastore can be used as a restore destination and backups can be restored to the datastore. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The VMware-assigned name of this datastore. Name *string `json:"name"` }
ReadVMwareDatastoreResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVMwareFolderStatsResponse ¶
type ReadVMwareFolderStatsResponse struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareFolderStatsLinks `json:"_links"` // The total number of compliant entities. CompliantCount *int64 `json:"compliant_count"` // The total number of entities associated with deactivated policies. DeactivatedCount *int64 `json:"deactivated_count"` // Determines whether one or more entities is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. // If set to `true`, at least one entity is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. HasSeedingEntities *bool `json:"has_seeding_entities"` // The total number of non-compliant entities. NonCompliantCount *int64 `json:"non_compliant_count"` // The number of entities with protection applied. ProtectedCount *int64 `json:"protected_count"` // The number of entities without protection applied. UnprotectedCount *int64 `json:"unprotected_count"` }
ReadVMwareFolderStatsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVMwareTagStatsResponse ¶
type ReadVMwareTagStatsResponse struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareTagStatsLinks `json:"_links"` // The total number of compliant entities. CompliantCount *int64 `json:"compliant_count"` // The total number of entities associated with deactivated policies. DeactivatedCount *int64 `json:"deactivated_count"` // Determines whether one or more entities is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. // If set to `true`, at least one entity is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. HasSeedingEntities *bool `json:"has_seeding_entities"` // The total number of non-compliant entities. NonCompliantCount *int64 `json:"non_compliant_count"` // The number of entities with protection applied. ProtectedCount *int64 `json:"protected_count"` // The number of entities without protection applied. UnprotectedCount *int64 `json:"unprotected_count"` }
ReadVMwareTagStatsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVMwareVCenterNetworkResponse ¶
type ReadVMwareVCenterNetworkResponse struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareVCenterNetworkLinks `json:"_links"` // The data center associated with this network. Datacenter *VMwareVCenterNetworkDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // The VMware-assigned ID of this network. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether VMs can be connected to the network. If `true`, VMs can be connected to the network. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The name of this network. Name *string `json:"name"` // The network folder associated with this network. NetworkFolder *VMwareVCenterNetworkFolderModel `json:"network_folder"` }
ReadVMwareVCenterNetworkResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVMwareVCenterProtectionStatsLinks ¶
type ReadVMwareVCenterProtectionStatsLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
ReadVMwareVCenterProtectionStatsLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type ReadVMwareVCenterProtectionStatsResponse ¶
type ReadVMwareVCenterProtectionStatsResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ReadVMwareVCenterProtectionStatsLinks `json:"_links"` // The total number of compliant entities. CompliantCount *int64 `json:"compliant_count"` // The total number of entities associated with deactivated policies. DeactivatedCount *int64 `json:"deactivated_count"` // Determines whether one or more entities is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. // If set to `true`, at least one entity is currently seeding or waiting for seeding. HasSeedingEntities *bool `json:"has_seeding_entities"` // The total number of non-compliant entities. NonCompliantCount *int64 `json:"non_compliant_count"` // The number of entities with protection applied. ProtectedCount *int64 `json:"protected_count"` // The number of entities without protection applied. UnprotectedCount *int64 `json:"unprotected_count"` }
ReadVMwareVCenterProtectionStatsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVcenterResponse ¶
type ReadVcenterResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *VcenterEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VcenterLinks `json:"_links"` // The region to which data is backed-up to for the vCenter server. If the vCenter server's back up region is unavailable, this field has a value of `unavailable`. Refer to the Back up Regions table for a complete list of back up regions. BackupRegion *string `json:"backup_region"` // The URL at which the Clumio Cloud Connector for this vCenter server can be downloaded. CloudConnectorDownloadUrl *string `json:"cloud_connector_download_url"` // The IP address or FQDN of the vCenter server. Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the vCenter server. Id *string `json:"id"` // The IP address or FQDN of the vCenter server. // This field has been replaced by the `endpoint` field // and is being retained for backward compatibility reasons. IpAddress *string `json:"ip_address"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the vCenter. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The connection status of the Clumio Cloud Connector. Examples include "pending", "connected", "disconnected", "invalid_credentials", "partial", and "unavailable". Status *string `json:"status"` // The type of vCenter server. If the vCenter server's type is unavailable, this field has a value of `unavailable`. Refer to the vCenter Types table for a complete list of vCenter types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The token given to the Clumio Cloud Connectors to identify the vCenter server. VcenterToken *string `json:"vcenter_token"` }
ReadVcenterResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReadVmResponse ¶
type ReadVmResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *VmEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VmLinks `json:"_links"` // The policy compliance status of the resource. If the VM is deleted or unprotected, then this field has a value of `null`. Refer to the Compliance Status table for a complete list of compliance statuses. ComplianceStatus *string `json:"compliance_status"` // The compute resource from which the VM draws. If the VM is deleted, then `` has a value of `null`. ComputeResource *VMComputeResourceModel `json:"compute_resource"` // The compute resource folder associated with this VM. If the VM is deleted, then this field has a value of `null`. ComputeResourceFolder *VMComputeResourceFolderModel `json:"compute_resource_folder"` // The data center in which the VM resides. If the VM is deleted, then `` has a value of `null`. Datacenter *VMDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // The data center folder associated with this VM. If the VM is deleted, then this field has a value of `null`. DatacenterFolder *VMDatacenterFolderModel `json:"datacenter_folder"` // The host on which the VM resides. If the VM is deleted, then `` and `host.is_standalone` have values of `null`. The `` field may also have a value of `null`. Host *VMHostModel `json:"host"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the VM. // VMs from different vCenters may have the same VMware-assigned ID. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the VM is deleted. If `true`, the VM is deleted. IsDeleted *bool `json:"is_deleted"` // Determines whether the VM is supported for backups. If `true`, the VM is supported for backups. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The timestamp of when the VM was last // backed up. If this VM has not been backed up, then this field has a value of `null`. LastBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_backup_timestamp"` // The name of the virtual machine. Name *string `json:"name"` // The network interface card (NIC) attached to the VM. Nics []*VMNicModel `json:"nics"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the VM. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of the resource. If the VM has been deleted, then this field has a value of `null`. Refer to the Protection Status table for a complete list of protection statuses. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The resource pool from which the VM draws. If the VM is deleted, then `` and `resource_pool.is_root` have values of `null`. ResourcePool *VMResourcePoolModel `json:"resource_pool"` // VMTagWithCategoryModel // A tag associated with the VM. Tags []*VMTagWithCategoryModel `json:"tags"` // The reason why the VM cannot be supported. If the VM is supported, then this field has a value of `null`. UnsupportedReason *string `json:"unsupported_reason"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the VM. // Use this parameter in the [GET /backups/files/search](#operation/list-files) endpoint // to search for files in backups of this VM. Uuid *string `json:"uuid"` // The VM folder containing the VM. If the VM is deleted, then `` has a value of `null`. VmFolder *VMFolderModel `json:"vm_folder"` }
ReadVmResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type ReportDownload ¶
type ReportDownload struct { // The link to the actual CSV report. DownloadLink *string `json:"download_link"` // The time when the request was completed. EndTimestamp *string `json:"end_timestamp"` // The time when this report CSV will expire and not be available for download. ExpirationTimestamp *string `json:"expiration_timestamp"` // The name of CSV file. FileName *string `json:"file_name"` // The filters applied to the report when download was initiated. Filters *string `json:"filters"` // TODO: Add struct field description Id *string `json:"id"` // The time when the request was made. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task which generated the restored file. TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` // The type of report this CSV Download is associated with. // The possible values include "activity" and "compliance". ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
ReportDownload represents a custom type struct
type ReportDownloadListEmbedded ¶
type ReportDownloadListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*ReportDownload `json:"items"` }
ReportDownloadListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. _embedded contains the list of items of a list report CSV download query
type ReportDownloadListLinks ¶
type ReportDownloadListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
ReportDownloadListLinks represents a custom type struct. _links provides URLs to related navigable pages of a list report CSV download query
type ResourcePoolDatacenterModel ¶
type ResourcePoolDatacenterModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center. Id *string `json:"id"` }
ResourcePoolDatacenterModel represents a custom type struct. The data center in which the resource pool resides.
type ResourcePoolLinks ¶
type ResourcePoolLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
ResourcePoolLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type ResourcePoolListEmbedded ¶
type ResourcePoolListEmbedded struct { // ResourcePoolWithETag to support etag string to be calculated Items []*ResourcePoolWithETag `json:"items"` }
ResourcePoolListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type ResourcePoolListLinks ¶
type ResourcePoolListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
ResourcePoolListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type ResourcePoolWithETag ¶
type ResourcePoolWithETag struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ResourcePoolLinks `json:"_links"` // The compute resource that the resource pool comprises. ComputeResource *VMwareResourcePoolComputeResourceModel `json:"compute_resource"` // The data center in which the resource pool resides. Datacenter *ResourcePoolDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the resource pool. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the resource pool is the default, hidden resource pool. IsRoot *bool `json:"is_root"` // Determines whether the resource pool can be used as a restore destination. If `true`, the resource pool can be used as a restore destination and backups can be restored to the resource pool. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The VMware-assigned name of the resource pool. Name *string `json:"name"` // The vCenter object that is the parent of the resource pool. Parent *VMwareResourcePoolParentModel `json:"parent"` }
ResourcePoolWithETag represents a custom type struct. ResourcePoolWithETag to support etag string to be calculated
type RestEntity ¶
type RestEntity struct { // A system-generated ID assigned to this entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the entity types that Clumio supports. // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=============================================+ // | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm | VMware virtual machine. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_ebs_volume | AWS EBS volume. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_connection | AWS connection mediated by a CloudFormation | // | | stack. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_environment | AWS environment specified by an | // | | account/region pair. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_cmk | AWS Customer Master Key used to encrypt | // | | data. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // A system-generated value assigned to the entity. For example, if the primary entity type is "vmware_vm" for a virtual machine, then the value is the name of the VM. Value *string `json:"value"` }
RestEntity represents a custom type struct
type RestoreAwsEbsVolumeV1Request ¶
type RestoreAwsEbsVolumeV1Request struct { // The EBS volume backup to be restored. Source *EBSRestoreSourceV1 `json:"source"` // The configuration of the EBS volume to be restored. Target *EBSRestoreTargetV1 `json:"target"` }
RestoreAwsEbsVolumeV1Request represents a custom type struct
type RestoreFileResponse ¶
type RestoreFileResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_embedded"` // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the restored file. Id *string `json:"id"` // passcode that the end-user must use to access the restored // file, in the case the restored file was emailed to the end-user as part // of transparent data access. Passcode *string `json:"passcode"` }
RestoreFileResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type RestoreFilesV1Request ¶
type RestoreFilesV1Request struct { // The files to be restored and from which backup they are to be restored from. Source *FileRestoreSource `json:"source"` // The destination information for the file level restore, representing the access option // for the restored file. Users can access the restored file by direct download or by // email. The direct download (`direct_download`) option allows users to directly download // the restored file from the Clumio UI. The email (`email`) option allows users to access // the restored file using a downloadable link they receive by email. If a target is not // specified, then `target` defaults to `direct_download`. Target *FileRestoreTarget `json:"target"` }
RestoreFilesV1Request represents a custom type struct
type RestoreMssqlDatabaseV1Request ¶
type RestoreMssqlDatabaseV1Request struct { // The MSSQL database backup to be restored. Only one of `backup` or `pitr` // should be set. Source *MssqlRestoreSource `json:"source"` // The configuration of the MSSQL database to which the data has to be restored. Target *MssqlRestoreTarget `json:"target"` }
RestoreMssqlDatabaseV1Request represents a custom type struct
type RestoreVMwareVMResponse ¶
type RestoreVMwareVMResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_embedded"` // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task created by this restore request. The progress of the task can be monitored using the `GET /tasks/{task_id}` endpoint. TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` }
RestoreVMwareVMResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type RestoreVmwareVmV1Request ¶
type RestoreVmwareVmV1Request struct { // Additional VM restore options. Options *VMRestoreOptions `json:"options"` // The VM backup to be restored. Source *VMRestoreSource `json:"source"` // The configuration of the VM to be restored. Target *VMRestoreTarget `json:"target"` }
RestoreVmwareVmV1Request represents a custom type struct
type RestoredFileInfo ¶
type RestoredFileInfo struct { // Specifies information about the data-access method for accessing the restored // file. AccessMethods []*DataAccessObject `json:"access_methods"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the backup associated with this restored file. BackupId *string `json:"backup_id"` // The timestamp of the when the backup associated with this file started. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. BackupTimestamp *string `json:"backup_timestamp"` // The timestamp of when the restored file will expire. Represented in RFC-3339 // format. ExpirationTimestamp *string `json:"expiration_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the restored file. Id *string `json:"id"` // The Clumio-assigned name of the restored file. Name *string `json:"name"` // The size of the restored file. Measured in bytes (B). Size *int64 `json:"size"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task which generated the restored file. TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` }
RestoredFileInfo represents a custom type struct
type RestoredFilesListEmbedded ¶
type RestoredFilesListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*RestoredFileInfo `json:"items"` }
RestoredFilesListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type RestoredFilesListLinks ¶
type RestoredFilesListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
RestoredFilesListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type RestoredFilesResponse ¶
type RestoredFilesResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *RestoredFilesListEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *RestoredFilesListLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of items listed on the current page. CurrentCount *int64 `json:"current_count"` // The maximum number of items displayed per page in the response. Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // The page number used to get this response. // Pages are indexed starting from 1 (i.e., `"start": "1"`). Start *string `json:"start"` // The total number of items, summed across all pages. TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count"` // The total number of pages of results. TotalPagesCount *int64 `json:"total_pages_count"` }
RestoredFilesResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type RetentionBackupSLAParam ¶
type RetentionBackupSLAParam struct { // The measurement unit of the SLA parameter. Values include `hours`, `days`, `months`, and `years`. Unit *string `json:"unit"` // The measurement value of the SLA parameter. Value *int64 `json:"value"` }
RetentionBackupSLAParam represents a custom type struct. The retention time for this SLA. For example, to retain the backup for 1 month, set `unit="months"` and `value=1`.
type RoleLinks ¶
type RoleLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
RoleLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type RoleListEmbedded ¶
type RoleListEmbedded struct { // RoleWithETag to support etag string to be calculated Items []*RoleWithETag `json:"items"` }
RoleListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type RoleListLinks ¶
type RoleListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
RoleListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type RoleWithETag ¶
type RoleWithETag struct { // ETag value Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *RoleLinks `json:"_links"` // A description of the role. Description *string `json:"description"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the role. Id *string `json:"id"` // Unique name assigned to the role. Name *string `json:"name"` // TODO: Add struct field description Permissions []*PermissionModel `json:"permissions"` // Number of users to whom the role has been assigned. UserCount *int64 `json:"user_count"` }
RoleWithETag represents a custom type struct. RoleWithETag to support etag string to be calculated
type Rule ¶
type Rule struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *RuleEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *RuleLinks `json:"_links"` // An action to be applied subject to the rule criteria. Action *RuleAction `json:"action"` // The following table describes the possible conditions for a rule. // // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | Field | Rule Condition | Description | // +=======================+===========================+==========================+ // | aws_account_native_id | $eq, $in | Denotes the AWS account | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_account_native_id" | // | | | :{"$eq":"111111111111"}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_account_native_id" | // | | | :{"$in":["111111111111", | // | | | "222222222222"]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | aws_region | $eq, $in | Denotes the AWS region | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_region":{"$eq":"us | // | | | -west-2"}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_region":{"$in":["u | // | | | s-west-2", "us- | // | | | east-1"]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | aws_tag | $eq, $in, $all, $contains | Denotes the AWS tag(s) | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$eq":{"key" | // | | | :"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$in":[{"key | // | | | ":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}, | // | | | {"key":"Hello", | // | | | "value":"World"}]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$all":[{"ke | // | | | y":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}, | // | | | {"key":"Hello", | // | | | "value":"World"}]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$contains": | // | | | {"key":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // Condition *string `json:"condition"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the policy rule. Id *string `json:"id"` // Name of the rule. Name *string `json:"name"` // A priority relative to other rules. Priority *RulePriority `json:"priority"` }
Rule represents a custom type struct. A rule applies an action subject to a condition criteria.
type RuleAction ¶
type RuleAction struct { // Apply a policy to assets. AssignPolicy *AssignPolicyAction `json:"assign_policy"` }
RuleAction represents a custom type struct. An action to be applied subject to the rule criteria.
type RuleEmbedded ¶
type RuleEmbedded struct {
// Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy.
ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"`
RuleEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type RuleLinks ¶
type RuleLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. DeletePolicyRule *HateoasLink `json:"delete-policy-rule"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. UpdatePolicyRule *HateoasLink `json:"update-policy-rule"` }
RuleLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type RulePriority ¶
type RulePriority struct { // The rule ID before which this rule should be inserted. BeforeRuleId *string `json:"before_rule_id"` }
RulePriority represents a custom type struct. A priority relative to other rules.
type SetAssignmentsResponse ¶
type SetAssignmentsResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task generated by this request. TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` }
SetAssignmentsResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type SetPolicyAssignmentsV1Request ¶
type SetPolicyAssignmentsV1Request struct {
// The portion of the policy assignment used for updates/creations
Items []*assignmentInputModel `json:"items"`
SetPolicyAssignmentsV1Request represents a custom type struct
type SingleErrorResponse ¶
type SingleErrorResponse struct { // TODO: Add struct field description ErrorCode *uint32 `json:"error_code"` // The reason for the error. ErrorMessage *string `json:"error_message"` }
SingleErrorResponse represents a custom type struct
type Subgroup ¶
type Subgroup struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *SubgroupLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of cloud connectors in this subgroup, aggregated by their status. CloudConnectorCountByStatus *CloudConnectorCountByStatus `json:"cloud_connector_count_by_status"` // The overall health of cloud connectors in this subgroup. Possible values include: 'healthy', indicating // that all cloud connectors in the subgroup are connected; 'degraded' indicating that one or more cloud // connectors in the subgroup have connection issues; `none`, indicating that no cloud connectors are in the subgroup. CloudConnectorStatus *string `json:"cloud_connector_status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group associated with this subgroup. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup. Id *string `json:"id"` // The name of the management subgroup. Name *string `json:"name"` }
Subgroup represents a custom type struct
type SubgroupLinks ¶
type SubgroupLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ListMssqlHostConnections *HateoasLink `json:"list-mssql-host-connections"` }
SubgroupLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type SubgroupListEmbedded ¶
type SubgroupListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*Subgroup `json:"items"` }
SubgroupListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type SubgroupListLinks ¶
type SubgroupListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
SubgroupListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type Tag2 ¶
type Tag2 struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *Tag2Embedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *Tag2Links `json:"_links"` // The tag category associated with the tag. Category *TagParentCategoryModel `json:"category"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the tag. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of the tag. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the tag. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of this tag. Refer to the Protection Status table for a complete list of protection statuses. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` }
Tag2 represents a custom type struct
type Tag2Embedded ¶
type Tag2Embedded struct { // Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy. ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"` // Embeds the compliance statistics of VMs into each vCenter resource in the response, if requested using the `_embed` query parameter. ReadVmwareVcenterTagComplianceStats interface{} `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-tag-compliance-stats"` }
Tag2Embedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type Tag2Links ¶
type Tag2Links struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to the compliance statistics of VMs in the folders and subfolders of this vCenter resource. ReadVmwareVcenterTagComplianceStats *ReadVCenterObjectProtectionStatsHateoasLink `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-tag-compliance-stats"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
Tag2Links represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type Tag2ListEmbedded ¶
type Tag2ListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*Tag2 `json:"items"` }
Tag2ListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type Tag2ListLinks ¶
type Tag2ListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
Tag2ListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type TagCategory2Links ¶
type TagCategory2Links struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
TagCategory2Links represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource
type TagCategory2ListEmbedded ¶
type TagCategory2ListEmbedded struct { // TagCategory2WithETag to support etag string to be calculated Items []*TagCategory2WithETag `json:"items"` }
TagCategory2ListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource
type TagCategory2ListLinks ¶
type TagCategory2ListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
TagCategory2ListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource
type TagCategory2WithETag ¶
type TagCategory2WithETag struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource Links *TagCategory2Links `json:"_links"` // A description of the tag category. Description *string `json:"description"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the tag category. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of the tag category. Name *string `json:"name"` // The number of tags in the tag category. NumberOfTags *int32 `json:"number_of_tags"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the tag category. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
TagCategory2WithETag represents a custom type struct. TagCategory2WithETag to support etag string to be calculated
type TagParentCategoryModel ¶
type TagParentCategoryModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the tag category. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of the tag category. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the tag category. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
TagParentCategoryModel represents a custom type struct. The tag category associated with the tag.
type Task ¶
type Task struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *TaskLinks `json:"_links"` // The task category. Examples of task types include "backup", "restore", "snapshot", and "system". // // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | Category | Description | // +===================+==========================================================+ // | backup | Encompasses all modes of backups. This does not include | // | | in-account snapshots. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | restore | Encompasses all modes of restores. This does not include | // | | restores of in-account snapshots. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | snapshot | Encompasses all modes of in-account snapshots. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | snapshot_restore | Encompasses all modes of snapshot restores. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | system | Encompasses a variety of system-initiated tasks, such as | // | | aws_rds_backup_target_setup and | // | | aws_ec2_instance_backup_indexing. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | report_generation | Encompasses task types which generate reports, such as | // | | activity_report_file_download. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | management | Encompasses user-initiated tasks which manage Clumio | // | | resources, such as organizational_unit_update and | // | | policy_update. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // Category *string `json:"category"` // The timestamp of when the task was created. Represented in RFC-3339 format. CreatedTimestamp *string `json:"created_timestamp"` // The timestamp of when the task ended. If this task has not yet ended, // then this field has a value of `null`. Represented in RFC-3339 format. EndTimestamp *string `json:"end_timestamp"` // The task genre. A genre is a high-level collection of task categories. // // +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Genre | Description | // +================+=============================================================+ // | operational | Encompasses all backup, restore, snapshot, and | // | | snapshot_restore tasks. | // +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | administrative | Encompasses management, system, and report_generation | // | | tasks. | // +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ // Genre *string `json:"genre"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether or not this task can be aborted. // A task can be aborted if its status is either "queued" or "in_progress". // Tasks of certain types including // "vmware_vm_backup_indexing" and "aws_ebs_volume_backup_indexing" cannot be aborted. IsAbortable *bool `json:"is_abortable"` // The parent entity associated with the task. ParentEntity *TaskParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The primary entity associated with the task. PrimaryEntity *TaskPrimaryEntity `json:"primary_entity"` // The percentage progress of task completion. Measured as an integer value between 0 and 100. ProgressPercentage *int64 `json:"progress_percentage"` // The timestamp of when the task started. If this task has not started yet, // then this field has a value of `null`. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // The task status. Examples of task statuses include, "queued", "in_progress", and "completed". // Refer to the Task Status table for a complete list of task statuses. Status *string `json:"status"` // The task type. Examples of task types include "vm_backup_seeding", "ebs_indexing", and "file_restore". // Refer to the Task Type table for a complete list of task types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
Task represents a custom type struct
type TaskLinks ¶
type TaskLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. UpdateTask *HateoasLink `json:"update-task"` }
TaskLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type TaskListEmbedded ¶
type TaskListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*Task `json:"items"` }
TaskListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type TaskListLinks ¶
type TaskListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
TaskListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type TaskParentEntity ¶
type TaskParentEntity struct { // A system-generated ID assigned to this entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the entity types that Clumio supports. // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=============================================+ // | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm | VMware virtual machine. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_ebs_volume | AWS EBS volume. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_connection | AWS connection mediated by a CloudFormation | // | | stack. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_environment | AWS environment specified by an | // | | account/region pair. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_cmk | AWS Customer Master Key used to encrypt | // | | data. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // A system-generated value assigned to the entity. For example, if the primary entity type is "vmware_vm" for a virtual machine, then the value is the name of the VM. Value *string `json:"value"` }
TaskParentEntity represents a custom type struct. The parent entity associated with the task.
type TaskPrimaryEntity ¶
type TaskPrimaryEntity struct { // A system-generated ID assigned to this entity. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the entity types that Clumio supports. // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | Entity Type | Details | // +================================+=============================================+ // | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm | VMware virtual machine. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware data center. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware data center folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_category | VMware tag category. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_ebs_volume | AWS EBS volume. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_connection | AWS connection mediated by a CloudFormation | // | | stack. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_environment | AWS environment specified by an | // | | account/region pair. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_tag | AWS tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // | aws_cmk | AWS Customer Master Key used to encrypt | // | | data. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // A system-generated value assigned to the entity. For example, if the primary entity type is "vmware_vm" for a virtual machine, then the value is the name of the VM. Value *string `json:"value"` }
TaskPrimaryEntity represents a custom type struct. The primary entity associated with the task.
type TemplateConfiguration ¶
type TemplateConfiguration struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Discover *DiscoverTemplateInfoV2 `json:"discover"` // TODO: Add struct field description Protect *ProtectTemplateInfoV2 `json:"protect"` }
TemplateConfiguration represents a custom type struct
type UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink ¶
type UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink represents a custom type struct. A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities.
type UpdateAWSConnectionResponse ¶
type UpdateAWSConnectionResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AWSConnectionLinks `json:"_links"` // The alias given to the account on AWS. AccountName *string `json:"account_name"` // The AWS-assigned ID of the account associated with the connection. AccountNativeId *string `json:"account_native_id"` // The AWS region associated with the connection. For example, `us-east-1`. AwsRegion *string `json:"aws_region"` // Clumio AWS AccountId ClumioAwsAccountId *string `json:"clumio_aws_account_id"` // Clumio AWS Region ClumioAwsRegion *string `json:"clumio_aws_region"` // The status of the connection. Possible values include "connecting", // "connected", and "unlinked". ConnectionStatus *string `json:"connection_status"` // The timestamp of when the connection was created. CreatedTimestamp *string `json:"created_timestamp"` // An optional, user-provided description for this connection. Description *string `json:"description"` // The configuration of the Clumio Discover product for this connection. // If this connection is not configured for Clumio Discover, then this field has a // value of `null`. Discover *DiscoverConfig `json:"discover"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the connection. Id *string `json:"id"` // K8S Namespace Namespace *string `json:"namespace"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the // AWS environment. If this parameter is not provided, then the value // defaults to the first organizational unit assigned to the requesting // user. For more information about organizational units, refer to the // Organizational-Units documentation. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The configuration of the Clumio Cloud Protect product for this connection. // If this connection is not configured for Clumio Cloud Protect, then this field has a // value of `null`. Protect *ProtectConfig `json:"protect"` // The asset types enabled for protect. This is only populated if "protect" // is enabled. Valid values are any of ["EBS", "RDS", "DynamoDB", "EC2MSSQL"]. // EBS and RDS are mandatory datasources. ProtectAssetTypesEnabled []*string `json:"protect_asset_types_enabled"` // The services to be enabled for this configuration. Valid values are // ["discover"], ["discover", "protect"]. This is only set when the // registration is created, the enabled services are obtained directly from // the installed template after that. ServicesEnabled []*string `json:"services_enabled"` // The Amazon Resource Name of the installed CloudFormation stack in this AWS account StackArn *string `json:"stack_arn"` // The name given to the installed CloudFormation stack on AWS. StackName *string `json:"stack_name"` // The 36-character Clumio AWS integration ID token used to identify the // installation of the CloudFormation template on the account. This value // will be pasted into the ClumioToken field when creating the // CloudFormation stack. Token *string `json:"token"` }
UpdateAWSConnectionResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type UpdateAlertResponse ¶
type UpdateAlertResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *AlertEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *AlertLinks `json:"_links"` // The issue that generated the alert. Each cause belongs to an alert type. Cause *string `json:"cause"` // The timestamp of when the alert was cleared, either automatically by Clumio or manually by a Clumio user. // Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this alert has not been cleared, then this field has a value of `null`. ClearedTimestamp *string `json:"cleared_timestamp"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the consolidated alert associated with this individual alert. Alerts are consolidated based on matching parent entity, alert type, and alert cause. ConsolidatedAlertId *string `json:"consolidated_alert_id"` // Additional information about the alert. Details *IndividualAlertDetails `json:"details"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the individual alert. Id *string `json:"id"` // A record of user-provided information about the alert. Notes *string `json:"notes"` // The parent object of the primary entity associated with or affected by the alert. For example, "aws_environment" is the parent entity of primary entity "aws_ebs_volume". ParentEntity *AlertParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The primary object associated with or affected by the alert. Examples of primary entities include "aws_connection", "aws_ebs_volume" and "vmware_vm". PrimaryEntity *AlertPrimaryEntity `json:"primary_entity"` // The number of times the alert has recurred for this primary entity. RaisedCount *uint64 `json:"raised_count"` // The timestamp of when the alert was raised. Represented in RFC-3339 format. RaisedTimestamp *string `json:"raised_timestamp"` // The alert severity level. Values include "error" and "warning". Severity *string `json:"severity"` // The individual alert status. An individual alert that is in "active" status is one that is still open and has yet to be addressed. // An individual alert that is in "cleared" status is one that has been cleared, either automatically by Clumio or manually by a Clumio user. Status *string `json:"status"` // TODO: Add struct field description Tags []*RestEntity `json:"tags"` // The general alert category. Some alert types may be associated with multiple causes. // Refer to the Alert Type table for a complete list of alert types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The timestamp of when the alert was last updated. Represented in RFC-3339 format. // The alert is updated whenever there is a new occurrence of the same alert within the same entity. UpdatedTimestamp *string `json:"updated_timestamp"` }
UpdateAlertResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type UpdateAwsConnectionV1Request ¶
type UpdateAwsConnectionV1Request struct { // An optional, user-provided description for this connection. Description *string `json:"description"` }
UpdateAwsConnectionV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdateConsolidatedAlertResponse ¶
type UpdateConsolidatedAlertResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ConsolidatedAlertLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of currently active individual alerts associated with the consolidated alert. ActiveEntityCount *int64 `json:"active_entity_count"` // The issue that generated the alert. Each alert cause is associated with an alert type. Cause *string `json:"cause"` // The number of cleared individual alerts associated with the consolidated alert. ClearedEntityCount *int64 `json:"cleared_entity_count"` // The timestamp of when the consolidated alert was cleared, if ever. Represented in RFC-3339 format. If this alert has not been cleared, this field will have a value of `null`. // A consolidated alert goes into "cleared" status when all of its associated individual alerts are in "cleared" status or when a Clumio user manually clears it. ClearedTimestamp *string `json:"cleared_timestamp"` // Additional information about the consolidated alert. Details *ConsolidatedAlertDetails `json:"details"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the consolidated alert. Id *string `json:"id"` // A record of user-provided information about the alert. Notes *string `json:"notes"` // The entity associated with or affected by the alert. ParentEntity *ConsolidatedAlertParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The timestamp of when the consolidated alert was initially raised. Represented in RFC-3339 format. RaisedTimestamp *string `json:"raised_timestamp"` // The alert severity level. Values include "error" and "warning". Severity *string `json:"severity"` // The consolidated alert status. A consolidated alert is in "active" status if one or more of its associated individual alerts is in "active" status. // A consolidated alert goes into "cleared" status when all of its associated individual alerts are in "cleared" status or when a Clumio user manually clears it. Status *string `json:"status"` // The general alert category. An alert type may be associated with multiple alert causes. Examples of alert types include "tag_conflict" and "policy_violated". // Refer to the Alert Type table for a complete list of alert types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The timestamp of when the consolidated alert was last updated. Represented in RFC-3339 format. // Raising a new individual alert will update its associated consolidated alert. UpdatedTimestamp *string `json:"updated_timestamp"` }
UpdateConsolidatedAlertResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type UpdateConsolidatedAlertV1Request ¶
type UpdateConsolidatedAlertV1Request struct { // A record of user-provided information about the alert. The note must be less than 1024 characters in length. Adding a new note overwrites any existing notes. Notes *string `json:"notes"` // Manually clears an active alert. To clear the active alert, set the parameter to "cleared". Once an alert is cleared, // the status of the alert changes from "active" to "cleared". // If the alert is already in "cleared" status, this action is ignored. // An alert that is in "cleared" status cannot be changed to "active" status. Status *string `json:"status"` }
UpdateConsolidatedAlertV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdateEntities ¶
type UpdateEntities struct { // entityModel denotes the entityModel Add []*EntityModel `json:"add"` // entityModel denotes the entityModel Remove []*EntityModel `json:"remove"` }
UpdateEntities represents a custom type struct. Updates to the entities in the organizational unit.
type UpdateGeneralSettingsV2Request ¶
type UpdateGeneralSettingsV2Request struct { // The length of time before a user is logged out of the Clumio system due to inactivity. Measured in seconds. // The valid range is between `600` seconds (10 minutes) and `3600` seconds (60 minutes). // If not configured, the value defaults to `900` seconds (15 minutes). AutoLogoutDuration *int64 `json:"auto_logout_duration"` // The designated range of IP addresses that are allowed to access the Clumio REST API. // API requests that originate from outside this list will be blocked. // The IP address of the server from which this request is being made must be in this list; otherwise, the request will fail. // Set the parameter to individual IP addresses and/or a range of IP addresses in CIDR notation. // For example, `["", ""]`. // If not configured, the value defaults to [""] meaning all addresses will be allowed. IpAllowlist []*string `json:"ip_allowlist"` // The grouping criteria for each datasource type. // These can only be edited for datasource types which do not have any // organizational units configured. OrganizationalUnitDataGroups *OUGroupingCriteria `json:"organizational_unit_data_groups"` // The length of time a user password is valid before it must be changed. Measured in seconds. // The valid range is between `2592000` seconds (30 days) and `15552000` seconds (180 days). // If not configured, the value defaults to `7776000` seconds (90 days). PasswordExpirationDuration *int64 `json:"password_expiration_duration"` }
UpdateGeneralSettingsV2Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdateIndividualAlertV1Request ¶
type UpdateIndividualAlertV1Request struct { // A record of information about the alert. The note must be less than 1024 characters in length. Adding a new note overwrites any existing notes. Notes *string `json:"notes"` // Manually clears an active alert. To clear the alert, set to "cleared"`". Once an alert is cleared, // the status of the alert changes from "active" to "cleared". // If the alert is already in "cleared" status, this action is ignored. // An alert that is in "cleared" status cannot be changed to "active" status. Status *string `json:"status"` }
UpdateIndividualAlertV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdateManagementGroupResponse ¶
type UpdateManagementGroupResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *ManagementGroupLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group. Id *string `json:"id"` // The name of the management group. Name *string `json:"name"` // The type of the management group. Possible values include `on_prem`. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the vCenter server associated with the management group. // All management groups are associated with a vCenter server. VcenterId *string `json:"vcenter_id"` }
UpdateManagementGroupResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type UpdateManagementGroupV1Request ¶
type UpdateManagementGroupV1Request struct { // Determines whether backups are allowed to occur across different subgroups or cloud connectors. BackupAcrossSubgroups *bool `json:"backup_across_subgroups"` // The name of the management group. Name *string `json:"name"` }
UpdateManagementGroupV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdateManagementSubgroupV1Request ¶
type UpdateManagementSubgroupV1Request struct { // The name of the management subgroup. Name *string `json:"name"` }
UpdateManagementSubgroupV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdatePolicyDefinitionV1Request ¶
type UpdatePolicyDefinitionV1Request struct { // The status of the policy. // Refer to the Policy Activation Status table for a complete list of policy statuses. ActivationStatus *string `json:"activation_status"` // The user-provided name of the policy. Name *string `json:"name"` // The SLAs of an individual operation. Operations []*PolicyOperation `json:"operations"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the policy. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
UpdatePolicyDefinitionV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdatePolicyResponse ¶
type UpdatePolicyResponse struct { // If the `embed` query parameter is set, displays the responses of the related resource, // as defined by the embeddable link specified. Embedded *PolicyEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *PolicyLinks `json:"_links"` // The status of the policy. // Refer to the Policy Activation Status table for a complete list of policy statuses. ActivationStatus *string `json:"activation_status"` // The Clumio-assigned IDs of the organizational units to whom the policy has been assigned. AssignedOrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"assigned_organizational_unit_ids"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the policy. Id *string `json:"id"` // The following table describes the possible lock statuses of a policy. // // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Status | Description | // +==========+===================================================================+ // | unlocked | Policies are unlocked until an update or deletion task is queued. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | updating | During a policy edit, concurrent edits or deletion requests will | // | | be rejected. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | deleting | During policy deletion, concurrent edits or deletion requests | // | | will be rejected. | // +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // LockStatus *string `json:"lock_status"` // The user-provided name of the policy. Name *string `json:"name"` // The SLAs of an individual operation. Operations []*PolicyOperation `json:"operations"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the policy. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
UpdatePolicyResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type UpdatePolicyRuleV1Request ¶
type UpdatePolicyRuleV1Request struct { // An action to be applied subject to the rule criteria. Action *RuleAction `json:"action"` // The following table describes the possible conditions for a rule. // // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | Field | Rule Condition | Description | // +=======================+===========================+==========================+ // | aws_account_native_id | $eq, $in | Denotes the AWS account | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_account_native_id" | // | | | :{"$eq":"111111111111"}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_account_native_id" | // | | | :{"$in":["111111111111", | // | | | "222222222222"]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | aws_region | $eq, $in | Denotes the AWS region | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_region":{"$eq":"us | // | | | -west-2"}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_region":{"$in":["u | // | | | s-west-2", "us- | // | | | east-1"]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // | aws_tag | $eq, $in, $all, $contains | Denotes the AWS tag(s) | // | | | to conditionalize on | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$eq":{"key" | // | | | :"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$in":[{"key | // | | | ":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}, | // | | | {"key":"Hello", | // | | | "value":"World"}]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$all":[{"ke | // | | | y":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}, | // | | | {"key":"Hello", | // | | | "value":"World"}]}} | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | {"aws_tag":{"$contains": | // | | | {"key":"Environment", | // | | | "value":"Prod"}}} | // | | | | // | | | | // +-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+ // Condition *string `json:"condition"` // The following table describes the possible execution types of a rule. // // +--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Type | Description | // +========+=====================================================================+ // | actual | Create and apply the rule | // +--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | dryrun | Preview the effect of the rule without applying or persisting the | // | | rule | // +--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // ExecutionType *string `json:"execution_type"` // Name of the rule. Name *string `json:"name"` // A priority relative to other rules. Priority *RulePriority `json:"priority"` }
UpdatePolicyRuleV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdateRuleResponse ¶
type UpdateRuleResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Links *ReadTaskHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the preview generated by this request. Only valid if // `execution_type` is set to `dryrun`. PreviewId *string `json:"preview_id"` // A rule applies an action subject to a condition criteria. Rule *Rule `json:"rule"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task generated by this request. TaskId *string `json:"task_id"` }
UpdateRuleResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type UpdateSubgroupResponse ¶
type UpdateSubgroupResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *SubgroupLinks `json:"_links"` // The number of cloud connectors in this subgroup, aggregated by their status. CloudConnectorCountByStatus *CloudConnectorCountByStatus `json:"cloud_connector_count_by_status"` // The overall health of cloud connectors in this subgroup. Possible values include: 'healthy', indicating // that all cloud connectors in the subgroup are connected; 'degraded' indicating that one or more cloud // connectors in the subgroup have connection issues; `none`, indicating that no cloud connectors are in the subgroup. CloudConnectorStatus *string `json:"cloud_connector_status"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management group associated with this subgroup. GroupId *string `json:"group_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the management subgroup. Id *string `json:"id"` // The name of the management subgroup. Name *string `json:"name"` }
UpdateSubgroupResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type UpdateTaskResponse ¶
type UpdateTaskResponse struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *TaskLinks `json:"_links"` // The task category. Examples of task types include "backup", "restore", "snapshot", and "system". // // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | Category | Description | // +===================+==========================================================+ // | backup | Encompasses all modes of backups. This does not include | // | | in-account snapshots. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | restore | Encompasses all modes of restores. This does not include | // | | restores of in-account snapshots. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | snapshot | Encompasses all modes of in-account snapshots. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | snapshot_restore | Encompasses all modes of snapshot restores. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | system | Encompasses a variety of system-initiated tasks, such as | // | | aws_rds_backup_target_setup and | // | | aws_ec2_instance_backup_indexing. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | report_generation | Encompasses task types which generate reports, such as | // | | activity_report_file_download. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // | management | Encompasses user-initiated tasks which manage Clumio | // | | resources, such as organizational_unit_update and | // | | policy_update. | // +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ // Category *string `json:"category"` // The timestamp of when the task was created. Represented in RFC-3339 format. CreatedTimestamp *string `json:"created_timestamp"` // The timestamp of when the task ended. If this task has not yet ended, // then this field has a value of `null`. Represented in RFC-3339 format. EndTimestamp *string `json:"end_timestamp"` // The task genre. A genre is a high-level collection of task categories. // // +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Genre | Description | // +================+=============================================================+ // | operational | Encompasses all backup, restore, snapshot, and | // | | snapshot_restore tasks. | // +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ // | administrative | Encompasses management, system, and report_generation | // | | tasks. | // +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ // Genre *string `json:"genre"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the task. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether or not this task can be aborted. // A task can be aborted if its status is either "queued" or "in_progress". // Tasks of certain types including // "vmware_vm_backup_indexing" and "aws_ebs_volume_backup_indexing" cannot be aborted. IsAbortable *bool `json:"is_abortable"` // The parent entity associated with the task. ParentEntity *TaskParentEntity `json:"parent_entity"` // The primary entity associated with the task. PrimaryEntity *TaskPrimaryEntity `json:"primary_entity"` // The percentage progress of task completion. Measured as an integer value between 0 and 100. ProgressPercentage *int64 `json:"progress_percentage"` // The timestamp of when the task started. If this task has not started yet, // then this field has a value of `null`. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // The task status. Examples of task statuses include, "queued", "in_progress", and "completed". // Refer to the Task Status table for a complete list of task statuses. Status *string `json:"status"` // The task type. Examples of task types include "vm_backup_seeding", "ebs_indexing", and "file_restore". // Refer to the Task Type table for a complete list of task types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
UpdateTaskResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type UpdateTaskV1Request ¶
type UpdateTaskV1Request struct { // The task status. Set this parameter to `aborting` to abort a task // that is in queue ("queued") or in progress ("in_progress"). // Tasks with other statuses cannot be aborted. Status *string `json:"status"` }
UpdateTaskV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdateUserAssignments ¶
type UpdateUserAssignments struct { // List of user ids to assign this organizational unit. Add []*string `json:"add"` // List of user ids to un-assign this organizational unit. Remove []*string `json:"remove"` }
UpdateUserAssignments represents a custom type struct. Updates to the user assignments.
type UpdateUserProfileV1Request ¶
type UpdateUserProfileV1Request struct { // The full name of the user that is to replace the existing full name. // For example, enter the user's first name and last name. FullName *string `json:"full_name"` }
UpdateUserProfileV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UpdateUserResponse ¶
type UpdateUserResponse struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *UserEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *UserLinks `json:"_links"` // The list of organizational unit IDs assigned to the user. // This attribute will be available when reading a single user and not when listing users. AssignedOrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"assigned_organizational_unit_ids"` // Assigned Role for the user. AssignedRole *string `json:"assigned_role"` // The email address of the Clumio user. Email *string `json:"email"` // The first and last name of the Clumio user. The name appears in the User Management screen and is used to identify the user. FullName *string `json:"full_name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Clumio user. Id *string `json:"id"` // The ID number of the user who sent the email invitation. Inviter *string `json:"inviter"` // Determines whether the user has activated their Clumio account. // If `true`, the user has activated the account. IsConfirmed *bool `json:"is_confirmed"` // Determines whether the user is enabled (in "Activated" or "Invited" status) in Clumio. // If `true`, the user is in "Activated" or "Invited" status in Clumio. // Users in "Activated" status can log in to Clumio. // Users in "Invited" status have been invited to log in to Clumio via an email invitation and the invitation // is pending acceptance from the user. // If `false`, the user has been manually suspended and cannot log in to Clumio // until another Clumio user reactivates the account. IsEnabled *bool `json:"is_enabled"` // The timestamp of when when the user was last active in the Clumio system. Represented in RFC-3339 format. LastActivityTimestamp *string `json:"last_activity_timestamp"` // The number of organizational units accessible to the user. OrganizationalUnitCount *int64 `json:"organizational_unit_count"` }
UpdateUserResponse represents a custom type struct for Success
type UpdateUserV1Request ¶
type UpdateUserV1Request struct { // Updates the role assigned to the user. // The available roles can be retrieved via the [GET /roles](#operation/list-roles) API. AssignedRole *string `json:"assigned_role"` // The full name of the user that is to replace the existing full name. // For example, enter the user's first name and last name. FullName *string `json:"full_name"` // If `true`, enables a user who has been disabled from Clumio, // returning the user to its previous "Activated" or "Invited" status. If `false`, disables a user from Clumio. // The user will not be able log in to Clumio until another Clumio user re-enables the account. IsEnabled *bool `json:"is_enabled"` // Updates to the organizational unit assignments. OrganizationalUnitAssignmentUpdates *EntityGroupAssignmetUpdates `json:"organizational_unit_assignment_updates"` }
UpdateUserV1Request represents a custom type struct
type UserEmbedded ¶
type UserEmbedded struct { // A description of the role. Description *string `json:"description"` // Unique name assigned to the role. Name *string `json:"name"` }
UserEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type UserHateoas ¶
type UserHateoas struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *UserEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *UserLinks `json:"_links"` // The list of organizational unit IDs assigned to the user. // This attribute will be available when reading a single user and not when listing users. AssignedOrganizationalUnitIds []*string `json:"assigned_organizational_unit_ids"` // Assigned Role for the user. AssignedRole *string `json:"assigned_role"` // The email address of the Clumio user. Email *string `json:"email"` // The first and last name of the Clumio user. The name appears in the User Management screen and is used to identify the user. FullName *string `json:"full_name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the Clumio user. Id *string `json:"id"` // The ID number of the user who sent the email invitation. Inviter *string `json:"inviter"` // Determines whether the user has activated their Clumio account. // If `true`, the user has activated the account. IsConfirmed *bool `json:"is_confirmed"` // Determines whether the user is enabled (in "Activated" or "Invited" status) in Clumio. // If `true`, the user is in "Activated" or "Invited" status in Clumio. // Users in "Activated" status can log in to Clumio. // Users in "Invited" status have been invited to log in to Clumio via an email invitation and the invitation // is pending acceptance from the user. // If `false`, the user has been manually suspended and cannot log in to Clumio // until another Clumio user reactivates the account. IsEnabled *bool `json:"is_enabled"` // The timestamp of when when the user was last active in the Clumio system. Represented in RFC-3339 format. LastActivityTimestamp *string `json:"last_activity_timestamp"` // The number of organizational units accessible to the user. OrganizationalUnitCount *int64 `json:"organizational_unit_count"` }
UserHateoas represents a custom type struct
type UserLinks ¶
type UserLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. DeleteUser *HateoasLink `json:"delete-user"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. UpdateUser *HateoasLink `json:"update-user"` }
UserLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type UserListEmbedded ¶
type UserListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*UserHateoas `json:"items"` }
UserListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type UserListHateoasLinks ¶
type UserListHateoasLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. CreateUser *HateoasLink `json:"create-user"` }
UserListHateoasLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VCenterComputeResource ¶
type VCenterComputeResource struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VCenterComputeResourceLinks `json:"_links"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the item. Id *string `json:"id"` // IsCluster denotes whether the compute resource is a cluster. Iscluster *bool `json:"isCluster"` // IsDrsEnabled denotes whether the compute resource has DRS enabled. // NOTE: This is only applicable if "IsCluster" is true. Isdrsenabled *bool `json:"isDrsEnabled"` // The name of the compute resource. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the compute resource. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // TODO: Add struct field description Protectioninfo *ProtectionInfoDeprecated `json:"protectionInfo"` // ProtectedStatsDeprecated contains the compliance stats for policies which are protected along with // the unprotected policies count Vmstats *ProtectedStatsDeprecated `json:"vmStats"` }
VCenterComputeResource represents a custom type struct
type VCenterComputeResourceLinks ¶
type VCenterComputeResourceLinks struct { // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
VCenterComputeResourceLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VCenterFolder ¶
type VCenterFolder struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VCenterFolderLinks `json:"_links"` // HasChildGroups denotes whether direct child folders exist. Haschildgroups *bool `json:"hasChildGroups"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the item. Id *string `json:"id"` // IsRoot denotes whether this folder is a root (hidden) folder. Isroot *bool `json:"isRoot"` // Name of the folder. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the folder. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // TODO: Add struct field description Protectioninfo *ProtectionInfoDeprecated `json:"protectionInfo"` // ProtectedStatsDeprecated contains the compliance stats for policies which are protected along with // the unprotected policies count Vmstats *ProtectedStatsDeprecated `json:"vmStats"` }
VCenterFolder represents a custom type struct
type VCenterFolderLinks ¶
type VCenterFolderLinks struct { // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
VCenterFolderLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMBackupHateoas ¶
type VMBackupHateoas struct { // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMBackupHateoasLinks `json:"_links"` // The reason that browsing is unavailable for the backup. Possible values include "file_limit_exceeded" and // "browsing_unavailable". If browse indexing is successful, then this field has a value of `null`. BrowsingFailedReason *string `json:"browsing_failed_reason"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center // associated with this backup. DatacenterId *string `json:"datacenter_id"` // The timestamp of when this backup expires. Represented in RFC-3339 format. ExpirationTimestamp *string `json:"expiration_timestamp"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the // host associated with this backup. HostId *string `json:"host_id"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the backup. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether browsing is available for the backup. If `true`, then browsing is available for the backup. IsBrowsable *bool `json:"is_browsable"` // TODO: Add struct field description Nics []*VMNicBackupModel `json:"nics"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the resource pool // associated with this backup. ResourcePoolId *string `json:"resource_pool_id"` // The timestamp of when this backup started. Represented in RFC-3339 format. StartTimestamp *string `json:"start_timestamp"` // VMTagWithCategoryModel // A tag associated with the VM. Tags []*VMTagWithCategoryModel `json:"tags"` // The IP address or FQDN of the vCenter server associated with this backup. // If a backup was initiated before 2020-06-30, when this field was introduced, // then this field has a value of `null`. VcenterEndpoint *string `json:"vcenter_endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the vCenter associated with this backup. VcenterId *string `json:"vcenter_id"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the // VM folder associated with this backup. VmFolderId *string `json:"vm_folder_id"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the // VM associated with this backup. VmId *string `json:"vm_id"` // The name of the virtual machine associated with this backup. VmName *string `json:"vm_name"` }
VMBackupHateoas represents a custom type struct
type VMBackupHateoasLinks ¶
type VMBackupHateoasLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. RestoreVmwareVm *HateoasLink `json:"restore-vmware-vm"` }
VMBackupHateoasLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMBackupListEmbedded ¶
type VMBackupListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*VMBackupHateoas `json:"items"` }
VMBackupListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type VMBackupListHateoasLinks ¶
type VMBackupListHateoasLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VMBackupListHateoasLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMComputeResourceFolderModel ¶
type VMComputeResourceFolderModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMComputeResourceFolderModel represents a custom type struct. The compute resource folder associated with this VM. If the VM is deleted, then this field has a value of `null`.
type VMComputeResourceModel ¶
type VMComputeResourceModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the compute resource. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of the compute resource. Name *string `json:"name"` }
VMComputeResourceModel represents a custom type struct. The compute resource from which the VM draws. If the VM is deleted, then `` has a value of `null`.
type VMDatacenterFolderModel ¶
type VMDatacenterFolderModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMDatacenterFolderModel represents a custom type struct. The data center folder associated with this VM. If the VM is deleted, then this field has a value of `null`.
type VMDatacenterModel ¶
type VMDatacenterModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of this data center. Name *string `json:"name"` }
VMDatacenterModel represents a custom type struct. The data center in which the VM resides. If the VM is deleted, then `` has a value of `null`.
type VMFolderModel ¶
type VMFolderModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of the folder. Name *string `json:"name"` }
VMFolderModel represents a custom type struct. The VM folder containing the VM. If the VM is deleted, then `` has a value of `null`.
type VMHostModel ¶
type VMHostModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the host. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the host is a standalone host. If `true`, the host is a standalone host. IsStandalone *bool `json:"is_standalone"` // The VMware-assigned name of the host. Name *string `json:"name"` }
VMHostModel represents a custom type struct. The host on which the VM resides. If the VM is deleted, then `` and `host.is_standalone` have values of `null`. The `` field may also have a value of `null`.
type VMNicBackupModel ¶
type VMNicBackupModel struct { // Determines whether the NIC was connected to the network at the time of backup. If `true`, the NIC was connected to the network at the time of backup. IsConnected *bool `json:"is_connected"` // The media access control (MAC) address assigned to the NIC. The MAC address is assigned through the vSphere client. MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address"` // The network to which the NIC was attached. NetworkId *string `json:"network_id"` }
VMNicBackupModel represents a custom type struct
type VMNicModel ¶
type VMNicModel struct { // The MAC address of the NIC. MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address"` // The network associated with this NIC. Network *VMNicNetworkModel `json:"network"` }
VMNicModel represents a custom type struct. The network interface card (NIC) attached to the VM.
type VMNicNetworkModel ¶
type VMNicNetworkModel struct { // The VMware-assigned ID of this network. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMNicNetworkModel represents a custom type struct. The network associated with this NIC.
type VMNicRestore ¶
type VMNicRestore struct { // The unique media access control (MAC) address assigned to the network interface card (NIC). The MAC address is assigned through the vSphere client. MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address"` // The network connection for the virtual NIC. The NIC is configured in the vSphere client. Use the [GET /datasources/vmware/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/networks](#operation/list-vmware-vcenter-networks) endpoint to fetch valid values. NetworkId *string `json:"network_id"` // Determines whether the restored VM should automatically connect to the specified network after a restore. // If `true`, the restored VM will automatically connect to the specified network after a restore. ShouldConnect *bool `json:"should_connect"` }
VMNicRestore represents a custom type struct
type VMResourcePoolModel ¶
type VMResourcePoolModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the resource pool. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the resource pool is the default, hidden resource pool. IsRoot *bool `json:"is_root"` // The VMware-assigned name of the resource pool. Name *string `json:"name"` }
VMResourcePoolModel represents a custom type struct. The resource pool from which the VM draws. If the VM is deleted, then `` and `resource_pool.is_root` have values of `null`.
type VMRestoreOptions ¶
type VMRestoreOptions struct { // Determines whether a VM rapid recovery should be attempted or not. // As a part of the rapid recovery, by default the Clumio backup service // attempts the following Reverse Change Block Tracking (RCBT) operation. It // retrieves the blocks changed since the backup was taken and applies them // into a clone of the original VM to rollback the VM to the previous point // in time. As a result typically it is much faster to restore a VM using // rapid recovery RCBT. However if the clone operation is not desired to be // performed for some reason, then rapid recovery RCBT can be turned off // using this field. // It is applicable to both in-place restore and restore to a new VM. // If it is not set, then the behavior is same as setting it to true. // If true or unset, rapid recovery is attempted first. If rapid recovery // fails, then a full VM restore is performed. // If false, rapid recovery is not attempted. AttemptRapidRecovery *bool `json:"attempt_rapid_recovery"` // Determines whether to preserve the original data by cloning the existing // VM before performing an in-place restore. // If `"restore_in_place":false`, then this parameter is ignored. // If true, the original data is preserved by creating a clone of the VM. // If false, a clone is not created. The original data in the source VM may // get over-written by the restored data. CloneSourceVm *bool `json:"clone_source_vm"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the VMFS // datastore to be used as the destination for the cloned VM. // Use the [GET /datasources/vmware/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/datastores](#operation/list-vmware-vcenter-datastores) endpoint to fetch valid values. // This field is required only if `"clone_source_vm":true`. ClonedVmDatastoreId *string `json:"cloned_vm_datastore_id"` // The name given to the cloned VM (see clone_source_vm parameter). // The VM name cannot exceed 80 characters in length and must follow VMware // VM naming conventions. // This field is required only if `"clone_source_vm":true`. ClonedVmName *string `json:"cloned_vm_name"` // Determines whether the restore should overwrite the existing VM i.e. // perform an in-place restore or create a new VM for restore. // If true, the existing VM is used for the restore. In this case if the VM // is already deleted, the restore will fail. // If false, a new VM is created for the restore. In this case if the VM // is already deleted, the restore will still proceed. RestoreInPlace *bool `json:"restore_in_place"` }
VMRestoreOptions represents a custom type struct. Additional VM restore options.
type VMRestoreSource ¶
type VMRestoreSource struct { // The Clumio-assigned ID of the backup to be restored. Use the [GET /backups/vmware/vms](#operation/list-backup-vmware-vms) endpoint to fetch valid values. BackupId *string `json:"backup_id"` }
VMRestoreSource represents a custom type struct. The VM backup to be restored.
type VMRestoreTag ¶
type VMRestoreTag struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the tag. TagId *string `json:"tag_id"` }
VMRestoreTag represents a custom type struct
type VMRestoreTarget ¶
type VMRestoreTarget struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center to be used as the restore destination. Use the [GET /datasources/vmware/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/datacenters](#operation/list-vmware-vcenter-datacenters) endpoint to fetch valid values. DatacenterId *string `json:"datacenter_id"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the VMFS datastore to be used as the restore destination. Use the [GET /datasources/vmware/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/datastores](#operation/list-vmware-vcenter-datastores) endpoint to fetch valid values. // While performing an in-place restore, this parameter is optional. // If `"options.restore_in_place":false`, then this parameter is required. DatastoreId *string `json:"datastore_id"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the vSphere host to be used as the restore destination. Use the [GET /datasources/vmware/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/hosts](#operation/list-vmware-vcenter-hosts) endpoint to fetch valid values. // If provided, the specified host (`host_id`) must belong to a compute resource that is the parent of the specified resource pool (`resource_pool_id`). // If not provided, the VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) will automatically select a host that belongs to a compute resource that is the parent of the specified resource pool (`resource_pool_id`). HostId *string `json:"host_id"` // TODO: Add struct field description NetworkOptions []*VMNicRestore `json:"network_options"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the VM folder to be used as the restore destination. Use the [GET /datasources/vmware/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/folders](#operation/list-vmware-vcenter-folders) endpoint to fetch valid values. ParentVmFolderId *string `json:"parent_vm_folder_id"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the resource pool to be used as the restore destination. Use the [GET /datasources/vmware/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/resource-pools](#operation/list-vmware-vcenter-resource-pools) endpoint to fetch valid values. ResourcePoolId *string `json:"resource_pool_id"` // Determines whether the VM should remain powered on after the restore. If `true`, the VM will remain powered on after the restore. Users may choose to power off a VM to change the network configurations. ShouldPowerOn *bool `json:"should_power_on"` // TODO: Add struct field description Tags []*VMRestoreTag `json:"tags"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the vCenter to be used as the restore destination. VcenterId *string `json:"vcenter_id"` // The name given to the restored VM. The VM name cannot exceed 80 characters in length and must follow VMware VM naming conventions. VmName *string `json:"vm_name"` }
VMRestoreTarget represents a custom type struct. The configuration of the VM to be restored.
type VMTagWithCategoryModel ¶
type VMTagWithCategoryModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the tag category. CategoryId *string `json:"category_id"` // The VMware-assigned name of the tag category. CategoryName *string `json:"category_name"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the tag. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of the tag. Name *string `json:"name"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the tag. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` }
VMTagWithCategoryModel represents a custom type struct. VMTagWithCategoryModel A tag associated with the VM.
type VMwareComputeResourceComplianceStatsLinks ¶
type VMwareComputeResourceComplianceStatsLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VMwareComputeResourceComplianceStatsLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMwareDatacenterFolderIDModel ¶
type VMwareDatacenterFolderIDModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareDatacenterFolderIDModel represents a custom type struct. The data center folder in which the data center resides.
type VMwareDatacenterStatsLinks ¶
type VMwareDatacenterStatsLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VMwareDatacenterStatsLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMwareDatastoreLinks ¶
type VMwareDatastoreLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VMwareDatastoreLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMwareDatastoreListEmbedded ¶
type VMwareDatastoreListEmbedded struct { // VMwareDatastoreWithETag to support etag string to be calculated Items []*VMwareDatastoreWithETag `json:"items"` }
VMwareDatastoreListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type VMwareDatastoreListLinks ¶
type VMwareDatastoreListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VMwareDatastoreListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMwareDatastoreWithETag ¶
type VMwareDatastoreWithETag struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareDatastoreLinks `json:"_links"` // TODO: Add struct field description ComputeResources []*ComputeResourceIDModel `json:"compute_resources"` // The data center in which this datastore resides. Datacenter *VMwareVCenterDatastoreDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // VMwareVCenterDatastoreFolderModel // The datastore folder in which this datastore resides. DatastoreFolder *VMwareVCenterDatastoreFolderModel `json:"datastore_folder"` // The file system format used for the datastore. Refer to the Supported Datastore Types section for a complete list of datastore types. DatastoreType *string `json:"datastore_type"` // TODO: Add struct field description Hosts []*HostIDModel `json:"hosts"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the datastore. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the datastore is shared across multiple hosts. If `true`, the datastore is a multi-host datastore. IsMultiHost *bool `json:"is_multi_host"` // Determines whether the datastore can be used as a restore destination. If `true`, the datastore can be used as a restore destination and backups can be restored to the datastore. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The VMware-assigned name of this datastore. Name *string `json:"name"` }
VMwareDatastoreWithETag represents a custom type struct. VMwareDatastoreWithETag to support etag string to be calculated
type VMwareDsGroupingCriteria ¶
type VMwareDsGroupingCriteria struct { // Determines whether or not this data group is editable. If false, then an // organizational unit uses this data group. // To edit this data group, all organizational units using it must be deleted. IsEditable *bool `json:"is_editable"` // The entity type used to group organizational units for VMware resources. // // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. | // +================================+=================================+ // | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware datacenter folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_datacenter | VMware datacenter. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_vm | VMware VM. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // | vmware_tag | VMware tag. | // +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ // ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
VMwareDsGroupingCriteria represents a custom type struct. The entity type used to group organizational units for VMware resources.
type VMwareFolderStatsLinks ¶
type VMwareFolderStatsLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VMwareFolderStatsLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMwareResourcePoolComputeResourceModel ¶
type VMwareResourcePoolComputeResourceModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the compute resource. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareResourcePoolComputeResourceModel represents a custom type struct. The compute resource that the resource pool comprises.
type VMwareResourcePoolParentModel ¶
type VMwareResourcePoolParentModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the vCenter object. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareResourcePoolParentModel represents a custom type struct. The vCenter object that is the parent of the resource pool.
type VMwareRootComputeResourceFolderIDModel ¶
type VMwareRootComputeResourceFolderIDModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareRootComputeResourceFolderIDModel represents a custom type struct. The hidden root compute resource folder of the data center.
type VMwareRootVMFolderIDModel ¶
type VMwareRootVMFolderIDModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareRootVMFolderIDModel represents a custom type struct. The hidden root virtual machine folder of the data center.
type VMwareTagStatsLinks ¶
type VMwareTagStatsLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VMwareTagStatsLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMwareVCenterComputeResourceDatacenterModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterComputeResourceDatacenterModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center. Id *string `json:"id"` // The VMware-assigned name of this data center. Name *string `json:"name"` }
VMwareVCenterComputeResourceDatacenterModel represents a custom type struct. The data center associated with this compute resource.
type VMwareVCenterComputeResourceFolderModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterComputeResourceFolderModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareVCenterComputeResourceFolderModel represents a custom type struct. The compute resource folder in which the compute resource resides.
type VMwareVCenterDatastoreDatacenterModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterDatastoreDatacenterModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareVCenterDatastoreDatacenterModel represents a custom type struct. The data center in which this datastore resides.
type VMwareVCenterDatastoreFolderModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterDatastoreFolderModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareVCenterDatastoreFolderModel represents a custom type struct. VMwareVCenterDatastoreFolderModel The datastore folder in which this datastore resides.
type VMwareVCenterFolderDatacenterModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterFolderDatacenterModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareVCenterFolderDatacenterModel represents a custom type struct. The data center associated with this folder.
type VMwareVCenterHostComputeResourceModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterHostComputeResourceModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the compute resource. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareVCenterHostComputeResourceModel represents a custom type struct. The VMware compute resource representing the host.
type VMwareVCenterHostDatacenterModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterHostDatacenterModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareVCenterHostDatacenterModel represents a custom type struct. The data center in which the host resides.
type VMwareVCenterNetworkDatacenterModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterNetworkDatacenterModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the data center. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareVCenterNetworkDatacenterModel represents a custom type struct. The data center associated with this network.
type VMwareVCenterNetworkFolderModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterNetworkFolderModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareVCenterNetworkFolderModel represents a custom type struct. The network folder associated with this network.
type VMwareVCenterNetworkLinks ¶
type VMwareVCenterNetworkLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VMwareVCenterNetworkLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMwareVCenterNetworkListEmbedded ¶
type VMwareVCenterNetworkListEmbedded struct { // VMwareVCenterNetworkWithETag to support etag string to be calculated. Items []*VMwareVCenterNetworkWithETag `json:"items"` }
VMwareVCenterNetworkListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type VMwareVCenterNetworkListLinks ¶
type VMwareVCenterNetworkListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VMwareVCenterNetworkListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VMwareVCenterNetworkWithETag ¶
type VMwareVCenterNetworkWithETag struct { // The ETag value. Etag *string `json:"_etag"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VMwareVCenterNetworkLinks `json:"_links"` // The data center associated with this network. Datacenter *VMwareVCenterNetworkDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // The VMware-assigned ID of this network. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether VMs can be connected to the network. If `true`, VMs can be connected to the network. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The name of this network. Name *string `json:"name"` // The network folder associated with this network. NetworkFolder *VMwareVCenterNetworkFolderModel `json:"network_folder"` }
VMwareVCenterNetworkWithETag represents a custom type struct. VMwareVCenterNetworkWithETag to support etag string to be calculated.
type VMwareVCenterParentFolderModel ¶
type VMwareVCenterParentFolderModel struct { // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the folder. Id *string `json:"id"` }
VMwareVCenterParentFolderModel represents a custom type struct. The parent folder under which this folder resides.
type Vcenter ¶
type Vcenter struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *VcenterEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VcenterLinks `json:"_links"` // The region to which data is backed-up to for the vCenter server. If the vCenter server's back up region is unavailable, this field has a value of `unavailable`. Refer to the Back up Regions table for a complete list of back up regions. BackupRegion *string `json:"backup_region"` // The URL at which the Clumio Cloud Connector for this vCenter server can be downloaded. CloudConnectorDownloadUrl *string `json:"cloud_connector_download_url"` // The IP address or FQDN of the vCenter server. Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the vCenter server. Id *string `json:"id"` // The IP address or FQDN of the vCenter server. // This field has been replaced by the `endpoint` field // and is being retained for backward compatibility reasons. IpAddress *string `json:"ip_address"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the vCenter. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The connection status of the Clumio Cloud Connector. Examples include "pending", "connected", "disconnected", "invalid_credentials", "partial", and "unavailable". Status *string `json:"status"` // The type of vCenter server. If the vCenter server's type is unavailable, this field has a value of `unavailable`. Refer to the vCenter Types table for a complete list of vCenter types. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` // The token given to the Clumio Cloud Connectors to identify the vCenter server. VcenterToken *string `json:"vcenter_token"` }
Vcenter represents a custom type struct
type VcenterEmbedded ¶
type VcenterEmbedded struct {
// Embeds the compliance statistics of VMs into each vCenter resource in the response, if requested using the `_embed` query parameter.
ReadVmwareVcenterComplianceStats interface{} `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-compliance-stats"`
VcenterEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type VcenterLinks ¶
type VcenterLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A HATEOAS link to the compliance statistics of VMs in the folders and subfolders of this vCenter resource. ReadVmwareVcenterComplianceStats *ReadVCenterObjectProtectionStatsHateoasLink `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-compliance-stats"` }
VcenterLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VcenterListEmbedded ¶
type VcenterListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*Vcenter `json:"items"` }
VcenterListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type VcenterListLinks ¶
type VcenterListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VcenterListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type Vm ¶
type Vm struct { // Embedded responses related to the resource. Embedded *VmEmbedded `json:"_embedded"` // URLs to pages related to the resource. Links *VmLinks `json:"_links"` // The policy compliance status of the resource. If the VM is deleted or unprotected, then this field has a value of `null`. Refer to the Compliance Status table for a complete list of compliance statuses. ComplianceStatus *string `json:"compliance_status"` // The compute resource from which the VM draws. If the VM is deleted, then `` has a value of `null`. ComputeResource *VMComputeResourceModel `json:"compute_resource"` // The compute resource folder associated with this VM. If the VM is deleted, then this field has a value of `null`. ComputeResourceFolder *VMComputeResourceFolderModel `json:"compute_resource_folder"` // The data center in which the VM resides. If the VM is deleted, then `` has a value of `null`. Datacenter *VMDatacenterModel `json:"datacenter"` // The data center folder associated with this VM. If the VM is deleted, then this field has a value of `null`. DatacenterFolder *VMDatacenterFolderModel `json:"datacenter_folder"` // The host on which the VM resides. If the VM is deleted, then `` and `host.is_standalone` have values of `null`. The `` field may also have a value of `null`. Host *VMHostModel `json:"host"` // The VMware-assigned Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID of the VM. // VMs from different vCenters may have the same VMware-assigned ID. Id *string `json:"id"` // Determines whether the VM is deleted. If `true`, the VM is deleted. IsDeleted *bool `json:"is_deleted"` // Determines whether the VM is supported for backups. If `true`, the VM is supported for backups. IsSupported *bool `json:"is_supported"` // The timestamp of when the VM was last // backed up. If this VM has not been backed up, then this field has a value of `null`. LastBackupTimestamp *string `json:"last_backup_timestamp"` // The name of the virtual machine. Name *string `json:"name"` // The network interface card (NIC) attached to the VM. Nics []*VMNicModel `json:"nics"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the organizational unit associated with the VM. OrganizationalUnitId *string `json:"organizational_unit_id"` // The protection policy applied to this resource. If the resource is not protected, then this field has a value of `null`. ProtectionInfo *ProtectionInfo `json:"protection_info"` // The protection status of the resource. If the VM has been deleted, then this field has a value of `null`. Refer to the Protection Status table for a complete list of protection statuses. ProtectionStatus *string `json:"protection_status"` // The resource pool from which the VM draws. If the VM is deleted, then `` and `resource_pool.is_root` have values of `null`. ResourcePool *VMResourcePoolModel `json:"resource_pool"` // VMTagWithCategoryModel // A tag associated with the VM. Tags []*VMTagWithCategoryModel `json:"tags"` // The reason why the VM cannot be supported. If the VM is supported, then this field has a value of `null`. UnsupportedReason *string `json:"unsupported_reason"` // The Clumio-assigned ID of the VM. // Use this parameter in the [GET /backups/files/search](#operation/list-files) endpoint // to search for files in backups of this VM. Uuid *string `json:"uuid"` // The VM folder containing the VM. If the VM is deleted, then `` has a value of `null`. VmFolder *VMFolderModel `json:"vm_folder"` }
Vm represents a custom type struct
type VmComputeResourceLink ¶
type VmComputeResourceLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
VmComputeResourceLink represents a custom type struct. A HATEOAS link to the compute resource from which this VM draws from. Will be omitted for deleted VMs.
type VmDatacenterLink ¶
type VmDatacenterLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
VmDatacenterLink represents a custom type struct. A HATEOAS link to the data center in which this VM resides. Will be omitted for deleted VMs.
type VmEmbedded ¶
type VmEmbedded struct {
// Embeds the associated policy of a protected resource in the response if requested using the `embed` query parameter. Unprotected resources will not have an associated policy.
ReadPolicyDefinition interface{} `json:"read-policy-definition"`
VmEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type VmFolderLink ¶
type VmFolderLink struct { // The URI for the referenced operation. Href *string `json:"href"` // Determines whether the "href" link is a URI template. If set to `true`, the "href" link is a URI template. Templated *bool `json:"templated"` // The HTTP method to be used with the "href" link for the referenced operation. ClumioType *string `json:"type"` }
VmFolderLink represents a custom type struct. A HATEOAS link to the VM folder in which this VM resides. Will be omitted for deleted VMs.
type VmLinks ¶
type VmLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. CreateBackupVmwareVm *HateoasLink `json:"create-backup-vmware-vm"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ListBackupVmwareVms *HateoasLink `json:"list-backup-vmware-vms"` // A resource-specific HATEOAS link. ListRestoredFiles *HateoasLink `json:"list-restored-files"` // A HATEOAS link to protect the entities. ProtectEntities *ProtectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"protect-entities"` // A HATEOAS link to the policy protecting this resource. Will be omitted for unprotected entities. ReadPolicyDefinition *ReadPolicyDefinitionHateoasLink `json:"read-policy-definition"` // A HATEOAS link to the compute resource from which this VM draws from. Will be omitted for deleted VMs. ReadVmwareVcenterComputeResource *VmComputeResourceLink `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-compute-resource"` // A HATEOAS link to the data center in which this VM resides. Will be omitted for deleted VMs. ReadVmwareVcenterDatacenter *VmDatacenterLink `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-datacenter"` // A HATEOAS link to the VM folder in which this VM resides. Will be omitted for deleted VMs. ReadVmwareVcenterFolder *VmFolderLink `json:"read-vmware-vcenter-folder"` // A HATEOAS link to unprotect the entities. UnprotectEntities *UnprotectEntitiesHateoasLink `json:"unprotect-entities"` }
VmLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.
type VmListEmbedded ¶
type VmListEmbedded struct { // TODO: Add struct field description Items []*Vm `json:"items"` }
VmListEmbedded represents a custom type struct. Embedded responses related to the resource.
type VmListLinks ¶
type VmListLinks struct { // The HATEOAS link to the first page of results. First *HateoasFirstLink `json:"_first"` // The HATEOAS link to the last page of results. Last *HateoasLastLink `json:"_last"` // The HATEOAS link to the next page of results. Next *HateoasNextLink `json:"_next"` // The HATEOAS link to the previous page of results. Prev *HateoasPrevLink `json:"_prev"` // The HATEOAS link to this resource. Self *HateoasSelfLink `json:"_self"` }
VmListLinks represents a custom type struct. URLs to pages related to the resource.